Merino - what is it? Merino wool clothing. Merino wool blankets What is merino wool yarn

Merino wool is obtained from a special breed of fine-wool sheep. The name of the breed is derived from the Spanish word "merino". The largest population of this breed is in Australia.

The breed is of Spanish origin and its history dates back to the 12th century. Until the 18th century, the export of Merino sheep from Spain was punishable death penalty. Only in 1723, for the first time, several sheep were taken out of the country.

Merino appeared in Russia much later, and their breeding began only in the 19th century. Then several types of merino were bred: electoral, infantado, negretti, rambouillet. These breeds were imported from other countries. And local sheep breeders bred such breeds as Russian Infantado, Mazaevsky and Novokavkazsky Merino.

Characteristics of merino wool

The climate of Australia is unique, which favorably affects the quality of the merino wool bred on this continent.

Australian merinos are distinguished high quality combed wool, the thickness of the fibers of which is only 15-25 microns. Despite such a small indicator of the thickness of the thread, this wool is particularly durable. In addition, it has a number of unique properties.

Firstly, merino wool is hygroscopic, that is, it has a high moisture absorption. It is able to absorb so much moisture that its amount will be 30% of its own weight. At the same time, the merino wool product not only remains dry, but also continues to warm its owner.

Secondly, merino wool is surprisingly dirt resistant. The structure of the fiber is so springy that it rejects foreign substances and is cleaned by elementary shaking.

Thirdly, merino wool is incredibly warm. This is due to the fact that in structure it is a twisted fiber, between which an air space is formed.

In addition, merino wool has the ability to build protection against unpleasant odors. The creatine contained in its fibers has a destructive effect on bacteria, and in addition creates an unfavorable environment for the survival of microscopic insects and bacteria.

Types of merino wool

Merino wool is usually distinguished by the thickness of the fiber. From this indicator, the cost of raw materials also varies.

The thinnest merino thread is called "summer" and is labeled as "Golden Bale", which means "golden bale". This is the most elite type of thread, its thickness is only 14.5-16 microns.

In second place is the wool line "Extra Fine", the so-called "graceful". It is also extra thin, but its thickness is 16-17 microns.

The wool of the Super Fine brand closes the line, that is, the “thinnest” - its thickness is 18-19 microns.

Merino wool - what is it? This is the thinnest natural wool a certain type of sheep, merino. In addition to the fineness of the fibers, it is quite durable in quality. Clothing items knitted from this wool do not lose their marketable appearance for a very long time when worn for a long time and at the same time retain heat well.

History of occurrence

This type of sheep, like merino, was first bred in Spain. Initially, it was an elite type of material worn exclusively by monarchs. For an ordinary commoner, wearing things made from merino wool was strictly prohibited. And if someone tried to take the merino out of the country, he was severely punished. All this continued until the 18th century. But already at the time of the conquests by the British, they accidentally took a couple of representatives of this type of sheep with them on board and delivered to Australia. And it was here that the climate turned out to be ideal for their breeding. Today, Australia is the world's top exporter.

Merino wool: what is it and what are its properties

Due to the difficult climatic conditions of survival, merino wool has acquired the following properties. After all, Australia has very severe winters and incredibly hot summers. And thanks to the properties of thermoregulation, animals managed to adapt to the harsh climate. The fibers are very thin - 5 of them can be equated in thickness to one human hair. This is the secret of thermal insulation of this type of wool. And at the same time, you can wear merino wool products for several days and not even a drop of sweat smell will appear. If you try to use any other wool for this, then the clothes will need to be washed every day.

It's no secret that any sheep's wool can not only warm, but also heal. After all, wool natural product, which easily absorbs all the toxic that is released with sweat during wear. But in addition to absorption toxic substances, perfectly absorbs moisture and warms. The structure of the fiber has a springy shape, which allows dirt and dust not to stick to it. In order to clean the thing, you just need to shake it vigorously. Great for both cold season as a heating pad and hot summer day. Therefore, it is very convenient to fill blankets with such fiber for different seasons. This wool fights well with unpleasant odors, and therefore it is very often used in the textile industry.

An added bonus is that it serves as an excellent sedative. It's so cozy after a hard day's work to wrap yourself in a blanket made of soft wool.

What is made from

So, merino wool - what is it and what is it made of? The most common type of items made from wool of this type are items of children's clothing. Indeed, at a young age, children do not always complain to their parents about whether they are hot or cold. And in clothes made of this material, they are never hot and not chilly - they will not sweat or freeze. Merino wool thermal underwear for children is very popular. But do not forget that this is only a layer of underwear worn by a child in the cold season.

How to choose children's thermal underwear?

When choosing children's thermal underwear made of merino wool, you need to pay attention to the composition of the material. The main argument for parents is its practicality, useful qualities and price. The thickness of the fabric is not so important as its ability to absorb sweat and keep the cold out.

Merino wool blankets

Very popular products in the form of blankets and blankets, which give people only comfort and peace. Interestingly, the fame of blankets made from the wool of this type of sheep first arose long before the advent of the textile industry.

Bedding is mass-produced from this type of wool due to its hypoallergenic properties.

Merino wool products are washed like any other wool. Be sure to look at the care instructions on the label. The water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees, and the thing after washing should not be wrung out.

Main advantages

We continue to consider merino wool. What is it, we found out. Now let's take a look at its benefits:

  1. Wool is hydroscopic.
  2. Excellent thermal insulation due to the unusual structure of the fibers.
  3. Wool breathes well.
  4. Will never cause allergies.
  5. Fairly elastic.
  6. Does not require special care.

But most importantly, a merino wool blanket is a daily micro-massage of the whole body. Due to dry heat and lanolin fat on the surface of the fibers, it is an excellent remedy for the treatment of diseases such as arthritis, sciatica, back pain, and is good for colds. This is the only wool of all that is harmless and safe even for babies and people with bronchial asthma.

So it's safe to say that merino wool is truly elite wool!

Since healthy lifestyle life has become a guide for many people, we carefully read the information on the label - whether it is a package of cheese or a winter sweater designed to warm in bad weather. In pursuit of the best, we are faced with new terms and names. One of them is the inscription "Merino - 100%" proudly emblazoned on the label. What kind of wool is this - merino? And why is she unique?

There are indispensable!

Merino - special breed sheep, whose wool is distinguished by the longest and finest fibers. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this is a legendary breed. Until 1765, attempts to export this high-quality from Spain were punishable by death, and only noble persons could wear products made from merino wool. And only in the XVIII century, when the Spaniards were defeated by the British, merinos were taken out of the country. However, the British did not manage to master the art of sheep breeding immediately. It took about 200 years before the specialists of the country of fogs and rains were able to achieve significant success in sheep breeding, comparable to the skill of the Spaniards. Ideal conditions for breeding merino turned out to be in Australia, where the widespread use of wool on an industrial scale began. By the way, the country to this day remains one of the world leaders in the production of merino wool. Surely you are already intrigued by what could inspire the Europeans to a fierce struggle for the "Golden Fleece". And there are really many reasons for this.

For any weather and season

The main secret of merino wool is that it maintains an optimal microclimate. The best of that proof is the well-being of sheep, which can equally well withstand low winter and high summer temperatures.

It is not surprising that scientists have not yet been able to create an analogue that could replicate its properties as a thermal stabilizer. Merino clothes are thin to the touch, but surprisingly warm products (sweaters, blouses, vests). In them, the winter cold will be nothing for you. If you get bed linen from merino (duvet cover, pillow, blanket), it will serve you equally well both in winter and in summer. Just think: there are millions of air cushions in the fibers that retain heat regardless of temperature changes. And due to the high hygroscopicity, merino wool is able to absorb up to 33 percent of moisture from its volume. Thanks to this property, the body always remains dry.

Warms and heals

To date, the healing properties of merino no one is in doubt.

Firstly, wool has a beneficial effect on the joints and actively stimulates blood circulation.

Secondly, due to the significant amount of animal wax - lanolin - in wool, merino products have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and absorbable effect. Therefore, it is recommended to wear clothes made from this wool for those who suffer from rheumatic and orthopedic diseases, problems with the bronchi, and edema.

Thirdly, due to the ability to maintain the best microclimate for a person in merino clothes, a person gets tired less.

Finally, in the "age of allergies" it is impossible not to say that this wool is hypoallergenic, so merino - the best choice for children, pregnant women, athletes and all those who care about their health and comfort.

Looks great!

The appearance of merino wool will not disappoint you either. These are exceptionally soft, fluffy, elastic and amazingly beautiful products that keep their shape for a long time and well.

At the same time, wool has high strength, it is extremely practical to use.

And no insomnia!

Often, sleep problems can be caused by “wrong” bedding. Merino will also help to make sleep healthier and stronger.

Today, there is a large selection of Merino products on sale, including blankets, duvet covers. You don’t sweat in such a bed - the ventilation is just perfect. At the same time, underwear, like clothes, has an exceptionally beneficial effect on the body during sleep.

As you can see, no other breed of sheep can surpass Merino in its properties. Modern manufacturers offer us not only clothes and bedding, but also car seats, decorative pillows and (its upper part is made of wool). In a year, wool can be obtained from one sheep for the manufacture of about five items of clothing. We wish that at least a few of them ended up in your closet in the form of fashionable blouses and sweaters!

Merino wool yarn, which is rightfully considered one of the best in the world, is very popular among needlewomen. This type of wool is produced by a special breed of high-altitude fine-fleeced sheep Merino, bred in Australia and New Zealand, from which its name Merino comes.

Merino sheep are originally from Spain, but at the end of the 18th century they were transported to Australia and New Zealand. Now Australia has become the main producer of merino six in the world, where the number of merino sheep is about 155 million.

In terms of the amount of wool produced, merinos are real champions - one sheep grows up to 15 kg of wool per year, while sheep of other breeds do not produce more than 6-7 kg. But the most important thing is not even the quantity, but the quality of merino wool, which has a unique thickness of 14-23 microns (for ordinary sheep 25-35), is distinguished by elasticity, lightness and hypoallergenicity.

Depending on the thickness of the hair, merino yarn divided into four types. The most common type of Merino wool has a pile thickness of 20-22.5 microns. It is used in the manufacture of machine knitted wool and has a relatively low price. The production of merino wool of this type is 80% of its total.

The second type includes merino wool with a hair thickness of 18-20 microns. The yarn from it is called SuperFine, super fine, and its share in world production does not exceed 15%. The third group of Merino wool has a hair thickness of 16-17 microns and is produced under the brand name ExtraFine in the amount of 5-7% of the total.

And finally, the fourth and thinnest type of merino wool is called Summer wool. It is produced in the amount of about 0.1% of the total world production, and for this yarn they take a pile with a thickness of no more than 14-15.5 microns. This yarn is used to make the most expensive fabrics and knitwear, and it can only be bought at an annual special auction. Each season, the best batch of summer merino wool is named Golden Bale. It has the highest price, and its weight, as a rule, does not exceed several hundred kilograms.

The natural color of merino wool is white. best qualities yarn has no impurities, but since the merino itself is very expensive, synthetic threads are often added to the yarn to reduce the price. This, of course, worsens the excellent natural qualities natural merino wool.

But, nevertheless, merino wool is considered one of the best. Things from it are very warm, light and practical, they have excellent antibacterial properties, do not cause irritation and are great for small children. Interestingly, merino wool quickly absorbs moisture, but evaporates it just as quickly, so it retains heat well and is suitable for active physical activity. Caring for things made of myrino wool should be gentle, but at the same time it is no different from the way of caring for things made from other types of wool.

An excellent example of stylish things made of quality merino wool - hand-knitted, which in recent times are very popular.

Kira Stoletova

Merino wool is unique material obtained from a special breed of sheep. Previously, such products could only be worn by people of noble birth, and attempts to export material outside of their native Spain were punishable by death. Today, yarn and threads from the wool of these sheep are available to everyone, a large number of products are produced from them, which have unique properties. Merino - what kind of wool is it and what products from it are in priority?

What properties does

Merino wool products boast many features, including:

As can be seen from all of the above, a large-knit merino blanket, hat, linen or pillowcase are excellent purchases that will provide not only warmth, but also strengthen health and cheer up.

Variety of products and baby underwear

In modern stores you can buy not only a merino blanket, but also many other products. For example, fine yarn is often used for children's clothing. It will protect the child very well from the cold, but at the same time will not let him sweat. The fabric is often used for thermal underwear and other types of underwear, over which you should still wear warmer clothes.

It is worth choosing children's clothes from such material, paying great attention to the thickness of the fabric and its composition. Children's clothing should absorb sweat well and not allow the child's body to freeze. At the same time, products should not contain components that are harmful to health or can cause allergies.

Blankets and throws

A plaid made of real coarse knit merino wool will warm both the baby and his parents in the cold season. From thick yarn, products such as a blanket or plaid are most often made. They not only retain heat very well, but also give a unique feeling of coziness and comfort, and also do not cause allergies. In addition, it can be washed in the same way as any other woolen underwear, that is, with your own hands or in washing machine at temperatures not exceeding 30°C.

Also, large-knit products can boast the following advantages:

  1. A chunky knit merino wool blanket retains warmth much better than any other blanket.
  2. Plaids made of thick merino yarn do not require special care.
  3. It is very elastic, so the products are easily stretched, but there is no loss of shape.
  4. The yarn breathes well, which means that sweating under such a blanket or thick yarn blanket will not have to sweat.

In addition to all this, the yarn from the wool of the described animal gives such an advantage as micro-massage of the skin when used. The cover will provide dry heat, which reduces the risk of arthritis, sciatica and other diseases of the joints and bones.

Men's and women's thermal underwear

From merino or alpaca wool, the production of underwear for men and women has also been established for a long time. Italy is the leader in this production, but on the market you can find socks and other products made from Australian merino wool.

Men's and women's underwear is the most the best option for those who go in for extreme sports at sub-zero temperatures, that is, for climbers, skiers, snowboarders. Products made of large merino wool can now be ordered in many sports online stores, the cost will be higher than ordinary thermal underwear, but if you read the description and reviews of experienced athletes, it becomes clear what the price is for.

What can be clothes

In addition to blankets, large-knit merino wool is used to make outerwear. Such trade marks, like Woolie or Ohhio offer light and very warm knits that are very popular among residents of cold countries such as Russia, climbers and athletes. One of the best manufacturers thermal underwear is the company Norveg.

Sweaters or scarves made of thick soft merino wool are useful when hiking in the mountains or skiing, while the cost of such things is quite justified by their operational qualities, and you can order one thing or a whole set of linen on the Internet.

Yarn as a whole art

Anyone who likes to do things with their own hands or corny can not find in the store right size, a plaid of large merino wool can easily be knitted with your own hands. The price of yarn will be lower than that of finished product, and the resulting clothes can be of any color, shape and size, depending on the tastes of its owner. Threads can be bought in reels or other convenient format.

Anyone who wants to knit a large merino wool blanket, sweater, jumper or coat needs to buy or order yarn. You can do this in a specialized store or via the Internet, and the assortment includes both raw merino wool and ready-made threads for knitting.

Threads with the addition of other materials are quite voluminous, and besides the sheep wool their composition can be diluted with cotton and silk, it may include acrylic, viscose, a certain percentage of cashmere and other materials. The percentage of such additives should be paid Special attention when buying threads for knitting with your own hands, as they depend on performance characteristics products.

By the way, if you see a merino wool blanket in the photo, this does not mean that it does not contain additives of other materials. Carefully read the composition of things before buying, for example, extrafine yarn is 22% silk and 8% cashmere. Australian wool yarn is produced under the Pekhorka brand and is cheaper than Italian, and if you are interested in more products domestic production, then pay attention to the Zephyr company: the yarn is very voluminous, so you can knit from it even without using a hook, that is, with your hands.

Care and pricing policy

If you already know what kind of wool it is and now you want to know how to care for it, you should pay attention to the elementary rules.

  1. Plaid, vest, booties, bedding and other products require special care in terms of laundry. This means that the water temperature must be up to 60°C.
  2. Drying carpets and other products should also be very delicate.
  3. If it is not possible to wash a blanket or blanket in a typewriter, then you need to do it manually. Carpets and other bulky products can be taken to a specialized dry cleaner.

The cost of goods from the material depends on the manufacturer and a number of other parameters. For example, if Russia is listed as the manufacturing country on the label, then such a cardigan or slippers will cost less than the Italian version. At foreign manufacturers the price also varies. For example, a blanket from the American company Modern Wool costs 13,000 rubles, but delivery is not carried out to Russia, but the Russian company Woolie LLC offers the same products at a much more affordable price. Product range different colors, including red, green and many others.

Hand knitting and thick yarn

Handmade merino plaid

Underwear for children is not prickly, warms well and boasts other advantages described above. Woolen tights from the Norwegian brand Janus are also very popular today. If you are interested in a blanket or some other product from the described material, according to the photo and detailed description you can appreciate all its advantages.