Secret circular (5 photos). Alien ship disasters Sensational revelations of an American astronaut

In the White House, on Capitol Hill, in the Pentagon and at CIA headquarters in Langley, copies of a secret circular drawn up by the administration of the English radio astronomy observatory "Jordell Bank" are stored. Naturally, the original of this document is located in Downing Street.

It is about an alien spacecraft currently about 85 times farther from the Sun than Pluto that appears to be having engine problems and is sending distress calls from its crew. According to the staff of the UN Security Council Manuel ze Costa, this spacecraft will reach the Earth's environs in a little over 34 years.

Mr. ze Costa is familiar with the excerpts from the circular, the full text of which occupies four hundred pages.

The message in the secret circular is not addressed specifically to our humanity, about which the ship's inhabitants almost certainly know nothing. They send their SOS in the hope that the star they are flying to has at least one planet where there is a technological civilization that can help troubleshoot.

Where did he come from

It is assumed that the ship was launched from one of the planets of the star closest to us - Proxima Centauri. The message does not indicate whether they are from this planet, or whether the ship visited it during the expedition in our direction from deep space.

What is said in the message of aliens from the ship?

If the terrestrial decryptions understood everything correctly, then in a regularly repeated message, the duration of which is 57.3 minutes (wow - they met the Earth hour!), It is indicated that due to a serious engine failure, the ship is deprived of the ability to maneuver. It flies at a constant speed to the Sun, but will not become its satellite, but, having described an arc around our luminary, it will rush off into the abyss of space, where it will inevitably die.

When to expect aliens near the Earth?

The observatory staff calculated that the ship will pass, by space standards, very close to the Earth - at a distance of 106 thousand kilometers, and this will happen at the end of August 2036. The secret document assumes that it can even be distinguished with the naked eye in the form of a faint star in area of ​​the constellation Orion.

How we can help save the ship from falling into the sun

The authors of the circular believe that earthlings may well be able to help aliens in distress by sending a spacecraft to the ship, which will first dock to it, and then, due to its own rocket thrust, will reduce its speed and prevent it from flying away to meet its death. After that, it will be possible to start repairing the ship, as it is written in the secret Pentagon circular, either by landing it on Earth, or directly in orbit. But on Earth it is more reliable - it is easier to find the right materials.

What humanity wants to get from this contact

If this succeeds, then we may be enriched with new knowledge received from aliens, as it is written in a secret circular.

A few days ago, a new video appeared on the paranormal YouTube channel secureteam10, entitled "Something crashed in Antarctica".

On Google Earth maps, channel researchers found a very even and long track in the snow, in the middle of a virgin and untouched snow expanse. When they traced where the trail ends, they found an unusual object.

The most interesting thing is that this "fallen alien ship" (as it is supposed) does not look like a familiar disk-shaped UFO, but rather like a submarine half-buried in the snow.

It is reported that these traces on the maps may have appeared as early as 2011. Apparently, this mysterious catastrophe happened at the same time. Recall that the Google Earth project itself was released in 2001.

This video has been viewed by over a million users in 4 days. The coordinates of the unusual place are 54°39"44.62"S 36°11"42.47"W.

In addition to the "brake" track in the snow and the object itself, traces of what is likely a collision of a falling ship with a mountain were found. On the slope of this mountain, the same even traces were noticed as on the snow cover, and at its foot there are pieces of ice and snow heaps that fell down the mountain from the collision.

There is a lot of speculation in the comments on the video about what it could be. It is often written that this is a snow landslide. But with all the skepticism, this does not look like a landslide at all, since the traces are not at all like those that can be left by rolling snow or ice. The tracks are too smooth and look like what a big car would leave behind.

The unidentified object itself is really large, 63 meters long.

Among the many versions, one completely unexpected was put forward. The user made the assumption that the pictures lost Malaysian Boeing flight MH370 Kuala Lumpur - Beijing, disappeared in March 2014.

This version, by the way, back in 2015 was put forward New Zealand Herald journalists. Experts, after analyzing satellite data, decided that the plane, for an unknown reason, headed towards Antarctica, a continent located in the very south of the Earth.

After the connection with the board was lost, the aircraft remained in the air for several more hours. Experts found that during this time the airliner made three maneuvers. First, the plane turned west, and then flew south - towards Antarctica.

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On the evening of July 2, 1947, a disc-shaped luminous object flew over the town of Roswell, New Mexico. 20 miles from the city, he fell, crashing to the ground. A local farmer, William Brazel, discovered strange fragments of some kind of apparatus near his ranch in the morning, which he reported to Sheriff Wilcox, who then contacted the Roswell air base.

This year marks the 68th anniversary of the mysterious incident near Roswell. Despite such a long period, the controversy surrounding it has not subsided so far. The fall of a UFO in 1947 near the city of Roswell, and everything connected with this story, is called the "Roswell Incident". Versions of this incident were very different, including even the version of the panic organized by Moscow among the Americans. It is rather strange that this very "incident" occurred on the eve of the Independence Day of the United States. And if they were actually aliens, then were they really in a hurry to catch this holiday? So, what is it - fact or fiction, was a UFO or not?

I. How it was

Sensational revelations of an American astronaut

Few people know that one of NASA's experiments was devoted to telepathic communication. Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who was going to the Moon, was involved in this experiment, who was supposed to send telepathic signals to psychics from there to Earth. Secretly from the rest of the crew, he sent telepathic messages to Earth in the form of groups of numbers. According to the astronaut, the experiment went well. The choice fell on Mitchell not by chance: he has long been fond of parapsychology. After traveling to the moon, Mitchell returned to Earth a completely different person. He retired from NASA and founded his own institute to study the hidden abilities of people.

But the famous astronaut had other hobbies. In July 2007, many media published the sensational revelations of Edgar Mitchell. The former astronaut, now a Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering, PhD in Aeronautics and Astronautics, said: "I was lucky enough to touch the fact that our planet was visited by aliens, and that UFOs are a reality," the astronaut said. "Our governments carefully they hid all this, but, as they say, you can't hide an awl in a sack!" According to Mitchell, they really exist, and moreover, they are similar to us. So, the Roswell incident was the reason for such a sensational confession."

Edgar Dean Mitchell was born in September 1930 in the city of Roswell, in the same Roswell over which a UFO crashed in 1947. There he spent his childhood. And after he flew to the moon, the inhabitants of Roswell began to show not only sympathy for Edgar, but also to trust him. These people were not afraid to tell Mitchell the whole truth about the UFO - after all, they were the eyewitnesses of this incident. And in such a revelation there was a certain risk - literally all eyewitnesses were bound by obligations not to disclose what they saw and what they know. It must be said that those long-standing obligations turned out to be so serious that most of these people decided on revelations only before their death.

Convinced of the complete authenticity of the incredible event of 1947, Mitchell went straight to the Pentagon. The doors of this serious department were always open for the famous astronaut, and he asked to be accepted into the intelligence committee at the main headquarters. Mitchell recalls: “There I met with a certain admiral, whom I told about what I knew. The admiral confirmed that, in Roswell, there really was a UFO disaster. It was an alien aircraft. But, as my interlocutor said, I had better remain ignorant of it." This short conversation took place in the late 90s - Mitchell then wanted to ensure that the truth about the events of 1947 finally became public. But then nothing came of it. The name of Admiral Mitchell did not name, saying: "I do not think that I have the right to do so ...".

The initiator of such extreme secrecy was President Truman, at his direction a special committee was created, consisting of representatives of the CIA and high-ranking military officers. The National Security Law was also issued, which indicated the need to classify any information about UFOs. This law is still in effect today.

When Bill Clinton began running for president, he sent his representative, Brigadier General Barry Goldwater, to the Select Committee to get all the information about the Roswell incident. However, the general returned with nothing. Neither did Presidents Ford and Carter.

Before death, people are more frank

Thanks to Walter Hout, public relations officer at Roswell Air Force Base, the details of the UFO crash near Roswell became known. Walter Hout died on December 15, 2005, at the age of 84. Three years before his death, he notarized that he personally saw three dead aliens and one alive, but seriously wounded. In accordance with the will, everything that Walter Hout said was made public. At the end of the text there is a postscript that everything written is the absolute truth.

Here are excerpts from the text itself: “I became aware of the apparatus that had crashed to the ground and its fragments on the morning of July 7, 1947. The next day, Colonel Blanchard personally took me to building No. 84 (hangar R-3). Even on the approach, I saw that it is heavily guarded inside and out. Inside, I was allowed to look from a safe distance at an object that had just been picked up north of the city. It was about 3.5 - 4.5 meters long, not very wide, about 1.8 meters high and had more or less egg-shaped. The lighting was bad, but its surface seemed to be metallic. I didn't see any windows, portholes, wings, tails, or landing gear. I also saw a couple of corpses under a tarpaulin. Only heads were sticking out from under it, and I didn't I was able to make out the features of their faces. Their heads were larger than a normal person's, and the outlines of the bodies under the tarpaulin were the size of 10-year-old children. Later, Blanchard, in his office, raised his hand about 1.2 meters above the floor, showing their height. I was told what to store These bodies were placed in a temporary mortuary and that the wreckage was not "hot" (radioactive)."

Astronaut Gordon Cooper shared his memories of the events in Roswell: “The first time I saw a UFO was in the early 1950s, when I served in the German Air Force. In those years, Russian MiG-15s often flew over our base. Once our link was alerted to intercept "We climbed 15 thousand meters - this is our ceiling. But these devices flew in formation much higher and faster than us. They were disks, the bodies of which were cast with a metallic sheen."
Later, in 1957, Cooper served in California at Edwards Air Force Base as a test pilot. There he had a chance to observe how it hovered nearby, and then released three supports and landed on the bottom of a dried-up lake, a disk with a diameter of 10 meters. According to Cooper, the operators working at the base filmed what was happening. "It was a classic" plate " - smooth, sparkling with silver - a real alien ship. It flew away when we ran closer. The operators filmed it all. I even saw the developed film - everything turned out! By order of the command, the "plate" was sent to Washington, where she disappeared." Subsequently, Cooper repeatedly requested the film, but all was in vain. There was only one conclusion: the US government carefully hides all information about aliens.

declassified taboo

In favor of the fact that the fall of the UFO still happened, says the taboo removed by the Indians on what they then knew. It turns out that in that distant summer of 1947, the Indians managed to find and leave the wounded space alien. Their reservation at that time was located near Roswell. All these years, the Indians who lived there observed the strictest taboo imposed on everything related to the alien coming. The German ufologist Michael Hesemann "helped" them to remove this taboo. It was to him that the Indians entrusted their secret about both the UFO crash and the sensational meeting with an alien alien. According to the elders, in the summer of 1947 there were three disasters. In early June 1947, the first of the objects crashed near Socorro, in July the next accident occurred near Roswell, and then a third UFO crashed in the Four Corners area.

Michael Hesemann received the most sensational information from Robert Morningskaya. He relayed his grandfather's story about a meeting with a space alien. Dying, the old man asked to pass this story to kind people. This kind person turned out to be Michael. It happened in August 1947, a month after the accident near Roswell. Robert's grandfather, then a young man, along with his friends noticed a glowing ball, which, in their opinion, fell nearby. They went in search of him, and they arrived at the crash site of the spacecraft before the military. Next to him they saw a wounded alien and took him with them. From time to time he regained consciousness and suggested how and with what to treat him. A few months later he made a full recovery. During this time, the military dropped in on the Indians on the reservation several times, but there was already a taboo. Naturally, no one knew anything about the alien alien.

It must be said that the saved guest mastered the earthly language fantastically quickly. One day he showed some crystal-like object of green color. As it turned out, it was a kind of movie projector, only from some science fiction movie. The alien pointed the crystal at a flat wall, and it displayed what he projected. It was a real movie - maybe 10 episodes, maybe even more. He talked about his distant planet, about life on it, and about many, many other things. So, for example, life expectancy in their world is several thousand years. "Crystal" also told about many other things, including what earthlings are like. The history of our planet and the creatures that live on it turned out to be downright stunning. It does not fit into Darwin's theory or into any other doctrine.

According to the alien version, earthlings were created by some alien intelligence for the same purpose with which we now create robots for ourselves. The only difference is that humanity was created by them on a genetic basis. In other words, the Earth was intended as a transshipment base, and its sparse population - as technical personnel, servants. And so that humanity does not get out of control, a person every hundred years had to grow old and die, leaving behind offspring. But the unexpected happened: humanity escaped the scope of the experiment and created its own, independent civilization. True, life expectancy remained at the same level. Why do we have such a short time frame? As you know, centenarians have every chance to increase their intelligence and get out of control. And this, for sure, was not included in the plans of the cosmic sowers of earthly life.

Is it worth unconditionally believing the story of an alien, and even his Indian interlocutor? Can Morningskaya himself be trusted? It may not be necessary to believe, but it would probably not hurt to take it into service as information for reflection. After all, there is something to compare all this with: we do not stand on ceremony with guinea pigs, rats, guinea pigs, conducting certain experiments ...

II. alien technology

Microchips, fiber optic networks, lasers and more have become everyday items these days, but the seeds from which it all sprouted were found at the crash site of this alien ship.

The secret of General Corso

In 1947, while still a young officer at Fort Riley, Corso first saw the body of an unknown creature. In 1961, he was appointed head of the Foreign Technology Division at the Pentagon. It was then that Philippe Corso had to start studying the documents relating to the "Roswell Incident". From them it followed that the crew of the crashed alien ship consisted of cloned creatures, and later a breakthrough in the field of the latest technologies followed. All this is explained by the results of the study of this alien object. In addition, in the list of organizations where this object was transferred for research and study, there are several companies whose success in the field of teleportation is more than obvious. This phenomenon, if you can call it that, has turned from the realm of fantasy into reality. In addition to documents, Corso also had a number of fragments of a "flying saucer" at his disposal.

From the once secret reports it followed that in 1947 the 509th air regiment of the American air base was stationed near the city of Roswell. On the night of July 1, strange dots suddenly appeared on the radar screen, which swept at an incredible speed for an aircraft. The radar was checked - it turned out to be serviceable, which meant only one thing: something unusual appeared in the sky. Reconnaissance flights yielded nothing. And on the evening of July 4, as soon as a thunderstorm began, strange dots on the radar screens suddenly began to pulsate. After that, a clearly visible target quickly flashed on the screen. It was seen how an unidentified object flew into a thundercloud, and then disappeared from the screen. It looked more like he had crashed. What was happening was a matter of national security, and therefore, it was necessary to urgently locate the object, and, if possible, deliver it to the base. Then all those present were convinced that this was an enemy aircraft that had crossed the border for reconnaissance purposes.

But it was observed not only by the military - archaeologists who were studying the settlements of the Indians saw and heard the fall of some kind of air object. Seeing the smoking place of the accident, they reported it on the radio to the sheriff. He, in turn, organized the departure of firefighters to the scene. At about 4.30 am, two cars - a police car and a fire engine - were already moving towards the crash site. The military also hurried there, having received orders to protect this place, as well as to prevent information leakage. They got there by helicopter first. It was difficult to call what they saw an airplane. It was a structure in the form of a huge dark-colored plate. It looked almost intact. In the headlights, it was clear that the ship had a deltoid shape with rounded corners, like those of a shell. There were some small dark gray figures lying next to the mysterious object.

One of these creatures writhed on the ground, the other tried to climb a sandy hill, but the sand crumbled under it and it slid down again and again to its foot. Before the officer could say anything, the soldiers unloaded their weapons on him. The creature collapsed into the sand. The surviving creature was no bigger than a child, with a large head. Large black eyes gleamed in his grey-brown face, and his mouth was like a small slit. The creature did not make a sound, but everything showed that it was dying.

From the memoirs of General Philippe Corso: "The catastrophe of an extraterrestrial ship near Roswell really happened and there is no getting away from this fact. As an intelligence officer, I knew many sensational secrets. But this secret should be specially mentioned. This is the Roswell dossier, as well as a secret repository of debris recovered from a flying disk that crashed near the city of Roswell. In 1947, this event was very tightly covered even from the military. You can easily understand why - the whole country would then have hit an indescribable panic. Needless to say, what the military initially believed that the ship is Moscow's new experimental weapon.

The photographs showed the creature about 4 feet tall. His body looks decomposed. According to medical reports, the creature's skin, bones, and organs are different from ours. The heart and lungs are larger than those of a human. Bones are thinner, but stronger due to a different chemical composition from ours. The skin also has a different composition of elements, which, apparently, has as its goal the protection of vital internal organs from cosmic rays, wave action or gravity forces.

Gifts for earthlings

Night vision devices were the first of the alien technologies to be explored. The first American prototypes were produced already in 1963. They were tested in Vietnam and in some European countries. Along with this, records of some microcircuits were transferred to the Bell company. Subsequently, the first transistor was created in her laboratories. And soon "Bell" began to develop and produce what is now called personal computers. This technology has developed by leaps and bounds.

Another extraterrestrial technology was the "flashlight" of aliens, cutting both metal and flesh. It was on the basis of this flashlight that the first operating laser was designed in 1960, capable of shooting down any satellites and warheads.

Lightguide fibers picked up from the crash site were clearly linked to the ship's controls in some way. In 1947, only conjectures were built about their appointment, but when the scientists of the Bell Laboratory began their study, everything became clear. It was possible to transmit not only light, but also sound signals encoded by light pulses, as well as any other information, through optical fibers. There were rumors that the technology of stealth aircraft "Stealth" used Roswell technology.

The development of the first American aircraft, called "X-33" began in 1996. Two engines of a fundamentally new design allowed him to exceed the speed of sound by 15 times!

And the principle of operation of some devices from a crashed alien ship is still not understood. For example, a high-energy microwave amplifier is capable of dividing solids into individual molecules and atoms. American physicist Robert Scott Lazar, who apparently studied this UFO, said that alien reconnaissance ships can reach speeds of up to 22,000 miles per second in autonomous mode. He hopes that in the near future NASA will be able to get a new spacecraft capable of traveling great distances.

Hello! My name is Vladimir Raichev and I am glad to welcome you on the pages of my blog. Recently, I came across one very interesting version, which considers the fall of the Tunguska meteorite from a slightly different angle, from a fantastic or something.

I got interested and decided to write a blog post about it. I just really care what my readers think about it. Therefore, I am waiting for your comments on the article, but for now I will try to tell you a fantastic version of what happened.

Many have probably heard or read about an unusual phenomenon that happened in our country more than a hundred years ago, in 1908, when in the East Siberian taiga, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba small river Podkamennaya Tunguska, a huge cosmic body fell from the sky, and an explosion was unprecedented at that time power comparable to nuclear.

The impact was so strong that within a radius of several tens of kilometers from the site of the explosion, huge trees were uprooted or knocked down with their tops to its epicenter.

The shock wave was so powerful that it circled the Earth more than twenty times. This fact was recorded by all (!) seismic stations of the planet that existed at that time. And for a century now, scientists have been arguing about what it was: a collision with a comet, a meteorite fall, or something else. Among the many versions, there is one such as the catastrophe of an alien spacecraft.

Let's talk about the evidence of the fall of an alien ship

A lot speaks in its favor, and above all - the place where the “surprise from outer space” fell. Indeed, if it had fallen not in the dense taiga, but on the territory of a densely populated European country, in some large city, then not only this city, but also a significant part of the rest of the territory would have been simply wiped off the face of the earth along with the population.

After all, the area affected by the fall of the Tunguska meteorite exceeds the area of ​​several European countries.

Therefore, it is likely that the aliens, realizing the grandeur of the consequences of the catastrophe for the inhabitants of our planet, tried to take their dying ship away from the center of civilization, to a deserted, uninhabited and hard-to-reach place in order to avoid victims among earthlings.

It seems incredible, but only one person died in the explosion: a local ranger, who was crushed by a fallen tree. It is possible that alien travelers also died, but there is no data on this, just as there is no direct evidence that it really was a spaceship.

Where are the crash marks?

Meanwhile, the absence of traces of the crash of a technical object can also serve as evidence that the fellow aliens tried to remove all the material evidence of the accident. For this, they had a sufficiently large margin of time: it took our scientists about two years to reach the place where the celestial body fell, and the aliens had the opportunity to destroy them.

It is not surprising that neither the first nor subsequent expeditions found any traces of the catastrophe, except for trees felled in a certain way.

It is unlikely that the fact that a huge cosmic body fell precisely in the remote Siberian taiga, without causing serious consequences to people, was a coincidence. It is much more likely that the process took place under the control of sentient beings. They managed in this way to save the Earth and its inhabitants from a global catastrophe.

To be honest, the whole version is based only on the fact that no one was hurt from the fall of a celestial body. Or maybe it's just a happy accident, which did not happen in the case of the Chelyabinsk meteorite? What do you think, dear reader?

That's all I have, waiting for your comments. Do not forget to subscribe to blog updates, one of these days I will tell you another fantastic story. Share this article with your friends on social networks - the more opinions, the closer the truth. Until we meet again, bye bye.

However, over the past 70 years, neither the military nor ufologists have been able to agree on an unambiguous opinion - whether there was an alien ship in fact or not. And what is it - an outright fiction or concealment of some super-secret?

So what is known about the so-called Roswell incident, during which our planet, and in particular the territory of America, was visited by shipwrecked aliens? One of the main characters of this story is a local farmer, William Brazel, who heard a sound resembling an explosion at night and saw a powerful flash of light in the sky. One would assume that old William drank a hefty dose of whiskey on the eve of Independence Day and imagined everything during a severe thunderstorm that happened at that time.

But the next day, going in search of his sheep, he discovered nearby the wreckage of some kind of aircraft, or weather balloon. The farmer reported to the local sheriff, who alerted the military at a nearby airbase. A certain Colonel William Blanchard, after analyzing the situation, ordered a statement to be published in local newspapers, the essence of which was that a certain flying disk had indeed been discovered, which had been delivered to Roswell Air Force Base.

However, a few days later, the US military hastened to disown this statement and through the mouth of General Reimi reported that in this region a meteorological balloon had just crashed. After that, the farmer stopped communicating with the press at all, and the lack of the Internet and communications in those days completely excluded the receipt of any information - by definition, selfies against the background of the “plate” could not appear. The Americans were content with the official statement, and soon the incident that took place on Independence Day in Roswell was simply forgotten. But years later, they started talking about him again.

In the late 70s of the last century, an interview was published with the head of the intelligence department of the 509th air regiment, Major Jesse Marcel, who served at the base in Roswell. According to the major, which immediately became a sensation, the fragments found were not fragments of a weather balloon, but belonged to an unidentified flying object of unearthly origin. Immediately there were many witnesses from among the locals who claimed to have seen more than twenty years ago not only the flying saucer itself, but also the aliens who died as a result of the disaster.

“When it comes to paranormal phenomena, one must immediately include the factor of faith in the analysis,” says Alexander Zimovsky, an expert in the analysis and formation of behavioral patterns. - And, accordingly, the factor of disbelief (skepticism). These factors are necessary in the analysis of such a phenomenon as UFOs. You believe in it or you don't. The rest of the evidence base serves only to reinforce the arguments of the parties.

In the case of the Roswell Incident, the bibliography of the subject alone can amount to tens of thousands of volumes. However, discarding the superfluous, we can easily see that we are faced with a dilemma: the current state of scientific and technical thought versus scientific (scientific, I emphasize) fiction. Here is an example. Our Tunguska meteorite, 40 years before Roswell. Fall in a remote area. A counted number of eyewitnesses. The inaccessibility of the crash site and, most importantly, the extremely slow communication system. The meteorite was visible within a radius of 600 kilometers from the flight path in the atmosphere. The then observatories recorded it to the best of their ability. And the first expedition reached him only twenty years later. No hype, which is typical. That is, science and the public already knew about meteorites, read, observed, described. Therefore, everything was clear - a meteorite, only a large one. Then the First World War, revolutions… and the topic was gone.

In Roswell, things were different. The event became known in a matter of hours, well, or days. The authorities, civilian and military, immediately appeared, leaks and leaks began in the media. By the way, the world's observatories did not record anything. But the press has already accepted the information feed. The UFO phenomenon has gone mainstream. And the masses were ready to swallow it. There was already a scientific, psychological and information base for this.

Look: the atomic bomb, rockets, jet aircraft, radio, early television, the Cold War - these are all the realities of 1947. Add to this the already established tradition of science fiction, including movies. Hollywood is still only experimenting in this direction, but it brings fear to Americans, be healthy. By the way, Belyaev's cosmic novel "KETs Star" came out 12 years before Roswell. The cosmos was already then, in a sense, not alien to us. In such a situation, the phenomenon of the Roswell Incident was doomed to the widest replication. But I want to draw your attention to the fact that it was at the very first stage that there was no hype about UFOs in the States.”

In February 1994, at the request of Congressman Stephen Schiff, the General Control Office of the US Congress launched an investigation into the Roswell incident. During its holding, nothing was found that could prove the visit of the Earth by aliens - no documents, no evidence. Another circumstance became clear - in the late 1940s, the United States was actively developing a program to monitor the testing of Soviet atomic weapons. The project was called "Mogul". The rather bulky design itself consisted of weather balloons and equipment capable of tracking sound waves. Probably, as follows from the report, in 1947, just such a structure collapsed to the ground near Roswell, the secrecy of which was very high, because the US military quickly removed all its large parts to the hangars. During the tests, these probes were mannequins with sensors that were supposed to record the level of radiation and shock wave during the explosion of an atomic bomb - their local residents could take them for aliens. There is also an explanation for the particularly durable material found at the site of the alleged fall of the “plate”, which bent, but immediately took its former shape - during these years, the Americans tested a polyster that was outlandish then, which could be used in weather balloon casing.

The Mogul program was assigned the highest level of secrecy, which explains the desire of the American authorities to hush up the incident. It can be assumed that in the course of those experiments a certain threat to life was envisaged for the American citizens themselves, who could become victims, for example, of a nuclear explosion in the same semi-desert state of New Mexico. And the fall of the probe prevented some catastrophe, the probability of which was immediately classified and a version with aliens was invented.

At first, the documentary film by the English film journalist Ray Santilli "The Autopsy of an Alien - Fact or Fiction" (1995), which showed footage of the autopsy of an alien that the US military found near Roswell, also became sensational at first. Specialists, primarily pathologists, immediately saw a fake in it because of the numerous mistakes during the “operation”. The body of the alien itself was nothing more than a dummy. But the surge of interest in aliens was extraordinary - only the lazy did not discuss this topic.

“The US authorities (as well as the USSR) have been very tightly controlling the information flow since the Second World War,” Alexander Zimovsky continues. - This, first of all. And secondly, no one tried to question the information coming from the American military authorities. Since it was said that the weather balloon fell, it means that the weather balloon fell. Everyone immediately calmed down and moved on to other topics. Exactly thirty years. Until the 1970s, the topic of Roswell did not come up.

Since I am neither a ufologist nor an astrophysicist, I propose to look at the problem from the point of view of information confrontation. Let's say the US military got access to a UFO in Roswell. First reaction? It could be tips. Well, simply because there is no one else. We looked: no, it seems not the Soviets. Classified, began processing the available data. Simply put, they began to explore the wreckage of a hypothetical ship and the bodies of hypothetical aliens. For what? For military use. Very good version. There is no doubt that the same would have been done in the Soviet Union.

However, there was no breakthrough in military technology and weapons in the United States. In 1949, Stalin already had our Soviet nuclear bomb and delivery vehicles. And ten years after the Americans, hypothetically, gained access to UFOs and related technologies, the USSR went into space. We went out. And Wernher von Braun was still poring over his V-2, trying to bring it to mind for American customers.

The Indians of the Amazon, and they would have benefited more from the fall of the UFO than the Pentagon. Simply because they could make all sorts of utensils and spearheads from the wreckage. So there is no need to talk about the effectiveness of secret programs for the study of paranormal space activity. From the captured aliens did not come out, I believe, neither Snowdens nor Penkov's cosmic scale.

Of course, UFOs and aliens were monetized, in today's language. In the end, all Star Treks and Star Wars became possible precisely because of the assumption of the possibility of space flight and the existence of another, unearthly intelligence. But in technical terms, we still cannot repeat the landing of a man on the moon. Neither by the efforts of the world powers individually, nor as part of a joint project. Involuntarily, you will believe that the aliens will fly to us earlier.