Sunstroke bunin message. What is the meaning of the title of the story "Sunstroke"

The main characters of the story "Sunstroke" are a man and a woman who met by chance on a steamboat. He is a lieutenant. She returns home after a summer vacation in Anapa, her husband and three-year-old daughter are waiting for her at home. A feeling of reciprocity arises between a man and a woman, so strong that the woman agrees to the proposal of the lieutenant to get off at the nearest pier.

It was a quiet warm summer night. The couple hires a cab and goes to the hotel. In a hotel, they rent a room and, left alone, give vent to their feelings. They will remember this night for the rest of their lives. A man and a woman compare their sensations with a sunstroke.

But in the morning, the woman, being in a good and calm mood, judiciously decided to go further, and asked the lieutenant to stay in the city. According to her, a further joint trip on a steamer would destroy the impression of a wonderful meeting. The lieutenant agreed with her opinion and escorted the lady to the steamer.

However, when he returned to the room, he was visited by a feeling that he had never experienced before. The lieutenant felt that he had lost something very important. He sorely missed the presence of this woman. The idea that he would never see her again seemed unbelievable to the man.

To distract himself, he went to wander around the city. For long hours he restlessly walked the streets of a small town, but, returning to the hotel, he realized that he had achieved harmony. In a fit of desperation, the lieutenant rushed to the post office to send a telegram with a declaration of love to the object of his passion. But he suddenly remembered that he didn't even know her name.

Completely broken, a lonely man went to bed and woke up only the next evening. A sharp sense of loss let him go, but at the same time it seemed that that wonderful meeting was a long time ago, about ten years ago.

The lieutenant went to the pier, handing out generous tips along the way. And soon the ship took him away from this inconspicuous city, in which he lost his happiness and aged ten years. This is the summary of the story.

The main idea of ​​the story "Sunstroke" is that in love it is impossible to predict anything. It seemed to the lieutenant that his meeting with that stranger was only a fleeting steamboat romance. But it turned out that his feeling for her was deeper, so deep that he could not recover for a long time after her hasty departure. And the shock from the realization of the loss remained with the lieutenant for life.

What proverbs are suitable for the story "Sunstroke"?

To whom the heart lies, the eye runs there.
I don't like to love, but I can't refuse.
The depth of love is known only in the hour of separation.

Analysis of I. Bunin's story "Sunstroke"

A soft maple leaf meekly and tremblingly ascends with the wind and falls again on the cold earth. He is so lonely that he does not care where his fate takes him. Neither the warm rays of the gentle sun, nor the spring freshness of a frosty morning pleases him. This little leaf is so defenseless that he has to accept the fate of fate and only hope that someday he will be able to find his refuge.

In I. A. Bunin's story "Sunstroke", the lieutenant, like a lonely leaf, wanders around a strange city. This is a story about love at first sight, about a fleeting infatuation, about the power of passion and the bitterness of parting. In the work of I. A. Bunin, love is complex and unhappy. The heroes part, as if waking up after a sweet love dream.

The same thing happens with the lieutenant. The reader is presented with a picture of heat and stuffiness: a tan on the body, boiling water, hot sea sand, a dusty cab... The air is filled with love passion. A terribly stuffy, very hot hotel room during the day - this is a reflection of the state of lovers. The white lowered curtains on the windows are the border of the soul, and two unburned candles on the under-mirror are what may have remained here from the previous pair.

However, the time comes for parting, and a small, nameless woman, who jokingly called herself a beautiful stranger, leaves. The lieutenant does not immediately understand that love is leaving him. In a light, happy state of mind, he drove her to the pier, kissed her and carelessly returned to the hotel.

His soul was still full of her - and empty, like a hotel room. The scent of her good English cologne, her half-finished cup only added to the loneliness. The lieutenant hurried to light a cigarette, but cigarette smoke is not able to overcome longing and spiritual emptiness. Sometimes it happens that we understand what a wonderful person fate brought us together, only at the moment when he is no longer around.

The lieutenant did not often fall in love, otherwise he would not call the experienced feeling a "strange adventure", would not agree with the nameless stranger that they both received something like a sunstroke.

Everything in the hotel room still reminded me of her. However, these memories were heavy, from one look at the unmade bed, the already unbearable longing intensified. Somewhere out there, behind the open windows, a steamer with a mysterious stranger was sailing away from him.

The lieutenant for a moment tried to imagine what the mysterious stranger was feeling, to feel himself in her place. She is probably sitting in a glassy white saloon or on the deck and looking at the huge river shining under the sun, at the oncoming rafts, at the yellow shallows, at the shining distance of water and sky, at all this immense expanse of the Volga. And he is tormented by loneliness, irritated by the bazaar dialect and the creak of wheels.

The life of the most ordinary person is often boring and monotonous. And only thanks to such fleeting meetings do people forget about everyday boring things, each parting inspires hope for a new meeting, and nothing can be done about it. But where can the lieutenant meet his beloved in the big city? In addition, she has a family, a three-year-old daughter. It is necessary to continue to live, not to let despair take over the mind and soul, at least for the sake of all future meetings.

Everything passes, as Julius Caesar said. At first, a strange, incomprehensible feeling overshadows the mind, but longing and loneliness inevitably remain in the past, as soon as a person finds himself in society again, communicates with interesting people. New meetings are the best cure for parting. There is no need to withdraw into yourself, to think about how to live this endless day with these memories, with this inseparable torment.

The lieutenant was alone in this godforsaken town. He hoped to find sympathy for himself from those around him. But the street only reinforced the painful memories. The hero could not understand how one can calmly sit on the goats, smoke, and generally be careless, indifferent. He wanted to know if he was the only one so terribly unhappy in this whole city.

In the bazaar, everyone did nothing but praise their goods. All this was so stupid, absurd that the hero ran away from the market. In the cathedral, the lieutenant also did not find shelter: they sang loudly, cheerfully and decisively. No one cared about his loneliness, and the pitiless sun burned inexorably. The shoulder straps and buttons of his tunic were so hot that it was impossible to touch them. The severity of the lieutenant's inner feelings was aggravated by the unbearable heat outside. Just yesterday, being under the power of love, he did not notice the scorching sun. Now, it seemed, nothing could overcome the loneliness. The lieutenant tried to find solace in alcohol, but his feelings cleared up even more from vodka. The hero so wanted to get rid of this love, and at the same time he dreamed of meeting his beloved again. But how? He didn't know her first or last name.

The lieutenant's memory still retained the smell of her tan and linen dress, the beauty of her strong body and the elegance of her small hands. For a long time looking at the portrait of some military man on the photo display case, the hero thought about the question of whether such love is needed, if then everything everyday becomes scary and wild, is it good when the heart is struck by too much love, too much happiness. They say everything is good in moderation. The once strong love after parting is replaced by envy of others. The same thing happened to the lieutenant: he began to languish with tormenting envy of all non-suffering people. Everything around looked lonely: houses, streets ... It seemed that there was not a soul around. From the former well-being, only thick white dust lay on the pavement.

When the lieutenant returned to the hotel, the room had already been cleaned and seemed empty. The windows were closed, the curtains drawn. Only a light breeze entered the room. The lieutenant was tired, besides, he was very drunk and lay with his hands behind his head. Tears of despair rolled down his cheeks, so strong was the feeling of a person's powerlessness before an omnipotent fate.

When the lieutenant woke up, the pain of loss dulled a little, as if he had parted with his beloved ten years ago. Staying in the room was unbearable. Money for the hero lost all value, it is quite possible that memories of the city bazaar and the greed of merchants were still fresh in his memory. Having generously settled with the cabman, he went to the pier and a minute later found himself on a crowded steamer following the stranger.

The action came to a denouement, but at the very end of the story, I. A. Bunin puts the final touch: in a few days, the lieutenant has aged ten years. Feeling in captivity of love, we do not think about the inevitable moment of parting. The more we love, the more painful our suffering becomes. This severity of parting with the person closest to you is incomparable. What does a person experience when he loses his love after unearthly happiness, if, due to a fleeting passion, he ages ten years?

Human life is like a zebra: the white stripe of joy and happiness will inevitably be replaced by black. But the success of one person does not mean the failure of another. We need to live with an open mind, giving joy to people, and then joy will return to our lives, more often we will lose our heads with happiness, rather than languish in anticipation of a new sunstroke. There is nothing more unbearable than waiting.

The story "Sunstroke", Ivan Alekseevich Bunin wrote in 1925, while in the Maritime Alps. This story, like many other works by Bunin written in exile, has a love story. The author in this work shows that mutual feelings can stir up a series of love experiences.

Bunin thought a lot about the title of the story. There were two poorly chosen titles for the story, which the author himself considered simple and completely obvious. They did not reflect Bunin's mood, the first reported on the ongoing events, the second indicated the possible name of the heroine. So the writer had the idea of ​​the third and most successful title "Sunstroke". This name simply screamed about the feeling that the main character experienced, such a sudden, vivid feeling that instantly captures a person and, as it were, incinerates him to ashes.

In the work, the author does not give a clear description of the heroes of the story, everything is extremely blurry, no names, no age. In this way, the writer seems to elevate his main characters above the environment, conditions and time. The characters in the story are the lieutenant and his companion. Being previously unfamiliar, after spending one day together, they felt such a sincere, immaculate feeling that they had not experienced before. But on the way, the lovers encountered obstacles and intrigues of fate, they involuntarily said goodbye. Bunin wanted to show that gray everyday life is very harmful for love, they only destroy it.

Bunin tells of a fleeting romance that arose between a lieutenant and a married lady. He delves into all the subtleties of the inflamed passion that arose between the heroes, who, after spending the night, without even knowing each other's names, are forced to part. The lieutenant was so subdued by his fellow traveler that after parting he felt melancholy and spiritual emptiness. Sitting in an empty cabin, he felt that he had aged ten years. But the most aggravated his state of confusion and bewilderment. He did not know how to find the lady of his heart and confess to her about his feelings and does not see more life without her.

Bunin's style of narration is very "dense". He is a craftsman of a short genre, in a small volume he manages to fully reveal all the images of his characters and convey the whole essence of his plan and plot.

I. A. Bunin never told about happy love. The story "Sunstroke" is no exception. He believed that the union of souls is a completely different feeling, incommensurable with passion. True love comes and goes as suddenly as a sunstroke.

Option 2

The story "Sunstroke" was written by I. A. Bunin in 1925, during his fruitful work on a whole series of stories on similar topics. This was greatly facilitated by the environment in which the writer lived, the beauty of the surrounding nature of the Alpes-Maritimes.

In this story, Bunin, in a poetic, figurative manner, depicted how easily a feeling of attraction sometimes flares up between a man and a woman, and what a trace or even a scar it can leave in fate. This theme is very consonant with the general mood of the society of that time.

The heroes of the work are nameless, we can only present them in general terms. He is a lieutenant, she is a beautiful stranger. They get to know each other in a light, relaxed atmosphere of a dinner on a ship, go out on deck together. Mutual feeling has already arisen, it pushes the heroes to a reckless act. They are unable to resist him. Both each other and the surrounding world are perceived only by feelings. The hero cannot resist the "little woman" carried away by the "smell of a tan". The heroine feels extraordinary joy, her mood rings with “simple light laughter”. Their actions are impetuous and fast, they rush to possess each other as the only goal in life.

Morning returns to inevitable reality. The heroine is "fresh, as at seventeen, simple, cheerful, and - already reasonable." Interestingly, it is the woman who plays the leading role in this story, and it is she who concludes that everything that happened is a “sunstroke”.

The story is literally saturated with descriptions of landscapes and changes in pictures of the surrounding nature. It seems that nature itself is a participant, the main eyewitness and "censor" of everything that happens to the characters.

If at the beginning of the story we see "a deck flooded with the sun", then all further landscapes are immersed in darkness. The result of the meeting, as a consequence of the "sunstroke" is internal devastation, a feeling of irreparable loss, a painful perception of the immutability of the surrounding world and people. The impossibility of developing further relations is not realized at first, they seem to be in shock from what happened. The stranger "easily" leaves, the lieutenant "easily" sees her off. But both have already undergone a destructive process. Just as the literal sun, capable of warming, can deal a painful blow, so the all-consuming passion is far from true warmth and happiness. It is not surprising that "the lieutenant ... felt ten years older."

In "Sunstroke" Bunin portrayed love as a passion that has no future, which does not illuminate, but strikes the hearts of heroes and anyone can fall under this blow.

Analysis 3

We don't know anything about the characters in this short story. He is a lieutenant. Judging by the mention of the deserts of Turkestan, it returns from the extreme south of the Russian Empire. She is a young lady who somewhere has a husband and a three-year-old daughter. Of the characters in the story, one can also mention the lackey "in a pink shirt" and a cheerful cabman. In the evening, he drove two people to the hotel, and on the next steamer he brought up one officer in a cab. That's all. The rest of the story space is occupied by a description of the sensations of a young rake in a sun-hot Volga town.

Why didn't she want to continue the journey together? Apparently, she understood the difference between the passion that gripped them, and love. Then the vulgarity of an illegal relationship between a married woman and a young officer would begin. From this we can draw another conclusion: she is older and more experienced. The love adventure will remain a secret, remembering which it will not be so boring for her to while away the winter evenings in some provincial town. And what happened to them will never happen again. Further, if they do not part, "everything will be spoiled."

The lieutenant's throwing around an unfamiliar town deserves a separate discussion. Everything seems to him too ordinary, boring compared to what he just experienced. Perhaps it is too early to call him a rake. The young man is in love. It might be the first time this has happened to him. The sun blinds him, the air chokes him. But he is sincerely mistaken. A beautiful woman gave him a feeling of happiness. And it's good that it's not for long. Now he knows what it is, but has not yet experienced disappointment. She gave him a future.

Probably, the beautiful stranger does not have such a happy family life. Otherwise, she would not have gone to the resort alone. Girls were married early, and she did not have time to experience anything like this before she went down the aisle. That evening, for the first time, she gave vent to her feelings. What gives rise to so many assumptions and impressions after reading just a few pages? After all, the usual everyday situation is described. But the author paid such attention to subtle, seemingly insignificant details that the story, as it were, becomes larger due to this, depicting not a provincial town and two people who accidentally got off the steamer there, but the whole country. One can say about the painting of Bunin, who wrote both the picture and the story at the same time. But on this pictorial canvas, not only the external features of the heroes are visible, but also their subtlest experiences.

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  • Many of I. Bunin's works are hymns of true love, which has everything: tenderness, passion, and a feeling of that special connection between the souls of two lovers. Such a feeling is also described in the story "Sunstroke", which the writer considered one of his best works. Pupils get acquainted with him in the 11th grade. We offer to facilitate the preparation for the lesson by using the analysis of the work presented below. The analysis will also help you quickly and efficiently prepare for the lesson and the exam.

    Brief analysis

    Year of writing- 1925

    History of creation- I. Bunin was inspired to write the work by the nature of the Maritime Alps. The story was created at a time when the writer was working on a cycle of works related to love.

    Topic- The main theme of the work is true love, which a person feels both in soul and body. In the final part of the work, the motive of separation from a loved one appears.

    Composition- The formal organization of the story is simple, but there are certain features. The elements of the plot are placed in a logical sequence, but the work begins with a plot. Another feature is the framing: the story begins and ends with a picture of the sea.

    genre- Story.

    Direction- Realism.

    History of creation

    "Sunstroke" was written by I. Bunin in 1925. It is worth noting that the year of writing coincided with the period when the writer worked on stories dedicated to the theme of love. This is one of the factors that explains the psychological depth of the work.

    I. Bunin told G. Kuznetsova about the history of creation. After the conversation, the woman wrote the following in her diary: “We talked yesterday about writing and about how stories are born. I.A. (Ivan Alekseevich) it begins with nature, some picture that flashed through the brain, often a fragment. So the sunstroke came from the idea of ​​going out on deck after dinner, from the light into the darkness of a summer night on the Volga. And the end came later


    In "Sunstroke", the analysis of the work should begin with a description of the main problems. The story showed motive, very common both in world and domestic literature. Nevertheless, the author managed to reveal it in an original way, delving into the psychology of the characters.

    In the center of the piece topic sincere, passionate love, in the context of which Problems relationships between people, separation of lovers, internal contradiction caused by incompatibility of feelings and circumstances. Issues works based on psychology. The system of images is unbranched, so the reader's attention is constantly focused on two characters - the lieutenant and the beautiful stranger.

    The story begins with a description of lunch on the deck of the ship. It was in such conditions that young people met. A spark immediately flew between them. The man offered the girl to run away from strangers. They got off the ship and went to the hotel. When the young people were left alone, the flames of passion immediately engulfed their bodies and minds.

    The time at the hotel flew by. In the morning, the lieutenant and the beautiful stranger were forced to part, but it turned out to be very difficult to do this. Young people wonder what happened to them. They assume it was sunstroke. In these arguments lies the meaning of the title of the work. Sunstroke in this context is a symbol of a sudden mental shock, love that overshadows the mind.

    Beloved persuades the lieutenant to escort her to the deck. Here the man seems to be struck by sunstroke again, because he allows himself to kiss a stranger in front of everyone. The hero cannot recover for a long time after separation. He is tormented by thoughts that his beloved most likely has a family, so they are not destined to be together. A man tries to write to his beloved, but then he realizes that he does not know her address. In such a rebellious state, the hero spends another night, recent events are gradually moving away from him. However, they do not pass without a trace: it seems to the lieutenant that he has aged ten years.


    The composition of the work is simple, but some features are worth paying attention to. Plot elements are placed in a logical sequence. Nevertheless, the story begins not with an exposition, but with a plot. This technique enhances the sound of the idea. The characters get to know each other, and then we learn more about them. The development of events - a night in a hotel and a morning conversation. The climax is the parting scene between the lieutenant and the stranger. The denouement - the outbreak of love is gradually forgotten, but leaves a deep imprint in the soul of the hero. Such a conclusion provides the reader with the opportunity to draw certain conclusions.

    The framing can also be considered a feature of the composition of the work: the story begins and ends with a scene on the deck.


    The genre of I. Bunin's work "Sunstroke" is a story, as evidenced by such signs: a small volume, the main role is played by the storyline of lovers, there are only two main characters. The direction of the story is realism.

    Artwork test

    Analysis Rating

    Average rating: 4.6. Total ratings received: 101.


    The title of a poetic work is always important, because it always points them to the main character of its characters, in which the thought of the work is embodied, or directly to this thought.
    V. G. Belinsky

    The theme of "Sunstroke" (1925) is an image of love that suddenly seizes a person and remains in his soul the brightest memory for life. The idea of ​​the story is in that peculiar understanding of love, which is connected with the writer's philosophical views on a person and his life. Love, from the point of view of Bunin, is the moment when all the emotional abilities of a person become aggravated and he breaks away from the gray, unsettled, unhappy reality and comprehends a “wonderful moment”. This moment quickly passes, leaving in the soul of the hero regret about the irretrievability of happiness and gratitude that it still happened. That is why the short-term, piercing and delightful feeling of two young people who accidentally met on a steamer and parted forever in a day is compared in the story with a sunstroke. This is what the heroine says: "We both got something like a sunstroke ...".

    It is interesting that this figurative expression is confirmed by the real suffocating heat of the described day. The author gradually builds up the impression of heat: the steamer smells hot of the kitchen; the “beautiful stranger” is going home from Anapa, where she sunbathed under the southern sun on the hot sand; the night when the heroes got off the ship was very warm; the footman in the hotel is dressed in a pink kosovorotka; in a hotel room heated during the day, it is terribly stuffy, etc. The day following the night was also sunny and so hot that it was painful to touch the metal buttons on the lieutenant's tunic. The town irritatingly smells of various bazaar food.

    All the experiences of the lieutenant after a fleeting adventure really resemble a painful condition after a sunstroke, when (according to medical indications) a person, as a result of dehydration of the body, feels a headache, dizziness, irritability. However, this excited state of the hero is not the result of overheating of the body, but a consequence of the realization of the significance and value of the empty adventure that he has just experienced. It was the brightest event in the life of the lieutenant and the “beautiful stranger”: “both of them remembered this moment for many years: neither one nor the other had ever experienced anything like this in their entire lives.” So for Bunin, a moment of happiness and a whole life become values ​​of the same order. The writer is attracted by the "mystery of being" - a combination of joy and sadness, miracle and horror.

    The story "Sunstroke" is short, and five of the six pages are occupied by a description of the lieutenant's experiences after parting with the "beautiful stranger". In other words, it is not interesting for Bunin to draw various vicissitudes of love (they have already been drawn in Russian and world literature thousands of times) - the writer comprehends the meaning of love in human life, without exchanging for enticing little trinkets. Therefore, it is interesting to compare the image of love in Bunin's story "Sunstroke" and in Chekhov's story "The Lady with the Dog", especially since literary critics note the similarity of the plots of these works.

    Both Chekhov and Bunin show a gray, ordinary life that stifles human feelings, but they show it in different ways. Chekhov shows the nightmare of the surrounding life, drawing its vulgarity; Bunin - depicting a moment of true passion, that is, real life, according to the writer, which is so unlike the gray routine. Chekhovsky Gurov, returning to Moscow, cannot tell anyone about his acquaintance with Anna Sergeevna. Once, however, he admits to his card partner that he met a charming woman in the Crimea, but in response he hears: “And just now you were right: sturgeon is with a smell!” (III). The above phrase made Gurov horrified by his usual life, because he realized that even "in an educated society" few people care about high feelings. And Bunin's heroes are seized by the same fear and despair as Gurov. At the moment of happiness, they deliberately fence themselves off from everyday life, and Bunin, as it were, says to readers: “Now think for yourself what your usual existence is worth compared to wonderful moments of love.”

    Summing up, it should be recognized that in Bunin's story, sunstroke became an allegory of high love, which a person can only dream of. Sunstroke demonstrates both the artistic principles and the philosophical views of the writer.

    Bunin's philosophy of life is such that for him the moment when a person immediately knows the happiness of love (as in "Sunstroke") or the meaning of being is revealed to him (as in "Silence"), a moment of happiness strikes Bunin's heroes, as sunstroke, and the rest of life is held only by deliciously sad memories of him.

    However, it seems that such a philosophy devalues ​​the rest of a person's life, which becomes just a vegetation between rare moments of happiness. Gurov in "The Lady with the Dog" knows no worse than Bunin's "beautiful stranger" that after a few happy days of love everything will end (II), the prose of life will return, but he beat Anna Sergeevna and therefore does not leave her. Chekhov's heroes do not run away from love, and thanks to this, Gurov was able to feel that "now that his head has turned gray, he fell in love properly, truly - for the first time in his life" (IV). In other words, "The Lady with the Dog" only begins where "Sunstroke" ends. Bunin's heroes have enough passionate feelings for one brightly emotional scene in a hotel, while Chekhov's heroes try to overcome the vulgarity of life, and this desire changes them, makes them nobler. The second life position seems to be more correct, although rarely does anyone succeed.

    Bunin's artistic principles, which are reflected in the story, include, firstly, an uncomplicated plot, interesting not with exciting twists and turns, but with inner depth, and secondly, a special subject depiction, which gives the story credibility and persuasiveness. Thirdly, Bunin's critical attitude to the surrounding reality is expressed indirectly: he draws an extraordinary love adventure in the ordinary life of the heroes, which shows their entire habitual existence in an unsightly form.