How to strengthen beard hair. Rating of the best products for beard growth: the most effective formulations to accelerate hair formation

Many men come to believe that growing a beard and mustache gives them a brutal, serious look. Younger guys believe that stubble will help them look older and more solid. Therefore, males, regardless of age, ask themselves the question - how to grow stubble if it does not grow?

But it happens that reality does not live up to expectations, and instead of stylish stubble, men get a rare beard with fine hair. This is explained by the fact that the speed and uniformity of hair growth directly depend on genetic inheritance and the level of male hormones. It happens that in order to grow at least three days of vegetation, you have to try. The strong half of humanity should not despair, because after reading simple tips, you can learn how to grow beautiful stubble.

Why isn't the stubble growing?

To understand why bristles do not grow, one should turn to human physiology. During puberty in young men, the body begins to produce the male hormone - testosterone, and it is during this period that the growth of the first hairs and a fluff on the chin begins. After a young man uses the razor for the first time, the hairs will begin to thicken because the razor promotes vegetation and stubble growth.

A wake-up call will be that the beard is completely absent or has suddenly stopped growing. This is a signal that a hormonal failure has occurred in the body, as a result, the necessary hormone is not produced in sufficient quantities.

The most common causes of impaired testosterone production are:

  • lack of sleep;
  • nervous exhaustion;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • improper nutrition;
  • alcohol and cigarette abuse.

If a young man does not grow stubble in places on his face, you need to contact a specialist to find out if there are any disturbances in the work of the endocrine system.

How to enhance bristle growth?

Lack of dense facial hair does not always signal serious health problems and is often temporary. In order to decide what to do and how to grow stubble on his face, a man should, first of all, think about his lifestyle:

  1. Change your diet. If the beard does not grow well, it is imperative to observe the norm of such an element as zinc. It can be obtained from protein products (meat, cheese, fish, kefir, legumes). You should also eat seafood and nuts, this will help to grow hairs.
  2. Lose weight. When you get rid of those extra pounds, a person's testosterone levels begin to rise significantly and this helps to quickly grow stubble.
  3. To grow stubble, you need to keep your stress levels to a minimum. If the body is under stress for a long time, then it begins to produce cortisol, and it, in turn, blocks the production of testosterone. This prevents light bristles from growing.
  4. Play sports and be more outdoors.
  5. Do not drink alcohol or smoke. Minimize your coffee dose.

These measures will help not only make the bristles grow faster, but also heal the body as a whole.

Cosmetology for stubble growth

In stores and pharmacies, special products are sold to stimulate hair growth, they will help grow a beard, but you need to handle them carefully. The fact is that they are usually designed to grow hair on the head. Before applying them all over your face, start with a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin and see the reaction. After all, you need to think not only about how to grow stubble, but also about safety.

Also, a good way if a man's beard grows poorly is to use burdock oil. It has become famous for a long time and promotes hair growth well. How to quickly grow stubble with burdock oil: steam your face over hot water and apply warm oil to the desired areas, starting from the ears, and leave for 2 hours. During this time, the oil will moisturize and saturate the hair follicle. After the specified time, wash off the oil with a cleanser. It is possible that in a day there will be a slight unshaven of 3 mm.

Using a scrub will also help grow stubble. The tool can be purchased at the store or prepared yourself. This will require ground coffee and honey. Put 2 tablespoons in a bowl. honey and add 2 tsp to it. ground coffee, stir. Apply to cheeks and massage in circular motions for 2-3 minutes. By stimulating blood circulation, hair can grow back much faster.

Folk remedies

If bristles do not grow on the cheeks, folk remedies will help. The most popular of these are decoctions. The following herbs will help you grow a beard:

  • chamomile;
  • burdock;
  • sagebrush;
  • nettle;
  • yarrow;
  • plantain;
  • mint;
  • st. John's wort.

How to do:

To prepare a decoction, you need to take any of the herbs listed and mix it with water in a 1: 2 ratio. Boil for 10 minutes, turn off and let it brew for 12 hours. Wipe your face with a decoction to grow stubble, you need three times a day.

Another effective folk remedy to maintain hairs and grow a beard is a mask made from honey, oatmeal and milk. 1 tsp honey and 2 tbsp. Mix oatmeal with 50 ml of milk and apply on face. Keep the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

A way to increase blood circulation so that the bristles begin to grow faster: take 50 ml of vodka and add 2 pods of red hot pepper to it and let it brew for 6 hours. Then pour the finished tincture into 150 ml of water. Soak a cloth in the tincture and put it on your cheeks. Keep it for no more than 5 minutes to avoid burns. It is better to do the lotion not in the daytime, as the face will turn red.

Secret: What to do to make stubble grow? Avoid sugar intake or eat it in minimal doses. Indeed, with its excess, the hair becomes dull and thin. For best results, replace soda, candy, and candy bars with honey.

  1. To grow beautiful 3-day stubble, it is important to keep your skin well hydrated. It would be useful to use various fatty creams and serums.
  2. Three-day stubble and, moreover, four-day stubble require special care. Light unshaven needs constant trimming and haircut. It is necessary to choose a shape and length that suits the face. Then you will have a trendy stubble.
  3. In order to prevent the hairs from bristling, you should purchase a special gel or wax. They will help you style your hair beautifully and maintain a trendy and stylish look.
  4. It is important not only to grow a beard, but also to make it harmoniously combine with the hair on your head. An electric shaver will help with this.

A beard is a sign of courage and power. She helps a man to express all his strength and brutality. Unshaven men are more likely to attract women. To adorn himself with such a sign of courage and grow stubble, a man just needs to follow these recommendations and enjoy the result.

How to speed up facial hair growth? This question often worries teenage boys. They try to bring closer the moment when they can shave or grow a mustache with a beard. It should be borne in mind that absence at 13 or 16 is not a reason to worry. But if a man is already over 20, and his hair still does not grow, then it is worth thinking about the reasons for smooth skin on his face.

They can be associated with hormonal disorders, lack of vitamins, medication and medication intake, back, etc. Lack of facial hair can be quite normal in men of some nationalities. For example, does the Chinese start growing hair at home only after 30 years? Let's consider several effective ways.

1. With this tool, you can not only accelerate hair growth, but also avoid baldness. How to use castor oil for these purposes? Apply the oil overnight or during the day to clean skin for 3 months. If you want to improve the effect several times, then add camphor to the castor oil. Both of them have a beneficial effect on the hair follicles. Have you decided to use a blend of oils? Then apply it only to clean skin, preferably at night after a shower. The course of treatment is 6 months.

2. What do you need on the face? First of all, hormones influence their presence and structure. The main one for men is testosterone. It is he who affects the sexual function of the stronger sex, and also accelerates hair growth. How to choose the right hormones? It is best to purchase them in stores that sell sports nutrition. They are sold in tablets or ampoules. It is recommended to take pills after meals at night. In this case, it is advisable to go to the gym or jog, otherwise the muscles will feel uncomfortable when a large amount of testosterone enters the body. How to speed up the growth of facial hair if you don't want to take pills? Buy an ampoule of Omnadren or Sustanon. One is enough for about 3 months. It is not recommended to inject the drug yourself, contact a hospital or clinic. To stimulate hair growth, only 1 g will be enough. It is good for the selection of the drug to consult an endocrinologist, he will select the necessary drugs. If you are afraid of fakes, then contact the pharmacy for hormones. You do not need to get too carried away with the courses of admission, since these drugs are addictive.

3. How to accelerate the growth of facial hair? Purchase Minoxidil Lotion. It makes any hair healthy, so it can be applied to the entire hairline. The lotion does not contain hormones. It is colorless and odorless. It should be used with caution by men with dry skin, as it contains alcohol.

4. An important condition for fast hair growth is proper nutrition. It must necessarily be regular, at the same time. The diet should include chicken eggs, cottage cheese, beef, milk, and fermented milk products. Hair begins to grow faster due to the intake of calcium and protein. Be sure to drink vitamin and mineral complexes.

5. How to accelerate the growth of facial hair? Do not wash your face with tap water, but with a decoction of chamomile. You can also use nettle, burdock, plantain. These herbs strengthen each hair and promote increased hair growth. Special masks help to increase facial hair. For example, honey and milk can be used. Mix them into a homogeneous mass, add a handful of oatmeal. Stir all the ingredients again. Apply the mixture to your face for 20 minutes. After the time has passed, rinse thoroughly.

Use the above methods - facial hair in the form of a mustache and beard will not keep you waiting long.

Paradoxically and very annoying, but true: when a man does not wear stubble and has to shave every day, it grows back surprisingly quickly. But as soon as the decision is made to change the image and grow a beard and mustache, acceleration is converted into deceleration. Day after day passes, the razor and shaving brush have long been forgotten, and the beard still does not want to grow. Or worse, it starts to grow back in shreds and in different directions!

Why is this happening, what to do to stimulate the growth of stubble and make the mustache and beard grow quickly and evenly? Is there a safe recipe on how to speed up beard growth that is applicable at home and will actually work? Yes! There is one, and not even one. The best tips and life hacks on how to grow a beautiful and thick beard, if not in a month, then at least in a year, are given by doctors and experienced users.

Scientific background: Good news for anyone dreaming of speeding up hair growth: Scientists have finally discovered a gene that could make hair grow faster. This is the LIPH phospholipase gene, which is involved in the synthesis of the simplest lipids. Lipids, in turn, affect the formation and movement of stem cells, and, consequently, hair growth. To date, it has not yet been possible to synthesize a chemical analogue of this element that can accelerate the process of beard growth several times. But work is underway - accelerating the growth of the beard at 17 and even earlier will no longer be a problem.

Why a beard may not grow

Each phenomenon in the human body has its own reason, nothing just happens. Therefore, if you want to accelerate the growth of stubble on the cheeks and chin, the first thing to do is ask yourself the question: why, in fact, does it not want to grow?

There may be several answers to it. Generally speaking, the rate at which a beard grows and its thickness can depend on two main factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • hormonal background.

Everything depends on genes, and this is a proven fact. If your father, grandfather and great-grandfather never had a lumberjack's beard, it will be difficult for you to find a remedy that will help improve the growth and structure of the beard on the face.

Hormones androgens are responsible for the regulation of human hair growth everywhere, except for the head. These are the same testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. The more of them, the thicker and faster the hair grows on the face, armpits and pubis. But this does not mean that everyone who wants to have a long and beautiful beard can start swallowing hormone pills in batches to increase testosterone. Such actions are extremely dangerous and can lead to irreversible changes in the body. It's another matter if you have a shortage of these hormones and you really need to increase them. However, this is determined only by the doctor after the examination.

Natural ways - tune the body

There is a completely safe and easy way to increase the amount of testosterone in the body. All that is needed for this is physical activity every day. Any bodybuilder will tell you that testosterone is released during exercise. Therefore, by going to the gym regularly, you can not only build muscle mass, but also grow a decent beard. Maybe the process will be slow. But you will only benefit your body, and no harm.

Role of nutrition in stubble growth

Of course, nutrition plays an important role in growing a beard! But not leading. First, deal with genes and hormones, and then move on to adjusting the diet. Foods rich in proteins, certain vitamins and minerals can help promote beard growth.

You need to increase the consumption of meat, fish, eggs, but combine them not with a spicy chili sauce, spicy mayonnaise and a crispy baguette, but with vegetable salad and porridge, for example, buckwheat. All these goodies are washed down not with beer, but with freshly squeezed juice. By the way, it is also better to replace coffee in the morning with juice or at least kefir. As a last resort, drink a quality milk drink no more than 2 cups a day.

If you absolutely want to become like Abraham Lincoln, you should love such a necessary and useful product as nuts. Anyone you like best. Male health experts recommend eating a handful of any nuts a day and drinking at least 7 glasses of clean water without gas. You will quickly notice how not only your stubble is changing, but the whole body.

If the problems with the growth of stubble were precisely in the lack of vitamins, the improvement will not come earlier than in 2-3 months - get ready for this.

Hygiene procedures

Some people think that if you shave more often, your facial hair will grow faster, thicker and darker. It is a myth. They grow faster only for the first few hours, then the process slows down, and for some it even stops. And the hair seems darker and thicker only because at the roots they are really darker and thicker than at the ends. Once the bristles grow back, they will become sparse and thin. So shaving does not affect the rate of hair growth. But alkalis, alcohols and other additives, which are definitely in large quantities in low-quality soap, shaving foam and lotion after it, can destroy the hair follicle and change the structure of the hair itself. Therefore, if you want to quickly become bearded, like Alyosha Popovich, go to a good barbershop and consult a specialist. You will find the best home care products for you and may even be taken under patronage while you grow a beard - not free, of course.

Yes, and one more thing. Stubble should not be shaved often. But you must take care of her! This means that as the hairs grow back, you should begin to form a contour along the upper and lower edges of the future beard, and once every 2-3 weeks, trim the bristles themselves, comb them and lubricate them with oil. Then, in the end, you will get exactly what you dreamed of after a while.

Use of special tools


The easiest way to grow a beard at home is Minoxidil and all preparations that contain it. The easiest way to order such a remedy is on the Internet, but you can also find it in ordinary pharmacies; Minoxidil is sold without a doctor's prescription. What it is, how to use it and is it worth it at all is a separate extensive topic that I described in detail.

In short, this is a composition in the form of a spray or foam, which should be applied to the beard 1-2 times a day for at least 3-4 months. Minoxidil is used only externally, nothing to be taken internally is required. The drug also does not contain any hormones, respectively, there are almost no contraindications either. What is in it then is a natural question.

There are substances that act on the blood vessels that feed the hair follicle. Initially, this drug was developed as a means by which it would be possible to stabilize blood pressure in hypertensive patients. But in the course of testing, doctors noted an interesting side effect: in patients undergoing treatment, hair on the face and head began to grow faster. This is how Minoxidil was discovered - today the most popular remedy for quickly growing a lush beard. More details about the composition and method of application are described in the instructions for the preparation; it is not difficult to find it on the Internet.

And I described the application report.

Folk remedies

The most proven, affordable and safe products are a variety of oils. But they are not taken orally, oils should be smeared on the chin, cheekbones, that is, those areas of the face and neck on which the beard grows poorly or unevenly. They must be warmed up before use. The following oils will become your friends:

  • burdock;
  • castor;
  • almond;
  • coconut;
  • jojoba;
  • olive.

On weekdays, it is convenient to apply oil at night, and in order not to stain the bed linen, it is enough to lay a towel on the pillow. On weekends, the procedure can be repeated in the morning and evening. In any case, the oil is applied to the skin for at least one hour. Only then they carry out hygiene procedures.

It's good if you have the opportunity to massage at least 1-2 times a week. Everything is very simple:

Also see:

  • heat a little coconut, almond, burdock oil in a bowl;
  • apply it to your face;
  • rub in circular, patting and linear movements.

When the bristles begin to grow, it is convenient to use a special comb or comb for massage.

A variety of homemade masks also stimulate the growth of hair follicles and active hair growth. Popular experience recommends the following recipe: beat the egg yolk in a bowl, add a spoonful of honey and the same amount of brandy. Stir the mixture and immediately apply evenly to problem areas.

Thai ointment doesn't work! I checked it myself.

There are also a couple of life hacks that, if not increase the rate of growing a beard, then at least do not slow them down. Remember:

  1. Adequate sleep. This means at least 6 hours for an adult, and it is at night, and not from 5 am to lunchtime. Why is this so important? Because it is during the night period that the activity of hair follicles increases, they better absorb nutrients, and hair grows more intensively. Remember how your mother told you as a child that in a dream you grow up? These are not bedtime stories! This is a fact proven by doctors, so if you want a beard, sleep more. It grows with you.
  2. No stress. Stress, overwork, constant tension - this does not necessarily lead to a heart attack, but it may well lead to baldness. Therefore, even if you cannot immediately grow a beard like Johnny Depp, do not be nervous or envious - everything will work out as soon as you calm down and believe in yourself.

Here's another video with a report on the effectiveness of some of the tools:

Bottom Line: How long does it take to grow stubble and what can you do to get decent facial hair? Nobody can answer this question exactly.
First you need to find out what your genetic inheritance is, then pay attention to the hormonal background. Next, proceed from a combination of such factors:

  • age - the first stubble appears at the age of 15-16, but so far it is liquid and uneven, so if you are still a teenager, you should not even worry that your first mustache grows badly. The peak of hair growth occurs at 20-25 years, and after 35 it decreases;
  • lifestyle - bad habits slow down hair growth and many more important processes in the male body, this fact must be accepted. On the other hand, regular visits to the gym are loyal allies of those who rave about the Hemingway type, and can contribute to the rapid growth of facial hair;
  • nutrition - lack of vitamins and minerals, anemia significantly slows down hair growth and even contributes to hair loss. But hypervitaminosis is no better than vitamin deficiency, this is also a metabolic disorder, which is always bad.

And in conclusion, start using pharmacy and folk remedies to make your beard grow. This can be Minoxidil and all drugs containing it, nicotinic acid and analogues. Or a variety of oils and masks with them in the composition. What else you need is patience. Because even a healthy, young man who leads the correct lifestyle and takes proper care of his face will have a beautiful, uniform and long beard no earlier than 6 months later. It will not work faster to form what you need, even with active growth of bristles.

A luxurious beard is considered a sign of courage and attractiveness. The bristles grow on the face of many men, but the vegetation does not always have the required density and length. With the help of a beard, you can change the shape of your face and give yourself brutality. Many Hollywood actors do just that when they want to change roles. So how to accelerate the growth of stubble on your face and not harm your health?

How to speed up the growth of stubble on your face at 16

“Exercise can help grow stubble on your face. Sport speeds up metabolism and thus improves blood flow to the bulbs. "

Many young men believe that a chic beard will give them attractiveness, but there is one thing, but growing a long beard at this age can be problematic, the reason for this is the low level of testosterone in the blood. Testosterone is the main male hormone responsible for the appearance of facial hair and the intensity of its growth. If the testosterone level is low, then the beard grows slowly and does not have enough thickness. There are several other factors that are responsible for the growth of stubble on a man's face:

  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Good nutrition;
  • Health status;
  • The presence of chronic;
  • The age of the man.

As a man matures and reaches puberty, hair itself begins to grow on his face. The reason for this is the hormones in each puberty occurs individually, mainly between the ages of 18 and 21 years. By this time, the bristles begin to grow actively and require personal care. But sometimes, the growth of facial hair is a little slower than we would like. The first step is to establish the level of testosterone in the blood, for this it is enough to donate blood for analysis.

A thick and long beard is inherited - this is not a myth, but this statement is also difficult to call one hundred percent true. Indeed, the density of the beard also depends on genes. A man may not have abundant facial hair, unlike a father. But this is rare enough.

“It is difficult for blondes to grow a beard because blonde hair is thinner and more brittle. They tend to fall out and often split. "

Poor nutrition and lack in the body has certain consequences. If facial hair grows poorly, then the first step is to pay attention to the diet, give up caffeine and junk food, which negatively affects the body. You can start taking multivitamins to strengthen your immune system.

The presence of chronic diseases can also affect a man's body, we are talking about endocrine disorders that affect metabolism and hair growth.

What is minoxidil and how does it work?

“Minoxidil is included in most scalp hair growth products. But these products can also be used by men who dream of thick facial hair. "

If the question is: "How to accelerate the growth of stubble on the face?" does not give rest, then you can use the means to activate the growth of hair on the head, there are a large number of them and they are all aimed at stimulating the follicles. Minoxidil is a medication and has some side effects that you need to consider before using this remedy:

  • The drug may cause itching and flaking;
  • Allergic reaction;
  • Burning skin in the area of \u200b\u200bapplication of the drug;
  • Heartbeat disorder;
  • The appearance of hair in areas that have not been treated;
  • Swelling on the face may appear;
  • There are jumps.

Minoxidil is most often used in the form of solutions for external use; it is most convenient to treat the face with a spray. In this case, it is necessary to start with the minimum doses in order to avoid the development of an allergic reaction. If there are no rashes and side effects, then you can gradually increase the dosage, reaching those standards that are indicated on the packaging of the drug.

"If unpleasant sensations arose during the treatment of the skin, then it is necessary to suspend the use of the spray or reduce the dosage."

Minoxidil penetrates the skin and dilates blood vessels, thereby increasing the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles. As a result, new stronger and harder hair begins to grow on the face, and the down turns into real stubble.

When carrying out such therapy, one fact should be noted. The beard begins to grow faster in everyone, but the rate of its growth depends on the individual characteristics of the man's body. For some, one week is enough to grow stubble, while others will have to apply the product for a month.

The effectiveness of minoxidil has been proven in clinical trials, but it should not be considered a "magic wand". It is necessary to make some effort and then it will turn out to grow a beautiful and thick beard.

How to speed up the growth of facial hair at home

“You just need to wash your face with cold water several times a day. This will help improve blood microcirculation and grow a beard faster. ”

There are several methods that can help stimulate facial hair growth and the question of how to accelerate hair growth will disappear by itself. But they all require regular use, only in this case the effect of the procedures performed will be satisfactory.

You need to take care of your hair and then the stubble on the face will begin to grow faster. It is enough to apply burdock oil to the face skin with a cotton swab. This will help accelerate hair growth, nourish the follicles and skin, due to which the bristles begin to grow more actively. If the beard has already reached an impressive size, then you can wash it using a shampoo based on burdock oil.

In addition, you need to use a conditioner, any hair care product is suitable, you need to apply the product to your hair after washing, so it will become softer and more manageable.

It is recommended to comb the beard regularly so that the hair does not get tangled, if we are talking about dense vegetation on the face, it is better to use a comb with wide teeth in order not to damage the structure and hair shaft.

"The beard grows for about three to four weeks during this time the stubble on the face becomes noticeable and you can begin to care for the beard with the available tools."

Eucalyptus is a good care product for the face and bristles; it is enough to mix ordinary water with oil in a ratio of 1 to 4 and apply it to the skin with a cotton swab. This will speed up the growth of facial hair and help the man to become the owner of a thick and long beard faster.

While watching the video, you will learn how to raise testosterone in men.

Most men believe that frequent shaving will speed up facial hair growth, but this is not the case. Shaving your skin regularly with a razor can cause serious damage to your skin. As a result, the growth of the beard will slow down and the hairs will begin to grow into the skin of the face. Therefore, if you want to let go of the beard in the future, then you must carefully monitor the standing of the skin, nourish and moisturize the face with the help.

Many factors affect the quality of vegetation.

Frequent visits to the sauna or bath will help improve hair growth.

An alternative option is a steam bath for the face. A handful of a mixture of herbs (chamomile, sage, nettle) is added to boiling water.

You need to tilt your face over a bowl of water, throw a towel over your head. The session lasts 7-10 minutes, then the beard is washed with shampoo.

Decoctions of herbs can easily replace purchased lotions to moisturize and stimulate the skin. For light hair, chamomile or lime color is suitable, for dark hair - tea leaves, horse chestnut, nettles.

A tablespoon of raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for about half an hour, then filtered and used for rinsing and lotions.

Suitable cosmetics and medicines

At the pharmacy or beauty store, you can buy products that can significantly affect hair growth. One of the most popular -... The drug is suitable for those with bald patches.

The product stimulates the dormant follicles, the hairs are strengthened, look stronger and healthier. The drug is applied to the skin with massaging movements. The dosage depends on the condition of the vegetation, it is better to consult a trichologist or cosmetologist before use.

However, one cannot ignore the side effects, the list of which is quite extensive. These can be used only under the supervision of a specialist, in the absence of contraindications.

With due diligence, it is not so difficult for a man to grow a beard. Almost any member of the stronger sex is able to grow a small beard or shedding stubble. Age, thickness and color of hair will not be an obstacle, success depends only on consistency, careful and impeccable accuracy. And now you know how to increase the growth of a beard at home.