A beautiful toast to a friend for her birthday. Funny toasts and birthday wishes for a friend

The day on which the birthday girl came into this world is always a significant event not only for her, but also for close friends. So even if there are no festive gatherings, they will always come with a gift and prepare a beautiful toast for a friend's birthday.

It is not at all necessary, in search of warm wishes, to wool websites, leaf through mother's old magazines, terrorize acquaintances with requests, come up with a beautiful birthday greeting to your beloved friend. Just remember all the good things that friendship with this person brought you, flip through the pages of the time of acquaintance - long or not very, it is not so important. Recreate in your memory the moments when a friend turned out to be that straw that, despite the fragility, reliably held you above the abyss of life. And then the speech will flow easily and freely, and the toast in your own words will turn out to be sincere and sincere.

Kind, sweet, bright person, my dear friend, happy birthday! Our friendship is priceless, memories warm the soul, laughter prolongs life, and our meetings are unforgettable. I want to wish you to remain the same dear and close to me. Strength and patience, love and a strong shoulder next to me, so that my head does not hurt, and my memory does not fail. Be the happiest, most loved, successful, healthy. You can always count on my support. Remember: even if you are far away, my heart is always by your side!

- It is very difficult to find a person whom you can completely trust, whom you always understand and accept in everything. You can’t imagine your life without him. I thank the Almighty for giving me such a person - you, my beloved and best friend! Happy birthday to you, I wish you endless happiness, good health and prosperity. I love you very much and will always be there!

- On your birthday to you, such a beautiful, intelligent, talented, kind, charming - in a word, an enviable bride - I wish to meet a real prince soon! And may he not have a family castle and a white horse, but he will be generous, faithful, caring, attentive and just crazy about you! And so that you live, as in a good fairy tale, happily ever after!

- On a birthday, it is customary to wish what all people on the planet dream of. Everyone wants to be healthy - and with all my heart I wish you good health for many years to come. Everyone wants to be loved - and I sincerely wish you to be loved. Everyone wants happiness and joy - and I want to always see you joyful, warmed by love, with a happy gleam in your eyes!

- My dear friend, happy birthday! On this beautiful day, I want to wish you one thing: let a smile always illuminate your face - both in moments of joy and in moments of sadness. When a woman smiles, all her affairs argue, she is lucky not only in business, but also in love. A smile is our weapon and our helper. So let every day be a small holiday, and you always have a reason to smile!

- My dear friend, dear and beloved! I congratulate you on your birthday - a bright holiday, a little sad, but wonderful and only yours! I wish you to be always loved, adored, to be admired and admired! Beauty and health to you, joy and fun, great success and many successes!

The funniest and coolest congratulations

No matter how old your best friend is, her birthday should always be a day of fun. Because right now she will again be able to see how many reliable people are next to her, ready not only to raise a glass to health once a year, but to share both joys and difficulties. Naturally, the presence of such people is pleasant in itself and adds to the festive mood.

Perhaps the hostess of the celebration prepared amusing entertainment for the guests - contests, games, competitions. But you can also bring your girlfriend and the whole honest company a lot of joy and pleasant minutes, stocking up on humorous congratulations. After all, the best friend is the person who understands humor at a glance. And you probably want her to be in a good mood, burst into laughter like a bell, recollect your "solo performance" for a long time and, perhaps, even quote especially interesting and funny moments.

If you are going to slay everyone on the spot, memorize a few funny poetic toasts by heart. A good option is to write them down on separate beautiful postcards and, after reading and laughing, give them to the birthday girl. You will get an additional gift, which will probably be kept in a box with the most dear objects to your heart.

- I wish to look - otpad,
To be the best on the planet
So that for one of your gentle glances
Throwing a million down the drain !!!
I wish to admire the beauty
Without any creams, masks, gels ...
In short, just be like that
What you really are!

- I wish you on your birthday
Eat in restaurants
Dress up haute couture
Dollars in pockets.
So that there is a car, a yacht,
Villa somewhere in Saint-Tropez
So that luck is sure
In deed and love to you.

- "Happy Birthday!", -
Shouted out loud
White stork at dawn.
He brought a girl from heaven.
And left it in the yard.
Many years have passed since then
Day after day, year after year.
Every year without delay
Birthday is coming.
I want that this evening
You haven't counted the year
So that youth and joy
Never ended!

- I wish you never gain weight,
I wish you to grow younger endlessly,
I wish you have an elastic ass
I wish you never get sick!
I wish you to pump a press,
I wish you to visit Paris.
So that you fly there every month
And I spent Eurikas there without difficulty!
So that the things in the closet are super super
Any problems are gone, receded
So that the rest replaces pleasant work
And the betrothed gave more money!

- My dear girlfriend,
Be faster than a frog.
Be like a kettle hot.
Eat like locusts.
Find a groom soon
So normal, not gay.
You live, loving the whole world!
Happy Birthday to You!

- On my birthday, congratulations from me - this time.
I am sending kind words - that's two.
Being ahead all the time is three.
To live with everyone in friendship, in peace - it seems to be four.
Never lose heart is five.
To multiply all there is is six.
Being considerate of everyone is seven.
To be always at a normal weight is eight, nine, ten.
Well, in addition to this -
Happiness, joy, good luck!
May it not be sad for you
The "cabbage" crunches in the wallet,
The key from the car is in my pocket
The TV remote awaits on the couch.

Touching, sincere

Are you talking about your mom? Of course, all this can be said about her. But you can also be right a hundred times, attributing everything said to the account of the dearest friend.

How to please the best person on earth on his most important day in life? Soulful, touching words of congratulations. You can say them in front of everyone. Or say quietly in private. And then capture it on a picturesque postcard and hand it in person, or send it by mail (such a surprise will be accepted with delight - after all, we have almost lost the habit of receiving "real" postal greetings, we are using more and more mobile communications or the Internet). Or make a phone call to say a short but very warm greeting if you are far from each other on this day. And even in this case, you will feel how your eyes shine, your cheeks turn pink with pleasure, and your lips open in a smile on the other end of the connection.

- The best friend in the world, dear!
On your birthday, I'm far away!
Every now and then, I remember you
And I can’t change anything.
Life arranged everything the way it wanted
We scattered to different places.
I only press the keys of the computer skillfully,
I really hope - you read there!
Happiness to you, be kept by God,
Peace, love and good luck in everything!
And let the roads intertwine one day
And you knock quietly on my house!

- Blue sky,
Fresh bread
Clean air
The radiant sun
Smiles from ear to ear
And soft pillows
Shining peephole
And songs and fairy tales,
And a bunch of laughter
And a health bag,
Hope and faith
And happiness is beyond measure!

- I wish your eyes burn,
Burn with love, tenderness and passion.
I wish your soul to sing songs
Words dictated by happiness.
I wish to live in harmony with myself,
Illuminate friends and loved ones with a smile.
To be able to give and receive love,
And light up from the slightest spark
Fire of hopes and wildest dreams.
I wish fate to keep you,
And all desires, how many light candles,
Only for you did she accomplish.
I wish you a strong shoulder next to
So that it is not scary to lean on him,
Love so that it was hot
And from her that there was nowhere to go.

- Surprises and surprises await you today, tomorrow, in a year or two. Do not believe? One of them is already on the doorstep: yesterday I gave him your address of permanent residence, and he is already knocking on the door. Open up, Love has come! And Vera and Nadezhda will not keep you waiting. The main thing is to keep the window open and believe in miracles!

- There are so many people in this world, but no one is like you, my beloved friend! You are so wonderful, attentive, delicate, sensual, happy, joyful, beautiful! It's so good that you are my friend!

Congratulations with deep meaning

Why is it customary to congratulate family and friends on their birthday? One of the versions is that such a custom came to us from ancient pagan times, when shamans and priests performed magical rites on various occasions. Including on every anniversary of the birth of a person: it was necessary to strengthen a protective magic barrier around him so that his strength would last for a whole year.

Our ancestors firmly believed that on this day the soul has a special sensitivity to words and spells. And what the words - good or evil - carry in themselves - that awaits the birthday man: health and prosperity or troubles and misfortunes. Therefore, on the day of the name day of enemies and simply ill-wishers, they tried to bypass the tenth road and invited only relatives by blood and closest friends to visit. So, birthday greetings, including toasts in prose, which contain a deep, even sacred meaning, can be called the descendants of ancient spells.

- In a temporary world, the essence of which is decay,
Do not surrender to things insignificant in captivity.
Consider only the omnipresent spirit as being in the world,
Alien of all material changes!

- East wisdom says so:
Only that age will win
Who once a year, having gathered friends,
Will pour glasses of refills.
But he won't drink in years,
That flew away forever
And he will drink for every year,
What will come to him in the future.
And the fuller and more often you drink,
So you can live more years!

- It is known that the holiday begins in the soul, and then is transmitted to the real world ... And it seems to me that today you have a cocktail of fireworks and fireworks in your soul! Happy birthday, dear friend! Accept the wish to live in the style of adventure, where the route is the whole world, and the reward is simple human happiness!

- An old parable says that once a snake crawled to God and asked to make her a beautiful woman, since she was already tired of crawling. God listened to the snake and turned into a woman, saying: "Go and feel sorry for the people." The next day an affectionate dove flew to God and also asked: "Turn me into a beautiful woman." And God also listened to her and turned her into a woman, saying: "Go and bring good to people." Since then, two beautiful women have lived in the world: one with a black soul, the second with a white one.

I have not the slightest doubt that our dear birthday girl is that very affectionate and kind dove. So let's wish her many years of life, happiness and optimism!

- I wish you a little of everything,
Warmth and comfort, cheerful children,
So that through the century of legal marriage
You have become relatives with your soul mate!
You don't need a yacht or a summer cottage as a gift,
And let the overseas coast wait.
I wish you great personal happiness:
Anyone will bloom in care and affection!
Today a lover with a single rose
Let him congratulate you on your birthday.
Remember the endless tenderness in your eyes
And keep the memory of this all your life!

- When the clouds cover the sun
When the melody of the meadows dies down,
You see that the years are dew on the bottom,
Realizing - half of my life has passed.
Forces for creativity, thoughts of the host ...
It doesn't matter if the days are flying.
I wish you to remember:
Living with a spark in your heart is much better.
Let luck not overflow
Hold her as long as you can.
Joy, health, good spirits?
This means that this happiness is multiplying.

Birthday Toast to Best Friend

Are you going to have some fun at your friend's party? This means that toasts are already being chosen, which will certainly be uttered with a glass of champagne raised in hand. In general, any option is welcomed - poetic, in prose, long (but so that the company still does not get bored and does not start yawning) or short (of course, you shouldn't limit yourself to a few words anyway), serious or comic. The main thing is that the hero of the occasion understands how valuable your friendship is to you.

- A friend is not just a close person who is ready to support you at any moment. This is something more:
P - will give tights of the right size;
Oh - really wants to invite you to the sale;
D - does small stupid things, like any real woman;
R - glad to every meeting with you;
U - you can always ask her for lipstick;
G - ready to get involved in any adventure;
And - and also just loves you.
So let's drink to the fact that in everyone's life there was such a person who could be called a best friend!

- I want to tell the following parable. When God blinded a man, he had a small piece of clay, and he asked: "What do you want me to blind more?" The man replied: "Make me happy!" And God did not answer, but simply put the remaining piece of clay into the man's hand.
Girlfriend, I want to drink to you and your happiness! We create it ourselves! The main thing is the mood and a good attitude towards life. Happiness can be different, you need to notice it even in small things, store and protect!

- I propose a toast to the seven "H" of our heroine of the celebration.
For our Unusual, Unique, Incomparable, Irresistible, Necessary, Beloved!

- If you look at the sky and look at the stars, you will notice that they are all as different as people. A man is born and a new star appears in the sky. If a person is healthy, then his star shines brightly, when he is sick - dimly, dies - his star falls from the sky.
My dear friend, I drink so that your star shines very brightly and never falls!

- I am such a Honey!
I am such a Tsatsa!
On me, Beauty,
Do not stop looking!
I am so Clever!
I am such a Kralia!
You are so beautiful
Never seen again!
I myself, beloved,
I love and cherish!
Oh, what a hanger!
Oh, what a neck!
Wasp waist,
Velvet skin!
More beautiful every day
Every day younger!

- My toast to a smart and beautiful girl, to her holiday - her birthday. I thank fate that she once brought us together, and since then we are the closest and most sincere friends.
I really appreciate your gentle but groovy character, positive outlook on things, kindness and sincerity. We have no secrets from each other, and I am confident in you as in myself. And it's worth a lot. You are always happy with my successes, and I - with yours. In friendship, this is the most important thing, because rivalry and envy burns friendship to the ground. I wish you new successes, new ideas, new interesting events and new impressions in your personal life. Happy birthday!

- There is one parable about female friendship. Once a snake was crawling on a turtle in the desert. And the turtle thought: "If I throw it off, it will bite!" In my opinion, this parable was invented by a man who had never seen real female friendship! And so I am now making a toast in honor of a charming and intelligent woman, my beautiful friend! For you, dear!

Toasts for a friend are suitable for any occasion. They say that female friendship is impossible - but you and your friend know that this is not true. You are familiar with kindergarten and you can safely go on an exploration together. Let your toast be about this.

In verse

  • For you, I drink wine, friend,
  • For your beauty and kindness,
  • To walk in a circle of life
  • And did not forget about the dream!
  • To make everything in your life come true
  • And everything always worked out
  • If it comes true - even to be desired,
  • And so that it was always in your fate!
  • To your heart, let's drink
  • Sweet girlfriend
  • Pour us not a glass,
  • Not a glass, but a mug!
  • Because your big heart
  • Warms all of us with affection
  • Let it knock and breathe
  • And let him not get sick!
  • I would like to wish crazy fun,
  • So that you, girlfriend, do not lose heart!
  • And we wish to meet such a man
  • To know your happiness with him!
  • So that love and comfort reign in the house,
  • To go home from work and know that they are waiting,
  • To welcome you at home with comfort
  • Well, quarrels with insults went to hell!
  • Sweetheart, good, faithful friend!
  • In this toast, I wish you to be the first everywhere!
  • The first one is always so that you get money,
  • The first to be at the pier of love!
  • The first to queue up for happiness,
  • And to get a lot of luck!
  • To live for many years and live beautifully,
  • And the weather in your house was always clear!
  • For my friend, for her
  • Long-awaited birthday!
  • So that you are cute
  • Rainbow, a little strange!
  • So that your oddities
  • Loved by men
  • Were so for love
  • All sorts of reasons!
  • The beauty of your soul
  • Let everyone admire!
  • We need to hurry for a drink -
  • The wine is already playing in the glass!
  • Friend! The main thing in life is health!
  • I wish him to you!
  • Also - so that she walked through life with love,
  • I congratulate you on Dnyuha!
  • I bought a car, an apartment and a dacha,
  • Vacationing in Miami in the winter
  • And to this I wish in addition
  • Soul - the beauty of origami!
  • And to the heart - fire that blazes good,
  • Let it not suffer from pain,
  • The glass is full and the wine is sparkling,
  • Come on, for you! To see the bottom!
  • Raise a toast, dear friend
  • For prosperity in your house!
  • That you got it
  • Not alone - with a lovely two!
  • So that it blooms with a violet, shines with a star,
  • And misfortunes have bypassed the house by your side!
  • Drink everything to the bottom,
  • Let the sun shine in your life!
  • I have a wonderful toast
  • For my best friend!
  • Let life be interesting
  • Happiness let chance give!
  • Let it happen to you
  • What I never dreamed of
  • And I also wish
  • To make you fall in love!

In prose

Girlfriend is not just a word. It encrypts the secret of why I love you so much: P - You always come to the rescue. О - You will answer my call at any time of the day. D - Share with me all the troubles and joys. R - Now pouring wine into glasses. U - You smile at these words. G - Walking with the guys to whom I do not care. A - And then you need to read first! To this we will drink. Happy birthday!

Before wishing the usual happiness, love and success, I want to tell a joke: The guy went on a business trip. The girl missed her and called on the very first night. They chatted and at parting she gently whispered "well, everything, I love, kiss and sniff comfortably in your ear!" "Hey, why am I sniffing in my ear?" Let's have a drink, girlfriend, so that a loved one understands you perfectly!

I wish that your friends would give you a second wardrobe for your birthday, only your favorite songs and films would be played on TV all day, and my husband would answer insistent requests to join the festive table and drink vodka every time: “Now, my sun is just change the cat's tray! " "I'm going, dear, it remains to wash the floors and vacuum the carpet! "

In my own words

One of my acquaintances adored light unshaven, the smell of fumes mixed with strong cologne and beer with dried roach. But her well-mannered husband for some reason scolded her for this, forced her to put herself in order and brush her teeth. Dear birthday girl! I wish that your man accepts you for who you are and does not impose his views on life on you. For natural beauty! Girlfriend! Let men be afraid to approach you ... without a tightly stuffed wallet, and the desire to empty it for you in the Canary Islands in a hotel with a presidential suite and in the most expensive restaurants with exotic cuisine! Happy birthday! I wish that today my beloved girlfriend received some cool useful trifle as a gift, after which she exclaimed: - Wow, is this really my Porsche ?! And I give you this nice box, which you will open when the guests leave and let what lies in it remain our secret!

Making moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the end of the existence of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and an article banning the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law prohibiting us from engaging in our favorite hobby - making alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ "On the administrative responsibility of legal entities (organizations) and individual entrepreneurs for offenses in the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 28 , art. 3476).

Excerpt from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

"This Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) who are not producing products containing ethyl alcohol, not for the purpose of marketing."

Home brewing in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan On Administrative Offenses of January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. So, according to article 335 "Manufacture and sale of home-made alcoholic beverages" illegal manufacture for the sale of moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, home brew and other alcoholic beverages, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with confiscation of alcoholic beverages , devices, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, as well as money and other valuables received from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal use.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten tax-free minimum wages for the manufacture and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for storage without the purpose of selling devices * for its production.

Article 12.43 repeats this information practically word for word. "Making or purchasing strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), storage of devices for their manufacture" in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Clause No. 1 informs: "The production of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine) by individuals, semi-finished products for their production (mash), as well as the storage of devices * used for their manufacture, - entail a warning or a fine of up to five basic units with the confiscation of the specified drinks, semi-finished products and apparatus ".

* It is still possible to purchase moonshine stills for home use, since their second purpose is to distill water and obtain components for natural cosmetics and perfumery.

My dear friend! When you were born, it became brighter and brighter on this earth, an angel appeared on this earth. And today with this glass I want to celebrate your next birthday, and say once again: happy birthday, my friend.

Please accept my most sincere birthday greetings! I wish you success in all your endeavors and undertakings, health and optimism, self-confidence and good luck! I would like to wish that everything that you do brings joy and pleasure, and that there are always relatives and friends with whom it is so pleasant to celebrate successes!

My dear friend. Now your next date of birth has come. Do not be sad that the years go by. Do you remember how in the movie? "At 40, life is just beginning." Here it is just beginning for you. How many years have we been friends? So many do not live. I raise a glass to the most valuable thing that you and I have - for Friendship. After all, true friendship is a rare occurrence. A friend is known not only in trouble, but also in joy. You and I have experienced a lot together. And now, after so many years of our communication, I can say with confidence - you are more than just a friend. So let's drink so that our friendship, like good wine, becomes stronger and sweeter over the years. Happy birsday, my dear!

Beloved, dear, faithful friend! On this day - your birthday, I want to raise a glass of wine and wish you success in business, success in love and that you live a long and happy life. Happy Birthday, my dear!

What can I say, women's friendship is often compared to a fire. And indeed it is. And, as you know, the more the fire burns, the faster it ends. So let's drink to my friend who knows how to add oil to the fire.

They say that men's friendship is stronger than women's. What if a man comes home in the morning and tells his wife that he spent the night with friends, the wife will call his friends and they will all say that he really was with them and just left. And some will even say that he is still asleep. So this is male friendship. But, and if a woman finds herself in such a situation, then all her friends will say that they did not have her. So I want to drink to the best and most loyal friends in order to destroy all stereotypes about female friendship. Happy birthday and for friends.

Friend! On your birthday, you accept many congratulations. But I don't have enough words to express my love, friendship and joy to you. Just accept my wishes and let's drink to you.

Friend, only those people who are not indifferent to you and who are not indifferent to you have gathered at this table. And all these people and I want to wish you a happy birthday. And I wish you that every year on your birthday you bloom in a new way, and that your beauty overshadows the brightest star.

Everyone knows what female friendship is. Friends often quarrel, and just as often reconcile. But there is one day a year when friends say only the most beautiful and kind words to each other. And this day is a birthday. And therefore, toasts to your friend for her birthday will be useful for you. See exactly toasts for your friend's birthday, express all your love, loyalty and care for your friend. So prepare yourself with toasts, and we will help you with this. We wrote 10 toasts to a friend for her birthday. And this is at least 10 reasons to raise a glass of wine.

I want to drink to a beautiful and intelligent girl, wish her a happy birthday and thank fate that she once brought us together and for so many years we have been the closest and best friends. I appreciate you for your cheerful disposition, joyful outlook on life, absence of excessive seriousness. And let some people think that when a person is not serious, it hinders him in many ways. In fact, it is so. I address these words of a famous person to you: "Only the mentally ill take each other completely seriously."

My dear, dear and best friend! I want to congratulate you on your birthday and say this toast to you - to my friend! And my words will be short, but capacious. I want you to always have a light heart from love and heavy pockets from money. Happy birthday my friend!

Today is my friend's birthday. But I want to say gratitude to her parents for giving birth to such a good girl. I want to thank fate for bringing us together and we met. And, as you know, there are no chance meetings in this world. So my girlfriend, I'm sorry, but I'm raising this toast to everything that happens in this world.

My dear friend. For your birthday, I wanted to prepare a big speech, but, unfortunately, I did not have time, and now I definitely cannot. But then I thought about it and decided not to waste unnecessary words, but just congratulate. So accept from me the most sincere congratulations and this gift that will remind you of me. Happy birthday!

The best beautiful birthday toasts for a birthday person or birthday girl in your own words - funny, good and interesting wishes, original, cool and simple:

All the toasts that we have today are being played by a friend in your honor! From myself, I want to wish you - no pain, go to the doctor less often. Do not be sad, do not think about trifles. Accept my congratulations.

They say that there is no female friendship. And this is true, but there is sisterly love and understanding. I want to drink to my friend, for the fact that she has become like a sister to me! For the fact that I have another kindred person. For you!

You have become a year older
Sweet friend,
I am in a hurry to wish for good,
Take care of your figure!

I'm kidding, of course,
You look good,
I want to wish you happiness
You in your personal life!

Let the soul not suffer
Everything will be fine
I drink for you today
I wish you clear days!

Don't cry and don't be sad
Smile more often,
Make your dreams come true
Enjoy life!

Always be beautiful
Always be loved
Always be fashionable
Always be happy!

Always be successful
Sweet girlfriend
Let him not see tears,
Pillow at night!

Be great
And don't hesitate
You are always wonderful
You are always beautiful!

For you today
I'll drink to the bottom
Always be bright
My darling!

Raise a full glass to that lovely lady whose birthday we are celebrating today. The path you have is all like in a fairy tale. Let the prince on a white horse quickly take you to the sea, where you will swim only in money. Happy birthday my friend!

Friend, you will always be young, beautiful and most beautiful. And today you have become a little more mature, smarter, wiser. But this is no reason to be discouraged. Look around - all your best friends are around and they will drink to you now! For you, friend!

I want to say that I never had such a wonderful friend as you, and I hardly will. You are a bright person with whom we went through fire and water. And on your birthday, I want to wish you everything! Everything that you yourself want, because you deserve the stars to fall at your feet!

With you I can talk about everything
Laugh, be silent and joke stupidly,
You know me, I know you
And our friendship is strong and strong!

My friend, I drink for
So that magic surrounds you
To be loved forever,
And so that she does not know grief and evil!

You are a real find
It's simple and easy with you.
We can have fun for a long time
But you can stop in time.

I just can trust you
And you don't need to assure me of your honesty.
Our friendship has been tested over the years
In general, we will never be enemies!

I want to raise a glass to my real friend! You and I have known each other since early childhood. The fate of you and me from time to time brought it apart, but throughout all these years we have never abandoned each other. I know for sure that I can call you, or come at any time of the day and you are always glad to see me and help me with advice. How many night gatherings over a glass of wine or a cup of tea we spent together, which, as a rule, began with tears, and ended with fun. Because you can always find the right words to cheer you up. Thank you, my dear beloved friend! Happy birthday!

You and I are most likely an endangered species of friends. After all, we do not call each other stupid words, as it is fashionable now, we do not beat the guys off one another. I can tell you a lot, too much. I never even thought that you would tell any of my secrets. I'm sure you! I wish you, friend, to always easily get out of the most confusing situations.

My dear, I want to raise this glass and drink it to the bottom for you. I want to wish you to remain as cheerful and companionable as you have always been! And of course - be happy, whatever it means to you! For you, my dear!

Happy birthday dear friend! I wish you such a life that you do not even have anything to dream about. Let you have everything: a "prince on a white horse", and a palace, and a dizzying career, and a Swiss bank account ... In general, let your life itself be like a dream.

I drink to you dear
I don't live without you
You are the best friend in the world
Be the happiest, please!

I wish you smile
And find a way of life
And you never give up
Trouble you I wish you didn’t know!

Dear friend, I want your life to be like a cocktail of juicy and vivid emotions, strong love and heady happiness. So let's now mix his likeness in a glass and drink to your health. Happy birthday!

They say that when you like a soul in a person, he can become your friend. When the mind, then it can become your teacher. When the body is then he can become your lover. I want to wish my girlfriend to find such a person in whom all this would be combined, because then she would find her true love!

My beautiful, magnificent
My good, my priceless,
I'll drink to you today
A glass of fine wine!

My dear friend, dear,
I wish you do not know troubles in life,
I wish you joy, fun,
And never suffer in soul!

My amazing, wonderful, charming friend, I am very glad that you are in my life. It is a great happiness to be friends with a person like you. Today, on your birthday, I want to drink so that you always succeed, so that you do not know grief, and so that your beautiful eyes do not see tears. May happiness and harmony always live in your soul.

They say: "Real friends are like stars, even if you don't see them, you know what they are!" This is about you, my dear friend! I always know that you are and that you can be relied on. You are my star! Happy Birthday to You! Let other luminaries fall at your feet, fulfilling all your desires!

Dear friend, today raising a glass in honor of your birthday, I want to wish you that you would continue to decorate the lives of those around you with your presence and would never forget that the best decoration for a girl is modesty and ... a transparent dress! For you and your beauty!

You got older today
Congratulations on this,
And you are my friend
I wish you happiness!

Live without troubles and tears
And not get better
And do not know everyday thunderstorms,
Don't fall in love often!

I'll drink to the bottom now,
Always be beautiful
Forget the bad!

I want to raise my glass to you, to my girlfriend! I wish you to remain the same wonderful and pleasant girl that I have known you for many years! Love you, health and family well-being!

Dear friend! There is a wonderful female toast!
The way is crying for those to whom we did not get it!
And those who do not want us will die!
To this I would like to add that let those to whom we got and who we wanted to rejoice! So let's drink to never make a mistake when choosing!

Today my friend was born
For this I will drink to the bottom,
My dear, I wish
So that you are happy!

So that you smile all the time
And so that without a reason flowers
So that all your dreams come true
Dear, you always bloom!

Through how many obstacles and ridiculous situations we went through with you, you know all my dreams and all my secrets and you never hid anything from me. You have become a year older, and I hope that you and I will live many more amazing stories for you!

Dear friend, I want to wish you the love of your loved ones and fear from your enemies. Let the enemies be numb from your beauty, and the envious cannot fight with the power of the happiness that protects you.

You are my personal Swiss bank! Reliable and round the clock. Thank you for your patience and listening skills, for decency and fairness. You are the most open and bright person. your honesty is sometimes discouraging, but who, if not you, will open your eyes? Happy birthday, my personal ambulance!

Our beloved friend, I would like to wish you just a huge host of things. But I wish you three main ones. May there always be many good opportunities in your life, may your only one carry you in his arms and may youth and beauty not leave you for many more years!

Beloved girlfriend! They say that there is no female friendship! Perhaps this is true, but as with any rule, there are exceptions in life! I want to raise this glass for such an exception to the rule as our friendship! May this anomaly never end!

My dear, you have matured
Today is exactly one year
I wish to achieve what you wanted
And be sure to be lucky.

My girlfriend, my golden one
I raise my glass for you,
You are the best, you are my dear,
For your happiness, I will drink to the dregs!

Dear friend, there are many nice friendly years and adventures between us. Let our affection only grow stronger. May God grant us less often to share problems in difficult periods of life, but more often to share happiness in unforgettable joyful moments. For your smile, friend!

Today you have already heard many pleasant words in your direction. Of course, everyone said a lot of compliments and various nice things. I want to wish you that you are surrounded only by sincere people who do not know how to flatter. Always stay the same sunny and optimistic, because you know that a positive attitude is half the battle!

Just remember how much we went through together! And the evening is not enough to remember all the moments of our mutual assistance, love for each other. I just want to congratulate you and have a drink so that there are many faithful friends in your life who will never betray and help! Let your life become more colorful and brighter! Happy birthday!

My dear and beloved friend. I wish you to always remain the same beautiful, kind, sunny, sweet, energetic, wise, understanding, sensitive and delightful. May all sorrows, difficulties and obstacles remain in the past, and in the present there will be happiness, harmony, joy. Thank you to your parents for such a wonderful friend ... And just for such a wonderful Person with a capital letter!

I love you, my girlfriend. I wish you happiness to the mug. Yes, so that it was bottomless and, for you, all the time, complete. Now, raise your glasses, drink to this business.

Old lady, here you are a year closer to retirement! I hope your joints do not ache and your back does not creak yet! I want you to remain as positive and energetic as you are now! Love you, success, prosperity and family happiness!

You are the most beautiful in the world
Sexy and smart
The sun doesn't shine without you
You mean a lot to me!

I can laugh with you
And I can cry
My girl friend
I want to wish you happiness!

So that she is always loved
And she did not know troubles and evil,
So that she is always beautiful
I drink to the bottom for you!

Women have three problems - what to wear, what to cook and where to take money for whatever they want. My dear, I wish you did not have such problems. Let your closet burst with new things. Breakfast, lunch and dinner at the restaurant. Sufficiency, so that she never needed anything. In general, let you have everything you want! Happy birthday girlfriend!

To my dear friend - the most amazing words. Always remain unique, charming in every wondrous look, in exquisite gestures, let mutual love, selfless friendship, unforgettable meetings and unpredictable surprises fill your life.
For the birthday girl!

Although all women are beautiful
It's not easy for them to outshine you -
Your smile brings joy
The eyes shine with kindness.

It's always light when you are near
Anyone can be happy with you.
Your birth is not in vain -
Go far in life!

May all the good that you give to people
It will come back to you in full.
We will drink to you, friend -
You are the only one with us!

Well, old lady? Another year ended inexorably. You are becoming decrepit before our eyes and the sand that has spilled out of you can already beautify the beaches ... So one could say to anyone, but not to you. Divine, young and beautiful my girlfriend, For you and your wonderful age!

What are you all the same ... No, well, what are you all the same! I don't even know what to tell you. I just can't find the words to express what is in my soul now. After all, there are no words to describe how much I wish you happiness and love! I raise my glass so that all your desires, when fulfilled, bring only joy, happiness and love, and I am very glad that I have such a friend who causes the most wonderful feelings in me! This is because you are a good person, thank you for that.

They say that if you want to feel the taste of life, kiss a woman. If you want to feel life, hug a woman. So, friend, I wish you that men do not pass by. Always be refined, so that, turning on you, they would like to feel and experience all the delights of life!

Despite the fact that every year you and I are getting older, I am glad that no years or vicissitudes of life have changed our friendship. That we, as in the good old days, can forget about time and business together, sitting in the kitchen and drinking tea, or something stronger. Thank you my dear. Be happy.

I don’t know what my life would have been if you hadn’t appeared in it, but I am grateful to fate for making you my friend. I want to drink to your holiday, to your wonderful years and to ensure that everything in your life is as you wish it yourself. Stay at the helm and don't let the strong wind break your sails!

I want to drink to my girlfriend! Let what she dreams about today be part of her real life tomorrow. The path of her dreams come true and in life there will be only all the best and most pleasant! Well, we are always ready to share her joy of achievement with a cup of strong ... tea!

Dear friend, your happiness is my guarantee. I wish you find the perfect recipe and always have the necessary ingredients on hand. Let's raise our glasses so that you remain a bright ray of the sun, a beautiful song and inexhaustible inspiration.

A friend is not the one who will always reach out when you fall. She'd rather fall next to you and laugh. This is not the one that is always there. She would rather watch you and then be furious that you did not tell her something. A friend is a killer who will simply kill even the most gloomy and serious with his positive. So she is the best person, worthy of happiness and good luck!

My dear friend, I wish you that your life was like a resort. May there be a sea of ​​happiness in it, love as pure as air, mountains of career success and many sunny days, and let the clouds of adversity pass you by! Happy birthday!

Touching and most soulful toasts in prose and poetry.