The best classmate story. Composition on the topic “My class

The call from Zhenya was still unexpected, despite a year of correspondence on social networks. Through fellow countrymen found each other and agreed to meet. It was supposed to happen 37 years after graduation.

Hi Sveta, are you in the city? I'm coming to visit you on a business trip tomorrow. Let's finally cross over, shall we?
-Of course, Zhenya!! What time and where?
- Well, after work in the evening we'll sit somewhere ...

Their small village was located in the taiga, on the banks of a mountain river. Such air, impregnated with taiga grasses and coniferous aroma, was not found anywhere else on earth. Sveta remembered how once, having arrived on vacation with her mother, she got out of the car at her native station, gasped and sank right onto the railway embankment - her head, intoxicated by its freshness, was spinning. She still felt the taste keenly. When she was far from home and nostalgia squeezed her throat, she closed her eyes and filled with this air, as if she were touching the spring with her lips.

After that, her thoughts returned to Zhenya again. Several details of his image forever etched into my memory: awkwardly long fingers, huge blue eyes and deep dimples on his cheeks, which always showed through, even when he was serious. The upcoming meeting excited Svetlana a little. She remembered whether they were friends, whether they went to the forest together, played pranks - nothing of the sort was given out by her memory. But treacherously, from somewhere deep, a long-forgotten insult rolled in: Zhenya was a master of slander - he remade the names of classmates and teachers into nicknames and offensive nicknames. Sveta had the surname Kolokoltseva, quite decent. But she received from a classmate a strange at first glance hysteria - “It was a cow” (in Siberian villages, so that the cow does not fight off the herd and does not get lost in the forest, a sonorous bell was tied around her neck). Probably, Zhenya had other reasons for this: Svetka was considered by some teachers to be the smartest in the class, and for this many classmates did not like her. It was especially annoying that she read a lot and spoke with eloquent pleasure about the heroes and their actions. She had no equal in literary disputes. The teacher praised her, and hatred grew proportionately in her classmates. Therefore, she was afraid of Zhenya's sharp tongue and tried to stay away from his company.

Zhenya was a musician. He reached for his guitar, still sitting on his father's lap. No matter how they hid the rare instrument in the village at home, he still found it and, while his father was at work, fingered the thin strings. Then a few more gifted boys of the same kind gathered at the school and created their own VIA. Played all free and non-free time. And then they released them on the big stage - in the village club, where young people of different ages gathered to dance. Svetka also ran to the club, first for her older sisters, and then her dancing time came. Many girls fell in love with musicians - they chose the most beautiful girlfriends. But Zhenya was always alone. He treated the friendship of his friends ironically and condescendingly, as always, he made sharp jokes.

Svetlana, in anticipation of the meeting, decided to refresh the memory of all her classmates, took out old photographs from the closet. Here are their 8 A class, in the second row they stand with their school friend Masha, barely holding back from laughter, froze with stupid smirks in anticipation of the bird's departure. And above them, in the third, is Zhenya with other tall boys. Fashionable haircut with bangs, which was the Liverpool idol, invariable dimples and a bold look into the lens spoke of his habit of being in the spotlight...

......Evgeny Vasilyevich visited several sites in the morning, determined with local specialists where to deliver the equipment and in what volumes (he worked in communication systems). So more than noon flew by in trouble. Then he remembered the upcoming meeting with a classmate, somehow he felt a little uneasy: in fact, he managed people with ease and quickly converged, but this is a special case.

He himself could not explain to himself why, of all the girls, he chose her to meet? He ruffled his hair with a habitual gesture and realized that he did not look respectable, as he wanted to appear in front of this school crammer. I asked the driver to stop near a good barbershop with a bright sign. There were more craftsmen in the salon than clients. He was received as a welcome guest. Zhenya is located in easy chair and decided that it was time to relax a little under the magical hands of a pretty girl and somehow prepare for the evening meeting, which now suddenly seemed to him stupid and unnecessary. He was even annoyed with himself: so many years had passed, he had lived without Svetka, knew nothing about her, now it was completely useless. But the thought that he would like to see her now, in order to appear in her successful appearance, with all life's achievements and brilliant prospects, reassured him a little.

The barbershop was not gender-segregated. At the opposite end of the spacious hall, with her back to him, sat a woman with long hair chocolate color. Over the past few years, Yevgeny Vasilyevich's vision has been greatly upset - he did not see her face, but he determined from her figure that she was no longer so young. But her hair was beautiful. She talked quietly about something with her master, sometimes they laughed softly. Yevgeny Vasilyevich got tired of looking at both women in the mirrors and he closed his eyes.

Another face suddenly appeared in front of him - the eighth-grader Kolokoltseva. He was always surprised, looking at her, how ugly girls can be, deprived of nature: there are almost no eyebrows, fluffy eyelashes are whitish, like their cow Zorka, an awkward figure with long, even legs. The only thing he could look at in her and wonder was her eyes. They were very strange - they changed color depending on the weather, season and mood. On an ordinary winter day, they were bright, some kind of lifeless forget-me-nots, and with the advent of spring and the sun they became bright cornflowers, the yellow and red colors of autumn mixed with their blue, and they glowed with ultraviolet light.

He also remembered her other look, when one day experiments were being conducted in a chemistry lesson, and, as if by chance, he passed a burning match around her head. The blond hair flared instantly, and with lightning speed he knocked out the flame with his hand, which she did not see. When Svetka turned in anger and looked at him, thinking that Zhenya hit her, he froze in surprise - his eyes were completely turquoise! He saw them like this one more time.

That year, in the fall, the second-year student Vovka Khorin was transferred to their class. He was Zhenya’s mother’s brother, a soft and gentle woman, but Vovka’s father was a character of the exact opposite - violent, cruel, punished his two sons with flogging, threw at them any object that came to hand while drunk, and often with mother threw a knife. Somehow they took away his knives and hid them. Vovka himself was also psychotic, often fought with the boys, and offended the girls. Everyone was afraid of him and therefore shunned him. Nobody wanted to be friends with him. Only Svetka was supposed to talk to him - the teacher instructed to help with his studies, since he was already a repeater.

Once there was a fight between classmates, they fought to the point of bloodshed. Vovka went completely berserk, growling like a wolf cub, biting through the ear of his opponent, he fell down and whimpered quietly in the corner of the classroom, holding his head in his hands, blood flowing through his fingers in a thin stream down his cheek. Those of the guys who did not run away looked at Vovka with horror, expecting reprisals. The smell of blood and the fear of his classmates angered him even more. Grabbing the teacher's chair with violent force, he began to rotate it over his head, threateningly stepping on the frightened boys and girls. There was nowhere to retreat, because during the fight two stood on the nix, having locked the door from the outside, watching when the teacher's planning meeting was over. Some of the guys closed their eyes in fear, expecting a blow to the head. Suddenly, Vovka stopped: Svetka stood in front of him - tense, thin, like a stretched string. She took a step towards him, looked firmly with her turquoise gaze into Vovka's furious eyes, and said quietly:
-Try to hit...

He hesitated for a second, then threw a chair with all his might against the wall, cursed with choice abuse, kicked the door in and ran out of the classroom.
Later, Zhenya recalled this incident many times and asked himself why he did not stop his brother, but watched what was happening as if from the side, knowing that he was not in danger - after all, Vovka more than once showed him his patronage.
This look of a classmate more than once dreamed of him. He couldn’t even admit to himself that he was madly in love with Svetka’s eyes, that sympathy and antipathy for her painfully struggled in him, that he didn’t approach her, because he was embarrassed by the ridicule of his musician friends, because they had the most beautiful girls ...

Imperceptibly behind the memories, time approached evening. Eugene came to the cafe a little earlier than the appointed time and, sitting at a cozy table, tried to imagine what Svetka had become now, what they would talk about - so much water had flowed under the bridge since that school time. He carefully examined the incoming. But she showed up unexpectedly. Imagine his surprise when he recognized in her the same woman with beautiful brown hair, whose reflection he could not see in the mirror of the hairdresser.

Hello Zhenya! She quickly walked over to him and put her arm around his shoulders. The tension immediately disappeared. He smiled with dimples.
- Hi, Kolokoltseva! Long time no see. It seems like 37 has passed?! Where have you been? I know about many classmates, but no one could tell anything about you.

He ordered a Martini with ice for her, and for himself he chose good vodka for a long time. We drank with pleasure for the meeting. Communication immediately became more free and relaxed. They remembered their old village school, Lesnaya Street, where both of them spent their childhood, teachers, especially those who were afraid:
- Do you remember, Svetka, our physicist Pencha, I gave him a nickname. How he loved to yell at us and pound on the table! I once came to a lesson, didn’t get enough sleep after a disco, froze on the back desk, and Vitka Sobol at the blackboard became dull and could not solve the problem. There was silence, Pencha looks out the window, his mustache swells with anger, then it cracks on the table - I fell off the desk from surprise! Imagine, they were so afraid of him that no one even laughed. Only then, during the break, my friends began to mock me.

Yes, but I remember how one of our twin sisters passed the test to him three times, completely pissed him off, he says quietly: “Get lost ...”, she did not understand and stands with her head down, he again: “Get lost ... ”, she does not react, then he will roar in a bad voice: “Perish the evil spirits !!!” We almost crawled under the desks for fear. But in general, he is a good person and a good teacher, do you remember what holiday Cosmonautics Day spent at school, the guys made rockets themselves, and then launched them into the sky. And we also went to Lake Baikal with him as a tourist group. Impressions for a lifetime!

Yes, Sveta, I saw your photos and read articles in the school newspaper! By the way, do you remember his real name?

In my opinion, Alexei Ivanovich ...

The conversation was completely relaxed and easy, as if they had been transported back many years. Svetlana spoke vividly and emotionally about her friendship with Masha. Shortly before graduation, Masha's mother died. Her father betrothed her to a young lieutenant who came on vacation from Germany - he came with the goal of urgently getting married. Masha liked him - and immediately to the registry office, and three days later he left for the place of service, and the newly-made wife passed the final exams.

Well, how is she?
- They lived with Leshka all their lives in perfect harmony, changed geography to China, raised three daughters and have been grandparents three times already.

And you, Sveta? - at the same time, Zhenya carefully examined the interlocutor and could not understand what was missing in her now? Over the years, Svetlana has turned from an ugly duckling into a rather pretty slender woman: evening make-up emphasized beautiful shape dark eyebrows and long black eyelashes, lips slightly touched by a soft, almost natural sheen. And the clothes were chosen with taste: the emerald-colored blouse sparkled in the white frame of a soft Chanel-style jacket, it was complemented by pearl drop earrings with a gentle shimmer.

I haven't yet. My adult son is making a career in the capital and is in no hurry to get married.

The pleasant, refined smell of expensive perfumes slightly tickled the nostrils and turned the head, or maybe it was the alcohol that intervened? Zhenya again looked at the same age - small, she seemed to him now dear. He himself never became tall, but now against her background, as in childhood, he seemed tall and large. The crazy thought came that he liked her all his life. “I wouldn’t despise classmates, but would be friends with Svetka - I wouldn’t marry four times and there wouldn’t be this last saw in my house ...”

Listen, Zhenya, are you playing the guitar now? One of yours from VIA works in our city symphony orchestra...
An unexpected and painful question interrupted his thoughts.
- No, Sveta, I don't play. - He showed her his hands, and she saw on his right hand, instead of his long musical fingers, short phalanges. - I got into an accident at a young age. Now I listen to other music - only brass.

They said goodbye around midnight - Zhenya's business trip ended and he was leaving for the region in the morning. We walked through the sleeping city at night almost in silence. Near Svetlana's house, Yevgeny Vasilievich held her hand in his:
- Thank you, Svetlana, for this meeting! As if those years never happened! It's like going back to childhood! - looking gently into her face, he suddenly realized what had disappeared in her along with her youth - her eyes had ceased to change color - now they were the eyes of the color of the sea abyss. The thought awakened a long-forgotten anxiety, for he was always afraid of something. Yevgeny Vasilyevich hastily turned away and walked towards the hotel.

Who's the girl about the future picture
Did you draw carelessly in the album of feelings?
Who is a woman in everyday affairs routine
Did you carelessly send your kiss?
Who is the sailboat of dreams into the abyss
Jokingly launched passions and dreams?
And who is a fragment of a cold ice floe
Accidentally melted in a woman's heart? ..

And most importantly, why?

She opened the page and looked for her classmates, dropping letters to those who were somehow involved in her school years. And began to wait for answers.
- Hello, Elena the Beautiful! Let's be friends! I have included you in the list of friends, now, I hope you will not refuse me friendship? Zhek.
The message on the Odnoklassniki website, with the very first visit of the guests, took Elena, now Vladimirovna, the mother of two adult children, mother-in-law and grandmother of a charming grandson, to a far, far school childhood. The surname Kuznetsov flickered invitingly on the monitor, informing Elena that the interlocutor not only really exists somewhere in this world, but also, just like her, is sitting at the computer at that time on the other side of the world. Clicking on the button: add to friends list, Elena read the message again, trying to understand what it was about. And suddenly I remembered!

They were in fifth grade at the time. She slowly walked home through the autumn forest, stopping under each tree and collecting the most beautiful leaves in a bouquet. A small orange leaf fell out of the bouquet, but she liked it so much that she decided to put it in her pocket, for which she put her hand in there, feeling something at the bottom. That something was a note. Unfolding a piece of paper, blushing with excitement and barely holding back her hands from trembling, the girl read:
- Let's be friends! I'll be waiting for you at school today at five. Come!
There was no signature. From confusion, the girl stopped and pressed herself against a tree.
- Who could it be! Sanka? No, he can't, he's too afraid of her. Kolya? No, this one is too cheeky, always pulling her hair. Is it Zhenka?
Sweet torment swept the girl from head to toe. It was the most extraordinary boy in the class. He studied the best. The teachers loved him the most. His mother went to school almost every day and was friendly with all the teachers, she was the chairman of the parent committee. He was well-read, interesting, and... And she just liked him.
Of course, she can't go on a date. She has a lot of housework, and in the family it’s not only not customary for girls to be friends with boys, but it was considered at the level of the most vile and unjustified act. Lena tore up the note and with great regret threw it under a tree. Then she went home, filled with an extraordinary sense of mystery.

Was it Zhenka after all? - Elena Vladimirovna could not help smiling.
She immediately remembered all the days that followed after receiving the note: how she figured out who did write her a message, how she zealously watched the fact that Zhenya had a girlfriend from a parallel class, how he carried a briefcase for this girl and how at breaks ran to talk to her. Then she concluded that it was not he who offered her to be friends, and discarded all these calf tenderness, but continued, as always, to study for one five, without upsetting her parents.

How do you? I had to leave Russia after the children. I have lived in Israel for a long time. I work in a hotel. Second year alone. But it normal. How do you? - Zhenya's note invited to the conversation.
- Is it really so easy to establish friendly relations with those who were lost many years ago, whom they had already crossed out of their lives forever and who remained in that distant - distant childhood, where was my mother, where everything was clear and understandable, where textbooks were replaced by dances, and reading novels - goodbyes?
So Elena thought, considering what to answer. She did not have time to answer, a new letter arrived:
- It is warm here. Wonderful weather, sun and sea. Someday come to visit, I will be glad to accept.
Looking out the window at the raging snowstorm, the upcoming cold almost ten-month winter, the woman gave free rein to her imagination. She imagined herself on the shores of the warm sea, in a cozy cafe, where her aged classmate tells her about his life. And she listens attentively to him, and holds a rose in her hands. It was so clear in her vision that she shook her head to let the delusion dissipate. But her thoughts took her to an unfamiliar city, now it was a theater filled with spectators. And she and Zhenya, no, of course, not with Zhenya, but with Yevgeny Veniaminych are sitting in the hall, and he again says something to her. It was so different from her ordinary life in the Siberian hinterland, it was so enticing and inviting that her hands themselves tapped out the answer:
- Zheka Veniaminych, maybe, in fact, I need to save money for a trip to your country? What amount can I pay? And when and how can this be done?
She even sighed happily, glad for herself that she was able to write this, forgetting for this moment about her husband, about her children and grandson, about her health and lack of money.
For several days she waited impatiently for an answer, which was not forthcoming. Then she very calmly and efficiently deleted her message and calmed down. What else can you expect from a person who could leave her alone in the forest, and even sick?

She remembered the summer after fifth grade, and their trip to the mountains. The group was large, almost the entire class. They left early, and by lunchtime they came to the foot of the mountains. Very hardy, having grown up in the forest, Lena was not afraid of any hiking in the taiga. But that time she forgot her scarf at home, and the sun was beating down so mercilessly that it baked her head, and something happened to her. sunstroke. Everything was dark before her eyes, she could not walk. The guys surrounded her while she was lying under a bush, and whispered. The class teacher, a woman, in general, always reasonable, groaned and cackled around her. Then she resolutely raised her to her feet and ... sent Lena back home alone, and with the class went on a hike. Due to poor health, Lena did not remember anything, only the contemptuous eyes of her classmate Zhenya, who, moreover, twisted his lips and said after her: “Weakling!” And then she walked through the woods, dragging her backpack. And everything would have been fine, after a while she would have forgotten this campaign, but then she had to go past the zone where the prisoners worked behind the barbed wire. Seeing a lone girlish figure emerging from the forest, they gave scope to their remarks with loud cries. She was only eleven years old, but in the short fifteen minutes that she had to walk along the fence, she heard as many epithets about fallen women as she had not heard later in her whole life. Tears filled her eyes, her backpack weighed down her shoulders, weakness slowed her movements. This is how she came home, where her mother, crying with her, calmed, washed, fed and put her to bed.
Having replayed the suddenly remembered old events in her mind, she imagined her husband in that situation and realized that he would never leave any girl alone with her misfortune. This comparison immediately cleared the fantasies that had arisen from her mind, and she calmly reasoned:
- God, how naive I am that I could believe in the sincerity of my classmate's proposal on the basis of one simply very polite phrase. Does life change the character of people?
And yet curiosity led her to write several more letters with questions about his life. He unsubscribed in meaningless phrases, without revealing himself and his life.
- Zhenya, did you write me a note in the fifth grade? You see what questions come to the mind of your grandmother, your unlucky classmate. Are you or are you not?
She dropped the question out of sheer boredom and waited for an answer. The letter arrived, but without a response to the question raised. A small discussion about the possibility of meeting all classmates in their hometown and school. He has already found several people who are not against the meeting, but how does she agree to the meeting?
Of course she doesn't mind! I don't even mind! And it will be better if they gather at her place! She organizes everything for them at the highest level!
At the end of Zhenya's message was "kiss!" She rested on this word, and again the fantasies swept over, piled up from all sides. She suddenly introduced herself as a woman. Not a grandmother, not a wife, not a mother, not a colleague, but a woman! She had long forgotten what the word “kiss” meant, for many years she had lived without a name, her husband called her “dear”, which was the envy of all her friends. When they called her on the phone, he answered importantly: “Honey, get on the phone!”. They blossomed from such treatment and each time they envied her. And then she suddenly became Lenochka, who is being kissed! Fantasies captured her, the body asked for caresses. Realizing that this was impossible at her age, she suddenly felt acutely that life had slipped through her fingers, leaving no love behind. Everything was fine: family, children, relationships, living conditions. But there was no such appeal, by name, it left many years ago with the death of her mother, who affectionately called her Lenochka. Why is she returning now? To nothing! But her heart ached sweetly and asked to continue ... She suddenly really wanted to tell about her life, about what was tormenting her now, and that she could not tell her relatives, she wanted to open her soul to him and talk, talk, talk ...
She drew herself a meeting. Meeting old friends. They share so many memories in ten years at school! How often did they sit at the same desk! Lena has already forgiven Zhenya for that trip in the fifth grade, which she recently remembered.
“When we meet, I will tell you everything, everything that happened to me from the moment we sat on the same desk with you and wrote an essay,” she dropped another letter.
This time the answer came quickly.
- Do you remember my girlfriend in fifth grade? And another red-haired girl who was in my sister's class? Imagine, it turns out that all the girls were in love with me. Who would have thought.
This letter puzzled Elena more than all the previous ones. Having already drawn in her heart that a classmate did not accidentally find her, that his first note with a proposal of friendship defines something more than an ordinary interest in a classmate, that this is some kind of vague inner desire for unfulfilled sincere friendships in childhood, she suddenly realized that again deceived, as in childhood. And again, Zhenya's numerous admirers came to the fore. One of them was not slow to appear on her page, putting a bunch of ratings on her photographs and, writing that she was Zhenya's first passion, offered her her friendship, since Zhenya is her friend. Blazing with indignation, Elena forgot that she was already many years old, and that she was no longer the girl that studied in the same class with a school celebrity.
- You haven't changed at all. Apparently, men are all the same. I miss my husband with his praises for all the women of the world. As well as the fact that he is the best, and all the women love him.
She once again deleted all correspondence and once again calmed down.
- You're offended? Fans don't mean mistresses.
- I have to explain. My feelings have cooled down for many years. I was calm and confident. And you burst into my life with your kisses, with an enticing proposal of a meeting, and then brazenly put me last in line of your fans. I'm sorry. But I am so grateful to you for the last letter, it again put everything in its place. I promise that there will be no more explosion of emotions on my part. I'm fine. I don't care who is around you. Sorry for the stupid intemperance.
And signed: your unlucky classmate.

She suddenly remembered the tenth grade, the girl Sveta, who came from Germany with her military parents, and with whom Zhenya was hopelessly in love. The girl was very rich. Every day she went to school in a new chic dress, beautiful shoes. And most importantly, with a new hairstyle! Her hair was so beautifully styled every day in a new way that the whole school came running to look at her hairstyle. Zhenya then haggard, lost weight, even abandoned his studies, although he went to the medal, followed Svetka like a thread after a needle and sighed. Svetka's parents did not need such a groom; they gave their daughter in marriage immediately after graduation to a promising lieutenant, several years older than her. All classmates mocked the enamored excellent student and Komsomol leader, because none of his virtues helped win a rich officer's daughter.

Correspondence was interrupted for several days.

We need to calm down and not invent God knows what. Silly! How old am I? Lot. Rejoice in life, Lenka, men send you kisses! Live easier! - Elena thought, doing her usual and familiar household chores.

After a while, she received a letter:
- I got it. Now I will know how to behave if any spark flickers between us. I'm sorry. I'll be with my sister in the summer, and then in our city, think about it, maybe you'll come?
Of course you can come. She and her husband were just getting ready for their native city by car. As long as the dates match. But it’s even better if they all come to her, especially since it’s a day less to go from the city where Zhenya’s sister lives to her city than to the city with his native school, where Zhenya was already a year ago. And she will try to show them the beauty of her land!
A month later, Elena received another letter from a classmate:
- I have good news for you: I'm going!
Having thought over the meeting and deciding to persuade her classmates to come to her, Elena began to prepare to receive guests. To begin with, I sent letters to everyone that I was glad to host everyone. I prepared tents, agreed with the hostel about the reception, found cars that could take the company to the place of rest, made a list for the purchase of products, prepared all the necessary tourist equipment, even loaded the camera just in case.
The next letter was strange. It was sent by Zhenya's sister, who said that he was coming to visit. She also said that she had recently been in her city, and she liked it. At first, Elena thought that Eugene would come to visit her, then she nevertheless realized that she was visiting her sister in another city. Neither consent to her proposal, nor refusal was not. Then she wrote an answer wishing her classmate a good rest, put aside all her preparations for the meeting and once again calmed down.

She remembered the tenth grade, the final exam in literature. They sat with Zhenya on the same desk and wrote compositions. He wrote very quickly and with blots. She wrote slowly and with pleasure, she liked the theme of the composition. Then they exchanged essays for mutual verification. She was at a loss from his dirt and corrections in the notebook, because he claimed a medal, which she noted to him. Zhenya smiled contemptuously at this and said that he would go like that. Both he and she received fives, as well as for all subsequent exams. Gold medal awards announced graduation party both.
She remembered how happy her friends were for her, and how she, Irina and Alena once again went around the school building and swore to each other in eternal friendship.
And then for a whole month she worked as a cashier in a club to earn money for admission to the institute, there was a downpour that lasted more than a half month, washed out roads and the impossibility of leaving. And no medal. When her mother went to the head teacher with a question about the medal, she explained that they found some wrong line in Elena’s essay, because of which the medal was not given.
- What about Kuznetsov? After all, his essay was so badly written! Lena's mother demanded an answer.
- Kuznetsov rewrote the essay.
- How so! I will complain to OBLONO!
- Do not spoil the boy's reputation!
Elena remembered how long she persuaded her mother not to apply anywhere, and she would go to college without a medal. And did...

A phone call in Zhenya's long-forgotten voice explained:
- I came! Meet me at school in the middle of the month. Can you come?
- I don't know, it depends on the money and the time of my husband's arrival. It probably will.
- See you!
But fate was pleased to move Elena's husband's vacation days for a week, which was just not enough for a timely trip. The meeting did not take place. Rather, the meeting of classmates took place, only Elena did not get to it. But other classmates fussed and arrived on time, leaving all their affairs.
- It's a pity, of course, but nothing will change. She probably could have gone by train, but somehow it was indecent to go, because classmates ignored her proposal for a meeting and adjusted to Zhenya's desire. Although they are probably right, because at her place they would have met with her, and there they met with the school, class teacher and the city, which was more important for them than meeting her, - Elena thought about the events that had taken place.
Although, who knows, perhaps she would have decided on a trip, having received from them more detailed information about meeting. Knowing she wasn't coming alone would have spurred her on the trip. But shortly before the meeting, Irina told her that she would not be able to go, which, in general, determined Elena's decision not to go by train, but to wait for her husband.

Time has passed.
- Fate is preparing a surprise for us. The girls are coming to visit me, they have already bought tickets! Make up your mind!
Eugene's letter again brought confusion to Elena's feelings. Traveling to a warm country in winter, what could be better? Meet classmates. Fantasy vividly depicted a meeting on the seashore and long conversations about the past years of life after graduation.
- Can I join them? Give me the full layout of the trip, both in terms of time and money! Elena asked and waited for an answer.
- Coordinate everything with Irina, she is aware of the whole trip more than me, - came the answer of Eugene.
Throwing questions to Irina, Elena patiently waited, trying to tune in to the trip. The answer came more than strange. A classmate reported that Eugene did not receive a single letter from her or from Elena!
- Who then wrote me all these letters? Elena wondered.
Completely confused, in search of an answer, Elena dropped several more letters to Evgeny, writing that she had not received answers to her questions from Irina. After searching the Internet for possible flights to Israel, I found companies that fly to Tel Aviv. The ticket prices were so high and so different that she was confused. There was no clear information from friends: no invitation, no flight number, where and where, no phone number for Zhenya in Israel, no address, nothing but a letter on the Odnoklassniki website with vague hints about a trip to the village to visit his grandfather. She once again tried to find out something, first from Irina, to which she did not receive any intelligible answer, then from Yevgeny.
He replied that he was sorry, but he could not help her with anything, no information, and asked to continue the correspondence, ending the letter, as usual, “kiss!”.

The whole evening, Elena laughed heartily, realizing how her classmates played, and she believed them and fell for it like a girl! They must have done this to her because she didn't come to the meeting at school. But you could write about it directly. Or not write anything at all, it would be more honest. Yes, and it is not known whether she would have made a trip or not, it depended on many factors: the availability of money, tickets, health ...
Then, replaying the events again, she imagined that everything could be different, and maybe she would have something to remember on long winter evenings under the howling of a blizzard, if ...
If she had lied and answered Zhenya that she had been madly in love with him since the first grade ... If she had rushed to meet him at his first call to any place he named ... If she had unceremoniously pushed all his past, present and future admirers with her elbows ... Then if a relatively rich unmarried man today, her classmate Zhenya, maybe he would invite her to visit him in a rich house in a rich country ... So, or something like this, her friend and classmate Irina did and thousands of women do the same , trying to catch, though ghostly and fleeting, but, as it seems to them, happiness ... But is it just happiness?

Of all this history, the best thing for her would be a heart-to-heart conversation with childhood friends around the fire over a glass of red wine and with omul on the goads on her territory ...

“God help them,” Elena thought, turned on the computer, opened the Odnoklassniki website, wished her classmates a pleasant rest and happiness, and a day later deleted all correspondence with them from the site and returned to her usual way of life.
- Life, indeed, does not change the character of people!

We spend much time in our classroom and it's very important for us to keep it clean and nice. Our classroom is on the ground floor of the school building. There are three large windows in it, so the room is quite light. The windows face our school sports ground. We grow and water a lot of beautiful plants on the window-sills.

The pupils sit at their desks during the lessons. There are three rows of desks with chairs in our classroom. The folding board is dark green. We write with colored pieces of chalk on it. There is a teacher's table with a computer on it and a bookcase next to the board. We study Maths in our class, that is why there are portraits of great scientists, formulas and diagrams on the walls. There is also our wall newspaper which reflects the latest interesting news and birthdays in our class.

I am glad to have a friendly and united class. There are 30 pupils in it: 18 boys and 12 girls. Quite many of them are talented and smart children. I have many friends among my classmates and I share the desk with my best friend Pete. We usually help each other with doing our homework. We take part in different school activities together. We also attend drama classes at school. I really enjoy it and have much fun there. Our teacher often helps us organize class contests, concerts and tea-parties. We always congratulate our classmates on their birthdays. These events really unite us as a big family.

My classmates and I often socialize outside the school. We like going to the cinema and cafes together. We also play football or volleyball. In the evenings we chat and exchange photos and videos on social networks.


We spend a lot of time in our classroom, and it is very important for us that it is clean and beautiful. Our class is on the first floor of the school building. It has three large windows so the room is quite bright. The windows overlook the school stadium. We grow and water a lot beautiful flowers on the windowsills.

During the lessons, students sit at their desks. There are three rows of desks with chairs in our class. Folding board dark green. We write on it with colored crayons. At the blackboard is a teacher's desk with a computer and bookcase. We study mathematics in our class, so there are portraits of great scientists, formulas and tables hanging on the walls. Our wall newspaper also hangs here, reflecting the latest interesting news and birthdays in our class.

I am glad that we have a close-knit and friendly class. It has 30 students: 18 boys and 12 girls. Quite a few of them are talented and smart children. I have many friends among classmates and I sit with my best friend Petya at one desk. We usually help each other do our homework. We take part in various school activities together. We also go to the theater studio at school. I really like it there and I have fun. Our teacher often helps us organize class competitions, concerts and tea parties. We always congratulate classmates on their birthday. These events bring us very close as a big family.

We often communicate with classmates outside of school. We like to go to the cinema and cafes together. We also play football or volleyball. In the evenings, we communicate and share photos and videos on social networks.

The first of September is the day of knowledge, as well as the first day of study.
- Darling, get up! You can't be late for school on your first day!
Dasha's mother went up to her bunk and began to pull off the blanket.
- Maaam, yes, I woke up already!
- Finally. I went, the keys are on the bedside table. I might be a little late at work today.
- Yeah...
Dasha barely forced herself to get out of bed and go to wash. After breakfast she got dressed and went to school. When they entered the classroom, the girls immediately jumped at her. Each tried to say something, but they interrupted each other. Dasha could barely contain herself from laughing. Well, they fell silent and Olya said in a low voice:
- A newcomer has come to us, though now our "Lina" is showing him the school (I'll clarify that we call the class teacher Lina).
Lena interrupted her, and almost screaming, she already blurted out
- Yes Yes! Do you know how awesome he is?
Dasha was not interested in some boy. After all, she is already in the 10th grade, and in the 11th there will be an exam, she needs to prepare. The bell rang and everyone sat down in their seats. Dasha was sitting alone. "Hmm, maybe they will put this boy with me?" Seeing the envious eyes of her girlfriends, she realized that she was not the only one who had such a thought. Lina entered the classroom and a guy followed her. "Yeah, the girls weren't lying, he was really cool."
- Hello guys, as you can see, we have a new one in the class. His name is Andrey, but you will get acquainted at recess, but for now Andrey can sit down with Dasha. Here is the third row, the second desk.
Coming closer to Dasha, Andrei asked:
- You do not mind?
- No, what are you.
Andrei was a very handsome guy with gray-blue eyes. Yes, he quickly bewitched our Dasha. In this and the following lessons, they chatted without noticing how comments were poured into their address. Today Dasha did not walk, but flew home...

From that day on, Andrei and Dasha spent a lot of time together. Walked, went to rides and to the cinema. So flew their month of communication. Dasha's birthday was approaching (October 10).
Dasha did not want to spend this day at home or any gifts, Andrei was her gift of fate, she did not need anything else. On the evening of October 9, already at 10 pm, Dasha lay down on the bed and dreamed how she and Andryusha would have fun.
"Oh my God, is there really such a little man, because of which I do not sleep, do not eat and simply do not breathe!" Dasha was tormented by the thought that, after all, she wanted to become his girlfriend. Tears came out of their own eyes. Her thoughts were interrupted by a quiet but sharp knock on the window (Dasha lived on the first floor), she was frightened, but going to the window, Dasha was very surprised. Andrey himself was standing outside the window, in a gray jacket and jeans, and a sports cap on his head. Opening the window, Dasha did not even feel the cold. She didn't care about him.
"Oh, how cute he is. Those gray-blue eyes, a slightly snub-nosed and red nose and his snow-white smile." Dasha wanted to shed a tear, but restrained herself.
- Andrey? What are you doing here?
- Dash, sorry, woke up? I thought you were still awake.
- Yes, I was just going, but what did you want?
- Ask.
Dasha's heart began to beat, her pulse quickened. All she could say was:
- What?
- What to give you!
In Dasha's thoughts, the word "SELF" ran through.
- Yes, nothing is needed Andrew!
- Well, well, do not lie! Okay, I'll go, and you close the window! It's not summer, it's easy to catch a cold.
- You go, I'll close...
Dasha did not want to close the window ... She looked after him .. Now he had already disappeared around the corner of the house. With the window open, Dasha stood for 5 minutes. Closing the window already, she found a notebook sheet in a cage. It has been wrapped several times. On it was written "Daria ...". Dasha quickly turned on the light in the room and unfolded the note. "All Dashik! Expect a surprise! See you tomorrow." Dasha put the note under the pillow, turned off the light, lay down and put her hand under the pillow, clutching the note in her hand, she fell asleep with a smile on her face...

Sunday morning, 10 October. Today the weather is surprisingly sunny and warm. Going to the window, Dasha sharply parted the curtains, the warmth of the sun's rays spilled into her face ... Looking under the window, Dasha squealed with joy, on the pavement it was written: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DASH!"
Hearing the exclamation of her daughter, the mother went to her.
- Lucky you Dasha! The guy was there, messing around all night ..
- This is Andrey..
Dasha convulsively reached for the phone, and in it from the very morning a text message was waiting for her: " Good morning Dashut! Happy Valentine's Day! I wish you all the best and more health! P.S. Call me when you wake up!"
Dasha's mood rose more and more. She knew that this day would be one of the best. She started calling Andrei, but he did not pick up the phone. "Hmm, maybe busy?"
Another half an hour passed, he didn’t take it ... An hour, two ... Anxiety began ... For almost the hundredth time, having dialed Andrei, Dasha walked around the room and listened to these painfully drawn-out beeps ..
-Hello! Andrew, where the hell have you been? I'm already starting to worry!
- This is not Andrei, this is his dad ...
“Hello, where is Andrey?” the girl asked with concern in her voice.
-Dash, Andrei is in the hospital, number 31. He had an accident .. You see ..
Further words of Father Andrei, Dasha did not hear and did not want to. On the wall of the closet, she went down to the floor. She could not do anything ... Tears flowed and the thought: "How are you? Andryusha?"
Standing up with a jerk, she threw on her jacket and ran to the hospital as quickly as she could. I found the ward where Andrei was lying .. Under a dropper. Dasha was in tears, her lips were trembling. She walked over to the bed. She sat down on a nearby chair and took Andrei by the hand... He was unconscious.
Dasha woke up when the doctors woke her up and asked her to leave the room and wait in the waiting room. Andrew never regained consciousness. She could not remember how she was helped to reach the waiting room, she simply did not have the strength to even get up. Here she is sitting. An empty look, hot tears on the cheeks and tearing pain in the soul ...
She loved him and didn't want to lose him. And with new force tears ran down her cheeks.
It turns out that Andrei was in a hurry to get a rose, a white rose ... Dasha loved these roses

Twelve night... Hospital number 31...
- Girl, are you to Andrey Dobrov?
- Yes! He is okay?
- In full - the nurse smiled sweetly - he regained consciousness, you can visit him.
- Thank you - Dasha croaked already on the run.
Slightly opening the door, she saw Andrei smiling at her. Dasha was all disheveled, her eyes were red from tears, pale as snow...
- Andrew, how are you? Do you need to bring something? Can you fix the pillow? Dasha began to ask as she entered. Sitting on a chair, she looked at him, just glad that he was alive. Andrei laughed, although it hurt him to do this, but he did not show it. I didn’t want to upset Dashenka.-
What's so funny? The girl looked at the boy in disbelief.
I was terribly afraid for you...
Tears flowed from my eyes. Andrei hardly raised his hand and wiped her cheeks, with a sweet smile he said:
-You don't get tears.
- Everything suits me! You almost left me and lie smiling ..
- Dash, what about me? Should you cry?
A moment of silence... Dasha looked at him and didn't even want to think that she could lose him... So dearly loved and dear...
- Yes, the holiday was not a success, but how much more could I think of ..
- You will think it over in the hospital - Dasha said with a slight laugh and took Andrei by the hand.
- Dash .. I thought for a long time and decided to ask .. Would you like to be with me?
Tears of joy flowed from her eyes .. She was happy, because she did not think that he would ask this ..
- Dash? What are you? Did I say something wrong?
- Fool! She smiled and kissed him on the forehead.
- Actually, I counted on the lips - the young man smiled.
“You’ll come out, then I’ll kiss you,” Dasha promised.
Andrei spent about a month in the hospital. At the entrance, Dasha was already waiting for him, the main thing was Dasha! When the guy came out, Dasha threw herself into his arms.
- Dashut, I'm glad to see you too! - even more pressing the girl to him, he said.
- Send Andryusha to coffee, at least we'll get warm.
- Okay, but first, your due! Andrew winked.
- Debt?
- You promised me a kiss.
- You did not forget? - Dasha was embarrassed.
- No baby!
He pulled her to him, she rose on her toes ... Their first kiss, the snow swirled around them, dancing a waltz. Their kiss and in the near future, already their baby. But at first they were simple classmates.

The fairy tale "About Semyon Portfelkin ..." tells how one student did not appreciate his classmates. But when he got into trouble, it was his classmates who rescued him from it. Did the student appreciate the care given to him?

Listen to a fairy tale (4min49sec)

Fairy tale "About Semyon Portfelkin and his classmates"

Once upon a time there was Semyon Portfelkin. Sema studied in the 5th grade of school No. 55 in the city of Svetoforsk. He was short, blond, athletic. The boy studied well. Something he was not given, but he was quick-witted. Semyon was very proud of his portfolio - it was victorious, red. Of course, Portfelkin's student must have an excellent portfolio!

Sam was not friends with his classmates. He didn't like them. Take, for example, Andryusha Dnevnikov. The guy seems to be okay, but all the time he begs for sandwiches and a cutlet in the dining room. Sasha Tsirkulev is also not bad, but he constantly needs to play football, and Semyon has no strength. And Anechka Lineykina, class leader, is such a bore! Keeps saying all the time:

Don't forget to do your homework! Do not forget! Do it with integrity!

Well, it didn't go well with Semyon and his classmates!

But one day Sema got into incredible story. He walked along the path along the school. Suddenly he sees - and towards him Koschey the Deathless. Grabbed Koschey Seeds and delivered to his home. And on the way he said:

- You are a big-headed guy, you will live with me and help my son do his homework.

Semyon was frightened, his mood dropped. It is understandable - who wants to live with Koshchei the Immortal and his son?

Semyon's parents lost. And classmates, of course, too. In the school corridor, they hung a notice: "Whoever saw Semyon Portfelkin with a red briefcase, report to 5 A."

Soon a first-grader, Misha Azbukov, came and said that he had seen Semyon walking along the path with Koshchei the Deathless.

“Yeah,” the guys thought, “it means that Semyon was dragged away by Koschey the Deathless. We need to get it back ASAP!

- What will be the proposals? Andryusha asked Dnevnikov.

There was only one offer. He was voiced by Anechka Lineikina. She said that Baba Yaga takes her granddaughter to school and, if asked, she will give Koshchei what she needs. Anya's proposal was accepted. The guys wrote Koshchei a letter:

“Dear Koschei Koshcheevich Immortal!
Please return to us the student Semyon Portfelkin.
If you need something for your studies, then we will help the whole world.

The letter was signed like this: "Pupils of class 5 A of school No. 55 in the city of Svetoforsk."

Baba Yaga gave the letter to Koshchei the Immortal. He, just in case, let in a fog, but returned the boy. Koschei was delighted that the entire 5 A class was ready to help him.

Semyon learned about his saviors from Koshchei the Deathless himself. How glad Semyon was to see his classmates!

“My dear ones, my beloved ones,” said Semyon Portfelkin, “thank you for helping me out. I underestimated you, but now I understand that classmates are like brothers and sisters!

And here is the end of the story!

And who read the fairy tale well done!