Characteristics of the main form of human labor activity. Classification of the main forms of human labor activities

The main types of work are presented in the figure.

Labor activity is primarily divided into Physical and mental work.

Physical work the man's execution of energy functions in the system of "man - a labor instrument" - requires significant muscle activity; Physical work is divided into two types: dynamic and static. Dynamic work is associated with the movement of the body of a person, his hands, legs, fingers in space; Static - with the exposure to the load on the upper limbs, the muscles of the body and legs when holding the cargo, when performing work standing or sitting. Dynamic physical work in which more than 2/3 of the human muscles is involved in the process of employment, called general, with participation in the work of 2/3 to 1/3 of the muscles of a person (muscles of only hull, legs, hands) - regional, P. local The dynamic physical work is involved less than 1/3 of the muscles (a set of text on a computer).

Physical work is characterized primarily by an increased muscle load on the musculoskeletal system and its functional systems - cardiovascular, neuromuscular, respiratory, etc. Physical work is developing a muscular system, stimulates metabolic processes in the body, but at the same time can There are negative consequences, for example, the diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially if it is incorrectly organized or is excessively intense for the body.

Brainwork It is associated with the reception and processing of information and requires voltage of attention, memory, activation of thinking processes, is associated with an increased emotional load. For mental labor, a decrease in motor activity is characteristic - hypokinesia. Hypocinezia can be a condition for the formation of cardiovascular violations in humans. A long definitive mental activity has a negative impact on mental activity - attention, memory, environmental perception functions are worse. The well-being of a person and, ultimately, his health status is largely dependent on the right organization of mental labor and on the environmental parameters in which human mental activity is carried out.

In modern work activities, purely physical labor is rare. The modern classification of labor activities highlights the forms of labor requiring significant muscular activity; mechanized forms of labor; work on semi-automatic and automatic production; Labor on the conveyor, labor associated with remote control, and intellectual (mental) work.

Human activity is related to energy costs: the more intense activity, the more energy costs. So, when performing work requiring significant muscle activity, energy costs are 20 ... 25 MJ per day and more.

Mechanized work requires smaller energy and muscle loads. However, the mechanized work is characterized by a greater speed and monotony of human movements. Monotonous work leads to rapid fatigue and decline in attention.

Labor on the conveyor It is characterized by even greater speed and monotony of movements. A conveyor person performs one or more operations; Since it works in a chain of people performing other operations, the time of performing operations is strictly regulated. This requires a large nervous tension and, in combination with a high speed of work and its monotony, leads to rapid nervous depletion and fatigue.

On the semi-automatic and automatic production Energy costs and labor tensions are less than on the conveyor. The work consists in periodic maintenance of mechanisms or performing simple operations - applying the material being processed, turning on or off the mechanisms.

Forms intellectual (mental) labor A varied - operator, managerial, creative, work of teachers, doctors, students. For operator work It is characterized by a big responsibility and high neuro-emotional tension. Labor student It is characterized by the voltage of the main mental functions - memory, attention, the presence of stressful situations associated with testing, exams, credits.

The most complex form of mental activity is creative work (the work of scientists, designers, writers, composers, artists). Creative labor requires significant neuro-emotional stress, which leads to an increase in blood pressure, a change in cardiac activity, an increase in oxygen consumption, an increase in body temperature and other changes in the body of an organism caused by an increased neuro-emotional load.

Labor - targeted human activity to meet their cultural and socio-economic needs. The nature and organization of human labor activities have a significant impact on the change in the functional state of the human body.

Material forms of work are divided into physical and mental labor.

Physical labor (work) is called the execution by the person of energy functions in the system of "Man - tool". Physical work requires significant muscle activity. It is divided into two types: dynamic and static.

Dynamic work is associated with the movement of the body of a person, his hands, legs, fingers in space; Static - with the exposure to the load on the upper limbs, the muscles of the body and legs when holding the cargo, when performing work standing or sitting. Dynamic physical work, in which more than 2/3 of the human muscles is involved in the process of work - it is called a common one, with the participation in the work of 2/3 to 1/3 of the muscles of the person (muscles of only hull, legs, hands) - regional, with local Less than 1/3 of the muscles is involved in dynamic physical work (for example, a text set on a computer).

The physical severity of the work is determined by the energy costs in the process of work and is divided into the following categories: light, moderate severity and heavy physical work.

Light physical work (Category I) are divided into two subcategories: I A, in which energy consumption is up to 139 j / s, work carried out by sitting and accompanied by a minor physical force; In which energy consists of 140-174 j / s, work carried out by sitting, standing or related to walking and accompanied by some physical effort.

The physical work of medium severity (Category II) is also divided into two subcategories: II A, in which energy consumption is 175-232 J / s, work related to constant walking, moving small (up to 1 kg) of products or items in the standing position or sitting and requiring certain physical efforts; II B, in which energy consists of 233-290 j / s, work related to walking, moving and transferring weights weighing up to 10 kg and accompanied by moderate physical effort.

Heavy physical work (Category III) are characterized by an energy consumption of more than 290 J / s. This category includes works associated with constant movements, movement and transfer of significant (over 10 kg) of weights and requiring great physical efforts.

Handmade work is a work, which is based on mainly the cost of physical effort using the simplest hand tools of labor.

Handmade labor is due to the low mechanical and energy-efficiency of labor workers, the lack of effective means of small mechanization, the application of obsolete work technologies, as well as the specifics of the industry related to the features of the technology of various works (for example, manual work when assembling structures from a large number of different elements that have complex structures Connections).

It significantly increases the level of manual labor, such a feature as the need to move large masses of cargoes and related different types of loading and unloading, transport, dismantling and assembly work. Manual labor is characterized by a large load on the musculoskeletal system and functional systems (cardiovascular, neuro-muscular, respiratory, etc.).

It develops the muscular system, stimulates metabolic processes, but due to low performance is not socially effective. The concomitant conditions deteriorating the negative sides of manual labor is that all these processes are usually in the open air, in adverse climatic conditions and without a sufficient recruitment of socio-household services.

Manual labor takes place in the absence of mechanized tools for work (the work of the steelmaker, a loader, a vegetable farmer, etc.) and requires increased energy costs from 17 to 25 mJ (4000-6000 kcal) and above a day. It develops the muscular system, stimulates metabolic processes in the body, but at the same time is not socially effective, has low performance, a long-lasting need.

Mechanized work is a type of employment, which is characterized by a decrease in muscle loads, compared with severe physical labor, and complication of a program of action. Mechanized work changes the nature of muscle loads and complicates the action programs. The load on small muscle groups increases, the requirements for accuracy and speed of movements increase. In the context of mechanized production, there is a decrease in the volume of muscle activity, the minor muscles of the distal limbs are involved, which should provide greater speed and accuracy of the movements necessary when managing mechanisms.

A typical example of mechanized labor is the operation of the metals processing machine (turner, milloverr, planer). With these labor forms, the energy costs of workers range from 12.5-17 MJ (3000-4000 kcal) per day. The profession of mechanized labor is often demanding special knowledge and skills. One-way simple and mostly local action, monotony and small volume perceived in labor information lead to monotony of labor. Programming (mental) Labor activity reduces to a minimum.

It should be noted that the mechanization regardless of the three features allows you to improve the technology, improve the quality and productivity of labor. At the same time, maintenance of mechanisms requires knowledge of their design, a certain mental load. This significantly distinguishes mechanized work from simple physical labor.

It should be borne in mind that the transition to mechanized work may be accompanied by simplifying labor functions and a decrease in the skills of workers. This is especially characteristic of manual mechanized and mechanized labor having auxiliary nature.

Labor on the conveyor is a system of a streaming organization based on the conveyor, at which it is divided into the simplest short operations, and the movement of parts is carried out automatically. This is such an organization of performing operations on objects in which the entire impact process is divided into a sequence of stages in order to improve performance by simultaneously independent operations over several objects passing various stages. The conveyor is also called the means of promoting objects between stages with such an organization.

Such a dismemberment of the production process to the simplest operation allows one workformer to perform any single operation, without spending time to replace the tools and transmitting parts to another worker, such parallelism of the production process allows you to reduce the number of working hours required for the production of one product. The disadvantage of this production system is the increased monotony of labor.

Labor on the conveyor is notable for even greater monotony and tremendous speed. An individual, working on the conveyor, carries one or more action. Since it is a link of a chain consisting of other employees, each of its movement should be made in a strictly defined time. It is not difficult to understand that it is very exhausting. Monotonicity and huge speed of labor can also cause rapid fatigue.

Conveyor labor form requires synchronous work of participants in accordance with the specified rhythm and pace. At the same time, the less time the employee spends the operation, the monotony of work and it is easier to maintain it. Monotonia is one of the negative consequences of conveyor labor, which is expressed in order of temporary fatigue and nervous exhaustion. This phenomenon is based on the predominance of the braking process in cortical activities, developing under the action of monotonous repeated stimuli, which reduces the excitability of analyzers, disperses attention, reduces the reaction rate, and as a result, fatigue comes.

Work on semi-automatic and automatic production spends energy less due to this and labor tension is less than on the conveyor. The work consists in periodic maintenance of mechanisms or performing simple operations - applying the material being processed, turning on or off the mechanisms. Semi-automatic production excludes a person from the direct processing of the object of labor, which fully perform mechanisms.

The physiological feature of automated labor forms is the constant readiness of the employee to the action and the speed of the response to eliminate the problems. Such a functional state of "operational expectation" is different in the degree of fatigue and depends on the relationship to work, the urgency of the necessary action, the responsibility of the upcoming work, etc.

Mental work combines work related to the reception and transfer of information requiring activation of thinking processes, attention, memory. Mental work is to process and analyze a large amount of diverse information, and as a result of this - mobilization of memory and attention, frequency of stressful situations. However, muscle loads are usually insignificant, daily energy consumption of 10-11.7 MJ (2000-2400 kcal) per day.

This type of labor is characterized by a significant decrease in motor activity (hypokinesia), which leads to cardiovascular pathology; Long-term mental load oppress the psyche, worsens the functions of attention, memory. The main indicator of mental labor is the tension reflecting the burden on the central nervous system. Forms of mental labor are divided into operator, managerial, creative labor, work of medical workers, work of teachers, students and students. They differ in the organization of the employment process, the uniformity of the load, the degree of emotional voltage. Mental labor is expressed in the following forms.

Operator work. In the conditions of modern multi-factor production to the forefront of the management and control of the work of technological lines by the processes of shipping and servicing buyers. For example, the work of the wholesale base manager or the supermarket administrator is associated with the processing of a large amount of information in a short time and increased neuro-emotional tension. Operator work is associated with the management of machines, equipment, technological processes.

The operator consider any person working in the "Man - Machine" system, unlike the man - man. The operator professions is characterized by high load on the visual analyzer associated with the perception of small size of objects of distinction, operation with optical devices, video source terminals: reading and editing alphabetic, digital and graphic information on the screen. The load on the auditory analyzer depends on the intelligibility of words in the presence of auditory interference. The load on the voice apparatus is characteristic of such operator professions as telephonists, air traffic controllers.

Management work is a type of work, operations and work on the implementation of administrative and managerial employees of management functions in the organization. Professographic features of the work of the management workers show that the factors are dominated by the excessive increase in the amount of information, the time deficit for its processing, an increase in material importance and personal responsibility for making a decision.

The modern businessman and the head requires a large set of various qualities (organizational, business, personal), a wide range of knowledge of the economy, management, technology, psychology. This work is characterized by non-standard solutions, irregularity of the load, complex interpersonal relations, periodic occurrence of conflict situations.

Management work is extremely diverse, in connection with which operations and procedures characterizing the content of this work are difficult to clearly classify, typing. In addition, the circle of management operations is continuously expanding, and the operations themselves are modified due to, on the one hand, the transformation of management methods and areas of their application and, on the other hand, due to the increasing use of new technical means of storage, transmission, accumulation, information processing, information. Revolutionary changes in the maintenance of operations, managerial labor procedures make a computer technique, which gives the opportunity to implement fundamentally new information technologies.

Creative work (scientists, writers, designers, artists, artists). The most difficult form, as it requires a large amount of memory, voltage, attention. It leads to an increase in neuro-emotional stress, tachycardia, an increase in blood pressure, a change in the ECG and other shifts from the vegetative functions.

The work of teachers, shopping and medical workers, workers of all areas of services, student labor and students are constant contact with people, increased responsibility, a frequent lack of time and information to make the right solution, which leads to high neuro-emotional tension. The daily energy consumption for mental labor increases by 48% when reading out loud sitting; 90% when reading lectures; by 90-100% from computer operators. In addition, the brain is inclined to inertia, because After the discontinuation of the work, the mental process continues, mental work does not stop, which leads to greater fatigue and exhaustion of the central nervous system than in physical work.

In the conditions of the modern world with the advent of devices that facilitate labor activities (computer, technical equipment), the motor activity of people compared with previous decades has sharply decreased. This ultimately leads to a decrease in human functionality, as well as various kinds of diseases. Today, purely physical work does not play a significant role, it replaces mental. But physical work, characterizing an increased physical activity, may in some cases are considered from a negative side.

In general, the lack of a person needed energy consumption leads to the mismatch of the activities of individual systems (muscle, bone, respiratory, cardiovascular) and the body as a whole with the environment, as well as to reduce immunity and deterioration of metabolism. At the same time, it is harmful and overload. Therefore, with a mental, and in physical work, it is necessary to engage in health physical culture, to strengthen the body. In the process of physical and mental labor, a person emerges a certain complex of emotions. Emotions are a person's response to certain conditions. And the production situation is a complex of factors that positively or adversely affect the well-being and efficiency of a normal person.

Moscow Humanitarian and Economics

Tver branch

Stock lecture

according to academic discipline

Safety of vital activity

Man and habitat

L. V. Pinova

Tver 2014.

The Stock Lecture "Man and Habitat" is discussed and recommended for the publication at a meeting of the Department of Non-Enforcement Disciplines TF MGEI. Protocol No. 2 from October 15, 2014.


Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor

Mukhiomethnov A. G.

Pyanova L. V. Man and habitat: stock lecture. - Tver: Publishing house TF MGEI, 2014. 45 pp.

Stock Lecture "Man and Wiered Habitat" is intended for students of the full-time and correspondence form of training 0300300.62 "Psychology",

080100.62 "Economics", 080200.62 "Management", 030900.62 "Jurisprudence" tovalvice (degree) of the graduate of the bachelor of the Tver Branch of the MGEI and may be useful in independent study of labor protection issues, safety of vital activity, emergency behavior,

L. V. Pinova

Moscow Humanitarian and Economics

Introduction ................................................... .................................................. ....................four

1. Classification of the main forms of human work activity .............. 6

2. Impact of negative factors per person and habitat ............... 14

3. Systems of perception and compensation of the human body ............................. 30

Conclusion ............................................................... .................................................. .............. 41.


Human activity is manifested in various spheres of society, its focus, content and means of infinite diverse, due to the complexity of the system of motivating its sources. Therefore, in the classification of a set of activities characteristic of a person, they proceed from various signs: species and parameters of needs, objects of transformation, means and methods, results and a number of others. Considering that any classification is to a certain excessive measure, consider only those activities that most researchers are recognized as the main. These include: communication, game, doctrine, and work united by the sign of their participation in the formation and improvement of the person. All these activities are included in the process of individual development of a person and each of them acquires more or less importance depending on the stage of ontogenesis. Starting from the moment of the birth of an individual, the first kind of activity is communication, then a game, teaching and work. Of course, in real life, such a strict phased division of these species of social activity does not exist, and their close interconnection and interaction are observed.

It should be noted that different types of activity have their subject - an object of activity application. So, the subject of communication is people, animals; The subject of the game is the process itself and a certain result in the conditional field of activity; the subject of the exercise is a system of specific knowledge; Labor - created material or creative result.

Communication belongs to basic categories of psychological science, which has an important theoretical and applied value. Communication is a form of activity carried out between people as equal partners and leading to the emergence of mental contact, which manifests itself in the exchange of information, interjunction and mutual understanding.

The game accompanies humanity throughout its history,

commissioning with religious cult, art, sport, military business. The study of the game is engaged in ethnography, pedagogy, psychology, management theory and a number of other sciences, each of which gives it its definition. The game is a form of activity aimed at learning and recreation by an individual of social experience.

Teaching as a type of activity is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and skills.

Knowledge is subject to human consciousness and phenomena of the surrounding reality in the form of facts, shaped presentations and scientific concepts.

Skills - communicated to perfection by repeated repetition components of activity (practical and theoretical actions).

The skills are the subjects mastered the ways to perform certain actions that it can independently apply in various situations. Knowledge, skills and skills are the main products assimilation by the individual of the preceding generation experience. And in connection with this, the doctrine as a process of mastering them acts as a means of contributing to the natural harmonic (physical and spiritual) development of a person, becoming it as a social being.

Labor activity or labor is the expedient activity of a person aimed at modifying and the adaptation of the objects of nature to meet the numerous and diverse needs of people. Labor is always aimed at achieving programmed, in advance of the expected results - its products that are useful not only for a specific business entity, but also for society as a whole. Even in cases where a person does something for himself personally, he uses the experience of other people in his activities, applying knowledge from them. In other words, labor activity in nature is social, which is expressed in the joint production of people of socially significant product. Thanks

labor created all objects of material and spiritual culture of mankind, a modern society was built.

Classification of the main forms of human labor activity.

Labor - targeted human activity to meet their cultural and socio-economic needs. The nature and organization of human labor activities have a significant impact on the change in the functional state of the human body.

Material forms of work are divided into physical and mental labor.

Physical labor (work) refer to the execution of a person

energy functions in the system "Man - Labor Weight". Physical work requires significant muscle activity. It is divided into two types: dynamic and static.

Dynamic work is associated with the movement of the body of a person, his hands, legs, fingers in space; Static - with the exposure to the load on the upper limbs, the muscles of the body and legs when holding the cargo, when performing work standing or sitting. Dynamic physical work, in which more than 2/3 of the human muscles is involved in the process of work - it is called a common one, with the participation in the work of 2/3 to 1/3 of the muscles of the person (muscles of only hull, legs, hands) - regional, with local Less than 1/3 of the muscles is involved in dynamic physical work (for example, a text set on a computer).

The physical severity of the work is determined by the energy costs in the process of work and is divided into the following categories: light, moderate severity and heavy physical work.

I b in which energy consumption is 140-174 J / s, work carried out

sitting, standing or dealing with walking and accompanied by some physical effort.

The physical work of medium severity (Category II) is also divided into two subcategories: II A, in which energy consumption is 175-232 J / s, work related to constant walking, moving small (up to 1 kg) of products or items in the standing position or sitting and requiring certain physical efforts; II B, in which energy consists of 233-290 j / s, work related to walking, moving and transferring weights weighing up to 10 kg and accompanied by moderate physical effort.

Heavy physical work (Category III) are characterized by an energy consumption of more than 290 J / s. This category includes works associated with constant movements, movement and transfer of significant (over 10 kg) of weights and requiring great physical efforts.

Handmade work is a work, which is based on mainly the cost of physical effort using the simplest hand tools of labor.

Handmade labor is due to the low mechanical and energy-efficiency of labor workers, the lack of effective means of small mechanization, the application of obsolete work technologies, as well as the specifics of the industry related to the features of the technology of various works (for example, manual work when assembling structures from a large number of different elements that have complex structures Connections). It significantly increases the level of manual labor, such a feature as the need to move large masses of cargoes and related different types of loading and unloading, transport, dismantling and assembly work. Manual labor is characterized by a large load on the musculoskeletal system and functional systems (cardiovascular, neuro-muscular, respiratory, etc.). It develops the muscular system, stimulates metabolic processes, but due to low performance is not socially effective. Accompanying

the conditions that deteriorate the negative sides of manual labor is that all these processes are usually in the open air, in adverse climatic conditions and without a sufficient recruitment of socio-domestic services.

Manual labor takes place in the absence of mechanized tools for work (the work of the steelmaker, a loader, a vegetable farmer, etc.) and requires increased energy costs from 17 to 25 mJ (4000-6000 kcal) and above a day. It develops the muscular system, stimulates metabolic processes in the body, but at the same time is not socially effective, has low performance, a long-lasting need.

Mechanized work is a type of employment, which is characterized by a decrease in muscle loads, compared with severe physical labor, and complication of a program of action. Mechanized work changes the nature of muscle loads and complicates the action programs. The load on small muscle groups increases, the requirements for accuracy and speed of movements increase. In the context of mechanized production, there is a decrease in the volume of muscle activity, the minor muscles of the distal limbs are involved, which should provide greater speed and accuracy of the movements necessary when managing mechanisms. A typical example of mechanized labor is the operation of the metals processing machine (turner, milloverr, planer). With these labor forms, the energy costs of workers range from 12.5-17 MJ (3000-4000 kcal) per day. The profession of mechanized labor is often demanding special knowledge and skills. One-way simple and mostly local action, monotony and small volume perceived in labor information lead to monotony of labor. Programming (mental) Labor activity reduces to a minimum.

It should be noted that the mechanization regardless of the three features allows you to improve the technology, improve the quality and

labor productivity. At the same time, maintenance of mechanisms requires knowledge of their design, a certain mental load. This significantly distinguishes mechanized work from simple physical labor.

It should be borne in mind that the transition to mechanized work may be accompanied by simplifying labor functions and a decrease in the skills of workers. This is especially characteristic of manual mechanized and mechanized labor having auxiliary nature.

Labor on the conveyor is a system of a streaming organization based on the conveyor, at which it is divided into the simplest short operations, and the movement of parts is carried out automatically. This is such an organization of performing operations on objects in which the entire impact process is divided into a sequence of stages in order to improve performance by simultaneously independent operations over several objects passing various stages. The conveyor is also called the means of promoting objects between stages with such an organization.

Such a dismemberment of the production process to the simplest operation allows one workformer to perform any single operation, without spending time to replace the tools and transmitting parts to another worker, such parallelism of the production process allows you to reduce the number of working hours required for the production of one product. The disadvantage of this production system is the increased monotony of labor.

Labor on the conveyor is notable for even greater monotony and tremendous speed. An individual, working on the conveyor, carries one or more action. Since it is a link of a chain consisting of other employees, each of its movement should be made in a strictly defined time. It is not difficult to understand that it is very exhausting. Monotonicity and huge speed of labor can also be caused


Conveyor labor form requires synchronous work of participants in accordance with the specified rhythm and pace. At the same time, the less time the employee spends the operation, the monotony of work and it is easier to maintain it. Monotonia is one of the negative consequences of conveyor labor, which is expressed in order of temporary fatigue and nervous exhaustion. This phenomenon is based on the predominance of the braking process in cortical activities, developing under the action of monotonous repeated stimuli, which reduces the excitability of analyzers, disperses attention, reduces the reaction rate, and as a result, fatigue comes.

Work on semi-automatic and automatic production spends energy less due to this and labor tension is less than on the conveyor. The work consists in periodic maintenance of mechanisms or performing simple operations - applying the material being processed, turning on or off the mechanisms. Semi-automatic production excludes a person from the direct processing of the object of labor, which fully perform mechanisms.

The physiological feature of automated labor forms is the constant readiness of the employee to the action and the speed of the response to eliminate the problems. Such a functional state of "operational expectation" is different in the degree of fatigue and depends on the relationship to work, the urgency of the necessary action, the responsibility of the upcoming work, etc.

Mental work combines work related to the reception and transfer of information requiring activation of thinking processes, attention, memory. Mental work is to process and analyze a large amount of diverse information, and as a result of this - mobilization of memory and attention, frequency of stressful situations. However, muscle loads are usually insignificant, daily energy consumption is 10-11.7 MJ.

(2000-2400 kcal) per day. This type of labor is characterized by a significant decrease in motor activity (hypokinesia), which leads to cardiovascular pathology; Long-term mental load oppress the psyche, worsens the functions of attention, memory. The main indicator of mental labor is the tension reflecting the burden on the central nervous system. Forms of mental labor are divided into operator, managerial, creative labor, work of medical workers, work of teachers, students and students. They differ in the organization of the employment process, the uniformity of the load, the degree of emotional voltage. Mental labor is expressed in the following forms.

Operator work. In the conditions of modern multi-factor production to the forefront of the management and control of the work of technological lines by the processes of shipping and servicing buyers. For example, the work of the wholesale base manager or the supermarket administrator is associated with the processing of a large amount of information in a short time and increased neuro-emotional tension. Operator work is associated with the management of machines, equipment, technological processes. The operator consider any person working in the "Man - Machine" system, unlike the man - man. The operator professions is characterized by high load on the visual analyzer associated with the perception of small size of objects of distinction, operation with optical devices, video source terminals: reading and editing alphabetic, digital and graphic information on the screen. The load on the auditory analyzer depends on the intelligibility of words in the presence of auditory interference. The load on the voice apparatus is characteristic of such operator professions as telephonists, air traffic controllers.

Management work is a type of employment, operations and work on the implementation of administrative and management workers of functions

management in the organization. Professographic features of the work of the management workers show that the factors are dominated by the excessive increase in the amount of information, the time deficit for its processing, an increase in material importance and personal responsibility for making a decision. The modern businessman and the head requires a large set of various qualities (organizational, business, personal), a wide range of knowledge of the economy, management, technology, psychology. This work is characterized by non-standard solutions, irregularity of the load, complex interpersonal relations, periodic occurrence of conflict situations.

Management work is extremely diverse, in connection with which operations and procedures characterizing the content of this work are difficult to clearly classify, typing. In addition, the circle of management operations is continuously expanding, and the operations themselves are modified due to, on the one hand, the transformation of management methods and areas of their application and, on the other hand, due to the increasing use of new technical means of storage, transmission, accumulation, information processing, information. Revolutionary changes in the maintenance of operations, managerial labor procedures make a computer technique, which gives the opportunity to implement fundamentally new information technologies.

Creative work (scientists, writers, designers, artists, artists). The most difficult form, as it requires a large amount of memory, voltage, attention. It leads to an increase in neuro-emotional stress, tachycardia, an increase in blood pressure, a change in the ECG and other shifts from the vegetative functions.

The work of teachers, shopping and medical workers, workers of all areas of services, student labor and students are constant contact with people, increased responsibility, a frequent lack of time and information to make the right decision, which leads to a high neuro-

emotional tension. The daily energy consumption for mental labor increases by 48% when reading out loud sitting; 90% when reading lectures; by 90-100% from computer operators. In addition, the brain is inclined to inertia, because After the discontinuation of the work, the mental process continues, mental work does not stop, which leads to greater fatigue and exhaustion of the central nervous system than in physical work.

In the conditions of the modern world with the advent of devices that facilitate labor activities (computer, technical equipment), the motor activity of people compared with previous decades has sharply decreased. This ultimately leads to a decrease in human functionality, as well as various kinds of diseases. Today, purely physical work does not play a significant role, it replaces mental. But physical work, characterizing an increased physical activity, may in some cases are considered from a negative side. In general, the lack of a person needed energy consumption leads to the mismatch of the activities of individual systems (muscle, bone, respiratory, cardiovascular) and the body as a whole with the environment, as well as to reduce immunity and deterioration of metabolism. At the same time, it is harmful and overload. Therefore, with a mental, and in physical work, it is necessary to engage in health physical culture, to strengthen the body. In the process of physical and mental labor, a person emerges a certain complex of emotions. Emotions are a person's response to certain conditions. And the production situation is a complex of factors that positively or adversely affect the well-being and efficiency of a normal person.

The most common forms of labor - mental and physical.

A more detailed classification includes the following forms of labor.

    Labor forms requiring significant muscular activity and high energy consumption (4000-6000 kcal per day). This type of operations is applied in the absence of mechanized funds. Developing muscle system and stimulating metabolic processes, intense physical work has a number of flaws. First of all, it is its ineffectiveness associated with low productivity and the need for interruptions to restore physical forces reaching up to 50% of working time.

    Group forms of Labor - Conveyor (3500 - 5000 kcal). The peculiarity of this form is to divide the general process to specific operations, strict sequence of their execution, automatic feeding the parts to each workplace using the moving belt of the conveyor. Conveyor work requires synchronous work of participants in accordance with the specified pace and rhythm. At the same time, the less time is spent on the operation, the monotonous and easier its content. Monotonia is one of the negative consequences of conveyor labor, which is expressed in premature fatigue and nervous exhaustion.

    Mechanized forms of labor (3000 - 4000 kcal). The mechanized forms of labor change the nature of muscle loads and complicate the action programs. The processes of this type of labor often require special knowledge and skills. In the conditions of mechanized production, there is a decrease in the volume of muscle activity, the minor muscles of the limbs are involved, which should provide greater speed and accuracy of the movements necessary when managing mechanisms. The monotony of simple and mostly local action leads to monotony of labor.

    Forms associated with partially automated production. Semi-automatic production excludes a person from the process of direct processing of the object of labor, which fully perform mechanisms. The human task is limited to the maintenance of automated lines and electronic technology. Characteristic features of this type of activity - monotony, elevated pace and rhythm of work, nervous tension. The physiological feature of that form of labor is the need to be constantly ready for action and quickly respond to emerging problems. Such a functional state of "operational expectation" is different according to the degree of fatigue and depends on the relationship to work, the urgency of the necessary action, the responsibility of the upcoming work, etc.

    Labor forms related to the management of production processes and mechanisms. The person is included in the control system as the necessary operational link - the less automated management process, the greater the person's participation. From a physiological point of view, there are 2 main form of industrial process management: in some cases, the control panels require frequent active actions of a person, and in others - rare. In the first case, the employee's continuous attention receives a discharge in numerous movements or speaking acts, in the second - the employee is mainly in a state of readiness for action, its reactions are small.

    Forms of intellectual (mental) labor (2000-2400 kcal per day). Intellectual labor is to process and analyze a large amount of diverse information, and as a result of this - mobilization of memory and attention, frequent stressful situations. However, muscle loads are insignificant. For intellectual (mental), hypokinesia is characterized, i.e. A significant reduction in motor activity, leading to a deterioration in the reactivity of the body and an increase in emotional stress. It is the cause of cardiovascular pathology. Mental labor forms are also divided into several types:

      Operator work. Related to the processing of a large amount of information in a short time and increased emotional tension (wholesale service dispatcher, supermarket administrator).

      Management work. It is characterized by an excessive increase in the amount of information, rapid decision-making, increased personal liability, periodic emergence of conflict situations (institution managers).

      Creative work. It requires a significant amount of memory, voltage of attention, nervous emotional voltage, huge creative returns (programmers, designers, scientists, writers, composers, artists, artists, architects, designers, teachers).

      The work of teachers, shopping and medical workers, workers of all areas of services. It is distinguished by constant contacts with people, increased responsibility, often a shortage of time and information to make the right decision, which causes a high degree of neuro-emotional stress.

      Student labor and students. Requires the voltage of the main mental functions, such as memory, attention, perception; Characterized by the presence of stressful situations.

Companies should be focused on achieving the maximum effect with minimal losses. With planned maintenance on the basis of the corresponding calculations, it requires the physical movement of various goods inside and outside the enterprise. Consider further how the organization of production activities is carried out.

general characteristics

Production and financial activities are presented in the form of a complex and multifaceted structure. It is in a state of continuous development and change. In this regard, the initial analysis of the production activities of the firm should be based on the overall performance of the plan. The management of the enterprise is based on the principle of uniqueness. The rights that belong to the company implements its director. In the circumstances provided in the legislation, management is carried out in conjunction with the trade union committee.


Production activities are a process covering technology, technique, specifics of operations implemented in the enterprise. To assess the performance of the company, the controls installed by the manual are used. The functioning of the company is accompanied by various expenses of onest way or other significance. Cost accounting is carried out in accordance with the accepted account plan. The implementation of this task is possible in two ways. The first is considered traditional for the Russian economic sector. It provides for the calculation of the cost of products by grouping costs for indirect and straight. The latter are referred to the original price of the production directly. Distributed by types of products in accordance with the methodology adopted at the enterprise.

Additional tasks

Production activity is a sphere, within which not only the immediate issue of the goods is carried out. It also includes payment of new items, raw materials, materials and other things. Due to these processes, continuous production activities are ensured. This, in turn, has a direct impact on the company's profits. Payment of raw materials and other necessary objects is possible in the presence of appropriate current funds. They consist of money, funds in settlement operations and products.

Interactions inside the company

Production activities are a job that requires serious and stable security. The functioning and execution of tasks of the company's officials is regulated by the relevant regulatory documents. Among them, in particular, various instructions and recommendations. Control - control over the process of processing materials into products - closely related to other administrative tasks. At the industrial enterprise, quite complex relationships are established between divisions of different levels.

Manual features

Management and activities are carried out by the boss. His signing is the corresponding dispatch department. The tasks of this division include:

  • Development of production plans.
  • Control over the execution of the tasks.
  • Timely provision of workshops materials.

Production units that carry out certain operations lead the heads that, in turn, are subject to engineering and technical staff. The director of the entire enterprise controls work through the chief engineer. He is subject to workshops, technical and other units directly involved in the production of products.

Main goals

Within the framework of production activities, several essential functions are performed. Among them:

  1. Marketing.
  2. Sales.
  3. Financial support.
  4. Output.
  5. Material and technical support.
  6. Control.
  7. Personnel and innovative provision.

Of all these tasks, the main thing is the production. The next reason is sales.

Planning and forecasting

These events are associated with the assessment and foreseen of the upcoming actions. Forecasting contributes to the definition of trends and directions for the development of processes, the possible time of the onset of certain events. For example, it may be the calculation of task execution time. With the help of planning, a dynamic, targeted and proportional development of the company's production work is established and ensured.

Probable mistakes

In practice, there are cases where the results of production activities were extremely low. This is due to different reasons. The main errors of the manual include:

  • Invalid application of the planning and organization of the production process.
  • Not enough clear formation of the wage fund.

As a result, the development of capacity takes place at the enterprise extremely slowly, the amount of defective products increases, the cost of the cost and complexity of products is overestimated. In some cases, those forms of the organization of the system of wages, labor and production, which are characteristic of mass-mass or automated and hardware processes, are actually unreasonable to enterprises involved in serial production products. There are in practice and inverse situations.

Current planning and evaluation

They are a study of the possibilities of implementing issued products, evaluating the existing capacities, the establishment of suppliers, the definition of conditions, in accordance with which the company can consistently receive the resources you need. The potential and current status of the company are estimated on the basis of a qualified audit, a thorough inventory of funds, employee qualifications checks and so on.

Results of work

Assessment of the performance of the company allows you to establish the compliance of products issued by the requirements and standards operating in the market. The obtained indicators make it possible to investigate the ratio between the goods of competitors and their own products manufactured at the enterprise, at prices and quality characteristics. It is inextricably linked with the requirements and conditions existing outside the company. The interaction of the enterprise with external factors is embodied at the entrance in the form of costs and at the exit in the form of products transmitted to consumers. Financial results of work are expressed in net profit. It is represented in the form of a difference between revenue and expenses for the manufacture of products and their subsequent implementation. In the composition of the financial result, such types of savings occupy such as tax with turnover and profit.