The name Paul in history. The name Pavel: the fate and meaning of the name

There are some names, the original meaning of which does not coincide with our usual idea of ​​their carriers, with their real characteristics.

It is unlikely that any of the representatives of the stronger sex would have liked it if, for example, they were called “Baby Ivanovich” or “Baby Alexandrovich” in a working environment. But after all, the original meaning of the name Paul is precisely this - from Latin "Paulus" is translated as "baby."

True, linguists say that the origin of this name has a slightly different semantic connotation: "Paulus" is translated from the language of the ancient Romans as "younger", and most often they called the youngest child. The name came to the territory of today's Russia thanks to Christianity and one of its apostles - the apostle Paul. This name was “to the taste” of representatives of different social strata, not only because it is of Christian origin, but also due to its ease of pronunciation and good compatibility with different patronymics.

This name is popular both in Orthodox countries and in Catholic countries - precisely because it is of Christian origin. Several popes are known who took this name for themselves after being elevated to the dignity. The Apostle Paul was chosen as the patron of the city, among them - St. Petersburg, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and London, and entire states - Malta, and the saint's admirers often called him after their sons.

The name Pavel in everyday life is transformed into diminutive forms Pasha and Pavlusha, Pava and Pavlik. In European countries, Pavel turns into Paul, Pablo or Paolo.

"Kids" in childhood

Men who bear the name Pavel are not at all like "kids", as one might conclude, having learned only the origin of the name. The character of Pavel is quite masculine and "adult". And in order to understand more precisely who Paul is, the meaning of the name for his real life, you need to take a closer look at the following points:

  • How does little Pasha behave?
  • What are the characteristics of an adult male?
  • How is his personal and professional life?
  • Health, name day and some other features of Paul.

If parents want their newborn son, growing up, not to lose touch with his family, then the name Pavel is exactly what is right for their boy. In childhood, Pasha is usually kind-hearted and sympathetic, and the rules established in the family do not cause him a feeling of protest. If he has brothers and sisters, the boy is very attached to them.

Pasha is a sociable child, he enjoys playing with friends, but he does not like dangerous adventures and even discourages daredevil peers from such adventures. An open character, which is expressed in sociability, in the desire to play and learn about the world, is balanced by a view of the world around us that is quite reasonable for childhood.

His behavior is logical and reasonable, he takes up the matter only after thinking, so haste is not characteristic of this child. And parents will have to come to terms with some slowness with which Pasha acts. But this slowness should not be taken for laziness - this is how the boy learns the world around him and acts most effectively.

His slowness and prudence have one important positive side, which is not characteristic of every boy. If he believes that he needs to do something, he will certainly do it and bring the work he has begun to the end. Such typically masculine behavior has a special meaning for Pavlik from the very first conscious years of his life.

In elementary school, Pasha is far from being an exemplary student; it is difficult for him to sit still if the school subject does not completely capture his attention. But the restless character does not prevent him from studying quite well - the mindset allows him to generalize information and draw the necessary conclusions. And this skill sometimes turns out to be more important than ordinary cramming.

Pasha rarely becomes a leader in the class due to the fact that he is rather modest. But he is not deprived of friends. Other boys - and girls too - are drawn to him because he knows a lot for his age and knows how to talk about it in a fascinating way.

Teenager and man

In adolescence, Pasha remains a rather calm and reasonable guy; Pavlikov's parents rarely know all the "charms" of adolescence in boys. A balanced and sociable character allows him to maintain good relations with his parents and with friends acquired in childhood. Friends especially appreciate in a boy named Pasha sincerity, responsiveness and the ability not only to empathize, but also to come to the rescue.

Moreover, he helps not only his comrades - in general family matters, parents may well count on the help of the matured Pavlik. Sometimes the older generation is embarrassed by the fact that it is in adolescence that Pasha begins to show his contradictory character: despite his kindness and responsiveness, he can radically change his appearance - “turn” into a real dandy or “outrageous” informal.

Do not be afraid of this - the search for yourself is of great importance to Paul. It is better to treat this condescendingly and with humor, and point out some shortcomings or absurdities very gently and correctly - this is the approach that the grown-up son will appreciate positively. Any rejection or aggressive desire to “fix” him will be taken with hostility by Pavlik, and his relationship with his parents can seriously deteriorate.

The character of an adult man becomes somewhat more contradictory and tough than in childhood and adolescence. Nevertheless, in communication, he tries to be diplomatic and balanced, which allows him to maintain good relations not only with a friendly circle, but also with unfamiliar people and colleagues. However, one should not expect that this man will be condescending to impudent behavior - he organically cannot stand rudeness and selfishness.

At the same time, his character becomes demanding: he not only strives to do everything almost perfectly, but also demands the same from those around him. Doing everything "on the level" is of particular importance for Pavel - after all, he is very hard going through even the slightest setbacks. At the same time, he knows how to draw conclusions from his defeats and next time he will certainly succeed.

But the character of Paul does not require universal attention to his own person. He does not like to be the life of the party, although he still knows more than most and his wit is "above average". But Paul's friends need to remember one rule: you need to be sincere with him and not go into conflict, then the relationship will remain friendly for many years.

Love and marriage

Of course, it is very interesting what the name Paul means for its bearer in the sexual and love aspect. Most often, the friendly environment of both Pavlik and an already adult man is not only male, among his friends there are many representatives of the fair sex. But Pavel has one important rule: he will never create false illusions with a girl who has sympathy for him if he himself does not have tender feelings for her.

Despite this, in their youth, these men have many sexual partners, but he makes the choice of his "only one" quite late. For him, complete unity is important not only in the spiritual and intellectual aspects, but also in the sexual.

Moreover, sex for Paul is not only bodily pleasure, but also aesthetic. Therefore, he gives one of the priority values ​​\u200b\u200bto the environment in which his dates take place. In this, his sense of taste and style does not change him at all - the partner will simply be fascinated by the romantic atmosphere.

An intimate relationship for Pavel is one of the indispensable conditions for a marriage union; for him, a relationship with his wife without sex is simply not possible. At the same time, family life does not diminish Paul's sense of style and good taste.

Moreover, if he feels that his beloved wife is somewhat “not up to” his level in this regard, he gradually begins to educate her. For example, she gives perfumes that not only suit her, but are also popular today. He may even give his wife cosmetics or jewelry that, in his opinion, will help his woman look elegant.

Does not like to take the lead in managing the household. It cannot be said that in everyday life these men are “handymen of all trades”, but what they know how to do with pleasure and very high quality, and for the rest they prefer to invite a professional master.

Career and other "little things"

The fate of Pavel in the professional sphere is determined by the turn of his mind. The ability to conduct a deep analysis and synthesize the acquired knowledge creates good prerequisites for working in the scientific field, mainly in the natural disciplines. This is especially true because this man prefers to think rather than act.

Nevertheless, his perseverance and responsibility are able to overcome the natural tendency to laziness and make him an invaluable worker. He can fully realize himself by becoming a teacher or a journalist. Another very good option for professional implementation for Pavel is a financial analyst, economist, auditor.

The meaning of the name Pavel for doing his own business is not the most favorable, but such a direction in his life is also possible. To do this, a man needs constant motivation, which his responsibility could not bypass. Ambition and vanity are not his features, so the income from Paul's commercial activities will not be exorbitant: enough for a decent life and a little more on top.

But wherever fate throws Pavel, a very important quality can help him - he knows how to withstand life's difficulties.. In addition, priority attention to one's own opinion and sometimes almost complete disregard for the opinions of others (except for those whom he dearly loves) can make his life, if not completely happy, then certainly calm.

The ability to negotiate with people also plays an important role in this. So if you like conflicts and a showdown, then Pavel is not a person in your circle of friends. One of the passions that Pavlik acquires in childhood and retains until old age is the desire to learn and study the world around him. So Paul will never deny himself to go on a trip, if he only has such an opportunity.

As for Orthodox baptism, since Paul is the name of a Christian saint, it is given at baptism. According to the calendar, Paul's name day falls on July (29), August (10, 12, 30) and September (3, 5, 10, 12, 15, 17). Author: Olga Inozemtseva

The secret of the name

Paul- baby, small (Latin).
The name has always been popular, it is fashionable now.
name zodiac: Virgo.
Planet: Mercury.
Name color: Red.
Talisman Stone: ruby.
auspicious plant: rowan, aster.
name patron: rudd.
Happy day: Wednesday.
happy season: summer.
Main features: calmness, intelligence.


Paul of Byzantium, lad, martyr, June 16 (3).
, martyr, March 1 or February 29 (16) (in a leap year).
Paul of Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr, July 29 (16).
Pavel Komelsky (Obnorsky), reverend, January 23 (10).
Paul I of Constantinople, patriarch, holy martyr, November 19 (6).
Paul of Corinth, martyr, March 23 (10).
Paul the Corinthian, Reverend, July 4 (June 21).
Pavel Lampsaksky, martyr, May 31 (18).
Pavel Latrisky, reverend, December 26 (15).
Paul of Neocaesarea, Bishop, Confessor, January 6 (December 23).
Paul of Nicaea, Bishop, Confessor, September 23 (10).
Pavel Novy, Patriarch of Constantinople, September 12 (August 30).
Pavel Pechersky, Obedient, in the Far (Feodosiev) caves, September 10 (August 28), September 23 (10).
Pavel Obedient (Successor), reverend, December 20 (7).
Pavel Preprostoy, reverend, disciple of St. Anthony the Great, March 20 (7), October 17 (4).
Pavel Prusiadsky, Bishop, Confessor, March 20 (7).
Paul of Ptolemais, martyr, March 17 (4), August 30 (17).
Pavel of Sinai, hegumen, holy martyr, January 27 (14).
Pavel Fiveysky, Egyptian, hermit, originally from Theban. He was the first Christian desert dweller: for 91 years he labored in the wilderness. He died 130 years old (IV century), 28 (15) January.
Paul the Supreme Apostle ("Apostle of tongues"), Hieromartyr, July 12 (June 29). Formerly he was called Saul and was a persecutor of Christians. But then he was miraculously called by the Lord to the apostleship. Having been baptized, he became a fiery preacher of the gospel doctrine. His passionate faith did not tolerate dissent. Nature is strong, strong-willed, he was in constant struggle with himself, humbled his itch, his pride. In one of the epistles there is a phrase that reveals this side of his character: "...having great... boldness to order... for love, I better ask..." For spreading the faith of Christ in different countries, he suffered a lot and was beheaded in Rome in the year 67. For our spiritual salvation, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he wrote 14 "Epistles", in one of which there are such wise words: "It is a great gain - to be pious and contented! For we have brought nothing into the world; it is obvious that we can do nothing and take it out of it. Having food and clothing, let us be content with it... for the love of money is the root of all troubles..."


January 28 - Pavel of Thebes. If the night of January 28 is starry - to the flax harvest. Thebes Paul added a day. If there is a wind on Paul of Favea, it will be a damp year. July 12 - Peter and Pavel Fieldfare: if there are a lot of mountain ash in the forest, the autumn will be rainy, if not enough - dry.


Pavlik is a calm, even phlegmatic child. Like all children, he loves noisy games, but they do not capture him entirely, he quickly gets tired of them and in the midst of the game for everyone, he does not want to continue further. In the classroom at school, he is restless, lazy. The boy needs to be carried away by some curious historical curiosity, a funny story. Then he is drawn into classes, and his laziness disappears.

Pavlik is a kind and sympathetic child, somewhat slow, reacting to what is happening with a delay. He never takes part in dubious games, for example, torturing animals, setting fire to newspapers in the mailbox, moreover, he will dissuade the guys from this.

Adult Pavel is still kind and sympathetic, which attracts people to him. They share their experiences, secrets with him, but he does not justify trust, he can blurt out all the secrets, boasting of his knowledge. Pavel can intercede for the undeservedly offended, but you cannot call him a fighter for justice, he does not speak directly for the truth, but will try to find some kind of compromise. From this situation, he will try to take advantage of himself. Pavel is greedy, but tries to hide it. He has a calm, firm look, judgments are categorical, objections are not accepted. He believes that he has the right to do so, there simply should not be another point of view.

Pavel lives his inner life, he has an extremely rich imagination, a wonderful memory and a highly developed intuition. He will immediately understand any situation, understand all the undercurrents. Pavel is a man with the deepest intellect, but his mind is somewhat passive. Paul loves to study. He is fascinated by classical sciences, languages, oratory. Pavel has been looking for his place in life for a long time, but having made a decision, he no longer changes it, although he may be disappointed in the profession. Therefore, he does not always achieve a high level of professionalism in his chosen specialty. He can become a good administrator and lawyer, a radio and television worker, a philosopher, a religious figure, even a teacher, but this is only because the teachers have a long vacation, he usually does not happen to be a successful entrepreneur, because he does not have a strong will.

Pavel is able to love, but he does not understand how this can not respond to his feelings. Defeat in love he experiences especially hard. He attracts the attention of women with his pleasant appearance, intellect, spirituality, however, the latter can also be a mask, at this time he himself thinks about the sensual. Pavel is a remarkably gentle and passionate lover. He usually marries late, helps his wife with the housework, but does not like it when strangers know about it. He likes to receive guests, drink, but in moderation. Appreciates material well-being in the house, does not refuse additional work, if only it is not very burdensome.

It is quite difficult to be Paul's wife, she must have a truly angelic character in order to withstand his whims, resentment, injustice. When communicating intelligently with strangers at home, Paul allows himself to show the weaknesses of his character. His most successful marriage will be with Vera, Dina, Catherine, Elizabeth, Zinaida, Maya, Sophia.

Surname: Pavlovich, Pavlovna.


Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov (1832-1898) - Moscow merchant, founder of the first museum of Russian art.

Tretyakov did not have a special education in the humanities, but independently acquired versatile knowledge of the history of art. He loved music, visited theaters, knew outstanding Moscow and St. Petersburg artists. In the late 1850s, he began to collect paintings of the Russian school. This business became the meaning of his whole life. Convinced of the creative powers of his people, he said: "I somehow believe that our Russian school will not be the last."

Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov was not just a collector-gatherer. Persistently and purposefully he carried out his cherished idea - to turn his private collection into a folk museum of Russian art, to transfer his gallery to Moscow. This is evidenced by his will, drawn up back in 1860, Tretyakov understood that his collecting should not reflect only personal tastes, it should correspond to the full picture of the development of Russian fine art.

Tretyakov was prudent, prudent and did not hide it. “I always tell you,” he wrote to the artist I. Kramskoy, “that I want to buy as cheaply as possible, and, of course, if I see two numbers, I will always choose the smaller one: it’s not for nothing that I am a merchant, although I often have anti-merchant virtues.” Tretyakov spent over a million rubles on the acquisition of the collection, adding and expanding the gallery building five times.

Possessing impeccable taste, he impressed with his infallible judgment of the artistic merits of a work. This allowed him to choose for his gallery all the best and most talented that Russian painting then gave. Quiet, silent, restrained, he appeared in the artists' studios, where paintings were still on the easel. Who knows how many wonderful artistic ideas would not have been realized if Tretyakov had not supported them financially! Advanced artists valued Tretyakov's work, they considered it a great honor for themselves when their best works entered his collection. They understood that in this way they received the highest appreciation for their work and entered the history of Russian art. In relations with artists, Tretyakov acted not only as a buyer, but also as a subtle, thoughtful critic, often an adviser. Basically, he acquired the works of contemporary democratic artists, realists, with whom he deeply sympathized. However, he knew perfectly well the work of significant Russian artists of the previous era and bought their works.

A magnificent result of the selfless work of Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov is the gallery he founded - the beauty and pride of Russian national culture.


Meaning: The name Paul was originally an ancient Roman generic name that sounded like Paulus. His interpretation in those days sounded like "small", "small". Later it came to Slavic culture and gained the same popularity. It became widespread thanks to the authority of the Apostle Paul.

The male name Pavel continues to be in demand today, as well as many other old Russian names. But its main advantage lies not in demand or sound, but in significance, promising a newborn boy a lot of good qualities, and excellent compatibility.

Conversational options: Pavlik, Pavlunya, Pavlusha, Pasha

Modern English counterparts: Paul, Paul, Paul, Pablo

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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The character of the boy named Pavel is very difficult. It is believed that the meaning of the name Pavel promises a newborn child a contradictory and complex character, combined with a flexible and extraordinary mind, a desire for constant adventurism and risk, good nature and responsiveness.

This is a kind and sincere little man, who from childhood prefers good to evil. True, he is emotional, and therefore he can easily step over his own values, being angry, or feeling hatred for someone.

Closed, a little secretive, calm and conservative. He is an interesting personality, but shrouded in secrets.

Advantages and positive features: kind and generous, purposeful, talented and intellectually developed, does not stop there and tries to reach new and new heights all the time. And on top of that, this is a person who never deviates from principles.

Paul treats badly people prone to betrayal, lies, cunning and self-interest. Paul hates those who take advantage of other people's success to achieve their own goals, and most of all dislikes those who show their strength only against the backdrop of the weak.

Interesting about the name Pavel: This name spread throughout Russia after the name of the Apostle Paul, one of the most famous personalities in the Christian faith, gained authority.

The nature of the name Paul

The nature of the name is one of the most difficult factors. Thousands of researchers continue to study it even today, but no matter how hard they try, it will remain the most theoretical, apart from fate. But nevertheless, there are still results, and the situation with the name for boys Pavel is no exception. The character of the boy named after Pavel is such that it implies the presence of a bunch of virtues, among the huge list of which are talkativeness, eloquence, kindness, justice, good manners, devotion, fidelity, integrity, and the ability to listen, and much, much more. other. But all this can be diluted, although not a large number, but still shortcomings. These shortcomings can be such characteristics of nature as frivolity, inability to act according to a plan, inconstancy, optionality, and the habit of relying solely on intuition. However, his character, despite all the shortcomings, is still a leader, which means that Pavel will have chances to become a leader, or at least just a respected person ...

However, on the other hand, the character largely depends not only on the name form itself, but also on a bunch of additional factors, including the initial parental upbringing, the impact of the energy of the zodiac sign, and many others ...

Early childhood

The early childhood of the boy, for whom at birth the parents decided to choose the male name Pavel, is overflowing with movement and energy pouring over the edge. This is a real naughty, fidget and prankster, he does not sit still for a minute, he is always on the move, energetic and active. At the same time, his playfulness, ideology and intricacy are perfectly combined with popularity among children. Everyone respects him and wants to be friends with him, he has no enemies in childhood, only comrades, and in general, he enjoys incredible popularity in society.

The energy of this name endows it not only with vigor and activity, but also with many other characteristics. This is restlessness, and intricacy, and mobility, and efficiency, and determination, and a cheerful disposition, and playfulness, and eloquence, and friendliness, and good nature. But in addition, the significance of the name Pavel and his energy endows the boy with other features, one might even say shortcomings - this is disobedience, lack of planning, irresponsibility, unreliability, and riskiness. In general, this boy can be noted for his good character and good-natured nature.

And plus everything, he can have an analytical mindset, and self-sufficiency, and love of freedom, and these features, believe me, will remain with him until the end of his life. Parents, unfortunately, will have to worry a lot about him - Pavel is very active and, on top of that, often commits rash acts, which can lead to various troubles and possible problems.


A teenager who is patronized by the meaning of the name Paul is a boy whose nature is usually rewarded with such traits as anxiety, activity, energy, efficiency, restlessness, talkativeness, eloquence, riskiness, susceptibility and sensitivity.

At its core, Pavel is a spoiled child and a child who causes a lot of problems for himself and everyone around him. But parents will also have to worry about his studies - the fact is that his nature does not allow him to concentrate well enough, which is why many of the subjects studied at school may turn out to be poorly perceived by Paul himself.

Lack of discipline, inattention, inconstancy, optionality, lack of performance, instability, lack of control, self-indulgence - this is what prevents him from achieving positive results in his studies. But Pavel is essentially an organizer. He has organizational skills, thanks to which he gains authority among his peers, and thanks to which he becomes popular in society.

As for relationships with peers, everything is simple here - he is sociable and eloquent, knows how to listen, listens to other people's opinions and never offends his comrades, a reliable friend and devoted comrade. In other words, his relationships with peers are excellent, with the exception of only one point - he may have many envious ill-wishers in childhood.

grown man

Adult Pavel is a completely different person. A boy, or rather, now a man, can be rewarded with a bunch of various virtues, including friendliness, eloquence, goodwill, integrity, justice, honesty, prudence, pragmatism, determination and perseverance. With all this, Pavel is also very passionate - he achieves almost any goal, but it is not the goal itself that attracts him, but how quickly he achieves it, plus, he likes to take risks, which also cannot go unnoticed.

Reckless actions, lightning-fast reaction, efficiency, mobility, self-confidence and determination - this is what can bring him victory in many of his "battles". The value endows this man with a really strong character and powerful willpower, he never gives up, is stubborn and arrogant at the same time, and amazes with his intuition. Sensitive and receptive, hard going through betrayal and deception on the part of comrades, but he easily forgives minor misconduct, because he knows that there are no ideal people. But as for betrayal, everything is not as simple as many would like - Paul will never let a person who once betrayed him approach him. Communication with potential comrades and like-minded people at a high level - he listens to people with pleasure, helps them, he will never leave a comrade in trouble, but at the same time he demands the same from everyone.

By the way, the value can also endow communication skills, thanks to which Pavel will easily make contact ...

The interaction of the character Paul with the seasons

Summer - a newborn boy named Pavel will be reasonable, diplomatic and serious, rather than positive and positive. In general, the character is unique in nature. Gallant and courteous, charming and possesses charm - a seducer and ladies' man, an honest and very passionate gentleman.

Winter - the meaning of Winter gives rise to a cheerful and rather witty boy. Talented, smart, positive, emotional, and at the same time reasonable. Despite the mass of advantages, he has no vanity and pride. He hates egoists, tries to equalize everyone among himself in order to achieve harmony.

Spring - here, by the origin of the soul, a sensitive and gentle little man is born, taking to heart any troubles and hardships of the world around him. He is open, honest, knows how to listen and encourage with advice, a speaker, which one to look for, tries to help everyone, be useful, but does not require attention to his person.

Autumn - this child from childhood will shine with his imagination and far-reaching plans. Romantic, impetuous and impulsive, but these traits are hidden under a thick layer of correctness and sanity. He wants to live in his own illusory world, but is forced to live in reality for the benefit of his own self-interest. He is patient and hardy, easily copes with any adversity, but needs a reliable keeper of peace - a woman who is faithful and calm.

The fate of the name Pavel

The fate of the name is another no less complicated factor. It is quite difficult to predict what the fate of a person will be, based only on the characteristics of the name form, and thousands of specialists are ready to confirm this. And yet, the statistics still allowed the researchers to come up with several interesting facts in which they are confident in all "ninety" ...

One of these facts indicates that the fate of a man named Paul always involves a rather stormy personal life. So, Pavel will always be in great demand among the representatives of the opposite sex, will be popular with ladies, and will be surrounded by female attention. But the whole problem is that he himself will be extremely demanding of women - he doesn’t like “fifas” and “dolls”, just as he doesn’t like “boys”, he will search all his life for the one whose character will combine in itself sociability , and femininity, and simplicity.

By the way, the fate of Paul in the end will certainly lead him to a stable, long-lasting, happy marriage - this is what most researchers think. But it is worth noting that not everyone can withstand Paul - the reason is his incredibly strong jealousy, accompanied by emotionality. However, fate is just a theoretical parameter, and it is simply unrealistic to predict it with 100% accuracy, so in reality everything may not be at all as described above.

Love and marriage

Pavel is a man to whom admiring ladies are drawn. He conquers women's hearts with his good nature, responsiveness, reliability and sense of beauty. He is reverent and gentle towards the female representatives, but does not reassure the girls in vain. He is not looking for numerous love adventures, and vice versa, he dreams of connecting his life with only one single woman and is looking for his soul mate with all his heart.

Pavel is one of those men for whom it is important that their wives are admired and envied. He tactfully and gently teaches his wife all the subtleties of creating the perfect image and often chooses her wardrobe himself. Oddly enough, this does not offend the spouse at all, and on the contrary, she should be pleased to feel such care and generosity of her husband.

In the household, Pavel is ready to help his wife, though without much zeal. He carefully makes sure that his wife can cope with all household chores. In addition to his help, he gives her equipment to help: a dishwasher, an automatic machine, a blender, a food processor and even a robot vacuum cleaner. In addition, he is a hospitable host and is always happy to receive guests in his house.

Paul as Father

Pavel takes the issue of fatherhood very seriously and plans ahead for the appearance of children. Of course, he loves his children madly, but it cannot be said that he spends a lot of time with them. But Pasha makes sure that his kids do not need anything and they have everything their heart desires.

The best toys, strollers, bikes and the best clothes - he believes that this is how he proves his love to them. However, with this he only pampers them, which does not always have a positive effect on their character. As you know, too spoiled children in the future become quite selfish people and continue to wait for everything to be brought to them on a plate.

In other moments of the educational process, Pavel completely and completely relies on his wife. By the way, in such a family, it is the father who most often instills a sense of style and love for everything beautiful. He teaches children about neatness, the habit of looking perfect, commitment and other equally important factors.

Pavel horoscope


Aries - Paul, born under the auspices of the meaning of such a zodiac as Aries, has a very contradictory character and temperamental nature. He argues with everyone, even with himself, plus, he loves power and craves independence. His goal is for people to recognize his virtues, appreciate them and exalt them. Looking for attention and fame.


Taurus - this boy, on the contrary, is more committed to loneliness. He is prudent and scrupulous, hates risk and unpredictability, follows a plan drawn up in advance, never commits rash acts and has a positive character. But his prudence and slowness negatively affect relationships with women.


Under the sign of the twin, an ambitious and principled boy named Pavel is hiding by the origin of nature. He is straightforward and ironic, often able to offend a loved one with criticism, tries to look serious and tough, although in reality he is a vulnerable and touchy person.


Cancer is suspicious, wary, slow, distrustful and too secretive. He honors loneliness and independence - neglects noisy companies. At the same time, he has compatibility with affectionate and feminine ladies - in them he seeks protection from the outside world.

a lion

Leo - and here, the boy who received the name Pavel is completely indecisive and timid, but hides these features under imaginary invincibility, rigidity, desire for power and exactingness. It is difficult to build a relationship with such a person, not everyone can withstand it. But on the other hand, he is passionate and romantic, can become an ideal lover, albeit unpredictable.


Virgo - such traits as seriousness, excessive prudence, pure reason and exactingness dominate here. In particular, he is especially demanding of his beloved. Not every woman can get along in a relationship with him - everything is strictly according to plan, and unpredictability cannot be expected from him.


Libra is a mannered and pampered gentleman, a little shy and terribly timid. Any words that criticize his personality can offend, and betrayal does hurt like that. That he will close himself. But a wonderful husband, an ideal father of a family, and just a good owner.


Scorpio is a principled egoist, although he tries to be secretive and unpredictable. But selfishness often permeates everyday life everywhere, causing people to shy away from it. Such a man will never see his own shortcoming, but he criticizes everyone around him all the time.


Pavel with the sign of the archer is fair and ambitious, but closed and secretive. He makes contact with people without much desire - it is more comfortable for him to be alone and independent of anyone. A lover of women, true, those whose character is dominated by femininity, care and affection.


Capricorn - calm and complacent, open, observant and balanced, tries to stay away from noisy events, does not strive for the center of attention. Compatibility with other zodiacs is good, but due to indecision, they often remain alone, dreaming of love and understanding.


Aquarius - here the bearer of the name Pavel is inherently self-confident, stubborn, likes to lead and rule, ambitious and decisive. He brings things to the final whistle, and overcomes difficulties with pleasure. He is attracted to strong and impregnable women, those who need to be sought, from whom it smells of rudeness and independence.


The fish sign promises responsiveness and kindness, dedication and the ability to manipulate people. However, he does not use the latter. He prefers to take the position of an observer and just a good person. Intrusive and stubborn, moreover, so much so that these features repel the people around him.

Compatibility with female names

In terms of relationships, passion, reciprocal love and devotion, the ideal options for Paul would be women named by such names as Stella, Emma, ​​Frida, Dora, Marianna, Bronislava and Barbara.

With such as Dina, Rosa, Elina, Clara, Iya, Vera, Susanna and Praskovya, the best compatibility is at all.

But with Ninel and Antonina, unfortunately, there is no compatibility.

Active Reliable Stubborn

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

What does the name Paul mean?

The name Paul is distinguished by the fact that even by its very sound it suggests its interpretation as something inconspicuous, small, soft and meek. The meaning of the name Pavel makes its owner a little reserved, although friendly.

Pasha's life path can be called even. Strong passions, the desire for the heights of Olympus or violent conflicts have nothing to do with Paul's characterization.

He is likely to be a quiet worker, an average worker (which does not prevent him from making good money), a caring husband and a good father.

The nature of the name Paul is in many ways the opposite of the meaning of this name. Pasha is often despotic. Intuitively guessing the hidden essence of situations, he tries to extract the maximum benefit from them.

Zealously keeps his thoughts secret, but other people's secrets can easily be blabbed out. As the owner of such a character trait as charm, soft Pavel still doesn’t get away with it.

Would you name your child by this name?

This name comes from the Latin word "paulus", the interpretation of which is translated into Russian as "small" or "small". By the way, the name Paul in its various variations (like Paolo or Pablo) is one of the most common Christian names.

The history of the name Paul in our latitudes, like the history of many other names, is associated with the adoption of Christianity. But, unlike other nicknames, it immediately became widespread, thanks to the revered holy apostles Peter and Paul.

It also helped that the Day of Peter and Paul coincided with the pagan holiday of the end of haymaking. This is the secret of the lightning-fast conquest of the hearts of Russian people by a name with such a seemingly unpresentable meaning.

The popularity was undoubtedly influenced by the origin of the name Pavel, namely, the appearance of several diminutive derivative forms, especially common among the peasant population - Pavlyuk, Pashko, Pavlik, in addition to the usual Pavlusha and Pashenka.

Name Forms

Simple: Pasha Full: Pavel Ancient: PavelAffectionate: Pavlusha

Of course, we can safely say that the owners of the name Pavel have a lot in common. They are kind, sympathetic (although sometimes it can be nothing more than window dressing, and not at all a sincere impulse of the soul), complaisant. Their intuition is developed almost like an animal, although Pasha will more often rely on his developed mind and ability to quickly navigate the situation.

Pavel has been very patient since childhood, so he often helps parents with younger children, which will undoubtedly help him in the future.

Knows how to wait. He acts slowly, but always achieves his goal. The greatest difficulty for him is the first step, the moment of transition from planning to direct action. Once it is implemented, no difficulties will be able to lead Pasha off the intended path.

Another important characteristic of Paul is his perfectionism. In an effort to reach the ideal, he can spend a lot of time and energy, “combing” various insignificant little things and harassing other people with endless nit-picking.

The characteristic of the name Pavel is approximately as follows: a lively mind, an outstanding intellect never lets you get bored. Pasha loves to study very much, is interested in everything new, is inventive in solving even classical problems. He is not afraid of speaking in front of large audiences, he is a great speaker, while he “holds” the crowd not with expression, but with dispassion, confidence, and iron will.

The desire to "bring good to the masses" can make Pavlik a teacher, journalist, radio worker, or even a translator. If he does not find an audience for himself, he can become boastful and harass all acquaintances and strangers with empty chatter.

Only now you should not reproach him for this, Pasha can be very vindictive, carefully and not without pleasure thinking through and executing the "sentence" passed.

Soft phonosemantics, supported by a correct, strong middle name, will help Pavlik become more solid not only outwardly, but also give inner strength. So, it will make Pashenka more noticeable to others and a harmonious personality.








Internal inconsistency

Excessive softness



Seeming aloof, sometimes even cold, Paul often hides his inner demons of sensuality, the nature of which is unclear even to himself, which is often frightening. And although external attributes are essential for him (Pasha is more prone to romantic actions than anyone else), the physiological component is much more important for him: complete compatibility and harmony is provided to Pasha with a sensual and sophisticated woman, as he appreciates both tenderness and diversity.

Calm and meek Pavlik is rarely jealous of his wife - rather, he trusts and tries to satisfy all needs and desires. Mostly a homebody, likes to receive guests in his nest.

Although he is not averse to traveling, everything new and unusual attracts him very much. He loves children very much, reaches out to them because of their openness and honesty.

The meaning of the name Pavel for a boy

The meaning of this name for a boy leaves an indelible imprint - Pavlusha can be very timid, shy, almost invisible. Your child is unlikely to be a recognized leader, but Pavel is the soul of the company.

Light, sociable, charming, he rarely keeps his mouth shut, unless it concerns personal secrets. However, everything gets away with him - it is simply impossible to be angry with him.

When choosing this name for your child, keep in mind that Pavlik will not reach sky-high heights - a weak character.

He is by nature rather average. Although Pasha usually settles well in life, largely due to his intuition and ability to quickly make the right decisions. Patience, perseverance, perfectionism are the "three pillars" of Pavel's success.

Where will Paul be successful?

Pavel likes to be the center of attention, which is not very typical for a boy. Pasha loves to explain, tell, speak in front of a large number of people. He is sure to succeed in any industry related to public speaking or the educational process.

For this child, it is very important to develop independence, masculinity, which means that parents should definitely send him to some sports section.

Dancing, a modeling circle or drawing will not suit Pavel, because sports are designed to make him more determined and courageous.

What games will Paul like?

Pavel loves to be in the crowd, and therefore he will prefer team games to everyone else. I like evening gatherings with conversations or horror stories even more, because then everyone will listen only to Pasha.

The meaning of the name Pavel for a boy, a guy and a man. What does the name mean today, what is its origin? Read a full analysis of the nature, compatibility and fate of the name Paul in this article!

Full name: Pavel

Meaning: from the Roman generic name Paulus - "modest", "small", "insignificant", "younger"

Similar names: Paul, Paul, Paul, Pablo, Paulo, Pau, Pal, Paavali, Pal, Pauli, Pogos

Church name: Paul

Middle name: Pavlovich, Pavlovna

What does the name Paul mean?

Pavel is a common name in Russia, of Greek origin, but with Latin roots. From Latin, Paul (Paulus) is translated as "small". There is a legend that such a prefix was added to the names of the youngest boys in the family, since in Italy it was fashionable to call all sons the same name. The most famous Christian personality - the apostle Paul, is the patron of this name.

Pavel is an ambiguous person: on the one hand, he is a persistent and self-confident young man, on the other, a lazy and indecisive boy who needs support throughout his life. He is an indispensable assistant to his mother in everyday life and when caring for other family members.

Name Pavel in different languages ​​of the world

Armenian: Պողոս (Pohos)

Arabic: بافل

In Belarusian: Paval and Pauluk

Bulgarian: Pavel

Hungarian: Pal

Greek: Παύλος

Spanish: pablo

Italian: Paolo

In Chinese: 帕维尔

German: Paul

Polish: Pawel

Serbian: Pavle

Ukrainian: Pavlo

Finnish: Paavali

French: Paul

Czech: Pavel

Japanese: パーヱル

Characteristics and astrology of the name Paul

Favorable day: Wednesday

Zodiac sign: Virgo

Ruler Planet: Mercury

Talisman Stone: Ruby

Color: red

plant: aster

Animal: rudd

What does the name Pavel mean for a boy, a guy and a man?

Little Pavel is usually quiet and obedient. He is strongly attached to his mother and home, loves his family, enjoys spending time with close people and parents. In society, he behaves calmly and unobtrusively, he easily makes contact even with strangers.

The boy is very malleable, likes to follow the rules and does not attract the attention of others, but always communicates with a large number of friends. Pavel's parents will never complain from kindergarten and school about their son's bad behavior, and if he does something, he will most likely admit everything himself.

In high school, Pavel's character begins to change, self-interest and commercialism appear in his actions. The young man begins to think more often about his own benefit and builds mutually beneficial relationships with others.

As a teenager, Pavel can be unpleasant in communication, especially in a situation where something is bothering the guy or he is faced with a choice. During this period, Pavel may begin to lie to his parents or friends, as he develops creative thinking and a great imagination. He is still dependent on his parents from custody.

Adult Pavel, as a rule, is harmonious in soul and character, he is smart and erudite. A man is sociable and quickly converges with colleagues and friends, finds a common language with everyone, but often adapts to the will of the strongest.

Until now, he needs constant care from the family and a sense of support, because without it, Pavel feels insecure and indecisive. Leads a moral lifestyle, plunges headlong into work and new projects. Most often, men named Pavel have a subtle sense of humor and know how to make jokes on any topic, for which friends consider him the soul of the company.

The nature and fate of the name Paul

  • calmness
  • equilibrium
  • compliance
  • creative thinking
  • romance
  • wit
  • intellectuality
  • reliability
  • loyalty
  • sensuality
  • attachment

Pavel has very well developed inner feelings, he has the same flair that helps people achieve success in money matters. He has a philosophical mindset, so he thinks about many problems for a long time and looks for the perfect solution. He is often afraid to offend someone around him and thereby bring them to anger.

A man born in winter has an active life position and is very loving. From the summer Pavlovs, good politicians and diplomats are obtained, they achieve heights in the legal field. The most sensual and romantic natures are born in the spring; such Pavlovs make good clergymen and spiritually developed people. The surrounding people treat Pavel well and try to stay close to him.

  • passivity
  • distance
  • excessive suspicion
  • melancholy
  • isolation
  • talkativeness
  • exactingness
  • excessive materiality
  • self-interest

Pavel does not trust strangers, and he is wary of close people, he always suspects his soulmate of infidelity, but he does not roll up loud scandals. Often, Paul does not keep his mouth shut, which annoys many around. Close people and colleagues can open their souls to him and tell many secrets, which Pavel will then safely convey to someone.

He will not even hide that he knows something and prefers to be proud of his knowledge of the lives of others. Pavel has a charm that helps him out in such slippery situations, usually they don’t get angry at him for a long time, which he uses in the future. In business, such a man will never go over his head, he is one of those who act slowly and carefully, rechecking the scenarios several times.

The fate of Paul

Pavel is a versatile person, and feeling the support of his relatives, he can successfully develop in any career field. A man has an intuition that leads him through life and takes him away from misfortunes and financial failures, he knows how to adequately assess the situation. In most cases, Pavel's career growth will be slow but sure. A developed outlook and mental abilities help him move in the right direction.

He is a good manipulator and knows how to manage people's impressions of himself, he knows to whom and what to say in order to win over a person. This man acquires a family late, career growth is ahead of all his goals, then everything else, so he often lives with his parents in adulthood. Pavel loves praise from the employer, so he tries to complete all work tasks on time and perfectly. Pavel's life is not full of loud and unusual events, everything is measured and on time with him. Such a man lives measuredly, and does not stand out from the general mass of people.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

He treats money with trepidation, but he is not greedy for the family. Pavel knows how to earn, for the sake of material wealth he is able to step over many good friends. The most suitable professions for such a Paul would be a presenter, trainer, coach, teacher, clergyman, psychologist.

Pavel achieves great heights in the legal field, but unfortunately, they are not so good in their own business, because they do not know how to take risks and are afraid to invest in projects. As an employee, a man is good, shows initiative and ingenuity, is diligent and punctual. He does not like to take on extra responsibility, therefore he rarely occupies leadership positions.

Marriage and family

The most favorable age for creating a cell of society for Paul is 30 years old. Usually he is in no hurry to have a wife and children, but he does not need to. After 30 years, Pavel is ready for responsibility, he has time to weigh everything and prepare for the role of the head of the family. Stronger marriages in Paul are those that are created by calculation, since a man is looking for a benefit for himself in everything and, in his youth, can give up real feelings for the sake of mercantile goals.

In a conscious marriage, Pavel is a faithful and reliable husband who very rarely looks to the side. He takes care of his family and is very jealous of his wife for all the counter representatives of the opposite sex. The place of the leader in the family does not bother him either, he can be next to a strong and powerful woman, while not feeling humiliated or infringed.

Sex and love

In his youth, Pavel sins a lot with fleeting romances and one-day relationships. He is not at all satisfied with an empty relationship, so he tries to find “the one” using trial methods. A large number of women in bed amuses the vulnerable pride of this man, it is important for him to confirm his sexuality with victories on this front.

He loves the female sex and is imbued with many souls, showing his sentimentality. He likes to give gifts and shower the chosen ones with romance and flowers. Based on his intuition, Pavel knows which girl will be supportive of him and will not reject him with shame. If failures occur in relationships or in pastels, this hurts Paul to the core, a man experiences such defeats for a very long time, falling into real depressions. Tactful and accurate women suit him.


Pavel's health directly depends on his psychological state, the psychosomatics of this man is very well developed. He will feel good physically, only on the condition that everything in his life is good and goes the way he needs. Troubles and failures can literally knock Paul off his feet and put him in a hospital bed.

Emotional worries sometimes really interfere with a man's life and development, so he should not get involved in family relationships at the stage of career development. It is important to follow Pavel's diet and maintain a balance between work and rest. Pavel's weaknesses are a set of excess body weight, impotence on a nervous background, a metabolic disorder, due to which urolithiasis may appear.

Interests and hobbies

Pavel has natural laziness, which often prevents him from moving forward, if a man can overcome this negative character trait, then he will achieve a lot in life. Pavel's main ability is oratorical, if he is intellectual and prone to a philosophical mindset, then he likes to talk for a long time and read such literature, not everyone can stand such boring speeches, so Paul's wife should be patient.

The most suitable professions for such a Paul would be a presenter, trainer, coach, teacher, clergyman, psychologist. A man is fascinated by everything related to material wealth, he likes expensive cars, spacious houses, high-quality alcohol. Often fond of religion, history, learning languages. A man for a long time selects an occupation that captivates him and is looking for his place in life.

Pavel name compatibility with female names

The complaisant nature of Paul allows him to win over many women, regardless of name, social status and age. By his nature, he cannot give a woman an explosive and stormy relationship; he offers a calm marriage, without crazy quarrels and trials. Pavel will please his wife and take care of his mother all his life. According to the compatibility statistics of Paul and other women, there is the following data:

Strong relationships, tied to mutual interest or strong love, Paul can develop with the following young ladies: Vera, Maya, Sofia, Lisa, Dina, Zina, Seraphim, Zina, Ella, Katya.

Unsuccessful attempts to build relationships, in Paul, usually appear with: Inga, Natasha, Lilya, Nina.

With whom you should not bring a relationship to marriage: Sveta, Ira, Yulia, Dasha, Oksana, Tanya.

Who is Pavel comfortable talking to?: Marina, Marianna, Bronislava, Varya, Emma, ​​Stella.

The strongest marriages in Paul are obtained with: Praskovya, Suzana, Rosa, Dina. For a family, calm and reverent girls are suitable for Pavel. Who will be afraid to hurt his pride. Women who need sex and money will not find their comfort in Paul. Annas quite fit the ideal description of Paul's woman, they are patient and caring, ready to give their husband their reliable shoulder.

Negative relationships and constant quarrels are foreshadowed by Paul with Antonina and Ninel.