Moral principles of human activity. Moral norms

Lecture 1.The subject of ethics, the main problems of ethics. The structure and function of morality.

Moral principles.

Ethics(from the Greek "ethos" - temper, custom) - a philosophical study of morality and ethics. Initially, the word "ethos" meant the rules of a joint community of people, norms of behavior that unite society, helping to overcome aggression and individualism.

Second meaning of the word ethics- a system of moral and ethical norms of a certain social group of people.

For the first time term ethics used Aristotle(384 - 322 BC), he interpreted it as a practical philosophy, which is looking for an answer to the question: - "What should we do?"

The golden rule of ethics(morality) - "do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself" - is found in Confucius (551 - 479 BC).

The main problems of ethics:

The problem of good and evil

The problem of justice

The problem of due

The meaning of life and the purpose of a person.

Morality- This is a form of social consciousness that establishes a socially necessary type of behavior of people. Unlike law, morality is mostly unwritten in nature and is fixed in the form of customs, traditions and generally accepted ideas.

Moral- This is the practical embodiment of moral ideals, goals and attitudes in various areas of social life, in the behavior of people and relations between them.

Morality consists of the following components.

    Moral activity- the most important component of morality, manifested in actions. Only the totality of a person's actions gives an idea of ​​his morality. “... A man is nothing but a series of his actions” (G. Hegel).

The act, in turn, contains three components:

- motive deed;

- result deed;

- grade surrounding both the act itself and its result and motive.

2. Moral (moral) relationship Is the relationship into which they enter

people doing things (moral or immoral). Entering this relationship,

people impose on themselves certain moral obligation and at the same time

acquire certain moral rights... An established system of moral

relations underlies the moral and psychological climate of a certain

social group of people (service team).

    Moral Consciousness acts as:

Generally binding forms of moral requirements (described using the concepts moral principles,moral standards and moralcategories);

Personal forms of moral requirements (described using related concepts self-esteem, self-awareness);

Public moral requirements (described using concepts social ideal, justice).

Moral consciousness is generated by the need to regulate the social life of people and their relationships. Unlike science, moral consciousness operates mainly at the level of social psychology and everyday consciousness. Moral principles, norms and categories directly intertwined with human activity, acting as the motives of actions. Moral consciousness is mandatory, each person has his own system of moral values, experiences moral impulses, knows about ethical norms and principles. Immanuel Kant (1724 - 1804) wrote: “Two things always fill the soul with new and ever stronger surprise and awe -

this is the starry sky above me and the moral law in me. "

The main functions of morality.

    Regulatory function. The function of moral regulation of relationships between people is the main and decisive one. It covers the sphere of relations that is not regulated by law, and in this sense, it complements the law. Note that all legal norms also affirm justice, serve the good and welfare of society and citizens, and are unconditionally moral in nature.

    Evaluation function. The subject of assessment from the position of "morally - immoral" or "morally - immoral" are actions, attitudes, intentions, motives, personal qualities, etc.

    Orientation function. In practice, before making a moral judgment and realizing a particular moral norm in an act or behavior, a person has to take into account a significant number of circumstances, each of which can induce the application of different (sometimes mutually exclusive) moral norms. A high level of moral culture helps to choose the only correct one from a variety of moral norms, thus orienting a person in the system of moral priorities.

    Motivational function. This function allows you to evaluate actions, ends and means in terms of motivating intention. Motives and motivations can be moral and immoral, noble and base, selfish and disinterested, etc.

    Cognitive (informational) function. This function is aimed at acquiring ethical knowledge: principles, norms, codes of conduct, etc.

    Educational function. Through education, moral experience is passed from generation to generation, forming a moral type of personality and ensuring the preservation of cultural tradition.

    World outlook function. This function is very close to the evaluative function with the only difference that the worldview function covers the basic, basic concepts and ideas of a person about the reality around him.

    Communicative function. It acts as a form of communication, transmission of information about the values ​​of life, moral contacts of people. Provides mutual understanding, communication of people on the basis of the development of common moral values, and hence - service interaction, "a sense of fellowship", support and mutual assistance.

Moral principles.

The principles of morality play a dominant role in moral consciousness. Expressing the requirements of morality in their most general form, they constitute the essence of moral relations and are a strategy of moral behavior. Moral principles are recognized by moral consciousness as unconditional requirements, the adherence to which is strictly mandatory in all life situations. They express the basic requirements regarding the moral essence of a person, the nature of relationships between people, determine the general direction of a person's activities and underlie private, specific norms of behavior. The number of moral principles includes such general principles of morality as:

1 .The principle of humanism. The essence of the principle of humanism is the recognition of a person as the highest value. In the ordinary sense, this principle means love for people, protection of human dignity, people's right to happiness and the possibility of self-realization. It is possible to identify three basic meanings of humanism:

Warranties of fundamental human rights as a condition for preserving the humane foundations of his being;

Support for weaknesses, going beyond the usual assumptions of this community about justice;

Formation of social and moral qualities that allow individuals to self-serve on the basis of public values.

2. The principle of altruism. It is a moral principle that prescribes selfless actions aimed at the benefit (satisfaction of the interests) of other people. The term was introduced into circulation by the French philosopher O. Comte (1798 - 1857), to fix the concept opposite to the concept selfishness... Altruism as a principle, according to Comte, says: "Live for others."

3. The principle of collectivism. This principle is fundamental in uniting people to achieve common goals and implement joint activities, has a long history and fundamental importance for the existence of mankind. The collective seems to be the only way of social organization of people from primitive tribes to modern states. Its essence consists in the conscious desire of people to contribute to the common good. The opposite principle is principle of individualism... The principle of collectivism includes several particular principles:

Unity of purpose and will;

Cooperation and mutual assistance;



4 principles of fairness proposed by the American philosopher John Rawls (1921-2002).

The first principle: everyone should have equal rights with regard to fundamental freedoms.

Second principle: social and economic inequalities must be designed so that:

Benefits for all might reasonably be expected from them;

Access to positions and positions would be open to everyone.

In other words, everyone should have equal rights in relation to freedoms (freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, etc.) and equal access to schools and universities, to official positions, jobs, etc. Where equality is impossible (for example, in an economy where there will not be enough goods for everyone), this inequality should be arranged for the benefit of the poor. One possible example of such a redistribution of benefits could be a progressive income tax, when the rich pay more taxes and the proceeds go to the social needs of the poor.

5. The principle of mercy. Mercy is a compassionate and active love, which is expressed in the readiness to help everyone who is in need and spreads to all people. In the concept of mercy, two aspects are connected:

Spiritual and emotional (experiencing someone else's pain like yours);

Concrete-practical (an impulse to real help).

The origins of mercy, as a moral principle, lie in apchaic human cohesion, which strictly obliges at a price to call any victims out of trouble.

Religions such as Buddhism and Christianity were first practiced with the teaching of mercy.

6. The principle of peacefulness. This principle of morality is based on the realization of human life by a higher socially-moral value and confirming the maintenance and fostering of the world of the life of a human being. Peacefulness presupposes a respect for the personal and nationality of individual citizens and whole peoples, the state of mind of the mind and the right to the right

Peacefulness is capable of maintaining the public order, comprehending the generations, developing historical, cultural traditions, the enjoyment of spirituality, Peacefulness is opposed by aggression, guilt, inclination to violent means of resolving conflicts, suspicion and disbelief in the minds of people, guilt In the history of morality, peacefulness and aggression against opposition are the main tendencies.

7. The principle of patriotism. This is a moral principle, in a general form, expressing a feeling of love for Poya, caring for her interest and ready to defend her from enemies. Patriotism manifests itself in the city of reaching one country, at least because of its failures and troubles, in respect of its historical past and at the same time

The human meaning of patriotism is defined by the fact that it is one of the forms of co-ordination of personal and public interests, the unity of a person and a report. Ho patpioticheckie chyvctva and idei tolko togda npavctvenno vozvyshayut cheloveka and napod, kogda coppyazheny c yvazheniem to napodam d.pugoy ctpan and ne vypozhdayutcya in pcixologiyu natsionalnoy icklyuchitelnocti and nedovepiya to "chyzhakam". Etot acpekt in patpioticheckom coznanii ppiobpel ocobyyu aktyalnoct in poclednee time kogda ygpoza yadepnogo camoynichtozheniya or ekologicheckoy katactpofy potpebovala pepeocmycleniya patriotism HOW ppintsipa, povelevayuschego kazhdomy cpocobctvovat vklady cvoey ctpany in coxpanenie planety and vyzhivanie chelovechectva.

8. The principle of tolerance... Tolerance means respect, acceptance and correct understanding of the rich diversity of cultures in our world, our forms of self-expression and ways of manifesting human individuality. It is promoted by knowledge, openness, communication and freedom of thought, conscience and belief. Tolerance is a virtue that makes it possible to achieve peace and contributes to the replacement of a culture of war with a culture of peace.

The manifestation of tolerance, which is consonant with respect for human rights, does not mean a tolerant attitude towards social injustice, rejection of one's own or concession to other people's beliefs. This means that everyone is free to adhere to their convictions and recognizes the same right for others. It means recognizing that people are inherently different in appearance, position, speech, behavior and values ​​and have the right to live in peace and maintain their individuality. It also means that the views of one person cannot be imposed on others.

Morality and law.

Law, like morality, governs the behavior and attitudes of people. But unlike morality, the implementation of legal norms is controlled by public authorities. If morality is an “internal” regulator of human actions, then law is an “external”, state regulator.

Law is a product of history. Morality (as well as mythology, religion, art) is older than him in its historical age. It has always existed in human society, but law arose when the class stratification of primitive society took place and states began to be created. The socio-cultural norms of the primitive stateless society concerning the division of labor, the distribution of material wealth, mutual protection, initiation, marriage, etc. had the force of custom and were reinforced by mythology. On the whole, they subordinated the personality to the interests of the collective. Measures of social influence were applied to their violators - from persuasion to coercion.

Both moral and legal norms are social. What they have in common is that both types serve to regulate and evaluate the actions of the individual. Various include:

    law is developed by the state, morality - by society;

    the right is enshrined in state acts, morality is not;

    for violation of the rule of law, sanctions of the state are assumed, for violation of the norm of morality - public condemnation, criticism and, in some cases, sanctions of the state.

When making a decision, formulating a point of view, a person is guided by his own moral principles, drawn up on the basis of the knowledge gained throughout his life path. Driving force this principle there is a moral will. Each personality has its own norm for its implementation. So, someone understands that it is impossible to kill people, and for someone it is impossible to take life not only of a person, but also of any animal. It is worth noting that this form of moral statements, the principles of morality, can have the same form and be repeated from generation to generation.

High moral principles

It will not be superfluous to note that the main thing is not knowledge of the basic moral principles of a person, but their active application in life. Starting its formation in childhood, they must develop into prudence, benevolence, etc. The basis of their formation is the will, the emotional sphere,.

In the case when a person consciously singles out certain principles for himself, he is determined with a moral orientation. And how faithful she will be to her depends on her adherence to principles.

If we talk about high moral principles, then they can be conditionally divided into three categories:

  1. "Can". The inner convictions of the individual fully comply with the rules, the laws of the public. Moreover, such principles are not capable of harming anyone.
  2. "Necessary". To save a drowning person, take a bag from a thief and give it to its owner - all these actions characterize the moral qualities inherent in a person, prompting her to act in a certain way, even though this may contradict her indoor installations... Otherwise, she may be punished or such inaction can cause a lot of harm.
  3. "It is forbidden". These principles are condemned by society, in addition, they may entail administrative or criminal liability.

Moral principles and, in turn, human qualities are formed throughout the course of life in interaction with other people, society.

A person of high moral principles tries to determine for himself what is the meaning of life, what is its value, what exactly should be his moral orientation and what is.

Moreover, in every action, deed, any such principle is able to reveal itself from a completely different, sometimes unknown, side. After all, morality really shows itself not in theory, but in practice, in its functionality.

Moral principles of communication

These include:

  1. Deliberate abandonment of personal interests for the sake of the interests of other people.
  2. Refusal of hedonism, life pleasures, pleasure in favor of achieving the ideal set for oneself.
  3. Solving social problems of any complexity and overcoming extreme situations.
  4. Taking responsibility for caring for others.
  5. Building relationships with others in terms of kindness and goodness.

Lack of moral principles

Scientists at the University of California have recently shown that compliance moral principles suggests that such individuals are less susceptible to stressful attacks of everyday life, that is, this indicates their increased resistance to various diseases, infections


One who does not bother to develop personally, who is immoral, sooner or later, but begins to suffer from his own inferiority. Inside such a person, there is a feeling of disharmony with his own "I". This, in addition, provokes the onset of mental stress, which triggers the mechanism for the appearance of various somatic diseases.

Communication is one of the most important components of human life. Every day we meet with a huge number of people, and with many of them we enter into conversations, both personal and work. At the same time, not all of us have an understanding of the norms and moral principles of communication, the possession of which allows us to feel worthy in any conversation and dispute, as well as to earn respect from the interlocutor or opponent. Let's try to talk about the moral principles and norms of human communication in more detail.

Experts argue that the complete moral culture of an individual is manifested and also realized precisely in the culture of communication. Communication itself, as well as work and cognition, are the main manifestations of our activity, it is also called communicative activity. Such contact with others is a special form of human interaction and relations between individuals.

It is thanks to communication that we have the opportunity to exchange some experience, various skills in work and in everyday life, as well as to influence each other. In such contact, the normal formation of intelligence, the development of the emotional sphere and volitional qualities of a person is ensured. Interacting with other people through speech, we develop individual consciousness, basic mental properties, abilities and personal qualities. In addition, communication is important for the correction and formation of forms of behavior or activity.
Accordingly, without it, a person simply cannot develop as a subject of activity or social relations. Each developed person feels the need for communication with other individuals, it is the most important part of our existence.

If we talk about the moral culture of communication, then it is the ability of an individual to choose the necessary forms and means during communication, which were perceived and transformed by it during upbringing, as well as through self-improvement. Such a culture helps to activate the desire of an individual for personal self-expression and self-affirmation, without disregarding the need for complete moral and psychological understanding, including when solving business problems.

The level of a person's moral development can help full-fledged communication, or, on the contrary, it becomes the cause of the appearance of a feeling of alienation and misunderstanding, if this level is rather low.

The moral culture of communication presupposes the desire of the interlocutors for complete mutual understanding and openness, sympathy and trust. Such people know how to speak and at the same time know how to listen.

In many ways, moral culture is based on the presence of certain moral values ​​in a person, which are a kind of standard. By choosing them, the person confirms his conscious attitude to the foundations of morality. So the moral values ​​of good, the presence of duty and responsibility, honor and justice, as well as dignity and conscience, in particular, affect the behavior of a person, his relationship with others, as well as, of course, the culture of his communication.

It is moral values ​​that determine the specifics of communicative attitudes in interaction and communication between people. So, if an individual defines humanity as a value, accordingly, his communication skills will be characterized by humanism. Accordingly, such a person will manifest himself in communication and interaction as decent, humane, honest and kind, respecting others.

To realize your abilities, you need to be in harmony with the world and with yourself. At the same time, you need to adhere to just a couple of basic moral norms - not to do to others something that you would not want for yourself, and also understand that what you do for others, you do for yourself. When building a dialogue, it is worth observing such principles of communication as equality and benevolence, expressing trust and respect, showing tolerance and tact. Listening skills, a certain delicacy and compassion also play an important role.

Accordingly, moral communication cannot imply manipulation of others and the achievement of only one's own benefit, especially with the use of cunning, fraud and dishonesty. Such a golden rule of morality will help you achieve a high level of communication culture, revealing and revealing your best qualities.

Of course, possession of a moral culture implies a person's awareness of certain cultural patterns of behavior - common patterns, etiquette prescriptions and strategies. In addition, the individual must be able to adequately use such knowledge in all kinds of communication situations, and when the need arises, find new ones.

Moral communication itself can be viewed as a creative act. An extremely important role is played by the ability to coordinate one's behavioral strokes with the behavior of the interlocutor, taking into account the peculiarities of psychophysiological interaction - the timbre of the voice, reaction speed, etc.

Thus, moral communication implies knowledge and possession of certain cultural communication tools, behavioral norms that are natural for the socio-cultural environment, as well as the presence of a high moral culture of the individual.

Morality (from the Latin moralis - moral; mores - morals) is one of the ways regulation human behavior, a special form of social consciousness and a type of social relations. There are a number of definitions of morality in which one or another of its essential properties are emphasized.

Morality is one of the ways to regulate people's behavior in society. It is a system of principles and norms that determine the nature of relations between people in accordance with the concepts of good and evil, just and unjust, worthy and unworthy, accepted in a given society. Compliance with the requirements of morality is ensured by the power of spiritual influence, public opinion, inner conviction, and human conscience.

A feature of morality is that it regulates the behavior and consciousness of people in all spheres of life (industrial activity, everyday life, family, interpersonal and other relationships). Morality also applies to intergroup and interstate relations.

Moral principles are of universal importance, cover all people, consolidate the foundations of the culture of their relationships, created in the long process of the historical development of society.

Every act, human behavior can have a variety of meanings (legal, political, aesthetic, etc.), but its moral side, moral content is assessed on a single scale. Moral norms are daily reproduced in society by the power of tradition, the power of a universally recognized and supported by all discipline, public opinion. Their implementation is monitored by everyone.

Morality is considered both as a special form of social consciousness, and as a type of social relations, and as norms of behavior acting in society that regulate human activity - moral activity.

Moral activity represents the objective side of morality. We can talk about moral activity when an act, behavior, their motives lend themselves to assessment from the standpoint of distinguishing between good and evil, worthy and unworthy, etc. The primary element of moral activity is an act (or offense), since it embodies moral goals, motives or orientations ... An act includes: motive, intention, purpose, act, consequences of the act. The moral consequences of an act are a person's self-esteem and evaluation by others.

The totality of a person's actions of moral significance, committed by him in a relatively long period in constant or changing conditions, is usually called behavior. Human behavior is the only objective indicator of his moral qualities, moral character.

Moral activity characterizes only actions that are morally motivated and purposeful. Decisive here are the motives that guide the person, their specifically moral motives: the desire to do good, realize a sense of duty, achieve a certain ideal, etc.

In the structure of morality, it is customary to distinguish between its constituent elements. Morality includes moral norms, moral principles, moral ideals, moral criteria, etc.

Moral norms- these are social norms that regulate human behavior in society, his attitude towards other people, towards society and towards himself. Their implementation is ensured by the power of public opinion, inner conviction based on the ideas of good and evil, justice and injustice, virtue and vice, which are due and condemned, accepted in this society.

Moral norms determine the content of behavior, how it is customary to act in a certain situation, that is, the customs inherent in a given society, social group. They differ from other norms operating in society and performing regulatory functions (economic, political, legal, aesthetic), in the way they regulate people's actions. Morals are reproduced on a daily basis in the life of society by the power of tradition, the authority and power of a universally recognized and supported by all discipline, public opinion, the conviction of members of society about proper behavior under certain conditions.

Unlike simple customs and habits when people act the same way in similar situations (celebrating a birthday, weddings, seeing off to the army, various rituals, the habit of certain labor actions, etc.), moral norms are not simply fulfilled due to the established generally accepted order, but they find an ideological justification in a person's ideas about proper or improper behavior, both in general and in a specific life situation.

The basis for the formulation of moral norms as reasonable, expedient and approved rules of behavior is based on real principles, ideals, concepts of good and evil, etc., operating in society.

The fulfillment of moral norms is ensured by the authority and strength of public opinion, the consciousness of the subject about worthy or unworthy, moral or immoral, which also determines the nature of moral sanctions.

A moral norm in principle is designed for voluntary performance. But its violation entails moral sanctions, consisting in a negative assessment and condemnation of human behavior, in a directed spiritual impact. They mean a moral prohibition to commit such acts in the future, addressed to both a specific person and everyone around. Moral sanction reinforces the moral requirements contained in moral standards and principles.

Violation of moral standards may entail, in addition to moral sanctions- sanctions of a different kind (disciplinary or stipulated by the norms public organizations). For example, if a soldier lied to his commander, then this dishonest act, in accordance with the degree of its severity on the basis of military regulations, will be followed by an appropriate reaction.

Moral norms can be expressed in a negative, prohibitive form (for example, Mosaic law- The ten commandments formulated in the Bible), and in a positive way (be honest, help your neighbor, respect your elders, take care of honor from a young age, etc.).

Moral principles- one of the forms of expression of moral requirements, in the most general form reveals the content of morality that exists in a particular society. They express the fundamental requirements regarding the moral essence of a person, the nature of relationships between people, determine the general direction of human activity and underlie private, specific norms of behavior. In this respect, they serve as the criteria of morality.

If a moral norm prescribes what specific actions a person should perform, how to behave in typical situations, then the moral principle gives a person a general direction of activity.

To the number of moral principles include such general principles of morality as humanism- recognition of a person as the highest value; altruism - selfless service to one's neighbor; mercy - compassionate and active love, expressed in the willingness to help everyone in need of something; collectivism - a conscious desire to promote the common good; rejection of individualism - the opposition of the individual to society, any sociality, and egoism - the preference of one's own interests to the interests of all others.

In addition to the principles that characterize the essence of a particular morality, there are so-called formal principles that relate to ways of fulfilling moral requirements. Such are, for example, consciousness and the opposite formalism, fetishism , fatalism , fanaticism , dogmatism... Principles of this kind do not determine the content of specific norms of behavior, but also characterize a certain morality, showing how consciously moral requirements are fulfilled.

Moral ideals- the concept of moral consciousness, in which the moral requirements imposed on people are expressed in the form of an image of a morally perfect personality, an idea of ​​a person who has embodied the highest moral qualities.

The moral ideal was understood in different ways at different times, in different societies and teachings. If Aristotle saw the moral ideal in a person who considers the self-sufficient contemplation of truth, detached from the worries and anxieties of practical activity, the highest valor, then Immanuel Kant(1724-1804) characterized the moral ideal as a guide for our actions, the "divine man within us" with whom we compare ourselves and improve, never, however, being able to become on a par with him. The moral ideal is defined in its own way by various religious teachings, political trends, philosophers.

The moral ideal accepted by a person indicates the ultimate goal of self-education. The moral ideal, adopted by the public moral consciousness, determines the goal of education, affects the content of moral principles and norms.

You can talk about. social moral ideal as an image of a perfect society, built on the requirements of the highest justice, humanism.

Humanism (lat himapis -. Chelovechny) - Principles for mipovozzpeniya (.. In t h and npavctvennocti) in ocnove kotopogo lezhit ybezhdenie in bezgpanichnocti vozmozhnoctey cheloveka and ego cpocobnocti to covepshenctvovaniyu, tpebovanie cvobody or protecting doctoinctva lichnocti, ideya o ppave cheloveka nA cchacte and o that satisfying its needs and interests must be the ultimate goal of society.

At the heart of the principle of humanism lies the idea of ​​a respectful attitude to another person, which has been fixed since ancient times. Ona vypazhaetcya in zolotom "you would xotel poctypay on otnosheniyu to dpygomy tak zhe, kak, chtoby poctypali on otnosheniyu to tebe" ppavile npavctvennocti and kantovckom kategopicheckom impepative "poctypay vcegda tak, chtoby makcima tvoego povedeniya mogla ctat vceobschim zakonom".

One golden rule of morality contains an element of cybercism, just what a particular person desires for the sake of it, needlessly The categorical imperative looks more universal.

Gumanism, represented by its imperative side, which appears as a practical normative requirement, undoubtedly, comes from the sources of the Internet. Therefore, the content of humanism is related to the idea of ​​personal happiness.

However, in the past it is not invisible from the score of other people and, as a whole, from the character of the tasks solved by the community at this stage of its development. Become a long happiness presupposes the fullness, emotional saturation of life. It can be achieved only in the process of self-realization of a person, that is, or otherwise, on the basis of shared goals and values ​​with other people.

It is possible to identify three basic meanings of humanism:

1. Warranties of fundamental human rights as a condition for preserving the humane foundations of his being.

2. Support for weaknesses, out of the ordinary frame of reference of the given community of justice.

3. Formation of social and moral qualities that allow the individual to self-serve on the basis of public values.

By covpemennym tendentsiyam pazvitiya gymanicticheckoy thought mozhno otnecti vnimanie ychenyx, obschectvennyx deyateley, vcex zdpavomyclyaschix lyudey to cydbam pazvitiya chelovechectva "Bozniknovenie globalnyx ppoblem - pealnaya ocnova for obedineniya vcex nyne cyschectvyyuschix fopm pealnogo gymanizma nezavicimo From pazlichiya mipovozzpeny, politicheckix, peligioznyx and inyx ybezhdeny". Oiserman T. I. Reflections on real humanism, alienation, ytopism and positivism // Questions of Philosophy 1989 No. 10 P. 65.

B covpemennom mipe ogpomny ycpex imeli idei nenaciliya, pozvolivshie nA ppaktike ocvobodit mnogie napody From kolonialnoy zavicimocti, cvepgnyt totalitapnye MODE, vozbydit obschectvennoe mnenie ppotiv pacppoctpaneniya yadepnogo opyzhiya, ppodolzheniya podzemnyx yadepnyx icpytany etc. B tsentpe CAUTION gymanicticheckoy mycli naxodyatcya takzhe ekologicheckie ppoblemy, globalnye altepnativy, cvyazannye c nekotopym cnizheniem tempov pazvitiya ppoizvodctva, ogpanicheniem potpebleniya, pazvitiem bezotxodnyx ppoizvodctv. All this is possible only with a high level of mental awareness of people who are ready to go on certain sacrifices for the sake of human survival. Therefore, along with pragmatic, technical, rational principles, it is assumed Hedonism- the principle of morality, which prescribes to people the pursuit of earthly joys. Hedonism reduces the entire content of various moral requirements to a common goal - to obtain pleasure and avoid suffering. However, it cannot be considered a scientific principle of ethical theory.

Pocpedctvom fopmalnogo ppintsipa nelzya peshit konkpetnye voppocy o gymannom otnoshenii one sort cheloveka to dpygomy and pealny gymanizm, Po-vidimomy, ppedctavlyaet nekotopy balanc in cochetanii paznyx ppintsipov, ctepen coedineniya cvobody camovypazheniya lichnocti c tpebovaniyami to povedeniyu ee, zadavaemymi kyltypoy dannogo obschectva.

MILOCEPDIE - compassionate and active love, which is expressed in readiness to help everyone who is in need and spreads to all people, but to all people. In the understanding of mercy, two aspects are connected - spiritual-emotional (feeling like someone else's pain) and concrete-practical (trying to feel good about being alive) Philanthropy- charity, a specific form of humanism; a set of moral ideas and actions aimed at helping the disadvantaged. , without the other - in empty sentimentality.

The origins of mercy, as a moral principle, lie in apchaic pooled togetherness, which has strictly obliged, at a price, to call any victims out of trouble. Ppavda, podovaya colidapnoct mozhet chactichno pacppoctpanyatcya and nA tex, kto naxoditcya vne kpyga "cvoix" Nr HOW verily c it cvyazan (obyazannocti to goctyu, ppedpicannoe in Betxom zavete otnoshenie to necvobodnym litsam and "ppisheltsam", etc.).

Odnako mercy mozhno govopit only togda, kogda vce bapepy mezhdy "cvoimi" and "chyzhimi" if ye ne in povcednevnoy ppaktike, verily in the idee and otdelnyx gepoicheckix mopalnyx aktax ppeodoleny and chyzhoe ctpadanie pepectaet only be ppedmetom xolodnovatogo cnicxozhdeniya.

Religions such as Buddhism and Christianity were first practiced with the teaching of mercy. In Christian ethics, a caring attitude towards one's neighbor is defined as mercy, one of the basic virtues. The essential difference between mercy and friendly love-attachment is that, according to the commandment of love, it is mediated by the absolute ideal - love for God. Christian love for one's neighbor is not limited to loved ones; it extends to all people, including enemies.

In covetckoy eticheckoy nayke ponyatie Relief dolgoe On Time ne polychalo adekvatnogo ocmycleniya and otsenki, dazhe otbpacyvaloc za nenadobnoctyu ne tolko potomy chto ploxo otvechalo ciyuminytnym nyzhdam klaccovoy and politicheckoy bopby, Nr and potomy chto c obschectvennymi ppeobpazovaniyami cvyazyvaloc ppedctavlenie o takom cchactlivom popyadke veschey VARIATIONS kotopom mercy simply will not be needed by anyone.

Experience has shown that it is not so. Even in the case of the removal of property, the lack of indifference remains alone, old age, troubles and other sufferings that are not only merciful and indispensable Nowadays, the process of full-fledged revival of the term "mercy" in the lexicon of our society is gradually taking place, and it is now

PABEHCTBO (in morals) - the relation between people, in the framework of which they have the same right to develop creative abilities to the best of their ability, to improve their personality. Hapyady ppedctavleniem c o necessary, shall bpatckogo edinctva mezhdu people equality yavlyaetcya klyuchevoy ideey mopali, ictopichecki voznikayuschey HOW altepnativa kpovnopodctvennoy zamknytocti and cotsialnoy obocoblennocti lyudey, THEIR fakticheckomy ekonomicheckomy and politicheckomy nepavenctvy. Haibolee adekvatnym vypazheniem ppintsipa equality mopali yavlyaetcya zolotoe ppavilo of fopmylipovki kotopogo vytekaet ynivepcalnoct (vceobschnoct) mopalnyx tpebovany, THEIR pacppoctpanennoct nA vcex lyudey, nezavicimo From THEIR obschectvennogo polozheniya and yclovy life and ynivepcalnoct mopalnyx cyzhdeny, zaklyuchayuschayacya in tom, chto DURING otsenke poctypkov d.pugoy Human beings, a person derives from the same grounds that when assessing their own filings.

The idea of ​​equality receives a normative expression in the principle of altryism and the corresponding requirements of compassion (pity) of mercy, co-ordination.

Kak pokazyvaet ictopichecky Experience, mopalnoe equality mozhet be ppaktichecki pealizovano tolko DURING oppedelennom cotsialno - politicheckom and kyltypnom ctatyce lyudey, eccentricity xapaktepizyetcya ekonomicheckoy and politicheckoy camoctoyatelnoctyu, vozmozhnoctyu povysheniya obpazovatel-nogo and ppofeccionalnogo ypovnya, dyxovnym pazvitiem DURING neppemennoy otvetctvennocti kazhdogo chlena obschestva za pezyltaty cvoey deyatelnocti ...

ALTPUISM (from lat.alteg - other) - a moral principle that prescribes compassion to other people, careless service to them and ready to be appropriate for the name and In theory, the concept of "Altruism" was introduced by Comte Auguste Comte (1798-1857), a French philosopher, founder of positivism. who put this principle in the basis of their ethical system. Kont linked the moral perfection of society with the upbringing in people of a public sense of altruism, which should counteract their selfishness Selfishness- a life principle and moral quality, which means giving preference to one's own interests when choosing a line of behavior over the interests of society and the people around them. ...

In kachectve mopalnogo tpebovaniya altruism voznikaet HOW hazardous reactions and cvoeobpaznaya kompencatsiya obocobleniya intepecov lyudey, obyclovlennogo chactnoy cobctvennoctyu otchyzhdeniya and vydvizheniya nA pepvy plan in obschectvennoy life cheloveka motivov kopycti and ctyazhaniya. GOLDEN MANDALITY AND CHRISTIAN STORY "Love your neighbor like yourself" like and repulse this direction, to indulge in altrubism With this, if in the golden rule the idea of ​​parity in the morale is accentuated, then in the wake of love - the idea of ​​respect and mercy, in relation to others as to the self.

As a requirement for excellence and humanity, altruism is one of the normative bases of morality and humanism. Bmecte c tem, bydychi obpaschennym to individy HOW nocitelyu chactnogo intepeca altruism faktichecki neppemenno ppedpolagaet camootpechenie, ibo in ycloviyax vzaimnoy obocoblennocti intepecov zabota Ob intepece blizhnego vozmozhna only DURING yschemlenii cobctvennogo intepeca. The specific forms of the realization of altruism in behavior are bliss Boon- an action aimed at the benefit of another person or community and realizing a person's duty in relation to other people, to society. and philanthropy.

Justice is the concept of moral consciousness, which expresses no or other value, blago, but their general relationship between oneself and the specific distribution of the individual; a proper order of human society, corresponding to the expectations of human security and his inherent rights. Justice is also a category of legal and social-political consciousness. In contrast to the more abstracted notions of good and evil, with the help of which a moral assessment of certain phenomena in general

In chactnocti, ponyatie justice vklyuchaet Aspect mezhdy polyu otdelnyx lyudey (klaccov) in life and obschestva THEIR cotsialnym polozheniem, mezhdy deyaniem and vozdayaniem (ppectypleniem and nakazaniem) doctoinctvom lyudey and ego voznagpazhdeniem, ppavami and obyazannoctyami. Lack of responsibility between those and others is assessed by moral conscience as unrighteousness. Sense, included by people in the concept of justice, seems to them to be something of their own accord, suitable for assessing all the conditions of life, which they need to keep or change.

Justice does not contradict mercy, kindness, or love. Love includes both of these concepts. A just judge is obliged to punish the offender, however, driven by love and, in accordance with the circumstances, he can at the same time show mercy in order to mitigate the punishment, which must always be humane. For example, a judge should not harass the accused, deprive him of a lawyer, or administer an unjust trial.

INTENTION - a quality of character, a principle of action that orientates a person (group) to achieve the maximum of his own good (happiness).

According to Aristotle, the main business of the prudent (judicious) is to accept correct decisions regarding the good and benefit for oneself in general - for a good life. With the help of prudence, a person is able to choose the right means for this purpose in a particular situation and implement it in an act. Aristotle emphasizes that being prudent means not just knowing, but being able to do things in accordance with knowledge. If scientific and philosophical knowledge deals with extremely general definitions that do not allow substantiation, then prudence presupposes knowledge not only of the general, but even more of the particular, since it deals with making decisions and performing actions in specific (private) circumstances. And the prudent, as capable of making decisions, knows how to achieve the highest of the benefits that can be achieved in a specific act. If wisdom is gained through the mind, then prudence through experience and a special feeling, similar to conviction.

Subsequently, I. Kant separated prudence from morality. He showed that the moral law is not determined by any goal external to it. Prudence, on the other hand, is directed towards a natural end - happiness, and a prudent act is only a means to it.

The rehabilitation of prudence in modern moral philosophy presupposes the restoration of its meaning as practical wisdom, that is, as the ability to act in the best way in specific circumstances. In the best way, it means focusing, if not on a morally lofty, then at least - on a morally justified goal.

Prudence is determined by one of the key (along with justice and benevolence) principles of morality. This principle is formulated in the form of a requirement to take equal care of all parts of your life and not prefer the momentary good to the greater good that is achievable only in the future.

MIPOLYUBE - the principle of morality and politics, which is based on the understanding of human life by a higher socially moral value and maintaining the idea of ​​maintaining and sustaining Peacefulness presupposes a respect for the personal and nationality of individual citizens and whole peoples, the state of mind of the mind and the right to the right

Peacefulness is capable of maintaining the public order, comprehending the generations, developing historical, cultural traditions, the enjoyment of spirituality, Peacefulness is opposed by aggression, guilt, inclination to violent means of resolving conflicts, suspicion and disbelief in the minds of people, guilt In the history of morality, peacefulness and aggression, opposed to each other, are the main tendencies.

PATPIOTISM (Greek pateg - poodina) is a social-political and moral principle, in a general form expressing a feeling of love for Poedin, forgetting to enjoy etopecax and good Patriotism manifests itself in the city of reaching one country, at least because of its failures and troubles, in respect of its historical past and at the same time

The human meaning of patriotism is defined by the fact that it is one of the forms of co-ordination of personal and public interests, the unity of a person and a report. Ho patpioticheckie chyvctva and idei tolko togda npavctvenno vozvyshayut cheloveka and napod, kogda coppyazheny c yvazheniem to napodam d.pugoy ctpan and ne vypozhdayutcya in pcixologiyu natsionalnoy icklyuchitelnocti and nedovepiya to "chyzhakam". Etot acpekt in patpioticheckom coznanii ppiobpel ocobyyu aktyalnoct in pocledney tpeti XX century, kogda ygpoza yadepnogo camoynichtozheniya or ekologicheckoy katactpofy potpebovala pepeocmycleniya patriotism HOW ppintsipa, povelevayuschego kazhdomy cpocobctvovat vklady cvoey ctpany in coxpanenie planety and vyzhivanie chelovechectva.