Description of the legume family. Flowering Plants Legume Plant Classification Table

Peas, soybeans, sweet pea, lentils, peanuts, soybeans ... The names of these plants are known to everyone. In our article we will consider the structural features vegetative organs and legume flower formulas.

General characteristics of the family

Legumes or moth plants belong to the dicotyledonous class. Taxonomists account for more than 20 thousand species of them in nature. Most of them are valuable food and forage crops. The ability of some species to fix atmospheric nitrogen is of particular importance. Legumes are represented by all life forms: grasses, shrubs and trees. Typically s on the stem. The legume flower is a systematic trait.


In botany, there is such a thing as a flower formula. She represents legend parts of this generative organ. The numbers in this row indicate the quantitative indicators of the elements of the generative organ.

They are deciphered as follows:

  • H is a cup. It is a collection of sepals surrounding the receptacle.
  • B - whisk. These are all the petals of a flower.
  • O - perianth. It includes a cup and a whisk.
  • T is the number of stamens.
  • P is the number of pistils.

Legume Flower Formula

Now we will decipher this combination of symbols on specific example... Flower formula moth or legumes has the following form: CH5 L1 + 2 + (2) T (9 + 1) P1. This structure visually resembles a boat or a butterfly. This is what explains the name butterflies.

So, the perianth of this family consists of five sepals and petals. The structure of the latter is differentiated. The topmost petal is large compared to the rest. It is called the "sail". On both sides there are side petals - "oars". The remaining pair grows together along the bottom edge. This is how the "boat" is formed. Legumes have one pistil. In one case, there may be ten stamens, in another - nine of them grow together, and one remains free. Petals are sometimes also called butterfly with wings.

Flower type

The legume flower formula also provides additional information. Such structures are bisexual. This means that the flowers have a pistil and stamens. They can be single - large with bright and wide petals.

Another of characteristic features is symmetry. On this basis, the flowers of legumes are irregular or zygomorphic. This means that a single vertical plane can be drawn through them.

In a number of cases, the formation of inflorescences occurs in representatives of this family. Sometimes the flower formula which was given above forms inflorescences. It can be a brush, a head, or a whisk.

Pollination and seed formation

The legume flower formula indicates some of its differences in different types families. These features also determine the method of pollination. For example, in a clover, each petal is twisted into a long tube. Therefore, only bumblebees with a special proboscis can pollinate it. Bees and butterflies are also attracted to legumes. Self-pollination occurs in peas, lupine, astragalus, wiki.

A feature of legume seeds is the absence of endosperm - a reserve nutrient. These are dicotyledonous plants. Therefore, their embryo consists of two cotyledons, a rudimentary stem, a root and a bud, which contains the rudiments of the first leaves. Outside there is a protective skin. The cotyledons are turned towards each other with flat sides. They are connected in one of the parts. In this place, the rudimentary organs are located.

The supply of substances is contained directly in the cotyledons. Scientists have proven that lupine can be grown even from seeds that long time lay in the permafrost. And for beans underground germination is characteristic. In a biological sense, this is very beneficial, since it provides protection from animals, temperature changes.

Fruits and seeds

The fruit of this family is called a bean. It develops from a carpel. The bean is dry polyspermous. After maturation, it opens along the seam between the two valves. There are seeds on them. Unlike a pod, there is no vertical septum inside the bean.

Bean seeds have long been used for food. Peas and beans are high in protein, while soybeans and peanuts are vegetable oils... Clover and alfalfa are essential for their nutritional value. These plants are also of great importance as honey plants. White and yellow caragana and mimosa are well-known decorative species.


Bean shoots - valuable green manure... They are plowed and left on the surface of the soil, which contributes to its enrichment with organic matter and improves the structure. In the pharmaceutical industry, licorice, sweet clover, and acacia are used as raw materials. Sandalwood is the most valuable timber.

Nodule bacteria settle only on the roots of legumes. This is a special species that is capable of assimilating atmospheric nitrogen. What is the use of such organisms? Nitrogen is essential element for the formation of the stem and leaves. And there is enough of this substance in the air - up to 78%. But plants cannot absorb atmospheric nitrogen. The nodule bacteria convert it into a form that dissolves in water and can be absorbed from the soil by the roots. The existence of these organisms is mutually beneficial: bacteria provide plants with nitrogen, and in return they receive mineral nutrients.

So, the formula for a legume flower is CH5 L1 + 2 + (2) T (9 + 1) P1. This structure consists of five carpels and the same number of petals. The latter differ in size and shape. As a result, the legume flower has irregular shape and is zygomorphic. This means that only one axis of symmetry can be drawn through it. This type of symmetry is called zygomorphic. Visually, the flower of leguminous plants resembles a boat with oars and a sail or a butterfly. This determines the second name of this family - moths. All legume flowers are bisexual. They have one pistil. And the number of stamens is ten. In some of them, nine of them grow together, and one remains free.

Legumes are very useful for humans, as they are rich in fiber, contain vitamin A and B vitamins, iron, calcium, carbohydrates, proteins, fats and starch. Legumes contain even more protein than meat products, so they can replace meat for vegetarians.

Root system legume crops are roots with nodules on them, formed when nitrogen-fixing bacteria enter. They fix nitrogen, with the help of which the plant and soil receive nutrition.

And now a little interesting facts about legumes:

  • Since beans contain folic acid and potassium, they are able to have a cleansing effect on the blood and for the body as a whole.
  • The content of vitamin B reduces the likelihood of heart disease, improves digestion. What is very important for girls, the presence of this vitamin in the diet improves the condition of the hair: they acquire a more luxuriant and strong structure.
  • According to nutritionists, eating 150 g of legumes every day will lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • The Mediterranean countries are considered the homeland of legumes, from where they subsequently spread throughout the world.

The most common legumes are:

  • Lupine

Quite a popular legume product with a high content of fat and protein, which is of plant origin. This is why soy is included in many animal feeds. Also used as a substitute for animal products.

As already mentioned, soy contains proteins that are poorly inferior to the same proteins of animal origin, therefore it is often eaten by vegetarians who need to make up for the lack of proteins that could not enter the body due to the rejection of meat food.

Common annual plant, which is found, almost everywhere. It is often a weed that grows along roads and where there is a lot of debris. Since it is able to grow in the most unexpected places, it is not picky about the soil, it is resistant to frost.

Flowers, as a rule, are solitary, purple or pink, less often white. Pods are light yellow in color, wide.

Everyone knows given view legume culture. This is a real storehouse of various vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E, K and PP. O useful properties these vitamins can be read on the corresponding Internet resources.

The beans, which can vary in size and color, are arranged in pods 6-20 cm in length.

Lentils are considered one of the oldest cultivated plants.

The most common are red and brown lentils. After heat treatment, brown lentils acquire an unobtrusive nutty smell. And red lentils are used in Asian cuisine.

Since this culture does not contain fats, it can be eaten by people who are overweight. The plus is that thanks to the carbohydrates contained in lentils, it makes you feel full for a long period of time.

It is a perennial herb, whose height varies from 30 to 70 cm. It has eye catching bright pink-purple flowers, collected in a brush. The fruit is a bean.

Light amber honey is harvested from this plant, which is distinguished by its aroma and taste.

For our country, the cultivation of this type of legumes is not typical. Mostly chickpeas are grown in Turkey, North America, Mexico.

It has a nutty flavor. It can be boiled or fried, served as a side dish, or added to pilaf.

Chickpea fruits are small beans that have a brownish-green color and resemble an owl's or ram's head in shape. In comparison with the same peas, it is larger.

Since it belongs to a legume culture, the fruit of a pea is a bean that can have different shape and color, depending on the variety.

Has a hollow stem from light green to dark green, with clinging antennae. Contains only 55 kcal per 100 g of product, therefore it is considered a dietary product. However, in dried form, the number of calories rises sharply, so peas in this form are not recommended in large quantities for obese people.


Also called “wolf beans”. Differs in endurance and the ability to absorb substances that will subsequently enrich the soil.

The leaves of the plant are collected in 5-6 pieces per socket; white, red or purple flowers form long brushes (up to 1 m). In height, lupines can reach 1.5 m. Inflorescences are similar to beans.

Everyone is familiar with the plant belonging to the legume family. Blooms from late spring to early autumn. It grows mainly in meadows, in the forest in clearings. It is found everywhere.

Has trifoliate bright green leaves. During flowering, forms bright pink, less often dark red, globular heads.

It is an annual plant that can grow to a height of 180 cm. It has round white flowers with dark spots on the wings, collected in inflorescences.

The fruit is a bean. One plant can develop 10-20 fruits, and in some cases even more.

The advantage of fodder beans is the strong attachment of the lower fruits, as this allows harvesting with the help of combines and other agricultural machines.

Bears the name - peanut, distinctive feature which is the development of fruits in the earth.

Aerial flowers are yellow-orange in color, located once or 2-3 in the axils of the leaves. The underground flowers are small and colorless.

Pods are cocoon-shaped with a fragile red or dark / light brown shell. Seeds are dark red or light pink, oblong-oval or rounded.

Legumes are a large family of the dicotyledonous class. It includes over 20 thousand species. Legumes include grasses, shrubs, and trees. A number of representatives of herbaceous legumes are valuable human food products (soybeans, beans, beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas, etc.). Other members of the legume family: sweet peas, acacia, clover, sweet clover, rank.

The main signs by which different representatives of legumes are combined into one family are the structure of their flower and fruit.

The flower of legumes in most species consists of 5 sepals, 5 petals, one pistil and ten stamens. At the same time, the structure of the flower is unique; it has bilateral rather than radial symmetry, like flowers of other families. The largest petal of a flower is called sail, two petals on the sides of the sail are paddles, the two lower petals grow together, forming boat... The pistil is, as it were, inside the boat and is surrounded by stamens. In many legume species, 9 stamens grow together, and one remains free.

The name of the legume comes from the name of the fruit that forms in the plants of this family. This is the fruit bean... It is a dry, usually multi-seeded fruit. The bean has two valves that open when ripe. Seeds grow on these valves. A distinction should be made between the bean fruit and the pod fruit. The pod has a septum between the valves, and the seeds grow on the septum. Although legumes are often referred to as pods, they are actually beans.

Grasses in the legume family often form root nodules. In such nodules, bacteria live that can assimilate atmospheric nitrogen. They enrich the plant with nitrogen-containing organic matter... The leguminous plant, in turn, provides them with nutrients. Thus, a symbiosis arises between the plant and the bacteria. Root nodules are not a clump of bacteria, as bacteria are very small. This is bacteria-induced division of root cells and an increase in their size. When a legume dies off, it enriches the soil with nitrogen. Therefore, legumes are often used in soil reclamation.

Legumes (and their seeds) are high in protein.

In the structure of stems and leaves, representatives of the legume family differ from each other. Inflorescences are often brushes (lupine) or heads (clover).

Cultivated legumes

The legume family includes many plants that have nutritional value for humans. The most famous ones are listed below.

Peas widespread, has been used by humans since ancient times. Its seeds germinate at temperatures slightly above freezing, but require a lot of moisture (as does the plant itself). Peas are valuable big amount the protein it contains. The root system is pivotal; nodules with nitrogen-fixing bacteria are formed on the lateral roots. The tops of the compound pea leaves transform into tendrils, with which it clings to the support. The structure of the flower is typical for legumes. Self-pollination occurs before flowering.

Beans came to us from South America, where it has been cultivated since ancient times. Edible by different varieties beans can be either seeds or the beans themselves.

Soy grown in many countries for soy protein, oil and starch. Many different food products are obtained from soy (it is a substitute for meat, dairy products, sweets are also made from it, etc.).

Beans(not to be confused with the name of the fruit) are more often fodder plants. Usually their stem is more than a meter long. The beans are unpretentious.

Legumes are a huge family of dicotyledonous plants (trees, vines, shrubs, semi-shrubs, and grasses) belonging to the order Leguminous, class Dicotyledonous, department Flowering, Plants kingdom, Eukaryote domain.

Some plants from this family are used by humans as food, some as ornamental, and some for land restoration.

What is a "bob"?

First of all, it is a fruit that has an elongated shape and consists of two thin valves, between which the seeds are located. The size of a legume fruit can fit in the palm of your hand, or it can reach enormous sizes.


Entada from the subfamily Mimosa

The legume family includes 24505 plant species and is divided into three subfamilies: Caesalpinia, Moth and Mimosa.


1 Caesalpinioideae, which are mainly trees growing in the tropics, with the exception of the genus Cassia, which includes shrubs and grasses, are very important for medicine. They are divided into four tribes: Caesalpinia, Cassia, Bagryanikov, Detariev.

a) Caesalpinieae

Caesalpínia - named after the Italian doctor Andrea Cesalpino in 1703. It grows only in warm regions. This is an ornamental plant up to 6 meters high.


Caesalpinia pulcherrima

Caesalpinia bonducella - most often it is a vine, reaching a height of 15 meters. It mainly grows in Asia, Africa, South America. Used in folk medicine, since an anti-fever remedy is obtained from its seeds.




Caesalpinia echinata grows only in eastern Brazil. Due to logging in the wild, this type of tree is very rare. There are sharp growths on its trunk. Therefore, she was called the hedgehog.

It grows in height up to 30 meters. Previously, the trunk of this tree was used to obtain dyes. Refers to valuable tree species.

b) Cassieae - Cassian

c) Crimson (Cercideae)

The scarlet grows in China.

Bauhinia (Bauhinia) is distributed all over the world.

d) Detarieae


Butterflies (Faboideae)

2 Moths (Faboideae), which grow mainly in the temperate zone in the form herbaceous plants, many of which we eat, such as peas, beans, soybeans, peanuts. In the tropics, these are woody plants in the form of vines.

Wisteria (Wistéria) - climbing tree-like subtropical plants - deciduous vines. They grow in Japan and China, and are also used as ornamental plants around the world.

Robinieae robinia

Mimosa (Mimosoideae)

3 Mimosa (Mimosoideae), numbering up to 1,500 thousand species and growing in the subtropical and tropical zones. These are mainly trees and shrubs with medicinal value, the wood of which is very valuable to humans.

a) Acacieae - Acacia

They mainly grow in Mexico, Africa, Asia, Australia.

Acacia dealbata silver

Acacia pycnantha golden acacia is the floral emblem of Australia

Acacia linifolia


Sickle-bladed acacia (Acacia drepanolobium) grows in Africa. This is the only acacia species on which ants live. They settle in the swollen cavities of the thorns. Air, getting into them, emits a whistle and thereby scares away animals.

b) Ingae (Ingeae)





c) Mimoseae





Mimosa pudica

Plants of the legume family

The legume family plays an important role in human life. Some types serve decorative decoration and give us a valuable species of wood, others are indispensable in medicine, and still others are very tasty and nutritious food.

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