Passenger carriage made of cardboard - TT scale (1: 120). How to make a model of a railway (train, steam locomotive, wagon, station) Wagon made of cardboard

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The passenger carriage is designed to transport people. They are built of metal, trimmed inside with precious woods, plastic, artificial leather, have good ventilation, electric lighting, radio, service compartment. The seating position can be easily converted into sleeping areas. The carriages are painted mostly green, sometimes dark red. They have good shock absorption, so there is no unpleasant shaking while driving. Passenger cars are mounted on two two-axle bogies. For the model, paper is used, taking into account the traditional coloring of the cars.

The proposed model has been simplified, the roof structure has been changed in order to facilitate work. First, the end walls of the car are prepared, then the body is cut out, bends are made along the ruler. The roof is made of a wide strip of paper, in the middle, along the long side, a small fold is made. Installation is not difficult. End piece valves

grease with glue and attach to the walls of the car, then glue the roof. The car is mounted on two biaxial bogies, which are prepared in advance. The finished model produces

finishing (fig. 99).

Tatiana Gurova

Wheels knock, knock

Our the train rushes into the distance,

And the smoke from the steam locomotive

Whitish veil.

He closed the floor of the sky from us

And the steam locomotive "Tu-tu, -

Buzzing, - "I'm before lunch

I'll bring the kids.

I'll come to the station

Without delay, on time,

Then I'll go to the depot,

And I'll sleep there for an hour "

I. Shevchuk

We take the sheet paper A4 format and fold in half

Then, unfold the sheet and bend both sides to the middle.

Form a rectangle and cut it out of the strip paper windows, paste

Then we cut out the circles and also glue them.

That's it, one trailer is ready. Other trailers are made according to this principle.

When we did train, the guys themselves cut out the windows from the strip paper, and the wheels are made of squares.

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For work you will need: scissors, colored crepe paper, a glue brush, glue, black cardboard, cardboard for a template, a board, a stick for.

"Making a train from colored paper with your own hands." Master class with step by step photos

Degtyartseva Natalya Vasilievna, teacher of MAU DO DDTT
Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia - Alania
The work is intended for children aged 7 and older, teachers and parents.
Purpose: toy, interior decoration, gift for family and friends, exhibit for the exhibition of technical creativity.
Purpose: make a train from colored paper with your own hands.
Tasks: educational - to master the technique of manufacturing a steam locomotive and a trailer; developing - to develop the practical skills of learning children when working with scissors, to develop fine motor skills, imagination and fantasy of the child; educational - to bring up an aesthetic taste.
Materials and tools: colored paper, scissors, glue, ruler, pencil, eraser, compasses.

Riddles for children.

Brothers are equipped for a visit,
They clung to each other
And rushed off on a long way
They only left the smoke.

Far far away
On the railroad track
Maybe this fellow
Take the whole village away.

Behind the haze
Behind the whistle
The brothers run in single file.
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Passengers are transported into the distance.

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Lost in the steppes.
A clear voice
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I ran a thousand miles.
She unhooked the long tail.

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I ran a hundred miles
She unhooked the long tail. (Train)

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Knock knock knock.
Round heel clicks.
With a funny song
On an iron ladder.

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Carries goods carefully.
In the rain, blizzard, heat, frost
The hard worker is racing - ... (steam locomotive)

Step-by-step progress of making a train.

Manufacturing of a steam locomotive.
Departing from the narrow edge of the A4 sheet by 1 cm, bend the sheet on both sides of the ruler. Putting the ruler with the left edge on the second bend, bend it again. Let's make four bends this way.

Having received four wide strips, cut off the excess part of the sheet along the last bend. Bend the edge of the sheet, stepping back 1 cm from the left edge, and then bend the sheet on the other side of the ruler.

Cut off the excess part of the paper, leaving 1 cm fields for gluing in the middle square. Cut the edges of the square to the line, as shown in the photo.

We glue the side parts of the square. Let's shorten the main part of the locomotive cabin by cutting it to the width of a ruler on the right side of the part.

We glue the edges of the long strips, getting a column. We glue the roof to the post. The engine cabin is ready.

To make a window, we will prepare a square with a side of 2.5 cm from colored paper, and a square with a side of 1.5 cm from white paper. For the door, cut a 7x2.5cm rectangle and 1cm strip for the handle. For the front part of the locomotive, bend, stepping back from the edge by 1 cm above and below a square with a side of 4 or 5 cm. Cut the folded parts of the sheet for gluing.

We glue the prepared square into a tube. We will glue a window and a door on the locomotive cabin.

On a 6x5cm rectangle we will glue a colored strip, 1.5cm wide. On the previously prepared wide pipe, stick along the edges of a strip, 0.5 cm wide.

Glue the small pipe in the center of the large pipe. Glue the large pipe, bending the edges, to the locomotive cabin. On the free edge of a large pipe, glue a piece of paper in the shape of a square.

Let's make a strip 3x7cm. We twist the edges of the strip in different directions with scissors, getting an eight.

We will make wheels for wheels with a radius of 1.5 cm and 0.7 cm.

Cut off the extra edges of the square on the large pipe of the steam locomotive, glue the wheels and the figure eight, as shown in the photo. The locomotive is ready.

Wagon manufacturing.
Departing from the top edge by 1 cm, bend the sheet on both sides of the ruler. Then the sheet on both sides, putting a ruler to the right and left of the edge of the sheet. Cut the lower part of the sheet to the width of the ruler. To do this, draw a line at the bottom of the sheet. Let's make cuts as shown in the photo.

From the second of the same sheet, we will leave only the middle part, cutting off the excess bends, as shown in the photo.

Cut off small rectangles from the sides of the first piece.

We glue the side parts on the first part, as shown in the photo.

Glue the second piece to the top of the first piece.

We glue the side parts of the car to each other.

Let's make a 11x5 cm rectangle for the door and two 7x5 cm rectangles for the windows. From white paper we will make a rectangle for the door window 3x6cm and for the car windows - two rectangles
3.5x5.5cm. Let's make a strip for the inscription of the direction of the train 1.5x9 cm.

We will glue the details of the door and windows to the carriage.

Let's make six wheels according to the previously proposed sample. The diameter of the large circle is 5cm, the small one is 3cm. We glue the wheels along the edge of the car and in the middle. The car is ready.

We glue the car to the mounting eight on the locomotive.

Our train is ready.

Prototyping is a very interesting activity.

I have always dreamed of making a model of a railway since childhood, in reality I made only a few spans of the experimental tracks. Unfortunately, during my work, I encountered many problems and scarce details, in this article I want to discuss with you the most frequent questions when creating a layout of a railroad bed and transport.

In second issue of ModelMen magazine I published an article and a few photos from the site of one experienced modeller, he builds models of railways and participates in exhibitions with his creations. Even looking at the photos of the layout, you can already determine the amount of work for yourself, make a list of tools and materials. I will not give the entire list of necessary things at once, because it may not be complete, let's better analyze together what is made of what.


The model of the railroad track must stand on something, therefore, at the very beginning, it is necessary to design the base (table) for the model. The base can be solid and collapsible. It is easier to make a solid base, but then you need to decide in advance on the room for the layout, it should be a spacious room in case of expansion.

For the base, you need legs; you can take them from old school desks or make them yourself. The entire structure can be easily made from plywood and wooden blocks. For fasteners you will need screws, metal corners. To make a collapsible model, you will have to smash your head over the base device and how to transport it.


You will need many different tools to work:

A hammer
- screwdrivers
- nippers and pliers
- chisels
- files
- spatulas
- scissors
- knives
- brushes
- soldering iron
- and etc.

Railroad bed

In order for the trains to move in the right direction, we need rails, they can be purchased ready-made in specialized stores for modelers. If you, like me, do not have such stores in your city, then you can buy them through online stores or go for them yourself. As a last resort, you will have to make the rails yourself.

The easiest construction option is to use ready-made rails, they are glued or nailed to the base with small nails, the joints can be soldered and cleaned with a file.

If there are no ready-made rails, then you need to think about how to make them yourself, you can take the dimensions of the rails that are sold in stores and make your own. For sleepers, you will need to saw a lot of thin pieces, this can be done on a small machine. The rail itself must conduct current, so it is advisable to make it from thick copper wire, which can be rolled on a hand-held machine to a rectangular section. You can attach the rail to the sleepers using good glue or solder it to the nails driven into the sleepers, this can be done after 3-4 sleepers.

Electrical equipment

For the movement of the train, an electric current is piped, unless of course you are making a steam locomotive. Factory and homemade power supplies are used as a power source (see. schemes , radio engineering), the output voltage should not be dangerous, usually a power supply unit up to 16 volts is used, for small models 6 - 9 volts are enough.

The train is driven by an electric motor, it can be taken from broken toys or purchased at a radio store. Electricity is supplied to the engine from two rails, the voltage is removed from them using two or more meters or from the metal wheels of the train itself.

Copper wires and connectors will be needed for wiring electricity to the layout (base).

In addition to the trains themselves, the layout may contain traffic lights, barriers, lanterns and other elements that need electricity. Before wiring, carefully think over every detail, after installation it will be too late to lead the wires, you will have to chicken the layout.


Landscaping is an integral part of a good layout and should be given special attention. To be similar to reality, you need to work hard on imitation of hills, vegetation, buildings, little people, vehicles, etc.

Many parts can be used ready-made, i.e. take toy cars, figurines of people, also in children's stores you can buy figurines of animals, trees ...

To imitate hills, mountains, etc., you will need plywood, plaster of paris, papier-mâché, fiberglass, acrylic paints and other finishing materials.


Models of buildings can also be purchased at toy stores or made yourself from wood, cardboard, papier-mâché, plywood, etc.

Modelers often take real train stations as a model, photograph them and turn them into miniatures on the table.

On the site I will periodically publish my own and the developments you sent, you are probably interested in information on how to make a model of a train, traffic lights, trees, bridges and other elements for the railway. And also I will publish electrical diagrams, photographs and drawings of old and new trains.