From what died Steve Jobs. The cause of the death of Steve Jobs

February 24, 2016 would be 61 years old Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple Corporation, the most expensive company in history, which without exaggeration is the locomotive of the current digital economy of the United States. Jobs had a huge impact on the development of the computer industry and became a role model for many venture universities worldwide.

Jobs, no doubt, an extraordinary man, a lot of him written about him and his company. Even more with his name is the legends and diverse interpretations of the events of his life and what the influence of certain facts of the Founder of the founder Apple had for its future success.

In the right place at the right time

Stephen Jobs is a adopted child, from which his biological parents, Cyrian Abdulfatt Djandali and a native of Wisconsin Joan Shible Simpson refused due to family and material problems.

Colleagues and the nearest friends of Jobs and his biographer Walter Aizekson attribute this kindergarten of Steve's his manic desire to control everything, to be in all the first and achieve perfection.

Stephen adopted the mechanic Paul Jobs and his wife, the daughter of Armenian emigrants of Clara Agonyan. When he was still in the younger school, his father was transferred to the Silicon Valley, to the Palo Alto branch, and the Jobs family settled nearby, in St. Suneweile, where it was worth a little cheaper. Here, in the valley, Bill Hewlett and Dave Pakcard founded in the Garage of the HP computer giant, the NASA Scientific Center was located here, here the Dean of the Stanford Engineering Faculty allocated 300 hectares of the Institutionary Earth so that high-tech companies could run into mass production of students. Nearby, in Mountain View, a little later, Robert Neus and Gordon Moore founded Intel. In other words, Stephen Jobs grew at the concentration of the most advanced computer technologies.

Father instilled his son's love for the engineering case and first introduced Stephen with computers, which he immediately fell in love.

Brilliant child

Jobs, undoubtedly, was a gifted child, but he did not become a genius system engineer as Stephen Wozniak, or a programmer, like Bill Atkinson, the developer of the first graphic software for Macintosh.

He early learned to read, but when he went to school, according to his own words, the pressure he experienced there, almost beat his hunt to learn. Stephen a lot of hooliganil, and for three years of study he had time to exclude from school several times. Reception parents from childhood inspired Jobs thought that he was special to cope with the consequences of the fact that he was abandoned by biological parents, and they themselves believed in it, so the father constantly defended her little Stephen and accused teachers in his reluctance to learn.

Jobsu was lucky: a class teacher, where he was transferred, Imogen Hill saw in him for himself a professional challenge and with the help of "bribes" in the form of huge candy, high attention to it and the sets of "do it" returned Stephen's interest in study.

As a result, at the end of the fourth grade, he passed the exams at the level of a tenth-grader, which was still stronger than Jobs himself and his surrounding in his exclusivity.

The director proposed his parents to translate him at once two years ahead, in the seventh grade to support interest in the child to study, but they agreed to pass only one year. But even such a careful solution was erroneous.

Modern studies of the phenomenon of the Wunderkind show that teachers, without noticing themselves, pay more gifted children much more attention than the rest of the class, with the result that the difference in development is only enhanced. It happened to Jobs, who took over most of the attention to Imogen Hill. At the same time, the difference between the age of children is even a year is a significant factor affecting the differences in the level of their general development. The lag of the child from the average level by virtue of age is consolidating his perception of himself as a backward or burden and determines all its further development.

Jobs was not even more: the secondary school, in which he crossed as a result of the skipping of the year was in an unfavorable area.

Stephen was attacked by hooligans and a year later, in an ultimative form, demanded it to another school in a more expensive area, because of which parents faced a serious financial problem.

Of course, the childhood and school life of Jobs had a significant impact on him, while the study of modern cognitive psychology, which summarized Daniel Gullman in his monograph "Emotional Intellect", suggest that this period of life only revealed and developed the quality of the identity of the future founder of Apple, Inherent initially.

Quiliency, the inability to compromise, delay the reward and pleasure is bad qualities for a businessman. At the same time, the school was already visible that Jobs could "read" other people, to establish communication with them and possessed the gift of conviction. He could persuade classmates literally to give him the last shirt, recalls his teacher.

In the high school, Humest Jobs found intelligent friends who were interested in mathematics and electronics, but in addition to this "countercultural things" and drugs, such as LSD. Jobs continued to hooligan, but now all his draws were associated with electronics. At 15, Jobs tried marijuana.

A neighbor Jobs, Larry Lang, led Stephen to HP, where he met the first mini computers. Already then Jobs began to show his ability to get anything. To get the details for your school project - a digital frequency meter, "he called straight Bill Hewlette, who gave him the details and arranged to work at the HP plant on the conveyor. There Stephen very quickly found a common language with engineers and learned a lot of new things from them for himself.

The first illegal business

Odnoklassnik Jobs on Homestar introduced him with Steve Wozniak. Woznuck was alone, since his peers had other interests. He was the first acquaintances of Jobs, who shattered in electronics better than himself and also loved the hooligan tricks with electronics, in addition, their musical tastes coincided, so they quickly agreed.
Despite the fact that Wozniak was a pathologically honest good kindness and did not tolerate a lie, it did not interfere with them, in fact, to engage in musical piracy, frictional (hacking telephone networks to carry out free calls) and what is now called telephone terrorism.

Having read the article in the journal Esquire about Hacker John Drepreier on nicknamed Captain Kranch, friends decided to reproduce its device - "Blue Box" (Blue Box) for feeding Tone Signals Managing Telephone Network Switches AT & T.. As a draw, they thought to call the Vatican on behalf of US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.
The fact that they were not planted are one of the series of great luck, accompanying Stephen Jobs in life.

Jobs came up with how to sell for a $ 150 scheme assembled with ardor. They managed to implement about 100 "blue boxes" to students, and only a meeting with a real bandite, which turned out to be one of the buyers, stopped friends. Jobs is confident with Wozniak, without the "blue box" would not be Apple, but would it be a convincing argument for the court at that time?

Hippie Fashion Product

At the University of Reed, the only one who Jobs recognized his worthy of his attention, he quickly realizes that most of the lectures are not interested in him. The most useful for him, in his opinion, was the course of calligraphy, where he was given love for fonts with serifs and minimalism.

Subsequently, beautiful fonts will become one of the strengths of the Apple Macintosh graphical interface.
In Rida, Stephen hit Buddhism, often accepted LSD, became a fruitant (he fed mainly by carrots and apples) and a long time lived in a sect on his friend's apple farm and a spiritual mentor, which was later disappointed.

Steve Jobs himself believed that this period of his life was of great importance for Apple, helped him form his taste, but rather what he liked at this time was the consequence of his taste.

Jobs's life experience by this time was already much richer than any average man, and deserved interest. For a businessman, it is important to have a wide range of horizons and great life experience to understand what product needs people, but is it possible to say that Hippie's experience was so necessary to understand that the small business need Apple II with VisiCalc spreadsheets?

From this period, Jobs also carried out the habit of walking barefoot, it was not for a long time to wash and not stand up, and also not to recognize that fruitants are stinking as well as those who eat meat and baking. To make it decently looks like his business partners could only last a long time after Apple became a multi-million corporation.

Learn business

Jobs himself believed that he made an idea of \u200b\u200bsimplicity for the mass consumer from the ATARI company, as in Pong Games, where there is only one task - to beat the ball, and the "Star Path" - shoot a balloon.

In fact, the main event of this period was a meeting with Ron Wayne, who used to have its own company who had the experience of entrepreneurship and bankruptcy. He became an example for Jobs and helped to understand what he wants from life - his company.

Wayne, being an experienced entrepreneur, how it is impossible to show how risky investment, the means and money was Jobs at that time. He got rid of 10% of Apple shares even when Apple I has already brought income, because I didn't want to run from creditors when their simple partnership with Jobs and Wozniam, who answers the debts to all his property will go broke. And in those conditions, he was absolutely right.

The success of Apple's success was impossible then.

"Shuttle diplomacy" concluded in obtaining a loan for deliveries to the store under the guarantee of the purchase of Apple II batch by ATARI, was a very risky adventure. Especially if you consider that the product has changed on the fly, from the board for computer gickers to a fully finished device for a wider audience of enthusiasts, and then for small companies.

Garage in Palo Alto

At the end of 2014, a wave of publications related to the fact that Wozniak called the famous garage in which Apple was born, myth. It is not known why this caused such an excitement, because it is not a secret for anyone that Wozniak developed Apple I in HP laboratories, because for this there was all the necessary provision. Moreover, as an HP worker, he first offered a computer scheme of his corporation and only after the failure referred to their Apple. The garage was more like a part of the party, meetings with partners and discussing issues and plans for the future.

Part of the amount necessary for the details was given by Jobs's school friend and his father, and the assembly of the first party Apple I was held in the house of Jobs's parents, and relatives and acquaintances were attracted to her.

Studying the biography of Stephen Jobs gives an understanding of how much a bright person he was and how it influenced the perception of the success of his company. Apple cannot be perceived in the separation from Jobs, what he did and how he lived, and this lies the biggest illusion for those who accept the life of Jobs as a sample to imitate. Apple is a unique case, an incredible set of circumstances, a series of rare luck. Often the company came out dry from the water, not thanks to the genius of Jobs, but contrary to.

The likelihood of Apple's success was negligible, Apple's success repetition chance is negligible in a square.

Perhaps today the prevailing part of people, if it comes to an apple, first of all thinks not about fruit, but about the largest corporation, a famous brand, technological giant - about Apple Corporation.

Yes, indeed, there are, people who do not know about the existence of products of this American company and do not dream of a laptop, a tablet or a smartphone "apple" production, today already, probably does not exist.

But the history of modern giant began with an ordinary garage and with founder EPL, simple guy Steve Jobs.

Childhood and Youth Steve

Steve was born in 1955, and his parents were students who were not even married. Given the vital difficulties, problems with parents and many other factors, biological parents were forced to give a boy to adoption. So the future billionaire and fell into the family of Paul and Charlya Jobs, people who in the future he called his real parents.

It is the floor that he introduced his son with the Aza electronics in the very childhood, which was very attracted by the boy and gave him the main passion and passion for the whole subsequent life.

Jobs almost missed primary school because of the possession of emergency knowledge. And thanks to the proposal from the director, slipped several classes, going right away in high school.

Friendship with Steve Wozniak

In fifteen years, Steve has laid a friendship with one of his classmates in a new school, whose name was Bill Fernandez. He, as well as Steve, was interested in electronics, but this acquaintance was such a significant moment because of this. At Bill was a friend who was fond of technologies and innovations almost stronger Jobs himself. And it was Steve Wozniak. Over time, Bill introduced two sicks and did it, subsequently, their best friends.

IOS from Apple is


Crucial moment

In 1971, in the life of Jobs, a turning point occurred, which gave him to understand that electronics could bring quite serious money, simply to be some hobby, hobbies.

All this happened due to a very interesting story, which became, by the way, the first business project of two stevets. Then the guys were able to invent the so-called "blue box" that imitated the sounds of the tone signal of taxophones. Thanks to the use of the product, it was possible to carry out completely free calls from payphones to any points of the world.

The guys very quickly cut down that, at the expense of such a device, it was not bad to earn and soon began to sell them to their peers at $ 150.

A year later, Jobs entered the Rid College, where he met Daniel Kotka. The college was thrown by the founder of the epple six months, but Daniel remained his best friend on a par with the wizzy.

Apple I.

In 1975, the club of "self-made computers" was created with Wozniak, where meetings were held for everyone. Soon it came to him and Steve. Over time, such meetings and broke into the creation of the first Apple computer.

The presentation of this computer was already conducted when the club was significantly expanded, and even moved its meetings to university premises. After the presentation of the interested person in the purchase of a computer was Paul Terrell, who suggested Jobs one of the main and first deals in his life: he requested 50 such computers at once in full configuration, for which the entrepreneur was ready to post $ 500.

Work on computers was held in the Garage of the Jobs family, and all the available forces and acquaintances were attracted to it. Daniel and two Steve worked on the creation of computers around the clock, to have time to finish the order for a month.

The fulfilled order was successfully commissioned, and on the guys saved money gathered a new batch of computers. It was a success that over time and led to the creation of Apple Corporation.

So the history of such an influential person began, which will forever remain in the history of not only the industry of innovation and technology, but also of humanity.

Steven Paul Jobs, 1955-2011) - American Engineer and Entrepreneur, Coordinator and Executive Director Apple Inc. He is considered one of the key figures in the computer industry, a person who largely determined its development.

Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco on February 24, 1955. It cannot be said that he was a welcome child. After just a week after birth, his unmarried mother - graduate student Joanna Shibl - gave a child for adoption. The adoptive parents of the child were Paul Jobs, Clara Jobs from Mountain View, California. It was they who ordered his Stephen Paul Jobs. Clara worked in an accounting firm, and Paul Jobs was a mechanic in the company producing laser installations.


When Steve Jobs was 12 years old, on children's whims and not without early manifestation of adolescence, he called William Hewlett (William Hewlett), then President Hewlett-Packard, on his home phone number. Then Jobs collected some kind of electric appliance, and he needed some details. Hewlett tiled with Jobs for 20 minutes, agreed to send the necessary details and offered him a summer job in Hewlett-Packard, a company, in the walls of which the entire Silicon Valley industry originated. It was at work in Hewlett-Packard Steve Jobs met with a person, acquainted with whom he largely identified his further fate - Stephen Wozniak (Stephen Wozniak). He got a job at Hewlett-Packard, throwing boring classes at the University of Berkeley California. Work in the company was much more interesting to him because of his passionate passion for radio engineering.


In 1972, Steve Jobs graduated from school and enrolled in Rid College in Portland, Oregon, but after the first semester he was expelled. Steve Jobs so explains his decision to quit student: "I naively chose a college, which was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all the savings of my parents went to pay for paying in college. Six months later, I have not seen in this sense. I absolutely did not know what I'm going to do with my life, and did not understand how the college helps me realize it. I was then great frightened, but looking back, I understand that it was one of my best solutions in life. "

Throwing studies, Jobs focused on what was really interesting for him. However, to remain a free student at the university was not easy. "Not everything was so romantic," Jobs recalls. "I had no room in a hostel, so I had to sleep on the floor in the rooms of friends." I passed the bottle from the cola of five cents apiece to buy myself a meal and every Sunday evening went for seven miles through the whole city, so that once a week to eat in the Krishnaiti temple .. "

The adventures of Steve Jobs in the college campus after the deductions lasted for another 18 months, after which in the fall of 1974 he returned to California. There he met with an old friend and technical genius Stephen Wozniak. On the advice of his friend, Jobs settled the technician to ATARI, which produced popular video games. Steve Jobs then did not have any ambitious plans. He just wanted to make money to travel to India.

But besides fashionable at that time, interest in India and the hippie subculture, Steve Jobs had an interest in electronics, which became even stronger every day. Together with Wozniak, Jobs came to Houmbrew's computer club in Palo Alto, who united many young people who were interested in computers and electronics at that time. The club has given a lot of Apple's future founders. In particular, thanks to the club, they began their "cooperation" with the AT & T telephone giant (t), however, not as this company would like to. Steve Jobs read about the interesting opening of American radio amateurs, allowing you to illegally connect to the AT & T telephone network and exercise free calls to long distances, and caught fire with a new and promising business. Having met John Draper (John Draper), which then actively popularized this discovery, Jobs and Wozniak decided to make the manufacture of so-called "blue boxes", special devices that allowed free calls to long distances. So Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak began to mess together with electronics in the Parental Garage Jobs.

First business

However, "blue boxes" they were engaged in long. Jobs has already packaged things for the philosophical tour of India, as planned. From India, Jobs returned with rich impressions, shaved head and in traditional Indian clothes. At this time, Apple's founders occurred a curious case, especially vividly describing the technical giving of Stephen Wozniak and the business grip of Steve Jobs. At work in Atari, Jobs gave a task to create an electronic circuit for video game Breakout. According to the founder Atari, Nolana Bushnell (Nolan Bushnell), the company suggested Jobs to minimize the number of chips on the board and pay $ 100 for each chip that he can remove from the scheme. Steve Jobs was not very well versed in building electronic circuit boards, so he suggested that it was planned to divide the award in half, if he takes it for this business. Atari was decently surprised when Jobs presented them with a fee with which 50 chips were removed. Wozniak created such a dense scheme that it was impossible to recreate it with mass production. Then Jobs told Wozniaku that Atari paid only $ 700 (a not $ 5,000, as it was in fact), and he received his share - $ 350.

Nevertheless, from the very first meeting, Jobs admired Stephen Wozniak. "He was the only person who broke up in computers is better than me," after a few years Steve Jobs is recognized. There is no doubt that Wozniak played an important role in the life of his friend, without his engineering genius, there would be no Apple, nor the triumph of Steve Jobs, solemnly representing a new product of the company.


Steve Jobs was only 20 years old when he saw the computer that Woznucka collected for his own use. The thought of having a personal one is personal - the computer struck Jobs, and he convinced Wozniaki to make computer creation for sale. Initially, both planned to make only the manufacture of printed circuits - the basis of the computing machine, but in the end they came to the build of finished computers.
In early 1976, Jobs asked to enter the drawing service of Ronald Wayne, with whom he once worked in Atari. Jobs, Wozniak and Wayne founded Apple Computer Co. April 1, 1976 in the form of a partnership. I must say, only young people who have not yet left the rebellion, could come to call the computer company "Apple" (Apple - in English means "apple").

For a newly established company, start-up capital was required, and Steve Jobs sold his minibus, and Wozniak his favorite programmable Calculator Hewlett Packard. As a result, they reversed about $ 1300. Jobs convinced Wozniam to resign himself from Hewlett Packard to become a vice president and head the direction of development in the new company.

Soon they also received the first major order from the local electronics store - 50 pieces. However, the young company did not have money to purchase details for assembling such a large number of computers. Then Steve Jobs convinced component suppliers to provide materials on a loan for 30 days. Having received the details, Jobs, Wozniak and Wayne gathered cars in the evenings, and after 10 days they put the store the whole game. The first computer of the company was called Apple I. In the store that ordered these cars, it was sold at a price of $ 666.66, because the wizard liked the numbers from the same digits. But despite this large order, Wayne lost faith in the success of undertaking and left the company, taking $ 800.

In the fall of the same year, Woznyak completed work on the prototype of Apple II, which became the first mass personal computer in the world. It had a plastic case, a device for reading floppy disks and support color graphics. To ensure successful sales of a computer, Jobs ordered the launch of an advertising campaign and developing a beautiful and standard packaging of a computer, on which a new company logo was clearly visible - a rainbow transshipment apple. According to Jobs, the colors of the rainbow should emphasize the fact that Apple II is able to maintain color schedule. Since the release of the Apple II model range, more than 5 million computers were sold, for which programmers created about 16,000 applications. At the end of 1980, Apple held a successful primary placement of shares, as a result of which Steve Jobs became a millionaire in 25 years.

In December 1979, Steve Jobs and several other Apple staff gained access to Xerox (XRX) research center in Palo Alto. There, Jobs first saw the experienced development of the company, the Alto computer, which used the graphical interface that allowed the user to ask commands by hovering the cursor to the graphics object on the monitor. As colleagues recall, this invention was struck by Jobs, and he immediately began to confidently say that all future computers would use this innovation. And it is not surprising, because it concluded three things through which the path to the heart of the consumer. Steve Jobs then understood that it is simplicity, ease of use and aesthetics. He immediately caught fire the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating such a computer.

Then the company was developed for several months a new Lisa computer, named after the daughter of Jobs. In 1980, Steve tried to lead this project in which he hoped to embody the revolutionary innovation he saw in Xerox laboratories. However, Apple President Michael Scott refused Jobs. The project was headed by another person. A few months later, Jobs stunned Scott to appoint him a less powerful mass computer with the head of another project - Macintosh. In many ways, the competence of Lisa and Macintosh teams are unleashed between the teams of Lisa and Macintosh developers.

As a result, Jobs lost the race, when Lisa came out in 1983, which became the first mass computer with a graphical interface. However, then the commercial failure of this project followed, mainly due to the high price ($ 9995) and a limited set of software applications for this computer. Therefore, the second round was for Jobs and his Makint. Like Lisa, Macintosh used innovation spied in Xerox laboratories - a graphical interface and a mouse. But unlike Lisa, Macintosh was a commercially successful computer that produced a revolution in the industry. The interface of the Macintosha operating system has become the standard, its principle was used in all operating systems that were created from this moment.

When in 1983, Jobs convinced John Scully to leave the company Pepsi-Cola to become the chief executive director of Apple, he made an emphasis on the fact that Apple employees write new history pages: "You really want the rest of your life to sell a sweet driver or you Want to try to change the world? " This time, Jobs's ability to convince him did not let him down, and Scully became director of Apple. However, over time, it turned out that his vision of a computer business is very much dispersed with the vision of Jobs, which was still too impatient to another point of view. The conflict between Scully and Jobs has grown, and eventually led to the fact that Jobs had to leave Apple, being removed from the project management.

In 1985, against the backdrop of a number of unsuccessful models of computers (Apple III commercial failure), the loss of a significant market share and incessant conflicts in the manual from Apple left the Wozniak, and after some time, the company left Steve Jobs. In the same 1985, Jobs founded the NEXT company specializing in the creation of hardware and workstations.

In 1986, Steve Jobs became one of the founders of the Animation Studio Pixar. Under the guidance of Jobs Pixar released such films as the "Toy Story" and Monster Corporation. In 2006, Jobs sold the Walt Disney Pixar studio for $ 7.4 million with shares of the company. Jobs remained at the Pixar Board of Directors and at the same time became the largest individual of Disney, receiving 7 percent of the studio shares at his disposal.

Steve Jobs's return to Apple was held in 1996, when Jobs-based company decided to acquire Next. Jobs entered the board of directors of the company and became a temporary manager of Apple, who was experiencing a serious crisis at that time.

In 2000, the word "temporary" disappeared from the title of Jobs post, and the founder of Apple fell into the Guinness Book of Records as an Executive Director with the most modest salary in the world (according to official documents, Jobs's salary at that time was 1 dollar per year; subsequently similar Salary scheme used other corporate executives).

In 2001, Steve Jobs introduced the first iPod player. After a few years, the IPod sale has become the main source of company income.
In 2006, the company introduced the Network Multimedia Player Apple TV.
In 2007, the sale of the iPhone mobile phone began.
In 2008, Steve demonstrated the thinnest laptop in the world, which is called MacBook Air.

Doing the case, which completely captured his life, he barely noticed that his daughter was born. As Jobs himself admits, since 1977, when Lisa was born (the daughter was called), he gave the work of "150%" of his time and strength. Lisa lived with her mother, which never became the wife of Steve Jobs. Recognize your daughter, he began to communicate with her only years later.

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates

Relations with competitors of its market Jobs have always been ambiguous. Someone, he has stolen ideas without reverial conscience, Ironized Someone. One of them is.

These two legendary people have a lot in common, but they are absolutely different. Born in the same year, having similar stories of life, they worked a lot to succeed and break into the top of the computer industry. But, if Jobs was not afraid to risk and made a bet on innovation, the Gates moved to the tops according to the standard business multiplication scheme. Having taught a monopoly in the software by challengeing Microsoft, he almost just began to receive money from sales, developing very slowly and without making any revolutionary innovations.

But, despite its different attitude towards doing business, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates will forever enter the history of the modern development of personal computers and software.

Lost interview:

From the time of origin of Apple, Stephen Jobs firmly knew that he had a special mission on earth, and he could change the world. "He always believed," recalls Stephen Wozniak, "that he will lead all of humanity." Attitude towards the "Messiah in jeans" is not unequivocal and, as a rule, is very far from colorless indifference. In addition to friends and fans, calling him the best manager, there are those who frank it frankly, finding unnecessarily self-confident and egocentric. About sharpness of Nature Jobs go legends. When entering business or personal relationships with Jobs, intelligent and educated businessmen, accustomed to lead polite business dialogue, fall into an extremely uncomfortable environment. I must say, the audience loves scandals, and people like Jobs have a unique ability to generate them around them with a regular frequency, bringing sharpness and novelty to life.

Steve Jobs death

Undoubtedly, it was a brilliant, in his business, a man. His death has become a great loss not only for his relatives, friends and employees. The world has lost this enterprising man who has changed the idea of \u200b\u200ba personal computer in society. The cause of the death of Steve Jobs was the pancreatic cancer. He struggled with a paramount long eight years, remaining to the last active. Date of death of Steve Jobs - October 5, 2011.

Stephen Paul Jobs - American Engineer and Entrepreneur, Founder and Executive Director of Apple Inc. He is considered one of the key figures in the computer industry, a person who largely determined its development. Story today about him. About his way, about how this extraordinary person could achieve truly phenomenal heights in business, despite all the blows of fate, which has repeatedly forced Jobs to get out of his knees.

Success Story, Biography Steve Jobs

Born in San Francisco on February 24, 1955. It cannot be said that he was a welcome child. After just a week after birth, Parents of Steve, American Joan Carol Shible and Syrian Abdulfatt, John Jandali refused a child and gave it to adoption. The receiving parents were Paul and Clara Jobs from Mountain View, California. It was they who ordered his Stephen Paul Jobs. Clara worked in an accounting firm, and the floor was a mechanic in the company producing laser installations.

As a child, Jobs was a big bully, who had every chance of becoming a young criminal. He was expelled from school after the third class. The transition to another school has become a significant moment in the life of Jobs, thanks to a wonderful teacher who has found an approach to him. As a result, he took his head and began to learn. The approach, of course, was simple: for each completed task Steve received money from the teacher. A little bit, but for a fourth grade student is quite enough. In general, Jobs's successes were great enough that he even missed the fifth grade, going immediately to high school.

Childhood and youth Steve Jobs

When Steve Jobs was 12 years old, on children's whims and not without early manifestation of adolescence, he called William Hewlette, then President Hewlett-Packard, on his home phone number. Then Jobs collected the electrical current frequency indicator for the school office, and he needed some details: "My name is Steve Jobs, and I would like to know if you have spare parts that I could use to build a frequency counter." Hewlett tiled with Jobs for 20 minutes, agreed to send the necessary details and offered him a summer job in his company, in the walls of which the entire Silicon Valley Industry was originated.

It was at work in Hewlett-Packard Steve Jobs met with a person, acquainted with whom he largely identified his further fate - Stephen Wozniak. He got a job at Hewlett-Packard, throwing boring classes at the University of Berkeley California. Work in the company was much more interesting to him because of his passionate passion for radio engineering. As it turned out, for another 13 years, Woznyak himself collected not the easiest calculator. And at the time of dating with Jobs, he already thought about the concept of a personal computer, which then did not exist at all. Despite different characters, they quickly became friends.

When Steve Jobs was 16, he and WHO got acquainted with the famous hacker named Captain Kranch. He told them how with the help of special sounds published by a whistle from a set of cereals "Captain Kranch", you can deceive the switching device and make calls worldwide for free. Already soon, it was wicked by the first device, called the "Blue Box", which made ordinary people imitate the sounds of a whistle picking and call free around the world. Jobs engaged in the sale of goods. Blue boxes were sold at $ 150 per piece and enjoyed great popular among students. Interestingly, the cost of such a device was then 40 dollars. However, it was not particularly successful. At first, the problems with the police, and then with some hooligan, who even threatened Jobs a pistol, made no "business blue boxes".

In 1972, Steve Jobs graduated from school and enrolled in Rid College in Portland, Oregon, but after the first semester he was expelled. Steve Jobs so explains his decision to quit student: "I naively chose a college, which was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all the savings of my parents went to pay for paying in college. Six months later, I have not seen in this sense. I absolutely did not know what I'm going to do with my life, and did not understand how the college helps me realize it. I was then great frightened, but looking back, I understand that it was one of my best solutions in life. "

Throwing studies, Jobs focused on what was really interesting for him. However, to remain a free student at the university was not easy. "Not everything was so romantic," Jobs recalls. "I had no room in a hostel, so I had to sleep on the floor in the rooms of friends." I passed the bottle from the cola of five cents a piece to buy myself a meal and every Sunday evening went for seven miles through the whole city, in order to eat normally once a week in the temple of Krishnaitis ... "

The adventures of Steve Jobs in the college campus after the deductions lasted for another 18 months, after which in the fall of 1974 he returned to California. There he met with an old friend and technical genius Stephen Wozniak. On the advice of his friend, Jobs settled the technician to ATARI, which produced popular video games. Steve Jobs then did not have any ambitious plans. He just wanted to make money to travel to India. After all, his youth came to the flourishing of the hippie movement - with all the consequences that flow from here. Jobs addicted to easy drugs, such as marijuana and LSD (it is interesting that even now, leaving this addiction, Steve does not regree at all that he used LSD, moreover, it considers it one of the most significant events in his life that turned his worldview) .

Atari paid Jobs's trip, however, at the same time he should also visit Germany, where in his task it was to settle problems in production. He coped.

In India, Jobs went not alone, but with his friend Dan Cottka. Only arriving in India, Steve exchanged all his belongings on the battered clothes. His goal was to make pilgrimages in India, hoping for the help of simple strangers. During the Travel itself, Dan and Steve several times almost died due to the harsh climate of India. Communication with Guru did not bring Jobs Enlightenment. Nevertheless, the trip to India left an indelible mark in the soul of Jobs. He saw real poverty, radically distinguished from the one that hippies adhered to Silicon Valley.

Returning back to the Silicon Valley, Jobs continued to work in Atari. Soon he was commissioned the development of the game Breakout (Atari did not only take the game, and a full-fledged gaming machine, and the whole work lay on Jobs's shoulders). According to the founder of Atari, Nolana Bushnell, the company suggested Jobs to minimize the number of chips on the board and pay $ 100 for each chip that he can remove from the scheme. Steve Jobs was not very well versed in building electronic circuit boards, so he suggested that it was planned to divide the award in half, if he takes it for this business.

Atari was decently surprised when Jobs presented them with a fee with which 50 chips were removed. Wozniak created such a dense scheme that it was impossible to recreate it with mass production. Then Jobs told Wozniaku that Atari paid only $ 700 (a not $ 5,000, as it was in fact), and he received his share - $ 350.

Foundation of Apple.

In 1975, Wozniak demonstrated a ready-made PC model to lead the Hewlett-Packard. However, the bosses did not show any interest in the initiative of one of its engineers - all then imagined computers solely as iron cabinets stuffed with electronic components and used in a large business or military. No one thought about home PC. In Atari, the wrapping also did not help - did not see commercial prospects in new items. And then Steve Jobs accepted the most important decision in his life - he persuaded Steve Wozniakaya and his colleague from Atari Draftsor Ronald Wayne to create his own company and work in the development and release of personal computers. And on April 1, 1976, Jobs, Wozniak and Wayne founded in the form of partnership Apple Computer Co. So the history of Apple began.

Like the ever Hewlett-Packard, Apple was established in the garage, which Father Jobs gave a full disposal to his reception son and his companions - he even pulled a huge wooden machine, which became the first "assembly conveyor" in the history of the corporation. For a newly established company, start-up capital was required, and Steve Jobs sold his minibus, and Wozniak his favorite programmable Calculator Hewlett Packard. As a result, they reversed about $ 1300.

At the request of Jobs Wayne, he developed the first logo of the company, which, however, was more like a drawing than on the logo. Sir Isaac Newton was depicted on it, the apple falls on his head. However, subsequently, this initial logo was significantly simplified.

Soon they received the first large order from the local electronics store - 50 pieces. However, the young company did not have money to purchase details for assembling such a large number of computers. Then Steve Jobs convinced component suppliers to provide materials on a loan for 30 days.

Having received the details, Jobs, Wozniak and Wayne gathered cars in the evenings, and after 10 days they put the store the whole game. The company's first computer was called Apple I. Then these computers were just the boards to which the buyer had to connect independently, the keyboard and monitor. In the store, which ordered these cars, it was sold at a price of $ 666.66, because the wizzy liked the numbers from the same digits. But despite this large order, Wayne lost faith in the success of the undertaking and left the company, selling their ten percent part in the initial capital for 800 dollars. This is how Wayne himself commented on his act: "Jobs is a hurricane of energy and focus. I was already too disappointed in my life to rush on it on this hurricane. "

Anyway, the firm should have developed. And in the fall of the same year, Woznyak completed work on the prototype of Apple II, which became the first mass personal computer in the world. It had a plastic case, a device for reading floppy disks and support color graphics.

To ensure successful sales of a computer, Jobs ordered the launch of an advertising campaign and developing a beautiful and standard packaging of a computer, on which a new company logo was clearly visible - (Favorite fruit Jobs). He had to point out that Apple II works with color graphics. Subsequently, Jean-Louis Gas is an ex-president of several structural units and the founder of BE, Inc. - said: "We could not dream about a more suitable logo: the desire, hope, knowledge, and anarchy were embodied in it ..."

But then no one has released anything like that, the idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a computer itself was perceived by large businessmen with undisguised skepticism. As a result, it turned out to be very difficult to find financing for the release of Apple II created by friends. And Hewlett-Packard, and Atari again refused to finance an unusual project, although they counted it "funny."

But those who picked up the idea of \u200b\u200ba computer who had to become accessible to the wide segments of the population was also found. The well-known financier Don Valentine Svetina Steve Jobs with an equally well-known Venture capitalist Armaas Cliff "Mike" Marcquula. The latter helped young entrepreneurs to make a business plan, invested in a company of $ 92.000 from his personal savings and provided a credit line by $ 250,000 in Bank of America. All this allowed the two stews to "get out of the garage", significantly increase the volume of production and expand the staff of the staff, and also launch fundamentally new Apple II into mass production.

The success of Apple II was truly grand: the novelty was bought by hundreds and thousands of copies. Recall that this happened at a time when the whole world market of personal computers did not exceed ten thousand units. In 1980, Apple Computer was an already recognized computers manufacturer. In her state there were several hundred people, the products were exported outside the United States.

In 1980, the same week, when John Lennon Apple Computer was killed on the IPO. The company's shares were sold out for one hour! Steve Jobs by this moment becomes one of the richest Americans. The popularity of Jobs grew every day. A simple young guy without education overnight has become a millionaire. What is not an American dream?

Personal computers rapidly broke into the daily life of residents of developed countries. For the top ten, they firmly occupied their place among people, becoming indispensable assistants in production, organizational, formative, communication and other technological and social affairs. The prophetic words said to Steve Jobs in the early 80s: "The first date of society and a computer took place in this decade. And for some crazy reason, we found themselves in the right place and in the right time to do everything for the prosperity of this novel. " Computer revolution began.

Project Macintosh.

In December 1979, Steve Jobs and several other Apple staff gained access to Xerox (XRX) research center in Palo Alto. There, Jobs first saw the experienced development of the company, the Alto computer, which used the graphical interface that allowed the user to ask commands by hovering the cursor to the graphics object on the monitor.

As colleagues recall, this invention was struck by Jobs, and he immediately began to confidently say that all future computers would use this innovation. And it is not surprising, because it concluded three things through which the path to the heart of the consumer. Steve Jobs then understood that it is simplicity, ease of use and aesthetics. He immediately caught fire the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating such a computer.

Then the company was developed for several months a new Lisa computer, named after the daughter of Jobs. Starting working on this project, Jobs set the task to make a computer at $ 2,000. However, the desire to embody the revolutionary innovation he saw in Xerox laboratories questioned the fact that the initially conceived price will remain unchanged. And soon Apple President Michael Scott removed Steve from the Lisa project and was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors. The project was headed by another person.

In the same year, Steve, removed from the Lisa project, turned his attention to a small project that was engaged in a talented engineer Jeff Raskin. (Before that, Jobs tried several times to cover this project) the main idea of \u200b\u200bRaskin was to create an inexpensive computer, about 1000 dollars. Raskin called this computer Macintosh in honor of his beloved variety of Apple Mcintosh. A computer
It was supposed to be a complete device that combines the monitor, keyboard and system unit. Those. The buyer received immediately ready for the computer. (It is worth noting that Raskin did not understand why the computer needs a mouse, and did not plan to use it in Macintosh)

Jobs straightened Michael Scott to appoint him to the head of this project. And immediately intervened in the development of a Macintosh computer, ordered Raskin to use the Motorola 68000 processor in it, which should have been used in Lisa. This was done not just so, Steve Jobs wanted to transfer the Lisa graphical interface in Macintosh. Next, Jobs decided to introduce a mouse in Macintosh. No breakdowns of Raskin have failed. And understanding

well, Jobs fully selects his project wrote a letter to the President of the company Mike Scottu, where he characterized Steve as an incompetent person, which will spoil all his undertakings.

As a result, Raskin, and Jobs were invited to a conversation to the president of the company. After hearing both, Michael Scott was still instructed by Jobs to bring Macintosh to mind, and Raskin went on vacation in order to smooth out the situation. In the same year, President Apple Michael Scott himself was dismissed. For a while, the position of the president took on Mike Markkul.

Steve Jobs planned to complete work on the Macintosh computer for 12 months. But the work was delayed, and in the end he decided to instruct third-party software development for a computer. Its choice quickly fell on a young Microsoft company, which was known at the time that created the Basic language for the Apple II computer (and a number of others).

Steve Jobs went to Redmond, Main Headquarters Microsoft. Ultimately, both sides came to the conclusion that they were ready to cooperate, and Steve invited Bill Gates and Paul Allen (two Microsoft founders) to come to Cupertino to look at the experimental model Macintosh.

The main task of Microsoft has become the creation of applied software under Macintosh. Microsoft Excel became the most famous program of that time.

At the same time, the first marketing plan on the Macintosh computer appears. He wrote his personally Steve Jobs, which little sense in this, so the plan was quite conditional. Jobs planned to launch Macintosh's computer in 1982 and sell 500 thousand computers per year (the figure was taken from the ceiling). First of all, Steve convinced Mike Markkul that Macintosh would not be a Lisa competitor (according to the plans, computers were to be launched at about the same time). True, Marcquula insisted that Macintosh should be released a little later than Lisa, namely, October 1, 1982. There was only one problem - the deadlines were still unreal, but Steve Jobs, with his persistent persistence did not want to listen to anything.

At the end of the year, Steve Jobs appeared on the cover of Time magazine. Apple II was named the best computer of the year, but the article in the journal mainly concerned Jobs. It argued that Steve could become an excellent king of France. It argued that Jobs rich in the work of other people, and himself did not understand anything: neither in engineering, or in programming, design, and even more business. The article showed the statements of many anonymous sources and even Steve Venea (who, after the accident, left Apple). Jobs was very annoyed by this article and even called Jef Raskin to express his indignation. (Jeff, this is the person who was standing at Steve with the steering wheel Macintosh) Jobs began to understand that the success of Mac will depend so much for him personally.

Steve at that time bought an apartment in Manhattan, the view from the windows of which went to the Central Park of New York. It was there that Jobs first met with John Scully, president of Pepsi. Steve and John walked enough for a long time on New York, discussing Apple's prospects and speaking about business in general. It was then, Jobs realized that John was the man whom he would like to see the president of Apple. John had a great deal in business, but little sense in technology. So, according to Jobs, they could become an excellent tandem. There was only one problem - Scully at that time worked perfectly at Pepsi. As a result, Steve Jobs was able to learn Scully to Apple, and in the history of the business even entered the famous phrase, addressed to John John Scully: "You intend to sell sugared water until the end of the life, or intend to change the world?"

It should be noted that by this deadline of the software developers under Macintosh still did not have time, but Steve Jobs without a scream and hysterical was able to inhale new forces in programmers, and to make their last week almost without sleep. The result was stunning. Everything was ready. Here I worked the principle "If you have the right people in the team, you will achieve success." The Macintosh group had the right people.

The Presentation of Macintosh turned out to be a phenomenal, technical revolution, simultaneously with the oratorical skill of Steve Jobs, they were held forever.

Soon, John Scully combined the Lisa and Macintosh developer group, headed by Steve Jobs. The first 100 days of sales Macintosh were phenomenal, and then the first serious problems began. The main problem for all users has become a lack of software. In addition to the standard Apple programs at that time, Macintosh was only an office package from Microsoft. All other developers could not figure out how to create a software with a graphical interface. It became the main reason for slowing down the sale of a computer.

Already soon began problems with the hardware. Jobs was against the possibility of magician extensions, and it did not like to consumers. Once, Apple employee Michael Murray said: "Steve conducted marketing research, considering himself in the mirror every morning." The situation in Apple has bent. At that time, conflicts between the Macintosh group and the rest of Apple were clearly. Jobs, in turn, all the time gave the merits of the new models of the Apple II computer, which at that time was a dairy cow apple.

The Black Apple strip continued and Steve Jobs continued, as always, in his manner began to accuse the company's failures of others, more precisely, her president of John Scully. Steve argued that John could not rebuild and enter the high-tech business.

As a result, a few months after his birthday, Steve Jobs was fired from the company, which he himself founded. It was connected with a number of backstage intrigues that Steve led to get power and become the president of the company.

After his dismissal, Steve refused the honorary position of the company's representative and sold all Apple shares, which he had at that time. He left only one symbolic campaign.

After the dismissal of Steve, a certain appearance of Apple will come, which will entail the highest sales in the company's history. Then the difficult times will come, which will bring Apple almost to the collapse, but in 1997, Jobs will return the company to pull it out, and make it one of the largest players in the industry. But before that another 12 years, and Steve is rich and young. And most importantly, he is full of strength and is ready for new accomplishments. He was not going to give up a business. Although it should be noted that he could. He could become a simple venture investor. Forget about work, but it was not in the spirit of Steve, and therefore he decided to establish a computer company Next.

Life after apple

Next was to develop computers, which will be involved primarily in education. Steve Jobs received investments from Rosa Pen, who invested 20 million dollars in Next. The pen got a rather good share in the company - 16 percent. It should be noted that Jobs did not prevent the feather of any business plans. The investor was completely relied on the devilish charm of Steve.

In NEXT computers, the NEXTSTEP revolutionary operating system was used, which was built, given the principles of object-oriented programming, which will later become ubiquitous. Nevertheless, it will not be able to achieve special success with Next Jobs, but on the contrary, will dilute the lot of money.

It should be noted that NEXT computers were used by a number of creative personalities at work. For example, they created such game hits from ID Software, like Doom and Quake. In the late 80s, Steve Jobs tried to save Next, concluding a contract with Diney, but nothing came out, Disney continued to work with Apple.

At that time it seemed that luck was leaving Jobs and soon he would become bankrupt. But there was one "but". Steve perfectly knew how to organize a small group of talented people to create something significant. That was what he managed with Pixar, who gave the world a computer animation.

In 1985, Jobs bought from George Lucas (director of Star Wars) Pixar. It should be noted that the initial price of Pixar, which Lucas installed, was equal to 30 million dollars. Jobs waited the right moment when Lucas urgently needed money, but there were no buyers, and after a long negotiations received a company at a price of 10 million. True, while Steve promised that Lucas would be able to use all the Pixar workers in his films for free. At that time, Pixar had at their disposal Pixar Image Computer computer, which cost an exorbitantly much money and sold quite weakly. Jobs began to look for a sales market for him. At the same time, Pixar continued to develop a software for animation, and conduct some experiences in creating their own animation.

Soon, Jobs will open 7 Pixar sales offices in different cities that will have to sell Pixar Image Computer. This idea fails, as the computer created in Pixar will be aimed at a very narrow circle of people, and he will not need additional offices.

The key point in the history of Pixar was the hiring artist of the studio Disney John Lasser, who will later and will withdraw the studio on new heights. Initially, John was hired to create short animated rollers, which would show the capabilities of the software and PIXAR equipment. The success of Pixar began with the short films "Andre and Wally B" and "Luxo, Jr.".

The turning point came when Jobs allocated money to the Tin Toy short film, which will later receive an Oscar. In 1988, Pixar introduced the RENDERMAN software product, which for a long time will be the only source of income for Steve Jobs.

At the end of 1989, the situation was that Jobs had two companies that made first-class products, but sales in both cases were left to desire the best, and the press predicted the failure and Pixar and Next.

As a result, Jobs begins to actively act. The first thing he did was have sold a permissible computer business Pixar. Part of the staff, and everything related to Pixar Image Computer computers was sold for several million Vicom. In a matter of course, Pixar has been transformed and began to engage only by animation.

Like most businessmen, Steve Jobs often opposed students. In 1989 he had a chance to read in Stanford. Jobs, as always, led the present show and looked at the stage first-class, but suddenly the moment came when he began to stuff, and many seemed to have lost the main thread of the speeches.

The whole thing was in a woman who was sitting in the hall. Her name was Lorin Powel and she liked Jobs. And not just liked, he experienced feelings that were not known to him earlier. At the end of the lecture, Steve exchanged with her phone numbers and sat down into his car. For the evening he was appointed a business meeting. But Sitting in the car Steve realized that she was doing something wrong, and that in this minute he wanted to be at all on a business meeting. As a result, Jobs Dognaal Lorin and invited the restaurant on the same day. The rest of the day they walked around the city. Subsequently, Steve and Lorin will marry.

Against the background of success in the personal life of Jobs continued to experience problems in the business sphere. At the end of the year, a regular reduction in Pixar was held. It should be noted that many employees were dismissed, but the abbreviation did not touch the animators group, at the head of which John Lasser was stood. It became clear that Steve makes a bet on them.

Steve Jobs is one of those people who listen only to themselves. He does not care anyone else's opinion, even if he is wrong. Of course, there is always a narrow circle of people who can give Steve their point of view and he listens to it, for example, now the main designer of Apple Jonathan Aiv belongs to such people.

In the early 90s, the circle of people who could argue with Steve entered the co-founder of Pixar Elvi Ray Smith. Elvi often pointed to Jobs's misses, and in the end, he was more versed in animation than Steve. Once at the Pixar Meeting, Jobs carried some nonsense, in which he did not even bother to figure out. Elvi jumped out of his place and began to prove, in which she is not the right to Steve. Here he made a mistake. Jobs has always been a strange and extraordinary person. At the meeting, he had a special white board on which he could only write. Proving his right point, Elvi began to write something on the white board of Steve. Everyone froze, after a few seconds, Jobs turned out to be opposite Smith and poured him with a mass of personal insults, which, according to those present, were not treated and were really frozen. Soon Elvi Ray Smith left Pixar, from the company that he himself founded.

A real breakthrough for Pixar has come in the early 90s when Jobs received financial support from Disney. According to the Pixar Agreement, a full-length computer cartoon was to create, and Disney took all costs associated with the promotion of the film. Considering which powerful marketing machine is Disney, it was wonderful. Jobs managed to knock out from Disney the most profitable conditions for Pixar.

In 1991, two important events occurred in the life of Steve Jobs. The 36-year-old Jobs married his 27-year-old Friend Lorin (the wedding was ascetic), and also concluded a contract with Disney studio for the production of three animation films. Under the terms of the contract, Disney took all costs to create and promote paintings. This contract became a real rescue circle for Jobs, about the fall of which all newspapers already wrote. They saw it bankrupt. No one then knew that Pixar would give Steve billions.

In 1992, Jobs realized that he could no longer finance the NEXT company further and achieved the second investment from Canon (first - 100 million) at $ 30 million. At that time, the sales of NEXT computers increased significantly, but in general, Next sold as many computers in the year as Apple for the week.

In 1993, Steve accepted an important decision (albeit hard for him) - to start gradually turn the production of personal computers Next and focus on the company's efforts on the software (it was an important decision from a historical point of view, since the NEXTSTEP operating system will be the basis for Mac OS X, which will revive Macintosh computers from the crisis).

At that time there was one person who guaranteed the success of Jobs. It was the director, an artist and animator in one person - John Lasser. Disney fought for him with all their might. But he continued to work in Pixar. In many ways, his presence in the company and served as Disney very much wanted to work with Studio Jobs Steve.

The first animated film Studio Pixar "Toy Story" came out under Christmas of 1995 and his success was stunning.

The mid-90s was terrible for Apple. At first, John Scully was dismissed, Michael Spindler lasted for a long time as president. The latter, headed by Apple, was Jill Amelio. In course, the account, the company lost the market share is not by day, but by the hour. In addition, she was already unprofitable. In this regard, the leaders were looking for someone who would buy Apple by making part of their business. Nevertheless, neither negotiations with Phillips, nor with Sun, nor with Oracle success crowned.

Jobs at that time was busy with the fact that he planned the primary placement of Pixar shares. He intended to spend it immediately after the release of the film "The Story of Toys". IPO was the only hope of Jobs at that time.

The situation around Apple was all complicated. It came to the point that at the end of 1996 Bill Gates constantly called the head of Apple Computer Jil Amelio, persuading the Windows NT operating system on the Macintosh computers.

As a result, after a long negotiations, Apple acquires Next Steve Jobs for 377 million dollars and 1.5 million shares. The main thing is that Apple was needed is the NextStep operating system and a group of people developing it (more than 300 people). Apple got all this, and Steve Jobs was appointed Advisor Jil Amelio.

However, no special changes followed. The Board of Directors included all the same people, and Apple's losses increased all. It was the best moment to overthrow Amelio. And Jobs took advantage of them. At that time, a number of unmarried articles appeared in various magazines dedicated to business, which were addressed to Jill Amelio. The Board of Directors did not tolerate him longer and announced the dismissal of Amelio. Nobody then did not remember that Amelio promised to pull Apple from the crisis for 3 years, and worked only 1.5, while significantly increasing the company's cash. But, as it turned out, there was little. At that moment, everyone became clear that Apple would head Steve Jobs, who was a Press Pretch. How else? A man who lost everything, and managed to get out of his knees and become a millionaire (thanks to Pixar). In addition, Jobs stood at the origins of Apple, which means he could inhale the fire in the eyes of all employees.

For a start, Jobs appointed CEO acting. One of the first decisions that Steve received was the bell of Bill Gates. Apple handed over Microsoft's rights to a number of user interface development, and MS has invested $ 150 million in the company's shares, and also pledged to produce new versions of Microsoft Office under Macintosh. To all this, the default browser in Mac has become Internet Explorer.

Jobs quickly took control of his hands. He closed the NEWTON non-profit project, which has been Torn Apple for many years (it was the first PDA in history, but the failed, since just ahead of time). At this point, the Board of Directors of Apple includes the old friend of Steve Jobs and the head of Oracle Larry Ellison. It has become essential support for Steve.

At the same time, the famous Advertising Apple "Think Different" appears for the first time, which remains the company's credo and today.

At the MacWorld Expo 1998 exhibition, Steve Jobs opposed visitors, talking about how things are in the company. At the end, already leaving, he said: "I almost forgot. We get a profit again. " The hall exploded with ovations.

By 1998, Pixar released four extremely successful animated films: "Toy Story", "Flik's Adventure", "Toy History 2" and "Monsters Corporation". In general, the total Pixar income at that time amounted to 2.8 billion dollars. It was the phenomenal success of Jobs Studio. In the same year, the revival of Apple began. Steve Jobs introduced the first IMAC. True, it is worth saying that the development of IMAC began before Jobs arrived in Apple at Gille Amelio. However, all merits regarding IMAC are assigned to Steve and nothing can be done with this.

The arrival of Jobs in Apple has a positive effect on the reduction of the company's production reserves, which before this was equal to $ 400 million, and after the arrival of Jobs decreased to 75 million. This happened due to the fact that Jobs carefully treated all the small details of the production process.

After the success of the IMAC computer (computer and monitor in one bottle), Apple introduced a new line of iBook portable computers. At the same time, Apple received the rights to the SoundJam MP program from C & C. Subsequently, this program will be known as iTunes and put the beginning of the popularity of the iPod players.

After the release of iTunes Apple paid attention to the MP3 player market. Steve Jobs found a company PortalPlayer and after a number of negotiations instructed it to develop a player for Apple (hardware, programmed Apple itself). So appeared iPod. During the development of Jobs, made a lot of claims to employees of Portal Player, which in course the account played only to the hand to consumers who received the best (at that time) MP3 player. At the same time it should be noted that the famous designer Jonathan Aiv from Apple is responsible for the appearance of the iPod player (now it is the main industrial designer "fruit" company). I must say that the success of all Apple products released after the return of Steve Jobs to the company is also merged Quince. Even the design of the first IMAC of his hands.

Soon the new versions of the iPod player began to be published, which became more and more popular every day.

At the same time, a new Mac OS X operating system was presented, which marked the beginning of the entire series of OS X operating systems that gave the second life with Macintosh computers.

Further story is known. iPod has become the most popular player of modernity. Macintosh computers are gaining popularity more and more, and not so long ago Apple has released its mobile phone called the iPhone, which has become a real bomb that made all the best features of the "fruit" products.

Here is a sample of several of the most interesting it, which will help you to succeed in life:

1. Steve Jobs says: "Innovation distinguishes the leader from catching up."
There are no limits to new ideas. It all depends only on your imagination. The world is constantly changing. It's time to start thinking in a new way. If you are related to the growing industry, think about the paths that give a greater result, more pleasant customers, a simpler work with them. If you are connected with the fading industry - quickly throw and change it before you lose work. And remember that the delay is inappropriate here. Start entering innovations now!

2. "Be a standard of quality. Some people were not surrounded, where innovation was the main goat. "
This is not a quick way to superiority. You must make superiority with your priority. Use your talents, opportunities and skills to make your goods the best and then you jump off competitors, add something special that they do not have. Live on higher standards, pay attention to the details that can improve the situation. It is easy to have an advantage - just decide right now to offer your innovative idea - in the future you will be amazed by how this merit will help you in life.

3. "There is only one way to do a great job - to love it. If you have not come to this, wait. Do not strive for business. As with all others, your own heart will help you to promptly prompt. "
Do what you love. Look for a lesson that will give you a sense of meaning, purposefulness and satisfaction with life. The presence of a goal and the desire to implement its implementation is an orderly. This contributes not only to improving your position, but also gives you a charge of cheerfulness and optimism. You gladly get up in the morning from bed and wait for the beginning of the new working week? If you answered "no," then look for a new lesson.

4. "You know that we eat eating other people grow. We carry clothes that other people sewed. We speak languages \u200b\u200bthat were invented by other people. We use mathematics, but they also developed other people ... I think we are all talking constantly. This is a wonderful reason to create something that might be useful humanity. "
Try to make changes in your world and maybe you will manage to change the world.

5. "This phrase from Buddhism: the opinion of the novice. Wonderful to have a novice opinion "
This is a view of an opinion that allows you to see things as they are, which constantly and in one moment can realize the initial essence of everything. Novik's opinion is the practice of Zen in action. This is an opinion that is innocent in biased opinion and expected result, evaluation and prejudice. Think about the opinion of the novice as about the opinion of a little child, who looks at life with curiosity, surprise and amazement.

6. "We think that we basically watch the TV so that the brain rested and we work at a computer when we want to turn on themeal."
A multitude of scientific research for decades was clearly confirmed that television had a detrimental effect on the psyche and morals. And most of the watching TV know that their bad habit of them will pause and kill a lot of time, but they still continue to spend a huge part of the time to view the box. Do what makes your brain think that develops it. Avoid passive pastime.

7. "I am the only person who knows what to lose a quarter of a billion dollars per year. It is very well forms a person. "
Do not identify the phrase "make mistakes" and "be a mistake". There is no such thing as a successful person who has never grunted and did not allow mistakes - there are only successful people who made mistakes, but then changed their lives and their plans, based on these very, earlier mistakes (not allowing them to continue) . They consider mistakes lesson from which they extract valuable experience. Do not allow mistakes, it means not to do anything.

8. "I would exchange all my technologies to meet with Socrates."
Over the past decade, many books showing the lessons of historical persons appeared on the shelves of bookstore stores around the world. And Socrates on a par with Leonardo da Vinci, Nikolai Copernicus, Charles Darwin and Albert Einstein is a source of inspiration for independent thinkers. But Socrates was first. Cicero spoke of Socration that "he lowered philosophy from heaven, giving it ordinary people." So, use the principles of Socrates in their own life, work, study and relationships - it will bring more truth, beauty and perfection to your everyday life.

nine. " We are here to contribute to this world. And otherwise why are we here?»
Do you know that you have good things to incarnate? And do you know that these good things were abandoned while you poured one more cup of coffee, and made a decision just think about it instead of embody her in reality? We are all born with the gift to give him life. This gift, well, or this thing is your vocation, your goal. And you do not need a decree on solving this goal. Neither your boss nor the teacher nor the parents, no one can solve it for you. Just find this only goal.

10. " Your time is limited, do not waste it live another life. Do not fall on the trick hook, which exists on the thinking of other people. Do not allow the views of others to drown out your own inner voice. And it is very important to have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They are somehow already knowing what you really want to do. Everything else is secondary.»
Are you tired of living someone else's dream? Undoubtedly, this is your life and you have the full right to spend it as you want without any obstacles and barriers from others. Give yourself the opportunity to develop your creative talents in free from fear and pressure atmosphere. Live the life you choose and where you yourself are the owner of your destiny.

Stud's stories Jobs

Speech by Steve Jobs in front of graduates of Stanford 2005 (part of the first)

Speech by Steve Jobs in front of graduates of Stanford 2005 (part two)

In a short statement of the Board of Directors, Apple says - " His shine, energy and passion became a source of countless innovations that enriched and improved the life of each of us. The world has become immeasurably better thanks to Steve. His greatest love was his wife Lauren and his family. Our hearts are now with them and with everyone who touched his extraordinary talents».

Fans and fans of Steve Jobs reacted on the news of his death. On the site created by them Stem Jobs Day (, its authors offer to be considered the day of Steve Jobs on October 14, when the iPhone 4s should go on sale.

Wear a black turtleneck, blue jeans, sneakers and go to school, in college. Take a picture in this form, lay out a picture in Twitter, Facebook. To tell about the place of Apple, Steve Jobs and his inventions in the life of everyone. So there will be the schedule of day on October 14 in millions of admirers of Geniya Jobs.

Mark Zuckerberg : " Steve, thank you for being a mentor and friend. Thanks for the fact that you have demonstrated: what you do can change the world. I will miss you».

Former colleagues, friends and politicians - everyone speaks and write today only about Jobs.

Barack Obama: " Steve stands in a number of the greatest American innovators - quite brave to think not as everything is strong enough to believe in their abilities to change the world, and good enough to do it».

Bill Gates : " Steve and I first met about 30 years ago. We were colleagues, competitors and friends for more than half of our lives. To be friends and working with Jobs was insanely great honor. Rarely there are people who manage to leave such a deep mark, like Steve, and its influence will be felt throughout many generations. I will be very bored on Steve».

Arnold Schwarzenegger: « Steve lived in the California dream every day. He changed the world and inspired us to follow his example. Thank you, Steve».

Dmitry Medvedev: " People like Steve Jobs change our world. My sincere condolences to the loved ones and everyone who appreciated his mind and talent».

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Steve Jobs is an American entrepreneur, an inventor and industrial designer who has received widespread recognition as a pioneer of the Era of Information Technologies.

Jobs received the greatest fame, as one of the founders of Apple Corporation and Pixar film studio. Many consider it a real revolutionary in the field of mobile gadgets, as well as a brilliant marketer.

Education and first work

In 1972, Jobs entered the RID-College in Portland, but was expelled from him in six months. It was associated with too expensive learning, which was unbearable for his parents.

After leaving the Rid-College, Steve began seriously interested in Eastern spiritual practices. In addition, he refused to eat meat and repeatedly arranged experiments with starvation.

Interesting the fact that Jobs liked to spend his free time with Hippie, listening with them "The Beatles" who were at the peak of popularity.

In 1975, Jobs began to improve the electric hammers for video game. He was to upgrade the fee, minimizing the number of chips located on it.

For the elimination of each chip, ATARI paid $ 100. But since Steve was poorly understood in the development of electronic circuits, he was forced to turn to the womens.

As a rule, no one month was required to fulfill this work, but he convinced a friend to cope with the task for 4 days. As a result, after 4 days of reinforced work, it was planted to optimize the fee for the game.

For such an outstanding result, the company paid Jobs $ 5,000, but he told his comrade that he received only $ 700, after which it divided this amount in half.

Thus, in his hands there was a lot of money, which allowed him to quit work.

Career Jobsa

When Steve Jobs turned 20 years old, he first saw the Wozniak's computer, which he created his own hands. Then friends seriously thought about selling such equipment.

However, for this I needed starting capital. Say some personal items, they were able to accumulate $ 1300.

After that, the guys found the customer, ready to buy with more than 50 computers. To fulfill this order, they had to take a loan, because it was necessary to purchase a lot of materials.

After 10 days, the inventors managed to sell part of the computers that they decided to call "Apple 1". The price of each of them was $ 666.

At the same time, IBM starts a mass release of computers. Then Jobs thought about how to get ahead of a competitor and get the winner in this difficult race.

Millionaire in 25 years

By that time, Wozniak was able to improve his PC, as a result of which "Apple 2" was released. This model turned out to be more quickly and had the best design.

As a result, Apple technique began to spread around the world, and the number of their computers exceeded 5 million copies. This event was one of the most significant in the biographies of Steve Jobs.

At the age of 25, he and his friend Steve Wozniak became millionaires.

Inventors did not stop on the results achieved, and on the contrary, continued to modernize their products.

Soon there was a new PC "Lisa", which Steve called in honor of his daughter.

Later, his colleagues Mark Markulla, who invested in Apple more than $ 250,000, and Scott Forestall conducted a company reorganization and decided to remove Jobs.


After dismissal, he began to cooperate with Jeff Raskin. Together with him, he wanted to create a portable car that would have small dimensions and could be placed in a small suitcase. Later this device was called "Macintosh".

It is worth noting that conflicts often arose between Jobs and Raskin, since Jobs had already been a very demanding and principal boss.

As a result, Raskin was fired, and later due to disagreements, John Scully and Wozniak were also quitred.


After that, Jobs formed the NEXT company, which occupied hardware.

In 1986, he became the head of the Pixar Animation Studio, on which many popular cartoons were shot.

Soon, Apple announced that it would buy NEXT for $ 427 million. The transaction was completed at the end of 1996, and Jobs was represented by the Apple team as the Chair Advisor.

Return to Apple.

Movement immediately began to be felt in the company: production was reduced, a series of personnel replacements and permutations was followed.

It became clear that Jobs would try to return Apple to himself, although he himself called himself only a "consultant" and completely disgraced from claims to power, referring to employment in Pixar and the need to give more time to the family.

At the same time, Jobs quickly managed to hold people devoted to him to key positions in the company and acquired an unambiguous reputation: he became in Apple with gray cardinal.

After a little time, he received the position of the Apple Managing Company by entering the Board of Directors. Interesting the fact that in 2000, Jobs got into the Guinness Book of Records, as the director with the smallest salary - $ 1 per year.

In 2001, Jobs introduced the world a MR3 player called "iPod", which was incredible popularity. The player had unique specifications, a magnificent design and a large amount of memory.

After that, in the biography of Steve Jobs, a series of bright events related to innovative developments took place.

Apple introduced the Apple TV media player, and a touchscreen phone "iPhone" appeared on sale. Less than a year, the company has developed the most subtle laptop "MacBook Air".

Genius Jobs

Researchers have always been interested in the question of why Apple products have long occupied the leading positions on the world electronics market, leaving far behind all competitors.

When answering this question, it is impossible not to admit that it was possible only thanks to Steve Jobs.

Jobs attached great importance to appearance and interface of its devices. Apple's products were unique in its kind, and it could not be confused with any other brand.

Steve always thought a few steps forward and tried to anticipate the consumer's desire. It is worth noting that he often used other people's work, which he brought before the introduction to the ideal.

You can remember one interesting fact from the biography of Steve Jobs, who fully reveals his marketer talent. In 2010, they were represented by the iPad tablet, as a full-fledged alternative to the laptop.

However, the audience was little interested gadget. The situation became more complicated by the fact that he actively advertised his netbooks, claiming that the future was worth them.

Here I just showed the oratorical talent of Jobs. He was so masterfully described iPad that literally the word forced People buy him.

As a result, in just one year, the tablet acquired more than 15 million people, which became a practically record indicator in.

Personal life

At the age of 17, Steve Jobs met Chris Ann Brennan, which treated Hippie. Together they mastered different oriental practices, and also traveled by the hitchhiker.

In 1978 they had Lisa girl born. Interesting the fact that initially Jobs categorically denied her fatherhood, stating that Chris met not only with him. As a result of litigation and the holding of the genetic test, it turned out that it was his father.

When Lisa rose, Steve laid quite well with her, and the story with the denial of his fatherhood recalled with annoyance:

"I was not worthwhile. Then I did not imagine myself with my father and was not ready for this. If now it was possible to change everything, I would, of course, behaved better. "

In 1982, Steve began a novel with an artist Joan Baez, but their relationships stopped after 3 years.

After that, he met Tina Reds, which fell in love with first glance. At that time, she worked as a computer consultant, and most importantly - also fond of hippie subculture.

There were feelings between them, however, it did not reach the wedding. When Steve Jobs made her the proposal of Tina refused him and their relationship stopped.

In 1989, Jobs met and began to meet with Lauren Powell, who was a bank employee. A year later, they decided to get married. Later, they had a reed boy (1991), as well as two girls - Erin (1995) and Yves (1998).

Death of Jobs.

In October 2003, Jobs had a pancreatic cancer. Doctors unequivocally insisted on trying to urgently operate it.

However, he refused the operation for 9 months, preferring to use the methods of non-traditional. Subsequently, he very sorry about it.

He spent his last speech on June 6, 2011, and on August 24, he announced his care from the CEO Apple post.

Fully focused on the fight against terrible ailment, he used different methods of treatment, but it was not possible to defeat the disease.

Some researchers call Jobs "the greatest entrepreneur of our time", and put it in one row with such personalities like Thomas Edison and Henry Ford.

Jobs Statue in Graphisoft Park in Budapest

In 2013, the film "Jobs: Empire Temptation" was filmed, based on the facts from his biography.

In 2011, Graphisoft presented in Budapest the world's first bronze statue of Steve Jobs, calling him one of the greatest figures of modernity.

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