What is merino wool yarn. What is merino wool

Merino wool is obtained from a special breed of fine-wool sheep. The name of the breed is derived from the Spanish word "merino". The largest population of this breed is in Australia.

The breed is of Spanish origin and its history dates back to the 12th century. Until the 18th century, the export of Merino sheep from Spain was punishable death penalty. Only in 1723, for the first time, several sheep were taken out of the country.

Merino appeared in Russia much later, and their breeding began only in the 19th century. Then several types of merino were bred: electoral, infantado, negretti, rambouillet. These breeds were imported from other countries. And local sheep breeders bred such breeds as Russian Infantado, Mazaevsky and Novokavkazsky Merino.

Characteristics of merino wool

The climate of Australia is unique, which favorably affects the quality of the merino wool bred on this continent.

Australian merinos are distinguished high quality combed wool, the thickness of the fibers of which is only 15-25 microns. Despite such a small indicator of the thickness of the thread, this wool is particularly durable. In addition, it has a number of unique properties.

Firstly, merino wool is hygroscopic, that is, it has a high moisture absorption. It is able to absorb so much moisture that its amount will be 30% of its own weight. At the same time, the merino wool product not only remains dry, but also continues to warm its owner.

Secondly, merino wool is surprisingly dirt resistant. The structure of the fiber is so springy that it rejects foreign substances and is cleaned by elementary shaking.

Thirdly, merino wool is incredibly warm. This is due to the fact that in structure it is a twisted fiber, between which an air space is formed.

In addition, merino wool is the ability to build protection against unpleasant odors. The creatine contained in its fibers has a destructive effect on bacteria, and in addition creates an unfavorable environment for the survival of microscopic insects and bacteria.

Types of merino wool

Merino wool is usually distinguished by the thickness of the fiber. From this indicator, the cost of raw materials also varies.

The thinnest merino thread is called "summer" and is labeled as "Golden Bale", which means "golden bale". This is the most elite type of thread, its thickness is only 14.5-16 microns.

In second place is the wool line "Extra Fine", the so-called "graceful". It is also extra thin, but its thickness is 16-17 microns.

The wool of the Super Fine brand closes the line, that is, the “thinnest” - its thickness is 18-19 microns.

Merino wool- This is the wool of a special breed of sheep, which is distinguished by the thinnest and longest fibers.


From ancient times to the present day, merino is one of the most popular types of wool. Experts emphasize that no other breed of sheep can surpass Merino in terms of wool quality. It is the luxurious fine wool that made this sheep famous all over the world.

About 200 years before the advent of our era, the Romans began the selective breeding of a special breed of sheep with fine and long wool. For these purposes, they crossed a Greek ram and a Roman sheep. However, it was not the Romans who achieved success in this matter, but the Spaniards. This is written in the writings of Pliny the Elder, who called the Spanish Merino the best breed of sheep in the world. Already in those distant times, the rulers issued various decrees and decrees that encouraged people to breed merino. There were even special privileges that were given to the leading countries in this area.

So, by the end of the 16th century, Spain became the undisputed leader in breeding these sheep. Moreover, she held a monopoly in this area until the Spaniards were defeated by England. However, it took another 200 years for the British to succeed in sheep breeding. That is how much they brought out miracle sheep, after they took out samples from the state struck in the war.

Merino was brought to Australia in the 18th century. It turned out that this country has ideal conditions for raising sheep. Since then, the country has become the main supplier of wool to European countries.

Today, merinos are bred in nurseries in Australia, New Zealand and some other countries. It can be said without exaggeration that this wool has won recognition all over the world, and every year the popularity of merino products is only growing.

The benefits of merino wool

Year after year, as environmentally friendly, healthy fabrics that have a beneficial effect on human health come into fashion, the popularity of merino grows.

Merino wool has pronounced healing properties, primarily due to the high content of lanolin - animal wax. Among the beneficial effects of merino wool on human health are the following:

  • merino clothing has a positive effect on muscles and joints, so it is indicated for people suffering from pain in the joints and muscles;

  • sweaters, socks, other clothes made from this wool perfectly stimulate blood circulation;
  • clothing made from this material is classified as "thermal clothing", since it maintains an optimal microclimate for human health;
  • merino is a hypoallergenic material, this is especially true for people who are hypersensitive;
  • lanolin is known for its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and resolving properties;
  • merino clothing is indicated for people suffering from osteochondrosis, rheumatism, orthopedic materials, bronchial ailments;
  • wearing merino clothing is the prevention of puffiness; in those who constantly suffer from this problem, swelling will decrease;
  • effectively absorbs moisture with increased sweating and at the same time remains dry;
  • Merino wool is equally useful for adults and children.

Merino products

  • Clothing (sweaters, etc.), socks maintain body temperature without overheating and provide excellent ventilation.
  • Merino bed linen (duvets and pillows filled with merino, mattress toppers) - this is what is needed for healthy sleep and strengthening the body, because we spend a third of our lives in bed. Wool products will create optimal mode for sleep at any time of the year and at any temperature in the house or apartment.


Merino wool clothing and bed linen are durable and long lasting.

The fact is that merino wool fibers have a fine crimped structure, as well as high strength and splendor. These unique properties of merino are reflected in the texture - lush and airy, which retains its qualities, as well as appearance for a long time.

As you know, people still have not been able to create artificial material, which was entirely recreated unique properties sheep wool, which is a kind of thermal stabilizer. That is why merino clothing is comfortable both in hot and cold weather (which is especially important when moving from outdoors to indoors and vice versa, otherwise there is a high risk of getting sick).

Wool is extremely practical to use - merino products will serve you for many years.

Since healthy lifestyle life has become a guide for many people, we carefully read the information on the label - whether it is a package of cheese or a winter sweater designed to warm in bad weather. In pursuit of the best, we are faced with new terms and names. One of them is the inscription "Merino - 100%" proudly emblazoned on the label. What kind of wool is this - merino? And why is she unique?

There are indispensable!

Merino - special breed sheep, whose wool is characterized by the longest and finest fibers. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this is a legendary breed. Until 1765, attempts to export this high-quality from Spain were punishable by death, and only noble persons could wear products made from merino wool. And only in the XVIII century, when the Spaniards were defeated by the British, merinos were taken out of the country. However, the British did not manage to master the art of sheep breeding immediately. It took about 200 years before the specialists of the country of fogs and rains were able to achieve significant success in sheep breeding, comparable to the skill of the Spaniards. Ideal conditions for breeding merino turned out to be in Australia, where the widespread use of wool on an industrial scale began. By the way, the country to this day remains one of the world leaders in the production of merino wool. Surely you are already intrigued by what could inspire the Europeans to a fierce struggle for the "Golden Fleece". And there are really many reasons for this.

For any weather and season

The main secret of merino wool is that it maintains an optimal microclimate. The best of that proof is the well-being of sheep, which can equally well withstand low winter and high summer temperatures.

It is not surprising that scientists have not yet been able to create an analogue that could replicate its properties as a thermal stabilizer. Merino clothes are thin to the touch, but surprisingly warm products (sweaters, blouses, vests). In them, the winter cold will be nothing for you. If you get bed linen from merino (duvet cover, pillow, blanket), it will serve you equally well both in winter and in summer. Just think: there are millions of air cushions in the fibers that retain heat regardless of temperature changes. And due to the high hygroscopicity, merino wool is able to absorb up to 33 percent of moisture from its volume. Thanks to this property, the body always remains dry.

Warms and heals

To date, the healing properties of merino no one is in doubt.

Firstly, wool has a beneficial effect on the joints and actively stimulates blood circulation.

Secondly, due to the significant amount of animal wax - lanolin - in wool, merino products have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and absorbable effect. Therefore, it is recommended to wear clothes made from this wool for those who suffer from rheumatic and orthopedic diseases, problems with the bronchi, and edema.

Thirdly, due to the ability to maintain the best microclimate for a person in merino clothes, a person gets tired less.

Finally, in the "age of allergies" it is impossible not to say that this wool is hypoallergenic, so merino - the best choice for children, pregnant women, athletes and all those who care about their health and comfort.

Looks great!

The appearance of merino wool will not disappoint you either. These are exceptionally soft, fluffy, elastic and amazingly beautiful products that keep their shape for a long time and well.

At the same time, wool has high strength, it is extremely practical to use.

And no insomnia!

Often, sleep problems can be caused by “wrong” bedding. Merino will also help to make sleep healthier and stronger.

Today, there is a large selection of Merino products on sale, including blankets, duvet covers. You don’t sweat in such a bed - the ventilation is just perfect. At the same time, underwear, like clothes, has an exceptionally beneficial effect on the body during sleep.

As you can see, no other breed of sheep can surpass Merino in its properties. Modern manufacturers offer us not only clothes and bedding, but also car seats, decorative pillows and (its upper part is made of wool). In a year, wool can be obtained from one sheep for the manufacture of about five items of clothing. We wish that at least a few of them ended up in your closet in the form of fashionable blouses and sweaters!

What is merino wool? What properties do products made from it have? What do you prefer - pure merino, blended or fully synthetic materials?

When choosing clothes or underwear for use in the city or outside it, you can increasingly come across an offer to buy a product frommerino woolor with the additionmerino wool.What do these almost magical phrases promise the consumer, in addition to a noticeable relief of the wallet?

Merino wool - the wool of a special breed of sheep

No matter how beautiful the name sounds, merino wool is just a very fine fine wool. It is sheared from merino breeds of specially bred sheep with especially fine wool.

It is generally accepted that Merino sheep were first bred in Central Asia, from where they came to the Mediterranean region, and then spread throughout the world. To date, the largest part of the population is concentrated in Australia.

Features of merino wool

In the article, we talked in detail about how heaters reduce heat transfer between the human body and the environment.

The main task warm clothes- retention of motionless heated air near the human body. Air is the best of all heat insulators available to man, as it has a low thermal conductivity. Therefore, the warmest things are those that retain the most large quantity air per unit volume.

It is important to understand that the heated air must be kept exactly - not to move and not to mix with the cold. Therefore, to retain heat, not one large inflated pocket is required, but many microscopic, isolated from each other air cavities. The more of them, the warmer the clothes. Such closed air spaces are formed as a result of the interweaving of numerous thin threads - down or wool - and the thinner these threads, the more air is held between them.

One of the most important consumer characteristics of wool is fineness- the thickness of the woolen hair. Great importance has also tortuosity, that is, the linear unevenness of the hair. The smaller the diameter of the hair, the more microscopic air cavities they create, which means they hold more air.

Therefore, the thinner the woolen hair, the warmer the product. Of all types of sheep's wool, the most thin hair It has merino wool. Accordingly, things made of merino wool can be considered the warmest.

The smaller the layer of wool required for effective heat conservation, the thinner the product can be. If we also consider that thin, slightly crimped hair allows the production of yarn with a smooth surface that does not irritate human skin, it becomes clear why merino wool is especially in demand in the manufacture of thin, heat-saving garments - winter underwear, socks and light sweaters.

Merino wool outdoors - wool intelligence

The key features of the basic and medium are high thermal properties with low weight and the ability, without getting wet, to effectively remove fumes from the body into environment.

Developers synthetic materials they resort to various technological methods to make clothes wick away moisture, breathe and warm at the same time. When they succeed, they call the material smart, not without reason. But are synthetics really that smarter than wool? Let's try to figure it out.

Wool is very light, it warms and breathes well, but perhaps its main drawback is hydrophilicity - the ability to intensively absorb moisture. More precisely, the disadvantage is that it does not part well with this moisture - it dries slowly.

Indeed, few people want to be in a soaked through wool sweater in a cold wind, no matter how thick this sweater is. And if it's not a thick sweater, but thin woolen underwear? It looks like it's even worse...

But wool has a number of unique properties that make the situation not so clear cut. The point is not even that wool can absorb moisture in the amount of up to 30% of its own weight, but that, by absorbing moisture, wool until a certain point remains dry to the touch. In other words, if a person in woolen underwear moves with moderate activity, then even when he starts to sweat, he will not feel discomfort.

Imagine that your thermal underwear not only absorbs sweat, but imperceptibly hides it in its structure so that subjectively both you and your clothes remain dry. And then gradually evaporates the accumulated moisture into the environment. Moreover, the thinner the linen, the less noticeable for a person can be small differences in its humidity. How then not to call such underwear “smart”?

Cotton underwear gets wet quickly and for a long time. Synthetic thermal underwear perfectly transports moisture to the outside, if the layers of clothing located above do not interfere with this. With a decrease in activity, synthetics dry quickly and return a feeling of comfort. If transportation is difficult, synthetic thermal underwear also gets wet quickly, and when it is restored, it begins to evaporate moisture so intensively that it creates a cooling effect on the skin surface.

And only wool can accumulate some of the moisture in its structure, while maintaining low thermal conductivity and a feeling of dry warmth.

An additional advantage of wool underwear is its ability to resist bacteria that cause the smell of sweat, and some therapeutic effect.

Wool and synthetics: friends or foes?

In many cases, it is impossible to achieve the required characteristics of the material using only wool or synthetics. But nothing prevents them from “crossing”, thus obtaining a “breed” of material more suitable for certain tasks. What might these tasks be?

Improved moisture management

In those items of clothing where moisture is a frequent visitor - for example, socks - manufacturers often use blended materials in which wool is used together with synthetic fibers. These fibers do not accumulate moisture, but immediately transport it to the outside, which helps the wool stay dry and warm longer.

Improved wear resistance and strength

It is known that the weak point of wool is its insufficient strength and relative fragility. To increase the service life of wool products, synthetic fibers are added to the yarn. This makes it possible to obtain such mixed materials that simultaneously have good heat retention and sufficient strength and abrasion resistance.

Modern trends

Until relatively recently, it seemed that practical and functional synthetics forever supplanted capricious natural materials from travel gear. However, current trends in the design and construction of outdoor clothing show a return to natural materials, and in particular to wool, where it is justified. Of course, we cannot talk about a large-scale replacement of synthetics with natural materials, but the use of wool at a new technological level is quite capable of organizing the second coming of wool in the outdoor industry.

When is it better to use wool underwear, and when synthetic?

If the activity is low and the person sweats only lightly and briefly, then a great way to keep yourself comfortable and warm is to use woolen underwear, if you are not allergic to it. Wool will also prolong the feeling of cleanliness and freshness.

If exercise stress is intense and prolonged or operation is associated with serious mechanical stress (tearing, abrasion), it is better to use more unpretentious synthetics. Especially if thermal underwear is part of a three-layer system, where the effectiveness of each layer depends not only on its own characteristics, but also on the competent combination of all layers.


    Merino wool is the wool of specially bred breeds of sheep.

    Merino wool breeds are characterized by a special thinness of the hair. The small thickness (thinness) of merino wool makes things from it warm and light.

    Merino wool is an excellent material for making base and middle layers in outdoor clothing: wool gives a feeling of dry warmth, has bactericidal properties.

    Wool materials become stronger when combined with synthetic fibers.

    Modern trends suggest the widespread use of merino wool in outdoor clothing - in underwear, insulating layers, socks.

Reading time: 6 minutes

Merino wool, what is it: a type of wool sheared from fine-fleeced sheep. Merino wool is soft, warm and cozy. It is expensive, but you can find cheaper options with the addition of synthetic fibers.

Merino and its wool

Who is merino: this is a fine-fleeced breed of sheep. They are smaller than meat breeds, the emphasis is on the quality of wool. Until the 18th century, they were not taken out of Spain, this was punishable by law.

What is merino wool: a thin pile that is sheared from these sheep. It is thinner than the hair of other sheep breeds. Now 80% of the material is exported from Australia.


Merino wool comes in several varieties. This is determined by the thickness of the hair:

  • The first option is the most common and thickest wool with a thickness of 22.6 microns. Most wear resistant, mixable with acrylic or polyester fibers. They make cheap wool knitwear, upholstery for car seats. Designers use it for wall covering indoors.
  • Medium merino wool has a diameter of 20.6-22.5 microns. Knitted materials are made from it, light suits are sewn.
  • Fine medium merino wool is the most common. The pile size is 19.6-20.5 microns. Soft and strong, durable. It is used for the manufacture of medium and heavy knitwear, outerwear.
  • Fine fiber has a diameter of 18.6 to 19.5 microns.
  • The size of superfine hair varies from 17.6 to 18.5.
  • Ultra-thin version - ultrafine. Its diameter is from 16.1 to 17.5.
  • Extrafine - these are fibers up to 16 microns. If desired, manufacturers receive hair with a diameter of 13.5 or even less. Merino extrafine from 12.5 microns is often used for mixing with other elite types of fibers: cashmere and silk. Get rare and expensive material for the manufacture of women's and men's clothing.


From one animal receive up to 15 kg of pile per year. From this amount, a fiber with a length of 8000 kilometers will be obtained. The natural color of this wool is white. Other properties of this material:

  • soft, pleasant to the body, does not scratch or irritate the skin;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • passes air;
  • hygroscopicity - absorbs moisture up to 30% of its own weight;
  • when sweat is absorbed, merino wool items remain comfortable and dry to the touch;
  • warms better than other materials;
  • maintains body temperature in any weather;
  • durable, fire-resistant, wear-resistant;
  • not electrified;
  • elastic, elastic, stretches well;
  • antibacterial properties;
  • dirt repellent and self-cleaning.

Products made from merino wool warm better than other wool, because the fibers are thin, they have more small spaces between them. This provides a delay warm air. The thinner the wool, the warmer the thing.

Merino wool - a mark that can be on products or yarn made from 100% merino wool.

Various merino wool

The material is different, depending on the habitat and age of the animal.

From Australia

Australian merino wool is different from European. This was facilitated by a different climate. Outer hairs shine, protected from moisture. They are hard and long. The inner hairs are soft, cozy, tender. They have good thermal insulation.

The Australian Merino is considered a separate breed. The largest amount of this material is exported from this country. Now there are about 150 million animals in Australia. Several different types to create materials of different quality.

Excellent wool is obtained from sheep grown in ecologically clean meadows with good vegetation. It is hypoallergenic due to the content of lanolin.

New Zealand

New Zealand merino gives smooth, soft and rather thin fibers from 16 microns. The material is not cheap, but this does not affect its popularity. Queues line up behind him, large manufacturers of yarn and fabrics buy almost everything at once. Sheep breeders simply do not keep up with the desires of buyers.

In this country, they do not practice the terrible mulching operation to prevent blowflies. But since 1930 it has been allowed in Australia.

Virginia material

There are two definitions:

  1. The one sheared from a 4-6 month old lamb. Its fibers are no more than 20 microns. The fibers are collected by hand, from one animal no more than 140 g is obtained.
  2. Virginia wool - used for the first time. It has not been used anywhere, not recycled. It is sheared from both adult rams and lambs. This is the most common variant of the name of this species.

Virginia can only be called the material that is collected from a living and completely healthy animal.

Merino wool products of this type are suitable for everyday wear. They almost do not crumple, do not form pellets and are resistant to water. They absorb steam well: a crumpled thing can be hung in a room with high humidity and after a while there will be no creases.


How fur differs from wool: it remains on the dressed skin after shearing the hair itself. The skin is treated with a formalin solution to give shine and softness.

The product is usually dyed, in natural color the fur looks unattractive. Apply different shades of dyes, the most popular - brown or black. Such fur is called a muton.


The material is made only in Russia. Abroad, production with formalin is considered very harmful.

Care rules

How to wash this material:

  • Use water no more than 30-35 degrees. Requires liquid detergent marked "for wool" or shampoo.
  • A thick foam is whipped from a mixture of water and the product. You need to lower the product into it for a few minutes.
  • The thing is wrinkled with neat movements, do not twist or pull. Then gently rinse a couple of times. The detergent needs to be completely washed out.

  • Squeeze out some of the water, but do not twist. Lay on a cotton cloth to absorb the main moisture.
  • Spread out on a towel, leave in desired form. Comb if necessary while item is damp.

Before washing in the machine, you need to make sure that it can be done. If the inscription on the tag allows, select the delicate mode or the wool program. Water temperature up to 30 degrees, delicate detergent and no spin are required.