Balcony door catches in the middle. Adjustment of a plastic balcony door

Skewed door frame always leads to unpleasant consequences. Sometimes it is necessary to call a qualified specialist to eliminate them. But in most cases, you can manage on your own. Therefore, we will figure out how to adjust the plastic doors of the balcony with our own hands. But before giving step-by-step instructions, we list the most common malfunctions:

  • In places of the vestibule passes cold air.
  • The door handle is tight or not fully closed.
  • It takes a lot of effort to cover the canvas.
  • The sagging frame clings to the box.

Eliminating these problems takes no more than half an hour, so there is no point in postponing the work for later.

If a little time has passed since the installation of the structure, and it is under warranty, it is better to entrust the adjustment to specialists.

The main elements of the adjusting mechanisms

To avoid confusion, let's explain the meaning of special terms that we will use in the step-by-step instructions:

  • Hinges - hinged elements in the upper and lower parts of the frame, rotating around which it opens.
  • Pins - cylindrical bushings from the end of the door frame, located along its perimeter. They move when opening and closing the handle.
  • Reciprocal (clamping) levels - metal limiters. They are located on the box and engage with pins.

How to adjust the plastic door on the balcony yourself

First of all, we will make sure that the cause of the problem is a malfunction of the mechanisms. The malfunctions described above may occur due to the failure of the rubber seal. If in winter it froze to the frame, and you sharply pulled the handle, damage cannot be avoided. Therefore, we visually control the integrity of the seal. If necessary, change the rubber band to a new one.

If the problem is in the mechanical part, in order to provide access to the adjusting screws, remove the decorative trims from the hinges.

In the vast majority of cases, a #4 hex key and a Phillips screwdriver are sufficient for the job. Less commonly, you may need a #3 hex wrench, sprockets, pliers, or a flathead screwdriver.

Before starting work, we recommend that you pay attention to the relative position of the canvas and the box. This will avoid unnecessary actions and set the elements in the correct position. To do this, close the frame and outline it with a pencil around the perimeter. The resulting contour should be parallel to the inner edges of the door frame. If this is not the case, you need to perform the plastic adjustment yourself.

We describe the procedure for common malfunctions.

The canvas sagged and clings to the threshold

This problem is typical for wide heavy structures with double-glazed windows. Additional load can be created by heavy bags hanging on the handle, or by children who like to ride on door leaves. Often it is after this that they begin to sag.

The lower hinge allows you to lift the sash. We insert a hexagon into it from above and rotate:

  • clockwise - raise;
  • counterclockwise - lower.

This helps with even sagging. If only one corner catches, it is necessary to eliminate the skew.

To do this, use the side adjustments of the upper and lower loops. We rotate the screw with a hexagon: when turning to the right, the blade moves towards the key, to the left - in the opposite direction.

In the correct position, the outer contour of the balcony door and the inner frame should be parallel.

If the range of movement of the adjusting screws is not enough, the geometry is corrected with pads under the double-glazed window. This work is best left to qualified professionals. They dismantle the glazing beads and install calibrated wedges according to the scheme. If the technology is not followed, the load on the glass is unevenly distributed, and it may burst.

The canvas touches the edge of the box or is not tightly covered

Such a problem can be encountered in the autumn-winter period, if the fittings were maximally removed from the corner. The frame is slightly deformed and engages with the trunnions. To fix the problem, you need to move the sash horizontally. It is important to do this evenly and not to skew. The mechanism is adjusted in two places: on the upper and lower loops.

Before you can independently adjust the plastic balcony door, you need to open it completely. This will provide easy access to the mechanisms.

Sequentially rotate the screws of the upper and lower hinges. We control the moment when the trunnions stop clinging to the door frame. After that, the adjustment can be stopped. But it is better to achieve a position in which both edges of the sash will be equidistant from the inner edge of the installation box. This is easy to control by tracing the outline of the closed canvas with a pencil.

Please note: the head of the top adjusting screw may be on the side of the corner or above the door leaf.

Cold air blows through the closed sash

The first thing to do is to identify the place of loose fit:

  1. Keep a sheet of paper in the opening.
  2. We close the sash.
  3. Pull out the paper.
  4. We repeat the operation, moving the sheet around the entire perimeter.

This allows you to determine the pressure density. When properly adjusted, the leaf should be equally tight at all points. If it runs freely, you will need to adjust the clearance by turning the trunnions. On the one hand, they have a mark: a slot or a stamped point. In the factory state, it is directed upwards.

To make the clamp tighter (“winter” mode), turn the trunnion with a hexagon or a screwdriver with a mark towards the room. If you need to loosen the door, turn the mechanism in the opposite direction - with a mark on the street.

Modern fittings allow you to further change the clamp with the help of the bottom loop. If you look at the opening with the canvas closed, you will see a screw on the front. By rotating it, you can achieve the necessary pressure in the loop area.

Sometimes it is not possible to achieve the desired effect by this method. This means that the cause of the malfunction lies in the deformation of the structure itself or a violation of the installation technology. You can temporarily eliminate the defect by twisting the reciprocal bar a couple of millimeters towards the street. But it is better to call qualified specialists for repairs.

The handle of the plastic door of the balcony dangles or closes tightly

The handle is attached to the canvas with two screws. Over time, they loosen up. To tighten the mount, turn the plastic plug that closes it 90 degrees and tighten the screws with a screwdriver until it stops.

Loose screws rest against the decorative plug and prevent it from turning. Therefore, we first pull the handle towards ourselves.

If the handle closes tightly, not completely, or the fittings move with a creak, the cause of the malfunction is the incorrect engagement of the trunnion with the striker. In the spring and summer, the frame may be slightly deformed due to warming. Therefore, the problem is solved by turning the trunnion in - with a mark towards the street.

Sometimes a defect appears after adjusting the balcony door. In this case, we look at how the mechanism engages when closing:

  1. In the opening area on the hardware there is a tab that blocks the handle when the sash is open. We press it and lower the handle to the "closed" position.
  2. We cover the sash so that the trunnion is slightly visible.
  3. We put a mark in front of it on the door frame.
  4. At risk, we control the engagement with the clamping bar.
  5. If necessary, reinstall it so as to ensure full and unhindered engagement.

If the above methods did not help, then the problem lies in the tape mechanism of the fittings. Repairs are best left to a qualified installer.

For clarity, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the technical points by watching the video.

How to avoid adjusting the plastic balcony door

How often you have to adjust the position of the porch of the sash directly depends on the condition of the tape mechanisms. To prolong their trouble-free operation, it is necessary to carry out preventive maintenance once a year. This avoids malfunctions and prolongs the life of the product.

You need to perform three operations:

  • brush to remove dust and larger mechanical impurities from the surface;
  • treat sealing gum with silicone grease;
  • lubricate the tape fittings with mineral oil.

Lubrication points are marked on the product with a “drop” or “oil can” symbol. After processing all the nodes, open and close the mechanism 3-4 times to distribute the composition over the entire surface.

Now you know how to adjust the plastic balcony doors yourself and you can quickly fix the problem.

  • Material prepared: Igor Stepankov

Adjusting a plastic balcony door is a process during which you can eliminate various minor problems that overshadow the operation of this system.

If you want to know how to adjust the pressure of balcony doors with your own hands, then read the article.

More about the operation of double-glazed windows

Plastic windows and doors are a great alternative to traditional, wooden window and door designs.

They reliably block street noise, protect your home from drafts and fit well into any, both classic and ultra-modern interior.

The main disadvantage of such structures is the fact that they need frequent adjustment. During operation, balcony double-glazed windows can loosen.

What to do when the balcony door does not close well? Is it possible to fix this problem on my own, without the involvement of third-party specialists? Certainly yes.

How to understand that it is necessary to adjust the pressure of a door made of plastic?

This should be done when excessive force has to be applied to open the door or when the handle that unlocks the lock mechanism does not do its job well.

Timely adjustment, carried out for preventive purposes with your own hands, will protect the design of the double-glazed window from serious damage and significantly increase its service life.

Carry out a simple test that will allow you to understand that the design of the balcony door needs to be adjusted.

Open the door ten to fifteen centimeters and watch its movement. If the selected interval persists for a long time (in the absence of drafts), then there is no need to worry.

If the door closes on its own or, conversely, opens completely, then care should be taken to adjust the clamping mechanism.

Pick up the building level and use it to measure the position of the bottom and top of the double-glazed window relative to the floor.

If there is even a slight skew, the door should be repaired by adjusting its pressure to the jamb.

If these works are neglected, then a significant distortion of the structure can be achieved, which will lead to the appearance of drafts.

It should be noted that the adjustment of the pressure of the balcony door can be carried out not only in the presence of certain problems that arise during the long-term operation of this design, but also to increase comfort.

For example, in the summer, you can loosen the pressure of the structure to create natural ventilation of the room, and in winter, on the contrary, strengthen it to ensure the absence of cracks and drafts.

The instruction manual for double-glazed windows contains information on how to do it yourself at home.

In addition, you can learn how to adjust the position of the door yourself, using only improvised materials, by watching several training videos on the Internet.

How to adjust a balcony door made of plastic?

To independently adjust the operation of the plastic balcony door mechanism, you should use certain tools and materials.

You will need:

  • screwdrivers of different sizes, equipped with flat and cross profiles;
  • pliers or pliers;
  • keys with hexagonal or star profiles;
  • roulette;
  • a simple pencil or erasable marker;
  • high-quality roll pads made of PVC and equipped with an adhesive layer.

In some cases, to repair a balcony door, you may also need liquid plastic, which hardens from contact with air.

It is possible to adjust the position of the balcony door made of plastic both frontally and in horizontal and vertical positions.

During the horizontal adjustment, the gap is also corrected, which is formed between the glass pane and the hinge post.

During the vertical adjustment, the height of the suspension is aligned with the door leaf. During the front adjustment, you can adjust the pressure of the double-glazed window.

The adjusting screws that the door structure is equipped with are hidden under special decorative seals or panels.

You can remove them by picking up the plane of a thin knife or a small screwdriver or unscrewing them using a small hex wrench.

The instruction manual for the plastic door structure contains information regarding the adjustment of its operation.

If using it, it is not possible to eliminate the existing problem, then you should not try to fix it with your own hands at all costs.

Otherwise, you can damage the door leaf or disrupt the work of the clamping mechanism of the structure.

Details such as microlifts and opening limiters can reduce the need for frequent adjustment of plastic balcony doors.

They are able to evenly distribute the weight of the door leaf over all fasteners and provide a smooth ride when opening and closing.

Frequent problems of plastic doors and their solution

In this paragraph of the article, you can familiarize yourself with the most common problems that arise during the operation of plastic door structures, and learn how to fix them yourself in a short time.

If the balcony door does not open well, closes and clings during these processes to the doorway from the side of the mechanism latch, then it is necessary to loosen or, conversely, increase the tension of the hinges.

To do this, turn the lower, middle and upper adjusting screws one or two turns in a clockwise direction.

If the door sags and touches the threshold when closing, then only the upper and middle screws should be adjusted, and the lower one should be left unchanged.

To adjust the position of the screws, use a 5mm hex or torx wrench.

To adjust the position of the connecting strips, you need to use similar keys with a diameter of two and a half millimeters.

To adjust the door pressure, turn the eccentrics located on the reverse side of the hinges.

Please note that some door mechanisms are equipped not with eccentrics, but with trunnions, which can only be rotated using pliers.

Incorrect position of the door leaf can cause problems affecting the opening and closing of the door.

What to do when it takes a lot of effort to open the door? It is necessary to carry out the adjustment work, which was described above.

If the door is installed correctly and all adjustment screws are tightened, and the handle still turns with effort, then it should be replaced.

To strengthen the loose handle of the balcony door, tighten the screws responsible for attaching it to the plastic structure.

This can be done with a plastic screwdriver. The screws that connect the handle and the door are under the plastic cover.

A deformed door seal made of a PVC sheet can be replaced with a new one. Please note: there are several varieties of these seals.

To understand their differences and buy exactly the one you need, you should come to the store either with a sample seal or with a technical passport issued by the door construction installer.

You can remove the deformed seal with your own hands using a flat-profile screwdriver.

The groove in which the seal was located should be cleaned of glue and debris, degreased and poured into it with a new layer of glue or liquid plastic.

After the glue "grabs", you should attach a new layer of insulation to it and wait for the complete coupling of this design.

Adjusting plastic balcony doors is a simple process that you can handle on your own.

To reinforce confidence in the success of adjusting the door structure, you should watch several thematic videos on the Internet and be sure to read the instruction manual for the plastic product.

Currently, plastic windows and doors are in great demand due to their high quality and functionality. At first, these designs do not cause any difficulties in operation, but since doors and windows are movable mechanisms, improper or prolonged use can lead to some problems.

If the balcony door does not work well or is completely out of order, then it should be adjusted. Self-adjustment can be carried out if the owner has a clear knowledge of all the intricacies of this process, otherwise the situation can be further aggravated.

Difficult operating conditions and adverse weather conditions lead to frequent malfunctions of balcony doors and window profiles. Tight or loose closing of the installations is an indication for adjustment. If there is a warranty for the product, you must contact the supplier for help. Otherwise, the design can be adjusted at home.

Signs of the correct installation of a balcony door

High-quality installation of a plastic door structure will help the user to operate the product for a long time and fully without adjustment. Thanks to several external factors, you can independently evaluate the quality of the installation of the door.

  • The canvas is qualitatively pressed against the profile of the frame along all borders.
  • There are no visual deviations of the shutters vertically.
  • The double-glazed window is static, that is, under normal conditions, the sash is stable, does not close or swing open.

If everything is so, then the installation was done with high quality, otherwise problems in the operation of the balcony door will come pretty quickly.

Each modern apartment has plastic doors to the balcony. They are distinguished by many advantages: ease of use, unpretentious maintenance and speed of installation. A possible problem that occurs after long-term operation of the mechanism is skew and loose fit of the sash. Therefore, it is useful to know how to adjust the plastic balcony door in order to eliminate loosening due to regular opening, closing and airing.

Before proceeding with the diagnosis of the problems that have arisen and the subsequent repair, it is worth understanding the structure of the structure. There is a base unit, as well as spare parts for a plastic balcony door. Moreover, among the accessories there are both irreplaceable and optional parts. As a rule, the following elements are included in the door block:

  • a frame made of PVC profiles that connect special fasteners;
  • a leaf assembled according to a principle similar to the door frame;
  • hinges, thanks to which the structure closes and opens;
  • handle and latch for PVC balcony doors;
  • a sealant that ensures the tightness of the closure of the sash;
  • double glazed balcony door.

In addition, the device may include additional elements that expand the functionality of the balcony door: stoppers, mechanical or hydraulic sensors and other details.

The device of the handle may also differ: it can be stationary and movable, one-sided and two-sided, shell handles for balcony doors are popular. The latter option is in demand in families with children, as well as among smokers, because the shell handle allows you to conveniently close the door while on the balcony. For an apartment on the first floor, a good idea is a handle with a lock - a balcony latch for plastic doors, which allows you to secure the balcony from intruders.

When adjustment of a balcony plastic door is required

The price of a plastic balcony door is quite high, but buying an expensive high-quality model does not save you from frequent cases of mechanism breakdowns. It's all about its frequent use, leading to a decrease in the tightness of the sash.

In addition, double-glazed windows provide excellent sound insulation, while PVC guarantees durability. However, it is these materials that noticeably make the structure heavier, as a result of which it begins to sag under its own weight and ceases to close tightly. As a result, a noticeable draft appears in the room, and the insulation of the balcony does not help.

The normal position of the plastic door is as follows:

  • if the door is open, it does not move on its own;
  • no sash displacement;
  • the leaf is tightly pressed against the profile of the door frame.

If this is the case, intervention in the door mechanism is not required. However, if you notice the slightest deviation, you immediately need to repair plastic balcony doors. You should not delay calling the master, because with each opening and closing the situation will worsen. As a result, this can lead to balcony doors not closing at all.

Useful advice! If the door installation warranty has expired and you do not want to contact a specialist, you can watch a video of self-adjusting plastic balcony doors and fix the problem yourself.

Types of balcony door malfunctions

If you are adjusting a plastic balcony door with your own hands, it is important for the success of the repair to determine the causes of the malfunction. Most often, the problems are as follows:

Type of malfunction Cause
Sagging of the door (when closing the door clings to the plastic threshold) Most likely, the structure is too heavy, which leads to its displacement downwards
Dangle handle for balcony door Usually the handle starts to dangle when the balcony door is opened very often
Plastic balcony doors do not close tightly (the leaf is not tightly pressed against the frame and you feel a draft) As a rule, this is a symptom of a malfunctioning door handle or a skewed door.
The leaf is shifted to the side (the door touches the middle of the frame) Most often, the problem is in the hinges, adjusting them will help fix the problem. This problem often occurs due to constant sudden temperature changes that affect the fittings for plastic balcony doors in case of insufficient insulation of the balcony

To test the door for tightness, slam the door with a regular landscape sheet of paper. Try to drag the sheet around the perimeter of the door. If it moves easily, the design has lost its tightness and needs to be adjusted.

Evaluate also the tightness of the pressure of the seal: unequal pressure of the gum, as a rule, indicates sagging. Determining the side of the offset is simple: pay attention to the place where the seal is squeezed and check if there is a trace from the sash on it.

How to determine the skew of the door leaf

If you suspect that the structure is skewed, cover the sash, and then draw along the perimeter of the closed door with a simple pencil. Open the door and compare its outlines with the drawn line. The presence of irregularities indicates that the door is skewed. For the accuracy of the result, use the building level.

Suppose, as a result of measurements, you learned that the width of the drawn strip is 8 mm (an error of 1 mm is permissible). So, everything is in order, and there is no skew of the door. If the width of one strip is 12 mm, and the other 4 mm, this clearly indicates that the door is skewed by 4 mm.

Note! Sometimes it turns out that from the side of the loops the width of the strip is 3-4 mm, and from the side of the handle 6-7 mm. Such indicators indicate a narrowing of the sash by 4-6 mm - this is a manufacturing defect, and it makes no sense to move such a door.

Also check the width of the opening on all sides of the frame. The difference in measurements should not be more than 1 mm. Otherwise, the opening will be in the shape of a barrel - this happens if the installation is incorrect, when the middle of the frame is drawn to the wall more than the top and bottom. Such errors also lead to loose clamping. By measuring the width of the sash from all sides, you will determine the correct length of the impost. The difference between the three measurements should not be more than 0.5-1 mm. With indicators different from the norm, the length of the impost differs from the required one and causes the door to skew.

How to adjust a plastic balcony door: step by step instructions

To avoid mistakes or accidental damage to the double-glazed window of a balcony door (the cost of which is quite high), you need to figure out how to adjust plastic balcony doors correctly. When carrying out work, it is not necessary to overpay for the master: you can adjust the balcony door with your own hands - video instructions can be easily found on the Internet.

You will need quite a few tools to get the job done:

  • hexagon;
  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • flat screwdriver.

Instructions and video: how to adjust plastic balcony doors when sagging

If you notice that when opening and closing the door, it scratches the lower edge of the frame, this indicates a sagging sash. Adjustment in this case can be vertical or horizontal.

Stages of horizontal adjustment:

  1. Open the door wide to swing position.
  2. A screw is located near the top hinge at the end of the sash. Take the hex wrench and turn it clockwise 2-3 times.
  3. Remove the plugs covering the holes leading to the top screws.
  4. Turn all screws under the plugs clockwise.
  5. After adjusting the mechanism, check if the door now closes freely. Tighten the screws again if necessary.

To understand how to adjust balcony doors vertically, do the following:

  1. Lift the door evenly and locate the screw at the bottom end of the hinge, located along its axis.
  2. If the screw is covered with a plug, carefully remove it.
  3. If you turn the screw clockwise, gently lift the door, if against, lower it.

Balcony door pressure adjustment and door handle adjustment

To tighten the handle for a plastic balcony door, you must do the following:

  1. Slowly and carefully turn the plastic cover at a right angle.
  2. Locate the mounting screws under the plastic cover. Pull them up.

If the handle does not turn well, sometimes it is enough to lubricate the lock with a special material that does not contain resin and acid. In case of a complete breakdown, it is worth buying a handle for plastic balcony doors, unscrew the screws, remove the old part and put a new one in its place.

Useful advice! A good option is to install a magnetic latch on the balcony door. It will avoid too frequent impact on the door handle each time the door is closed and opened, which will have a beneficial effect on its durability.

If it blows from plastic balcony doors, this is a sure sign of loose pressing of the sash. It is necessary to adjust the pressure of the plastic balcony door. To figure out how to adjust the plastic balcony doors to the clamp, look for locking elements on the door leaf. They are responsible for the density of the clamp.

Using a key or pliers, rotate the locking elements until the door is in the desired position. Professionals recommend periodically self-adjusting plastic balcony doors depending on the season. It is enough to figure out how to adjust plastic balcony doors for the winter, and you can easily loosen the pressure in hot weather and seal it in the cold season.

Sometimes adjusting the hinges does not help solve the problem, and then you can eliminate the tightness of the clamp with the help of a trunnion. For this you will need. To maximize the door pressure, install the trunnion perpendicular to the profile. To, on the contrary, achieve a minimum pressure, position the pin in parallel.

Replacing the seal and adjusting the door when the frame is scratched

It may turn out that adjusting the door pressure did not bring the desired result. This happens because the rubber seal has worn out, and any adjustments to the door are pointless without replacing it. For this you need:

  1. Pull out the old rubber. This is done without much effort and you will not need additional tools.
  2. Remove dirt from the inside of the groove.
  3. Install new seal. Make sure that the side bend falls on the end of the sash.

Useful advice! To facilitate the work, remove the sash from the frame: this way the access to the rubber gaskets will be free from the side of the hinges. It is better to prefer a seal from the same manufacturer as the installed doors.

If the balcony doors do not close well and touch the frame, scratching its center, follow these instructions for self-adjusting plastic balcony doors:

  1. Lower the sash to the bottom hinge.
  2. Insert the adjusting key into the side screw and tighten the sash.
  3. If the position of the door does not return to normal, repeat the procedure with the upper hinge.