Boris monosov. Boris Monosov The Big Book of Practical Magic

MONOSOV Boris Moiseevich



Moiseevich Monosov is the author of popular books on parapsychology and magic. For more than 10 years he has been teaching at the St. Petersburg author's school "Atlantis". His wide area of ​​interest includes issues of bioenergy, psychology and psychotronics. In addition, Boris Moiseevich is a professional cyberneticist. He has developed and produced several bioenergy devices and has a copyright certificate for his developments.

The system developed and presented by Boris Moiseevich in his books is based on such a respectable source as the ancient Egyptian sacred Book of Thoth. And the roots of this knowledge go back to the secrets of the legendary Atlantis.

The technique of BM Monosov is based on the technique of working with Fireball - energy gymnastics and the practice of working with Tarot cards to use the energy of different planes of the Universe.

The system of exercises "Fireball" is primarily associated with the acquisition of magical consciousness. It appeared at a time when the magicians of the sunken Atlantis were building new cities and restoring lost knowledge. To create new sorcerers, they developed a methodology for connecting human consciousness with the consciousness of the planet. The tuning system was laid out in the Book of Thoth. And the priests Ancient egypt with the help of symbols, they encoded this knowledge and placed it in a deck of Tarot cards. The knowledge inherent in the Tarot served as the basis for the development of such directions of philosophical thought as Kabbalism, astrology and numerology.

B.M. Monosov talks about using the Great Arcana of the Tarot not for fortune telling, as most occultists practice, but for practical magic. A prerequisite to work in "Fireball-2", "Fireball-3" and "Fireball-4" it is necessary to have a correctly made Tarot deck.

Majority modern maps Tarot is just pretty pictures, and from many existing options it is necessary to select the created correctly.

The book "Fireball-1" presented exercises for working with your own energy. These practices are necessary to increase energy potential.

The book "Fireball-2" deals with the use of the energies of the Great Arcana Tarot associated with the physical world. Mastering this level of work will allow the practitioner to interact with any objects within the radius of his personal power and protect himself from negative energies... In this book, the author acquaints readers with the Major Arcana and the energies that they allow to conduct.

"Fireball-3" continues the course of familiarization with the Great Arcana and opens up the opportunity for practitioners to enter the astral world. Acquaintance with the astral world begins with the lower astral. The practices described in the book will allow readers not only to get acquainted with astral plane but also to contact with his essences, as well as to work with the energies that they conduct.


In "Fireball-3" the work with the Major Arcana of the Tarot continues and the readers' acquaintance with the astral plane begins. But before embarking on new discoveries, let us briefly repeat what we had to work out in the previous cycle - "Fireball-2".

"Fireball-2" was dedicated to mastering the technique of working with energies physical world... In addition, readers have learned a lot about the three major religions and learned to recognize the energies on which they are based. The principle of recording these energies on talismans was determined. Accordingly, within the framework of Fireball-2, practitioners learned to use these energies - the energies of the physical world.

Mastering the Tarot cards found out that there are two energy circles - direct and reverse, the difference between which is that the reverse circle is energy for oneself, and the direct one is for others. In addition, you already know that each arcanum of the Tarot has its own sidhi, or higher abilities, associated with the full conduction of the energies of this arcana. That is, a person who conducts the energy of the arcana completely and completely tuned in to it becomes Siddharta. I also talked about what qualities each lasso gives.

In the "Fireball-3" cycle, we will deal with getting rid of the attachments to these arcana. In addition, "Fireball-3" will continue to acquaint the reader, but in more detail with the Major Arcana of the Tarot.

Now we will be interested in new spaces - the levels of the lower astral. We will learn how to navigate their landscapes and contact with the entities located there.

The main task of the book "Fireball-3" is to teach readers the basics of working with the astral world.

It is very important to develop sufficient skills in order to go out into the astral plane and return, without losing anything valuable from your personality and getting rid of what prevents the development of new abilities and mastering them.

In essence, "Fireball-3: Acquaintance with the Astral World" is a work associated with the conduction of the energies of the Great Arcana at the level of the lower astral. By the concept of "astral" magicians mean the world of images and spirits, and we will also adhere to this terminology.

Probably, readers are more familiar with the concept of "astral", but in this book we will adhere to the terminology adopted in the school of magic "Atlantis", and use the designation "astral".

When working with "Fireball-3" it should be borne in mind that the book does not set itself the task of opening your vision (clairvoyance, "third eye"). In its concept and structure, it is more focused on people who have any ability to do this. (Take a short test. Close your eyes. What do you see? If something is three-dimensional, moving and colored - perhaps you meditatively plunged into the astral world, that is, saw it with your inner vision. If these are reflections of your thoughts, motionless structures, or maybe , something gray or black means that you see your closed visual channel (“third eye”). astral world it is very important to have a vision, and it will be difficult for those who have not yet mastered this quality.

Unlike the physical world, the astral world has completely different properties and parameters and contains a special type of matter, traditionally called an elemental. Therefore, it is possible to navigate there, using only the sensations of the body, but it is inconvenient.

A person's consciousness creates imprints on this matter (elemental) - thought forms, or essences. Thought forms are created from the energy that we put into our thoughts. The time during which these entities can live in the astral world depends on the amount of energy put into them during creation.

Material from Atlantis School of Magic Encyclopedia

Overcoming the Abyss - About reaching the 2nd level of Magic - 2012

A little about the acquisition of Immortality.

Fixing the Assemblage Point on Anahat - About the transition to the 1st level of Magic - 2010

Practical advice for beginners to study at the Atlantis School of Magic, on how to move to the 1st level of Magic.

Sephirothic Magic Training System - 2003

Sephirothic magic is based on the idea that the human mind is included in planetary consciousness.

Magic Training in the Atlantis School System - 9.05.2002

An article by Boris Monosov about the education system at the Atlantis School.

Competition in Magic Schools - 9.05.2002

An article by Boris Monosov, which tells about the ethics of relationships in the Schools of Magic.

Brief impressions of the trip to Israel - 23.09.2001

The main goals of the trip were achieved: meeting with relatives, meeting with Israeli esotericists, inspecting the condition of some artifacts located in Israel, receiving some help from the Masters in this territory.

Passerby - 29.05.2001

An article about a different "near - magical" audience.

Development prospects, an essay on magic - 14.03.2001

There are many predictions further development civilization. As a rule, most of these predictions are not based on anything and, of course, do not come true ...

Magic and technology of the seventh millennium - 14.03.2001

The great technology of the Atlanteans ...

Market for magic services - 11.03.2001

The Market for Magic Services has ancient history and great prospects. Turning to the Magicians for help, people meet with a miracle, and this miracle transforms their lives: they begin to rapidly evolve ...

On the issue of human cloning in the Third Reich - 11.03.2001

In a very interesting correspondence entitled "Homunculus" (confession of Dr. Brenner-3), journalist A. Kotov describes the attempts of scientists of the Third Reich to clone humans ...

Spells, prayers, conspiracies - 09.03.2001

In Magic, there are several types of procedures, such as, for example, "spell", "prayer" and "conspiracy", which are similar in appearance, but differ greatly from each other in the mechanism of action. In numerous publications on Magic, these differences are often omitted.

The beginnings of magical science - 09.03.2001

An introduction to talking about Magic. An introduction to the physical model underlying ritual Magic. N-dimensional space.

Magical healing and karma - 09.03.2001

Flowers with neutral stripes - 09.03.2001

The World of Magic has always attracted people, instilling in them vague hopes and vague fears. Many went in search of a mysterious and enigmatic force, and few returned. Some perished on the dangerous paths of the knowledge of truth, others reached the heights of knowledge and remained there, and some, horrified by the phenomena they encountered on the way, rushed back to seek refuge in religion ...

Astral Wars - 09.03.2001

IN recent times numerous near-esoteric publications intimidate the general public with all sorts of nightmares, and healers, sorcerers and shamans promise to save them from certain death, which carries damage and the evil eye ...

Secrets of the World of Mages - 09.03.2001

The civilization of Mages exists in parallel with the civilization of people. However, the civilization of the Mages is much older. Long before the death of Atlantis, the Mages discovered the possibility of traveling to parallel worlds. A feature of such travels is that the Magician is practically immortal in an alien world ...

Sociology through the Eyes of Magicians - 09.03.2001

Humanity presents for itself the secret of secrets. No one can really say why this or that process suddenly began. Wars and epidemics, demographic explosions and revolutions always take humanity by surprise. Magic, being the body of knowledge of science, is more high level, not only describes the reasons social phenomena, but also allows you to predict such phenomena with a high probability ...

Technomagic - 05.03.2001

In this article, Boris describes what he specifically does, as well as how the Atlantean technologies are arranged that affect internal development.

Magic as a social factor - 20.02.2001

Some explanations about the relationship of magic to social factors. And also what can Mr. Boris Monosov at his level.

Exclusive Interview with the Master for - 2001

Interviewed by Maxim Parfenov

Tutorial 3 - 2001

Tutorial 2 - 2001

Continuing the topic of training, I want to note that there are countless techniques that teach Magic of the 1st level.

We start training - 2001

The main problem in teaching Magic is the presence of stereotypes of the teaching process created by "external" schools.

On the goals and methods of teaching Magic - 06.10.2000

I do not really imagine the methods of distance learning Magic, a discipline that requires personal contact with the teacher. Therefore, I will acquaint you with the program and methods of my school, after which we will think together ...

The practice of managing human health in Magic - 19.09.2000

In this article I tried to show the features of Magic in terms of managing the state of Biological objects. From here, the difference in approach between medicine and Magic is absolutely obvious. In this regard, in my opinion, science and Magic may not be at enmity, but coexist, complementing each other, as has been happening for millennia.

Summer Conferences Report - 24.08.2000

Per summer period 3 seminars took place. As far as I understood, there was still some benefit from them, although everyone seemed to like it ...

- 03.08.2000

One of the questions that arise before those who do not sweep away everything incomprehensible to him without looking, but try to at least figure out what in question is a search for information. In particular, the search for the "right" books. In this article, a person who is a practicing magician talks about what is worth reading and where these or those books come from ...

Talking about practices - 06.07.2000

As mentioned above, by Magic we mean the direct effect of consciousness on the world... There are three types of Magic, in which this effect is organized in different ways.

Seminar "Golden 2000" from 1 to 12 August - 18.06.2000

The technique of teaching Magic and healing according to the programs of the Atlantis School of Magic and the Order of the Lords of the Golden Cloud. Seminar for specialists and potential leaders in this area. (3 two-hour lessons daily).

A Few Personal Considerations About Magic - 17.06.2000

I was once again thrust into the race for new technologies by pushing my favorite horse, the "hyperspace tunnel." Currently, I am following this direction, conducting research into the possibility of implementing the "hyperspace channel" technology with the use of an improvised element base ...

Answers to the questions asked - 04.06.2000

Actually, I wanted to devote another publication to the physical model of the world of Mages, but quite a few letters came, to which there is not enough time to answer individually. After a while, we will make a teleconference there, or some other Means for public conversations, but for now I want to give some overview of the letters that have come.

Magicians at noon, late afternoon - 28.05.2000

This article continues the series of publications on Magic begun on the Internet and is intended to familiarize interested persons with some events, as well as with the immediate plans of the author. The article mentions the events partially described by the author in his books "A Furious Ride on a Pale Horse, or This Side of Magic", "Phantasmagoria, or the Inside Out", "Entering Rapan" and "The Universal Sorcerer." These books, except for "Rapana "were included in the collection" Combat Magic "released in 1999 in Minsk, publishing house" Harvest ".

Small additions to the above, or the Magician who came from the "cold" - 06.05.2000

So, who is this Magician Boris Monosov? Obviously not Merlin, not Paracelsus or Agrippa. If he claims that he has lived for a long time (and he claims that he has lived 65 thousand years), then why is nothing known about him? Or was he hiding all this time, and now decided to get out of the underground? And then, Magic is a secret science, why is it written about it openly here?

Physical model of the world of Mages - Part 2 - 22.05.2000

Continuation of the conversation started in the article Physical model of the world of Magicians.

Physical model of the world of Mages - Part 1 - 28.04.2000

Continuing the series of publications on this site, I bring to your attention the basic cosmogonic concept of Magic in my presentation.

Principles of the Esoteric Approach to Literature - 28.03.2000

Is there any truth in fantasy? And who writes the truth in our time?

On the question of the possibility of studying Magic - 10.01.2000

Magic is an interesting thing, especially if you take it with an open mind. Where can I get tutorials and do they exist at all?

Alarming symptom of beer - 25.08.1999

“Production and consumption of beer in Russia is increasing ...” from the Radio Liberty program in Russian.

“The Nazis started their movement at beer tournaments ...” a line from a film on the theme of World War II

Magicians about Magic - 22.08.1999

What associations do a "normal" person have with the word "magic"? Fairy tales, fantasy, charlatans ... But sometimes, looking at the huge number of esoteric books sold in any bookstore, a seditious thought creeps in: "Well, humanity cannot spend so much time and energy arguing about something that does not exist." ...

Magic as it is - 1998

The relationship of magic to religion, And more about magic itself.

His areas of interest include bioenergy, psychology and psychotronics. In addition, Boris Moiseevich is also a professional cyberneticist. He has developed and released several bioenergy devices, has copyright certificates for his developments.

The author of popular books on magic: "Magic for magicians", "The art of being a magician", "A frantic ride on a pale horse or this side of magic", "Astral wars", "Universal sorcerer", "Entering Rapan", " Left hand light ", etc.

Books (6)

A large book of magical power. Development of intuition and clairvoyance

Clairvoyance is the ability to see what is inaccessible to the perception of an ordinary person, to penetrate into the past and the future, to read people's thoughts, to see the true background of events in the present. Many people would like to have this gift, but it seems to them that it is available only to a select few.

The magician, the creator of a unique method of working with energy, Boris Monosov, believes that everyone has such an ability, we just do not know how to use it. Eleven sections of the book are devoted to the practice of consistent preparation for opening the ability to see, opening the "third eye", the ability to "read" auras, attunement to prophetic dreams.

These exercises will help you hone your intuition, discover the secrets of the subconscious, go to new level thinking.

Reader Comments

ru/ 10.08.2018 >> lex / 31.12.2017
>> Alexey, what are your results? Would you like to demonstrate and >> receive the Harry Houdini Million Rubles Award?
I’ll be responsible for Alexey, I don’t want to and I don’t take money from anyone (this has already FAILED your aggressive attacks), and I demonstrate my abilities not to everyone, because all people with different levels will and intentions, you, here, with the intention to refute and it suppresses the abilities of the demonstrator, therefore, I am not going to dissuade you in your beliefs. Also, the goals form the purity of influence, the more materialistic a person's goal, the less chances he has that he will have some paranormal abilities. I, for example, have the ability of low susceptibility to cold (well, and so some to a lesser extent, but still manifested sometimes) and I, where I live, last winter local residents were shocked to see that I was wearing spring-autumn clothes when they dressed in winter clothes.))) Still, everything can be proved or disproved, but not everyone is really capable of comprehending and mastering ... I wrote everything that considered it necessary.

Zhigan/ 24.05.2018 6 years ago I read Monosov, did not understand anything, 4 years ago I accidentally stumbled upon it again, read it more carefully, it began to reach, after that I re-read a ton of spiritual literature and again returned to Monosov

Elena/ 6.01.2018 Before I buy or even download a book, I would like to read at least a couple of pages from it. Then it will be clear to me - this is what I am looking for or does not suit me.

lex/ 31.12.2017 Alexey, what are your results there? Would you like to demonstrate and receive the Harry Houdini Million Rubles Award? Just keep in mind that cognitive biases are not a testable experiment.

lex/ 31.12.2017 These books are simple fiction for immature minds, I say this not only as a reader, but also knowing this kitchen from the inside. The so-called "magic" is such a scam, like the Russian Orthodox Church. All magicians and divine intermediaries have one common feature- all as one take money, but they are not able to demonstrate their strength, they are strong only in words. Advice to readers - develop critical thinking and get to the bottom of the truth, the only way you can resist this obscurantism. And I do not even discourage reading these books or attending their classes - truly interested people can find out all this in practice - you will spend time and money, but then there will be a choice: after understanding this scam from the inside, you will either become an honest and thinking person, or decide organize your own circle of magic and cut money from other horses.

Alexei/ 07/14/2017 The Atlantis website has books that are available for free. The rest are protected by magic from freebies. Choose for yourself - buy and read, or download for free and then brush aside the problems (if you have enough strength and health). He studied in one of the departments of the school, there are results. Therefore, I do not frighten, but warn. I have not faith, but knowledge.

Dmitriy/ 08/10/2016 did not read books. partially watched the video lectures. question - what kind of razvodilovo? solid absurdity.

guest/ 4.07.2016 good afternoon, I can't find the book The Art of Being a Magician (B.M. Monosov) - ed. "Atlantis"
Tell me where you can buy, download, read, etc.?

guest/ 23.12.2015 in my opinion lazarev and obscene have one teacher and take his bread

Special officer/ 19.12.2015 I completely agree with Yarovita.

Tamerlane/ 11/28/2015 He believes that books should be in the form of purchase and fries.
Free - it is impossible to buy a book due to a shortage.

Yarovita/ 15.08.2015 Just buy books from the author, I believe that the knowledge given by the author on the pages of his books is priceless, and therefore it is necessary not only to take information from the author - the fruit of his labors, but also to give him something in return, the simplest - buy his books. Inexpensive and exchange is not broken.

guest/ 03/15/2015 Agree with Passer-by) more books!!!

Passerby/ 08/06/2014 Please post more of his books who have!

Monosov B.M. - about the author

His wide area of ​​interest includes issues of bioenergy, psychology and psychotronics. In addition, Boris Moiseevich is a professional cyberneticist. He has developed and produced several bioenergy devices and has a copyright certificate for his developments.

The system developed and presented by Boris Moiseevich in his books is based on such a respectable source as the ancient Egyptian sacred Book of Thoth. And the roots of this knowledge go back to the secrets of the legendary Atlantis. The author adapts ancient knowledge for modern people and reveals secrets previously known only to a few initiates, for a wide range of those interested in magic.

The technique of B.M.Monosov is based on the technique of working with Fireball- energy gymnastics and the practice of working with Tarot cards to use the energy of different planes of the Universe.

Monosov B.M. - books for free:

Before you is a training course on one of the interesting areas of Magic Science - the Magic of Gestures ... Magic of Gestures is interesting in that it does not require the work of consciousness for its use. Its technology is the performance of certain actions by the physical body ...,

Unlike the stage of development of consciousness in Magic, which is called "healers", here we are dealing with a specialization or specialty. These Magicians go through their evolution, doing Healing as a practice. Mages-Healers have their own specifics ...

Each of the channels forms a certain law of nature, or the Active Force, which in some way changes in time, forming the personality of the Channel. That is, tracking the change in the amplitude of the Channel signal, one can assume that you are dealing with a certain ...

This book is devoted to the idea of ​​the vertical (accelerated) evolution of personality consciousness. The ancient Chinese called this evolution the "left-hand path", in contrast to the generally accepted path preached by religions, which constituted in this tradition the "path ...

The author of this book is a Magician. The author belongs to the tradition of the Magicians of Atlantis. Being and realizing himself as another incarnation of the ancient Magician, the author sets out a system of knowledge with which he has been working for thousands of years. This knowledge system is not ...

Practical Magic - working with the Minor Arcana - working with the Elements. And there are four of them. To be very precise, six. It is quite reasonable that some of the Elements will work out for you, and some - on the contrary. No need to strive to achieve success in ...

The fifth book of the "Fireball" cycle presents to the readers the methods of working with the energies of the mental level. For centuries, this knowledge has been an important component of the most secret magic rituals... They are now laid out in the form of exercises available ...

The book "Fireball 7: Healing" is designed primarily for students of the Atlantis school of magic who have mastered the previous six Fireball cycles and is an additional study guide to study the course "Fireball 7". No practice ...