Phantoms exist. Phantom

When they say that the magician sees the spirits of people, it means that he works with their phantoms. No spirit ever comes. Since the spirit belongs to the higher planes of Existence, and can no longer descend from them.

However, some part of human nature and many things are imprinted in astral world. This world reflects not the object itself, but its memories of itself and its life, as well as the most vividly experienced emotions (whether positive or negative). Here are the phantoms of both living and long-dead people. A phantom is nothing more than an energy copy of a being. The phantom double is invisible to the senses. But highly sensitive people can work with phantoms. A magician is always a psychic. It simply cannot be otherwise.

Since the astral and physical worlds exist simultaneously and, as it were, merge, with the difference that we do not see the astral, but we can feel it, everything around is filled with phantoms. They are created by the thought forms of people who experience emotions when they remember something good or bad. Moreover, each person can have a lot of phantoms scattered around different places, depending on where it happened. important events in his life.

Phantoms are always in the form in which they were created. Sad or joyful, sad or happy, at a certain age and in a certain place, in certain colors. It's like taking a freeze frame on film. And this frame will store certain characteristics of the exact moment in time at which it was created.

Many children in early age they see phantoms around and are often frightened. As we grow older, this ability gradually disappears. Since the child's consciousness is subjected to education on stereotypes, in connection with this, a person can no longer see more.

The subconscious is always sensory perception. And since everyone is taught to live precisely according to the principles of perception by the sense organs of matter, they cease to perceive the images dictated by the subconscious.

Phantoms are always created by a person during his lifetime. And after his death, the phantom does not disappear anywhere, remaining in the place where it was created. That is why it is possible to read information about people even after their death.

How to develop the ability to see phantoms

To learn to see a phantom, you need to train astral vision. And above all, learn to control your thoughts and feelings. Shutdown internal dialogue- this is the main condition in almost all magical operations. The next step is to present the items in all the specific details. Until a person learns to concentrate attention and imagine objects in all details, he is unlikely to be able to see phantoms.

In magic, phantoms are used both for good purposes and for harm. In the first case, phantoms are used to read the necessary information about a person and events, remove negativity, and diagnose diseases. In the second, a negative program is applied to the phantom, which affects the object.

In order not to engage in witchcraft and be able to influence people and situations, it is worth starting to work with your energies and learning to think figuratively. For this, the method of working with a phantom is suitable.

A phantom is an energy double, which is an astral copy of a person. It is very mobile, it can go where you send it, do it on a subtle level. subtle body other person what you imagine. The phantom is very useful in treating a person from a distance. Can at your desire to do evil, good; he is not a man, his conscience will not torment him. But he will return to you and bring some of the negativity to his creator.

In order for the phantom to appear, you must first focus on yourself, realize your inner “I”, give the task to the phantom to come out of you and single it out while exhaling from yourself forward. As soon as you feel it in front of you, step back and immediately cut with your hand parallel to the body to tear it away from you. Say in words and at the same time very clearly imagine the actions that he must perform. Imagine how he goes to the person you need. You must know him by sight, or say the name, imagine the place where he may be, or simply call him. You can keep imagining the phantom doing what it is told to do, and then coming back and entering you, turning inside and aligning with physical body. Having completed the task, it will not manifest itself inside you in any way, because it is only an image, a phantom.

If you urgently need to make a certain impression on a person or group of people, then you should:

1. Determine for yourself a specific task and be able to present the final result of what was conceived. Your thoughts should sound clear, and the course of action should be unambiguous.

2. Designate in the planned situation not only your place, but also a psychological image that will correspond to your task.

3. Think about how you should look, what to say and what facial expression should be. If you think that your personal image is not impressive enough, find a new image for yourself.

4. If you decide to use your new image, you need to get used to it so that at any time you can combine with it for your ideas.

5. The image can be external, internal, general. You have to work with him like a role. Find the appropriate facial expressions, gait, manners and, most importantly, inner fullness.

6. Imagine a phantom that meets your task and carries the external signs of the image that you need. You can create a phantom famous person, populate it with the necessary components of your task and use it as many times as you need.

7. Each time you need to use the template you have chosen, you must check it and clean it of extraneous layers obtained during operation. Recharge it with thoughts, image, task.

Phantom Practice

You need to practice to get what you want. Practice with the images you have created. Use them first where you rarely go and where there are a lot of people - for example, in shops, in the market, etc.

For convenience and simplification of the initial stages of work, it is best to work with a borrowed image - a phantom. You take a photograph of the person most suited to your vision and begin to energize it. Then select the image from the sheet and put it in front of you. Twist it, examine it from all sides, mentally model its facial expression and put in your task. Then team up with him and make your prank. Consider in turn the possible manipulations with the astral phantom.

Combination plan:
1. Make eye contact in the photograph and mentally enter the image in order to understand and feel the person depicted.

2. While inhaling, pull the image outward, keeping eye contact, and place it in front of you (Fig. 1).

In order to be able to look away, it is necessary to take the phantom by the left shoulder and hold it all the time until the moment it returns to its place. Now you can mentally draw on it what you need, and invest the mood and state that will correspond to your task.

3. The phantom image can be rotated, all the time holding the shoulder, changing hands.

4. When you need to enter the image, put it with your back to you and enter it, as you enter the elevator car. Align with it and feel it, like a spacesuit on yourself (Fig. 2).

5. Identify with it and feel how this astral phantom has merged with you. Feel your new body with the program laid in it, think about what you should say and do, and practice it. Change the timbre of your voice and intonation in accordance with your task.

6. Set the approximate time spent in someone else's image, so that later you can throw it off yourself in order to avoid undesirable consequences. You do not want to gradually become almost exactly the same as this image? Want to? Then do not shoot and live like this (Fig. 3).

When you succeed in creating new images, you can change them almost every minute.

Turn pleasant, enticing, unusual and fantastic opportunities into your new abilities. Don't leave the techniques you've mastered as practiced material, they can come in handy to guide you to new goals. These techniques have the power to change you, your environment, your life. Apply the acquired abilities to yourself and try to change your life for the better.

Once you can see the illusory life of your future, you can make whatever you want out of your life. Unless, of course, you are afraid. You may be afraid of your future, no matter how good it may be.
To get what could not have happened without your intervention, you must courageously endure life changes and the troubles associated with them. We are not always ready for surprises in life, no matter how good they are.

If it was given to you to see a moment of life in the future, then there is an opportunity to live it over time in this way. If you can come up with and then imagine an episode from the future related to yourself, then it can happen exactly as you saw it. Something that is impossible in general or for you, in particular, is unacceptable and you don’t need something like that cannot happen. If you speculatively see yourself in some situation very clearly, clearly, believably, with large quantity accompanying details, with emotions, sound, then all this is quite likely and possible in reality.

You just need to believe in it, warm yourself up with the energy of intention and at least sometimes repeat the work on this topic again. This is necessary to fix information in space, so that the energy of your desire will grow into the energy of the real future and take root there.

0 Some people sometimes come across various mysterious phrases or words in films, literature or the Internet, the meaning of which is not particularly clear to them. Today we will talk about one of them, it is Phantom, which means you can read a little below.
However, before continuing, I would like to introduce you to a couple more popular news on the topic of education. For example, what does Leviathan mean, how to understand the word Conjuncture, briefly about the Decembrist Revolt, what is Creative, etc.
So let's continue what does phantom mean? This term originated from French "fantome", and is translated into Russian as "ghost", "vision". This means that this concept means something ephemeral, subtle, weightless.

Phantom- so called, something that does not really exist, or it is not tangible and invisible

Usually, this word is very popular in the occult. In fact, all mysterious, translucent entities, which you have ever read about in books, and called ghosts, are essentially phantoms. Although in fact, such a concept as a phantom is much broader than it seems at first glance.

Some occultists suggest that each of us has many astral copies, or, as they are also called - phantoms.
Great researchers from the past believed that our world is rough and heavy, and above it, a step higher, there is another dimension - the astral one. It is believed that phantoms have the same sense organs as the originals, with only one "minor" difference, they are practically invisible to most of us.
It turns out that anyone can create phantom, only by making a mental effort for this. For example, you began to remember how you vacationed in the Crimea in the summer, recreating in your brain the situation that surrounded you. With a similar mental action, you create your double, which will appear in that very place, near the sea.

Not without reason, many people meet ghosts at the sites of mass disasters, where many people died. In addition to the fact that there are astral remnants of the dead, the survivors again and again remember the day and hour when they experienced extreme stress. By this, they create a multitude phantoms who constantly roam in this place of sorrow.
In addition, in hospitals, there are also a huge number of such invisible creatures. People, remembering how bad they felt there, create their own astral copy in these hospital wards.

Theologians suggest that there are both negative and positive phantoms that originated from negative or positive experiences. You need to understand that these weightless entities are capable of influencing the energy of a person, and if "bad" phantom destroys the energy shell, then positive, fills a person with energy.

Some Vedic practices, including shamanism and voodoo they have mastered the art of creating phantoms so much that they are able to influence other people, embodying their astral projection (phantom) into some inanimate object. Then they slowly carry out various manipulations with him, which can even lead to the death of the experimental subject.

Some people are convinced that from a photograph it is very easy to influence phantom the person depicted on it. Therefore, some "in the know" are categorically against taking pictures, because if this card gets to bad sorcerers and witches, you can get various problems, both in your personal life and in health. By the way, knowledgeable people are able to make all their phantoms return, including those attacked, and then simply dispel them.

Today there are supporters, both "for" and "against", but it is only known that modern scientists have not yet been able to prove their existence.
However, after all, in fact, when you visit places where the tragedy, then you start to feel not very comfortable, the temperature seems to drop around, and you suddenly realize that you are not welcome here.

V real life "phantoms"usually they call something inexplicable, strange, unsteady. For example, the old jet planes, which at one time were the pinnacle of human genius, were called by the Americans "Phantoms", as a sign that they are difficult to detect, although the MiG-17 did an excellent job with them. how

A phantom is an anomalous phenomenon, translated from French "fantome" means "vision, ghost". Thus, phantoms are called something that does not really exist or is ephemeral, invisible and intangible in our material world.

Such a phenomenon as a phantom will be more understandable if we recall the doctrine of the multidimensional nature of man and the entire Cosmos.

There are many different opinions about what a phantom is. For example, a phantom is an energy copy of the human consciousness, its chakras and energy shells, but it is not a soul, but only a copy taken from the consciousness of a particular person. Phantoms are connected directly directly with people. A phantom without a person, without a soul, is not capable of existing, it does not make decisions on its own, it can implement programs recorded in the human subconscious and fully lives and works on the energy of the owner. The phantom can both increase in size and decrease.

Under such a concept as a phantom, mental images and created by people can also be perceived.

In the occult, it is believed that phantoms can be used if this innate ability is consciously developed in oneself. Some occultists claim that each person has several (many?) astral copies, or, as they are also called, phantoms. According to the teaching, our physical world is rough and heavy, and above it, a step higher, there is another world - the astral one.

From the point of view of the esoteric approach to reality, a person can learn to interact with the astral (subtle) world. The phantom will be the main mediator in such interaction.

A phantom is essentially different from a ghost, it is a kind of energy copy of its owner. Ghosts can exist on their own, without its real physical carrier. There are many cases of meetings with phantoms, while their "owners" often do not know anything. In some cases, phantoms are so real that in principle they look like real living people.

What are phantoms

Presumably, the reasons for the unconscious allocation of a phantom (double) are strong emotions, feelings, thoughts about a particular place, event, person. When people constantly return their thoughts to some place, their phantom can actually be there. Moreover, sometimes other people even see it.

Theologians claim that there are both negative and positive phantoms (thought forms) created by negative or positive experiences. It should be noted that these invisible entities can affect human energy.

Because the phantom is associated with a person, its presence in a particular spatial environment can be dangerous for a living prototype - a person. For example, placing your phantom in a situation of experienced tragedy, grief or illness (constantly thinking about it) causes certain harm to a person’s energy.

The formation of a phantom is also resorted to in occultism - envolting - making a doll (volta). In this case, the volt is a material object, a “fixing” phantom in a negative spatial environment.

The phantom feeds on the energy of its creator. He, being a copy of a person, can harm the enemy, but not in physical world, but in thin. By creating a negative phantom, a person loses energy. Therefore, you should try to block negative thoughts. A positive phantom can help a person restore his strength and energy. That's why it's important to learn how to do it.

In order to remove the created phantom (thought form), it is necessary to imagine it again and make it melt or simply erase it. Then the space will be freed from the energy phantom.

There is such a thing as phantom pain. It is no secret that after amputation of limbs, people can talk for a long time about the fact that this limb is disturbing, or that they feel it as before, etc. All because this limb was physically removed, but its energy essence ( phantom) remained.

In general, the concept of a phantom is multifaceted; a lot of interesting and mysterious stories are associated with it.

Phantoms around us

Stories about phantoms - energy twins, have been widely known since ancient times.

One American woman had dreams of the same house over and over again for many years. Once she saw this house in fact and was amazed. He looked exactly the same as in her dreams and, above all, he was for sale. She knocked on the door, but when the owner opened it, barely glancing at the woman's face, he slammed the door in her face. As it turned out later, a ghost lives in the house, and this ghost was herself (her double).

From a letter: “... To the question of a phantom ... Once I saw myself hanging in the air ... clothes, body position, everything repeated me, as if in a mirror image - only from the back. This second "I" flew away from me to the open window. I became very scared, my heart was pounding terribly, and for some reason I thought that if “It” flies away, I will die. Where “It” went, I don’t know ... At that time I was not sick and nothing threatened my life ... "

In the 1860s in Pereyaslavl, two friends served in the cavalry regiment. They swore an oath that the one who dies first will appear to the living and tell what awaits the soul. The dead friend came in reality. The survivor was so amazed that he devoted his whole life to the service of God, selling his property.

18th century - In Ireland, a widow married a handsome young Italian. Unfortunately, after some time, the woman found out that her husband was a bigamist. She kicked her unfaithful spouse out of the house, and she herself moved to live in another city. Saying goodbye to her, her husband said that he would come to her on the day of his death. A few years later, under the windows of the house where the woman lived, her ex-husband He called her by name, assuring her of his love. This went on for several days, then he disappeared. Later, the woman learned that her husband had died the day she saw him under her window.

Nowadays, such curious cases also occur: a grandmother saw her granddaughter walking with a boy arm in arm along Nevsky Prospekt. Grandmother decided to immediately take up the upbringing of her granddaughter (it’s too early to go for a walk at the age of 12!), But when she approached her granddaughter, she instantly got lost among passers-by. At home, it turned out that when the grandmother was not at home, the girl was sitting at the computer, her mother and father confirmed this.

The woman was waiting for her husband from work, but he was late. The heated soup cooled down, the wife looked out the window and saw her husband walking along the avenue to the house. She could even see the dirty stain on the sleeve of her jacket. The woman again set to warm up dinner, and her husband came home only half an hour later - the bus was stuck in a traffic jam. When the man was getting off the bus, another passenger hit him with a backpack, wet from a dark liquid - the bituminous varnish leaked.

It happens that an energy phantom helps in the fulfillment of desires and can attract necessary items. My neighbor passionately wanted to have a computer, but he did not have enough money for equipment. The neighbor has already prepared the place, constantly imagining how the computer turns on and the monitor lights up. After even noticed that on the side system block big fresh scratch. After some time, a friend called a neighbor: “Come immediately, our computers were changed at the enterprise, and the old ones were allowed to be sold, they already put me one in a car, packed, bring a thousand rubles.” Well, how can you buy for that kind of money normal computer?! In the evening, a neighbor unpacked the computer. To his surprise, it turned out to be an exact copy of what he wanted, and there was a fresh scratch on the side of the system unit!

Quite often, people see the phantoms of cars, motorcycles, trains, ships, submarines, and even cities.

In Alaska, in the region of the St. Elias glacier, every year from June 21 to July 10, a phantom city appears (not a mirage; a mirage is a reflection of a real-life object), which is called the silent city of Alaska. It is visible to such an extent clearly that it seems that it can be touched. One eyewitness wrote: “We clearly saw houses, streets and trees. Here and there the spiers of tall buildings protruded, which seemed to be something like ancient cathedrals or mosques.

Psychics claim that human energy is capable of much. For example, you can use it to create your own copy that you can use for self-improvement. For this purpose, you need to exercise regularly. Doing simple exercises.

What is a phantom?

An invisible copy of a person, animal and any object is called a phantom. You can create it and bind it to yourself for life. Many people think that a phantom is a ghost, but there are differences between these concepts. When using the first term, a certain bunch of energy is understood, which completely copies its creator. It is important to note that there are phantoms of dead people, but after a while they weaken and disappear. The phantom does not have the ability to sense anything, feel, and so on. It is connected with a person, but at the same time it can exist separately from him.

What does a phantom look like?

Many people mistakenly believe that a phantom is a luminous object, but in fact it is a copy of a living being or object, but at the same time it is devoid of indirect signs, for example, it moves weightlessly, can pass through objects, does not feel anything, and so on. The phantom of a deceased person has the same description. It is worth noting that energy copies can either completely repeat the movements of the original, or act independently of it.

Phantom vs Ghost - What's the difference?

Although phantom is translated from French as a ghost, there are differences between these concepts. The first is a kind of model of some real object or living being, and the second is the spirit of a person who has passed away, and he has a certain energy, but the phantom does not have it. Understanding how a ghost differs from a phantom, it is worth saying that it has the ability to exert a physical effect on all objects of the real world.

How to see the phantom?

In most cases, energy entities fall into the field of peripheral vision. According to reviews, they represent some formless cloudiness of white or gray color, but some eyewitnesses say that they saw a completely material person. Everyone can see phantoms, most importantly, develop visual perception. According to reviews, people with functional visual impairments noticed energy copies more often than others. Phantoms often appear at times when a person is emotionally aroused or under stress.

A phantom can be useful to a person, but only if you learn to communicate with it. To do this, you need to regularly practice calling it. If a person is not spiritually developed, then energy copies can cause harm. With the help of a phantom, you can receive certain bonuses:

  1. Develop, learn and acquire new knowledge.
  2. Fulfill miscellaneous work, for example, if you need to negotiate, then first you should agree with the partner's phantom and then the deal will go off with a bang.
  3. Conduct and change the energy mood.

Phantom - extrasensory perception

To interact with an energy copy, you need to learn how to form it and bind it to yourself. There is some instruction on how to summon a phantom:

  1. You need to relax in a calm environment and fully concentrate on yourself. The challenge is to feel your own "I" as strongly as possible.
  2. A phantom is a ghost that is under the control of a person, so you need to give him the order to leave the body. It is recommended to do this on the exhale.
  3. After that, you need to take a step back and sharply move your hand from top to bottom, moving parallel to the body. This is done in order to separate the phantom. Represent the image in great detail.
  4. Calling a phantom involves setting a specific task for your energy shell, and it is important to say it out loud. Immediately after that, be sure to mentally draw his actions.
  5. When the phantom completes the task, it is necessary to imagine how it returned, entered the body and combined with it.
  6. In the future, you can imagine how the phantom receives some knowledge and performs various tasks. beneficial actions, for example, attracts good luck. Such