Why We Think About Someone: A Spiritual Interpretation! Does a person feel when you constantly think about him.

Why do we think about someone? Our mind is a complex thing. It works by itself while we go about our daily business.

Spiritual practice changes the nature of our mind. We can begin to attribute to it some of the thoughts and ideas we evoke about the activities of our spiritual self.

Why do we think about someone?

In fact, when we think of someone, it is quite possible that there is more of a spiritual explanation for it. When we think about someone for no apparent reason, we can attribute to it the effect of a shared spiritual connection.

With every spiritual connection, a certain degree of telepathy arises: non-verbal communication, which takes place on the spiritual rather than the physical frequencies with which we normally communicate.

This telepathy is rarely under our control. Therefore, when we think of someone, it is quite possible that this person is telepathically communicating with us. In this case, we must pay attention to the spiritual connection.

Pay attention to the feeling that accompanies your thought, because it has a certain message. The message can be anything and most likely it will be very exciting.

Another reason why we might suddenly think of someone is that this person is playing or will be playing. important role on the next stage of our spiritual journey. If so, then this thought is sent to us from our spiritual guides. And they tell us that the person we are thinking about will be very important to us!

This will happen on its own, but we wouldn't have received this message if we weren't expected to take some action. If you feel good when you think about this person, perhaps you should strive to develop a deeper relationship with them!

Each person felt in his head an endless stream of obsessive thoughts that overshadows consciousness and does not allow to calm down. It is much more difficult to cope with obsessive thoughts if their object is a person who is important to the heart.

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Many found themselves in a similar situation and became hostages of their feelings. It happens that there is not even a reason for memories, and all thoughts are still directed exclusively to a certain person. It becomes interesting whether such a connection can only be one-sided, or whether a person will also feel something if he thinks about it for a long time.

Communication through thought processes

Scientists and psychologists have been searching for answers to questions about such a strange phenomenon as telepathy for decades, trying to study what is happening between people. Some say that such interaction is quite real, while others do not take seriously the possible communication only by thought processes. But a large number of eyewitnesses who have experienced this phenomenon on themselves serve as confirmation of its existence:

  • The strongest invisible connection was found between relatives by blood, most of all it is expressed between mother and child. After all, it is no coincidence that you can often hear about sudden calls after the appearance of a thought, desired gifts, similar ideas, fears, feelings. Parents and children are the most capable of interacting mentally, often unconsciously.
  • A similar phenomenon occurs in couples in love. But in such cases it is difficult to affirm something, since in the thoughts of the beloved there is always only the chosen one or the chosen one, who at first are the whole world for each other. But it is also impossible to completely exclude the coincidence of simultaneous dreams or an unexpected anxiety state in both.

It's quite different when in question about telepathic messages to strangers and to a stranger, which has never been important and expensive. In this case, the main criterion is the energy sensitivity of the object of thought, so there are two options:

  • If an individual is completely immune to subtle matters, then for sure he will not feel anything at all, but will simply continue his business.
  • If hallmark personality is a subtle mental organization, then there will come a feeling of incomprehensible anxiety or even thoughts about some other long-forgotten person.

In such cases, the person to whom the stream of thoughts is directed will be able to feel it.

They say that if for a long time miss a person, then he will definitely feel it. But in psychology there are no exact theories and evidence for such a fact. When a certain person is constantly spinning in the head, this disrupts the psycho-emotional state of the thinker - he is always in tension, but this rarely affects the object of thought. The reason for his poor condition, mood and such thoughts can be anything - problems at work or in the family, difficult periods of life, lack of love and understanding.

How obsessive thoughts affect a person

When studying the problems of telepathy, one should pay special attention to this fact - thoughts of an obsessive nature that continue for a long time can serve as a source of exhaustion for the person himself. His internal energy focuses solely on the impact of energy on the object, and not on achieving its own goals.

People who have different energy level, I manifest myself as follows:

  • A person who is strong in spirit and filled with energy on maximum level, feels a surge of strength and a desire to achieve great success. A thinking person will only have a positive impact - he will share his strength and energy, he will be able to mentally help take a step towards the fulfillment of an old dream. Thanks to this, a person who was constantly thought about will become happier and will not even understand the reason for such increased ambition.
  • When the object of thoughts has a weak level of energy, or at this stage of life, his spiritual powers are depleted, thoughts directed at him can be harmful. The person will feel anxious, his concentration will decrease, and the ability to focus on something important will also be minimal. In this situation, the thoughts of the thinker will only bring trouble to a weak and defenseless person who does not understand anything. He is very vulnerable to external factors, any outside influence only worsens his psychological state, causes discomfort and inconvenience.

Getting rid of intrusive thoughts

Getting rid of obsessive thoughts is not as easy as it might seem. It is important that the messages of the telepathic plan tend to complicate life. And if this person is truly dear, then it makes sense to think about whether it is worth thinking in this direction, because these actions can turn out to be negative.

How to stop thinking about who is annoying, who left or who you will never be together with? These three variants of questions, based on the same thing - the desire to stop thinking, are quite common on the Internet. People who ask this question have one thing in common - they suffer and would like to get rid of addiction.

Reading mystical sites, you can easily find information about thought forms. Which, as stated, take an active part in our life with you. Moreover, there are descriptions of experiments during which this very influence can, so to speak, be seen. I want to tell you about one such experience that I found on the Internet.

A certain scientist, using special equipment, took pictures of the aura of a group of people being tested. He asked the subjects to think about some specific people and then filmed their aura. When thinking about a person, a plasma image of the person he was thinking about was separated from the thinker's aura and hovered next to the subject. This plasma image outwardly resembled the person the person was thinking about. In fact, the subject's thought created the apparition of the person being thought of. But his "life" was short, it disappeared after the subject stopped thinking. At some point in the experiment, an incident occurred - a lighting lamp exploded. But the curious scientist kept filming. In the following photos, the plasma thought forms immediately after the explosion of the lamp grew several times. The scientist came to the conclusion that the energy from the fright of the people participating in the experiment nourished the thought forms they created and gave them life.

The same is true for those who voluntarily or involuntarily think about someone. In fact, with any of us. As soon as we think about a person, we surround ourselves with the plasma ghosts of this person created by us. When our thoughts are pleasant and joyful, the thought forms also receive a positive charge. If you have ever been in love, then you must be familiar with this feeling of the presence of the object of your passion next to you. But our unpleasant thoughts about someone, our suffering and fears, charge with negativity and increase the plasma ghost in size. And the more we think and the stronger the negative, the longer our thought form lives. And having acquired a life of its own, it is already beginning to influence us.

This can explain intrusive thoughts about someone that we have no control over. No matter how hard we try not to think about a person, thoughts seem to be born themselves in our brain. These are the plasma thought-forms created by us that control our consciousness, constantly reminding us of ourselves in order to be nourished. And we involuntarily feed them with negative energy that has arisen from our suffering. What to do, how to get rid of our own "works"?

Now, knowing how the mechanism of our thoughts works, we can take it into own hands and change. We need to stop breeding plasma monsters that force us to feed them and clone them. We need to understand that when we think about a person, we do not send him anything, but surround ourselves with new thoughts about him. Therefore, thinking about someone, we do not create contacts and connections, but on the contrary, we cut and shorten the circle of our territory.

Close your eyes and imagine your day thinking about someone. So you got up in your house in the morning and the first thing you did was fill your house with the ghosts of another person. In your absence, they will affect people in your home. Especially if you have previously fed them with your suffering. You go to work, and the same dull copies of the person for whom you suffer are trailing behind you.

So what should be done first? You need to find a theme that will help you in the fight against the plasma ghosts. It may be some old hobby of yours, a hobby that you have abandoned. Or something new, but inapplicable bringing you positive emotions. If there is nothing like this in your life, then the universal will fit - thoughts about money. Find yourself an object that you would like to get for money, by the way, this can also be an object of your hobby. And mentally set a goal - to earn money for this object. Think as far as possible about ways to make money, trying not to turn to crime. Talk to people, asking them about new earning opportunities. You will be surrounded by money thought forms, and when you dream about money, they will grow, receiving your positive emotions. Dare!

Close your eyes for a few minutes, and very soon you will be swirling with crazy thoughts. You'll think about jobs you didn't see and worry about the future. Fragments of memories will flash through your mind, images of people you've met and snippets of songs you've heard recently.

Can spontaneous thoughts disappear?

Now try to stop this turbulent flow. Can you make your head completely clear and your mind clear, free from impressions and associations? It is unlikely that you will be able to do this. Psychologists call it "automatic thought", and this phenomenon has become a disaster. human beings. It happens more often when your mind isn't busy with specific tasks, such as when you're in bed before going to sleep, standing at a bus stop waiting for transport, or waiting for a doctor's appointment.

It happens when you're bored

Thoughts come into your head at the moment when you are bored, sad, or you don’t know what to do with your brain. This also happens during monotonous work, which does not require special concentration of attention, and all movements of a specialist are brought to automatism. For example, a cashier girl, letting go of customers, thinks about how fun she will spend the coming weekend. This can happen during a boring conversation that you cannot leave for reasons of decency. Your mind moves away from the topic of conversation and begins to work offline. Automatic thoughts disappear as soon as you switch to an activity that requires concentration. This happens when you are working on important project or absorbed in interesting hobbies, including watching TV or reading.

Another facet of human experience

Automatic thoughts are a normal part of the human experience and most of us see no problem with it. We do not think about the nature of the emergence of these ideas, we do not want to understand where the voices in the head come from, why this and not another piece of information pops up, and why the face of a random passer-by is in front of our eyes. We take it for granted and do not want to know how all this information is reproduced, stored in the very depths of the mind. Who writes the script, according to which the thoughts in the head follow one another? And why do all these fragments of thoughts appear in a chaotic manner, changing associations in an arbitrary sequence?

All of these ideas can be tiring, but can be an enjoyable experience, especially when dreams come into play. It's nice to lie on the couch and draw in your head the most daring scenario of your life. This is how you realize your secret desires and ambitions, remember the most pleasant moments from the past and look forward to the near future. Reverie contains an important social function, being a kind of rehearsal before some event. Many famous people by generating automatic thoughts they realized their outstanding works. For example, Albert Einstein actually created the theory of relativity while working as a clerk in a patent office.

Reasons for generating thoughts

However, in most cases, all these spontaneous thoughts do not bring us any satisfaction. When all these associations take over your mind, after a while you will want to escape and be free from this bondage. One of the reasons for the generation of automatic thoughts lies in the constant anxiety. Your mind is filled with chaos, thoughts are spinning, but you cannot control them just because you feel unsettled.

This phenomenon in psychology is called "mental entropy, or lack of control over the mind." Intrusive associations create a barrier between you and your experience, they prevent you from experiencing the world in a direct way. This creates an abstract fog in the mind, in which unrealistic scenarios seem more real than reality.

The ability to self-reflection

Automatic thoughts may arise due to a person's ability to self-reflection - the ability to talk to yourself. Without this form of introspection, self-improvement is impossible. It is believed that the power of the mind puts a person in the biological hierarchy above animals. It organizes our lives, allows us to assess the situation, make plans or make decisions. Unfortunately, there is one big flaw in the reflective abilities, namely the lack of control. This can be compared to artificial intelligence who developed his own will and began to generate his own images.

Ways to overcome

It seems to us that without these intrusive spontaneous thoughts, our emotional well-being will only benefit. The most serious step to deliverance is meditation. Regular practice, brought almost to perfection, allows you to slow down the birth of automatic thoughts or even completely free your head. Experienced meditators may experience long periods of complete mental emptiness, and in the long run their minds become less "cluttered".

Another technique is to change the attitude towards the emergence of heavy thoughts. Try not to identify yourself with spontaneous images. Consider them as if you were sitting on the bank of a river and watching the flow: "This is another negative thought, but I should not pay attention to it." This will make you less vulnerable to the emotional drain of negativity.

PUMYAKA, 26/06/02
Ugh, I hate it. Because when you constantly think about someone, you can’t think about anything else, it turns out that you are kind of captured, and I love freedom (who doesn’t love it?), so I hate it when someone occupies my thoughts. =P

Nobody, 06/09/03
As I got it already, it's just a nightmare. It's better not to think about anything or anyone than to think about this bastard. I love it and can't stop thinking. the most important thing is. that he doesn't deserve it. It would be better if there was amnesia :(

Spanish Tygress, 08/09/03
I don't know if I like it or not ... when there is nothing to do and there is plenty of free time, you try to occupy yourself with something and think about what is in your heart. About a loved one who is far from you ... And it gives pleasure. But when you sit, for example, at a lecture at a university and nothing comes into your head, except for one thing, at least yell, no one will help

Gotha, 13/06/06
At the beginning, it is very pleasant to feel the presence of some character in your head. You make plans, dreams. He fills your life, then you become alert, try to abandon thoughts about him, but it’s too late and you resigned yourself, sadly remembering the emptiness in your head. ..

Hottie, 13/06/06
The less you think, the better relationship with this person. And as soon as you start thinking, you either drown in illusions, or you bury yourself in analysis, and in either case the outcome is not very cheerful. In general, I catch myself thinking that I often think about someone, people who are worthy and not very occupy my brain. That's why I hate my brain: no need to think about the matter, it calculates someone's psychology. This lesson has no meaning. I’d better prepare for the defense of my diploma, it’s already tomorrow ((

Sofia 3, 13/06/06
What is happening to me? Why OH? In my head constantly, like frames from a long-gone movie, snippets of conversations of a hundred years ago, ironic words, porn scenes revolve. Paranoia! I hate the feeling of hopelessness, the inability to force myself to calm down and change my mind, after all. How tired I am of these thoughts. Where can I put myself from them?

Mister Jumanji, 13/06/06
It happens, of course, when you constantly think about something good .. for example, the anticipation of a holiday, morning fishing, which you get out "once a year", you are afraid that nothing will go wrong .. etc., but more often there is some kind of crap clings to the brain .. and does not let go, no matter how much you want to .. this is really disgusting .. well, if you also feel guilty at the same time .. then you can’t get rid of thoughts at all .. such pies!

Remedios, 13/06/06
Oh, when I arrived from the dacha, I lost sleep and peace :) I think about him all the time and think, it’s time to think about studying - the deadline is already, but I still can’t distract myself from it, it hangs like a colorful poster in my head. Before, I constantly thought about Vanya and worried when we fought with him. Now he is so kind, sweet, helps a lot with his studies, supports morally and is generally just a darling, but I don’t think about him at all ... It’s just that the roof is going. I really want to go to the country, I know that he is still there. And I don't want him to leave.

Lamenta, 30/07/06
It exhausts me sometimes. Or rather, my brain. Especially when you don't see a person for a long time that is stuck in the brain. Constant tension, emotions that burn out inside, a completely clear image that relentlessly follows you on your heels ...

Lamenta, 09/09/06
Everything that I wrote about in the first message on this topic has begun to be concretely embodied now in my life... I want to know: when will you leave my thoughts forever?! I do not want to think about you, but why this is happening, no one will answer me, even myself. I hate you for this! Every day turns into a difficult test, and sometimes even the night becomes a test when HIS image appears in a dream...

Princess Viper, 09/09/06
I have been thinking about this man for a month and six days now. Can't stop. At first, that is, in August, I was surprised at how, where and that I could meet such a person who really saved my life. For seven or eight months in a row, all I could do was cry every day, not want to get up in the morning and go out. I was slowly dying, I suffered, everyone turned away from me - those who called themselves my girlfriends, friends, even my parents, which finally broke me ... And this person really helped me a lot, although he himself did not know about it and now he will never finds out. I wanted to live, I really wanted to live, I didn’t cry for two weeks, which is rare for me, I was glad that I would see this person and that I would learn from him, I was waiting for a certain day. and then ... it turned out that there is no longer such a person

Gay Babai, 24/08/10
To be honest, I don’t remember when I fell in love .. when I thought about him day and night, waited for him online in ace and contact, scribbled statuses and messages ... Yes, that’s all nonsense. It’s better not to love anyone, then thoughts will not be occupied with superfluous .freedom.That's what I need...)

DizzyLizzy, 12/11/10
Because if I constantly think about him, then he doesn’t think about me at all, which is a shame!

Caramel with Vanilla, 30/01/12
I really hate intrusive thoughts. And thoughts "about someone" are associated either with fear, or with heartache, or with strong passion. I do not write the word "love", because in such cases it is precisely a selfish and all-consuming passion. Everything falls out of hand, you can’t do anything, thoughts revolve around one object, causing a feeling of anxiety, uncertainty

Michelin, 09/06/12
It's really terrible. You wake up and go to bed thinking about the same person. You go somewhere and it seems to you that he is going there. You are reading a book, and in your head you only have the person you have been thinking about for more than one day.

Homm, 15/06/12
In this state, you can fail your studies, and abandon household chores, and forget about other loved ones (parents, for example). I don't like it obsessive state. I do not like too strong feelings for a person.

Fairka, 22/04/15
Tired, I think all my time about one thing is not very good man And besides, I had nothing to do with him. How tired of it, some kind of energy vampirism. It's embarrassing to think about this person all the time. Mentally I ask you to get out of my head: away, away, away, I repeat like a prayer all the time (((You know, it's so disgusting and exhausting, why am I penny and why is he? It's terrible (((