Repair replacement of plastic windows accessories. Repair of plastic windows

Windows, knobs who work poorly, not allowing you to close or open a window, can be clogged with dust, have hidden defects or easily fail. To get rid of this trouble, it is not necessary to change the entire window system, much easier (and cheaper) repair fittings. It is not so difficult to do, as it may seem at first glance, sometimes, it will simply be easy to disassemble the entire mechanism, carefully process it with lubricant and collect. Sometimes, the repair will be a little more time-consuming. The most common problems with window fittings and examples of their elimination will be considered below.

What is the plastic windows accessories

Replacing accessories is a problem with which every person can face, in the apartment or the house of which is PVC or aluminum structures. Such elements can be swivel or swivel, they are on the windows, balcony doors.

These products allow:

  • open window, door (turning position);
  • throw back for ventilating (folding position);
  • close the sash, which overcomes the resistance of the sealer located inside.

Accessories for plastic structures are divided into categories:

  • for sash (doors) of the turning point;
  • for sash (doors) of the swivel-folding type;
  • for leaflets (doors) folding, farian species.

To date, manufacturers from Germany are the leaders of this market - Roto and Austria - Maco. Both companies are distinguished by the reliability of fixing elements, high quality materials, so that they choose the majority of companies for the production of window systems.

Accessories Roto (Roto)

German models from Roto (Roto) have a rather wide model line:

  • Roto NT: a swivel-fold model that is very popular. It is equipped with the maximum possible anti-corrosion protection, right under the colorful layer there is a galvanic coating that performs the role of the basic;
  • Roto NX: elements that differ in high wear resistance, created specifically for equipping buildings and industrial structures;
  • Roto OK: This is a standard equipment of a swivel-fold system created for standard door, window blocks of residential buildings;
  • Roto NT Designo: It has hinges hidden from prying eyes, which have high strength and fortress, so used for equipping heavy or large in terms of sash, doors.

An important advantage of products from Roto is the mandatory applying of a special coating, the name of which has a nano prefix. It increases the anti-corrosion properties of the elements, absolutely without changing the appearance, keeping the matte shine and smoothness of the outer surface.

Installation of Roto Furniture (Roto)

German quality ROTO is a modular type of connection. We have broken items that have failed, and not cope with the performance of duties assigned to them, it is easy to remove and replace new ones.

Modules are connected to each other using a special method (patented), called Clip & Fit. The mechanisms are attached using screws.

Accessories Maco.

High quality, quite wide range, allowed to obtain recognition of buyers of Austrian fittings called Maco. It is used to equip doors, PVC windows, metal species.

An important feature of the models from this manufacturer is the presence of anti-burglar and electronic mechanisms, which equip the doors or windows, increasing the safety of the room.

Moreover, replace ordinary shut-off strips, it will not be difficult for hacking, not only for a professional, but, for a simple person who has the slightest skills of working with a tool. Products from Maco, regardless of their shape, the complexity of execution, have the only way of compound and installation.

The mechanisms of this manufacturer also have protection against corrosion, for which the coating called Silber-Look is applied.

Fittings in plastic windows and doors from the developer (in new homes)

Repair of window components is a problem that increasingly puzzles even the owners of the new, just built buildings. Economical and unfair developers, all their might seek to keep the work that they are obliged to do. Therefore, plastic structures in new homes rarely when high quality differ, most often developers work with manufacturers offering the cheapest systems of windows, as well as, not distinguished by the reliability elements.

The installation of new plastic systems, of course, is able to solve the problem once and for all, however, it is not always affordable to the nose. But also live with handles that do not fulfill their tasks, crashing a seal, not allowing to close the window, is not the case.

The problem will be:

  • complete replacement of the seal, if required;
  • repair, or replacement of fittings.

The fittings of the plastic window (doors) broke. What to do?

If such a problem arises, as a small breakdown of an element, tightening and closing sash, the output will be replaced by one of them (what failed). Manufacturers of these elements specifically create a modular system of fittings, so the replacement of one of the components is usually not difficult.

When one block breaks, it is replaced with a new one that restores the performance of the entire structure. Only serious breakdowns require the replacement of all accessories.

Not in all cases, it should be replaced with your own hands, some breakdowns can be repaired only by the specialists of service services, the appeal to which should not be neglected.

Why breaks the fittings of plastic windows and doors

Replacing accessories is needed by a number of reasons:

  • refusal to conduct the maintenance service of the window system on a regular basis;
  • material fatigue, its increased wear;
  • excess efforts applied to opening / closing windows;
  • foreign objects in the sash windows, working elements, which prevents them from adequately functioning.

Major faults in the work of the plastic window fittings (doors)

Repair of the fittings of the plastic window can be carried out in different ways, specific techniques depend on the cause that caused the equipment malfunction.

Types of repair work to restore the functions of window / door mechanisms

A variety of malfunctionPossible type of breakageMethod of work repair
The handle does not turn to turnCombination comb, located between the drive and the angular switch, rearranged from its own place to anotherGo through the whole mechanism and put a comb in place
To close the window, you need to make a lot of effortOne of the elements of the window (angular switch) was deformed (bent)Replace the angular switch
When exposed to the handle, the required action does not occur, it simply scrolls around its axis.Paid shut-off lockReplace the main castle drive
The window, or the door opens at once in two positions.Broken scissors or just scissorsReplacement broken element
Fits the upper / lower loop windows / doorsBroken loopReplacing the upper / lower loop

How to determine: What is my fittings installed?

Repair of plastic window accessories must be started with the definition of its manufacturer. Make it is easy: on each module you can find a sticker, which is a manufacturer's branded sign. It is necessary to open the window to the window or doors, on the end, near the handle, you can find the emblem that denotes the name of the company.

Replacing the fittings of the plastic window do it yourself

Repair of plastic windows most often requires the replacement of metallopurtures, is it possible to cope with this problem yourself without referring to the window-made specialists? If you come to business with the mind, familiarize yourself with the foundations of the repair process on numerous videos presented on the Internet, you can do everything with your own hands.

Important! If there are the slightest doubts about the correctness of the work performed, it is better to abandon such repairs and entrust it to qualified professionals.

Before starting repair work, you should remember the three simple rules permanently indicated by manufacturers in the recommendations for using PVC windows and related devices.

Important rules:

  1. The design with a broken metallotic erection is strictly prohibited.
  2. All components that have been damaged should be replaced immediately.
  3. Adjustment work, replacement of window systems, should, if possible, trust only specialists.

Repair of the mechanism of plastic windows with their own hands

Repair of plastic windows may not need if the designs are made by a proven manufacturer, in compliance with the main technological moments, the use of quality materials. Such systems serve for a long time, practically without causing complaints without becoming a source of problems and, without requiring the replacement of any elements.

Situations when Kona begins to blow, the handle or opening device breaks, dries and breaks the seal, most often occur when the window systems installed in the house were made without taking into account all rules and subtleties. This situation requires repair work.

Most often such problems arise with mechanisms:

  • the handle becomes too thinner, more often, due to the application of great strength for its opening / closing, making sharp movements;
  • the handle fails when the complete replacement of this component is required;
  • the course of the opening device becomes tight, which may indicate the shifting of the sash, or the long operation of the window without lubricating the moving components;
  • the seal is spoiled;
  • damage the devices included in the lock;
  • the handle refuses to function (does not close the window), the reason for which there may be an incorrect operation of the system elements;
  • double-glazed windows, frame, which requires a mandatory replacement of damaged design.

Despite the fact that qualified specialists should be engaged in the repair of window systems, this task may be on the shoulder and an ordinary person if approaching it with the mind, take into account all the necessary nuances.

Required tools

Repair of plastic windows may require presence of certain tools:

  • key with six grains of 4 mm;
  • star screwdriver and nozzles for her (only needed to establish rare types of mechanisms, however, they should be prepared in advance);
  • cross screwdriver of a simple type, size 3, 4;
  • pliers;
  • machine oil (aerosol for lubrication WD-40).

The furniture key, it is hexagon, is the most necessary for installation and replacement of window elements, it may be in the letter "g", or "s" (with the possibility of bilateral impact). Specialists in the installation of windows are used to perform their work keys having a bend at the top, they facilitate the process of performing some manipulations. In the absence of a special tool, you can adapt to your needs any other keys and nozzles.

To increase the convenience of fixing metal etching to profiles, it is important to have a cross-cutting screwdriver at hand to correctly attach special bolts. Such a tool is necessarily useful in the process of substitution, setting up the handles.

When the plastic window has a sliding device, its repair requires special skills. But, as a rule, the whole problem lies only in tuning the optimal distance between roller carriages holding a movable sash.

Basic window adjustment points

Before proceeding directly to work, consider points to be adjusted:

  • upper horizontal loops: to adjust the top of the sash;
  • bottom horizontal loops: to bring to the norm of the lower corner of the sash;
  • lower loop: allows you to adjust the vertical position of the sash;
  • eccentric type shut-off (lower or top)): regulates the clamping force of the sash.

Each of these points allows you to find and solve any problem. When trash particles are detected, they should be removed, after which re-adjust.

Troubleshooting problems

Repair of accessories is most often associated with setting up the handle. As a rule, the only thing to do is to establish the work of the Unsterstva, it is tightening the mount.

Under each handle is located vertically up, a lining having a rectangular shape. It should be hurried with a finger over the edges of the top and bottom, which will allow you to turn the element 90 degrees. Under this design there will be 2 bolts, having heads, for a crosshead screwdriver, they need to be tightened using the appropriate tool.

It is impossible to simplify the covering bolts with a screwdriver, a different acute subject, this may cause damage to the integrity of the profile, deformation of the extreme part of the plug.

Setting down the presser mechanism

Repair of plastic windows accessories very often have to start when a sealing gum comes out. This happens when it is made of low-quality materials, under the influence of atmospheric precipitation, friction and continuous operation.

Due to the worn out of the seal, cracks may occur, it leads to a complete loss of tightness, air penetration, deterioration of sound insulation properties.

To eliminate this pathology, it is not obligatory to resort to the complete substitution of the seal, accessories allows you to get rid of the problem, by bringing to the norm of the presser mechanism.

The clamping force requires regular (2 times during the year) changes, it is necessary when the temperature is changed with a low-high and, on the contrary. In addition, the reduction of voltage allows you to increase the life of the rubber seal.

To adjust the effort, the eccentrics should be found - these are special cylinders of oval shapes located on the end side of the sash, in the slots of metal plugs. On the frame there are retaliatory hooks, which include other hooks, while turning the handle when the door is pressed against the frame. Adjust the force can be adjusted by moving the hooks.

To weaken the door closing efforts - the protruding part of the eccentric turn into the street, to enhance it - deploy inside the room.

To configure eccentric and response hooks, you can use one of the tips (which is best suited, depends on the manufacturer of the fittings):

  1. Turn the eccentric slot using a flat screwdriver.
  2. Take a hand, pliers, then scroll.
  3. Attach efforts by affecting the eccentrics by Pasterns.

Important! Before choosing the method of impact, it is very important to study the recommendations to a specific system model, sometimes scrolling the mechanism by passatages, can damage the entire fastener.

When the setting with external cylinders does not give results, you can try to influence the position of the response parts by changing their position.

The setting is done like this:

  • with the help of a hex key, remove two bolts that fix the response part;
  • move the hook towards the room (this will reduce the clamp), towards the street (this will increase the pressed).

When the push of the knob is changed, you need to configure the sides where the canopies are located. If we are talking about the door equipped with a frying system, with the possibility of opening the window for the purpose of venting, you need:

  • on the lower canopy find a cap of a plastic platband and remove it;
  • two explicit and one hidden bolt will be located on the canopy, closing the door, you need to remove the bolt with a hex key located perpendicular to the plane. It should be twisted against a clockwise arrow (for the purpose of amplification) and vice versa;
  • to adjust the upper part, you should open the sash, click on the side of the handle on the lever or the lock clip (it will set the lever to the ventilation mode). At the same time, the sash will come out of the top groove and will remain hanging only on the lower element, which will open access to the head to regulate the clips of the top of the sash. It is possible to configure it by turning the bolt, as well as during the adjustment of the TsAPF.

Solving other problems

Repair of plastic windows may be required when jamming the handle. The cause of such a situation can be an incorrect operation of the blocking device when the open window position is not changed to the position of the closed.

To solve the problem you need to do the following:

  • find the lock lever: it can be on the window end (with an open sash, it is located an angle to the seal), on the end of the sash (from the handle side), speaking in the form of a clip, which is due to the gum of the sealing type;
  • take the lever to the side;
  • release the mobility of the handle mechanism.

Care for window systems, as well as accessories, ensuring their operation, follows regularly.

Methods for caring for mechanisms:

  • regulate (twice a year);
  • purify with a soft tissue moistened in soap solution, from accumulated dust and dirt;
  • lubricate oil to handle parts of sewing machines (without additives).

Important! The manufacturer of window structures sometimes includes a condition for compulsory periodic accessories of fittings in a warranty card. Not execution of this item can lead to the removal of the warranty.

To serve the mechanisms for a long time, it is necessary to comply with the care recommendations:

  • after the end of the repair work, it is necessary to remove traces of dust from the metal, with the help of a soap solution;
  • protect the elements from contact with sharp objects, as well as long-term contacts with water, which can cause corrosion development;
  • do not rub the surface of plastic with a rigid sponge, use soft tissue to clean;
  • do not apply compositions containing abrasive, aggressive, chemicals (chlorine, alcohol, acid).

It is very important not to forget about cleansing glass surfaces: it is necessary to work carefully, not allowing moisture penetration to the profile, as well as the rubber seal (especially if a solution with an alcohol content is used for cleaning).

The seal should be cleaned no more often, but not less than once every 6 months. For this purpose, the water and soap solution is used, then a silicone-based lubricant is treated.

Each frame contains drainage holes, also needed cleansing. They are located on the bottom plane of the frame.

Regular carial care, maintenance of accessories in a working condition, timely correction of defects and breakdowns will allow for a long time to maintain the beauty of the windows.

The reasons that lead to the faults of the window fittings may be much. These are damage to the mechanical type, entering the mechanism of foreign objects, deposition of dust or contamination, etc. To correct damage, the correct diagnosis of defect will be required first, and only then the choice of the method and the necessary tools for correcting the situation. In some cases, some of the manipulations can be sufficient to preserve old mechanisms, and in others - replacing new parts of broken or bent items. It is important to assess the complexity of the problem, since light flaws can be corrected independently, but in the case of specific or complex damage it will be necessary to attract a professional.

Special accessories are installed on the balcony and room windows - the design of metal elements of a rotary-fold or rotary type. Due to these parts, movable sash and doors can open a completely latch or in the stationary position to be extended from above, keeping the lower part of the sash leaning to the frame. The depth of such a folding is regulated by special "scissors" with a limited move. Most often, it will take overcoming the resistance created by the seal to open the sash or door of the balcony. Types of accessories for PVC windows and doors:

  • frames folding flames;
  • swivel-folding;
  • swivels.

Major faults in the work of the plastic window

Since the PVC windows have a lot of probable damage and faults that differ in the manifestation of similar "symptoms", there is the following classification of the most frequent defects:
  1. Damage to the bottom or top loop is expressed as a visible flaw, which requires replacement of the details of the whole.
  2. Opening the sash simultaneously in two positions. The reason is a damaged or broken loop scissors or only scissors, repaired by replacing this part.
  3. If the handle around its axis is freely scrolling, this indicates the failure of the drive (main shut-off), it is required to replace it.
  4. Difficulties When closing the sash in the PVC window, talk about a broken or deformed angular switch to be switched to a new element.
  5. Handle lock - resetting in the mechanism of the angular switch and drive, is corrected by disassembling and eliminating the defect with the subsequent assembly in the reverse order (we were told about the assembly of plastic windows).

Potrested Sash

In the event of a change in the level of installation of the sash, you must first determine in which direction the correction will be required, and then start it. All operations are done with a six-sided key on "4".

Correction of the skew "Left - Right"

  • Such malfunctions are eliminated by the impact on the bottom loop. Removing the decorative lining is required to expose the adjusting groove in which the keys end is inserted. When turning the tool counterclockwise, the sash will be put forward to the right if in the opposite direction - to the left.
  • To make the same operations with the top area of \u200b\u200bthe sash, it is necessary to carry out similar manipulations with the element located on the sash. You will need to complete the window opening to expose this area with the socket in which the element is located.
Adjusting the altitude of the location vertically and horizontally sash is performed only with the full opening of the window.

Correction of the skew "Down - Up"

To adjust the position of the sash in the vertical direction, you need to get to the bottom loopAnd then remove the decorative plug. The upper adjusting groove is controlled by lowering and lifting the sash as a result of the rotation of the hex key against or clockwise.

Large slit when ventilating, pushing from sealing gum at the top

Often, they are ordered that there are no subcords, which is being done to save material, better decorative species and greater ability to keep heat in the room, less skipping noise outside. However, it is possible to air the room at the expense of the opening of the sash to the "ventilation" position. Often this gap increases as the window is exploited, which requires it to reduce it in winter and cold periods. One of the ways to eliminate inconvenience is the adjustment of the pressure of the pressure to the frame design of the window sash. For this it will be necessary to perform such actions:
  1. The translating of the sash in the simultaneous position in the mode of ventilation and opening appears access to the appropriate mechanism.
  2. In order for such an action is not limited to the 2-mode simultaneous opening of the sash, it is necessary to find the "tongue" of the device on the handle mechanism and get it inside.
  3. In the upper area there will be visible supporting scissors with an adjusting element. When turning the hex key of this element will be removed or clamping the sash.
If these actions did not help, then the problem may hide in a bad fit to the TsAPF window (locking mechanisms) or planks. To regulate them, you will need the following:
  1. Depending on the type of fittings, the correction is made either for the planks or for the RACF.
  2. Elements of oval shape located on the end of the sash, which are adjusted by the hexagon key in the presence of an appropriate control mechanism. If there are no, the operations are produced by pliers.
  3. The rotation in one direction or another will be made to a climbing or distance of the TsAPF.

It is necessary to make sure that the pressed after the adjustment is evenly performed tight.

About how to competently replace the seal on plastic windows with your own hands, read, and how to adjust, so as not to do, find out.

It does not work close

The defect appears as a result of a sharp or non-accurate movement of the handle, What the blocking mechanism is involved.
  1. To return the previous mobility of this detail, you must first determine the brand of installed accessories on the window. Different manufacturers on the details are featured in the design.
  2. To find the block, you must look at the handle where the protruding tongue is located. It is required to translate this item into such a position so that the direction coincides with the location of the sash, it was parallel to it. Then you need to return the handle to the source position.
For Aubi's accessories, you need to perform some other manipulations:
  1. First, make sure the vertical opening of the sash, since the simultaneous opening in two modes will not automatically turn the handle. From the side of the sash must be a spring element with a metal plate. You need to press this item to the seal, and turn the handle at this moment. If such actions did not bring the result, check the adjacent to the response mechanism of the blocking element. This is due to the slipping of this element in the case of a decrease in temperature.
  2. With an open sash, find the response mechanism on the window frame - for it at the time of closing the flap, the block is engaged. It will be necessary to promote this mechanism, remove its contents and substitute a plastic or other solid plate of suitable size between the response element and the frame zone. About the features of the repair of the plastic window mechanism, read.

The handle is hardly turning

In case of such a problem, such actions are required:
  1. It is necessary to evaluate its skills and skills to repair, since most often the help of the master will help to save and even prevent even more destruction.
  2. The reason for this phenomenon becomes a savage, the absence in the mechanism of sufficient quantity or drying. It is necessary to estimate the lubricant state, the availability of sagging.
  3. If the location of the sash has deviations from the vertical or horizontal, it must be adjusted. When replacing the lubricant or make an additional amount of operation, it is somewhat more complicated because PVC windows have a complex design.
  4. Spray is needed universal or composition for fittings of fiber-based action.
  5. Following the instructions on the containers with lubricants, carry out the necessary manipulations.

Lubrication is applied only on the available areas of mechanisms. Eli These actions did not help the problem, you need to contact the master.

Broken / breaking handle

Such a defect is easy to fix without attracting a wizard. For this:
  1. Purchase the appropriate handle size. Most often it requires a detail of one manufacturer.
  2. It is necessary to find the covering the base of the handle of the plastic plate, turn it into a horizontal position. It will open the bolts that fasten the item to the sash. They are unscrewed with scolding, to replace a new one.
  3. The design is collected in the reverse order.
  4. If the handle just dangles, then the reason may be in poor fixation with screws. For this you only need to twist the bolts, but without changing the part.
When installing the sash opening limiter, you will need to first fix at the bottom of the handle.but then install and fix the item.

Opening the sash immediately in turning and folding positions

With the simultaneous opening of the sash in both modes it will be necessary:
  1. It is necessary to return the sash to the vertical position. For this, it presses to the frame.
  2. If the result manipulation did not bring, disable the lock mechanism with the subsequent closure of the window and turn the knob down.
  3. To check the success of the accomplished actions, you need to set the window in all positions with slow turning handle.

Flowing from under the seal

In the accessories of plastic windows there is a pin or eccentric. These parts are responsible for the density of pressing the sash to the window frame design. If a blowing is felt from under the seal, then you need to scroll into the desired side of these parts to align the position of the sash. The hex key will need to "4" - it will suit any kind of fittings. You need to perform such actions:
  1. For fittings for the production of Sigenia and Aubi on the sash to find a trough with turnkey sockets, followed by turning the rollers closer to the seal.
  2. Winkhaus brand windows allow you to rotate eccentric with hands without tools.
  3. For the ROTO manufacturer designs, the hex key will need, which is inserted into the appropriate places on the response plates. When the element is rotated, the desired position of the sash is built.


The location of the point relative to the seal determines the degree of clamp. So that the rubber is not worn out, the eccentric is returned to the previous position.

Fault mechanism

Often, various mechanisms break in the accessories:
  • opening, closing and holding close sash to the frame;
  • navigating the ventilation mode (on plastic windows?).
To the window correctly and fully functioned, the operation of each incoming element, including locks and constipation, is required. Repair constipation or succeed only after replacing broken or rushing movable elements, other small details or making the desired amount of lubrication. Depending on the brand of the PVC window design, the location, designs and other features of the mechanisms may differ.

The seal was worn out

The wear of the sealing material occurs in 5-10 years after the end of its life. However, this can happen earlier due to mechanical damage and other actions. To replace, it will require the execution of such manipulations:
  1. Old or damaged flat tip dummy cord comes closer to the corner.
  2. Removed on the perimeter of the sash or window frame. If only part of it is damaged, you can only be limited to the distance until the end of the item.
  3. The grooves need to rinse well and clear from contamination, the remains of the old seal with the mandatory drying of the recess.
  4. Along the entire length, where the new sealing cord will be placed, glue is applied.
  5. No compression or stretching starts in such a groove the seal with neat and smooth movements.
When choosing a new seal, check it on integrity and no damage. The reasons for replacing accessories on the window is told.

What instruments need?

Depending on the type of damage, different tools may be required. Usually the list contains:
  • keys-star in the set;
  • hex keys in the set;
  • hammer with rubber lining;
  • screwdriver with a regulator of rotation speed and replaceable bits;
  • screwdrivers are crusades or flat.

Stars and hexagons are the most important in the list of list, since most manufacturers use different bolts with a similar shape of the cap.

In which cases is required to replace?

Once the PVC windows begin to function not as well as when installing, they need to check their serviceability. Broken or damaged accessories leads:
  • to the appearance of drafts
  • freezing windows;
  • insulation disorders;
  • penetration of water and dust outside.
If there was no sign from the list of the list, it is not worth slowing with the repair of window fittings. Tightening the problem will cause contamination of the entire mechanism, drying or damage to lubrication and other faults. Then the repair can do very expensive. Repair of window fittings can often be performed with their own hands Without the help of the wizard. Such damage includes:
  • breakdown handles;
  • adjustment of the sash in height or by location relative to the frame;
  • other types of flaws.
However, it is not always possible to correctly determine the essence of the problem, its complexity. Therefore, it is best to enlist the master of the Master with the most doubts, since the repair after incompetent intervention may be too expensive (read about the repair of plastic windows).

Useful video

Repair of furniture of plastic windows with their own hands, see more in the video below:

In contact with

Aluminum and wooden, replacement and adjustment of window and door fittings in Moscow and MO from the firm "Reform windows".

Trust the repair of plastic windows of professionals

Generally such a service as repair of plastic windows Pretty in demand, since PVC window, unlike the usual wooden, is equipped with a rather complex auxiliary mechanism. During intensive exploitation, damage is often necessary, makes itself felt common wear. In order not to exacerbate the problem, refer to the professionals for its solution.

Under the window fittings, the following details are usually implied: loops, handle, angular switches, constipation, opening blockers, swivel and rotary-folding mechanism, microlift. The failure of any part is fraught with a serious breakdown of the entire system. Minor, at first glance, violation of the normal movement of the sash may further lead to the deformation of the entire design and the rise in the cost of repair.

Independent troubleshooting in the absence of skills and professional tools can lead to negative results. To avoid this, contact our company, and your windows without complaints will serve for a long time. Experts are responsible for the repair of window fittings, and with more global problems, the repair of plastic windows will produce.

When replacement and adjustment of fittings

  • Disrupting the smoothness of opening and closing. You may only need to clean and smear the accessories, but a more serious reason can be discovered.
  • Schelling or sash sowing, its loss. Inspection, adjustment and, if necessary, replace loops and adjacent nodes.
  • Breakdown handles. One of the most easily easy tasks, if it comes only about the handle itself. However, more serious problems are possible, because the entire opening / closing system is tied.
  • Punning with a closed window. The reason can be both in the wearing seal and the mechanism itself.
  • You can also contact us if you decide to extend the window functions: install a children's lock (baby stop), put a handle with a key, comb or replace the rotary mechanism on the swivel-folding.

Prices for repair of window fittings

Name Units. change price, rub.
Full replacement of fittings sash from 3500 to 6000
Installation (replacement) hinges on the window and balcony doors pC. 1200
Installation (replacement) loops on the entrance door pC. from 3000.
Installation (replacement) of the main constipation pC. from 1500.
Installation (replacement) of medium constipation pC. from 1200.
Installation (replacement) of additional clamping from the loop pC. 400
Installation (replacement) of the response pC. 200
Remote opening hard thrust pC. from 8000.
Remote opening flexible thrust pC. contractual
Remote opening with electric drive pC. contractual
Opening Limiter (Comb) Plastic / Metal pC. 300/500
Installation (replacement) White / brown window handle pC. from 400.
Window handle with key pC. from 800.
Children's castle pC. from 850.
Balcony latch (pull handle) pC. 500
Handle on the balcony door 2-sided with the key pC. 3000
Pen bracket at the entrance door pC. from 2800.
Installing a single-side lock on the entrance door pC. contractual
Installing a multiple lock on the entrance door pC. contractual
Closer Installation Customer Material / Artist Material pC. 1200 / from 3800

Hello everyone! Last week, the client appealed to the problem. The window stopped closed. We arrived, looked and horrified. All mechanisms were clogged with construction dust. The apartment is only handed over, without finishing.

It was found out when the walls were extincting, the windows were open to flew to the street. However, dust asslaved in all mechanisms of fittings and scored there. Therefore, in the evening, the owner of the apartment could not close the window. Well, at least I did not use it myself, otherwise I would have trouble. My employees were neatly disassembled, smeared the mechanisms and installed back.

The window has earned as it should! So if you have problems with accessories better to trust professionals, then not to overpay for the replacement of the new one. And how to independently diagnose small problems and eliminate their independently my new article.

Rotary and swivel-folding fittings are placed on the windows and balcony doors. With it, you can open a window or door (swivel position) or put on an extension (folding position), limited by scissors. As a rule, when closing the sash (door) by means of accessories, it is necessary to overcome the resistance of the seal.

Accessories for plastic windows can be divided into categories:

  • for rotary flaps (doors)
  • for swivel-folding flaps (doors)
  • for folding (fluffered) flaps (doors)

The most popular manufacturers of plastic windows and doors Roto and Maco

The leaders in the market of accessories for windows and doors are German Roto and Austrian Maco.

Accessories Roto (Roto)

Roto Fittings Line (Roto):

  • Roto NT - the most popular swivel-folding fittings, with maximum corrosion protection (under the top layer of paint is a basic electroplating)
  • Roto NX - accessories developed for industrial (production) buildings and structures
  • Roto OK - Rotary-folding accessories for ordinary (standard) windows and balcony doors
  • Roto NT Designo - Accessories with hidden loops for large (heavy) sash (doors)

Application of a special Nano Nano Nano Coil, which increases corrosion resistance, does not affect the flawless smooth, the matte appearance of the window accessories of Roto.

Installation of Roto Furniture (Roto)

Roto accessories - modular fittings. Broken modules can be easily replaced with new ones. Modules are connected using the patented Clip & Fit method. Mounted modules with screws.

Accessories Maco.

Well proven itself, thanks to its quality and wide lineup, Maco accessories for plastic windows and doors. It should be noted the development of anti-burglary, as well as, electronic fittings for plastic windows and doors.

You can increase the safety (burglar resistance) of the plastic window, putting instead of conventional, shovels, hacking the defendants, at the same place.

Maco has its own way of connecting and installing fittings for the product of any complexity and shape.

To protect against corrosion throughout the MacO fittings, the Silber-Look coating is evenly applied.

Fittings in plastic windows and doors from the developer (in new homes)

Yes, of course, the happy owners of new apartments alternate only after complete rulers at home.

However, the developer trying to save, in most cases, puts plastic windows in new homes, which gently say not very good quality.

But what to do, do not reinstall the same windows after entry? Cheap accessories quickly fails, the window sealing on the windows very soon ceases to perform its functions. What to do?

The problem will help solve the adjustment of the plastic window, repair and replacing accessories, if necessary, replacing the seal. By producing the necessary amount of work, which the master will install on the spot, all tenants of the new apartment will immediately feel the difference between before and after.

The fittings of the plastic window (doors) broke. What to do?

The economical and reasonable solution of a short breakdown will be repaired or replacing the element of the plastic windows. After all, manufacturers of window fittings specially developed a modular system.

When breakdown in one block, it is easily replaced by a new one, as in the children's designer. This restores the performance of the entire window (door) design. With more serious breakdowns, you will have to replace all the accessories of the plastic window.

By the solution of any problems with your window will appeal to our company. Our masters will quickly and efficiently hold both the window fittings, and will make a replacement and repair of the plastic windows accessories.

Why breaks the fittings of plastic windows and doors

Main reasons

To the main reasons, the breakdown of plastic windows and doors can be attributed:

  • lack of regular service
  • wear (fatigue) of metal
  • excessive power application
  • foreign objects

Major faults in the work of the plastic window fittings (doors)

Methods of repair of plastic windows and doors

Fault Possible breakdown Method of repair
plastic window handle does not turn in the connection of the drive and the angular switch rearranged the comb requires a bulkhead accessories
plastic window closes with difficulty deformed (bent) angular switch (element of plastic window fittings) replacing the element of the fittings (angular switch) of the plastic window
scroll Pen Plastic Window (Door) broken main locking lock (drive) replacing the main shut-off lock (drive)
window (door) opens in two positions broken scissors / scissors-loop replacement of scissors / scissors-loop
the top loop of the plastic window (doors) broke broken upper loop of plastic window replacement of the top loop of the plastic window
broken the lower loop of the plastic window (door) broken lower loop plastic window replacing the bottom loop of the plastic window

How to determine: What is my fittings installed?

Each plastic window fittings module has a stamp (label, emblem) manufacturer. Open the window sash. At the end, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe handle, you can see the stamp (emblem) of the manufacturer.

Replacing the fittings of the plastic window do it yourself

Is it possible to make repair or replacement of plastic windows accessories yourself? Why not. Do not burn pots burn ...

In the process, try not to break your window or the door. Everything is just only in the rollers on the Utyuba.

And when it comes to business - a bunch of nuances arises, about which no one will ever tell anywhere. Our advice is to trust your windows only to experienced masters, which every day collide and successfully solve certain difficulties that occur when repairing plastic windows!

It should be emphasized to note the recommendations of manufacturers who write black in white in all accompanying documents (guidelines for the care and adjustment for rotary, swivel-otkidnaya, twisted and folding fittings; Catalog of accessories, etc.), which:

  • It is forbidden to use a window with broken fittings
  • damaged elements of the plastic windows accessories urgently need to be replaced
  • All work on adjustment, repair and replacement of plastic windows should be carried out only by specialists !!!

Useful tips and recommendations. Care of accessories and plastic windows

Please note the manufacturer even removes its guarantee if it is not possible to service the accessories.

The accessories of the plastic window or door periodically (once every six months) must be adjusted, clean from the accumulated mud with a soft cloth moistened in the soap solution, and lubricate at least oil for sewing machines or simple machine oil or any other, not containing additives.

After repair or construction work, it is necessary to wash off the construction dust from the accessories of the plastic window or the doors with soap solution.

Accessories should be protected from surface damage by sharp objects, as well as to avoid long-term contact with water - this may lead to corrosion.

Caring for the plastic window (door)

Even a simple ordinary soap solution can easily clean the plastic profile of the entire window, or you can use degreasing detergents. But only wash the plastic profile with a soft sponge, do not try it with a rigid surface.

It is strictly forbidden to apply abrasive and aggressive chemical compositions (which includes chlorine, acids, alcohol and other additives, which actively destroy the dirt). Even if at first glance nothing happened, then after some time, the color of plastic from the white can become grayish - yellow.

The glass in the PVC window is the usual glass and you need to wash it like ordinary glass. Gently, trying to make detergents not to get to the profile. It is important not to rearrange - so that the detergent alcohol solution does not hit the rubber seal.

It is also important to regularly clean drainage holes at the bottom of the window frame. If you regularly pay a plastic window a little of your attention - it will last long and reliably!

How to order Repair or replacement of plastic windows and doors in the company "Cozy House"

By calling the manager of our company, you can order the replacement and repair of the fittings of the plastic window (doors) in St. Petersburg (C-PB) and the Leningrad region. The window repair wizard will arrive at the specified address at a convenient time for you.

Quickly and efficiently fulfill all the necessary work. The experience of our masters makes it possible to ensure that the eliminated problems will not appear again for a long time.

Our experts are replaced and repairing accessories on plastic windows (doors) of many well-known manufacturers of Veka windows (century), Rehau (Rehau), Thyssen (Tissren), Montblank (Montblanc), Gealan (Gealan), Kbe (KBB), Plafen (Plafen ), DeceUninck (Destennink) and others.

Complete (or partial) replacement and repair of plastic window fittings (doors) manufacturers of Giesse, Roto, Siegenia, Internika, Elementis, Hoppe, Albrio, Vorne, Huatau and others. The price of replacing and repairing the accessories of plastic windows is quite accessible and significantly lower than the complete replacement of the plastic window.

We experience only high-class professionals who will quickly detect and eliminate the cause of the fault. You will again be able to enjoy the impeccable work of your windows.

Timely repair of plastic windows in St. Petersburg will require a much smaller amount of money than their complete replacement. The complexity of the problem has affected the cost of repairing plastic windows: the more simpler fault, the lower the price, in particularly complex cases, the price of wind repairs is increasing.


Plastic windows repair adjustment with your own hands

Earlier, I already gave recommendations for the care of the windows. Here we will talk about the situation when the thunder has already risen.

Very often making repairs in the apartment, we, opening the sash, forget, forget how to protect your plastic windows from the consequences. It is plastic, since simple, wooden are not equipped, as a rule, such a complex fitness.

It was this case that happened with our clients. Under the end of the repair, one of the windows stopped normally closed. Caused us. As it should be expected, all nodes of shut-off accessories were clogged with limestone dust.

From the complete replacement of people's fittings, only the fact that they did not try to spend adjustment or repair with their own hands. And we had to disassemble the window, rinse and lubricate all the fittings.

ATTENTION! These works are not included in the number of warranty and are paid. I think why - it is not necessary to explain. But, in any case, it will cost cheaper than buying new fittings. Well, if there are minimal locksmith skills, the theory, you can make repair and adjust the windows with your own hands.

To work, you have to have a pair of screwdrivers, pliers, a couple of tassels (soft and rigid), kerosene (or something like that) and lubricant.

ATTENTION! Lubrication is desirable to have specifically for fittings of plastic windows.

In extreme cases, you can replace any neutral (WD-40) or automotive without additives.

And so, everything is ready - forward.

  • Remove decorative lining with loops.
  • Disconnect the upper loop.

ATTENTION! It is desirable at the same time the presence of an assistant, which would hold the sash during the disassembly of the loop.

Then, tilting the sash to herself, remove it from the rod of the bottom loop. Keep in mind - the sash is much harder than it seems.

Remove the handle. Turn the decor plate and unscrew the fastening screws.

Fold, for convenience, put on the table. We carefully study and remember the location of all fittings nodes. We proceed to disassembly. Out all the screws around the perimeter of the sash. Then (better together) remove the mechanism. Thoroughly my on both sides.

It is better to do so - the table is covered with the film, any flat container (bath) is put, the mechanism, as weocre, move over it. It is advisable to work together.

Then all the fittings nodes need to dry, can be a hairdryer or a bicycle pump. Lubricate all moving parts without shifting them relative to each other. The point is, not knowing the principle of their interaction, it will be difficult to force the mechanism to function.

Install the mechanism of fittings in place, fastening self-drawing, put the handle.

Lubricate the loop on the box and install the sash. First we dress it on the bottom loop, then we connect the top loop, insert the rod into it.

If everything has been done as it should - the sash should work without surprises. In extreme cases, it will have to be slightly adjusted.

Good luck to you! There will be questions - write.


Repair of plastic windows with their own hands

Quite often, people are referred to us with a request to change the broken handle on the window or balcony door, install the "comb" window opening limiter, unlock, refusing to rotate the PVC window.

Believe me, many malfunctions of plastic windows are not critical, they can be eliminated by their forces without spending money and time on waiting for the window repair wizard, which you can call and with us. On this page, we will try to explain to you how to repair.

How to replace the window handle on the window?

If you have cracked the base of the PVC handle window and the replacement is required, or you have a small child, and you want it to, I could not open the window and for this you want to install a handle with a lock, then it is not necessary to order the service repair of plastic windows.

Work on the replacement of the window handle takes a couple of minutes and requires only the presence of a screwdriver and the desire to perform this work independently. Turn the plastic knob base cover by 90 degrees. There you will see the screws that are fastening the handle to the window.

Remove them with a screwdriver, remove the old handle and at its place, at the same screws, attach a new one. When installing the "Combs" opening limiter, it is necessary to install the "Comb" wire controller plate under the base of the handle.

Window handles, as well as regulators of ventilation (comb), can be purchased in the building markets, in the pavilions selling door handles or construction stores "Lerua-Merlen", "Ob" cost from 70 to 200 rubles.

We establish limiters of the opening of windows "Grebelka" for 150-200 rubles, twilty-folding handles of white-300 rubles, window handles with a lock, production of England, Poland - 900 rubles, children's lock - 1000 rubles.

Slined window handle in the open window, the handle does not rotate, does not close the window?

In the open position of the sash, the handle turned out to be randomly turned down and you cannot close the window, as the handle is not spinning.

Do not be afraid of your window is not broken, just worked the handle rotation block in the open position window, and the handle turned out to be blocked in the wrong position, which prevents the closing of the window.

In modern window structures, the rotation of the handle in the open state are installed in the modern windows, or in a swivel-fold position, this is done with the good purpose so that the consumer does not accidentally break the window.

But, there are cases when, with a quick execution of an operation to transfer the handle from one position to another, this block is triggered into a completely unnecessary moment of time.

Do not panic. To repair PVC windows, with your own hands, first determine the brand of accessories. To do this, find the name written on the metal constipation.

If you are written "Aubi", then find a protruding metal thin plate with a spring in the area of \u200b\u200bthe handle.

Press your finger this plate tightly to the seal and turn the handle. If it does not leave, pay attention to what position the sash.

It is necessary that the sash is strictly in a vertical position, since if the sash is hanging at an angle, then the upper block of rotary-folding position will also block the rotation of the knob. So, aligning the window and pressing the plate to the seal, you can easily rotate the handle to the open position mode and close the window.

If you are written "Roto," GU "," Winkhaus "or something else, then try to find the handle below, the metal tongue sticking at an angle towards the frame.

Here are actions as above. Press the finger to the tongue down so that it gets up parallel to the sealing rubber, and easily turn the handle to the desired position. There may be an unpleasant moment with the temperature deformation of the window.

The tongue may not touch the response element of the window installed on the frame and when closing the sash to slip by, respectively, without flexing to the seal and the handle does not rotate.

Open the window and find a metal part of which the tongue should hit. Unscrew the screw, or two screws of the block element of the block from the frame and put something between it and the frame, such as a plastic lining, thin screw. By this you will achieve the clutch of the block on the sash and the response element on the frame.

Repair Block Scissors Furniture Winkhaus

Over time, problems arise with a rotation block of the handle installed in the scissors of the swivel-folding fittings of Winkhaus. This blocker from friction is wearing with time, and the accessories refuses to lock.

The window handle rotates only to the "open" and up position. In this case, it is impossible to apply the effort to close the handle, as you can break the main constipation reducer. Either call the wizard, and it will repair the accessories, removing the block for 1500 rubles, or look at the photos, which item must be deleted.

To remove scissors, you must first remove the window sash. Remove the decorative pad from the top loop and with a pliers and screwdriver pull out the pin. Lower the sash to the floor and unscrew the screws of the fittings, remove the scissors. Then the block is removed, the scissors are screwed into place and accessories works as new!

What if the plastic window is closed tightly?

Here it may be the cause of both the sash savings and the banal drying of the lubricant. To begin with, buy a universal penetrating lubricant - spray in any auto shop.

Put on the cylinder tube and lightly lubricate all moving elements, especially the upper angular transmissions. If it does not help, then try twisting the hinge adjusting screws on the window.

Remove the decorative cap on the bottom loop and under the diagram at the bottom. Try to lift the flap twisting the screw inside the loop with a hexagon key. If you see that the sash beats the upper angle of the response plate on the frame, then tighten the screw of the upper loop as indicated in the instructions for adjusting the accessories.

How to regulate plastic windows to eliminate purge from under the sealing rubber

Try to eliminate it by the method of rotation of the Eccentrics of the TsAPF. If on the "Roto" accessories window, then pay attention to the repellent plates on the frame.

In the middle there is a place where inserting the hex key number 4, you can turn the movable element in the desired direction. Where to rotate determine the present method.

If on the window's accessories "Winkhaus", then you need to take up the constipation with two fingers, delay the eccentric and turn it into the right side, as in the photo:

If the window is not "roto", and the other fittings, such as "Aubi", "Sigenia", "GU" ...., then you will see on the sash moving elements of the accessories in the form of rollers (pinches) with a hole in the middle under the hex key number 4. On the edge of the roller you will find a point.

The closer to the sash seal, you will turn this point, the stronger will be the clamp. Just do not forget to return to the assistant position in the summer, and the sealing tires are quickly wired.

It should also be reversed on the position of the moving axle on the sash relative to the response parts on the frame. It is possible that the response parts are incorrectly and the trumps during closure do not enter the response parts. In this case, the response plates must be rearranged.

Unscrew the screw fastening of the response plank on the frame and shift the strip down to the roller to completely enter the retaliatory bar. If the adjustment of the eccentrics did not bring results, then call the PVC windows repair masters.

How to eliminate a strong blowing of plastic windows from the loop?

This problem happens both on sash with swivel-folding fittings and on sash with swivel fittings. The first reason is the mid-quality installation, the frame in the middle of the installers stretched the anchor and therefore the middle clamp on the sash does not work.

The second reason - the diverting plates fell, installed in the middle of the sash between the glass and the profile, or they were not installed on production.

The plastic windows repair wizard will cure this problem in 10 minutes, removing the staple from the sash from the loop and laying in the middle between the glass and the profile the desired number of rattling plates. How to remove the stroke with PVC windows with your own hands and stretch the window sash?

It is best to take a wide chisel or a hard spatula for paint removal. You can not use a slotted screwdriver or knife, as you spoil the appearance of the PVC profile. Leaning the tool to the place of the junction of the stroke and the sash profile, disconnect the stroke.

Then, pay attention to the removal plates set at the bottom right between the frame and sash. You also need to install plastic plates in the middle, moved to a 3-5 mm sash window from the glass package.

Plates can be made from a detailed school line at his beloved chad. The main thing is that the width of the manufactured plates, with your own hands, was not less than the thickness of the glass package, and when installing, one of the edges of the plate did not rest in the inner part of the glass, otherwise the double-glazed glass can crack.

To push off the profile of the sash from the glass package, can be the same chisel, laying under the glass from the glass of the plastic spacer. We do not really know much, to start, move the sash from the glass to 3 mm and try closing the window. If there is little, then another 3 mm.

After reading our article, it seems that the repair of plastic windows can perform any man independently at home, but, unfortunately, we had customers who read the advice on the Internet, how to adjust the plastic windows with their own hands, put the hex key in the top of the top loop And after turning the key, the sash flew down to the floor. The consequences of the glass and the sash profile.

Therefore, if you are sure that you know exactly in which direction, and what, the adjusting screw must be rotated to increase the fit of the fittings, then the attempt is not torture, and save money on simple repair of plastic windows commendable.

If you cannot adjust the windows yourself, then contact our service center for repairing windows. Our experienced masters are always ready to correct any breakdown or defect your window!


Replacing accessories in plastic windows

In most Moscow apartments, modern and high-quality double-glazed windows are installed, which meet all the requirements, but often manufacturers of plastic windows are saved at the cost of accessories, which leads to malfunctions of the mechanism and its failure.

Window fittings, thanks to which windows are open, are subject to the greatest loads, so early, or late before the owners of the apartment faces the question of bringing window mechanisms into a normal working condition. This task is solved in two ways: repair, or complete replacement of PVC wind fittings.

Need to repair or replace accessories

If your glass windows served you for a long time, and the adjustment no longer helps, it's time to think about replacing the mechanisms. Replacing the fittings of plastic windows, is not easy, so it is better to trust it from specialists. This work is not recommended independently, in view of the mass of nuances and subtleties, which can be understood only with experience.

Our window company has long and successfully operates on the windows installation and maintenance market. All our employees have high qualifications and are well familiar with the features of window systems of all manufacturers. After the end of the work, we provide a long warranty for all types of work.

Repair of wind fittings, or its replacement is required if your windows appear the following problems:

  • the sash closes loosely, through the remaining slits in the apartment penetrates drafts;
  • in winter, the window can be partially wrapped;
  • plastic windows lose noise insulation.

A more serious disruption of the integrity of structures, like penetration of dust and moisture, speaks of a launched problem with the mechanism, or poor-quality design of the windows themselves.

Determine the cause of the fault can only an experienced specialist who can put an accurate "diagnosis" and determine the list of necessary actions. In some cases, the problem will help solve the repair of plastic windows accessories, which will cost much cheaper replacement.

If the accessories were strongly worn out and cannot be adjusted, it will have to be replaced. But in any case, the price of replacing accessories in plastic windows is incomparable with the price of installing new windows!

Typical faults of fittings

The comprehensive replacement of fittings is not always needed and, often, you can get by local actions. According to statistics, most of the problems in the plastic window are associated with the shifting, dust and dirt savings in the mechanism, as well as the failure of individual fittings, - to eliminate the malfunctions of the experimental master will be required only a few minutes.

The locking mechanism, also, is able to affect the operation of the window handle, its functionality is restored by adjustment.

The next subject to pay attention to is window loops. During the work of the loop, they are loosened and need to be adjusted or replaced.

Due to their low prices, this service will not significantly affect the final cost of replacing window fittings. When choosing the mechanism itself, it is better to give preference to the brand, which has proven itself as a quality product.

Frequently, the fixation mechanism can be released if the winter ventilation function is provided in your windows.

In the work, we use the locking window fittings of the world's leading brands, which serves as a guarantee of the impeccable and long work of your windows. Production of these brands is distinguished by wear resistance, resistant to moisture, corrosion, chemicals.

The accessories are designed to make the use of the window as comfortable as possible and safe - all elements work smoothly, while ensuring reliable locking of the design for additional protection of your home.

As with any work, there are several main stages:

Stage 1. Calling a specialist. Call us by phone or leave an application on the site with a description of the fault.

Stage 2. Drawing up the estimates on the planned types of work. The cost of repairing window sash in Moscow is made up of the cost of components themselves and the work required for their installation. Thanks to cooperation with leading wholesale suppliers of fittings, we have the opportunity to change accessories at low prices.

Stage 3. You choose a convenient date and time to leaving our masters. In a number of simple cases, when working with accessories is reduced only to the adjustment of the mechanisms, one person is enough. In the event that the replacement of the PVC windows must be carried out immediately on several sash, two specialists are required for this.

Stage 4. After completion of the work, the act of acceptance is signed, in which all types of work performed and the warranty period for new established mechanisms are indicated.

Additional windows repair services

By ordering plastic windows, the owners of the apartments sometimes save on extra decoration, since prices for some accessories in a number of companies are very high. We offer such types of work as:

  • installing PVC slopes on plastic windows;
  • installation of window sills;
  • replacing mosquito nets.

If the plastic window itself has become unusable, and installing a new one, the cost of accessories is required when replacing the plastic window will be calculated at a preferential rate.

When the windows accessories are "out of order" either completely broken, it will be necessary to replace it. Such work independently produce almost impossible. The service for replacing accessories is not the cheapest. Since it includes the departure of the master, the fitness itself and work on its replacement.

Now there is a large selection of fittings, which varies at the price and quality. One species accessories can be installed on any plastic profile. Therefore, sometimes people who have established not cheap windows, for example, Rehau are surprised that it broke. But it all depends on the plant assembly plant. As a rule, plants that use famous brands profiles are installed on them and branded fittings. Of course, expensive accessories can break.

Prices for replacing plastic windows

Name of works and services Unit price, rub.
1 Installation of response pC. 350
2 Loop replacement pC. from 1500.
3 Replacing accessories on the windows rotary sash (material and work) pC. from 2500.
4 Replacing accessories on a rotary-folding sash window (material and work) pC. from 3500.
5 Replacing accessories on the door turning door (material and work) pC. from 2500.
6 Replacement of fittings on a rotary-folding door sash (material and work) pC. from 5000.
* Master's call is included in the price of the order, in case, after consulting our wizard on the spot you thought to seek our services, then departure and consultation will cost you 1000 rubles.

Accessories for windows

There are three types of opening: a rotary system, swivel-folding and folding (fraumuga). The first is a more budget and simple option (installation and use), as it consists of two / three parts; The second system is more complicated and consists, with some cases, already from 10 components. The third is used in the windows of the Frames (for example, the ground floor).

You can purchase accessories for the window only from a specialized warehouse. In order to replace the accessories, the master must determine the manufacturer. There are more than 20 types of fittings and each manufacturer approximately 15-20 thousand parts.

We work with such manufacturers:

  • Winkhaus.
  • Siegenia-Aubi.
  • Schuco.
  • Vorne.
  • Elementis
  • Internika.
  • Dr. Hahn.
  • Hautau.
  • Kale-Sapfir.
  • Savio.
  • Abloy.

It is almost impossible to sort out the details itself, without having experience. Goliath has tremendous experience in repairing and replacing accessories, the masters quickly and efficiently will measure the castle, calculate the exact cost of the service. You will also offer you several options for high-quality mechanisms. The process of replacing the lock does not take more than 20 minutes per sash.

Free consultation and call master by phone:

Scroll handle window

The first indicator that the plastic window fittings cannot be repaired, it is a scrolling knob.

When the window handle scrolls around its axes, this is an indicator that the accessories broke. Reducer, which leads all the mechanism in motion, crumbled. This can occur due to the service life or from a large load on the fitness itself. It may happen because of:

  • The sash is not correctly adjusted.
  • Many clamping parts.
  • There was a sash savings.
  • No time lubricated lock.
  • Hugging garbage.

In such cases, the clinics and load mechanism is transmitted to the gearbox. Efforts when closing the handle breaks down the gearbox. Since it is cute - repair is not subject to repair.

Loop replacement on PVC windows

Very often, PVC windows are broken off with loops. Causes of this:

  • Large weight sash (wide sash).
  • Not proper opening / closing of the sash.
  • Unexime care of fittings.

  • More often such a problem occurs on plastic doors. Very important! If the windows are over 5 years, then the mechanism of the old sample is set for them. Details for them are almost impossible to find. And in this case will have to fully change the entire blockage of the window.

    The window opening mechanisms are very reliable, with proper care they can serve 20-25 years.

    The window can be upgraded for ease of operation by adding to the design:

    • Opening limiter.
    • Latch Balcony Door (opening lock).
    • Children's lock (opening limiter).
    • Anti-tag mechanisms.

    Turning to our company:

    • You get a 10% discount on the services for replacing accessories from 3 or more pieces;
    • We will advise you for free of charge of fittings and make diagnostics;
    • The master will arrive at the diagnosis on the day of the call.