What does account. Account - what is it and why is it needed

Smartphones based on the Android operating system are linked to a Google account. This allows users to be identified and data synchronized. It is often necessary to observe that some users manage to do without binding, depriving many of the capabilities provided by the Android operating system. How to create an account on the phone and take advantage of all the advantages and advanced functionality of this OS?

Installing Windows on our computer, we create accounts (accounts) for one or more users, so that each of them can customize the operating system to their liking. As for the Android operating system, it is arranged differently, and each device is personal. And in order to remember the personification parameters, Google accounts are used. What are the capabilities of a Google account?

  • Synchronization of contacts with the Google cloud service;
  • Saving application settings;
  • Creation of conditions for migration with your data and contacts to other mobile devices;
  • Saving browser history and saving bookmarks;
  • Saving information about installed applications;
  • Identification in Google services - Youtube, Drive, Play Movies, Play Press, Play Music and many others;
  • Identification in the social network Google+.

Also, the Google account is used to identify players in the "Play Games" - a great opportunity to save your achievements in your account. If the user changes his smartphone or tablet, he can migrate to a new device with almost all his data- with mail, photos, videos, contacts and other information. Much of this is stored in the cloud, which ensures that free space is saved on smartphones and tablets.

The most interesting option is saving the phone book. Previously, we had to transfer contacts almost by hand, copying not only names, but also additional data fields. As a result, the transfer took hours, and sometimes days.

There were also programs for synchronization, but they did not allow transferring between phones of different brands. Today, with most devices running Android, it only takes a minute to transfer contacts as they are stored on Google's servers.

How to create an account on an Android phone

To create an account on your Android phone or tablet, you can use your phone or computer. If you chose to register from a computer, go to the Google website, click on the "Sign in" menu and start creating a new account. The following data is indicated here:

  • Login and password;
  • Name and surname;
  • Date of Birth;
  • Mobile phone;
  • Country;
  • Alternate email address.

Mail and phone numbers are used in the future to restore access to your account in case of password loss. After registration, the user receives an account in the form of an email address in the gmail.com domain, for example, [email protected] As soon as your Google account is ready, you need to add it to your smartphone..

If you want to register an account via a smartphone or tablet, turn on the device, go to "Settings - Accounts" and click on the line with the Google icon. Next, the system will prompt you to create a new account or enter the details of an existing account. We choose to create a new one and proceed to registration by analogy with the above instructions.

If you have purchased a new smartphone or tablet, you can create a new account when the device starts, after having connected it to the Internet.

After you link your device to your Google account, all services and email will be automatically linked to this account (it has the same address as the account itself). And by setting up the synchronization of data and phonebook, you will ensure that all your files and contacts are securely stored in the Google cloud storage.

Let's turn to the history of this word. The English version of account (literally translated as "account") was first used in the Russian-speaking segment to refer to bank accounts. But not so long ago, with the advent of the Internet, this term migrated to the field of information technology. Now an account is a collection of data that describes a user. Unlike, which only identifies it, the account contains more information. In each case, this can be a different set of data. Here are some simple and well-known examples.

What is an account?

Account Is a user account that contains all the information about a person. Username and password are used to uniquely identify the visitor. In addition to them, the account can store the date of birth, gender and interests of the user. All this collection of data is an account.

Why do you need an account

When registering on any resource, be it the Vkontakte social network or the ICQ or Skype instant messaging service, you create an account. It is also sometimes called a profile. First things first, it contains your mailbox. You can read how to create it here. Why do I need to enter a postal address? So the administration of the resource is trying to prevent multiple registrations. It happens as follows: a specially generated letter is sent to you with a link, by clicking on which you complete the registration. That is, in order to create many accounts, you will need a lot of email addresses. Also, binding to mail allows you to uniquely identify a visitor.

Registration instructions

Here I have collected several examples of how to register on various sites and services. I took the most popular ones to make it easier. Also added guides for recovering passwords to the same services and sites. So that no more questions arise!
Registration in ...

Why fill out a profile

In addition, your profile may contain additional information. Such as: name, surname, age, interests, and so on. As a rule, the need for certain data is well founded. For example, by age, you can apply various filters in order to protect children from inappropriate content. Based on the interests that you indicate in your account, the service can select for you the relevant information about groups, sites, movies, music, and so on. But, not without benefit to himself. Also, according to interests from the profile, the ads that are shown to you are selected and adjusted. It is logical that if a person is fond of gardening, then a new shovel will cause him much more interest than a computer desk.

It is worth noting the fact that most sites and services take on the responsibility of not disclosing the confidential data of their users. But this does not prevent them from using them to their advantage, as is the case with the display of ads, which was described above.

What does an account give to its owners? Why start it? The answer to this question is very simple: some services cannot be accessed without registration. For example, Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki do not allow you to search for people and communicate with them if you do not have an account of this social network. And this is quite logical and logical, because if you do not have a profile, then the service "does not know" you.

A few tips to keep your profile (account) safe

We do not advise you to enter personal or confidential information in your profile, for example, addresses, phone numbers, personal photos, and so on. Since the information on the network is open, anyone can get access to such information. While services are supposed to protect your data, this is not always the case. For example, the fact that your page on a social network may be hidden does not at all mean its security, because unauthorized access to it is still possible and no one is immune from this.

If it comes to bank accounts or cards, then you cannot disclose information about them. You cannot leave your logins and passwords on the network, as well as transfer them to third parties. This means that you should not transfer your account even to friends and acquaintances. After all, they, without knowing it, can contribute to the hacking of the account. For example, you constantly check your computer for viruses and carefully monitor the security of your computer, but are your friends doing the same? By giving them your username and password, you risk losing them.

So, now you know what an account is, its history and application. You have familiarized yourself with the basic rules of online safety and will be able to familiarize your friends with them.

Hello dear readers!

Account - what is it? It's simple - when registering on any site or service, you need to create your account. The account usually contains the following standard data about you:

  • Surname
  • Login
  • Password
  • Date of Birth
  • other.

What does it mean to create an account? This means registering on the site, service and filling in all the required fields (personal data) of your profile (account).

Synonyms for "account"

Synonyms for the word "account" include the following: Profile, Account, Profile, Personal data.

Examples of accounts for different services and sites

You create your account(profile) and fill it out:

  • when registering in social networks (Facebook, Vkontakte, Twitter, Instagram, etc.),
  • when registering in messengers (Skype, Telegram, Viber, etc.),
  • at or Yandex,
  • when registering in computer games,
  • when registering on the Forums (usually you only need to specify your email and nickname (login),
  • when registering on any sites.

What does "account" mean?

The word "account" itself comes from the English "account" and is translated as "account", "bank account". Over time, it began to be applied in the field of computer concepts. The word "account" has come to mean a collection of information about a user.

What is an account for?

When you indicate your education, hobby, age in your account on the social network, the service automatically selects information for you about like-minded people, groups and sites that are interesting to you.

Also, the social network will select ads that can potentially interest you. But this is justified. After all, you use the social network for free, and its maintenance requires a lot of money. Therefore, the owner of the social network earns on advertising.

How to protect your account from hacking?

Although the owners of sites and services say that your data is protected, in fact, all information on the Internet is open. This means that a stranger can take possession of it.

  • Password;
  • Residence address;
  • Contact number;
  • Other personal data.

What is an account? Learn from the VIDEO in 1 minute


I hope the article "Account - what is it?" proved to be useful to you. If you want to know the meaning of any more words, you can ask a question in the comments.

I wish you inspiration for all your deeds and projects!

To enter a personal page (email, social network or other site), an account is required.

What is an account?

An account is a registration record, something like a passport in everyday life. Only for a website on the Internet. Each site requires its own account (if, in principle, there is account registration there).

The fact is that not all pages of the site are accessible to the user. Some are only accessible through an account because they contain different information for each person.

For example, on a ticket purchase site, everyone can see the flight schedule, but in order to fill in their personal data on the ticket and remember them until the next visit to the site, an account is required.

An account usually consists of an email and a password.

Entering the site under your account, you are taken to a personal page that no one can see except you (unless they receive your account data - name and password).

An account can be created on almost any site - a ticket purchase site, a VKontakte social network, in classmates.

The personal page is a regular page on a public site, but with a password. You pass your data to the page so that it knows that it is you and is tuned for you. I gave you exactly your mail, your page with your photos in classmates or VKontakte, etc. The site page is one, but there are many users. How to individualize it? Using your account.

Difference between public and private page

Consider, for example, rambler mail. If you don't use an account, then at rambler.ru you just see a page with news and a small “login” link at the top. But if you create an account and log in under it, you will see your page with mail, which no one else sees. You can close the site, open it on another computer and log in again under your account in order to get access to your mail, and no one else's. The figure shows a screenshot of the site at the time of entering the rambler under your account (but first you need to create an account). There is only one account, but to enter you need to fill in two fields: username and password.

What is login and password and how to create it

Why does the account consist of two parts: login and password? The login is publicly available, it is not customary to hide it. In the case of rambler mail, this is the email address. How will they send letters to you if you hide it? It should be publicly available. But so that no one can enter the site under your account, he must also have a secret part - a password. He is known only to you.

Compared to a safe, a password is the key that opens the safe. And the login is the name of the safe that distinguishes it from all other safes and shows that it is yours.

For example, the login on some site can be vasya, as in the picture above. And in the case of e-mail, the login always contains the "@" sign, so it is customary. For example, [email protected] ... You call this login (address) to all your acquaintances, and they send you letters to it. At the same time, they cannot read your mail, because for this they also need a password, and he is secret information.

When creating a username and password, you cannot use Russian letters, as it is customary. We use the English alphabet.

I advise you to start by creating an email account. Because when creating all other accounts, you usually need a mail (or phone number), to which you receive a letter to confirm registration. So the mail account is like the primary account through which all other accounts are registered. You can create any mail (on any domain - mail, rambler.ru, gmail, and so on).

When creating an account, you come up with a username and password and remember them tightly. You will need them for the next login. Usually, on all sites, when creating a password, it (this same password) must be entered twice. Why? Yes, so that you yourself are not mistaken. These are secret data, and when you enter the password, it is not characters that are displayed, but asterisks. To be safe from errors, the password has to be entered twice. But this is done once only when creating an account. We have created and remembered a password. In the future, when you enter the rambler mail, as you saw in the first screenshot, only one field is displayed for entering the password.

Nowadays, you often need a phone number to create an account. This is a relatively recent tradition, it never happened before. And on many sites this is not yet the case. This is to prevent spammers from creating false accounts for their nefarious deeds. No phone - no account. In addition, the phone number will help you recover your password if you forget it.

Why sometimes you don't need to enter your username and password

If you have an account, you may have noticed that you often enter your page without entering a username and password. How does this happen? In the first picture, which shows the entrance to the site, there is a small "remember me" checkbox under the username and password. It's all about it. If you mark it, then for some time the browser remembers what you have already entered: login and password. It's as if you left the key right in the safe. But if you go to the site on someone else's computer or on a new device, you still have to re-enter under your account to get to your personal page. So you need to remember your login and password.

A modern smartphone without Internet access can serve as an advanced dialer, portable game console, e-book reader, camera, car navigator or MP3 / MP4 player. But, in any case, without access to the Internet, its potential is not fully revealed. To use all the functions of a modern mobile device, network access is required. And for this you have to acquire several accounts of online services.

A smartphone account is a user account, a collection of all the data about him necessary for authentication and access to various online services. As a rule, an account is tied to an email address and / or phone number, contains information about a name and / or nickname, place of residence, etc. If the service is somehow connected with money, the account also contains a personal account, which must be replenished in order to use paid services, or linked to a bank card. To protect against unauthorized access by unauthorized persons, your account is usually password protected.

In a modern smartphone, many online services are combined, so it is impossible to limit oneself to one universal account.

OS account

The main account in a smartphone is an account for the system services of the operating system. In the case of the iPhone, this is the Apple ID, and on the Android smartphones, the Google account is used. This is a universal account that you need to log in to when you first launch a new smartphone, during the initial setup. It opens access to numerous services, the main of which are the application store (App Store or Google Play), email (iCloud or Gmail), cloud storage (iCloud or Google Drive and Google Photo), synchronization of contacts and messages, and other Apple branded services and google. In order to buy paid programs and games, you need to link a payment card to your account.

Sign in with your Google account

Smartphone manufacturer account

The second type of frequently used account is the account for the services of the smartphone manufacturer. In the case of Apple, this is still the same Apple ID, since the company itself makes both smartphones and the OS for them. But among Android devices, each company develops its own services. Samsung, Huawei (HiCloud +), Xiaomi (Mi Cloud), Meizu (Flyme) and other manufacturers have their own accounts.

Mi Cloud account menu

Manufacturers offer different sets of functions, which can be accessed by an account, and they are constantly expanding their list. The basic features offered most often are additional cloud storage, functions for tracking and protecting a smartphone (in case of loss or theft), synchronizing contacts and messages, creating a backup (backup) of all important data in case of failure or loss of a smartphone. For a complete list of features, visit the smartphone manufacturer's website.

Email account

Apple and Google provide their own mail services to users, but not all share the same mailbox. To receive and send e-mail through another service, you need to be authorized in its account. Work with messages is carried out using a standard mail client built into the OS, or using third-party applications.

Account management menu on a smartphone

Messenger and social media accounts

Various communication platforms offer their own applications for easy communication using a smartphone. Accounts are required to use Skype, Viber, Facebook, Telegram, Twitter, Instagram, Vkontakte and other platforms for communication and correspondence. Usually, they are logged into the client's application itself, but sometimes these accounts are displayed in the general settings of the smartphone.

Login to Instagram account

Game and application accounts

Games and programs that are not intended for communication can also use the account system to authorize users. Accounts are especially often required for online games. There, the account is used to access game data, collect statistics about the user, his game progress and achievements. In applications that use online services (such as office editors and third-party cloud storage), using an account allows you to back up documents to the cloud storage, keep statistics or share files with other users.

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