The water supply system in the hotel is the most important element. Water supply system in hotel enterprises Equipment for hot water supply mini-hotels


In the modern world, in the era of scientific and technological progress and the heyday of new technologies, during the period of economic integration and globalization, the tourism and hotel business is booming. The process of uniting Europe, the opening of the Iron Curtain, and the widespread dissemination of new information technologies make the world more open. Every year the number of people traveling for business or tourist purposes is growing. A full comfortable rest, the opportunity to see new cities and countries, visit historical places and sights, enjoy the beauty of nature is a cherished dream of many. For the realization of this dream, for the embodiment of a magical fairy tale, modern travelers set off. Often the motive for the trip may be just a desire to change the atmosphere. Therefore, the role of the hotel in the modern tourism infrastructure is difficult to overestimate. It must meet all the expectations of the client, become for him at the time a cozy and comfortable home, be remembered as something individually unique. It is the creation of a positive image of the hotel, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe client as an attractive place where you want to return again, and is the goal of the owner and staff and, ultimately, the key to commercial success of the enterprise.

In today's world there are a huge number of hotels. They differ in purpose, capacity, number of storeys, type of structures, level of comfort, location and other characteristics. To succeed in the competition it is necessary to take into account the requirements of the modern market. It is necessary to create not only excellent customer service, architectural style, but also well-established work of the housing and communal complex of the hotel, including hotel water supply

The twenty-first century is the century of advanced technology. And increasingly higher demands are placed on the energy efficiency of engineering equipment and systems. Novelty is fundamental for water supply, heating, fire extinguishing systems - in technology, in quality assurance, ease of installation and, most importantly, cost-effectiveness.

Therefore, the objectives of this work:

consider hotel water supply technology

to consider the design of the hotel's internal cold water supply system

consider designing a hotel hot water system

bring out the flaws of the water supply technology

to consider the technology of hot and cold water supply at the sanatorium "The Seagull"

The objectives of this work:

analyze the technology of water supply

to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the technology of hot and cold water supply at the sanatorium "The Seagull"

Draw conclusions on the work done

Water supply system

Water supply system in hotel enterprises

In hotels, water is used for household and drinking needs - for drinking and personal hygiene of staff and guests; for industrial needs - for cleaning residential and public premises, watering the territory and green spaces, washing raw materials, dishes and cooking, washing overalls, curtains, bedding and table linen, while providing additional services, for example, in a hairdresser, sports and fitness center, as well as for fire fighting purposes.

The water supply system includes three components: a water supply source with facilities and devices for abstraction, purification and treatment of water, external water supply networks and an internal water supply located in the building.

Hotels located in cities and towns are usually supplied with cold water from the city (town) water supply. Hotels located in the countryside, in the mountains, on the freeways, have a local water supply system.

In the city water supply use water from open (rivers, lakes) or closed (underground waters) sources.

Sanitary equipment in hotel enterprises

In a modern hotel, each room has its own sanitary facility. The main equipment includes: washbasin, bath or shower, toilet, bidet. The main devices should also include heated fittings for hanging towels.

Depending on the type of hotel and rooms, the following options for the placement of sanitary equipment are used:

in hotels of the highest and I category, a private bathroom equipped with three appliances is required in the room, and four in the suite;

in single and double rooms of hotels of category II and III there may be a bathroom with two appliances (toilet and wash basin);

An important point is also the careful installation of the equipment itself and the creation of opportunities for routine inspection and repair of equipment. Often used test chambers, which are placed between two bathrooms. Thanks to this, access to the main communications is provided without entering the room.

In hotels with an expensive interior, bathrooms represent a very interesting technical and artistic solution and are the true pride of sanitary equipment. High quality porcelain combined with high-quality metal fittings, wall decoration and all additional devices make a pleasant stay in the hotel and create modern comfort.

1. Internal water supply

An internal water supply system is a system of pipelines and devices that supply cold water from an external water supply network to sanitary equipment and fire hydrants located inside the building.

The internal water supply system consists of an input (one or several), a water meter unit, a main line of risers, connections to water-folding devices and fittings. In some cases, it may also include pumping units, water tanks and other equipment located inside the building.

1.1 the choice of the domestic water supply system

The choice of the internal water supply system is made depending on the purpose of the building (hotel), requirements for water quality, and technical and economic feasibility.

In this project, according to Appendix A / 1 /, a drinking water supply system with a fire water supply system having 1 stream and a minimum water consumption of 2.5 l / s is adopted, as the number of floors is 5, and the construction volume is 7558.2 m3.

1.2 the Choice of internal water supply

The choice of the water supply scheme is an important and difficult design task, designed to ensure the reliability of the consumer supplying water in the required quantity and of the specified quality, ease of installation and operation.

Distinguish water networks with upper and lower wiring. In this project, a water supply scheme with a lower wiring is adopted, because there is a basement of the building. The water supply network can be ring and deadlock. In this building, a deadlock water supply scheme is adopted, as short interruption in water supply is possible. Shut-off valves (valves, gates) are installed at the points of connection of the input to the external water supply, and a water-measuring unit is installed at the point of entry into the building.

1.3 the Design and hydraulic calculation of the internal water supply

.3.1 Arranging risers

The internal water supply is made of water and gas pipes.

The water main is laid under the basement ceiling on the inner walls.

Laying of the highway is carried out in an open way.

The pipeline is fastened with clamps, hooks, pendants on the bracket.

The necessary and sufficient number of risers are installed on the floor plan. In this project 6.

1.3.2 Tracing the water supply scheme

The locations of the risers are transferred from the floor plan to the basement plan, and they are combined into a single system that connects to the outdoor water supply.

1.3.3 Axonometric diagram

Axonometric scheme is carried out in M \u200b\u200b1: 200 along all three axes. The axonometric diagram shows: water supply inlet, water meter assembly, main water supply, risers, inlets to water fittings, watering taps, water fittings and stop valves.

The connections to the draw-off devices and the draw-off fittings are shown only for the upper floor, on the other floors they show only branches from the risers.

Floor mark of the first floor \u003d 184.5 m.

Overlap thickness 0.3 m.

Basement ceiling mark \u003d 184.5-0.3 \u003d 184.2 m.

Basement height h Sub \u003d 2.5 m.

Basement floor mark \u003d 184.2-2.5 \u003d 181.5 m.

The axonometric diagram of the internal water supply is the basis for

hydraulic calculation of the water supply network.

1.3.4 Dictation Point Definition

The deadlock scheme of drinking water supply is calculated in case of maximum water consumption. The main task of hydraulic calculation is to determine the diameters of pipelines and the pressure loss in them when skipping the estimated costs.

On the axonometric diagram, the calculated main direction is selected. For the calculated take the direction from the point of connection to the external water supply to the most remote and high located from the input of the water pick-up point, to which the total pressure loss will be greatest. Such a catchment point is called dictating. When identifying a dictating water-folding device, the required pressure Hf in front of it must be taken into account.

In this project, Hf \u003d 3 m. The dictating point is the bathroom faucet. Hf \u003d 2 m. For all other devices.

The selected estimated direction of water movement is divided into sections. For the calculated take the site with a constant flow rate and diameter. The numbering is from the pouring hole of the dictating point from top to bottom. Each section of the water supply network is indicated by the numbers: 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, etc. (in this project, only 12 sites). Each section is marked with its length, and after hydraulic calculation, the diameter.

1.3.5 Determination of the maximum second flow rate of water in the calculated areas

In sections, the maximum second flow rates qc, l / s are determined by the formula

5 · qc0 · ?, (1.1)

where qc0 is the flow rate of the device with cold water, the value of which should be taken according to adj. B / 1 /, l / s for the largest device;

In this project for a bathroom faucet: qc0 \u003d 0.18 l / sotot \u003d 0.25 l / s

for washbasin faucet: qc0 \u003d 0.09 l / s tot \u003d 0.12 l / s

for the flushing tank valve: qc0 \u003d 0.1 l / sotot \u003d 0.1 l / s.

а - dimensionless coefficient determined by adj. B / 1 /, depending on the total number of devices N 0 in the calculated area of \u200b\u200bthe networks and the probability of their action Pc.

The probability of the action of sanitary equipment P (Рtot, Pc) in the network sections serving in the buildings of the group of identical consumers is determined by the formulas

where qchr, u, qtothr, u is the rate of water consumption by the consumer per hour of greatest water consumption, l, is taken by adj. G / 1 /; U is the total number of consumers in the building; N is the total number of sanitary appliances in the building; tot is the total water consumption by the device, l / s, the value of which should be taken according to adj. B / 1 /.

In this project, qchr, u \u003d 5.6 l / s, qtothr, u \u003d 15.6 l / s, U \u003d 90, N \u003d 120. \u003d 5.6 · 90/3600 · 0.18 · 100 \u003d 0.008 \u003d 15.6 · 90/3600 · 0.25 · 100 \u003d 0.016

1.3.6 Determination of pipe diameters

Knowing the maximum second flow rate in the section (qc) and focusing on the fluid velocity in the pipes (vek? 1 m / s, vdop? 3.5 m / s), from / 2 / we determine the diameter, speed and slope (d, v , i).

Then the pressure losses are determined along the length in the sections according to the formula

Where l is the length of the calculation section, m

The entire calculation of the internal water supply is summarized in table 1.

Table 1 - Hydraulic calculation of the internal water supply

Number of the calculated section Number of devices in the section, N Probability of operation of the devices, Pc or PtotN? Pc or N? Ptot Water consumption with the device q0c or q0tot Estimated flow rate, qc or qtot, l / s Diameter of the pipe in the section, d, mm Length of the section l m Water velocity v, m / s Slope i Loss of pressure along the length of the section, m Нl \u003d il a 1-210,00650,00650,20,180,18150,71,060,29610,207272-320,00650,0130,20,180,18151,21,060,29610,355323-440,00650,0260,2280,180,2052202,40,620,07350,17644-580,00650,0520,2760,180,2484202,950,780,11060,326275-6120,00650,0780,3150,180,2835202,950,940,15490,4569556-7160,00650,1040,3490,180,3141252,950,650,05750,1696257-8200,00650,130,3780,180,3402254,10,650,05750,235758-9400,00650,260,5020,180,443725110,840,09131,00439-10600,00650,390,6020,180,5418250,61,030,13250,079510-11800,00650,520,6920,180,622832110,680,04220,464211-121200,0131,561,260,251,3625503,90,660,02380,09282?3,56841

1.3.7 Determination of the required head

The required Hcd pressure for the dictating water outlet is determined by the formula

Hdc \u003d Hgeom + Htot + Hf + Hz, (1.4)

where Hgeom is the geometric height of the water supply (from the surface of the earth at the city water well to the dictating water intake device), m;

Zd.t - zpzgk, (1.5)

where zd.t is the geodetic mark of the dictating water-lifting point defined by the formula

d.t. \u003d z.p.e. + hizl, (1.6)

where zp.v.e - floor mark of the upper floor, m. (zp.v.e \u003d 184.3 + 4? 3 \u003d 196.3 m), hizl - spout height of each device (for a bathroom faucet 2.2 m) ; pzgk - geodetic elevation of the earth's surface at the city well (zпзгк \u003d 202.5 m), d.t. \u003d 196.3 + 2.2 \u003d 198.5 m; \u003d 198.5-184 \u003d 14.5 m;

Нtot - total pressure loss in the calculated direction, m, determined by the formula

= å Hl? (1 + kl), (1.7)

where? Hl is the total length loss in the calculated direction (Table 1), m; - coefficient taking into account local pressure losses and assumed kl \u003d 0.2 (since the system is integrated); \u003d 3.56841 (1 + 0.3) \u003d 4.639 m;

Hf is the free head of the dictating tapping device, adopted by adj. B / 1 /, m;

Нz - pressure loss on the water meter, m,

Нz \u003d S? (3.6? Qtot) 2, (1.8)

where S is the hydraulic resistance of the water meter (m / m6) / h2 (according to appendix D / 1 / a vane water meter d \u003d 32 mm and resistance S \u003d 0.1 (m / m6) / h2 is selected); qtot - maximum second flow rate at the entrance to the building, l / s (qtot \u003d 2,396 l / s);

Нz \u003d 0.1? (3.6? 1.3625) 2 \u003d 2.4 m. \u003d 14.5 + 4.639 + 3 + 2.4 \u003d 24.539 m

1.3.8 Comparison of the required head

According to the calculation results, the required pressure is compared with the guarantee. \u003d 24.539 m, and Hg \u003d 18 m.

Since Hdc\u003e Hg, it is necessary to design a booster pump unit.

1.3.9 Selection of booster pumps

Boost pumps are selected according to the required head and capacity. The required pump head is determined by the formula

Hdc - Hg, (1.9)

24.539-18 \u003d 6.539 m.

The pump performance is taken equal to qtot - the maximum second flow rate at the entrance to the building qtot \u003d 1.3625 l / s.

According to the appendix E / 1 / according to Hp \u003d 6.539 m. And qtot \u003d 1.3625 l / s, the pump was selected

KM 8 / 18b, with the following characteristics:

supply 1,2 ... 3,6 l / s;

full head 12.8 ... 8.8 m;

rated flow 2.5 l / s;

full head with a nominal feed of 11.4 m;

rotation speed 2900 rpm;

Pump efficiency 35 ... 45%;

electric motor power 1.1 kW.

2 pumps are accepted for installation (one working, another reserve).

The location of the pumps is taken in a separate building adjacent to the designed residential 5-story building.

2. Internal and intra-quarter sewage

Internal sewage systems are designed for the removal of wastewater from buildings into the external sewer.

.1 Choosing an internal sewage system

For drainage from a five-story hotel, a domestic sewage system was adopted due to the absence of aggressive components in their drains.

hydraulic water supply sewer riser

2.2 Design and hydraulic calculation of internal sewage

For the installation of internal sewer networks, cast-iron and plastic piping are used. The method of connecting cast iron pipes is bell-shaped, plastic - thermal.

All internal sewer networks are provided in a non-pressure mode of fluid movement.

In this course work for the equipment of the internal sewerage of the building adopted cast-iron pipes, the mode of movement of the liquid - non-pressure.

2.2.1 Arrangement of risers

On the floor plan and on the basement plan, the necessary and sufficient number of sewer risers is installed.

In this course work to the installation adopted 6 sewer risers.

2.2.2 Tracing sewer networks

On the basement plan, the sewer risers are combined into separate groups, and the issue of discharge of sewage outside the building is being addressed. Settlement sites are outlined.

2.2.3 Determination of estimated costs

We determine the maximum second flow rate by the formula:

where qtot is the maximum second flow rate in the water supply system, l / s, is determined by the formula

where? - dimensionless coefficient, adopted by adj. B / 1 / and depends on the number of devices N (in this project N \u003d 120) and the probability of their action Ptot, taken in accordance with paragraph 1.3.5 of the present work, Ptot \u003d 0.016; tot is the maximum second flow rate of the device, determined by adj. B / 1 /; s - flow rate from the device, taken according to adj. B / 1 /: s \u003d 1.6 l / s for a toilet bowl with flushing cistern. \u003d 5 · 0.25 · 0.692 \u003d 0.865 l / s \u003d 0.865 + 1.6 \u003d 2.465 l / s

2.2.4 Hydraulic calculation of domestic sewage

Knowing the maximum second flow rate qs and focusing on the speed of the runoff 4 ... 8 ?? st? 0.7 m / s and the degree of filling 0.6? H / d? 0.3 by / 3 /, the pipe diameter and the speed of movement are finally selected drains, degree of filling of the pipe and slope (d, v, h / d, i).

In this case, the condition

where k is the coefficient taken for cast iron pipes equal to 0.6.

If this condition cannot be fulfilled, then this section of the pipeline is considered to be uncalculated and are structurally accepted for it -

with d \u003d 50 mm, slope 0.03 \u003d 100 mm, slope 0.02 \u003d 150 mm, slope 0.01.

The hydraulic calculation of the internal sewerage is summarized in table. 3.

Table 2 - Hydraulic calculation of internal sewage

Settlement No.NPtotNPtot ?qtot, l / s q0s, l / s qs, l / s, mmi ?, m / s Section StK1-1-2400.0130,520,6920,8651,62,4651000,020,790,40,5 bezelless StK1-2-B400,0130,520,6920,8651,62,4651000,020,790,40,5 bezelless StK1- 3-B200.0130,260,5020,62751,62,22751000,020,740,360,44 without B-SK№ 1,600,0130,780,8491,061251,62,661251000,050,80,420,52 without CTC1-6-5400, 0130,520,6920,8651,62,4651000,020,790,40,5 bezelless StK1-5-A400,0130,520,6920,8651,62,4651000,020,790,40,5 bezelless StK1-4-A200,0130, 260,5020,62751,62,22751000,020,740,360,44 bezar.A-SK№2600,0130,780,8491,061251,62,661251000,020,80,420,52 bezar.

2.2.5 Checking the throughput of sewer risers

Checking the throughput of sewer risers is carried out using the application M / 1 /. To do this, on one of the risers, qs (l / s) is determined by formula (2.1) and this flow rate is compared with the tabular value qstable.

The capacity of the riser, which ensures the stable operation of the hydraulic locks, will be if

< qsтабл. (2.4)

Checking the risers:

StK1-1: d \u003d 50 mm, qs \u003d 1.36 l / s, qstable \u003d 1.4 l / s - condition (2.4) is satisfied

StK1-2: d \u003d 50 mm, qs \u003d 1.57 l / s, qstable \u003d 1.4 l / s - condition (2.4) is not fulfilled, therefore, it is necessary to increase the diameter and take it equal to d \u003d 100mm.

For risers StK1-1, StK1-2, StK1-3, StK1-6, similarly to StK1-2, we take the diameter d \u003d 100 mm.

The maximum throughput of the ventilated sewer riser at d \u003d 100 mm qsstab \u003d 7.4 l / s, and according to calculations for risers StK1-7, ... StK1-13 qs \u003d 2.37 ... 4.23 l / s, therefore condition (2.4 ) for these risers is performed.

2.3 Design and hydraulic calculation of intra-sewerage

The intra-quarter sewer network is designed from ceramic pipes with a minimum diameter of 150 mm. The distance between the inspection wells is taken equal to 26.479 m. The connection method is bell-shaped, the depth of laying depends on the depth of seasonal freezing and is calculated by the formula:

hall \u003d hpr - e (2.5)

where hpr is the depth of seasonal freezing of the soil, taken on assignment; e - talik value, taken equal to 0.3 m for pipes with a diameter of 200 m. hall \u003d 2.7-0.3 \u003d 2.4 m

The calculation results are summarized in table 8.

Table 3 - Hydraulic calculation of intra-sewerage

Parcel Number NPtot NPtot ?qtot, l / s q0s, l / s qs, l / s, mmiv, m / s, m Depth of laying, mNUKUNUKUNUKUSK No. 1 - SK No. 2600.0130,780.8491.061.62.661500.010.698.20.29183.3183.1180.9180.82.42.48 Sk # 2 - KGK 1200.0131.561, 2611.581.63.181500.010.717.40.3183.1183180.8180.62.482.65 Based on the results of hydraulic calculation, a longitudinal profile of the yard sewage system is built.

3. Equipment specification

sink - 30 pcs

sink - 30 pcs.

bath - 30 pcs

toilet bowl - 30 pcs.

water meter unit - 1 pc

booster installation: valve - 4 pcs.

valve - 4 pcs

pump - 2 pcs

pipes for water supply - steel galvanized according to GOST 3264 - 75 \u003d 15 mm l \u003d 19.8 m \u003d 20 mm l \u003d 49.8 m \u003d 25 mm l \u003d 32.7 m \u003d 32 mm l \u003d 11 m \u003d 50 mm l \u003d 19 m

sewer pipes - cast iron according to GOST 9583 - 75 \u003d 100 mm l \u003d 274 m \u003d 150 mm l \u003d 28.6 m

List of references

1.Postnikov P.M. Design and calculation of internal water supply and sewerage of buildings: Method. decree. - Novosibirsk: Publishing House SGUPSa, 2004. - 40s.

2.Shevelev F.A., Shevelev A.F. Tables for hydraulic calculation of water pipes: Ref. allowance. - 6th ed., Ext. And the reslave. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1984. - 116 p.

.Lukinykh A.A., Lukinykh N.A. Tables for the hydraulic calculation of sewer networks and dukers according to the acad formula. N.N. Pavlovsky. Ed. 4th, add. M., Stroyizdat, 1974. - 156 p.

.SNiP 2.04.01 - 85 *. Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings / Gosstroy of the USSR. M., 1986.


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Hot water system in hotel enterprises. Hot water in hotels is used for drinking and industrial needs. Therefore, it, like cold water used for these purposes, must meet the requirements of GOST R 2872-82. The temperature of hot water in order to avoid burns should not exceed 70 ° C and not lower than 60 ° C, which is necessary for industrial needs. Hot water in hotels can be: local, centralized.

At local water supply, the water coming from the cold water supply system is heated in gas, electric water heaters, hot water columns. In this case, the water is heated directly at the places of its consumption.

In order to avoid interruptions in hot water supply, hotels usually use a central hot water supply system. In the central preparation of hot water, the water coming from the cold water supply system is heated by water heaters in the individual heating center of the hotel building or central heating station, sometimes the water is heated directly in the boilers of local and central boiler houses. With district heating, water is heated in the water heaters by steam or hot water coming from the city heating system.

The scheme of hot water supply networks can be deadlock or with the organization of circulation of hot water through a system of circulation pipelines. Deadlock schemes provide for constant water extraction. If the water intake is periodic, then with this scheme, the water in the pipelines will cool during the absence of extraction, and during the water intake it will go to the water points with a low temperature.

This leads to the need for unproductive discharge of large amounts of water through a water intake point, if desired, to obtain water with a temperature of 60-70 ° C. In the scheme with water circulation, this drawback is absent, although it is more expensive. Therefore, such a scheme is used in cases where the water intake is not constant, but it is required to maintain a constant temperature of the water during water extraction. Circulation networks are arranged with forced or natural circulation. Forced circulation is carried out by installing pumps, similar to the water heating system of buildings.

Use it in buildings with more than two floors, and with a significant length of trunk pipelines. In one two-story buildings with a small length of pipelines, it is possible to arrange natural water circulation through a system of circulation pipelines due to the difference in the bulk mass of water at different temperatures. The principle of operation of such a system is similar to the principle of operation of a water heating system with natural circulation.

As well as in cold water supply systems, hot water lines can be with lower and upper wiring. The building's hot water supply system includes three main elements: a hot water generator (water heater), pipelines and water supply systems, and water outlets. 3.2 Water heating technology There is a good rule for hot water systems - maintaining the temperature at the lowest level that is acceptable for residents. It has been observed that corrosion and deposition of mineral salts accelerate with increasing temperature.

A temperature of 60 ° C is considered as maximum for normal consumption. If residents think that the water is hot enough at a temperature lower than the specified 5-8 ° C, then all the better. For special purposes, when hotter water is required, for example, for dishwashers in apartments or in restaurants located in a residential building, it is necessary to use separate heaters. Just because dishwashers need water with a temperature of 70 ° C, there is no need to warm all the hot water to this temperature.

The heaters in home dishwashers are usually of the electric type. General hot water systems are similar to heating systems. If, for example, an individual heating and cooling installation uses electricity as “fuel”, the same source is provided for the hot water supply system. On the other hand, if a central heating installation is designed, then hot water supply is often made as part of this system.

The subject of discussion is the choice of a method of heating water: using a boiler, a water heater, or a combination of both methods. If the project provides for only one boiler, the water for hot water supply must be heated by a separate device. This boiler can be stopped in summer for preventative maintenance. Therefore, the use of installations with one unit is allowed only if the deprivation of hot water for several days a year will not irritate the residents.

When installing two or more boilers, it is beneficial to combine the hot water supply system with the heating system. In this case, the boiler room is saved and the initial costs are reduced. However, one should not forget that water heating does not occur by itself. Therefore, if boilers of the heating system are used for hot water supply, their productivity should be increased by the amount of heat that is expended for heating water in the hot water supply system.

The load on the boiler depends on the orientation of the hotel, the temperature of the incoming cold water, etc .; Outside design temperature, ° С Load on the boiler for hot water supply,% -23 20 -12 25 -1 33 The more boilers there are in the installation, the more efficient it is in summer. If two boilers of the same capacity are provided, they will be too large for the load in the summer, with the exception of areas with a very mild climate.

If there are five of them, then heating the water will be economical even in the coldest areas. The mechanism for heating water from a central boiler installation is very simple. The most popular water heaters are a shell with a bundle of small diameter copper pipes enclosed in it. A coolant (steam or hot water from the boiler) washes the pipes outside, and water for hot water flows inside them. The temperature or amount of coolant is regulated depending on the temperature of the hot water so that it is sufficiently constant regardless of the analysis of the water. The advantage of this heater is its small footprint.

For example, for a 200-apartment building, the need for hot water is satisfied with a steam heater with a diameter of 200 mm and a length of 2 m, which is easy to install in a boiler room. If you can allow an additional increase in the cost of the project, it is better to install two heaters working alternately on the same foundation.

This recommendation is often neglected for the sake of lower initial costs, considering that a short interruption in the supply of hot water is not a disaster. However, it is good to have a spare bundle of pipes for quick replacement, since it may take several days or even weeks to repair the entire water heater. Local water heaters can be used in the form of a boiler or heat exchanger installed specifically for this purpose. Very often, the process of heating water is carried out in one or more boilers in which water is heated directly by fuel, without an intermediate heat exchanger.

This fuel may be gas, oil or electricity, and the heater may have some capacity for heated water. The heat accumulators used in hot water supply systems work like a bank in which you invest money when there is surplus and then spend it. This is due to the fact that the water consumption during the day is far from uniform - the maximum in the morning and evening hours is "peak". The result is a difficult situation.

Let us explain this with the following example. Suppose that, according to the calculation, the total demand for hot water during the day is 18,200 l, and this need is determined on the basis of a study of statistical data for many years. At the same time, it is expected that the maximum flow rate will be from 7 to 8 hours in the morning and will be 3400 liters. Two extreme cases are possible. In one case, the capacity of the installation is selected based on the need to heat 3400 liters of water per hour from the temperature at which cold water arrives to a temperature of 52-60 ° C. Another extreme case will be, if we assume that the water is evenly consumed throughout the day. In our example, the consumption will be equal to 18,200 liters divided by 24 hours, i.e. 760 liters per hour. The battery is calculated so that it can provide a peak demand for hot water in one hour of operation. In our example, the highest flow rate is 3400 liters, of which a water heater can produce 760 liters per hour. Therefore, the battery should add 2640 liters. The battery is a cylindrical steel tank. Hot water leaving the tank must be replaced with cold water.

About 75% of the tank capacity can be replaced before the colder mixture changes the temperature of the supplied hot water. Therefore, the useful capacity of the tank is 75% of the total capacity.

In our example, this means that the capacity of the storage tank should be 3520 liters. The particular benefit of using batteries is for central systems. A smaller heater means the need for a smaller boiler, smaller chimney, and more efficient operation, as this heater is used more fully during the day. There are also serious flaws.

A battery takes up a lot of space and costs a lot of money; it corrodes, requires maintenance and, finally, dismantling and replacement. However, all this is not the main criterion for choosing one of these extreme systems. Each project should be evaluated according to its own indicators. 3.3. Hot water circulation and system protection During the last night hours, when the hot water analysis in a residential building is very small or completely absent, the temperature of the water standing motionless in the pipelines drops to about the hotel temperature.

The first resident waking up, letting water out early in the morning, discovers that the water is cold and a large amount of water must be released before it becomes hot. The solution to this problem is to install an additional piping system that allows you to slowly circulate water through pipes and through a water heater.

The circulation can be carried out by the gravitational method, under the influence of the mass difference of the hottest and coolest water, similar to how water circulates in the heating system. Often a circulation pump is installed for this purpose. And the last question that needs to be considered is the security of the system. Since the water is heated more than 4 ° C, it expands.

It will be shown below that the air collectors on the water lines dampen this expansion, but with a significant expansion or if the air collectors are overfilled with water, it is necessary to have a safety valve that would open automatically and release a certain amount of water and relieve pressure in the system. It is usually enough to dump a small amount of water. The second danger lies in the possible breakdown of the heater thermostats, which can lead to unacceptably high water heating. This also makes it necessary to install a safety valve that prevents very hot water from reaching the consumer.

These two functions are usually assigned to the same valve, called a thermopneumatic safety valve. At any moment, completely unexpectedly, it can fully open. To protect people from injury, a pipeline is connected to the valve and taken to a safe place, preferably directly above the wastewater receiver. Especially this should be remembered when installing an individual water heater in a separate house. The discharge from the safety valve must be led to a place where it can do no harm to anyone or anything. 3.4 Water supply system Water pipelines must be resistant to erosion and corrosion.

Erosion is caused by the movement of water, and corrosion is caused by chemical attack. For example, if there is air in steel pipes (and the incoming water always contains a certain amount of air), a chemical reaction occurs.

As a result, iron oxide, called rust, appears on them. Therefore, steel pipes intended for water supply are coated with zinc by an electrochemical method. This process is called galvanization. As materials for the manufacture of pipes, in addition to steel, copper, brass, cast iron, asbestos-cement mixtures and a large number of plastics are used. Copper is an expensive material, but it is well processed and combined.

If possible, it is recommended to use copper pipes for the installation of high-quality pipelines. Despite the fact that the composition of cast iron contains a lot of iron, which lends itself to corrosion, in the process of producing cast iron chemical reactions occur, as a result of which it becomes corrosion-resistant. Therefore, cast-iron pipes are often used for underground utilities, especially with a diameter of 75 mm or more, for which copper is an expensive material. The greater the mass of cast-iron pipes, the less suitable they are for laying inside the house, where it is very difficult to fix them. Asbestos-cement pipes are also difficult to operate.

They are mainly used for underground utilities. Plastic pipes have recently become very popular due to their moderate price and ease of connection; they resist not only corrosion, but also the passage of electric current, which sometimes complicates the use of metal pipes. A serious obstacle to the widespread use of plastic pipes is their unsuitability at high temperatures.

Such pipes should not be placed near the boiler or furnace, the surface temperature of which is above 70 ° C. It is impossible to use them for co-hotel of hot water supply networks, since it is very dangerous for human life and can lead to a serious accident in the piping system. The layout of the cold water pipes in the building is similar to the structure of the tree: the input is the trunk of the tree, and the mains and branches are its branches. In large hotels, valves are not installed on the main highways, so that during repair work in any part of the system other consumers are not left without water. If the water pipes are hidden in building structures, it is necessary to provide for access to the valves, and each valve must be identified with a specific part of the system that it serves.

Depending on the availability of space for laying highways, systems are available with upper and lower wiring. (Fig. 4) In houses, the height of which allows for the implementation of a water supply system without a booster installation, make the lower wiring of highways with risers along which water rises to the consumer. If a system with an upper pressure tank is being built, then the upper wiring of the lines in the attic is done.

The hot water supply system can also be with upper and lower wiring of highways. In six-story houses, a lower wiring system is usually used. At the top of the hotel, each supply riser is connected to a circulation riser laid side by side.

Then the circulation risers are combined by a circulation line, which is laid in parallel with the feed. If the number of floors is more than six, then the length of the duplicate circulation risers increases accordingly, and the cost increases significantly. In this case, they prefer to bring each riser to the attic, and then combine these

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Hotel hot and cold water technology

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In recent years, in various parts of our country, there has been an increase in the construction of small private hotels and boarding houses. Thanks to a flexible pricing policy, they are becoming popular among tourists. And the high profitability of this type of business makes investing in its development attractive to large and small private investors.

First of all, the “hotel boom” affected the Moscow Region, resort areas of the Krasnodar Territory (from Anapa to Adler), the Baltic coast (including St. Petersburg), as well as popular tourist destinations in the Urals, Altai and the Caucasus. As a rule, these are small buildings, with a total area comparable to cottages, designed for a maximum of two to three dozen rooms and, often, having their own kitchen, restaurant and laundry.

Regardless of the "stardom" of the hotel, the owners have to solve a number of typical tasks in arranging the building's engineering systems. Moreover, often there is no possibility of connecting to centralized heating and water supply networks, so you have to resort to autonomous solutions ..

Water supply

Providing the hotel with quality clean water is one of the most urgent tasks. It is required for the functioning of bathrooms and sewers, as well as for the kitchen and laundry. An autonomous water supply system involves the use of water sources such as a well or a well, depending on daily needs. Water consumption per person, according to Russian standards, ranges from 120 l / day (with shared bathrooms and shower rooms) to 300 l / day (with bathrooms in each room). That is, the average daily need of a hotel for ten to twenty rooms can be more than one dozen cubic meters of water. This should be taken into account when calculating the productivity of water-lifting equipment.

An autonomous water supply system in general includes an automated water-lifting installation (pump), a storage tank, as well as distribution pipelines and valves. The specific type of pump used depends on the height of the water.

At a water level of up to 7-8 m (from wells), surface self-priming pumps are used, which are connected to the well by a hose or pipeline. For such cases, compact automatic pumping stations are recommended, for example, Hydrojet JP manufactured by Grundfos with a flow rate of up to 4 m3 / h, having their own expansion tank up to 50 l. They provide constant pressure in the system, regardless of how many breakpoints are currently used. Such a supply is enough to meet the needs of guests even during peak hours (morning and evening).

However, it is far from always and not everywhere that a well can supply a hotel with so much water. So often the owners have to invest in drilling an artesian well, which is expensive (from $ 40 to $ 100 per linear meter at a depth of 40-200 m). Water-lifting equipment in this case is a submersible borehole pump, placed directly into the well. The most convenient pumps with electronic flow control (for example, Grundfos type SQE with a capacity of up to 9 m3 / h), which maintain a constant pressure of water regardless of flow. The pump automatically maintains the set pressure at a variable flow rate using the built-in speed converter. This is important for the stable operation of water heaters, washing machines, dishwashers, etc.

Exact question

Another urgent task is the organization of effective drainage of sewage and wastewater from bathrooms, toilets, sinks, etc. In landscaped areas with dense buildings, as a rule, you can use a centralized sewer. This is the easiest and most economical way to drain waste water. A gravity sewage system is arranged in the building, similar to that functioning in any multi-storey building.

But there are often situations where it is impossible to organize gravity, and the collector is laid too far. Then you have to apply pressure sewer systems, produced in the form of compact sewer stations ready for installation. They consist of a storage tank of corrosion-resistant material, a submersible pump, piping and fittings. If you place such a device in the basement of the hotel, then the waste water will flow into it by gravity. When filling the tank, the automatics starts the pump, which, under the necessary pressure, empties the tank into the collective collector.

In the absence of the possibility of connecting to a collective sewer collector, hotel owners have to solve the problem of independent installation of collectors and treatment facilities - taking into account strict sanitary requirements. Such an autonomous system can be based on a septic tank (a large periodically emptied tank), into which all hotel drains will fall.

The task of removing used water from bathrooms and toilets is achieved using compact automatic sewer systems (such as Grundfos Sololift +). They are a small tank with a built-in pump, directly connected to plumbing fixtures (located under the sink or behind the toilet). When the tank is full, the automatic device includes a small-sized submersible pump with a cutting mechanism that pumps waste water into a sewage connected to a septic tank.

Hotel heat supply

Arrangement of an autonomous heating system is not so important for seasonal boarding houses in sea resorts, however, for year-round hotels this is an urgent need. Interestingly, even with the possibility of connecting to centralized heat supply networks, hotel owners often prefer to invest in the construction of an autonomous system. The reason here is simple - thanks to the use of modern high-performance equipment, operating an independent mini-boiler house is much cheaper than paying for district heat at constantly increasing tariffs.

The main elements of an autonomous heat supply system are a heating boiler, an air supply system and removal of combustion products, a circulation pump, pipelines and fittings (shut-off valves, fittings, etc.), as well as radiators or convectors. The electric heating systems that have appeared in recent years are too expensive to operate, so they cannot be considered as a real alternative to traditional solutions based on a mini-boiler.

Choosing the most preferred type of fuel for the boiler, it is worth noting that if the hotel is connected to the main gas pipeline, then a gas boiler will be the most rational option. If there is no main nearby, then the option of supplying the boiler with gas from cylinders is possible. However, there are many regions where diesel is more affordable than gas. Then you should prefer a liquid fuel boiler. True, it will be necessary to solve the problem of storing large volumes of diesel fuel - for the winter period a small hotel may require several tons of fuel.

Calculation of the required boiler power is made depending on the total area of \u200b\u200bthe hotel and the climatic conditions of the area. To find out the most accurate value of the heat demand, you will have to take into account the thermal resistance of the building envelope and the temperature of the coldest five-day week. But for a rough estimate, we can assume that for heating 10 square meters. m of building area requires 1 kW of heat generator capacity. That is, for a small hotel of 1000 square meters. m there will be enough heating boiler with a capacity of 100 kW.

It is estimated that at full capacity the heat supply system works no more than 20% of the entire heating period. So the owner has the opportunity to optimize the costs of heating equipment and fuel. For example, for heating a hotel in 1000 square meters. m you can install one condensing boiler RENDAMAX (MTS Group) with a capacity of 100 kW. Thanks to a modulated burner, it can reduce power to 20% of the nominal, for example, during thaws.

But you can go a different way: install, for example, four GENUS boilers from ARISTON with a capacity of 25 kW each, combining them into a cascade. These “smart” heat generators with weather regulation (using external temperature sensors) will be switched on sequentially with increasing demand for heat. And in the most severe frosts, all boilers in the cascade will work at full capacity. Fuel economy with this type of connection will be very significant - and not at the expense of the comfort of the guests.

When choosing the type of heating appliances, it should be borne in mind that cast-iron radiators cannot be called optimal for hotel rooms. Their high thermal inertness does not allow you to effectively control the temperature in the rooms. The best option would be steel (for example, the Swiss manufacturer Zehnder) or aluminum radiators (for example, the Italian Faral) with excellent heat dissipation and high adjustability.

To optimize heat consumption on all heating devices, the presence of temperature controllers (for example, Danfoss production) is also useful. The guests themselves will be able to establish a temperature regime comfortable for them in the room, and the heat supply to those rooms that are not currently in use can be reduced to a minimum.

Hot water supply

It is unlikely that a hotel will be able to claim attention from tourists if it has problems with the availability of hot water. This applies even to private boarding houses in sea resorts, in which the most seemingly undemanding Russians comfort.

The problem of supplying a hotel with hot water can be solved in several ways - depending on the number of rooms and the availability of a kitchen, laundry, etc. For seasonal mini-hotels that operate several warm months of the year, the easiest way is to provide each parsing point with a personal electric or gas water heater.

However, for year-round hotels such a "budget" option is far from the most optimal for operating costs. It will be much more practical to install one large electric or gas boiler (storage water heater), which will supply all points of analysis with hot water. Having warmed up water to the set temperature, the device will automatically maintain it at the level set by the user. Typically, modern water heaters are well insulated to reduce energy consumption.

It is also useful to know how many hot water collection points will work simultaneously (for example, to take a hot shower, you need up to 8 liters of hot water per minute), as well as how much hot water is required for the service infrastructure (restaurant / cafe, laundry, etc. .). In any case, the boiler capacity should be chosen at least 200 liters. This volume is enough to cope with peak loads in the morning and evening hours. By the way, a very convenient option to reduce energy consumption for heating water is to use a weekly programmer to control the boiler. For example, this is how gas boilers of the NHRE series manufactured by ARISTON can be configured with a continuous flow of hot water (65 ° C) from 320 l / h. If there is no plan to analyze hot water in the coming hours, the device will not expend energy on constantly maintaining the temperature in the tank (for example, at night).

An interesting solution for hotels located in the southern regions of our country is solar collectors. Such systems, which help to save on hot water supply, have already become very widespread in southern Europe and on the Mediterranean coast - both in private homes and in hotels, and now they are increasingly used in our Kuban. Even in the Beijing Olympic village under construction, the buildings are supplied with solar collectors (Elco panels from the MTS Group will be used there).

One of the advantages of modern collectors is the ability to work with diffused solar radiation. As a result, even on a cloudy day, a solar panel can heat water. It is estimated that at least 6 months in a year, such systems can make a significant contribution to energy savings.

The collector design is a flat box with a transparent top panel through which the sun's rays pass. It contains a heat exchanger through which the coolant circulates. On the roof, next to the panel of the solar collector, a storage tank is installed, the capacity of which is selected based on the needs for hot water. The circulation pump drives water through the collector, providing efficient heat transfer.

Heated water can be directly distributed to the points of analysis. But such a solar system can be duplicated by a traditional heat source. In this case, a battery tank with two heat exchangers is installed in the system (for example, an indirect heating boiler BS2S manufactured by ARISTON), one of which is connected to the solar collector, and the other to the heating circuit of the heating boiler.

While the sun is shining, a solar collector circulation pump is operating. When sunlight is not enough for heating, the heating boiler maintains an acceptable water temperature in the storage tank.

Such a scheme is good in that it makes maximum use of solar heat and at the same time provides independence from the whims of the weather. As practice shows, with the help of such a system it is possible to save from 30 to 80% of the energy resources spent on hot water supply, depending on local climatic features. According to estimates, this system pays off in 5-10 years (with a service life of 30-50 years).

There are no trifles for the success of a small hotel business and any minor nuance can be decisive. Guests will not put up with cold or lack of hot water and will prefer a more comfortable hotel, albeit for more money. Therefore, the device owners of the building have to pay exceptional attention to the device engineering systems of the building. They should not only provide comfort for tourists, but also be inexpensive to operate. Modern stand-alone solutions based on high-tech reliable equipment in this sense are the most optimal investment.

ARISTON Press Office

Cold water system

In hotels, water is used for household and drinking needs- for drinking and personal hygiene of staff and guests; for production needs -for cleaning residential and public premises, watering the territory and green spaces, washing raw materials, dishes and cooking, washing work clothes, curtains, bedding and table linen, while providing additional services, for example, at the hairdresser, sports and fitness center, as well as for fire fighting purposes.

The water supply system includes three components: a water supply source with facilities and devices for abstraction, purification and treatment of water, external water supply networks and an internal water supply located in the building.

Hotels located in cities and towns are usually supplied with cold water from the city (town) water supply. Hotels located in the countryside, in the mountains, on the freeways, have a local water supply system.

In the city water supply use water from open (rivers, lakes) or closed (underground waters) sources.

The water in the city water supply must comply with the requirements of GOST R 2872--82. Before being supplied to the city water supply network, water from open sources of water supply always undergoes preliminary processing to bring its quality indicators in accordance with the requirements of the standard. Water from closed water sources usually does not need treatment. Water treatment is carried out on water stations.When supplying water from rivers, the stations are located upstream of settlements along the river.

The waterworks include the following ones shown in Fig. 2.13 facilities:

  • * water intake devices;
  • * first lift pumps;
  • * sedimentation tanks and treatment facilities;
  • * tanks for storing water;
  • * pumps of the second rise.

Pumps of the second rise maintain the necessary pressure in the main pipelines and the piping system of the city water supply. In some cases, water towers are connected to the main pipeline system, which contain a supply of water and can create pressure in the water supply system by raising the water tanks to a certain height.

From the water station through the city water network, water flows to consumers.

Fig. 2.13.

1 - water intake structure; 2 - pumping station of the first rise; 3 -- treatment facilities; 4 -- clean water tanks; 5 - pumping station of the second rise; 6 -- water conduits; 7 - water tower; 8 - main water supply network

City water networksconstructed from steel, cast iron, reinforced concrete or asbestos-cement pipes. On them, in the wells, valves are installed to turn off certain sections of the water supply network during an accident and repair, fire hydrants for water supply during fire fighting. Pipelines of the water supply network are located at a depth of at least 0.2 m below the depth of soil freezing in winter. Steel pipelines must have reliable waterproofing.

Domestic water supplya building is a combination of equipment, devices, and pipelines that supply water from central outdoor water supply systems or from local water supply sources to water outlets in a building. Internal water supply in hotel buildings should be separate to meet economic, industrial and fire-fighting needs. Household-drinking and industrial water supply systems are combined, since pure drinking water is used for household and industrial needs in hotels.

The internal water supply of the cold water supply system includes the following elements:

  • * one or more inputs;
  • * water gauge unit;
  • * Filters for additional water purification;
  • * Booster pumps and water tanks;
  • * piping system with control valves (distribution lines, risers, pipelines);
  • * water folding devices;
  • * fire extinguishing devices.

In fig. 2.14 presents various schemes of cold water supply systems.

Inputthey call a section of the pipeline connecting the internal water supply to the external water supply. Input is perpendicular to the wall of the building. To do this, use cast-iron or asbestos-cement pipes. In the place of connecting the input to the external water supply network, a well and a valve are installed, which shuts off the supply of water to the building, if necessary. In hotels, usually two inlets are arranged, which ensures, firstly, an uninterrupted supply of cold water, and secondly, an adequate supply of water to fire hydrants in the event of a fire.

Water meter unitdesigned to measure water flow by an enterprise. It is installed in a heated room immediately after passing the exterior wall of the building. Measurement of water flow is carried out using a water meter.

The water meter is designed in such a way that when a stream of water passes through it, a turbine (or impeller) is rotated, transmitting movement to the arrow of the counter dial. Water consumption is indicated in liters or cubic meters.

Fig. 2.14.

and- a scheme with direct connection to the city water supply network (with a lower dead end wiring of the highway); b- a scheme with a water tank (with an upper dead end wiring to the masters); in- with booster pump (with lower ring wiring of the trunk); g -with a booster pump and a water tank (with a lower dead end wiring of the highway); d- with a booster pump and a hydropneumatic tank (with a lower dead end wiring of the highway); 1 -- city \u200b\u200bwater main; 2 -- shut-off valve; 3 -- water inlet; 4 -- water meter; 5 - drain cock; 6 -- trunk pipeline; 7 - riser; 8-- riser shutoff valve; 9 -- branches to water points; 10 -- booster pump; 11 -- water tank; 12 - float valve; 13 -- check valve; 14 -- hydropneumatic tank; 15 - compressor

The water meter is selected according to the reference data, depending on the calculated maximum hourly (second) water consumption at the input.

In four- and five-star hotels, water from the city water supply must pass additional cleaningat water treatment plants. The purpose of the additional treatment is to obtain water that meets international quality standards.

The scheme of the water treatment plant is shown in Fig. 2.15. At water treatment stations, water is passed through special filters consisting of layers of quartz, river sand, activated carbon, disinfected with a UV lamp, and various additives are added to the water.

The UV lamp kills the microbes contained in the water, softens it. The lamp life should not exceed one year.

As an additive, alkali NaOH is used, which is automatically injected into water through special openings in the pipeline. The purpose of water treatment with NaOH is to bring it to the pH level of pH \u003d 8.2. Salts may also be added to water: NaCl and A12 (SO4) 3.

The choice of the scheme of the cold water supply system in the hotel building depends on the available pressure (Pa) in the external water supply network at the entrance to the building. For the normal supply of water to all the water points of the internal water supply, the required pressure (Pa) in the external water supply network must be at least:

Where is the pressure required to raise the water from the input to the highest point, Pa; - pressure loss in the water meter unit, Pa; - pressure loss at the water treatment plant, Pa; - pressure loss in the pipelines, Pa; - the necessary free pressure at the most upstream water point, Pa.

Fig. 2.15.

The pressure in the internal water supply network should not exceed 0.6 MPa.

Depending on the ratio of values, the building is also equipped with one of the cold water supply systems.

When\u003e a constant water supply is provided to all water points of the building and the simplest water supply system is installed without a booster pump and water tank (see Fig. 2.14, and).

If constantly at certain hours of the day< , и поэтому периодически обеспечивается подача воды к ряду водоразборных точек, устраивают систему водоснабжения с water pressureor hydropneumatic tank(see Fig. 2.14, b)

In periods when? , the water tank is filled with water, and when< , вода из водонапорного бака расходуется для внутреннего потребления.

Provided that a significant part of the time< , устраивают систему водоснабжения с booster pumpsor with booster pumps and a water (or hydropneumatic) tank (see Fig. 2.14, c - d).

In the latter version, the pump operates periodically, filling the tank from which the water supply to the system is provided. A water tank is installed at the top of the building. A hydropneumatic tank is located at the bottom of the building. The rooms in which the pumps are installed must have heating, lighting and ventilation. The building can be served by one or more pumps installed in parallel or in series. If the building is serviced by one pump, then the second pump must be connected to the network and the backup pump. Pumps are selected taking into account their performance and the created pressure.

For the internal water supply system use steel (galvanized)or plastic pipes.Pipelines are laid openly and closed in building structures. Horizontal sections to ensure water drainage are laid with a slope towards the input. The water supply system, depending on the scheme, can be with top or bottom water distribution.

The diameter of the pipeline is determined by special tables depending on the number of water-picking (water-consuming) points and their sizes.

The diameter of the mains of the systems of economic-industrial-fire water supply is taken equal to at least 50 mm.

Domestic water systems are equipped pipelineand water folding fittings.

Pipe fittings are designed to shut off sections of pipelines for the period of repair, regulation of pressure and flow in the system. Distinguish between locking, regulating, safety and control pipe fittings.

As shutoff and control valves, valves and valves are used. The valves are made of cast iron and steel, and the valves, in addition, are made of brass. Shutoff valves are installed on the inlet, risers and branches.

Safety valves include non-return valves and non-return valves, control valves include level gauges, control valves, and taps for pressure gauges.

Various types of faucets at the points of water analysis are classified as water-folding fittings: wall-mounted, toilet, drain tank taps, watering, urinal, flush taps, as well as mixer taps for sinks, bathtubs, showers, washbasins, pools, washing machines, etc.

Fire water supply

Water is the most common fire extinguishing agent. Possessing a large heat capacity, it cools the combustible substances to a temperature lower than the temperature of their self-ignition, and blocks the access of air to the combustion zone with the help of the generated vapors. A jet of water directed under high pressure has a mechanical effect on the fire, knocking down the flame and penetrating deep into the burning object. Spreading over a burning object, water moistens parts of the building structures that are not yet covered by fire and protects them from sunbathing.

To extinguish a fire, water is supplied from an existing water supply system. In some cases, it can be supplied using pumps from natural or artificial ponds.

Internal fire water supply is provided by the device in the building risers with fire hydrants. Fire cranesplaced on staircases, in corridors and in individual hotel rooms at a height of 1.35 m from the floor in special cabinets with the designation "PC". The fire cabinet equipment is shown in Fig. 2.16. In the cabinet, in addition to the crane, there should be a tarpaulin sleeve 10 or 20 m long and a metal fire barrel (hose). The sleeve has quick-release nuts at the ends for connection with the barrel and valve of the crane. Sleeves are laid on a rotary shelf or wound on a spool. The distance between the fire hydrants depends on the length of the hose and should be such that the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe building is irrigated with at least one jet. Sleeves of the same length and diameter are allowed in the building.

Fig. 2.16.

and --with swivel shelf; b- with a coil; 1 -- cabinet walls; 2 -- fire crane; 3 -- fire tower 4 - fire barrel; 5 - a fire hose; 6 -- rotary shelf;

7 - coil

In hotels located in multi-storey buildings, the automatic fire extinguishing system also includes automatic fire extinguishing systems that localize the focus of fire, block the path of spreading flames and flue gases, eliminating fire. Automatic fire extinguishing systems include sprinkler and deluge systems. Schemes of sprinkler and deluge fire water systems are shown in Fig. 2.17.

Sprinkler systemsserve for local extinguishing of fire and sunbathing, cooling of building structures and signaling about a fire.

The sprinkler system includes a piping system laid under the ceiling and filled with water, and sprinkler sprinklers, the openings of which are closed with fusible locks. In a ready state, the sprinkler system is under pressure. With increasing temperature in the room, the lock of the irrigator melts and the stream of water from the irrigator, hitting a socket, breaks over the fire. At the same time, water approaches the signal device, which gives a fire signal. The area protected by a single sprinkler is about 10 m2. Sprinkler sprinklers are installed in residential rooms, corridors, office and public areas of hotels.

Fig. 2.17.

and- sprinkler system; b- deluge system; 1 - sprinkler sprinkler; 2 - distribution manifold; 3 -- connecting pipe; 4-- water tank; 5-- control and signal valve; b-- water supply valve; 7-- water riser; 8 - deluge sprinkler; 9-- incentive pipeline; 10 - water main

Deluge systemsthey are designed to extinguish fires over the entire calculated area, to create water curtains in the openings of fire walls, above fire doors that divide hotel corridors into sections, and to signal a fire. Drencher systems can be with automatic and manual (local and remote) inclusion. The deluge systems consist of a piping system and sprinklers, but unlike the sprinkler system, water deluge sprinklers do not have locks and are constantly open. A water supply valve with a heat-sensitive lock is installed in a pipeline supplying water to a group of sequentially located sprinklers. In the event of a fire, the lock opens the valve and water comes from all the deluge heads to extinguish the fire or create a curtain. At the same time, a fire alarm is triggered.

The operability of sprinkler and deluge units depends on their maintenance, which consists of the implementation of a number of measures provided for by the instructions for their operation.

Hot water system

Hot water in hotels is used for drinking and industrial needs. Therefore, it, like cold water used for these purposes, must meet the requirements of GOST R 2872--82. The temperature of hot water in order to avoid burns should not exceed 70 ° C and should not be lower than 60 ° C, which is necessary for industrial needs.

Hot water in hotels can be local, central or centralized.

At localwater supply, the water coming from the cold water supply system is heated in gas, electric water-heating, water-heating columns. In this case, the water is heated directly at the places of its consumption. In order to avoid interruptions in hot water supply, hotels usually use a central hot water supply system. At centralwhen preparing hot water, the water coming from the cold water supply system is heated by water heaters in the individual heating unit of the hotel building or in the central heating unit, sometimes the water is heated directly in the boilers of local and central boiler houses. At centralizedwater is heated in the water heaters with steam or hot water coming from the city heating system.

The scheme of hot water supply networks can be deadlock or with the organization of circulation of hot water through a system of circulation pipelines. Deadlock schemesprovide for with constant drainage. If the water intake is periodic, then with this scheme, the water in the pipelines will cool during the absence of extraction, and during the water intake it will go to the water points with a low temperature. This leads to the need for unproductive discharge of a large amount of water through a water intake point, if desired, to obtain water with a temperature of 60 - 70 "C.

In circuit with water circulationthis drawback is absent, although it is more expensive. Therefore, such a scheme is used in cases where the water intake is not constant, but it is required to maintain a constant temperature of the water during water extraction.

Circulation networks are arranged with forced or natural circulation. Forced circulation is carried out by installing pumps, similar to the water heating system of buildings. Use it in buildings with more than two floors, and with a significant length of trunk pipelines. In one-, two-story buildings with a small length of pipelines, it is possible to arrange natural water circulation through a system of circulation pipelines due to the difference in the bulk mass of water at different temperatures. The principle of operation of such a system is similar to the principle of the water system

heating with natural circulation. As well as in cold water supply systems, hot water lines can be with lower and upper wiring.

The building's hot water supply system includes three main elements: a hot water generator (water heater), pipelines, and water outlets.

As hot water generatorsin central hot water systems use high-speed water-water and steam-water water heaters, as well as large-capacity water heaters.

Principle of operation high-speed water-heater,presented in fig. 2.18, the heat carrier - hot water coming from a boiler house of a hotel or a district heating system passes through brass tubes located inside a steel pipe, the annular space of which is filled with heated water.

Fig. 2.18.

and- single-section; b- multi-section; 1 and 7 - nozzles for water inlet; 2 - confuser; 3 and 5 - nozzles for water outlet; 4 -- water heater section; 6 - thermometer nipple; 8 - jumper; 9 - knee

Fig. 2.19.

IN high-speed steam-water heaterhot steam supplied to the heater body heats the water passing through the brass tubes located inside the heater.

The calculated temperature of the coolant in the water-to-water heater is assumed to be 75 ° C, the initial temperature of the heated water is 5 ° C, the speed of movement of the heated water is 0.5 - 3 m / s. High-speed water heaters are used in systems with uniform water flow and high water consumption.

Hot water heatersused in systems with intermittent and low water consumption. They allow not only to heat, but also to accumulate hot water.

Three-, four- and five-star hotels must have backup hot water systemduring accidents or preventive maintenance. For backup hot water systems, industrial electric water heaters can be used. In fig. 2.19 the electric industrial water heater "OSO" (Norway) is presented. The tank capacity of such a water heater is from 600 to 10 000 l, the range of water temperature adjustment is from 55 to 85 ° C. The inner tank is made of copper coated stainless steel. In the system of backup hot water supply there can be several water heaters working in parallel.

The pipelines of the hot and cold water supply system represent a single complex of the hotel's economic and production supply system and are laid in parallel.

Water points are equipped with faucets-mixers, allowing to obtain a wide range of water temperature (from 20 to 70 ° C) due to the mixing of hot and cold water.

For hot water systems, galvanized steel or plastic pipes are used to prevent corrosion. Connections of steel pipes and fittings for the same reason must be threaded. To reduce heat losses and prevent water cooling, trunk pipelines and risers are thermally insulated. Pipeline and pipe fittings in hot water systems use brass or bronze with seals that can withstand temperatures up to 100 ° C.

Operation of water supply systems

After completing all installation works on the construction or overhaul of cold or hot water supply systems, they begin to acceptance into operation.Acceptance begins with an inspection of all equipment and pipelines of water supply systems. Known deficiencies contribute to the defective statement. They must be eliminated within the specified time.

Then, after eliminating the identified deficiencies, testing the water supply system for leaks.At the same time, the fittings of all water outlets must be closed. The test consists in filling the pipelines with water using a hydraulic press, raising the pressure in the pipelines to the operating value. When leaks occur, they eliminate minor installation defects, tighten the pipe connections between themselves, with equipment and fittings, and seal the seals. Upon completion of these works, a hydraulic press creates pressure in the pipelines above the working one by 0.5 MPa and maintains the system under this pressure for 10 minutes. During this period, the pressure should not rise by more than 0.05 Pa. When this requirement is met, the system is considered to have passed the leak test. Simultaneously with pipeline networks, water heaters of the hot water supply system are tested under pressure.

Upon completion of the work on checking the tightness of the water supply system, it test run.During the test run, check the sufficiency of supply of cold and hot water to all water outlets, determine if the water temperature corresponds to the required value (65 - 70 ° C), check the absence of noise during pump operation and its overheating, draw up an act.

The correct and reliable operation of the internal water supply system depends on the conditions of its operation, proper supervision and care.

Main operating conditions: elimination of water leakage, prevention of freezing of water in the pipes of the network and fogging of the surface of pipelines, low pressure of the water, the fight against noise from the valves when opening it.

During the operation of the cold and hot water supply systems periodic inspectionssystems by installing the following:

  • * serviceability of valves of the water meter unit and water meter, pumping equipment;
  • * lack of water leaks in the joints of fittings and equipment;
  • * serviceability of equipment for heating water;
  • * serviceability of trunk pipelines, risers, eyeliners;
  • * serviceability of water folding fittings.

Water leakthrough pipelines usually occurs when they are damaged due to corrosion. When open piping is installed, damaged pipes are easy to detect and replace; when hidden, it is very difficult to detect a leak.

The main leakage of water occurs through water taps due to wear of the gaskets, damage to or development of individual parts of the assemblies. Worn or damaged items must be replaced or repaired.

To avoid water damage due to pipe freezingwhen the heating system is turned off and the room temperature drops to 3 ° C, it is necessary to drain the water from the pipelines.

During operation of the water supply system, situations may arise in which water weakly or not at all reaches the water points.This may be caused by: insufficient pressure at the entrance to the building; blockage of the water meter grid or installation of a water meter of insufficient caliber; pump malfunction; a decrease in the cross section of pipelines due to fouling of the pipe walls with salt deposits or ingress of foreign objects and rust. To eliminate these reasons, you must:

  • * install a pump to increase the pressure in the pipeline system of the building;
  • * clean or replace the water meter;
  • * fix or replace the pump valve;
  • * clean water pipes and fittings.

During operation of the water supply system, noise in pipelines.Vibration and noise occur when the pump is worn and installed incorrectly when pipes are rigidly embedded in building structures.