What is Jyotish - Vedic astrology. Vedic horoscope by date of birth

Jyotish, or Vedic astrology, is an exact science,

which relies on the laws of the material world:

the law of reincarnation of the soul and the law of karma

(Indubala Devi dasi).

“Jyotish believes that the birth of a person and all the events in his life are not accidental, but are a consequence of his actions in the past and represent links in one chain - karma, fate.

The actions and fates of people are "recorded" in Heaven in the form of the movement of stars and planets, and then, at the birth of a person, they are issued by the Heavenly Chancellery in the form of a kind of passport - a horoscope.

The horoscope reflects the picture of fate and allows you to see the laws of the universe, of which a person is a part.

The horoscope helps to understand why certain events occur, to accept your destiny, to realize responsibility for the actions you have committed and performed, but most importantly, it helps to see yourself as a part of the world, where everything is permeated by the law of correspondence and filled with divine love, has deep meaning and is aimed at the good of man. "

History of Vedic Astrology

The history of astrology goes back millennia. During this time, tens of generations of people who believed and did not believe in astrology have changed, but astrology itself has remained unchanged.

Astrologers Ancient India created unique system, with the help of which you can answer all questions of interest to a person. Today this system is known as Vedic or Indian astrology, but its real name is Jyotish.

Several millennia ago, oral knowledge about the world order, which was passed down from generation to generation, was written down by the sages of antiquity. This is how the Vedas appeared - scriptures, which formed the basis of the modern understanding of Vedic culture.

The Vedas are not religion, but knowledge about how the world works. Consequently, Vedic culture is not the culture of any religion or nationality, but a public opportunity to learn to live in accordance with the laws of the universe.

For a better understanding of the Vedas, which are written in symbolic language, six subsidiary disciplines called Vedangs have been created. Each of the Vedangas contributes to the correct understanding of the Vedic texts. One of the six Vedangas is Jyotish, the science of astrology.

Jyotish is a Sanskrit word that originated from two roots: "jyoti" (translated as "light") and "isha" (translated as "God"). That is, jyotish literally means "God of light." Light is the energies of the Sun, Moon and other celestial bodies. Thus, jyotish is a science that studies the heavenly bodies and how they affect human life.

Jyotish is also called Indian or Vedic astrology. Indian, because jyotish is the traditional astrology of India. Vedic, because jyotish is a discipline that accompanies the Vedas.

Possibilities of Vedic Astrology

Special techniques allow an astrologer working in Vedic tradition, to see the past, present and future of a person, to assess his potential in different areas of life, to say in which direction it is best for him to realize himself; discern favorable and unfavorable periods of life; advise on personal, family, professional and other topics.

Vedic astrology has significant differences from other astrological systems. She possesses such techniques that make it possible to track specific events in a person's life in dynamics: for example, indicate the periods when a person can get married, have a child, buy an apartment or a car, etc.

And, conversely, with the help of Vedic astrology, one can understand why these events (marriage, the birth of children, the acquisition of property, etc.) are in no hurry to occur in a person's life.

Another interesting and important area of ​​Vedic astrology is the astrology of compatibility, with the help of which you can understand whether you are suitable for each other. Unlike other astrological systems, Vedic astrology allows you to mathematically clearly determine the degree of compatibility, expressing it in specific points. Moreover, according to the point system, not only compatibility "in principle" is assessed, but also each of the eight main aspects of compatibility, including physiological, psychological, spiritual, intimate and other components.

In addition, Vedic astrology allows you to see the periods when a man or woman can get married. If these periods coincide for the bride and groom, then their wedding will take place. If they do not coincide, then events will occur in their life that will upset the wedding.

There are others interesting techniques that make Vedic astrology a very special astrological system that allows you to plan your future correctly. No wonder in India, where Vedic astrology was born, it is officially recognized as a state science.

The popularity of Vedic astrology

Astrology is an ancient and serious science that has survived more than one generation of skeptics. The history of astrology goes back millennia. Over the years, different systems astrology, the most mysterious and enigmatic of which is the Vedic (Indian) astrology Jyotish.

In recent decades, Jyotish has become more and more popular outside of India. This is because it possesses a number of unique tools. Vedic astrology can give not only a full-fledged psychological portrait, but also specific predictions for any period of a person's life.

With the help of Vedic astrology, one can answer the questions of concern to a person: why he has problems in certain areas of life, when these problems end, what caused them, how to help improve the situation, etc.

The millennia, which contributed to the improvement of the astrological techniques of Jyotish, allow today to make predictions for people with different problems helping to understand difficult life situations.

If you are also concerned about any questions, you will definitely solve them with the help of Vedic astrology.

© Elena Sukhova
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"Vedic horoscope online" is a unique project for Vedic astrologers and people interested in astrology (Jyotish). All system features are described here http://vedic-horo.ru/features.php, and with detailed guidance the user can be found here http://vedic-horo.ru/manual.php

1. The project has ample opportunities on the construction and analysis of an astrological chart online, namely: displaying a chart in both southern and northern styles, a list of the main ayanamsh is presented to choose from. The calculation of the basic data on the map has been implemented - the position in the house, sign, nakshatra, etc., plus functional wholesomeness is indicated, Karaka, Avastha, Gandanta, Mrityu Bhaga, Dig Bala, Maran Karaka Sthana, etc. The calculation of basic fractional maps has been implemented and the annual card (Varshaphala), yogis (over 200 combinations), special Lagnas, Ashtakavarga, Upagrahi, Vimshottari dasha, Yogini dasha, Chara dasha Jaimini K.N. are also calculated. Rao, Narayana dasha, a full-fledged section for the analysis and selection of Muhurta, analysis and search for Transits, Ashtakut (astrological compatibility) and other usefulness.

2. The system " Vedic horoscope online "includes decoding (interpretation) of the horoscope... Links that open interpretation texts when clicked have a bluish color, and when you hover over them, a hand sign appears. According to your birth chart, you can get a decryption by the position of the planet in the house and the sign of the zodiac, the position of the ruler (master) of the house in the house. In addition, the system contains general information about each planet - you can understand what it shows in the astrological chart, what strengths and weaknesses it has endowed you with. There are also transcripts for each astrological house - to see them, you need to click on the required house number in the natal chart... Vedic astrology has nakshatras in its arsenal, for each of which you can find the necessary information - first of all, pay attention to which nakshatra is occupied by the Ascendant, the Moon and the Sun. Plus, you can get an exhaustive interpretation of the signs of the zodiac - for this you need to click on the name of the zodiac sign in the natal chart. To understand which signs of the zodiac have the most importance on you - just like in the case of the nakshatras, look where the Ascendant, the Moon and the Sun are, plus the cluster of planets.

3. The project has "Vedic horoscope online" there is a unique feature - to store the database of your own astrological charts online, and all conditions have been created for this. You can create sections and subsections of any nesting, forming a structure for storing maps. Maps can be loaded into the system by simply dragging and dropping them into the browser with the mouse from popular astrological programs: Jagannatha Hora, Parashara "s Light or Grahas. Also, for each card, you can edit the data of birth, description and life events, in addition, charts from the system can also be saved to a computer in one of the three previously voiced astro program formats. Below are screenshots in stellar style (can be set in the settings).

4. There is a certainty that every astrologer is a researcher at heart, and therefore the system has a functional with which you can find people by almost any astrological combination, as well as life events and categories. You can search both within the database of your own maps, and in the Astro-Databank database, the number of which exceeds 53,000 people, for each of which there is a rating of reliability of the time of birth (Rodden Rating), gender and life-related events and categories, which can also be indicate in the search, as well as in the search results there will be links to the Astro-Databank and Wikipedia sites with the biographical data of the found person. This functionality allows you not only to check the principles from the classical works on Vedic (Indian) astrology, but also to identify patterns yourself - by tracing what these people have in common, how this or that combination manifested itself in life. In the search criteria, you can specify, for example, the Moon in Aries in the 9th house in D1 or Jupiter in trine from AK in D9, or both criteria at the same time and the system will find these people.

Jyotish Shastra - Science of Vedic Astrology - is based on ancient wisdom - on the Vedas, the most ancient Vedic scriptures. This science studies a wide range of influences of the cosmos - the macrocosm - on each person, on groups and communities of people and on the Earth as a whole. The existing traditions of Vedic Astrology are rooted in the deep past 5-6 thousand years ago. Since then, astrologers have passed on their knowledge and experience from generation to generation. In ancient times, this knowledge was transmitted orally, therefore the first written treatises (in Sanskrit) on Jyotish [Vedic astrology] date back to the 3rd century BC. BC, in particular the text Brihat-Parasara-Hora-Shastra... Then there were many written scientific works according to Jyotish, especially in the 1-2 centuries A.D. e.

Unlike Western astrology, Jyotish [Vedic astrology] is based on real, fixed constellations (signs of the sidereal zodiac). The tropical system used by Western astrology is based on a conditional, movable Zodiac, which is tied to the vernal equinox.

In Jyotish [Vedic Astrology], the main emphasis is on the sidereal constellations (signs of the stationary zodiac), including the "lunar stations", and on the analysis of the location of the planets and their mutual influence on each other. Only when all the parts are put together into a single whole, you can form the only correct idea of ​​the state of affairs. However, for this, it is imperative to understand the laws that govern these very parts. The main concepts of Vedic Astrology are planets, signs and houses.

Grahi- planets

The ancient sages saw the relationship between the movement of the planets and human destinies. Vedic Astrology examines these laws to help us anticipate life changes and comprehend their meaning. The planet in Jyotish is correct to call ‘Graha’.

Each of the nine grah- the planets used in Vedic Astrology are described with specific qualities such as strength / weakness, dignity, condition, and so on. The nine grahas [planets] of Vedic Astrology are seven visible planets and two lunar nodes Rahu and Ketu... Vedic astrology analyzes all their movements.

Rashi- Zodiac signs

Zodiac in Vedic Astrology consists of 12 rushi constellations, signs. In contrast to the western one, it is shifted by about 24 degrees; and the sign of the moon is more important than the sign of the sun. Even a rising sign (Ascendant, Lagna) is more important than the sign of the Sun, which for some reason is given all the attention in Western European astrology. The sign (constellation) is correctly called 'Rashi'.

Bhavas- astrological houses

The birth chart (the so-called "horoscope") in Jyotish [Vedic Astrology], as in the West, consists of 12 houses, each of which has its own "sphere of influence."

For example, the first house of the compiled astrological chart determines personality traits, the seventh - relationships in the family and with partners, the 10th - a career, and so on. Astrological houses of birth charts are very similar to the spheres that govern various aspects of our life. Astrologers study the movements of the planets in these houses in order to determine their influence on human life. Astrological house should be called in Jyotish ‘Bhava’.


While our birth charts are static, the planets and constellations are in constant motion. The study of transits - the current positions of the planets - is one of the main methods of Jyotish [Vedic astrology]. Transit maps help us prevent dangers in the present and gain knowledge of the future.

Thus, anticipating the danger, it can and should be avoided. Vedic Astrology is designed to help us overcome the "surprises" of fate by predicting them. Moreover, one of the remarkable differences of Jyotish is that it provides means of correction, that is, measures to improve events and their consequences.

But generally speaking, Jyotish [Vedic Astrology], unlike Western Astrology, uses transits much less often, and uses periods - periods of planets or periods of signs. The period is called ‘Dasha’.

In addition to dividing the zodiac into 12 parts - 12 signs - Jyotish also uses an additional division of the zodiac into 27 parts - 27 nakshatra(lunar constellations). The moon passes each of the 27 nakshatra in about one day, and the entire zodiac in 27 days. Western astrology talks about characteristic features personality only by the sign in which the Sun is at the moment of birth (what most people call "my zodiac sign"), while

Jyotish defines a person mainly by the nakshatra of the Moon at the time of birth ("birth star") and by the sign of the Moon at the moment of birth ("birth sign"), but also by the Ascendant ("rising sign") and other signs. Usage nakshatra in Vedic astrology, this is also a key and very important difference.

Seven planets - the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn - use both systems, but Jyotish uses two more "planets" ( grahi) along with the first seven planets: this is - Rahu and Ketu- north lunar node and south lunar node. Jyotish does not use the trans-Saturn planets - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, as well as asteroids and the like.

Both systems use twelve houses ( bhav), but there is an important difference in their calculation: Jyotish considers the top of the house to be its beginning, and Western astrology considers the top of the house to be its middle. As a result, half of the planets are likely to fall into different houses if we compare the cards of the two systems. Moreover, in Jyotish, the birth chart is drawn so that the boundaries of the house coincide with the boundaries of the sign; in Western astrology, the boundaries of signs and houses are different.

Jyotish [Vedic astrology] is distinguished by the presence a large number period systems - systems dash. Dashi[periods] can be dashami planets ( grah) and dashi signs ( rushi); in the first case, the cyclical influence of the planets on human life is studied and used, in the second case the influence of signs is considered on the basis of a specific birth chart. The most common is Vimshottari Dasha- 120-year cycle of periods of nine planets, their sub-periods and so on, based on nakshatra Moon at the time of birth.

And in dashah planets ( graha-dasah), and in dashah signs ( rashi-dashah) each of the periods is ruled by a certain planet or sign, which activates the potential inherent in the birth chart and brings events in a person's life. In total, more than fifty different Dasha-systems (systems of periods). They allow Jyotish to achieve high precision in predicting the time of events in a person's life. There are no period systems in Western astrology (although Western astrologers say that in the past a so-called fidar was used, the fidar cannot be compared to the period systems in Jyotish). Due to the fact that Jyotish is known for his accuracy in determining the time of events, some think that Vedic astrologers are mediums, but in fact they see events of the past and future based on the logical analysis of the birth chart, application dash, transits and other methods, as well as using practical experience. Some people mistakenly consider Western astrology "spiritual", "spiritualized" because of its psychological approach to counseling, but in fact, Western astrology is simply forced to focus on human psychology ("working out plans") and say a lot of "water" due to the lack of methods for calculating the time of events in a person's life and periods when the potential inherent in the birth chart has manifested or will manifest.

Jyotish and Western astrology use different aspects - "views" - of the planets. In astrology, the term "aspect" means the influence of one planet or sign on another planet or sign; as if one planet "looks" at another and its influence is transmitted to it at a distance. In Jyotish, different planets make different aspects, and in Western astrology, the aspects of all planets are the same. In Jyotish, aspects are asymmetrical (that is, the aspect 90 ° clockwise from the planet is not the same as the aspect 90 ° counterclockwise from the planet), and in Western astrology, all aspects are symmetrical. In Western astrology, there are a large number of aspects, and they are calculated based on the degrees of the planets, in Jyotish there are not so many aspects and they are calculated based on the position of the planet in the house ("a planet in a house looks at all the planets in another house and at the sign of this house") ... In Western astrology, the aspects themselves can be good and bad, in Jyotish, the planets are considered beneficial and unfavorable, but not their aspects. In addition, in Western astrology there are no aspects of signs, and in Jyotish, along with aspects of the planets, there are aspects of signs.

Moreover, the significant and fundamental difference between Vedic and Western astrology is due to their history. The philosophical concept, awareness and use of the Law of Cause and Effect (Law of Action and Result) is absent in Western European astrology. In the 12th century, Western astrology reoriented itself to a psychological direction. Therefore, even a comparison of the history of the development of two systems of astrology shows that Jyotish and Western astrology are completely different, and not only in the methods of calculations or the use of planets and signs.

Jyotish [Vedic astrology] has passed the test of time, has retained its integrity and accuracy and continues to benefit people. Like Yoga, Ayurveda, Sthapatya Vedaand other Vedic sciences, Jyotish is a part of the most valuable heritage of mankind, knowledge that has come down to us from the ancient sages. Till modern science seeks Unity in the form of the material Theory of the Unified Field, which many scientists define as a field of consciousness, Jyotish already shows how this Unified Field works throughout the course of time and how it is connected with the destiny and destiny of man.

Maharishi Vedic Astrology (Maharishi Jyotish) is a science of transformations and a technology of predictions. This is a science that explains how, under the influence of certain laws of nature, a consistent development of human life occurs, starting from the moment of birth. Maharishi Jyotish contains mathematically accurate knowledge of the cycles of time on which all changes and transformations are based.

As a technology of predictions, Maharishi Jyotish sheds light on the entire range of the past, present and future and gives an understanding of any future trends in a person's life, both favorable and unfavorable. In addition, this practical program allows, according to the Vedic principle of invincibility, "to prevent danger that has not yet come" and to make the most of the favorable periods of life.

Maharishi Jyotish reveals the relationship between the life of an individual and the life of the cosmos, revitalizing their common basis in human consciousness, and gives knowledge about the entire range of life. Practical use this science covers all aspects of life and the individual, and society as a whole.

According to this traditional knowledge, the prediction of future events is possible because the life of an individual is governed by the same exact and consistent laws of nature that are responsible for the evolution of the entire universe. Knowing any point within a certain sequence, for example, the time and place of birth, a specialist can calculate the course of previous and subsequent events. Thus, Maharishi Vedic Astrology allows us to comprehend and predict trends in all areas of life, such as health, relationships with people, material well-being, education, career and family life.

A special feature of Maharishi Vedic Astrology is the Maharishi Yagya program, which aims to prevent problems and maintain good luck. Maharishi Yagyas are special Vedic procedures that help correct any unwanted tendencies or avoid them before they appear. This program is especially necessary for those who are responsible for other people - parents, teachers, leaders - because the fate of other people depends on their decisions.

Vedic astrology is based on Indian Vedic knowledge. This is one of the most ancient sciences that studies the cycles of time, their influence on a person and fate, and has its own technology of predictions. And in Lately more and more people traditional western horoscope prefer Vedic. They mainly refer to the fact that more accurate forecasts are given, and sometimes the most unexpected aspects of a person's life are highlighted. If the traditional horoscope takes into account the influence of stars and constellations, then in Vedic astrology they mainly study the influence of the sun and the moon on human health and fate, as well as the list of planets such as: Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu. All names in Vedic astrology are left in the ancient language "Sanskrit", therefore, many are incomprehensible. They will say something only to those who study or are familiar with the Vedas.

In India, great respect and trust is given to this horoscope and not a single event takes place without agreement with the horoscope and viewing the natal chart. There, Vedic astrology is considered an independent science, exams are passed on it, and you can even choose it as your profession.

Vedic astrology has the same signs as Western astrology, however, the names and boundaries of transitions from one sign to another differ. For example, if you are Gemini according to the traditional horoscope, then according to the Vedic one you will already be Cancer. Each sign of the zodiac is called "Rashi". You will also have a different natal chart.

Also, a feature of Vedic astrology is that a person can have several signs at the same time. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that there are nine planets in the natal chart, and they are located in different signs zodiac. And each sign in Vedic astrology has half periods, which are ruled by these planets. This suggests that you can be Leo, Libra and Aries at the same time.

A horoscope in Vedic astrology can give you slightly different information and predictions than the traditional one. And most people ask the question: what to trust and which horoscope is more truthful? In fact, there are no bad or good horoscopes, they just are. Just different systems and techniques of calculus. However, this will give you a wider range of knowledge about you and your destiny, and on the basis of this you can know your true essence deeper. Therefore, some people prefer to listen to one, the one that is closer and more understandable to them in perception. And some take into account the advice of two horoscopes.

These two scales of predictions and predictions are slightly different due to the fact that the traditional horoscope has changed over time and improved, certain adjustments have been made. In Vedic astrology, the horoscope has not changed, and all calculations are carried out, as well as two thousand years ago.

Jyotish Vedic Astrology

All over the world Vedic astrology is known as Jyotish. This name, translated from Sanskrit, means "divine principle or light". Jyotish has oldest origin and is based on the accumulated knowledge of the Vedas. And many, therefore, consider Jyotish Vedic astrology more perfect science and tend to trust her.

If you noticed above, Jyotish does not attach importance to the planets Uranus, Pluto, Neptune. This is due to the fact that these planets move very slowly, and such a movement does not have any significant effect on a person, like other more active ones.

Since Vedic astrology Jyotish has more signs, influences and definitions, it takes much longer to study it. At first, you need to get used to the very language of all meanings and definitions, otherwise you can get confused. With the development of esotericism, more and more people became interested in Jyotish Vedic astrology.

An important skill for any Vedic astrologer is drawing up a natal chart for any person. What does this mean and how does it work?

The natal chart in Vedic psychology is a diagram that depicts the most accurate position of the planets, as well as the celestial bodies at the time of a person's birth. Since every moment of life is special, and not like the others, and the position of each celestial body changes as quickly. All this is taken into account in the natal chart, which is an important forecast for a person's entire life.

With what we came to this planet, for what purpose, what potential is laid in us - all this can be told by the natal chart in Vedic astrology. Well, to draw up a map, Vedic astrologers always ask about the place of birth.

Vedic astrology claims that the natal chart tells the whole life and there can be no other events. However, this is too categorical a statement, the natal chart indicates the main path, and how we get to it, we ourselves decide.

Since Vedic astrology became known in our circles, many people began to appear who wanted to get such a forecast. Vedic astrology makes it more detailed and accurate, and this attracts the layman. Therefore, more and more Vedic astrologers began to appear. Sometimes even traditional astrologers reveal a desire to retrain to the Vedic.

In Vedic astrology, the forecast is possible both for destinies and for dates. Thus, you can find out the most auspicious days for a wedding, for conceiving a child or signing an important agreement.

And since more and more people prefer to use online services, then Vedic astrology is no exception. Many astrologers offer their services via the Internet, because this does not require personal contact or conversation at all. It is enough to provide your data and astrologers will calculate all the information that can be in the natal chart.

Online Vedic Astrology is one of the most useful esoteric resources to listen to. After all, there is a lot of very valuable and useful information for us.

In edicheskaya astrology, or Jyotish, is the traditional astrology of India, which originated earlier than 3000 BC. e. It is based on the scriptures - the Vedas, the oldest sources of wisdom. Vedic astrology, like the science of yoga, was discovered through the insight of the great sages of the Rishis who lived in the Satya Yuga, the era of light and truth. They were called the Seven Sages and were identified with the stars of the Big Dipper dipper and with the Pleiades. Rishis expressed Vedic knowledge in the language of mantras, sound-seeds that reproduce the vibrations of the cosmos, the main of which is the sound of Om. The greatest of the rishis was the sage Vasishtha, whose grandson, Parasara Shakti, received knowledge of Jyotish in his meditation. The truths passed down by word of mouth were eventually written down, as a result of which the Brihat-Parasara-Hora Shastra appeared, which today remains the main book of Vedic astrologers.

According to Vedic seers, all processes on Earth are controlled by the great cosmic forces generated by the stars. They transmit the energy of the cosmic mind - the mysterious source of all that exists. Our physical bodies and elements of our life are created from the same material as the stars, our "parents". Thus, cosmic forces exert their influence on us. The planets in Jyotish are not just faceless giant balls, but quite specific personalities of the gods, or avatars with their own character. “Just as a person's personality is enclosed in his physical shell, so the material bodies of the planets serve as a receptacle for 9 deities - the Great Invaders” (R. Freedom). Realizing this, we do not just bow our heads to fate, but try to build personal relationships with each of these gods, who capture our consciousness and thus create karma. The planets, or grahas, like the universal clock, show us our karmic tasks... Ignoring the actions of these great forces, we are like fish, unable to see the ocean.

Astrology in modern world is not perceived as a spiritual science, but rather is used as applied knowledge that helps to stay afloat among the turbulent streams of the river of life. However, if we turn to the origins, we will find out that there is a higher form of astrology, which is designed to be part of yoga - the science of the spirit. The goal of such astrology is to get out of the influence of the planets - to achieve Moksha. Refined perception is able to raise astrology to the science of the causal level and, thus, open the veil of secrets of our previous and future incarnations, as well as clarify the true goal once set by our soul.

Jyotish literally translates as the Light of God, and Jyotish is the one who carries this light. A good astrologer instills a sprout of hope in people, directs them to spiritual path, and also reminds that everything in this world is temporary.

There is a legend according to which Shiva, having heard that the sage Bhrigu, who is able to see everything in his meditation, lived in the world, came to him and asked him to tell what his wife Parvati was doing now. Bhrigu Muni entered meditation and saw naked Parvati taking bath. Arriving home, Shiva told Parvati about everything, to which she became angry and cursed Bhriga and all the seers (including astrologers) so that from now on all their predictions were only half true. In this regard, truthful predictions can only be given by a person who leads a pious, spiritual life, a connection with higher powers whom she would protect from the curse of Parvati. To become a conductor of Divine Light, it is necessary to maintain purity at all levels: physical, mental and spiritual.

The astrological chart reflects the manifestation of our subconsciousness in the current incarnation. That is, looking at the natal chart, the astrologer sees those seals on our mental and physical bodies that we brought from past incarnations - samskaras. Gathering together, samskaras develop into desires (vasanas), and vasanas cause fluctuations in the mind, that is, vritis, which, in turn, form a worldview and create new karma.

There are 4 types of karma:

  • sanchita karma - the sum of all past activities;
  • prarabdha karma - karma for a given life (ripe karma);
  • kriyamana karma — the totality of one's current activities;
  • agama karma is the karma of the future.

Also, according to the Yoga Sutras, there are 4 outcomes of karma: mixing, transferring, burning and falling asleep. Samskaras can be compared to film, which requires a specific environment in order to manifest on three levels: physical, energetic (mental) and causal. Thus, a person who has embarked on the spiritual path can avoid the arrival of any karma in this life, if the circumstances for its implementation are not suitable.

The location of the heavenly bodies in the birth chart indicates what a person should work on in this incarnation (prarabdha karma), and is an indicator of the evolution of our inner essence in its journey from life to life. Thus, the planets can both raise us up and pull us down, depending on the level of our understanding of the energetic laws of the cosmos. The more narrowed our consciousness is, the harder karma will be transferred. However, you should not take the position of the planets as a sentence, but rather use your map as a gateway leading to space life... After all, our consciousness is in prison physical body and this conditioned world, and realizing the influence of the planets, a person can go beyond conditioning and gain freedom. The purpose of Vedic astrology is not to instill in us a feeling of dependence on external forces, but to help us unlock the potential of our soul.

Mars is ruled by the god Mangala, who is responsible for heroism, courage, physical strength, fortitude and military prowess. Weak Mars manifests itself in the desire to use brute force, carelessness, and licentiousness. Yoga, ahimsa, celibacy, and the practice of sanity improve the relationship with Mars.

Venusian energy makes us receptive to all beauty, soft, creative and happy in the family. The deity ruling Venus, Shukra, was a great yoga teacher who took a vow of abstinence, a mentor of the gods and demons. Venus also personifies the energy of the goddess of fortune Lakshmi, so the harmony of this planet is especially important for women to learn such qualities as kindness, compassion and forgiveness. Weak Venus makes a person constantly unhappy, brings anxiety in love and incontinence in pleasures. To harmonize Venus, it is recommended to engage in creativity, maintain marital fidelity, cultivate modesty, kindness and forgiveness.

Buddha, the ruler of Mercury, is responsible for the mind and intellect. With a harmonious relationship with Mercury, a person learns easily, his perception of the world around him is not distorted. Weak Mercury makes a person cunning and cunning, prone to lies, frivolous and superficial. Buddha patronizes those who study the scriptures, fast on Wednesdays, and have a blissful sense of humor.

Jupiter is the most auspicious planet of all. She is ruled by the deity Brihaspati, or Guru, whose patronage gives us the opportunity to follow the spiritual path and teach others. Jupiter personifies universal laws, religion, spiritual practice. Weak Jupiter is expressed in recklessness, a tendency to dispute, empty dreams. To strengthen the relationship with the Guru, it is recommended to fast on Thursdays and devote this day to spiritual practice.

Many are afraid of the onset of the Saturn period, but he, a gloomy limping old man, the god Shani, who was nicknamed lame because of his slowness (one circle of Saturn takes 30 years), punishes only those who have gone astray, and, like a strict parent, returns lost souls to the truth. Weak Saturn is expressed in anger, irritability and discontent with everyone around. To make Shani smile, you need to lead a spiritual life, keep promises, develop humility and respect for elders.

In Kali Yuga, most people go through the Rahu period during their life. Many are afraid of him, because during this period the most intensive study of the karma of the past is taking place. However, the Rahu period contributes to the establishment on the spiritual path, for which he is so loved by yogis. After all, Rahu's task is to destroy illusions about the material world. Suffering can be a blessing and guide a person on the right path. A weak Rahu gives confusion, disappointment, uncertainty, makes a person chase after material pleasures and use intoxicants. Relations with Rahu deteriorate when eating animal meat, and Ketu, which creates obstacles on the way, suffers from eating fish. To improve relations with these grahas, it is recommended to conduct simple life, eat natural vegetarian food and study spiritual science to dispel the fog of illusion. Sincere prayer also helps.

So, the position of the planets in the natal chart of a person reflects his karma brought from past lives. However, one should not forget that the purpose of these karmic influences is to contribute to the development of our soul and becoming on the path of truth. Where spiritual practice begins, the influence of the planets ends. A sannyasin once told a story about a girl who came to an astrologer. Judging by her natal chart, the girl was no longer supposed to be alive, and she sat in front of him and even smiled. The astrologer began to wonder if she had any holy people in her family, and the girl replied that, indeed, her grandfather was a priest and led a very spiritual life. Thus, his merits were transferred to all people who were karmically associated with him, and softened the karma that they had. An astrologer of mine always repeats: "If everything is good in your life, it means that you are most likely doing something." Something means spiritual practices such as yoga, meditation, chanting, reading spiritual literature, and ongoing spiritual training. The Vedas teach us: in order to be in harmony with the universe, it is necessary to constantly expand spiritually, because real happiness and meaning lies in development.

With gratitude to all teachers of the present, past and future. Ohm!

This article draws on materials from Hart Defau & Robert Svoboda's Introduction to Indian Astrology and David Frawley's Astrology of the Seers.