How to remove plasticine from clothes and home textiles: all folk recipes. How to clean plasticine from clothes - best methods

Plasticine is one of the most popular entertainments for children. Little sculptors often forget about caution, leaving their sculpting tools in the most unexpected places, as a result of which there will be a very noticeable mark on the clothes of any family member. This can be a serious problem. It is difficult to remove plasticine from clothes, since it contains fats, paraffin and dyes.

You can get rid of such unpleasant marks on things in several stages. Sometimes one will be enough, but most cases require a careful approach and the use of all three types of effects on plasticine stains.

The first step in getting rid of the consequences of careless modeling will be the thermal effect on plasticine. It includes freezing and vigorous heating with an iron. But first, you should cut off the main part of the plasticine mass with a solid object, and only then proceed to the following actions.


This common method of removing pieces of plasticine is suitable for almost all types of fabrics, making it versatile. To do this, you will need to find a plastic bag and use the refrigerator freezer.

What do we have to do:

  1. Put the item in the bag.
  2. Close it in the freezer for 30 minutes (longer if necessary).
  3. Get out your thing, try to remove the frozen pieces using not too sharp objects.

After these steps, you should proceed to warming up or immediately the next stage.

Warming up

Strong heating of the problem area will help remove the remaining traces of plasticine. You can use it additionally after freezing, or start immediately with it. You will need to stock up on lots of paper napkins in advance and find a good iron. This is one of the best ways to remove plasticine from trousers and other thick materials.

How to proceed:

  1. Switch on the iron in the mode of ironing delicate fabrics.
  2. Place one napkin under the stained area, and place the other on top of it.
  3. Slowly smooth the garment, regularly replacing both wipes with new ones, until the paraffin wax no longer stands out.

After that, only a small greasy speck may remain on the thing, which is easily removed in the next step.

How to remove traces of plasticine - fixed assets

Folk methods and specialized chemicals are particularly effective in removing traces of plasticine. They allow you to get rid not only of the remaining pieces of it inside the fabric, but also of noticeable oil stains. They should be used after heat treatment.

Soap and soda

Soap takes over the bulk of the work, but baking soda complements it perfectly, enhancing performance. This option is suitable for all types of clothing.

You will need to do the following:

  1. Fill a suitable container with warm water by dissolving a whole bar of laundry soap in it.
  2. Soak the stained clothing in the solution for one hour.
  3. Brush the damaged part of the thing, while simultaneously removing plasticine pieces from the villi.
  4. Mix baking soda with a little water, making a thick slurry.
  5. Slowly rub the mixture into the stain and then rinse.

After the procedure, the item should be rinsed well.

Vegetable oil

This method of cleaning will help remove plasticine from any clothing if it remains after freezing and warming up. However, it should be used with extreme caution. If the oil gets on a clean cloth, the area of \u200b\u200bthe greasy spot will increase noticeably, and the washing process may take a long time.

How to clean with oil:

  1. Apply a small amount of any vegetable oil to the problem area, being careful not to spoil the rest of the fabric.
  2. Wait about two hours for the softening to be quite strong.
  3. Remove oil with dry napkins.
  4. Wipe off greasy stains with dish soap.

To avoid spreading oil over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe fabric, you can as follows: you need to position the thing so that in place of the stained area there is a small depression from which nothing can flow.


You can find ammonia at any nearest pharmacy. This cheap product does a great job of dealing with a huge amount of dirt. Salmon is no less effective in removing traces of plasticine from clothes. However, you should be careful, as it can damage delicate fabrics and, with prolonged exposure, negatively affect the brightness of the garment dye.

How to use:

  1. Dilute in cold clean water (70 ml) about 5 drops of ammonia.
  2. Moisten a cotton pad in liquid, apply it to the stain for half an hour.
  3. Rinse clothing thoroughly with conditioner to remove ammonia odor.

This method allows you to get rid of greasy marks on most fabrics. You can also not apply a cotton pad, but simply wipe the area repeatedly until it is perfectly clean. After that, you will need to rinse the thing with a special conditioner in the same way as when applying.


Kerosene will help clean your favorite clothes from plasticine stains. Previously, it had a pungent smell, but now it can be purchased in a purified form, which will allow you to use it without worrying about the future need to remove the smell. Nevertheless, it should be used with caution, since there is a high probability of erosion of paint and structure on delicate fabrics. It allows you to effectively remove the stain from which the main plasticine mass has already been removed.

Mode of application:

  1. Place the stained clothing on a table or any other hard surface.
  2. Moisten a cotton pad with kerosene, squeeze it out and apply to the stain for 10 minutes (if the fabric is delicate, then no more than 5 minutes).
  3. Wipe off residual substance with dry cloths using gentle repeated application.
  4. Wipe the treated area with a slice of lemon and wash.

Isopropyl alcohol

Another popular way to clean clothes. It is only suitable for cotton. You cannot use it with other things, because they will simply be spoiled.

How to use this method:

  1. Spread clothes on a horizontal surface.
  2. Lightly moisten the desired area with a few drops.
  3. Wait a minute.
  4. Wash off any remaining alcohol from clothing.

Immediately after that, you need to move on to the next stage - washing.


A radical way to get rid of plasticine stains is to use a special product called WD-40. It should only be used on synthetics with utmost care to avoid damaging the fabric.

Cleaning procedure:

  1. Spray the product on the problem area. Wait a few minutes.
  2. Remove the softened pieces of plasticine.

After that, the thing itself should be washed immediately.

Interesting video - how else you can use WD-40:

Stain removers

Specialty chemicals made to remove stains are a great option if traditional methods don't work. They are extremely effective, but you need to use them very carefully, following the instructions. You can remove the greasy stain from plasticine with their help very quickly.

How to use them:

  1. Wet the place where there is a plasticine oil stain with warm water.
  2. Dilute the stain remover exactly as directed and pour it over the area. Wait 20 minutes.
  3. Throw the clothes into the washing machine without washing the treated area. Add stain remover there and start washing.

After that, there should be no signs of contact with plasticine or any other substances on the clothes.

How to wash clothes that had plasticine

The last step will be a classic wash. It is required for all cases, because simply wiping off the stain is not enough. It is imperative to immediately put the wash on in order to have time to get rid of the tiny pieces of plasticine that are in the nearest layers of the fabric.

The higher the temperature, the more likely it is to wash the item. However, you need to choose the mode that is acceptable for a particular type of material. Otherwise, there is a risk of ruining your favorite clothes completely.

Several additional cleaning methods - video:


After passing through all three stages, the probability of the presence of even the smallest traces of plasticine is practically zero. That is why it is recommended to use all three, without passing by the first or second, as some people sometimes do, trying to save time. It would be much more correct to do everything as it should and achieve the desired result.

Learn how to clean a plasticine stain at home and save your favorite item.

The content of the article:

Probably, everyone has faced such an unpleasant problem as traces of plasticine on clothes and furniture. This issue is most acute for parents, because when there are small children in the house, there will certainly be a box of plasticine. Of course, it will not be difficult to remove pieces of plasticine from the fabric, but the remaining stains can bring a lot of trouble. Most importantly, you need to act immediately and use not only effective but also proven methods.

Polyethylene is used as a basis for plasticine, including different types of rubbers. When touched with warm fingers, such a mixture melts easily and quickly. It is thanks to the effect of heat that the dirt spreads quickly through the fabric. However, the biggest problem is the dye, which is also part of the clay. It is actually quite easy to remove grease, but paint stains will be problematic. That is why you need to be very careful when removing plasticine stains from clothes.

To completely remove traces of plasticine from clothes, you need to start acting immediately, as soon as the stain was found. It will be much more difficult to remove an old stain than a fresh one.

First, you need to try to remove plasticine particles from clothes as much as possible. Then a paper towel or napkin is taken, which is applied to the remains of the plasticine and pressed as hard as possible. This helps to remove residual grease, after which the cleaning procedure continues.

After completing all procedures, it is imperative to wash your clothes. The washing mode is selected depending on the type of material. Before using any stain remover, a small test is done on an inconspicuous area. If the wrong method is chosen, there is a risk of completely ruining the clothes. In the most severe cases, it is necessary to dry-clean the product.

When removing plasticine, do not rub the place of contamination too much, otherwise the dirt will be absorbed into the fabric even more. As a result, you will have to spend much more time and effort to completely remove the plasticine stain from the clothes.

Be sure to carefully study the label on the clothes, as it indicates what should not be done during the cleaning procedure.

It will not be enough just to wash the stain, because warm water can melt plasticine and, as a result, it will end up on all clothes and then the thing will have to be thrown away.

Using freezer to remove plasticine from clothing

One of the simplest, but at the same time effective methods of removing plasticine from tissue is the freezing method. The cleaning procedure is carried out as follows:
  1. If you need to remove a small stain, you can use an ice cube. First of all, all remnants of plasticine are removed from the fabric using a wooden skewer. It is important that all movements are directed from top to bottom, and not smearing the mass in different directions.
  2. Ice is placed in a metal container, which is placed on top of the spot. After 30 minutes, you need to carefully remove the remains of plasticine with a sharp knife. Work very carefully so as not to accidentally cut the fabric. Then the item is washed in the usual way.
  3. In the event that the dirt is large, you can use the freezer. The clothes are folded and placed in a clean plastic bag, tied and placed in the freezer.
  4. The product is left in the refrigerator for several hours. During this time, the clay will harden and it will be easy to remove it.
This plasticine removal method is recommended for natural and denim fabrics. To clean a product made of synthetic material, it is worth choosing a different method. It is not recommended to freeze silk.

How to remove plasticine from clothes by heating?

If the cold does not help clear the plasticine from the fabric, you can try to heat it. However, in this case, everything must be done as quickly as possible so that the stain does not spread throughout the entire fabric:
  1. Prepare clean paper towels in advance (other highly absorbent materials can be used). Plain toilet paper is a great option.
  2. The product is laid out on a flat surface in one layer.
  3. A layer of paper is placed under the dirty part, which is also on top.
  4. The iron heats up at minimum mode (you can set the "silk" function).
  5. The material is ironed, while constantly changing the napkins to clean ones. The clay will quickly absorb into the paper.
  6. Iron the fabric until the stain is completely gone.
  7. At the end, the product must be washed.
You cannot use a hair dryer to remove the stain, since the hot air stream will only melt the plasticine, and it will spread in different directions.

Using baking soda and soap to remove plasticine from clothes

Many housewives know about the unique properties of laundry soap, because it is a universal remedy that will help get rid of almost any type of pollution.

To remove plasticine from clothes, you need to use laundry soap in combination with baking soda:

  1. First, you need to carefully remove the remnants of plasticine from the fabric with a sharp knife.
  2. Then a concentrated soap solution is made - the soap is crushed on a grater, transferred to a small container and filled with boiling water.
  3. After the water has cooled, the soiled item is placed in the liquid and left for about 2 hours.
  4. A brush with stiff bristles is taken and the area of \u200b\u200bcontamination is wiped.
  5. After each movement of the fibers, the brushes should be cleaned with a paper towel.
  6. Thanks to this, the plasticine will not spread to other parts of the fabric.
  7. Then a thick gruel is made from soda and water, which is rubbed directly into the stain.
  8. The cleaning procedure should be carried out until the stain is completely removed.
  9. At the end, the product is washed in the usual way.

How to remove plasticine from clothes at home with vegetable oil?

If the previous methods did not help, you can use a simple vegetable oil. However, you need to act very carefully so as not to completely ruin the thing.

The cleaning procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. A small amount of vegetable oil is applied to the place of contamination.
  2. To prevent spreading of oil, you need to fold the fabric in such a way that a small depression is formed at the place of contamination.
  3. The oil is allowed to sit for about 2 hours.
  4. After the specified time, plasticine is removed with clean napkins.
  5. You need to try to soak the oil from the fabric with napkins.
  6. To remove any residual oil, you can use a dishwashing detergent that should be used right away.
  7. The place of contamination is well wiped, after which the product is washed in the usual way.

Using kerosene to remove plasticine from clothes

Kerosene has been used for cleaning clothes for quite some time. In addition, today on sale you can find refined kerosene, which does not have an unpleasant odor.

To remove plasticine from clothes, you need to proceed as follows:

  1. It is necessary to work with kerosene very carefully, as there is a risk of ruining the fabric.
  2. Kerosene can only be used for processing dry material.
  3. The product is placed on a flat surface.
  4. A cotton pad is moistened in kerosene, wrung out and applied to the place of pollution.
  5. After 5-10 minutes, the cotton pad is removed.
  6. Excess kerosene is soaked in a paper towel.
  7. Before washing the item, wipe the spot with a lemon wedge.
  8. Washing powder should be replaced with dish detergent.

How to remove plasticine from clothes with ammonia?

If there are no special cleaning agents available for cleaning fabrics, you can use simple ammonia, which is found in almost every home. This tool will help you quickly remove a small plasticine stain:
  1. It is strictly forbidden to use this product in its pure form, therefore, ammonia is preliminarily diluted with a small amount of cold water - by 0.5 tbsp. liquid is taken 5 drops of the product.
  2. There are several ways to remove traces of plasticine - the place of contamination is wiped with a cotton pad, previously moistened with the solution, until the dirt completely disappears.
  3. You can also use another method - a cotton pad moistened with a solution is applied directly to the place of pollution and left for about half an hour.
  4. After the specified time, you need to thoroughly rinse the item in cold water, which will help remove the pungent smell of alcohol.
  5. At the end, the product must be washed using powder and conditioner.

Using a stain remover to remove plasticine from clothes at home

Home remedies are not always effective in removing color stains that can be left over from plasticine. In this case, you can use modern cleaning chemicals, for example, special stain removers.

To date, there are quite a few such tools, you need to carefully study the instructions before using:

  1. In most cases, a gel or powder is added to the water during washing of the product or used for soaking.
  2. The place of pollution is directly wetted with warm water.
  3. According to the instructions, the stain remover is diluted and poured into the place of contamination.
  4. After 15–20 minutes, wash the item thoroughly using the powder.

How to remove plasticine from white clothes?

Products made of light and white fabrics need careful care. That is why, when removing traces of plasticine, you need to be extremely careful, since this material is very delicate and it is easy to spoil it:
  1. It is strictly forbidden to use whiteness and other cleaning agents that contain bleach. This solution will not bleach the material, but it will give the fabric an ugly yellow tint.
  2. It is recommended to use gentle agents - for example, hydrogen peroxide. The product gently whitens the stain, but the cleaning process will take a long time. First, the remains of plasticine are removed, after which the clean cloth is moistened with hydrogen peroxide and the stain is wiped. This procedure is repeated until the dirt is completely removed. At the end, the product is washed in the usual way.
  3. You can also use special oxygen bleaching agents, which will help not only quickly remove the plasticine stain, but also will not spoil the thing.

How to remove plasticine stain on colored fabric?

  1. For delicate items, especially if there is a colored pattern on the fabric, use mild products. For example, a mixture of dishwashing detergent and baking soda can help deal with a clay stain.
  2. Combines the powder with the gel until a gel-like composition is obtained.
  3. The product is applied to the stain and left on for about 30 minutes.
  4. After the specified time, the place of contamination is wiped with a soft toothbrush.
  5. If necessary, a repeated cleaning procedure is carried out.
  6. After the stain is completely removed, the product must be washed in warm water.
If a plasticine stain appears on your favorite thing, you should not throw it away right away, because at home you can use a wide variety of effective, and most importantly safe products that quickly clean the fabric. If none of the above methods helped, it is worth using a dry cleaning service.

How to remove plasticine from clothing and other surfaces

Plasticine cleaning

From clothes, furniture, curtains

Easy to clean plasticine

It seems, where to come from plasticine at a construction site? Do not tell me, when replanning old buildings or renovating them, this is very possible. In Soviet times, both glazing beads and window putty often fell into the category of deficits. They needed a replacement. At the very least, plasticine played their role. Why at the very least? Yes, as soon as the temperature rises to the already familiar thirty degrees for us, the plasticine began to "float".

Simple physical ways to clean things from plasticine

This refers to methods of influencing a plasticine spot by simple changes in temperature. Indeed, in the cold, plasticine becomes solid, and at a relatively low temperature it melts, that is, it becomes liquid. In the first case, it is easy to tear off the plasticine cake with tweezers, in the second - to blot it with a cloth that lies on top of the stain and is placed under it. An increase in temperature will create an iron, a decrease in a freezer (if the object to be cleaned is large, then pieces of ice from it).

In any case, after removing the plasticine, washing is necessary. The fact is that after this operation there is always a fatty spot, since the plasticine contains paraffins and fats. And if washing did not help, then the gruel from soda and water will save. It is applied to a greasy spot, lies there for ten minutes, then gently rinses off. As a result, there is no trace of the stain.

Removing plasticine from clothes

In addition to the above freezing and heating, there are many more tricks that help get rid of plasticine and stains after it on clothes. Here are some of them.

  1. 1. After soaking the soiled thing in warm water, after a quarter of an hour they wash the stain with laundry soap. Soap is given half an hour so that it is well absorbed. Further, all this mass is brushed off. If it doesn't help, then sprinkle soda on the stain and rub well.
  2. 2. Soak the stain with vegetable oil and wipe it off with a tampon or napkin. Then the stain is soaked in dish detergent (Fairy type) and washed in the washing machine.
  3. 3. Prepare a solution: a dozen drops of ammonia per glass of water. Next, rub the stain with a cotton swab dipped in this solution until it disappears completely. After ammoniain a large volume of warm water, the item is thoroughly rinsed.
  4. 4. Stains are also removed with gruel from grated soap with hydrogen peroxide. The mixture is applied to the stain, after which it is rubbed with a toothbrush.

Plasticine is removed from curtains and curtains in the same ways as from clothes, and for this they must first be removed.

Cleaning carpets and furniture from plasticine

Simple scraping in this case is not an option: the clay can be smeared even more. To remove plasticine from carpets and upholstered furniture, you can put a sheet of A4 paper on the plasticine spot and move it on top with a heated (but not so much paper) iron. Instead of an iron, you can use a hair dryer to dry your hair. Everything colored and thick will remain on the paper, only a greasy stain will remain on the furniture upholstery. It can be easily degreased with Fairy or similar dishwashing detergents.

And if, nevertheless, it was removed by scraping, then you need to take refined kerosene, dip a cotton rag in it and wipe off the remaining stains.If difficulties arise, the rag is dipped in kerosene until there is no trace of the stain.

What child is not the happy owner of a couple of boxes with multi-colored soft plasticine bars? And as a result, it is hardly possible to find parents who have not faced the consequences of children's creativity in the form of adhering lumps of plastic mass in the most unexpected places: on clothes, body, walls, etc. The list can grow exponentially. But by breaking the laws of mathematics, you can find several effective ways to stop this growth of plasticine marks.

Spot features

Plasticine is a material for creating volumetric or flat figures using sculpting, made of high-molecular polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride and various types of rubbers.

It is thanks to this composition that traces of creativity on different surfaces have one characteristic feature: removing the mass itself is not difficult, but getting rid of the greasy stain after it is quite problematic. Moreover, the material heats up very quickly (even from body temperature!) And begins to creep over the surface. Due to the dyes, oily stains acquire the corresponding shades, which also complicates the process of their removal.

It is interesting. Several decades ago, plasticine was made from powdered clay, animal fats and substances that prevented the material from drying out. So it was ten times more problematic to remove stains from it, if not unrealistic.

In addition to fat, plasticine contains dyes, which also tend to be absorbed into surfaces, especially light and soft

How not to do

Before dwelling on specific ways to remove dirt left by plasticine, it is worth making a few cautionary recommendations.

Stages of stain removal

No matter what type of surface we are talking about, the first two stages will be the same for everyone.

How to remove mass

There is only one removal principle - mechanical. But the algorithm of actions will be different.


If the plasticine has stuck to a soft surface (fabric, carpet, etc.) for a long time, then you can try to remove it without preparation. It is enough to take a stack for plastic mass or use the blunt side of a knife and, prying a lump, remove it.

It is interesting. Do not remove plasticine with a razor or a knife blade - the surface can be scratched or cut.

If the remains are still plastic, then they must first be frozen.


It is possible to remove the stain in the opposite way: with the help of an iron. However, a certain virtuosity is required here, since if you do not remove all the remnants, then the plasticine will penetrate even more into the fibers of the fabric.

Video: how to remove plasticine from a tablecloth with an iron

Hard surface

To remove a lump from plastic, plastic, furniture made of leather or leatherette and other materials, plasticine must, on the contrary, be heated. To do this, if the size of the surface allows, it can be dipped in hot water for 5-7 minutes. If traces of creativity remain on the furniture, then you can use a hairdryer.


  1. We heat the stain until, in consistency, it resembles liquid sour cream.
  2. With a napkin, carefully collect it from the edges to the center so that it does not creep.
  3. There remains the second (but in this case, the last!) Stage of removing the trace - dissolving the fat. To do this, we treat soft materials (for example, leather) with a sponge dipped in a solution of dishwashing liquid with water (1: 2), and wipe hard and durable materials with a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in a 1: 1 ratio. Instead of this mixture, you can wipe the greasy residue with a cloth dipped in kerosene. Or rinse the entire affected area with laundry soap with a sponge.

It is interesting. To remove stains from textile wallpaper, you can also use the hot method with a hairdryer.

Instead of a hair dryer, you can use an iron - the clay will heat up faster, but there is a great risk that the stain will creep out more and it will not be easy to collect it.


It is interesting. For removing plasticine from plastic, plastic, cabinet furniture, etc. there is no need to use any special stain removers. You just need to wash them in hot water.

How to remove greasy marks from different fabrics

The complexity of the subsequent "combat" actions is explained by the fact that plasticine contains dyes that are firmly embedded in the fibers of the fabric. So the removal method must be selected for a specific thing, taking into account the origin, texture of the material and its color.

Natural fabrics

For things made from natural fabric, we use ammonia (5 drops per 1 tbsp of water).


This method works great on greasy stains on jeans.

Another option for removing a stain is a mixture of grated soap (preferably household soap) and hydrogen peroxide. The gruel is applied to the place of pollution, which is rubbed with a toothbrush. The product is washed as usual. This method has a significant drawback: it is difficult to calculate the proportion of the components, so the tool may be ineffective or even spoil the material.

Laundry soap in combination with peroxide is a very powerful tool for removing plasticine dirt.

Video: saving shorts from plasticine

White things

For whites and light colored fabrics, it is best to use an oxygen bleach (e.g. Vanish Oxi Action, Bose Plus Maximum). Before use, you need to carefully study the instructions for use on a specific fabric. But the general principle is to apply the product to the stain and wash the product after a certain waiting time. And one more thing: it is not recommended to rinse off the bleach before washing.

Colored products

For colored fabrics, you can use a slurry of baking soda and dishwashing liquid (preferably Fairy).


  1. We mix the components until the consistency of gruel.
  2. Apply to the stain.
  3. We leave for 10-15 minutes.
  4. We clean with an old toothbrush.
  5. We erase in the usual way.

Dishwashing liquids dissolve fats, which makes them indispensable for cleaning plasticine marks



  1. We mix turpentine and gasoline in equal proportions.
  2. We handle pollution.
  3. We erase as usual.


  1. We put a cotton cloth under the seamy side.
  2. Wipe the stain with a cotton pad moistened with rubbing alcohol, moving from the edges to the center.
  3. We erase as usual.

It is interesting. It is recommended to wash silk and wool products at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees, using liquid detergents.

Professional approach

Plasticine grease stains can also be removed using industrial products. Such as:

Their use must be coordinated with the type of fabric from which the thing is made.

Video: how to get rid of plasticine on a carpet with Faberlic

Features of removing plasticine from wallpaper

Sometimes the creative impulse of a child can be so strong that even wallpaper turns out to be in the material for modeling, that is, in plasticine. This is a very inconvenient surface from the point of view of cleaning.

Hair dryer

It is quite dangerous to heat up plasticine - it will spread over a large area, so this method can be used when there are no more lumps on the wall.


Video: remove traces of plasticine with hot air

other methods

Although it is inconvenient to freeze, this technique is acceptable if the lumps are large. After the mass has hardened, carefully remove it with tweezers, a stack or the blunt side of a knife. Removing a grease stain from wallpaper is also quite problematic. If they are dark, then it is better to accept the mark. And on light ones, you can try methods with ammonia or industrial means. Dishwashing detergent will certainly help, too. But in order to remove the foam after it, you will have to wet the wallpaper heavily, which, of course, will ruin their appearance. But for vinyl or dense non-woven wallpaper, the method with vegetable oil is very suitable.


  1. Wet the old toothbrush with oil.
  2. We clean the wallpaper.
  3. Remove the remaining oil with a slightly damp cloth.
Video: how to remove plasticine from non-woven wallpaper

How to clean toys

It is enough to wipe dolls, cars, etc. with wet wipes, or, if there are no napkins in the house, use a cloth with vegetable oil and then wash the thing in soapy water. Or just wipe off the remnants of plasticine with a napkin. Stuffed toys are cleaned in the same way as other textiles. That is, you need to take into account the color and texture of the material. In conclusion, large characters are washed by hand, and small characters are machine washed, but in a special washing bag.

Very important: soft toys are washed in liquid detergents - this makes it easier to wash the soap.

Dolls, plastic and plastic toys are cleaned in the same way as other items made of similar materials, but soft ones after removing the stain is better to wash

Video: hot water for cleaning toys from plasticine

We return purity to the body, hands and hair

It is quite simple to wash hands and body: laundry soap to help. But with hair, the situation is more complicated.


It is quite possible to remove plasticine from different surfaces. You just need to decide on the type of fabric, its color, then find out which method of mechanical removal of plasticine residues is most suitable in this situation. After that, greasy stains are removed with one or another fat-soluble agent, and in most cases this stage ends the fight against complex dirt.

❶ How to clean plasticine

You will need

  • Stack (special scraper)
  • Vegetable oil
  • Paper (napkins)
  • Special detergent


In order to clean the plasticine from the flat surface of the table, you will need a stack (special scraper). After the child has finished modeling, you need to very carefully scrape off the surface with a stack of plasticine. Be sure to pay attention to the pressure of the stack when assembling plasticine from varnished surfaces, so as not to scratch the varnish.

If a toy is stained in the plasticine, then you need to proceed as follows. If possible, wash the toy in the hottest water possible using a special detergent. And then, if the plasticine is not completely washed off, you need to wipe off the soft remnants with paper. If the baby's clothes have suffered from the plasticine invasion, then before removing the plasticine, the thing must be frozen. To do this, put your clothes in the freezer for an hour or two, and then gently peel off the frozen plasticine. In the same way, with the help of cold, plasticine is removed from carpets and floor coverings. Ice in a bag is placed on the spot and changes as it melts, and then the frozen plasticine is easily removed. You can also try to clean the clay with vegetable oil. For this, the oil is applied to a paper towel and the stain is wiped off. After the plasticine is cleaned, the greasy stain will need to be wiped off. Also, a plasticine stain on clothes can be cleaned with a dry cleaning service. Before carrying a dirty item, it's best to call the dry cleaner and see if they handle this kind of dirt.

How to remove plasticine from clothes and remove stains from it?

Plasticine is the favorite game of all children. Children, preschoolers and schoolchildren sculpt from it. And, if mothers are already used to dealing with food stains and dirt, then the worst thing is to find this sticky substance on children's clothes, especially on new things. Ordinary washing in a machine will not help here, even when using expensive powders. And the sticky substance and stains after it must be removed. Parents have only one thing to do: look for effective ways to remove plasticine from clothes.

How to effectively remove plasticine from clothes?

Plasticine remarkably develops children's abilities. However, after careless sculpting, dirt may appear, which is not easy to remove. Of course, this is not a reason to forbid a child to develop the abilities of a future sculptor. Therefore, we suggest you consider the following ways to remove plasticine from clothes. And then you can safely allow your child to create these charming masterpieces.


A very common technique for removing plasticine from clothes is exposure to cold. The contaminated item must be folded into a plastic bag, then placed in the freezer for 30 minutes. After freezing, the sticky substance quickly breaks into small pieces. Now you need to carefully scrape it off with the back of the knife.

To do this, you can use a hair dryer or an iron heated to 50-60 degrees. Before you clean the clothes from plasticine, cover the stained area with paper. Then warm it up with an iron, softening the sticky substance. The remaining stain must be cleaned with a napkin and then washed with soapy water.


In some cases, ammonia is used to remove colored stains. They need to soak the damaged area of \u200b\u200bclothing, then leave it on for half an hour. Then wash the thing in the standard way in a typewriter.

Not everyone knows how to remove plasticine stains from clothes with vegetable oil. To do this, you need to take a piece of cloth, wet it with oil, then gently wipe the stain. When the fabric of the garment is well saturated, the sticky substance will come off. But then a new problem will arise - a greasy mark on the product. To remove it, you need to use a dishwashing detergent such as Fairy. Then wash the item in the washing machine.


This substance dissolves fat well, can be perfectly washed with washing powder. How to clean plasticine from clothes using kerosene? You need to take a piece of cotton wool, moisten it with kerosene, then carefully rub the stain. After 15 minutes, rinse the item, then wash it in warm water.

How to wash off plasticine?

To remove colored stains, you can use stain removers that easily solve this problem. Such products as "Amway", "Antipyatin", and "Maxima" soap have won a good reputation.

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How to properly sharpen kitchen knives using sharpening stones, a sharpening machine, an electric sharpener and a jug can be found here.

  • first you need to remove the sticky substance mechanically;
  • put a white cloth under the contaminated area;
  • take another piece of cloth and dampen it with liquid stain remover;
  • apply the product to the stain, then wait a few minutes until the sticky substance is completely dissolved;
  • rinse the product and wash in a standard way.

Important! Before using the stain remover, you need to try its effect on an inconspicuous area of \u200b\u200bthe product, so as not to accidentally ruin the fabric in the process.

In addition to special means, how to wash plasticine from clothes, you can also use ordinary laundry soap and soda:

  • you need to dissolve a small piece of laundry soap in hot water;
  • apply the solution to the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe product, leave for 20 minutes;
  • rub the stain thoroughly with a clothing brush - this will make it much easier to remove the sticky substance;
  • if the fabric is thin, then gently rub the thing with your hands;
  • rub the stain with soda or moisten with hydrogen peroxide, leave for another 15 minutes;
  • wash the product in a machine at a temperature of 60 degrees or by hand.

Find out what products are best to clean your stainless steel stove.

How to wash things with embroidery, you can read here:

How can you wash plasticine from plastic?

To wipe away the sticky substance from plastic products, you need to try very hard. It is important to react very quickly here.

First you need to remove some of the sticky substance with your hands or a spatula. Then moisten with detergent and leave for 20 minutes. Then wipe off with a napkin.

The next way to wash plasticine from plastic is to lather a brush and clean the plastic surface with this solution. After that, sprinkle the contaminated area with baking soda and scrub again with a brush. Then leave the soap and soda solution for half an hour, rinse and dry. The procedure can be repeated several times until the desired result.

Important! Plasticine is a fatty substance, so it is best to use a degreasing agent when removing it. Otherwise, greasy spots may remain after it.

In addition, plasticine can be removed using the cold. First wipe the surface with ice, then remove the sticky substance with a spatula and wipe dry.

Popular experience shows that plasticine is well wiped off with wet wipes. Baby wipes from Pampers are very good in this regard.


There are a lot of means than to remove plasticine from clothes. Choose the one that is most comfortable for you and that suits the type of fabric. And to protect your clothes from unpleasant consequences, use a special board, armbands and an apron.

We also invite you to watch an experimental video of cleaning fabric from plasticine:

How to clean a modeling board from plasticine.

Recently I came across some useful things from Tugeza on the Internet (we wash plasticine with vegetable oil). And I thought that probably not everyone knows the easiest and most effective way of wiping plasticine from a board, table, chairs and other smooth plastic and wooden surfaces.

And it is extremely simple.

We only need soft napkins, tissue paper or toilet paper. And that's it! Crumple the paper into a lump, wipe the surface. All plasticine sticks easily, grease is absorbed by the paper. After such cleaning, the board does not even need to be washed (if it is not supposed to lick ...)

I used to take my middle daughter from the garden. The teacher laid out dirty modeling boards in the lockers for the arrival of the parents, "stuck" to the point of impossibility on both sides and gave the task to everyone to wash the boards at home with hot water ("since we are already tortured to launder"). I didn't mind cleaning the board (especially since I already knew this miracle method), but I didn't want to drag home such stickiness. There was a bundle of paper handkerchiefs in the bag, and while the child was getting dressed, I cleaned the board with 1-2 handkerchiefs. I handed clean plastic to an extremely surprised teacher (she was almost speechless from surprise, “oh ... and ... how is it ... so fast ...?”) Perhaps we did not save all the parents then from washing the greasy boards with hot water, but at least we helped our neighbor a little

The content of the article:

Modeling with plasticine is a favorite creative activity of many little sculptors. However, careless use of this sticky substance can leave stubborn stains. But this is not an excuse to refuse a child to create charming color masterpieces. The main thing is to know effective ways to remove this sticky substance.

How to remove plasticine stain - effective ways

Plasticine is a mixture of paraffin, wax, fat and dye. The stain remaining from it is very problematic to remove. Even washing in a washing machine will not help, moreover, using expensive stain removers. On the contrary, such washing will complicate further cleaning. Rubbing the stain with a knife will also not work. But there are several ways to help remove the sticky mass from textile coatings.

Laundry soap

Immerse the soiled item in warm water. After 15 minutes, lather the dirty area with laundry soap and leave to lie down. After half an hour, scrub the area with a clothes brush. This method is suitable for light, solid colors. White streaks may remain on colored material. If this method does not remove the contamination, sprinkle baking soda over the stain and rub again.


Dilute 10 drops of ammonia in 200 ml of water. Soak a cotton swab with the solution and rub the stain until the clay disappears. After that, rinse the item thoroughly in warm water and wash in the standard way in the washing machine.

Vegetable oil

Soak a cloth napkin with vegetable oil and rub the dirty area until the plasticine leaves. Then wash the garment with copious amounts of Grease Remover Gel (such as Fairy Dishwashing Liquid) and machine wash as usual.


Cold exposure is good for stains that are not very smudged. Put the contaminated item in the freezer of the refrigerator for 30 minutes to freeze the plasticine. After freezing, the sticky substance breaks down into small particles. Pry it off with the blunt edge of a knife and remove.

Important! Do not peel off the plasticine with your hands; their heat will make it stick to the surface more strongly.


Cover the stained area on both sides (top and bottom) with paper or natural fabric. Iron it with a heated iron to 60 degrees or warm it with a hair dryer. Heat will soften the sticky substance and transfer onto the paper / fabric. Change wipes as needed. After that, rinse the stain with soapy water and wash in the washing machine.


Soak a cotton swab in kerosene and wipe the stain thoroughly. After 15 minutes, rinse the item in warm water and wash in the washing machine.

Washing in a washing machine

After all the above steps, send the thing to the wash in the washing machine. Set the program according to the type of clothing. If the item is white, add bleach or stain remover. A higher washing temperature will allow the dirty plasticine stain to disappear without a trace.

How to remove plasticine from wallpaper?

For the surface of smooth wallpaper, apply the heating method, using a napkin and iron, and treat the greasy stain with a degreasing detergent and water. It is more difficult to clean the embossed wallpaper. Here you need to use the proverb "wedge knocks out a wedge. Take white or another light-colored clay and stick it over the stain. Then, with a sharp movement, tear it off the wall. Repeat this manipulation until the light plasticine completely "removes" the colored one. Remove residual stains with heat and dishwashing detergent.

How to remove plasticine stain from plastic?

Use a spatula or hand to remove some of the clay. After the stain, moisten with detergent and leave for 20 minutes. After this time, rub it with a napkin. Another way is to lather the brush with laundry soap and clean the plastic surface. Then sprinkle baking soda on the contaminated area and scrub again with a brush. Leave the soap and soda solution for 30 minutes and rinse with clean warm water.

How to remove plasticine stains from carpets and upholstery?

To remove plasticine stains from carpet and upholstered furniture, the "heating" method is a good choice. The "freeze" method is also suitable. But in this case, you should do it differently. Wrap ice cubes or frozen meat securely with a towel, press them to the stained surface and hold for a few minutes. After a while, remove the frozen pieces with the blunt end of the knife.

How to remove stains from smart plasticine?

Clever plasticine is also known as hendgam or hand gum. It is not intended for children, but for adults to relieve stress. It is made not of wax, but of silicone. To remove the stain from it, traditional methods will not work. It is possible to independently clean the pollution from "smart plasticine" only on natural surfaces (cotton, wool, linen, silk). To do this, at hardware stores, buy a "cleaning alcohol" known as 70% isopropyl alcohol. Pour it over the stain. It will dissolve instantly. Blot the rest with a napkin. It is impossible to remove traces of "handgam" from synthetic surfaces at home. Products will have to be handed over to dry cleaning, and for upholstered furniture to use the services of a cleaning service.

As you can see, there are a lot of tools for removing plasticine stains. You just have to choose the most convenient and suitable for the type of dirty surface.

Video tips on how to remove plasticine from clothes: