A notorious person - how complexes constantly interfere with life. Getting rid of complexes - analysis

The progress of science in modern world no doubt. For example, our distant and not very ancestors in relation to psychological problems could only shrug their hands - they say, what is it? Modern psychology generously pours names: inferiority complex, victim complex, excellent student complex, oedipal complex ... Progress in all its glory, yeah.

Okay, jokes aside. Let's talk about a serious topic - how to get rid of complexes, from various psychological problems, "cockroaches in the head." All that prevents a person from becoming a person who lives a harmonious life.

The topic of dealing with complexes is pretty much sucked up as in professional psychological literature (which, alas, rarely contains simple instructions), and in caramel articles soaked in poison.

Open Yandex or Google, type in the title of this article into the search box - and you will get an excellent selection of publications that advise in different voices:

  • actually everything is ok, you're cool!
  • start soon and!
  • act contrary! Force yourself to do what you don't like! Let it cause a lot of stress (if you are afraid of strangers - beg on the street!)
  • etc. etc.

(Especially in such articles I am pleased simple recommendation behave freely, confidently, independently (this is for those who have an inferiority complex). That is, a description of how one should behave, and not how to come to such behavior.)

As a rule, advice on getting rid of complexes comes down to two things. First, this just support, pumping up the reader (listener) with positive, confidence, strength of the author (consultant). Secondly, this mental manipulation: self-hypnosis, various exercises in the spirit of Freud's grandfather (draw your complex on paper and burn it), and so on. I will not list everything - who needs full list, Google to the rescue.

We will not discuss the effectiveness of the first approach (support) for a long time. It is clear that its effect (let's not waste time on trifles, let's pretend that it exists) will not last long.

With the second - manipulations with the psyche - it is more difficult. In theory, all of these techniques should work. But I personally know a lot of people with various complexes (and who doesn’t have them?), Who tried to deal with them in this way. The results are, to put it mildly, not impressive.

The fact is that the human psyche is a very complex and delicate thing, and you need to climb into it skillfully. That is, to have the appropriate training and experience for this.

Such intervention in the depths of consciousness and subconsciousness of a person in order to combat complexes can be compared with surgical method of treatment: straight and hard.

Although I do not like comparisons (too easy to get sidetracked, play with beautiful allegories), in this case it is very accurate.

After all, no one will say about a scalpel that this is a bad thing - so many lives have been saved! But let's imagine a scalpel in inept hands - aren't you scared? So, for example, affirmations: in themselves a good thing, but only if used with due skill.

If we continue this comparison, then it becomes clear the meaninglessness of treating psychological problems using popular methods based on intervention in the psyche.

Would you cut out your appendix yourself?

What to do? How to deal with the hated "cockroaches in the head"?

It is necessary to change the approach. Suitable for "self-treatment" not surgery, but therapy. After all, medicine, in addition to scalpels and lancets, has many methods. Cold rubdowns, wellness jogs, warm-ups and mud baths ... Agree, it’s more difficult to harm yourself in this way.

Therapy in the general case is a change in the environment in which the body is located.(internal and external).

Another good comparison: getting rid of acne. You can try to squeeze them out (active direct intervention). The result is predictable: there will only be more of them (especially if you climb to the face with unwashed hands). And you need to fight gradually and consistently: monitor the cleanliness of the skin, nutrition, and so on.

Returning from comparisons to our problem, we can finally give actionable advice:

It is necessary to deal with complexes by gradual, smooth changes in lifestyle and life circumstances.

Psychological problems are formed under the influence of upbringing and life circumstances - therefore, under their own influence, they must be cured.

The overall methodology is:

1. Identification of the problem. You need to conduct a total introspection, as it should, and determine which complexes and cockroaches you have. It is also good to understand their causes and origins.

2. To analyze these problems coldly and rationally: is there any truth in the complexes? Or not? Do you have objective problems?

3. Identification of conditions and circumstances that can help resolve the problem. Perhaps the most difficult step. Knowing the characteristics of your cockroaches and the reasons for their appearance can help here. The most important thing, in my opinion, is not to run into the eradication of complexes with excessive persistence. This is a slow and gradual process, and it is unlikely that you will achieve anything in a swoop. Therefore, the struggle should be organically woven into your everyday life.

To better understand the features of this third step, the following articles on individual problems can help.

Too fat, too thin, freckled face, ugly breasts, short or long nose - these or similar intrusive thoughts prevent us from being confident in communicating with the opposite sex and undermine our self-esteem.

How to believe in yourself and get rid of complexes ? How to learn to love yourself so that your individual characteristics seemed to be advantages, not disadvantages, the site will tell.

What are complexes

The concept of "complex" was introduced by Joseph Breuer, an Austrian physician and physiologist.

Complexes are thoughts, words and ideas that are suppressed or forced out of consciousness, which are somehow connected with the qualities of your personality. Since they are important to your ego, they are usually accompanied by strong emotions, which have a powerful influence on behavior and reactions. Complexes manifest themselves in the form of various fears, aspirations, neurotic reactions and attitudes towards the outside world.

The complex causes fear, anxiety, shame. It seems to you that you are worse than others, that you do not deserve happiness, that you do not belong in a decent society. Due to the inability to satisfy their ambitions, dreams and desires, a person feels that he does not live up to his own ideal.

Sometimes negative comparisons are the source of complexes: “This actress is not only beautiful and sexy, but also talented and successful. Not like me." Comparing ourselves with others, and especially when hearing such a comparison from loved ones, we feel flawed.

Complexes usually cause bad mood and depression. Focus on flaws and weaknesses affects our self-esteem, destroys the feeling dignity. Imperfections instantly become a lifelong problem that cannot be solved.

Man begins to make an elephant out of a fly. What cannot be achieved or corrected (in appearance or character) becomes a measure of success and at the same time a motive to win the right to happiness. Satisfaction with life disappears, small pleasures do not please, and the world is seen only in shades of gray. A notorious person is only one step away from depression.

Are the complexes really so dangerous and can lead to mental disorders and depression, or are they just a part of our individuality, answers the site expert, head of the laboratory-department of practical philosophy of time of the Web-Institute for Research on the Nature of Time of Moscow State University, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Vladimir Alekseevich Polikarpov:

Complexes are very dangerous. In his work "Psychology of dementia praecox", the Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung even explained the occurrence of schizophrenia with them.

The complex is separate person inside a person. Those desires that seem morally wrong to us and are condemned by society are forced out into our subconscious and form, as it were, another, shadow side of our Self.

Sometimes these desires burst out, and we hate ourselves after they are satisfied. A harmless example is a girl on a diet who finds herself at night with a half-eaten mayonnaise sandwich.

The complex owns the part of the body that you hate. Therefore, the complexes cause psychosomatic diseases - the stomach is upset, skin diseases appear, etc.

Sexual complexes

Each of the researchers of the human psyche interpreted the complexes in their own way, for example, Sigmund Freud believed that the complex is not a manifestation of pathology, but indicates healthy formation individuality. Each person, passing through the stages of psychosexual development, must cope with different kind complexes.

Psychology speaks of certain complexes that depend on age, gender or certain character traits. All of them are named after mythological gods and heroes and somehow connected with sexuality.

  • Diana complex- the subconscious desire of a woman to be a man, manifested in wearing men's clothes or male behavior. It often appears in teenage girls who find it difficult to accept changes in their own bodies and emerging femininity.
  • Messalina complex- a tendency to depraved behavior in women. sexual availability becomes synonymous with attractiveness. To interest and keep a man is supposed to be a challenge - it is easy to seduce, it is impossible to satisfy.
  • Daphne complex- develops in women who are disgusted with men, sexuality and do not express the need for heterosexual intercourse. The nymph Daphne has become a symbol of virginity and inaccessible love.
  • Ophelia complex- an obsession with suicide, which appears in women as a result of unhappy love or an interrupted love affair.
  • Medea Complex- hidden hostility of the mother to her own children, associated with the subconscious desire for their death. The source of such a pathological feeling is hatred for the father of the children and the desire to take revenge on him.
  • Jocasta Complex- Painful attachment of mothers to their sons. This attitude can be expressed as overprotective, and sometimes the mother's gestures are erotic.

Are people from our immediate environment susceptible to such classical complexes, or are these rare mental disorders and pathologies? Comment by Vladimir Polikarpov:

They are much more widespread than you might expect. Another thing is that often they are, as psychologists say, in a latent phase. This means that they are hidden not only from strangers, but also from the person who possesses them. Simply put, he is unaware of their existence.

Complexes that complicate our lives

Today, the concept of "complex" has penetrated deeply into everyday speech and into general meaning used in the context of a disorder. Speaking of complexes, people usually mean unpleasant or shameful experiences and emotions that relate to character traits, personality, appearance, behavior and contacts with other people.

There are moments in the life of every woman when an obsession arises in the mind: “I am worse than others”, “I am too indecisive”, “I am stupid”, “I am hopeless, I will not succeed”, “I have thick thighs, too long hands, hooked nose and awkward figure.

How to get rid of complexes / shutterstock.com

Such thinking indicates secret complexes that you are ashamed of and do not want to talk about. It seems that all people look at your limitations and keep a close eye on your weaknesses that you try so hard to hide.

Complexes and obsessions become a nightmare for many. Everyone has some defect in appearance or mental defect to feel inferior. Do you smile easily and carelessly if your tooth enamel is not crystal white? Prefer to hide the flaws of the legs in wide jeans and long skirts? And of course, curls must be straightened, and straight hair curled!

If you meet a woman with a perfect appearance, she will almost certainly have a reason to be dissatisfied with herself. She will consider herself a failure, incapable to make a career, or an inferior wife who, for the sake of a high position, refused to have children. A bad mother whose children did not become child prodigies, or punished for sins if she fails to conceive. No matter how you look at it, we are always dissatisfied with something in ourselves.

Low self-esteem makes us think that we do not deserve success or approval, there is a fear of failure. You can dream as much as you like, but sitting quietly in the corner and not sticking out.

Complexes hinder the achievement of professional success and destroy personal life. How to enjoy intimacy with a loved one if you are afraid that he will see your shortcomings? We are afraid that he will find someone better than us, more beautiful, smarter, sexier.

You need to change the way you think. Every woman is special, unique, and this is her beauty. In addition, attractiveness is determined not only by external beauty. In fact, it is our individuality that makes us truly beautiful.

Is it really difficult to achieve happiness with poor self-esteem? Comment by Vladimir Polikarpov:

Yes it is. The results of research conducted in our laboratory-department allowed us to come to the following conclusions. A person himself determines his fate with the help of the so-called triggering image.

If we clearly and emotionally represent some event, we create it in the future, and it comes to us. Now remember how clearly and clearly we imagine what we are afraid of.

How to overcome complexes?

Alfred Adler, an Austrian psychiatrist and creator of the system of individual psychology, argued that an inferiority complex is the driving force behind every action and the source of every other motivation.

Feeling bad and unworthy, we take away our right to happiness, love and pleasure. Complexes poison life and do not allow achieve your goals, because we do not believe in the possibility of their implementation.

How to get rid of complexes: a plan of action

It is possible to minimize the destructive influence of complexes on our lives and draw satisfaction from the fact that each of us is unique and inimitable. The effectiveness of all methods depends on the skills of self-hypnosis and the desire to work on oneself.

1. Focus on what you do well

Try to focus on what you are good at, your strengths. Ask your friends why they appreciate you, and your loved ones why they love you. It may turn out that what you consider a flaw, others perceive as your highlight or advantage.

How to get rid of complexes / shutterstock.com

2. Don't compare yourself to others

There will always be someone better than you in the world. This does not mean that we cannot achieve the same results. On the contrary, it gives motivation to be better and be inspired. positive example. Remember, there is no limit to perfection!

3. Be confident

If you experience difficulties in a team, do not know how to convince and do not have the quality of a leader, fight for the right to vote and respect of colleagues. Speak in a loud and confident voice, avoid pauses so that it is difficult to interrupt you. Practice expressing disagreement about being interrupted, for example, you can say: "Let me finish, the most interesting is yet to come."

4. Compete

Uncertainty in the face of new life challenges and fear of defeat are frequent consequences of complexes. Due to disbelief in our own strength, we often refuse to participate in competitions and fight for the best. However, it is better to do and fail than not to do and have no chance at all.
Try visualize own fears, imagine the worst, and come up with a plan B. Make a list of gains and losses that will result from your participation in the event. Putting everything on paper, you will see that fear has big eyes.

5. Be in tune with your inner world

If any criticism paralyzes you and makes you stop trying, remember that you do not have to satisfy everyone. It is important that you live at peace with yourself. Accept the comments of others, because they can really be constructive, but ask for specific arguments - any criticism must be justified.
Remember that criticism may refer to your ineffective performance, not to your personality. Someone may notice that you are acting immature or irrational, but no one can claim that you are an immature or irrational person.

6. Allow yourself to make mistakes.

Complexes prevent creative development and creative approach to life. A person withdraws into himself and does not take the initiative for fear of being ridiculed. Remember that only those who do nothing avoid mistakes. Allow yourself to be wrong.
If the possibility of public failure still scares you, think about how other people care about their reputation. Everyone pays much more attention to his person than to you, and in the same way he is afraid of becoming a laughingstock. Nobody remembers your mistakes for as long as you remember them.

7. Don't Compare Yourself to Celebrities

Don't compare yourself to people in show business. Firstly, you do not know the whole truth about their life, about their complexes and shortcomings, if you can judge them only from the pages of newspapers and magazines. Secondly, every woman could become a model and look just as amazing if a whole staff of people took care of makeup, hair, costumes and image creation.
In addition, professional actresses, models, and singers are taught how to pose and smile correctly in order to look stunning in photographs. In addition, such a wonderful program as Photoshop has long existed, without which not a single photo of a girl from the cover can do.
To feel just as beautiful, give yourself little joys: go to the pool, to the beautician, for a massage, arrange a long shopping trip. Get yourself a professional makeover and book a photo session: when you see yourself in the pictures, you will realize that you are no different from the models.

8. Take care of your inner beauty

There is no other person in the world the same, and this is your charm. Have you noticed how an unsympathetic, but self-confident, cheerful, open, kind woman gathers a crowd of friends and admirers around her? Everyone is drawn to her inner light.
Develop in yourself softness and femininity, good nature, generosity and others. good qualities character. Be yourself and people will be drawn to you.

9. Consult a specialist

If you can't manage on your own, contact for help from a psychologist or a psychotherapist. Psychologists use a lot various methods to work with complexes. Gestalt therapy, psychoanalysis or other areas of psychotherapy have different methods, but they all come down to the same thing. The main thing here is to help the patient himself realize his complex. Being brought out of the unconscious into consciousness, the complex will disappear.


The content of the article:

An inferiority complex is a combination of a person's emotional and psychological perception of the world around him in a distorted form. It is expressed in a feeling of personal inferiority against the background of the irrational elevation above oneself of the majority of representatives of society. When comparing the inner "I" with other people, a person with a similar problem begins to consider himself a defective thing, which further leads to neurosis and even a suicide attempt.

Causes of an inferiority complex

To get rid of the feeling of inferiority, one should listen to the opinion of specialists who see low self-esteem in a child and an adult in the following provoking factors:

  • Problems in childhood. In this case, we will talk about two sides of the coin, which ultimately lead to a sad result. Parents can either organize hyper-custody over their children, or completely deprive them of care and attention. In the first case, the child develops an inability to become an independent person, in the second, the makings of a person who is unsure of her abilities are formed.
  • Physical handicaps. The causes of inferiority complexes often lie in the unwillingness to see your face and figure in the mirror. Sometimes it's just a far-fetched problem with a rather attractive appearance. However, one must take into account the factor that a person may actually have physical defects. Women usually worry about their appearance, and men are concerned about the size of the penis.
  • The negative influence of society. Some "well-wishers" do not skimp on a negative assessment of people with excessive impressionability. Having chosen a similar victim for themselves and creating an inferiority complex in her, they want to thus assert themselves at the expense of others.
  • Criticism of loved ones. If dissatisfaction from outsiders can be ignored, then impartial comments from relatives can hurt anyone. He begins to think that he is listening to only constructive criticism about his worthlessness.
  • Bad luck. If Fortune constantly deprives people of their attention, then they may consider this a sign of their own inferiority. Against the background of more successful acquaintances, a person with a regular black streak in life begins to complex and falls into despair.
  • Negative self-hypnosis. There is such a category of people who initially wind themselves up, looking for errors in their own personal and public life. Even if the immediate environment inspires them to the opposite, they are not able to soberly assess reality and their place in it.
  • Failures in intimacy. Some women after childbirth consider themselves not as attractive as before, and are afraid of losing sexual interest from a loved one. Men, after criticism of their merits from a partner, may acquire an inferiority complex if the size of their reproductive organ was ridiculed.
  • Family problems. Constant scandals and lack of mutual understanding often lead to the fact that one of the spouses begins to subconsciously blame himself for the events taking place. In the presence of the second half in the form of a tyrant, this factor is aggravated, because the injured party completely loses his own opinion.
  • Treason. This event of a negative plan can cause serious mental trauma to both a man and a woman. The very idea that a loved one has found a partner on the side with a spectacular appearance and a more solid sexual experience is capable of developing an inferiority complex even in an egocentric person.
  • Discrimination. It can occur both by gender and by nationality. In some cases, it comes to collective harassment, when the victim begins not only to panic, but makes attempts to commit suicide.
If we do not take into account the complexes about their appearance, then experts have noticed a certain pattern when the percentage of people with a similar problem increases. In this case, we will talk about unemployment and the decline of the economy, which do not give a person the opportunity for career growth and the acquisition of financial well-being.

Manifestations of an inferiority complex in humans

These symptoms can be both overt and hidden character. In most cases, the signs of an inferiority complex look like this:
  1. demonstrativeness. All the behavior of a person who considers himself a flawed person is a silent cry for help. By any means, he wants to attract attention to himself with obvious fear that his desire will be fulfilled.
  2. Alertness. If a person has any complexes, then he will see a catch in any word and deed of the people around him. Far-fetched sidelong glances, imaginary whispering behind their backs are real events in the minds of such persons.
  3. Excessive self-criticism. The principle of "attack yourself first" always characterizes people with inferiority complexes. Self-confident subjects rarely engage in such an occupation, because they consider themselves accomplished individuals in life.
  4. Lack of faith in the future. Favorite expressions of an insecure person look like the phrases “I can’t”, “it’s too difficult for me” and “professionals should deal with this issue.” At the same time, such people not only express their doubts aloud, but actually do nothing to improve the quality of their own lives.
  5. Defects in diction. It should immediately be stated that we are talking not about congenital anomalies speech apparatus. Stuttering and slurred speech are often manifested in a person who finds himself in an alarming situation for him when communicating with an emotionally stronger provocateur.
  6. superiority complex. Psychologists call this behavior the syndrome of insecure personalities. Either people with obvious problems in life, or persons with a sick psyche try to show their exclusivity. The exception is some children of super-rich parents or oligarchs, for whom it is considered the norm to feel like celestials of this world.
  7. neurotic behavior. Sigmund Freud insisted on the fact that guilt is difficult to distinguish from an inferiority complex. The famous psychoanalyst argued that such self-doubt has erotic roots in the development of the problem and subsequently leads to neurosis.
  8. Mirror dislike. This aspect is especially true for women who consider themselves ugly. Men have a much easier attitude to this issue, because they do not consider their appearance the main criterion for attractiveness for beautiful ladies.
  9. Compliment Intolerance. A person who is confident in himself adequately responds to the praise of his actions and appearance. A notorious person will not accept a single sign of encouragement towards her without a second thought. She will consider this either a manifestation of pity, or an outright mockery of her dignity.

Inferiority complex test

Before thinking about the need to get rid of such a problem (which may not exist), experts recommend answering the following statements and calculating points:
  1. People do not share my thoughts: most of the time (0), sometimes (3), never (5);
  2. In a strange company, I feel very uncomfortable: constantly (5), depending on the company (3), never (0);
  3. I don't get discouraged: yes (5), sometimes (3), never (0);
  4. Being an optimist is: absurdity (0), important in a difficult period of life (3), a prerequisite (5);
  5. I want to be as successful as others: yes (0), sometimes (3), I'm just as good as others (5);
  6. I have more disadvantages than advantages: definitely (0), the opinion of envious people (3), exactly the opposite (5);
  7. Every moment in life is beautiful: yes (5), common words(3), no (0);
  8. I have a feeling of uselessness: often (0), sometimes (3), never (5);
  9. The motivation of my actions is not clear to people: always (0), sometimes (3), in exceptional cases (5);
  10. Close people criticize me: constantly (0); by situation (3); very rarely (5);
  11. I have many positive qualities: definitely (5); have and negative traits(3), they are not (0);
  12. I realize all my life plans: yes (5); depending on the circumstances (3), too difficult (0);
  13. Everyone is dissatisfied with their appearance: yes (0), this does not apply to me (3), incorrect conclusion (5);
  14. I do not meet the requirements of society: never (5); sometimes (3), always (0);
  15. I listen even to unfair criticism: yes (0), out of politeness (3), I stop talking (5).
  • 0-20 points - an indicator of an unequivocal complex with negative self-esteem and fixation on an existing problem;
  • 21-40 points - a coefficient that indicates complexes that you can get rid of on your own;
  • 41-65 points - there are problems with the perception of oneself, but a person with this indicator copes with them perfectly.
  • 66-75 points - in this case we are talking about a self-confident person, who still should not have an overestimated self-esteem.

Ways to deal with an inferiority complex

There are many techniques that allow you to gain self-confidence. Any person can live happily if he wants to change his attitude towards himself.

Independent actions with an inferiority complex

Psychologists have developed a number effective ways, in which it is really possible to become a self-respecting person:
  1. Correct perception of compliments. You should not look for a catch in every praise, which in fact may not be. If it is said by an insincere person, it is enough to politely thank him in response and close the topic of conversation.
  2. Self love. It is necessary not only to learn to accept compliments, but also to make them to your reflection in the mirror. In this case, you should not be afraid to turn into a Narcissus, because with an inferiority complex, people of such a plan are not threatened.
  3. Evaluation of your actions. In this situation, a notebook of achievements, which is recommended to be kept daily, will help. Even the smallest breakthrough in a positive direction must be voiced on paper with a detailed description of it.
  4. Refusal of retreat. Each person is an individuality that should not be hidden from the outside world. You should start attending entertainment events where you can give vent to your emotions.
  5. Conversation with loved ones. If the family supports a person who has an inferiority complex, then you can turn to her for help. The message to the family should look like this: describe my positive traits. loving people they will not say anything that can hurt the soul, so you should take note of their reasoning.
  6. Refusal to compare. Main mistake a person with complexes is a desire to try on someone else's image. Becoming a shadow of other people, you should not hope for the emergence of self-respect for your own person. It is necessary to be yourself always and everywhere, if this remains within the framework of generally accepted morality.
  7. Opening new perspectives. The fear of being ridiculed in an interview must be forgotten once and for all. You should also not listen to the advice of friends who dissuade you from trying your hand at a promising profession.
  8. Sports. Some people with an inferiority complex are ashamed of their figure. Therefore, the moment has come when it is necessary to become a visitor to the gym, swimming pool, tennis court and stadium with a treadmill.
  9. Work on the image. In this case, you can trust both your taste and ask for help from a stylist. Nothing changes a person's self-esteem like a positive change in his image.
  10. Work on speech. It is better to say a sweet absurdity than to spit word by word in a conversation. It is quite easy to pass for a bore, so you do not need to add another complex to yourself. It is necessary to think about what you are talking about, but not to dwell on every phrase.
  11. positive character. People who openly demonstrate their complexes are unlikely to be friendly in any company or work team. It is necessary to learn to smile even if you want to become discouraged.
  12. The right choice of friends. Hypocrites and gossipers will only aggravate the oppressed state of a person who is not self-confident. You need to communicate with those people who energize and will not criticize acquaintances without a good reason.
  13. Orientation to everything new. You can set a goal to learn 5-10 words from foreign language or get acquainted with the history and culture of some previously unknown countries. After a certain period of time, a person with this problem will understand that he has become a rather erudite person.
It should be remembered that in some people it was the inferiority complex that caused at one time the desire to achieve everything in life. Successfully overcame all difficulties after attacks from the public such celebrities as Lady Gaga (mocking her appearance), Christina Aguilera (mocking the eccentricity of the future singer), Roman Abramovich and Oprah Winfrey (peers rejection of poverty future billionaires).

Help of psychologists with an inferiority complex

Not in all cases, a person is able to independently cope with self-doubt. When looking for an answer to the question of how to deal with an inferiority complex, experts can suggest the following methods to fix the problem:
  • Family Therapy. If the reason for the impossibility of self-realization lies in childhood trauma, then its elimination should be carried out together with the parents. Conversation and family training are quite effective in this case.
  • Shield method. Not all people are friendly to each other. The treatment of inferiority complexes is primarily based on the correct reaction towards envious people. Psychologists teach us to perceive ill-wishers in this way and consider their caustic remarks as bad manners and outright stupidity.
  • Method of reification (impersonation). Specialists during communication with their patient give him a setting for a dialogue with an inanimate object. You can then hone your oratory skills by "discussing" with anyone. household appliance or a flower. Great solution with self-doubt, there will be a conversation with a pet.
  • Psychological training. The patient is asked to divide a sheet of paper into two equal parts. Then he will need to voice his negative and positive features character. The psychologist during the session voices the problem that he analyzed. After that, a sheet of paper is cut in half to burn or tear into small pieces the entire written negative. Positive feedback about yourself must be placed in the most prominent place in the apartment.

Consequences of an inferiority complex

Some people think it's better to underestimate themselves than to believe in their own prospects. With this attitude to the problem, some complications may arise in life:
  1. Family breakdown. If the signs of an inferiority complex are pronounced, then this can jeopardize the existence of a couple in marriage. A person who considers himself a useless person will never become a happy family man in the future.
  2. Destruction of personality. If the subject does not love his own "I", then you should not expect respect from other people. Self-flagellation and the search for shortcomings in oneself ultimately leads to the fact that a person begins to consider the current situation (in the absence of a desire to analyze it) as a normal phenomenon.
  3. Loneliness. Anyone who doubts his abilities often or violently manifests it or completely withdraws into himself. However, the result is always unambiguous - the loss of friends and acquaintances. If such behavior is additionally accompanied by a superiority complex, then even relatives can lose the trust.
  4. suicide. With a significant mental trauma that created an inferiority complex, the victim of circumstances can solve his problem in a similar way. If there are no close people nearby, then she will fulfill her plan, because people with such a problem are rarely manipulators.
How to deal with an inferiority complex - look at the video:

To figure out how to get rid of an inferiority complex, you first need to believe in yourself. Without this solution, no psychotherapist who can only coordinate his patient will help. In some cases, you can do without a visit to a specialist if the problem that has arisen can be solved on your own.

Each person has obvious or imaginary shortcomings. Someone prefers to suffer from them all his life, while someone begins to look for ways out of the illusions of inferiority. As psychologists say, no matter how many flaws you have, what matters is what actions you take to get rid of them. If you are one of those people who believe that a lot can be changed, then learn how to get rid of complexes and start acting right now. So, forward, to freedom!

We did not accidentally put a picture with a girl kissing a toad. Getting rid of complexes is very similar to such a kiss, after which an instant transformation will follow. Fairy tales have an instructive hint under them for a reason. So we, with our complexes, very often feel nasty and unworthy of more, until luck kisses us. Sometimes one word or event spoken at the right time is enough to get rid of complexes, for example, you can wake up famous. Then this will be your luck. But more often it happens that luck is already in the fact that you saw the necessary information, which served as an impetus for your transformation.

How to get rid of an inferiority complex

Sometimes our shortcomings turn out to be imaginary, inspired by others or the media. Remember magazines and films where success and happy life accompanies only beautiful, slender and cheerful heroes? We do not always see in the mirror those standards of beauty that the public imposes on us, and many suffer from this and consider themselves inferior, unworthy or failures.

How to get rid of complexes: 5 steps to freedom

  1. Forgive yourself for past mistakes. The sages say that a person has not made a single mistake in his life, it's just his personal road to God. Psychologists completely agree with this, but explain this theory in their own words: if you want to live happily and receive gifts from fate, then you should not drag the burden of the past with you. Guilt gives rise to the strongest complexes that settle deep in the subconscious. If you want change, stop blaming yourself for the past and start living in the present.
  2. Pay attention to the warm, encouraging words that you hear every day, but are so busy self-criticizing that you just don't notice how others really perceive you. Believe me, if they call you kind, sympathetic or beautiful, then you really are! It is especially nice to hear the opinion of men. We advise you to visit their company more often.
  3. Don't focus on failures, but notice your every success. For some people, getting out of bed every morning is already a feat, remember Jackie Chan, who received so many fractures that he can only get up after two hours of special exercises. Praise yourself mentally for every little thing you did today.
  4. Don't beat yourself up for your shortcomings. In fact, it may just turn out to be far-fetched. Even if you notice behind yourself that you often allow yourself to be lazy, rude, cunning, look sloppy, in fact, it can only seem to you, since you are too demanding of yourself and a minute of rest already seems like laziness for you. And if, nevertheless, this is true, then accept your “shortcomings” as a feature, because a mother of many children only has to dream of being able to be lazy, and she may even envy you about this. Don't berate yourself for your shortcomings!
  5. Treat yourself, give yourself gifts. If you don't start doing it for yourself, then others won't either. When you consider yourself worthy of all the best and give yourself generous gifts, then others begin to treat you differently. Get used to encouraging yourself: let each of your achievements be crowned with a gift. And yet we achieve good results so often in our lives: passing exams, creating masterpieces, launching projects, jogging in the morning, an award for excellent work. Find a reason to pamper yourself every day!

Trying to get rid of complexes of appearance

If you notice, then people are often dissatisfied with their appearance. For some, this comes to a manic exaggeration of their shortcomings. Even mental deviations are known, when in appearance beautiful person considers himself a freak, which is why plastic surgery is very popular now. It has been noticed that having corrected one thing in oneself, a person comes to the surgeon again and again, although it was just necessary to ask how to get rid of the inferiority complex. True, the problem is that often people with a complex appearance do not hear the arguments of others that, in fact, they are very pretty and they do not need to change anything in themselves.

How to get rid of complexes with the help of art therapy?

If you have a panic fear of a person, boss, relative or other negative emotions that prevent you from achieving your goals in life or just living calmly and in joy, then art comes to the rescue. You don't have to be a great artist or musician here, but you can draw your problem and burn this paper to get rid of it. Or make the problem look funny, make a caricature, which will help free the subconscious from unpleasant emotions.

Now there are specialists in art therapy who know how to get rid of the complexes quickly. Turning to psychologists has not yet become fashionable in Russia, but visiting such a specialist does not even look like a session with a psychotherapist. It's more like kindergarten. You come, start drawing, dancing or singing and your fears and shortcomings disappear in one such activity.

Good afternoon, dear readers of the Tvoya-Life blog. In this article I want to touch on such a topic as human complexes. What is it? Human complexes are a set of psychological and mental states that are expressed in the belief that other people are superior to them in some way.

The main complex of a person is an inferiority complex.

There are several common inferiority complexes:

1 A guilt complex is when a person thinks that he is guilty before everyone and has made many mistakes in his life.

2 Complex of bodily defects. There are a lot of things that fall into this category (small stature, crooked legs, big ears, and so on, everything that a person can imagine in his imagination).

3 Complex of injustice. (I am so-and-so, no one appreciates me, the world is unfair to me.)

4 Victim complex. A person considers himself a victim of circumstances and it is very difficult for him to change anything in this world.

All these complexes greatly complicate a person's life. For example, a person with a guilt complex will never restore communication with people whom he has offended with something. Though it may just be his own idea. But how can a person who is worried about his fullness meet a girl or a guy? Therefore, we need to do our best to get rid of our complexes.

How to get rid of inferiority complexes:

1 The first tip, and probably the most important one, is to determine where all our complexes come from. Because there is no smoke without fire, and if you are insecure about your excess weight, then you probably still need to reconsider your diet and, and only then engage in psychology.

2 You need to look at things from a different angle. All people in this world are not perfect, and everyone has their own flaws and virtues. But the difference between them is that some focus on their merits, while the latter, on the contrary, notice only their shortcomings. Therefore, you need to try to find the good in yourself, engage in self-development and correct the shortcomings that you have.

3 The third advice for getting rid of complexes will be this - in front of public opinion. You should not always do something with an eye on the opinions of others, no matter how trite it may sound, but they do not care about you, they are all busy with their own problems. So take everything in this life easier, do not be afraid to seem ridiculous or ridiculous, and the complexes will soon leave you.

4 and believe in yourself and your strengths. Moreover, it is not so difficult as it seems at first glance. Develop only positive qualities in yourself, and my advice is to take up some kind of martial arts. This greatly raises confidence in yourself and your abilities.

5 It is also necessary to actively act and fight against your complexes. Psychological trainings by themselves will not help get rid of the complexes, for this you need certain practical actions. If you have complexes about the fact that you can’t talk to a stranger, then you need to take it and do it - communicate with strangers. And if you are not satisfied with your sagging belly, and you are very complex about this (after all, there are such fat people, but they behave like Apollos), then run to the gym.

6 Love life. Remember, you need to rejoice at every new day, because life is so fleeting and you never know how much of it is still allotted to us, so there is no need to fall into despondency and sadness. Fighting complexes should be pleasant and easy - then they will retreat forever.

I wish you success in the fight against your complexes and good luck.

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