Composition: "Resolute, integral, Russian character" Katerina.

We lingered for a moment, warmed the left hand to the fingertips and return the ball in the same way on the way back to right palm. This is one cycle.

We pay special attention to the joints along the path of the ball, we linger in them for an additional 1-2 seconds if they bother you (or have bothered you in the past).

Similarly, we work with P- and X-energies. This exercise can then be done with the complex energies T+P and X+P. If the exercise doesn't work, repeat it.

Those who don't have very good blood tests, Special attention should be given to bone tissue, joints and areas around them.

Our joints should always receive special attention, as well as the spine.

Attention! Appeal to newbies("old men" are accustomed to the style of our work).

Work in an easy, joyful mood. It should always accompany you, but in this case there is an additional reason for this.

Think for yourself: you finally found time to take care of yourself!

How long have you been waiting for this hour? And how long did your wordless, stuffed and untidy organism wait for him?

He fawns over you like a dog that wants to be scratched. You scratch it, but in a special way - from the inside.

You are giving your body the most magnificent, most effective internal non-contact massage!

Think, well, who else in the whole world is able to arrange such a holiday for your body? Yes, no one but you.

Praise yourself. You undoubtedly deserve it and you can afford a short rest, during which it makes sense to immerse yourself in the diligent reading of the material below.

3. Installation conversation (self-immersion - its role and significance in the process of human energy recovery)

It is said that Julius Caesar could do three things at once.

In our hectic and vain life, we are capable of even more than that.

In the service, for example, our attention can be divided.

Our vision reads the text of the manuscript, our fingers flutter over the computer keyboard, our mind is occupied with a telephone conversation, connecting our hearing and our speech to it.

At the same time, our leg can straighten a stray rug, our shoulder can press a tube to our ear, our nose can wrinkle, driving away a wasp that has flown into the office from nowhere.

Please note: at such moments we are acting, not training.

Our training is a special kind of activity where you can not spray.

It is impossible to train emotions and look into a cookbook while stirring the soup.

It is impossible to carry out non-contact massage of internal organs and put in order the financial statements.

It is impossible to train the spine by contemplating whether or not to whitewash the ceiling.

Training requires from the student complete detachment from the hustle and bustle and complete liberation of his mind and consciousness.

When training, we should not analyze, reason. Our consciousness should become like a pure white cloud floating in the vast blueness of the summer sky.

A second - and this cloud can dissipate, another - and it can turn into a formidable cloud, from which lightning will strike, a downpour will pour, a frightening thunder will rumble.

But you and I do not need either one or the other, or the third.

We need to swim and swim in the gentle blue towards the goal that we set before the start of classes.

We doing self-immersion we think only in passing, only about the object of our aspirations. So it is easier to pour all the love of our being on it, so it is easier to envelop it with the strongest energy fields.

Our body in a state of self-immersion generously produces these fields and attracts them to itself from the outside.

They alone have the power sufficient to make our dreams (aspirations) come true, and, in fact, all healing (rejuvenating) processes in our bodies are launched only with the help of internally mobilized forces.

In electrical engineering, for example, there is the concept of "starting current", which is many times higher than the operating currents. In biology, this phenomenon can be likened to the effect of spring awakening of plants.

In other words, it takes a lot of effort to spin a heavy flywheel, but you can keep it spinning with light, easy actions.

Any third-party figurative series that arises in you at such moments can "ground" this energy or direct it in the opposite direction, playing the role of a brake (a stick stuck in a wheel).

That is why, while training, we should not be distracted by anything.

As a matter of fact, any training is similar to the promotion of a local flywheel. At first, the matter does not argue, then it becomes easier and easier to do the exercises.

Self-immersion can multiply the efficiency of this work, because we can arbitrarily and almost instantly connect the white cloud, which our spirit has become like, to energy fields different scales and plans.

What is the fastest thing in the world?

Human thought abolishes the concepts of "time" and "distance". She explores trilobites (creatures that lived millions of centuries before us), she penetrates the depths of the atomic nucleus and flies to distant stars.

In the state of self-immersion, our thoughts seem to dissolve, but this does not mean that they disappear altogether. They unwind into the thinnest threads, stretched to everything that exists around us.

Our spirit can freely slide along them, arbitrarily choosing the direction of flight, depending on the tasks of self-immersion.

At present, our main task is to create an image of super-energy and prepare our thin bodies and the physical components of our body to organically merge with it.

To understand how this should happen, let us recall how we worked with the image of youth and health in the first level classes.

Self-immersion, aimed at finding the image of youth and health, took us to the past, when we were young and healthy. We memorized this state and projected it on our entire body.

For example, a girl with diabetes mellitus was helped by the fact that she imagined herself running along the seashore and becoming lighter and lighter.

The girl imagined how the footprints left behind her became smaller and smaller, and very soon the day came when she was really able to run along the beach and play with other children.

Numerous studies have confirmed her recovery.

Another example.

One of our students, suffering from varicose veins, while performing the exercise, found the following image: he imagined an ant running along the clean, dark, smooth surface of his youthfully slender legs.

He brought this image to maximum brightness. He felt the tickling of the paws of an insect, and the smell of grass warmed by the sun, he heard the rustle of leaves and the noise of a sawmill working nearby.

Less than a month later, the wish came true. The man went out into nature, found a place that he imagined. He undressed to his swimming trunks near the forest river, no longer embarrassed by the presence of other sunbathers.

The pines rustled, behind the copse a sawmill worked, an ant ran along the smooth clean skin of the leg of a traveler who sat down to rest.

RESOLUTION, COMPLETE, RUSSIAN CHARACTER OF KATERINA Composition based on the drama by A.N. Ostrovsky Thunderstorm Katerina - main character drama Ostrovsky Groz. The main idea of ​​the work is the conflict of this girl with the dark kingdom, the kingdom of tyrants, despots and ignoramuses. You can find out why this conflict arose and why the end of the drama is so tragic by looking into Katerina's soul, understanding her ideas about life. And it is possible to do this thanks to the skill of the playwright Ostrovsky. From the words of Katerina, we learn about her childhood and adolescence.

The girl did not receive a good education. She lived with her mother in the village. Katerina's childhood was joyful, cloudless. Mother doted on her soul, did not force her to work on the housework. Katya lived free to get up early, wash her face with spring water, crawl flowers, go to church with her mother, then sit down for some work and listen to the wanderers and praying women, who were many in their house. Katerina had magical dreams in which she flew under the clouds. And how much the act of a six-year-old girl contrasts with such a quiet, happy life, when Katya, offended by something, ran away from the house to the Volga in the evening, got into a boat and pushed off from the shore. We see that Katerina grew up a happy, romantic, but limited girl.

She was very pious and passionately loving. She loved everything and everyone around her, nature, the sun, the church, her home with wanderers, the poor whom she helped. But the most important thing about Katya is that she lived in her dreams, apart from the rest of the world. Of everything that exists, she chose only that what did not contradict her nature, the rest she did not want to notice and did not notice.

Therefore, the girl saw angels in the sky, and for her the church was not an oppressive and oppressive force, but a place where everything is bright, where you can dream. We can say that Katerina was naive and kind, brought up in a completely religious spirit. But if she met something on her way that contradicted her ideals, then she turned into a rebellious and stubborn nature and defended herself from that outsider, a stranger that boldly disturbed her soul. So it was with the boat.

After marriage, Katya's life changed a lot. From the free, joyful, sublime world, in which she felt her merging with nature, the girl fell into a life full of deceit, cruelty and omission. It’s not even that Katerina married Tikhon against her will, she didn’t love anyone at all and she didn’t care who she married. The point is that the girl was taken away from her former life, which she created for herself. Katerina no longer feels such delight from attending church, she cannot do her usual business.

sad, anxious thoughts do not allow her to calmly admire nature. Katya has to endure as long as she is patient and dream, but she can no longer live with her thoughts, because the cruel reality returns her to the earth, to where there is humiliation and suffering. Katerina is trying to find her happiness in love with Tikhon. I will love my husband. Tisha, my darling, I won’t change you for anyone. You don't say goodbye to your lover. Katerina has a strong sense of outward humility and duty, which is why she forces herself to love her unloved husband. Tikhon himself, because of the tyranny of his mother, cannot truly love his wife, although he probably wants to.

And when he, leaving for a while, leaves Katya to walk freely, the girl already becomes a woman completely alone. Why did Katerina fall in love with Boris? After all, he did not exhibit his masculine qualities, like Paratov, he did not even talk to her. Probably the reason is that she lacked something pure in the stuffy atmosphere of the Kabanikha house.

And love for Boris was this pure, did not allow Katerina to completely wither away, somehow supported her. She went on a date with Boris because she felt like a person with pride, elementary rights. It was a rebellion against submission to fate, against lack of rights. Katerina knew that she was committing a sin, but she also knew that it was still impossible to live on.

She sacrificed the purity of her conscience to freedom and Boris. In my opinion, taking this step, Katya already felt the approaching end and, probably, thought Now or never. She wanted to be filled with love, knowing that there would be no other chance. On the first date Katerina told Boris You ruined me. Boris is the reason for the defaming of her soul, and for Katya this is tantamount to death. Sin hangs on her heart like a heavy stone. Katerina is terribly afraid of an approaching thunderstorm, considering it a punishment for what she has done.

Katerina has been afraid of thunderstorms ever since she started thinking about Boris. For her pure soul, even the thought of loving an outsider is a sin. Katya cannot live on with her sin, and she considers repentance to be the only way to at least partially get rid of it. She confesses everything to her husband and Kabanikh. Such an act in our time seems very strange, naive. I cannot deceive, I cannot hide anything - such is Katerina. Tikhon forgave his wife, but did she forgive herself? Being very religious.

Katya is afraid of God, and her God lives in her, God is her conscience. The girl is tormented by two questions: how will she return home and look into the eyes of her husband, whom she cheated on, and how will she live with a stain on her conscience. Katerina sees death as the only way out of this situation. live? No, no, don't be bad. Pursued by her sin, Katerina passes away in order to save her soul. Dobrolyubov defined Katerina's character as decisive, whole, Russian. Decisive, because she decided to take the last step, to die in order to save herself from shame and remorse.

Whole, because in Katya's character everything is harmonious, one, nothing contradicts each other, because Katya is one with nature, with God. Russian, because whoever, no matter how a Russian person, is capable of loving like that, able to sacrifice like that, so humbly endure all hardships, while remaining himself, free, not a slave.

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Katerina is the main character in Ostrovsky's drama "Thunderstorm". The main idea of ​​the work is the conflict of this girl with the "dark kingdom", the kingdom of tyrants, despots and ignoramuses. You can find out why this conflict arose and why the end of the drama is so tragic by looking into Katerina's soul, understanding her ideas about life. And this can be done thanks to the skill of the playwright Ostrovsky. From the words of Katerina, we learn about her childhood and adolescence. The girl did not receive a good education. She lived with her mother in the countryside. Katerina's childhood was joyful, cloudless. Her mother "did not have a soul" in her, did not force her to work on the housework. Katya lived freely: she got up early, washed herself with spring water, crawled flowers, went to church with her mother, then sat down to do some work and listened to wanderers and praying women, who were many in their house. Katerina had magical dreams in which she flew under the clouds. And how much it contrasts with such a quiet, happy life the act of a six-year-old girl when Katya, offended by something, ran away from home to the Volga in the evening, got into a boat and pushed off from the shore! ... We see that Katerina grew up a happy, romantic, but limited girl. She was very pious and passionately loving. She loved everything and everyone around her: nature, the sun, the church, her house with wanderers, the poor she helped. But the most important thing about Katya is that she lived in her dreams, apart from the rest of the world. Of everything that existed, she chose only that which did not contradict her nature, the rest she did not want to notice and did not notice. Therefore, the girl saw angels in the sky, and for her the church was not an oppressive and oppressive force, but a place where everything is bright, where you can dream. We can say that Katerina was naive and kind, brought up in a completely religious spirit. But if she met on her way what. contradicted her ideals, then turned into a rebellious and stubborn nature and defended herself from that outsider, a stranger that boldly disturbed her soul. It was the same with the boat. After marriage, Katya's life changed a lot. From the free, joyful, sublime world, in which she felt her fusion with nature, the girl fell into a life full of deceit, cruelty and omission. It’s not even that Katerina married Tikhon against her will: she didn’t love anyone at all and she didn’t care who she married. The fact is that the girl was robbed of her former life, which she created for herself. Katerina no longer feels such delight from attending church, she cannot do her usual business. Sad, disturbing thoughts do not allow her to calmly admire nature. Katya can only endure, while she is patient, and dream, but she can no longer live with her thoughts, because the cruel reality brings her back to earth, where there is humiliation and suffering. Katerina is trying to find her happiness in love for Tikhon: “I will love my husband. Tisha, my dear, I won’t exchange you for anyone.” But the sincere manifestations of this love are suppressed by Kabanikha: "Why are you hanging around your neck, shameless? You don’t say goodbye to your lover." Katerina has a strong sense of outward humility and duty, which is why she forces herself to love her unloved husband. Tikhon himself, because of the tyranny of his mother, cannot truly love his wife, although he probably wants to. And when he, leaving for a while, leaves Katya to work up plenty, the girl (already a woman) becomes completely alone. Why did Katerina fall in love with Boris? After all, he did not exhibit his masculine qualities, like Paratov, he did not even talk to her. Perhaps the reason was that she lacked something pure in the stuffy atmosphere of the Kabanikh's house. And love for Boris was this pure, did not allow Katerina to completely wither away, somehow supported her. She went on a date with Boris because she felt like a person with pride, elementary rights. It was a rebellion against resignation to fate, against lawlessness. Katerina knew that she was committing a sin, but she also knew that it was still impossible to live on. She sacrificed the purity of her conscience to freedom and Boris. In my opinion, taking this step, Katya already felt the approaching end and probably thought: "Now or never." She wanted to be filled with love, knowing that there would be no other chance. On the first date, Katerina told Boris: "You ruined me." Boris is the reason for the discrediting of her soul, and for Katya this is tantamount to death. Sin hangs on her heart like a heavy stone. Katerina is terribly afraid of the approaching thunderstorm, considering it a punishment for what she has done. Katerina has been afraid of thunderstorms ever since she started thinking about Boris. For her pure soul, even the thought of loving a stranger is a sin. Katya cannot live on with her sin, and she considers repentance to be the only way to at least partially get rid of it. She confesses everything to her husband and Kabanikh. Such an act in our time seems very strange, naive. “I don’t know how to deceive; I can’t hide anything” - such is Katerina. Tikhon forgave his wife, but did she forgive herself? Being very religious. Katya is afraid of God, and her God lives in her, God is her conscience. The girl is tormented by two questions: how will she return home and look into the eyes of her husband, whom she cheated on, and how will she live with a stain on her conscience. Katerina sees death as the only way out of this situation: “No, it’s all the same to me whether it’s home or in the grave ... It’s better in the grave ... Living again? No, no, don’t ... it’s not good” Katerina dies to save his soul. Dobrolyubov defined Katerina's character as "resolute, whole, Russian." Decisive, because she decided to take the last step, to die in order to save herself from shame and remorse. Whole, because in Katya's character everything is harmonious, one, nothing contradicts each other, because Katya is one with nature, with God. Russian, because who, no matter how Russian, is capable of loving like that, able to sacrifice like that, so seemingly submissively endure all hardships, while remaining himself, free, not a slave.

Whose point of view do you agree with? (N.A. Dobrolyubov: “A Ray of the Sun in the Dark Kingdom.” and D.I Pisarev “Motives of Russian Drama”)

A.N. Ostrovsky was unusually specific in his work. Studying the reality surrounding him, it is not difficult to imagine events, facts and persons that could serve him for plots and their images.

The tragedy "Thunderstorm" appeared in 1859. It shows a sharp protest against the feudal-serf order. The depth of the ideological content, the distinctive strength, the artistic integrity of the images of the tragedy are also among the most perfect works of Russian drama.

I agree with the point of view of N.A. Dobrolyubova about the end of the play: “... in it (the end of the play) a terrible challenge is given to the self-foolish force, he tells her that she can no longer go further ...”

Katerina is a whole, sincere nature, incapable of falsehood. Her soul is constantly drawn to beauty, she loves nature. Katerina's protest against the despotism of Kabanikh is a struggle of light, pure, human against darkness, lies and cruelty. Gentle, defenseless Katerina, once in the Kabanov family, feels like in a prison. Remembering her parents and home, Katerina realizes that she has lost her sense of freedom and happiness forever, having married Tikhon, having fallen into this environment.

Rejected by everyone, the heroine sees the only way out for herself - a whirlpool. For her, this is not suicide, but liberation from the hardships of life, hopelessness.

Katerina - “A Ray of Light in the Dark Kingdom” (based on the play “Thunderstorm” by A.N. Ostrovsky)

The basis of the play A.N. Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm" is a conflict between the "dark kingdom" and the bright beginning, presented by the author in the image of Katerina Kabanova. A thunderstorm is also a symbol of the heroine's mental confusion, the struggle of feelings, moral exaltation in tragic love, and at the same time - the embodiment of the burden of fear, under the yoke of which people live. The work depicts the musty atmosphere of a provincial town with its rudeness, hypocrisy, the power of the rich and "senior". The “Dark Kingdom” is an ominous environment of heartlessness and stupid, slavish admiration for the might of the old order. So, Kabanova tries in vain to inspire Katerina with “the basis home well-being”: unquestioning obedience to the will of her husband, humility, diligence and respect for elders, and most importantly, never dare to “have your own judgment”. The realm of humility and blind fear is opposed by the forces of reason, common sense, enlightenment preached by Kuligin, as well as the pure soul of Katerina, which, albeit unconsciously, by one command of a sincere, whole nature, is hostile to this world. “A ray of light in a dark kingdom” called Katerina N.A. Dobrolyubov. Katerina is a lonely young woman who lacks human participation, sympathy, love. The need for this draws her to Boris. She sees that outwardly he does not look like other residents of the city of Kalinov, and, not being able to find out his inner essence, considers him a man of another world. In her imagination, Boris appears as a beautiful prince who will take her away from the "dark kingdom" to the fairy-tale world that exists in her dreams. Katerina, sad and cheerful, compliant and obstinate, dreamy, depressed and proud. Such different states of mind are explained by the naturalness of every mental movement of this at the same time restrained and impetuous nature, the strength of which lies in the ability to always be itself. Katerina remained true to herself, that is, she could not change the very essence of her character. I think the most important feature Katerina's character - honesty to herself, her husband, the world around her; it is her unwillingness to live a lie. She says to Varvara: “I don’t know how to deceive, I can’t hide anything.” She does not want and cannot cheat, pretend, lie, hide. This is confirmed by the scene of Katerina's confession of treason. Not a thunderstorm, not a frightening prophecy of a crazy old woman, not a fear of fiery hell prompted the heroine to tell the truth. “The whole heart is broken! I can't take it anymore!" - so she began her confession. For her honest and whole nature, the false position in which she found herself is unbearable. To live just to live is not for her. To live is to be yourself. Her most precious value is personal freedom, freedom of the soul. With such a character, Katerina, after betraying her husband, could not stay in his house, return to a monotonous and dreary life, endure the constant reproaches and “moralizing” of the Kabanikh, lose freedom. But any patience comes to an end. It is difficult for Katerina to be where she is not understood, where her human dignity is humiliated and insulted, her feelings and desires are ignored. Before her death, she says: “What is home, what is in the grave - it doesn’t matter ... It’s better in the grave ...” She doesn’t want death, but life is unbearable. Katerina is a deeply religious and God-fearing person. Since, according to the Christian religion, suicide is a great sin, by deliberately committing it, she showed not weakness, but strength of character. Her death is a challenge to the "dark force", a desire to live in the "light kingdom" of love, joy and happiness. N.A. Dobrolyubov highly appreciated the heroine: “The resolute, integral Russian character ... is concentrated and resolute, unswervingly faithful to the instinct of natural truth, full of faith in new ideals and selfless, in the sense that death is better for him than life under those principles that are repugnant to him ... This is the true strength of character!”

Katerina is the main character in the drama Os-
Trovsky "Thunderstorm". The main idea of ​​the
nia - the conflict of the heroine with the "dark kingdom"
vom", the kingdom of tyrants, despots, ignoramuses.
Find out why this conflict arose and
why the end of the drama is so tragic, you can,
looking into Katherine's soul. And it became
possible, thanks to the skill of the playwright
From the words of Katerina, we learn about her childhood
ve and adolescence. Katerina's childhood was
worthy, unclouded. She lived in the village.
Mother in her "did not have a soul", did not force
work around the house. She got up early
washed with spring water, watered flowers
you, went to church with your mother, then sit-
got on with some work and listened
wanderers and praying women, who were many in
their home. Katerina had magical dreams,
in which she flew under the clouds. And How
contrasts strongly with such a quiet, happy
living life the act of a six-year-old girl
ki, when Katya, offended by something, ran away
la in the evening from the house to the Volga, got into the boat
and pushed off the shore! ..
So, Katerina grew up happy, romance
a typical but rather limited girl.
She did not receive proper education. Her
main features - piety and excess
love. She loved everything and everyone around: nature
du, sun, church, your home with a wanderer-
mi, the beggars whom she helped. And most
the main thing in the image of Katerina is her dreamer-
ness, its isolation from the rest of the world.
Of everything that exists, she chose only
to something that did not contradict her nature, os-
she did not want to notice the tal and did not notice
la. That's why the girl saw angels in the sky,
and for her the church was not oppressive and crushing
power, but a place where everything is bright, where you can
but dream. We can say that Katherine
was naive and kind nature, brought up
in a very religious spirit. But if she
met on its way what is contrary to
chilo her ideals, then became rebellious
and stubborn and protected herself from that constant
ronnego, someone else's, which could disturb her
soul. It was the same with the boat.
After marriage, Katerina's life from
changed. From free, joyful, exalted
the world in which she felt
its fusion with nature, the girl got
into a life full of deceit, cruelty and
earthiness. It's not even that Kate-
Rina did not marry Tikhon of her own free will: she
didn’t love anyone at all and she didn’t care
but who to marry. The fact is that
the girl was robbed of her former life, which
she created for herself. Katerina already
does not feel such delight from visiting
church, she cannot do her usual
we do things for her. Sad, anxious thoughts
do not allow her to calmly admire nature.
It remains for her to endure while she endures, and the sword
tat, but. life becomes more and more difficult for her.
the fact that the cruel reality is returning
brings her to the ground, where humiliation reigns
and suffering.
Katerina is trying to find her happiness
in love with Tikhon: “I will love my husband.
Tisha, my darling, I'm not against you
I will change." But sincere manifestations of this
love are stopped by Kabanikhoy: “What on
Are you hanging your neck, shameless? Not with love
say goodbye to anyone." There is a strong feeling in Katerina
the property of external obedience and duty, therefore
she forces herself to love the unloved
husband. Tikhon himself, because of his tyranny
mothers cannot love their wife the way
standing, although he probably wants to. And when
he leaves Katerina, leaving for a while, something
to walk freely, a young woman becomes
gets completely lonely.
Why did Katerina fall in love with Boris? After all
he did not flaunt his ka-
qualities of a “real man”, like Paratov
from "Dowry", and do not even talk
shaft with her. Probably the reason is that she
something clean was missing in the stuffy atmosphere ^-
sphere of the house of Kabanikhi. And love for Boris
was this pure, she did not give Katerina
finally wither away, supported her.
She decided to go on a date with Boris because
that I felt like a person with
pride and declared their elementary
rights. It was a rebellion against the humility of fate
be, against lawlessness. Katherine knew that
commits a sin, but she also knew that to live
still impossible for her. She
sacrificed the purity of her conscience
godly freedom and Boris.
Taking this step, Katerina is already feeling
shaft approaching end and, probably,
I thought, "Now or never." She wanted
get enough of love, knowing that another is
there will be no tea. On the first date Katherine
said to Boris: "You ruined me." Boris -:
the reason for the clouding of her soul, but for Katya it is
tantamount to death. Sin hangs on her heart
heavy stone. Katerina is very afraid of
moving thunderstorm, considering it a punishment for
perfect. She has been afraid of thunderstorms ever since.
since I started thinking about Boris. For her number
that soul, even the thought of love for an outsider
man is a sin. Katerina can't
live on with your sin, and the only
some way to get rid of it at least partially
to curl she considers repentance. She confesses
in everything to her husband and Kabanikh. Such an act
in our time seems strange, naive.
“I don’t know how to deceive; hide something
I can’t” - such is Katerina.
Tikhon forgave his wife, but did she forgive
herself? Being very religious, Ka-
Terina is afraid of God, and her God lives in her,
God is her conscience. The girl is tormented by two
millet: how will she return home and watch
to stare into the eyes of her husband, whom she cheated on, and how
she will live with a stain on her conscience.
The only way out of this situation
Katerina considers death: “No, I don’t care
mine, that in the grave - all the same ... In the grave
better... To live again? No, no, don't... no-
good.” Haunted by her sin, Kate-
Rina passes away to save her
Dobrolyubov determined the character of Kate-
rina as “resolute, integral, Russian
sky". Resolute because she is resolute
took the last step, to death for the sake of spa-
shun yourself from shame and remorse.
Whole, because in the character of the heroine
everything is harmonious, one, nothing contradicts
cheat each other because she makes up
one with nature, with God. Russian, then
mu who else, except for a Russian person,
capable of loving so, capable of sacrificing so
vat, so seemingly humbly endure everything
decisions, remaining oneself, internally
free, not a slave.


Composition based on the drama by A.N. Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm" Katerina is the main character in Ostrovsky's drama "Thunderstorm".

The main idea of ​​the work is the conflict of this girl with the "dark kingdom", the kingdom of tyrants, despots and ignoramuses. You can find out why this conflict arose and why the end of the drama is so tragic by looking into Katerina's soul, understanding her ideas about life. And this can be done thanks to the skill of the playwright Ostrovsky. From the words of Katerina, we learn about her childhood and adolescence. The girl did not receive a good education. She lived with her mother in the countryside. Katerina's childhood was joyful, cloudless. Her mother "did not have a soul" in her, did not force her to work on the housework. Katya lived freely: she got up early, washed herself with spring water, crawled flowers, went to church with her mother, then sat down to do some work and listened to wanderers and praying women, who were many in their house. Katerina had magical dreams in which she flew under the clouds. And how strongly the act of a six-year-old girl contrasts with such a quiet, happy life, when Katya, offended by something, ran away from home to the Volga in the evening, got into a boat and pushed off from the shore! ... We see that Katerina grew up happy, romantic but limited girl. She was very pious and passionately loving. She loved everything and everyone around her: nature, the sun, the church, her house with wanderers, the poor she helped. But the most important thing about Katya is that she lived in her dreams, apart from the rest of the world. Of everything that existed, she chose only that which did not contradict her nature, the rest she did not want to notice and did not notice.

Therefore, the girl saw angels in the sky, and for her the church was not an oppressive and oppressive force, but a place where everything is bright, where you can dream. We can say that Katerina was naive and kind, brought up in a completely religious spirit. But if she met on her way what. contradicted her ideals, then turned into a rebellious and stubborn nature and defended herself from that outsider, a stranger that boldly disturbed her soul. It was the same with the boat. After marriage, Katya's life changed a lot. From the free, joyful, sublime world, in which she felt her fusion with nature, the girl fell into a life full of deceit, cruelty and omission. It’s not even that Katerina married Tikhon against her will: she didn’t love anyone at all and she didn’t care who she married. The fact is that the girl was robbed of her former life, which she created for herself. Katerina no longer feels such delight from attending church, she cannot do her usual business. Sad, disturbing thoughts do not allow her to calmly admire nature. Katya can only endure, while she is patient, and dream, but she can no longer live with her thoughts, because the cruel reality brings her back to earth, where there is humiliation and suffering. Katerina is trying to find her happiness in love for Tikhon: "I will love my husband.

Tisha, my dear, I won’t exchange you for anyone. ”But the sincere manifestations of this love are suppressed by Kabanikha:“ Why are you hanging around your neck, shameless? You don’t say goodbye to your lover. " Katerina has a strong sense of outward humility and duty, which is why she forces herself to love her unloved husband. Tikhon himself, because of the tyranny of his mother, cannot truly love his wife, although he probably wants to. And when he, leaving for a while, leaves Katya to walk freely, the girl (already a woman) becomes completely lonely. Why did Katerina fall in love with Boris? After all, he did not exhibit his masculine qualities, like Paratov, did not even talk to her. Probably, the reason is that she lacked something pure in the stuffy atmosphere of Kabanikh's house. And love for Boris was this pure, did not allow Katerina to completely wither away, somehow supported her. She went on a date with Boris because she felt like a person with pride , elementary rights. It was a rebellion against obedience to fate, against lawlessness. Katerina knew that she was committing a sin, but she also knew that it was still impossible to live on. She sacrificed the purity of her conscience to freedom and Boris y. In my opinion, taking this step, Katya already felt the approaching end and probably thought: "Now or never." She wanted to be filled with love, knowing that there would be no other chance. On the first date, Katerina told Boris: "You ruined me." Boris is the reason for the discrediting of her soul, and for Katya this is tantamount to death. Sin hangs on her heart like a heavy stone. Katerina is terribly afraid of the approaching thunderstorm, considering it a punishment for what she has done. Katerina has been afraid of thunderstorms ever since she started thinking about Boris.