The death of Mayakovsky: the tragic finale of the poet. Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

The fact remains indisputable: a shot in a communal apartment, where the working room of Vladimir Mayakovsky was located, sounded 85 years ago on April 14, 1930 at 10 hours and 17 minutes. The bullet hit the heart. Arrived" Ambulance"stated death. A version of suicide immediately arose. Especially since a suicide note was found next to the poet:

"To everyone. Don't blame anyone for dying and please don't gossip. The deceased didn't like this terribly. Mom, sisters and comrades, I'm sorry, this is not the way (I don't advise others), but I have no way out"

Will not fulfilled

Still, it was not without gossip. The romantic version of the poet's death has become one of the most popular in hot pursuit. They gossip that he was rejected by his last lover, and also that he suffered from a venereal disease. To refute the already completely absurd unhealthy version, I even had to conduct a second autopsy. But no venereal diseases were found in Mayakovsky. In his personal life, there really were unrest, but rather of a pleasant nature: Mayakovsky was carried away by the 22-year-old artist of the Moscow Art Theater Veronika Polonskaya. And, apparently, the young lady reciprocated, although she did not agree to leave her husband, as the poet demanded. She was the last one who saw Mayakovsky alive - she left the room a few moments before the shot, hurried to the rehearsal.

Is it suicide?

Hearing the shot, Polonskaya immediately returned. The main opponent of the version of suicide, journalist Valentin Skoryatin, claims that Mayakovsky was in love and made plans, which means he could not decide on such a desperate step. As other evidence of his version, Skoryatin cites the first testimony of the young actress: "Then none of those present heard Polonskaya talking about the revolver in the hands of the poet when she ran out of the room." According to the journalist, she was subsequently forced to change her testimony. In addition, Skoryatin cites different testimonies about the location of the body: initially, witnesses claimed that the poet's body lay "with its feet to the door", those who came later - that "head to the door." From which the journalist concludes that the body was moved, and moved not by chance - but to avert the suspicion that the shot was fired by someone else who suddenly appeared at the door. As the main suspect, Skoryatin considers the head of the secret department of the GPU Agranov. It was he who arrived at the crime scene after the young actress. The researcher of Mayakovsky's death suggests that Agranov could hide in the back room, and then exit through the back door.

Journalist Skoryatin did not believe in the authenticity of the will, he considered it a forgery. According to Skoryatin, Mayakovsky was killed. For what? For the increasingly visible disappointment in the Soviet system, the journalist concludes. According to him, “notes of tragic disappointment burst into his “party books” more and more often, and he sang of reality more and more strained. But the satirical denunciation of “rubbish” grew stronger.

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With the breakup Soviet Union the version that Mayakovsky was killed sounded from new force. At the same time, it turned out that the examination of the shirt that Mayakovsky was wearing at the time of his death had never really been carried out. Until the 1950s, the shirt was kept first by the wife of the poet Lily Brik, then in the Mayakovsky Museum. Results of a study conducted by experts from the Federal Center for Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation were published in the new century. The main conclusion is that the nature of the traces and the absence of signs of self-defense are characteristic of a shot fired own hand. It is possible to stage a suicide, experts admitted, it is possible to stage individual tracks. But it is impossible to take into account everything, including single drops of blood found on the shirt and characteristic of the traces that the hand, spattered with blood, leaves when moving down.

However, one question remained unsolved, who and why replaced the gun in the case of Mayakovsky's suicide. The change has also become known in our time. Experts were approached by employees of the State Mayakovsky Museum with a request to investigate the "Browning", which was transferred along with bullets and a cartridge case from the Presidential Archive, from the materials of the investigation file of Vladimir Mayakovsky. At the same time, in the materials themselves, in particular, in the inspection report, a revolver of the Mauser system appears. The examination showed that it was the Mauser that fired. So who changed the material evidence? One of the plausible hypotheses was put forward by forensic expert Alexander Maslov. He recalled the interrogation of Mikhail Zoshchenko in the NKGB and the writer's remark that "the revolver from which Mayakovsky shot himself was presented to him by the famous Chekist Agranov." Isn't it Agranov himself who changed the weapon, adding Mayakovsky's Browning to the case, the forensic scientist concludes. Mayakovsky, according to the documents, had two pistols - the Browning system and the Bayard system.

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The question "why" also remains unanswered. Some researchers sympathize with the romantic version, some see the cause of the tragedy in creative torment - on the eve of the public and the press, it was rather coldly received new play"Bath", the production of "The Bedbug" was also expected by an obviously cold reception, colleagues and the authorities ignored his exhibition. In general, there were reasons for frustration. But what was the last straw, the criminologists are not able to give an answer to this question.

On April 14, 1930, the body of the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky was found in Moscow in apartment 12 of house No. 3 along Lubyansky passage. The cause of death was suicide.

unrequited love

During his lifetime, Mayakovsky had many novels, although he was never officially married. Among his lovers there were many Russian emigrants - Tatyana Yakovleva, Ellie Jones. The most serious hobby in Mayakovsky's life was an affair with Lilya Brik. Despite the fact that she was married, the relationship between them continued for many years. Moreover, for a long period of his life, the poet lived in the same house with the Brik family. This love triangle existed for several years until Mayakovsky met the young actress Veronica Polonskaya, who at that time was 21 years old. Neither the age difference of 15 years, nor the presence of an official spouse could interfere with this connection. It is known that the poet planned with her life together and insisted on divorce. This story became the reason for the official version of suicide. On the day of his death, Mayakovsky was refused by Veronica, which provoked, according to many historians, a serious nervous shock that led to such tragic events. In any case, Mayakovsky's family, including his mother and sisters, believed that it was Polonskaya who was to blame for his death.

Mayakovsky left a suicide note with the following content: "EVERYONE

Don't blame anyone for dying and please don't gossip. The dead man disliked this terribly. Mom, sisters and comrades, forgive me - this is not a way (I do not advise others), but I have no way out. Lily - love me. Comrade government, my family is Lilya Brik, mother, sisters and Veronika Vitoldovna Polonskaya. - If you give them a tolerable life - thank you. Give the poems you have started to the Briks, they will figure it out. As they say - “the incident is ruined”, the love boat crashed into everyday life I am counting on life and there is no need for a list of mutual pains, troubles and insults. happy to stay


mental trauma

Historians also consider difficult emotional experiences as one of the theories of suicide. The year 1930 was not very successful for the poet. First, he was very sick. Secondly, Mayakovsky was severely criticized, believing that he had already completely “written out”. Local newspapers saw him as an anti-Soviet writer. At one of the meetings with readers, which took place 2 days before the fateful event, he listened to a lot of unflattering reviews addressed to him. Mayakovsky himself during this period considered himself deeply unhappy. Therefore, this version has a right to exist. In many historical works one can find information about what exactly the oppressed emotional condition together with failed love became the reason for such an act.

Promiscuous relationships contributed to the emergence of a version of syphilis, which could cause suicide. But most researchers refute this hypothesis, arguing that such a cheerful person as Mayakovsky could not commit suicide only because of this disease. Yes, and there is no official evidence that the poet was really sick. After the death of the poet, the criminalists insisted on a second autopsy in order to finally verify the inconsistency of this version.

Political motives

There were also rumors that the poet was killed for ideological reasons. Some believed that Mayakovsky, with his rebellious character, was a danger to the Soviet regime. Valid in last years he could afford unflattering remarks, but this does not apply to his death. The murder version has no basis. The fact that the poet shot himself was officially confirmed by criminologists.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky (1893-1930) is considered an outstanding Soviet poet. In addition to poetry, he was also engaged in dramaturgy, writing screenplays, tried himself as a film director and film actor. He took an active part in the work of the creative association "LEF". That is, we see a bright creative personality, incredibly popular in the 20s of the last century. The whole country knew the name of the poet. Some people liked his poems, others not so much. Indeed, they were somewhat specific and found recognition among supporters of just such a peculiar expression of their inner world.

But we will not talk about the work of the poet. To this day it raises many questions. Mayakovsky's unexpected death on April 14, 1930. Vladimir Vladimirovich died at the age of 36. This is the very happy period of life when you look with the same irony at those who are older and those who are younger than you. There are still many, many years of life ahead, but the fateful path of the creator for some reason was cut short, leaving in the souls of people a feeling of confusion, mixed with bewilderment.

Naturally, there was a consequence. Organized by the OGPU. The official conclusion was suicide. We can agree with this, since creative people are inherently very unpredictable. They see the world somewhat different from other people. Forever some throwing, doubts, disappointments and a constant search for something elusive all the time. In a word, it is very difficult to understand what they want to get from this life. And now, at the peak of disappointment, the cold muzzle of a pistol is brought to the temple or heart. A shot, and all problems are solved by themselves in the simplest and most proven way.

However, the suicide of Vladimir Vladimirovich left a lot of questions and ambiguities. They clearly indicate that there was no suicide, but there was murder. Moreover, it was carried out by official government bodies, who were originally supposed to protect citizens from rash and dangerous acts. So where is the truth? In this case, she is not at fault, but in facts that clearly indicate not just a criminal, but a political crime. But to understand the essence of the issue, you need to know the particulars. Therefore, we will first get to know the Brik family in more detail, with which our hero had a long close relationship.


Lilya Yuryevna Brik (1891-1978) - a famous Soviet writer and her husband Osip Maksimovich Brik (1888-1945) - a literary critic and literary critic. This couple met the talented young poet in July 1915. After that, Mayakovsky's life began new stage which lasted 15 years until his death.

Vladimir and Lily fell in love with each other. But Osip Maksimovich did not interfere with this feeling. The trinity began to live together, which caused a lot of gossip in literary circles. What happened there and how it happened is irrelevant for this story. It is much more important to know that Brikov and Mayakovsky were connected not only by spiritual, but also by material relations. Under Soviet rule, the poet was by no means a poor man. It is quite natural that he shared part of his income with the Briks.

Mayakovsky and Lilya Brik

It can be assumed that this is why Lily tried with all her might to tie Vladimir to herself. Since 1926, the trinity lived in a Moscow apartment, which the poet received. This is Gendrikov Lane (now Mayakovsky Lane). It is located in the very center of Moscow not far from Taganskaya Square. The Briks did not have the opportunity to get at that time a separate apartment. The huge city lived in communal apartments, and only outstanding personalities who brought significant benefits to the existing regime had their own living space.

Since 1922, Mayakovsky's works began to be published in major publications. The fees were so high that the trio began to spend a lot of time abroad, staying in expensive hotels. Therefore, it was not in the interests of the Briks to break off relations with a gifted and naive poet who was a good cash cow.

Heart affairs of Vladimir Mayakovsky

Being completely dependent on Lily Brik, our hero from time to time entered into intimate relationships with other women. In 1925, he traveled to America and began a love affair with Ellie Jones there. She was an emigrant from Russia, so the language barrier did not bother them. From this connection, on June 15, 1926, a girl was born who received the name Helen (Elena). She is alive to this day. He is a philosopher and writer, maintains a close relationship with Russia.

In 1928, Mayakovsky met Tatyana Yakovleva in Paris. Along the way, Vladimir bought Lily Brik a French car. He chose it together with Yakovleva. For Moscow at that time it was an unimaginable luxury. The poet wanted to create a family with his new Parisian passion, but she did not express a desire to go to Bolshevik Russia.

However, Vladimir did not lose hope to unite himself with the bonds of Hymen and Tatyana and finally say goodbye to the Briks. This, of course, was not part of Lily's plans. In April 1929, she introduced the poet to the young and beautiful actress Veronika Polonskaya, who has been married to actor Mikhail Yanshin for 4 years.

Our hero was seriously carried away by a girl who was 15 years younger than him. Very opportunely, news came from Paris that supposedly Yakovleva was marrying a well-born Frenchman. Therefore, Vladimir quickly forgot his foreign passion and focused all his attention on Veronica. It was this girl who became the main witness to the tragedy, because Mayakovsky's death occurred almost before her eyes.

Chronology of tragic events

Possible cause of death

If we assume that Vladimir Vladimirovich was killed, then why was this done, who did he interfere with? In 1918, the poet inextricably linked his fate with the Bolshevik Party. He was a tribune preaching the ideas of world revolution. That is why it was such a huge success with various publishers. He was paid huge fees, provided with separate housing, but in return they demanded devotion and loyalty.

However, by the end of the 20s, notes of disappointment with the existing regime began to slip in the works of the poet. There were still years of collectivization ahead, a terrible famine, repressions, and Vladimir Vladimirovich already felt in his soul the mortal danger hanging over the country. It became increasingly difficult for him to praise the existing reality. I had to step over my understanding of the world and moral principles more and more often.

A wave of jubilation was gaining strength in the country. Everyone admired or pretended to admire the achievements of the socialist system, and Mayakovsky began to satirically denounce all sorts of "rubbish". It sounded out of tune with the enthusiastic chorus of sycophants and opportunists. The authorities very quickly felt that the poet had become different. He has changed, and in a way that is dangerous for the regime. The first sign was the criticism of his plays "Bug" and "Bath". Then the portrait disappeared from a literary magazine, and persecution in the press unfolded.

Along with this, the Chekists began to patronize the poet. They began to visit regularly as good friends, because Lilya Brik loved to receive guests. But it's one thing when fellow writers come, and another thing when an OGPU officer comes into the apartment on a friendly visit. We must also not forget that Osip Maksimovich Brik in 1919-1921 was an employee of the Cheka. And there are no former Chekists.

All this guardianship was carried out in order to check the reliability of the poet. The results were deplorable for Vladimir Vladimirovich. The decision was made to remove it. It could not have been otherwise, because a reforged tribune could cause great ideological harm to the communist regime.

The last day of the poet's life

Mayakovsky's death, as already mentioned, occurred on April 14, 1930. There were no Briks in Moscow: they went abroad back in February. The poet decided to take advantage of their absence in order to finally break the protracted relationship leading nowhere. He wanted to create a normal family and for this he chose Veronica Polonskaya. In early April, he makes a cash contribution to a housing cooperative in order to purchase an apartment for himself, and leave the existing living space to a voluptuous and selfish couple.

On Monday, April 14, the poet arrives at Polonskaya at 8 o'clock in the morning and takes her to his place. There is a conversation going on between them. Vladimir demands that Veronika leave her husband and go to him right now. The woman says that she cannot leave Yanshin right away. She does not refuse Mayakovsky, assures that she loves him, but she needs time. After that, Polonskaya leaves the apartment, as at 10-30 she has a rehearsal in the theater. She goes out into the front door and then hears the sound of a revolver shot. Veronica runs back into the room just a moment after leaving and sees that Vladimir is lying on the floor with his arms outstretched.

Soon an investigation team arrived, but not from the police, but from counterintelligence. It was headed by the head of the secret department of the OGPU, Yakov Saulovich Agranov (1893-1938). His appearance can be explained by the fact that he oversaw the creative intelligentsia. The scene of the incident was examined, the poet's body was photographed. Vladimir Vladimirovich's suicide letter, dated April 12, was found. Agranov read it aloud and put it in his tunic pocket.

Toward evening, the sculptor Konstantin Lutsky appeared. He made a plaster mask from the face of the deceased. At first, they did not want to do an autopsy, since it was already clear that the poet died from a shot in the heart. But rumors spread that Mayakovsky had syphilis, which caused the tragedy. Pathologists had to open the body, but no serious abnormalities were found in the organs. The newspapers wrote that the poet died of a transient illness. Friends signed the obituary, and that was the end of the matter.

Murder or suicide?

So how should one characterize the death of Mayakovsky? Was it murder or suicide? To shed light on this issue, let's start, as expected, with a suicide note. Here is her text:

“To everyone… Don’t blame anyone for dying and don’t gossip. The deceased didn’t like this terribly.

Comrade government, my family is Lilya Brik, mother, sister and Veronika Polonskaya. I would be grateful if you give them a tolerable life. Give the verses you have begun to the Briks, they will sort it out. As they say - the incident is over, the love boat crashed into everyday life. I am counting with life, and there is no need for a list of mutual pains, troubles and insults. Happy staying."

Here is a will written, according to the date, April 12. And the fatal shot sounded on April 14. At the same time, a love explanation with Veronica also took place, although the poet knew that he was about to die. But despite this, he insisted that the beloved immediately leave her husband. Is there any logic in this?

It is also interesting that Vladimir Vladimirovich wrote the last letter in pencil. He had money to buy a cooperative apartment, but there was not even a little thing for a pen. However, the deceased had his own very good pen with a luxurious gold nib. He never gave it to anyone, but wrote only to her. But at the most crucial moment of his life he picked up a pencil. By the way, it is much easier for them to forge handwriting than with a pen.

At one time, Sergei Eisenstein said in a narrow circle of friends that if you carefully read the style of writing, you can argue that it was not written by Mayakovsky. So who then produced this creation. Maybe there was an employee in the apparatus of the OGPU who took on such duties that were so unusual for him?

The archive contains the criminal case number 02-29. This is just the suicide case of VV Mayakovsky. It was led by investigator I. Syrtsov. So, the inspection protocol does not mention the suicide letter, as if it never existed. There is also no examination of the shirt that the poet was wearing at the time of his death. But she could tell a lot to the investigation.

But most importantly, it is absolutely unclear from the case where Polonskaya was when the fatal shot was fired. Either she was standing near the poet, or she had already left the room. As Veronica herself later claimed, she went out into the front door and only there she heard the sound of a shot. However, judging by the papers, her behavior can be interpreted in different ways. The woman ran down the stairs, and a shot rang out, or ran out of the room screaming, and it was at that moment that the poet shot himself. So maybe she saw Vladimir in his hand with a pistol, got scared and tried to hide? It seems that the investigator did not need a clear and precise answer at all.

The criminal case was closed on April 19. At the same time, it remained a mystery whether a gun was found near the body or not. How was the body? Head to the door or head into the room. If someone else entered the room and fired, then Vladimir Vladimirovich had to fall back, that is, head deep into the room. But nothing definite can be said here. Thus, it can be concluded that the investigative actions were carried out extremely carelessly. They were a pure formality. All the work was done not for the sake of establishing the truth, but for the sake of a tick that such work was done.

So the conclusion suggests itself. The poet was killed by the OGPU, but presented this case as a suicide. It was safely placed in the archive and gathered dust on the shelves until the 90s of the XX century. And who will you ask in 60 years? Moreover, Yagoda's people, including Agranov, were shot in 1937-38. So the retribution was done anyway.

Who was the winner after Mayakovsky's death?

The death of Mayakovsky was in the hands of Lily Brik. There is no talk about Osip Maksimovich, since his family life with a loving wife ended in divorce. But the Soviet government recognized Lily as the legitimate heiress of the deceased poet. She got his co-op apartment and cash savings.

But the most important thing is the archives, which, in fact, were the property of the people. However, this is not all. Since 1935, the so-called "widow" of Mayakovsky began to receive interest from the sold works of the poet. And they were printed in millions of copies, since Vladimir Vladimirovich was posthumously recognized as the best and most talented poet of the Soviet era.

As for Polonskaya, without two minutes the wife received nothing. However, no. She got gossip, talk behind her back, malevolent smirks. The last point in this epic was the divorce from her husband. Well, what can you do. That's the way this world works. Someone finds, and someone loses. But let's be optimistic. folk wisdom says: "What doesn't happen is always for the best."

On April 14, 1930, a shot rang out in the apartment of Vladimir Mayakovsky, which ended the life of the 37-year-old poet. “The love boat crashed against everyday life ...” these words from the suicide note, it would seem, quite clearly indicate the cause of the tragedy, but, nevertheless, disputes about what served as the motive, and whether the poet died himself or was killed, have not subsided for many years.

Vladimir Mayakovsky entered the history of Russian poetry under the banner of futurism, noisy, bright, scandalous. Researchers liken his work to a five-act theatrical performance. The role of the prologue was played by the tragedy "Vladimir Mayakovsky". Then, one by one, there were acts represented by both large poems and small works, poems. And the epilogue of this whole story, full of drama, intensity of passions and genuine feelings, was a suicide letter written on April 12.

As in the case of Yesenin, the death of a talented poet caused a strong reaction and gave rise to many versions of what happened. Two of them are the most widely used.

The “Chekist” version was widely considered in various publications of the perestroika and post-perestroika period. They attempted to prove that it should not be about suicide, but about the murder of the poet by agents of the OGPU. This version is fed by various inconsistencies and inaccuracies discovered during the investigation into the death of Mayakovsky. Many, for example, are confused by the fact that the suicide note was written by the poet two days before the fatal shot, in addition, Mayakovsky always made notes with his favorite pen, and farewell words were written in simple pencil, almost without punctuation marks. According to criminologists, it is much easier to forge handwriting with a pencil, but the examination of this note showed that the letter was written by Mayakovsky himself in a state of great excitement.

It should be noted that the results of examinations conducted at different times on this matter are unambiguous: the poet shot himself. What could motivate young man to such a step?

The "French" version reads: "Look for a woman!" Many researchers tend to just her, she is less mysterious, but more plausible. One of the targets was the young actress Veronika Polonskaya, who was the last to see the poet alive. It is known that at that time there was a stormy romance between her and Mayakovsky, the poet asked her to become his wife, Polonskaya hesitated. On the day of death, there was a quarrel between them, Veronika left the apartment in Lubyansky passage, took a few steps and heard a shot.

Could this quarrel be the last straw that sank the "love boat" of the great poet and deprived him of the desire to live? It is hard to say. In the last note, he turns not to Veronica, but to the fatal beauty Lilia Brik with a request: "Lily - love me." You can build an infinite number of guesses, it is difficult to prove something for sure. It is only known that earlier Vladimir Mayakovsky had already tried to commit suicide. The last attempt ended in a misfire, this time "Mr. Mauser" said his weighty word.

For the first time, a professional examination of the shirt in which the poet was found in his office on Lubyanka, his pistol and the fatal bullet was carried outV At eleven o'clock in the morning on April 14, 1930, in Moscow, in Lubyansky passage, a shot was fired in the room of Vladimir Mayakovsky ... The Leningrad Krasnaya Gazeta reported: “Mayakovsky's suicide. Today, at 10:17 am, Vladimir Mayakovsky committed suicide in his working room with a shot from a revolver in the region of the heart. Arriving "Ambulance" found him already dead. V last days
V.V. Mayakovsky did not reveal any spiritual discord, and nothing foreshadowed a catastrophe. On the night of yesterday, contrary to his usual habit, he did not spend the night at home. Returned home at 7 o'clock. morning. During the day he did not leave the room. He spent the night at home. This morning he went out somewhere and later a short time returned in a taxi, accompanied by the artist of the Moscow Art Theater X. Soon a shot rang out from Mayakovsky’s room, after which artist X ran out. An ambulance was immediately called, but Mayakovsky died before her arrival. Those who ran into the room found Mayakovsky lying on the floor, shot through the chest. The deceased left two notes: one - to his sister, in which he gives her money, and the other - to friends, where he writes that "he knows very well that suicide is not an option, but he has no other way ...".
Upon the death of V. Mayakovsky, a criminal case was opened, which was conducted by the investigator Syrtsov.
On the afternoon of April 14, Mayakovsky's body was transferred to an apartment in Gendrikov Lane, where he lived permanently. In a small room of the apartment at 20 o'clock, the scientists of the Institute of the Brain removed the poet's brain.
It is known that the last person who saw the poet alive was the 22-year-old actress of the Moscow Art Theater Veronika Polonskaya, who was in a hurry to rehearse that morning. V. Polonskaya recalled: “I left. She walked a few steps to the front door. There was a shot. My legs gave way, I screamed and rushed along the corridor, I could not force myself to enter.

Nameless killer?
Journalist-researcher V.I. Skoryatin managed to collect and analyze a wealth of factual material. Many facts from the life of the poet and people close to him before this study, published in the journal "Journalist" (1989-1994), and later in the book "The Secret of the Death of Vladimir Mayakovsky" (M., "Belfry-MG", 1998) , remained unknown.
He managed to establish that in 1930 in a communal apartment in Lubyansky passage, in which the poet's office was located, there was another small room, subsequently built up by a wall. “Now imagine,” the journalist reflects, “Polonskaya quickly descends the stairs. The door to the poet's room opens. On the threshold - someone. Seeing a weapon in his hands, Mayakovsky shouts indignantly ... Shot. The poet falls. The killer approaches the table. Leaves a letter on it. Lays the weapon on the floor. And then hides in the bathroom or toilet. And after the neighbors came running to the noise, he gets to the stairs through the back door. Well, a bold version, which, of course, requires weighty evidence.
In confirmation of the version of the poet's murder, the journalist cites a photograph in which Mayakovsky's body lies on the floor, "his mouth is open in a scream." V. Skoryatin asks: “A suicide screams before a shot?!”.
By the way, it could be. And you should also know that after death the human body relaxes, the muscles become soft, as if they come to a state of rest. The dead man's mouth opens slightly, the lower jaw droops, which, in fact, is reflected in the photograph.
Veronika Vitoldovna returned immediately after the shot. And when did “someone” manage to commit his atrocity, and even hide so that no one saw him?
Three "young" neighbors of Mayakovsky, as V. Skoryatin writes, at that time were in a "small room in the kitchen." Naturally, having heard a shot and jumping out into the corridor, they were bound to run into a man who was leaving the poet's room. However, neither the actress nor the "young neighbors" saw anyone.
Polonskaya claimed that Mayakovsky was lying on his back. But a number of researchers believe that the poet's body lay face down. However, photographs taken at the scene show the poet lying face up, with a dark spot on the shirt on the left. This is how blood usually looks in black and white photographs.
There were also sensational statements that Mayakovsky was shot twice ... In the program “Before and after midnight”, the well-known television journalist Vladimir Molchanov suggested that there were traces of two shots on the photograph of the dead Mayakovsky shown to him.
And there was a lot of gossip about the forensic medical examination of the poet's body. On the very first day, the famous professor-pathologist V. Talalaev performed an autopsy of the poet's body in the morgue of the medical faculty of Moscow State University. According to the memoirs of V. Sutyrin, on the night of April 17, a re-opening of the body took place due to the fact that rumors spread about Mayakovsky allegedly having a venereal disease. An autopsy performed by Professor Talalaev found no signs of venereal disease.
Rumors and speculation about the death of Mayakovsky fanned an unhealthy hype, but at the same time pointed to the miscalculations of the investigators of the 30s.
The journalist Skoryatin, obviously, did not even imagine what a valuable service he rendered to the specialists by mentioning the shirt that Mayakovsky was wearing at the time of the shot. Therefore, the shirt survived! But this is the most valuable material evidence!
After the death of the poet, this relic was kept by L.Yu. Brik. In the mid-1950s, Lilya Yuryevna handed over the shirt to the museum for storage, about which there is a corresponding entry in the Museum's Book of Receipts.
In the special depository of the museum, L.E. Kolesnikova, head of the sector of material values, took out an oblong box, carefully unfolded several layers of impregnated special composition paper. It turns out that neither in the 1930s, nor in subsequent years, an examination of the shirt was carried out! An agreement was immediately reached with the museum that the shirt would be handed over to specialists for research.

Researchers of the Federal Center for Forensic Examinations of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation E. Safronsky immediately began the study,
I. Kudesheva, a specialist in the field of traces of a shot, and the author of these lines is a forensic medical expert. First of all, it was necessary to establish that it was in this shirt, bought by the poet in Paris, that Mayakovsky was at the time of the shot.
In the photographs of Mayakovsky's body taken at the scene, the pattern of the fabric, the texture of the shirt, the shape and localization of the blood stain, the gunshot wound itself, are clearly distinguishable. These photos have been enlarged. The experts photographed the submitted shirt from the same angle and with the same magnification and carried out a photo alignment. All details matched.
From "Research": “On the left side of the front of the shirt there is one through damage of a rounded shape measuring 6 x 8 mm”. Thus, immediately burst version of the traces of two shots on the shirt. The results of microscopic examination, the shape and size of the damage, the state of the edges of this damage, the presence of a defect (absence) of the tissue made it possible to conclude that the gunshot nature of the hole that arose from a shot by a single projectile.
It is known that in order to determine whether a person shot himself or was shot at him, it is necessary to establish the distance of the shot. In forensic medicine and forensics, it is customary to distinguish three main distances: point-blank shot, close-range shot, and long-range shot. If it is established that on April 14, 1930, in the room of V.V. Mayakovsky, a shot sounded from a long distance, which means that someone shot at the poet ...
The specialists faced a tense and painstaking work- find signs characterizing the distance of a shot that sounded more than 60 years ago.
From the "Conclusion": "1. Damage on the shirt of V.V. Mayakovsky is an input gunshot, formed when fired from a distance of "side stop" in the direction from front to back and somewhat from right to left, almost in a horizontal plane.
2. Judging by the characteristics of the damage, a short-barreled weapon (for example, a pistol) was used and a low-powered cartridge was used.
3. small size of the area soaked with blood, located around the entrance gunshot injury, indicate its formation due to a simultaneous ejection of blood from the wound, and the absence of vertical blood streaks indicates that immediately after V.V. Mayakovsky was in a horizontal position, lying on his back.
So the dispute over the position of Mayakovsky's body after the shot is over.
"4. The shape and small size of blood blots located below the damage, and the peculiarity of their location along the arc indicate that they arose as a result of the fall of small drops of blood from a small height onto the shirt in the process of moving down right hand spattered with blood, or from a weapon held in the same hand.
Detection of traces of a shot at a side stop, the absence of traces of a struggle and self-defense are typical for a shot fired by one's own hand.
Neither the prescription of the shot, nor the treatment of the shirt with a special composition should serve as an obstacle to the conduct of complex medical ballistic examinations. Thus, the conducted research has not only historical, but also scientific interest.

Death autograph
“He was without a jacket. The jacket hung on a chair and there was a letter, his last letter, which he wrote, ”recalled the artist N.F. Denisovsky. From this room - "boats", as the poet liked to call it, rumors have reached our days that this letter was not written by Mayakovsky. Moreover, the name of the "author" of the letter was also given.
But it is impossible to forge handwriting so that this forgery is not revealed by forensic specialists. Only now, work is underway abroad on the possibility of a computer (!) Forgery of handwriting.
How many copies were crossed around the suicide letter, done in pencil, almost without punctuation marks: “Everyone. Don't blame anyone for dying and please don't gossip. The dead man did not like this terribly ... ".
It never occurred to anyone to take into account this dying request of the poet.
The letter was submitted in December 1991 for examination to the laboratory of forensic handwriting examinations of the All-Russian Research Institute of Forensic Examinations of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (now the Federal Center for Forensic Examinations of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation). The question was put before the experts: to establish whether the said letter was executed by Mayakovsky V.V. or by another person.
Yu.N. Pogibko and senior researcher of the same laboratory, candidate of legal sciences R.Kh. Panov. The “Conclusions” made by the experts are fully consistent with the research part: “The handwritten text of a suicide letter on behalf of Mayakovsky V.V., beginning with the words “To everyone. Don’t blame anyone for the fact that I’m dying ... ”, and ending with the words“ ... You will receive the rest from Gr.V.M. ”, dated 04.12.30, was made by Mayakovsky Vladimir Vladimirovich himself.
This text was written by Mayakovsky V.V. under the influence of some factors that "knock down" his usual writing process, among which the most likely is an unusual psycho-physiological state associated with excitement "
. But the letter was written not on the day of the suicide, but earlier: "Immediately before suicide, the signs of unusualness would have been more pronounced." The letter, according to experts, indeed it was written on April 12, as the poet dated it.
Researchers of creativity V.V. Mayakovsky, journalists tried to find a criminal case on the "fact of Mayakovsky's death." However, it was nowhere to be found... In order to put an end to the research, to verify the results we obtained, it was necessary to have Delo. But there was no "Deed" ...

Yezhov folder
Materials about the death of Mayakovsky were kept in the Presidential Archive, but in a completely different folder, and were finally transferred to the special depository of the State Museum of V.V. Mayakovsky. Museum director S.E. Strizhneva kindly agreed to acquaint me with the documents.
I am sitting in Svetlana Evgenievna's small cozy office. In front of me is a cardboard gray folder, an inscription in large black print immediately catches my eye: “NIKOLAI IVANOVICH EZHOV.” Below - "Started on April 12, 1930. Finished on January 24, 1958." In the folder - the second folder: "Criminal case no. 02 - 29. 1930 About the suicide of Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky. Started April 14, 1930. Consequently, the case "On the suicide of Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky" was under the control of the almighty and sinister secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, who oversaw administrative bodies including the security agencies. In the folder - just a few sheets of already slightly yellowed paper. Here are excerpts from the protocol of the inspection of the scene of the incident, with spelling observance:
The corpse of Mayakovsky lies on the floor.
In the middle of the room on the floor on his back lies the corpse of Mayakovsky. Lies head to front door... The head is slightly turned to the right, the eyes are open, the pupils are dilated, the mouth is half open. There is no rigor mortis. On the chest, 3 cm above the left nipple, there is a wound of a rounded shape, with a diameter of about two thirds of a centimeter. The circumference of the wound is slightly stained with blood. There is no exit hole. On the right side on the back in the area of ​​the last ribs under the skin, a solid foreign body is palpable, not significant in size. The corpse is dressed in a shirt ... on the left side of the chest, according to the described wound, there is a hole on the shirt irregular shape, with a diameter of about one centimeter, around this hole, the shirt is stained with blood for a ten centimeter. Circumference of shirt opening with traces of opal. Between the legs of the corpse lies a revolver of the Mauser system, caliber 7.65 No. 312045 (this revolver was taken by Comrade Gendin to the GPU). Not a single cartridge was found in the revolver. On the left side of the corpse at a distance from the body lies an empty spent cartridge case from a Mauser revolver of the specified caliber.
duty investigator
/signature/. Medical expert
/signature/. Witnesses /signatures/”.

The protocol was drawn up at an extremely low methodological level. But what we have, we have ...
Pay attention: "On the right side on the back, in the area of ​​the last ribs, a solid foreign body is palpable, not significant in size."
The presence of a “foreign object” under the skin in the region of the lower right ribs, obviously, suggested that the shot was fired from left to right, i.e. left hand. Experts, on the other hand, are aware of the possibility of changing the direction of a bullet's flight in the body when it encounters an obstacle.
Professors A.P. Gromov and V.G. Naumenko pointed out: “Different densities also affect the diameter of the channel, as well as internal rebound (change in the direction of the bullet). Ricochet can occur not only from a meeting with a bone, but also with soft tissues. American experts call such bullets "wandering". And in this case, a bullet from a low-power cartridge, having met with an obstacle (vertebra, rib, etc.), slid down and, having lost its destructive power, got stuck in the subcutaneous fat, where it was palpated in the form of a “solid foreign body”.
Examining the shirt, not knowing the protocol, the experts turned out to be right: the shot was fired at close range Mayakovsky's body lay on his back. The memory did not fail V.V. Polonskaya: "He looked straight at me and tried to raise his head...".
Next sheet:
"Report. ... on this date at 11 o'clock I arrived at the scene of the incident along Lubyansky passage, 3, apt. No. 12, where the writer Mayakovsky Vladimir Vladimirovich shot himself ... subsequently, employees of the MUR arrived ... early. secret department Agranov ... Olievsky withdrew a suicide note. The forensic medical expert found that Mr. Mayakovsky committed suicide by shooting himself with a Mauser revolver in the heart, after which instant death occurred.
V.V. During the interrogation, Polonskaya confirmed the facts known to us.
On the second day after the death of V.V. Mayakovsky was summoned for questioning by citizens Krivtsov N.Ya., Skobeleva and other neighbors. None of them could categorically assert that Polonskaya was in Mayakovsky's room at the time of the shot.
In Mayakovsky's entourage there were many familiar Chekists. But it should be remembered that in those years the very word "chekist" was surrounded by a romantic halo. In particular, the poet was friends with Ya.S. Agranov, head of the secret department of the OGPU. Moreover, Agranov gave Mayakovsky, a great lover of weapons, a gun. Agranov, subsequently shot, is a sinister figure. It was Agranov who received operational information collected by agents after the death of the poet. On the pages of once secret documents, you can find the most unexpected things.
"FROM. secret.
From 9 o'clock. on st. Vorovskogo,
52, where the corpse of Mayakovsky is located, the public began to gather and by 10.20
3000 people. At 11 o'clock the public was let through to Mayakovsky's coffin. Standing in line ... about the cause of Mayakovsky's suicide and the political nature of the conversation is not heard.
Pom. early 3 sec. Operoda
"Start. SO OGPU Comrade Agranov.
Agent-information summary
5 sec. SO OGPU No. 45 of April 18, 1930
The news of Mayakovsky's suicide made a very strong impression on the public ... Talk exclusively about the romantic cause of death. From the conversations, the following can be emphasized ...
Talk, gossip.
Newspaper reports of suicide, a romantic lining, an intriguing posthumous letter aroused an unhealthy curiosity among the layman for the most part.
... The newspaper hype about Mayakovsky was called a clever collision for fools. Before the face of foreign countries, before public opinion abroad, it was necessary to present the death of Mayakovsky as the death of a revolutionary poet who died because of a personal drama.
The report of Syrtsov (the investigator) about Mayakovsky's long-term illness is considered extremely unsuccessful. They talk about syphilis and so on.
Beginning 5 sec. SO OGPU /Signature/”.
Even after many years, the state security agencies tried to "probe" the mood of the intelligentsia, its attitude towards the death of Mayakovsky. I happened to get acquainted with the "Protocol of Conversation"
MM. Zoshchenko with an employee of the Leningrad Directorate of the NKGB, held on July 20, 1944:
“22. Do you now consider the cause of Mayakovsky's death clear?
“She continues to be mysterious. It is curious that the revolver from which Mayakovsky shot himself was a gift from the famous Chekist Agranov.
23. Does this suggest that Mayakovsky's suicide was provocatively prepared?
"Maybe. Anyway, it's not about women. Veronika Polonskaya, about whom there were so many different guesses, told me that she was not intimately close to Mayakovsky.
The dignity and courage with which the disgraced Zoshchenko carried himself during the so-called conversation, and in fact, the interrogation, is striking.

Forensic conclusion
In the name of the director of the Russian Federal Center for Forensic Examinations, the director of the State Museum of Mayakovsky S.E. A letter was sent to Strizhneva with a request to conduct a study of the Browning pistol, bullet and cartridge case received by the museum from the Presidential Archive, from the materials of Mayakovsky's investigation file ...
Let's get back to the Protocol: "... lies a revolver of the Mauser system, caliber 7.65". What kind of weapon did Mayakovsky shoot himself with? According to certificate No. 4178/22076, Mayakovsky had two pistols: the Browning systems and the Bayard systems - short-barreled weapons. Maybe the shot was fired from a Browning? But I do not believe that a professional investigator could confuse a Browning with a Mauser.
On the table in front of the experts - a spent cartridge case, a bullet and a holster with a weapon. With a habitual movement, Emil Grigorievich removes from his holster ... Browning No. 268979!
“As a result of the study, a complex of signs was revealed, indicating that from the weapon submitted for examination ... a shot (shots) was not fired (shots were not fired),” S. Nikolaeva established. Means, Is the wrong weapon attached to the case file as material evidence? The examination of the bullet extracted from the body of Mayakovsky and the cartridge case, also attached to the case, was carried out by expert E.G. Safronsky. After examining the bullet, the expert dispassionately writes: "Established evidence indicates that the presented bullet is part of a 7.65 mm Browning cartridge of the 1900 model."
So what's the deal? But then the expert established that the bullet under study was fired from a Mauser pistol, model 1914. "Nevertheless,- the expert continues the research, - to check the version of the possibility of firing the bullet under investigation from the Browning pistol No. .65 mm Browning cartridge model 1900 was fired ... from a Mauser pistol model 1914 in 7.65 mm caliber. The case of a 7.65 mm Browning cartridge of the 1900 model presented for research was fired, expert Safronsky established, not in the Browning pistol No. 268979, but in the Mauser pistol of the 1914 model of the 7.65 mm caliber.
Hence, the shot was fired from a Mauser! Brilliant research! It was the Mauser that was noted in the inspection report.
Who changed weapons? Let us recall the protocol of the “conversation” between the NKGB officer and M.M. Zoshchenko: “It is curious that the revolver from which Mayakovsky shot himself was presented to him by the famous Chekist Agranov.” Didn't Agranov himself change weapons, adding Mayakovsky's Browning to the case?

Instead of an epilogue
The decision to die in the vast majority of cases is an intimate matter: to close yourself in a room and not see anyone else.
We will never know what really happened to Vladimir Vladimirovich. He was a very great poet with an absolutely unprotected emotional life. Suicide is always associated with deep layers of the psyche. The spiritual world of man is a mysterious and silent space...

Alexander MASLOV, professor of forensic medicine, forensic expert
