Instructions for organizing backup power supply for a country house - devices and diagram. Back-up power supply at home: UPS, generator, auto start Generator for back-up power supply of a country house

The review can be useful to all kinds of summer residents and users of country houses (and maybe not only country houses), in places with frequent power outages ...

At the moment, you can buy an inverter directly from the factory a little cheaper than using the link indicated in the review header - a link will be posted at the bottom of the review.

Instead of a preface
For several years I moved to live in a dacha (I just like it), and faced the problem of periodic power outages. The reasons were various and the lack of power of the transformer in SNT (knocked out) and various works, etc.
It is clear that these problems did not please me, especially if you consider that, like most summer residents, I have water from the well, and if the power is turned off, it simply does not exist: (Well, in the cold season, the boiler may turn off without power supply, all these flashlights are tired / candles ...
I began to look for solutions to this problem.
The first options were to install solar panels / wind turbines (collecting information) ... But the price + payback of this enterprise was very frightened. Rather, such a solution is relevant for those who do not have access to grid electricity AT ALL, while the costs make sense, as commensurate with the connection to grid sources. In my case, regular shutdowns for several hours, it turned out to be too expensive and unprofitable.
The option with benzo and diesel generators was considered (most neighbors use a similar option), but it has a number of disadvantages, in comparison with the idea that was born, to use only "part" of the solar power supply system at home! Well that is use the existing 220V network instead of solar panels to charge the batteries, and consume the charge in the absence of the main one from the batteries.
Well, in short, the final version of the scheme turned out to be quite far from the solar power supply scheme :) But on the other hand, it is MUCH cheaper and simpler, and even benzo and diesel generators are cheaper

The scheme has worked successfully for over one year!
The elements of the circuit are
Inverter with UPS and external battery control / charging (in my case, the inverter is 1500W (3000W peak) - in some Chinese sources the figure of 3000W of peak load up to 4 minutes appeared, I did not check it, I don’t know :) Rather, the type of check (accidentally) turned out, but I don’t presume to judge how correct this is - I will describe the details below.

Below in the photo there will be a 2000W inverter (bought by a neighbor) and mine for 1500W, so different stickers with power will appear.
Actually viewed from all sides :)

In front there are two control dial indicators (there are modifications) with indication of the 220v network (at the exit), level 12V and indicators of the operating mode (charge / operation from the network; "Faule" - the "emergency" mode, this mode is activated for a short time during switching and malfunctions in the network, after which it returns to normal; signaling of the inverter power on).
It may be worth noting that when the inverter is turned off, the transmission of the network continues through it. And one more feature (I would say "cant") - during the work I noticed that the 12V indication is not always an indication of the battery charge. If you make the initial turn on WITHOUT a battery at all - 12 V will be supplied from the internal converter and therefore the readings will still be 12 V, although there will be no battery as such. In short, it is with 12v indication that it is not entirely clear , now I asked the representative of the plant what he can answer.

This is the kit supplied ...

In theory, everyone chooses the power of the inverter according to their intended load, I started from the average monthly consumption, recalculated taking into account the possible peak at the time of starting the pump motor. It should be borne in mind that it makes no sense to supply ALL electrical consumers.since a couple of hours you can safely tolerate the lack of water heating by heaters, a washing machine, a refrigerator (it will not thaw out practically in a day)

The lower the total power, the lower the power required by the inverter and the lower the battery capacity (for the same operating time) - this REALLY allows you to significantly reduce the cost of creating an emergency power supply.

In my case, an inverter with a modified sine wave is used (it is somewhat cheaper). In the case of connecting (for example) a refrigerator, boilers for heating (pumps - you need to read the documentation) and other devices that require a PURE sine wave (usually these are devices with asynchronous motors), you need to choose a slightly more expensive inverter that produces a "pure sine wave" (not forgetting about the functions UPS and charge, if you are interested in AUTOMATIC switching to emergency power and vice versa).

My pump for a well also "loves" a pure sinusoid, but I proceeded from the fact that I have it with a hydraulic accumulator (a tank of 24 liters), and its operations are relatively short-lived. During this time, the pump does not have time to heat up and go into protection (by the way, thermal protection seems to be installed on everyone).
In practice, once the pump went into defense, when in the summer the pump was constantly on (the garden was watered) and the wife did not notice that the emergency power was turned on :) How long it worked before the protection was triggered is unknown :) I did not conduct special experiments.

Also, do not forget about the very large current passing through 12v, so the connection of the inverter to the battery should be made with a very large cross section (it is easy to estimate that in my case the current can exceed 100A at full load).
In general, I would advise choosing a 24V inverter and supplying power from two batteries (to reduce currents) to users expecting to use a significant load!

Car battery (I bought with a margin of 190 A * h).

As it turned out during operation, for me this capacity is too redundant - in real life, in almost 5 hours of battery operation, the readings of the built-in battery voltage meter did not change noticeably. At the same time, lighting was turned on in a couple of rooms, a street TV and two TVs for 24 "and 38", a laptop 17 ", (water was turned on if necessary) and maybe something else ... + it was quite possible to earn extra money with various hand power tools.

I decided to buy special batteries (whether traction or gel), because the inverter has control over the battery charge, and unlike "solar technologies" does not produce it below its "normal discharge", and the price is noticeably different.
In support of my assumptions: I did not measure a new one (I am almost sure that when measuring, there would not be 190 A * h, but recently I decided to check the residual capacity after a year of use and was pleasantly surprised :)

For a more optimal connection, I divided all the wiring of the cottage into two parts (in an electrical box):
-One part goes directly from the network, and is not backed up by an emergency source - electric water heaters, a washing machine, a refrigerator and other rather energy-intensive consumers, without which you can easily "live" for several hours.
-the second part is connected from the box through a cable to a regular plug, so that, if necessary, it can be plugged into a nearby outlet (at the same time, the inverter and battery are easily excluded from the circuit), this may be needed, for example, if an inverter, battery fails or for their service.
At the same time, the output inverter already has a pre-installed standard socket, to which the plug with consumers requiring backup power is connected.
I got it like this.

You need to keep in mind (in mind) some safety precautions when choosing a location and installation (not exactly like mine - it was done more for testing, but so far it has remained, as they say, there is nothing more permanent than "temporary" :))

The circuit is triggered when 220V is disconnected (or the parameters are changed above / below the permissible) - it switches to power supply from the battery, while a small noise is heard from the cooling fan of the inverter (depending on the number of consumers connected at the moment) and the operating mode indication on the front panel lights inverter. When the network appears, it switches back to the 220 network and the fan noise increases, while the battery is recharging. There are practically no "shocks" in the house, I do not feel any discomfort from the loss of the network and I can not even tell right away (when the neighbors call on the phone and ask) - is there "light" or not :)

The placement of sinusoids and other technical nuances in this review is considered optional. review for practical application rather than process study ...
Below is a photo of the insides of the inverter.

Comparison of "my" backup power scheme with similar ones on gasoline and diesel generators:

+ lower cost
+ no noise
+ no smell
+ automatic switch to backup power
+ no problems when starting in summer or winter (especially important when starting by women)
+ no need for a separate storage room (and possibly use) - it takes up one shelf on the veranda.
+ no need to purchase, deliver, store fuel

Limited continuous operation time, dependent on load and battery capacity.

± Controversial points, this is the alteration of the wiring and the disconnection of some consumers, because you can connect ALL and not alter anything, but you may need a more powerful inverter (possibly with a "pure" sine), a capacious battery (most likely the use of two in series and a 24V inverter to reduce currents in low-voltage circuits).

Conclusion: Quite a working scheme, I (and my wife) at least quite satisfied.

As promised, about working with overload.

On NG, he left for St. Petersburg to his friends, and an adult son remained "to guard the farm". I have wood heating (a stove with glass was specially installed, etc.). The son "in the process" could not find a "common language" with her and he lacked warmth. As a result, he plugged a 1.5-2kW oil cooler into an outlet that was powered through an inverter. Well, on the very NG, there were power outages for several hours (either the voltage sagged, then it disappeared and appeared, in short, there were specific switches).
This resulted in a load on my 1500 (3000) inverter of 1.5-2kW electric heater, light, TV, 800W water pump (when turned on several times, the excess), light, etc.

Well, the inverter could not stand such a prolonged mockery :) But as it turned out later, only the relay contacts burned out - after the replacement, everything worked again :)

In the process of "mastering" the circuitry of this inverter, it turned out to "go out" to the manufacturer, who kindly provided the logic for troubleshooting this inverter.
I posted it on my website. I did not find the ability to store files here link to archive

Well, as promised at the beginning of the review where to buy such an inverter cheaper (and there are others there too) factory referencewho starts shipping a similar inverter and other electronics it produces for RETAIL. Buying from this link is somewhat cheaper, because without intermediaries

Nothing could be worse than turning off the lights in winter. Any of the suburban residents, sooner or later, is faced with a situation when the lights go out, the borehole pump stops pumping water, and the heating system batteries cool down before our eyes. Time to use the backup power!

But there is another solution to the problem of power outages: a backup power system at home, or for short - PSA.

For the correct choice of such a power system, it is necessary to understand how it differs from the autonomous power supply system (SAP).

Andrey-AA, New Moscow.

The PSA is used when connected to the main power grid. When the main power is turned off, the backup power supply "picks up" the main consumers of electricity: a borehole pump, a boiler, a refrigerator, a computer, a TV and other electrical equipment. SAP is the main power supply system for the home, used in the complete absence of the main power grid.

Let's move on to choosing a backup power system. According to Andrey-AAThere are 4 main types of home backup power.

  • If the network is disconnected for a short time, but in total for more than 10 hours per month, then the system consisting of an inverter, a charger and a battery pack charged from the network will be optimal.

An inverter is a DC-current converter from batteries into an alternating single-phase voltage of 220V, from which the equipment in the house operates.

  • If the network is disconnected for less than 10 hours a month, then a system from an electric generator with an internal combustion engine (ICE) equipped with an automatic start system is more profitable.
  • If the network is disconnected often and for a long time, or when the voltage in the network is too low, then the optimal system is consisting of a generator, battery pack, charger and inverter.

Autonomous power supply systems are built on a similar principle, but higher power requirements are imposed on them.

  • If the required power can be limited to 1-1.5 kW, then a car with an inverter connected to it can be used as a backup power system.

Let's dwell on the third option in more detail. User with nickname galexy456provides a step-by-step plan for creating a budgetary backup power system for your home.

1 Two cables are inserted into the electrical panel from the utility room. The first cable is required to supply electricity to the inverter. The second is to transfer electricity from the inverter to the house.


I have a small shield mounted on the street, in which the automatic transfer switch is implemented, or in abbreviated form ATS

ATS is an automatic switch of one load to two supply lines - the main and the reserve.

2 We put an inverter, batteries in the utility room and switch all devices.

Inverters are of two main types - with a sine at the output (the best option) and with the so-called "modified sine". If the inverter produces a "modified sine", then some devices when connected to it may fail due to a high level of frequency harmonics in the power supply - 150Hz, 250Hz, 350Hz, etc.

In the event of a power outage, such a system works as follows. ATS independently and quickly - so that the devices do not have time to turn off, switches the power supply from the main to the backup.

Now all connected power consumers continue to operate on batteries and inverter. If the power supply is absent for more than 5-6 hours, then, without waiting for the complete discharge of the batteries (this greatly shortens their service life), to continue the uninterruptible power supply, you must manually start the generator.

There are backup power systems with an automatic generator start installed in a heated utility room and equipped with a forced exhaust gas outlet. The main disadvantage of such PSAs is their high price.


After starting the generator, the inverter transfers the load to power the devices from it and at the same time begins to charge the batteries. Thus, the operating time of the system is extended and the motor resource of the generator is saved. it does not work continuously.

It must be remembered that the generator should be started after the battery capacity is used up by about 30-60%.

Any, even the most advanced and expensive backup power system, first of all, teaches to save energy resources in the house, because the operating time of the backup power supply system at home directly depends on this.

Forum users advise:

  • replace all bulbs in the house with energy-saving ones;
  • lay a second, backup power line, to which, in the event of a power outage, you can connect the most necessary equipment in the house;
  • how to insulate the house to reduce heating costs;
  • when the backup power system is working, do not use powerful electrical appliances: an iron, an electric kettle, a vacuum cleaner.


Turning on a hair dryer, kettle or iron for 3-7 minutes will not strongly discharge the batteries, but it is better not to allow ironing or working with a powerful power tool.

To build a PSA, the load in the house can be conditionally divided into three parts:

  1. Heating.
  2. Water heaters.
  3. Devices requiring mandatory backup power supply, namely:
  • lighting;
  • circulating heating pumps;
  • borehole pump and pumping station;
  • computer;
  • refrigerator, TV, Internet.

Also, a car can be used as a backup power system. This requires:

  1. Purchase an inverter with a sinusoidal output for 12-220 V with a power of up to 2 kW with overcurrent or power protection.
  2. FORUMHOUSE website users can learn how to make their own power system. All information on the calculation is collected in this diary. Automatic "from A to Z" is described in this topic.

    And this video shows you how an inverter and battery pack can increase the electrical power in your home.

In the work of the power supply of a cottage or a country house, power outages often occur, especially at a great distance from megacities. To provide an autonomous backup power supply, many effective devices and circuits are offered today that protect household appliances and high-tech equipment that are sensitive to voltage surges. It is easy to imagine how the owners of houses feel in the outback during the cold season when the electricity is cut off, especially if the autonomous heating system and all electrical appliances are working on it. To solve this problem, it is worth installing a backup power supply in the house.

Ways to Eliminate Power Outages

Turning off the power line is inconvenient, and many options have been developed to prevent many of the problems associated with power outages. Experts recommend not to deny yourself all the blessings of civilization, especially since nothing needs to be invented - devices for backup power supply at home are on sale. They are designed to become an alternative source that will provide electricity in the amount that will ensure the operation of the main electrical appliances for a long time:

  • security and fire protection systems;
  • forced ventilation and air conditioning;
  • starting a solid fuel boiler;
  • pumps for water supply and sewerage;
  • household electrical appliances and other equipment.

All of them cannot operate without a power grid, which is why an effective backup power supply scheme is so important. Many suburban buildings do not always guarantee the reliable operation of a centralized electricity supply. Due to the unstable characteristics of the voltage in the network and frequent unplanned power outages for several hours, or even days, such systems or sensitive electrical appliances fail. A country house should not be a place to solve constant problems, but a great place to relax. Uninterrupted autonomous power supply of a cottage or suburban household should function stably - for the operation of all life support systems.

There are several options for dealing with power outages. For example, the installation of an autonomous backup power supply of uninterrupted type, which can be purchased together with a set of batteries (storage batteries). They are able to work autonomously for some time, depending on their power and total load.

Batteries for the backup power system guarantee uninterrupted power supply to consumers during prolonged power outages or in the absence of external power grids in remote areas.

Backup power supply project

The backup power supply project includes all documentation, which takes into account the total power of all autonomous sources. The backup autonomous power supply system of a country house can include both ultramodern mini-power plants and traditional sources of electricity. The more mains power supplies are assumed, the more efficient. However, in such a project, all indicators of the power of the generators and the capacity of the batteries must be entered.

The design capacity of the autonomous backup power supply, including the inverter, is calculated as follows - the total power of the operating devices is added and multiplied by 3. This is due to the fact that at startup the equipment draws the maximum amount of energy. This indicator is taken into account so that the autonomous network can cope with the maximum possible load in terms of design capacity. The calculations include the power requirements of the devices powered by the circuit:

  • active heating (stove and electric kettle, incandescent bulbs);
  • inductive (refrigerator, washing machine, TV, microwave, etc.)

Their power consumption is summed up (according to the table or according to the attached instructions) and 20-25% of the maximum value is added, in case all electrical appliances work simultaneously. That is, a small cottage with minimal lighting, a TV and a refrigerator will operate according to the backup power supply scheme for a country house with a power of 2 kW. If you use a power tool and other devices, then add another 5-6 kW.

Varieties of generators

Today, the most common stand-alone backup power supplies are:

  • uninterruptible power station;
  • diesel generator;
  • wind generator;
  • gasoline generator;
  • inverter.

1. The gasoline electric generator is considered one of the most efficient, although it cannot be called economical. But it is enough for it with a power consumption of about 6 kW. Such energy sources are appropriate where there is no other alternative and gasoline can be transported without problems. For example, if a country house is located somewhere near the highway or not far from a gas station.

Main advantages:

  • almost silent work;
  • runs well in winter;
  • can be used as a backup source.

2. In a large household, energy consumption is quite higher, especially if there are many lighting fixtures and there is no heating other than electric fireplaces. With a power consumption of more than 6 kW, experts recommend purchasing a diesel generator. However, this will also not do without significant financial investments. But it works practically in any conditions.

3. A wind generator, or in common parlance "wind turbine", is quite effective, but it can be installed in an area where strong winds always blow or seasonal drafts pull along the rutting gorge.

4. Pulse capacitors (IKE) are also often used among the backup power supply sources of the new generation. An excellent alternative to other autonomous power supply systems, practically innovative equipment that can be purchased off-the-shelf. These portable models offer enhanced uninterruptible power features that can be operated autonomously or in a backup power system. They assume such a kit:

  • voltage transformer;
  • relay for switching from the network to the battery;
  • charger.

When connecting an inverter and autonomous batteries to the circuit, a mini-power plant with sufficient power is also obtained.

Solar inverter system

All over the world, installing solar panels on the roof is not a novelty, but a common thing. True, it is expensive, but the investment pays off over time. The energy of the sun is easily converted into alternating current, but not in every region it is enough to charge powerful batteries and fully provide an entire residential building.

In the summer, to charge the battery for backup power supply, this may be enough to accumulate it for the operation of the mains in the evening - for several hours. On the other hand, such panels are justified when there is a second source of autonomous power supply, such as a diesel generator or inverter.

The main equipment for working according to the scheme of obtaining energy from the sun and converting into electricity:

  • solar panels mounted on the roof of the house or elsewhere;
  • electric charging controller;
  • automatic DC / AC protection;
  • a set of high-capacity rechargeable batteries;
  • inverter unit of the required power.

It turns out a small home power plant on the territory of a remote large city cottage. It can be complemented by an efficient inverter type circuit, where the energy sources are designed to effectively complement each other.

The inverter-type system is ideal for providing uninterruptible power supply in combination with solar panels. The generator can be turned off while the battery is powered by solar energy, significantly extending its life.


An inverter is an important component of autonomous power supply for a country house or cottage. It allows you to periodically shut down the generator to minimize fuel consumption. Abroad, as an alternative scheme for providing electricity, inverters are considered an integral part of autonomous power supply. They are universal even when there is no way to use the energy of the wind and the sun.

This device is extremely reliable, functions according to the "plug and forget" scheme. Modern inverters guarantee uninterrupted backup power not only for real estate objects, but also for "mobile" housing such as trailers, yachts and car trailers, etc.

To protect against power outages during a power outage, an inverter for backup power supply at home does a good job. With a voltage of 220V, it is able to provide electricity supply, with minimal maintenance costs. At the same time, it provides the ability to connect storage batteries that provide a long-term backup supply of electricity. Inverters are among the most durable UPSs for use in household electrical appliances and equipment that are sensitive to voltage surges.

Important advantages of the inverter:

  • silent operation;
  • the ability to install in any room;
  • minimal care and maintenance;
  • high reliability;
  • long manufacturer's warranty;
  • excellent quality;
  • stable supply of electricity;
  • automatic transition with connection to the backup power supply scheme.

The inverter is out of competition when the power line is turned off on the street or in the village for up to a day. Uninterrupted power supply to a summer cottage or a suburban area using an inverter with frequent shutdowns is more profitable than a scheme for working with a generator.

Tip: Alternatively, a generator plus an inverter. Here their "pluses" are summed up and "minuses" are leveled. The inverter is able to start the generator if the batteries are discharged, and then shut down unnecessarily. The generator is noisy, so it is advisable to turn it on during the day, while you are at work or away from home, and in the evening switch to a silent inverter.

Features of the electric generator

Electric generators operate on different energy sources and generate:

  • 1-phase current - for supplying 220 W devices;
  • 3-phase current - 380 W.

The generator for backup power supply is very efficient, and its power can exceed 16 kW, therefore it is quite suitable for full-fledged autonomous supply of a country house. Alternatively - to support uninterruptible power supply during frequent power outages.

The open-source generator comes complete with:

  • automatic ventilation system;
  • a shield to ensure work;
  • exhaust gas removal system;
  • automatic fuel refueling module;
  • automatic fire extinguishing system (fire-fighting measures).

Cons of the generator:

Without changing filters, candles and oil, the generator fails, and it also needs:

  • room with ventilation;
  • cans for transporting diesel fuel or high-quality winter diesel fuel for work in the cold season;
  • background noise and claims of neighbors with mismatched inclusions;
  • the smell of recyclable diesel fuel;
  • the need for periodic maintenance, refueling and work control;
  • adherence to the consumable replacement schedule.

Although these problems are not so many to refuse the possibility of using it, but it disrupts the peace and normal rest in a country house. And although it guarantees backup power supply and uninterrupted power supply at home, it is better to use it in combination with other systems and in the absence of the owners of the house.

It is for this reason that diesel power generators are most often used as a backup source of electricity supply. Today, the domestic market offers many varieties of diesel generators used for backup power supply of country houses, as well as for heating and water supply. Modern diesel power plants come in modular and classic (open) versions.

Almost every owner of suburban real estate is faced with the need to organize a backup power supply. And there are several reasons for this: deterioration of communications, intensive development in the microdistrict, inconsistency of the characteristics of the substation with increased needs, and a number of others. This causes systematic (sometimes long) voltage cuts, its constant surges or phase imbalances. A problem familiar to many.

In such conditions, it’s not like talking about the guaranteed service life of various (and sometimes very expensive) household appliances; many of them cannot be turned on at all. For example, an imported gas boiler, which is quite popular with "private traders", is very demanding on the quality of voltage. "Overseas inventors" cannot even imagine that such misunderstandings are possible with electricity. And if the protection works and he "gets up", in winter, during our frosts, then this is a real emergency.

Everything is clear with the expediency of power supply redundancy. But here's how best to do this and what is worth considering, we will consider in detail.

This means how long it is necessary to organize an independent power supply to the site. Some devices are designed for long-term continuous operation (gasoline engines with water cooling), others require a systematic shutdown (the same gasoline with air cooling).

By the way, some specialized firms offer services for connecting directly to power lines (bypassing the local substation). Sometimes it is simply impossible to organize the power supply in any other way. For this, either a cable laid in a trench or an overhead line extended to the site is used. If this organization has the appropriate license, and it takes care of all the troubles for the registration of permits, then this is a great option.

The disadvantage is the cost of work, since you have to install your own substation. Although there is a way out - to "cooperate" with neighbors who experience the same inconvenience in energy supply. But there is also a tangible "plus" - interruptions in voltage are excluded, and its quality will meet all standards.

What devices need to be "powered"

approximate capacity

Further criteria for selecting an energy source will also depend on this. Naturally, one should focus on those that should work constantly. For example, the same boiler, refrigerator, freezer. Each owner must make a list of all items that must be permanently included.

Voltage type

Most household appliances consume 1-phase 220 V. But there are also those that need 3 lbs. This must be taken into account if they are also constantly used. But such products are quite rare.

Source power

According to rough estimates of experts, you need to focus on a maximum of 20 kW. For a country house (if it's not a palace stuffed with various devices) it is quite enough. But this is for the all inclusive option. Perhaps the unit will be enough for 4 kW. For example, if a boiler (together with a pump), a refrigerator and a TV + lighting will work at the same time, then no more than 2 - 2.5 kW will be needed. If the water supply system is autonomous, then the pumping station will periodically turn on. Its power must also be taken into account.

In addition, it must be taken into account that some household appliances are characterized by a large inrush current. For example, in an electric meat grinder, it exceeds the nominal value by 6 - 7 times. In addition, there must be a long-term perspective. It is possible that something else will be purchased, and also with the obligatory permanent inclusion. It is also necessary to make a "reserve" for the generator itself, since it should not work at the limit. Optimal loading is no more than 80%.

Summarize. As you can see, there are quite a few nuances. Therefore, it is necessary to determine all "products" (including lighting devices in the adjacent territory, automation, alarms, etc.), which must be provided with uninterrupted power at any time and calculate their total power. The resulting value must be multiplied by 1.5. It is by this parameter to select a power plant.

Type of fuel

It can be gas, diesel fuel (diesel fuel), gasoline. Everyone determines for himself what is more convenient (and cheaper) for him to work with.

Place of installation

It determines both the dimensions of the power supply and its design features. For example, a diesel engine smokes more, so a high-quality "hood" is needed. Units without a casing are "noisy", therefore, they are more suitable for placement in outbuildings (outbuildings).

If it is planned to install a backup unit on the street, then you need to pay attention to the method of starting it (manual or automatic, from the battery).

Features of backup power supplies

Gas generators

If the house is gasified, then this is the best option. The fuel for such a device is the cheapest. The power of most of these products starts from 7 kW, which is quite enough for a country house with periodic power outages.

The approximate cost is 180,000 rubles. But if you consider how much will be saved on fuel (compared to gasoline or diesel fuel) over the entire period of operation, then the price is quite acceptable. In addition, there are almost no harmful emissions.

Gas generators

The most common type of power backup device. This is partly because we understand these engines better than diesel engines. After all, many owners of country houses have a private car, therefore, at least there is a general concept of the principle of work. They are also easier to maintain.

Diesel units

This name refers to several varieties of such "equipment" - diesel generators, diesel stations and so on. An indisputable advantage is the possibility of long-term (non-stop) operation. In addition, there are no gasoline vapors that require special fire safety measures.

We have listed only the most common devices for organizing backups. But there are a number of others that, although they are used less often, are also worthy of attention. For example, UPS, solar panels, inverter systems.


Practice shows that regardless of the way of solving the problem of redundancy of the power supply system, it is still necessary to have a spare generator. According to the reviews of the majority of the owners of country houses, gasoline units are more convenient both in terms of operation and repair. For example, they can always be refilled directly from the car's tank.

When deciding the issue of organizing a backup power supply, you should not be guided by someone's opinion, be guided by friends or neighbors. The main "prompter" is your own house and the property located in it (first of all, technical devices and the location of lighting devices). They determine the feasibility of acquiring a particular unit.

It should be borne in mind that UPS, solar panels are of limited use both in time and in connected devices (circuits). Their kit includes batteries, and they require constant attention (condition monitoring, recharging). In addition, modern batteries (in contrast to the "old" models in which individual banks could be replaced) cannot be repaired.

If funds are available, it is advisable to mount a more complex but reliable combined redundancy scheme. For example, turning on the emergency power supply from the UPS with the subsequent automatic start of the diesel engine. It is more costly, but power outages are excluded.

To create an uninterrupted supply of electricity and organize a highly efficient heating system, you need to buy a UPS for your home (uninterruptible power supply for your home). There are several types of uninterruptible power supplies for the home, which differ in their work.

Purpose of UPS for home

The main purpose of a UPS for a home is considered to be the supply of electricity to living quarters when the central line is turned off or emergency de-energized. When voltage arrives at the main network line, the UPS for a private house will automatically supply power again, power supply can occur to all consumers or selectively. These uninterruptible power supplies for the home are equipped with special protection against voltage fluctuations in the network and allow it to stabilize.

Types of UPS for home

  1. Backup uninterruptible power supply for home - the price of the device is affordable. High efficiency guaranteed, but low heat dissipation. The disadvantages include slow switching from the mains to the battery, low-quality input and output filters from interference, power outages at small voltage surges.
  2. Line-interactive power supply unit - fast switching with automatic mode of voltage regulation in the network. You can buy such an uninterruptible power supply for your home at a higher price, since all its blocks and assemblies are made of high-quality material.
  3. Online UPS is the most expensive type of uninterruptible power supply. It is used in important industrial facilities where a special quality of power supply is required. Switching from power supplies occurs instantly.

Features of uninterruptible power supplies for home

All uninterruptible power supplies for the home differ in the type of execution.

If the UPS is small, the small batteries are located with the inverter and charger. The advantage of the models is their small size and mobility, and the disadvantage is that the batteries must be replaced with similar ones, which are rarely found on sale.

UPS with external battery - batteries can be easily moved to a room with a constant temperature, since batteries cannot withstand temperature fluctuations.

UPS device for private house

All uninterruptible power supplies for a private house contain certain blocks:

  • input filter;
  • battery from accumulator;
  • electric rectifier;
  • charging device;
  • inverter;
  • body;
  • control devices;
  • switching connectors;
  • power supply output circuits.

Operating principle

The work of an uninterruptible power supply for the home consists in the following actions:

  • with the help of a rectifier, the mains voltage is converted into alternating voltage;
  • converted direct current is used for battery charging and inverter power supply;
  • the rectifier recharges the batteries supplying the inverter at shutdown;
  • the inverter supplies 220V to the power grid.

Criteria for choosing a UPS for your home

In order to choose the right uninterruptible power supply for a private house, you need to add up all the power of the devices used and add 20%. This way you can get the maximum power consumption. Even if not all household appliances are turned on at the same time, it is still better to select uninterruptible power supplies for the house with a margin for the future.

Uninterruptible devices for boilers

When a UPS is installed in the house for all consumers, it is not necessary to purchase a separate uninterruptible power supply for the boiler. The price of a UPS is quite high, so not everyone can buy an uninterruptible power supply for the home. In such cases, you can purchase a UPS specifically for the gas boiler. When buying, you must follow the above criteria, as well as pay attention to the power consumed by the boiler and pumps.