How to ask God for help. How to ask God for help

Human civilizations have always worshiped gods. One or more, but certainly omnipotent. As a rule, all the deities created by the human imagination possessed and have a powerful character, and their attitude towards a person directly depends not only on his behavior, but also on the disposition of the spirit of the gods themselves. That is why looking for help from God, hoping for his favor is an ancient universal human tradition that has entered into an unconscious habit. And although, realizing the illusory nature of these hopes, folk wisdom she bequeathed to us, hoping for God, not to make a mistake ourselves, the desire for protection and patronage from above is preserved in our subconscious even today, in the age of scientific experiments and technical achievements.

By the way, it was precisely this cognitive progress that not only did not refute, but also confirmed the assumptions about the existence of a certain higher force capable of influencing what is happening in physical world... And he strengthened the faith of those people for whom faith in divine support has always been indisputable. For thousands of years, they turned their requests to the Almighty and received an answer in the form of symbolic prompts, spiritual insight, and even tangible help. Physics and psychologists find it difficult to explain the mechanism of action of this process even today, with the current level of development of science. And people who know how to ask for help from God, with good-natured readiness enlighten learned men.

How and why to turn to God
To appeal to the Almighty, there is a basic way that is the same for all religions and cultures - this is prayer. It begins with an internal monologue-appeal to higher forces and acquires a verbal expression, voiced or spoken in the mind. There can be many forms, as well as purposes of prayer, but most of them are strictly regulated and brought in accordance with the traditions of a particular religion. And, if you perceive prayer purely as a means of turning to God, communication and connection with him, then it is quite fair to consider it the result of the evolution of magic spells and communication with deities.

Nevertheless, despite the antiquity of this form of addressing the Almighty, not all people who sincerely believe in divine powers and even attend church know how to pray correctly. And the point is not even that, having heard the "wrong" prayer, God will be offended or angry. And the fact that certain formulations and language formulas allow the best way to concentrate to the praying person himself, to bring together his mental and emotional efforts and direct their energy in such a way as to get the desired response. For centuries, such speech constructions have been perfected, subordinate to this goal.

Thus, prayer is, first of all, an inner desire and faith, and only then - the expression of these feelings in words and deeds. It is the aspiration of the soul, supported by the mind. But in practice, this appeal takes various forms, depending on the religious context, situation and personality of the believer:
Any theory is dry and fruitless without practice. Especially the one that describes such subtle emotional impulses as turning to God. Therefore, prayers, for all their harmony, set forth in prayer books and controlled by the ministers of the church, were and will remain a purely personal, even intimate phenomenon. Therefore, no one has the right to prohibit or limit your prayers in the form that is closer, more comfortable and more productive for you.

How to properly pray to God for help
Sincere prayer, coming from the depths of the soul, really possesses miraculous power... Religious people call this divine presence, psychologists-practitioners - visualization and realization. But, be that as it may, in order for this "mechanism" to work, you need to pray according to certain rules. They are very schematic and tend to direct the power of thought rather than give specific instructions. By relying on them, you can be sure if you prayed correctly before today and, if necessary, correct your manner of addressing God:

  1. Real prayer begins with an inner sense of the need for fellowship with God. You can experience this feeling at any time: during the experience of life's troubles or in complete well-being. The main thing is not to ignore your desire and feel it completely.
  2. The second important condition for turning to God and / or asking for help is the presence of faith. God will not help someone who doubts his existence. But that doesn't mean you won't get support. After all, God takes on many guises and at the same time is one for all. The image in which he appears on icons does not resemble the form of perception of skeptics and scientists. They understand God as the focus of subtle matters and, by virtue of this understanding, receive a response. You, too, do not need to be a member of a particular church in order to have in your soul your own idea of ​​God, whose care you trust and in whose power you believe.
  3. Depending on what kind of God lives in your inner universe, create conditions for prayer. Come to the temple during the service or at any other time, light a candle at home and stand in front of the icon, or retire in a quiet room and close your eyes. All this is just an external environment, which, nevertheless, allows you to tune in the right mood, leave aside all the worldly vanity and, realizing the importance of the moment, concentrate on prayer. Yoga before connecting thoughts with higher power, take the Lotus position or do asanas, Western religions prescribe fasting. But even the prayer you uttered in your mind during your commute to work on the subway has power. The path of your consciousness to God and his help do not depend on the interior or the depth of the underground - but are directly related to your inner attitude to prayer.
  4. Before asking God for help, thank him. You probably have something to say "thank you" to him: for good health, for a new day, for peace in the camp and your family. Do not be like spoiled children who only do what they ask their parents to satisfy their whims. Turn your gratitude to the Creator. She will help start the monologue and create the right mood, imbued with respect and humility.
  5. After thanksgiving, ask God for forgiveness for your sins. Do not try to evade or hide some of them. Speaking in God, you open your soul to him and let him into it, that is, all your transgressions are obvious to him. Better to sincerely cleanse your conscience by repentance and earn His favor and your own peace. Promise yourself and Him not to repeat the same mistakes.
  6. You can turn to God the way you see and feel him. Most often, Christian prayers call him “God” and / or “Lord,” and you may be comfortable calling him that too.
  7. During prayer, your work should be in a position that will allow you to completely forget about it. In church, most people ask God for help while standing, some sitting or kneeling. On this score, the clergy advise: “the prayer of a sitting person thinking about God is better than prayer standing man thinking about his feet. " You probably understand the meaning: focus on your own strengths, health and habits in order to focus as much as possible on communication with the Lord.
  8. Calm your breathing, take deep, measured breaths in and out. Before you start turning to God, breathe deeply and start a conversation with him.
  9. Concentrate on one, the most important desire, and ask for its fulfillment. It is not necessary to list everything that you would like and which you would not refuse. The request must be strong, clear, and specific. Thinking about it, imagine that it has already been completed.
  10. Look at the text of the prayer in advance in a special prayer book and memorize, if not by heart, then the main content. Personal requests can be formulated in your own words, the main thing is to sincerely wish and believe in finding what you want. A earnest request, expressed in your own words, reaches God no worse than a prayer learned from books.
  11. During prayer, not only feel, but also comprehend the desire. Your mind should understand the text of the prayer, analyze it.
  12. When speaking a request for help, do it expressively. When asking for forgiveness, lower your tone; when giving thanks, fill it with joy. Talk to God as if he is in front of you and listens carefully to your words.
  13. After the end of the prayer, try to keep the atmosphere that it created in your soul. Do not rush to plunge into the hustle and bustle of life, give yourself at least a little time to reflect on and strengthen your faith in divine help. Walk from the temple, do not argue with anyone or quarrel.
You can ask God for help, support and strength. But remember that in most cases he does not answer directly, but indirectly. He will give you what you do not want, with the possibility of its implementation. But, if he thinks that you want something that will not do you good, he may refuse to help. Therefore, ask not for material things, but for spiritual things. Pray for endurance, confidence, and optimism. Seize Opportunities to Perform own wish, but do not forget that this will happen with the help of God.

How to properly ask God for help so that your prayers are answered

The question is actually very important! Tatiana asked him: Please tell me how to ask God and your Guardian Angel correctly, because many people will forgive, and they ask all their lives, but not all of their requests and prayers are fulfilled. Why does God hear some prayers and help them fulfill them, and it happens that almost instantly, while heaven remains indifferent to other praying people? And if there are any rules - how to properly ask to be heard?

Very, very correct questions! Indeed, not all prayers are fulfilled exactly as people ask, and there are reasons for this. Indeed, there are rules that must be taken into account when you ask the Higher Forces for something. I will try to answer in detail, although we have already talked about a lot in other articles. Links will be given in the text.

How to properly ask God to hear you and help you

In most world religions, the main form of asking God is prayer. Prayer is, in fact, an ardent request, that is, a plea for help. However, even true believers often have questions about how to ask God for help, and what exactly can you ask him? We will try to answer these questions.

How to properly ask God for help

In order for your prayers to the Almighty to be heard by him, you need to know how to ask God for help correctly. For this, a number of conditions must be met. Namely:

The most important condition turning to God is faith. Therefore, before asking God for help, you need to be sure that he is. It is unlikely that God will help someone who doubts his existence. A believer does not have to be a member of any particular church, it is enough that he has his own idea of ​​God in his soul and believes in him.

Not in yourself Redhead,

first, we must call Him by his name: the Creator.

Secondly, He does not engage in stupid human inventions at all.

Third, He is not concerned with worldly and earthly affairs.

Fourthly, nothing egoistic and self-serving reaches Him absolutely.

Fifthly, He is no worse than any cunning and gives only to those who are sincerely open to him, faithful and devoted.

Therefore, it makes sense to ask him only for spiritual and mental benefits:

spiritual knowledge,

knowledge of the correct action.

The request must be cleared of any desire to receive something for oneself.

They are given a gift only so that the recipient will give to others.

Hello! I have two questions, one stems from the other. I am a believer for a long time, baptized from birth, gradually comprehend the teaching of Christ since I can remember myself and this is what I have come to - I have no desire to get rich, but this does not suit my wife! I work, I get pretty good money, but I can't buy an apartment, I can't buy a car, but I have enough for food, clothes, and rest! Yes, on occasion, I certainly will not refuse to work with a higher salary, because we have two children, we are waiting for the third, they need to be raised, put on their feet - this is all clear! But often there are disputes with her wife, she sometimes speaks out rather sharply in the sense that if she wanted to look for a large salary, that she wants to live not in the Moscow region, but in Moscow, or at least not more than half an hour's drive from Moscow, that she wants a car, wants to travel abroad, etc.! In principle, I want it the same, but I do not set it as an end in itself in life, because as Jesus said, "You cannot serve God and mammon."

Help will come!

Life in poverty, asceticism and fasting is the lot of the elect, the feat of monks and hermits who have received the blessing of the Lord for this. The lot of believers living in the world is honest work and fair remuneration. The dream of living in abundance in the house, of a stable life and confidence in the future, of a secure old age and good device children - it is not a sin if a person earns money for himself in an honest way and does not forget to take care of the weak and the poor.

The Lord's world is full of benefits for each of us, and everyone will find work in it according to their strength and skills, and everyone can live in abundance and joy if they build their life according to the commandments of Christ.

However, this path is far from always smooth and even - often we stumble and incur misfortune, need, poverty, deception and loss. Why does this happen?

V Orthodox Church there is a saint to whom they pray in case of need, to solve the housing problem, to improve material well-being.

The name of this saint is Saint Spyridon, Bishop of Trimifuntsky.

Spyridon of Trimifuntsky was a great miracle worker during his lifetime.

He healed the terminally ill, healed both physical and mental ailments, cast out demons and even raised the dead.

With the special gift of St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky had power over the forces of nature.

St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is also known for the many posthumous miracles that are performed by a prayer appeal to him.

Be sure to buy an icon of St. Spyridon of Trimyphus in the church.

Pray to the holy miracle worker Spyridon of Trimyphus with your request every day, until the issue is resolved.

Prayer for money is a kind of ritual, as a result of the successful action of which, we attract wealth to ourselves, happy life, we get the benefits we need.

Although they say that money is not happiness (the favorite saying of the poor), without money, none of us can be healthy, beautiful, and, accordingly, happy.

With a lack or complete lack of money, we are forced to ask the Lord through St. Spyridon, Matrona, Nicholas the Wonderworker and Guardian Angels in prayers, namely money.

On the pages of the Razgadamus website you will find a description of several especially significant prayers. In addition, you can read in the published articles how to pray correctly for money, work, health, etc.

Prayer for money to Spiridon

Prayer to Spiridon for money is very powerful and is very popular nowadays among believers.

Prayer to Spiridon Trimifuntsky about money Money, of course, is not the most religious topic, but very often people begin to attract money precisely because of religion. When we pray, we turn to a very subtle, invisible and imperceptible world. Our sparking requests are necessarily fulfilled, but gradually, turning closely from subtle matter. If you need money not urgently, but in the long term, ask God not for money, but for a bright idea of ​​how to get it. Thought is a more subtle matter than money, which means that your request will quickly return to you fulfilled.

When can and can not you contact Spiridon Trimifonsky?

With the words of prayer for money to Spiridon of Trimifuntsky, you cannot ask for something that will harm another person.

Prayers with requests for wealth, money are very responsible and difficult. In some beliefs, it is believed that it is impossible to openly and directly ask God for money. You can lose what you have. Greed is a terrible punishable vice. You should only ask for help about money if you really need it. The right ritual will be heard and will attract a life filled with prosperity. Nicholas the Wonderworker helps the destitute and the poor, because during his lifetime the saint showed mercy and helped the poor and disadvantaged. There are a lot of stories and stories about how he distributed his property to the poor.

There is a story about protecting innocent girls from fornication, to which a bankrupt father wanted to send them. This story became the basis for the prayers of young people for receiving money in an honest, righteous way. Nikolai did his miracle in secret, without asking for thanksgiving and a refund. There are many prayers for money to Nicholas the Wonderworker; their text is easy to find in books and on the pages of Internet sources.

Prayer for money, for well-being, to Saint Spyridon of Trimyphus

In the Orthodox Church there are saints for “all occasions” who help in all kinds of matters. There is also a saint who can and should be prayed to in case of need, to solve the housing issue, to improve material well-being, they pray to him when there is no money.

The name of this saint is Saint Spyridon, Bishop of Trimifuntsky (Salamis).

Icon of St. Spiridon of Trimifuntsky

Spyridon of Trimifuntsky was a great miracle worker during his lifetime. He healed the terminally ill, healed both physical and mental ailments, cast out demons and even raised the dead. With the special gift of St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky had power over the forces of nature. Spiridon of Trimifuntsky descended from a simple peasant family, he was an ordinary shepherd, and therefore on the icons of St. Spiridon is portrayed in a shepherd's hat. Having no education, he by nature had a sound mind and a bright soul.

According to God's plan, a person should not experience either spiritual or material poverty. At the same time, it is important to think of money as a need for daily bread, an effective prayer to Spiridon of Trimifuntsky is perfect. It is customary to turn to the Lord with prayers: about spiritual values, family well-being, health.

Prayer to one of the saints: Saint Spyridon of Trimyphus is one of the surest ways to ask the Lord for money and material well-being. Read here Conspiracy from damage to a pin

You can ask the saint for material support and financial well-being that a person needs. A request to God for the gift of a bright thought about the way to receive money will help you quickly achieve what you want.

There are many ways to improve your financial situation. Sometimes the most unexpected techniques can be effective. In order for bills to rustle in the wallet again, many resort to feng shui techniques, the power of thought, and someone to faith. Prayer to attract money - something that will help an Orthodox person in a specific predicament financial situation or in general, when you want more well-being for yourself and your family.

Prayer for attracting money: what it is

Prayers that help improve your financial situation, attract cash flows, there are many. When you are going to ask for help from a higher power, you will be able to use various texts. First of all, when praying for money, people remember different saints. Orthodox worshipers often turn to the Most Holy Theotokos. Prayers for money can be addressed to John the Merciful, Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Who is to ask for money in the Astral. Many believers think that you can only pray for spiritual things. Or they think that it is possible to ask God for anything, including about money, but it is unlikely that God is concerned about our material issues. To answer this question, let's read Jesus 'words about the prayer of supplication:'

Who is to ask for money in the Astral. Therefore, I say to you: whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you will receive, and it will be for you. (Mark 11:24)

Who is to ask for money in the Astral. In this little teaching on prayer, it is worth paying attention to the word "all", which answers our question. We can ask God for everything and receive everything if we believe. This sounds too simple and requires some clarification.

Each of us at least once asked the Divine for something material and did not receive an answer to prayer. Here is what Sri Bhagavan recommends to do in this case:
“Don't pray again. Instead, identify,
where you are stuck. This is where you need the help of the teachings we are giving you.

To help you understand better, let me explain to you with an example: For example, you
need money, 10 million urgently, and you prayed to Amma Bhagavan and
asked them to give you this money by a certain date.

So, by this date, your prayer has remained unanswered. What should you do?

The answer is simple: first, since this is a finance issue, check
relationship with your father. Write the date in your notebook and
work on your relationship, if there is no change to this
date, then you need to set another date and ask Ammu Bagavan
help you in adopting your father.

I invite you to visit my author's site. The site works in online VIDEO mode with the author. Dialog box at the bottom of the page Answers to questions daily 18.00-19.00 Who in the Astral to ask for money. Many believers think that you can only pray for spiritual things. Or they think that it is possible to ask God for anything, including about money, but it is unlikely that God is concerned about our material issues. To answer this question, let's read the words of Jesus about the prayer of petition: “Who is in the Astral to ask for money. Therefore, I say to you: whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you will receive, and it will be for you. (Mark 11:24) Who is in the Astral to ask for money. In this little teaching on prayer, it is worth paying attention to the word "all", which answers our question. We can ask God for everything and receive everything if we believe. This sounds too simple and requires some clarification.

In most world religions, the main form of asking God is prayer. Prayer is, in fact, an ardent request, that is, a plea for help. However, even true believers often have questions about how to ask God for help, and what exactly can you ask him? We will try to answer these questions.

How to properly ask God for help

In order for your prayers to the Almighty to be heard by him, you need to know how to ask God for help correctly. For this, a number of conditions must be met. Namely:

  1. The most important condition for turning to God is faith. Therefore, before asking God for help, you must be sure that he is. It is unlikely that God will help someone who doubts his existence. A believer does not have to be a member of any particular church, it is enough that he has his own idea of ​​God in his soul and believes in him.
  2. You need to turn to God at the moment of a spiritual impulse, that is, when you have a sincere need to turn to the Almighty. It is not at all necessary to set aside any special time for this.
  3. It is necessary to create calm conditions for prayer, that is, to abstract from distracting thoughts and actions. It doesn't matter what the entourage will be - you can pray in the church opposite the icon, and in seclusion in a quiet room, and even during a bus ride. The main thing is to concentrate on prayer.
  4. Before asking God for help, you should thank him. After all, you can always find something to say “thank you” to the creator: for a new day, for the health of loved ones, for peace in the country or family, and so on. Gratitude will help create the right atmosphere of respect and humility.
  5. After gratitude, you need to ask God for the forgiveness of sins. No strict rules determining how to ask God for forgiveness. The main thing in this is the sincere repentance of the one asking. Do not hide your sins. After all, honesty before oneself and God is an important condition for turning to the Almighty.
  6. When making a request to God, it is important to focus on one, the most important desire, and ask for its fulfillment. The request must be specific and honest. It doesn't matter if it will be formulated in your own words, or memorized from a prayer book. The request with which you turn to God should be not only deeply felt, but also meaningful. Imagine that God is standing next to you and attentively listening to your words.
  7. What to ask of God is a personal matter. The main thing is that in these requests there is nothing that can harm other people. For example, if you are thinking about whether you can ask God to kill a person who did something bad, then the answer is not. Ask God to punish the offender, but God knows better how to do it.

Of course, different religions and confessions have their own, certain rules and rituals that prescribe how to ask for help from God. To observe them or not, each believer must decide for himself.

Can you ask God for money?

You can ask God for absolutely everything. No wonder it is said in the Gospel of Matthew (7: 7): “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened for you. " Many people think that it is impossible to ask God for money or other material goods. It is impossible (and useless) this only if you expect these benefits to appear suddenly out of nowhere, or if you want to direct them to an evil cause. And about this there are also lines in the Gospel of James (4: 3): "You ask and you do not receive, because you ask not for good, but in order to use it for your desires." In other words, you need to ask God for something useful, not something pleasant. For example, if a person needs a car for work or family needs, it will become a useful material good. If someone asks God for a luxurious car of the latest brand in order to induce dependence on others, this is already an excess, which cannot be called useful. Reaching a certain level spiritual development, every believer understands that it is best to ask God for something spiritual, for example, about the speedy solution of problems, about giving wisdom, endurance, confidence, health and optimism. If a person possesses all these virtues, then material benefits will not be long in coming. After all, God very often gives a person not what he wants, but opportunities for getting it. Not to miss these opportunities is the main task of a person.

Now you know what to ask God and how to do it right. The main thing is to believe that God will never leave someone in need of his help, and not to conceive evil. God is a loving father who will always find a way to help his children.

In fact, this question is very relevant and important for everyone. People often wonder how to ask God for help. Many believers cry to God for help, making daily prayers, and never get what they want. This injustice makes one wonder why God hears some requests, but answers the prayers of others with silence?

The human essence is so arranged that every person strives for the truth. Therefore, in search of an answer to their question, some believe that they do not follow the rules of prayer. To understand why this is happening, one should understand the reasons for the apparent indifference of the Higher Forces.

Most people tend to believe in miracles. And the prayer process really obeys certain rules. You should not appeal to heaven only when you need to perform something. Divine purpose is not simple execution human dream. However, God helps all those who pray to achieve the goal. Sometimes it is not as obvious as it seems to us.

Prayer alone is not enough to achieve success. Each person must make an independent effort and have good intentions in order to count on God's help.

If a person is driven by destructive and negative motivation (thirst for revenge, deceiving people, selfish or evil thoughts), then dark forces will come to his aid, but dark forces will come. However, not everyone knows that the payment for the fulfillment of their evil plans will be their own soul and fate, crippled by failures.

What is the right way to ask for help from God and the Higher Forces?

Most people, turning to God for help, forget about observing a number of rules that must be taken into account in order for the Almighty to hear them. Practical advice for those who turn to God for help:

  1. Ask only good things and set worthy goals for yourself. Do not wish anyone any harm, it is destructive for your soul. For evil people, it is worth asking for a fair trial from Above. But do not in any way aggravate your situation with vengeful thoughts.
  2. Purify Your Thoughts Regularly... Always remember that your cunning is visible to the Lord, therefore, turning to him, you should not be cunning, interpreting motivation differently to yourself. Your motives must be pure and selfless.
  3. Thank God for any of his decisions on your question.... Accept what is given to them with desire and trepidation. Remember that everyone will be rewarded according to his deeds. Therefore, be humble in your requests and do not bargain.
  4. Be active. Remember that you are asking for help, not for accomplishing anything on your own. You yourself must actively move on the path to achieving success, and God only guides you and helps you achieve what you want. Do not do nothing with folded hands. The more responsible the approach, the more support you will feel. Do not be lazy and do not shy away from working on yourself, prove that you are worthy of His grace.
  5. Always keep your promises to the Lord... Always think before you say anything. And always strive for the promise of the Almighty. You can write down your vows so that you don't forget about them. Prove to Him that you are a man of your word, and that what you have spoken is not an empty phrase. Cheaters may not count on loyalty.
  6. Place the right emphasis in your petitions... You will achieve the greatest encouragement from our Lord if the requests are worthy. Therefore, always ask Him:
  • Understanding of His will;
  • Protecting your soul from misfortunes and passions;
  • Knowledge of the true way of correcting mistakes,
  • Awareness of sins and their correction;
  • Ask for the bestowal of good qualities;

Be good with your deeds, and God will surely hear your request.

7.Thank the Higher Forces for everything they have done for you... This applies not only to positive things and events happening to you. But also those hard lessons that fate taught you, as a result of which you gained wisdom and strength to go further. Ungrateful petitioners risk being left without what they already had.

8.Build phrases clearly and clearly... Prayers to Heaven can be given both orally and in writing. Thoughts stated on paper are most often the most truthful.

Remember the simple proverb - "The road will be mastered by the one walking," and take it into your arms. Aspiration alone is not enough to get everything you want. Therefore, always try to be proactive.

In order for your requests to be effective and achieve a solution, engage in soul cleansing. Read the Bible, the Lives of the Saints and delve into the very essence of their existence. You can go on a trip to the shrines. The special atmosphere of different sacred places has a beneficial effect on the spiritual state.

Observe church fasts and holidays, attend church and do not neglect the holy sacrament. Perhaps you will even be surprised how light the inner worldview can be when there is no heavy burden on the soul.

Try to keep the basic list of commandments. You don't have to suddenly suddenly become a strong believer. Take your time, act in stages and only at the behest of your heart. There will be no good if everything you do is contrived and artificial.

Find a personal spiritual mentor for yourself. This helps many in order to clear their minds. Especially if you are not a supporter of talking about your troubles. to different people... One person you have chosen for this purpose will patiently listen to you and give you good advice.

The path to God is not an easy process, but everyone should strive for it. And the sooner you start implementing this plan, the better. Do not bear evil in yourself. Sincerely wish good for your surroundings, and also moderate your anger.

Take care of your loved ones by mentioning them in your prayers. Discuss your decisions with them and point out their shortcomings so that when you meet the Lord, he will grant you eternal peace and tranquility. This is the only way you can count on the help and protection of your guardians always and everywhere.

Is not gold fish... It is important to know and understand how to ask God for help, because God and the Higher Powers are not a goldfish for you and not a seller in the market with whom you can bargain. Pursuing your mercenary interests is a dirty approach to God.

Situations in which God will not help a person

Heaven will not "answer" your requests and will not help you if:

  • Your thoughts are low and unworthy (wishing harm to someone or asking for help in achieving a goal without your own efforts);
  • Prayers are insincere (especially if a person makes a vow to perform some actions on his part, and after reaching the goal forgets about it);
  • Petitions contain conditions that a person sets to God (it is low to use God's creation, putting forward their demands to him, since the essence of prayer is sincerity);
  • In prayers, there is a regular lie about correcting or not performing any negative actions (do not make deliberately false promises to the Creator);
  • Requests are connected with the help of unworthy people (the Higher Forces themselves decide to help the lost, so it is worth asking for guidance on the true path);
  • Requests are at odds with the intention of the Creator himself (often people want a different future for themselves, not taking into account the prepared fate);
  • Petitions are not fueled by your sincere desire to achieve success (for example, if a person is sick and asks for healing for himself, but he continues to perform actions detrimental to his health, without realizing the cause of the illness);
  • Prayers come from lazy people who do not want to adjust their behavior and consciousness (requests of inactive people remain unanswered and this is quite fair, since it is impossible to achieve success in anything without making any effort).

There are other reasons why the Divine Forces refuse to help their wards. One of these reasons is when a person does not appreciate what he has already received, demanding a different fate for himself. This is the main reason for the lack of assistance.

One person had two cherries in front of the house. One was evil and the other was kind. Whenever he left the house, they called him and asked for something. The evil cherry every time asked for different things: either "dig me in", then "whitewash me", then "give me a drink", then "remove excess moisture from me", then "shield me from the hot sun", then "give me more light" ... And the kind cherry always repeated the same request: "My lord, help me bring a good harvest!"

The owner was equally merciful to both, looked after them, listened carefully to their requests and fulfilled all their desires. He did what both one and the other asked, in other words, the evil cherry gave everything that she demanded, and
good - only what he considered necessary, with the ultimate goal of a beautiful, abundant harvest.

And then what happened? The evil cherry blossomed strongly, the trunk and branches glittered as if smeared with oil, and the abundant foliage was dark green, spreading like a thick tent. In contrast to her, the kind cherry with its external
did not attract anyone's attention, but when the harvest time came, the evil cherry
which, due to the dense foliage, could not ripen in any way, but the good one brought a lot, very much delicious berries... The evil cherry became ashamed that she could not give such a crop as her neighbor, and she began to grumble at the owner,
reproaching him for it. The owner got angry and answered: - Am I to blame for this? Was it not I who fulfilled all your desires for a whole year? If you thought only about the harvest, I would help you to bear the same abundant fruits as hers. But you pretended that you were smarter than me, who planted you, that is why you remained sterile. Bitterly the evil cherry repented and promised the owner that next year she would think only about the harvest, and she would ask him only about this, but about everything else will be left to him to take care of. As promised, so
did it - began to behave like a kind cherry. And the next year, both cherries brought the same good harvest and their joy, like that of the master, was great.

The moral of this simple parable is clear to all who pray to God: The owner of the garden is the God of this light, and people are His seedlings. Like any owner, God requires a harvest from His plantings. "Every tree that does not give birth to good is cut down and thrown into the fire!" - says the Gospel. Therefore, first and foremost, you need to take care of the harvest. And we must pray to the Master - God, “the Lord of the harvest,” for a good harvest. You don't need to ask the Lord for little things. Look, no one goes to the earthly king to ask him for some little thing that can be easily obtained elsewhere. "Our Lord is the Lord Giver," says St. John Chrysostom. He
He loves when His children ask Him for something great, worthy of a prince. And the greatest gift that God can give to people is the Kingdom of Heaven, where He Himself reigns. Therefore, the Lord Jesus Christ commands: "Seek first of all
The kingdom of God, and the rest will be added to you. "And he also commands:" Do not worry about what you will eat, or what you will drink, or what you will wear. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need all this. "And He also says:" Even before your prayer, your Father knows what you need! "

So what should you ask God for? First of all, that which is the best, the greatest and the most infinite. And these will be those spiritual riches that are called by one name - the Kingdom of Heaven. When, first of all, we are
we ask God, He gives, along with this wealth, and everything else that we need in this world. Of course, it is not forbidden to ask God and about the rest that we need, but this can only be asked along with the main thing.

The Lord Himself teaches us to pray for bread every day: "Give us this day our daily bread! .." the dominion of the will of God on earth, as well as in Heaven. So, first spiritual benefits, and only then material. All material goods are from dust, and the Lord easily creates them and gives them easily. Gives them by grace
His own, even to those who do not ask for it. Gives them to animals as well as people. However, He never gives spiritual benefits either without human will, or without seeking. The most precious wealth, that is, spiritual, such as
peacefulness, joy, kindness, mercy, patience, faith, hope, love, wisdom and others, God can give as easily as he gives material benefits, but only to those who love these spiritual treasures and who will ask for them