"Migratory birds. Autumn"

Tatiana Nuzhnaya
Abstract of GCD in senior speech therapy group"Return of Migratory Birds"

Theme:"The return of migratory birds".



Expanding children's ideas about migratory birds, their appearance and lifestyle, revitalization, enrichment, generalization of the vocabulary on the topic;

correctional and developmental:

Development of the ability to compose simple sentences;

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech (the formation of adjectives by merging bases, the formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes, changing nouns in cases, numbers, coordinating nouns with numerals);

Strengthening the skill of determining the quantity syllables in a word,

Development of perception, attention, memory, thinking, general, articulatory and fine motor skills;

Coordination of speech and movement;

educational: fostering interest in environment and a careful attitude towards her, the development of goodwill.

Equipment: a scene picture depicting spring and return of birds, subject pictures on the topic of the lesson, ball, drawings with a dotted image migratory birds, pencils.

Course of the lesson:

1. Org. moment:

Speech therapist:Hello guys. The topic of our meeting today will be suggested by our fingers.

Finger gymnastics: fingers move ( "Walk") on the table back and forth changing direction for each poem line:

"Spring sun

Get up early

Wake us up early!

We run into the street

Birds from warm countries to meet! "

2. Speech therapist: - Guys, I hope you guessed who we are going to talk about today in class? Tell me which birds are we waiting from warm countries?

Children:list: rooks, starlings, swans, cranes, storks, nightingales.

Speech therapist: How do we call birds, which come back to us from warm countries?


Speech therapist: Look at the picture and tell me who was superfluous in this flock of birds and why (rook, swallow, goose, nightingale, titmouse)

Children: Titmouse, because she is a wintering bird, and the rest are migratory.

3. Speech therapist: Look how many birds are in the picture. Let's count how many of which birds are in each of the flocks.

Children: 1 rook, 3 swallows, 5 geese; 2 nightingales, 5 swans.

4. Speech therapist: And now we will try to describe the ones shown in the picture birds:

The rook has black wings, so what is he? - ... black-winged,

The swallow has a long tail, which means it is ... long-tailed,

The goose has a long neck, so it is ... long-necked,

5. Speech therapist: Birds rejoice in spring, and each one has fun talking in his own language. Tell me, who gives a voice?

The swallow happily ... chirps,

The crane ... is buzzing,

Cuckoo ... cuckoo,

The nightingale ... clicks,

The lark ... is ringing

The goose cackles.

6. Speech therapist: Let's now try to quickly remember what we know about birds... I will begin to tell, and you end my sentences with the appropriate meaning. in words:

-Birds return from ....(warm countries).

-Birds built on trees a lot (nests).

For starlings, the guys do (birdhouses).

Into the nests birds will lay(eggs).

The eggs will hatch (chicks).

Rooks are looking in the ground (worms).

-Birds fly with. (wings).

-Birds, which returning from the south we call(flight) .

7. Phys. a minute:

Birds flew (wave your hands,

People were looking (head movements in different directions).

The birds sat down (sat down,

People marveled (got up, surprise gesture).

Sat down, sat down (squats,

We flew and sang (wave your arms).

8. Speech therapist: Tell me who is being displayed by the ones I have named birds?

Who are the cranes taking out? - ... cranes,

Rooks ... rook,

Starlings - ... grumble,

Geese. goslings,

Cuckoos - ... cuckoos,

Swans- ... swans.

9. Speech therapist: Well done! And now our palms will work again. I will slowly and clearly name the words-names birds, and you will show with claps how much syllables. (goose, le-bed, rook, ku-kush-ka, heron, las-toch-ka, squaw-rets ....)

10. Speech therapist: And now the game with ball: the one to whom the ball will fly must catch it and correct my proposal.

The worm ate a swallow.

The song was sung by the nightingale.

The goose is smaller than a sparrow.

A cuckoo lives in a birdhouse.

The furry caterpillar ate the starling.

11. Speech therapist: And now each of you will receive a picture. By connecting the dots, you can guess which bird is in your picture.

Children recognize by the contour of the resulting birds.

12. Speech therapist: We had a great time. Let's stand in a circle and in conclusion, from palm to palm, gently hand over a little bird to each other and with it a smile and good mood.

Lesson summary (preparatory speech therapy group).

Topic: "Sounds R-R, Letter" R ". Migratory birds".


  1. Development of auditory attention, phonemic analysis and synthesis.
  2. Revitalization vocabulary on topics: "Spring, migratory birds."
  3. The formation of the comparative degree of adjectives, compound words, antonyms.
  4. Formation of diminutive nouns.

Material for the lesson:

  • Firebird, sound houses, Flowers; cards with letters; apples (with back side- tongue twisters for reading).

Course of the lesson:

1. - Children, we have a guest from a fairy tale in class today. Guess his name. A speech therapist makes a riddle for children:

Sweet apple flavor
Lured that bird into the garden.
Feathers glow with fire
And it is light in the night, as in the day.

The Firebird has prepared for you Interesting games... Want to play with the Firebird? Then repeat after me magic words:

Ra - Ra - Ra - the game begins.
Ro-ro-ro - I have a pen in my hand.

The speech therapist detaches one feather from the Firebird attached to the board. On the back there is a task: cross out two identical letters.

Children sit at tables, cards are on the tables. The letters are written on them: R. B P E T S R. N T A P. Having crossed out the same letters, the children read the word: "Spring".

2. The speech therapist unfastens the second feather. It says: Correct the mistakes.

Development of auditory attention. Didactic game"Correct mistakes".

The speech therapist reads the text:

Spring has come. Streams murmur merrily, icicles are dripping from the rooftops - leaf fall (drops) has begun. The day is getting shorter (longer) and the nights are getting longer (shorter). Wintering (migratory) birds are returning. People have already taken care of the rooks (starlings) - they have made birdhouses. Insects wake up from winter sleep: flies, grandmothers (butterflies), bees. The first spring flowers are about to bloom - bells (snowdrops).

Tell me what happens to the sun in the spring? The sun shines brighter, warms, warms the earth.

What happens to the snow - it turns black, melts, streams appear.

What are the streams doing? Murmur.

What happens in nature? Birds return.

3. The speech therapist unfastens the third feather. It says: Compare the beginning of spring with the end.

Formation of the comparative degree of adjectives.

Children, do you think the forest is beautiful in winter? And in the spring, when the first leaves appear, what will it be? - more beautiful; curly forest - even curlier; dense forest - even more dense; the singing of birds is joyful - it will be - more joyful; The sun is bright - it will be brighter, the singing of birds is loud - it will be louder, loose snow - it will be looser. The air is transparent - it will be more transparent. Birds fly fast - they will be faster.

4. On the fourth feather it is written: Reading tongue twisters - getting to know the sounds.

The Firebird is very fond of apples, she decided to treat you too. The apples are unusual, magical. Read what is written on them. On the reverse side, tongue twisters are written, children read them:

a) On a neighbor, on a rook,
The rook shouted in a temper.

b) The rook was shouting, the rook was getting excited.

c) And the neighbor was not upset.

d) The starling has cut centipede centipede boots.

e) The starling will sew properly on time.

f) All forty tailored boots.

g) A pair of birds fluttered, fluttered, and fluttered.
The crow missed the funnel.
Three magpies were chattering on the hill.

What is the most pronounced sound? Sound "P" Characteristic of sound. (Consonant, voiced, solid). The sound "P" has a brother, the sound "p". (Consonant, sonorous, soft).

5. On the fifth feather it is written: Find the sound.

Didactic game "Sound houses".

Children determine the presence of sounds "R-Rb" in a word (beginning, middle, end of a word). The speech therapist names the words, the children determine the position of the sounds "R-R" in the word and put a bell in the corresponding window.

Words: Willow, Swift, thawed patches, starling, rook, lark, birdhouse, stream.

6. On the sixth feather it is written: Play with the birds.

What birds fly in the spring? Name.

In the name of which birds did you hear the sounds "R - R"?

a) Didactic game: "Name the chick."

  • Rook - rook rook;
  • swift - haircut - haircut;
  • crane - crane - cranes;
  • nestling starling.

b) Didactic game "Difficult words".

  • White chest - white-breasted;
  • long wings - long-winged;
  • short tail - short-tailed;
  • black eyes - black-eyed;
  • gray eyes - gray-eyed;
  • loud voice - loud voice;
  • variegated wings - variegated.

7. On the seventh feather it is written - transformation.

Children find themselves in a clearing and turn into spring. They say the magic words: Turn around yourself, turn into Spring. Children imagine themselves as a kind and gentle spring. They give gifts to nature: trees - foliage, meadows - grass and flowers.

Again, there is no peace for the streams - (they lead a round dance, go in a circle).
Day and night murmur in the bushes (they stop, depict waves with their hands).
The golden sun is walking (raise your hands up, make a semicircle with your hands).
V clean - clean heaven. (Children squat - get up).
Pours rays on the forest and meadow (make waves of hands).
And all the flowers around. (They show a flower above their head).

8. On the eighth feather is written: "Find a pair."

Flowers are laid out in the meadow. Words are written on them. Children read words and find a pair.

Didactic game "Say the opposite".

Enemy is a friend, evil is good, enmity is friendship, sadness is joy, cowardice is courage, laziness is diligence.

9. On the ninth feather is written: "Enchanted birds."

From the confused letters, children make up the names of birds.

10. On the tenth feather it is written: Guess what is the most expensive?

Children name pictures, highlight the first sound and form words. Then they write down all the words on the card. After writing down all the words, the children read the proverb: "Friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than wealth."

11. Lesson summary.

Come out, children to the meadow,
All stand in a circle.
Sun, sun shine
Illuminate us with a bright ray.

Children close their eyes and try to feel the warmth, then hold hands and transfer the warmth of their hands to each other.

Shabalina Svetlana Vitalievna,
teacher speech therapist,
MBDOU number 139,

In this lesson, you can consolidate children's ideas about migratory birds.

Fix the name of the birds, their external signs, structure, nutrition, habits, living conditions.

To systematize the knowledge of children about bird species, to exercise in the classification of migratory and wintering birds and the selection of an unnecessary object.

Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

Exercise in the formation of complex adjectives.

The development of constructive praxis in the drawing up of cut pictures.

Development of attention, memory, thinking.

To foster in children an interest in the feathered inhabitants of nature, a careful attitude towards them.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

« Kindergarten№147 "Smile" combined type "

v senior group children with OHP 5 - 6 years old

Topic: “Migratory birds. Spring."

Venue: Group "Fairy Tale"

Date: May 2012

Speech therapist: Afanasyeva


G. Cheboksary

year 2012

Abstract speech therapy classes

in the senior group No. 3 "Fairy Tale" of children with OHP

MBDOU "Kindergarten" №147 "Smile" combined type "

the city of Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic

Speech therapist Olga Afanasyeva

Topic of the lesson: Migratory birds. Spring.

Using ICT Training Presentation.


Strengthen children's ideas about migratory birds.

Fix the name of the birds, their external signs, structure, nutrition, habits, living conditions.

To systematize the knowledge of children about bird species, to exercise in the classification of migratory and wintering birds and the selection of an unnecessary object.

Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

Exercise in the formation of complex adjectives.

Development of constructive praxis in the drawing up of cut pictures.

Development of attention, memory, thinking.

To foster in children an interest in the feathered inhabitants of nature, a careful attitude towards them.

Equipment: Educational presentation "Migratory birds", Presentation of the game "The fourth extra", laptop, screen, projector, pictures of birds, cut pictures.

Literature: Kuznetsova E.V., Tikhonova Development and correction of speech of children 5-6 years old Moscow 2007; N.V. Nishcheva The system of corrective work in a speech therapy group for children with OHP. St. Petersburg 2001; Vokhrintseva S.V. The world... Birds. Didactic material.

Internet resources: Pictures: yandex.ru; Sounds of nature: viki.rdf.ru



Prior work:Acquaintance of children with migratory birds in the classroom of educators, reading fiction on the topic, guessing riddles about birds.

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

1-4 slides The long-awaited, warm, sunny spring has come. Migratory birds return from warm countries. They are also happy about spring.

5-7 slides They fly in flocks and scream. The birds are in a hurry, because in the spring they need to have time to build and renovate their houses, lay eggs, hatch them and hatch their offspring - chicks. And when the chicks hatch from the eggs, the parents - the birds will feed them, teach them to fly. And autumn will gather again in flocks and fly away to winter in warm countries.

Today we will continue our conversation about migratory birds.

2. Talk about birds with a presentation.

8-11 slides Rook. The very first black rooks come to us. They are the first messengers of spring. Rooks are large birds, covered with black feathers. They have a large, a little curved beak... Rooks build nests in trees. They feed on insects and seeds. Hear how they scream.

12-17 slides Crane. The crane is a large bird. The crane has a long neck, long beak, wide wings, long legs. There are gray and white cranes. Listen to the crane screaming as it stretches its long neck. Here is a family of cranes: dad, mom and their chick. Look at the crane's nest. Whose nest is this? - Crane's nest.

18-21 slides Stork. It looks like a crane. The stork is also a large bird. Feathers white, along the edge of the wings are black. The beak is long, sharp, red. The wings are wide, long, with a large span. The tail is meek, wide, Paws are long, thin, powerful. The stork feeds on frogs, fish, insects and plant foods. Look at the stork's nest with chicks. Hear what sounds they make. Whose nest is this? - Stork's nest.

22-25 slides Tsaplya. The heron is a large bird. She lives by water bodies. The heron has a large body, long, powerful beak, long legs. See how she walks importantly on the water and listen to how she screams. There are herons with white and gray plumage. The heron feeds on frogs, fish, insects and plants. The heron can stand for a long time, and even sleep on one leg. Let's try to stand like a heron.

Exercise statistical "Heron".

Children stand on one leg, bending the other at the knee, hands on the belt. Then they change the leg.

26-31 slides Swan. It is a proud, graceful medium-sized bird. The swan has a long, curved neck. The beak is flat and strong. Swans come in white and black. The legs of the swan are short, with membranes. The swan is a waterfowl that lives on lakes, ponds and rivers. It feeds on fish, algae and small crustaceans.

32-37 slides Starling. Bird small size... Feathers are black with a purple tint and white specks. The starling's beak is powerful. On the head is a black crest. A starling lives in a birdhouse. The starling feeds on beetles, caterpillars, butterflies and other insects.

38-40 slides Nightingale. The nightingale is a small, grayish, inconspicuous bird. But the nightingale sings beautifully, you will listen. Listen to the song of the nightingale. The nightingale lives in the nest. It feeds on insects.

41-44 slides Cuckoo. The cuckoo is a small gray, motley bird. The cuckoo lives alone. He throws his eggs into other people's nests. And other birds feed the cuckoos. Hear the cuckoo cuckoo.

45-50 slides Goldfinch. Goldfinch is a motley little bird. On the head there are red, white and black spots. The chest is light, the back is brown. On the wings there are black and yellow feathers. The goldfinch feeds on insects. Hear how the goldfinch sings. The goldfinch lives in the nest.

51-55 slides Swallow. The swallow is a small bird. The swallows are the last to arrive, when it gets warm and insects appear. The back, wings, head are covered with dark feathers, white feathers on the belly. The tail of the swallow is long, bifurcated. The voice is low, listen to how the swallows are screaming. Swallows are urban, rural and coastal. A swallow lives in a nest. Most of the time, swallows fly in the air in pursuit of prey. Catches mosquitoes, midges, flies, small insects.

56-59 slides Strizh. The little bird looks like a swallow. The plumage of the swift is grayish. The tail is shorter than that of a swallow, also bifurcated. Swifts feed on insects. Hear how the swifts sing.

60-63 slides Lark. Small gray bird... The lark flies high. The trills of a lark can be heard early in the morning. Hear the lark sing.

3. Physical education.

Outdoor game "Swallows flew"Coordination of speech with movement.

4. The game “What? Which?" The formation of complex adjectives.

The guys from Cape you met with migratory birds. They are very beautiful and different. Tell me what you can call a stork if it has a long beak.

What stork? - Long-billed.

The stork has a red beak - red-billed.

Rook has black eyes - black-eyed.

The Swan has a long neck - long-necked.

The crane has wide wings - wide-winged.

The Heron has long legs - long-legged.

The Swan has short legs - short-footed.

5. The game "Migratory or wintering"

On the table are pictures of different birds. Children are encouraged to choose only migratory birds. Then the children are encouraged to transform into selected birds and fly.Movable pause.

6. Physical education.

Birds jump, fly. Children are jumping

The birds collect the crumbs. "Peck"

The feathers were cleaned depict,

The beaks were cleaned.

Birds fly, sing waving their hands

The grains are pecking. They squat and peck.

7. The game "The fourth extra?" Presentation.

Images of different birds are shown on the slides, and the children choose an extra object and verbally justify their choice.

Pigeon , swallow, starling, cuckoo. Who is superfluous? - a dove, as he is a wintering bird.

Crow, sparrow, dove, starling.

Nightingale, lark, sparrow, swallow.

Magpie, rook , bullfinch, tit.

Swan, heron, pigeon, stork.

8. Game "Assemble the cut picture"

Each child is given envelopes with cut pictures depicting birds. In the course of the assignment, the names of the birds are fixed with the children.

9. The result of the lesson.

Who are we talking about today? What birds come to us in the spring from warm countries? Birds are of great benefit in nature. They eat harmful insects. Therefore, birds need to be protected. In winter, we fed the birds. And in summer, birds can find their own food. Birds cannot be frightened, offended, and nests cannot be ruined.

Objective: To consolidate knowledge about migratory birds.



  • clarification and expansion of the dictionary on the topic "Migratory birds";
  • fixing the names of migratory birds in speech;
  • Selection of adjectives for nouns, gender agreement;
  • Selection of verbs for nouns, agreement in gender and number;
  • consolidation of the skills of sound-syllabic analysis;
  • consolidation of the generalizing concept "Migratory birds";


  • development of skills for synthesizing words from syllables;
  • development of coherent speech of children: the ability to compose a story according to supporting schemes;
  • development of general and fine motor skills, coordination of speech and movements;
  • development of visual - figurative perception;


  • education of the ability to interact with each other;
  • fostering respect for nature native land, birds.

Lesson content:

I.Organizing time.

Hello, today we have a speech therapy lesson. Look at our guests, say hello to them, say hello to each other:

Hello hello,

Don't yawn and give me your hands (take each other's hands)

Together with the sun we rise (hands up)

We sing with the birds (flap our arms - wings)

WITH Good morning! (rhythmic claps)

Happy clear day! (steps in place)

This is how gloriously we live! (show thumbs of both hands).

II.Introduction to the topic. Guys, what year are we? 2017. And what year was it announced by the decree of the President of Russia?

2017 has been declared the year of ecology in Russia.

ECOLOGY is the science of what surrounds us (forests, rivers, mountains, animals, birds) and how we should relate to them. Today we will try to learn more about the representatives of our environment.

III.Main part.

  1. Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Listen to the riddle:

Comes before summer

Brings a lot of light

Under the snow the water

Releases to freedom (spring).

Speech therapist:What signs of spring do you know?

(pictures with signs - on the slide)

Students: The sun is shining brighter, it is getting warmer, the snow is melting, thawed patches appear, ice breaks on the rivers, buds bloom on the trees, the first flowers appear, wild animals of the forest wake up.

Speech therapist:What sounds do we hear in spring? (audio files with the murmur of the brook, the voices of birds).

Speech therapist:What sounds did you like the most?

Students: The voices of the birds.

Speech therapist: Guys, another sign of spring is the arrival of birds from hot countries.

Today we will talk about migratory birds, we will try to learn more about them. You have pictures of birds on your tables; at the end of the lesson, you will show me one of the pictures. If you liked the lesson, you learned something new - show a joyful bird, if you were not interested, something did not work out for you - show a sad bird. Let's start our lesson.

Speech therapist:As we have already noted, in the spring, birds from warm regions return to us to breed chicks here. Guys! Why do you think they were called migratory? (students' answers).

  1. Refinement and expansion of the vocabulary.

Let's take a look at the slide and check which migratory birds you know and which you don't.

On image slides bird-starling, swallow, lark, crane, cuckoo, swan, goose, ducks.

  1. Syllabic analysis.

Speech therapist:I think you saw these birds more often than others. Oh guys, trouble!

A playful spring breeze blew and scattered the syllables in the names of some birds, you need to fix this, collect words from the syllables (on the slide).

  1. Sound-syllable analysis.

Do you know these birds? (oriole, lapwing, heron, stork, finch, robin, swift, nightingale). Pick one bird and let's do sound analysis the names of this bird .

5. Game "The fourth extra". On the cards are images of four birds, one of them is superfluous. Students should name one bird and explain why it is superfluous.

6. Didactic game - pick up signs for the words - the names of birds.

Speech therapist:We have seen many pictures of birds and now you yourself will tell about birds - what are they?

For example, a chaffinch (what?) Is slender, elegant, singing.

Oriole (what?) -Yellow, bright, colorful

Swan (what?) - white, large, noble

Rook (what?) - black, important, with shiny wings

Nightingale (what?) - small, inconspicuous, vociferous.

Cuckoo (what?) - motley, cunning, insidious.

7. Didactic game "Difficult words".

Speech therapist: Guys, if a heron has a sharp beak, then this is ... (sharp-billed heron).

If a crane has long legs, then it is ... (long-legged crane).

If a swallow has fast wings, then this is ... (swallow-winged swallow).

If a nightingale has a voiced voice, then this is ... (voiced nightingale)

Physical education "Swans".

Swans fly, flap their wings,

Bowed over the water

They shake their head.

Straight, proudly they know how to hold on

And they sit down silently on the water.

Wave your hands;

Lean forward, arms out to the sides,

Slowly turn your head to the right - to the left

Straighten your torso, bend your back, take your arms back;

Sit down.

8.Speech therapist: Let's continue our game and we need to choose action words for each bird.

The swallow (what is it doing?) - flies, chirps, catches midges.

A swan (what is it doing?) - swims, flaps its wings, flies.

The heron (what is it doing?) - stands on one leg, walks, eats frogs.

Flycatcher (what is it doing?) - sits on a branch, flies, catches flies.

Cuckoo - flies, lays its eggs in other people's nests.

9. Didactic game "Who gives a voice".

Speech therapist: Guys, we know that many birds sing very beautifully. But the voices of different birds are heard differently... Let's figure it out together.

On the board there is a picture with a picture of a bird, on the speech therapist's table there are cards with words. After listening to the voices of birds, pick up a card and attach it to the image of the bird.

Finger gymnastics "Hello, golden sun".

Writing sentences in a notebook.

The cuckoo - cuckoo, the swallow - chirps, the starling - sings,

the crane is chuckling, the duck is quacking, the goose is cackling.

10. Game "Who eats what?"

Speech therapist:Guys! Do you like birds? Why do you love birds?

Students' answers: Because they are beautiful. For singing.

11.Speech therapist: Do you know how birds benefit us? What do birds eat? (students' answers).

- Well done! And now we are going to play the game "Who eats what?" Pictures will help you. I will call the bird, and you must say in full sentence what they eat.

The rook feeds on worms, the crane feeds on fish, the starling feeds on beetles, the swallow feeds on mosquitoes, the cuckoo feeds on caterpillars, the flycatcher feeds on flies.

Speech therapist:- Well done! You know what our birds eat! They bring us great benefits, protect our forests and gardens from pests. How should you and I treat our feathered friends? (students' answers).

We must make birdhouses for them, not destroy bird nests, not throw stones at them.

Speech therapist: International Bird Day has been celebrated annually on April 1 since 1906, when the International Convention for the Conservation of Birds was signed.

Holiday of the Lark Old Slavic Larks holiday celebrated on March 22 - the day of the vernal equinox. It was believed that on this day they return to their homeland. larks, and other migratory birds fly after them. Upon arrival of the larks, they determined when to plow and start other spring work.

12. Development of coherent speech.

Speech therapist:We have learned a lot about migratory birds. Try talking about one of the migratory birds. The pictures on the table and the key words on the slide will help you.

1.Grey crane - departs in August. 2. Arrives in March or April. 3. Lives in swampy forests. 4. It feeds on berries, insects and their larvae. 5. In our country, the gray crane is protected in dozens of nature reserves and national parks, including the Belozersky reserve of the Gafuri region.

The result of the lesson.

I think you have learned a lot about birds today, and you will take good care of them not only in the year of ecology, but always.

Reflection.Check your mood with pictures of birds.

Self-study task: coloring pages with migratory birds.


Correctional - educational:

  • learn to form related words;
  • teach to conduct sound-letter analysis of words;

Correctional and developmental:

Correctional - educational:

  • develop self-esteem skills;
  • to consolidate knowledge about the environment and foster a caring attitude towards its inhabitants;

Course of the lesson:

Organizing time.

First option:

Speech therapist: Guys, look what a sunny and wonderful day today. What time of year is outside the window? Lead children to the correct answer to the question.

Let's take a deep breath of spring Fresh air.

Work on breathing: inhalation through the nose, long exhalation through the mouth ...

Second option:

Speech therapist: Guys, today it is raining outside, unfortunately. But, as you know, nature does not have bad weather. What time of year is outside the window? Lead children to the correct answer to the question. Very often you can hear from people that the air smells like spring. Let's breathe deep spring fresh air.

Work on breathing: inhale through the nose, exhale for a long time through the mouth ...

The teacher makes a guess for children riddle:

Dreams of a spider at night

Miracle - yudo on a bitch:

Long beak and two wings.

Arrives - it's bad!

Who is the spider afraid of?

Have you guessed? It's ... a bird.

Speech therapist: Today we will talk about spring and migratory birds. What migratory birds do you know? Children call birds of passage.

Game "Pick a sign".

Guys, look closely at the birds, tell me what body parts the birds have. Lead children to the correct answer to the question.

1. Speech therapist: Now let's divide the names of body parts of birds into syllables, but first let's remember what syllables are. How do we divide words into syllables? Children remember and pronounce the rule.

2. Speech therapist: Look closely at the birds. How do birds differ from each other? Lead children to the correct answer to the question.

Children call features birds.

Then the teacher focuses the children’s attention on the illustrations that are on the chalkboard. There is one wintering bird among the migratory birds.

Speech therapist: Guys, don't you notice anything strange? Lead children to the correct answer to the question. So what kind of bird is this? (Superfluous) That's right, because the wintering birds have long since flown away.

The teacher removes a picture of a wintering bird from the board.

Exercise for the eyes.

3. The game "The fourth extra".

Physical minutes (video).

Speech therapist: Guys, what migratory birds come to us the very first, as soon as the snow begins to melt. And it is also generally accepted that these birds are the most friendly of all migratory birds. Lead children to the correct answer to the question. Of course they are rooks.

4. Sound-letter analysis of the word GRACH.

5. Speech therapist: I suggest you make a proposal for a ready-made scheme... Be careful.

Children make up a proposal for the scheme. Analysis of the proposal.

6. Speech therapist: Sometimes, when we walk on the street or just watch the birds through the window, we involuntarily begin to count them. I also suggest you count the birds.

The game "Count - ka".

7. Logic puzzles:

Which is more - wings or birds?

Which is more - feathers or wings?

What are more beaks or tails?

8. Game "Correct the sentence":

The worm pecked at the starling.

The song was sung by the nightingale.

The caterpillar ate the cuckoo.

Birds incubate chicks and then lay eggs.

In spring, migratory birds fly south.

As on white in the snow

Swallows are freezing in a blizzard…. Does it happen or not?

9. Speech therapist: Tell me, how do we help the birds? Lead children to the correct answer to the question. I want you not to forget about it. Let us lay out a sentence with you from the letters: BIRDS ARE OUR FRIENDS. Finger gymnastics.

(Music by P. Tchaikovsky sounds. Seasons. April).

Teamwork. Children, agreeing with each other, lay out a proposal.

10. Lesson summary:

- What and who did we talk about today?

- What did you like the most in the lesson?