When to sow carrots according to the lunar calendar. Planting carrots in spring in open ground Lunar calendar for May year carrots

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Lunar calendar for the gardener 2016 - Sowing, picking seedlings.

The table of the lunar calendar on this page is a thematic selection from the universal one made for the convenience of planning work related to work in the garden. Garden strawberries are present in this section, since it is more convenient for us to view the work related to it in the "garden" section of the calendar.

April picks up water, opens flowers.

In April, they continue to care for seedlings of tomatoes and peppers, sow cabbage and cucumber seeds for seedlings. The most responsible and time-consuming procedure at this time is the picking of seedlings. After the snow melts, you need to remove the foliage on the site, which they did not have time to remove from the fall. Plots with strawberries are cleared of old leaves and mustaches. When the earth warms up a little, you can sow dill, lettuce. At the end of the month, seeds of cold-resistant plants (carrots, onions, radishes) can be sown.

In April 2016, the lunar month is almost a week late compared to the calendar month, the most favorable days for sowing vegetable crops such as tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage for seedlings fall on the second decade of the month (on the growing moon).

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is maintained by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference between Moscow and local time * )

(During this period, we plan to sow seedlings of early-ripening varieties of tomatoes for open ground, for planting without picking)
from April 10, 2016 08:58 (Sun)
to April 12, 2016 11:06 (Tue)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Gemini

Unfavorable time for watering seedlings. Loosening the earth, thinning seedlings.
from 12 April 2016 11:06 (Tue)
to April 14, 2016 16:53 (Thu)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Cancer

Pruning of plants is prohibited. Pinching vegetables is unfavorable. Favorable time for watering plants, applying mineral fertilizers. Sowing seedlings of superdeterminant tomatoes, early ripe varieties of pepper, physalis. Sowing seedlings of pumpkin seeds; green, spicy-tasting, medicinal crops, seeds of cold-resistant flowers in a greenhouse under a film. Seeding possible cucumbers for seedlings. Planting seedlings of early and mid-season varieties and hybrids of cauliflower and white cabbage for late consumption in a cold nursery. Sowing corn. Possible picking tomatoes and peppers.
from 14 April 2016 16:53 (Thu)
to April 17, 2016 02:22 (Sun)

Waxing Moon in Leo

The lawn grass sown these days will rise in an even layer. Covering plantations of perennial onions and last year's parsley with a film in order to obtain earlier greenery. Possible time for tillage: plowing, digging, cultivation, weeding.
from 17 April 2016 02:22 (Sun)
to April 19, 2016 14:24 (Tue)

Waxing Moon in Virgo

During this period, it is better not to sow anything. Favorable time for planting aromatic and medicinal crops, green. Transplantation (transshipment) of seedlings tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, physalis in large containers.
from 19 April 2016 14:24 (Tue)
to April 21, 2016 18:53 (Thu)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra

Unfavorable time for watering seedlings. Favorable time for sowing melons (zucchini, squash, pumpkins, cucumbers, etc.) for seedlings. According to weather conditions, transplanting cucumber seedlings into a greenhouse for additional shelter. Sowing seeds of broccoli and kohlrabi, cauliflower for autumn consumption in a cold nursery. Sowing in open ground of all leafy and leafy vegetables, seedlings of cabbage, legumes (beans), aromatic plants, as well as seeds of rhubarb, lovage, perennial onions. It is possible to plant asparagus and corn.
from 21 April 2016 18:53 (Thu)
to April 23, 2016 21:03 (Sat)


It is not recommended to sow, plant, replant anything, carry out any work with plants. It is possible to thin out seedlings, loosen and mulch the soil, collect garbage, prepare ridges, etc.
April 22, 2016 08:23 Moscow time - astronomical full moon
from April 23, 2016 21:03 (Sat)
to April 24, 2016 15:46 (Sun)

Waning Moon in Scorpio

Watering and fertilizing with organic fertilizers. Putting potato tubers in a warm room for germination, spring garlic and onion sets for heating. Sowing black onion for growing sevka. Favorable time for seedling picks(including tomatoes and peppers). Soil cultivation: loosening, mulching. Root begonia tubers are planted in pots. Soaking seeds of zucchini, pumpkins and cucumbers and sowing them in greenhouses, under film shelter or seedlings (according to weather and regional conditions). Planting seedlings of white cabbage. Sowing seeds of late varieties of cauliflower in the nursery for autumn consumption. In the southern regions, it is possible to plant seedlings of pepper, tomatoes, eggplants in greenhouses under additional cover; planting seedlings of zucchini, pumpkin, squash in open ground under shelter.
from 24 April 2016 15:46 (Sun)
to April 27, 2016 02:54 (Wed)

Waning Moon in Sagittarius

Planting early potatoes. Sowing black onion for growing sevka, planting spring garlic. Spring tillage: digging, loosening, hilling, thinning seedlings of vegetable crops.
from April 27, 2016 02:54 (Wed)
to April 29, 2016 11:47 (Fri)

Waning Moon in Capricorn

Favorable time for sowing early radishes. Laying out potato tubers for germination. Sowing root parsley, parsnips, early varieties of carrots under covering material. Transplantation of low-growing varieties of tomatoes. Top dressing with organic fertilizers. Treatment of plants against pests wintering in the ground.

Description of our method planting tomatoes to the greenhouse and VIDEO you can see by clicking on the picture.

April 29 (16.04 style) - Irina (Arina) Nursery
- On this day, cabbage was sown in nurseries

from April 29, 2016 11:47 (Fri)
to April 30, 2016 23:59 (Sat)

Waning Moon in Aquarius

Extremely unfavorable days for sowing and planting. Preparation of greenhouses and greenhouses for the season. Covering the ridges with a film in order to warm them up faster and preparing steam ridges for pumpkins and zucchini. Loosening the earth, thinning seedlings, weeding, spraying against pests and diseases, applying organic fertilizers. - I propose to make a table with sections: Moon data and date, vegetables, flower garden, garden. And to distribute the information on these graphs.

Folk signs about the weather:
"If the waters break late in April, then the summer is bad"
"There is no water in March - there is no grass in April.

Based on one rather interesting folk sign, compiled (for Moscow, St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod).

* To determine the local time of the lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

In this article, we will talk about the timing of planting carrots, consider the process of preparing seeds and how to achieve the best yield of this healthy and tasty root vegetable.

Carrot roots contain a lot of sugar and vitamins (B1, B2, PP, C), carotene, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and other mineral elements. Carrots are eaten all year round fresh, stewed and as a seasoning for salads, vinaigrettes, many first and second courses. It is recommended by medicine as a high-diet product.

When to plant carrots

Carrots are cold hardy plants. Seeds begin to germinate already at a soil temperature of 4–5°C and even at 3°C. This process is slow and lasts up to 20 days. At higher temperatures (15–20°C) and good soil moisture, the germination period is reduced to 8–10 days. In cold and dry weather shoots appear on the 30th day. There are three periods for planting carrots.

Winter planting of carrots

To obtain a crop in June, carrots of early ripe varieties (vitamin, Losinoostrovskaya, etc.) are sown in the fall before the start of soil frosts so that the seeds do not begin to germinate in the fall (at the same time, ripening is accelerated by two weeks). Given the sharp temperature fluctuations, this planting time is rarely used to avoid seed loss. With warming, the seeds have time to germinate and with the onset of a constant sub-zero temperature, the plants die.

Planting carrots in early spring

Most people prefer to plant carrots in the spring. Carrot seedlings withstand short-term sub-zero temperatures (-3°C, -4°C), so the seeds can be sown as soon as the snow melts and the ground thaws.

An even earlier harvest is obtained by sowing seeds at the end of the end of winter - the beginning of spring (February - March) in greenhouses and greenhouses or in the simplest film shelters. Carrots ripen in two and a half to three months.

In order to speed up the emergence of seedlings, a temperature of up to 20 ° C is created. With the advent of seedlings, the temperature is maintained at 12–14 ° C and air humidity is 80%. Then, when the roots begin to thicken, the temperature is increased to 16–18 ° C. Further, all events are carried out, as in the open field.

Spring planting carrots

The optimum temperature for growing carrots is 20–25°C. The approximate time for sowing seeds is the last days of April - the beginning and middle of May. It is carried out exclusively in moist and prepared soil. Spring planting is optimal for the production of stocks for the winter.

When to plant carrots according to the lunar calendar

The lunar calendar suggests that planting carrots in 2016 is best on April 24 and 27. To create winter reserves according to the lunar calendar in May, the 2nd and 4th numbers are favorable, as well as the period from 17 to 20. It is best if the lunar calendar coincides with optimal temperature conditions and good soil moisture.

The best soils for carrots are structural sandy and loamy, with a deep fertile layer, loose, with a neutral reaction. To avoid infection by diseases and pests, carrots should not be cultivated in the same place every year. It is best to alternate it with other cultures, returning to the old place after 3 years or more.

Only with good lighting of plants can a good crop of carrots be grown. For her, a place is selected that is well lit throughout the daylight hours. In the absence of light, plants stretch.

Carrots are demanding on the presence of trace elements necessary for nutrition. In soils that are poor in nutrition or insufficiently fertilized for previous crops, it is necessary to introduce decomposed humus or compost (5 kg per 1 m²) during autumn tillage. New manure for carrots should not be used, because after application it does not affect the yield, and the root crops are deformed.

The plant responds well to soil fertilization before sowing wood ash (150 g per 1 m²). Ash should be applied in two stages, most of it when digging up the soil, and less when loosening with a rake before sowing. It is also effective to apply mineral fertilizers (the optimal combination: 20 g of ammonium nitrate and 30 g of superphosphate and potassium chloride per square meter) mixed with peat and humus.

Then plant carrots

Carrots are best planted after:

  • cucumbers;
  • cabbage;
  • sea ​​cabbage;
  • potatoes;
  • tomatoes;
  • beets;
  • Luke.

What carrot to plant

Carrot seeds should be selected according to the time of sowing. For sowing in pre-winter time and in early spring, early-ripening and mid-ripening varieties (vitamin, Nantes, etc.) should be chosen.

And for sowing in the spring - late-ripening varieties that are most suitable for storage (Moscow winter, shantane).

For pre-winter sowing, seeds are not processed. They must be dry and not germinated. To obtain an earlier harvest during spring sowing, the seeds are soaked for a day in a solution of baking soda (8 g of soda per liter of water), or in a solution of boric acid (0.2 g per liter of water). After that, a week is kept wet on a cloth or cotton wool until germination.

How to plant carrots in open ground

When sowing, one should strictly adhere to the norm - 0.5 g per m². To comply with the norm, carrot seeds are added to the sand in a ratio of 1/5. Most summer residents add radish seeds to carrot seeds. Radish sprouts before carrots and indicates its location for further processing.

Planting carrots with seeds in the ground should be at a depth of 2 cm, and on light soils - 3 cm. It should be borne in mind that during pre-winter sowing, the seed planting depth decreases by 1 cm. If there is a lack of moisture in spring, the seed planting depth should be increased by 1.5 cm. The distance between rows when planting early-ripening varieties should be at least 15 cm, and for late-ripening varieties at least 25 cm.

Every gardener in the spring sows carrots without fail! However, not everyone succeeds. Why? There are many reasons for this: incorrectly chosen sowing dates, unsuccessful selection of a variety, or violation of agricultural technology.

Sowing dates directly affect the yield of carrots and depend on the variety and purpose of the finished root crops. Carrot is a cold-resistant crop: the minimum required temperature for seed germination is +3…+6°C, seedlings withstand short-term frosts down to -4…-5°C. In terms of ripening, all varieties of carrots are divided into early-ripening varieties with a growing season of up to 100 days, mid-ripening - up to 120 days and late-ripening - up to 140 days.

To get early carrots on the table, choose early and ultra-early varieties that ripen in 45-60 days; for winter storage, it is better to sow late-ripening varieties of carrots.

Sowing dates for carrot seeds

For early consumption, carrot seeds are sown from April 25 to May 1, the next sowing of mid-ripening varieties of carrots - May 1 - May 10. If carrots are needed for long-term storage, then they are sown in the first - second decade of May, until May 25 inclusive.

In the southern regions, carrots can be sown in 2 terms: the first sowing is March 10-20, the second sowing of carrots is May 10-15.

According to the folk calendar, carrots planted when the coltsfoot is in bloom.

When to water, feed and pull carrots?

The first thinning is carried out in the phase of 1-2 true leaves, the second 15-20 days after the first.

The main care for the beds of carrots is timely weeding, loosening row spacing, watering and top dressing. Carrots are watered rarely, but plentifully and evenly. Row spacing is loosened simultaneously with weeding.

Sowing parsnips and caring for them

Parsnips are grown for their juicy white roots with a specific flavor. The root crop is formed 120-170 days after sowing.

For sowing parsnips, it is better to choose well-lit places. Parsnip is cold-resistant and frost-resistant: the optimum temperature for plant growth is +15 ... +20 ° C, seedlings withstand frosts down to -5 ° C. Agrotechnical methods of growing parsnips are the same as those of carrots. Care consists in periodic watering, loosening and weeding. Root crops are harvested in the fall, at the same time as carrots, and stored in the same way.

Terms of sowing parsnips

In the middle lane, parsnips are sown in the ground in late April and early May. It is better to sow parsnips for storage later - at the end of May.

Planting beets and caring for them

There are a large number of varieties of beets of different groups of ripeness, shape and size of root crops. Medium and late-ripening varieties and hybrids are sown for storage, early-ripening varieties are grown “on the table”.

Table beet belongs to the group of long-day crops, but many modern varieties of table beet are adapted to both the short day of the south and the long day of the north.

Beet sowing dates

Beet is a moderately cold-resistant crop: seeds can germinate at +3 °C. But the optimum temperature for sowing dry seeds is +10 °C. In addition, young seedlings of table beet can die from spring frosts.

To grow early beets on a table in the middle lane, beets are sown from April 25 to May 5 under cover from spandbond or film.

According to popular beliefs, the time of planting beets comes when the aspen blossoms.

When to water, feed and pull beets?

Beets are light-requiring: it is important to weed and thin them in time. Beetroot generally needs a moderate amount of watering. Systematic watering should be carried out during seed germination and in July-August. Beetroot is very responsive to the application of fertilizers to the soil.

The first time the beets are thinned out in the phase of the first true leaves, the second time after 2-3 weeks, leaving a distance of 5-7 cm. Pulled plants can be used to make green salad. During the summer, the beets are periodically weeded and the soil is loosened between the rows. On dry and hot days - watered. Beets are pulled out for food when they reach a diameter of 3-4 cm.

Carrots are grown by many in their gardens and household plots. From the point of view of breadth of application, carrots are an indispensable vegetable. This root crop is used to add to various dishes, make carrot salads, squeeze carrot juice, etc.

Carrots are an indispensable product in terms of health benefits. It contains a huge amount of vitamins and other useful substances.

Carrots grow best in the middle zone of our country. It tolerates both cold and heat well. Carrots are quite unpretentious to growing conditions, but one thing needs to be remembered - it needs regular watering. Only then will it turn out juicy and tasty.

Many novice gardeners ask - When to plant carrots outdoors? On this page, we will answer this popular question and provide some useful planting and growing tips. The recommended dates for sowing carrots will be tied to the 2016 lunar calendar.

When to plant to plant carrots in open ground?

When can you start planting carrots in open ground in the spring. Carrots are quite cold-resistant vegetables. But planting is best done when the threat of morning frost has passed.

Shoots appear 15-20 days after planting in the ground. It takes about 2.5 months for carrots to ripen.

Usually, in the middle zone of Russia, good weather sets in. in early to mid-May - this is the best time to sow carrot seeds in open ground . Harvest, ready for harvest, you will receive around mid-late August.

If you want to get an earlier harvest, then you can plant carrots earlier. However, this will require a greenhouse. You can start planting carrots in the greenhouse from the beginning to the end of April . In this case, the harvest can be harvested by the end of July.

Instead of a greenhouse, you can use film greenhouses. Water the plants more often to get an early harvest. Be sure to thin out so that the distance between plants is at least 5 centimeters.

Carrots love soils with an acidity of pH 6-7, with a ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium of 2.5: 1: 4. Before sowing, the soil must be prepared. This will need to be done in the fall after the previous harvest. The site needs to be dug up, loosened and fertilized: manure 3-4 kilograms per 1 square meter, wood ash 1 glass per 1 square meter. Immediately before planting, the soil can be fertilized with mineral fertilizers. If you have acidic soil, then you need to add more lime 300-500 grams per 1 square meter.

Agrotechnics for planting carrots is very simple. Throughout the beds, rows are made at a distance of 20-25 centimeters from each other in them and seeds are planted. Sowing is done at a depth of 2-3 centimeters. To create a humid favorable microclimate, crops are covered with a film.

When to plant carrots according to the lunar calendar 2017?

A lot of gardeners, when planting, are guided by the lunar calendar. When to plant carrots according to the 2017 lunar calendar? Auspicious days in spring:

  • Auspicious days for planting carrots in April 2017:
    • 16 April.
    • April 17th.
    • April 18th.
    • 23 April.

    Auspicious days for planting carrots in May 2017:

    • May 9.
    • May 14.
    • May 19.
    • May 24th.


Useful video on the topic. An interesting way to plant carrots.

Planting carrots:

Sowing carrots for growing in the country is usually done directly into the ground. The peculiarity of this root crop is that it does not tolerate picking very well, having a root system that is sensitive to damage. In order to get an excellent harvest of carrots, many factors must be considered, ranging from proper crop rotation, seed and soil quality, sowing procedures, and ending with competent care.

Sowing dates are important for good seedlings. It is imperative to take into account the climatic features of the region and the recommendations of the lunar calendar. Some plant early varieties of carrots in the greenhouse, in this case, sowing can be done earlier.

Sowing dates in the Moscow region

It is possible to sow carrots in open ground only after the threat of night frosts has passed, because tender shoots can survive only a short and light frost. Ideally, during the sowing period, the temperature should not fall below 7°C at night.

In the Moscow region, such values ​​are typical for the beginning of May. Of course, if the arrival of heat is late, you should make an allowance for weather conditions and slightly postpone sowing. But, as a rule, summer residents of the Moscow region begin to sow seeds for the May holidays.

Carrots take a long time to germinate, so don't worry if the seeds haven't sprouted even after 2 weeks. Sometimes up to 22 days pass before the appearance of seedlings above the soil surface. The quality of the seeds also matters, the fresher they are, the better. The germination rate of this culture is already quite low. Usually from 50 to 75% of seeds germinate, and over time this figure becomes even lower.

When to sow in the Urals, in Siberia

An unequivocal answer to the question of when to sow carrots in the Urals cannot be given. The Ural Mountains stretch for 2500 km, capturing both more northern and more southern regions, each of which has its own climatic features.

On a note! The continental climate of the Urals is characterized by sharp weather changes and uneven precipitation. Therefore, you need to focus on the temperature of the soil, which at the time of planting should reach 8 °C.

If there is a slight decrease in the temperature index, then this is not scary, the main thing is that it does not reach minus values. In some regions of the Urals, such a temperature can be established by the end of April, in others it will have to wait until mid-May.

In Siberia, as well as other areas, it is possible to grow carrots in open ground. For sowing in this region, the quality of seed material is of great importance. In small seeds, there is too little supply of nutrients for active plant growth in the future, so seeds must be selected, large ones, since their germination in this region takes longer.

In Siberia, it is best to grow mid-season and late varieties. So that they have time to ripen, sowing is done in early April on a prepared bed. After sowing, the ridge is covered with a film.

It is known that the phases of the moon affect the movement of juices in plant tissues. On the growing moon, the sap flow rushes up, and on the waning moon, on the contrary, the juices go to the roots. Therefore, the recommendations of the lunar calendar for working with root crops and plants that produce above-ground fruits will be different. For carrots, it is better to land on a waning moon.

If the root crops are sown closer to the full moon, they will have an elongated, elongated shape. Planting on the eve of the new moon will give carrots a more compact shape, the vegetable will grow strong and stocky. But there are also days that are not recommended for planting, which are considered barren.

In 2018, favorable days for sowing carrots are:

  • in March - 24, 26, 29, 30;
  • in April - 2-4, 7-10, 22, 30;
  • in May - 4, 9-11, 22.

Unfavorable days for planting this crop in 2018 will be:

  • in March - 17-19, 26-31;
  • in April - 15, 16, 22-26, 29, 30;
  • in May - 15, 20-24, 29.

Undesirable days for landing coincide with the dates of the new moon and full moon. The beginning of the lunar cycle is a barren period, negative for all undertakings.

Sowing carrots can be spring, summer and winter. Landing dates in each case have their advantages.

  1. With spring sowing, the first bunches of carrots can be harvested already in June, and in August you can get a full harvest.
  2. Summer sowing continues until June 10, at the end of September, root crops are harvested, which are intended for winter storage in the basement.
  3. When sown before winter, you can get carrots for early use, and since the formation of fruits occurs at a time when the carrot fly is not yet active, the quality of the crop will be higher.

You can not plant this vegetable in the same place 2 years in a row.

It is best if the predecessors of carrots are:

  • potato;
  • cabbage;
  • zucchini;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • beans;
  • garlic;

Carrots should not be planted after other root crops, since in this case the plants use the same soil layers, which are greatly depleted. By following the rules of crop rotation, you can count on a plentiful and high-quality harvest.

Of great importance for growing carrots is the type of soil in which the seeds are sown. The soil should be light, well-drained and fertile. Loamy or sandy soils with a neutral acidity index, or slightly acidic, are best suited.

On a note! In clay soil, carrots grow crooked and ugly due to the high density of the soil.

It is necessary to prepare a ridge for carrots in the fall. For her, you should choose a sunny, well-lit place, preferably on a hill. The earth is dug up, freed from stones and weeds, the necessary additives are made:

  1. If the soil is acidic, chalk or dolomite flour is added to it.
  2. Peat, sand or sawdust are laid in heavy soil.
  3. Poor soil is fertilized with humus or compost.

The soil is once again carefully dug up and mulched, or sown with green manure. In the spring, 7-10 days before planting carrots, the earth is loosened, lumps are broken, watered with warm water and covered with a film so that the earth does not dry out and remains warm.

Preparing seeds for sowing

Carrot seeds have a high content of essential oils, which prevents moisture from penetrating inside. Therefore, for better germination, the seeds should be properly prepared. You can do this in several ways:

  1. Soak. Seeds are placed in a linen bag and dipped in warm water, which must be changed every 4 hours. When soaking, you can add wood ash to the water. After a day, the seed bag is washed in clean water and placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 days so that the seed material is hardened.
  2. Heat treatment. Seeds in a cloth bag are dipped in water heated to 50 ° C for 20 minutes, after which they are soaked in cold water for 2 minutes. This procedure stimulates their germination.
  3. Digging into the ground. Seeds in bags are buried in the soil to a depth of 30 cm and kept there for 10-12 days. After 4-5 days after such preparation, the seeds will sprout.

After processing by any of the methods described, the seed is dried in heat before planting. You can sow in the usual way, in bulk, or you can use other methods that many summer residents seem more convenient.

This unusual sowing method has its advantages, therefore it has gained popularity. Seeds are prepared in advance in comfortable room conditions, their planting in the ground subsequently takes a minimum of effort and time. On a paper basis, you can place the material evenly, at regular intervals, selecting only seeds suitable for planting .

On a note! The seed material is calibrated by placing it in a saline solution. Floating seeds are thrown away, as they are "dummy".

When laying the paper tape in the ground, the seeds will be at an equal depth and will sprout at the same time.

The paper retains moisture, which keeps the seeds from drying out. According to the technology of this method of sowing, the bed is covered with a film, which makes it possible to protect seedlings from the spread of carrot flies and adverse weather conditions. Seedlings can not be watered or weeded for a long time. A conditional disadvantage of such a planting can be considered a later emergence of seedlings compared to the traditional method (by 2-3 weeks).

You will need to prepare in advance several rolls of three-layer toilet paper, a small bowl, a spray bottle with water, special glue (purchased or made by yourself). Glue can be made from potato starch. It can be enriched with mineral fertilizer by adding it during the manufacture of the composition. 1 teaspoon of starch is taken for 1 glass of water. Starch is poured into boiling water, thoroughly stirred and allowed to cool.

You can replace starch with wheat flour, taking it in the same proportions.

  • The cooled glue is applied to the unfolded toilet paper.
  • Then, using tweezers, the seeds are laid out on the surface at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other.
  • You can use a cotton swab by dipping it in glue and applying drops of glue at the desired interval, then carrot seeds are placed on top of the glue.
  • Such blanks will dry for about a day.
  • After that, the paper with seeds is rolled back into a roll for convenience.

Advice! If different seeds were sown, the paper is wrapped in a plastic bag, on which a sticker with the name of the variety is placed.

A new method using egg containers as a stencil makes it possible to sow evenly and do without thinning in the future, which reduces the effort and time spent on caring for carrots. This method is simple and convenient.

A plastic container is placed on the ridge, in which chicken eggs are sold, slightly pressing it to the ground. As a result, identical cells of the required depth are formed on the soil surface. After that, it remains only to spread the seeds in the holes, sprinkle with a layer of earth and water.

You can sow carrots evenly, without the need for further thinning, using manual seeders, which will cost you 2.5-3 thousand rubles. If you do not plan to purchase such equipment, you will have to resort to other methods.

  • For example, purchase not ordinary, but coated seeds. Their size is much larger, and the shell contains all the necessary nutrients. When sowing, such material is simply laid out in grooves at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other and they wait for friendly shoots. The success of such a landing largely depends on the reliability of the manufacturer.
  • Before sowing, mix carrot seeds with river sand. For this, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of seeds are mixed with half a bucket of coarse sand and moisten the mixture, then letting it stand for 10-15 minutes before planting. Then sand with seeds is laid out along the grooves and sprinkled with soil. After that, the crops are moistened.
  • Some people like the tea strainer or salt shaker method. The main thing is that the size of the cells in the strainer allows the seeds to fall down. By sowing seeds through these devices, the summer resident will be able to sow them more rarely and planting in the future will not require thinning.

Try several methods at once and choose the one that suits you best. The main thing is to fill your hand, then in the future planting carrots will be easy and quick for you.

summer carrot care

The very first step in caring for carrots in the summer is thinning them out. If you failed to make landings more rare, at the stage of the appearance of the third leaflet, the plants are thinned out for the first time, leaving the strongest and strongest seedlings at an equal distance between them. The second thinning is carried out 3 weeks after the first. After such a procedure, the earth must be properly watered. The remaining plants should be at a distance of 4-5cm from each other.

The holes left in the soil are filled in so that the carrot fly does not lay eggs there. Pulled seedlings are removed from the ridge so as not to provoke the appearance of pests. The bed is regularly loosened, and at the end of July they rake up the ground to the tops of the root crops to prevent their greening.

Watering is done as needed, it should be deep, not superficial. It is necessary that water enters the soil to a depth of 12 to 20 centimeters. But keep in mind that carrots do not like waterlogging. From this begins increased growth of tops and branching of root crops.

During the summer, carrots need to be fed three times, especially if organic matter was not introduced into the ground when growing the predecessor.

  1. The first feeding is carried out with a solution of bird droppings, or mullein after the initial thinning.
  2. The second fertilization is carried out after 15-20 days with a complete mineral fertilizer or a mixture of mullein and potassium sulfate. You can use an infusion of cut grass for these purposes.
  3. In early August, it is good to feed root crops with ash. A month later, it is advisable to repeat this top dressing. An even better effect will be the use of potash fertilizers.

Plantings of tomatoes, peas, radishes, sage, beans, lettuce and garlic can also be planted nearby.

With legumes and tomatoes, carrots are best planted through the bed so that each crop has enough space.

But anise, beets, aromatic herbs, horseradish and parsley are not suitable for growing with carrots in the same garden.


To decide whether it's time to dig up the root crops, or wait a couple more weeks, you need to get 1-2 carrots out of the ground and inspect them. If you saw the appearance of thin roots, then it's time to harvest before the rodents get to it. Early ripe varieties can be pulled out of the ground as needed. But some harvest the entire crop of early carrots at once in order to sow the area with a new crop.

Carrots give the largest increase in the mass of fruits at the end of August and in September, when, due to a decrease in temperature, the aerial part distills all the useful substances into root crops. Therefore, the most suitable time for harvesting in mid-latitudes is the end of September. It is not advisable to keep root crops in the ground longer. Carrots are harvested on a warm sunny day, slightly prying from below with a pitchfork or shovel, and then pulling out the bush with your hands.

In order for carrots to be well stored later, try to prevent mechanical damage during harvesting. The tops must immediately be carefully cut with a knife, capturing the top of the root crop by 1-2 mm - this will prevent the germination of carrots during storage. Before being placed in the basement, the crop is laid out under a canopy for ventilation, and only then they are put in boxes and cleaned.

The main mistakes include the following agricultural practices that a summer resident can apply due to inexperience:

  1. The introduction of fresh manure into the soil before planting carrots. This will affect the quality of the fruit not in the best way. The taste of carrots will deteriorate, the peel of root crops will be too thick, the plant will direct all its forces to the growth of tops. Such top dressing is permissible in advance, when growing a predecessor.
  2. Use for mulching beds of fresh sawdust. Such a mulch helps to bind nitrogen and phosphorus, which impoverishes the soil. Sawdust can be used only after 2-3 years of storage, when they are overheated. Even better, lay them in the compost pit before use.
  3. Planting carrot seeds too early in the fall. When sown in September-October, seeds will germinate, and the sprouts will inevitably freeze out during the winter.
  4. Abundant watering after a drought. Water in dried soil must be applied in several stages so that moistening occurs gradually. Otherwise, deformation and cracking of the fruit will occur.

Planting carrots: video

How to grow productive carrots in high beds: video

To get even, large, ripe carrots, you have to try. It will be necessary to prepare a seat in the fall, tinker with the seeds, and properly care for the plantings. But for a keen gardener, all these chores are not a burden, but a joy, especially since efforts in this case will certainly be rewarded.