Sacred geometry. Working with space and the principles of sacred geometry

Sacred geometry - The theory of everything.

"Nature is very simple, which contradicts this -

must be rejected. "

M.V. Lomonosov

A scientist, wishing to drive a representative of the peoples of the north into his usual scientific impasse, asked him the question: "What is God?" The representative of the north looked at the scientist in surprise. How can a very intelligent person fail to understand such simple things? Then he pointed to the dogs in the harness and said: "We are Gods for them."

In fact, he is right, God appears to us as an Essence, standing an order of magnitude higher than us in the physical world and several orders of magnitude superior to us in its spiritual development.

The easiest way to explain even very complex concepts is by analogy. From the very beginning of the inception of civilization, people were in search of a universal language of communication with God. These searches led to the finding of certain symbols and images, which, in fact, reflect external reality.

Sacred geometry is a set of geometric symbols that can be used to describe the world.

Sacred geometry, occupying a middle position between the Spiritual and Material worlds, is effective remedy to describe the connection (unity) of these two Worlds. Giving shape to the Unified Whole makes it possible to understand their initial unity in Nature.

The new is the well-forgotten old. Not recognizing the original unity between the Spiritual and Material worlds, modern science still stumbles into this connection. A new direction of fundamental research in modern science tries to combine information theory and quantum mechanics.

But Information is not just an abstract mathematical concept from the field of the Spiritual world, it always has a physical embodiment in the Material world, which, in accordance with traditional theory information follows the laws of classical physics, and in quantum informatics, accordingly, must follow the laws of the quantum world.

At the same time, quantum mechanics is positioned as a science that “knows” the rules of the game in the microcosm. The development of science shows that even knowledge of simple rules of Boolean algebra has led to the appearance of the corresponding element base and the creation of very complex computers and programs that ensure their operation.

The purpose of quantum information theory is to study the rules of the theory of the quantum world suitable for building on their basis the principles of computation based on the elements of the microworld.

And although the rules of quantum mechanics were postulated more than 70 years ago, they did not clarify the understanding of the structure of the world around us.

The problems of modern science in this area run into the wrong concept - "zero point energy". Collected in one, moreover, mistakenly interpreted basic concepts "zero" and "point" do not bring us closer to the truth.

Sacred geometry gives an opportunity to find the right approach to understanding the realities of the surrounding world.

Sacred geometry this is an ancient teaching about the laws of Spirit reflected in the forms of motion and the laws of development of Matter within the framework of real Space and Time. It keeps the parts of the totality of ancient Vedic knowledge about the structure of the surrounding world, its forms, harmony, orderliness and proportionality that have come down to us. Based on the basic mathematical relationship of number to one - "One", sacred geometry deals with the geometry of the forms that underlie life. It is considered now as a mystical pseudoscience about the religious and mythological ideas of our ancestors.

What is its difference from geometry?

In sacred geometry, thought is not limited to form, but logically continues to philosophical conclusions: "What is outside, so is inside," "What is above, so is below," etc. Sacred geometry says that We live in a geometrically regulated world. All the energy of the universe is in a state of continuous transformation. Sacred geometry forms are never rigidly fixed. On the contrary, they are in a state of constant change and transition from one geometric form to another in accordance with their logic of development. All actions on the physical plane obey mathematical laws. Sacred geometry shows the unity of form and energy. Creation takes on flesh through harmony. Sacred geometry is the foundation of practical knowledge, which is actually embodied in ancient megalithic structures.

Sacred geometry manifests the laws of being and brings them to a person. Knowledge of these laws gives a person an understanding of reality, which recognizes a particle of the Creator within himself.

Sacred geometry is a teaching about the forms of Space and the laws of development of Being in accordance with these forms.

Geometry- the science of properties geometric shapes that reflect the forms of space of the real Material world.

Geometry shapes start at a point.

Point is the smallest shape considered in Geometry. All other geometric Shapes can be represented as a certain combination of many separate Points.

Geometric Point is a kind of "atom" from which other Forms are created. Moreover, the Point itself has no Form.

A point in Geometry has the Form of "Zero" (EMPTY "Uniqueness") and is inaccessible for geometric consideration and research, however, it provides a means for research and cognition of other Forms. Modern science, explaining such a Point Shape by the struggle with errors in calculations, puts on its Shape - an Indefinite Bold Point.

In Sacred Geometry there is no modern concept Points, the closest - The central point of the circle in the concept of "Circus station". The modern Point in Geometry is the Donut Hole.

Yet Pythagoras of Samosky said: « Numbers rule the world, "andJohann Goette clarified: "Numbers do not rule the world, but they show how the world is governed."

We must understand that we did not create mathematics, we discovered it. Mathematics is the Universal language and the law of the programs of the surrounding world. No matter what universe or part of the universe you are in, 1 + 2 will always equal 3! Everything in our universe obeys the laws of mathematics!

We must also understand that the world evolves according to the laws of numbers. All the knowledge of the world is contained in the signs denoting numbers, which we see a thousand times every day and do not even think about them.

But we understand that the interpretation of any "Knowledge" depends on those who "Know".

For example, geometric shapes can be viewed as a specific embodiment of numbers: the number 5 is associated with a pentagram, 4 with a square, 3 with a triangle, 2 with an angle, 1 with a point or line.

Or the following more lengthy interpretation.

Unit- rises motionless, like a monolith. She doesn't feel anything, she's just present. There are no curved or horizontal lines, no crosses. That is, there is no love, no attachment, no choice. At the level of minerals, everything is unconsciously present here and now.

Deuce Is the plant level. Curved stem and horizontal root line. The deuce is tied to the ground. The flower cannot move. At the top is a curved line. The deuce loves the sky. The flower wants to be beautiful, it has a lot of colors and graceful veins to please the higher dimension.

Troika- the level of animals. In two curved lines, above and below, she loves both heaven and earth. The trio is driven by instincts. She is an eternal slave to her feelings.

Four- the stage of a person. It is symbolized by the cross, the crossing of roads. The intersection is a choice. If we can make the right choice, the intersection will help us to leave the animal stage and move on to the next stage. From the animal stage of the three to the five stage. We will no longer be able to rush between fear and desires, we will not be able to experience only emotions caused by instincts. We will be able to go beyond the dilemma "love - not love" and "I am afraid - I inspire fear."

Five- this is the stage of the spirit. Evolved man. The five has a horizontal line at the top, therefore, it is tied to the sky. A curved line means that she loves what is below - the earth. Five is the exact opposite of two. The plant is riveted to the ground. The spiritual person is associated with the sky. The plant loves the sky, the spiritual person loves the earth. This is what André Malraux had in mind in his famous saying: "The third millennium will be spiritual, or it will not be at all." The person will be a five, or he will not be at all.

There is a group of five basic mathematical relationships that can be found all over the world, from Japanese pagodas to Mayan temples in Yucatan, from Stonehenge to the Great Pyramid of Giza. Knowledge of these relationships is the basis for understanding sacred geometry. It all depends on how you understand this relationship.

And although the concepts of Sacred Geometry begin with the Circle, we will begin their consideration with the concept

All-seeing eye

This is the oldest symbol that is very popular among many peoples. It is found in various beliefs as well as cultures. Some researchers believe that this is a Masonic symbol, but this is not entirely true. Indeed, the Freemasons used it in their rituals, but it arose long before the creation of this order.

This most ancient symbol has preserved part of the Knowledge of an ancient highly developed civilization.The concept reflects - the eye of the observer, point of view or point of reference. This is a complex philosophical physical and mathematical concept.

It shows that an ancient highly developed civilization used a wide A complex approach in the study of objects and phenomena, which gives a holistic view of the world, and, accordingly, a more correct understanding of it.

In modern science, it is partially replaced by the concept of "Zero" with its special properties... But the complex approach of the ancient highly developed civilization expands and changes the special properties of zero.

In philosophy, it denotes the point of view of the observer. One and the same object or phenomenon can be viewed from different points of view, at least from two. (Only the Absolute has one).

In mathematics, an abstract observer is an analogue of our zero "nothing" and does not introduce any errors in the calculations.

In physics, division by this zero is carried out by transferring the reference point to a new level, that is, the position of the observer changes and his frame of reference changes.

Symbol All-seeing eye shows - a person is given the opportunity, using the power of thought, to see all the changes in the process of interaction between the Spiritual and Material worlds, which makes it possible to get closer to understanding the Creator's plan who created our world.

Unit- (Whole - Circle)

Circle is a geometric figure, the border of which consists of countless points equidistant from the center of the circle. All internal space, as well as the center of the circle, belong to it, thus, we can say that the circle is a certain area of ​​space, limited by a set of points. And since these points are equidistant from the center, then a circle will be the border of the circle. The entire outer space does not belong to the circle, but it covers the entire part of the plane that is outlined with the help of the circle.

"One", Unit - Circle, this is, first of all, a number (pi) π = 3.1416:1

Number π (pi) limits any circle. Circumference ratio WITH to the diameter of the circle D the quantity is constant and equal to the irrational number π ... If the diameter of the circle D take to "1" - "One", then the circumference WITH defined as C =π D... In sacred geometry, the circle represents "spiritual kingdoms" - limiting the space where they dominate (rule) start.

The meaning of an irrational number cannot be accurately expressed as a fraction m / n, where m and n- whole numbers. Hence, its decimal representation never ends and is not periodic. Note that irrational numbers in sacred geometry determine the properties of the boundaries between areas where their principles dominate (rule).

Irrational number π defines the properties of the Circle's border. She divides the space into opposite parts - Internal and External. External the part is not limited and does not belong to the circle, but it definitely captures the whole Internal the part that is bounded by a circle.

Any real number (real, definite) multiplied by an irrational number π becomes irrational (unreal, indefinite). When crossing the border of the Circle, certainty and reality disappear, as well as the Inner - it becomes Outer and vice versa.

From here comes the mystical belief in the protective properties of the Circle. It is believed that the border of the drawn circle, strengthened by prayer, is not surmountable for "evil spirits".

Border specified by a number π , defines the transcendental properties of the Circle.

Transcendence(from Lat. transcendens - transcending, surpassing, going beyond) - this mathematical concept means in philosophy the term meaning everything that is beyond the threshold of our perception (beyond the boundaries of our Circle).

The circle includes the paradoxical unity of the Point, Line and Circle. With a relative comparison of an infinite number of different sizes of a circle, one can distinguish their manifestation in the form of two opposite poles - a Point and a Line (Fig. 1).

rice. 1

In Sacred Geometry, the Point and the Line are united in a single (common) Circle Shape.

The dot is a small circle.

A line is a small part of a large circle.

A line is a shape given by many small circles.

A point is a short line closed in a circle.

The set is a fundamental concept not only of mathematics, but of the entire surrounding world. Take any object in your hand right now. So much for a set consisting of one element.

In a broad sense, set is a collection of objects (elements) that are understood as a single whole(for one reason or another, criteria or circumstances). Moreover, these are not only material objects, but also letters, numbers, theorems, thoughts, emotions, etc.

Lots of one of the key concepts of mathematics, in particular, set theory and logic.

The concept of a set is usually taken as one of the original (axiomatic) concepts, that is, irreducible to other concepts, and therefore not having a definition. To explain it, descriptive formulations are used that characterize the set as a collection of various elements, conceivable as a whole. In set theories, any object is usually considered a set.

Sacred geometry shows that the inner space of any circle is created by its own beginnings. In the general case - "Beginnings", these are the operating (dominant, ruling) rules in a given circle for creating a system.

Scientists know that even simple rules lead to highly complex systems behavior.

The rules of the Material world are the basic physical laws and forces that set the parameters of the system created in this circle.

Circle rules:

The Circle, as a Whole - System, is created by centripetal force

The created Circle sets the basic rules of the system (Whole and Part).

The circle is the foundation physical world and sets its basic laws - Harmony, Symmetry and Conservation of energy.

Based on combining cool in different systems the original forms of the manifested Universe are obtained.

The ideal circle shape is a ball.

Giving the Unified Whole the form of a Circle allows us to understand that it is the basis that reflects the entire Mathematical world, just like our "I", is a part of the reflecting the entire Universe.

A circle in the Geometric (Mathematical) Universe is a semblance of our "I" in the Universe around us. They are unique independent systems in their Universes, which have special properties that identify them with the whole Universe! Being a Part, they reflect the Whole and inseparably combine Energy and Information, Matter and Spirit.

Such a representation of the Circle explains the saying of the philosopher of Ancient Greece Chilo: "Know yourself, and you will know the gods and the Universe."

Circle Sacred geometry comprehensively combines the following concepts of modern science:

Lots ofIs a collection of objects (elements) that are understood as a single whole.

Quantum(from Latin quantum - "how much") - an indivisible portion of any quantity in physics; the general name for certain portions of energy ( quantum energy), angular momentum (angular momentum), its projection and other quantities ...

Cubit(q-bit, cubit, qubit; from quantum bit) Is a quantum discharge or the smallest element for storing information in a quantum computer.

Fractal- a structure consisting of parts, which in a sense are similar to the whole. The main property of fractals is self-similarity. The circle as a Point of Sacred Geometry is the main element of the fractal that created the world around us and contains information about the entire fractal.

All the variety of geometric Forms and phenomena of the Universe can be represented, in the form of a certain combination of many Circles.

The number π (pi) limits any circle and underlies the universe.

The circle as a form in Sacred geometry, reflecting the One - Whole gives the key to understanding the deep connection between the Spiritual and the Material world.


- Vesica piscis

In Newton's time, space and time were perceived separately from each other. Thanks to Einstein and his theory of relativity, space and time are now perceived as a single whole. However, none of the physicists so far has been able to find such a phenomenon or process in which the real direction of the passage of time would unambiguously coincide with the real direction of motion in space in accordance with the general physical principle: motion is the direct unity of space and time.

The coordinate time axis in modern theories is geometrically similar to any spatial coordinate axis, but unlike them, it does not have its own real physical prototype - such as the sides of right angles in any room, a tightly stretched metal string or the visible beam of a ruby ​​laser.

You can draw the “arrow of time” on a sheet of paper from the origin of a rectangular coordinate system as you like - it will be just a fiction, or an imaginary axis of time. Even the transformation of time into a “fourth coordinate” in four-dimensional pseudo-Euclidean space in Einstein's theory of relativity does not change the essence of the matter. And in this theory, the direction of the course of time remains fictitious, not coinciding with its real "course".

In the last century, Einstein, without further ado, tied an observer to the speed of light in a vacuum and sent him on a journey across scientific work and school textbooks. At the same time, he did not explain why the speed of light is the greatest and why it cannot be exceeded. What did it lead to?

Head of the International Laboratory of Theoretical Cosmology Sergei Odintsov at the International Conference on the Study of the Evolution of the Universe that took place on August 8-10, 2016. at Tomsk University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR), reports:

"We live in a strange time, which corresponds to a century ago, when Albert Einstein discovered the theory of relativity. It turned out that the theory of relativity is in some sense wrong, and to put it more mildly, it is limited in its applications."

In fact, Albert Einstein put us on a train moving at the speed of light between two circles of the macro and microworld, in which we, along a circle a hundred years long, returned to the original starting point - the Modern understanding of the Point (Particle, Brick, String).

Einstein's achievement is that he tied space and time "together", and the flaw in how he did it. The space-time continuum invented by him is a mixture of a Bulldog with a steam locomotive.

Sacred geometry gives us the correct idea of ​​the "One".

The reality of the world is determined by our location in the area between two circles, the boundaries of which are determined by the physical parameters of the micro and macrocosm. We are inside the circle that limits the macrocosm, perceiving its reality as Time, and outside the circle that limits the microcosm, perceiving its reality as a Frequency. The location at the junction of two borders explains why the speed of light is the greatest for us and why it cannot be exceeded. The ratio of space and time, equal to the speed of light in a vacuum, sets the border of the circle in which we are.

The Vedic tradition allows you to look at the world around you from the position of the Creator.Sacred geometry allows you to look quite realistically at the physical essence of time, taking into account not the formal, but the true unity of space and time in nature itself.

How, having only Spirit and Energy, can we create all the diversity of the world around us?

For the manifestation of the Spirit in the system of the Material world, it is necessary to create a physical structure. In the simplest case, for this it is necessary to divide the whole into two parts and make them rotate in order to prevent them from merging into one unit... We get the system.

System Is a set of two or more elements and their interactions, which are a single whole.

Modern Systems Theory represents any object as a system of elements with varying degrees of complexity. Systems theory states that the properties of any system are determined by three factors - the properties of the system's elements, the relationships (interaction) between the elements and the structure of the system.

The intersection of two circles symbolizes the Unity of two Points, the process of their interaction, simultaneous separation and unification between equal Parts of the One - the Whole. This figure in Sacred Geometry reflects the fundamental collision of continuity and discreteness. V Vedic tradition it symbolizes the unity of the Spiritual and Material worlds.

Let's take a closer look at what we are talking about.

If the model of the physical structure is created correctly, then the formulas of mathematics reflect the objective reality of the surrounding world. Therefore, from this simplest model, reflecting the Material world, one can draw the following conclusions:

1. Spirit and Matter really manifest themselves only during Interaction.

2.In the Spiritual World, Interaction is the speed of information processing, set by the clock frequency.

3.In the Material world, Interaction - the movement of matter, takes place in Space and Time. In Nature, only the movement of matter really exists, and Space and Time are abstract categories with the help of which the movement is described.The material world is, first of all, Space and Time. Physical reality is in the frame of Space and Time.

4. Space and time arise at the moment of creation of a physical structure and are inextricably linked with it.

5. Space and time exist inside the structure that created them, an outside observer sees the frequency of the repetition of the process.

6. The created structure is an accumulator of potential and kinetic energy.

sin 2 x + cos 2 x = 1

7. One = 1, the origin of the reality of the created structure.

8. Space represents the potential energy of the structure

sin x

9. Time represents the kinetic energy of the structure and is the first derivative of space.

(sin x) ′ = cos x

10. Spatio-temporal objects and phenomena of one structure have a frequency (wave) representation in other systems. The Fourier series is a clear proof of this.

11. The internal energy of the structure is equal to the External energy - its reflection in other external interacting structures.



- a value that determines the duration of a structure (object or phenomenon) in a certain quality in a certain frame of reference.


- a quantity that determines the interaction of a structure (object or phenomenon) with other structures in a certain frame of reference.

- a relative value, as it is determined in a given frame of reference, relative to other frames of reference.

- an objective value, since it is set by the parameters of the frame of reference that created it.

ONE - "1"

- the beginning of the countdown of the dialectical process of the development of Space and Time of the created system (philosophy).

- the dynamic process of combining in a given measurement system:

Integral and Differential (mathematics);

Potential and Kinetic Energy (Physics).

Let us carry out a brief qualitative analysis of the formulas for the energies of a conservative harmonic oscillator and an atom. To do this, assume that the energy of a conservative harmonic oscillator is equal to the energy of an atom. Substitute the metric of the formulas physical quantities... We get

1 = m / s 2 or

One = Space / Time 2 = Centripetal Acceleration

Time = Space / Time = Speed ​​or

Time = Space * Frequency = (One = System Space) * Frequency

A qualitative analysis of the resulting dimension means:

Our concept of mass is invented, it does not exist in nature. Mass is a coefficient that determines the magnitude of centripetal acceleration in a given measurement system. ???

One, like a system, at any level (Universe, Galaxy, solar system, Atom, Society) is created by centripetal forces. These forces integrally determine the centripetal acceleration of the created measurement system.

The properties of the system are set by the ratio of the interacting quantities of Space and Time, Integral and Differential, Potential and Kinetic energy.

Time in one interacting system is measured by the speed of movement of another interacting system.

Space is a relative value and is determined by the ratio of Frequency and Time of interacting systems.


Vesica piscis » Sacred geometry, as an element of the “Tree of Life”, reflects the term “Dialectics” of modern materialistic philosophy, which embodies the idea of ​​universal connection, complexity, interdependence and indivisible integrity of the Material world around us. Adherents of the Material creation of the world see the source of movement and development in the unity and struggle of opposites.

This form of Sacred Geometry also includes Hegel's logic. In his work "Logic" he wrote: "We call dialectics, the highest movement of reason, in which outwardly divided members themselves pass one into another already by virtue of what they are, and in which the assumption of their separateness is self-annihilated. This is especially true for opposites. They are by no means an external and static opposition, as our reason would like; in fact, they exist only in interconnection, in the very movement that, internally opposing each other, overcomes this opposition. ”The theory of dialectical development created by Hegel is based on the objectively idealistic concept of the Absolute - the World Spirit. Adherents of the Spiritual Creation of the world believe that contradiction is an internal source of development.

Thus, the vesica piscis form of Sacred Geometry simultaneously reflects dialectics as the main contradiction of the world Spirit, as well as the unity and struggle of the opposites of Matter. The intersection of two circles in Sacred Geometry symbolizes the physical interaction of points, as well as their divided spiritual vision, that is, it reflects the universal connection, relativity, interdependence and continuous integrity between equal parts of the One - the Whole.

Therefore, we will comprehensively consider the interaction of the parts of the One - the Whole as a dialectical unity of the Internal and the External.


Let's start with the basics.

The modern concept of the creation of the world considers: First there was an explosionthen light and sound! Then they formed the light and music of the immensely finite Universe, harmony of vibrations of the Galaxy milkyways, systems of the Sun, songs and rhythms of the Earth, mysteries and the meaning of a brief moment of the existence of our civilization!

Continuity - Discreteness

Vedic tradition also believes that the primary heavenly ocean Nav gave birth to fire. But the ocean Nav initially combines Spirit and Matter.

The Spirit concentrates the energy of the future Matter in the One - Whole. At the same time, the One - Whole contains all the energy of the future Matter and a Part of the Spirit, which is inextricably linked with the primary heavenly ocean Nav.

The main property of the One - Whole is to strive to remain One - Whole, which gives rise to a universal connection of its Parts. Moreover, each Part of the One - Whole contains a particle of the Spirit, which is inextricably linked with the primary heavenly ocean Nav.

Wave unites continuous "Spirit" F - representing the connection with other systems and discrete "Matter" T - representing the system. This provides a key to resolving the fundamental collision of continuity and discreteness.


The Vedic tradition believes that the division of the One - Whole into Parts starts the process of creation. But unlike the modern theory of the explosion, the Nav 'ocean gave rise to heavenly fire based on the universal principle dichotomies- sequential division of the One - Whole into two .

The division of the One - Whole into two Parts creates two Whole parts, which carry the properties of the One - Whole, united into a Whole structure.

Many scriptures speak of the fact that originally there was one God. To know and manifest Himself, He realized the division of Himself into parts . Dividing the One - Whole into two initially sets the unity and symmetry of the set of the received Particles. The consistent division of the One - Whole into two parts replicates this structure.

The process of such division of an initially small point concentrating the energy of the future Universe is more consistent with the distribution of Matter in the observed Universe.

The first division determines the attachment of the observer, in which part of the frame of reference he was initially and the properties of this frame. Let us denote the centers of the circles by points A and V... The views of the point observers differ by 180 degrees, that is, they are opposite. Observer (Gauge, Leader - introduces a certain order) points A V, and the observer of the point V sees that a point revolves around him A... Moreover, if the observers are on one side of the plane, then they see the same direction of rotation, and if on different sides of the plane, they see the opposite direction of rotation, which differs by 180 degrees. Since a real observer cannot simultaneously be at the point A and at the point V, then the division of the One - Whole into two parts initially sets the perception of the reality of the observer. Point observer A V as a reflection of reality and vice versa point observer V perceives it as a real point A as a reflection of reality. The division of the One - Whole into two parts determines which side of the mirror the observer is on. Rightь Vedic tradition, the determining order (rules) of creation suggests initially Right the position of the observer when creating our measurement system, which dictates the order of creation of matter and the physical laws of our world.

Accordingly, the left rotation is in the Looking Glass, remaining a Part of the One - Whole. Representatives of Through the Looking Glass are particles known to science, neutron and neutrino.

As a result of such division of the One - Whole into Parts, the foundation is laid for the creation of the realities of our Material world - Matter.

Matter (lat. Materia - substance) - "... a philosophical category to designate the objective reality, which is given to a person in his sensations, which is copied, photographed, displayed by our sensations, existing independently of them." Matter is an infinite set of all objects and systems existing in the world, a substrate of any properties, connections, relations and forms of motion. Matter includes not only all directly observable objects and bodies of nature, but also all those that, in principle, can be cognized in the future on the basis of improving the means of observation and experiment. The entire world around us is a moving matter in its infinitely diverse forms and manifestations, with all its properties, connections and relationships.

But the process of creation of Matter - synthesis, which unites the created fundamental principle according to the rules of Spirit into Matter, we will consider later.


Let's consider the rule of relativity in more detail and clearly using the example of the Earth and the Moon.

We know that the Moon is always turned to the Earth by the same side. The question arises: does the moon rotate around its axis at all? The answer to this question lies in resolving the problem of who is in charge. Who is at the head of the corner - an observer on Earth (in this case, the Moon does not rotate around its axis), or an external observer in extraterrestrial space (then the satellite of our planet rotates around its axis).

Let's conduct an experiment, take two circles - disks of the same radius, touching each other and roll one disk along the edge of the other. In this case, the circles of the disks must be in continuous contact. How many times the rolling disk will turn around its axis, making a complete revolution around the static disk. Rolling disc twice manages to turn around its axis before it makes one revolution around the stationary disk! The speed of the spinning disc is doubled! Are you surprised?

On the other hand, does the rolling disc rotate? The answer to this question, as in the case of the Earth and the Moon, depends on the observer's frame of reference. With respect to the starting point of contact with the static disc, the moving disc makes one revolution. With respect to an external observer, in one revolution around the stationary disk, the rolling disk turns twice.

From the point of view of the modern general theory of relativity, one can generally assume that the Moon does not rotate at all, it is the Universe that revolves around it. However, the Universe, as a large part, is more convenient to take as a stationary frame of reference. In the modern general theory of relativity, the question of whether this or that object really rotates or is at rest does not make sense at all. Only relative motion can be "real".

Reality- Our objective reality shows that it is not the road that drives, but the car. REALLY - for a long time only a relative repetitive motion - WAVE can exist.


(carrier of harmony and symmetry)

From the WAVE point of view, consider the solution to one interesting problem.

Given: a circle of radius R. Curve A (red in the figure) is built of two semicircles of radius R / 2. Consequently, the length of the curve A is equal to π R. Curve B is built of four semicircles of radius R / 4, its length is also equal to π R. Similarly, curve C is constructed of eight semicircles of radius R / 8 and its length is also π R. Continuing the construction, we obtain a sequence of curves composed of semicircles of radius tending to zero, the length of all these curves is equal to π R.

Obviously, the curves, with an increase in the number of components of semicircles and with a decrease in their radius, tend to the segment MN, the length of which is equal to 2R. Thus, in the limit we get:

π R= 2R, therefore

π = 2 (Integer consists of 2 parts) or 1 = / 2 One divides into two parts.

And now - the question: is it proved that the number Pi is equal to two?

The generally accepted “correct” answer is “this cannot be because it can never be”. The "correct" answer must match the formula.

The modern correct answer is:

With a decrease in the radius of the semicircles that make up the curve, it approaches the segment-diameter MN, but the shape of the semicircles does not change. No matter how "small" they become, their length will still be equal π R

Ancient signs show that this problem was also solved in ancient times.

The form of the sign - the symbol reflects the main secret of the Great Creation, - "Everything merges into One, divisible by Two"

How the Sacred Geometry of the Forms that underlie the surrounding world solves this problem. The answer to this question provides the key to cognition of the microcosm and the Cosmos.

The task, in fact, uses the method of differential calculus, while adapting the familiar triangular shape at a Point, into a Semicircle. The generally accepted "correct" static answer is killing physical meaning the problem, reducing it to a banal formula, “this cannot be because it can never be”, since the “correct” answer must correspond to a well-known formula.

The solution to the problem rests on a lack of understanding of the meaning of differential calculus. The value of the function and its derivative, at the same Point (for the same value of x), give two different results! Movement - the differential at a given point gives a different result.

What does the “correct” answer look like with this approach? The correct answer is what it looks like !!!

Why, in the problem under consideration, the "Correct" answer looks like Pi is equal to two.

Let's go back to considering two identical contiguous circles.

It becomes clear that this is an image of the wave interaction of two circles.

There are three options for the wave interaction of two circles:

  1. The considered figure clearly shows the formation of a kinetic (differential) "force field of interaction". When two circles interact, "real" relative motion here can only be rotation, while in a different direction (180 degrees). The rotation of the circles doubles the frequency of their interaction, that is, it divides the wave in half. The disappearance of the irrationality of the number Pi (Pi=> 2 ) mathematically proves the reality of this process of interaction at the wave level.
  2. A potential (integral) "force field of interaction" is formed when their relative rotation is eliminated, the circles continue to rotate, each in its own direction, but conventionally - one from above and the other from below (180 degrees), that is, without moving relative to each other.
  3. The complex (integral-differential) "force field of interaction" is formed with a relative displacement of the circles by 90 degrees, when the axis of the center of one circle is the circumference of another circle.

it general pattern interactions for a variety of dynamical systems. But at the same time, this general pattern in each of the dynamical systems can manifest itself in different ways.

The first division determines the attachment of the observer, in which part of the frame of reference he was initially and the properties of this frame. Two energy flows are simultaneously active in the system, but in opposite directions. There are always two processes associated with any form of natural energy movement, which are always in a state of opposition and at the same time complement each other.

Troika - Triangle

The triangle, which Plato admired, shows the alignment of the physical forces that created the "One" and their interaction.

At every Point in space, there is a constant and continuous struggle between the integral and the differential. The integral seeks to turn everything into a Point, and the differential turns everything into a Circle.

In differential calculus, the derivative function f ′ (x) = ∂y / ∂x) at each point of the primary function is represented as an infinitely small right triangle and is completely determined by the nature of the initial y / x ratio of this function.

When differentiating, the Point of the function is decomposed into two components. In the Material world, this means the decomposition of the force acting in a given Point into two components, which represent potential and kinetic energies at a given Point of the system.

Such a triangular representation of the Shape of a Point is applicable only within the framework of the graph of the initial function, as a kind of whole, determined by the whole set of its individual parts - Points. However, as soon as the Point is removed from the graph of the function, then its autonomous consideration in the form of a similar right-angled triangle loses its meaning and degenerates into uncertainty.

The distribution of forces within the "One" - the Circle is set by an external function - the system in which the Circle is built.

To create a three-dimensional space, it is necessary to have three main forces in it.

The circle in Sacred Geometry is the main element of the fractal that created the world around us. But, a geometric circle is a two-dimensional shape.

How to create three-dimensional space by combining circles fractally? This is shown in Fig. 2

rice. 2

Geometrically, everything is simple, and if you use the proportions of sacred geometry, then it is harmonious.

Many circles, uniting into systems, create the entire reality around us. Therefore, with their help we can understand how it works.

With such a combination, Sacred Geometry considers the Vertical as a divine line, and the horizontal as the real world around us.

But for the Phenomenon of a real for us three-dimensional world in Sacred geometry answers - Four.

Continuation - Swastika.

For Pythagoras, numbers are his element, he studied them comprehensively, including in the geometric aspect. For each number, he determined the corresponding figure, however, as all numbers have different properties, so the figures are unequally endowed with mystical powers. The history of the properties of geometric shapes is interesting and instructive.

Pythagoras believed that the beginning and end of all things are in an abstract quantity called the Monad, or Unit. The unit symbolizes the absolute as a universal generative creative principle and each of its images in any plane of the Universe. The Monad contains the entire Universe and contains all the opposites at the same time: beginning and end, good and evil, light and darkness, plus and minus, creation and destruction, love and hate. The monad penetrates absolutely all things, but at the same time it is not in any of them. It is the sum of all numbers, but always remains an indivisible whole.

The Pythagoreans represented the Monad as a figure consisting of ten points - nodes, or pebbles. This figure, which the Pythagoreans called Tetractis, is formed by nine equilateral triangles, personifying the fullness of the universal void.

Magic figures spread widely in the Middle Ages, during the heyday of numerological magic as one of the branches of occult science. Both magicians and ordinary people firmly believed in the power of these figures. Numerologists sought to prove the magical effect of numbers on life, people and nature, on all phenomena of the material world. For example, the figure of the triad, in addition to the trinity, reflects the duality, sixfoldness and duodecality of the universe, and the two Triads form a hexagram.

The geometric symbol of the Five - the pentagram - is especially attractive. It was the beloved figure of Pythagoras, and, as life has shown, for good reason. We can say that a whole layer of human history is associated with it. This mysterious figure has attracted and continues to attract the attention of all those interested in magic.

Translated from Greek "pentagram" means "five letters" or "five lines". She symbolizes the Five and is graphically depicted as an ordinary five pointed star... The five and its associated symbols have always had a special meaning for humans (five fingers, five senses).

The Greeks also called the pentagram the pentalpha, which meant five letters "A". In magic, this symbol has long been widely known as the pentacle.

The pentagram is a regular geometric figure with five-ray symmetry, which is found only in living organisms, that is, it embodies in its form one of the differences between living and nonliving. This is a kind of embodiment of spiritual and bodily harmony, the union of heaven and earth. The five symbolized the macrocosm of the human body and mind, reproduction and fertility.

The pentagram became a symbol of the Pythagorean school, if we talk modern language- its logo. In the ancient world as a whole, this sign embodied health, was considered a geometric symbol of harmony, health and mystical forces. In later times, it was used by various secret societies. Gnostics and alchemists associated it with the five elements; Christians compared the pentagram with the five wounds of Jesus Christ; the Jews considered it a symbol of the Torah (Pentateuch); medieval sorcerers identified it with the legendary power of Solomon over the earthly and other worlds.

V magic rituals special powers were attributed to the pentacles depicted on parchment made of the skin of a young bull. This figure was depicted on wood, stones, amulets, rings and was worn as body talismans. People believed that a magic sign would save their house from dark forces and enemies, and for this they put its image on the doors and thresholds of their houses. The pentacles were inscribed in a protective circle, and they acquiredproperties of the talisman ... Magicians used the pentacle to summon spirits.

There are ten different ways images of the pentagram. It is believed that they are not equal, because the process of reproducing the pentacle was also magical. Pentacle in the form of a flaming star served as a symbol of Masonic dedication, illumination, therefore, he was painted with beams of flame at the edges of the rays. Over time, a human figure was placed in the pentagram, and it became the embodiment of the human person.

Good always goes alongside evil, two opposites are contained in the Five itself - the pentagram. A reflection of this was the use of the pentagram with malicious intent, for which it was endowed with the satanic features of a goat-like demon. The positive protective properties of the pentagram made it almost indispensable in magical rituals. The pentacle with one end pointing up and two downward began to serve as a sign of white magic. The inverted pentagram with one end pointing down and two upwards is the embodiment of black magic and perverted human nature. When the amulet is turned over, its positive power is lost, dark forces take over, and it exerts a bad influence. This is the so-called "goat's hoof" and "devil's horns".

The hexagram, or six-pointed star, is a geometric image of the Six. This is the number of perfection, and the corresponding figure is also perfect and proportional. Containing two triangles, the hexagram symbolizes absolute symmetry: both below and above. From the point of view of geometry, the hexagram is even more perfect than the five-pointed star, although the pentagram has always been magically stronger, which is not surprising, since 5 is an odd number.

The hexagram is a very ancient and revered symbol. Its first images date back to the end of the 4th millennium. She was known in ancient Egypt, the Middle East, India and Europe. This sign has been depicted in Christian churches, Muslim mosques and Jewish synagogues. It can be argued that this symbol was originally international, although over time the situation has changed.

Hebrew manuscripts contain a hexagonal symbol, or magen-David (shield of David). The hexagram was not always related to Jewish symbolism. In the Middle and Near East, she was a symbol of the cult of the goddess Astarte. The black stone of the Kaaba in Mecca is covered with a cape depicting hexagonal stars.

Today, most often the hexagram (the shield of David, the seal of Solomon) is perceived exclusively as a Jewish symbol. It is believed that the shield in the form of a six-pointed star covered the Israeli king David from enemies. In the hexagram, they also see the symbol with the help of which another Israeli king, Solomon, ruled over the spirits.

Emperor Charles IV granted the Jews of Prague the privilege of having their own flag, and they inscribed the Magen David on it. As a Jewish symbol, the hexagram began to be used in Prague, then in other Jewish communities in Europe. As an amulet or ornamental detail, the hexagram is drawn both in Muslim cemeteries and on the graves of Russian noblemen of the 19th century.

Heinrich Heine put a hexagram instead of a signature under his articles. She subsequently became a symbol of the Zionist movement. This sign accompanied millions of Jews on the way to their mass destruction, which gave the six-pointed star a tragic meaning - it became a symbol of unity, suffering and hope.

There are many interpretations of the hexagram. For example, divine names were inscribed in it. The six-pointed star was associated with the six days of creation. It was interpreted as a combination of two alchemical symbols: a triangle with its apex upward - fire (masculine principle, turning to God, reuniting with him); a triangle with its apex downward is water (feminine principle, God's condescension into matter). The perfect hexagram makes it possible to inscribe twelve zodiac signs ... Most often, the hexagram was associated with seven ancient planets. One of the first planetary images of the hexagram is featured in the book of the alchemist Johann Daniel Milius "Opus Medico-Chymicum", published in 1618. Around the hexagram are written two Latin phrases: "The secret will become apparent and vice versa" and "Water and Fire will redeem everything" (Fig. 1.6).

Usually hexagrams are depicted by a gold outline (sun) or formed by combining red and blue triangles (fire and water), or each corner of a hexagram is painted in the corresponding planetary color.

When the pentagram and hexagram are combined, an eleven-pointed star is formed. The number 11 is a symbol of the Great Deed. Such a star can be seen as a combination of microcosm and macrocosm - human and divine - the ultimate goal of magic.

SACRED GEOMETRY (from Latin sacralis - sacred, possessing holiness, recognized as divine)
- a set of religious and / or mythological ideas about the forms and space of the world, its harmony, orderliness, proportionality, as the geometry of the forms that underlie life.
Sacred geometry is part of the mythological and religious worldview, the result of mystical experience. Sacred geometry has been used at all times and in all world religions, in music, art, in the architecture of temples and altars, in painting and iconography - as divine proportionality, in the geometric interpretation of the cosmos - as a form of ordering of the Universe (as opposed to chaos).

The most significant sacred geometric figure of the ancient Egyptians is ankh ☥ (ankh, ankh) - a symbol of life in Ancient egypt... It contains two figures: a cross as a symbol of life and a circle as a symbol of eternity. All together is understood as immortality or "the life to come." Sometimes this form is presented as the rising sun, as the unity of opposites, as masculine and feminine. Ankh is also represented as a magical symbol of wisdom. It can be found in many depictions of deities and clergymen from the time of the Egyptian pharaohs. Many Egyptian gods depicted with ankh in hand. The Ankh is believed to be a form of the Tree of Life. Oval means eternity or the cycle of life, and the cruciform expansion is understood as a transition from infinity into space. The drawings of the gods are also geometric shapes but more complex. To reproduce drawings in painting, you need to know geometry, mathematics, take into account proportions, as shown in the work of Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man.

Sacred geometry is used in Tantra to create yantras, which consist of geometric shapes, where each of them has a specific semantic and sacred meaning. For example. A triangle, with a point upwards, means fire and masculinity, with a point downwards, water and a feminine principle.
The combination of these figures forms a six-pointed star ✡ and means static balance or balance, between Man and God. It is also the Star of David and the projection of MER-KA-B on the plane.
۞ - means a balance of static and dynamic. The sacred geometry of yantras symbolically depicts the energy structures of deities and at the same time is the custodian of their energy. Yantras are used as magical devices that generate the soul. In Tantra, more complex geometric forms are also used, such as drawings or figurines of gods.
The sacred geometry of the Mandala, used in meditations in Buddhism and Hinduism, represents for the most part a divine geometric interpretation of the cosmos, the entire universe or its individual components. An important sacred geometric symbol (Mandala) is the Wheel of Law (Dharma), which is traditionally depicted as a wheel with five, six or eight spokes. The Dharma wheel symbolizes the laws of karma and reincarnation - the endless and continuous cycle of birth, death and new birth of a person.
There are also complex spatial mandalas in the form of sculptural decoration of the Temples or the architecture of the Temples themselves.

The most important for Christianity is the geometric shape of the cross, one of the most ancient sacred symbols. There is a wide variety of shapes and sizes, for example, the Maltese Cross, the Celtic Cross - a symbol of ancient Celtic Christianity. It is believed to have more ancient pagan roots. There are numerous examples of the image of a cross and a circle, which some sources call "solar crosses".
Another rather important figure of the sacred geometry of Christianity can be considered a star. One of the variants of this figure ✡ can be found in the Old Testament.
It is believed that this sign is reflected in the seal of Solomon, received from his father (Star of David). According to another version, the seal of Solomon is an image of an eight-pointed star ۞ This sacred eight-pointed geometric figure is depicted on the clothes of priests, on some icons (the Burning Bush), in the form of spiritual insignia, orders and amulets.
The sacred geometry of the Star of Bethlehem has fourteen rays.

The sacred geometry of New Age culture and occultism can be conditionally divided into several directions. Many people use sacred forms of world religions (cross, ankh, Star of David) or simply copy the sacred geometry of ancient or rare, forgotten magical forms. Less often, additions are made that can be obtained through the use of new materials and technologies, for example, ankh model of the chakra system.

The most common forms are glass magic balls and pyramids. Less commonly used are forms in the form of a torus, a "golden spiral", the form of 5 Plato's bodies of a 4-dimensional cube, or a merkaba (2 oppositely directed and deeply penetrating one into the other tetrahedron). Crystals in the form of bipyramids or structures in the form of a pyramid are also used.
Some supporters of sacred geometry see meaning in crop circles, Nazca inscriptions, in the ancient architecture of sacred structures such as the pyramids of Egypt, Mexico, or Stonehenge in England.

If you look closely at the world around people, you can see the clarity and thoughtfulness of shapes and lines in everything. His very device proves that he did not appear from nowhere, from some kind of chaos, explosion. The Supreme Intelligence is clearly behind everything. The space that surrounds us is not something unreasonable, it speaks to us through sound, color, shapes, signs. And they all relate to sacred geometry - the science of the principles of the creation of the Universe, expressed in geometric forms.

You can just draw a circle or a line, but this will not make them sacred, for this it is necessary to observe certain ratios and proportions for drawing sacred forms. It is in them that the deepest meaning lies. You need to put your love there, open your heart. Then only there is an opening of consciousness through geometric models. In sacred geometry, each line, figure has its own spiritual meaning, understanding which, one can not only cognize oneself, but also comprehend the secret of the universe. She expresses sacred knowledge and principles in geometric form. Having learned to use them, a person will be able to create his own world, change not only the internal, but also the external space.

The uniqueness of sacred geometry also lies in the fact that its forms smoothly flow from one to another, just like our thoughts, emotions, and developing consciousness. The same cross in Christianity consists of two lines, and the vertical symbolizes the connection with God, the Absolute, and the horizontal - the connection with vitality... Sphere means eternity, unity, integrity. And this is the most amazing and powerful form in Creation that a person can see everywhere, from the shape of the planets to the shape of molecules.

The ancient Egyptians used the combination of a cross and a sphere in their symbol of life called the ankh or ankh. This combination meant immortality. Many of the Gods of Egypt were depicted with an ankh in their hand.

Images of deities and saints on icons also belong to sacred geometry. It was with her help that icons were created in antiquity, which also explains their miraculous power.

The simpler types of images of Gods in sacred geometry include yantras - symbolic images energy structure Deities. The most famous yantra is the image of the sound Om. The mandala reflects the model of the Universe, it is a "map of the cosmos". The six-pointed star of David, consisting of two triangles ?, is the projection of Merkaba onto the plane. Platonic solids also belong to sacred geometry. These are five regular polyhedrons: tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, regular dodecahedron (12-sided) and icosahedron (20-sided).

Sacred geometry was used earlier in the construction of dwellings, but now it is used mainly only in the construction of temples. It is not for nothing that being next to such buildings, a person begins to experience elation. And the most famous buildings include the pyramids of Egypt. Many scientists, archaeologists are still amazed by the fact that they find similar structures on different continents... They try to explain this by the existence of a once single continent, but they forget about its size in this case, about how long it would take people to get from one end of the continent to the other. The answer to their question lies in the uniform laws of sacred geometry, which connects the entire universe, all living and nonliving, all manifested and unmanifested. Man, as a part of a single universe, acted under the influence of an intuitive understanding of the structure of the Universe, creating architectural structures.

Practical applications of sacred geometry are as follows:

Helps a person stay in a state of awareness of themselves and where they came from. This is a way of communicating with God. Promote spiritual development, endows people with compassion and love.

Self improvement. With its help, you can not only get the missing qualities, but also heal diseases.

Building your own world. Changing himself, a person, according to the law of sacred geometry, changes the surrounding space.

Using sacred geometric shapes, a person can harmonize space. The vastu and his sister feng shui are based on this.

Everything, absolutely everything, is permeated with sacred geometry. All structures of subtle planes are based on light, moving according to the law of sacred geometry. Sacred geometry underlies everything, all planes, all levels, all matters. Realizing himself, having mastered the secrets of sacred geometry, a person will become a conductor of subtle sacred truths.



The wheat crop circle phenomenon has been around for almost 30 years. Mysterious circles and signs formed by neatly crushed ears of wheat are clearly visible from a helicopter and even from space. Interestingly, about 90% of all circles are located in England. There are many theories about the origin of these circles. The most popular of them is the intervention of extraterrestrial civilizations, traces of alien spacecraft and even secret signs that our brothers in mind give us.

Information about this can be found on numerous Internet sites devoted to the problem of the emergence and solution of the phenomenon of circles ... But these are no longer circles, but a complex drawing of "graphics" that appears instantly on kilometers of fields!

Crop circles (crop patterns) are not man-made, they are a space monument ...

Crop circles are a fluid formula for human development in "space" ...

Crop circles are fluid "signs" for the Earth ...

Crop circles are magnetic "signs" ...

How does a circle or figure affect a person if it is on this field?

The parapsychic energy of a person changes;

The "sound" of the body changes;

Metabolism changes;

Is changing chemical formula health;

The physical level of trance development changes;

The body temperature balance becomes more stable;

An inertial exchange with the "information" of the field appears;

An inert "breath" appears with the "space" of this field.

How do crop circles form?

They are created - SOUND !!!

"Sound" does not draw - it "creates" graphics over the entire area of ​​the given object ("creates" means that it instantly executes the entire graphics scheme). Not all graphics involve "sound": "sound" unlocks some of the "yellow" energy that should participate in the creation of the drawing ...

We suggest you use a series of images of sacred geometry symbols, created on the basis of drawings that at one time or another appeared in the fields of our Planet Earth. The origin of these drawings is still little studied, however, their extraterrestrial nature is somehow recognized both by the media and by various spiritual directions.

Balance symbol

Its energy will help you to accept yourself, your Spiritual and Physical, Creative and Intellectual Beginnings. Be honest with your feelings, admit your own truth - and nothing will disturb your Balance. It is the inner balance and harmony that will become the starting point for the full disclosure of the potential of your talents and your inner beauty.

Intuition Symbol

Its energy will help you open a channel of communication with your Higher "I", activate the ability for inner vision, and also teach wisdom beyond logic and intellect - the very Wisdom when you Know something for sure, but cannot answer the question "where did it come from is this knowledge? " The symbol helps to believe in yourself. Your self-esteem and level of inner freedom grows.

Contact symbol

Its energy allows you to feel that all the doors to your Internal Source abundance opens up. You are immersed in a Stream of auspicious events, full of opportunities and potential. You feel confident and move towards your goals with joy and dignity.

Healing Symbol

Its energy will help you to heal yourself first, and then bring the light of healing to everyone around you. You will learn to accept and forgive yourself, as well as the whole world around you - and this will become a natural part of your consciousness. The symbol of Healing motivates you to openly express your emotions without pressing them inside, stimulates you to a positive and optimistic outlook on life.

Liberation Symbol

Its energy gives you the strength to free yourself from all the prevailing judgments about yourself, people and the world. Rejection of prejudices, acceptance of oneself and the world, destruction of all mental limitations, all grievances, injuries and claims, opens the way to Joy, Creativity and Knowledge! Open yourself up to the New! Free yourself from the need to have guarantees and from an exaggerated desire to receive recognition from other people. Choose your path in life!

Flower of Life Symbol

His image has been found on several continents and in many cultures. The magic of this sign transforms space, water and body, changing and transforming vibrations around him. This amazing symbol clears negative emotions and energies that have accumulated in the cells of the body and in the mind, healing and harmonizing the human body without effort on the part of a person, if he is within the radius of the Symbol.

I'll start with the simplest example of the existence of such an esoteric trend as sacred geometry - these are pyramids. Most of you, I think, know about the existence on Earth not only of the Egyptian pyramids, but also on all continents - of the pyramids South America, Tibet and even Australia. So what's interesting is that they all have the same ideal aspect ratio. This speaks of their sacred purpose and influence Higher Forces to create them.

In general, if you dig even deeper, then absolutely everything on Earth obeys certain geometric laws, called sacred geometry.
This was also stated by the great ancient magicians - Pythagoras and Leonardo DaVinci.
The meaning of sacred geometry in the language of figures and their proportions. A simple drawn circle does not carry a sacred meaning, but if you enter a triangle into it and observe certain proportions, it will already be a sacred figure with a huge energy potential. The most famous sacred figures and symbols include: Christian cross, various variations spheres, stars (pentagrams), the six-pointed star of David, various swastika symbols and pyramids. Their more complex combinations can be found in ancient Indian mandalas and yantras, denoting the image of various energies and Gods, through a combination of various geometric shapes and in a strictly defined proportion.
As I said, all the ancient pyramids were built on the same principle, but this applies not only to the pyramids, but also to all places of worship, sanctuaries, temples and churches. In general, the principles of sacred geometry are manifested not only at the physical level, but also at a more subtle one. For example, it is known that a person's aura does not have the shape of a ball (sphere) or ellipse, as is commonly believed, but more complex shape, under the name - torus.

To begin with, each number carries a sacred meaning:

1 - the level of minerals - symbolizes the beginning, hardness and stamina;
2 - plant level - symbolizes flexibility and affection;
3- level of animals - symbolizes the connection between heaven and earth;
4 - the level of a person - symbolizes a cross or intersection, a choice;
5 - the level of the spirit - symbolizes the connection with higher powers.

Along with numbers, the simplest line figures also carry their sacred meaning:

    • direct - attachment;
    • curved - love;
    • crossed - choice.

This is a mysterious number π (pi) = 3.1416, which means the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter and which cannot be expressed as a fraction.

And even more mysterious numberφ (phi) - 1.618 ..., also called “ Golden ratio", Meaning the ratio of proportions.

These two numbers underlie all the great architectural structures of antiquity and the Middle Ages. And Leonardo DaVinci went even further and calculated their relationship with the proportions of the human body. This is how the world famous Vitruvian man appeared.

Next, I will analyze one of the simple sacred figures - the pyramid. Only with the ratio known since the times of Atlantis and Hyperborea, the pyramid carries a sacred meaning and has a huge energy potential.
There are complex calculations, and I do not want to go deep into mathematics, I will only say that these proportions are based on the already known numbers "pi" and "fi", who is interested in more details, he can google it.

There are many versions about the purpose of the pyramids. They were used not only as a burial place for rulers, pharaohs and leaders, but also had astrological significance (since the edges strictly corresponded to the cardinal points). There is a very interesting version that the pyramids are repeaters directed into space.

Even in sacred geometry there is such a thing as "Platonic solids".
There are only five of them and the peculiarity is that they are obtained by dividing the sphere by regular polyhedra, that is, shapes in three dimensions with the same size of the edges and the angle between them. The "Platonic solids" include: a cube (the faces are based on a square, the angle between them is 90 degrees), a tetrahedron (the faces are based on a triangle - an angle of 70, 58 degrees), an octahedron (has 8 faces and consists of equilateral triangles) , the icosahedron (consisting of equilateral triangles and having 20 faces) and the dodecahedron (having 12 faces, consisting of regular pentagons).

Pythagoras dug even deeper and was able to bind each of these shapes to elements:

    • tetrahedron - fire;
    • cube - earth;
    • octahedron - air;
    • icosahedron - water;
    • dodecahedron - ether.

Thus, he proposed a hypothesis that these figures are the bricks of the universe at the macro-level, and according to their principle, human DNA is built at the micro-level! Very interesting, isn't it?

There are even more complex shapes - these are fractals, which are repeating identical shapes that change size according to a certain fractal principle. The theory of fractal geometry describes the entire structure of the universe, from elementary particles to the universe.

You can see what a fractal structure looks like in the video:

I cannot fail to mention in this article about Crop Circles and their deciphering by the esoteric artist Janos.

Personally, I am an adherent of the version of the appearance of these circles, based on the fact that these are messages from alien aliens. All these circles have a sacred meaning and are created according to the laws and principles of sacred geometry. And so a Dutch esoteric artist appeared who claims to have contact with the Arcturian alien civilization. And he deciphered them in his series of images called "Arcturian Codes and Keys." Believe it or not, it's a purely personal matter for everyone. I do not undertake to confirm or deny the reliability of his theory, but the fact that his drawings have an energetic potential, as a bioenergetic, I can say with confidence. Judge for yourself:

At the present time, fundamental science is increasingly listening to the so-called esoteric science. And if earlier only churches were built according to the principles of sacred geometry, now a lot of people who have taken the "conscious path" are building their homes according to these principles. In general, the field of application of knowledge about sacred geometry is very wide. Here are just a few directions:

    • Healing and bioenergy.

In this area, pyramids have long been used as harmonizers and activators.

    • In agriculture.

Strange as it may sound, it has already been proven that, for example, in greenhouses “ correct shape»Plants grow better and yield better yields in all respects.

    • In magical and spiritual practices.

You can be convinced of this by making yourself a home generator of subtle energies in the form of a pyramid, I just emphasize that all sacred dimensions and proportions must be observed.