What is better than MDF or tree. Veneer or array: What is better? Factory manufacturing technology

Before choosing furniture for the kitchen, you need to think about the loads that occur in it. During cooking, droplets of water, fat and other liquids fall on the surface of the headset. That is why the furniture should be not only beautiful, but also practical in cleaning. Today, manufacturing materials may be used for the manufacture of a modern kitchen headset: an array of natural wood, MDF, chipboard panels (wood-chip). To improve the house, the first two options are best to choose the first two options, since the chipboard is characterized by low resistance to moisture and mechanical effects. If you wish to choose high-quality furniture for the kitchen, then you should turn to professional manufacturers or shops. You can pick up kitchens in Minsk Prices You will be delighted. It is important to choose the right raw material for the manufacture, the shape of the kitchen headset (corner, direct, P-shaped model), the dimensions of each component, as well as all boxes and other storage systems. Consider which kitchen is better: based on MDF or natural wood, the technical characteristics of different options, advantages and negative sides.

The main characteristics of the furniture from the array

Recently, furniture based on an array is increasingly used. Modern products are manufactured on the basis of high-quality, pre-treated tree grades, which increases the operational parameters of the selected kitchen. In our country, products based on pine or larch are most often used. Data of wood varieties do not have a high cost, so you can even equip a large kitchen inexpensively. The advantages of the use of natural wood can be attributed: environmental friendliness, high quality, presentable appearance, reliability and durability. Some experts argue that the array is too much to be increased moisture, so in the kitchen facades the headset can quickly deteriate. Another disadvantage is a specific appearance. It is very difficult to choose furniture that is suitable for High-tech or minimalism.

What materials make cheap beds from? This is usually a chipboard or a pine massif. Two options from which consumers are given the opportunity to choose the most suitable. And to decide on the choice, you should know the features and chipboard, and the array. So we will deal with the study of their properties.


The production of chipboard involves the use of a special mixture as a raw material consisting of chips and resins. It passes through the pressing stage, resulting in a stove.

Even with such a simple consideration of the manufacturing process, it becomes clear that:

  • the stove has insufficient strength (especially in fasteners use);
  • the use of resin can be unsafe provided its not enough good quality (which can be found among unscrupulous manufacturers).

All owners of furniture from chipboard know how it is not easy to re-fasten the screw so that the sawdust and fastener did not get twisted again. If you are, for example, you plan, the mount of which increases the number of holes, then be prepared for the problem of the slab scattering in the plates.

The problem of using a resin as a sepulating substance can also be for someone the reason for the abandonment of furniture from the chipboard. There is a standard that determines the norm of discharge of these substances. But there is no guarantee that all manufacturers strive for this norm, so it will not be superfluous to look at the certificate of conformity.

The obvious advantage is cheaper furniture, but it should not be chased when it comes to health.

Array of wood

If you compare an array of furniture with chipboard, you can immediately identify such advantages as:

  • environmental friendliness due to natural origin;
  • practicality, expressing strength and greater than that of the chipboard, resistant to moisture;
  • aesthetic attractiveness caused by a non-repeating pattern of wood.

The tree is sufficiently susceptible to the appearance of scratches, chips and other mechanical damage, but also the chipboard in this regard is not perfect. But the price is quite comparable to furniture made of wood-chipboard, if for comparison we take an array of pine, and not any valuable wood.


Because at the price of the bed of pine and chipboard are in one category, it is preferable to look out products from the wood array at least according to the principle of greater strength in fasteners, not to mention the safety of raw materials. Although, subject to the compliance with the industrial norms, the chipboard can also be qualified as quite harmless material.

New solutions, materials, approaches to design - form a high-level market. This applies primarily by the production of kitchen headcards. Masters to the smallest things are thought of the concept of creating furniture so that it is ergonomic, beautiful and durable.

The most common and appropriate materials for the manufacture of heads for many years remains an array, MDF and plastic.

Pros and cons kitchen from MDF

High demand among buyers use. Moreover, only furniture facades are produced from MDF material. The rest is the frame and the inner finish is made from LDSP.

MDF - durable and reliable material, which is obtained by pressing wood chips under high temperature. In the process of production from sawdust, lignin stands out, which glues them with each other. The result is a tight sheet.

From 17,856 rub.

From 21,229 rub.

The resulting cloth is then made up by applying various materials: plastic, PVC films, cover enamel, acrylic film or paint. Quite a lot of kitchen design options.

Lifetime and resistance to mechanical effects in MDF with different coatings - heterogeneous.

Pluses of film coating:

  1. Bright and rich shades.
  2. The ability to design facades in different colors: monophonic, combined, two-color and others.
  3. Do not absorb third-party smells.
  4. Moisture resistant.
  5. Do not be spoiled with sharp temperature differences.
  6. Do not distinguish toxins.
  7. Bright and reflect light.


  1. Unstable to mechanical damage: a random blow can lead to chips, deep cracks and scratches.
  2. It is necessary to constantly wash and polish, because even with a slight touch of hand to the surface, fingerprints and divorces remain.
  3. High price.
  4. The inability to restore facades at home.

The coating MDF PVC film also has its own positive and negative sides:

  • You can make a kitchen in any color and make a visual relief of the coating: under the skin, wood, patina, stone and more.
  • Quickly cleaned.
  • During washing, you can use potent cleaning products, solid sponges and brushes.
  • Color for a long time saves its tone - about 30 years.
  • Resistant to low and high temperatures (up to 100 degrees).
  • Do not fear moisture.


  • At temperatures above 100 degrees, the film flaps or folds.
  • It is impossible to place the kitchen under the right UV rays.

Pros and cons kitchens from plastic

Deservedly enjoy high demand, despite the high cost.

Plastic is glued on the MDF-web or chipboard in different color styles. The first option is dear, the second is cheap.

From 28,211 rub.

From 22,205 rub.

For the sheat use 2 types of plastic:

  • Rolled (budget option) - thin, continuing and short-lived.
  • Sheet - compacted, hard and not afraid of shocks.

Plastic headsets are produced in different styles. However, popular is considered:

  • Ampire - Slim and tender shades, intricate drawings and patterns are viewed. Such furniture has smooth features.
  • High-tech - there are many elements from plastic, glass and metal. Characterized strict features.
  • Classic is the simultaneous combination of standard and strictness in style.


  1. High strength - withstand almost any loads.
  2. Moisture resistance - an important indicator for kitchen furniture.
  3. Color durability - does not fade under UV rays.
  4. Easy cleaning - quickly wash with any means.
  5. A large range of color shades and exterior trim.
  6. Light weight - such headsets can be independently rearranged and moving.


  1. If the headset is lined with glossy plastic, it is difficult to wash it.
  2. Polymer or aluminum edges are darked over time.
  3. Between the edges and facades, in the cracks, hard-to-reach dirt accumulates.
  4. High cost - it concerns high-quality sheet plastic. Rolled plastic - an order of magnitude cheaper.

Pros and cons kitchens from the massif

Categories the category of expensive and elite furniture. The array of oak Russian origin is especially valued. The most fiscal option is a kitchen of birch. Average price - pine headsets, ash, alder and beech.

Wooden furniture is made longer, since the raw material is subjected to long drying.

From 27,300 rub.

From 30,786 rub.

Pros of headlights from the array:

  1. Environmentally friendly - manufactured without synthetic additives.
  2. "Live" furniture - highlights oxygen into room.
  3. Lifetime - over 40 years.
  4. Stylish and rich appearance.
  5. It is possible to make milling and stucco on the facades.
  6. Durable and dense - oppose many damage.
  7. Defects are easily eliminated - scratches, cracks.
  8. Special processing of wood does not allow fungi and insects to spread over the furniture.


  1. Heavy and massive furniture.
  2. High price.
  3. Sensitive to sharp temperature differences.
  4. Regular and thorough care.
  5. It is necessary to specifically select detergents.
  6. You need to periodically twist the fittings.
  7. You can not put hot dishes.
  8. It is important to follow the moisture content in the kitchen. For a headset from an array - optimally 50-70%.
Choose the best kitchen for your home.

So, you decided to get a new headroom, but do not know how to choose good furniture and what kind of kitchen material is better - plastic, MDF, or an array.

Kitchens must comply with 4 main criteria: high wear resistance, functionality, attractive appearance and ease of operation.

7 steps on the way to perfect cuisine:

  1. Make room measurements before visiting furniture salons or call the measurement to the house.
  2. Make an approximate planning headset - draw the layouts of the future kitchen.
  3. Choose material for facades, apron and countertops. What exactly the material is best suitable for your kitchen - tells our specialist furniture factory.
  4. Think over the filling of cabinets and boxes for the maximum functionality of the headset.
  5. Those thoroughly think what household appliances will be in the kitchen.
  6. Order furniture production to order, preferably without prepayment.
  7. Wait for shipping and assembly, and enjoy cooking dishes on a new kitchen.


How to distinguish natural wooden furniture from a painted chipboard?

Today is rare. The stores are usually represented by products from composite materials such as chipboard and MDF. At best, manufacturers use veneer - thin sheets of natural wood, which are covered by parts from chipboard and MDF.

Since the furniture from the massif is much more expensive than the one that is made according to "modern technologies", unscrupulous delints can enter the buyer to delusion, issuing cheaper raw materials for natural wood.

Chipboard is a common composite material for the production of furniture, which is compressed wood particles, mixed with binding substances of non-amineral origin, sometimes with the inclusion of special additives. DSP plates are widely used to make cabinet furniture. This material is not "bad", it is simply much cheaper than natural wood and has both advantages and disadvantages. For example, chipboard is resistant to moisture. The strength characteristics of the material are quite high, but inferior to the corresponding properties of natural wood. Oddly enough, the combustibility of chipboard is lower than that of the array. In addition, the material is not affected by pests. The advantage of the chipboard is the stability of structures. Products retain the form for a long time and do not change their sizes (if the furniture is installed indoors). The quality of the chipboard depends on the production technology, the type of raw materials, from the density and number of layers (plate thickness).

The optimal solution is the manufacture of combined furniture. The facades are performed from solid rock solid array (for example, cherries), and internal elements from high-quality MDSP (thickness of at least 18 mm). Countertops, for example, it is inappropriate to produce from the array, so they are made either from a joinery plate, or from a knieged chipboard with a hoist. You can also perform a tabletop from MDF with natural veneer and padded.

Distinguish furniture from chipboard is quite simple.

Firstly, Plates give ends. Of course, they are artificially disguised, however, still remain rectangular. Therefore, if all the ends with the "sharp" angles are to doubt the "naturalness" of such products.

SecondlyIt is necessary to carefully examine the quality of the ends. If adhesive glands or the upper decorative layer are selected, the furniture is clearly not from the array, besides low-quality.

Third difference - "Same" drawing. This wood cannot be periodically repeated "ideal" patterns. Attentive examination of the furniture sometimes leads to interesting discoveries. Some manufacturers are so saved on the materials that they do not even distort the close of the chipboard. Of course, this not only reduces furniture service life, but also adversely affects the environmental situation in the house. Such furniture to install in residential premises is in no case.

The conscientious manufacturer and the seller always informs the buyer about the materials from which products are made, and can provide certificates confirming the authenticity and quality of raw materials and the furniture itself. Come to the selection of interior items carefully, and then they will delight you for many years.

What is able to create a cozy atmosphere in the house, give positive emotions, the feeling of unity with nature and present warm? Of course, beautiful, beloved from childhood wooden, and first of all -. Heat wood will make your bed with a favorite place in the house to which you will strive every evening. However, a wooden bed, so similar to the real tree, not always fully for them, because often natural material is too expensive, and substitutes come to the rescue - chipboard and MDF. About all these subtleties and will tell you our article.

Furniture from the massif

Natural wood is high quality, environmental friendliness and beauty that fill your bedroom in unique aroma, freshness and warmth. With this method of manufacturing furniture, only high-quality, carefully polished and dried wood, which can be either individual pieces connected to the glue board (because the material is called "gluedboard"), or one-piece boards.

Furniture made of natural wood will make your bedroom unique and unique, because this supportive material is often decorated with carvings and handmade patterns that you will not meet anywhere else. Yes, and natural patterns of wood of different rocks differ significantly from each other with color, texture and lines, such a property is simultaneously their disadvantage, and their advantage. The dignity lies in the originality and natural beauty of the pattern of a tree, and the disadvantage - in the complexity of the choice of the rest of the furniture: if the entire headset was immediately bought (that is, not only a bed, but also, for example, a wardrobe, chest of drawers, a bedside table), then pick up harmoniously suitable colors And the patterns will be very difficult.

However, the beds from the array may vary in quality, strength and other indicators depending on the chosen tree of the tree. Of the best for the production of furniture, of course, noble breeds like a mahogany tree, birch, ash, as the strength of them is maximum, over time such a bed will not start to creak or stagger, and the surface will retain its beauty, nobility and elegant drawing for a long time.

Cheaper, and therefore the popular option is. Pine is distinguished by some softness, which often negatively affects the strength of the structures made from it. In particular, over time, screw connections are loosened, letters, cracks, irregularities appear when drying.

For the durability of furniture from the massif and pay is appropriate, which may not afford not everyone. And lovers change the situation is also unlikely to seem comfortable. Therefore, there is a more economical option - beds from tree substitutes, namely from chipboard and MDF.

Furniture from chipboard

The chipboard, which is more often referred to as the "chipboard", is a proclinted and compressed wooden chips or tyrus, many unloved for the presence in its composition of the adhesive. However, it is important to know that harmful substances evaporate basically cheap stamps applied by unscrupulous companies. Carrying on their clients of the factory, which is important to their reputation, are used in production only proven, confirmed by certificates of quality and hygiene products.

Choosing its manufacturer with the mind and full responsibility, you do not lose and get a quality product. In the convenience and practicalness, the chipboard does not have to doubt, no wonder most of today's furniture (and no exception) is made from it. By the way, the Massif Podsp is not inferior to anything.

The chipboard also applied various coatings - veneer or special film. What does it give? Veneer, that is, a thin cut woody layer, makes the chipboard as much as possible to the array. With a plastic or laminated film with a pattern of a DSP tree turns into a chipboard, or a laminated wood chipboard. LDSP is surprisingly similar to the noble breeds of wood, it has greater durability and scratch-resistant.

With all the external similarity with an array of chipboard, it is not difficult to distinguish from it. Outdoor furniture from a chipboard ends having an exceptionally rectangular shape, because the surface of the chipboard can only be flat, no rounds or patterns are assumed.

MDF in furniture

Another substitute for a natural wood array is MDF, the name is from the English name of Medium Density Fideboard, which is translated as "wood-shaped medium density stove". For beds from MDF, soft rounded shapes, jewelry, thread, because fine wood, from which it is produced, easily takes any form during the manufacturing process and is well processed. For this reason, the MDF is often used for facades and decorative elements that imitate wood threads, which allows you to create a beautiful