If you dream dead man. Dewding Dear: Interpretation by Dream Wang

For popular beliefs it is believed that the dead will be sent by alive to changes in weather conditions. However, not all popular dream books confirm this information. The living dead man is not in dreams just like this: the deceased warns a person about something or foreshadows life changes.

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To understand and correctly decipher the meaning of the seen, it is necessary to recall the night dream and emotions in detail, which caused a deceased man. If joy - a good event comes, a pleasant pastime. If the sleeping man experienced disgust or fear - he will have to overcome many life obstacles to get the desired. The actions of the deceased in relation to the dream are important. Beaching means that a person does wrong something, can cause a strong pain of loved ones with his actions. Praise foreshadows the successful outcome of an important event and a worthy assessment of the terrible work of the dream.

    The meaning of the deceased in dreams in different dreams

    Interpretation of dreams about dead popular dreams:

  1. 1. Russian dream book. The deceased person dreams due to internal experiences, feelings of loss, deep longing and regret. To see the deceased alive is to feel the subconscious feeling of guilt for the deed, repent of your actions in front of a person who dreamed.
  2. 2. Esopov dream book. Most often, the dead will take off to a sharp change in weather conditions and various natural cataclysms.
  3. 3. Chinese predictor. If the deceased bitterly crying - a grand scale scandal will occur in the dream family, a series of unpleasant incidents. The dead man just stands - a bad sign that foreshadows the tragedy. It rises from the coffin - an important news, a letter with good news. It comes to life, and then suddenly turns into ashes - the dream is awaiting financial stability, it will receive a permanent source of income. See close familiar living - to a great luck. If there were ancestors in a dream - great happiness comes.
  4. 4. Modern interpreter. Come on the dead foreshadowed in a dream, long and happy years of life.
  5. 5. Dream Loffa. If the deceased manifests aggression and anger to the dream, it means that his man offended him with something. Hugging and kissing the revived dead man means that the memory of the dead will forever continue in the heart of a sleeping person, he bitterly regrets the loss and cannot accept the vitality of injustice.
  6. 6. Interpreter Smirnova. Having dreamed of living dead marks mental peace, inner harmony, change in the life of a dream, cooling. To take any thing in the dead - a very bad sign, which is an endless sorrow, a sharp deterioration in the state of health, moral devastation. If the deceased calls with him, it foreshadows the death of a sleeping person.
  7. 7. Small Velees Dream. If a deceased father dreamed alive, then a relative asks for him to be remembered. If he warns about something - it needs to be sure to listen and analyze the words of the deceased parent, as they can protect the dream from a terrible tragedy. Having dreamed of a lively departed mother - a sign that a person can hardly get sick in his own fault. By chance to meet in the dream of the late familiar Male - an omnant of great luck and good luck. The opposite sex representative is the foresology of Fiasco, serious defeat, major financial problems, ruin, wrecked hope. Huggy in a dream of the deceased brother - to male, decay forces. Friendly kiss with a dead friend means that the dream will live a long and rich life with positive emotions. Giving a valuable thing in a dream or make a gift to the Dead promises cash losses and deep disappointment. If the sleeping person sees that the deceased comes to life during the funeral - the trouble will come soon. To conduct friendly conversations or communicate with the departed for neutral themes - Soon, surprising events will begin to take place, he will receive a long-awaited news from a loved one. Congratulates in a dream of his dead grandmothers and grandfathers means that a significant event will soon have, joyful pastime. The dead man clies - the sign that a person will die soon, especially if the sleeping goes after the dead man.
  8. 8. Freud's predictor. A similar dream means caution, unfulfilled obligations, debts from the past. You need to pay close attention to the words of the deceased, they can be things.
  9. 9. Wang's interpreter. Sleep is promoting a large-scale disaster, a natural disaster. If the dreams sees the live deceased, which is seriously suffering - sleeping will be faced with monstrous injustice. The deceased comrade is dreaming - serious changes are coming in all spheres of vital activity. To see in a dream, how the rusty deadman dies again, means performing the same mistakes and not learn on them.
  10. 10. Dream of flowers. Such a night vision marks climatic changes. The dead leaves the coffin - uninvited guests get to the dream. If the dead man appeared in front of a sleeping person in a classic black suit, then someone from the nearest friends or relatives of the dream will soon die. Parents who have long died come in night Gresses to notify any important incident or to protect out the commitment of fatal errors.
  11. 11. Hasse predictor. Dream foreshadows longevity, lack of health problems, strong immunity.
  12. 12. Interpreter Longo. Having dreamed of alive, the deceased promises family disorders, the emergence of conflict situations in personal relationships. Make a magical ritual over the dead man, after which he comes to life means that the problem that the dream seemed permitted, will again deliver a lot of trouble. If the living dead man is scattered in the dust in front of the dream, then the person is inclined to exaggeration and perceives everything close to heart. A smiling deceased relative means someone else's intervention in the personal life of sleeping. The late mother, which appeared in a dream, foreshadows a difficult life period, due to a hopeless situation, a person will get sick on the nervous soil. Having dreamed of deceased dad - warning about problems in the financial sector and professional activity. Other deceased close relatives who warn about something in a dream - a sign of danger, one should not be treated so frivolously and go to an unjustified risk. To go away or run from the dead man means to evade their duties, avoid an unpleasant situation, run from accumulated problems.
  13. 13. Dream Nostradamus. Hugging a living dead man in a dream means to overcome his inner fears, get rid of phobia. If the dead man is completely naked, then a person is good on that light, he is happy, it is not worth mourning his death.
  14. 14. Predicker of hope and Dmitry Winter. The living dead man in a dream is a reminder of the events and feelings that have long remained in the past. Attempts to get rid of the deceased in a dream mean that the load of the past events does not give a dream to sleep quietly, he feels remarks of conscience for a subsidiary who was committed in the distant past. To see calm and peaceful parents means that the events go their guy and affect them sleeping will not succeed. If they are called and mounted by hand - this is a sign of early death.
  15. 15. Interpreter Ivanova. Night vision means that luck will be accompanied by a dream in everything for whatever it takes.
  16. 16. Dream interpretation from A to Ya. In a dream, the dead dead man promises a dream sharp mood swings, outbreaks of aggression. If in a dream, the dead man kills himself, such a dream marks the treason of his beloved and deep depression.
  17. 17. Ukrainian dream book. To see the dead man in night Gresses - a bad omen. Sleeping person will have large troubles related to financial issues and love relationships. If the depleted in a dream argues that he is alive, then the dreams in the near future will receive an important news. If parents have dreamed of who are already alive, such a dream marks an unpleasant incident that will happen to households or domestic pets.

Our relatives and relatives that have already spread goodbye to earthly life can sometimes come to us in a dream, bringing with you warnings about the danger and predictions of the future. But in order to know exactly what the dead man dreams, it is not enough to consider the single interpretation of the dream book, it is important to analyze the dream in all details.

One of the most important components of a solid and reliable interpretation are the various actions that the dead committed, as well as the reaction of the dream for these actions. It is important that the dreams himself did, and his psycho-emotional state during a dream.

Conversations with mercy

The most frequent plot is any exchange of views with a person who has long died for a long time. At the same time, even the most innocent ducks, nothing significant conversation can carry the hidden meaning, which will only be understood by the dream. So, talking in a dream with the dead - an ambiguous symbol of a dream book, depending on the information load of the conversation.

In order to find out to accurately, what dreams of a conversation with the dead man in a dream, remember every word that the dead man said. In his speech, there may be a straight press on actions, he can simply ask you to do anything. Dream interpretation advises to obey the night guest, and then in life, striking changes will come.

Sometimes conversations with the deceased happen on the eve of an important event, and he can give you a message about how to do that everything goes "smoothly." Often, what dreams of talking to the dead man can be a response to the dream of a dream. For example, if a woman asked for a deceased relative about pregnancy, and everything came true, the deceased man could offer to call the baby with a certain name.

This peculiar "wish" must be performed, and then the baby will have a very strong guardian angel. If communicating with the dead man in a dream you did not catch any significant information, you can take a dream as the desire of the deceased to talk to you, his longing for you.

Call from the other world

Perhaps the worst foreman of the dream book is the interpretation of the plot in a dream, where the dead man called you. For all interproks, you are waiting for a serious illness, or any incident, as a result of which you will be on the verge of life and death.

The outcome of all future incidents will be determined by the fact that you went for the dead, or not. What dreams if the dead man calls to himself, promising you wealth and generous gifts? So in the reality, the thrust for material well-being will turn very bad for you. To avoid serious consequences, at least shorter time, lead a ascetic lifestyle.

A completely different dream interpretation interprets what the dead man is dreaming. If a black band has come in life, and you do not know how to get out of the difficult position, then this dream is only the game of the subconscious, which does not know where to wait for help.

What happens to reveal if in a dream you went to the call of the deceased?

If the deceased managed to embellish you, then this is a very bad symbol of a dream book that foreshadows death. However, in reality, you can fix everything if you correctly interpret the dream. If you happened to leave in a dream with the dead man on calls for help, then in reality you need to check all friends - one of them is capable of a fatal betrayal. What dreams to go with the dead man, if he promises you eternal life? Dream Interpretation advises to pay attention to his own health. It is a severe illness that may cause fatal consequences. Go to the doctor, check the entire body, a hidden threat is sleeping in you.

If a person went with the dead man in a dream, hoping to communicate with him, talk, then he should be feared to the noisy parties, as well as drunkenness. The threat can proceed from both aggressively tuned drunken people, and from the very dream, if he takes a fair dose of alcohol.

A completely different dream book treats what it dreams to leave the dead man. Such a plot does not foresee any disasters, perhaps you are waiting for disappointment from the impossibility of making a desired journey.

What dream of carrying the dead man? Dream Interpretation prevents that in the near future you will be honored to save a close person from serious danger. Do not deny anyone in help, if you can really help.

Omotion of deceased

The fair stake of dreams make up the plots with the preparation of a border to the funeral, and often they are not connected with the dead earlier by people, you can see the dead and living person now. Wash the dead man in a dream - a bad symbol, if someone is from your relatives. You will spend a huge amount for a disadvantageous company.

Bathing the deceased in a dream in a full soap foam bathroom - a good symbol if you are at the moment something is sick. The will of fate would you have the opportunity to escape from the grave ailment, so the dream book advises not to miss offering about non-traditional treatment if they meet you.

To wash the dead man in a dream from the bucket, or the circles - the sign of Togo, in the near future you lose some kind of important thing, and find it will not be easy. Forget about your scattering if you do not want to lose something needed by your own mistake.

Dream Interpretation foreshadows a long road if you had a man's bed to wash in a dream. The bad foresight is if you fail to wash your legs - the journey will be heavy and badly, and will not bring anything new and meaningful.

Help deceased

What dreams to wear the dead man in a dream is a bad forever of the dream. You will come across health problems, and the disease will be poorly treated, and will be the cause of big problems in business and family.

No less negative dream interpretation treats what it dreams to disguise the dead man in a dream. Disease disease due to treatment will be completely retreating, but due to the same treatment, you will acquire another ailment, perhaps even more unpleasant.

What dreams to help the dead man? Such a dream is a favorable dream symbol. Now you go along the path of great accomplishments, and thanks to your personal qualities - honesty and kindness, you can achieve unprecedented heights in the conceived.

To stroke the dead man in a dream - a symbol of a dream of a dream by relationship with the opposite sex. Even if you have a permanent partner, you definitely lack love and affection, you are in a state of lack of tactile sensations.

If you happened to touch the dead man in a dream, while overcoming disgust and fear, which means that you will have to make a deed, which will cleanse you from existing phobias.

Cut the dead

As for the plot, where you had to cut the dead in a dream, the interpretation of the dreams diverge. If you did not get cut smoothly, without sticking hair, then you can achieve well-being only at the cost of betrayal of a loved one.

If you happened in a dream to cut hair the dead, and at the same time the haircut was flat, smooth, then in real life you get rid of a serious illness, and he will never return again.

Strike nails in a dream The dead man is a good dream sign, but only if after trimming they are smooth and well-groomed. You will change the intake relationship for the better, you will have a chance to gain harmony and with the second half and with children.

When the deceased dies re

Survive the loss of loved ones is repeated - not the most pleasant feeling, even though it is just a dream. Dream interpretation can interpret from psychoanalysis if the dead man dies. You still experience a heavy loss, and the subconscious can take the fact that the deceased person is no longer next to you, and will never.

What dreams of the death of the dead man dreams, if in reality he has long died, and you finally got rid of serious doom and memories? Dream Interpretation advises to go to the grave for the deceased person, remember him, bring the gifts. Perhaps he no longer feels your former feelings on the world, and angry.

Kill the dead man in a dream - also a psychoanalytic sign. Dream Interpretation claims that you cannot cope with the feeling that your native man left you in the hardest moment, you are angry with it, which should not be done. In any case, death was destined, and you could not fix anything.

If the dead man in a dream is sick, and is on the verge of death, the dream book says that you will experience disappointment. Most likely, such grave feelings will be associated with the relationship with the second half.

Die quenching famous

If you have dreamed that the dead man eats in a dream, while paying attention to your presence, then in real life you will encounter a misunderstanding of loved ones, in connection with the wrong act.

What dreams, if the deadman sits at the table, and Kong, talking to you? Dream Interpretation prevents that due to the love of a dream to an easy profit, soon he will overtake serious troubles associated with disadvantage of livelihood.

If you happened to treat the dead man in a dream, and at the same time the food was tasty and fresh, then in reality you will achieve a cherished goal, but only with a good relationship with the right people. Friends will help you, so you should not quarrel with them.

Why dream of feeding the dead man in bad food? You break the old truth "do not spit into the well." The peep character and conflict will play a joke with you, and a person who could really help you, will be offended by you in the most decisive life moment.

To eat with the dead in a dream - a good symbol. You will be able to successfully complete the newly started case, and with the same success begin to the next, even more advantageous enterprise.

Positive and negative emotions of the dead man

Emotions reflected on the face of a deceased person are also an effective help in the rays of the upcoming events. Why dream if the dead is crying? On the one hand, it can be a symbol of a strong connection between you and the departed, and on the other, it may be the foresight of bitterness and disappointment in close.

Why dream if the dead smiles? Like the very feeling of joy on the face of the crowded, the future will be the same joyful. You will draw positive energy literally from all incidents, and this will help you achieve the desired goal.

If the dead man is angry in a dream, the dream book proposes to pay attention to the actions that you committed in the recent past. Most likely, you did this, violating all the moral norms, and such a plot foreshadows you an ambulance rules for the deed.


If you had to swear in a dream with the dead man, the dream book foreshadows the incandescent of the intrameal situation. Literally, there will be quarrels and scandals from nothing, and only your extract and mental equilibrium will help to stop them.

Other interpretation, quarrel in a dream with the dead man - a symbol of the misinterpretation of a dream action. Remember your recent actions, analyze their moral background. Such an interpretation of a special correct thing, if the next relative is the closest relative - parents, or brother and sister.

Dreaming, where you had to run away from the dead man in a dream symbolizes an alarming psychological state. The soul is not in place, because of the quarrels and swearing with the relatives, and the situation can fix your first step towards reconciliation.

Running the dead man in a dream is a good sign, but only if the dead is unfamiliar to you, that is, is not a really deceased person. Dream interpretation predicts that you will live long and happily before the most advanced years.

Fight with the dead man in a dream: what interpretations give dreams?

On the one hand, fight the dead man in a dream, inflicting mutual blows - a good sign. In solving a difficult life task, you will be able to show creativity and creativity, which will help to cope with difficulties as quickly as possible.

On the other hand, a fight with the dead man in a dream is an explicit prediction of a quarrel with a relatives. Moreover, if the deceased itself is your relative, then wait for problems from people who are close to your friends. If the dead day of the dream is a friend who died in reality, then the problems will affect the dream family.

What dreams to beat the dead man? Dream Interpretation claims that the nervous dream system is exhausted by misunderstanding of the people around. Whatever you do, you do not get a decent response, which is why devastation and spiritual flour are experiencing.

Once to hit the dead man in a dream on the face - a bad omen. You carry your dissatisfaction with your life on loved ones, and even able to raise your hand on them. You should understand yourself before blaming others in your own failures.

As evidence of non-compliance with family traditions interprets dream book plot, where the dead man attacks in a dream. You practically spun on the family, and live outside the rules and laws. Such behavior can affect the fate, so do not overdo it, talk to the relatives.

Intimate proximity with the deceased

Young girls should beware of insidious rivals in love, as the dream book interprets what it dreams to sleep with the dead man, as the foresight of separation from the fault of an outside woman. Try to divert all the attention of the beloved for yourself so that he does not even think of looking at the other girl.

What dreams of having sex with the dead man? For a man, such a dream personifies benefits and wealth. Dream Interpretation predicts that you make a profitable purchase, which will continue to play a role in the formation of a business.

For another interpretation, then what dreams of making love to the deadman, is explained by dream book as a valuable gift from an influential person. Such a plot seen by the girls can reveal in them new facets of sexuality.

To lie down with the dead man in a dream, while not committing any intimate actions, without hugging it, and at all without touching - a good symbol. Dream interpretation interprets such a plot as the foresight of tremendous success, both in financial and loving.

Kisses with late

If a business man's dead man kisses in his lips in a dream, then his position in the field of business will dramatically improve. Dream Interpretation promises. Which in the near future will be a favorable offer from one of the business partners, which will help significantly improve well-being.

A woman who dreamed of what kisses the dead man, may not doubt what to dream such a plot. If it is at the moment alone, then the dream book foreshadows the appearance of a promising Uhager. Married dream book promises pregnancy, or establishing relationships with his spouse.

What dreams of kissing the dead man? If you are still thank you about the person who leaves the life, then such a dream without doubt is the display of your mental state. You want to return everything back, but continue to live last, at least, not logical.

On another dream interpretation treats what the kiss is dreaming with the dead man, which is not familiar with you. Dream Interpretation predicts that you are "word luck for the tail", and most likely the luck will be associated with material benefits.

What does the funeral of the dead shot?

If you happened to bury the dead man in a dream, then Introduce the dream of the return of the long-forgotten debt. You have already forgotten about what someone owes you, but soon the debtor will remind himself, and you will get much more than counting.

What dreams to bury the dead man? If such an event occurs at the dark day, then you are trying to fix bad qualities in yourself. You are standing on the path of harmony and rest, and to completely part with bad features of nature you will have to make a real feat.

Dig a dead man in a dream - a bad symbol. They will soon open all the old sins committed once a dream, and this will greatly affect both the state of the budget and on the emotional setting in the family.

As an unfavorable sign is interpreted by the dream and the plot, where you have to say goodbye to the dead in a dream. In reality, you will be in a pair of steps from the cherished dream, but the unforeseen circumstances will make you retreat backwards, for a long time away from ourselves.

What dreams of the destruction of the dead man dreams? If this action happened in the walls of the church, the dream book interprets such a plot as the foresight of longing and sadness. You will lose something important, and perhaps close to leave your life forever.

Trips and walks with a dead person

If you had to go with the dead man in a dream, and at the same time you didn't be afraid of His presence, and on the contrary, I led a sophisticated conversation, then the dream book promises you success at work related to the purposefulness and the ability to show yourself.

Walking in a dream with the dead man - also a positive sign. Dream Interpretation says you will find the way to gain harmony with yourself, and this will happen thanks to a mysterious person who will appear in life very soon.

If the deadman escorts you in a dream, at the same time hugging both and speaking good parting words, you may not doubt that you have chosen a faithful life path. Dream Interpretation foreshadows that you will be able to succeed absolutely everything, the main thing is not to retreat from your principles.

What dreams meeting with the dead man? If the dead is your relative, then such a dream carries a warning. Dream Interpretation advises with great respect to treat his relatives, and then you will have a chance to change your life for the better.

The dead is cleaned

Wet cleaning made in a dream dead person, according to dream interpretation, carries good signs. If the dead man washes the floors in a dream, then in real life you will be able to restore your reputation in front of people who have long been disappointed in you.

As a double symbol is interpreted if the dead man washes the window. On the one hand, you will learn about the betrayal of a friend, and on the other hand, you will be given an understanding of the actions of others, and most likely you forgive the person who guessed before you.

Wedding with a mustache

What dreams of getting married to the dead man? If, in life, this person loved you, and you are bitterly regretting his loss, the dream book foreshadows you the appearance of another person who will stir up in you stronger feelings than you experienced with the former, and will close a spiritual wound.

To marry the dead man, which you did not like in real life, or worse - he was an enemy - an unfavorable symbol. Dream Interpretation advises with all seriousness to treat health problems, and not tighten with the appeal to the doctor.

If the dead man sings a sad song in a dream, and it is intended for you, the dream book says that you lose money. If the deceased just throats in all the throat of funny chastushki, then you are waiting for a cheerful festival that brings the sea of \u200b\u200bpositive, make you cheer up.

Dance with the dead man in a dream is a good sentence. Soon you will finish the case for a long time, and moreover, you will have an incentive to move on, you will conquer new vertices without looking at life difficulties.

Sophisticated meetings with the crowded

What dreams to keep up with the dead man? If you warmly wait for each other hands hugging, the dream book does not promise anything good. In fact, the goal to which you are striving right now will be a pacifier, and reaching it you will experience colossal disappointment.

Almost opposite the dream interpretation treats what it dreams to drink with the dead man. If you think that the goal to which you move the eggs left is not worth it, then it is not at all. The result you get at the end of the way will exceed all expectations.

Other interpretation, drinking out the dead in a dream - a sign that you need to remember the mustache, and about his advice that he gave during life. If you follow at least one of them, your life will dramatically improve.

Manifestation of discontent dead

If the deadman complains of a dream, about how he is bad on that light, then his soul is not drunk in all religious rules. If he is a Christian, try to order in the church Sorokoust, and perhaps the soul rests with the world.

As an adverse defrosting dream interpretation and the plot, where the dead man screams in a dream. Especially bad, if, together with a cry, nor begins to loud all around, then the dream book predicts a lot of trouble that laying out one to another will create one big problem.

If the dead man is silent in a dream, at the same time without showing any significant emotions - neither a smile nor a reproach expression, which means the actions you do not carry the negative, but also any significant and great cases are not listed.

Attack of deceased man

If you were bitten by the dead day in a dream, and at the same time blood droplets were made from the bite, then in real life, due to the ridiculous situation, relations with relatives can be very spoiled, up to complete mutual hatred.

Other interpretation, if the dead man bites in a dream, and only traces of teeth remain, without any signs of bleeding, the dream book predicts you problems at work. You are either completely reduced, or will significantly cut a salary.

When the dead man stifles in a dream, and you feel stuffing, as if it happens at the beginning, hurry to consult a doctor. You have undoubtedly, problems with respiratory and cardiovascular system, and the body's defense draws such terrifying pictures to activate your actions.

If the dead man chases you in a dream, then in real life a lot of ill-wishers surrounds you. Some of them have been thrown into the number of friends, and for you will not be difficult to calculate.

Searches for mercy

What dream to call the dead man? If in a dream you heard the voice of the deceased in the telephone tube, then you want to hold the connection that existed between you during life. Let the circumstances break this thread so as not to torment yourself.

As a positive symbol, the dream interpretation is what it dreams to look for the dead man. In real life, you have already got rid of most of your flaws, and now are in search of truth, in search of yourself.

Hold the dead man in a dream - negative forever. Soon, you will have to visit a situation that will cause you a strong mental injury, and will wait for you for a long time from faith in good feelings of people.

Dead as a welcome guest

Why dream if the dead have come to visit? In reality, you are burdened with a serious responsibility. Dream Interpretation advises not to get rid of such a destination, it will help you to achieve a lot in life.

If in a dream, the dead man knocks on the window, and you are very happy to see him, the dream book promises you the emergence of new opportunities for self-improvement. If such an unexpected guest inspires you fear, then destiny will give you another test.

comment 91.

    I dreamed that I asked the Council from my stepfather, he gave an answer, this is the answer to my situation in real life, but I don't want to listen to me to listen to what they said in a dream?

    Dreamed Mom and Sister, both dead. As if they live together in my apartment. (I'm not living there). I call, do not open me, and the neighbor says that his sister is offended, hits her. I shout that would open, knock, but they do not open. I want to pick up my mother. What can this be dreaming? (Sleep from Thursday to Friday at the beginning of the first night).

    What can mean when in a dream, we buried my loved one (he died) then started the doctor's head, he lies on the bed, we bring flowers to put, and then he comes to life and complains that the head hurts, and does not understand What happened. And hug.

    Who knows what dreams of the deceased friend came in a dream and just everyone killed nails? (parents, brothers, sister, me, my sister and my uncle) At first he killed his parents, my uncle and his brothers, except for one and lay at home, watched TV, then he looked out the window and watched as I returned home from Cuba, And then caught up and killed me with nails, and then killed my sister, and his brother.

    Hello, I am very often dreaming for a former relative I was his daughter-in-law, but it happened that he recently died and constantly dreams to me, then in love it is explained, I just smiles, I don't know what I should do, I went to the grave, forgiveness asked , I remember, but he still dreams, help or tell me what to do me further?

    My dad died, shot himself ... I had a night that my mother, dad and brother drink at some veranda, brother was very much and fell asleep on the floor, and dad (dead man) begins to beat mom. Tell me please, what is it?

    A distant relative was dreamed of (hanged himself fifty years) came with a backpack, complained that he just jumped with a parachute, and no one rejoices for him and takes a visit that three children helped him. I sat down to me on the edge of the bed and called to my mother (also dead) to raise the glasses for the joyful eyes of children. I agreed, but I did not go - he distracted my daughter, and I crushed her out that he was interrupted by adults. It was a sorry for him.

What are only amazing, sometimes unimaginable dreams will not take us.

Sometimes we even jump out in the sticky cold sweat and complete bewilderment, why we were creating a terrible phenomenon.

This is especially true of terrible dreams associated with the afterlife. Morg, the cemetery, meetings with live dead - such dreams are more like horror film, but they will not be expanded and are important.

If in the world of dreams we have to see the dead man - this is usually unpleasant and terribly. Sometimes "visit" in dreams to us are the deceased relatives or friends. But sometimes we just have to see the deceased people, the funeral, or what is worse, the lives of the dead.

According to every dream, the dead man in a dream is an important sign. He gives valuable knowledge, it can not be not taken to note.

Unfortunately, mostly vision with the dead carry a dark and bad meaning and do not promise anything good. But they need to be particularly carefully listening, because it is such a dream that gives a warning about something extremely important.

What happened in your night vision?

Dreams with the participation of the dead can be divided into most frequent, such as:

  • You saw in a dream of a dead lying in a coffin or a man's cemetery.
  • You came a deceased relative in Gresses and says something.
  • You saw a lot of corpses.
  • You had to see the deceased stranger, a familiar or enemy.
  • You saw the death of a native or acquaintance of a person who live alive.
  • You yourself died in a dream.
  • You hug or even kiss the dead man in a dream.
  • You buried you in a dream.
  • You carry or move dead.
  • The dead gives you something - money, food, clothes.
  • Learn with the dead man.
  • See the revived dead man who can behave in different ways.

Dreams with the participation of the dead can be a huge variety, and each such sleep may foresee about something important. So it is worth being attentive, trying to decipher what the dead man is dreaming, and make sure and verified decisions, depending on the Sonna Council.

I had to see a dead man

See a dead man in a dream can be shocking and scary. Especially if this is your relative or a familiar person who reveals alive.

But do not hurry to be afraid. Before it is necessary to figure out what the dead man dream is - such a dream can warn you about something serious.

1. If in a dream you wondered how unfamiliar to you the dead man lies with little in the coffin or on the table, or even you had to visit the morgue or the cemetery, where the dead man lies - this means that the dream does not bear any danger, but warns and advises to be more careful.

2. If the dead man lies in the coffin or on the table you have at home, it means that you have a danger in life. It may be small, but be careful in all some time, look carefully on the sides.

3. If the lovers see a dream, in which there is a morgue, dead man, coffin or cemetery, it means that the relationship with the second half, even if they just started, will not lead to good and doomed to the collapse.

4. To see a dream a lot of dead - this is, oddly enough, a bad sign. He promises sleeping the beginning of a certain profitable case, success in all matters. You are on the right track, promises an interpreter.

5. If you suddenly witnessed how someone unfamiliar to you died, here the answer will tell Miller's dream book.

This means that you yourself will handle the difficulties that now take place in your life. Get good news, your reality will be better and easier.

6. But if in Gresses you saw how a person died, who in reality is alive, it is, if you believe Miller's interpreter, means an ambulance with this person, experiences on this issue or at least difficulty and trouble in relationship with a meeting party.

7. But the enemy dying in your dream is a sign that you get full victory over it. Of course, this dream does not promise a man death, just he will lose in rivalry with you.

8. If you are shooting your own funeral, you died - it promises you a quick move, or a change of work. In other words, a new milestone in life, the transition to something completely new to you. It may be difficult, but this is a transition to good.

9. But if you survived in a dream such that you alive buried to the ground - do not be afraid, it promises just anxiety and difficulties in life, but nothing tragic. Perhaps the period of longing and depression awaits you, but you will handle.

10. I happened in a dream by chance to meet a person who died? It may be your deceased relative, such as grandpa or grandfather, or some of the acquaintances.

When the deadman does not tell you anything, and does not try to do anything, it marks something new to you. The case, love, friendship - depending on what connections you were with the deceased person before, with his life.

Contact with the illuminated world

Often in dreams you have to not only see the dead man, but also do something with him. In this case, understand what the dead man dream is, it is extremely important.

Such dreams can be particularly unpleasant, and almost always carry a warning about something unfavorable and advised to be alert.

1. Hugging, kissing the dead man - promises anxiety, obstacles in affairs, difficulties. You have to make efforts to cope with them.

2. Carry the coffin with the dead man in a dream - wait for the period of sorrow, hopelessness, depression. The reason may not be tragic, but your experiences will be stronger.

3. Trying to move the dead man from the spot, somehow move - this is a sign that now in reality you are busy empty and meaningless business, which in vain takes your strength. You should review your affairs and stop doing stupid business.

4. If in a dream you had a chance to lie next to the dead - this means that your relationship with the partner came to an end, they are time to finish, they died. If you take such a step, you will find a new, good future.

5. And if you are in between two dead, it foreshadows the disease, and it can become very difficult. Take this warning and try to prevent ailment.

6. If you had to give the dead in a dream, money, food, clothes are an unkind sign. He promises the misfortune, a big trouble, which is possible soon.

7. Dressing in a dream of a dead person is a signal that it is time for you to take care of your health especially carefully.

He comes to life!

Undoubtedly, a dream in which the dead is coming to life may be very terrible. As any dream book says, the dead man who became alive in a dream, warns the sleeping about danger or enemies.

Why can we sometimes dream of the living dead, and what do they want to tell?

1. If you saw how the deadman came to life, the value of such dreams is unpleasant - you are waiting for difficulties and delays in affairs, losses and losses.

2. But if he not only came to life, but also a bright, trying to do something, to attack - it is already serious trouble and anxiety, so be careful.

3. If the alive dead man came to you and speaks with you, it means an unfamiliar dead man - this means changes for the worse. And if it came and silent - on the contrary, in the best.

4. If in a dream, the dead man who came to life is having fun - it foreshadows you a good news that relatives or friend will send. On the contrary, the sad dead will dream of bad news, and warn that the enemies do not sleep.

5. If the dead man in your dream came to your room and corrects your bed - it sulls you a disease.

6. Gives you food or money - a bad sign that foreshadows income, well-being, a reward.

7. But if you happened to fight the dead, which came to life - this means you are waiting for a quarrel with people. Most likely, these are your relatives.

Native or acquaintances

Dead relatives often dreaming alive. And believe me, they are never for us without a reason.

Do not be afraid of sleep and decrypt what dreams of the late father, mother, grandmother or other relative - most likely they carry you an important news.

1. If you dream the deceased mom, dad, grandmother and so on, calls you, leads to me - we can go, it promises a very greater danger. You can expect a disease or an accident, be especially careful.

2. If the deadman appeared to you, at the funeral of which you were in reality, and began to talk to you, remember everything he said.

This man in a dream will bring you an important warning or simply will reveal the mystery. So remember everything he said, and treat the heard seriously.

3. Walking in your dream the dead man, with whom you have been close in life, also testifies to the danger in life, and advises to exercise caution in everything.

Despite all the horror of such dreams, instead of frightening, accept advice and warning to note. And do our best to avoid trouble.

Dream Interpretation Dead, what dreams dead in a dream to see

Intellite Dream Interpretation Why Dream Dead Dreaming?

What to see the dead - in the house - trouble; Speaking dead man - bad weather; dead man moving - shame or illness; step on it - news of death; sleep with him - success; The coming dead man is the return of lost; a dead man, asking to drink, means a lack of commemoration; dead man dressing - illness; Lying between dead means a grave ailment; And wearing a dead man - death.

Dream Interpretation Esoteric E. Falletkova Dream Interpretation: Dead What does

The dead is the change of weather; talk to him - peace of mind; To know that he is a dead - a very strange event, according to the dream book - a predictor.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century What dreams dead?

See in a dream

The dead man - to see the dead man - fortunately, the dead man in the coffin - to the material profits, revived - to the news, writing from the coffin - to the guest on the part, standing in the dead man - to a big misfortune, crying - to the pass, a quarrel that scattered in Affairs - to well-being, open the coffin and talking to the dead man - unfortunately. Kissing the dead man - to health and longevity, if in fact he is alive, if died - then to the change of weather. Talking with the dead man who was a friend in life - means to arrange a good job and behave adequately. To see himself dead in a dream - means in reality to experience an unprecedented tide of strength and inspiration, approach the peak of good luck. Dead relatives, friends or loved ones to see - to the execution of secret desires, gaining help in a difficult situation. In the deceased, something in a dream - fortunately, wealth, it means to make a good act, his thirsty see - a sign of what he remembers him badly. All that the dead in a dream says, is true. If the dead will take off alive - it is to great trouble or weakness. Whoever sees a living person in a dream dead, he will live long and get rid of grief.

Large dream book what dreams dead:

The dead is the change of weather; Conversation with him - peace of mind.

Love dreamnik

The dead man - if you saw the dead of someone from your loved ones, then you will have to face the treason of your beloved, this dream is so decipher.

Modern dream book if the dead man dreams:

Sleeping Dream Interpretation: The Dead is an unexpected danger

Dream Interpretation White Magian Yu.Ligo Dream Interpretation: Dead

Dream Interpretation Dead - seeing a dead man in a dream, you need to get ready for something bad, which will touch your home. Perhaps someone from your children has fallen late to come home, it is at least anxious, and sometimes dangerous. Try to prevent trouble with everything available to you. Having revived in a dream of a dead man or see how he himself comes to life, - soon you will have to once again encounter a problem that you have seemed to be solved. The first thing you experience, as if by returning to the past, shock, unwillingness to do something; You will just want to escape from the "revived" difficulties. However, you need to overpower yourself and calmly, not a panic, find a solution. Spear in a dream with a person who, as you know, has long been dead, - as the tradition of interpretation of dreams, to a sharp change of weather. Perhaps other interpretation: someone from relatives or just familiar people who have seen in a dream will try to find you to find out some important question.

In a dream, what dreams of a dead man - an unexpected danger

Dream Stranger

What is the dead man (dead, non-living body) - moving - the dying part of the personality of the Sleeping (more often, negative), which still has some influence on his consciousness. Or, the part of the rejected energy that is deeply suppressed, is ousted, forgotten (to determine which part it is necessary to analyze sleep completely).

Soglong's dream interpretary Medele's Dead Dream:

What does it mean to see the dead man (corpse) - the metaphorical death of some period of your life. Call for new endeavors. To be dead - fortunately, a new business. The corpse of the stranger - someone's unexpected help. Rebuilding the corpse is the revival of forgotten affairs, enterprises. Familiar to see the dead - to the rupture of relationships with him.

Spring Dream Interpretation What dreams dead Dream:

The dead man in Savan - to bad weather.

The charming dead man (corpse) - to see in a dream, as the dead man moves, - to the threat to your address.

What dreams to move dead is to return the previous disease.

Summer dream book to what dreams the dead dream:

Dead (dead man, corpse) in Savan - to the new dead.

A stillborn child - to miscarriage.

To move dead man - to the danger; See how the dead man moves, - very soon you will have a test of horror.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist A.Enegetti What dreams Dead: Dream Interpretation: Dead If you dream

By dreams to what dream of a dead man (dying) are images expressing various aspects of negativity, stereotypes of regressive behavior or specific pathologies associated with dying. deprivation of man of vitality. The dead man may be a symbol of dead desires because of the prohibitions, taboos, the impossibility of implementing them, and therefore, a refusal of himself (as if to kill himself). If a living person seems in the form of a dead man - this is evidence of aggression and attempt to remove this person from its path. The image of dead parents indicates the fear of losing protection. If a positive reputable person is seen, which is actually no longer in the world, but seems like a living, this image can be identified with a providence, in a voice, so this dream is interpreted.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when the dead man dreams:

The dead man see in a dream - how the dead will be sent alive, then there will be a big trouble or weakness. Another value: Long life. If, it happens, you speak in a dream with the dead, then soon there will be some interesting news. Dead dream - it will rain; To a quarrel, and more - to the change of weather. The dead will shoot on the blizzard, and on the rain. The dead man - rain, snow, and from the family - you have to remember. The dead is unkind. If the deceased parents are shot: Mom or father (or both), then this is an exact sign - there will be something bad in the family - or with a person, or whether cattle. Parents from that world give to know their children - something bad will be. The deceased mother dreamed - there will be some kind of grief. In a dream, the dead says: the clothes have broken me, then you need to give someone poor clothes - it will stop dreaming. The deceased calls with him or says: I'll take you, you die. And how to drive out, says: do not go after me, you will live.

The dead man in Savan (the dead man, the deceased) - to see the dead man in Savan - to the horror.

Dream Dead - for lovers - the ambulance.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananita see in a dream

In a dream, what dreams of dead - for lovers - the ambulance

See in a dream of a dead person - to see promises peace of mind and perfect happiness; dead to kiss for a long life; give him a kind of thing there is a loss sign and loss; seeing his lying in the coffin foreshadows the disease; see a dead person who is alive and healthy means boredom, sadness and loss of litigation; To see the dead in another time a man who has long died, foreshadows death to someone from their relatives or friends; Speaking with the dead there is foresight to change your behavior and correct; Being the dead itself marks the favor of noble venomazb, wealth and long life; Being buried alive, on the interpretation of some writers, foreseen sustainable death, and in other means only the change of state; Dead revived to see foreshadows confusion in affairs, harm and loss.

Dream interpretation stillborn - to a unrealized dream.

Autumn dream book What dreams dead Dream:

A stillborn child - if you dreamed a stillborn child - this is to miscarriage.

To move dead man (corpse) - one should not touch the past, it can come back again and gain strength. See how the dead man moves, - to the new dead man.

Did the deadone dreamed of alive?


Katerina Ivitskaya

Many believe that in a dream of the deceased living to danger. It is assumed that the dead people warn a dream of troubles that will soon arise in real life. But, not all dreams interpret such a dream just like this. Everyone explains what the dead man dream is in his own way.

For example, Dream Interpretation of the 20th century, believes that if the dead man dreamed of alive, the new period will begin to reveal. Old relationship, work, looks for life will go and replace them new. Also, this plot can predict the usual change in weather.

If in a dream you are desperately trying to get rid of the dead man, and he does not want to leave you alone, then, in real life, some events from the past worry you. It is worth trying to free yourself from the shackles of the past. If you live only today, life will be much happier and brighter.

Interpretation of sleep with the dead man alive in the dreams of Gypsy and Zhou-Guna
What dreams of a living person is clarified in the dream book of gypsy. If you saw yourself a dead, then, in reality, I will expect a rather long and quite happy life. If some other person appears in the role of a revived corpse, then life will be not only long, but interesting.
To see the late man alive and standing out of the coffin of Zhou-Gun's dream book to the arrival of guests from afar. If he is simply in a coffin, then boldly get ready for additional material profits in reality. The near future is the likelihood of winning the lottery.

In a dream to see the dead man alive and talk to him on the same dream book to some misfortune in real life. The crying dead man promises a quarrel with someone. A quarrel can happen with close, and with a completely unfamiliar person. To see yourself as a zombie to happiness. If the role of a revived dead man plays his own child, then the joyful addition of the family will happen soon.

Options for explaining this dream by David Loffa's dream book, as well as Russian and Ukrainian interpreters
To dream in a dream of the deceased to an active discussion in the real life of some important issues. Take a revived dead man in his house as a guest to a long-standing meager. No real semantic load does not carry such a dream. You will simply remember the world who went into the world and wander on it.

In the dream book, David Loffa is explained, what dreams the dead man in the coffin is alive. If he is trying to get up and speak with you, then I will have to find out the relationship soon. Talking "souls" will have to have an expensive heart of a person. If you do not find out all the problems that exciting both sides, it may arise later a protracted and unpleasant conflict.

In the Russian dream book, in a dream of the deceased alive and kissing with him to feel the feeling of guilt in relation to this person. Perhaps you were offended by the deceased or did not say important words and now suffer from an impassive and unrestant feeling of guilt. If you ask for forgiveness to the grave of this person, and, to make it sincere, then your soul will calm down.
Russian dream book also says what dream of a living person to see the dead in a dream. A similar plot testifies to your bad feelings towards this person. It is possible that your hatred is so great that you wish him death.

Why the dead men are being shot alive, it is also told in the Ukrainian dream book. This plot predicts large trouble in real life. Also, it is quite possible, you will show weakness in the question where it is not worth doing this at all. Another dream can talk about long life in reality.

If in a dream, the dead man says he is alive, in reality you will get significant news. News will also seriously affect your life.

Ksenia Dzernov

remember it

Ilya Sh

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health problems

Kiss a living dead man

Dream Interpretation Kiss Living Deader Dreamed, why dream in a dream to kiss the living dead man? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream to kiss the living dead man, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Deader

See also corpse.

Dream Interpretation - Deaders

Dream Interpretation - Deader

The dead man eats a disease.

Dream Interpretation - Deader

Deaders in winter - to the snow.

Dream Interpretation - Deaders

Dream Interpretation - Deader

Dream Interpretation - Deader

Dream Interpretation - Deader

This symbol has different meanings. Usually, if the deadman asks nothing and does not show discontent, does not express claims, it means that the dream dreams of the weather.

See in a dream that people condemn someone who lies in the coffin - to troubles; get ready for conflict with the bosses; To a quarrel with neighbors or unfamiliar people.

To see in a dream man who has long died, as if he is still alive, - to the change of weather.

See a person who reminds the dead man with his pale species - to the disease; To a conversation with a friend who has serious problems; To a date with the elderly people.

The dead man takes a living person

Dream Dead Picks Living Man Dreamed, what dreams in a dream the dead man takes a living person? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see the dead man takes a living person in a dream, reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Deaders (people who died, but in a dream are alive)

In general, the weather change; Relaxation, peace of mind. To take and give chiropo at the dead man, they will lead to "to themselves" very bad (unfortunately, severe diseases, the death of loved ones or their own).

Dream Interpretation - Climb

The tree on which you are climbing, unexpectedly breaks - a deadly injury, ailment.

Zhuravl is climbing you for the sinus - the birth of a noble son.

Swallow climbs or crashes over the sinus - the birth of a son.

Flying bird climbs you for the sinus - happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Deaders

The dream in which you see the dead of your relatives foreshadows them for many years of prosperous healthy, if they are actually alive; If they are so dead - such a dream foreshadows the change of your mood, which will depend or on the weather outside the window, or from what leg you got up.

To see the dead of his lover foreshadows a sad parting with him. To see the late herself - to anxiety and disappointments, if you are buried in a dream modestly and skchche, and if solemnly and with many people - such a dream says that soon the circle of your friends will significantly expand and you will gain wide fame.

Sleep, in which the deceased the deadman committed suicide, foreshadows treason on the part of your husband or lover.

The dead man, executed as a criminal, is the forerunner of the offense and insults, which will bring close people in a state of extreme excitement on the saying: "That the sober on the mind, then drunk in the language."

To see a drowned or a sacrifice of an accident, means that you have a desperate struggle for the preservation of your property rights.

The dream in which you are surrounded by the convergence of the dead, which turned into the scapions, thirsting to get drunk your blood, - such a nightmare foreshadows a lot of annoying trouble in personal life and deterioration in society.

To see the coffin with the dead in his apartment foreshadows discord in the family on the basis of alcohol abuse. The talking deadman, who asks you to help him rise from the coffin - to the evil naval and slander.

The dead man dropped from the coffin - to injury or malaise, fall at him - soon get the news about the death of someone from loved ones. Detect the dead man in his bed means success in an unpromising initial business. To wash and dress the dead man - to the disease, to bury - you will be refunded what you did not hoped to get back.

Dream Interpretation - Deader

See also corpse.

Sleep is favorable. See the dead man - expect change in fate. For an unmarried girl to see the Male Deader - to the Eightly Wedding. If the dead man was old, then the groom would be much older than her. If young - will find a peer. The dead man was dressed poorly - the groom will be not good. If you saw the dead man in a good roadside costume or rich Savane - your future husband will be consistent. If the dead man dreamed of a married lady, she will have a ridicker, which, however, will be held at a distance. Over time, romantic passion can turn into good friendship. Rich or poor will be this fan - depends on how the dead man is dressed.

If the dead man dreamed of a man, it means that a friend will help him accept a fateful decision. See the late in a dream - to a long and happy life. Kissing the end of the forehead - to recovery from a protracted disease.

To see the coffin with the dead man, decorated with flowers, a mournful crowd around - to the entertainment in the company of friends. If you dreamed that the coffin with the deadman is carried in the cemetery, such a dream promises a long and fascinating journey in which you will gain many new friends. If you see yourself sitting above the dead man, the dream also promises you a pleasant trip to distant edges. To wash the dead man - to deserved pleasures. Clear the dead man for the burial - good luck will come to you thanks to the efforts of an old friend. If the dead man is your familiar or relative, the meaning of sleep belongs to the person you saw the dead. Such a dream promises him a long life, full of joys and pleasures. If you have seen several dead people lying nearby - with friends make a dizzying career or take a great inheritance. Close the coffin with the dead man - you will be able to put a decent state in a relatively short time.

Imagine that you put flowers into the coffin to the dead man. The dead man dressed in a luxurious expensive costume from Couture or wrapped in a richly decorated savan. At least luxurious and coffin, decorated with gold and precious stones.

Dream Interpretation - Deader

To see the dead man or himself - fortunately.

To see the dead of his son - will be a joyful event with adding.

Open the coffin and talking to the dead man - unfortunately.

The dead man eats a disease.

The dead man stands out of the coffin - the guest will arrive from the side.

The dead man comes to life - foreshadows the news, letter.

The deadman crying - foreshadowed the pass, a quarrel.

The dead man collapses with tears - foresaw well-being.

The dead man in the coffin is foreshadowed by material traffic.

The dead man who stands - foreshadows a big misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Deaders

With the appearance in a dream of the dead, the following interpretation options are usually associated: the usual presence, resolution of issues and condemnation.

Remember the dream in which you visited you had a well, it happens slightly, but in itself its appearance does not bear a big sense load for the whole dream. This is a common dream, in which sleeping sees the deceased alive and unharmed, just a participant in the situation. In such cases, as a rule, the deceased is not a significant acting face of your dreams. Perhaps his image is caused by memories of a kind of event, whose participants were once and sleeping by participants. It is likely that in a dream there is a hidden sadness and regret that there is no longer a person who has been roads.

The categories of resolution dreams include dreams, in which concrete events and actions are associated with the dead. In this case, the emergence of the dead becomes a central event of an unfolding plot. Perhaps you do not have what they need, or their behavior causes you certain emotions (positive or negative); In any case, the action or inability to make it somehow connected with the resolution of relations, depending on whether relations are permitted or not, there is a share of condemnation or joy in such dreams.

The "condemning" dreams show us the dead or just dead or zombies. Such dreams cause painful feelings, since we are not able to do something to change the situation.

What traits of character during life were dead? (For example, Uncle John was holy; Aunt Agness was a subtach, like a snake, etc.)

Does their behavior coincide in a dream with real or married? Maybe you should try to better figure out the person of the dead man, understand how others saw him.

Dream Interpretation - Deaders (Fathers Single)

To death, conversations, failure, change of weather, you need to remember them; Mother deception - strong disease, grief; The dead man - will be sick, Utin will overcome, to Necod, the rain, snow), a quarrel, to the change of housing, bad news, to death (patient); Deader to meet - to good, luck // Disease, death; man - success; A woman - obstacles to the dead came to life - obstacles in affairs, loss; with dead to be - to have enemies; dead to see alive - long summer // big trouble, illness; the patient to see the dead - recovers; Hug dead man - illness; kiss - longevity; give him that - loss, loss; move the deceased, transfer - bad, sadness; Congratulations - good; talk - curious news // Illness; Calling with me - death.

Dream Interpretation - Deader

The dead man see - hence, he asks for his soul his own.

The dead saw - you need to put a candle in the church and let it go.

Deaders will dream - to Necod.

The dead events will dream - to the rain.

Deaders in winter - to the snow.

If the dead man calls for himself, or says: "I will pick you up" - very bad sign.

Died parents - to death, the parents for you came.

Dream Interpretation - Deader

The dead man - tragic expectations in life, hidden subconscious fears. To see the living dead man, or to the fear of loss, or to the hidden desire of death to this person. To see the dead man alive, talks about your sense of guilt, in relation to this man.

Dream Interpretation - Take something by force

To take something strength - to the attacks of creditors.

Living among the dead

Dream Interpretation Living Among the Dead Dreamed about what dreams in a dream live among the dead? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream living among the dead, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dead

Dream Interpretation - Dead

Dream Interpretation - Living

Dream Interpretation - Living

Dream interpretation - among

Walking among fruit trees - there will be material profits.

In agriculture among the mountains - wealth in food and essentials.

Come in the Moltennik and find yourself among urine and feces - happiness, joy.

You see myself among rice on the root - great happiness, the benefit.

Dream Interpretation - Live Wind

Dream Interpretation - Dead

If a person sees himself in a dream dead, is good, it means that the long life in front of him.

If a person sees a dead bull in a dream, "it means to see the defeat of his enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Live Child

To see a living child in a dream, which is worn everywhere and everywhere - to cheerfulness and cheerfulness.

Dream Interpretation - Wednesday

See the calendar where the environment is marked, or hear the word "environment" in a dream - to good news from friends.

Dream Interpretation - Live Child

Live child - to diseases of children.

The dead man takes a living

Dream Differ Dead Living Dreamed, what dreams in a dream the dead man takes lives? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see the dead man leads the living, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream houses at the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Deaders (people who died, but in a dream are alive)

In general, the weather change; Relaxation, peace of mind. To take and give chiropo at the dead man, they will lead to "to themselves" very bad (unfortunately, severe diseases, the death of loved ones or their own).

Dream interpretation - take away

To led someone to a similar real event in life.

Dream Interpretation - Deader

See also corpse.

Sleep is favorable. See the dead man - expect change in fate. For an unmarried girl to see the Male Deader - to the Eightly Wedding. If the dead man was old, then the groom would be much older than her. If young - will find a peer. The dead man was dressed poorly - the groom will be not good. If you saw the dead man in a good roadside costume or rich Savane - your future husband will be consistent. If the dead man dreamed of a married lady, she will have a ridicker, which, however, will be held at a distance. Over time, romantic passion can turn into good friendship. Rich or poor will be this fan - depends on how the dead man is dressed.

If the dead man dreamed of a man, it means that a friend will help him accept a fateful decision. See the late in a dream - to a long and happy life. Kissing the end of the forehead - to recovery from a protracted disease.

To see the coffin with the dead man, decorated with flowers, a mournful crowd around - to the entertainment in the company of friends. If you dreamed that the coffin with the deadman is carried in the cemetery, such a dream promises a long and fascinating journey in which you will gain many new friends. If you see yourself sitting above the dead man, the dream also promises you a pleasant trip to distant edges. To wash the dead man - to deserved pleasures. Clear the dead man for the burial - good luck will come to you thanks to the efforts of an old friend. If the dead man is your familiar or relative, the meaning of sleep belongs to the person you saw the dead. Such a dream promises him a long life, full of joys and pleasures. If you have seen several dead people lying nearby - with friends make a dizzying career or take a great inheritance. Close the coffin with the dead man - you will be able to put a decent state in a relatively short time.

Imagine that you put flowers into the coffin to the dead man. The dead man dressed in a luxurious expensive costume from Couture or wrapped in a richly decorated savan. At least luxurious and coffin, decorated with gold and precious stones.

Dream Interpretation - Deaders

The dream in which you see the dead of your relatives foreshadows them for many years of prosperous healthy, if they are actually alive; If they are so dead - such a dream foreshadows the change of your mood, which will depend or on the weather outside the window, or from what leg you got up.

To see the dead of his lover foreshadows a sad parting with him. To see the late herself - to anxiety and disappointments, if you are buried in a dream modestly and skchche, and if solemnly and with many people - such a dream says that soon the circle of your friends will significantly expand and you will gain wide fame.

Sleep, in which the deceased the deadman committed suicide, foreshadows treason on the part of your husband or lover.

The dead man, executed as a criminal, is the forerunner of the offense and insults, which will bring close people in a state of extreme excitement on the saying: "That the sober on the mind, then drunk in the language."

To see a drowned or a sacrifice of an accident, means that you have a desperate struggle for the preservation of your property rights.

The dream in which you are surrounded by the convergence of the dead, which turned into the scapions, thirsting to get drunk your blood, - such a nightmare foreshadows a lot of annoying trouble in personal life and deterioration in society.

To see the coffin with the dead in his apartment foreshadows discord in the family on the basis of alcohol abuse. The talking deadman, who asks you to help him rise from the coffin - to the evil naval and slander.

The dead man dropped from the coffin - to injury or malaise, fall at him - soon get the news about the death of someone from loved ones. Detect the dead man in his bed means success in an unpromising initial business. To wash and dress the dead man - to the disease, to bury - you will be refunded what you did not hoped to get back.

Dream Interpretation - Deader

To see the dead man or himself - fortunately.

To see the dead of his son - will be a joyful event with adding.

Open the coffin and talking to the dead man - unfortunately.

The dead man eats a disease.

The dead man stands out of the coffin - the guest will arrive from the side.

The dead man comes to life - foreshadows the news, letter.

The deadman crying - foreshadowed the pass, a quarrel.

The dead man collapses with tears - foresaw well-being.

The dead man in the coffin is foreshadowed by material traffic.

The dead man who stands - foreshadows a big misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Deader

The dead man see - hence, he asks for his soul his own.

The dead saw - you need to put a candle in the church and let it go.

Deaders will dream - to Necod.

The dead events will dream - to the rain.

Deaders in winter - to the snow.

If the dead man calls for himself, or says: "I will pick you up" - very bad sign.

Died parents - to death, the parents for you came.

Dream Interpretation - Deaders

With the appearance in a dream of the dead, the following interpretation options are usually associated: the usual presence, resolution of issues and condemnation.

Remember the dream in which you visited you had a well, it happens slightly, but in itself its appearance does not bear a big sense load for the whole dream. This is a common dream, in which sleeping sees the deceased alive and unharmed, just a participant in the situation. In such cases, as a rule, the deceased is not a significant acting face of your dreams. Perhaps his image is caused by memories of a kind of event, whose participants were once and sleeping by participants. It is likely that in a dream there is a hidden sadness and regret that there is no longer a person who has been roads.

The categories of resolution dreams include dreams, in which concrete events and actions are associated with the dead. In this case, the emergence of the dead becomes a central event of an unfolding plot. Perhaps you do not have what they need, or their behavior causes you certain emotions (positive or negative); In any case, the action or inability to make it somehow connected with the resolution of relations, depending on whether relations are permitted or not, there is a share of condemnation or joy in such dreams.

The "condemning" dreams show us the dead or just dead or zombies. Such dreams cause painful feelings, since we are not able to do something to change the situation.

What traits of character during life were dead? (For example, Uncle John was holy; Aunt Agness was a subtach, like a snake, etc.)

Does their behavior coincide in a dream with real or married? Maybe you should try to better figure out the person of the dead man, understand how others saw him.

Dream Interpretation - Deaders (Fathers Single)

To death, conversations, failure, change of weather, you need to remember them; Mother deception - strong disease, grief; The dead man - will be sick, Utin will overcome, to Necod, the rain, snow), a quarrel, to the change of housing, bad news, to death (patient); Deader to meet - to good, luck // Disease, death; man - success; A woman - obstacles to the dead came to life - obstacles in affairs, loss; with dead to be - to have enemies; dead to see alive - long summer // big trouble, illness; the patient to see the dead - recovers; Hug dead man - illness; kiss - longevity; give him that - loss, loss; move the deceased, transfer - bad, sadness; Congratulations - good; talk - curious news // Illness; Calling with me - death.

Dream Interpretation - Deader

The dead man - tragic expectations in life, hidden subconscious fears. To see the living dead man, or to the fear of loss, or to the hidden desire of death to this person. To see the dead man alive, talks about your sense of guilt, in relation to this man.

Dream Interpretation - Deader

To wash the dead man - to the tragic event.

See the dead man - to good luck, achieving the goal.

If the dead man is to a long life.

The dead man beats live and

Dream Deader beat lives and Dreamed what dreams in a dream The dead man beats the living and? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see the dead man beats the living and, after reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams of the house of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Deaders (people who died, but in a dream are alive)

In general, the weather change; Relaxation, peace of mind. To take and give chiropo at the dead man, they will lead to "to themselves" very bad (unfortunately, severe diseases, the death of loved ones or their own).

Dream Interpretation - Bringing

Demons or spirits beat you - a very unfavorable omen.

Dream Interpretation - Deader

See also corpse.

Sleep is favorable. See the dead man - expect change in fate. For an unmarried girl to see the Male Deader - to the Eightly Wedding. If the dead man was old, then the groom would be much older than her. If young - will find a peer. The dead man was dressed poorly - the groom will be not good. If you saw the dead man in a good roadside costume or rich Savane - your future husband will be consistent. If the dead man dreamed of a married lady, she will have a ridicker, which, however, will be held at a distance. Over time, romantic passion can turn into good friendship. Rich or poor will be this fan - depends on how the dead man is dressed.

If the dead man dreamed of a man, it means that a friend will help him accept a fateful decision. See the late in a dream - to a long and happy life. Kissing the end of the forehead - to recovery from a protracted disease.

To see the coffin with the dead man, decorated with flowers, a mournful crowd around - to the entertainment in the company of friends. If you dreamed that the coffin with the deadman is carried in the cemetery, such a dream promises a long and fascinating journey in which you will gain many new friends. If you see yourself sitting above the dead man, the dream also promises you a pleasant trip to distant edges. To wash the dead man - to deserved pleasures. Clear the dead man for the burial - good luck will come to you thanks to the efforts of an old friend. If the dead man is your familiar or relative, the meaning of sleep belongs to the person you saw the dead. Such a dream promises him a long life, full of joys and pleasures. If you have seen several dead people lying nearby - with friends make a dizzying career or take a great inheritance. Close the coffin with the dead man - you will be able to put a decent state in a relatively short time.

Imagine that you put flowers into the coffin to the dead man. The dead man dressed in a luxurious expensive costume from Couture or wrapped in a richly decorated savan. At least luxurious and coffin, decorated with gold and precious stones.

Dream Interpretation - Deaders

The dream in which you see the dead of your relatives foreshadows them for many years of prosperous healthy, if they are actually alive; If they are so dead - such a dream foreshadows the change of your mood, which will depend or on the weather outside the window, or from what leg you got up.

To see the dead of his lover foreshadows a sad parting with him. To see the late herself - to anxiety and disappointments, if you are buried in a dream modestly and skchche, and if solemnly and with many people - such a dream says that soon the circle of your friends will significantly expand and you will gain wide fame.

Sleep, in which the deceased the deadman committed suicide, foreshadows treason on the part of your husband or lover.

The dead man, executed as a criminal, is the forerunner of the offense and insults, which will bring close people in a state of extreme excitement on the saying: "That the sober on the mind, then drunk in the language."

To see a drowned or a sacrifice of an accident, means that you have a desperate struggle for the preservation of your property rights.

The dream in which you are surrounded by the convergence of the dead, which turned into the scapions, thirsting to get drunk your blood, - such a nightmare foreshadows a lot of annoying trouble in personal life and deterioration in society.

To see the coffin with the dead in his apartment foreshadows discord in the family on the basis of alcohol abuse. The talking deadman, who asks you to help him rise from the coffin - to the evil naval and slander.

The dead man dropped from the coffin - to injury or malaise, fall at him - soon get the news about the death of someone from loved ones. Detect the dead man in his bed means success in an unpromising initial business. To wash and dress the dead man - to the disease, to bury - you will be refunded what you did not hoped to get back.

Dream Interpretation - Deader

To see the dead man or himself - fortunately.

To see the dead of his son - will be a joyful event with adding.

Open the coffin and talking to the dead man - unfortunately.

The dead man eats a disease.

The dead man stands out of the coffin - the guest will arrive from the side.

The dead man comes to life - foreshadows the news, letter.

The deadman crying - foreshadowed the pass, a quarrel.

The dead man collapses with tears - foresaw well-being.

The dead man in the coffin is foreshadowed by material traffic.

The dead man who stands - foreshadows a big misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Deader

The dead man see - hence, he asks for his soul his own.

The dead saw - you need to put a candle in the church and let it go.

Deaders will dream - to Necod.

The dead events will dream - to the rain.

Deaders in winter - to the snow.

If the dead man calls for himself, or says: "I will pick you up" - very bad sign.

Died parents - to death, the parents for you came.

Dream Interpretation - Deaders

With the appearance in a dream of the dead, the following interpretation options are usually associated: the usual presence, resolution of issues and condemnation.

Remember the dream in which you visited you had a well, it happens slightly, but in itself its appearance does not bear a big sense load for the whole dream. This is a common dream, in which sleeping sees the deceased alive and unharmed, just a participant in the situation. In such cases, as a rule, the deceased is not a significant acting face of your dreams. Perhaps his image is caused by memories of a kind of event, whose participants were once and sleeping by participants. It is likely that in a dream there is a hidden sadness and regret that there is no longer a person who has been roads.

The categories of resolution dreams include dreams, in which concrete events and actions are associated with the dead. In this case, the emergence of the dead becomes a central event of an unfolding plot. Perhaps you do not have what they need, or their behavior causes you certain emotions (positive or negative); In any case, the action or inability to make it somehow connected with the resolution of relations, depending on whether relations are permitted or not, there is a share of condemnation or joy in such dreams.

The "condemning" dreams show us the dead or just dead or zombies. Such dreams cause painful feelings, since we are not able to do something to change the situation.

What traits of character during life were dead? (For example, Uncle John was holy; Aunt Agness was a subtach, like a snake, etc.)

Does their behavior coincide in a dream with real or married? Maybe you should try to better figure out the person of the dead man, understand how others saw him.

Dream Interpretation - Deaders (Fathers Single)

To death, conversations, failure, change of weather, you need to remember them; Mother deception - strong disease, grief; The dead man - will be sick, Utin will overcome, to Necod, the rain, snow), a quarrel, to the change of housing, bad news, to death (patient); Deader to meet - to good, luck // Disease, death; man - success; A woman - obstacles to the dead came to life - obstacles in affairs, loss; with dead to be - to have enemies; dead to see alive - long summer // big trouble, illness; the patient to see the dead - recovers; Hug dead man - illness; kiss - longevity; give him that - loss, loss; move the deceased, transfer - bad, sadness; Congratulations - good; talk - curious news // Illness; Calling with me - death.

Dream Interpretation - Deader

The dead man - tragic expectations in life, hidden subconscious fears. To see the living dead man, or to the fear of loss, or to the hidden desire of death to this person. To see the dead man alive, talks about your sense of guilt, in relation to this man.

Dream Interpretation - Deader

To wash the dead man - to the tragic event.

See the dead man - to good luck, achieving the goal.

If the dead man is to a long life.

What does it mean to see in a dream of a living person dead

Dream book what it means to see in a dream of a living person dead Dreamed, what dreams in a dream What does it mean to see in a dream of a living person dead? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream what it means to see in a dream of a living person dead, reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at the Sun House!

Dream Interpretation - See the living horse in the house

There will be a letter from the son.

Dream Interpretation - Driving in a dream on a man

Reach a long life, health and vast wealth.

Dream Interpretation - War See in Sind

To chasters or insult.

Dream interpretation - the dead to see in a dream

To weather change.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

Seen in a dream the dead foreman foreshadows a completely unexpected finale of your love novel.

See in a dream of a dead child - to concern and disappointment in the near future.

Dead actress or actress in your dream foreshadows plans as a result of a tragic event.

To see the deceased - a sign of health and longevity, if this person is actually alive and live well. If the dead man seen in his sleep really left this mortar world - such a dream predicts you to change in cases for the worse.

The dream in which you see hanged or hanging person is the foresight of the offense and insults that will bring to hear from close people. To see a drunken man - you have a desperate struggle for your rights, which you will try to deprive in real life.

To see a mummified corpse in a dream means a serious illness will destroy your plans. To see in a dream, how the body of the dead is balsaming, predicts the rapid changes in your position for the worse. If you are balsaming or mummies you - in reality, your friendship with a close man will be unhappy, bringing many trouble at work and at home and the deterioration of the situation in society.

To see the coffin with the dead at his apartment foreshadows discord in the family on the soil of drunkenness or a breakdown.

The talking dead man, ghived in a dream, - to a living naval and evil slander at your address. If at the same time he asks you to drink - it became necessary to pray to the rest of his soul and put a candle.

The dead man lying on the floor predicts a shame in the near future or a serious illness. To stumble about it and fall - in reality, get the news of the death of someone from very close to you favorite people.

Detect a lifeless person in her bed means that you are guaranteed success in almost hopeless business.

If the dead in your dream comes to life - this is the return of once lost, to which you have long ceased to hope. Take a dead man in a suit - to the disease.

See many dead people on the battlefield - to headaches and a visit to the clinic.

Believe in the dream of dead people - to a funny case, to carry wreaths from a spruce noodle to a heavy hangover.

To see in a dream dead of her husband - a very bad sign, promising solid troubles and disappointment. If you kiss it at the same time - this is to the breakdown of cases, poverty and losing the best friends.

Sleep, in which you see a dead nun, foreshadows strong despair because of married treason or betrayal of a loved one.

Seen in a dream Dead Shark says that after all transferred adversity and deprivation, you will again gain the long-awaited well-being and peace.

To see in a dream slaughtered on a slaughter or killed on Corrida, the bull does not foreshadow nothing good - on the contrary, only sad events.

A dead dove in a dream predicts a unhappiness with a distant relative, to whom, nevertheless will have to go to the rescue.

To see the dead ridge - to someone's disease or death in the near future.

Sliced \u200b\u200bgoose - a sign of close losses.

Dead larks in your dream foreshadows injury as a result of the accident.

Dead hare - to death or sickness of someone from your faithful buddies.

If in a dream you see many dead snakes - then you will suffer from the low act of a hypocritical friend.

A step on a dead snake that at the same time suddenly comes to life and attacks you - to victory over enemies.

To see the turkey or turkey die from incomprehensible illness predicts that the constrained circumstances will force to suffer your pride.

Dead swallow - Sign of sad parting.

To see in a dream of a murdered swan - in reality to experience annoyance and disappointment, noting with his business.

The fallen or fired horse means that soon get the sad news that will turn all your plans.

To see in a dream of a dreaming mule foreshadows terminated engagement and worsening the situation in society, the fault of your unworthy behavior will be.

Introducing dead insects that suddenly begin to run away from you, mean that you damage your reputation, enrolling stupid and imprudent.

A dead monkey, seen in a dream, means that your hated enemies will suffer full collapse.

Dream Interpretation - To see the dead of his son

There will be a joyful event with adding.

Dead man eats - foreshadowing.

Dead of another person or himself - fortunately.

The dead of his son will be a joyful event with adding.

Eating meat of your own dead body - foresaw parting.

Dry and dead trees are something dysfoliage in the house.

Fallen or faded trees - foreshadows misfortune for anyone.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

Dead - unfamiliar - to change the weather. Relatives and loved ones who are alive, but dead in a dream - most often this warning to you to abide care. The most relative is not a danger threatening. Those who died, but in a dream are alive: Mother - to good luck; Father - to support. Close, friends, relatives - a call to think about the meaning of life. Familiar - you will be waiting for a shock by pride. Dead is called with themselves - if you went, there will be trouble, illness, death; I did not go - be careful, you are threatened with a deadly danger, but it can be avoided, take action. Offer to eat - you have a dangerous disease, it is necessary to be treated. If it was broken with the dead - death on the threshold. From all the proposals emanating from the dead, but the living in a dream is better to refuse. It is better to give this installation in advance so that it clearly triggered in a dream. The dead come to life - amazing events, extraordinary adventures. Note: Dead themselves can not be in a dream. Their image is only a symbol. The information that we really get from the dead is made by us by the way of clairvoyance through other images. The dead do not need to be to instruct the right way.

Dream Interpretation - Living

To see the dead alive, and he will argue in a dream that he was alive and did not die - you should immediately go to the temple and put candles for the rest of the dead.

Dream Interpretation - Living

A live horse appears in the house - great happiness.

To see the living horse in the house - there will be a letter from the son.

Dream Interpretation - Live Wind

In the beliefs of the "live" wind, a tetree and spirit of the wind (causing or bringing a disease) are often difficult.

This is a certain flourishing and disappearing blow, the wind glowing, only marked by the names "wind", "wind", "wind" wind is not only an independent living creature.

He accompanies Leshego, the dead man, an unclear appearance is unclear, hell, who themselves cause the wind of the OLD becomes them.


In general, the dead - These are messengers from the world of dead, conductors or defenders. The scenario itself is very important with the dead and what they say to us. Sometimes (especially when they try to hover to themselves, in "their" world, kiss something to take or give us) informs the dream that he either will die himself, or any serious trouble will happen to him Disease, or we are just about farewell to those who have left of life, they go to others, hope for higher non-physical dimensions. In many such cases, the case, as it may require or ask for a simple church service and prayer for their rest. The last aspect complements modern psychology - it is necessary to internally forgive and let go of his memory of those who have left relatives, acquaintances, parents.

Remember the dream in which you visited you had a well, it happens slightly, but in itself its appearance does not bear a big sense load for the whole dream. This is a common dream, in which sleeping sees the deceased alive and unharmed, just a participant in the situation. In such cases, as a rule, the deceased is not a significant acting face of your dreams. Perhaps his image is caused by memories of a kind of event, whose participants were once and sleeping by participants. It is likely that in a dream, therefore, hidden sadness and regret that there is no longer a person who has been roads.

The categories of resolution dreams include dreams, in which concrete events and actions are associated with the dead. In this case, the emergence of the dead becomes a central event of an unfolding plot. Perhaps you do not have what they need, or their behavior causes you certain emotions (positive or negative); In any case, the action or inability to commit it, one way or another, is associated with the resolution of relations, depending on whether relations are permitted or not, in such dreams there is a share of condemnation or joy.

The "condemning" dreams show us the dead or just dead or zombies. Such dreams cause painful feelings, since we are not able to do something to change the situation.

Deadman (dead) in a dream:

  • if the deadman asks nothing and does not show discontent, does not express complaints, it means sleep dreams of weather change;
  • to good luck, achieving the goal;
  • means talked feelings. Sleep suggests that some cases or problems will soon have to lose their value for you, and a new period will begin in your life;
  • sadness, sad events or news from those who are far from you;
  • he foreshadows the rash, hasty marriage, which will become the Yarm on the neck of both spouses and will not bring happiness to any of them. Weak, painful and vicious children born in such a marriage will endure the misfortune of this family;
  • you need to get ready for something bad, which will touch your home. Perhaps someone from your children has fallen late to come home, it is at least anxious, and sometimes dangerous. Try to prevent trouble with everything available to you;
  • possible failures in commercial affairs
  • for lovers - Possible treason

See dead yourself:

  • be sure: you are waiting for good health and long, happy life;
  • in your life, a new stage should start, which promises to change all your life;
  • to serious naughty enemies;
  • to good luck, peace, the end of difficult affairs;
  • foreshadows protection.

Be buried alive Be foreseens a sudden death or change of state.

If the corpse is someone else - You will have a long and interesting life, however, optionally happy and with strong health.

Death of someone from loved ones or good acquaintances, seen in a dream, It indicates that for some reason the feelings connecting you with this person can weaken or fade in reality.

If one of your loved ones dreamed dead:

  • it should be prepared for testing and even losses;
  • misfortune in the family or a serious family quarrel;
  • possible illness of some internal organ;
  • the sign that you will soon have to meet bad news, possibly associated with the death of the one who saw in a dream;
  • there will be long for a long time until you get bored;
  • for some reason, those feelings that bind you can weaken. Such dreams urge you not to lose touch with native people and do not regret their spiritual heat for them.

Relatives are shot, long dead, - To important family events.

See in a dream earlier deceased relatives or loved ones alive and talking to them foreshadows some changes in your life. If they call you to yourself That such a dream warns you of mortal danger.

Often conversations in a dream with people who died not so long ago, Warns about really threatening you danger.

See previously dead relatives calm and serene - A sign that you can trust your fate and not worry on trifles.

If you dreamed that the deceased relative appeals to you with a request, Perhaps this is a warning about the coming mental depression or decline in affairs.

Voice in a dream belonging to the deceased relative It is the only real form of warning sent by external force from a close future, which our sleep brain can perceive. It is necessary to treat great attention to what they say to us in a dream the shadow of dead loved ones: Sleeping can get even tips from the dead in a dream, and experience shows that their use brought the desired results; The shadow of the deceased person close to us just awakens the sleeping sections of the brain, causing knowledge of knowledge to life.

Dying (dead) relatives and acquaintances in a dream (but healthy in reality) - report their well-being, or about breaking (separation) relations with them.

Dead parents in a dream (dead earlier) - The arrival of them in a dream man after his physical death has several aspects of interpretation. Among them: an attempt to psychological protection to neutralize strong feelings of loss, grief, loss due to what happened; What, as a result, leads to the harmonization of the psychic activity of sleeping. At the same time, the deceased parents (relatives) act as a binding element of human consciousness with the world, otherworldly. And in this case, the significance of their image in a dream is significantly enhanced. Our dead parents come from there in the responsible periods of life of the sleeping and serve as a sign of instructions, advice, warnings, blessings. Sometimes they become messengers about the death of the Divine itself and even take and accompany the person to the world of others (these are a fellow dreams about their own death!).

If you dreamed that you spoke with the deceased father - Imagination you carefully consider a started thing, all related operations. Sleep warns about intrigues plotted by someone against you

If there is a conversation with the dead mother, You should pay attention to health and analyze your lifestyle.

Conversation with a dead brother It suggests that someone from your loved ones needs your help. Shortly after this sleep, you may seek help or advice to you, may also ask for money in debt. Sleep advises to meet those who ask you to support. In the future, this business will return to you by Storm.

If dreamed of a deceased husband - This is to great misfortune.

Death of children in a dream - To joy, their well-being and sufficiency.

See the dead of your son - There will be a joyful event with adding.

If you dream someone from deceased friends, It is possible that unpleasant news await you.

Our deceased grandparents and grandparents are the mansion - They come to us in a dream in the most critical moments of our life.

See the late grandfather or grandmother in their former house - Large health problems with someone from your relatives on their line.

If you dreamed that someone from the dead came to you in good health and a good mood:

  • this is a sign that you incorrectly organized your life, the consequence of which may be serious and irreparable mistakes. Try not to make thoughtless actions;
  • sunday the case, the hopes for which were already lost.

See the dead of the other time a man who has long died He foreshadows death to someone from their relatives or friends.

See a dead person who is alive and well:

  • boredom, sadness and loss of litigation;
  • this is evidence of aggression towards this person, the desire to remove it from its path.

Unfamiliar dead More belong to empty unrest, the end of an alarm or report insignificant ailments.

If in a dream, you appear as a lively deceased authoritative person - Listen to his words, it may be a providence itself, the voice of your true "I".

The dead man outside the coffin - the guest.

The dead man rises from the coffin - The guest will arrive.

The dead man in the grain - dream of light ailment.

Open the coffin and speak with the dead man - Unfortunately.

The dead on the biren table lies - Business success.

Moving dead - the dying part of the personality of the Sleeping (more often, negative), which still has some influence on his consciousness. Or, the part of the rejected energy that is deeply suppressed, is ousted, forgotten (to determine which part it is necessary to analyze sleep completely).

The dead man cries - foreshadowed, quarrel.

The dead man with tears collapses - foresaw well-being.

See the dead man that costs - foreshadows big trouble.

The deadman comes to life - foreshadows news, letter.

See in a dream that people condemn one who lies in the coffin- to troubles; get ready for conflict with the bosses; To a quarrel with neighbors or unfamiliar people.

The dead gives you something in a dream - Fortunately, wealth and health.

Donate - Loss sign and loss.

Give money to the dead - Sign of great misfortune or illness.

The dead man asks for money - Warning from rapid actions that can bring to you and on your seven mountains. After such a dream, try not to take questionable sentences for some time and do not start new projects. They can end badly.

The deadman gives you money - You can unexpectedly get money or get rich, but you can and get big problems with money. It all depends on what money were, how much and who exactly did you. Well, if this man was good in life and normally treated to you. If in such a dream the money was gold and much, or the bills of great dignity are all signs of future wealth. Otherwise, you are waiting for problems with money.

Dead congratulates in a dream - You will soon make a good deed.

Kiss dead man love with celebrity; long life.

Chain dead man Put the accusation against your friend.

Dead in the house - trouble.

Dead man moving - Shame or illness.

Age on dead - News of death.

Sleeping with the dead - Success.

See dead man asking to drink means a lack of commemoration.

Dress dead man - disease.

Dead in a dream - The white coffin with the dead man promises recovery, healing from a deadly ailment, improving life, hope for the future.
There are situations where the same dream about the deceased is tormented by a person for a long time. As a rule, this situation indicates that there were events related to this person in your life, which still do not give you peace. Try to distract from the past and plunge into events currently taking place.
In his dream, saw many dead in morgue or in the hospital? This is just the prediction of the fact that in real life there will be a sharp change of weather, your mood or other surprises.
See someone from parents in the dead - To the danger, deception, betrayal.
See in the deceased of his child - To joy.
To see in her apartment or in the house of the deadman dreams very often to the danger or to small troubles.
See in a dream in the dead of his best friend - To new acquaintances.
See in a dream dead man in the coffin - To good luck.
To see the dead man alive means the change of weather, and the living person is a dead man - to the fear of loss.
See in a dream of the dead man on the floor or on earth - To the gossip, to obscene rumors.
See in a dream late brother - Someone will try to take revenge on the long-standing offense or from envy, just because you are more successful. Be relatives, do not tell anyone about your plans and dreams.
See in a dream of the late father - To great responsibility. Resurrect the deceased in a dream - to incredible adventure.
To see in the dream of the deceased, which is actually alive - to new news that do not make you very much.
See the deceased mother - Fortunately and joy.
To see the late parents meaning that they want to warn about some kind of grief.
To see in the dream of a standing dead man, who speaks loudly, then this is that a big trouble will happen soon.
To see in a dream, as you try to wake up the deceased - to a big mistake that will bring you a lot of failures in the near future.
To see the deceased in the coffin - By changing the weather, news, buying new clothes or techniques, to a closer trip. In general, nothing bad this dream foreshadows.
See a revived dead man to get a letter or news. Attend the funeral is not a very good sign: a man is sick and can die.
See the late husband sick, emaciated in a dream - This is a sign that in real life you prevent too tight requirements for your second half.
See the deceased mother alive - A source of trouble can be an excessive impressionability.
See the deceased of his beloved person - to parting or treason. Mourn the deceased in a dream - to troubles in the family or to condemnation from the close.
See yourself to the count or feel that it died to happiness.
See your late father in the coffin - To illness, sadness, tears, twirl with a relative.
Seeing his late father in a dream with the face of another person - a dream says that in reality you trusted not to a honest person, fell in love with the passingman, which will use your feelings for your needs.
See the corpses of the deceased animals or birds in a dream - to material difficulties, problems of domestic nature, losses or theft.
See a deceased native mother - Excessive impressionability will lead you to big trouble.
See how the body of the deceased is decomposed - Exemption from evil, relief.
In a dream to see him dead - Warning that in pursuit of material values \u200b\u200band external beauty, you forget about the development of the internal qualities of your personality.
In a dream, the dead people appear not just like that. This is a kind of sign, warning.
Get married to the deceased - The dream is promoting the reproduction, insult or humiliation in a public place in reality.
Speak in a dream with dead parents - You should take care of your reputation and listen to useful advice. Be vigilant - intrigue fly against you. The interpretation of this symbol is far from unambiguous.
Talk with the dead in a dream - To the danger.
The formidable and harsh behavior of the father in a dream is actually the desire for success and prosperity, since only decisive and stubborn can come to victory.
For a person in love, this dream will mean that the relationship is not the on which he expected.
For lovers to see the dead man in a dream - So you need to wait for treason.
For family people, late father in a dream - Symbol of calm, well-being and confidence in tomorrow.
If you saw many dead in your dream, and it is not afraid of you - a new thing that you will be covered will be profitable.
If in your dream others discuss the person who lies in the coffin, perhaps soon you will undergo harsh criticism and condemnation.
If in your dream the dead man lying in the coffin opens his eyes and stretches his hands to you, it is unfinished sign, warning about the danger. You are expected to have health problems, revenge of an offended person, participation in an accident or disaster, you can become an object of attack of the criminal.
If you give a promise to your father in your dream, it foreshadows a lane of failures and problems.
If in your dreaming the deceased relative suddenly comes to life, then it can turn it out by another death of someone from family members, severe illness, sorrow and mourning. There are not very pleasant dreams, for example, when you dream of the dead man. It does not have to mean something bad.
If you dreamed in a dream of a living dead father in a dream, and you talked to heart with him, then such a dream is a sign of committing a disadvantageous deal, so when you see such a dream, be very careful in important things, for you are surrounded by ill-wishers.
If a deceased husband is in a dream, you know that I have chosen the wrong tactics of achieving the goal, go through the wrong life.
If you dreamed of a dead one in a dream, then this is a warning.
If you happened to see the resurrection dead man in a dream, then you should wait for damages and troubles. Suddenly, in a dream, the deadman takes something (for example, clothes) - it's unfortunately with people close to you or even with you, but if you give money - you will be rich, the dead man gives food - to your strong health or happiness in your personal life.
If you dreamed of the deceased in your home, wait for bad news.
If you dreamed a large number of deceased, this is a bad sign: some kind of distribution await your family race. Sometimes such a dream can even foreshadow a war between states.
If you dreamed that you see the deceased in a dream, which looks healthy and happy, then Introduce you to make manipulations from others, and other people use it.
If you have dreamed that you go to the dead after, this is unfortunate that will lead to death.
If you dreamed that you are dead, it's to change for the better. Usually such a dream dreams of moving or to a new stage in life.
If you have dreamed that you kiss the deceased, then I will have the opportunity to correct your mistakes.
If you have dreamed that the dead man calls you with me, it means the approaching accident.
If you dreamed that the deadman came to life, this is to guests.
If you have dreamed that the deceased fun and rejoices, it should alert you.
If you dreamed of the dead someone alive, pay attention to who he had to.
If you dreamed of the dead man - This means that in real life you do something wrong or hung threat over you.
If you have dreamed of the dead man in an unusual position (standing or sitting), then you can not avoid trouble.
If you dreamed of the dead man in black robe, it's an accident. In white - to good news.
If you dreamed of the dead man in your house, then in reality you are waiting for the disorder with any of the people living with you from your relatives.
If you dreamed of the late grandfather, expect new duties and troubles. The same phenomenon in the dream of this relative may indicate that in the near future someone will ask for your help and support.
If you dreamed of the late father, then I wait for the joyful Westa.
If you have dreamed of the deceased, then you should think about your attitude to matters, to the family and to friends.
If you have dreamed of the late your family member, it means that soon one of them will get sick or have some kind of disaster.
If you dreamed of the deceased, someone from your relatives, then I will have to take care of him.
If you dreamed of a deceased father, and you talk to him, it means that in the near future there will be a plot.
If you dreamed of a deceased person and he is in a good mood and good health that means that you do not lead the right way of life and you have come down from the true path.
If you dream that you are already dead, it means that in real life you are waiting for well-being and wealth.
If your father dreamed in the image of the animal, then take care of an aggressive person, revenge, attacks you.
If suddenly in a dream you saw the dead one of the relatives, then it is worth regarding such a dream as a warning. In life, you will have to endure a very serious grief, it may even be that it will be a loss of relatives.
If you see in a dream, as the dead man gets up of a coffin, it means that there will be guests in your house. It is not necessarily that they will be pleasant and their visit will please you.
If, during sleep, the husband does not ask anything and looks alive and healthy - most likely, the weather change is expected.
If in a dream you had the opportunity to see the dead man alive "This is a bad sign, which enlightens you quickly getting sad news about your loved ones and friends with which you have not seen you for a long time." Such a dream also foreshadows the emergence of financial problems that will be upset for a long time. The troubles and failures will pursue you, so you better not take for the fulfillment of serious affairs, postponing them for a while.
If in a dream you have dreamed of the dead man alive, then such a dream may mean that deep in the soul you are experiencing a kind of guilt before the person.
If in a dream you see the dead beloved and a loved one, who is actually alive, it is soon in your relationship there may be a disorder, but feelings will noticeably cool.
If in a dream you see a lot of dead, from which you are trying to hide, then you will have a lot of change that bring you many difficulties. Despite problems and disappointment, you will overcome them.
If in a dream you see the deceased child, then in reality you are worried about some losses that you are very disturbing.
If in a dream you speak with your dead mom, you should worry about your health.
If in a dream you talk to him, it's unfortunately.
If in a dream you saw your dead relative alive - scandals and quarrels will begin in your family, this period will last long enough, threatening even divorce.
If in a dream you saw the late deceased to you, it means that you should be alert: your enemies can harm you.
If in a dream you saw the deceased in the coffin, then in the near future you follow something to fear.
If in a dream you saw the deceased relative, then family problems do not allow you to improve.
If in a dream you saw the deceased lying in the coffin, then I will be waiting for troubles and disappointment.
If in a dream, the dead man was too noisy and angry - the sleep is thrust by Relief.
If a person came to you, at the funeral of which you were present, and warned you about possible upcoming alarms, listen to his advice and do not get involved in any cases. Either avoid distant travel for some time after this sleep.
If in a dream someone condemns the dead man - Wait for the conflict with the bosses or quarrel.
If in a dream, the dead man behaves too active, brown, then sleep foreshadows anxiety and ambulance.
If in a dream, the late father appears in front of you alive, then I will find news, unforeseen events. Perhaps you are in danger, and the appearance of a father in a dream indicates that.
If a deceased husband dreamed in a dream, in most cases, this means the occurrence of various life changes. Depending on the dream, they can be positive or highly negative.
If in a dream, the deadly spoke to you, the weather will change soon for the worse.
If in a dream died or was killed by your close man, wait for separation from him and trouble.
If in a dream a deceased close man speaks with you or something asks something, this foreshadows mental depression and decline in affairs.
If a living dead man appeared in a dream, which was also very pleased and cheerful - sleep can warn that there are cunning and hidden friends in your surroundings. Perhaps even that this person does not affect you.
If in a dream surrounding the strongly criticizing your deceased husband, then you should be ready for serious conflicts and disputes with relatives, bosses or neighbors.
If you took it by hand, it is necessary to beware, mostly, such a dream is a harbinger of death.
If you see in a dream of your father, who died, then you should be careful in your affairs, as the enemies do not sleep, and they can affect the course of your affairs.
If you see a dead man with a glimpse, he played a minor role in your dream, then it is most likely to change the weather.
If you see a dead man, and he is alive in reality, then this means that some misfortune with your loved ones will happen.
If you see the deceased grandfather in some particular place or room for you - wait for sharp changes in life.
If you are hugging your late father in a dream, it means a safe outcome of the case you have begun.
If you do not listen to the advice of friends, then you risk crash in affairs.
If you are talking to a relative who has long died, it speaks of bad influence. Which now someone has it.
If you kiss it yourself, then soon get rid of the problems oppressive you.
If you have seen a lot of corpses in a dream, however, they were not afraid and did not replace you soon, a successful undertaking awaits you. This case will bring you a considerable benefit.
If you saw in the dream of your deceased relatives, it's time to honor their memory, visit the burial place, and also pay attention to your own health. Perhaps you have a chronic disease that you do not even suspect.
If you saw in a dream of your father, who has already died, and moreover, they also talked to him, then be very careful in our affairs, since people with bad intents attached to your surroundings, there are also the chance of committing a disadvantageous deal.
If a girl in a dream sees a casual meeting with his father, then it talks about changes in his personal life. Single will find a couple of themselves, and young lovers will lay down.
If living relatives or acquaintances dreamed of you dead, then it promises them a long and happy life.
If her husband grated a married woman, then this is to great misfortune.
If the dead man is still developing enough active activity, then unfortunately can be expected only to be expected of various kinds of concerns and a wide variety of small nasty.
If the dead calls for you or offers you anything, it is a bad sign, marking the disease, and perhaps death. A dream in which you see yourself between the dead have a similar meaning.
If the morter you dreamed of a relative, get ready for serious life tests and even losses.
If the husband in the real world is alive, and in the dream you see him late, then this means that the attitude of the relationship will soon give the crack, your family awaits a divorce and collapse of love.
If a stranger man - To good news, and the enemy is to solve a difficult problem in your affairs.
If she says anything, it will surely come true.
If the father is sad or crying, then the girl should take career than his personal life, to pay attention to studies and households.
If you are dead in the coffin - This is alarming and experiences.
If the dead man in your dream begins to brow - This is alarming and trouble.
If the dead man does nothing in a dream and lies younger, it means that in real life you have nothing to fear - he will not harm you.
If the deadman also spoke to you, then wait then bad weather.
If the dead man appeared alive, it says about the return of old problems that you have forgotten and perceived them as decided.
If the dead man dreamed of you outside the coffin, then in this case, expect guests.
If the dead manches - ambulance quarrels with loved ones.
If the dead man leaves you then you are waiting for success, recovery, luck.
If the dead man is your friend or distant relative - this is what you will ask for monetary help.
If the dead man, whom you saw in a dream alive, cried - you are waiting for illness, to fight with which you will spend a lot of time and strength.
If the dead man dreamed in a dream, in fact, I will, then, soon you can establish your relationship or business in your work.
If dead man - Native, it is possible that you just should go to pray for them.
If the deceased in your dream lies younger and does not appeal to you, then it will not harm you in any images in reality.
If the deceased in a dream is actually a living person in reality, it means that he will be fine.
If the deceased husband leads, calling or drags you in a dream, then be careful in the real world. Perhaps you are threatened with danger, attack of criminals, car accident, severe illness and death.
If the late father gives you money in a dream, it foreshadows what someone can take advantage of your excessive gullibility and deceive that it will bring you misfortune.
If the deceased father calls you with you - This is a warning of an accident. A particularly negative sign believes that if the deceased father called you, and you went, besides, taking him by the hand, as it foreshadows death.
If the late father grated a very young girl, then she should be careful, as she can become a victim of unfair overwhelms.
If with a deceased brother, then do not deny help close in need of your help.
If the dream with the deadman was brought around a patient or an elderly person, then this is a sign that he will live for many more years.
If a long-term deceased relatives are shot, this means Skora will be some important event in the family.
If the removable dead behaves loudly, it foreshadows some troubles, losses, anxiety.
If you had a good warm relationship, the deceased grandfather, who came in a dream, can warn you about something. Waking up, try to comprehend everything that you have been said.
If this is a friend or a close relative, then you will soon have separation or a quarrel.
If this dream is dreaming a sick person - This is to death.
A woman see in a dream that she surrounds a large number of living dead people surrounds, then the dream is so completely unfavorable and foreshadows unpleasant meetings and events.
Make love with the late husband - Soon you will meet new love in the real world. The main thing is not to miss your happiness because of your own pride, stupidity or carelessness.
Healthy Father, who died in reality, is a warning about lungs and negligence.
Sometimes the deceased dreams of a warning about anything.
As a rule, if a person in a dream is dreaming a deceased father, it means a lung warning or a reminder of something. It all depends on the floor and the age of a seen dream.
When the deceased in the dream come to your eyes, it foreshadows that I will experience a sense of satisfaction, gratitude, peace. Your offenders will be achieved and will remember your lesson for a long time.
When the deceased long relatives appeared in a dream - it foreshadows small care and trouble. You are awaiting unwanted guests and troubles by housework.
When in a dream, the late father chases you, and you run away - this dream will tear the trouble, the decline of the forces, you want to shift a part of your work and the load of responsibility on another person.
When such a dream see lovers, it means that their relationship is already possible will never be such as they dreamed before, when they just started to communicate.
When the deadman suddenly comes to life, then, keep in mind, you spend your strength in vain. That person who is worried about, does not need your care and care. You will not receive thanks from him for your help.
Little peaceful dead in a dream are not capable of causing any trouble in real life.
The lying dead man in the coffin means changes in life.
The dead, which behaves negatively, robbing, destroys, especially in your home - to severe diseases and death.
Young people deceased to disappointment.
Unknown sign - Cut in a dream with the late grandfather, it can mean that you are doing something wrong, and to avoid serious problems, you should urgently rethink and change your behavior.
Unfamiliar man in the coffin - To big profits.
The lack of time for communication, meetings with friends and family will respond to the fact that one day you will find yourself absolutely alone.
You should think about the coming danger in the case when a dreaming the deadman takes you by the hand and take-off.
Hug or kiss the dead man in a dream - To a good event.
Hugging or kissing the dead man says that in a short time, your affairs will be applied.
Hugging or kissing the late person in a dream foreshadows barriers in your affairs and endeavors.
Hugging your late father, ask him advice means that in real life you will have to solve a difficult task, to find a way out of a confusing situation, you will act as a judge, and someone's reputation will depend on your decision.
Hug or kissing with dead in a dream - To concerns and problems in various kinds of cases. If such a dream is dreaming of the patient, then this is unfortunately to death.
The image of the dead man is usually deciphered as an unexpected weather change, most often for the worst.
One of the neutral signs - Parish in a dream late to you and talk with him. This speaks about the change of weather. Touching the deceased in a dream, hugging it or kissing also foreshadows in cases, danger.
However, this symbol has, and good value, in the event that you saw the dead in a dream of yourself. This means that you will have a long, happy and interesting life, and you will never complain about your health.
However, it should not be brought before, always remember that everything will come back to the usual calm bed soon, be more patient and understanding about your loved ones.
The rustic dead man foresees large trouble and irreplaceable loss. Well, if you dreamed that the dead was crying, then this is just a possible change in the weather. Despite the fact that no one from people gives any pleasure to see himself dead in a dream, such a dream foreshadows a successful and long life.
Father in dreams - This is a sign of his protection and patronage.
Open the coffin cover in a dream, in which the dead man lies - to the loss.
Faciality and shame that your home will be covered. And dying distant relatives, and at all, they predict untreated wealth.
Very bad sleep, a dream is considered, in which the deceased husband persistently calls you to himself, gives you gifts or gets them from you. This may impose large misfortunes and diseases that can lead to death.
Very often, by what kind of relationships you had with one or another person, who is already dead, you can tell a lot.
For popular beliefs, what the deceased in a dream says, you need to fulfill. And treat it seriously, so you will save yourself from many problems.
Did the deceased mother dreamed you? Then keep in mind that in real life you have nothing to fear, you are under her guardianship and protection, she gives you his blessing for a happy life.
The deceased mother dreams of alarming events.
Dead in a coffin in a dream - to profits.
The dead man in a dream is often associated with troubles, but in fact it is not always the case.
The deadman gives you a certain subject - Also wait for troubles and trouble.
The dead man lies in the coffin - Means that unhappiness and failures will follow you on the heels, if he comes to life and gets up of a coffin - health can deteriorate significantly.
The dead man can warn you from trouble.
The dead man attacks you in a dream? This means that in reality, you made an obscene act or conduct an immoral lifestyle, you pretended to have been preparing our ancestors, broke a family tradition.
The deadman took something from you - Unfortunately, which will happen either with you or your loved ones.
The dead man who gives you flowers, foreshadows the soon fulfillment of the most cherished desires.
The dead man lying in a black coffin symbolizes sadness, longing, sorrow and tears.
The dead man having disked in your home - The sign of what a danger awaits you.
Late sister to see in a dream - Pay attention to her words.
The deceased in a dream are usually visible to the bad.
The deceased will take off to bad news.
The deceased in black robe dreams of problems associated with a personal life.
The late grandfather watching you in a dream from afar is an angel keeper, a symbol of supporting higher strength, and a sign that even if there are some difficulties and problems, they all resolve themselves.
The late father, inviting his daughter for a covering table, foreshadows success in all endeavors and popularity from the opposite sex.
Kiss in the forehead of the deceased in a dream - Perhaps a farewell sign with a close or well-known person. In reality, you care about a new business, then at this time that unfamiliar unknown people will mean that the case you think about is not worth it, everything will end without starting.
Kiss the deceased in a dream - To good luck.
The kiss of the deadman promises you with the successful completion of important cases.
An empty table warns about unreliable surroundings and dubious friends.
Talk in a dream with the dead man - Get into a bad company or under the bad effect of any people if the deadman proposes to eat in a dream - you need to be treated because you are sick, you have a very close death, the dead man calls with him, and you go to illness or death .
Spear with the late in a dream - To new knowledge that will be useful to you in life.
Hear the voice of the deceased in a dream - Warning, bad news.
Laughing father speaks about the inappropriate son's behavior.
Smyster or cheerful dead man - Good sign, noisy or sad - bad. Something in a dream to give a dead - a bad sign, to take something - a good sign. The unexpected resurrection of the deceased - get back something long ago lost. Move, dress the dead in a dream - to the disease. Strust him - to the death of a relative.
The dream with the dead can mean different things, depending on whom you can see and what sensations you visited.
The dreams about the deceased mainly take off to the change of weather.
Dreams, in which the dead person comes to us is always unpleasant to see. And the events of these dreams usually foreshadow also unpleasant.
An unfamiliar person who has been withdrawing to you foreshadows ease in overcoming the difficulties that you can experience at the moment, or the receipt of pleasant news.
A dream about the late father foreshadows the rough danger, it is worth remembering all the prompts that he gave you in a dream. Such a dream foreshadows an inevitable global change in your life. The conversation with the deceased father in a dream warns that the case started by you should be thought out to the smallest details. After such a dream, you need to protect your honest name, since someone wants to compromise you.
Sleep about the dead either a dead enemy or a competitor foreshadows the full defeat of the last, if your friend died in a dream, then in reality you are waiting for parting with him.
The dream is very unfavorable if you take something at the dead man or give (you can lose your loved one or die yourself, it is also to severe diseases).
Sleep is a warning, someone wants to protect you from trouble. The father of the deceased to see in a dream means that it is time to visit his burial place, remember and give honors to the mustache. This dream indicates that you are responsible for someone and you will have difficult.
The dream in which you see the death of your enemy foreshadows the victory over it.
A dream in which the deadman curses you, means that you live correctly. Do not doubt your actions.
Sleep, in which the dead man washed, promises a big holiday in the family.
A dream in which the deceased husband strongly asks for the provision of services, means the emergence of household problems that will require a lot of your attention.
Sleep together - To success, kiss - to the novel with the celebrity, carry - to death.
Quarrel with late husband in a dream - Your sadness and sorry will soon replace joy and happiness in reality.
Interpretation of sleep in which dreams dream - This is generally change of weather, if the dead man takes place, it is very, very bad (maybe in the future you are expected to be serious illness or your own death) to see in a dream of the late grandfather or grandmother, then this means that who will get sick from the relatives of the score.
The corpse in a dream will not bring you absolutely no harm, only if he does nothing at all.
The late husband seen in a dream may indicate a strong feeling of guilt in front of him. Especially if at your address, the dead man says curses or hits you.
See your brother or sister to a good time and a happy long life. Do not fear dead, they sometimes bring and good news.
To see in a dream in the deceased of someone from his parents - to a quarrel with close people or a bad news.
To dream in a dream in the deceased of his friend, in reality a living quarrel with him.
To see in a dream in the reality of a living person, the dead man - to his long life.
See in a dream crying dead man - To a quarrel.
See in sleep dead man - To the big change in life. It can affect you both positive and negatively.
See in a dream dead man for meals - To the disease.
To see the deceased in a dream, who calls to him or by himself - to death.
See in a dream late man who came to life - To news.
See in the dream of the deceased kid - To the hopeless start of a new business.
See in a dream of the late person alive - To new plans that should be implemented.
To see in a dream deceased in the coffin of a loved one, then you are awaiting good news about this person, for example, news of his wedding.
See in a dream standing or sitting dead man - To trouble.
To see a deceased person who is alive in his dream, he foreshadows problems with health and threat to real death.
See a deceased mother - promises you a long and beautiful life.
To see in the dream of family members who in the real world are alive, dead man - promises troubles and sorrow to your home. Especially this dream is not good for patients and the elderly.
See the many dead people, and brave them are not frightened, to a new successful idea or case.
See the dead man in the coffin in his house, means that you will have many problems associated with your bad habits.
See the deceased in his apartment or in the house - Also need to be prepared for danger.
See your best friend in the dead in a dream - To decline forces.
Die in a dream - Start a new stage in your life, which will lead to changes in life.
The deceased mother, which appeared in a dream, foreshadows the possible death of a loved one and suggests that your excessive impressionability can serve as a source of problems and trouble.
To hear the voice of the deceased in a dream, especially who calls you with me, it foreseens that there was a serious danger, almost deadly. You need to try carefully moving around the roadway and in a very crowded place. Also, it is worth exploring dreams depending on who you dreamed.
Worst of all, if you see the dead man in his own home. Nothing good foreshadows.
Kissing dead mans in the forehead dream of people to separation with someone from fairly close people. The short meeting with unfamiliar to you, at the moment of thinking about something dreams of the failure of the case, or disappointment in man.
Often, such a dream promises deception or negative impact.
Most often, sleep with the participation of the dead man does not carry a special sense load and leads only to changing the weather.
The young man who saw in the dream of the late father, quickly induces and becomes influential.