Washing machine citric acid: cleaning and prevention. Cleaning the washing machine with citric acid

Today it is difficult to imagine a family that does not have a washing machine. She has long ceased to be a luxury item, and in families where there are small children, this assistant simply cannot be done. Do you agree? But, like any household appliance, the washer can break down.

The most common cause of breakdowns is scale on its parts. It can reduce consumer performance and even disable your assistant.

To prevent a problem, it does not hurt to know how to clean the washing machine. citric acid(OK). This method is absolutely safe for technology, but only if certain rules are followed.

In this material, you will find expert advice to help you clean the washing machine from scale in a quality manner, without resorting to the services of specialists. We will tell you how often you need to carry out preventive cleaning with citric acid. In addition, the article contains videos that clearly demonstrate the process of caring for equipment.

The basis of scale in household washing machines(CM) are insoluble magnesium and calcium carbonates (CaCO3 and MgCO3) deposited on parts. They determine the level of water hardness, and their concentration affects not only the process of scale formation, but also the chemical effectiveness of the detergent.

In accessible places, salt deposits can be ripped off mechanically, but it is rather problematic to get to the scale on the heating element.

Therefore, to remove it in hard-to-reach places applied chemical method using citric acid. She dissolves СaСO 3 and MgCO 3, and does not corrode metal surfaces.

Citric acid is an affordable, readily available product that effectively dissolves stubborn mineral deposits

The chemical reaction is as follows:

2C 6 H 8 O 7 + 3CaCO 3 = Ca 3 (C 6 H 5 O 7) 2 + 3CO 2 + 3H 2 O.

During the reaction, calcium citrate is formed in the CM (Ca 3 (C 6 H 5 O 7) 2), which dissolves well in water and is removed with it when draining. It is safe for humans and even comes in tablets to replenish the body's calcium reserves.

Theoretically for cleansing washing machine from 100 grams of scale, 125 grams of citric acid is required. This chemical fact must be remembered when evaluating the effectiveness of the cleaning performed.

The purity of citric acid is important only in cooking, the main thing for descaling is cheapness and a correctly calculated amount

Causes and consequences of scale formation

The scale formed in the washer is a fait accompli that requires a response. But one cannot ignore the reasons for its appearance, which can repeat the process of salt deposition on parts.

Frequent washing at 95 ° C will reduce the life of the washing machine. A mode with 30-40 ° C in combination with a good powder is also able to remove all dirt from things

Scale formation is facilitated by:

  1. Carbonates, calcium and magnesium cations dissolved in water.
  2. High washing temperature (over 60 ° C).
  3. Use of phosphate-free powders.

The effect of high temperatures is that with strong heating on metal surface The heating element begins to form steam bubbles - the result of local boiling of water.

At the micro level, this leads to its separation into a pure fraction. H2O passing into the surrounding liquid, and insoluble carbonates deposited on the metal. The higher the washing temperature, the more scale is required in one cycle.

Phosphate-free powders have a beneficial effect on the ecosystems of reservoirs into which the sewage system is discharged, but they bring some problems to people.

Phosphates reduce the overall hardness of water and inhibit the formation of insoluble carbonates; therefore, they are used in special products for the internal cleaning of washing machines.

Try to try the temperature of the glass of the SM door in the washing mode, since its coldness indicates a breakdown of the heating element

The absence of phosphates in detergent powders leads to accelerated deposition of salts on the details of the lubricant and the following consequences:

  1. Overheating of the heating element due to poor heat transfer to the surrounding water through the scale.
  2. A layer of salt insulates metal and rubber parts from air, which contributes to moisture retention, rusting and reduced strength.

In general, there is little good from scale, so you should remove it with citric acid or another effective means. You should know as much information as possible about the features of this method.

Mineral sediment on the pulley, crosspiece, bearing and other parts located nearby and in contact with each other increases the load on the engine, as a result, contributes to accelerated wear

Pros and cons of citric acid cleaning

The properties of citric acid are due to its chemical structure... This substance was not invented specifically for cleaning washing machines, so its effect on technical parts has both positive and negative sides.

Positive aspects of the method

Without descaling in the CM, you can expect at least the heating element to burn out. Therefore, it is not worth delaying the cleaning procedure. The method of removing deposits should allow everyone without experience to carry out the procedure.

If you decide to regularly clean the CM with citric acid, you can immediately buy a large amount of it. It will be cheaper and less troublesome.

The use of citric acid to eliminate accumulated insoluble salts meets this requirement due to a number of advantages:

  1. Availability and low cost... Citric acid in the right amount can be bought in any store for several tens of rubles.
  2. Simplicity... Even an untrained person can carry out the cleaning procedure.
  3. Efficiency... 100 g of citric acid will dissolve up to 80 g of scale.
  4. Security... Both citric acid and calcium citrate formed after the dissolution of scale are harmless to health.

These positive sides LK make it the drug of choice in the fight against scale. It makes no sense to buy expensive special cleaning products for CM, if they provide a similar effect.

Citric acid is used both in the care of the internal and external parts of the washing machine. Advantage folk remedy the fact that with the use of lemon you can effectively clean surfaces inaccessible to the user

Confirmation of the effectiveness of removing accumulation with citric acid is demonstrated in the video:

The negative effects of citric acid

There are legends about the negative effect of citric acid on internal parts when cleaning a washing machine. There are numerous arguments against this method, but few provide evidence.

The theoretical claims of people to cleaning SM with citric acid are:

  1. Formation of salts that remain in the washing machine and can clog the drain.
  2. The acid corrodes the metal components of the heating element.
  3. Rubber seals soften and may crack.
  4. After cleaning, things have a specific smell.

A 1% citric acid solution is used to remove scale in the CM.

For comparison, a 10% solution of aggressive hydrochloric acid is used to remove deposits from hot water boilers. And even multiple processing with such a powerful tool does not affect the operation of the equipment. And rubber is generally resistant to short-term exposure to weak acids.

A problem will arise if crystals or citric acid solution remain in the pocket of the rubber seal that seals the door. In other cases, the negative impact of citric acid on the insides of the washing machine is a myth.

Holes in the cuff from citric acid do not appear immediately, but only after multiple descaling sessions without observing basic rules

The salts formed during descaling, together with the residues of paint, are completely removed by subsequent two or three rinses, leaving no smell or sediment.

Do all the disadvantages of citric acid turn out to be far-fetched? No, descaling has another drawback, but it is common to all cleaning products.

Insoluble salts can build up at water leaks, temporarily closing the hole and clearing up the problem. Leaks may reappear after cleaning the washing machine.

The described problem is not initiated by citric acid or other means, but the possibility of its occurrence should be kept in mind.

The consequences of using LC for cleaning SM are presented in the video:

Washing machine cleaning process

Citric acid cleans not only the internal parts of the SM, but also the box for filling the powder, the door and its rubber gasket.

For this you will need:

  • 100 g citric acid;
  • a cloth that absorbs water well.

Simplified, the principle of cleaning the inside of the washer with citric acid is to carry out a regular wash session with a load folk remedy in a cuvette for detergents or into the drum

Step # 1: prepare for cleaning

Beforehand, you should check the drum again and remove things from it, if any. Then measure out 100 g of citric acid for a washing machine with a load of 6 kg.

If the technique assumes a different maximum amount of laundry, then the amount of reagent should be adjusted in the appropriate direction.

You can use lemon in 2 types:

  • crystalline;
  • diluted in water.

Dissolved acid is preferred because crystals are guaranteed not to get stuck anywhere. 100 grams of lemons are bred in half a liter warm water... Diluted paint is not suitable for cleaning washing machines, which pump out the remaining water under the drum at the beginning of work.

Crystalline powder is loaded into the receptacle for washing powder, and the dissolved lemon can be immediately poured onto the drum before closing the door.

The maximum long-term washing mode with a water temperature of 90-95 ° C is selected and turned on. It should contain at least 3 rinses.

Step # 3: remove residual crystalline acid

After the final set of water in the machine, open the compartment for loading the powder and grind the remaining lemon on its walls. If it is not there, then you can borrow a little reagent from the kitchen.

After 30-60 minutes, it is necessary to wipe the compartment with a dampened cloth, removing the plaque present there. The main thing is to have time to remove the acid before the rinse starts.

Step # 4: inspect the washing machine

After finishing washing, open the door and let the interior dry. Separately, wipe off the accumulated water in the pocket of the rubber cuff. Additionally, you can remove the bottom panel of the machine and clean the drain filter, in which chipped scale particles can get stuck.

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Before the descaling procedure, you can pay attention to the appearance of the drum surface, so that later you have something to compare with

A temperature of 90 - 95 ° C is not necessary for descaling, but it noticeably accelerates the chemical reaction to dissolve carbonates

The SM door and the rubber seal must be wiped with a cloth soaked in 1% citric acid solution. Any plaque remaining on them should be easily removed. This completes the descaling process.

Equipment maintenance frequency

The frequency of the procedure depends on the hardness of the water in the region and average temperature washing. The higher they are, the more often the equipment needs to be cleaned.

Inside the machine, citric acid contacts only with heating elements and a workspace made of metal, plastic and rubber. She and her vapors do not get on the engine, electronic board and other critical elements of technology, so you should not be afraid of the regular use of LK.

Although the process of cleaning SM with citric acid is quite simple, it is still better to prevent the formation of scale than to deal with later removing it.

Prolonged washing of laundry in the drum can lead to mold and bad odors in the washing machine.

These tips will help reduce the build-up of insoluble salts on the internal parts of the clipper and reduce the likelihood of breakage:

  1. After washing, keep the drum open until it is completely dry.
  2. Buy powders containing water softening components.
  3. Add the recommended amount of detergent for hard water.
  4. Do not machine wash old, decaying things.
  5. When washing, it is preferable to use modes with a maximum temperature of 40-50 ° C.
  6. Pull the laundry out of the CM immediately after the end of washing.

When removing limescale, do not exceed the specified citric acid concentration. This will not enhance the effect, but only lead to unnecessary cash costs.

And we must not forget about the obligatory wiping of the sealing rubber cuff dry after the cleaning procedure.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

After watching videos on the practice of using paintwork to clean the washing machine, you can be convinced of the effectiveness of this method.

Cleaning the washing machine from start to finish:

Analysis of the effectiveness of using citric acid for descaling proves that this product does the job perfectly.

The main thing when cleaning the washing machine is not to get carried away by amateur performances and carefully follow the specified rules and recommendations for the procedure.

When you were planning to purchase a washing machine, you probably hoped that it would last a long time and would not require repair ahead of time. However, few people think that to ensure this, it is necessary to properly care for the equipment and clean it from time to time. After all, scale builds up on the elements of the device during operation, and the water from the tap does not differ in perfect purity. In some areas, it is very tough, contains a huge amount of iron, as well as salt and other components.

When they are heated in water, they turn into deposits, which can only be removed with the help of acid. The higher the temperature during washing, the more limescale will form on the inside of the machine. If pure water flowed from the tap, then such problems would not arise, however today it is of rather poor quality, but it is still possible to cope with the problems that have arisen. Some people solve this issue by the installation method with which you can soften the water and reduce the likelihood of scale formation on the tubular heating element.

Scale problems

Scale is not dangerous, but it has a detrimental effect on the processes that take place inside the washing machine. This can lead to increased energy consumption. Normal heating of water will be inhibited, because the upper part of the heating element will be covered with foreign elements, and this entails additional energy consumption.

You can find out that the heating part is covered with limescale when the time for heating the water increases. However, other reasons may indicate this. Scale can lead to equipment breakdown, because the heating element has to work in an enhanced mode, which will certainly disable it, sooner or later you will be faced with the need to replace this part. If the replacement is not made on time, then the machine can break down even more seriously, because sometimes even the software module burns out. Scale can cause fungus to form and can be even more problematic.

Cleaning the car with citric acid

Many housewives today are wondering if it is possible to clean the washing machine with citric acid. There are not always tools at hand that you can use to solve the problem. And there is no point at all to purchase expensive chemical compositions when you can buy cheap citric acid. Means "Kalgon" cannot cope with scale, because it only softens the water. For this you need to use food acid, lemon juice it will not help.

By visiting the store, you can find a household or specialty acid. The first option is sold at any grocery store. As for special acids, they are usually used in industry, they help to cleanse mechanisms. The concentration of hydrochloric acid should be prepared from the ratio of the percentage of the product to the millimeter of scale. If you prepare a solution with a concentration of more than 10%, it can corrode parts. But if you use a three percent composition, then this tool will not be effective.

Cleaning the automatic machine with citric acid from scale is carried out according to a certain method. This product can have a negative effect on the rubber elements of the drum. The technique should not be used too often, in which case you may encounter washing out of the oil seal grease. Dissolving acid in hot water can cause significant damage to the temperature sensor. However, as practice shows, this happens quite rarely. During cleaning, you must add a lime dissolver, only then can you ensure that large elements do not clog the parts.

Cleaning technology

Cleaning the automatic machine with citric acid can be carried out at home; for this, approximately 300 g of citric acid must be poured into the powder compartment. Then the machine turns on, its work is set to the mode of washing cotton clothes. The temperature can vary from 60 to 90 ° C. In this case, you do not need to use powder, there should be no laundry in the drum.

There is no need to switch the machine to spin mode. In order to rid the device of scale residues, the machine must be rotated at a low temperature again. It is important to check the rubber content of the drum. In the drain, you can find large pieces of limescale. You can remove them with your hands or a sponge, while using rubber gloves... This treatment can be carried out every four months.

Anti-scale citric acid in the automatic machine allows you to get rid of deposits inexpensively and easily. If you've spent hefty sums of money on emollients before, then this time you can resort to almost free technology.

The use of chlorine and citric acid

Cleaning will be more effective when bleach is added to citric acid. To do this, you need to take a glass of acid and the same amount of chlorine. The latter enhances the effect of the first ingredient to achieve a radiant shine to the interior of the machine. Before you clean the automatic machine with citric acid and chlorine, you need to familiarize yourself with the disadvantage of this technology, which manifests itself in an unpleasant odor during work. Such cleaning can be carried out every three months, thereby eliminating corrosion of rubber parts.

How to deal with mold

If you notice that the drum is covered in some places, then you can use the same citric acid for this. The top cover is preliminarily removed, but for this the machine must be turned with its back. The cover is fixed with 3 screws, which can be hex or Phillips, depending on the model. The screws are removed to allow the cover to be opened. If you are thinking about the question of how to clean an automatic machine with citric acid, then at the next stage you need to pay attention to the pump, which is located at the bottom of the equipment. A hose runs from it to the fitting. The fitting that acts as an attachment to this hose is often transparent. Therefore, you can see traces of mold on it. The hose must be removed, inspected, and if any dark spots, then rinse it well with citric acid solution.

A putrid odor can occur when mold runs down the hose and reaches the bottom of the equipment. By the same principle, it is necessary to unscrew the fastening of the front cover of the machine, under it you will see a hose fixed to the pump. If it is not transparent, then detach it and inspect for mold deposits using pliers.

If you are faced with the question of how to clean an automatic machine with citric acid from black mold, then you should take citric acid, install a fan in the car so that it promotes the circulation of air masses. It is necessary to comply with this condition if the equipment is located in a humid room, this can include a basement. The hose can be replaced if necessary.

Prevention of the machine should be done about once every six months, but a more frequent procedure, which is carried out every 2 months, will not hurt. An antiscale or vinegar can be used instead of citric acid. Every machine has a filter underneath, it will get dirty after washing, so it should be cleaned regularly. How to properly clean the automatic machine with citric acid, you could find out if you read the information provided above. It is important to remember that scale crystallizes when water is heated to 75 ° C. Experts advise not to reach this temperature level, stopping at 70 ° C. At the same time, the heating element remains clean, therefore, the appropriate program should be selected. Cleaning with citric acid may be done more often than recommended above, but this advice is more relevant for those who use the equipment frequently. With the help of acid, you can remove not only scale, but also eliminate extraneous odors, if any. Prevention does not bring any harm to the details, it has been tested in practice.


Before you clean the automatic machine with citric acid, you should consider other ways of carrying out such work. As alternative solution advocates white vinegar, which must be poured in the amount of 2 glasses. Then hot water is added, the mode of washing without laundry and powder is switched on. The cycle should be chosen as long as possible. Before you clean the washing machine with citric acid, you should familiarize yourself with the technology of work. It states that after completing the acid wash process, the machine must be set to a short program again.

The automatic machine is an irreplaceable "helper": I threw in the dirty laundry, pressed a couple of buttons and after an hour and a half pulled out the clean, wrung-out clothes. Of course, failures also happen: at the most unexpected moment, the "assistant" stops working for no apparent reason. But there are still reasons - these are dirt and scale. I will tell you how to clean a washing machine with improvised means, and what preventive measures observe in order to prevent its failure.

In 90% of cases, the automatic machine stops functioning not due to breakage or wear of parts! And then, when the drain filter gets clogged with dirt and a decent layer of deposits boils on the heating element.

Where does scale come from and why is it dangerous

If you want to know how to descale a washing machine, then you will certainly be interested in the "root" of the problem. Our water pipes are far from spring water, which contains many undesirable substances: iron, salt, etc.

In the process of heating water in the machine, they boil first of all on the heating element (heating element), and only then on other parts. With each new wash, a new layer of such carbonate deposits is formed.

Obviously, at a high temperature of 60º or 90º, more scale will be deposited than with a wash on more gentle modes.

Carbonates have a detrimental effect on the processes taking place in the automatic machine:

  • Electricity consumption increases. When carbonates cover the heating element, it stops heating the water quickly and efficiently. More long time heating requires more energy. This is a signal to you that it is time to clear the ten.
  • Difficult working conditions quickly render the heating element unusable. If you do not get rid of dirt and scale in a timely manner, then the heating element will initially function poorly, and then completely fail. We'll have to replace it with a new one. It is good if the software module does not burn out "for the company" - this is already a much more serious breakdown.
  • Limescale is one of the causes of mold in the machine. Hence, the unpleasant comes from the drum and from the laundry. Well, everyone knows about the dangers of fungi for the human body.

General cleaning of the washing machine

We understood the reason, we will fight! It is better to clean it not in a complex way, but in detail: starting from the outer parts of the washing machine (filter, powder compartment, drum) and ending with the heating element.

Checking the outlet filter

Its full name is "drain pump outlet filter". In everyday life, it is simply called a drain filter. But to be honest, many housewives do not even know about its existence. Nevertheless, it clogs up quite often, which is why the machine may "refuse" to wring out the laundry or drain dirty water.

Before you pay money to a foreman who will undertake to "fix" the automatic machine, although there may not be any breakdown as such - clean the drain filter and try to wash something.

On the front side of the machine, at the very bottom, there is a square outline of the lid:

  1. Prying and opening it, you will see a cork that closes the drain filter hose.
  2. Substitute a container and unscrew the cap- Residual water may escape from the hose. In this secret place you will find all the buttons, coins, hair, seed peels and other debris left after washing. If the filter has never been cleaned before, then a bad smell cannot be avoided.
  3. Clean out accumulated dirt with a gloved hand.
  4. Walk with a damp cloth and then wipe dry. screw the plug tightly and close the lid.

The drain filter of the drain pump should be cleaned 2 times a month, ideally after every wash.

We clean the removable compartment for detergents

Does anyone check this capacity at all? To be honest, until recently, I thought, since there are poured, poured detergents, then it should automatically be clean. But this logic does not work here.

Having accidentally pulled this thing out (I didn't even know that it was being filmed before), I saw a lot of interesting things! Dirt, incomprehensible black-and-green bloom, mold, a completely dried layer of unused washing powder ...

And the worst thing is that all these contaminants come into contact with the drum and clothes during washing. Therefore, I share with you how and what is the most effective way to clean the detergent compartment:

  • Removing the detergent container is easy enough. In most models of machines, you need to press the container in the middle and at the same time pull the container towards you.

  • Mold, black plaque and conditioner residues are perfectly removed with an old toothbrush dipped in soapy water. The hard side of a dish sponge will work, too.
  • But the adhering and dried lumps of powder are not so easy to peel off. I recommend pre-soaking the container in a basin for 1-2 hours. To do this, pour warm water there and add 20-30 ml of any chlorine-containing product (for example, for cleaning). Plaque as well as mold will dissolve.
  • Now all that remains is to thoroughly rinse the compartment in clean water, wipe dry and put back.

How to clean the heating element and drum?

A tubular heater is most susceptible to scale formation and, as a result, breakdown. Especially if the water in your area is very "hard" - with a high content of salts, metals and rust. Therefore, it needs to be cleaned regularly.

There is a myth that if you add Alfagon or Kalgon for washing machines with each wash, then the scale will not stick to the heating element. Unfortunately, these expensive products only soften the water without affecting carbonate build-up.

The main active ingredient in them - sodium tripolyphosphate - does not dissolve metals and salts. Moreover, almost all modern powders contain components similar in action. It turns out a pointless waste of money. By the way, according to estimates, the use of Calgon is much more expensive than repairing a car with the replacement of heating elements.

How to replace Calgon if you need to soften the water? An alternative can be a cheap soda ash for a vending machine. It softens water remarkably and reduces the risk of formation of a solid carbonate layer on the heating element. 2-3 tablespoons directly into the drum or mixed with powder. The water temperature is not lower than 50º. Just do not use baking soda when washing woolen and silk items, it can ruin these fabrics!

Soda ash is an analogue of "Kalgon"! Costs within 30 rubles

And now about what will help to remove scale from the heating element. For convenience, I have compiled a plate with three proven methods:


Application instructions


Citric acid cleaning:

1. A machine with a 5 kg load will require approximately five sachets of citric acid. Pour four of them into the powder compartment and one into the drum.

2. Set the mode with the maximum temperature (90-95º) and press "start".

3. The machine should wash with a dry rinse for 1-2 hours.

4. When draining the water, you can see how the whole pieces of limescale, a dirty gray color, come out. The main thing is that they do not clog the drain hose, otherwise you will have to clean it by hand.

Descaling a washing machine with citric acid is safe and very effective!

Cleaning with vinegar:

1. Pour half a glass of 9% vinegar into the detergent compartment.

2. Set the longest wash cycle with a high temperature (without powder and laundry, of course).

3. After 5 minutes of washing, press the pause and wait an hour - this will allow the vinegar to better affect the heating element and the drum.

4. Restart the wash before completion.

5. After that, be sure to run a short wash or extra rinse.

Vinegar is a more potent remedy, although it is less popular due to the aggressive effect on the rubber parts of the automatic machine. Vinegar breaks down salt faster and better - there is no trace of scale on metal parts!

Special chemical agents : Filtero, Merloni, Bubble Ice, Astonish and SVOD-TVN are the most well-proven

Household chemicals:

Before using the descaler for washing machines, familiarize yourself with how to use it. Some liquids are intended for dry washing, while others are intended for soaking the removed heating elements.

Personally, I am a supporter of everything natural, so I prefer to use the first two methods. In addition, chemical descaling agents are quite expensive.

You can use them no more than twice a year!

Rubber parts of the automatic machine

These are the most comfortable places for mold, because it is always damp and warm here. What's the best way to kill mold? Baking soda! She will remove all unpleasant odors.:

  1. Mix baking soda with water in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. Thoroughly wipe the surface of the machine, rubber seals, door with this solution.
  3. Simple instructions will help keep your "helper" in line:

  • Regular general cleaning. Once every 3 months - it's not difficult, right? But the machine will wash smoothly (like just bought) and will last longer.
  • Only a proven powder and careful study of the manufacturer's recommendations. For example, do-it-yourself washing powder cannot be used in a machine. There are also detergents that are poured directly into the drum and not into the removable compartment.
  • If the water is "hard", soften it with soda ash. Just make sure you really need it first!
  • After thick conditioners and powder with soap in the composition, an additional rinse is required. Such products are not washed out the first time, but accumulate in the machine, contributing to the growth of bacteria.
  • After each wash, wipe the drum and door dry. In this case, we do not close the door, but leave it slightly open, at least until the machine is completely dry.
  • Installing a magnetic softener under the water pipe or inlet hose. Under its action, salts in water are split into ions - the formation of scale is reduced significantly.


Now you know how to clean a washing machine with vinegar, lemon and soda. Well, if you prefer household chemicals, then the names of the most effective means I also sounded for descaling.

There is nothing difficult in cleaning the automatic machine! The main thing is regularity and respect. How do you take care of your "helper"? Share in the comments below and watch the video in this article.

Is it possible to clean the washing machine with citric acid - despite the fact that this tool is one of the most common, proven and affordable, the question among users still does not lose its relevance. A washing machine is an essential household appliance.

It makes life much easier not only for families with many children, but also for single people. And since such a unit costs a lot, I would like to keep it in good condition for a long time.

The most common reason washing machines fail is deposits. limescale on the internal parts. In order to prevent this and dissolve the one that has already formed, from time to time the unit must be cleaned with special means.

There is a lot of such a cleaning composition, and savvy housewives have long been accustomed to replacing it with more accessible substances. Citric acid is one of those. This white crystalline powder has been proven to be effective and safe over the years - if you know how to do it right.

Many people like to repeat - "We have very hard water in the region." while they don't really understand exactly what they are talking about. V

Water in city water pipes is really tough, which means it contains a lot of calcium and magnesium salts. If you wash things in it or even wash your hair without additives, both linen and hair will become very rough and tough to the touch - hence the name.

If such water is boiled, magnesium and calcium salts will precipitate. It is he who settles on various elements washing machine, forming scale. The more often you wash, especially when high temperatures, the denser and thicker the scale layer will be and the faster it will form. What is the threat?

  1. The thicker the layer of limescale on the heating element - the heating element of the washing machine - the slower the water will heat up, since lime has a low thermal conductivity.
  2. It will take more electricity to bring the water to the correct temperature.
  3. The heating element will overheat and fail faster.

That is why you need not be lazy to descale the unit in a timely manner. Very little effort is required, but the machine will last several times longer without breakdowns, and you will not have to overpay for electricity.

How often should this procedure be performed? just look at the filter of the washing machine (to do this, you first need to remove it). If a grayish bloom is visible on it, then it's time for the next cleaning. It is difficult to navigate in time in this case.

Those who use the machine too often should clean it once a quarter. For the rest, it is enough to do this once every 6-12 months.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Citric Acid

Why by this means, and not by some other? The method of cleaning the washing machine from limescale with citric acid has its pros and cons. The obvious advantages are:

  1. Availability - Citric acid is sold everywhere and is very inexpensive compared to professional means(in the composition of which, by the way, one of the main components is precisely citric acid).
  2. Safety - after citric acid, there is no plaque and odor in the machine that could affect the quality of the laundry during subsequent washings.
  3. Effectiveness - this powder really perfectly dissolves even fossilized lime deposits on the parts of the automatic machine.

Additional bonuses include the fact that the insides of the washing machine will at the same time get rid of bad smell, and the window will become transparent and shining. What are the disadvantages They are not, if you do not abuse this tool and do not violate the instructions for cleaning the washing machine from scale with citric acid.

Of course, these instructions were not compiled by the manufacturer. household appliances, but the people. But the more reliable and proven it is.

How to properly clean a washing machine with citric acid

All you need for this procedure is citric acid and a clean, soft cloth with which you will wipe the washing machine after cleaning. Then we proceed like this:

  1. Remove all dirty items from the drum, remove powder or fabric softener from the tray. To properly clean the internal parts of the unit, wash it on Idling... Then the laundry will not suffer, and the scale will be effectively removed the first time.
  2. Pour citric acid into the washing powder tray - it will need 100 g for a small machine, and 150 for a larger one. If you have acid in bags, then for one cleaning you will need 3-4 bags, depending on how many grams of powder it contains.
  3. The water temperature is set at 90 degrees and no less. The washing mode must be selected for the longest.
  4. If the machine has not been cleaned for a long time, then you can do this: when the drum is filled with water and it heats up, press pause and leave the machine for half an hour. Then the acid is guaranteed to dissolve even the densest deposits of calcium and magnesium salts. Then release the pause and continue with the normal wash cycle.
  5. If you are in doubt that all the limescale deposits have been washed out during the rinse, you can turn on an additional rinse.

After the machine finishes washing and turns off, open the drum and wipe everything dry with a soft cloth. available parts and plane. Be sure to peel back the edges rubber seal and dry it thoroughly. Firstly, pieces of lime may remain in the fold, and secondly, from contact with acid, the rubber becomes hard and can tear.

Therefore, after each cleaning with citric acid, do not forget to wipe the seal dry, otherwise very soon the unit cover will lose its tightness.

If you have already started cleaning the washing machine, then it will not hurt to remove the filter and clean it too. Limes of scale have probably lingered in it, which it is better to remove immediately. That's all. Now your automatic washing machine shines and smells good, you can continue to use it.

Many users are wondering if there are alternatives to citric acid. yes, they are, but this is not lemon juice at all. All you will achieve if you clean the machine in this way is to get rid of the unpleasant odor, if any. The acid contained in lemon juice will not dissolve the scale on the heating element, its concentration is too low.

At the same time, you should not be zealous with citric acid powder, since this substance, on the contrary, is very concentrated. If it seems to you that not all the scale has left, it is better to repeat the procedure, but do not add too much powder at once.

To prevent rapid limescale build-up, try not to machine wash old items, especially those made from fluffy fabrics. Optimum temperature water - 60-70 degrees. Then bacteria on dirty things will be destroyed, and the sediment will not fall out so intensively.

After washing, try to immediately remove any damp laundry from the drum, and dry and ventilate the drum itself. subject to all these rules, as well as with regular cleansing, your washing machine will serve you regularly for 10-15 years - as the manufacturer guarantees.