Preparer for forged gates for painting. Metal aging options by decorative painting

The gates guarding the car in the garage, or the entrance to the courtyard, need regular maintenance and restoration. Gate painting is done not only for aesthetic appearance. It is important to protect the metal from corrosion damage. It is necessary to choose the right paint and prepare the iron sheets and forged items... At the same time, you create and original view gate.

Dross and rust on iron gates

The word "gate" itself means that the structure is outside under the influence of moisture and temperature changes. It protects against illegal entry into the garage and yard. Therefore, the gate must be strong and easy to open. You need to take care of them: grease awnings, cover protective compounds the entire surface.

My friend built his house and the next summer came to me with a question of painting the iron gates. Over the course of a year, they all lost their attractive appearance, began to get covered with corrosion. The paint peeled off at the edges and joints. Various designs required restoration:

  • sheet steel garage;
  • forged at the entrance to the courtyard.

Vadik wanted to do everything with his own hands. I told him the main stages of painting the gate:

  1. Clean the structure from dust and dirt, wash it well and dry it.
  2. Remove rust.
  3. Degrease the entire surface.
  4. Cover with a metal primer.
  5. Apply fresh exterior paint on metal.
  6. Decorate the gate if desired.

Each of the operations can be simplified by using special means and tools. Discussion different options my friend and I got busy.

Garage doors made of sheet metal

Vadik brought in a garden hose with various attachments. First, he washed off the dust and adhering debris with a stream of water. Then he sprayed the cleaning solution. The leaf gates had practically no transitions. With an ordinary brush, they walked with him on all planes, washing away dirt and oil stains.

The weather was good. The water with which we washed off the rest of the solution quickly dried up. Then we arranged a competition. Vadik was cleaning one sash with a wire brush. The second one I cleaned with a drill with sandpaper nozzles.

The dust was removed with a vacuum cleaner. On the manual way did not bother with a broom and a sponge. My friend was tired of brushing.

The primer for metal was applied with our own hands, with brushes. Diligently smeared:

  • welding places;
  • around awnings, handles, castle;
  • ends;
  • joints of sheets.

Covered the entire surface. In places of doubt, we walked twice. Do not forget the handles. The entire surface was completely dry only the next day. Painted with hammer paint. Used a spray gun.

The walls around the gate were covered with foil. We don't need paint there. The awnings were greased with grease. Opened and closed several times iron gate... Then the excess grease was wiped dry. The lock was sealed with tape.

Difficulty cleaning forged items

The wrought-iron gates at the entrance to the courtyard had many twisted and bent elements with big amount hard-to-reach places... They were near the road and were heavily splashed with mud by passing cars.

If possible, we washed them first with a strong pressure of water from a hose. Then the cleaning solution was sprayed. We attached round nylon brushes to the drill. Our wives wash these cans inside. We washed away almost all the dirt. Residues were removed with water.

An inhibitor and modifier will make it easier to clean the gate

Paint the iron gates quickly

We did not sand the rust in the gate structure with a large number of hard-to-reach places. Vadik asked me to tell him about other easy DIY methods of cleaning corrosion. I took a pre-purchased two-component anti-corrosion compound out of the trunk:

  • modifier enters chemical reaction with iron oxide, and changes its formula to inactive;
  • the inhibitor inhibits the processes of combining with oxygen and the formation of corrosion.

The two substances are packaged in different containers and mixed immediately before use.

After applying the rust modifier, Vadik walked with his hands on all surfaces with a round metal brush, called the "witch". He fixed it to the drill and set it to medium speed. For cleaning complex design a metal gate my friend spent a couple of hours.

Hammer paint

We produce high-quality painting of iron gates

We covered the base with hammer paint. Two actions could be combined. Commercially available paints, which include modifiers and inhibitors. After application, the surface has a glossy appearance. But in places badly damaged by corrosion, rough spots remain.

Iron gates can be painted with different colors:

  • nitro enamel dries quickly, but is aggressive to all other materials and does not last long;
  • oil quickly collapses under the influence of moisture and ceases to protect the metal;
  • alkyd resistant, but emit toxic substances;
  • acrylic is unstable to temperature fluctuations and loses its appearance;
  • hammer has an original look, resistant to moisture.

We settled on hammer paint. The silicone resin base makes it flexible. It penetrates the cracks. After drying, metal pigments and synthetic fibers form a hard film with a pattern of small stains on the surface. It can cover even iron that has not been cleaned from rust.

High paint resistance is used in machine tool construction. There, it can withstand the effects of not only water, but oil, emulsion, hot chips. Appearance lasts for several years.

Imitation of different types of forging

For decorative design Vadik and I used paints that imitate a textured, forged surface. They were nicknamed the Molotovs. They have a golden and silver hue, yellow and white.

Having chosen the colors according to the theme of the drawing, my friend and I began to paint curls and spirals with thin brushes. Vadik decided to turn the gate into an element of architectural decor.

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Paint used in artistic forging

Since art forging products are made from a steel profile, which tends to quickly rust, it becomes necessary to apply protective coating.

Forged products have certain features, namely:

  • - they are made from ordinary steel, which does not form oxide film and therefore rusts;
  • - they are used and mounted both outdoors and indoors;
  • - they have a large number of connecting joints between parts;
  • - they are often made from a metal bar that does not have a smooth surface.

These features impose their own requirements on the choice of paint.

1. The paint must contain anti-corrosion agents to prevent rust. If interior forging is practically unaffected by atmospheric phenomena, then various visors, weather vane, gates, fences and other exterior forging experience all the delights of the weather.

2. The paint must be sufficiently resistant to physical stress - ie. do not flake off, do not wear out and do not scratch at the slightest touch.

3. For products located outdoors, the paint must be resistant to a wide range of temperatures - not crack at temperatures below -40 and not spread at temperatures above +40.

4. The paint must be UV resistant and retain its color in any case.

5. The paint must be non-toxic both during drying and when dry. If for products that are outdoors, this parameter not too important, then for forged productsstaying at home is extremely important. The smell of paint causes many allergic reactions, dizziness and nausea. In addition, the painting of products most often occurs in closed room, therefore, for the safety of workers, it must have minimal toxicity in liquid state... and

6. The paint must have good plasticity and be easy to apply. Many joints and welds must be well painted over to avoid rust.

7. The paint should be evenly applied on uneven surface.
To give originality to an artistic forging product, a "patina" is often applied over the main color - a special dye to give the forged products an antique effect. When applying “patina”, the base paint should not change its properties and lose color.

Dyeing process art products made of metal comes down to several intermediate stages:

  1. stripping (the best is sandblasting),
  2. degreasing,
  3. application protective film (phosphating, zinc plating or nickel plating)
  4. applying primer,
  5. application of the main paint and varnish composition of the desired color.

Now many people reduce the process of painting products to two stages - cleaning and applying paint. This has become possible thanks to new dyeing technologies and new paint formulations. Some formulations allow paint to be applied even to rusty surfaces, such as Hammerite alkyd styrene based paints.

As for the types of painting, figuratively they can be divided into 2 types:
- powder spraying, which requires special chambers;
- painting with liquid paints, which are applied with ordinary rollers, brushes or spray guns.

Powder spraying requires baking the polymer in special ovens at a high temperature in the range of 148-180 degrees Celsius. And since the furnace has a limited space, the spraying of bulky and voluminous forged gratings with polymer becomes problematic. But at the same time, a strong, even polymer layer is created on the forged product. It is good to use this color on large surfaces with a small number of joints and openwork elements, since otherwise the granules do not completely fill the multi-joint nodes, and the polymer film there will be thin and not very strong, which can lead to the rolling of the protective coating in these places when installation.

Liquid paints suitable for all surfaces, but their consumption is much higher, especially when painting large openwork through products (for example, a fence or "open" gates). Besides liquid paints more toxic. But at the same time there is a guarantee that all joints and elements will be painted over completely. In addition, some liquid paints, when cured, also form a durable polymer film that is not inferior in quality to a powder coating.

Conventionally, paints can be divided into the following:

1.Emulsion paints... This group includes all oil and alkyd paints.
Alkyd paints are paints based on organic solvents. The most common solvent for such paints is white spirit (refined kerosene). Alkyd paints can withstand wet cleaning using conventional detergents. They also protect metal surfaces well from corrosion and wear both indoors and outdoors. If you need to get a glossy finish, then again these paints are chosen. Application alkyd paints justified when it is necessary to convey the full saturation of the selected color to the forged product. The paints of this group also have disadvantages. They take longer to dry than acrylics and are more toxic.
The best representatives of this family of paints are the Finnish paint Tikkurila.
Our company regularly uses a wide range of paints from this Finnish company.

2.Water-dispersed paints... Including acrylic paints.
The main advantage of such paints is low toxicity and fire safety.

For painting metal surfaces, the German company specially developed WS-Plast acrylic paint. The resulting paint composition has excellent adhesion to many metal surfaces and hard polymers, due to which the service life of such coatings can reach 6-8 years or more. Most of the forging companies that make premium forged products use this brand of paint to paint these products. If you need to get matte surface, it is better than acrylic paints to find. WS-Plast acrylic paints are said to highlight the craftsmanship of the blacksmith.

3.NitroenamelsThe main advantage of such paints is the speed of drying. But the disadvantages are very significant - high toxicity and the need for perfect preparation metal surface before painting, which is very problematic for forging.

Many companies have appeared on the Russian market offering blacksmith paint with various properties, therefore, knowing what criteria paint for artistic forging should have, choosing the right one will not be difficult.

Nowadays decorative elements from metal occupy one of the leading places in the design of interiors and exteriors. And thanks to the use of forged elements that are distinguished by their special beauty and originality, metal jewelry in design projects becomes almost irreplaceable.

One of distinctive features forged metal products is their wear resistance and durability. But, despite this, like any metal products, forged elements are susceptible to negative atmospheric effects, and as a result, the appearance of rust. To prevent such situations, as well as to give them a more spectacular look and correspond to the designer's creative idea, forged elements are covered with special decorative or protective compounds, in other words, they are painted.

How to prepare forging for dyeing

Before starting painting, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the forged product from rust. This is usually done with a regular metal brush. A more expensive, but also better way of cleaning products from rust is sandblasting.

After cleaning from rust and removing dust and dirt from the product, a primer layer is applied, which ensures further high-quality application and retention of the paint layer on the metal. When choosing a primer, you should pay attention to the fact that it would be intended specifically for metal surfaces.

Painting options

The painting of metal forged products is conventionally divided into four main types:

  • Regular (budget) painting;
  • Textured (blacksmith's) painting;
  • Powder coating;
  • Electrostatic painting.

Let's consider the features of each type of painting in more detail.

Regular painting. As a rule, ordinary oil or nitro paint is used to paint forged products. Applied to the product with a brush or spray. Differs in low, in comparison with others, price. Possesses minimal anti-corrosion properties. When used outside buildings, it requires a coating with a special anti-corrosion compound to protect the product from rust.

Textured (blacksmith's) painting. Textured paint differs from the usual one in increased anti-corrosion properties, but for outdoor use it also requires the application of an anti-corrosion coating. Tests show that some species textured paints protect metal from corrosion for 6-7 years, after which the coating must be renewed. The main advantage of textured paints over conventional paints is their decorative properties.

Textured paints give products a rich, sophisticated color and unique shade. Mostly used for painting wrought iron elements indoors.

Electrostatic painting. The most durable, reliable type of painting forged products, but at the same time the most expensive. Accordingly, really expensive, unique products are subjected to electrostatic painting. Possesses excellent anti-corrosion properties. It is applied in the factory. Not used in everyday life.

Powder paint for wrought iron

The advantages of powder paints over others are undeniable, they are environmental friendliness, efficiency and durability. Technology powder painting significantly different from other methods. The name of the paint speaks for itself: painting is done by applying a powder on a special resinous base to the metal. The advantages of powder coatings:

  • A wide range of colors and shades;
  • High strength and wear resistance;
  • Content of only environmentally friendly components;
  • Low percentage of material waste when painting;
  • No need for special preparation of painted surfaces;
  • High anti-corrosion properties.

As with any materials, powder paints have a number of disadvantages:

  1. The impossibility of "finishing painting", which allows them to be used only on finished, solid products;
  2. Restriction of use on non-standard forms;
  3. Difficulty of applying at home.

Typically, powder paints are applied to finished goods, for example, forged furniture, in the factory

Painting of barbecues and fireplace grates

Special attention should be paid to the issue of coloring products exposed to high temperatures. Such products include barbecues, etc. For such purposes, special heat-resistant paints are used that can withstand a temperature range of 600-8000C. These paints are characterized by an environmentally friendly composition that prevents emission harmful substances under the influence of high temperatures. These paints include organosilicon enamels and special heat-resistant powder paints. In the factory, the method of oxidation or bluing is used.

How to paint the gate, if you ordered an untreated structure from the manufacturer or decided to renew the flaps damaged by corrosion with peeling coating? In the first case, everything is simple. It is enough to remove the dust and first apply a layer of primer.

Photo # 1: the procedure for painting the gate with a spray gun

Let's talk in more detail about re-painting metal doors. From the article you will learn:

  • how to clean and prime the surface;
  • pick up paint;
  • apply a drawing on the gate by airbrushing.

Preparatory work

As we have already said, you need to start work with cleaning the surface from dirt. Choose a method based on the state of the material and budget. Unfortunately, if the metal is rusted to holes, no measure can save it. We'll have to completely replace the sashes, this is an excellent reason to buy sliding gates - comfortable, modern, practical.

Surface cleaning

Since the topcoat will only lay evenly on a clean, grease-free surface, you will need to first remove traces:

Budget cleaning method

To inexpensively remove old paint and dirt, you need:

  • conventional spray bottle;
  • metal brush;
  • sandpaper No. 60;
  • white spirit or gasoline;
  • rags.

You will spend 8-12 hours manually cleaning the doors. The advantage is in minimal costs... The procedure is as follows.

  1. Wash the gate with a stiff brush. Let the metal dry.
  2. Remove old flaking paint with a wire brush.
  3. Sand the unevenness of the remaining coating.
  4. Degrease the surface with petrol or white spirit.

Important! It is required to clean from rust and traces of old paint not only the sashes, but also all fasteners and locking elements, as well as the frame.

Mechanized cleaning of metal from rust

You can paint iron gates after a simpler one, mechanized way cleaning. To work, you need one of the following tools.

Photo # 2: metal brushes are used for mechanical cleaning of old paint

  • Screwdriver with brush attachment. Easily copes with the task of removing old paint and traces of corrosion. The minus of the tool is in battery operation. The screwdriver discharges quickly, you will have to wait until the next start.
  • Sanding machine. Great alternative sandpaper. The cost of such a tool is small - from 2000 rubles. The equipment is powered by the network.
  • Grinder with a metal brush. Brass brush tips are suitable for removing old paint. If a it comes for stubborn dirt, pick up a brush with intertwined threads. Wear gloves and a mask.
  • Sandblasting. The most expensive and difficult cleaning option. To remove dirt and traces of the old coating, the gate is removed from the hinges. If you apply a layer of paint according to technology on a previously cleaned surface, it will last up to 6 years.

Chemical cleaning

As a rule, separately chemical cleaning do not use. And really to do beautiful gate for giving or country house, it is better to play it safe and remove a layer of old paint before exposing the sash to a reagent. This will ensure maximum adhesion of the paint to the metal.

The ideal composition for removing rust is Hammerite paint and its analogues. Before applying, degrease the surface with white spirit and wash the flaps with acetone. It is simple to check whether the metal is degreased well: attach thin paper to the sash. If the grease stain does not appear on the sheet, proceed to staining.

Rust neutralizer

Now we will describe how to use a chemical remover before finishing painting the product.

Photo No. 3: Ferum-3 rust neutralizer (Ukraine)

  1. Apply the reagent to a wire brushed surface. Use a wash with a gel-like consistency - it has better coverage.
  2. Cover the sash plastic wrap - the resulting greenhouse effect will accelerate the process of paint removal.
  3. Wait half an hour and remove the old coating with a spatula. Reuse reagent if necessary.

Choice of paint and primer for the gate

Now we will tell you which primer is better to use and what paint to paint the gate. It is important that the topcoat meets the following requirements:

  • good covering ability;
  • enhanced adhesion to metal;
  • lack of components that oxidize iron;
  • high moisture resistance;
  • high rate of elasticity;
  • resistance to mechanical stress.

Several types of paints for metal on the market meet these requirements.

  • Organosilicon enamel. Differs in high strength properties and elasticity. Resistant to moisture. Adheres well to metal. All organic silicon enamels have anti-corrosive properties.
  • Alkyd enamel. Elastic and durable. Suitable for exterior decoration... Available in a wide range of colors.
  • Hammer paint. It is convenient because the coating does not need to be cleaned and primed before application. Provides excellent water and dirt repellent effect. It is applied from a spray gun under pressure.
  • Acrylic enamel. With its help, you can beautifully paint any type of gate - swing, sectional, sliding. Withstands large temperature drops, is not afraid of moisture and chemical substances, resistant to atmospheric phenomena.

Popular paint brands

Now let's consider the most popular brands of metal coloring compositions.

Metal primer

Remember, a coat of primer is required before applying paint to protect the surface from corrosion and provide better adhesion. topcoat with metal. For work, you can use:

  • ship red lead;
  • silverware;
  • phosphating primer VL-02;
  • red lead metal;
  • soil for metal GF-021.

Photo # 6: 3-in-1 metal primer

Use a sprayer to apply the primer evenly. After that, you can proceed to finishing.

Color selection

Since everyone has different tastes, the shade of the future gate depends only on the preferences of the garage owner. The most popular are green, burgundy, brick and blue colors... For the convenience of selection, we place the shade palette.

Photo # 7: paint palette for metal

Staining tools

It is better to paint the gate using:

  • spray gun - allows you to apply the coating in an even layer, without drips;
  • roller - reduces work time, but leaves strips that have to be rolled several times;
  • brushes - increases paint consumption, complicates the procedure.

Sequence of work

Paint metal gate consistently from top to bottom, observing the following recommendations:

  • cover surfaces that do not need to be painted with masking tape or tape;
  • overlap one layer with another to hide the transitions;
  • wait for the layer to dry and paint over the dotted areas;
  • paint over the hinges, grooves and latches with a thin brush;
  • apply a second coat after the first one is completely dry (the recommended time is indicated on the paint package).

Important! Do not apply more paint than necessary. A thick layer reduces the strength properties of the material. The optimal number of layers is 2.

Temperature regime

Image No. 1: properties of enamels and varnishes

What happens if you ignore the advice on temperature regime? In 8 cases out of 10:

  • the paint will swell;
  • the color will turn out to be dull, with transitions;
  • drips and sagging will appear.

How to paint the gate beautifully?

The airbrushing method allows you to beautifully paint the gate. To work, you need an airbrush - a device similar to a spray gun, but more functional.

Photo # 8: This is how working with an airbrush looks like

Before drawing a drawing, stock up on a sketch and paints. Where can I find a sketch? You can choose an image on the Internet or develop it yourself.

Sequence of work.

  1. Transfer the contours of the future image according to the sketch. To do this, use paper templates.
  2. To convey the depth of the picture, alternate light and dark shades paints.
  3. Work on small details.
  4. Cover the drawing with varnish for a shine and realistic look.

Examples of work performed by airbrushing are presented below. Such patterns can be applied to sliding, swing and sectional garage doors.

Photo No. 9: Sports car at the garage door (airbrush)

Photo No. 10: sea \u200b\u200bwaves on the garage door (airbrushing)

No artist talent? Here is an option that is available to everyone, regardless of skill level.

Photo # 11: Flag of Canada on the garage door

A simple spray gun and a paper stencil were used for the work.