Crossfit program for beginners girls. Crossfit for women in all conditions

A tale about what CrossFit is for women, whether it is effective or not. You will find out what a killer workout consists of, whether CrossFit is suitable for losing weight and familiarize yourself with a set of exercises for the home. Beginners - here too! Go!

Nature is wonderful! And informative. Pick a branch of a weeping birch, see how flexible and tough it is. It can be clicked like a shambarrier. And if you click three times in a row? Wow! The whole thing! Five times! What if twenty at once? Oops! Broke! And it seemed so strong ...

Hello friends and girlfriends! I love you all, so I will speak seriously and impartially. And I'll tell you about what CrossFit is for women, without embellishing anything and caring not about income and advertising, but about the health of everyone.

What is CrossFit for women or where do legs grow from?

There is nothing new in this type of training. Like anyone, it is effective and has long been "in service" with the intelligence services, firefighters and the military, even if these units never use the name patented by Glassman and Jenai.

Once upon a time, these two lived in the States, and came up with a whole system of training, which includes cardio, and strength, and, and a bunch of other exercises. Such a "universal" complex should do everything at once: train and build up muscles, develop the heart,.

The Americans are an enterprising nation, things have gone well, the classrooms have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. Now there are more than thirteen thousand of them around the world, with half in the United States. And what, the Americans are from this a healthy nation? Of course not!

A tale of scientific justification

Some part of the educated fraternity has long been proving: “We use the reserves of our body only for insignificant shares! The liver - by ten percent, the heart - by fifteen, the lungs - by five ... "The figures are different, but the meaning is the same:" Load the liver one hundred percent, push from the heart muscle as much as possible - and you will be happy! " What for? Maybe it's better to strain your brains by five percent?

What is the reserve for? In order for the body to be able to use it and protect itself in a stressful situation:

  • from diseases;
  • from injuries;
  • from hunger;
  • from overloading the nervous system;
  • from hypothermia and overheating;
  • from other adverse factors.

The stock should be spent in an emergency, and not wasted every day on attempts that can be perfectly done without.

Why do women need it?

Are they not enough of their own loads? Do you want a toned, slender body? Well, if you want ...

It seems to us that "all people are the same." But man is prepared for physical effort by nature. He has the distribution of muscle mass, and the margin of safety of bones and ligaments, and the center of gravity, and the type of breathing is not the same as that of a woman. This is fine! In this there is nothing prejudicial to the dignity of one or the other sex.

The woman is adapted for moderate exertion, flexibility and dexterity. Pulling a barbell for her is like giving birth to a man.

It is his spine that is so entwined with muscles (especially in the lumbar region) that he is able to lift a barrel or bag by a centner - and his internal organs will not fall. And she has the insides in a freer space, the abdominal cavity is like a bowl, so that there is room for the fetus. Therefore, it is easier for the girl to stretch the mesentery and lower the uterus or stomach into an unnatural position.

Someone will say: "" It is necessary! Necessarily! But with moderate loads, without jerking.

Do you want to be like a man? You can break nature. But in revenge, she will certainly break you. Not now, so in five or ten years, but all these pulling stones, inadequate loads and efforts will not be in vain. If we lived for 10-15 years, like most animals, we would not care. But we have a long century ahead. What is the best way to conduct it? Healthy, with a whole spine and elastic muscles, or torn and twisted?

What is CrossFit for women and what's so scary about it?

Never mind! You pick up comfortable clothes and shoes, take a competent coach, and he will organize a killer workout for you like this:

Workout of the day, or WOD, which consists of a complex:

  • Warm-up, during which you need to stretch, warm up your muscles, tune in to a sporty mood.
  • Rounds, or Circles of consistently performed exercises (it is not recommended to exclude one or another technique from them), between which there should be as short intervals as possible. Ideally - no intervals at all, but for a beginner - from 1 to 2 minutes.
  • Another warm-up at the end, during which you should stretch again, do breathing exercises, calm your pulse and breathing.

With the light hand of some figures, the word "hitch" came into use. Like, you have to "huddle" or "crumple" at the end ... This is clearly some kind of innovation in sports terminology.

The circles are repeated three to four times with breaks. For beginners - once. You can practice at home.

One circle might look like this:

  • minute
  • 10 intense exercises (e.g. burpees)

  • another minute of cardio;
  • 10 plyometric reps

  • again ;
  • push-ups (lunges, squats with a load, etc.);

  • again cardio;
  • 10 ab exercises, such as body lifts;

  • at the end, cardio again.

Doesn't it look like anything? That's right, the initial level of physical training when entering the special forces of the FSB. The crossfit scheme is also used in some martial arts.

Experts suggest doing such programs 2-3 times a week, and in between them do other available ways. For men, exercise is more intense, in the presence of more loads and weights.

Food is organized in terms of, and refusal, fatty, spicy, salty and harmful.

Here's a video for you to get an idea of ​​what we're talking about:

CrossFit for women: what gives and what takes away

  1. The benefits and harms can be devoted to a separate article, but briefly, a similar sport:
  • versatile;
  • democratic;
  • develops endurance;
  • suitable;
  • does not require special equipment (stones, logs and water bottles can be found for free);
  • gives results without the use of steroids.
  1. They also like to add about absence I will not say so. In itself, such training is stress for the body, and above all, for the muscles and joints.
  1. Minuses:
    • don't expect real achievements in a particular sport;
    • risk of injury and;
    • rupture and crushing of muscles (destroyed myoglobin goes into the blood, the kidneys cannot filter such a substrate - then hemodialysis and, with great luck, an invalid existence);
    • the presence of a huge number of amateur trainers and the lack of the required number of professionals;
    • the prospect of prolapse of the pelvic organs (uterus, appendages - followed by vaginal prolapse, which is corrected only by surgery, and then without a guarantee);
    • compression of the intervertebral discs.

Enough, I guess.

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    Recently, CrossFit for girls began to take an increasing place in the sports information field. It's time for us to cover this topic and figure out what CrossFit is for women. What is the use of it and what is the secret of its frenzied popularity?

    On the road to gender equality, women prove that not only the stronger sex can train hard, but they are also fragile, adorable creatures. Therefore, many girls "jumped" from the cardio equipment and went to master high-intensity and explosive crossfit. Well, commendable, but how justified are such sacrifices? Is such a training system harmful to health and what features do girls need to know before starting to exercise? Or maybe give preference to more familiar areas - fitness, yoga, Pilates? Read on about this and much more.

    Pros and cons of CrossFit for women

    Let's summarize the pros and cons of doing CrossFit for girls.


    • Effects on all muscle groups. CrossFit training does not involve a day of legs, arms, or buttocks. You work through everything at once.
    • The training program can even be changed every day, so in a month or two you will not feel bored. In the halls, classes are often held in groups, which also increases interest in training, and a competitive spirit appears.
    • The body's aerobic and strength endurance increases. You will not move the closets with your little finger, but in everyday tasks, CrossFit training programs will help you (it will become easier to bring a heavy bag from the supermarket).
    • The reaction speed, the flexibility of the whole body and the coordination of movements are improved.
    • With intense training, you get a daily release of endorphins, which means less stress in your life.

    Weak sides

    Disadvantages or things that CrossFit trainers often keep silent about:

    • CrossFit is a sport where the correct technique of performing exercises is very important, and non-compliance with it significantly increases the likelihood of injury due to the high intensity of the load. At first, it is advisable to train under the supervision of an experienced instructor.
    • An untrained girl needs to be extremely careful. CrossFit puts a lot of stress on the heart, as all the work takes place in a high-intensity mode.

    “If you ask a CrossFit coach, injuries are your fault. In a culture that forces you to move as hard and fast as possible, it is difficult to maintain common sense. You have to push yourself to the limit, but when you reach the limit and pay for it, you turn out to be an idiot who has gone too far. " (c) Jason Kessler.

    Is the game worth the candle? It is worth it if you have a goal and are ready to listen to your own feelings. With the right approach, CrossFit will become your favorite direction.

    The benefits and harms of CrossFit for girls

    Almost any sport is good for a girl's health - it strengthens the body and spirit. Is this the case with CrossFit? This direction is relatively young - since 2000 (here you can read more about that), and not fully understood. There are a lot of conflicting reviews about him on the net.

    So what's so special about CrossFit - let's look at the issue and consider the benefits and possible harm to the girl's health.

    Benefit for health

    The benefits for girls from classes are obvious:

    • Crossfit training is really effective and bring your figure into the desired shape. After a killer workout, your body will continue to burn calories. This means that the process of losing weight will be faster than that of the average amateur runner. Do not just forget about the mandatory calorie deficit, otherwise all workouts will be useless.
    • Strength training (including CrossFit) speeds up metabolism. As a result, your general condition will improve: you will sleep well, eat with appetite, and feel better.
    • CrossFit is no less effective for girls in the fight against cellulite. The combination of toning muscles and burning excess fat will make you forget about this problem.
    • Thanks to short, high-intensity sessions, you can work out all areas of the female body in a complex.
    • You will tone your body - that is, you will not only lose weight, but also pump well the core muscles, which are so important for women's health.
    • You will become more flexible and improve your coordination through gymnastic exercises.

    Let's immediately dispel one of the most enduring myths about women's crossfit: “all the girls crossfit athletes are pumped up and look like men - fie such be.” Let me disagree with this opinion. We are not going to argue about tastes - although, by the way, many people like professional CrossFit athletes, but this is not about that now.

    To become "pumped", you need to plow on the complexes "day and night". Train at least 4 times a week for several years. At the same time, strictly observe the diet, exercise and rest. And only then, perhaps, you will reach the competitive level. In all other cases, this question will not affect you, believe me.

    In general, this argument lies in the plane of one of the excuses why not go to the gym. There will always be reasons - find a better opportunity to start working on yourself and you will get involved, and all questions will disappear by themselves. We will consider the issue of pumping in CrossFit for girls in detail below.

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    Harm to health

    Like any other active sport, CrossFit also has negative sides:

    • With an uncontrolled training regimen, CrossFit puts a serious strain on the cardiovascular system. Still would! The average heart rate of work in training for experienced athletes varies from 130 to 160 beats per minute, and in some places it can go up to 180. Follow your work in training and listen to the coach - you will be happy!
    • Due to anatomical features, women suffer from osteoporosis much more often than men - 3-5 times. Pubmed published (source article on the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health on November 22, 2013) an interesting scientific study: it turns out that it is CrossFitters who are more likely to get problems with the musculoskeletal system than other athletes. And not so long ago it became known that over extreme activities gradually lead to a decrease in bone mass, which is the root cause of the development of osteoporosis.
    • Unlike exercising in the gym and banal cardio, CrossFit is not recommended for pregnant women and new mothers during lactation. Such high-intensity training can lead to overwork of the unrecovered female body and cause a lack of milk. Often athletes complain that after training, children refuse to breastfeed, since the taste of milk becomes less pleasant. The reason is the lactic acid that the body releases during exercise.

    We hope that we have helped you understand the question of what CrossFit means for a girl and her health. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to write under the material below. If you liked the article - support us with a repost!

Female CrossFit athletes do incredible things: lift huge weights, do 200 push-ups in a row, run in weight vests, all at speed. Even they once started out with simple workouts. So what is CrossFit for women? CrossFit allows you to make up an effective set of basic exercises for the development of strength and endurance.

What is crossfit for women

CrossFit is a form of physical training developed in Los Angeles by American Greg Glassman in the early 90s. Crossfit is also called cross-training because of the overlap between different types of training.

CrossFit aims to prepare a person for the unknown and unknown.

Greg Glassman, founder

This high-intensity functional training has gained such popularity that CrossFit elements have been introduced into US Army training, and since 2005, the Crossfit Games, an international crossfit competition, have been held.

While crossfit games can include ocean swims, mountain races, or sand powerlifting, conventional workouts are made up of simple exercises that are available to everyone. One lesson consists of several cycles or rounds, each of which includes two to six exercises. You can perform CrossFit in different ways:

  • Beginners train without timing and do a certain number of repetitions in each round.
  • With basic physical training, they switch to time tracking, when a strict limitation is given for each round, and the goal of training is to reduce the time spent on all cycles.
  • Advanced athletes do the maximum number of rounds in a given time.

Standard CrossFit workout routines are usually named by female names: Cindy, Chelsea, Barbara. But this does not mean that such complexes are simple. Some of the complexes are named after outstanding female athletes who have passed away. The most difficult complexes for trained crossfitters are named after soldiers who died in the war: Murph, J.T., Michael.

Principles of CrossFit Workout for Women

The main principle of CrossFit is the simultaneous development of all physical characteristics of a person. The novelty of CrossFit is that all other physical training programs usually target one or two qualities, for example, the development of muscle mass.

Basic principles of CrossFit:

  • variety, many complexes that need to be alternated;
  • activity, exercise requires constant movement;
  • high intensity;
  • short duration: one workout takes 20-30 minutes;
  • workout accessibility: CrossFit can be done in the gym, at home or on the street.

CrossFit consists of a set of cyclic workouts that combine development:

  • strength,
  • endurance,
  • speed,
  • coordination and balance,
  • flexibility,
  • circulatory and respiratory systems.

The main set of exercises included in CrossFit:

  • Module M from the word "metabolic conditioning" - cardio:
    • running, jumping, swimming;
    • cycling, rowing and other aerobic exercise.
  • Module G from the word "gymnastics" - gymnastics for the development of body control skills:
    • exercises on gymnastic equipment such as parallel bars, rings, crossbar;
    • push-ups, twists, pull-ups, burpees.
  • Module W from the word "weightlifting" - working with weights to develop explosive strength:
    • exercises with weights and dumbbells,
    • barbell presses, squats, deadlifts.

In one CrossFit complex, one module is rarely found, more often they are combined: W + G, G + M, W + M, M + G + W.

Crossfit gym exercises

Despite the fact that CrossFit can be practiced in almost any conditions, there are more training opportunities in the gym. But it must be borne in mind that not every room is suitable. Even at the stages of the inception of CrossFit, its founder was kicked out of several sports clubs, because his players, working at speed, threw barbells and dumbbells with a crash on the floor, ran across the entire hall from shell to shell, threw medical balls up to three meters high. All this is quite dangerous if the room is small.

Cardio on an exercise bike for crossfitters

As with any exercise, cardio on a stationary bike should not be performed in isolation, but in combination with at least three exercises, then you will achieve the best effect against fat. Below in the article you will find photo and video examples of exercises for men and women.

Execution technique:

  1. Choose a CrossFit cardio workout. If there is no suitable set for an exercise bike, use any set with a jogging, replacing running with a simulator.
  2. Adjust the machine so that the load is within your strength, but not too light.
  3. Since this exercise does not count reps, you will need a watch, stopwatch, phone app, or coach to help you with timing.
  4. In each round, a certain amount of time is allotted for cardio, an average of 3 minutes.
  5. Pedal as fast as you can without stopping.

Video: Using a dedicated exercise bike in CrossFit

Barbell squats with examples and photos

Squats come with a barbell on the shoulders in front or behind, as well as over the head. When the bar is in front, squats are called front squats. All variations are used in CrossFit.

Front squats with a barbell for girls and men

During frontal squats, the muscles of the core, quadriceps, gluteal muscles work, the spine is strengthened, and coordination is trained. Also, front squats are characterized by a reduced risk of injury. It is quite difficult to injure your back in them, since for this you need to bend forward, and if you do this, the bar will fall.

Starting position:

  • Feet width or slightly wider than shoulder width.
  • The arms are also slightly wider than the shoulders.
  • The bar should rest on the front of the deltoids, on the shoulders. The hands only hold the bar in a fixed position, but they do not bear the weight.
  • The back and neck are straight, the chest is straightened.

Front squat technique:

  • As you inhale, lower yourself down, bending your knees.
  • Take your pelvis back so that your shins do not go forward.
  • In the final position, the thighs should be parallel to the floor, and the angle of the bent knees should be 90 degrees.
  • Perform the required number of repetitions in all rounds of the selected CrossFit complex.

Video: Teaching Front Squats

Back Squat

When the bar is resting on the back of the shoulders, the load falls primarily on the back, gluteal muscles, and quads.

Starting position:

  • Grasp the bar slightly wider than your shoulders.
  • If you need to remove the bar from the rack, sit under it, rest your shoulders on the bar and lift the bar with the effort of your legs.
  • The bar should be over the center of the foot. Keep your back straight.
  • Keep your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider.
  1. As you inhale, lower yourself down, bending your lower legs.
  2. Bending your knees, take your pelvis back so that your shins do not "fall" forward.
  3. In the low squat, the thighs should be parallel to the floor and the bent knee angle should be 90 degrees.
  4. As you exhale, gently rise up.
  5. Perform the required number of reps on all rounds of the CrossFit.

Video: Back Squats

Overhead Squat

These squats develop not only all the muscles in the body, but also balance, coordination and joint mobility. For beginners, it's best to use an empty bar.

Starting position:

  • feet at a distance slightly wider than shoulders;
  • socks turned outward by no more than 10 degrees;
  • body weight falls on the heels;
  • the back is straight;
  • the bar is located above the head so that a straight line could be drawn from it to the middle of the feet;
  • arms straight and wide apart, but comfortable - about 45 degrees.

Squat Technique:

  1. Take the barbell with a jerk from the floor or from the rack, going under the rack first. If you are a beginner and have not worked with weights before, then the founder of CrossFit Glassman advises using a replacement barbell to develop the technique, for example, a plastic pipe.
  2. As you inhale, lower yourself down, starting to bend your knees.
  3. Bending your knees, take your pelvis back so that the lower leg remains upright and the knee joints are not injured. Keep your back straight.
  4. Go into a full squat so that your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  5. Repeat the required number of times in each round.

Video: Overhead Squat

Dumbbell lunges

This exercise works the glutes and legs, mainly the quadriceps. The safest way to weight your lunges is with dumbbells.

Execution technique:

  1. Take dumbbells, take a wide step forward.
  2. Bend both legs, keeping your body straight, and lower yourself down until your right hip is parallel with the floor. Do not rest your back knee on the floor. Do the downward movement while inhaling. Both legs should be bent at a 90-degree angle.
  3. As you exhale, unbend your legs and rise up.
  4. Do the required number of reps for the selected CrossFit complex with each leg.

It will be easiest for the knee joints to perform the exercise without changing the starting position. The lunges can be made more difficult by taking a step forward and backward each time, or by swapping your legs in a jump.

Video: Dumbbell Lunges

Abdominal exercises on the Roman chair

A Roman chair is an exercise machine that is a small seat or bench combined with padded bolsters to support the legs. It is designed to train the muscles of the abdomen and back. The press on it can be trained by performing twisting and lifting of the body.


For crunches, you need a Roman chair with a long bench. The exercise can be mastered even by a beginner, it is difficult to damage the muscles and there is no load on the back.

Execution technique:

  1. Sit on an elongated Roman chair, secure your legs with bolsters and lay your body on the bench. Place your hands behind your head.
  2. As you exhale, lift the upper body up, twisting towards the pelvis. At the same time, the back remains on the bench, and only the shoulder blades rise.
  3. Inhale back down.
  4. Repeat the required number of times.

Video: Crunches on a Roman chair

Lifts of the body

Any Roman chair is suitable for lifting. Exercise engages all abdominal muscles.

Execution technique:

  1. Sit on a Roman chair and secure your legs with bolsters. Place your arms behind your head or cross them over your chest to make the exercise easier.
  2. As you inhale, lower your straight body down to a position where your shoulders are below your hips.
  3. As you exhale, lift up to an angle of about 30 degrees. If the exercise is difficult, then rise completely.
  4. Perform the lifts required for the selected complex the number of times.

Video: Raises the body on a Roman chair


Hyperextension is a reverse core lift, or straightening of the core by the strength of the back muscles. In addition to the back, the exercise involves the buttocks and the back of the thigh.

If your gym does not have a hyperextension machine or a Roman chair, then they will be replaced by a gymnastic goat and wall bars.

Execution technique:

  1. Choose a suitable simulator, take the support on it with the pelvis forward, fix your legs with special rollers. You can cross your arms over your chest or behind your head.
  2. Check that your body in the starting position is a single line from head to toe.
  3. As you inhale, lower your straight body down, bending only at the lower back. Lower yourself to a position where the angle between your body and your legs is right.
  4. As you exhale, rise to the starting position.
  5. Do the required number of reps for your chosen CrossFit.

Video: Hyperextension, 7 variations

The bench press is not as popular as the bench press because the latter allows you to lift large weights. But the bench press puts more stress on the muscles, develops the shoulders more evenly, and engages more muscle groups.

Execution technique:

  1. Take a barbell or one bar if you are just starting to get familiar with the technique. The hands are placed with the wrists forward, in other words, the upper grip. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Place the barbell on your shoulders in front, straighten your chest. The hand, wrist and arm should be in a straight line up to the elbow, elbows protruding slightly forward.
  3. Inhale and as you exhale, lift the bar straight up. The projectile should be positioned exactly over the head, arms and body should be straight.
  4. If you are lifting a light weight or a single bar, lower the bar as you inhale. If the weight is heavy, inhale first and then lower the weight as you exhale.
  5. If multiple reps are specified in your CrossFit workout, then it is not necessary to return the barbell to your shoulders each time. In the lower position, hold it in your hands.

Video: Standing Barbell Press

Crossfit exercises at home

CrossFit can be practiced in almost any conditions, and it does not always require special equipment.

Cardio - running on the spot

Running on the spot trains endurance, cardiovascular fitness, and puts less stress on the joints than regular running. The main difference between such a run can be seen in the name, you run as usual, only put your foot not in front of you, but in the same place.

Execution technique:

  1. Stand straight, bend your arms at waist level.
  2. Start pushing off the floor with your feet alternately, as if you were running. Raise your legs low, you can take them a little to the sides.
  3. Run for the times indicated on your CrossFit.

To complicate running on the spot, you can do this:

  • raise bent or straight legs forward;
  • start bent or straight legs back;
  • work more actively with your hands;
  • pick up dumbbells;
  • turn in different directions while running.

Video: Running on the spot, instruction

Burpee is one of the most effective cardiovascular exercises, it engages the whole body and is suitable for both beginners and advanced athletes.

Execution technique:

  1. Stand up straight, this is the starting position.
  2. Lower into a squat, bending your legs and rest your hands on the floor in front of you, shoulder-width apart.
  3. With a jump, bring both legs back, now you should be in support while lying. The arms are straight and rest on the floor at a right angle, the legs and body form a single line. In statics, such an emphasis is called a bar.
  4. Optionally, in the lying position, you can perform push-ups from the floor.
  5. Now bring both legs with a jump forward to the arms.
  6. Jump up from the squat with your arms above your head.
  7. Return to starting position.
  8. Do the required number of reps as listed in the CrossFit.

Video: Burpee in different variations

Push ups

This is a basic exercise that develops the muscles in your chest, shoulders, and arms.

Traditional execution technique:

  1. Take an emphasis while lying, place your palms slightly wider than your shoulders. Legs are on toes, they can be together or shoulder-width apart.
  2. As you inhale, bend your elbows and lower yourself down, do not touch the floor with your chest.
  3. As you exhale, rise up. Don't arch your back.
  4. Perform the required number of repetitions in the complex.

To make the exercise easier, change the support of your legs to your knees. To emphasize the load on the chest muscles, place your palms wider. To pump your triceps, keep your arms shoulder-width apart.

Video: Push-ups from the floor at home

It is an essential basic exercise used in all sports disciplines. It can be used to develop endurance, muscle mass and as a general strengthening exercise.

Execution technique:

  1. Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart. You can stretch your arms forward to stabilize.
  2. As you inhale, bend your knees and lower yourself down, taking your pelvis back. The bent knee should not extend beyond the feet. In the final position, the thighs should be parallel to the floor. A slight forward tilt of the shins is allowed, but not more than 10 degrees. The back remains straight. Keep your feet on the floor.
  3. As you exhale, straighten your legs and rise to the starting position.
  4. Do the required number of repetitions.

Beginners can squat shallowly, and advanced athletes can make squats harder by doing them with one leg by adding weights.

Video: Different types of squats

Lunges work the muscles of the hips and glutes. Lunging incorrectly can damage your knee joints.

Execution technique:

  1. Stand up straight with your hands on your hips.
  2. As you inhale, take a wide step forward, bend both legs to a right angle and lower yourself down. Do not lean on the floor with your back foot; your back should be straight.
  3. As you exhale, straighten your legs and, pushing off with your front leg, step back to the starting position.
  4. Do the right number of lunges on each leg.

In CrossFit, lunges can be steps or jump.

Video: Lunges, detailed analysis

This exercise perfectly loads the upper and middle parts of the rectus abdominis muscle, it is these parts that are responsible for the cubes on the press.

Execution technique:

  1. Lie on your back with your bent legs on the floor. Cross your arms over your chest or behind your head.
  2. As you exhale, lift your back off the floor and lift the body up.
  3. As you inhale, lower the body down.
  4. Repeat the exercise as many times as indicated in the crossfit complex.

Try not to round your back or raise your shoulders during the exercise. Do not pull your neck or head with your hands.

Video: Technique for lifting the body

Crossfit program for girls (2-3 options)

Complex for the whole body at home

It is suitable for beginners and consists of three simple exercises that can be performed in any conditions:

  1. pushups,
  2. body lifts,
  3. classic squats.

You need to complete all the exercises sequentially in 5 circles. In each next approach, the number of repetitions is reduced by 5:

  1. 25 reps
  2. 20 reps
  3. 15 reps
  4. 10 reps
  5. 5 reps.

The advanced CrossFit athlete will complete this set in 6-7 minutes.

Complex with a barbell in the hall

Beginners can do it with a light bar. In this complex, you need to make as many rounds or circles as possible in 20 minutes, one circle consists of:

  1. 15 barbell squats
  2. 10 barbell presses,
  3. exercise bike 2 minutes.

Choose the position of the barbell yourself during squats: it can be over your head, on your back or on your chest.

Universal complex

This complex must be completed in 20 minutes at least three times. At the same time, in the gym you can take dumbbells and use simulators, and at home you can run on the spot and use improvised weights instead of dumbbells.

  1. 2 minutes of brisk running on the track or in place, if you are running in place, then raise your legs to make your run more active.
  2. 20 dumbbell lunges, 10 with each leg.
  3. 15 burpees.
  4. 10 body raises from a prone position or on a Roman chair.

This complex is easy to change according to your capabilities, each of the exercises described above can be significantly facilitated or complicated.

The same complex for beginners:

  1. 2 minutes of regular jogging in place, while jogging, actively work with your hands.
  2. 20 lunges without dumbbells.
  3. 15 burpees without push-ups and jumps.
  4. 10 body lifts or twists from a prone position with hands in front of you.

Common squatting mistakes

Even doing regular squats can injure your knee joints. With a burden, you can damage not only the knees, but also the spine.

The most common squatting mistakes are:

  • The weight is on the socks. Evenly distributed weight over the foot will provide greater stability and effectiveness of the exercise.
  • Strong forward lean. This increases the strain on the back and the risk of injury. Those most at risk are those who do the back squat.
  • Uncontrollable descent. Often, athletes will lower the barbell too quickly and then rise quickly as well. Instead, the movements should be fluid and completely controlled.
  • The weight is too heavy. It becomes most dangerous when squatting with a barbell over your head. You should not chase records, it will be more useful to work out with a feasible weight and increase it gradually.
  • Reducing the knees. This can lead to joint injuries.
  • Head tilt. This puts additional stress on the neck and back. The neck should be straight and the gaze directed forward.
  • The lower back does not bend, the pelvis does not move back. Because of this, the knees go strongly forward, and the athlete is forced to round his back in order to squat. This can lead to injuries to the back, lower back, knees, it is much easier to lose control of the bar.
  • Lack of stretching. In this case, it will be difficult for the athlete to do deep squats with a straight back.

The best crossfitter in the world is called the most physically prepared person in the world for a reason. CrossFit for girls develops your body to the maximum. Doing it even at home, you improve not only strength, but also endurance, speed, coordination, develop adaptation to high or changeable loads. For beginners, CrossFit helps to quickly lose weight, and for advanced athletes, it significantly improves their performance.

The main difference between the CrossFit system and other training programs is the wide range of exercises, their cyclical repetition and very short breaks between exercises. This system combines elements of athletics, kettlebell lifting, powerlifting and a number of other sports. A variety of exercises allows you to effectively develop strength, flexibility, endurance, speed, coordination and develop all the muscles in the body.

All CrossFit exercises can be divided into three categories: cardio, body weight lifting, and extra weight lifting. All exercises are performed in groups of 10-15, so there is always a kind of "competitive spirit" in training, which perfectly motivates each participant to work hard and responsibly in the classroom.

Crossfit complexes

Crossfit complexes are, as a rule, a repetitive exercise in a circle, which must be performed in a certain time, or vice versa, to complete a limited number of rounds. Crossfit training always starts with a joint and cardio workout. And after a short rest, the technique of certain exercises begins to be worked out, and then the implementation of the complex itself begins.

Crossfit exercises are traditionally divided into 3 types:

You can also do CrossFit at home on your own. For squats with and without additional weight, push-ups, swinging the press, pull-ups, body lifts, no special equipment is needed. The CrossFit workout program can be downloaded on the Internet or you can attend classes in the gym and ask the coach to describe how to work out at home using this system.

Crossfit and athlete health

Anyone can do this sport. The difference between male and female complexes lies in the load with which you will have to work during the exercise. Despite the fact that you can practice this system on your own at home, it is better for beginners to start training in the gym under the supervision of a trainer in order to learn the correct exercise technique and avoid injury.

It is also very important to listen to your condition during exercise and avoid overloading. Good gyms always have blood pressure monitors to measure your heart rate.

With indicators over 180 strokes, you must immediately stop training.

In addition, you can start doing CrossFit with any level of training. For the most unprepared, adapted exercises will be used and vice versa, the more advanced you become, the more difficult exercises and heavier weights you can start to do.

In the presence of certain diseases in an acute or chronic form, crossfit is generally strictly prohibited. These include:

  • problems with the cardiovascular system,
  • respiratory tract diseases,
  • disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary-reproductive system,
  • infectious diseases,
  • injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system,
  • mental disorders and diseases of the nervous system.

The ban includes people who have recently undergone surgery or are in rehabilitation. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should also not do CrossFit.

Fitness exercises in the crossfit program

For full-fledged crossfit training, it is important to choose the right fitness exercises: they should involve as many muscles as possible in the work. Various curls with dumbbells, deadlifts and barbell presses are of little use for such complexes.

Successful options are pull-ups on the bar and uneven bars, push-ups, squats, burpees, work with a weighted rope. In each complex, cardio movements are required in the form of various jumps, jumping on a step, and running.

Basic CrossFit fitness exercises include:

  • Pull-ups. The muscles of the upper body are involved in the work. Movements are performed due to the work of the back and shoulder muscles; the wrists remain motionless. When performing the exercise, jerkly pull the body up, bringing the shoulder blades together; downward, until the arms are fully extended at the elbow joint.
  • Push ups. In the supine position, the hands are placed exactly under the shoulders. With the effort of the muscles, the body is pushed up; when lowering, touch the floor with your chest.
  • Squats. The movement begins from a standing position, the hips and buttocks are pulled back and down, while the knees are bent so that they do not go beyond the line of the toes. They go down until the heels touch the buttocks, then return to the starting position with a straight back.
  • Twisting. The movement is performed from a supine position. On exhalation, the shoulders and head are torn off the floor, leaving the lower back firmly pressed to the floor surface. Then they calmly descend back.

Each athlete selects a complex taking into account his capabilities. First, you need to fully master the technique of movements, so the exercise time is not recorded. The program should include pushing and pulling movements, cardio, and abdominal and leg exercises. One round of training can be as follows:

  • push-ups - 15 times;
  • squats - 10 times;
  • pull-ups - 10 times;
  • jumping - 20-30 seconds.

The number of repetitions is selected independently. The number of cycles in one workout is up to 10.

When doing fitness in the CrossFit style for a while, the emphasis is not on the number of repetitions, but on the number of approaches. The duration of the complex is limited in time, and during this period a healthy lifestyle fan must perform as many types of fitness exercises as possible. It is possible to start high-speed movements only with the complete mastering of the correct technique. When drawing up a program, the total number of repetitions is set: for example, 100 crunches, 100 dumbbell lifts, 5 km running, 20 pull-ups. The given number is divided into cycles: for one circle there are 20 repetitions per press, 20 movements with dumbbells, 5 pull-ups and 1 km of running. In total, 5 circles are done, while the time for completing the entire complex decreases every day.

It's easy to organize workouts at home, on the street or in the gym - just have a watch, a diary for entries, simple equipment in the form of a jump rope and dumbbells, and a desire to change yourself.

How to write a WOD program

In CrossFit, there are several basic concepts of load compilation.

Circular workout without timing

One of the variants of the complex is WOD, in which we perform a certain task without interruption for several laps / rounds. That is, we select exercises for ourselves that allow us to use the inventory, and perform them one after another without interruption, a certain number of circles.

For example, we run 1 circle in a stadium (400 m), then we do 10 pull-ups, 10 sit-ups (press) and 5 burpees - this is 1 circle. And we set ourselves the task of completing 5 such circles without interruption. If you cannot master some exercise in one approach, break it down into several, but keep the rest minimal and move on to the next only when you “close” the previous one. The time can be fixed to track your progress, if in a couple of months you want to repeat this WOD. Composing this kind of complex, you can adhere to the following rule: the more exercises, the fewer circles and vice versa.

Time limited WOD

The next load option is a complex in which you select a certain number of exercises for yourself and limit yourself to a time frame. That is, your task is to complete the maximum number of laps in a set time. Optimal workload is intensive work for 10, 15 or 20 minutes. The time regime can be less, and in some cases more, but preferably no more than 30 minutes. For example, we prescribe for ourselves such a WOD, where 1 circle is 10 standing barbell presses, 10 jumps on the curbstone and 10 pull-ups (the number of repetitions for each exercise may be different). Let's limit ourselves to 15 minutes. That is, in 15 minutes we must do as many circles as possible. Rest and breakdown of one exercise into sets depends on your physical condition, but try to keep them as minimal as possible.

Large volume at a time (chipper)

Another load option is a complex where we perform only one circle, but it consists of a large number of exercises and repetitions. In crossfit it is called a chipper.

For example, we take for ourselves pull-ups that need to be done 20 times, sit-ups (press) - 50 times, lunges with a pancake over the head - 25 for each leg, deadlift - 30 times, burpees - 20, push-ups on the uneven bars - 20 times, jumping rope - 100 times. The list can be long enough, but don't overdo it. All this must be done in the minimum time for us, while moving on to the next task is possible only when you have “closed” the previous one.

Closing repetitions

This load case is similar to the chipper. But here we are making up a complex for ourselves in which the exercises have a very large number of repetitions. And unlike the previous complex, here we can already move from one exercise to another whenever we want. Our goal is to simply complete all of the total reps in as little time as possible. What is meant. Let's say we wrote this WOD for ourselves: 100 push-ups, 100 pull-ups, 100 squats, 100 abs, 100 deadlifts. We started doing pull-ups, got to 14 and felt tired. We do not rest, but immediately start doing abs, giving our hands a break. We mastered 40 repetitions on the press at a time, and switched to deadlift. Did, for example, 23 times and took up squats. During the squat, the arms are rested, and we are ready to switch back to pull-ups or deadlifts. We already count pull-ups from 15, since we have already done 14, press - from 41, deadlift - from 24, etc. That is, our task is to provide the muscles with rest, while we perform another exercise. And how much we need to return to this exercise to do everything 100 times is a purely personal initiative. Our goal is to do all 500 total reps as quickly as possible.

Training program for a month 4 weeks for 3 sessions

We built our crossfit training program for beginners based on the following inputs:

  • You have not been involved in intense sports for a long time and you need time to adapt;
  • You can visit the gym with a basic set of sports equipment (if you don’t have such an opportunity, we recommend the following materials: crossfit workouts for men at home and crossfit at home for women. The articles describe in detail the features of training at home, and also prepared the corresponding training programs);
  • It will take you about a month to get back to normal. Therefore, the intensity of the complexes will progressively increase.

Week 1

In the first week, novice athletes should pay attention mainly to circuit training and the gradual bringing of muscles into working condition.

Day 1 We have an introductory crossfit workout for beginners in order to gradually begin to adapt to new loads. Only 5 circles.
  • Jump rope 30 times;
  • Burpee 5 times;
  • Squats 10 times;
  • Sit-ups - 10 times.

If you still have strength, then at the end of the workout, stand in the bar - 2 times for 45 seconds, with a pause of 20 seconds between sets.

Day 2 We have a rest
Day 3 We carefully begin to work with the first weightlifting movements. 1st complex - at the beginning of each minute we do deadlifts, then rest the rest of the minute and at the beginning of the next minute we do box jumps. Only 4 rounds. (or 8 minutes).
  • Deadlift 5 times (add weight 1 time - on the 3rd round);
  • Jumping on the box 10 times

After that, the following awaits us. We work for 8 minutes:

  • Raising the legs to the chest on the horizontal bar 8 times;
  • Lunge (on each leg 10 times.)
Day 4 We have a rest
Day 5 We continue to train endurance - this time we will do the "Cindy" complex.

We sweat for 18 minutes:

  • 5 pull-ups (with an elastic band);
  • 9 push-ups;
  • 15 squats.

At the end of the workout - 2 times the bar for 1 minute, with rest breaks of 20 seconds

Day 6 We have a rest
Day 7 We have a rest

Week 2

The second week for a beginner crossfit athlete in general in terms of load does not differ much from the first, but we can already start learning the basic technique with free weights.

Day 1 Learning to perform basic movements correctly. We do 8 minutes:
  • 7 front squats with a bar;
  • 7 pull-ups.

Plus 9 minutes:

  • 10 deadlifts (40% -50% of the weight);
  • 30 skipping ropes
Day 2 We have a rest
Day 3 Our cardio workout is on schedule. We work for 21 minutes:
  • 9 burpees;
  • 9 squats;
  • 9 push-ups;
  • 9 V sit-ups;
  • 36 skipping ropes.

At the end - 3 times the bar for 50 seconds, with rest breaks for 20 seconds

Day 4 We have a rest
Day 5 Today is our leg day, comrades!

We work for 10 minutes:

7 squats with a bar at the beginning of each minute (50-60% of the weight).

We make 4 circles:

  • Swing kettlebell - 10 times;
  • Jumping onto the box 8 times;
  • Throwing the ball at the target 6 times.

Upon completion - 3 times the bar for 45 seconds, with rest breaks of 20 seconds

Day 6 We have a rest
Day 7 We have a rest

Week 3

Starting this week, the load can be slightly increased (a little!) And we continue to study the technique of performing basic exercises.

Day 1 We do each movement below 7 times at the beginning of each minute. At the beginning of the 1st minute, shvungs-rest, at the beginning of the second minute, jumps-rest, at the beginning of the 3rd minute, foot trays-rest, at the beginning of the 4th shvungs, etc. Only 3 laps.
  • 7 pressing shvung;
  • 7 jumps on the curbstone;
  • 7 leg trays to the bar (or chest).

At the end we are waiting for:

  • 100 skipping ropes;
  • 50 sit-ups.
Day 2 We have a rest
Day 3 We return to the basic ones. We work for 10 minutes.
  • Deadlift 10 times;
  • Lunge 10 times on each leg.

3 rounds 21-15-9:

  • Pull-ups;
  • Squats
  • V sit-ups.

After the complex - we do the bar 3 times for 1 minute with a 30 second rest.

Day 4 We have a rest
Day 5 At the end of the week, we will have the Helen complex (5 rounds at a time):
  • 400m run;
  • 21 kettlebell swings;
  • 12 pull-ups.

At the end of the complex - 3 times the bar for 1 minute, with rest breaks of 20 seconds

Day 6 We have a rest
Day 7 We have a rest

Bright moments

The CrossFit Games have been held annually since 2007. This is a rather entertaining and interesting show, during which emotions overwhelm the participants and spectators. The highlight of the competition is the list of exercises that must be performed, announced a couple of hours before the start of the competition, and the athletes do not have time to prepare in advance for them. In addition, the organizers began to add non-crossfit tasks to the competition.

The most famous CrossFit Games winner is Rich Froning. It has been ranked # 1 for 4 consecutive years since 2011. The 2016 competition distinguished itself not only by the next victory of the best of the best, but also by the wedding of the athletes.

Despite the fact that CrossFit is considered more of a strength sport, many women do it and they are much more likely to leave feedback on their experiences on the Internet. Most often they are positive, but many athletes note that the beginning of training seems like hell and there is always a temptation to quit. But, if you do not succumb to it, in a few months tangible results will appear, the figure will radically change, health and all muscles will be strengthened.

Crossfit at home

We're now going to take a look at one of the home-based workout programs developed by renowned CrossFit athlete Lauren Plumey. To start exercising, you need just a little: 2-5 kg ​​dumbbells for women and 8-12 kg for men (or more, depending on physical fitness) and a bench / box. That's all.

We will now present the exercises. Let's say right away that weekly you need to increase the duration of the workouts, increasing the load. When you get to 40-60 minutes of active training, you can consider that you have reached the top. How often should you train? The question is rather abstract, but the best option would be 3-4 times a week. Well, let's start to master the discipline of "CrossFit". Complexes for practicing at home.

  1. Swing with one hand. This exercise engages the glutes, legs, back, arms and shoulders. You need to do 2-4 sets of 8 reps per arm.
  2. Bear gait. This exercise engages your entire body. You can see the photo of the execution below. It is necessary to take 30 steps after each exercise, which will significantly strengthen your body.
  3. Swing with both hands. This exercise uses your glutes, legs, back, arms and abs. Do 2-4 sets of 8 reps.
  4. Dumbbell lunges. This exercise uses your glutes, legs, arms, and abs. Perform 2 sets, alternating legs and changing your working arm in the middle of each.
  5. Sumo Dumbbell Row. This exercise uses your legs, glutes, back, shoulders, and biceps. Also do 2 sets.
  6. Jumping through the box. This exercise uses your legs and buttocks. Do 6-8 jumps 1-2 times per workout.
  7. Push-ups on the arms in the L-pose. This exercise engages the arms, chest, buttocks, and back. See the photo of the execution below. Do 2 sets to the maximum.

You will understand by doing these exercises, CrossFit at home is real. If you practice regularly, in good faith, then you will reach, albeit not the best shape, but you will certainly become more fit / fit. You can also think of such a popular exercise in CrossFit as "burpees" ("burpees"), which increases the endurance and explosive strength of your muscles. Do not forget about cardio exercises, and therefore, as soon as you have extra time, go for a run or ride a bike for 15-20 minutes. By following this program and our advice, you can start doing CrossFit at home. Exercises of a wider spectrum are given below. Go!

Crossfit training what is On-ramp a prerequisite for future victories

The foundation of this sporting movement originated from the mental activity of former gymnast Greg Glassman.

Crossfit is one of the most popular sports disciplines today.

He dreamed of a better, more effective set of exercises that would help develop the whole body.

At first, his idea was not taken seriously (it was a simple training program), because its laws contradicted classical bodybuilding, and indeed looked dangerous from the outside.

But Greg knew what he was doing. And soon after the launch of, the popularity of the new trend was unstoppable.

Nowadays many people are interested in CrossFit, but what kind of sport is it? Its foundation lies at the heart of the circular approach to training.

That is, you should do the largest number of approaches or circles in a limited time period.

At the same time, they are high-intensity and develop your body in parallel in different directions.

To complete each task, you must be flexible, strong, fast, and the exercises themselves must be performed perfectly technically.

CrossFit develops a complex body

Don't worry, no one will ask you all of this from the start, it's important that you understand the goals of CrossFit. With the information, it will already be possible to decide whether it is right for you or not.

With the information, it will already be possible to decide whether it is right for you or not.

In fact, CrossFit uses exercises:

  1. Classic bodybuilding
  2. Gymnastics
  3. Plyometrics
  4. Kettlebell lifting
  5. Weightlifting and athletics
  6. Powerlifting
  7. Fitness

I would like to emphasize that in this direction, both your own body weight and additional equipment are used, which makes CrossFit universal and versatile.

It can be practiced both in a certified club with a trainer, and at home, on your own.

In any case, you will have to master the basic technique for some time, because theoretically the direction itself is traumatic. It would be ideal to undergo training at the very beginning.

Crossfit on-ramp, what is it? The answer is that this is preliminary training for beginners before full-fledged crossfit classes.

This is a good way to overcome self-doubt and understand how certain movements are done correctly.

The discipline has a few basic exercises.

CrossFit he ramp answers the question: "What is this?" regarding such mandatory exercises:

  1. Jumping on the curbstone
  2. Air squats
  3. Front squat
  4. Medicine ball throw
  5. Deadlift
  6. Barbell jerk, etc.

Thus, you will be pre-prepared for the upcoming training. Well, or at least you can think so.

In fact, no one can prepare for CrossFit 100% in terms of loads, and this is its beauty.

Each workout is a test of the strength of the body and spirit. This is a challenge and euphoria from victory.

CrossFit does not set itself the goal of making you the No. 1 in some particular sports field, it makes you a versatile fighter, smoothly pumping your heart system, ligaments, muscles, explosive power and much more.

No other sport will give so much in all directions at once.

The direction includes elements of several sports

Important training rules

If you want the benefits and effects of crossfit, then it is extremely important to follow these rules. They apply to everyone: both beginners and experienced athletes.


Health comes first and CrossFit is no exception. That's why:

  • Be sure to follow the exercise technique;
  • Be sure to warm up before training - both articular and muscular (injuries in CrossFit are quite common and the most common reason for them lies precisely in this);
  • At first, do not chase records and large weights - enter the mode gradually.

Nutrition and recovery

Effective training, proper healthy nutrition and high-quality recovery (rest) are the three components of a successful athlete. If at least 1 of these points drops out, then all the benefits of classes collapse.

  • Let the body rest (preferably at the very beginning of the workouts, do it 2 days a week, then smoothly switch to 3. And if you feel very good, then you can switch to 4 workouts a week - but you should switch to 4 after at least six months and if you set yourself big tasks).
  • Proper nutrition. Perhaps the most hackneyed topic. But nevertheless, if you train hard and eat everything, then there will be practically no sense from training. After all, if you increase the mass, then it will have nothing to grow from; and if you are losing weight, then the excess of calories consumed per day will not allow you to do this, even despite the abundance of training.

Crossfit scaling

Many novice athletes do not attach importance to such a concept as crossfit scaling. What's the point? For example, the execution time of the complex and the exercises that are used in it will be the same for both a professional and a beginner athlete. That is, both of them will start and finish the same tasks at the same time. What, then, is the difference between them? In the scales.

So in order for you to make progress in CrossFit, you need to regularly scale your workouts - gradually, step by step, strive for more and more weights and, as a result, results.

For those who doubt whether CrossFit is for them - how difficult, scary, dangerous it is. In the video:

You can also download the CrossFit training guide from its founder (there are quite a few 125 pages of text) - CrossFit Training Guide (pdf).


Typically, in CrossFit programming, there are couplets, triplets, and chippers. Verses combine 2 different moves into 1 superset. For example, you can take some exercise from W (work with weights), combining it into a complex with any movement from G (gymnastic) - WG. If you think about it, then we will have a considerable choice of combinations (WG, WM, GM), given the huge number of exercises of each type (and you can combine MM, WW and GG).

Finally, the last type of programming is the Chipper, which involves a combination of 4 or more movements. This is a rather difficult series of exercises, where you do a total of 30-50 repetitions of 4 or more exercises, which, by the way, is very exhausting by the end of the workout. Chippers are useful from time to time, but verses and triplets should remain a priority.

Crossfit for girls

We think that every girl is constantly trying to keep her body in order in order to feel more confident. However, when visiting fitness clubs, many girls begin to train with frail weights and on weak simulators, which gives almost no results. Yes, the weight is slightly reduced, but this is more likely the merit of cardiovascular equipment, and not many hours of training. So what does CrossFit mean for girls? First, training will make you fit and athletic. And this does not mean that you will become as big as professional bodybuilders. A minimum of subcutaneous fat and good physical shape in general are the result of training. Secondly, doing CrossFit will prolong the youthfulness of your joints and also reduce the likelihood of injury. Finally, it's a great way to boost your self-esteem.

But what are the best exercises for women? This list includes frontal / air squats, lunges, burpees, push-ups, sit-ups, all kinds of crunches for the press, stretching, rukkhod, dumbbell press, cardio exercises (running and cycling will be preferred / stationary bikes), JUMPs, "bear walk" and bench press / standing. This is quite enough for an ordinary girl who just wants to find a beautiful body. Of course, you can do other exercises as well.

CrossFit Exercises at Home

Correct selection and execution of CrossFit exercises is the key to successful training. CrossFit is both heavy exercise and active exercise

In both cases, it is important to clearly follow the execution technique. You should be very tired after CrossFit, this is an important training effect.

Distribute exercises by day so that during the week you perform the most varied set of workouts.

The principles of CrossFit are not very different from those of the gym. The very same direction of fitness includes exercises from other sports. You will need to find the optimal set of exercises at home for men or women.

It is also very important in CrossFit to do exercises quickly, without giving the muscles rest.

The main CrossFit exercises for men at home will be:

  • Burpee. This activity includes a regular push-up, after which you need to jump up from the squat and lower in the same way.
  • Press.
  • Squats.
  • Jumping rope.
  • Exercises with a barbell, dumbbells, weights.
  • Lunges.
  • Push ups.
  • Kipping (pull-up with a jerk, this will keep the pace of CrossFit).

Regular exercises can be modified and complicated, for example, regular squats are replaced by so-called "explosive squats". When doing them, you do not just squat, but jump out sharply, making a clap with your hands over your head. Explosive push-ups are also performed. And regular squats need to be made more difficult by adding weights.

Another popular CrossFit exercise is the Bear Walk. You need to get on all fours and raise your buttocks. Thus, you must move forward while walking on one of the sides: first, step with your left hand and foot, then with your right hand and foot. Once you have mastered this exercise, start running in this position and make it harder by adding weight.

For girls, you need to start CrossFit lessons in milder conditions: do not immediately take large loads and do not immediately try to complicate all the workouts. Let your body get used to the rhythm of fitness, and when you realize that you are ready for serious challenges, start to complicate the activities.

Complexes for beginners

In fact, getting started with CrossFit involves three main workouts: squats, push-ups, and pull-ups. Start with them, using their options without complications and burdens. CrossFit programs are commonly referred to as WODs.

For example, it will be easy for beginners to master Cindy's WOD. On it, you do 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups and 15 squats. The break between the circles is 3 minutes. Exercise until you've hit 20 minutes of pure workout. A good result for beginners is 7-8 laps in 20 minutes.

More difficult is Candy's WOD, it includes

  • 20 pull-ups;
  • 40 push-ups;
  • 60 squats;

It involves the performance of five rounds. Rest is also 3 minutes.

For the street, WOD Murph is perfect. It includes everything:

  • 1.5 km jogging (ideal before and after workout);
  • 100 pull-ups;
  • 200 push-ups;
  • 50 squats.

Weekly program for beginners

If you want to do CrossFit for weight loss, endurance, or other goals, you need a program.

You need to do it 3 times a week. For example, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

In this case, you will rest for 4 days, and exercise for 3.

On the first day of class, combine several exercises, for example, like this:

  • 10-17 burpees;
  • 10 pull-ups;
  • 10 explosive push-ups
  • 15 abs exercises.

Try to speed up from start to finish. And don't forget to do multiple laps.

On the second day, take the same exercises, just try to complicate them, for example, add a not very heavy backpack to the burpee, increase the number of push-ups and pull-ups.

And on the third day, replace some of the exercises on the first day with others, such as jogging or dumbbell exercises.

Gradually modify and complicate the program as you see fit. The main thing is to maintain the regularity and technique of performing the exercises.

Types of training

It is quite difficult at first to navigate the variety of WODs and exercises.

In general, it is important to understand the basic principles of building workouts:

Time is not taken into account, the immediate number of approaches is important. Example: 20 push-ups, 15 box jumps, 20 push-ups to eye level.

What kind of crossfit round? What is it? It can be described as a large number of laps in a given time. Example: 20 minutes are given. During this time, you need to do 30 air squats, 20 throwing the medicine ball up, 15 push-ups. The main thing is to achieve an increase in the number of circles.

AFAP. A system of repetitions of 21-15-9 or another number (5 or more circles) is used. Example: 21 front squats, 21 bar push-ups, 15 front squats, 15 bar push-ups, etc.
Tabata. A classic example of interval training: 20 seconds of work, 10 rests or a minute of plowing, one more rest. Example: Deadlift 5 times (at the limit of possibilities), one minute of rest, 20 sit-ups (exercise for the press), etc.
Death by… Gradually increase 1 rep at the beginning of the next minute. Example: 1 thruster with the selected weight - rest until the end of the minute, 2 thrusters - rest, 3 thrusters - rest and so on. This also includes Death by weight, when instead of repetitions, the weight of the bar is increased.
EMOM. I decided to tell more about him.

CrossFit is a popular form of workout among beginner and professional athletes. CrossFit has become especially widespread for girls and for women who seek to improve their physical shape, tone their muscles, increase endurance and strength. Such workouts take place in a circle in an intensive mode with minimal pauses, at a fast pace.

CrossFit is a new direction in the world of sports. You can do CrossFit not only in the gym, but also at home.

Crossfit features

Women's crossfit, along with men's, has its own characteristics. Engaging in a special program, you can evenly work out all muscle groups, that is, CrossFit does not have a specific specialization. The main exercises include push-ups, jumping, running, pull-ups, lifting dumbbells, etc. You can divide them into several groups:

  • (running, rowing, cycling, swimming, etc.);
  • power (exercises with weights and dumbbells);
  • gymnastics;
  • bodyweight exercises (pull-ups, bends, push-ups);
  • weightlifting (lifting the bar, etc.).

All exercises are repeated in a circle, the results of the workout are evaluated by a stopwatch. Most often, one lap takes 15 to 25 minutes. For beginners, a few circular repetitions will be sufficient, more experienced athletes perform 7-10 training circles.

The main principle of CrossFit is the intensity and speed of exercise.

Home endurance exercise is a good alternative to the gym. In just 1 hour, all muscles are worked out. Let's figure out which set of exercises is suitable for circuit training.

CrossFit benefits

  • Training always takes place at a fast pace, there is no time to get bored during such classes.
  • Crossfit programs for girls are designed in such a way that all muscles work during training.
  • For classes, you do not need special simulators and a gym membership - just have a few dumbbells and a box / bench at hand.
  • Regular CrossFit exercises train endurance and dexterity, intense exercise is especially good for weight loss, etc.

Lesson rules

Those who do not yet know what CrossFit is for women or girls should definitely familiarize themselves with the basic training rules:

  • The load on each subsequent lesson should increase, not decrease.
  • Warm-up exercises must be done before training, and stretching afterwards.
  • You can rest only after completing one circle of training, you cannot rest between separate exercises.
  • It is not recommended to drink a lot of water during exercise.
  • You need to train 2-3 times a week. The optimal exercise routine is every other day.
  • At each workout, you need to give all your best, do not feel sorry for yourself.
  • Each new lesson should include new exercises.

Training programs

For girls - an approximate plan for circular exercises, which must be completed in one workout. However, it is not at all necessary to blindly follow the prescribed activities. You can draw up a training plan yourself, focusing on the presence / absence of sports equipment, the place of training and your own strength.

The crossfit program for beginner girls consists of simple exercises, below is an approximate workout plan for a week:

  • the first day - squats (15 times), push-ups from the floor (10 times), pull-ups on the horizontal bar (6 times);
  • the second day - lifting dumbbells (15 times), running with acceleration at a distance of 200-400 meters; pull-ups (6 times);
  • the third day - squats with jumping out (10 times), pull-ups (10 times), push-ups (10 times).

For beginner athletes, such a weekly workout will be enough, then you can add other exercises. Exercises can be done for a while - try to break the record of the previous one for each subsequent workout, or perform circular exercises for a certain interval of time, for example, 15-20 minutes.

Important! When doing CrossFit, you don't have to wait for results right after your workout. It will take several weeks / months to get the body in shape.

  • jumping rope;
  • push-ups (from the floor, from the support, upside down, etc.);
  • lunges;
    • pull-ups;
    • burpee - the athlete takes a sitting position, then a lying position, then a sitting position with jumping up;
    • swings with dumbbells, weights;
    • jumping / jumping onto a support;

    Important! For jumping over the support, you can use a special sand box, bench or tire.

    The most popular crossfit exercises for girls are burpees, barbell / dumbbell raises, push-ups in L-pose (upside down), pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

    Many trainers advise girls and women with overweight and problem figure to engage in crossfit, since it is precisely such workouts that allow you to lose unnecessary pounds, evenly pump all the muscles of the body and put the figure in order. Men tend to choose heavy weight training and gym classes.