Magic numbers. White Pigeon: Interpretation in Dream Interpretation

White dove in a dream is a good sign, traditionally personifying peace and love, good luck in the coming business. Unmarried girls He promises a good groom and an ambulance wedding, women - a comfortable future, and men - peace and consent in the soul.

Sleep, in which you see pigeon, all dreams are interpreted as a favorable, white dove only increases the likelihood of positive omen.

What dreams of white pigeons for Miller's dream book

Seeing white dove in a dream, be sure of luck on your side. Young girls white pigeons foreshadow a happy marriage and joy of happy childbearing.

If white pigeons fly with a stink, it means the news from a long time from afar, as well as a positive permission of accumulated problems. To hunt a pigeon - to show cruelty, be careful and keep your low-lying instincts in the cord.

White Pigeon - Wang Dream

White dove - means spiritual purity, peace, sometimes the Divine beginning, participation Higher Forces In your affairs. White-circular white pigeons in the air - the paw in the shower, reconciliation with you and a new life.

Feed pigeon in a dream, then be open person With good thoughts and good intentions to others, what they know and are grateful to you. If the pigeon sat on the shoulder or dreamed of dead or crumpled - this is a bad sign.

Dreamed White Pigeons - Interpretation by Freud

A white dove in a dream says that in life you have a favorable relationship with the person of the opposite sex. Platonic love on your part at the same time is ready to go to a more intimate stage, but the partner is not ready for it. Do not hurry, bring patience to not spoil relationships, and time will put everything in its place.

Modern dream book - What dreams white dove

White dove is a precursor of luck in an endeavor, calm in the house, the health of children. If a dove in a dream behaves restlessly, be careful to your health, unexpected difficulties may arise.

To see a whole flock of white pigeons in a dream and hear their recovery in life means good luck, love, virtue, favorable delivery, a quick marriage and the world in the family. If white pigeons become whose prey, it means that hidden cruelty woke up in you, keep emotions under control, but try to release steam.

White pigeons at the church or on the domes - God sees and knows your problems and will help in their favorable resolution. If the pigeon dreams on the shoulder - pay attention to yourself, perhaps for the fuss of earthly problems you forgot about spiritual needs.

Generally, white dove - omen pleasant changes for the better. Perhaps in the near future you will feel it.

What dreams a quiet pigeon in hands? This is one of those favorable symbols, which promises in a habitual life cloudless happiness, full of contentment and peace. Dream interpretation will help competently decipher the image enclosed in a dream.

General interpretations

Did you dream of a pigeon in my hands? You have a fireless future and mass positive emotions from a noisy holiday.

See birds that voluntarily sit on the shoulders or hands in a dream - well. Dream Interpretation believes that they symbolize the impeccable faith.

If the bird flew into the house, then a large family joy will happen soon. It is also a sign that you have committed a bad act, but I fully redeemed him in the course of life tests.

In extreme cases, the interpretation of sleep has a negative and warns of a relative's disease or his own illness, such predictions usually carry the birds of dark color.

Take care!

What dreams of a dove in the hands you decide to feed? This means that above all you put your own family and take care of the home.

To see how someone holds a dove - on the contrary to the urgent need to pay attention to someone from loved ones.

Put the pigeon from the handle in a dream - to good changes that will help solve all current misunderstandings.

Did you dream of Path sitting on the palm? Dream Interpretation is confident that you have no need to worry about your destiny, because you look after the invisible patrons.

Get ready!

Did you have been in the church, and pressed a pigeon to the chest? This is a hint that is the time to do your own soul and its development. Dream Interpretation recommends calm meditations, prayers and self-analysis of behavior.

If you have witnessed this picture on Tuesday night, then in the case that you are very careful, get a failure. The dream of a medium ensures that you will successfully survive a difficult period and even take part in some events that will be included in history.

Interpretation of Miller

Miller's dream book claims that the pigeon in his hands in a dream marks the birth of children and personal happiness. For lonely it is a prediction of the ambulance.

Good symbol

What dreams a pure white pigeon in hand? A dream action promises respect for others, devotees and reliable life satellites.

White pigeon stands in a dream with a symbol of God's fishery, spiritual revelation and enlightenment. Did you dream of white ptah? Wait for great good luck.

Decoding in color

In addition, the dream book is confident that the color of the plumage gives the maximum complete characteristic Image.

  • Light - disease.
  • Dark - news.
  • SIZY - despair, longing, disease.
  • Black - death, failure.
  • Redhead - profits.
  • Wild - loyalty.
  • Very big - guest.

Son or daughter?

Why dream, what did you manage to catch a dove? A love date will soon take place or you will work opposite the trouble.

To idle to catch a bird in a dream - to the wedding, family - to the birth of kids. And if the pigeon happened to catch a dream man, then his daughter will be born, if a woman, then son.

A dove in a dream symbolizes getting good news, peace, bliss of pleasure, wealth and success in business.

Lovely such a dream predicts loyalty. If your beloved is going to a long trip, then after such a dream you must believe that he will return to you, and his trip will be profitable.

Married Son. About pigeons predicts the devotion of spouses.

Businessmen sleep about pigeons promises an increase in state.

To see him flying in a dream - a sign of receiving pleasant news about success.

See pigeon in the sky - a sign of consolation in love.

Walking pigeons in a dream promise happiness in love and happy marriage union for married.

Feed pigeons from hand in a dream - a sign of big changes in life, recognition and honors. Sometimes such a dream indicates a greater attachment to you someone.

If in a dream you are trying to close the pigeon in a closet or buffet, and it falls out from there, then your hopes for happy marriage With your sweetheart not justify.

Mothers Dream about pigeon predicts receipt of the news from the beloved child.

Catch pigeons in a dream - to losses; Kill - to the separation or death of a close friend.

Pigeons flying over your home, sitting by the window or on the roof, foreshadow receiving news from loved ones.

Two kissing pigeons see in a dream - a sign of devotion to your beloved, reciprocity, caress.

See the gorge in a dream - a sign of gentle affection for men and getting good news for women.

Interpretation of dreams from family dream

Dream Interpretation - Dove

Pigeon - symbol of peace, love and trust. With this bird, people associate all the best: hopes for peace and consent, pleasant news and, of course, love, because it is no coincidence that all countries are unlosled, which means that two sitting dove meaning. People have long arrived and used pigeons as postmen, and therefore, and now, seeing his pigeon's window, we ask him about the news he brought.

To dream of a dwarf with small chicks - a sign that soon the long-awaited peace and consent will be established in your family. Your spouse or spouse will delight you, and the children will stop upset.

To see in a dream dove that carries something, "means that you are waiting for a pleasant news from an old friend, with which you have not seen you for a long time.

Watch in a dream for drinking water The pigeon is a sign that soon you will be expected to change for the better, personal problems are easily solved, despite the fact that now it seems to you that you have no one else on white light.

If you dreamed that the pigeon, trying to drink water, drowned in the river, then in real life You have a case for which you will take thoughtlessly, and therefore to be defeated in it.

Divide the houses of pigeons - evidence that in real life you are not quite satisfied with the well-being of your family, and therefore your desire is the desire to make your households are happy, healthy and did not need anything.

Occoltovy in a dream dove in order to send any news with it, - the prophecy of the fast news that will surprise and at the same time will greatly please you with you. Perhaps such a dream says that you yourself inform someone unexpected news.

To be in a dream in the pigeon - to the unspecified luck. Perhaps you will receive an unexpected inheritance or win a large amount of money in the lottery.

I hear in a dream to promote the pigeons - a sign that soon you will have a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe company of old funny friends. You not only have a pleasant time, but learn a lot of new and interesting.

To see in a dream of a wounded dove - means your carelessness, as a result of which you lose your closest friend. In love with such a dream prophesate a break of relationships.

Interpretation of dreams

The pigeon symbolizes love and peace, consent and trust. Therefore, in dreams, he never causes negative emotions. But, nevertheless, it is always very interesting to know what the pigeons are shot in night gold?

Interpretation of dreams with pigeons entirely depends on the details of the plot. In addition, you need to pay attention to appearance birds. In dreams You can find a lot of interpretations of the most different plots, so it is not difficult to decipher sleep, based on our own intuition.

What dreams of white pigeons

To understand what pigeons are being shot, you should pay attention to the color of the bird's plumage. White pigeons in night goldes are a very good sign. And the more they are, the better. It symbolizes that you are a very bright person by nature. In your heart there is always love and faith, and in the soul there is a place for compassion and kindness.

White pigeon

Dinking a white dove in a dream hand symbolizes his optimistic life mood. Such a dream can be a precursor of significant creative success. And for a young girl, such night dreams, foreshadow a happy marriage.

Gray dove dreams

If you dream gray dovethat he focuses on the depressive state of a dream associated with the fact that in real life of a person there is a stagnation and decline. Such a protracted state is very dangerous, as it can greatly worsen the state of health. This dream is warning, so after it, it is very important to make the right conclusions and change its perception of the world, and, therefore, an emotional attitude.

Black dove

An unfavorable sign is also a black dove in a dream. He points to large life disappointments. It can very well be that the hope of hoped or a betrayal occurred.

For proper decoding dreams, important role The behavior of birds also plays. If they are welcome on the windowsill or fly to the house in night gold, it foreshadows the receipt of unexpected news. They can be both positive and negative. Also, if the pigeon flew into the house, then this can foreshadow large changes in life. There is a high probability of change of residence. And it may also be that in your life there will be a person with whom you will connect your fate. Also a good sign is the plot of a dream, in which the pigeon, who flown to you in the house, sat down in your hand. He foreshadows good luck in business and emphasizes that you can currently successfully implement all your ideas. After such sleep, it follows when making important decisionsBe sure to listen to your intuition.

A pair of aging pigeons - dream book

If you have been hardened in the night's nights of a couple of aging pigeons, then this is a very good sign that predicts that soon you will meet your love. At the same time, feelings will be blond and sincere, and relationship trust and harmonious relationships.

Dreamed of flying pigeons

Very good, when in the dream you are watching pigeons flying across the sky. This is a symbol of good hope that is present in your soul and should not leave you. Often it is a sign of the upcoming engagement or wedding.

Make or feed a pigeon

If you dreamed that you let go of the pigeon to the will, then it foreshadows parting with a loved one. But it will not be very painful, since you will be aware of its need. Feed the pigeons in a dream is also not very good. Such night dreams are a harbinger of conflicts, grinding and quarrels with close people.

It is very important to know what the wounded bird dreams. After all, the rupture of relations predicts the wounded dove that seen in a dream. But only in this case, the separation will be very painful for one of the partners. In addition, the wounded pigeon can symbolize the carelessness of the dream. And if the bird suffers from the scene of sleep, it indicates the life disappointment of the dream. Also a sick pigeon in a dream may mean that you feel guilty because of any of your actions in front of their native people. Perhaps the time has come to rethink life and reconsider priorities.

What dreams to catch pigeons

If you dream that you are trying to catch a dove, but you cannot do it, then in real life it should be expected that various obstacles will arise on the way. But you should not lower your hands, you need to look for new approaches to solving problems - and success will not make himself wait. And if you still managed to catch a dove in a dream, then real love awaits you in life.

Kill dove in a dream

If you dreamed that you kill a dove in a dream, it can be interpreted in different ways. If it was a bird with a black plumage, then this is a good sign, which indicates that you will succeed successfully overcome difficulties on the path to the goal. But if you killed a light dove in a dream, it foreshadows quarrels and conflicts with friends. In addition, such a dream indicates that the life period occurred when good luck turned away from you.

His appearance in a dream symbolizes light news, letter or completion, the end of some business or activity. Usually vintage dream book Writes about what the white pigeons are shot, very detailed.

Usually their appearance symbolized the purity, the good news, the appearance of the guardian angel and his care for your soul or the fact that the soul of a deceased relative or parent decided to visit your home. A girl, such a dream, usually promised the appearance of the groom and the fast march of Mendelssohn in an excellent wedding dress.

Modern dream book expands such an interpretation. A white dove in a dream predicts you not only good news, but also a wonderful turn in the life of a light strip. That's what he dreams most often.

Good lead and moral support

The appearance of a white dove in a dream most often symbolizes behaving or someone's visit. At the same time, the news may be joyful and pleasant, kind and bright, dispel your doubts and sorrow. Even after a long period of failures, an unexpected good news is awaiting you, resolving unpleasant circumstances, quarrels and conflicts. Sometimes a white pigeon in your home symbolizes the end of all the friction and the world in the family, however, it is often such a dream to some sacrifice. It is possible that it will be simply necessary in this situation or the mountain will begin the beginning of the usual relationship, that is, recrimines everyone.

Very often, the pigeon dreams as a sign of a pure soul and good hope. In some cases, its appearance against the background of frightening decorations, a dark sky and blood predicts someone's death. It is she who will put an end to disagreements and conflicts. However, it is possible that someone will overestimate their strength and can cause a person's death already in reality.

Suicide may be caused due to a careless word, which hurts a close man, an unexpected illness or an injury, incompatible with life, an awkward movement, from which a person will surely suffer, often a child. This is true if there is some kind of gloomy element or the contrast of white, beautiful pigeon and the situation in which he got.

In other circumstances, he dreams of unexpected and bright news, which was waiting for so long. The girl is such a dream can indeed foreshadow the groom, the message from his beloved man, brother, a friend whom she did not see for a long time, or a proposal of hands and hearts. So in this context, the ancient dream book gives the right forecast and a look at the situation.

What dreams a white dove man or married woman? Strong half of humanity keep him in her hands - to the ambulance in the house or among relatives. Such a dream can mean not only the fact that an adult man marries, but will give married daughter or granddaughter.

Woman white pigeon dreams good news, the birth of a child, ambulance, especially if you keep it in your hands. But in some situations, dream book writes that the person you blame in all mortal sins is pure and not to blame for you.

If such a vision is dreaming several times, then it is worth stopping the conflict. Dream Interpretation writes that you can make great harm to an innocent person, which will then be bitterly worried about.

Herald of the ambulance

There are signs in life - if the same pigeon often appears on the window, it is to the fact that close person Thinks about you. In a dream, he dreams of himself. If a girl with a guy in a quarrel, he remembers her, thinks and worries. But for good relationship The appearance of a white dove in a dream means a quick marriage and an excellent relationship with her husband. So, perhaps, someone will very soon make you a long-awaited offer.