The deputy head of the Russian Guard became the main candidate for the post of head of Dagestan. Experts named possible candidates for the post of head of Dagestan

Most likely, the place of the head of the Republic of Dagestan will be taken by the deputy director of the Russian Guard Sergei Melikov, Lezgin by nationality. For several years in a row, he served as the presidential plenipotentiary in the North Caucasian Federal District, and is familiar with the regional specifics. Ruslan Kurbanov, co-chairman of the Russian Congress of the Peoples of the Caucasus, announced this on the air of the Moscow speaking radio station.

“Abdulatipov’s resignation was being prepared for a long time,” Kurbanov added.

“His (Sergey Melikov -“ Gazeta.Ru ”) work as plenipotentiary allowed him to get to know the republic better and understand the depth of its problems. The Kremlin has purposefully appointed generals who have made a career at the federal level to the head of the republics of the North Caucasus, ”Kurbanov explained.

According to the co-chairman of the congress, among other contenders for the post of head of Dagestan are the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republic Abdurashid Magomedov and Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Khloponin.

The outgoing head of the republic Abdulatipov is an Avar. Sources of "Gazeta.Ru" are sure that the new head of the republic with a high degree of probability will not be an Avar. More than 100 nationalities live in Dagestan.

“One of the possible candidates for the post of the head of the republic is the deputy chairman of the Federation Council Ilyas Umakhanov, a Dargin,” one of the sources familiar with the situation told Gazeta.Ru.

On Wednesday, September 27, the head of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov announced his decision to resign. He named the main reason for his age - Abdulatipov is already 71 years old.

In addition to the age of the leader, "on all other issues the republic is on the rise," the head of Dagestan said. “She has been brought out of the grave crisis she was in,” Abdulatipov emphasized.

In terms of economic growth from 2013 to 2017, the Republic of Dagestan was in the top ten Russian regions, and in terms of tax collection it took fourth place.

Abdulatipov noted that in order to improve the situation, many district leaders had to be replaced, who had been in positions for 10-15 years. “We have replaced about 80% of the heads of districts and cities of Dagestan,” he told Gazeta.Ru.

At the same time, according to the Ministry of Finance, Dagestan became the most subsidized region in 2016: the federal budget spent almost 47 billion rubles on its maintenance. However, the head of the region Ramazan Abdulatipov does not see the fault of the republican authorities in this.

He also told the radio station "Moscow speaking" that he offered himself several candidates for replacement.

Abdulatipov himself explained the reason for his resignation by "planting greenery".

“I have not yet decided on my plans for the future - perhaps I will teach, engage in scientific, creative and social activities,” the politician added.

“The president thanked me, the head of the administration thanked me for my good work. I think that in general it is good to leave on the rise, and not when you have failed something, ”the head of the republic summed up.

Abdulatipov became the head of Dagestan in 2013. He was appointed acting head of the region, and later approved by the parliament of the republic. As deputy chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, Abdulatipov conducted tense negotiations with the Kremlin during the political crisis in the fall of 1993.

Islamic extremism and terrorism continue to be an important problem for modern Dagestan.

In addition to the unceasing struggle of the security forces against the Wahhabis leaving the "forest", they continue to leave the republic to fight on the side of the terrorist organization "Islamic State" (IS, banned in Russia).

In 2015, about 600 people fled to Syria from the republic, Abdulatipov said.

“Some people go, having sold their property, and these are not always poor and unfortunate people who have nowhere to go. To a large extent, these are people who no longer find support in Dagestan itself, "he added in an interview with Gazeta.Ru.

At the same time, Nabi Abdullaev, a leading analyst at the international consulting company Control Risks, in an interview with Gazeta.Ru, noted that the head of Dagestan was "lucky that Syria pulled off the radicals, and the tension subsided."

Deputy Director of Rosgvardia Sergei Melikov is considered as the main candidate for the post of head of Dagestan, four sources told RBC

Sergey Melikov (Photo: Sergey Savostyanov / TASS)

The main candidate for the post of the new head of Dagestan is the deputy director of the Rosgvardia Sergei Melikov, who previously served as the presidential envoy to the North Caucasus Federal District. This RBC was told by two sources close to the leadership of Dagestan, and confirmed by two interlocutors close to the Kremlin.

“Melikov is the most likely candidate, he is a security official, he knows the region well and is respected there,” a source close to the Kremlin told RBC. "90% - Melikov" - added an interlocutor of RBC, close to the authorities of Dagestan, answering the question of who can lead the republic. Another source close to the leadership of Dagestan described Melikov as "a figure equidistant from the clans in the republic."

The source of RBC in the Russian Guard noted that if Melikov is considered as a candidate, then this is due to his origin, since he is half Lezgin. Moreover, he was born and raised outside the republic. This is the case when, on the one hand, he seems to be a "national cadre", and on the other hand, he is a "harsh person." “It is necessary, of course, to take into account both his current situation and the experience of working as a plenipotentiary representative,” said the interlocutor of RBC.

“I can’t, firstly, neither confirm nor deny, and secondly, as a result, I can’t comment,” said Alexander Khinshtein, advisor to the director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops, to RBC.

According to sources, the deputy head of the Kremlin administration, former president of the republic, Magomedsalam Magomedov, and head of the Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergencies, Shamsutdin Dagirov, are being considered for the same post.

A representative of Magomedsalam Magomedov told RBC that the deputy head of the presidential administration was on a "working trip" and promised to pass on RBC's questions to him. RBC sent an official request to the head of the Academy of the State Fire Service of the EMERCOM of Russia, Shamsutdin Dagirov.

Senator from the republic, vice-speaker of the upper chamber Ilyas Umakhanov also went to the presidential administration on the issue of rearrangements in Dagestan, said the interlocutor of RBC in the Federation Council. But he refused the offer to head the republic, added a source in the circle of the head of the republic, Ramazan Abdulatipov. Umakhanov's assistant Mikhail Chernyshov told RBC that the senator will not comment on the situation with the resignation of the head of Dagestan until the presidential decree appears. He also could not confirm or deny the information that Umakhanov participated in the interview for the post of the head of the region in the presidential administration. The senator himself did not respond to calls and messages from RBC.

On Thursday, September 28, the head of Dagestan will make an appeal regarding his resignation, and the name of his successor is expected to be made public this week, a RBC source in his circle said. ...

On the morning of Wednesday, September 27, RBC sources that Abdulatipov was urgently summoned to the presidential administration, where they offered a number of positions and discussed with him the candidacy of a possible successor. “It was unexpected for him, nobody knew. The head of the republic hoped to work it out to the end, ”a source told RBC in his entourage. Abdulatipov, according to the source, did not express wishes for successors and wrote a statement "of his own free will." Later, the head of the republic confirmed the information about the resignation in an interview with "Moscow Says".

Nikolai Mironov, director of the Center for Economic and Political Reforms, associated the resignation with the Kremlin's course towards rejuvenating personnel (Abdulatipov is 71) and the head's insufficient management skills. A source close to the leadership of the region, RBC added that low ratings of the head of the republic, numerous conflicts and a "corrupt atmosphere" in Dagestan played in favor of the resignation.

Information about the resignation of Ramazan Abdulatipov, denied by the authorities of Dagestan on September 26, was confirmed today. Dagestan may be headed by Sergei Melikov, Shamsutdin Dagirov, Ilyas Umakhanov, Magomedsalam Magomedov, Abdurashid Magomedov, Alexander Khloponin or Roman Bekov, but Putin is able to appoint another, unexpected candidate, experts interviewed by the "Caucasian Knot" said.

Political columnist for the "Chernovik" newspaper Magomed Magomedov named four likely candidates for the post of head of Dagestan, but did not rule out the appearance of a new, unexpected candidate.

According to Magomedov, the first deputy director of the National Guard Sergei Melikov, the head of the State Fire Service Academy of the EMERCOM of Russia Shamsutdin Dagirov, the vice-speaker of the Federation Council Ilyas Umakhanov and the deputy head of the presidential administration, the former head of the republic, Magomedsalam Magomedov, may be appointed head of Dagestan.

“It is not ruled out that a new candidate may suddenly appear, the republic may be headed by a certain“ dark horse. ”But there is no such young technocrat who would be accepted by the Dagestani elites, as far as I suppose, only one of the four named politicians can lead Dagestan without conflict. they are known in the republic, the society has already discussed them as the successors of Abdulatipov, "Magomedov told the" Caucasian Knot "correspondent.

The personnel policy of the Russian leadership is unpredictable, it does not fit into a certain logic, said Milrad Fatullayev, editor-in-chief of the Derbent news agency.

Magomedsalam Magomedov was the head of Dagestan from 2010 to 2013. His biography has been published on the "Caucasian Knot".

"All appointments of Vladimir Putin are unexpected and unpredictable, Putin makes decisions for reasons known only to him. This was the appointment of Ramazan Abdulatipov himself - before his appointment, he did not participate in ratings and polls even as an extra. Therefore, it is very difficult to predict who will lead Dagestan." - Fatullayev told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

Fatullayev: they will not observe the rule of national quota

The journalist suggested that “a person who has made a serious career outside the republic” could replace Abdulatipov as head of Dagestan.

"There can be two options: either the appointee will remain in the interim status until the elections, and then he will be approved in office, or the interim candidate will be an interim candidate," he said. Milrad Fatullaev.

He suggested that in the second case, the Kremlin may soon appoint the acting head of Dagestan, Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Khloponin or Sergei Melikov. The latter, according to Fatullaev's information, has already rejected the offer to head Dagestan three times. Among other potential candidates for the post of the head of Dagestan, the journalist named the deputy governor of the Volgograd region Roman Bekov and Shamsutdin Dagirov, who is "promoted by the plenipotentiary envoy to the North Caucasus Federal District Oleg Belaventsev."

"Neither Magomedsalam Magomedov, nor Ilyas Umakhanov will most likely be appointed. Umakhanov, as far as I know, may soon go as ambassador to Mexico," Fatullayev said.

The journalist also expressed the opinion that when appointing a new head, the unspoken rule of national quoting, which ordered the appointment of a representative of Avar or Dargin nationalities, would not be observed at the head of the republic.

"They can approve a representative of the Kumyk or Lezghin nationality, or maybe the Lak one, for example, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Dagestan Abdurashid Magomedov," Milrad Fatullayev suggested.

Esedov awaits the return of Magomedsalam Magomedov

The appointment of the head of Dagestan will be made by President Putin and it is very difficult to guess who he will choose, the editor-in-chief of the Dagestan newspaper Novoye Delo believes. Gadzhimurad Sagitov... He chose to refrain from speculating about specific candidates.

"All assumptions about the new leader of the republic are like fortune-telling on coffee grounds, if there is no information from a serious source from Putin's entourage or the apparatus of the Russian government. Such sources, I am sure, have a nondisclosure agreement, information about the appointment of new heads is a secret until a certain time." , - Sagitov told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

Chairman of the Dagestan branch of the Yabloko party Albert Esedov identified three "most likely candidates for the post of head of the republic."

“Now the press names several candidates who can lead the republic. I checked with my sources and came to the conclusion that there are three potential candidates. In any case, the next session of the National Assembly will take place tomorrow, and at it, I think, something will become clear, "Esedov concluded.

The source named two likely candidates for the post of the head of Dagestan

The most likely candidates to replace Abdulatipov are Sergei Melikov, a Lezgin by nationality, and Shamsutdin Dagirov, a Kumyk. The latter "was considered a year ago as a replacement for Abdulatipov," Telegram channel Nezygar, close to sources in the Kremlin, said today.

"It is believed that the appointment of Melikov is lobbied by the commander of the Russian Guard, General Zolotov. The transfer of Melikov to Dagestan may also be supported by the head of Chechnya, Kadyrov," the source said.

Other law enforcement agencies may oppose the appointment of Melikov, since the Russian Guard and the "Zolotov group" already have a serious influence in the North Caucasus. An alternative candidate, proposed by the Rosgvardia, the chief of staff of the Rosgvardia, General Sergei Chenchik, "became famous for the cleansing operations" of alleged militants and their accomplices, his candidacy provokes a protest from the Dagestani elites, the source points out.

Starodubovskaya: nationality "silovik" is more important now

Ramazan Abdulatipov announced today that he proposed to the country's leadership to consider several candidates for the post of head of Dagestan. However, he refused to say exactly whom he recommended.

"I think that there will be no problems with this. I have named a number of names," - quotes Abdulatipov as "Moscow speaking".

Several hours have passed since the announcement of Abdulatipov's resignation, and the name of the acting head of Dagestan has not yet been announced, the Dagestani lawyer and blogger noted. Rasul Kadiev.

"Dagestan still stood out: in other regions, they announced their resignation and immediately appointed acting, but we have already had more than three hours and there is no information," he wrote on his Twitter.

"Around the people are having fun and celebrating the resignation of Abdulatipov. And I, perhaps, will wait for information about who will be appointed. We live in such a wonderful time when it should be borne in mind - perhaps worse," wrote the author of scientific works about the North Caucasus, Head of the Political Economy and Regional Development Department of the Gaidar Institute Irina Starodubrovskaya

These days, the entire Russian public is observing a whole series of resignations of the heads of the country's regions. Five governors have already resigned and, as expected, several more of their colleagues, who have shown not the best results in managing the region in recent years, will follow their example.

Therefore, it is probably the best time to check the attitude of Dagestan society and centers of social and political influence to the "bench" of the heads of Dagestan. Traditionally, once every six months, "Chernovik" finds out these sentiments by conducting an SMS vote for the title of People's President of Dagestan. The last time such a vote was in 2016 and covered the period from September to October ...

Ballast overboard

But before approaching the description of the characteristics of candidates for the people's presidency, it is worth mentioning the processes that are taking place at the federal level. The Kremlin is replacing the leadership in the problematic regions of the country. At the moment, it is known about five governors who voluntarily and compulsorily wrote letters of resignation.

So, February 6 left Victor Basargin... He was replaced by the head of the Moscow Department of Economic Policy and Development Maxim Reshetnikov... On February 7, the head of Buryatia wrote a letter of resignation Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn... The powers of the head of this constituent entity of the Russian Federation are temporarily performed by the Deputy Minister of Transport of Russia Alexey Tsydenov... On February 13, it became known about the departure of the governor of the Novgorod region Sergei Mitin, who was replaced by the CEO of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) Andrey Nikitin.

On February 14, the governor of the Ryazan region resigned Oleg Kovalev... He, who headed the region since 2008, was accused of solving land disputes in favor of business, building environmentally unfavorable enterprises in order to extract personal gain, and in 2016 the media predicted a possible resignation of the governor for health reasons. Kovalev was replaced by a State Duma deputy Nikolay Lyubimov, who, in order to avoid internal political conflicts, offered the ex-governor to become his adviser. (A kind of guarantee to the highest official of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, who terminated his powers.) On February 15, the head of Karelia resigned as well Alexander Khudilainen... His media and political science community were repeatedly “dismissed”, as in various ratings he was constantly at risk. In particular, a quick resignation was hinted by the fact that on February 17, 2016, the president of the country reprimanded the head of Karelia for disrupting the obligations to resettle from dilapidated housing. Now the acting head of Karelia is the ex-head of the FSSP Arthur Parfenchikov.

According to the expectations of political scientists, about five or six more heads of the subjects of the country may follow on undoubtedly a well-deserved rest ...

Let us take into account that those heads who have already resigned were finalizing their term of office, and the re-election of the leadership of this five constituent entities of the country coincides with the upcoming presidential elections in 2018. Taking into account the fact that these territories are socially and economically problematic, the level of internal political competition is high, there is an increase in protest moods, and the elections in these constituent entities of the country (as well as the presidential elections) are popular, the Kremlin decided to get rid of the "ballast": to overthrow the unpopular the popular masses of governors.

It's a sensible decision, since making personnel decisions in the midst of the presidential race is a risky step, you may simply not have enough time to convince the electorate that you should not associate your unpopular governor with Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin! It is necessary to convince the masses to come to the polling stations and thereby show the world community that in our country such an institution of power as the president is legitimate and is supported by the majority of the population of Russia. It is necessary to convince the person with the bulletin that changes for the better are taking place in the country - “behold, even a bad governor has been removed” - and not to think for a long time about where to put a tick. (By the way, speaking about the elections and the participation of the majority of the population in them: the administration of the President of Russia is considering the question of how to ensure the turnout of 70% of the country's population at the polling stations and to ensure that at least 70% of those present cast their votes for the main candidate.)

Therefore, having thrown the political ballast of unpopular governors overboard of big politics and appointing new leaders in the regions, the Kremlin is seeking a short-term (about a year or a year and a half) to relieve tension in the constituent entities of Russia, as well as to increase the popularity of the federal government. The reader of "Chernovik" may remember what kind of euphoria is experienced in society when the Kremlin changes the unpopular head of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to another. This was observed in Dagestan in 2006, 2010 and 2013. The main disadvantage of euphoria is that in a year and a half there comes a sobering up and a desire to see the results of the successful policy of the new leader.

Trust percentage

"Draft" does not claim that the head of Dagestan is among those who may be asked to write a letter of resignation with an open date. and Ramazan Abdulatipov... Previously (see "Two more years" in "Cheka" No. 1 dated 01/13/2017) we pointed out that the head of the RD has more chances to stay until the end of the term than to leave it ahead of schedule. But his meeting with Kirienko scheduled for 23-24 February. Despite the low ratings, Abdulatipov shows his confidence in the future with statements like "Putin, Medvedev and Allah support me, inshaallah!" His term of office also expires in September 2018, but the mechanism for appointing the head of Dagestan is not tied to national elections, does not need to adjust the date of regional elections to the day of the country's presidential election. And the absolutely manual control of the People's Assembly of Dagestan (it approves one of three candidates for the post of head of the Republic of Dagestan, agreed with the party whose faction is represented in the National Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan, then with the President of the Russian Federation and submitted to parliament for consideration) guarantees painless replacement of the republic's leadership at the first request of the Kremlin ...

The Kremlin takes into account the specifics of the Caucasus, which shows a high turnout of the population in elections of any level, which, undoubtedly, can be useful in the presidential elections in the country. (According to the IC RD, the turnout of Dagestanis in the presidential elections in Russia on March 4, 2012 was 91.3%, 92.84% voted for Putin. , 7% of Dagestanis.)

Note that the Special Communications and Information Service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, in its results of the survey conducted by them from October 31 to November 18, 2016, put the head of the Republic of Dagestan in the last, 85th place among all the heads of the subjects of the Russian Federation according to the population's assessment of his activities. 3.6% of the respondents assessed the activities of the head of the Republic of Dagestan as “definitely positive”, “rather positively” - 7%, “rather negatively” - 25% and “definitely negative” - 44.4%. (The results of the FSO poll are given in the article "Extremism in Moscow ... Terrorism in Dagestan", "Cheka" No. 1 dated January 13, 2017) For example, the same retired Khudilainen is in 83rd place ...

Candidates for ...

Those public and political figures of the republic who, directly or indirectly, have a significant impact on Dagestan, its inhabitants, and various spheres of life, become candidates for the People's President.

The current list has undergone significant changes: Prime Minister RD was removed from it Abdusamad Hamidov, ex-prime minister of the Republic of Dagestan Mukhtar Majidov, ex-deputy of the State Duma Rizvan Kurbanov, as well as the head of the Academy of the State Fire Service of the Russian Federation Shamsutdin Dagirov.

The list of candidates is represented by the following persons:

Abdurashid Magomedov, Minister of Internal Affairs of Dagestan. Recently, he has become unusually active in the information field of the republic: he uses almost any reason to demonstrate the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a law-abiding, transparent structure that respects the rights and freedoms of citizens, actively fighting crime, including in its own ranks. In speeches in a tactfully diplomatic manner, he lets you know that the Ministry of Internal Affairs has questions about the activities of a deputy of the National Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan Rajaba Abdulatipova when he was the head of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Dagestan, as well as to the initiative groups of Makhachkala residents who demolished other people's fences without a court decision. Strong positions both in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and in the Russian Guard (enjoys the support of the Deputy Director of the Russian Guard Sergey Chenchik);

Akhmad-khadzhi Abdulaev, mufti RD. "Draft" traditionally includes Abdulaev among the people's presidents as the recognized leader of the Dagestani Muslims, influencing several hundred thousand murids and followers of the tariqa, and indirectly influences the political situation in the republic. Moreover, the Muftiate of the Republic of Dagestan is an active participant in various state programs to counter terrorism and extremism, drug addiction problems;

Ziyavudin Magomedov, tycoon. One of the most successful Dagestani tycoons, developing global projects of a federal scale. Has support in the Kremlin (at one of the towers). In Dagestan, despite the seemingly dense presence, including through educational projects, it is only building up its positions;

Ilyas Umakhanov, vice speaker of the Federation Council. He is considered as a candidate, if only due to the fact that for a long time in federal politics, the deputy of a third person in the state, is quite densely present in the Dagestan political, financial and economic life;

Magomed Gadzhiev, State Duma deputy. Friendship with the tycoon Suleiman Kerimov, active self-development, building up ties at the federal level and presence in Dagestan politics turn Gadzhiev into a promising political figure. Taking into account the fact that he is now 51 years old (politically young), soon Hajiyev will be able to claim the role of, if not the head of the Republic of Dagestan, then the prime minister for sure. Note that the State Duma is becoming a talent pool for governors: Abdulatipov came to Dagestan from the State Duma, as well as Lyubimov moved from the State Duma to work in the Ryazan region;

Magomedsalam Magomedov, Deputy Head of APR. The ex-speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan, ex-president of the republic, now the deputy head of the presidential administration of Russia, Magomedov is perceived as the Kremlin's personnel reserve for the post of head of Dagestan. The experience of working at the federal level, in a structure that prepares certain decisions for the president of the country, only strengthens Magomedov;

Ramazan Abdulatipov, head of the RD. An experienced politician who is well aware of the intricacies of normative regulation, the psychology of relations between the country's top leadership and the regional level. Despite the ratings, it continues to be in the spotlight as a popular politician;

Saygidhuseyn Magomedov, head of UFK. Traditional candidate. Closed for information. In 2010 he was considered a candidate for the presidency of Dagestan. He is well aware of financial flows in the republic. Positioned as "a man of Patrushev and Pronichev." Note that the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolay Patrushev, like the ex-director of the FSB border service Vladimir Pronichev- representatives of the "Karelian clan of the FSB", that is, the security forces who have become generals in Karelia. Federal Processes Feed Activity and Hope Treasurer;

Sergey Melikov, Deputy Director of the Russian Guard. The ex-plenipotentiary of the North Caucasus Federal District, who has Dagestan roots, probably left the most favorable impression about himself as a federal official among the broad masses: his visits to Derbent in preparation for the anniversary, demands to put things in order in the housing and communal sector, etc. which, like a general, Melikov arranged for local officials, gave him the aura of a people's defender. He is still considered by the republic's mass media as a possible candidate for the head of the Republic of Dagestan;

Sergey Chenchik, Deputy Director of the Russian Guard. His name as a possible candidate for the head of Dagestan was announced by a journalist Maxim Shevchenko... Chenchik, as the ex-head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the North Caucasus Federal District, knows Dagestan, the main organized criminal groups of the republic, as well as political clans. Minus: it is perceived in society as a new Yermolov, adhering to the strategy "The forest is cut - the chips are flying." His inclusion in the SMS voting for the title of People's President is due to the desire to check whether Chenchik has support in Dagestan society;

Suleiman Kerimov, tycoon. A successful businessman, recently he has been carefully transferring his assets to his son Said. During his lifetime, he became a kind of brand of a successful person, Kerimov has always been perceived not only as an oligarch, but also as a person who can lead the republic and also turn it into a successful one. True, the broad masses do not know whether Kerimov himself wants to reign in Dagestan;

Khizri Shikhsaidov, Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan. An experienced politician who transformed the work of the Daghestani parliament, a major latifundist, closely patronizing various political processes in the republic. Shikhsaidov has extensive ties at the federal level, as well as strong ties in the Dagestan influence groups.

First: due to the absence in the republic of national elections for the head of the republic and heads of municipalities, as well as regularly conducted sociological studies related to the popularity of a particular politician, clarifying the list of those politicians whom the masses see as the potential leader of Dagestan, our publication is forced to find out the expression of the will of the people in this way - by SMS voting.

Second: this SMS vote is for active, caring people who are ready to express their opinion, and not keep it to themselves, lying on the couch and indignant at the TV. As in any voting, the popular will we propose is not devoid of an element of manipulation: the support teams for the candidates for the people's presidency organize people (close relatives, neighbors, friends, subordinate groups, etc.) to send an SMS vote to the phone number indicated by us.

Third: we are well aware of such mechanisms, but at the same time we consider this SMS voting as close as possible to the realities of our life, to identifying the political and administrative resources of candidates, their support groups, the ability to organize voting and involve a close circle of people in it. "Draft" has repeatedly asserted and repeats now that in the event of a real election, the voting mechanism, the formation of sympathy for the candidate and other points will be practically one-on-one (in organizational terms) repeat SMS voting.

The only way to avoid manipulation is to independently, by analyzing various information, form an opinion about the candidate and also independently express it, voting for the one for whom you really want to vote. And not for the one to whom the boss or the boss of the boss points ...] § [

Full name of the candidate

in People's Presidents

Serial number

Abdurashid Magomedov, Minister of Internal Affairs of Dagestan

Akhmad-Khadzhi Abdulaev, Mufti of the Republic of Dagestan

While Ramazan Abdulatipov is preparing for the spring, preparing to radically plow the political field of the republic, Moscow is already deciding who will lead the republic after Abdulatipov. Despite his reputation spoiled by the "planting of winter crops", Abdulatipov, gathering the remnants of his will into a fist, is trying to rectify his position, which is not so triumphant as a year ago, hoping to preserve his proud figure in the political field of Dagestan with one political multi-move for a couple of years.
The main reason for the imminent replacement of Abdulatipov was that the terrorism case against Amirov is falling apart and on February 28, not without Abdulatipov's indirect participation, he will be released from prison under house arrest. According to information leaked from Abdulatipov's entourage, he said in the Kremlin that Amirov's withdrawal from the pre-trial detention center could not worsen the situation in the republic. The real prison term will not be visible in another case - on charges of murder of investigator Hajibeyov. But in order not to return Amirov to Dagestan on a triumphal chariot, Moscow nevertheless decided to give him a suspended sentence for economic violations in the Makhachkala administration, which, on the fifth attempt, were nevertheless "found" by the Accounts Chamber last year.

Having learned about Amirov's release, the head of the Dagestan pension fund, Sagid Murtazaliev, refused to return from Dubai and, having gutted another briquette of cocaine, awaits guests from Jangamakha, Amirov's ancestral village in narcotic horror, completely forgetting about his political ambitions to occupy the chair of the head of the Republic as a maximum or the head of the city of Makhachkala as minimum. Alas, he has already become a burden for all those (including Abdulatipov himself) on whom he relied, entering the war with the most powerful clan of Dagestan.

At the same time, the guilty verdict and the suspended sentence that awaits Amirov for economic violations in the city administration will finally put an end to the protracted leapfrog around the seat of the Makhachkala mayor, and all the political heavyweights of Dagestan are already preparing for early mayoral elections.

The first to prepare for them is the temporarily appointed acting mayor Murtazali Rabadanov, who has already figured out the affairs of the administration, and has shared his desire to continue working in this field with his old friend Alexei Kudrin, who is already lobbying for his candidacy in the Kremlin. Not expecting such a turn from Rabadanov, who was initially presented as a transitional compromise figure, Abdulatipov tried to reason with Rabadanov's appetites in the Kremlin through his patron Vyacheslav Volodin, who, as an experienced hardware intriguer, initially began to turn off Kudrin's influence on Russian President V.V. Putin. To do this, Volodin leaked information on Kudrin as one of the financing opposition TV channel Dozhd, which fell into the hard Kremlin millstones of disgrace due to an inappropriate vote on the blockade of Leningrad. Moreover, the disgrace itself was arranged by Volodin himself, in order to mess up Kudrin more. But Volodin failed to drain Kudrin in front of Putin, and now Abdulatipov is forced to walk with Rabadanov in Makhachkala, jointly examining the ruins of Buinakskaya Street.

The second, and in fact the most promising candidate for mayor, was deputy Rizvan Kurbanov, who is supported by both high-ranking generals from the central apparatus of the FSB of the Russian Federation, and in the Office of the President of the Russian Federation at the level of such a figure as Oleg Plokhoi, who is the head of a new one, but together with the most influential Anti-Corruption Department. In addition to these administrative resources, Rizvan Kurbanov also has a fairly close contact with V.V. authoritative businessman Zarakh Iliev. This Zarakh Iliev is a companion of Kurbanov's close friend, Dagestani businessman Omar Murtazaliev, in the ownership of the Moscow shopping malls "Sadovod" and "Moscow". The recent unsuccessful "run over" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on these structures, which can be traced back to the Dagestan White House and the Dagestan Ministry of Internal Affairs, was easily repulsed, including thanks to Rizvan Kurbanov's strong ties in the power block at the federal level.

The most interesting thing is that the Dagestan White House and the Dagestan Ministry of Internal Affairs, acting separately from each other, almost simultaneously hit the same places - the largest wholesale vegetable base "Pokrovskaya", which is the business empire of the Dagestani brothers Gadzhiev-Isaevs, whose clan includes and the head of the Dagestan "Rosselkhozbank", and for these largest shopping malls "Sadovod" and "Moscow". And moreover, the initiators were moved by completely different reasons. Thanks to all his resources and capabilities, Kurbanov is guaranteed to be able to help Abdulatipov restore order in Makhachkala and the Republic and resolve the issue of combating extremism, if, of course, Abdulatipov manages to stay in office. This is important for Abdulatipov and for keeping under control Amirov, who was later released from custody, who most likely has his accounts not only for Sagid Murtazaliev, but also for Abdulatipov himself with Volodin, who managed to create a split between the Kremlin and Amirov in the spring of 2013, preparing his early arrest.

Another contender who has his own views on the chair of the mayor of the capital is the current head of the UFOMS of the Russian Federation for RD Magomed Suleimanov, who, with the persistence of a sailor, continues to chart his course for the prime minister's chair with an intermediate anchorage in the administration of the city of Makhachkala. Maritime persistence is more likely caused by the already spent amount that migrated from the bins of the MHIF to the personal bins of Abdulatipov's son-in-law, Musaev Magomed. Rightly considering himself "thrown", Suleimanov Magomed, after Abdulatipov's appointment to the post of Prime Minister Abdusamad Hamidov, began to lead his own party, hoping to attract attention precisely by creating interference with other participants in this mayor's marathon. By this method, he expects to enter into negotiations and force him to return the money spent.

A big problem for Abdulatipov managed to create, and the former Prime Minister Magomed Abdullaev, whom Abdulatipov considered a complete "zero" and just wanted to throw out of the post of rector of DagGosPedUniversity, replacing it with his distant relative. To do this, he instructed the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Dagestan Shahabas Shakhov, whose broken ears betray him more of an athlete than an intellectual, and Prime Minister Hamidov, to ensure the victory of his niece Tagiru's husband in the upcoming elections for rector of DagGosPedUniver. Without bothering to search for some complicated combinations, these two great combiners resorted to a forceful raid on the rector Magomed Abdullaev at the level of a gop-stop, as simple as a chintz handkerchief with polka dots. The experienced Abdullaev immediately went to his friend Dmitry Medvedev, where he told about Abdulatipov's desire to find a job for his relative, openly disregarding the long-standing friendship between Abdullayev and the country's prime minister, about friendship with whom Abdullaev had repeatedly warned Abdulatipov and his entourage.

Enraged by such disrespect for his friends, Medvedev threw a flurry of emotions on Ziyavudin Magomedov, who in turn demanded an explanation of the situation from Abdulatipov. Abdulatipov, in his usual manner of a party apparatchik, immediately merged Hamidov and Shakhov as initiators and executors of this collision, explaining along the way that the offer to employ a relative came from Shakhov himself, and he, Abdulatipov, simply without going into the situation, supported the proposal and nothing more. Probably, it really was the initiative of Shakhov himself, to propose a relative of Abudlatipov in the place of rector. Knowing like no one else this weakness of the President of the Republic of Dagestan, to cram his relatives and friends everywhere. And the reason for such anxious concern of Shakhov about Abdulatipov's relative lies in the desire of the minister with broken ears to hide the ends in the water due to the embezzlement discovered by Abdulaev for almost 200 million rubles during the rector's period at DagGosPedUniver of Shakhov himself.

Medvedev, pretending to be satisfied with the explanations, nevertheless coveted the heads of Hamidov and Shakhov, demanding that they be dismissed. Abdulatipov, painfully inventing words of consolation for Abdusamad Gamidov and Shahabas Shakhov, who appeared in the scandal around the Pedagogical University, was already going to dissolve the government, until at the last moment “scoundrel Haji Batyrov” rang the whole world about it. After this drain, Abdulatipov found himself in a situation where any new move leads to a deterioration in his position. Not having the opportunity to beautifully drain Hamid's government, he got into even greater embarrassment, inadvertently delivering his Address to the People's Assembly.

In this Address, he instructed the government of the republic to prepare a plan for the creation of a republican oil production company, which was immediately reported to the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin. For the desire to create this oil company, Haji Makhachev has already paid with his life, who crashed in a car accident due to a heart attack that happened to him after visiting the Investigative Committee on the eve of the accident. The reason for the visit to the austere building in Tekhnicheskiy Lane was related to the searches at the Rosreestr Office for the Republic of Dagestan, which is headed by Adam Amirilaev, Makhachev's son-in-law. And the searches themselves were connected with the information received by Sechin that Makhachev, through his son-in-law, had issued green papers to proxies for some of Dagneft's former real estate objects, which he skillfully removed from Rosneft-Dagneft's possession. It was these facilities that were supposed to become the foundation of the oil company being created, in exchange for shares for the Makhachev clan and the newborn Abdulatipov clan.

Abdulatipov, knowing full well why Sechin ordered a criminal case against the Makhachevs, took the risk and earned himself a new dangerous enemy. To justify himself to the furious Sechin for his careless message, Abdulatipov again remained true to himself and blamed everything on Deputy Prime Minister Nasrutdinov, as the initiator and main generator of the idea of ​​creating a local oil and gas company. And already under the guise of the detention of Nasrutdinov, he merged Rizvan Gazimagomedov with Marat Ilyasov, telling Sechin that they also misled him about oil production, and told the people something vague about the sale of gas networks .. Shocked by such an incomprehensible drain, Marat Ilyasov gave a frank interview with the Chernovik newspaper, and the more perspicacious Gazimagomedov, understanding what was the matter, remained silent. Indeed, in addition to Abdulatipov himself, only Gazimagomedov spoke publicly about the oil company, so he became a scapegoat, and Marat Ilyasov, as the Minister of State Property, went to the appendage, as a person who did not keep track of the land plots under which the oil fields are located. Having calmed Sechin with these victims, and letting him know that the idea of ​​a local oil and gas company would be quietly merged and forgotten by him, Abdulatipov took a deep breath and wanted to start again trying to untie the Gordian knot around the situation with the election of the mayor of Makhachkala and the need to resign the Gamidov government.

Abdulatipov sorely lacks time to get out of the existing problems and with his panic jerks he drives himself deeper into this swamp. Trying to solve the main part of the problems at once, he came to the decision to carry out the next political multi-move. As a result of this castling, Rizvan Kurbanov should become the mayor of Makhachkala, which in theory will provide Abdulatipov with the support of the new FSB leadership in Dagestan, which will soon be headed by General Mironov, close to Rizvan Kurbanov. This general is part of an influential group of high-ranking officers of the FSB of the Russian Federation involved in the fight against extremism and terrorism. It was this group that recently managed to consolidate its position in another hot spot of the North Caucasus Federal District - Kabardino-Balkaria, leading there to the leadership of the republic of Kokov instead of Kanokov.

With this reshuffle, Abdulatipov has a chance to solve all his problems and retain the post of Head of the Republic until the end of the prescribed term, and he must hurry, because consultations on four candidates are already underway in the Office of the President of the Russian Federation to be submitted to Vladimir Putin to replace Abdulatipov. Among them is the head of the Dagestan Department of the Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation, Saygidhuseyn Magomedov, who is lobbied by the former head of the Border Guard Service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Pronichev. The second candidate was Senator Ilyas Umakhanov, who is supported by the chairman of the Federation Council, Valentin Mativenko, and against whom Abdulatipov's PR team has already begun leaking compromising evidence. The third candidate is State Duma deputy Rizvan Kurbanov with the greatest chances of approval and supported by high-ranking generals from the central apparatus of the FSB of the Russian Federation, who, in the wake of the fight against terrorism, have already brought their protege Yuri Kokov to power in Kabardino-Balkaria. The fourth candidate is being lobbied by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu; he is the head of the North-West Regional Center of the EMERCOM of Russia, Colonel-General of the Internal Service Shamsutdin Dagirov. Which of them will head Dagestan will most likely be known as early as March, if Abdulatipov does not have time to seize the initiative earlier and enter an alliance with the most promising candidates.