Silly people quotes. Stupidity statements

Stupidity statements

He who is stupid and understood this is no longer stupid. Publius Cyrus

Keeping your secret is wise, but waiting for others to keep it is foolish. Samuel Johnson

Most people prefer to be reputed to be cunning cheats rather than honest fools. Thucydides

The foolish one believes every word, the prudent one is attentive to his ways. Solomon

Foolishness, even having achieved what it longed for, is never satisfied. Mark Tullius Cicero

Foolishness not supported by ambition does not produce any results. George Bernard Shaw

Foolish and wise looking at the same tree see different trees... William Blake

It is better for a man to meet a bear devoid of children than a fool with his stupidity. Solomon

If a fool gives it by chance good advice, then it should be done by an intelligent person. Gothold Ephraim Lessing

You cannot make a dead man laugh, and you cannot teach a stupid one. Daniel Zatochnik

With old age, people become at the same time dumber and smarter. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

The fools are more foolish, the blind are more blind, those who have not raised children. Sebastian Brunt

Stubbornness and excessive ardor in an argument is the surest sign of stupidity. Michel de Montaigne

Silence does not always prove the presence of mind, but it proves the absence of stupidity. Pierre Bouast

No fool is happy, no sage is unhappy. Epicurus

A dumbass is a fool who does not open his mouth; in this sense he is preferable to the chatty fool. Jean de La Bruyere

An intelligent woman has millions of natural enemies: all stupid men. Maria-Ebner Eschenbach

To be too smart is one of the most shameful forms of stupidity. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

It’s not dangerous to be sincere, especially if you’re also stupid. George Bernard Shaw

There is nothing more ridiculous than stupid human prejudices and more vulgar than hypocritical severity. Guy Petronius Arbiter

I think it is utter folly to choose not the best to follow. Guy Pliny Caecilius (junior)

Many people make more efforts to hide their minds than to hide their stupidity. Jonathan Swift

A fool is a person who lacks intelligence even to be narcissistic. Jean de La Bruyere

Women without a male society fade, and men without a female become stupid. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

A painting in a museum hears more nonsense than anyone else in the world. Jules Goncourt

Importance is the shield of fools. Honore Gabriel Ricketti Mirabeau

A reprimand has a stronger effect on a reasonable person than on a stupid one hundred blows. Solomon

Idleness is the joy of the foolish. Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

How deep are the roots of stupidity! Mark Tullius Cicero

Friendship is not sealed by the mind - foolishness also easily dissolves it. William Shakespeare

He who speaks about his merits himself is ridiculous, but who does not realize them is stupid. Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

If stupidity is absent on the face, it means that it is present in the mind, and in threefold size. Charles Lam

Everyone can be delusional, but only a fool persists in delusion. Mark Tullius Cicero

Only fools and the dead never change their minds. James Russell Lowell

Fools say nonsense, intelligent people do it. Maria-Ebner Eschenbach

A fool fusses with might and main, having started a trifle - a clever one remains calm, taking on a great cause. Ancient india, unknown author

A fool does not like knowledge, but only to show his mind. Solomon

Oh! It was so long ago! I was young and stupid then. Now I am old and stupid. Heinrich Heine

Stupidity would not be genuine stupidity if it were not afraid of the mind. Nicola-Sebastian Chamfort

It is better to listen to the arguments of the smart than to the instructions of the foolish. Daniel Zatochnik

A wise man benefits more from his enemies than a fool from friends. Baltasar Gracian y Morales

Winning is the stupidest thing to do. Not to win, but to convince - that's what is worthy of glory. Victor-Marie Hugo

No more a good combinationthan a little stupidity and not too much honesty. Francis Bacon

A fool cannot be kind: he has too few brains for that. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

All fools are stubborn, and all stubborn are stupid. Baltasar Gracian y Morales

He who talks a lot says a lot of nonsense. Pierre Corneille

Just as intelligent people are often very stupid, so fools are sometimes clever. Heinrich Heine

Everyone says about a fool and a braggart, that he is a fool and a braggart; but no one says this to him, and he dies, not knowing about himself what everyone knows. Jean de La Bruyere

Three-quarters of the madness turns out to be just stupidity. Nicola-Sebastian Chamfort

The world is full of fools, but no one notices his stupidity, does not even suspect. Baltasar Gracian y Morales

It's hard to believe how much intelligence is used to prove nonsense. Friedrich Goebbel

He who does not respect himself is unhappy, but who is too pleased with himself is stupid. Guy de Maupassant

Fools only notice the mistakes of people and do not pay attention to their merits. They are like flies that strive to land only on the inflamed part of the body.

A condescending attitude towards stupidity is inherent in every intelligent person.

Avicenna (Ibn Sina)

As clear light is hidden from the blind,
So for fools there is no road to truth.

Ali Apsheroni

In the world of people, sometimes, in order to act wisely, you have to reluctantly pretend to be a stupid person, but the one who abuses this method too much, sooner or later turns into a fool himself. The thing is that this is an easy way to solve problems, and without difficult work over time the mind dims and fades.

Ludoviko Ariosto

A person loses everything over the years: youth, beauty, health, impulses of ambition. And only one stupidity never leaves people.

Honore de Balzac

Stupidity is so impassable that it is impossible to investigate it to the bottom, no echo is born in it, it absorbs everything without return.

Nicola Boileau

Every fool will find an even greater fool who will admire him.

Pierre Bouast

The stupid upstart seemed to have climbed a mountain, from where everyone seems small to him, just as he himself seems to be small to another.

Francis Bacon

There is no better combination than a little stupidity and not too much honesty.


A fool is always convinced that no one will deceive an intelligent person.

The fool with a great memory is full of thoughts and facts; but he does not know how to draw conclusions and conclusions, and this is the whole point.

Guy Valery Catullus

There is nothing more stupid than a stupid laugh.

Heinrich Heine

Everyone has the right to be stupid.

A fool is one who tries to cover up his own insignificance with the merits of his ancestors.


The fool knows only what has happened.

Gracian y Morales

A fool is the one who is killed by excess of mind.

John Damascene

The fools always call their enemies powerless.

Daniel Zatochnik

You cannot make a dead man laugh, and you cannot teach a stupid one.

As dogs and pigs do not need gold and silver, so foolish - wise words.

Democritus of Abder

Not a word, but misfortune is the teacher of fools.

Fools are taught prudence by misfortune.

Samuel Johnson

He was stupid in a new way, and therefore many recognized him as great.

Vytautas Karalus

Stupidity must be tested like a balloon: inflate until it bursts.

Jean de La Bruyere

If a fool was afraid to say something foolish, he would no longer be a fool.

Francois VI de La Rochefoucauld

There is nothing more stupid than the desire to always be smarter than everyone.

There are no more obnoxious fools than those who are not entirely devoid of intelligence.

Georg Lichtenberg

Some people have the ability to appear stupid before they discover intelligence. This gift is especially common among girls.


A fool is twice as dumber from bookish wisdom.

Ashot Nadanyan

He was a jack of all trades: he knew how to fence nonsense, carry nonsense, grind nonsense and flog nonsense.

Alexander Pope

All fools can't wait to ridicule someone.

Bertrand Russell

Retelling by a stupid person what a clever one says is never right. Because he unconsciously turns what he hears into what he can understand.

Erich Maria Remarque

It's not a shame to be born stupid, it's just a shame to die a fool.

Oscar Wilde

Whenever a person does something stupid, he does it for the most noble reasons.

Herbert George Wells

No one is always stupid, sometimes everyone is.

Sasha Cherny

There is a mind skeptical, critical, practical, ironic, etc. There is only one stupidity.

You can always recognize a stupid man by stupid eyes. But women's eyes ... God knows! It is not the depth - not the languor; not that thought - not that curiosity ... and suddenly a fool!

Stupidity turns all values \u200b\u200binto caricatures: instead of pride, it has arrogance, instead of public, it is herd, instead of art, love, instead of love, flirting, instead of fame, success.

Anton Chekhov

For one clever one a thousand stupid people rely, and for one clever word there are 1000 stupid ones, and this thousand drowns out, and that is why cities and villages move so tightly. Most, the mass will always remain stupid, it will always drown out; let the smart one give up the hope to educate and raise it up to himself; Better to call for help with material strength, let him build railways, telegraphs, telephones - and with this he will win and move life forward.

Nicolas de Chamfort

Three-quarters of the madness turns out to be just stupidity.

Shang Yang

When people are stupid, they are easy to control.

Friedrich Schiller

Against stupidity, the gods themselves are powerless to fight.

Sholem Aleichem

The patient will recover, the drunk will sober up, the black-haired will turn gray, but the fool will remain a fool.

Bernard Show

Foolishness not supported by ambition does not produce any results.

Intelligence is not only an indicator of IQ, not only knowledge and intellectual development. An intelligent person is distinguished from a stupid by something much more important and deeper. Foolish people can have two degrees.

Many scientists and psychologists put the word "stupid" roughly equal to the word "unhappy", because the source of happiness is ourselves. A person should be smart enough to do everything to move towards happiness. You need to watch motivating films, read books, communicate with nice people. An intelligent person chooses the environment for himself, and is not content with what he has.

Sometimes also between the word “stupid” and “cowardly” it is possible to put a sign of approximate consequence, because those who never take risks remain at a broken trough. Do not be afraid to take risks, because we were created in order to rejoice in victories and learn from our own mistakes in case of defeat. Don't step back if something doesn't go the way you want. Go ahead, boldly, without hesitation.

The first sign: bad manners

Even someone who is not familiar with the rules of etiquette knows how to apologize and behave in such a way that in the most elite society it will not be so ashamed. Ill-mannered people do not recognize their bad manners, or, on the contrary, are proud of it. They explain this by the fact that they do not need to be educated, because they do not want to adapt to others. They do what they want, behave the way they want. They defiantly violate rules that are easy to follow. Such people will never become truly successful, because they do not know how to look at themselves from the outside.

Second sign: indifference to others

Foolish people don't want to think about others. It is not about random passers-by who need help, but even about their loved ones. When parents need help, stupid kids look for excuses, and smart kids look for opportunities. Small-minded people do not care where they live and how. This does not mean that you need to go into politics. You just need to learn how to devote a little more time to people who live with you, are friends with you. Foolish people do not listen to other people's advice - there is simply no other person's wisdom for them.

Sign the third: attracting attention

Stupid people love attention, so they try to attract it with stupid actions. It can be shouts, fights. Such people speak very loudly where it is undesirable - on the bus, in queues. They need to show themselves, to draw attention to themselves.

Sign Four: Narcissism

The fool prefers to dialogue only about himself. For example, you talk about something that bothers you. You told your story at work or at university to someone you know. He, instead of somehow supporting you, because this topic is important for you, starts talking to himself. This is terribly infuriating, but the person does not understand it. Of course, there is a chance that he or she is not stupid, but the chance is small. In any conversation, a fool talks only about himself, about his problems. Any conversation for him or her comes down to just mentioning yourself. They also say that foolish daffodils love to take selfies. This is partly correct, but you should not think about the girl who is photographed in the mirror that she is stupid. One does not depend on the other.

The fifth sign: no brakes

Stupid people do not know how to stop when they get drunk, conflict, argue, joke. A stupid person can joke all the time. This is true, because he or she wants to watch how everyone laughs and honors their hero or heroine.

Sign six: show your superiority

Silly men like to bully those who are smaller and not physically dangerous to them. Girls do this by making fun of those who do not correspond to their ideas about beauty. In the process, stupid people can unite. Most often they work in a pack, because it is difficult to support themselves with their thoughts of superiority alone. This requires viewers and followers who are just as stupid.

Sign Seven: Belief in Rightness

Fools, in their opinion, are never wrong. They are the smartest, most courageous, impeccable. The stupid ladies are the most beautiful, the most charming. Of course, this sometimes works into the hands, because this is true faith. A stupid person will argue until he turns blue until his opponent agrees that he is right. It is impossible to persuade a fool even if the whole world tells him that he or she is wrong or wrong. Zero flexibility, zero diplomacy. This is the height of stupidity, its purest manifestation.

Sign eighth: cowardice or excessive courage.

When a person does nothing because he is afraid of losing, this is stupidity. It is often useful, but in most cases it only plays a negative role. A stupid person can, on the contrary, rush into battle, losing everything. This could include addiction to gambling. Betting, cards, casinos. If this is in excess, then the person is unimaginably stupid, or totally unhappy, which is less common.

Sign nine: there is no golden mean

For fools, there are only dull and smart, beautiful and no, friends and enemies, wealth and poverty, good and bad. If someone looks at them wrong, then this person immediately becomes an enemy. If someone is mistaken, then this mistake makes the other person a complete idiot in his eyes. If a fool sees a man who does not drive a car, the latter becomes for him only a parody of a man. Most fools consider themselves males of the first category, alpha males, and ladies consider themselves goddesses who should not work, but should sit at home and do nothing. There is practically no way to fix such people, it is unrealistic.

The only way to stop looking like or being stupid is to learn to look at everything from the outside. Learn to look at yourself from the outside in order to understand at least a little those around you. Very often this will not help, because it is incredibly difficult to fix stupidity, but for some it can save some people from fiasco in many situations. Remember, no one is perfect, and neither are you. We are all slaves to our habits. But these habits must be diplomatic.

A person can be lazy, lack of ideas, disappointed in something, but only the above-described signs make him truly stupid. Moreover, he can have higher education and finish school well, have a decent job. Stupidity doesn't always get in the way of a person in the most obvious way. Only good habits help you become smarter in life. One of these habits is the ability to be self-critical. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

  • The "cruelty" of a man of knowledge is better than the "kindness" of a fool.
  • The loyalty of a coward or a fool is not support for the master. Visakhadatta
  • All fools can't wait to ridicule someone. Pope A.
  • All fools are stubborn, and all stubborn are stupid. Gracian y Morales
  • A person loses everything over the years: youth, beauty, health, impulses of ambition. And only one stupidity never leaves people. Ariosto L.
  • The foolish one thought that wisdom would come to him over the years.
  • Foolishness tends to see other people's vices, and forget about their own. Cicero
  • A fool can be recognized by two signs: he talks a lot about things that are useless to him, and speaks about things that he is not asked about. Plato
  • Fools only notice the mistakes of people and do not pay attention to their merits. They are like flies that strive to land only on the inflamed part of the body. Abu al-Faraj bin Harun.
  • A fool is the person who always remains unchanged. Voltaire
  • A fool who does not recognize fools, and even more stupid is he who, having recognized, will not leave them. Dangerous with superficial communication, they are destructive with gullible intimacy. Gracian y Morales
  • Foolish, who among the dancers and himself starts dancing. Lucilius
  • If a sage gets to fools, he should not expect honor from them, and if a fool defeats the sage with his chatter, then there is nothing surprising in this, for a stone can split a diamond. Saadi
  • As dogs and pigs do not need gold and silver, so foolish - wise words. Daniel Zatochnik
  • He who is stupid and understood this is no longer stupid. Publius
  • He who is stupid does not need the advice of a clever one. Publius
  • Whoever got in touch with a stupid, vicious wife, did not go with a woman - with disaster. Saadi
  • A wise man is drawn to goodness and peace, a fool is drawn to war and strife. Rudaki
  • Lies and deceit are the refuge of fools and cowards. Chesterfield F.
  • The sage is happy, content with a little, and the fool is not enough; that is why almost all people are unhappy. La Rochefoucauld
  • A wise man knows how to act where he has no experience; the stupid one is also mistaken in what he learned. John Damascene
  • There is nothing more stupid than the desire to always be smarter than everyone. La Rochefoucauld
  • It is not necessary to be ignorant, but sometimes it is not bad to pretend to be ignorant. With a fool there is no need to be a sage, with a madman prudent; speak to everyone in his language. Gracian y Morales
  • Not a word, but misfortune is the teacher of fools. Democritus
  • Not the one stupid who doesn't know, but the one who doesn't want to know. Skovoroda G.S.
  • No one is happy with fools, and no one is unhappy with sages. Cicero
  • One of the unpleasant characteristics of our time is that those who are confident are stupid, and those who have at least some imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision. Bertrand Russell
  • Wit often borders on complete stupidity. Emile Zola
  • Praise is good for the clever, bad for the stupid. Petrarch
  • He who recognizes himself as a fool has the right to be considered a sage, and whoever insists that he is a sage is precisely a fool. Brant S.
  • A bee, having plunged a steel sting, does not know that it is missing. Likewise, fools, letting in poison, do not understand what they are doing.
  • A wise man benefits more from his enemies than a fool from friends. Gracian y Morales
  • A condescending attitude towards stupidity is inherent in every intelligent person. Abu-l-Faraj
  • A clever one struggles with old age, a fool becomes its slave. Epictetus
  • Stubbornness and excessive ardor in an argument is the surest sign of stupidity. Michelle Montaigne
  • Frequent and loud laughter is a sign of stupidity and bad education. Chesterfield

Tags to quotes about stupidity: Fool, Foolishness

It is more correct to remain silent and look like a nerd than to break the silence and destroy any suspicion of that. Common sense and dementia - one does not cancel the other. Moreover, the representative of the stronger sex in years.

Cowardice is not dishonor. Recklessness - that is what real ignominy is. You shouldn't tremble from anything, except for real threats. Refusing to accept a threat is the most important of all recklessness.

If I communicate with you, then I turn into a fool.

I have identified the cause of your suffering. This is your excessive decency. Every foolishness on the planet is done with just a similar look on the faces. Break up into smiles, sir. Laugh.

There are only a couple of eternal matters: the Universe and stupidity. However, regarding the Universe, I have no complete trust.

Prettyness is necessary for women to be desired by men; foolishness then lovely ladies attracted to men.

Slight folly is a blessing of God, but you shouldn't overuse it.

Reason is capable of correcting any stupidity, but there is no such intelligence that, in spite of everything, could not be disfigured by stupidity.

What people usually call fate is, in essence, just a set of stupidities they have committed.

Stupidity does not always make a person evil, but anger always makes a person stupid.

Miser pays twice. Dumb pays three times. Loch pays constantly.

If you hammered a joint, And did not make a heel ... Congratulations: you are an asshole, Life is not sweet for you.

To be successful in this world is not enough to be just stupid - you also need to have good manners.

Sleep of reason gives birth to monsters.

Medical record: “No mental illness. Just a fool. "

Poor wisdom is often a slave to rich stupidity.

You're so stupid that I don't even need to offend you.

Sometimes I am convinced that stupidity is in the shape of a triangle and that if eight times eight, you get madness or a dog.

I thought you had exhausted all your stupidity, but you continue to amaze me.

Stupidity is the most excusable of vices, for it does not have a touch of malice.

Is a fool a disease or not? It would be nice if it was a disease: there would be hope for healing.

A clever one won't tell, a fool won't guess ...

If you are arguing with an idiot, obviously he does the same ...

Don't be silly - the enemy is listening!

Only a really good woman can do a really stupid thing.

Fools are a people who are always right.

I make plans in the morning and do stupid things during the day.

Given the stupidity of most people, the widespread view is stupid rather than reasonable.

Limited people ... do much less stupid things than smart people.

every stupidity has its own meaning!

Stupid people are everywhere ... But if they are around you ... So you are in their authority.

Lord Goring. They are often the same thing.

I thought you were a fool, but you are absolutely fucking!

They say that if a person is bitten by a vampire, then he himself becomes a vampire ... so why do I have the feeling that all the rams have been bitten ???

There are no stupid questions, there are stupid people.

We have to say thank you to the fools, against their background we look smart.

The human brain is 80% liquid. For many - from the brake

Why should I be nervous about the fact that God has cheated someone.

Stupidity is the mother of crime, but fathers are often brilliant.

Stupidity does not relieve one of the need to think.

I was always lucky for assholes - just some kind of win-win lottery)).

There is nothing more stupid than a life in which not a single stupidity has been committed ...

Then I was very weak, very proud, like everyone is weak and very stupid, like all proud people.

Nonsense should not be done even out of boredom.

Many would say that heroism is ... stupidity. Do something that, on thought, you would not do. Because it’s not in your best interest.

Give way to the fool! especially works on city streets)

Stupidity never crosses borders: where it steps, there is its territory.

This is not stupidity. The nonsense is that Charlie Chaplin took second place in the Charlie Chaplin clone competition in Germany.

Pay attention to stupid people life is not enough ...

Lady Chiltern. Do you call it mind? In my opinion, this is nonsense.

He took the stupidity to the master: "Can't you remake it for wisdom?" The master replied: "it will still remain."

Intelligence is a disgusting thing. A person without brains is absolutely sure of a high level of his development. A clever one is well aware of what an idiot he is, in essence.

In the stupidity of a woman is the highest bliss of a man.

A journey into foolishness is bound to turn into a hymn to the mind.

Sometimes stupidity is disguised as kindness, and sometimes as honesty - when suddenly you are tempted to blurt out old secrets, to say who knows what, pouring from empty to empty ...

A woman is a dull and stupid creature, but funny and sweet, she, with her stupidity, spices and sweetens the dreary importance of the male mind.

It may sound stupid, but stupidity is the one that is best remembered.

The more stupid I do, the more popular I become.