Queen of Cups tarot combination. Queen of Cups: the meaning of the tarot card

A deck of divination tarot cards is the best helper for everyone who is anxiously awaiting tomorrow. People desperate to wait for change, entangled in problems and daily routine, turn to an ancient magical attribute for help. The symbols that make up the Tarot deck make it possible to draw up an overall picture of the future, closed from the eyes of the common man.

The Queen of Cups is a truly feminine symbol that is difficult to read

The interpretation of the alignment begins with an acquaintance with each individual, equivalent symbol. The Queen of Tarot Cups is a magical sign in which hidden from all spiritual motives and hopes are hidden. A truly feminine symbol is difficult to read, but it is thanks to him that the questioner can be confident in the future. What is the correct interpretation of the meaning of the Queen of Cups?

The overall value of the Queen of the Chalice card of the Tarot deck

The Queen of Tarot Cups is seen in the layout as a complex, dual card. Its value depends on many related factors. Neighborhood of other powerful cards, position in the deck. You should read the Queen of Cups especially carefully, because the result of the entire forecast depends on it. The symbol of a person's most powerful intuition can lead him to incredible success.

The prototype of the Queen of Cups is a born empath, a sensual nature who perceives the world around her on a completely unknown level. Altruism, purposefulness in the business sphere - similar character traits are inherent in a person who has drawn the Queen's card in the role of his own image.

What the Queen of the Cup card will tell

The value of the Queen of Cups Tarot card is certainly associated with the mystical component of human life. An ancient symbol indicates the gift of foresight. Prophetic dreams, inspired by the magic hidden in a weak person, can be frightening and even repulsive.

The questioner, who is confused in his own abilities, often denies food, nature, innate gifts - this is evidenced by the Lady of Cups card. The only advice for a person - the prototype of this symbol, is to search for the sources of their own incredible strength.

Direct position of the Queen of the Cup card

For the direct image of the Ladies of Cups in the layout of personal or professional life, the future state of mind of a person becomes characteristic values. His experiences, worries, joys and sorrows are enclosed in a single magic symbol - the Queen of Cups.

The common meaning of such a card in an upright position:

  • wisdom of a woman;
  • future success as a result of previous efforts;
  • advice to help you avoid trouble;
  • the image of a person who consciously succumbs to non-existent fantasies;
  • a loving person with a gentle, docile character;
  • a well-appreciated experience;
  • illusions to be avoided;
  • fantasies about a person who in real life does not have invented qualities;
  • a sign indicating special attention to dreams.

Queen of Cups - a sign indicating special attention to dreams

Each new alignment for the future is unique, unrepeatable and it will not work to interpret it according to a ready-made scheme.

Even experienced magicians and sorcerers approach the new forecast as carefully and carefully as possible. A single misread sign turns serious fortune-telling into unnecessary fun.

Reversed Queen of the Cup symbol in the tarot spread

The inverted Queen of Cups carries a completely different message than a card with a direct image. A messenger of deception, both from others and from oneself, is a warning to the questioner. It is not necessary to wear rose-colored glasses, because the present can be much brighter and happier than a carefully crafted illusion.

The desire to take fantasies at their face value is erroneous, leading to disappointment and grief. In no case should you succumb to pernicious temptations, because the Queen of Cups gives clear advice that it's time to get rid of far-fetched ideas about the world and the people around you.

Tarot card Queen inverted denotes those events and internal changes that should occur in the near future:

  • bitter attitude towards people;
  • preconceived grievances and claims;
  • a person who constantly exaggerates the importance of problems;
  • dubious assistant in new endeavors and deeds;
  • excessive irritability that interferes with building a full-fledged personal life;
  • inaction, which leads to undesirable consequences;
  • arrogance;
  • return to traditions and lost family ties;
  • manipulation, playing for the audience;
  • bad news;
  • independent solution of all arising problems.

An inverted Queen of Cups could mean bad news soon

It is difficult to call a positive card in a similar position, but thanks to the neighboring symbols, the negative meaning of the Queen of the Chalice can soften. Sometimes, the Lady of Cups symbolizes a woman that the questioner knows about, intrigues and interferes with his creative development.

The prototype of a powerful card does not necessarily position itself as an enemy; more often, a cunning woman disguises herself as a friend or a benevolent colleague. Seeing the Queen in an inverted position, one should be attentive to everyone who is included in the circle of trust of the questioner.

Personal qualities of a person in the Queen of Cups card

A purely feminine symbol, which has a subtle and soft energy, indicates a vulnerable person, with a subtle perception of external changes and events. The hopes with which her heart is overflowing often end in disappointment and resentment.

A typical representative of the Lady of Cups card tirelessly seeks harmony, balance in everything that has happened, is happening and will continue to happen over the centuries. She is worried about strangers, casual acquaintances and relatives who always come first.

Image of the Queen of the Cup in the map

For the prototype of the Lady of Cups, only love and happiness are important things. These are its main guidelines, goals and priorities. Thanks to an innate sensitivity, a receptive woman sees the future in every fleeting sign of the universe. People who have stretched out the Queen of Cups in their personal disposition often see prophetic dreams and prophesy the future without realizing it.

For a woman of this type of character, beliefs and principles are inviolable. She follows the rules that she herself has elevated to axioms. The Queen of Cups points to a woman with blond hair and predominantly blue eyes. As if a painted daughter of the sun and all the elements of the earth, such a woman is hard not to notice.

Characteristics of the card for men

For a man who recognized the Queen of Cups card in a special fortune-telling, the ancient deck signals the fair sex, who plays an important role in the life of the questioner. The image of a mother, friend, beloved - a man who wants only good and prosperity for a man is personified by the Lady.

A mature, wise woman will contribute to the rapid development of a strong, strong-willed man, and provide him with a reliable rear at home. A card that is feminine in nature can also indicate a guy with a gentle character and a refined mental organization.

Feature card for women

The Queen's tarot card can represent an angry woman who harbors many past grievances. Betrayed, deceived by a man, she seeks revenge, revenge for the inflicted mental pain. Such a person does not listen to the arguments of reason, does not seek an excuse. A lady who appears as an inverted Queen of Cups can spread rumors about the questioner, harm his impeccable reputation at work.

It is dangerous to have common affairs with a pissed off person, because negative consequences cannot be avoided. Rivals in the dealings for relationships also take on the appearance of the Lady of Cups, whimsical and insidious. You should be careful and observe the behavior of people of similar spirit.

Special alignment for professional life

The state of complete rest, predicted by the Queen of Cups, suits the questioner. The ancient symbol suggests that the correct expectant position will soon lead to a logical and well-deserved victory. The time has not yet come for professional achievements.

Other common interpretations of the Lady of Cups in the layout for further professional destiny:

  • fateful chances in the near future;
  • manifestation of talents for a figurative way of thinking;
  • creativity that will bring significant profits;
  • career of a writer or singer (public figure);
  • disclosure of the gift of clairvoyance;
  • helping people.

Lady of Cups in the layout of the profession - fateful opportunities to make a career as a writer

Creativity for the person who has drawn the Queen of Cups is of particular importance. This is his quiet haven, a secluded corner and a fortress from the harsh surrounding world. Why combine annoying routine work and an occupation that makes your soul happy?

Soon, new ways will open up for the asking person, opportunities to turn their favorite hobby into a full-fledged profession. The Lady of Cups is supportive of people who are not afraid to change the foundations of their own lives.

Love layout and card Lady of the Cup

In a relationship, the Lady of Cups symbolizes intimacy, sometimes a secret passionate connection. Sensual feminine nature will be delighted with the connection that excites mind and body. The Queen of Cups also indicates trust that a person can only dream of.

The messenger of new relationships - the Lady's card, promises a lot of new impressions and pleasant emotions.

Particular attention should be paid to partnerships, says the Queen of Cups card, because it is the beloved who will help in the near future. Advice, deed or support.

For lonely people, the Lady of Cups symbol embodies positive changes, a change in social status. The dreams and hopes of the questioner can come true, but a lot of effort should be made for this. The sacrifices will pay off, but it will take time and effort to make a difference.

Ancient Tarot deck combination

Tandems of powerful symbols allow you to see a more complex picture of the future, taking into account not only the actions of a person and his environment, but hidden thoughts, desires, aspirations. The Queen of Cups combined with other cards from the ancient Tarot deck:

Alliance with the High Priestess

Heralds the disclosure of the sixth sense, paranormal abilities and craving for the occult sciences. Esoteric knowledge will help in finding a purpose in life. For a person, the combination of two powerful cards is only the beginning of future incredible achievements.

Combination with the Empress symbol

A messenger of the fact that the questioner in the near future needs to nurture either a new idea, or a new life, or a new personality. Rebirth is the message of the Maiden of Cups card, which heralds the birth of something new and important.

Tandem card Strength

The search for inspiration, the origins of creative activity - this is what awaits the questioner, if you follow the traditional interpretation of the Tarot deck. Emotions, inner feelings are the most extraordinary force that should be used.

A deck of Tarot cards allows you to see what is inaccessible to an ordinary person. Find out the truth that still needs to appear. Learn the truth, which will become the most powerful weapon. Tarot cards can become a chance, an opportunity, an assistant, but only for someone who really needs it. The Lady of Cups card will become the right tool in the skillful hands of an experienced magician.

As usual, Waite is extremely laconic in describing the Court Cards. First, he tells us that she is blonde, and second, that she draws visions from the cup she holds in her hands. The chalice has a pronounced Christian symbolism. This is probably a chalice, a special vessel used in the sacrament ritual. The use of chalice for visions from the point of view of any version of Christianity is a wild heresy. However, Waite was not in the least embarrassed.

The differences in the old and new version of the Lady of Cups are interesting. In the old version, which is believed to be the original deck, printed in the distant 1910, the outline of a bird is visible near the coastal cliffs. In the new version, the bird disappears.

It is believed that the composition of the Lady of Cups was influenced by a card from the Solo-Busk deck, which depicts Polyxena, a mythological character, daughter of Priam and Hecuba.


  • Dreaminess
  • the beauty
  • Tenderness
  • Pleasure
  • Depravity
  • Pleasure

Key ideas

  • Subtlety of feelings
  • Impermanence
  • Infidelity
  • Empathy

Basic meaning

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Citing the meanings for the Lady (Queen) of the Tarot Cups (Cups), Waite describes the angel of heaven in the flesh. Kind, fair, honest, devoted woman. Waite writes that she is "ready to do a service to the Querent," which sounds somewhat ambiguous today. Does not deny her occult abilities and extols her virtue. The inverted card changes its meaning to the exact opposite: vice, shame, debauchery, a woman who cannot be trusted.

The modern meaning of the Queen of Cups Tarot card is associated with such concepts as love, sex, pleasure. Love in this card is mutual, not tragic, but on the contrary, inspiring and inspiring.

Video: Tarot Card Meaning - Lady of Cups

Meaning in relationships

Open - closed card

The Queen of Cups is an open card when it comes to finding love. But after a partner is found and a relationship is established with him, the Queen of Cups focuses on the partner, herself and the relationship. And it closes itself off from the outside world.

Relationship intensity

The value of the Tarot card Queen (Lady) of Cups (Cups) in matters of love indicates a relationship with high intensity. But there are no jerks or rapid changes in them. This is an even and calm relationship.

Relationship scenario: love, family, relatives, work

The Queen of Cups speaks exclusively of happy, shared love. About love that brings joy and does not cause suffering. Not necessarily a great feeling. There can be only sexual relations. But in any case, this is positive, pleasant.

The influence of this card on a person is twofold. On the one hand, this is relaxation (I feel good already). On the other hand, it stimulates a person to new achievements in the difficult task of getting pleasure.

An ideal card for all types of love relationships, whether it be a relationship of lovers, lovers, husband and wife.

A very good card for family relationships. Sex doesn't turn into an annoying routine. People continue to enjoy communication and physical contact with each other.

In terms of work, we can say that a person feels very comfortable in this team or in this place. It's not always productive, but it's always enjoyable. And it often has a positive effect on being overweight. Sometimes it seems that drinking tea with buns is the main activity of the Lady of Cups.

Combined with the Major Arcana

  • combined with a card: Lack of emotional warmth and comfort. Lack of love
  • combined with a card: Vicious and forbidden sex
  • combined with a card: Long stable relationship

Psychological condition

The card indicates a very positive emotional state. A person feels that he loves and is loved. A state close to happiness. Euphoria, elation, a sense of the harmony of what is happening.

Combined with the suit of Wands

  • combined with a card: Too many people are involved in this relationship
  • combined with a card: Relationship is frozen and does not develop
  • combined with a card: Love affair

Significance in health matters

The Lady of Cups indicates very good health. A person enjoys life, is not afraid to pamper himself with an extra cup of coffee or cake. The card speaks of a possible improvement in health.

The Lady of Cups touches upon such an important topic in human life as sex. Accordingly, it can warn about the danger of STDs. As a way of treatment, she talks about awakening interest in life and getting pleasure from life.

As an exotic method of treatment - tantra yoga rituals.

Combined with suit of Cups

  • combined with: Love relationships based on deception
  • combined with: Getting pleasure only for yourself
  • combined with: Great family relationships

Business and finance, professional activities

Stability, manageability, controllability

Overall good for finances. Mostly the situation is stable, the ladies are not inclined to let go of control and management.
All the ladies have a good financial situation, but the Lady of Cups is a spender. She can spend money on things of status or "so as not to be worse than people."

Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)

The Lady of Cups is not associated with increased income. The profit of the Lady of Cups lies in the fact that someone paid for her pleasure. Search for freebies, treats, invitations. Whoever dines on a girl dances her. The logic is simple: I sell pleasure - someone buys it.

For the Lady of Cups, it is important to please, to win over a person, to create an atmosphere of home comfort. Tea, coffee, let's dance?
From the mistress of the boudoir to the mistress of the massage parlor. Selling services that will help the person relieve stress. Sleep in an embrace, buns and bears. Trade in trinkets from elite souvenirs to consumer goods (knitted napkins). Canning circle.

The general state of finance and trends of change

The condition of all the ladies is quite stable. With a positive balance.
But for the Lady of Cups, the situation may worsen, but not critically.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

All ladies are very responsible.

The king is strategy, the knight is tactics. And the lady is an operational mindset, she often focuses on very specific projects and brings them to the end with a high degree of probability. Besides, ladies are more cooperative than kings. There can be more than one hostess in the kitchen.

But the lady is inside the castle, inside the process, she is not interested - and what is there, beyond the horizon

The Lady of Cups can spend money on pleasure, on store design, but not on production.

Plus, all the queens are slow cards. This can be a problem in fast situations.

Combined with the suit of Swords

  • combined with a card: Frivolity
  • combined with a card: Love your job
  • combined with a card: The complex relationship between Dragonfly and Ant from Krylov's fable

Questions to ask while drawing out the Lady of Cups

  • Who do you love? For what?
  • Who loves you? For what?
  • How long have you taken care of your body?
  • How long have you indulged yourself in pleasant excesses?

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Card Queen of Tarot Cups - meaning: a caring and loving woman with the gift of divination.

In the article:

Queen of Tarot Cups - meaning in the hands

In an upright position The Queen of Tarot Cups denotes powerful intuition, up to the level of clairvoyance. The sixth sense helps the querent to succeed. Shows a penchant for empathy, altruism, and healing. The card predicts prophetic dreams, represents a wise sorceress who lives in the questioner. The source of wisdom is hidden from the querent.

The map in the layout shows that fantasy prevails over common sense. The Queen of Cups means a new level of understanding of the situation.

Emotions play a big role, especially if the question is about personal relationships. The questioner is a loving person with a pleasant character and a good reputation, whose opinion and experience are valued, and whose decisions are trusted. Sometimes the querent, immersed in dreams, does not notice the real state of affairs.

The Queen of Cups advises to look into the soul more often, to look for answers in the subconscious and intuition. Pay special attention.

The meaning of the Queen of Tarot Cups upside down different from the usual. The card speaks of self-deception, life in an illusory world and a tendency to often wishful thinking. The meaning of the Lady of the Tarot Cups in an inverted position: ferocity, willfulness, a tendency to exaggerate the assessment of events. If you ask the querent for help, the person will notice imbalance and irritability.

Inverted The Queen of Cups speaks of contempt for traditions and laws, the misapplication of knowledge and the mind of the questioner. Sometimes predicts the manipulation of emotions, playing on feelings, betrayal, gossip, public condemnation. The news will be bad.

The querent will be left alone with the problems. The reason for the troubles is the revenge of a woman who was offended in the past. The lady secretly interferes with all her might, ruining plans. The inverted card reminds the fortuneteller that difficulties should not change the character and opinion about important phenomena.

What personalities does the Queen of Tarot Cups represent?

The meaning of the Queen of Tarot Cups is a woman whose expectations and perceptions meet expectations. The person feels the harmony between the components of the world, the fullness of being, confidence in success. A woman is happy, loved, has the gift of foreshadowing events, often the right in beliefs. The lady is always ready to help and listen. Blonde.

Queens in Tarot rarely reflect situations and emotions of a fortuneteller, more often than people. Often, the Queen of Cups represents the mother of the questioner or guardian in fortune-telling: a mature woman, not a girl. Sometimes this is a man with female character traits (love for children and nature, etc.).

Inverted The Queen of Cups is a woman in anger, betrayed or offended by the past: deceived lover, ex-wife, rejected in favor of another girl. The lady spreads gossip, but it is unlikely that revenge is limited only to empty talk.

Inverted the card indicates communication with a woman embittered by difficult events in life. This is not revenge - it's about the difficult nature of the rival. The lady feels outlawed, the woman is condemned in the team: there will be no open enmity. The opinion of others and belonging to an elite club are important for the woman who symbolizes the lasso.

Queen of Cups Tarot - value in the layouts for work and business

The meaning of the Queen of Cups Tarot card is staying at rest. The querent waits, not forgetting to listen to the voice of reason and to keep the events under control in order to feel the further path for the development of himself as a professional.

The Queen of Cups indicates a talent for imaginative thinking. It's time to make it part of the profession. Sometimes a creative hobby becomes a source of income. The querent is waiting for a career as a writer, artist, singer, actor, radio host or musician.

Sometimes this is a harbinger of a career as an esoteric or clairvoyant. Perhaps the gift is developed to a level that allows you to help people. If the questioner is confident in his own abilities, they begin to provide magical services.

Queen of Tarot Cups - meaning in relationships

The meaning of the Queen of Cups relationship in the relationship is the intimacy with the aroma of mystery and bright sensuality, the possibility of the existence of a connection fascinates the questioner. The card denotes trust between partners, attentiveness to the needs of another.

The Queen of Cups Tarot card predicts that a pleasant period awaits in a relationship: rapprochement, increased trust in a partner, mutual feelings.

If a lonely person wonders how the state of affairs on the personal front will change, the future will not show the Queen of Cups alone. The meaning of the lasso reflects dreams, desires and expectations from a partner whom the querent would like to meet.

Lady of Tarot Cups - meaning at the level of consciousness

The Queen of Cups of the Tarot reminds that insight comes from the depths of the subconscious. For inspiration, they turn to the depths of the source. The querent should remain discerning so that unrealizable desires and unrealizable ideas are not overpowered.

The map hints that the human mind is tuned to perceive the images that the subconscious sends. Desires, premonitions of different nature, fears, dreams appear in the soul. Images will become sources of inspiration for creative activities. Even if creativity remains a hobby, it still promises a lot of benefits.

The Lady of Cups shows that the fortuneteller is close to restoring the overall integrity of the shadow part of the soul.

Queen of Cups and Tarot combinations

Knowing the interpretations of card combinations allows you to get clear predictions. The Queen of Cups reminds of strong intuition and clairvoyant abilities. The combination with shows an alliance with a practicing magician who studies esotericism or psychology.

The combination of the Queen of Cups with speaks of a pregnant state. This is not a pregnancy: a fortune-telling child, a project or an idea is carrying. If the card falls out next to the lasso Emperor, the prediction concerns the creation of a family.


Queen of Cups combined with other tarot cards

With the "Jester" card - to be upset because of the child.
With the "Magician" card - play on the feelings of others.
With the card "High Priestess" - tarologist, psychologist, esotericist.
With the "Empress" card - to be "pregnant" with a project, a child.
With the card "Emperor" - create a family.
With the card "Hierophant" - to be cleansed.
With the card "Lovers" - to give love.
With the "Chariot" card - confusion in feelings.
With the "Strength" card - draw strength from feelings.
With the "Hermit" card - hide feelings in yourself.
With the "Wheel of Fortune" card - renew your senses.
With the "Justice" card - seek the truth.
With the Hanged Man card - to be betrayed.
With the card "Death" - to be sad.
With the card "Moderation" - come to your senses.
With the "Devil" card - be seduced and lose yourself.
With the "Tower" card - broken feelings.
With the "Star" card - revival.
With the "Moon" card - be deceived.
With the "Sun" card - creative flowering; conception.
With the "Judgment" card - to reflect.
With the card "Peace" - heal; come to terms with your feelings.

With the card "Ace of Wands" - falling in love; excitement.
With the card "Two of Wands" - conflicting feelings.
With the card "Three of Wands" - an emotional uplift.
With the card "Four of Wands" - emotional pleasure.
With the "Five of Wands" card - lack of emotional closeness; misunderstanding.
With the card "Six of Wands" - honor; respect; love adventure.
With the card "Seven of Wands" - a conflict in matters of the heart.
With the card "Eight of Wands" - a heartfelt message; confession.
With the Nine of Wands card - disappointment.
With the "Ten of Wands" card - trampled feelings.
With the card "Page of Wands" - quivering feelings.
With the "Knight of Wands" card - emotional intensity; overwhelmed feelings; incontinence.
With the Queen of Wands card - optimism and faith in love.
With the King of Wands card - good luck in love; pair formation.

According to other sources:
V. Sklyarova "The Great Book of Combinations".

Lady of Cups (bowls) in an upright position with the Major Arcana

Magician pr and lane - A woman too spoiled by male attention
Priestess - Abused Virtue
Empress - Pregnant Woman
Emperor - Spiritualized personality, joy of communication
Priest - Good friend (it does not depend on gender)
Lovers - Opening the "third" eye, the need for support
Chariot - Success in journalism, music
Justice - The Fortifying Power of Healing, Professional Achievement
Hermit pr and lane - Enjoy the arts, beautiful
Wheel of Fortune - The need for intimacy, sympathy, tenderness
Strength - Jealous mistress
The Hanged Man - Using the Wife for Low Purposes
Death is the kindness that no one needs
Moderation - Lady in office, chief accountant or economist
Devil - Temptations
Tower - Circe that turned men into pigs
Star - Award, quite honorable ("Teffi" level)
Moon - Love for a mature lady
Sun - Help that will come immediately. Help and very fast
Judgment - Imaginative Thinking
Peace - Feeling for a mature partner
Jester - Loss of memory, amnesia, forgetfulness

Lady of Cups (bowls) in an upright position with Minor lasso

2 Cups - Fast love for a man; possibly later marriage
Ace of Cups - Meeting your loved one at a party
Ace of Swords - Early trouble, sorrow, grief.

Description of the Queen of Cups tarot card

The Queen of Cups Tarot card is illustrated by the image of a friendly and attractive middle-aged woman seated on a throne. She is richly dressed with a crown on her head. In her hands, a woman holds a cup, which is closed with a spherical lid. She looks at the goblet, as if examining something inside it. The Queen's face is lit up with a kind smile.

The general meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card Queen of Cups in fortune telling and layouts

Direct card position

The Queen of Cups, appearing in fortune-telling or layouts in an upright position, is a symbol of safety and security. She says that there are no hidden traps or unexpected enemies around the fortuneteller, the person is among people who can be trusted. However, you should be extremely careful about what is happening around, paying attention to even minor details and acting, fully relying on your intuition - only then you can count on success. However, do not expect too significant results. What you eventually achieve will bring you a lot of joy and pleasure, but for more serious success you will have to work extra. Arcanum can also indicate help from friends or relatives.

Inverted card position

In an inverted position, the Queen of Cups card loses its attractiveness and speaks of frivolity, inconsistency, laziness, stupidity. There is a high probability that the decisions made will lead to a dead end or lead to fatal results, since they were based on excessive emotionality or were poorly thought out. The situation can turn into shame and deception for the fortuneteller. You will need to make every effort to get out of it with honor.

The meaning and interpretation of the Queen of Cups card in fortune telling and layouts for work, business and career

Direct card position

The direct card of the Lady of Cups means a period of rest, waiting, when a person listens to himself in order to grasp the further direction of professional development. Arkan also means the impossibility to see only material gain in work, as well as the inadmissibility of fuss and haste in the performance of one's work duties. Sometimes the map indicates a period of stagnation and unclear development prospects, minor losses.

Inverted card position

The Inverted Lady of Cups reports a lack of career prospects or ostentatious intelligence and overestimated self-esteem. It may indicate intolerance of the mistakes of others, the ability not to reckon with others or the law for the sake of their own mercantile interests.

The meaning and interpretation of the Queen of Cups card in layouts and fortune-telling on health

Direct card position

A tendency to edema, puffiness, excess weight, sluggish chronic diseases. The transition of an acute illness into a chronic form.

Inverted card position

Possible drug poisoning, substance abuse, suspiciousness, mental disorders and disorders, mood swings.

The meaning and interpretation of the Queen of Cups card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

In fortune-telling and layouts for love and relationships, the card of the court of the Queen of Cups in a direct position indicates that partners in the union are guided by the heart, and not by benefit or common sense, love is the main priority that determines the essence of their relationship. Sometimes Arkan indicates the need for a romantic relationship, a period of waiting for a new acquaintance.

Inverted card position

The inverted Queen of Cups in divination for love and relationships is the most insidious tarot card. She points not only to the fact that in the existing union a person feels lonely and not needed by anyone, but also to manipulation, cunning and vindictiveness, gossip and slander. Often Arkan points to an angry, angry woman who is capable of any decisions and actions due to the fact that she was neglected, or rejected or deceived. In a fit of rage, she can commit an act that will cause a fortuneteller or his entourage a lot of trouble.

The meaning and interpretation of the Queen of Cups card in layouts and fortune-telling for personality assessment

Direct card position

The card, as a rule, indicates a woman, not a young blonde (40–45 years old and older), who was most likely born under the Zodiac Sign Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer, and certainly endowed with numerous talents. She has a developed intuition, artistic, sensitive to shades of emotions and feelings, vulnerable and sensitive. This woman is practical, very direct in her statements; at the same time, she is all filled with spirituality, which manifests itself most of all in the spiritual relationships with which she is usually absorbed. The Lady of Cups often has the gift of foresight, and it makes sense to listen to her advice.

Inverted card position

Here, in the characterization of a person, the tendency to exaggeration and willfulness, imbalance and a rather high probability of unreliability and disruption of plans come to the fore. A person is capable of disregarding the law, breaking a given promise or word. His character may show a tendency to sarcasm, insincerity, unwillingness to sympathize. The inverted Queen of Cups may indicate an insidious person who will try to lure the fortuneteller into the network of his insidious intrigues. This person is deeply dishonest inwardly, capable of dishonesty, vile methods and techniques, blackmail. You cannot trust him with your experiences, thoughts and plans - your revelations will very soon be turned against you.

The meaning and interpretation of the Queen of Cups card as a card of the day

Today, you are especially clearly aware of the spiritual aspirations and needs of those around you. However, it is possible that you may suffer because of other people's negative emotions. And yet, go to meet people: intuition will save you from severe mental wounds. Be especially attentive to dreams and signs of destiny. It is also possible that you will meet today with a subtle, deeply understanding woman, with the help of whom you will be able to reveal many secrets and mysteries of life.

Board of the Queen of Cups card in fortune telling and spreads

In order not to get hurt, listen to your intuition, which is almost always able to determine what kind of person is in front of you and what are his true intentions and goals.