Delicious pike cutlets recipe. Cooking pike cutlets: the best recipes and subtleties of cooking

Pike has long been known as a valuable commercial fish. Pike protein is easily digestible and has the same value as chicken meat. In addition, pike meat is recommended as a dietary product, as it has a low calorie content, and pike cutlets can be called the most delicious and simple pike dish.

Minced pike turns out to be dryish, this is understandable, pike is a completely low-fat fish. Therefore, it is advisable to add butter, lard, grated raw potatoes, etc. to it. In the minced meat for pike cutlets, you can add another type of fish, fatter.

Don't go after complicated, convoluted recipes with a lot of ingredients. As is often the case: the simpler the recipe, the tastier the dish turns out. When preparing pike cutlets with spices and seasonings, you should be careful. Vivid flavors and aromas can overpower the flavor of the main ingredient.

Pike cutlets with fried onions

1 kg pike fillet,
100 g butter
2-3 onions
2-3 slices of white bread,
2 eggs,
100 ml of milk

Pass the pike fillet through a meat grinder. Cut the onion into small cubes and fry in butter until golden brown. Cool, add to the minced meat, beat in the eggs, bread soaked in milk, salt and pepper to taste. Form the patties and place them in a skillet with hot vegetable oil. Cover and simmer, turning, until tender. Then fry without a lid until golden brown.

To make pike cutlets juicier, many experienced housewives add cream, butter, carrots or raw potato puree to the minced meat instead of milk. Breading will also help preserve flavor and juice. After all, you can fry pike cutlets not only in the traditional way. There is also an option with bread crumbs. So, take two small bowls. Beat an egg in one, pour breadcrumbs into the other (by the way, you can cook them yourself). Dip the finished cutlets into a beaten egg, then into bread crumbs, and send them to a frying pan with heated oil. Such breaded cutlets turn out fluffy, juicy, because all the juice and aroma remain inside, under the breading.

Pike cutlets with lard

1 kg pike fillet,
100-150 g fresh lard,
2-3 onions
2 eggs,
2-3 slices of white bread or loaf,
100 ml of milk
salt, black pepper - to taste.

Clean the pike, remove the entrails, fins, head and large bones, pass through a meat grinder. Soak white bread in milk, cut lard and onion into cubes, combine with minced meat and pass through a meat grinder again. Season with salt and pepper.

Form round cutlets with wet hands, place in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil and fry until tender.

Pike cutlets can be steamed. This option is suitable for a children's table and dietary menu.

Remember that minced pike is a perishable food, so do not freeze it before cooking. And it is not recommended to defrost minced fish more than once. It is much better to cook a dish from it right away. There is no risk and the taste is excellent.

Lean pike cutlets with herbs

1 kg pike fillet,
2-3 onions
3 slices of white bread
100 ml of vegetable oil,
1 tbsp with a heap of starch,
parsley and dill - to taste,
salt, black pepper - to taste.

Pass the pike fillet through a meat grinder. Cut the onion into small cubes and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Chop the greens finely. Add salt, pepper, starch, white bread soaked in water and fried onion to the minced meat (by the way, the consistency of the minced meat and the taste of the finished cutlets depend on its amount). Stir, form patties and sauté in vegetable oil until golden brown or steam.
If you are a garlic lover, add 1-2 cloves to the minced meat. Don't be fooled by those who say garlic will spoil the taste of your fish. A small amount of garlic will only emphasize the taste of the finished cutlets. The main thing is not to overdo it with garlic, that's all.

Pike cutlets with semolina

1 kg pike fillet,
1 onion
1 egg,
50-60 g semolina,
salt, black pepper, fresh herbs - to taste.


Pass the pike fillet through a meat grinder along with the diced onions. Add semolina, salt, pepper and chopped herbs to the minced meat. Beat in an egg. If you want the patties to be denser, add only the yolk to the minced meat. Stir and let stand for a little, about 20 minutes, so that the semolina swells. Form the patties and sauté them in vegetable oil until tender. The perfect duet with ready-made cutlets will make a vegetable side dish.

Pike cutlets cooked in the oven are also good. You don't need special skills for this, and a little time is spent. Baked fish cakes are lower in calories, which means they are ideal for diet food, as well as for those who adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

Oven baked pike cutlets

1 kg pike fillet,
3-4 cloves of garlic
100-150 g bread crumbs,
50-100 g butter,
50-100 g of hard cheese
salt, spices - to taste.

Prepare minced meat from pike fillets, bread crumbs and garlic. Add spices, salt to it and form patties. Cut the cheese and butter, lightly frozen beforehand, into small pieces. Place a piece of cheese and a piece of butter inside each cutlet. Place the finished pike cutlets on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C until golden brown.

For those who like to try something out of the ordinary, the following recipe will definitely appeal to your taste. Cottage cheese is a product that does not seem to fit into this dish at all; it can very subtly emphasize the taste of fish and make it softer.

Pike cutlets "Original"

800 g pike fillet,
200-300 g of homemade cottage cheese (or store-bought, normal fat content),
2 eggs,
1 onion
2-3 cloves of garlic
100 g butter
50-100 g wheat flour
50-100 g of rolled oats,
fresh herbs, salt, spices - to taste.

Cut the fillets into small cubes, chop the onion and combine both ingredients. Then add cottage cheese, salt and spices to the resulting mass (a little of both). Form the minced meat into small patties, putting a small piece of butter inside each. In a skillet with vegetable oil, fry the finely chopped garlic until golden brown and remove from the pan. Dip the cutlets in a mixture of flour and rolled oats and fry them in the resulting garlic oil until golden brown on both sides, put on a dish and sprinkle with finely chopped fresh herbs.

It is known that the pike is slightly dry, but another river predator - pike perch - is softer and more tender. So why not try combining these two fish in one dish? The result will not only delight you, it will cause delight and admiration.

Pike and pike perch cutlets "Delight"

400 g pike fillet,
400 g pike perch fillet,
1 tbsp. l. flour,
a quarter of a loaf,
½ tbsp. milk,
1 onion
1-2 eggs
½ lemon,
salt, herbs, spices - to taste and desire.

Prepare minced meat from fish fillets, add a loaf soaked in milk, onions, a little butter, eggs, chopped herbs, salt, spices. Mix everything thoroughly. Form small patties, roll in flour and place on a baking sheet. Place thin slices of lemon on top and bake in a preheated oven for 20-30 minutes.

It is possible that before you calmly walked past the river fish traders. If so, then there is an excuse for you: you simply did not know how to cook the gifts of our rivers. This means that now is the time to look into their bins and choose a pair of chic pikes for a wonderful culinary experiment - pike cutlets.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

what happened on the Amur in 2013, unexpectedly turned out to be favorable for fishes... And this winter the fishermen in My village pleased with the rich catch.

Caught very well

I will open today the secret of making delicious pike cutlets. Everyone who has tried our cutlets, wonder: how delicious! And they ask to put more and more of these magic cutlets in the plate!

The recipe was invented by my husband, an avid fisherman. He does everything himself: he prepares fillets, peeling pike from the skin and separating bones; selects the ingredients in the amount that is needed; passes everything through a meat grinder and mixes the minced meat. All I have to do is make minced cakes, put them neatly on a preheated frying pan and serve the most delicious cutlets to the table - pike cutlets.

Three secrets of delicious pike cutlets

So the first thing to do is free the pike from the skin and separate bones, i.e. cook.

How to cook fillets

(first secret)

Bring the fish into the house and leave to thaw. But not for long! Do not miss the moment when the pike is already "warmed up", but not completely thawed. The skin should thaw slightly.

Many housewives do not want to bother with fish because it becomes slimy when thawed. So he tries to slip out of his hands. And my hands are terribly cold. And after cutting the fish, there is a lot of cleaning. But this can be avoided!

We'll need a sharp knife, pliers, knitted gloves, and newspapers. We'll cover the table with newspapers, and then just roll them up and throw them away. This will get rid of the tedious cleaning after cutting the fish. Gloves are needed to keep your hands out of the cold.

Cut off the fins with a sharp knife. We make an incision around the head, along the back and abdomen of the fish.

If the pike is large, then we make an incision along the side.

Now we take the pliers and, hooking the skin, pull it from head to tail, peeling off the pike.

Cut the fillet with a sharp knife, separating it from the bones.

Cooking ingredients for minced meat

(second secret)

This is a very important point! The whole secret of taste, splendor, juiciness cutlets lies in WHAT exactly you take for minced meat besides fish. We need:



green onion;

a lot of parsley, a lot of dill;

1 egg or two;

some white bread soaked in milk;

salt, black pepper.

I will not say exactly the number of products. The husband does everything "by eye" and to his taste. But here s there should be a lot of Elena... It is most important! Correct ground meat turns out to be almost green!

Some do not put garlic in the minced meat. They say that, they say, it will spoil the taste of the fish. Nothing like this! It will only emphasize the taste of the fish and make you ask for more!

Fry cutlets

(third secret)

Of course, you can do the most traditional way: after forming cutlets, roll them in flour and fry in a pan. It will be delicious too. But I do it differently. Beat the egg in a separate bowl. I pour ground crackers into another bowl.

Breading I cook myself, spinning crackers in a dry meat grinder. By the way, one more trick which I am happy to share with you. Hook a bag onto the meat grinder, secure it with a "money" rubber band. When you grind the crackers, the crumbs will not scatter around your kitchen, but will remain in the bag!

Step 1: clean the fish.

Use a scraper to remove the scales from the pike. Cut her belly with a knife, remove all entrails, cut off the head, fins and tail. Rinse the fish under running cold water to remove all kinds of contaminants, place on a cutting board and make a cut along the ridge, trimming the fillet so that it separates from the bones. Remove the large protruding rib bones from the resulting pike pulp. Using the sharp end of a knife, make a small incision in the middle of the fish fillet, pry the pulp with it and carefully separate it from the skin, then separate the remaining fillet pulp from the second half in the same way, holding the skin with your hand and cutting the pulp with a knife. Process the rest of the fish in the same way. Cut the pike fillets into small random-shaped pieces that will be conveniently grinded in an electric meat grinder, and place them in a deep bowl.

Step 2: prepare the rest of the ingredients and prepare the minced meat.

Pour the required amount of milk into a bowl and soak the required amount of loaf in it, let the bread soften, this process will take about 15 minutes... While the loaf is soaking, peel the required amount of onions, garlic and rinse them together with lard under running water, then dry the ingredients with paper towels. Place the onion and bacon alternately on the cutting table and cut into pieces of arbitrary shape and size that can freely enter the neck of the electric meat grinder. Then place the prepared food in separate bowls. Place an electric meat grinder on the kitchen table and pass the pike fillet, garlic, onion, bacon, loaf soaked and pre-squeezed from milk through it, directly into a deep bowl. Add salt and black pepper to the resulting chopped ingredients to taste. Stir the mass with a tablespoon until smooth, then add shell-free chicken eggs into it and mix the minced fish again until smooth.

Step 3: form the pike cutlets.

Pour the required amount of bread crumbs or sifted wheat flour into a deep bowl. Take a full spoonful of minced fish, moisten your hands in running water, place the required amount of minced pike on your palm and form an oval-shaped lump out of it. Dip the cutlet in breadcrumbs, press down lightly with your palms to give it a more attractive oblong shape, and place the cutlet on a cutting board sprinkled with a little bread crumbs. Shape the rest of the patties in the same way until you run out of minced meat.

Step 4: fry the pike cutlets.

Turn the stove on to medium heat and place a frying pan with 2 to 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil on it. Gently dip the pike cutlets into the heated fat, fry them on one side over medium heat for 7 - 8 minutes until golden brown. Then turn them over with a kitchen spatula, fry them for 7 to 8 minutes, bring the stove temperature to the lowest setting, cover the pan with a lid and steam the patties for 2-3 minutes. Steam accumulating on the surface of the lid will give moisture, which will drain to the bottom of the pan and steam the patties inside, so the patties will be cooked completely. Then remove the lid from the skillet and place the patties on a large, flat dish with a spatula. Cook the rest of the cutlets in the same way. Periodically, if necessary, add the amount of vegetable oil you need to the pan, since fish cakes absorb a fairly large amount of fat during frying.

Step 5: Serve the pike cutlets.

Pike cutlets are served hot on a large flat dish or in separate portions on plates. Any hot potato dishes, vegetable salad, boiled pasta and rice can be ideal side dishes for fish cakes. Sauces such as tomato sauce, hot mustard sauce, curry sauce, wine sauce, garlic, rusk and many others are also suitable for these cutlets. You can savor this yummy with a glass of dry or semi-sweet white wine, but juice from white grapes or apples can also be suitable. Enjoy! Bon Appetit!

- - Do not forget that there should always be separate knives and cutting boards for fish, meat, raw and boiled or fried vegetables! Since all these ingredients contain their acidic environment and bacteria, which, in contact with each other, can cause a biological process, which can subsequently lead to undesirable consequences in the form of poisoning or diarrhea.

- - During the preparation of this dish, you can add any spices you like to the minced meat that are suitable for cooking fish and vegetable dishes. This can be dried basil, tarragon, cardamom, cumin, fennel, savory, rosemary, lemon balm, curry and many others.

- - In this recipe, you can use any other kind of fish, it can be halibut, pilengas, pike perch, bream, carp, capelin and many others.

- - For frying this type of cutlets, you can use any type of vegetable fat. For example, olive oil, corn oil, butter, or vegetable oil.

Pike is one of the most popular river fish, and cutlets from it are healthy, tasty and quick to cook. And if the pike is one of your favorite fish, then you are doubly lucky. Now you will learn how to cook pike cutlets.

Delicious pike cutlets with bacon

If you use lard as an additional ingredient, it will add richness and juiciness to your dish. That is, such pike fish cakes will definitely not be dry.


  • Pike fillet - up to 1 kg.;
  • Lard - 100-160 gr.;
  • White bread or loaf - 300 gr. (Second-day);
  • Eggs - 1-2 pcs.;
  • Milk - 100-140 ml.;
  • Salt, black pepper, or other spices to taste;
  • Sunflower oil - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • Flour - 1 tablespoon;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Breadcrumbs (optional) - 3 tablespoons

Cooking pike cutlets with bacon:

The first step is to soak the loaf in milk so that it absorbs it normally. Cut the pike fillet and lard into pieces at this time.

Scroll through a meat grinder: pike cubes, pieces of bacon, bread (squeeze out of milk) and onions. It is advisable to do this procedure several times in order to reduce the chances of the seeds getting into the minced meat for pike cutlets. And there are enough of them in the pike.

The third step is to add salt and pepper to this homogeneous mass, as well as 1-2 eggs to taste. In the case when the minced meat turned out to be watery, we eliminate this problem by adding flour. You literally need it a little.

The last stage is shaping the cutlets and frying them in a pan. First, dip them in bread crumbs and then fry. When golden brown, your pike cutlets are ready. We serve them with a side dish, but sometimes I put a cutlet on the bread, and it turns out a sandwich.

This is not necessary, but if you like to experiment, then at your discretion you can improve the recipe for pike cutlets with lard and add some vegetable ingredients, such as potatoes or carrots to the minced meat, to give a little new taste.

Pike cutlets with pork

Let's prepare delicious pike fish cakes combined with pork. They will not have a river taste, even by taste it will be difficult to determine the presence of fish. In addition, they are quite juicy and fatty. This recipe for pike cutlets is very simple and quick. And such cutlets can easily get on any festive table.


  • Pike (fillet) - 800-1000 gr.;
  • Pork - 800-1000 gr;
  • Onions - 2 pieces
  • Lard (optional) - 60-90 gr.;
  • Bread or loaf - 150 gr.;
  • Milk - 150 ml.;
  • Flour - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • Salt, black pepper, spices - to taste;
  • Eggs - 1-2 pcs.

Cooking pike cutlets with pork:

Pike fillets need to be prepared, peeled, rinsed. And soak the bread or loaf in milk. You need a little milk, anyway, after that, you will need to squeeze the bread a little.

Then we pass the pike fillet through a meat grinder along with bread, pork, onions and bacon. In order to avoid seeds, it is recommended to pass the pike fillet through a meat grinder 2 times. Add eggs, salt and pepper to this mince to taste. Everything mixes very well.

Now pike cutlets can be sculpted, dipped in flour and in a frying pan. Be sure to fry in vegetable oil, and do not forget that the cutlets are fried from 2 sides.

If desired, to make the cutlets even more juicy, add a tablespoon of mayonnaise to the minced meat for pike cutlets.

Pike cutlets in the oven with cheese

This fish recipe for pike cutlets not only with cheese, but also with tomato sauce. But its main difference will be the presence of cheese and the special composition of the sauce. In order for the pike cutlets to be the most delicious, you need to use fresh fish, for example, catch it yourself. Therefore, if you are a fisherman, and even fish for pike, this recipe for pike cutlets will be very useful to you.


  • Pike fillet - 1 kg.;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • White bread or loaf - 200 gr.;
  • Hard cheese - 50 gr.;
  • Salt, pepper and other spices to taste .;
  • Breadcrumbs - 1 glass;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • For the sauce:
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp l .;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Carrots (small) - 1 pc.;
  • Sour cream - 110-130 gr.;
  • Water - 2-3 tbsp. l .;
  • Sugar - 2 pinches;
  • Salt to taste.

Cooking pike cutlets in the oven:

First, you need to soak the bread in milk so that he can absorb it. To do this, you can cut off the crust and divide the pulp into pieces. We use white bread, you can have a loaf.

Next, you need to chop the onion and carrots into cubes, grate the cheese. Moreover, half of the onion will be used for making the sauce, half for the minced meat. The pike, or rather the fillet, must be washed, cooked and scrolled through a meat grinder. Then add half the diced onion, cheese, eggs and salt with pepper to taste. We mix everything well and get good minced pike for delicious cutlets.

Now we form cutlets from minced meat, dip them in bread crumbs or, if possible, in flour. And then fry in a skillet with vegetable oil on both sides until a small crust appears.

In parallel, you can saute for the sauce. It is made from the second half of onions and carrots, which are fried in a skillet for about 4-6 minutes.

Then we mix the ingredients of the sauce: tomato paste, sour cream and add water. To this composition we add our passivation and sprinkle with salt and sugar to taste. Mix well and the tomato sauce is ready.

The last step is placing the pre-fried cutlets in a baking dish and pouring sauce over it. You can lay out pike cutlets in layers, but each layer must be watered with tomato sauce. We put in the oven for 20-25 minutes, at a temperature of about 200 degrees. The temperature can be slightly lower, but not lower than 170 degrees. Delicious pike cutlets are ready!

Steamed pike cutlets

If you want to make a very healthy and absolutely harmless dish, then steamed pike cutlets will be a very good solution. Firstly, fish cutlets are healthy in themselves, they are steamed, which means that they can be eaten even by children. I also recommend it as a dietary meal.


  • Pike - 2 pieces
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Parsley or dill - 1 bunch

Steaming pike cutlets:

Peel the onion and cut into pieces. Wash the greens and pat dry with a paper towel.

Gut the carcass, wash well and dry with a paper towel. Cut off fillets, peel off. Then twist the fillet in a meat grinder along with the onion and herbs.

Drive 1 egg into the resulting minced meat and salt and pepper to taste, also add other spices to your taste.

Then you need to shape the cutlets and put them in a double boiler. Attention! They do not need to be wrapped in anything, neither in flour nor in bread crumbs. They are steamed for up to 30 minutes, maybe a little less.

Serve ready cutlets to the table. Buckwheat or rice porridge, as well as potatoes, are very suitable for such steamed pike cutlets.

Pike caviar cutlets

How to cook pike caviar cutlets? Everything is very accessible and simple. The preparation itself does not require a lot of ingredients or a lot of time. Everyone can cope with this, and the taste of the dish will pleasantly surprise you. If your pike caviar turned out to be more or less than indicated in the recipe, then this is not scary. You just need to keep the approximate proportion of the other ingredients.


  • Pike caviar - 500 gr.;
  • Onions (medium) - 2 pcs.;
  • Egg - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Semolina - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • Flour - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • Salt, pepper or spices to taste.

Cooking pike caviar cutlets:

Rinse pike caviar thoroughly, remove the film and mix with a fork.

Then add flour and mix everything well again. Everything, minced pike caviar is ready, you can proceed to the last stage - frying cutlets or pancakes, since the composition of minced meat is almost identical. And in this case, they are the same thing.

Preheat the pan with vegetable oil, lay out the cutlets and fry on both sides. Then we put them in a saucepan, pour in some water and extinguish a little. You can also simmer in a pan, but then you need to drain the fat in which the cutlets were fried and add water there. Instead of water, you can also stew with white wine. Then serve it with ready-made cutlets in the form of a sauce. But this is at the discretion.

We will prepare pike fish cakes according to the classic recipe, adhering to the recipe proportions and recommendations of the cooking technology.

For river fish cutlets, we need fresh pike fillets: fish must be taken fresh, preferably from a clean, proven reservoir and a fairly impressive weight from 7 kg. and more
(the rich taste of fish pike cutlets will depend on this). Having butchered the pike carcass, we select the excellent fillet, without the skin, and remove the visible bones. From the remaining parts of the fish body, head, fins

We pass fresh pike meat through a meat grinder with a fine mesh (you can scroll several times)
and at the same time add fresh onions, which we also pass through a meat grinder along with fish fillets.
We get about

Also, when grinding fish in a meat grinder, it is necessary to add fresh, not salted lard (lard can be replaced with a piece of soft butter). We calculate the amount of fat from the proportion of 10% for the juiciness of minced meat from the mass of fish ... t. e per 1kg. pike 100 gr. lard passed through a meat grinder.

So, twisting the pike, bacon and onion in a meat grinder, we proceed to add aromatic spices and soaked bread crumb.
(We pre-soak the pulp of bread for 10 - 15 minutes, in boiled cold milk). We use spices sparingly, without fanaticism - a pinch of ground black and allspice, a pinch of ground coriander and this can be limited to, unless you use your own "special" spices. We mix all the ingredients together and a delicious classic pike minced meat will be ready.

Note that it is the combination of pike meat and lard (not even butter) that gives the ideal taste result for ready-made cutlets - juicy, tender, aromatic. The crumb of white bread increases the tenderness and softness + juiciness of the cutlet (as opposed to semolina, which absorbs excess moisture). Naturally spicy spices are a cutlet upgrade, we make the pike mega delicious! Well, the last nuance is eggs ... to lay or not !? I prefer not to use eggs in minced fish, but to leave it as natural as possible, since for my taste the eggs tighten, fasten, and make the tender pike mince more tight, and change the taste of the cutlet itself.

Without giving the minced meat extra time to stand, we form beautiful oblong cutlets with an average weight of 100 - 120 grams and roll in breadcrumbs, or in breadcrumbs with the addition of bran, or in breadcrumbs mixed with spices, or a mixture of bread crumbs and small oatmeal. Fry in a hot skillet with vegetable oil until golden brown on both sides.

Fry the cutlets well, over medium heat, after turning over, cover the pan with cutlets with a lid for additional steaming. Fold the prepared fried pike cutlets into a convenient small saucepan and shift with sprigs of rosemary, basil or celery. Cook or cranberries and serve in portions with vegetables.

Bon appetit and delicious cutlets!


  • Pike fillet 1 kg.
  • Onion 1pc.
  • Lard 100 gr.
  • Bread 150 gr. + milk 150 ml.
  • Salt 1 tsp
  • Spices + herbs to taste
  • Breadcrumbs