Male natal chart moon in taurus. lunar calf

Taurus is associated with the earth, ruled by Venus; this is the sign in which the Moon reaches its exaltation, its full strength. Being in this sign associated with the earth, it gives a controlled, moderate, stable, practical character. Ruled by Venus, the Moon indicates such people's attachment to possessions and either attractive appearance or attachment to beauty, nature and sensual pleasures. The Moon, being in its strongest sign, gives these people good qualities, inherited from mothers, strong intellect, good focus and stability on the way to the goal. They are stubborn, can become cocky, or can get very angry. They are stable, respectable, they make good citizens or faithful followers of a cause. A little lazy, but you can be sure that they will do their part. They are reliable and economical. Slowly go to their success and enjoy prosperity in the second half of life. They love music and good food. They may be well built or somewhat overweight. They perform well in their own environment and in situations where they are not too rushed or undue pressure; therefore they love the countryside and desert places. Sometimes they are old fashioned. Usually have a moderate weight, good looks and large features. They are generous to those they love.
The ancient text Brihad-jataka says that they will be people of "beautiful appearance, with wide hips, generous in gifts, capable of enduring misfortune; will have great influence and power over others; will have more daughters than sons, will be patient, will love the opposite gender and will be attached to their friends." Other sources say that people with the Moon in Taurus are serious, thoughtful, observant, receptive and reasonable. They think independently; but they need to be careful not to over-influence their own feelings. They achieve success in studies related to the land and its products.

Pavel Globa. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

The moon here is "visiting" the night Venus and in exaltation, in the sign of the elements of the Earth.
In this position, you are likely to be calm and phlegmatic, you have a very stable emotional world. You are also stable, peaceful, slow and reflective, adequately responding to external impulses. Apparently, you are sensitive to your material environment and to comfort, react strongly to the harmony and disharmony of relations with the outside world. First of all, this can manifest itself either in relation to the material world, emotional relationships with other people, as well as in perfect harmony with nature. Usually in life you unconsciously tune in and first of all perceive situations that are calm by their nature, slowly developing, situations that are stable, giving you the opportunity to relax and rest, the possibility of accumulation and comfort. And in any life situation, these components are perceived by you in the first place. Any situation is always wider than what we perceive, we always interact with only a part of the situation, that is, we always build the attitude of our inner world with the situation, and what we perceive and see in the first place, determines the Moon in the signs. It is not necessary that a situation that seems completely certain to you is also perceived by another person. Here it is necessary to step aside somewhat from subjective perception when you conduct such an analysis. In other words, each situation is multidimensional and each person makes it line up according to his own perception program.
So, it is possible that your perception is somewhat slow, and your emotional reaction is balanced and stable.
It is usually believed that the position of the Moon in Taurus is an initially stable healthy psyche, although everything is not so simple, because, on the one hand, there is initial stability, and on the other hand, if a crack occurs, then you are not fully adapted to new circumstances.
Paradoxically, it would seem that, according to statistics, among people with schizophrenia, those who have the Moon in Taurus are more than those who have the Moon in Cancer and Pisces. This is difficult to understand at first glance, since it is commonly believed that it is Cancers and Pisces that are most susceptible to schizophrenia. It seems that what happens is that a person who is stereotyped for stable situations, finds himself in a situation of unexpected discomfort, suffers a more severe breakdown. After all, any strength, as a rule, has a limit.
In addition, your unconscious reactions develop relatively slowly, so you usually tend to be patient and swing for a long time before doing anything. You may not even really like to do something, since any action requires splashing out energy, and Taurus is associated with accumulation and relaxation, so you probably won’t budge without the need.
Surely you like a cozy atmosphere, for example, sitting in an armchair by the fireplace for a good meal. This is probably one of the most comfortable situations for you. At the same time, active planets, including, for example, Mars, may well be quite pronounced in your horoscope. Then in your life you should be active, but you really want to be warm, satisfying and comfortable, to be surrounded by beautiful, harmonious things, if not sophisticated, but pleasant to look at.
Medical contraindications. You have the most vulnerable throat, thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system, pharynx, larynx. You may have already had to deal with operations on the neck, on the throat. In addition, this position of the Moon often leads to diseases of the lungs, bronchi, chest, blood and nervous system, frequent neuralgic pains in the hands. In general, it should be borne in mind that if a morphoscopic correction of the body is performed (that is, an operation to change appearance), then in general you should make sure that the part of the body that is being corrected does not correspond to the sign in which the transit Moon is located. So, for example, if the transiting Moon is in Taurus, you can not remove moles from the neck.
When the Moon is in Taurus, the throat is very congested and, in addition, a person becomes very sensitive to food, so you should not eat anything. But you can’t starve either - you need to eat good food and follow a diet.
In addition, it is better for you not to act on the organs of the endocrine system and endocrine glands unless absolutely necessary.

Het monster. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

A person needs material security: only then does he feel good. These are concentrated people who can soberly organize their financial and household affairs. They have a light hand in handling plants. To take on a new business, they need an incentive from outside. But, once started, work hard; without finishing one case, they are not accepted for another. They love to eat; seek comfort. With bad aspects of the Moon - emotional inertia up to laziness and the desire mainly for material goods.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary

Sensitivity is strong, but combined with heightened susceptibility and passivity. Immediacy in love for everything natural and simple. Craving for nature, for beauty. Particularly acute perception through the senses and sentimental experiences. In the map of a woman - an exaggeration of traditional women's values. For a man, the ideal woman will be faithful and sensual, with a strong attachment to the family hearth.

Larisa Nazarova. Karmic astrology.

Moon in Earth signs. Gives a person resistance to external influences. The ability to control your behavior. Failure to adapt. The subconscious in the material realm.
Moon in Taurus. In exaltation. The person is calm, phlegmatic, reflective, adequately responds to external impulses. It is important for such a person to eat tasty food, cushioned furniture, carpets - everything that is solid. Distinctive feature- fear of falling under the caterpillars of trouble. Any loss is a disaster.

Absalom Underwater. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

The moon feels better in female signs; in Taurus, it also culminates and begins, as they say, to understand a lot about itself. It gives the temptation of a too good instinctive sense of form and an extreme degree of attachment to the already familiar and familiar. Here, Taurus's laziness and inertia reach their climax, the principle prevails: "Better is the well-known evil than it is still unknown what kind of good." In addition, the lower subconscious programs easily focus on primitive form sensations (and just primitive forms) and do not want to work and perceive (let alone create) more subtle and complex ones. Lunar Taurus (especially harmonious) with completely impenetrable mocking superiority will say to anyone: "well, you dig deep" - and will reliably drown in its swamp the most subtle thought and the highest impulse (in the latter case, the phrase works well - and with the same intonation - "Well, you, brother, are an enthusiast...").
Lunar Taurus is extremely internally heavy - but just as stubborn and reliable. You feel yourself behind him, especially in material matters, as stone wall- and the same feeling of a stone wall arises when trying to change something in his subconscious. In the highest octave, this position of the Moon makes it possible to work with forms very delicately and at the same time responsible.

Francis Sakoyan. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

Having a balanced temperament and not being prone to conflict, you are not the kind of person who is easily pissed off. Heightened emotionality is not typical for you. You have a calming effect on people who are more nervous and more emotionally mobile, have an emotional stability that calms those around you. As a gentle person, you are not easily provoked to explode, but you are extremely stubborn and will resist any changes that require you to change your psyche (including changes in family life, in marital relations).
In love, you are looking for a devoted partner with whom you do not need to be nervous, worry about the future. You are devoted to those you love, creating an atmosphere of warmth and care for them. However, you tend to stay close to the shore, do not change the existing and seek to dissuade the people with whom life confronts you from changing.
To make you feel good, you need physical manifestations of love: to be hugged, kissed, caressed; You need intimacy, the ability to touch loved one. You tend to overstep the mark in comforts and sensual pleasures. Sometimes, when you lack emotional comfort and love, you replace them with something delicious.
The need for material security and a secure home situation. Love for art, singing. light hand in dealing with plants. A good relationship with Mother. Possible laziness, a tendency to enjoyment, promiscuity. Tendency to sore throats and tonsillitis.

Planets in signs. The art of predicting. Semira and V. Vetash

Charm, sanity, reliability, courtesy, calmness, breadth of soul. This better position of the Moon (exaltation) makes people calm and soft, very pleasant in communication and inviting - the Moon in Taurus makes you trust yourself. Such people seem reliable, even if they do not have this quality. They are given every opportunity to show their sincerity. The common sense of the Moon in the material Taurus makes its position favorable for philosophy (Descartes, Spinoza, Owen, Rousseau, Novalis, Feuerbach, Marx, Jung), as well as for writing (Gorky, Ostrovsky, Sholom Aleichem, Shaw, J. London) . As you can see, the reality of life, the material truth is in the first place for these writers. At the same time, in exaltation, the Moon also shows its lyricism (Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, Zhukovsky), hiding even sentimentality underneath. But the sense of reality usually takes precedence over poetry. The Moon in Taurus loves nature, and all living things conquer and enchant her. Her sense of beauty is closely connected with the sense of primeval natural life. She gives women the ability to needlework, forcing men to love handmade (and traditional). The house is the center of human life, it should be beautiful and comfortable. A city dweller with the Moon in Taurus can be advised to walk more often and regularly travel out of town: his emotional sphere wants to relax in order to be ready to fully absorb life again. She will not find a better holiday.

The moon, standing at the time of the birth of a person in the sign of Taurus, makes him very economic. For Taurus, the ideal is life on their own land, a job that brings undoubted benefits and a stable income that allows you to feel free. They do not have super-demands for a luxurious life, but the constraint of circumstances is not a test for them.

Lunar Taurus are quite slow and slow, but at the same time they are practical and persistent in their work. They do everything methodically, patiently and efficiently, with an emphasis on long-term benefits.

Taurus are always very responsible for making any decisions and do not change them. The moon in this sign is unchanging, constant, unlike other signs. Before making a decision, people with the moon in Taurus carefully weigh all the circumstances, and if the decision is already made, it means that it is the only possible one and is not subject to revision.

Moon in Taurus man

In their feelings, men who at the time of birth the moon was in the sign of Taurus are constant and reliable. He directs all his efforts to caring for the family, to ensure its well-being and comfort. However, he also requires appropriate behavior from a woman: caring and gentleness, sensitivity and attentiveness. Decisiveness and severity in a woman does not attract at all and even repels a man. And a woman who dares to show aggression and intemperance towards the lunar Taurus or his children should not at all expect mercy from him.

Moon in Taurus Woman

Femininity, thriftiness, orderliness - these are the features of a woman who was born at the time of the passage of the moon in the sign of Taurus. She is extremely familial, caring, takes care of the house with pleasure, runs the household, gives birth to healthy children and brings them up without reproach. Her house is always clean and tidy, the children are obedient and smart. She is attentive to her husband and to her duties, faithful and constant. However, she is very stubborn, so it is simply impossible to confuse her, to force her to do something that is not part of her plans. It is very difficult to make her angry, but if this happens, it is better to stay away from her: she is able to destroy silently.

Full Moon in Taurus 2014- 07 November 02:22
Waning moon in Taurus 2014- April 15 11:42 - April 29 11:14, May 14 23:15 - May 28 22:40
Growing moon in Taurus 2014- April 29 11:14 - May 14 23:15
New Moon in Taurus 2014- April 29 11:14

A man with the Moon in Taurus is constant in feelings and sympathies. This is a favorable position in an earthly fixed sign. He is kind-hearted, tuned in to taking care of his family, loves everything beautiful and tries to create well-being, maximum comfort. The owner of the Moon in Taurus has a good ability to take advantage of business opportunities that open up, since he bases his actions on common sense.

The wife should be soft and attentive with him, sensitive and caring. Any rudeness and aggressiveness in its manifestations is unacceptable. In general, this man does not want a wife with a hard and too resolute character because such women are often strict and cruel, and this is unacceptable.

Men with Moon in Taurus

Reliable person in all respects. The Moon in Taurus is a person who is very pleasant to the environment, his manner does not require immediate answers and does not assume importance. This has its drawback, because he goes too far with calmness and non-interference to his own detriment when it is necessary to be active in some kind of change. The influence of the Moon in Taurus helps intuition, seeks to stabilize your life. A huge stock of common sense, a willingness to endure endless trials in the name of achieving the ideal.

If the lunar Taurus decided that in front of him is exactly the person he needs, he turns into one of the most persistent fans in the entire zodiac. He really strives for deep meaningful relationships, but he needs to live in his own rhythm and in his own time.

Perhaps his persistent desire to ensure constancy in his own life, especially in the emotional sphere, is due to the fact that there is some kind of uncertainty hiding in the depths of his soul that needs to be overcome. Superficial, frivolous relationships do not interest him at all, and such a word as divorce is generally excluded from his vocabulary.

He prefers to be abandoned if it comes to that. Unlike Aries, he understands that romantic relationship and love needs time to mature and blossom. Love occupies a very large place in his life. A man with the Moon in Taurus in the horoscope wants to have all the best. Sentimental, kind and shy.

Good memory, but lacks originality. Hard to change mind. He talks soberly. He likes to collect not only works of art, but also friends. Pleasant voice, likes to sing, senses of touch and taste are well developed. Talent for gardening, excellent masseurs. Since Taurus is an earth sign ruled by Venus, love is often expressed in the satisfaction of one's physical desires.

Let's analyze what features a man with the Moon in Taurus has in his horoscope. Keyword: emotional stability. Serious Moon.

What is special about a man with the Moon in the sign of Taurus according to the horoscope

Reliable person in all respects. The Moon in Taurus is a person who is very pleasant to the environment, his manner does not require immediate answers and does not assume importance. This has its drawback, because he goes too far with calmness and non-interference to his own detriment when it is necessary to be active in some kind of change.

  • The influence of the Moon in Taurus helps intuition, seeks to stabilize your life.
  • A huge stock of common sense, a willingness to endure endless trials in the name of achieving the ideal.
  • If the lunar Taurus decided that in front of him is exactly the person he needs, he turns into one of the most persistent fans in the entire zodiac.
  • He really strives for deep meaningful relationships, but he needs to live in his own rhythm and in his own time.
  • Perhaps his persistent desire to ensure constancy in his own life, especially in the emotional sphere, is due to the fact that there is some kind of uncertainty hiding in the depths of his soul that needs to be overcome.
  • Superficial, frivolous relationships do not interest him at all, and such a word as divorce is generally excluded from his vocabulary.

He prefers to be abandoned if it comes to that. Unlike Aries, he understands that romantic relationships and love need time to mature and blossom. Love occupies a very large place in his life. A man with the Moon in Taurus in the horoscope wants to have all the best. Sentimental, kind and shy.

Good memory, but lacks originality. Hard to change mind. He talks soberly. He likes to collect not only works of art, but also friends. Pleasant voice, likes to sing, senses of touch and taste are well developed. Talent for gardening, excellent masseurs. Since Taurus is an earth sign ruled by Venus, love is often expressed in the satisfaction of one's physical desires. Very sexy.

The character of guys with the Moon in Taurus for different signs of the zodiac

Consider what synastric astrology says, defining the character of men of different zodiac signs with the Moon in Taurus:

Sun in Aries - Moon in Taurus:

your Taurus Moon lover will take a hotter, more extroverted and interested approach to life.

Taurus Man - Moon in Taurus:

a pronounced Taurus, a creative nature, faithful and loving, progressive and a little inert, a person who is not in a hurry.

Gemini Man - Moon in Taurus:

a person who is visited by amusing ideas and who can implement them. He needs intellectual stimulation and boundless loyalty from a loved one.

Cancer Man - Moon in Taurus:

Cancer's love for home and family multiplies the desire of a person with the Moon in Taurus for security, this is a lover who seeks to protect a loved one, but acutely feels insincerity in a relationship, do not try to deceive him.

Leo Man - Moon in Taurus:

bright, self-confident, sensual and genuinely loving, but selfish and stubborn.

Virgo Man - Moon in Taurus:

at times too practical and attached to the material world a person. He needs time to express deep inner feelings to a truly dear soul.

Libra Man - Moon in Taurus:

this person is devoured by the desire to find a worthy partner in all respects. For him, the most important thing is art, beauty, peace and harmony.

Scorpio Man - Moon in Taurus:

such an intensity of passions, however, a person is an owner, and somewhere very deep in his soul he feels insecure.

Sagittarius Man - Moon in Taurus:

freedom-loving Sagittarius takes a more serious approach to life. With this position of the Moon, he is temperamental.

Capricorn Man - Moon in Taurus:

very earthy, sensual sign, loving and able to make money. Cunning and inertia do not interfere.

Aquarius Man - Moon in Taurus:

paradoxicality and inconsistency, stubbornness and originality, the eternal showdown with a partner, you will not get bored with him.

Pisces Man - Moon in Taurus:

this is a real Valentine's day all year long, a romantic idealist, although he knows life not only by hearsay.

How to make a man with the Moon in Taurus fall in love with you

Consider the love-astrological question of how to fall in love with a man with the Moon in Taurus. First of all, you need to remember that the beloved with the Moon in Taurus strives for stability, he wants a quiet life. If you act like a fashionable sex symbol from a movie, it is unlikely that the lunar Taurus will consider you an ideal partner for themselves.

To fall in love with a man with the Moon in Taurus, you need:

Be restrained. Moon Taurus views love as a plant that needs to grow and bloom, so take your time. Avoid extravagance, especially in financial matters. Show a lot of tender care and understanding.

Too demonstrative behavior will push him away from you, despite the fact that he has a deep passion. Taurus organically cannot stand assertiveness, but do not rush to the other extreme - do not play the role of an innocent simpleton. Be who you are: a serious, sensitive being who knows what love is.

People, at whose moment of birth the Moon fell into the sign of Taurus, are distinguished by constancy and stability. These qualities are manifested in everything: addictions in food, clothes, tastes, relationships. Someone will consider them incorrigible conservatives, but their outlook on life is realistic. They will never build castles in the air, and their actions are always thought out, balanced and logical.

Moon in Taurus man

Men with the Moon in Taurus are very tolerant of other people, they show not a lot of restraint and to some extent predictability. Material wealth always comes first for them. They try to take the maximum out of life, squeeze everything possible out of every situation, they will never compromise with themselves in everything related to relationships and things. They always worry about material security, strive to ensure that everything in their life is stable, and they are devoted to their ideals to the last.

Men with such a Moon can be called with firm confidence exemplary family men, farmers, gardeners. They are not indifferent to nature and love the work that is associated with it. Appreciate home comfort and warm, so they cannot imagine their ideal life without a family nest. These are very kind and sincere people who show great sensitivity to others, feel their suffering and are always happy to be useful in difficult moment. But despite such soulfulness and altruism, material and personal interests will still come first for them.

These are wonderful lovers who take care of their partner. To give pleasure to their beloved is even more important for them than to receive it themselves. IN Everyday life they are happy to show care and love towards loved ones. What woman could refuse such a man? But he himself always approaches responsibly the choice of his only one. He will never pay attention to external beauty if there is nothing else behind it. He needs a woman who, like him, strives for a stable life, does not like extravagance and does not create problems.

They like art and everything beautiful, so they always look nice and neat. They make good theater and music critics, actors and artists. At all, creative activity allow them to express themselves. They may have few friends, but they will all be devotees. Lunar Taurus always achieve their goals and never quit halfway through.

Moon in Taurus Woman

Despite the fact that these women are dominated by the desire to be the first, this does not prevent them from being diplomats and being flexible even in difficult situations. They have a natural wisdom that they never neglect. A soft and diplomatic approach allows them to avoid confusion and fuss in life. They can stand their ground and prove their rights, but at the same time they almost never show aggression. They can sometimes lack individuality and originality, so these things will have to be worked on.

These are very economic women, wonderful cooks and needlewomen. They like a calm, measured life, in which it will be clear in advance what will happen tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. It is very important for them that the housing is furnished nicely and comfortably, that the car is not a jalopy and the cottage is in perfect condition.

Since the sign is earthly, they really like to mess with the earth - look after the garden, grow flowers, work in the garden - this brings them a lot of pleasure. By nature, they were given the gift of farmers, so what others do not grow, they can produce an enviable harvest. They do not resist daily monotonous work, provided that it gives them a practical result.

Their main weak point is to "seize" problems, so often such women have problems with weight. It is difficult for them to refuse delicious, which is also not in the best way affects weight. But there is also the opposite effect when they understand the impact of food on health and begin to experiment with nutrition, exposing themselves to different diets and eating patterns. In both cases, there is a risk of getting health problems, so when it comes to food, the Lunar Taurus needs to be very careful.