Stories of the most successful people of the world. The stories of the success of billionaires who have begun business from scratch (20 photos)

In this section, we collected the biographies of the richest and successful people of the world. The goal is to understand that they helped them earn millions and billions of dollars, what skills and skills they possess what qualities in themselves are developing and what values \u200b\u200bare guided by.

As one of them said to become a millionaire - you must first become a person to a million. And we will add from ourselves to become a person to a million, you need to study the stories of successful personalities, try to climb into the head and learn how to think like them. We hope our material will help you. We wrote them first for themselves.

The section is constantly updated, so add a page to bookmarks or subscribe to site news to learn about the release of new biographies.

Bill Gates is the legendary founder that owns the most popular operating system In the world of Windows. He is the richest man on the planet for over a decade, he is a charismatic business leader, innovator, Knight of Great Britain and the father of three children. What events from the biography of Gates and the quality of his character helped him to become who he is?

Warren Buffett - the genius of the financial world, the most successful and unsurpassed investor in the world, part-time being one of the richest people of the planet. Want to know about the secrets of his success?

Steve Jobs, Rationar of the company "", as well as several other companies, including Pixar Animation Studio, an innovative businessman who presented a lot of interesting, intelligent toys, such as iPod, iPhone, iPad, Mac, etc.

Henry Ford

Ray Croke is an American entrepreneur, the founder of McDonald's, a network of fast food restaurants. For the contribution of the businessman in the formation and development of the catering industry, Time magazine in 1998 included it in the top 100 of the most significant XX century people.

Thomas Edison is a famous American inventor and businessman, a co-founder of General Electric Corporation. For the period of their professional activities, Thomas received 1093 patents in his homeland and about 3,000 outside the United States. He improved the telegraph and telephone, designed a phonograph. Thanks to his perseverance in the world, millions of incandescent bulbs lit up.

Coco Chanel is an outstanding female fashion designer, the founder of the fashion house, which has proven that elegance is impossible without convenience. Her designer fantasy belongs to a small black dress, a trouser female costume, a handbag on a chain and other branded things that create an exquisite style.

Walt Disney is a legendary American artist, producer and director. The creator of the first in the history of cinema of musical and full-length cartoons, released about 700 cartoons, was the owner of 29 Oscars and 4 Emmy, the honorary degrees of the Yale and Harvard Universities were awarded, was awarded the US Higher Civilian Government Award - a medal of freedom. On the Hollywood Alley of Glory, two stars are devoted to Disney, one - for the development of television, the other for contribution to the cinema.

Richard Branson is one of the most ingenious and talented businessmen in the world, a billionaire, founder of the international corporation Virgin, a record holder in aeronautics, owner of his own island.

Donald Trump - American Construction Magnate, the owner of the company "TRUMP Organization", subsequently by the US President. Also known as the owner of the beauty contest "Miss Universe", a leading and executive producer of the Realistic Show "Candidate". The magazine "Time" recognized him by a man of the year in 2016.

Madonna is one of the most successful women in the world, which was able to break through the poverty itself. There was a period in the life of Madonna, when she spent the night in attics, and even sometimes in search of food checked the contents of garbage tanks. But it did not break it. What helped our heroine to break into the very top and become one of the most influential women of the planet?

Ilon Mask is an American entrepreneur, the inventor, the Raypal co-founder, founder and CEO in Spacex and Tesla companies, member of the Board of Directors of SolarCity. The Model S electric car released by Tesla is accelerated to 96 km / h in 2.28 sec. For the contribution to the commercialization of space, Ilon Mask was awarded the Hineslan Prize and received $ 0.5 million (2011). Fortune edition awarded him the title of "Businessman of the Year" (2013), and The Wall Street Journal - "CEO of the Year" (2013).

Mark Zuckerberg

Pavel Durov is a Russian businessman, a programmer, developer and co-founder of the VKontakte social network, led VKontakte as the Director General from 2006 to 2014, in the present Founder and Head (CEO) of the Telegram Messenger.

Phil Knight is an American businessman, the co-founder of Nike, the annual income of $ 20 billion. He is the richest resident of the Native State of Oregon, and in 2015 he got into the top 20 richest people of the planet.

Mary Kay is an American businesswoman, the creator of Mary Kay Inc., specializing in the production and sale of cosmetics and skin care products.

George Soros is an influential investor, financial guru, the founder of charitable foundations in 25 countries, Father of five children, as well as a person, "who collapsed the Bank of England", a supporter of the legalization of marijuana, master of market speculation.

Robert Kiyosaki - Investor, entrepreneur, financial consultant and author of a series of bestsellers about a rich and poor dad. He is not one of the richest people of the planet, but at the same time his condition will seem fabulous for many. We are primarily interested in not his condition, but what helped him become financially free and independent.

Carlos Slim Air - what is the secret of the success of the richest man in the world? What needs to be done to achieve such heights? What skills and qualities need to develop in themselves to go to the pedestal of wealth and glory?

Wealth is the main goal of almost every person. What do the richest people live? What is their story? Let's go deep into the chronicle of the life of successful people. Everyone wants to gain success in his favorite business and earn a lot of money. What is needed for this? Probably, first of all having a head on the shoulders. However, considerable factors are luck and success. Looking at the life of billionaires, we always wonder how they reached it. Sometimes we simply simply envy and dream of being in their place. Some people simply admire the success of the rich people, and some are trying to take their experience in every way.

All these people somehow worked very much and believed in their future. Over the years, they have studied the structure of their activities, gained experiences and did invaluable contribution to their development. By tradition, the Forbes magazine periodically publishes and updates the list of the richest people where we will look.

Statistics Bogachi.

The list "Rich People of the World" for February 2015 has 1827 surnames. The total state of their condition is equal to 7 trillion dollars! It's hard to believe, but it really is. Just think about this number. Compared to last year, statistics suggests that the overall condition of all the lucky ones increased by 650 billion dollars. In just one year, 285 new names entered the list of rich people. Interesting factthat all newcomers are citizens of the Republic of China.

History Bill Gates.

His financial condition is about 75 billion dollars. It's no secret that Bill Gates is the creator microsoft.. This is a man with a capital letter that has changed the fate of mankind towards computer technology. Bill Gates is a citizen of the United States of America, this is his native country where he was born, grew and lives for 59 years.

Over the years, Bill leads in the Forbes lists, where all billionaires of the world are collected. Creating new computer technology and investment continue to enrich the owner of Microsoft. Per last year His state has increased by $ 8.5 billion. The continuous victories of computer genius are confirmed by the fact that he became the leader of the list 15 times!

You can talk about Bill Gates, but the most important thing that I want to note is that it is the main philanthropist of humanity. The richest people also have a sense of philanthropy, well, at least some. Thanks to Gates, a family-based assistance fund was created, which has already used over 27 billion dollars. On the this moment The Family Foundation rose to fight such a disease as poliomyelitis. Assistance is aimed primarily in the third world countries.

Media Signat Carlos Slim

The capital of the owner of a large telecommunication network Grupo Carso is $ 72 billion. Carlos was born in Mexico, and he was already 75 years old. Over the past four years, Carlos Slim lidges in the list of the richest people according to Forbes magazine. However, with a drop in the course, he shifted and reduced his position. Unfortunately, this is the only representative from the top 10 list "Rich People of the World", which has lost its fortune for $ 1 billion over the last year.

Mexican Financial Corporation covers many different companies. Huge flows of cash revolutions do not give rest even government officials. The ownership of Carlos includes such well-known companies as Gruppo Carso, Gruppo FinaCieo Inbursa and many others. The name of the Mexican can often be heard in television news, in various reports and statistics.

Secret success Amancio Ortega

The overall state of the Spaniard has a 64 billion dollars. Amancio is the main representative and owner of the largest IndiTex trading platform. This includes brands such as Zara, Pull and Bear, Bershka and others. Spanish oligarch is the richest man in Europe!

Over the past year, Amancio has increased its capital by $ 6.5 billion. This is an incredible indicator, but should not forget that for the year of Ortega, it was able to earn more than 20 billion dollars. At the moment it is not the king of Inditex. On his armchair is now another managing, but nevertheless, Amancio still controls over 60% of the company's shares.

Ortega is a famous collector. The subject of his gathering is real estate! The total estimated value of all objects is about 4 billion dollars. The most significant part of its possession is the 43-storey skyscraper in Madrid called Torre Picasso. It is in this Madrid high school that is the main branch of Google in Spain. In 2013, the billionaire acquired 26 new buildings, spending about 835 million dollars for it.

Amancio Ortega grew up in a modest employee family railway. The future businessman began its career activities in the clothing store. Ortega does not even have secondary education! The first products came out in 1972, from here and his rapid career began.

American dream. Warren Buffett

This person knows a lot about investment. Academic knowledge gained at the university and heavy life experience helped him achieve a state of $ 58 billion. The 84-year-old American ranks second in the "Rich People of the United States of America".

Warren does not confuse his old age, so it continues to actively work and make new financial transactions, which are explicitly discussed on the pages of international mass media. According to the statistics of the past year, Buffett became richer by $ 5 billion.

Such an excellent profit has managed to get this thanks to the purchase of a large HEINZ ketchup holding, as well as to successful investment in the Central Asian oil industry. American does not forget about charity! His latest donations for those needed amounted to $ 3 billion, and for all the time - over 20 billion dollars.

As the billionaire speaks, his success depends largely from the book read in the youth. "Smart Investor" - this textbook of business and investment, the author of which is Benjamin Graham, inspired the young businessman on great feats. Buffett acquired basic investment skills and the right approach to this case. Eternal Council, which can be heard from Warren Buffett: "Do not pay attention to short-term investment, which can be sprayed on trifles in fluff and dust, you should always focus on long-term deposits and wait."

Larry Ellison - Information Genius America

Born in the USA and has about 48 billion dollars. Larry enters great business as a representative of information technology. His company has an Oracle name. Ellison has already shucked 70, and he is not going to stop its activities. His credo is always the first in everything. IT genius exaggerated its state by $ 5 billion over the past year. He often loves to respond about competitors who failed, in his opinion. Such statements could be heard in the address of companies such as Google and Apple.

Larry Ellison also loves collecting real estate. The largest accumulation of its private facilities is located in the city of Malibu. In addition, he is the owner of a small island in Hawaii. The cherished dream of a billionaire is to build a house on the island of Lanaia, in which all signs of paradise will be combined on our planet.

Charles and David.

The state of the brothers Charles Koch and David Koch has about 80 billion dollars for two. They share the 6th and 7th place in the top "List of billionaires of the world". Everyone is about 40 billion. The American brothers have long exceeded 70. The age of Charles is 79 years old, and David - 74 years.

In 1967, Charles Koh became the Chairman of the Board of Directors and part-time CEO of Koch Industries. This company ranks second in the United States of America by profits. Last year, the company managed to earn $ 120 billion, while Koh him replenished his capital by 6 billion.

Brothers Koh own over 80% of Koch Industries shares. The younger brother David Koh is considered the richest Mr. New York city. Charles and David are engaged in charity and enter the 10 most influential philanthropists of the world.

Sheldon Adelson - King of the Game Empire

This is an interesting and incredibly talented person. Its source of income is a gaming business, namely the Las Vegas Sands casino. At the age of 81, Adelson has 38 billion dollars. In 2013, Sheldon earned 33 million dollars in one night. This incident helped the billionaire to rise in the top of the "List of billionaires of the world". The king of the gaming empire is rich in the shortest possible time due to the introduction of his business in countries South-East Asia.

To date, countries such as Macau and Singapore have become great popularity. All this is due to the largest playgroundswhere you like to gather the richest people from all over the world. In Southeast Asia, 12 billion dollars were earned.

And on this Sheldon Adelson does not think to stop. His plans include the opening of a large casino in Western Europe. Not far from Madrid Adelson is being developed a new project, which has already invested 30 billion dollars. Such business strategies are incredibly risky. However, the billionaire seeks its goals that, as a result, gives it an increase in all shares to 3% monthly.

No matter how paradoxically, Sheldon Adelson supports the Republican Party of the United States of America. Multimetherian invests huge amounts for the provision of the party. Recently, thanks to Sheldon, a ban on online casino in the United States was published.

Members of Walton family

In the Walton family there are 4 billionaires. Christie Walton is 37 billion, Jim Walton - 35 billion, Alice Walton - 34.5 billion, Robson Walton - 34 billion. All members of the clan are tied to Retail. The age of billionaires is 70, 67, 65, 70, respectively.

A rare case when almost a whole family is included in the Forbes list. Christie Walton is the richest woman-billionaire in the world. The founder of the company "Retail" - John Walton (the deceased husband of Christie). Over the past year, the shares of retail stores have increased by 6%, which made it possible to earn $ 460 million.

The "Retail" empire was created in 1962. At the moment, the company has about 11 thousand of various branches and franchises around the world, and the total number of employees of the company is over 2 million people. In addition, the family still owns ARVESBANK banks and hotels network Hyatt Hotels.

Forbes: List of rich people in Russia

From among the most consistent in the list "Forbes" there are Russians. The number of rich people from Russia has more than 100 people. Each of them follows the press, and statistics are being conducted for the American Journal "Forbes". Almost each of this list once started working for a penny. They are always talking about television, in newspapers, and just on the streets.

It is impossible to determine the capital of the billionaire with 100% accuracy. Their financial condition changes with every second. Someone has it grows, someone has drops. Someone has significant changes, someone has no.

Here is the list of the first tens of places of the 100 richest people in Russia:

  • Vladimir Potanin - about $ 15.4 billion.
  • Mikhail Friedman - $ 14.6 billion.
  • Alisher Usmanov - approximately $ 14.4 billion.
  • Victor Vekselberg, his condition is estimated at $ 14.2 billion.
  • Alexey Mordashov has $ 13 billion.
  • Vagit Alekperov - just over $ 12.2 billion;.
  • Leonid Mikhelson - $ 11.7 billion.
  • Vladimir Lisin - $ 11.6 billion.
  • Gennady Timchenko takes the penultimate place with a state of $ 10.7 billion.
  • Closes a list of billionaires Mikhail Prokhorov. Its condition is $ 9.9 billion.

Most of the Russian list began to walk along the steps of career growth in the early 90s. All of them also studied in schools, higher educational institutions, worked and worried about their future. All of them believed in the old good saying: "Patience and work will be perfect."

Today I want to tell you the stories of some of the richest people of our planet, who were able to earn more than a billion dollars, thanks to their ingenious ideas, stubbornly and wish to get rich. What is the most interesting, all these people did not get a huge state inheritance and did not win in the lottery, they all started their business with almost scratch. Very interesting, read further.

Lee Ka-Shing - 26.5 billion dollars

Li Ka-Singing was born and lived in China, while in 1940 he did not leave the country and did not move to Hong Kong. Due to the death of the Father, he had to throw a school at the age of 14 and will go to earn money. His first work was in trade plastic products And I had to spend there for 16 hours.
The first ten years, plus thrift, led to the opportunity to open his business, Cheung Kong Industries. Like the previous place of Ka-Shingi, they were engaged in plastic, but over time, it turned into the largest investment corporation of Hong Kong. Lee Ka-Shing him is considered one of the richest Chinese.

Sheldon Adelson - 26 billion dollars

Sheldon Adelson - Son of the taxi driver from Boston began his way of entrepreneur in 12 years since the sale of newspapers. After that, there was a judicial reporter, a mortgage broker, an adviser to investment and financial consultant. There was a period when he tried to trade with toiletries and charter tours.
But the organization of a computer exhibition-fair COMDEX in 1979 was a major success. In the next 2 decades, she was a leading exhibition in the computer direction in the United States.
And in 1988, he along with partners acquires a casino and a hotel in Las Vegas (Sands Hotel & Casino), after which it quickly begins to rich.

Sergey Brin - 24.9 billion dollars

This is a new wave of billionaires, which began to earn in the age of computerization and the Internet. Sergei Brin is a 40-year-old Google owner and a former Russian, born in Moscow, and then with the family of mathematicians moved to the USA. Engaged in search engines (so called correctly began in Standford, along with a classmate Lari Page. The system was checked at the university, and then began to look for investors. Google name is the wrong Gugol pronunciation, the words said during one of the project presentations.
Brin's billionaires list together in 2004, when they were 30 years old. Today, Brin is mainly engaged in the development of new projects and directions, type of glasses of added reality and an unmanned car.

Larry Page - 24.9 billion dollars

The co-founder and co-owner of Google leads the company since 2011 and is actually responsible for its strategic development. In addition to Google, actively engaged in the development of the clean energy sector, in particular, together with Brin invested in Tesla Motors, which produces electrocars high level (This is a normal machine that feeds from the batteries).

Roman Abramovich - 23.5 billion dollars

The person is widely known in narrow circles, Roman Abramovich, a billionaire - the orphan, who brought up her grandparents. In business, I was still a student, creating a cooperative for the production of toys and various polymers. After that there were many other companies and cooperatives, both in production and trade.
But, as some acute languages \u200b\u200bsay, the chief talent Abramovich is that he can be at the right time in the right place - thus he was able to control the "Sibneft", which allowed him to become a billionaire.

Amancio Ortega - 20.2 billion dollars

While I did not read who it was, I didn't say anything to me - Amancio Ortega. If we say that this is the founder and the owner of Zara, then much will fall into place.
The first her costumes began to sew in her living room with 25 dollars and his spouse. The first clothing store opened in 1975, and after the time he became the owner of the network of popular clothing Zara. In addition to the Zara network, he has networks of clothing stores for children, for young girls, underwear stores, etc. In the total amount of Orthie more than 3 thousand stores in 64 countries of the world.

Mark Zuckerberg - 19 billion dollars

29-year-old Mark Zuchenberg - icon of the modern world. Young, lazy, creative and rich. The creator of the largest social network Facebook, which created the system for his university - Harvard - and in the end could not finish it, because There was no time left. Helped in the creation of Chris Hughes, Dustin Muscovites, plus Eduardo Savorin. The first major investment came from Peter Til, the founder of PayPal.
Now Facebook is public company, which first lost much in price, and then (in 2013), began to rise. Zuchenberg now has a 17% of the shares, which helped to become him the youngest billionaire in history.

Kirk Kerkorian - 16 billion dollars

The elderly now the uncle of the age of 96 threw school in grade 8 for the sake of boxing. At that time, he had achieved great success and even became a welterweight champion in the Pacific Boxing Championship among nonprofessional. After the Second World War, Ring went to the flight field and began to raise the aircraft, but in 1944 he got into Las Vegas, where he was stuck for 3 years. Having lost a lot of money, he still spread out with gambling and bought for 60 thousand dollars a company of airlocks Trans International Airlines. After some time, he was able to sell it for 104 million dollars of TRANSamerica.
And since 1968 he took up Hollywood - earned at the "MGM" studio, "United Artists", "Columbia Pictures" and "20th Century Fox".

Elon Mask - 6.7 billion dollars

Elon Mask from those new rich, which brain, hands and business grip searches the market. The first major transaction in 12 years - wrote a program that I sold for $ 500 (I only spent pocket money for ice cream and buns at this age). At the age of 25, together with his brother, created a company engaged in software For news companies, and after 4 years, it was able to sell it at a price of 307 million. He invested this money to the creation of PayPal, which, in turn, sold eBay for $ 1.5 billion.
Today it is engaged in Space X space program and has contracts from NASA. Also deals with the aforementioned Tesla Motors.

Dustin Moskovitz - 5.2 billion dollars

About this young man can also be said, it turned out to be at the right time in the right place. Dustin Muscoviks - a neighbor of the room Mark Zuchenberg and helped him in creating a FACEbook. At the moment, it owns 5% of the shares and this is the basis of its condition. Facebook for him is not the main project now - now he is engaged in the ASANA project. This is a web application for efficient project teamwork. Of the interesting things - travels to work on a bike and participates in the project Giving Pledge (philanthropic project from Bill Gates and Warren Buffetta). The essence of the project is half of the members of the members who go on charity.

Ken Griffin - 4.4 billion dollars

Not only on computers earn a billion. Ken Griffin owner of Citadel hedge funds. The first positive experience of the game on the stock exchange was received in 18 years and with those no cease to work. He became one of the most famous specialists in his field. After 2008, the funds lost half of the price, but now gradually restore.

John Arnold - 2.8 billion dollars

Another successful player on the stock exchange, John Arnold, started his work in ENRON, now the deceased. At the age of 27, earned $ 1 billion and received his bonus in the amount of 8 million. It was this money that I used to invest for myself and leave the boning company.
In 2012, surprised all the world, stating that he was leaving the trading after 17 years of successful experience. Now he has his wife a charitable fund of $ 1.4 billion, as well as it consists of a Giving Pledge project, which we mentioned above.

Opra Winfrey - 2.5 billion dollars

Oprah Winsfri is a whole layer of American culture. This is the Cinderella of our days, which did not drop the shoe on the stairs, and plowed like a horse and used all the possibilities. The start of life is harsh, you will not say anything: a strict mother, first underwent violence at 9 years old, in 14 gave birth to a child who died in infancy. But when he studied at school, for the first time came to work on the radio station. In 19 years already led local news, then day talk shows. The next serious achievement is to promote a completely unpopular show so to become a celebrity, and then, with experience and name, create your own production company.
At week 32, Opra became a millionaire, and her show is the wealth of nation. Since 1994, it has become so popular that the check per year exceeded 9-digit amounts. Oprah Winsfri became the first African American woman who fell into the Forbes list.
Today, I can become a celebrity for 1 day. For example, they did from Robertov Kiyosaki in 1997 (of course, we will not take the achievements of Robert himself).

Jacktiani T-shirts - 2.5 billion dollars

T-shirts Jagtiani - a representative of the Middle East on our list of billionaires - was going to become an accountant, but did not ask with study, because It was too expensive to live in London, plus it was not smooth. To survive, I had to work as a taxi driver and cleaner.
At 21, Jagtian's Mikey falls into Bahrain one with 6 thousand dollars (this is all that was from the family) and discovers the store of children's goods for this money. And today it is a retingival network in the list of the most profitable in the Middle East.
The corporation called Landmark includes 280 stores throughout the Middle East and brings Jagtiani T-shirt to 650 million profit per year.

Michael Ruby - 2.3 billion dollars

Another representative of modern billionaires, Michael Rubin, cEO Kynetic. Began his way to entrepreneurs still a child and sold seeds neighbors. In 10 years already hired 5 guys so that they remove the snow from neighboring lushes for money. At the age of 14, this future billionaire has already opened the first store, persuading the father to sign the lease agreement. At 23, he was already the director in which sales were $ 50 million.
But he saw his destiny in e-commerce, which was just beginning to develop. In its online store, he invested about 80 million, but, despite the increasing sales, could not make this business. However, Ebay came to the rescue, who bought from Ruby company for 2.4 billion. The price is much higher than the real value of this project, but eBay lagged in the race with Amazon, so posted this money.
Today, Ruby is engaged in Fanatics clothing stores and sites of various focus, which has already invested 500 million.

Eduardo Savorin - 2.2 billion dollars

Another person who has made a state on Facebook. Savorin is the first investor of Zuchenberg and was the commercial director of a young project. But while Saverin was in New York in practice, Zuchenberg attracted new investors and artificially lowered a share in capital from 34% to 0.03%. Eduardo sued and returned his share to 5%.
These 5% allowed him to get into the list of billionaires. In addition, a person was judged and before Facebook filed at the IPO, refused US citizenship and became a citizen of Brazil, which allowed him not to pay American taxes. And he has a passport of Brazilian, but he lives in Singapore and invests in online projects: an application scanning the barcode of goods and offering it at the lowest price on the Internet or payments online credit card using a webcam.

Sean Parker - 2 billion dollars

Another Facebook co-owner, Sean Parker, started as a talented programmer and hacker. Already at 16, he was arrested for having site sites that were included in the Forbes list. He also put his hand to the creation of an Internet resource Napster, through which it was possible to exchange music. It was a kind of breakthrough, although closed for "some" friction with the law. In 24, he meets Zuchenberg and is the president of Facebook. True, then he is shifted to, that, however, does not prevent him from maintaining 3% of the shares and become a billionaire.
Today he is engaged in their startups.

Richard Desmond - 2 billion dollars

Richard Desmond's life also did not indulge in the beginning: the parents divorced, lived together in a small apartment, school threw at 14 to play the drums and help her mother earn.
The first real work he had in the newspaper Thomson Newspaper, but already at 21 he was the owner of two recording stores. But the media experience also received its continuation - in 1974, Desmond becomes the publisher of the International Musician and Recording World magazine.

In contact with

The stories of large conditions seem figuratively - we are convinced that it is impossible to get rich in honest hard labor. There are white spots in the biographies of millionaires, but general traits are clearly traced. They are purposeful, persistent and enterprising.

Most rich and successful people were born in ordinary middle-income families. Just like most of us. And since childhood, they were in equal terms with their peers, had equal opportunities with them.

But then why some became rich, and others are not? Why did one manage to get rich, and there is no other, other things being equal?

Clan Rothschilds

The Rothschilds pedigree began in the German Frankfurt am Main, where several generations lived in an unpleasant house in Yutagess. The Jewish street was fencepred off from the city on both sides, and the red sign hung on the house. This is this circumstance, the family is obliged to their last name: Translated from the German Rothschild - a red shield.

Meyer Rothschild, born in 1744, was still young people in himself the strength to change the usual insufficient existence that his ancestors took, and went to Hannover, more tolerant to Jews. For several years, Meyer was trained by banking from the bankers of Oppenheimer, and returning to his native house, found a family finally impoverished. The house under the red signage had to change the shawl with a frying pan on the facade. In this pitiful structure, Mayer opened a firm trading in old coins. Young Rothschild was engaged in drawing up catalogs and delivery of coins in all corners of Germany. Collectors in those times were aristocrats, so Meyer got useful dating in the highest circles of German society. One of the clusters of Rothschild was the Duke of Hanau Wilhelm, who acquired several expensive coins. Thanks to this "Gheesheft", Rothschild was able to equip in the "house under the frying pan" a shop, where merchants exchanged the currency of different principalities of Germany.

The first bank of the Rothschilds junteled on four square meters, but Meyer was purposeful and full of designs: he continued to engage in collective coins and redeemed the braveled shops changed. The bunch of a banker house without tiredly challenged on numerous dukes and principalities, making deals and getting acquainted with influential people. The efforts were not in vain: Already in 1769, the coat of arms of the Duke of Rothschilds were blocked on the Rothschild house with a golden inscription that Meier Rothschild is the managers of the Duke.

Wilhelm was an atypical aristocrat - he did not bent for the issuance of loans for interest and renting entire mouth murderers. In a word, the duke was extremely sober, and half the European rulers should have money.

Meyer Rothschild, who carried out the order of the Duke-chaser, looked good at the recovery of debts. The family moved to a nice house under the green sign and Rothschilds began to call Grunshilds. True, the surname was decided not to change. The events described can be considered the foundation of the future prosperity of the genus, but the true breakthrough made five sons of Mayer, brought up by Pope Rothschild. Siblings turned into real financial matches of Europe. As the biographer of the Klan Rothschilds wrote, the family is richly every time, when any of the states suffered collapse.

The first was the Danish kingdom, divided in 1804. Wilhelm's familiar to us borrowed money to his uncle - the king of Denmark. In order not to stain your aristocratic name, Wilhelm instructed to charge interest on the loan to five Rothschilds Jr. and they looked at the debut with the brilliance. Thus was founded by the Bankir House Rhodessel, after 150 years the discovered Swiss branch. Since then, Rothschilds have not come out of the richest people in the world, keeping their corporate business style. In the bank Zurich, for example, take only those clients, whose state outweighs 1 million Swiss francs.

Rothschilds work with exceptional clients, without changing the "little things." In their tenacious hands, the largest banks of France and the United Kingdom, railway complexes, mining concerns, oil companies, diamond prima and much more. At the same time, representatives of a noble clan actively affect world politics, while remaining in the shade.

The Empire of the Rothschilds is uncompresenting and omnipotent. The secret of the power, of course, in the business flair, transmitted from generation to generation. But no less significant factor is the devotion of a family idea. All family members, with rare exception, have multiplied the condition of the clan. For more than two hundred years, the world is watching the prosperity of the Rothschild clan, many of them hate, but everyone needs the patronage and money of the clan.

Francois Pino

One of the most influential and rich citizens of France: a collector who owns the Christie auction house "S, Gucci brand, Chateau-Latour vineyards and the MARIGNY Metropolitan Theater.

In 1936, a son was born in French Brittany in the family of simple forester. Father, hardly reduced the ends with the ends, but turned inside out to François to become a graduate specialist. The young man did not appreciate the parental effort, and at the age of 16 left his studies and left the house. Pinot did not want to learn, he wanted to engage only what he likes and can bring good profits. Study would have taken too much time, and it is still proud of the fact that his only diploma is the right to driving a car. Pino did not want to keep the gray existence of the working Francois, and the relatives in need were taught his life. Having collapsed with everyone and striving for independent life, The young man was departed in Algeria.

What was engaged in the French colony a future millionaire, unknown. In Algeria, the war was walking, and, according to the enemies Pino, he traded weapons and drugs for three years. We are unlikely to ever learn the details of the Algerian life of Francois, but now it is no longer important. In any case, Pini returned to another person - he had money, confidence in his abilities and ambitious plans.

27-year-old Francois opened the Pinault Group - the company selling wood. Business contacts and useful dating began to be tized. One of these promising contacts was acquaintance with the promising politician Jacques Chirac. No one can say exactly what united impulsive chirac and ione pinot, perhaps the first struck the unmistakable business flair of Francois. There are legends about his exchange foresight. Before the collapse of the stock market in 1973, Pino suddenly sold for 30 million francs by a successful Pinault Group, and in a year he bought his bracking his bracking in just 5 million in this way, he was able to earn an amount in excess of its income for the previous 5 years. And in 1976, Francois dissuaded the Prime Minister Jacques Chirac from the service trip. Soon it turned out that the train was mined by terrorists. Since then, Shirak is confident that the life of Francois is obliged. Perhaps this is a coincidence, but after the case of the company, Pino went even better.

The measured life was a respectable 52-year-old father of four children, and he began to embody his youthful dreams. He wanted great wealth, and the enrichment method chose the game on the stock exchange.

Paris Stock Exchange and Francois Pinot

It is quite natural that the famous clause of Pinot made it one of the most successful speculators on the stock exchange: he with a successful success bought and sold enterprises (see ""). The morality of its operations is in doubt, however, the exchanges of alien categories.

In 1989, Paul Pati Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Franco-African Trade Union proposed Francois Pinot participation in capital. Pinot began with 20%, and after a few months I decided to attach Acquisition to the Pinault Group. The director, including the paws, were immediately dismissed, and the company Pinot was engaged in the African supply of electrical equipment.

Lucky absorption was subjugated by Pino, and in 1991 he acquired American Executive Life with violations of the law. The profit from the transaction was from 1 to 2 billion dollars, and the penalty is only $ 185 million. CONFORAMA retailer has acquired a retail chain network Conforama, and a year later, the largest Printemps department store, then the La Redoute network and bookstores FNAC. Whenever he dismissed top managers, putting his people on their places. Francois Pino Pinoult-Printemps-Redoute Group is now one of the most powerful retail associations in France. But the billionaire does not stop, continuing to buy everything in a row, for which it is quite deservedly nicknamed.

Pinot in "Art"

Nouvet Pino was carried away by collecting and fashion. Starting in the purchase of paintings, he decided to receive Christie's in 1998. This auction house with Sotheby's controls 90% of all transactions. The approach to the world of art did not change the working methods of Francois: he fired almost all the leadership, and at Christie's headquarters arranged a hotel. Everyone talked about the uncleanness of Francois Pinot, who trample competitors without parsing, but the revenue of Christie's $ 1.4 billion, apparently, did not leave doubt in the correctness of the selected path.

In the world of high fashion, the billionaire will not ceremony either. Acting a favorite way, they purchased the Gucci Group, Yves Saint Laurent, Sergio Rossi, Bedat & Co, Stella McCartney, Balenciaga and Puma, and others. He has a controlling stake in the Redcats directory and the largest network of FNAC stores. It is difficult to say, to which I did not get to Pinot, but you can not doubt that he does not premone to pull everything that lies badly and deserves attention.

True, in 2003 Pino transferred the Brazda of the Board to the senior son of Francois-Henri and took up the world's best vineyard "Chateau Liatur" and collecting works of art. Francois Pinot has achieved perfection in the ability to "take all the burners with their saucepans." This French saying fully characterizes the lifestyle of this billionaire: use all the possibilities.

Ingmar Camprad

IKEA name is known to everyone, but the name of the company's founder knows a few. Many generations of Camprads succeeded in business, so we can assume that the entrepreneurial village went to the inheritance inheritance. True, there were in the history of family and black stripes. So, the grandfather's grandfather IKEA committed himself when his company threatened bankruptcy. Then the grandmother took care of her hands and was able to hold the business. Ingvar loves to tell this story, considering it the best proof that labor and perseverance helps to overcome all obstacles.

Ingvar Camprad appeared at the expense in 1926 in the Swedish province of Smallands. With young nails, he showed commercial inconsistencies: in school sold matches, pencils and other little things bought in bulk. While his classmates were just preparing to enter the adult life, Ingbar earned money on his first firm, which was opened in 15 years.

It is difficult to believe in it, but Camprad founded when he was only 17 years old - in 1943. The name of the company consists of the initial letters of his name and the surname, the third letter E - from ELMTARYD (so called the family farm), the end of A - Agunnaryd (the village closest to the farm).

At first, Ikea was engaged in selling different little things like stationery clips and socks. Ingmar published a directory and orders began to come by mail, and delivered them to the milkman, who still traveled around the district every day. 1951 can be considered the beginning of the Furniture Business of Campra - the non-working factory was purchased, production was launched and the first directory was released. After just a couple of years earned the first store that sold furniture ICEA, and in another five years he opened his doors a huge complex area of \u200b\u200babout 7,000 square meters. m.

Furniture prices from the very beginning were low, which did not like other furniture makers. Many have refused to deliver their goods to the Ingmara stores, but it only strengthened the position of IKEA. An innovative comprise strategy was that he bought composite parts and components in countries with cheap production. IKEA furniture is traditionally democratic, inexpensive and convenient. The combination of these quality makes IKEA products superpopular.

The founder of IKEA does not like luxury, and its nominity is well known. Going to business trips, the billionaire always stops in 3-star hotels, uses public transport, feeds in cafes and inexpensive restaurants, and always traded in supermarkets. He himself says that thus studies requests ordinary peoplethat make up the main part of IKEA buyers.

Now Ingvar Campradua is 89 years old, and he handed off the business management of sons. The billionaire himself believes that its success is explained by constant dissatisfaction with the achieved. He always treated his company as a child: sometimes the rest of the podbitat does not mean the lack of love at all.

The founder of IKEA has no diploma of higher education, and school teachers hardly taught his diploma. But the talented entrepreneur always coped with glitter with the most difficult tasks, unmistakably finding original marketing moves. The enthusiasm of Ingvara Camprad, his modesty and the sharp mind raised it to the level that a few were able to achieve. Ingmaar likes when he put in one row with Henry Ford, who also made items available for most people who were considered luxury.

John Paul Dedzhoria

John Paul Dedzhoria company releases the famous JPM Systems shampoo (John Paul Mitchell Systems) with an annual circulation of $ 900,000,000. Billionaire Dedzhoria respect all world charitable foundations, he also took care of pets, developing a line for them to care. In the word, John Paul readiness helps everyone who needs his support. As it often happens, a person who does not have a fate since childhood, with understanding refers to the problems of other people.

Parents of John Paul diverged when he was hardly 2 years old, so in childhood the boy was forced to work, on sale greeting card To christmas. After 10 years, the child took a reception family. The beginning of the life of the future billionaire was not cloudless: he consisted in the Los Angeles gang and only the service in the army saved him from the criminal future. After serving, Dedzhorio removed to do business, but he had no money, nor relatives who could give loan.

John Paul lent $ 700 in a jar and organized a company that produces shampoo. He personally had to sell products, literally moving away from the office to the office. The car was his home, and a means of movement, but John Paul is not from those who retreat before difficulties. He was confident as his shampoo, purposeful and persistent. Now we already know that these qualities together with talent and inspiration, made a Billionaire Dedzhoria.

Pavel Valerevich Durov (born October 10, 1984, Leningrad) - Russian programmer, one of the creators of the VKontakte social network (among other resource co-authors - and his brother, Nikolai Durov).

Winner of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, the three-year winner of Vladimir Potanina scholarships, the winner of the Olympiads in linguistics, computer science and design.

In October 2011, Pavel Durov was marked by Forbes magazine as one of the 9 most unusual Russian businessmen - Sadlogrod, Crank and Eccentric.

1.Dell what you like. Learn. Learn. Develop. Change yourself from the inside. The golden rule says - do something that gives true pleasure, and then you will become much happier.

2. Go from the garbage that you eat, drink and smoke every day.

3.Ueci foreign languages. Russian-speaking Internet users of 60 million. English-language - billion. Knowledge of English is no longer just a whim of intellectuals, but a vital necessity.

4. Typing books. Gold Rule - read / Listen at least one book per week. It is 50 books per year who will turn your life.

5. It is clear to every weekend.

6. Insert the goals, fix them on paper, in Word or blog. The main thing is that they are clear, understandable and measurable. If you deliver the goal, you can or reach it, or not. If you do not put, then the achievement options are not at all.

7. It is necessary to print on the keyboard blindly. In addition, this is one of the few treasures that you have, and you should be able to print almost as fast as you think. And you should not think about where the desired letter is located, but about what you write.

8. Seed time. Learn to manage your affairs so that they worry almost without your participation. To start reading Allen (Getting Things Done) or Gleb Arkhangelsky. Take decisions quickly, act immediately, do not delay for later. All things or do, or delegate to someone.

9.Gurn OT. computer games, aimless seating in social networks And blunt surfing on the Internet. Minimize communication in social networks, leave one account. Destroy the television antenna in the apartment.

11. It is necessary to get up early. The paradox is that in the early hours you always have time more than in the evening. Man is enough 7 hours of sleep, subject to high quality exercise and normal nutrition.

12. Distribute to surround yourself, honest, open, smart and successful people.

13. Available with sports. Yoga, climbing, bike, horizontal bar, bars, football, running, pliometric, swimming, functional workouts - the best friends of a person who wants to return the tone of the body and get an endorphin splash. And forget about what is an elevator.

14.The unusual things. Go to where I have never been, go to work another expensive, understanding the problem of which you do not know anything. Get out of the "Comfort Zone", expand knowledge and horizons. Stop the house furniture, change appearance, hairstyle, image.

15. Supply from junk.

16. Before what was in the past. Take with me from there only experience, knowledge, good relationships and positive impressions.

17. Not be afraid. There are no obstacles, and all doubts live only in your head. It is not necessary to be a warrior, just enough to see the goal, bypass obstacles and know that you will achieve it without a single chance to experience failure.

Warren Buffett is the most famous and rich investor in the world. According to Forbes, he ranks second in the list of billionaires of the planet - after Bill Gates. The state of Warren Buffett is estimated at $ 46 billion. Bogush Time Blog published 10 tips Warren Buffett for Investing.

1. Investing is to invest money today - and tomorrow get more money. Warken Buffett always adhered to a rather modest lifestyle. Instead of living in expensive cottages and eat in restaurants, he put each free penny in stock. For 35 years, he managed to increase the initial amount of $ 100 thousand per 200,000%.

2. Buy shares of those companies whose products like you personally. At one time, Warren Buffett significantly increased its state by purchasing a 9-percent stake in the company, which produced his favorite Gillette razor.

3. Do not invest in those areas in which you do not understand. It is much more profitable to invest in a business that you are able to understand.

4. Do not "hesitate" with unprofitable shares. If your forecast was not justified and, instead of arrived, the company brings losses - Sell stocks and do not waste your nerves.

5. For each promotion, which grows, is a successful business. If everything is well and income in the company - and the shares will grow.

6. Invest money in business international level.

7. There are promotion-winners in the market and find them. As a rule, some companies grow faster than others. What follows the next, the eighth rule of Warren Buffett.

8. If you use calculations, you will definitely achieve the vertices. But although they come out of the biggest risks. Use the analysis to stand out from the general crowd of uneducated investors. So you will increase your income.

9. The main thing is the history of the company. Investors often make the same mistake - they are trying to assess the situation, "looking into the rearview mirror", i.e. Paying attention to a short period of time. But, Warken Buffett is confident that you need to see the entire history of the company's development, and not a short passage.

10. Do not rush or nervous. "When I buy shares, I do not care what happens to them the next day," says Buffet. "The main thing is that I can easily predict what will be with the market in the long run."

Billionaire Donald John Trump, whose condition is estimated at $ 3 billion, gave ten tips to get rich. In the book "Trump. How to become a rich "real estate magnate gives future entrepreneurs tips, how to make your first billion.

1. Always dress in accordance with your cultural level. Once I was proud to buy inexpensive costumes and other clothes. It did not make sense to pay thousands of dollars, if you can buy things for 100 dollars. Who knows? But over the years I realized that it was not right. Now I buy very high-quality shoes, and it seems eternal, then how cheap, I remember, quickly worn out and looked smoothly as much as I paid for her. Clothing says a lot about us even before we open the mouth.

2. Intention to lose their reputation. Nick carefully selected grades of information, express thought-out provocative opinions to see what the reaction will be. Having said something unexpected, you can get a revealing response. I could make outrageous remark at the meeting to see if other participants would be to succay or resist. This is a good way to appreciate those who are sitting at the table.

3. Become your own financial consultant. Many hire financial consultants, but I have repeatedly seen how consultants led people to collapse. Choosing an adviser, rely on your own judgments made on the basis of respected publications read on business pages. Reading them, you begin to feel what is happening on the market, including what consultants are better. Hold the winners.

4. Let's give it! If you are pressured, answer the same. If you are insulting, attack with all possible strength and energy. An eye for an eye. Be an incredulous. I know that in this case you look too good, but even the best friend can eat on your spouse or your money.

5. Do not neglect with hairdressers. I am often criticized for how I combed. The New York Times called my hairstyle "a complex structure that is better to give the court to architectural critics." In my opinion, she looks good, but I never claimed that the hairstyle is the strongest of my side. However, I surprise me how often they ask me, I do not wear a wig. Answer: Categorical no. I do not wear a wig.

6. Try to avoid handshake. Some administrators believe in a strong handshake. I believe in the absence of handshake. Often, it is necessary to face the fact that a person who is clearly cut, comes up to me and says: "Mr. Trump, I want to shake your hand." It is known that microbes are transmitted in this way. There was a case when a person came out of the toilet, shaking the water with another wet hands. He approached my table and said: "Mr. Trump, you great person. Can I shake your hand? " In this case, I decided to exchange hands, because I hurried and knew that if I would be able to finish his hand, I can't finish my meal.

7. Remove to your instincts. Entrepreneurship is not a group lesson. You must trust yourself. You may have solid academic diplomas, but without instincts it will be difficult for you to climb up and stay there. This is one of those gray zones that remain a mystery even for those who have sophisticated business instincts. There are elusive signs that can signal whether or not to conclude this or that transaction is to enter into contacts with those or other people.

8. Keep optimism, but be prepared for failures. There are ups and downs, but you can survive them if you are ready for them. The ability to expect a problem saved me from unreasonable spending energy and save you from unpleasant surprises. The ups and downs are inevitable. I am a very careful person, but it does not mean that I am a pessimist. Call it positive thinking With a loaf of reality.

9. Pay attention to the details. If you do not know all aspects of what you are doing, you are concerned about unpleasant surprises. Once I read about the respected neurosurgeon, fanatically obsessed with the details and organization of the operation. He was preparing for the upcoming operation, making the morning jog. He mentally imagined all the details, recalled everything that he knew all the difficulties and complications with whom he could face. But to pay attention to the details, you do not need to be a neurosurgeon.

10. Conclude marriage contracts. If I did not make a marriage contract, a person who lost a lot was wrote this book. To bring the lawyers Ivonna to the court, the bus needed, but fortunately, I had a marriage contract. A friend who gathered to marry for the fifth time, told me: "I'm so in love that I don't need a marriage contract." A year later, his marriage was collapsed, and he had to go through hell. He looked like a frightened puppy. I did not have enough courage to pronounce the words hesitated in the language: You are a loser!

Steve Jobs is one of the most successful entrepreneurs of our time. The story of his success became a legend. Adopted in early childhood, throwing a college 6 months after the start of study, who slept on the floor in the rooms of his friends, giving the bottle from under the Cola for 5 cents to eat - this man created Apple and the animation studio Pixar.

1. Play your favorite thing. Find your true passion. The only way to make something truly great is to love what you are doing.

2.fort others. Think different ways. "It is better to be a pirate than a sailor."

3.Dead the best of what you are capable of. In any case, seek the best of what could. Do not sleep! Success brings even greater success. Think of success! Hiring cool people, passionately lovers in perfection.

4. SWOT analysis. As soon as you have your own company, write on the paper sheet a list of the strengths and weaknesses of your own and your company. Do not hesitate, throwing out rotten apples from the company.

5.Be enterprising. Every time we ask a new big goal. Among the many ideas of finding those that need to quickly and resolutely embody and ... jump along with them into the window of new features. Sometimes, the first step is the most difficult. Just make it! And have the courage to follow your heart and your intuition.

6. Nanders with small, think about great. Do not think about much immediately. Start with a few simple ideas, and then get to more complex. Think not only about tomorrow, but also about the future. "I want to finish the whole world," said Steve Jobs somehow.

7.This becomes the leader in the market. We own leading technologies, control them in all branches of your activity. If exist best technology - Use it, even if no one uses it. Be the first and ask industrial standards.

8.Serial on the result. People judge you in actions, so focus on the result. Be measure quality. Not all people are accustomed to the surrounding of the highest quality. Let them know about it. If they do not learn about the quality, they will not buy the goods. Details of the design. "We have created such wonderful buttons that you want to lease them." "The design lies not in the image or sensation, but in how it works."

9.Specifications. Ask the Council in people from different areas. Everyone will express you one useful thought. If you are the main link, sometimes you will not give honest answers, because they will be afraid. Then disguise or collect reviews from other sources. Focus on those who will use your products, listen to consumers first.

10. Change. Innovations are distinguished by the leader from followers. Repay. Give the opportunity to other leaders to make 50% of the working routine, the remaining 50% leave for innovation. Say no thousand things in order to have confidence not to jump on the wrong way and do not waste your strength on too much. Concentrate on really important ideas and radical innovations. Hire those people who want to create the best things in the world. Even in the technical company you need to create a culture of people-oriented people. Many companies have a lot of great engineers and smart people, but in the end we need a unifying force to rally all together.

11. Learn on errors. Sometimes, creating a new one, make mistakes. It is best to quickly recognize them and eliminate, improving other developments.

12. Learning constantly. You can always learn "something else." Exchange thoughts with other people in and outside your company. Learn from consumers, competitors, partners. If your partner with people you do not love - learn to love them, praise them and remove from all this. Learn openly, but honestly criticize enemies.

83 Rules of success from rich people

John Rockefeller (1839-1937) is an American entrepreneur and multimillionaire, a person whose name has become a symbol of wealth. ""

Rules of wealth from John Rockefeller:

1. Work less on someone (manager, director) it is necessary to work only on yourself. Than more You do not work for yourself, the naturally you live worse

2. Quality save money. Find where you can buy goods cheaper and wholesale. Make a list of purchases in advance, and buy what is in your list.

3. If you have little money now - you need to do business. If you have no money at all, you need to do business urgently, do not postpone, but right now.

4. The road to a huge wealth lies through one way - passive income! The income that comes to you by itself, it works on autopilot. Create a lot of sources of passive income, enjoy life for your pleasure.

5. Think about how to earn $ 50,000 (fifty thousand dollars) per month. Only more. It is impossible less. Such a figure is recommended by John Rockefeller not just like that, and the thing is that the richest people in the world are spending no more than 50,000 dollars.

6. Share more. Money comes to your pocket to you through other people. People who are unavimary extremely rarely become rich.

7. Poor environment is constantly pulling into poverty. Even the richest people always have relatives, friends and other beggars, who, if you do not rush from them, quickly devastate your pockets, goals and your dreams. If you're still poor, then probably in your surrounding just not like, do not respect, many even hate the rich. Always communicate only with winners and optimists.

8. Responsibility for your life is 100%. Poverty is manifested if you leave responsibility. Do not come up with any excuses, why now you can't start going to your goal.

9. Learn from the best. Learn biographies, actions, thinking of rich people of the world.

10. Dreams are the most important thing in your life. The main thing is to dream and believe that dreams will come true. The person begins to die when she stops dreaming or not dreaming at all.

11. Help people. Not for something and not for money, but from a pure heart. That is the people who want to help himself. And this is not necessarily yours or someone's relatives or acquaintances. Give 10% profit for charitable goals.

12. Create business systems, rejoice in life, enjoy your earned money.

1.Many problems come out of the mind. They are not the result of any events, failures, or other people's actions. They arise because of our bad mental habits. Free from these 10 forms of behavior, and immediately get rid of many problems caused by each of them:

2. Do hurry conclusions. This habit may complicate life in two ways. First, we believe that we know what will happen, so we turn off our attention, and begin to act on the basis of this assumption. People are nickdychnyh wells. Most of their assumptions are incorrect, and from here are incorrect and their actions. The second side of this habit - we have been thinking that we can read thoughts, and as if we know why other people do what they do, or what they think. Again, incorrectly, and the root is incorrect. It is this nonsense that destroys the relationship as no other.

3. Do you dramatize. Many inflate deadly hazardous catastrophes from small failures, and react accordingly. The habit of making an elephant from the fly gives rise to anxiety, which either does not exist, or so small, which is not worried about what. Why do they do that? Who knows? Maybe to look and feel more important. In any case, it is as stupid, as far as it is pernicious.

4. Invent the rules. A huge part of all these "it is necessary" and "must" with whom you are worn, probably useless. All they give you is the nervousness and feeling of guilt. What for? Following these imaginary rules, you clog the brain with unnecessary obstacles and childic orders. And when you are trying to transfer these rules on others, it turns into a frightening tedious noda or self-confident fanatic.

5. Enter stereotypes and shortcuts. The words you use can substitute you. The language of the negative and critics generates the same thinking. Trying to squeeze things into certain categories, you cease to see their real meaning, thereby limiting your thinking to absolute uselessness. Look - what's there. Do not hang labels. You will be surprised to see.

6. Do not be a perfectionist. Life is not only "black or white", or "all or nothing." In most cases, "sufficient" means just enough. If you look for the perfect work, then you will most likely never find it. At the same time, all other work will seem worse than they actually. You will search for ideal relationships, and probably spend a lifetime alone. Perfectionism is a mental disease that will not allow you to enjoy, and every time you will send you in search of what is not.

7. Do not generalize. One or two failures - not yet a sign of permanent failure. And the random triumph does not turn you into genius. A single event is good or bad - or even two or three events do not always serve as a sign of a protracted trend. As a rule, things are what they are, and no more.

8. Do not take to heart. Most people, even your friends and colleagues, do not speak, do not think and do not care about you 99% of your time. The people from your organization, or who live in the neighborhood, probably never heard of you. Yes, actually, and does not want to hear. Lifesty and decline, heat and indifference other people do not have any relationship personally. If they are pretending, it only makes you feel more unhappy than you need.

9. Do not believe emotions. What you feel is not always the correct indicator of what is happening in fact. Just because you feel it does not mean that it is true. Sometimes the source of emotions can serve fatigue, hunger, irritation, or just a runny nose. You feel good or bad - the future will not change. Feelings can be true, but they are not truth.

10. Do not give up apathy. Train your optimist. If you expect bad things in life and at work, you will find them. Negative attitude is the same as looking at the world through distorting, dirty glasses. You will notice only the shortcomings, not paying attention, or not noticing everything else. It is just amazing how you can see what is not, if you just start looking for. And, of course, if you start looking for positive things, you will find them too.

11. Do not live in the past. This advice is the most important of all: forget and live on. Most anger, disappointment, misfortune and despair in this world comes from people holding in past resentment and problems. The more you scroll through them in the mind, the larger they will seem to you, and the worse you will feel. Do not fight with misfortune. Forget and live on. Do it, and thus deprit his strength to hurt you.

To begin with, we are simply obliged to put a specific goal - how much money we want to receive from our site. I will not reveal you a big secret, if I say that in this life no one has achieved something by chance. Any success is extremely the result of the goal that each specific person set itself, and therefore your goal will be, the more success you will achieve.

But remember that the "big goal" and "impossible" are two huge differences!

3. Preparation.

I have repeatedly talking about it, but I still repeat - any work on the site begins with the birth of ideas. And this is not just a desire that can be described in words "I want a site, the same as ..." - here you substitute the desired option. Best idea That that can be formulated as follows: "There was no such thing, and I will be the first."

However, the originality of the idea is not yet a guarantee of a successful business. In addition to her, you need to know the answer another question - "Does your website need to network users who have already seen everything that can be seen and at whose disposal billions of already existing sites."

Any Internet project I would advise you to start with approbation. There are two options here - you can immediately send it to the network to see the reaction of users to your product: Do you visit, is needed and interesting? Or running his test version, invite to evaluate independent experts. Not your friends and relatives who will evaluate your site exclusively from how they treat you, but people who do not know you, and therefore will be able to assess your work objectively.

In any case, in 2-3 months, you will receive results that will judge the commercial perspective of the entire future project.

5. Investments.

Without money, alas, no serious Internet business is possible. Even if it seems to you that you are a good programmer or copywriter, or a photographer, or a promotion wizard, you can still not cover everything. Therefore, initially determine the amount you can invest in your site. Moreover better attitude This money will be not as investment investment, but to the means that you lose with a probability of 99%.

Please accept in advance with loss, because only this will allow you to stay free both in decision-making and in creativity.

7. Requirements for design and content.

8. "Who is near?"

9. The position of your site on the network.

When they enter the network, and by typing the name of their goods (services) see that your site is higher than the site of their company, they will simply won't be able to pay attention to you. What is needed for this? It's a lot and hard to work so that the site is interesting to those who will become potential customers of your employers. Because I want to tell you all: if you do not feel the strength to create a first-value site, then initially give up the attempt to earn on it, as from time to the wasted by you.

Yes, and, in addition, the site is your brainchild, the result of the months of stubborn work and sleepless nights, and no manager will never worry about him just like you.

12. Or just die wait.

After all, ultimately, the main thing in the success of any online project is not actions that you take around it, and what are you doing the project itself. After all, it is himself - his consisting of their many components of the quality - and determine their profits.