How to quickly clean the house? Emergency Cleaning Secrets! How to quickly and effectively clean the house? Tips and secrets How to wash floors in 5 minutes.

Often in life there are situations when you need to quickly clean up the apartment. In such cases, we lose control over ourselves. Cleaning becomes a useless and chaotic event. If we try to do everything at the same time, desired result cannot be reached.

It is important to avoid any confusion. This requires a personal cleaning system. If you strictly adhere to it, you can do everything with the highest quality and even in a short time. If you are interested in how to quickly clean the apartment, we will help you with this.

    Let's start with the kitchen

    First you need to put things in order here. Updating your kitchen and giving it a neat look is not difficult at all. To do this, you need to remove all unnecessary from kitchen table and tabletops. If there are a minimum of objects on the surfaces, the whole room will look neat and clean.

    After that, you can proceed to washing dishes. If you have a dishwasher, simply load all the items into it and start the process. If you do not have such a device, you will have to wash it manually. detergents will help you do it quickly.

    Then you should wipe the countertop and table. A microfiber cloth is ideal for this. You need to start from the far corner.

    Don't forget to wipe down your kitchen appliances. To do this, you need to wet a rag a little and wipe the stove, multicooker, refrigerator and other items.

    Responsible moment - mopping the floor. First you need to carefully sweep it. After that, you should wipe it with a mop with a comfortable sponge, also made of synthetic microfiber.

    Don't forget to tidy up your bedroom. Bed linen should be changed to clean. All unnecessary items dressing table be sure to remove. For this, cabinets or drawers are designed. Everything superfluous must be hidden on the shelves in a closed closet to give the outer beauty of the bedroom.

    Do not forget that it is important to carefully make the bed. To do this, simply lift the mattress and gently tuck the ends of the sheet under it.

    It is necessary to wipe all items from dust. Microfiber is also good for this. Cleaning begins with those pieces of furniture that are in the far corner. Gradually you need to move clockwise. It is necessary to wipe the room, starting from the far corner of each item.

    Finally, you need to vacuum the floor. They also start work from the far corner of the room to front door. Sufficiently sweeping movements will help speed up the process. Do not move forward and then back. This will significantly slow down the entire cleaning process. If you want to understand how to quickly clean your house, follow our advice.

    It's the turn of the toilet and bathroom

    Now you need to clean up the toilet and bathroom.

    First of all, you need to apply a cleaner to the toilet, sink and tub. You can quickly clean all surfaces, even if they are heavily soiled.

    Do not forget about the mirror. A special liquid for washing is applied to it. Begin to wipe the surface from above, performing circular motions.

    Then a dry cleaning agent or soda is poured into the toilet. We use a toilet brush for washing. Finally, you need to wipe cistern and a toilet outside. A rag made of synthetic fibers is well suited for this.

    The sink should be thoroughly cleaned. For hard-to-reach places an unnecessary toothbrush will do.

    Finally, you need to wipe the floor. You need to start from the far corner of the room and move to the exit.

    Time to clean up the living room

    All scattered items should be removed. Every little thing should be in its place. Newspapers and magazines should be neatly folded on a specially designed table. After that, you need to wipe off all the accumulated dust.

    To qualitatively clean mirrors and glass surfaces, a universal tool is used. Wipe should be done in a circular motion. Vacuuming starts from the window or balcony to the exit.

    If you use these tips, it will take quite a bit of time to clean the apartment.

    Good mood is important

    It is extremely important to do household chores in a cheerful mood. This will make the process more energetic. You should give yourself the right psychological attitude. You need to mentally tell yourself that you will quickly clean everything up and after that everything will be perfect and very clean at home. This is a real trifle that you can handle. Are you interested in how to clean your apartment quickly and efficiently? A charge of excellent mood will help you!

    Great music will help energetic cleaning movements. You just need to put on a disc with your favorite hits and get down to business. You will notice how everything will go much more fun.

    You need to set aside some time for cleaning. It is necessary to set the condition to do everything in the allotted time period. This setting greatly contributes to concentration.

    Do several things at the same time

    You can greatly facilitate your efforts during cleaning. To do this, it is worth doing several things in parallel.

    You can, for example, soak dirty dishes in the kitchen, but for now wipe the cabinets, stove and refrigerator.

    Properly organized cleaning saves a lot of time.

    Indispensable helpers for quick cleaning

    Simple household items and special cleaning products will help make the cleaning process easier and faster. Firstly, this is a bucket with a special wringer and a mop. If you act the old fashioned way, using a regular bucket and a rag, you will have to constantly rinse and change the water. Such an occupation is quite unpleasant and takes a lot of precious time.

    It is also worth buying comfortable napkins in the store. They will quickly remove dust from any surfaces. Means for wet cleaning will help you quickly wash everything without streaks. Do not forget about the sponges double-sided and one-sided.

    It is worth purchasing a special spray that will prevent dust from accumulating on equipment. It is enough to spend a quarter of an hour once a month to get rid of unwanted dust on a TV or music center.

    There are a lot of funds for utensils in the kitchen, plumbing and glass. You can choose the right one for every budget and taste.

    You should not save on all this, as you can lose precious time and effort.

    As you know, it takes a lot of time to unpack things in the room. If the period for putting things in order is extremely short, but you are looking for an answer to the question of how to clean the apartment quickly and efficiently, our advice will help you. It is worth taking a basket and temporarily putting everything superfluous into it. In places it will be possible to decompose everything when there is a free minute for this.

    Effective cleaning cannot do without a vacuum cleaner. You collect all the dust and debris. If you decide to abolish the process, you will have to spend a lot of time washing the floor, and crumbs will remain under your feet.

    Before that, you need to take a minute to clean the mirrors and glass surfaces from dust and dirt. If they are not properly shined, the apartment will seem completely untidy.

    If you raise all the chairs, mopping the floor will take very little time. It is worth remembering that dust accumulates near the baseboards and directly under the batteries.

    How to clean a room in 5 minutes

    If there is very little time left before the arrival of guests, you will have to clean up in just five minutes. How realistic is this? If you do everything right, you can completely do everything.

    Initially, there are three main things to do:

    • wash the dishes;
    • wipe the floor;
    • make the bed.

    An important task is to wipe off the dust. It is noticeable to others, so you need to get rid of it.

    The best option is to use microfiber. Special fibers help to quickly cover large area and remove dust. You can also solve the problem with the help of disposable napkins. They will allow you to solve the problem of how to quickly clean the room.

    If you need to tidy up quickly, put 10 things in their places. With this, you will give the room a great neatness.

    Having done all the steps, you will understand how to clean the room as quickly as possible in 5 minutes. Having eliminated only one hotbed of obvious disorder, then you will have time to clean up the other nine. If there was not enough time, then you have already done enough.

    You should check if everything is in order in the bathroom. Don't do a major cleanup. It is worth checking the stains and splashes on faucets, mirrors, tiles. The towel must be clean. Freshen the air if necessary.

    If guests are about to arrive, there is no time to clean up. You need to look around the room with your eyes again. Everything that is clearly out of the general order should be removed. In untidy rooms, doors should be closed. All excess can be collected in a large laundry basket.

    If you follow this simple advice, then you will understand how to quickly clean the apartment. Are you constantly following the daily routine? In this case, it will be much easier to make a tidy.

The question of how to clean the house for many is very important. Someone spends on cleaning only 20-30 minutes, but every day. Others prefer to set aside a whole day to clean up, and spend their weekends. How should you clean at home so as not to bring yourself to exhaustion and not waste a lot of time? The main thing is the fighting mood and the help of household members.

The main thing is the mood

It is very important that during the chores around the house the mood is upbeat, and even cheerful. Energetic music helps with housework. You can put your favorite disc, and then the work will go much more fun and finish faster. And one more thing - set aside a certain time for cleaning, but every day. This way, you won't be littered with junk and garbage by the end of the week, and you won't have to waste precious weekends on this little interesting activity.

We clean up quickly

How to quickly and efficiently clean the apartment? Set a timer for 15 minutes and start cleaning. Let every day you spend exactly 15 minutes to clean one specific area in the apartment. This can be washing the floor in the hallway or bedroom, cleaning the kitchen, cleaning plumbing. At its core, this cleaning option, but every day, is equivalent to general cleaning, but once a week. So you save the weekend for your leisure and family, and do not get bogged down in the mud.

Try cleaning with a 15-minute timer for at least one week, and you will see by Saturday that the apartment simply does not need to do a general cleaning, which usually takes several hours.

How to properly clean the house?

Before thinking about how to wash an apartment, you need to think about how you can make sure that there is less dirt in the apartment.

First of all, in front of the doors you need to lay a rug to wipe your shoes on it. So much less dirt will get into the apartment. Outerwear should be shaken out in the hallway, and never brought into the rooms and into the kitchen.

In order for the apartment to become less rubbish, clothes and things for giving should be taken there, and the broken dishes and things no one has needed for a long time should simply be thrown away.

Choosing the right time

How to quickly and cleanly clean the house? The answer to this question is different for each hostess. But in order for the apartment to be always clean, it is necessary to choose the right time for cleaning. Experienced housewives know that it is better to do cleaning every day, for example, after work, while distributing responsibilities between households. If one will wash the dishes after dinner, and the second will vacuum, then a minimum of time will be spent, and the effect will be on the face.

As for the right time, it is better to leave the cleaning for the evening, when all the households will gather after the working day, and it will be possible to effectively use their free time. It takes only half an hour to clean the floors in the apartment, and there is absolutely no need to do it on the weekend.

Action plan

How to properly clean the house? First you need to sketch out a cleaning plan. It is necessary to clean up the apartment in stages. Usually cleaning begins with unfolding scattered things and sorting dirty laundry. Things should be laid out in their places, and the washer should be running with linen. So you kill two birds with one stone. Then move on to dusting and sweeping the floors. When the carpets are vacuumed, you can wash the floors and shoes.

Cleaning is a fun ritual

Your kids can do the housework they like. If your child enjoys dusting or wiping mirrors, entrust him with this activity. So housework will not become a duty, but will turn into a fun activity. You yourself at this time can cook dinner or wash the floors. Making cleaning with the whole family, all together is much more fun. And as a reward, you can cook pizza. Although, of course, you can clean the apartment for money, but making self-cleaning is much easier and more economical.

Keeping the house clean

But it is necessary to maintain cleanliness in the house every day. Be sure to take out the trash every day, do not eat in the rooms, wipe the tables in the kitchen at night. Do not buy too many toys for children so that they do not have to collect them all over the apartment for a long time. The same applies to various souvenirs - you should not litter your apartment and make “dust collectors” out of shelves. This will make housekeeping much easier.

If you still do not have a basket or drawer for dirty laundry, then it's time to the right thing buy. In many homes, you can see piles of clothes on chairs and sofas. It seems that there is nothing to put a sweater in the car with, but I don’t want to wear it anymore. Either immediately put things in the closet, or put them in the laundry basket.

So, you came home from work, and they tell you that in an hour there will be guests on the doorstep. Do not panic and grab everything at once. But without the help of the family, you can not do in such a situation. Quickly give everyone a task - before the arrival of the guests, it is quite enough to put the things lying around in their places and wipe the dust. If you have time, you can quickly vacuum carpets and paths. All this will take you about half an hour, and there will even be time to cook something delicious for tea.

Tidying up the house is not a monotonous work that turns into bondage over the years. Cleaning the apartment can take a minimum of time if you properly distribute your strength and ask for help from your children and husband.

How to properly clean the apartment? The question is very interesting and requires detailed consideration. Cleaning the house is a matter, it would seem, known to absolutely everyone, not only women. However, not every house shines with cleanliness, especially if the owners are at work all day. Some have only one day off, and there are a lot of things to do on this one and only free day. But after all, there are such “sorceresses” who manage to work somewhere in an organization full-time, and manage to do everything at home: clean up, cook dinner, and also take care of the children. What's the secret? Maybe it's all about planning and discipline?

There are three types of cleaning:

  • daily routine cleaning;
  • weekly basic;
  • general.

Thoroughness and timely completion of the current cleaning will make it easier for you to perform the main, weekly cleaning, which, in turn, will not make you suffer for a long time when performing the general cleaning, and all of them together will provide the house with radiance and glorify its neat mistress. Given the fatigue and lack of time, what needs to be done to make daily routine cleaning a completely doable task?

Thoroughness and timely completion of the current cleaning will make it easier for you to perform the main, weekly

Action plan

You need to make a plan in advance on how to properly clean the apartment. Write a list of tasks that need to be done when cleaning and think about what from this list does not have to be postponed until the time of cleaning, but can be done right away.

For example, the kitchen: a place that can be cleaned constantly, all day long. They just cleaned it, but then they fried the potatoes, cleaned the fish - and that's it, dirty again. Get yourself a few rules for working in the kitchen. For example, cleaning the stove immediately after cooking does not take much time, and fresh grease stains on the still warm surface of the stove are much easier and faster to clean than dried and accumulated dirt.

Second: take inventory in the kitchen, do not keep unnecessary items on the tables, they not only take up the necessary workspace, but also get dirty, dusty, and as a result, delay you when cleaning. These jars, bottles - do you need all of them so often to constantly keep them on the surface? Leave only what you really need, put the rest in lockers.

You need to make a plan in advance on how to properly clean the apartment

Keep dishes on open space, hanging it or putting it in special baskets is also impractical: firstly, it gathers dust. You do not use it all daily, which means you do not wash it. In addition, if you often fry and steam in your kitchen, then these dishes also have time to smoke. It is better to put all the dishes in cabinets and drawers, so it will always be clean.

The same should be done in all other areas of the house. Think over your order, sort things according to their purpose and let each of them have their own place.

Important: You should not have drawers and cabinets without a specific purpose “for different differences”, let all these “differences” have their own clear names and scope of purpose: what is it, when do you use it and where this thing should lie.

It is necessary to arrange your life in such a way that for cleaning you just have to wipe the dust and wash the floor.

Free up space from unnecessary things, rake up all your rubble: lockers with linen, bookshelves, desk. There is no need to keep papers and old work records that you no longer need, books that you do not read and will never read - turn them into waste paper and do not regret: instead of them you will have new ones that you need. Clothes, shoes that you don’t wear for a long time, have grown out of it or it has simply grown old - throw it away, give it away.

It makes sense to do this - you will not only free up space for what you need from what you have, it will not only become easier for you to store things in the proper order, but most likely you will get something new, much more useful to you today than all this old its age rubbish. Taking apart all these old unused things and parting with them is a very useful activity, it helps to rethink a lot, reconfigure yourself, remember something, and forget about something forever.

Cleaning kitchen cabinets

Think about which areas you have the most problematic, where they litter and get dirty the most, what you then spend time on when cleaning. Teach yourself and your family to clean up after themselves immediately: make the bed behind you as soon as you wake up and wash. If at home they like to nibble crackers or drink coffee in front of the TV or computer, insist that they clean up the trash and dishes. Cleaning up the crumbs and sweeping the floor around the table or sofa is a five-minute matter, but at the same time, this is already an order.

It is necessary to arrange your life in such a way that for cleaning you just have to wipe the dust and wash the floor. Do not accumulate work: everything that can be removed before cleaning, clean before it, then the cleaning will begin and end faster.

Weekly cleaning must be done carefully, the amount of your work during the general cleaning will largely depend on its implementation. Pay attention to chandeliers, doors, pipes under the sink and in the bathroom, do not just brush off the dust from the furniture, but clean it with a special polishing agent, pay attention to those surfaces that are not visible to the eye.

Weekly cleaning must be done carefully, the amount of work you do during the general cleaning will largely depend on its implementation.

When washing floors, do not be too lazy to walk along the baseboards with a mop and get to all hard-to-reach places. Add soapy water to the water special agent for mopping. Clean anywhere you don't usually feel like cleaning or don't feel like doing it too often. Believe me, the real cleanliness of the house is reflected, at least, in the air you breathe. There is another plus: all these little things will make you pay attention to them one day, all this will need to be cleaned, but cleaning a contaminated surface is much harder and longer than keeping it clean all the time.


The sequence of how to properly clean the apartment:

  1. It's best to start in the kitchen.
  2. Then you should go to the living rooms.
  3. The bathroom and toilet are washed last.

Advice! Save time, clean sequentially: first one room, then another, or first one action in all rooms, then the next - you should have your own cleaning system that is convenient for you.

Step-by-step instructions on how to properly clean the apartment:

  1. Furniture is always cleaned before the floor is cleaned.
  2. When cleaning the floor, it is better to move light furniture.
  3. To begin revenge, to wash the floors should be from the depths of the room towards its threshold.
  4. But in the corridor, for example, not to the threshold, but from the door threshold.


Important! General cleaning is best done every three months, with the change of season.

If you clean your house regularly, then the general will mean the following:

  1. Inventory of the closet with clothes (it is better to put the clothes of the outgoing season away; pull out, refresh everything that you need for the current season).
  2. Washing curtains, covers, tablecloths, bedspreads.
  3. Washing windows.
  4. Putting things in order on the mezzanine, where you might put some of the things you don't need.

If you still don’t have enough time for a full-fledged general cleaning (the amount of work is large, given that you need to thoroughly wash, clean, wipe, repair, decide what to throw away and what not), then distribute the cleaning by room : today you “pro-generalized” in the bedroom, tomorrow you will go to the living room, then the nursery or other room is next in line. This is also an option. The main thing - do not start, do not put off until later what can be removed now. Perfect cleanliness in the house is not such an unattainable ideal. Cleaning an apartment is a laborious task, but if you think through all its subtleties, it will be quite within your power.

The main thing - do not start, do not put off until later what can be removed now

Starch all kitchen napkins and towels - this old-fashioned tradition will save you from having to wash and rewash them, as you know: starched fabric repels dirt and stains do not eat into the fibers so deeply.

Keep near desk a small jar of alcohol to wipe all those accessories that you touch daily with your hands: pens, pencils, a computer mouse and keyboard. You will see how pleasant it will be to take these items in your hands. Alcohol completely erases sweat marks.

For everything else on the market there are a lot of products containing various acids. As a rule, instructions are always attached to them: what is for what. You yourself know which stains are most typical for your life, what surfaces you have, and choose accordingly. But be more practical - you don’t need to buy a separate product for each type of surface, you can always limit yourself to two or three: for example, two for the bathroom and toilet, one for the kitchen.

Choose high gloves, up to the elbow or even higher and better with rubber bands - in such gloves, water, soap and other household chemicals will definitely not get on your hands. Before and after cleaning, use a cream: first protective, and after cleaning - nourishing.

In conclusion, watch a video on how to properly clean the apartment. By following all the rules, you may find that being a sorceress is not difficult, the main thing is to plan the tasks wisely and discipline yourself. Good luck!

Do not know, how to quickly clean the apartment? Then this article and video to it is what you need.

Remember one thing important rule: cleaning should start when you are in a good and cheerful mood, when your activity is at its peak.

In order to get the desired result and clean the apartment with high quality, you can turn on invigorating, groovy music. This will be a good start to get started. It is also worth remembering that cleaning the apartment is a trifle that you can solve very quickly and easily. Not to relax too much set yourself a time limit For example, clean an apartment in an hour.

There are times when the apartment needs to be cleaned for the arrival of guests, and then the cleaning itself turns into chaos, as you rush from one corner to another, like a squirrel in a wheel, not knowing where to start.

In order to avoid a chaotic event instead of cleaning, you should develop a consistent scheme, adhering to which you can clean the apartment efficiently, and most importantly, in the shortest possible time.

How to clean up well in an hour?

"Is it possible to do a quality cleaning of the apartment in an hour?" - you ask. Of course, this is real, even more than. Guided by the tips below and the sequence of actions, you can clean the apartment in less than an hour, and the result will be amazing.

Let's start cleaning from the kitchen, which will take you no more than 11 minutes. The first step is to clean the work surfaces in the kitchen from items you do not need. All cups, forks, knives and others kitchen utensils hiding in the closet.

If there are fewer different details on the work surfaces, the kitchen seems cleaner.

If there are dirty dishes in the kitchen, load them into dishwasher. If you don’t have a car, then hide the dishes away in the closet until the guests leave, and then you can calmly wash them after that. In the case when you don’t want to hide dirty dishes in cabinets, soak them in hot water with detergent for ten minutes. After you clean up the kitchen, the soaked dishes can be easily washed quickly.

Then we clean the surfaces of crumbs and debris. We begin to clean the surfaces of the tables from the far edge towards us, while using a microfiber cloth and sweeping all the debris onto the floor with it. The next thing to wipe is kitchen appliances. Wipe it with a damp cloth and then wipe dry.

Next, to quickly clean up the apartment, we proceed to cleaning the floor. From the far corner we sweep the garbage closer to the door. After that, wipe the floor with a damp cloth. If there is a mop with fiber fibers, then it is better to wash the floors with it: it will immediately absorb moisture.

We coped with the kitchen, now the next room in our marathon "how to quickly clean up the apartment in an hour" will be bedroom, to restore order and cleanliness in which we will spend no more than 14 minutes. First of all, you need to remove things that lie on the surface. To do this, remove the bed linen, if it has traces of contamination, and put it in a special basket. If everything is fine, then we cover the bed with a sleeping cover. We remove all small things from the dressing table: lipsticks, combs, elastic bands, because they create a slight feeling of chaos in the room. Further, in order to quickly put things in order in the apartment, we destroy dust from all surfaces in the bedroom. We start, as usual, from the far corner in the room and move towards the door. It is not worth scrubbing and polishing furniture thoroughly: you will do this when you have more free time. The final stage of high-quality and fast cleaning of your bedroom will be cleaning the floor. We vacuum the floor in the bedroom, making wide, sweeping movements. Do not go in cycles and vacuum the same area several times. If you miss a few centimeters of carpet, it's not fatal.

One of the important rooms for express cleaning of the apartment is the bathroom (bathroom and toilet), as the guests who come to the house will first of all go to wash their hands. On bathroom cleaning you need 8 minutes.

We apply a cleaning agent to all surfaces, leave it, we will return to this when completed. We clean the shower and the bathroom itself. We spray a special glass cleaner on the mirror and wipe it dry in a circular motion. Next, pour a special gel onto the surface of the toilet bowl, carefully clean with a brush and flush the water several times. Wipe the tank and surface parts with a microfibre cloth. We return to the sink and surfaces on which we applied a special tool. We wipe the taps and mixers with a sponge, wipe the sink dry. As in the previous rooms, the final step is to clean the floor - as usual, moving from the far corner to the exit, we sweep up the garbage and wash the floor.

Well, the final stage of quick and high-quality cleaning of the apartment is living room cleaning, which will take you about 15-20 minutes. It is necessary to look around and notice what things are not in their places. We return all scattered things to their places, put magazines and newspapers on coffee table, we hide all the little things in boxes, that is, we remove the superficial mess.

We wipe the dust with a slightly damp cloth, wipe the TV screen with a special microfiber cloth or special wipes for liquid crystal monitors. We wipe all glass surfaces with a universal detergent for mirrors and glasses and wipe dry. Well, as usual, we vacuum the room from the far corner and towards the exit.

Voila! It took you only 50 minutes to quickly and efficiently clean the apartment! Of course, this is not a general cleaning, but still. The order that you put in place thanks to these tips, your guests will appreciate.

Flying housewife, or how to clean up in 15 minutes?

It may seem to you that cleaning the apartment in 15 minutes is unrealistic, but believe me, thanks to flying housewife method(fly lady), your house will shine with cleanliness all the time ( Of course, if you use this method regularly).

The main idea of ​​the "flying lady" is that a quick cleaning of the apartment takes place every day, and not once a week on weekends.

Rule number one: choose the right one for you. home clothes, which makes you feel beautiful and attractive, and, if possible, make it easy to clean. This will give you a feeling of fit and composure. After all, it is no secret that it is easier for a woman to cope with the tasks assigned to her if she knows that she looks attractive.

Second rule: you need to time yourself by setting the timer to exactly fifteen minutes, not a minute more. Make a cleaning plan for yourself, what needs to be done to clean the apartment quickly. Start with the most basic and end with the less important. If it turns out that you did not manage to cope with the tasks set in the time allotted for cleaning, then everything that was not done is transferred to the next day. Provided that this is carried out systematically, you will not clean the apartment daily, you will simply maintain order.

The third rule: one of the key priorities of this method is to create a kind of "island of cleanliness" in your apartment. Every day you will put in order another "island". In your apartment, any detail that is the face of a real hostess can play its role: from the stove to the photo gallery in the bedroom. For each hostess, these islands are completely different: someone has a lot glass elements, while others have a large number indoor plants. If these main details of the interior of your home will always be clean, then no one will pay attention to the small ones. Furthermore, this method designed to ensure that any member of your family simply will not be able to stain a perfectly clean place or interior detail. Well, who can pollute a crystal clear sink that literally shines with cleanliness?

Fourth rule: today the "flying lady" method has gained such popularity that its own terms are beginning to appear in it. For example, the term " routine", which implies the performance of morning or evening chores, which take no more than two minutes daily. Another term for the "fly lady" method is the concept of " hot spot". By this we mean places that, no matter how you clean, always clog again and again at the speed of sound. Such places can be shelves, cabinets or a coffee table, passing by which it is enough just to fold literature - and appearance rooms will be transformed instantly.

The fifth rule: maintaining order in your apartment according to the “flying housewife” method, of course, will not save you from spring cleaning, but by following these tips daily, it will take much less time to clean your apartment globally. highest degree this method will show purity, provided that if your house has higher-end cleaning equipment. This can be an electric brush for knocking dust out of mattresses or pillows, or a separator vacuum cleaner, which, when cleaning an apartment, thanks to a special filter, does not emit absorbed dust into the air, thereby making the degree of cleanliness in the apartment an order of magnitude higher.

The "flying housewife" makes a list of what she will have to do in the spring cleaning process, and spends one hour a week on it. In one hour a week, you can have time to wash the tiles or knock out all the carpets in the house. Thus, if you decide to use this method when cleaning an apartment, then you at the beginning of the month, make a list of planned household chores. So you can independently distribute what and when you do from the specified list.

The sixth rule: the final rule of cleaning according to the "flying housewife" method is to get rid of twenty unnecessary things in the house, and, perhaps, in life, every week. It can be an old cream, which we are always afraid to throw away with the thought: “What if I still use it?”, Or worn-out slippers, even a piece of furniture. By performing this "ritual", you free up space in the apartment, thereby facilitating cleaning in the house, and freeing up space for new things and interior details.

If you follow the "Flying Housewife" method when cleaning your apartment, it will save you a lot of time in order to devote it to the things you really love and important events and the people in your life.

Each housewife had a situation when her husband, without looking up from the monitor, said: “By the way, bunny, my mother called, it will be soon.” And it doesn't matter whose mother called - the order in the house is far from what I would like to demonstrate to relatives.

To the same stressful situations you can also include the call of friends “we are in your store, in 5 minutes we will, what to take?”. Do not faint, take two deep breaths and exhale, put aside a showdown on a topic whose relatives and friends "can never warn in advance." Now you have another problem - how to clean the house in 5 minutes?!

  1. Distract your husband from the gadget with a loud sound and give him a vacuum cleaner. For some reason, it is with this technique that men cope best. Let it suck dust in all visible places, even where there is no carpet.
  2. Run to the bathroom and fill the toilet bowl and sink with detergent. Take a large bag and put EVERYTHING that hangs on the dryer, lies on the washer and rolls on the floor. Dry, wet - you'll figure it out after the end of the away crisis. Package deep under the bath. There should be a guest towel and a couple of yours - only clean ones. It's better to post fresh ones.
  3. While the toilet and sink are soaking, take another bag and put all the little things that are lying around the house. Books, pens, T-shirt, empty bottles, packaging - everything you see in one package. There is no time to sort things out. Remember! Order is horizontal empty surfaces. The table, the top of the chest of drawers, the TV stand are empty and clean. You stuff the bag with small things into the wardrobe, we will put things in order there later, without witnesses.
  4. My husband finished vacuuming, praise for the feat, and give a clear installation - carry everything edible from the rooms to the kitchen (it is better to immediately put it in the refrigerator), all the cups there. The man will cope, he distinguishes food unmistakably.
  5. Brush walk on the toilet, tear off big piece toilet paper, wipe the rim, more paper, or napkins - cover on both sides. One or two, done. The same with the mirror. Water + soft toilet paper, then dry and, lo and behold, everyone sees themselves without wiping the glass with a clean linen towel for half an hour, as my mother taught.
  6. We wipe the floor only in the hallway, and then only when absolutely necessary. The vacuum cleaner has already removed dust, hair and small rubbish. There is no time for a quality wash, but it makes no sense to simply wet the laminate. And not super clean, and it is clear that they just ran and cleaned.
  7. You won’t have time to wash a greasy dirty stove, don’t even start. Remove the iron coasters and burners, line the surface tightly with foil and return everything to its place. At the bewildered glances of the guests, be horrified: “How ?! You don't line the stove with foil?! And you don’t need to wash after cooking and saves gas! And now you are a zealous hostess who does not leave the stove.
  8. Dishes are more difficult. Dirty dishes are perfect for putting in the dishwasher. Arrange everything neatly and you can turn it on later. If there is no such unit, put your husband to wash the dishes. If he doesn’t have time, mention in passing that “they only gave water, just a couple of minutes ago, a mess in the housing and communal services, for which we only pay them money!”

I noticed that such an express cleaning takes up to 10 minutes, if you do everything in a coordinated manner and do not hit the inadmissible luxury of perfectionism.

Of course, what we have just done with you can only be called cleaning with a big stretch. Therefore, let's figure out how to make it so that you have to clean less often, and there is more cleanliness and comfort.

How to keep order at home

  • All household chores that can be done in 5 minutes or less should be done right away. Fallen - lift, moved - hang, spilled - wipe (sad - hug, hungry - feed :)). This is the law of life - one teaspoon left in the sink attracts a mountain of dishes with a magnet. Try to really live like this for at least three days. At first, it will irritate you wildly, then you will feel pride, then you will understand what kind of pigs your pets are - “here it fell, and he went on!”. You don’t have to wait for a general cleaning to pick up a candy wrapper that hasn’t reached the bucket.
  • They say that ideally every thing should have its own place. But if we were all perfect, then I would not write this article, and you would not read it. Therefore, let's agree that each thing should preferably have a place and there must be a "direction". My friend's creams on the shelf are displayed by the millimeter. If I take something, she always knows what. When she purses her lips, I immediately go to smooth out the washing gels and remind her of early wrinkles and the fate of old maids. Let's do without paranoia, just remember once and for all that kitchen items are in the kitchen, bath items are in the bathroom. Documents - on the desktop or coffee table.
    Train yourself to put things back where you got them from. This is work not only on order, but also on awareness.
  • If you don’t want to display creams by the millimeter, and the mess on the shelf annoys you, don’t think that this is an unsolvable paradox. Get yourself open boxes, such with legs. In one we pour varnishes, for example, in another creams, in the third in the kitchen every little thing. Rubbish inside, decent outside. Easy economic hypocrisy.
  • Do not accumulate "cozy little things and all sorts of differences." Once every couple of months, go through the house and ruthlessly get rid of the accumulated overwhelming shopaholism. Yes, you bought this goose picture. Yes, it is difficult for you to part with it, because it is tantamount to admitting that at that moment you were somewhat out of your mind. Feel free to trash. The goose coped with the task - it pleased you for a while, it's time for him to be free. Ridiculous gifts and souvenirs from the series “Close up my house” are also sent there. Don't look for a reason to give it to someone else, realize that you have a mission to break this vicious circle, and feel free to throw a dream catcher, a beautiful cookie box, a beaded bottle, a photo frame with seashells and other joys into a trash bag.
  • Vacuum (sweep) and mop the kitchen floor immediately after cooking. In the corridor - immediately after arrival (you can just wipe it). This will save you from having to mop the floor in the rest of the house more than once a week.