What is the name of the doorway finish. We use the opening of the entrance door: finishing options

Many people want to diversify their interior. In addition to the transformation of the room itself, many are trying to highlight the doorway, applying a wide variety of methods. The design of the doorway is the first thing to see guests, entering the room. Attention will definitely pay attention. Therefore, it is important to know how this part of the interior can be distinguished.

Features of finishing

The doorway is very often separated without installing the door leaf. In this case, you can save a large amount of funds to buy the door design and its installation. This finish is characterized by the fact that is very diverse and original. In most parts of the apartments are installed ordinary doors, and in this way you can diversify the interior. A special doorway can be a highlight of any interior.

Doorway is able to wash the boundaries between the roomsBut at the same time sharing them. This design is capable of making a room visually wider and spacious. The finish is distinguished by the fact that in this case the doorway is not necessarily a classic rectangular form, as it happens with door structures, but preference and other forms. For example, you can make a domed, rounded, rhombid, trapezier passage.

Also, the doorway is also drawn up on the principle of closed type. In this case, it is filled with shirms and partitions. Such a solution is perfect for zoning premises and secretions of different functional zones. A feature of the finishing of the doorway is that it is always originally it has a form of a rectangle.

It is possible to change its shape of the bizarre patterns without conducting the complex installation, which is a big advantage of such design.

Finishing the doorway can complement the interior design. So, for classic styles, strict standard forms are more suitable, and more new and unusual solutions are used for modern interiors. Such design can have any complex geometric shape.

Another feature of the finish is that it is carried out in one stage. After that, it is not necessary to care for the design, as it happens in the case of doors. When designing and finishing, you can use absolutely any materials, there are no certain restrictions in this. In addition, the finish is characterized by the fact that it is quite simple, it can be done independently.

Doorway can have doors, arch, curtains.

The principle of its design is divided into two large groups:

  • with doors;
  • without doors.

Options for the framing of opening with doors and without in the apartment

The framing of the traditional opening assumes the installation of the door frame and the door leaf. In this case, the size and appearance of the door can be absolutely any. This is the most common design of the passage to the room. The door is used to separate the premises, it performs the function of noise insulation and thermal insulation.

But many make a decision to issue a doorway without a door. From the door design refuse in the case when the entrance leads not to the bedroom, a children's or other room, and in a more public room, such as a dining room, living room, hall, kitchen.

Thus, all these premises are united and make the situation in the house more cozy.

Cash of the opening of interroom

For the frame of the doorway, a variety of ways are used, it can be both natural materials and their artificial analogues.

Often use:

  • Plastic materials (PVC);
  • MDF panels;
  • LDSP;
  • Wood;
  • Polyurethane.

As a rule, this part of the room is framed by wood. Very often wooden platbands make fucked wood. And in the role of a source of wood, pine is very often, because it is distinguished by durability. Wooden platbands are usually covered with a lacquer layer, it looks very noble. Telescopic cash is very popular.

Beautifully carved cash. As a rule, the carving makes the masters do it yourself and each such pattern can be very elegant and unique. More budget is platbands from MDF. But at the same time they are not considered less qualitative and durable. They are absolutely not subject to rotting and many external influences.

The only negative feature of such a material is that it is poorly withstanding the impact of moisture. The easiest way to care for plastic platbands. They retain their former look over long years. As a rule, plastic platbands have the most interesting and vivid design.

They are able to save their color for a long time.

Plastic is absolutely not susceptible to the effects of humidity and temperature drops. In case you want to spend through the door opening of the electric pipe and cables, the fraction of PVC will be an excellent solution. Such a platband has a special cable-channel that simplifies this process. Some models look very luxuriously due to the fact that the tree pattern apperate externally. In general, PVC completely repeats the qualitative characteristics of plastic.

Cashbits also shares and in appearance. Their width can be any, as the thickness.

All of them are divided into:

  • flat;
  • rounded;
  • figured.

As a rule, these types of platbands are manufactured massively in factories.

But carved platbands are a separate view, which is a master's hand product, differing in uniqueness.

Decoration of decorative stone

Decorative stone can decorate any doorway. Very often used after installing the iron door. He is able to hide any shortcomings and transform the appearance of the proof. The decorative stone is rather durable and looks very elegant.

It is resistant to external influences and looks great at any lighting. In the afternoon, he will sparkle in the sun, and in the evening - luxuriously wander with the muted light. Decorative stone is now decorated with a passage by adhesive mounting.

The decorative analog of natural natural stone is more easy and democratic in value. You can choose the model of absolutely any color and texture. So, it is possible to separate the passage by the most diverse pebbles, while creating a unique pattern. It looks beautiful, the design of the corners with a decorative stone in the Roman style.

Also, many decorate the work on the technique of torn edge. She assumes the laying out of a stone in a chaotic not perfectly level.

Thus, you can even create an effect of ancient masonry and lay out any bizarre form.


The plaster is now very often used in order to emphasize the bizarre shape of the arched partition. In this case, a decorative embossed plaster is used. It is combined with other finishing materials, such as artificial stone and tiles. A venetian and micro-cement plaster also use as finishes, since such a cladding looks very exquisite.

But in this way, not everyone can be separated to the doorway, for this you need to have special skills.

Fucking wallpaper

With the help of wallpapers, not only the doorway itself, but also the door canvas. And in the second case, the wallpaper is used for this, because the door is very often touched by their hands. The simplest wallpapers can be very easy to blur, so it is important to use only high-quality and durable coatings. Wallpapers allows you to completely disguise the door, thus the discrete.

You can save the canvas with the same color and pattern with wallpaper, like all the walls adjacent to it. Such a finish option is very often used to decorate the passage to the office. In case you have a relief door, you can steal it with wallpaper only partially. With the help of wallpaper, you can create even drawings on the door canvase. In this case, you can cut down the geometric shapes and other fragments.

Also, with the help of wallpaper, the door canvas can be isolated, contrasting it with bright wallpaper, differing from the color of the walls. Moreover, such a coating can be partially painted to make it more unusual and interesting.

Wallpaper also finish and arched structures.

Removal of slopes Siding

Siding is a finishing material that has an interesting textured surface. It is distinguished by corrugation. It uses vinyl siding and even steel sheets. Such a finishing material is perfect for the facing of slopes and is rather durable. Moreover, as a rule, it is selected for the decoration of windows and the window frames are framed in the same way.

Siding can be easily installed with your own hands, it will be quite easy to care for it. And manufacturers represent a wide variety of models from various materials decorated in unusual colors. The desired coating can be selected for any interior design.

Decorating stucco

For finishing, the doorway is often used with polyurethane stucco. For narrow door passes, most often choose smoother and not too embossed stucco. It is believed that too voluminous textures can visually narrow the passages and make the room less spacious. The volume stucco is most often used to design high spacious doorways.

The stucco is fixed with a special glue. It is also very often covered with varnish or paint.

This design looks very unusual and varied due to the combination of interesting textures.

Edging Tile

Now the edging of the passage of the passage by ceramic tiles is very popular. At the same time, a plaster tile or clinker is very often used. The clinker imitates bricks and is perfect for finishing not only door, but also window openings.

Typically, such a tile is laid out by analogy with brick masonry. Such analogue looks rather unusual and plausible. Also smooth tiles are used to finish the doorway. In this case, it is laid out with a mosaic. This design looks very bright and spectacular.

Covering plasterboard or clapboard

Lining and plasterboard are one of the most inexpensive finishing materials. That is why they are often used to finish the doorway. Both of these material can be easily handled with their own hands using standard tools. You will not have to spend long preparatory work.

As for the plasterboard, it has a smooth surface that is usually decorated with bright coatings. You can choose any version of the decor for the design of such a material.

It is easily mounted and serves long enough.

Decoration by stencils

Now painting and unusual drawings are used to decorate the entrance to the room very often. But not everyone can create a beautiful and unique pattern with their own hands. In this case, the stencil is used. So you can very quickly and smoothly apply images on the door cloth or edging arched structures.

The only disadvantage of such a finish option is that it is quite boring, because the patterns will not be a picturesque picture, but only the same type patterns. So you can decorate with door openings with grape leaves, branches, flowers and other images.


This option finishes is quite popular. As a rule, a variety of curtains and tulle are hanging between rooms, which fill the room with ease and create an invisible barrier. They fill the design by air, making it more elegant. Curtains are usually chosen from silk, cotton, flax. Prettyly popular dense velvet models.

Also installed magnetic curtains that are well suited to protect against insects. There are beautiful nice curtains in the form of a rain. You can hang translucent tulle, which will create a light veil between different rooms.

Arch facing between rooms

As a rule, the room makes a more spacious way to create the arch at the entrance. In this case, such structures are often installed on the entrance to the room from a narrow corridor. The arch fills it with a scope and comfort. Arches may have the most unusual and intricate forms.

In this case, the choice of the shape of the doorway depends on the taste of the owner of the house and from the style of the interior.

Most arched structures are symmetrical. For their finishes, use the same materials on both sides. But in some cases, the arches may be asymmetrical in form and design. For premises in the classic style, only symmetric models are selected. In this case, they are often faced with the help of decorative stone, wood and other natural or imitating natural materials.

Arches with vertical slopes in the form of columns look very beautifully. Such a solution is perfect for those who adhere to the classic interior design. For a more coupling style, pick up the arches with a wide variety of decorative elements. To do this, use unusual stucco. The top can be decorated with plaster bas-relief.

More modern arches have a fairly simple design, but may have bizarre forms.

In this case, they are distinguished by unusual lines and intricate patterns.

Some nuances

When choosing a design, some rules must be taken into account. The decor of a wide and narrow doorway should be different. For widespread, more relief and large ornamental elements are usually selected, and narrow pasumes are made up with simple finishing materials. It is better to use bright decorative elements for this.

The high doorway is often decorated in the form of an arch. She is able to add luxury and grace in the interior of the house. A deep doorway is not taken to make up arches, because then the design will look very massively. But in this case the model of the arch with large columns is suitable.

If your goal is not to combine different rooms, but to distinguish them, then the doors are perfectly suitable for this. They are well separated by different functional zones and look very stylish. Most often, they are used to design rooms in modern styles.

When choosing a material for cladding, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of finishing materials. Many inexpensive plastic panels are very non-environmental and even able to allocate harmful substances. Therefore, try to give preference only to quality materials.

Polyurethane finishing materials should not be installed on the entrance in the kitchen. This is due to the fact that they are distinguished by low thermal resistance. For registration of such a doorway, you should choose more resistant to the effects of elevated temperatures.

If you want to dismantle the door box for finishing, you should consider that this can lead to the appearance of cracks in the wall. That is why, before dismantling it, it is necessary to install a power frame.

Thus, you can carry out the right design and, after, decorating the doorway.

Before the full or partial demolition of the supporting structures must be consulted with specialists. In an apartment building, start with the management company, in private - with BTI. They will prompt if it is possible to do it at all, whether additional gain is required.

The most common solution is partially or completely removed the partition between the living room and kitchen, kitchen and dining room, bedroom and loggia, kitchen and balcony, corridor and dressing room, hallway and living room.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Solutions

Among the advantages can be noted the improvement of ventilation, as well as a functional increase in the area - the utility can be connected to the main premises. These advantages are easily turned into minuses. Too good ventilation becomes the cause of drafts. The smell from the kitchen spreads throughout the house. Curtains perfectly absorbs fat contained in the air, delays dust on itself and needs a frequent wash.

Non-standard solution is an undoubted advantage, but he also has its opposite direction. The interior of the apartment should be designed in a single style. It is not easy to achieve this, but otherwise disharmony.

The main disadvantages are bad sound insulation and the inability to retire when necessary. It is worth noting that hanging up the draper is much easier than installing the box and adjust the sash.

Suitable sizes of passage

In many ways, dimensions are determined by the parameters of the rooms. Competently calculated widths and height allow you to visually adjust the disadvantages of the premises. For example, wide passes, especially with gentle arches, will make an apartment with a low ceiling more spacious, and the narrow on the contrary, they will be squeezed by an already tiny space.

In any case, the input should not be below 2 m, and if it is an arch - it is better to arrange it above that the narrow parts of the arch are above the level of shoulders and heads. If the owner of the apartment wants to merge the two zones to the maximum, then the entrance can be done hardly to the ceiling itself.

The size of the asymmetric arch depends on the intricateness of the form. What it is more complicated, the wider there should be a passage so that the jewelry of the decorations on a small design did not give her cordlessness. Factory decor sometimes works positively on an optical narrowing.

Trapecoidal - broken design, created from several straight lines intersecting under stupid and straight corners. Not all designers love her due to associations with funeral theme.


As a rule, in such arches one side is straight, and the second - with a rounded arch. Although there is no rules here - every designer creates, as wishes. The restriction is only the material of the wall, in which it is planned to place a fantasy arch: it is possible to make it only in a plasterboard partition or assemble from individual regions.

Than lining

To understand how to arrange a doorway without a door, you need to decide on the decoration of the premises. Since it is addressed immediately in two rooms, you need to consider how it will look like both sides, not forgetting about style and color nuances.

Tree and MDF.

The trim tree is used in most historical styles. For these purposes, the oak, ash, hrybro and pine are most often used. Details are sold in finished form, fasten with nails or self-drawing. The replacement of the natural tree can be - material from pressed fibers. Panels are attached to glue or liquid nails. How to arrange the doorway in this way, see pictures.


Polyurethane is a flexible and dense material from which the arch is often made. It also allows you to create imitation of expensive plaster stucco. Installation is performed using a special glue. From polyurethane, you can also create columns on the sides of the doorway.

The stucco from polymers is not beating, it is well cut, friendly with any mounting glue. Gypsum nobleness, but heavier and does not stand the falls, so it must be done very carefully. In addition, for installation requires special glue or gypsum solution.

Surface can be left white or painted.

Stone and tile

Stone facing is much heavier than wood or polyurethane. Before starting work, the walls are aligned with putty. The selection of glue depends on the weight of the stone: liquid glue is suitable for light plates, a solution from cement, glue, lime and sand is prepared for heavy. Facing starts from the bottom and gradually rise, giving the fastening agent to dry. Each element needs to hold the wall until it grabs. Surplus need to be removed immediately, if they performed on the surface, otherwise they can spoil the final appearance.

Tests from wood or plastic, inserted between rows of tiles help the same thickness of the seams. They are easy to remove after drying the composition.

The seams decorated with grout, and the entire composition is a composition that gives shine. Artificial stone and clinker are distinguished by high wear resistance, but their natural analogues have a strength much higher. For interior partitions, they may be too heavy. Most often the edge of the masonry makes uneven, torn, creating a deliberate carelessness and the effect of antiquity, which looks at the contrast to the modern interiors.

Plaster and paint

Plaster Easy to make a doorway with your own hands. Its laying does not require special skills. Before applying, the base of the arch is aligned and treated with primer. Paint is applied after drying. The relief depends on the shape and surface of the roller used.

Plastic panels

The panels are well bend and easily fall even on non-standard forms. The coating is attached to glue. The finished set consists of six platforms (three of them on each side - on top and sides) and three kinds. The upper elements are not only flat, but also suitable for arches. If necessary, they easily cut with hacksaw.

Corners live in hard operation mode due to high passability and need high-quality finish. Plastic durability can not boast, but with a careful attitude, it will last long. Among its advantages are simplicity of care, the presence of hollows for wires, a variety of colors and imitation of textures.


GKK is durable, easy to install and easily cuts a knife. It has a good grip with any adhesions. They are trimmed with a frame of a metal or wooden profile. The frame is mounted on the walls and the ceiling. It can have any configuration. His durability depends on the thickness of the profile and the distance between the prefabricated elements. The profile is easily bent and cut. Sheets are installed on the self-tapping screw. Suts between them are sweeping.

Stone, clinker, wood, MDF panels, simple painting or pasting wallpaper are suitable for many styles: eco, scandy, loft, minimalism, ethno, country, kitsch and others. True, the last two finish options look neatly only with perfectly smooth walls. Most of all it concerns painting, which emphasizes any irregularities, especially in the presence of decorative illumination.

Than decorated

  • All over the contour you can hang closed or open shelves, put racks. Thus, it turns out things, books, baubles.
  • If the arch is made of drywall, in several centimeters from the passage you can make through windows, niches, a shelves for colors or accessories.
  • Pumping interiors will add cladding of openings on the sides of plaster bas-reliefs, and from above - Sandrik, that is, slightly protruding eaves.
  • You can add point lamps on the slopes, or the finished backlight for furniture.
  • Sucks can be decorated with swearings and platbands that are made of wood, MDF and PVC panels. All together they give the finished appearance and expressiveness of the whole design and can serve as one of the accents in the interior. Dobra are with the grooves and without. The first type is preferable, since the joints between the straps turn out a little noticeable and will not require careful fit. Cashbar are very different. Often they are made of wood, having previously treated it with means from insects, microorganisms and fire. This material is unlikely to soon cease to be a favorite of designers and housing owners, it is very practical, aesthetic, environmental and universal.

How to arrange the doorway with curtains

Not every room can be left open. Bathroom, for example, or children need intimacy. Someone in this list can add your own office if the workflow requires silence, and for someone fundamentally get rid of the unnecessary sounds a bedroom.

However, even in this case, you can play with different solutions. If the noise level does not matter, and simply wants to burn out the eye, you can use the screen or (both dense and not very). They will share the room, but it will be lighter than the doors, and will take less space. In addition, both the other type of fabrics can be quickly removed and completely release the passage. At the same time, the appearance does not suffer: it will not remain loops and traces from the castles.

It is advisable to leave the passage free. The fabric can interfere, cling, get dirty. If you can fix it in the afternoon, you will get a beautiful framing. Well, when design curtains coincide with the curtains or curtains on the windows. By the way, a dense fabric can delay odors out of the kitchen, but it will have to often wash it or give it into dry cleaning.

Blinds cope with the task of not worse than the curtains. And their vertical strips raise the ceiling (horizontal, respectively, spread the walls) and perfectly complement its modern interior with its strict geometry.

We told how beautiful to arrange a doorway. The main thing is that the finish was eco-friendly, did not cause allergies and looked good.

  • Material prepared: Natalia Chikhkin

The appearance of the door depends not only on the door itself, but also from the finish of its opening. Often, when it is installed, the owners of housing do not take into account this. Installation and finishing of the opening door are different things that are performed by different masters. These processes can be carried out without any assistance using special various materials used for these types of work.

What to do with slopes

Facing the opening is carried out directly at the initiative of the owner of the property. When the installation and installation process, it is rarely thoughtful and remembered, but after it is aware of how important it is playing. And this is not only aesthetic side of the question. It refers to its practical purpose.

The door is not only necessary to the object of life or add-on to the design. It performs many different functions. Not less important is her finish. With her help:

  • The correctly selected color will complement the overall interior of the room.
  • You can increase the level of heat and sound insulation of housing.
  • With proper installation and trim, the level of safety of the apartment is increased.

Make it, perhaps and with your own hands. It does not require special knowledge and skills. The process takes some time and labor costs. Depending on which cladding will be made: from the inside or outside, you need to select the material. To date, there is a huge amount of selection variation for the implementation of this process intended for all types of finishes.

The most popular of them are considered:

  • Plastering. It is a classic option, does not require much effort, but has a not quite aesthetic appearance. Therefore, after cladding, a similar means will need to decorate the opening.
  • Plasterboard sheets. Very popular in residential and commercial structures, has a very attractive appearance. The disadvantage can be called low strength, so it should be sent very carefully to its choice.
  • Laminated panels. This is the most durable way, it is considered universal, suitable for both input and interior slopes.
  • A rock. It is used mainly for arches. Serves more decor for the room.
  • If we are talking about opening without doors, the most optimal way is good. It looks very elegant and luxurious. Usually used in Greek or Byzantine styles, with columns and carved applications.
  • Veneer. It is considered to be a universal means, ideally suitable for any kind.

Facing plasterboard

The finishing of the opening door of the inlet door from the inside and outside can be carried out using drywall. This material has a number of advantages, such as:

  • It does not harm health, as it is environmentally friendly.
  • There is no smell and does not release toxic substances.
  • The result is the perfectly smooth surface, which can later be decorated in a different way.

Facing is called not only the acquisition of an attractive form, but also isolation. It is necessary to come true and patience. It will be necessary to clearly measure all sizes. Despite its high quality, drywall is sufficiently available at a price.

Immediately before execution, you need to prepare all the tools that may be needed during the work. The main ones are considered:

  • Himself plasterboard.
  • Mounting foam.
  • Glue designed for this.
  • Putty.
  • Primer.
  • Paint.
  • Profile.
  • Various spatulas.
  • Perforator.
  • Level.
  • Plumb.

The process technology includes the following steps:

  1. Cleaning the surface from the previous coating. You can use a spatula or sandpaper.
  2. Removing measurements.
  3. Formation of the desired elements from drywall.
  4. Fastening them to slopes with the use of special glue or drill.
  5. The remaining slots should be blown in the mounting foam.
  6. Treat solution to prevent the spread of mold and fungus.
  7. After drying, the foam coat sheets with finishing putty. You can also use plastic corners.

Gypsum can pick up or re-establish a different way. It may take pictures, plastic panels or tiles on it. With its use, you can produce open arches. It can also be installed and the arched design itself.

Application of plaster

The opening of the opening door is most often made using plaster. This is one of the cheapest and durable ways. This material is strong enough, it is very damaged even when exposed to mechanically. With its use, it is possible to completely align the surface of the slopes. Does not require special skills, even people who do not have any experience in construction are familiar with it. The solution is easy to prepare and is sufficiently simple in applying.

The instruction includes the following stages of work:

  1. Surface stripping.
  2. Degreased slopes.

Finishing with similar means is convenient in ease of use. The price for it is not very high, which makes it an affordable population. The work process itself does not take much time. The only disadvantage in it can be called the time allotted for the complete drying of the first layer.

Plaster from above can be painted in any color. It remarks wonderful to any temperature, does not dissolve and is not afraid of moisture. Great for external cladding, where the material is exposed to weather conditions.

Trim tree and laminate

Very often, the slopes are separated by laminate or wood. It looks quite beautiful and neat. But the difference between laminate and wood is not only the price, but also the material itself. Laminate only in appearance is similar to the tree.

It has a fairly low cost. It is easy to work with it, it is quickly attached and holds long. Conduction can be made independently, without attracting outsiders. Laminate is easy to give any shape required by the door of the door. On average, single opening is eleven sheets of standard size.

Laminate is divided into three types. All of them are characterized by numbers from 21 to 23. They mean a power load that this type is able to withstand. The strongest is laminate under the number 23. But for the facing of the slopes is suitable and less weak.

The decoration of the laminate is carried out by applying it to the wall and fastening it with a dowel or self-drawing. In this case, it is necessary to clearly calculate the size of the laminate sheet, and if it is greater in size, then you should cut the desired one. Internal angles can be reroyed using special plates.

The doorway finish the entrance door of the tree is one of the most expensive materials used for it. The advantage is the uniqueness and uniqueness of such a cladding. There are many species of wood with which this process can be implemented. It is not difficult in processing, it can be given any form.

Of the flaws, you can allocate the fact that the tree does not like moisture. Therefore, it is not recommended to apply it from the outside. It requires special care and processing. Otherwise, the tree may lose an attractive appearance. For a longer service life, it is necessary to open it with varnish or wax.

Decoration decorative stone and veneer

The decoration of the stone can be used both on the outside and with the inner. It looks great and serves not only facing, but also a stylish design decision. Give the room a unique type and originality.

The range of stone is quite large, which allows you to choose the necessary on the basis of the financial situation and the wishes of the person. Lay the stone can be in any order. It all depends on the requirements and desire. The layout of the stone is carried out directly on the cement solution. Mostly decorative stamps are made by arched openings. There it looks not just original, but has an exquisite and unique appearance. The stone is not afraid of moisture, so it can be safely used even on the street. This will not affect its appearance or quality.

Veneer is a universal material suitable for any interior. The trim veneer has many advantages and disadvantages, such as:

  • Rich selection of colors and shades. This will significantly save time and money in the future on its decoration. It is possible to choose the necessary color immediately.
  • Rather durable. But it is not necessary to apply it in places with direct hit of ultraviolet rays. It is afraid of the sun and quickly destroys and flutters under its impact.
  • Does not like moisture.
  • Ideal for decoration of slopes. Perfectly adjacent to the surface due to its unique composition.

The finish should pay special attention, as the opening is a passing place. It can be performed independently and without much cash costs. Everything will depend on the material that it is carried out.

Finishing of the opening door: slopes, options for cladding, instructions for use and decor

You will probably want a corridor to harmoniously look along with the door. This article will tell you how the entrance door opening is happening.

How can you make a doorway inlet door

How to arrange a doorway? Indeed, such a question is no less important than the development of overall interior design. If you do a job correctly and efficiently, you will get a reliable and beautiful coating that will be a raying room. An important aspect is that there are many different materials, perfectly suitable for this event.

Nuances that require attention

The opening of the entrance door is a process that has some rules. They must be followed to get the desired result. Pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. Safety. Materials that will not be dangerous for humans should be used. This also applies to installation methods. That is, all the details are installed with maximum reliability and in accordance with technology.
  2. Harmonicity. It is advisable to apply such options that will be more matching the door design. Of course, the ideal is the situation when the material of the door and the opening completely coincides, but it is not always possible.
  3. Sound and thermal insulation. These are the necessary parameters that deserve due attention.

High-quality and safe materials should be used to finish the doorway

To perform the most qualitatively, you need to take into account all the nuances. If they ignore them, it turns out a coating that can be quite beautiful, but have many hidden defects.

On a note! It is mistaken that the finish of the doorway is only in the facing of slopes. In fact, it is required to provide for finishing and an external perimeter. Many masters advise to limit the installation of platbands. This is an excellent solution, but rather trivial. Much better to show fantasy and individuality.

The use of various materials and their features

The doorway finish of the entrance door can be performed using different materials. Each of them has its own characteristics, they must be taken into account to choose the appropriate option for a specific situation.

  • Plaster. This is the most affordable and easiest opening method. The technology requires the applied of the prepared composition on the surface. After drying, you need to perform additional decoration. Often this option is the start for laying another material.

Plastering door opening - the most affordable and cheap finish option

  • Plasterboard. This method is similar to the previous one, but the work is carried out much faster. This is due to the fact that the plates of the GLC are cut into the desired bands, which are stacked on the sections. It must be borne in mind that this option allows you to get a flat surface, but needs further finish.

Sheets of plasterboard sheets - the fastest way to finish opening the entrance door

  • PVC panels, MDF, wood or veneer. This method can be considered the most popular. The fact is that such products do not need further processing. They can be performed in different colors and textures. It should be understood that many of the products perform more decorative functions, so it is necessary to provide additional heat and sound insulation in advance.

The furniture of the doorway MDF panels allows you to create a spectacular decorative coating

  • Natural or artificial stone. An excellent option that allows you to get a very unusual surface. But there are some nuances that are in the rules of laying.

Registration of the doorway with artificial stone

So how to separate the doorway? To obtain a more harmonious coating, many factors should be taken into account. Often the good solution is the technology that allows you to combine different types of materials.

Specificity of working with different materials

It must be borne in mind that each finish option is performed according to certain rules. They should be fully followed to achieve the desired quality.


This classic option. Stucco finishing are used because of its indisputable advantages:

  1. Durability. The service life of the coating is calculated with decades.
  2. Strength. If you use high-quality mixtures and perform everything according to the rules, the surface will be resistant to different impacts.
  3. Maintainability. This is an important factor that lies in the fact that, if necessary, the damaged area is subject to restoration.
  4. Low cost. The material is much cheaper than other options.

Stucco - Very durable, Durable and cheap material

But to perform work efficiently, it is necessary to follow accuracy.

The overall application technology is as follows:

  • It all starts with preliminary training. It is that the surface is cleared of all defects, dust and dirt. Cracks and cracks are well embarrassed.
  • Two layers of primer are applied. The first will well penetrate the pores, and the second is to fix the result.
  • Lights are installed on the sites, they are fixed on a small amount of solution. If required, a wooden rail is stacked along the outer perimeter. It will serve as a guide and determine the thickness of the layer.

Wooden rail, laid around the perimeter of the slope, acts as a guide

  • For greater reliability, a reinforced grid is used, it is fixed using a dowel.
  • Plots that will not participate in the finish are closed with cardboard and painting scotch.
  • The mixture is prepared in the right amount. It is applied by a spatula, distributing throughout the perimeter. Equality is checked by level.

On a note! When the layer is assumed to be a thickness of more than 10 mm, then work is performed in several stages. In this case, the reinforcing grid is stacked after the first or second layer.

Plasterboard is an option that is most successfully used when the overall lifting of walls by this product is performed. Of course, it can be used independently. But it is important to take into account that the material is quite fragile, so the installation must be carried out with caution.

The decoration of the input opening is performed as follows:

  • Preparation is performed. It should not be as thorough as when using plaster, but it is necessary to correct all defects.
  • Next, dimensions are removed. They are transferred to a separate sheet. This allows you to create detail. It is important to repeated measurements that will eliminate the possibility of error.
  • In accordance with the data obtained, the cutting plates are made. It is easily performed using a sharp construction knife.

As already mentioned, the decoration of plasterboard needs subsequent decoration. The paint can be used as a material.

Panel products

How to separate the opening of the entrance door using panels? This method is simple enough. In its technology, it repeats the installation of plasterboard. But another option can also be used. It lies in the fact that a preliminary doom is performed. It is necessary in order to carry out additional insulation.

The following actions are performed:

  • A wooden timber is installed around the perimeter. It is fixed vertically. Dowels are used as fasteners.

On a note! Pre-perform the processing of rails by antiseptics. This will avoid the occurrence of rot or mold.

It is believed that the panels from MDF or thick plastic will be most preferred. Cheap wall panels from PVC look very unsequently.

Artificial stone and natural

This option looks very original. It allows you to get a beautiful surface that is distinguished by the uniqueness. Of course, it is required to perform certain conditions that allow you to achieve the desired result.

On a note! The material should be located in a small amount, especially if the hallway has a small size. The greatest number of items should be at the bottom, decreasing upwards.

Decoration of the opening decorative stone looks very impressive, but the main thing is not to overdo it

How to separate the doorway in the entrance door with the help of a stone:

  • Preliminary surface markup is performed. A diagram is drawn up. For greater effect - the material is folded on the floor. This will make it possible to make the desired drawing.
  • The surface is well prepared. Small sinks are permissible, but any defects are immediately eliminated.
  • The stone is fixed on glue. Laying begins below. You can use two technologies: one lies in the fact that the seams of the desired thickness are formed, the other - involves their absence.
  • Special attention is paid to the corners. They are formed by trimming and grinding.

The design of the doorway with a stone is a way that requires a combination with a common interior design. The result can be a great visual effect.

How to arrange the doorway of the entrance door: finishing options (photo)

How to arrange the doorway input door? This question is very important. There are many different materials perfectly suitable for this finish.

Finishing door opening door. Material features. Plastering mixes. Plasterboard sheets. Laminated panels

The manufacture and installation of the entrance door is not an easy thing, moreover, in most cases, requiring the use of metalworking and welding equipment, so the fulfillment of such work is better to entrust professionals.

However, as a rule, the circle of their duties includes exclusively making and installation, so many apartment owners are worried about to separate the doorway input door after it is installed?

Entrance door after installation.

Registration of doorways

In this article, the reader will offer all sorts of versions of the doorway of the entrance door using various finishing materials.

A detailed instruction will be presented here, which will help you to fulfill this simple work with your own hands, spending some free time on it.

Finishing with a special profile.

Materials for finishing doorways

Before separating the door opening of the entrance door, you need to decide on the choice of materials used.

Depending on the installation site of the door and aesthetic requirements for decorative qualities of finishes to perform this work, the following materials are best suited:

  • Watching cement-sand mixtures is the most durable classic form of decoration, however, due to its low aesthetic qualities, it requires additional decoration with decorative finishing materials. In its pure form, it can be used to finish the entrance doors in the garage, bath, shed or other household buildings.
  • The decoration of plasterboard sheets has less strength, but in completed form has a more attractive appearance. Most often used when making an entrance group in residential and commercial premises.
  • The sheathing laminated MDF panels is a sufficiently strong and durable method of finishing that do not require additional design. It is used as an finishing finishing material for designing openings of entrance and interroom doors in apartments and residential buildings.

Plastering mixes

Immediately it should be noted that work with the plaster is quite time-consuming and dirty, so it is better to perform it in the case when repair work is not yet completed.

In addition, it requires certain skills to use this building material.

  1. First of all, you need to remove the old plaster and clean the doorway from the construction trash.
  2. The brick or concrete surface should be covered with primer, and after drying it, it is necessary to install and fix the guide beacons to the cement mortar aligning them using a construction level. (See also an article how to make a primer under putty.)
  3. The door frame and walls around the opening need to be saved with paper painting scotch, and fasten the reinforcing mesh of fiberglass to the processed surface.
  4. Milk the plaster mixture in accordance with the instructions and fill first of all large potholes and emptiness in the wall. After that, with the help of the rule, pressing it to the beacon profiles evenly apply a plaster solution on the entire surface.
  5. After pouring the solution, the resulting cracks and irregularities should be covered with the finish putty, and then paint the interior paint of the desired color.

Apply plastering.

Plasterboard sheets

The decoration of the opening of plasterboard sheets can be considered the easiest way, which does not even require the existence of any experience with drywall.

In addition, to perform this work, you need to use a minimum set of materials.

  1. The most important thing in this work, before separating the opening of the entrance door, perform the correct measurement of the height and depth of all sides of the doorway.
  2. Based on the size of the sizes, it is necessary to cut the necessary parts from the drywall leaf so that they are tightly inserted into the doorway and closed the slopes from all sides.
  3. Large potholes in the wall need to blew the mounting foam, and then evenly apply it to a snake on one side of the slope.
  4. After that, press it the corresponding segment of drywall and leave to the polymerization of foam. Thus, you need to sew a drywall doorway from all sides, and the cracks blew the mounting foam.
  5. At the end of the polymerization, it is necessary to cut the excess of foam and drywall, and all the slots shack the finish putty or close with decorative plastic corners.

Further finishing finish of the opening door can be performed at the discretion of the owner: the surface can be painted, caught with wallpaper, stick tile or decorative plastic panels.

Applying a mounting foam for glitzer plasterboard to the wall.

In order to quickly and securely glue drywall after applying foam, it is necessary to press it for a short time to the wall and then immediately remove.

After that, give a foam to dry for 8-10 minutes, install it in place and grip strongly to the wall.

Laminated panels

A large range and relatively low price of laminated MDF panels allows you to choose the color and texture of the material that will most accurately match the overall style of the input group.

  1. Along the inner and outer edge of the opening, install the guides of wooden rails of the required section attaching them to the wall with the help of dowels and self-tapping screws.

Schematic representation of mdf covering MDF panels. View from above.

  1. Cut from the MDF sheet and fasten to the guides with the help of small self-tapping and finish carnations, the upper part so that it covers the entire width of the slope.
  2. Putting the necessary angles to cut and consolidate the side panels to the guides, by analogy with the top panel.
  3. In order to hide the visible fasteners on the outer angles using liquid nails or other similar glue, it is necessary to secure the bent corner and internal angles into the decorative rack of suitable color.

In the end of the entry perimeter, you need to secure door platbands, but their installation is recommended only after the complete completion of the repair work in the apartment.


In order to accurately pick up the corners and prevent the formation of slots. It is recommended to first make a pattern from dense cardboard, and after an accurate fit to cut the panel.


From the submitted article, it can be concluded that almost every owner of his own dwelling can perform an independent design of the doorway. At the same time, it should be remembered that the entrance door is the most passing place, so if it is design, due attention should be paid to the reliability and strength of the materials used.

Door opening of the entrance door: what and how to better decorate, options, photos and videos

Door opening of the entrance door: what and how to better decorate, options, photos and videos

To separate the doorway with laminate and other materials is very simple

Door opening of the entrance door before and after decoration

Requirements for finishing

Before starting the trim of the front door, with their own hands, you should explore the requirements for work.

They need to follow if you wish to get decorative and durable slopes that will not lose external attractiveness for many years.

  1. Installing suitable fittings of doors and openings - an important stage of work that allows you to improve safety, strength and aesthetic attractiveness of the design.
  2. It is advisable to choose the same material from which the door is made. In any case, it must be harmonized with the situation and promote the creation of a single image.
  3. It is important to determine the appropriate fastening method. So, the decorative stone is attached by gluing to the wall, and it is possible to decide the MDF panels only after installing the root.
  4. Pay attention to sound insulation and the ability to save heat.
  5. The doorway finish ends with the installation of platbands.
  6. Sometimes different materials are applied for internal and external finishes.

What materials are used?

The finish of the doorway after installing the iron door is performed by such materials:

  • cement-sand solutions;
  • plasterboard, protruding independent option or basis for subsequent finishes (for example, you can apply wallpapers);
  • plastic, wooden panels, laminate, veneer;
  • decorative stone, natural or artificial.

If you decide not to call the wizard, choose the material and proceed to work.

However, it is important to know in advance about the nuances of the finish and correctly assess your strength.

Plaster door pier

Stucco is considered a classic option. This method is used in non-residential premises or where additional finishes are supposed. It should be plastering with accuracy and attention, and then carefully handle the doorway, because it will be difficult for him to care. But the method has and dignity: durability, durability, resistance to adverse environmental factors, the ability to easily perform repairs in case of damage, efficiency (30 kg of plaster mixture costs 200-300 p).

The finishing process looks like this:

  1. The surface is cleared and then ground.
  2. After drying, guide beams are installed. The equality of the situation is determined by the construction level, and the fixation is carried out with a solution.
  3. A reinforced grid is attached to the surface. The door frame and walls that are not subject to cladding are closed with painting scotch.
  4. The mortar and emptiness are filled with solution, after which it is applied to the entire surface.
  5. Cracks formed are eliminated by putty.

The door of the door is ready to paint or install other facing materials.

Finishing plasterboard

It can also be the basis for the subsequent transformation or an independent option. Plasterboard is not as durable as stucco, but it looks attractive, strictly and stylish, besides easily mounted. Another important advantage of plasterboard sheets is the cost in the range of 200-400 p.

The trimming of the entrance door is carried out like this:

  1. Measurements are performed.
  2. Plasterboard sheets are cut into fragments. The obtained parts must completely close the slopes and tightly lay down to each other.
  3. Damage to the surface is sealed by mounting foam.
  4. Foam is also used to fasten the finishing material. To do this, it is applied zigzag on the wall, after which the plasterboard presses for a few minutes. It remains to wait 10 minutes and press the material again. So achieve fast and durable gluing.
  5. The cracks remaining after the end of operation are sealed, surplus drywall and foam are cut off.
  6. Empties along the edges are closed with corners or shit.

Finishing of MDF panels

MDF is used for inner covering entrance doors in residential buildings and office space. The material is characterized by durability, hygienicness and aesthetics, provides good sound and thermal insulation, tolerates moisture effect well. There are 150-250 p panels. per square meter. The tree will cost more: 300-700 p. The serious flaws of the material include its light flammability and what cladding is possible only after mounting the frame.

The acquisition of veneer - wood material, distinguished by high strength and aesthetic attractiveness, belongs to its inadequate purchases. True, the straight sunlight is detrimental for him. The price of a square meter is up to 5 000 r.

To decorate the doorway with wood, veneer or MDF panels, you need:

  1. With the help of self-tapping and dowels, install guides from wooden plates. Frame planks before starting work is processed by an antiseptic.
  2. Fit panels for the desired size.
  3. Attach the first detail by self-draws or nails to the guides, continue the cladding, completely closing the slope in width.
  4. Mount to guide angles and side panels.
  5. Masking fasteners with the help of adhesive composition, install a decorative rail.
  6. On the perimeter doors to fasten the platbands.

Finishing plastic

Popular material, environmentally friendly, budget and unpretentious care. Manufacturers offer a wide color palette, which allows you to easily choose a plastic under the texture of the door leaf. The square meter is not more than 200 p. But the material does not differ in particular strength and is not suitable for each door.

The discovery of the entrance door is facing plastic on the same principle as the MDF: first the surface is prepared, then the lamb of the risks is attached, and already plastic panels.

Laminate clamping

This finish usually does not cause issues even in inexperienced builders. This is explained by the special flexibility of the laminate, its ability to take various forms. The material looks advantageously, does not harm the environment, but the high humidity suffers badly, so you should not use it from the outside of the day. Price of sheets - 300-3000 p.

The finishing of the doorway laminate differs little from the facing of the MDF panels. But the frame is mounted optional: another method of finishing suitable for smooth walls without flaws involves gluing the material by mounting foam immediately to the surface.

Decorative stone finish

Ideal for public institutions, although the stone is easy to decorate and cottage. But this option is not cheaper: the price of natural or artificial decorative stone is set within 200-1500 p. per square meter. The material is reliable, durable, well tolerates temperature differences and increased humidity, it is also suitable for external, and for internal works.

Finishing is done like this:

  1. The material is folded on the floor, forming a drawing. If necessary, the edges are cut and grind.
  2. The opening under the door is cleared, damage is maintained and eliminated with a putty. After that, the surface is ground. Cashbar and plinth are removed.
  3. With the help of glue or "liquid nails", the stone is attached to the walls, starting from below from the corner. The gaps are either not left, or filled with a sealing composition.
  4. After drying, the glue that fell on the front side of the stone is removed. It is applied composition giving shine.
  5. Details of the passage are put in place.

It is important to know that the rectangular design is facing the stone for this principle: the bottom of the material is always greater than the above. The drawing is located symmetrically taking into account the vertical and horizontal seams, a successful solution - "ribbon" edges of the finish. Arched loops are drawn up strictly along the contour.

Having understood in the features of working with various materials, you can enjoy the doorway input door to your liking.

Finishing of the doorway input door in 1 hour: methods and materials

Little to install the entrance door - you need to still make high-quality opening of the openings. This task is not so difficult so as not to cope with it yourself.

The interior of the house will not have a completed appearance without modern doors - beautiful, comfortable and reliable. And in order for the door to be convenient to open, the doorway slopes must be correctly installed and qualitatively decorated. In addition, you can attach a fully finished slope to the door frame. In this case, it is not necessary to spend time on work on its finishing.

Door slope from MDF

Door slope is part of space. Located between the door and the wall, which can be decorated with:

  • panels from MDF (finely dispersion fraction);
  • plasterboard;
  • plastic;
  • laminate.

According to the rules of repair, the slopes are engaged at the final stage of installation of the door, and the finishing method is chosen based on the type of door frame. So, if the door is located at the input, it will be necessary to perform its insulation. Interior doors, as a rule, do not be insulated, so their door slightly performs only decorative function.

In general, to all the discovery (external and internal) the general requirement is presented - they must be flawlessly smooth and neat .

If you choose from different ways to finish, then the door slope from the MDF is the best option. Extensive demand for MDF panels for trimming, can be explained:

  • the advantage of finishing material from MDF;
  • democratic price;
  • many variability of style solutions.

Advantages of using MDF in the finishing of doorways

The door slope from the MDF is often chosen to decorate the door of the doors made of wood. First of all, this is explained by the beautiful texture of the MDF panels, and also the positive characteristics of the material are added to this:

When finishing with panels from MDF, experts recommend do not use material in high humidity. Therefore, when buying a product, you need to pay attention to its quality. There are cases when door slips decorated with poor-quality material quickly lose aesthetic attractiveness due to its swelling, bundle or disruption of the outer surface.

Finishing of door slope panels MDF

The process of finishing door slopes MDF consists of several stages:

  1. Preparation and insulation of the Owl.
  2. Plastering.
  3. Preparation of fragments from MDF for finishing.
  4. Installation of panels.
  5. Installing platbands.

Preparation and insulation of the doorway

The initial stage of the arrangement of the doorway consists from the preparation of the door And just adjacent to the space for finishing works.

For this you need:

In order for the cold outside, it does not penetrate the room, on the door slope make a layer of insulation from:

  • mineral wool;
  • isolon;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • singrytegone;
  • foamed polystyrene.

Perhaps also deposition of insulation, which will cost more.


To facilitate further facing, as well as eliminate the remaining gaps, should be carefully turning away. It will be quite sufficient to apply a small number of plaster on them, and it is not necessary that the surface is plastered perfectly smoothly. In the corners of the slopes, it is necessary to establish special profiles that will not only help make them smooth, but also will strengthen the corner segments.

Preparation of MDF fragments for slopes

Before separating the slopes of the face with facing panels, it is necessary to make sizes, and then cut the material into fragments of the desired size. In order to correctly make measurements, you will need:

  • roulette;
  • corolnic;
  • templates for creating glob.

Installation of panels

Installation of facing material Performed in the following order:

To planets made of wood, facing can be knit small cloves without hats or glue liquid nails .

At the end of the finish, the protruding foam is cleaned with a painting knife. If necessary, it will be checked to eliminate the destructive impact of external factors (temperature and humidity). At the same time, new door sluts should remain clean, and therefore they will have to gently cry with a painting ribbon.

Installation of trimming

Ideal in appearance doorway becomes after the final finish stage. This includes:

  • installing platbands (they are installed at the top of the door of the door);
  • disguise places of material compounds on door slopes. Hats nails carefully covered with mastic selected in the tone of the finishing material (for this you can use furniture stickers).

Simple technology facing door slopes MDF panels will especially like those who try to perform repair work with their own hands.


Finishing of door slopes MDF panels fully complies with the basic requirements for the arrangement of the doorway by:

  • strength;
  • protection against external influences;
  • improving thermal and sound insulation indicators.

Finishing of the doorway MDF panels: work technology

After installing metal entrance doors, the question of finishing the opening from the apartment is certainly faced. The door is flush with an outer wall and is drawn up by the entrance side by platbands. And the internal arrangement of the opening is considered to be the work of additional and not all firms on installing it are engaged.

When installing modern metal entrance doors, it is also provided for the installation of good.

Options for designs

The opening after installing the metal door looks unprepacently and requires final work.

The most common types of decoration are:

  1. shuttering of the opening of an ordinary cement mortar;
  2. formation of faces using plasterboard sheets;
  3. finishing door openings MDF panels;
  4. plastic lining;
  5. dogs from the tree;
  6. the opening of the decorative stone.

The most familiar are plastering work on the design of openings.

These elements have their own characteristics that need to be considered by choosing an installation option.

Speaks of the input door must meet the following requirements:

  1. must serve as a beautiful detail, which is combined not only with the entrance group, but also with the whole interior;
  2. must have good thermal insulation properties, not passing cold air into the apartment;
  3. must be durable so much to be inappropriate not to be broken;
  4. this characteristic is also valued as stability to scratch and mechanical impacts, because the slopes are often cling to, they hide them contributed and endless through the door items.


The plaster solution is applied in several stages and rubs well.

The most time-consuming option is the option of plastering of the occupancy with cement mortar. But he has its advantages. Such slopes are monolithic and completely cut off the possibility of cold air penetration.

The plastering process is carried out in several stages and may take 3-4 days, since it is necessary to wait for the previous one before applying the next layer. After the completion of plaster alignment, you can paint the surface or stick any material on it.

Important. If you have already installed metal doors with MDF finishing, then take care of their safety at the time of plastering. We recommend it well to close them with a film, consolidating it with a scotch in such a way that the drops of the solution do not fall on the front surface of the doors.


The photo shows the process of applying adhesive on the back side of the billers from plasterboard.

This option is used quite often when there is no time and desire to engage in plastering.

There are two options for working with plasterboard sheets:

  1. installation on glue;
  2. installation on guides.

For door openings, installation of glue is used more often. Special glue divorces thick and is distributed to cakes in the form of beacons along the back of the billets from drywall. Then the bands are glued to the place, level alignment is performed by pressing sheets until the glue dries.

Important. The disadvantage of this method is that there are free space under plasterboard strips, and drywall during operation can be inadvertently poured.

MDF panels

Option facade for input doors from MDF.

Advantages that give the MDF door finish and the design of the opening of them can be felt at the installation phase. The opening does not need preliminary preparation and plaster. The design process is accelerated, and its exercise with your own hands becomes quite possible.

Interestingly, even with the old metal door that you would not want to change, the doors finish the MDF panels are possible. You can pick up the sheets in the form of door facades and those similar to them for the design of the opening.

Installation of facades

Most recently, a different finish of the entrance metal door than the upholstery of its leatherette, it was difficult to imagine. Today manufacturers provide us with a wide selection of various materials.

The most interesting of these are products from MDF. The price of such facades is somewhat higher than the price of the leatherette, but the result exceeds all expectations. And this applies not only to the appearance of the doors as a result of finishing, but also acquiring excellent performance.

It is completely simple to finish the inlet door with MDF panels with their own hands.

You only need to perform actions in a specific sequence:

  1. first of all, we carefully clean the door from the old coating;
  2. remove the castle and other fittings;
  3. metal sheets must be processed by means that are intended to combat corrosion;
  4. we carefully place and cut out on the MDF panel holes for the lock;
  5. fresh panels for glue, grabbing in several places with self-draws, self-tapping screws so that they do not damage the door panel from the reverse side;
  6. install locks and fittings;
  7. finishing the MDF Entrance Door is complete, proceed to the opening of the opening.

Installation of slopes

Scheme of opening of the opening.

Before entering the sealing of the panels, it is necessary to fully close all the holes and cracks and cut off the excess foam around.

The sequence of operations on the opening of the input door describes the following step by step instruction:

  1. in terms of the level, we press wooden guide strips on the edges;
  2. we apply a platband from the outer side of the slope and measure the distance to determine the width of the workpiece;
  3. when measuring the distance, we take into account that it will be necessary to install a decorative finishing corner to the edge under the platband;
  4. cut off the jigsaw along the blank for the upper slope;
  5. fresh harvesting to the top bar with self-drawers;
  6. similarly, we do with side blanks;
  7. we glue on top and sides of the opening decorative corner;
  8. we close the corner with a platband;
  9. in places docking slopes with the door frame, we also glue thin decorative corners;
  10. small gaps between the slopes themselves can be embedded using a special wood putty.

Council. For the convenience of performing work on the design of the opening, you can use templates of cardboard. Before turning on the electrolovka and cut off the blanks, try on the slopes of cardboard templates. And they cut the details on them, so you will protect yourself from damage to the material.

In the video presented in this article, you will find additional information on this topic.

Finishing doors MDF panels do it yourself

Door registration techniques

Topics is gaining popularity to doors by the MDF panels and displaces from the construction market, recognized for years finishing materials from the leopard and laminated wood chipboard (chipboard). What does the MDF abbreviation and its full name?
Tracking from English - medium density fiberboard in the "Wood microfiber" or finely - dispersed fraction and abbreviated form in Russian (MDF), meaning the name of the new material and panels to which these three letters are added to be confused with others. panels.

Sequence of operations when finishing doors

The practicality of the appearance of the MDF panel coverage and beautiful species, put them in one row with elite finishing materials.

  • The popular furnishings of MDF doors panels harmoniously combines a presentable appearance, high material durability to mechanical damage and no properties interacting with the environment.
  • The best sound and thermal insulation of the room is determined by the facing panel thickness, the instruction can be obtained directly in the store, as well as the price of these materials.
  • Any work can be done with your own hands and your tools, but something better to entrust specialists with the necessary equipment.
  • Manufacturers have brought the ability to have beautiful entrance doors without their replacement and provide consumers in the construction market a large selection of MDF panels manufactured.
  • Door finishing by MDF panels having standard dimensions does not take much time. When finishing metal doors in the apartment often use paint and wooden dies.
    Now it is possible to raise steel doors with the MDF finish and even on both sides.

Installation is performed in several stages:

  • Preliminary treatment of metal surfaces by means of corrosion, protected metal from dampness and condensate.
  • Marking and drill holes under the door handle, lock and other accessories, if it is present on the doors.
  • Panels are fastened with special self-draws, the length of which does not allow damage the door panel on the other side.
  • The panels are fixed, the installation of accessories and locks.

Ready-made standard steel doors with MDF panels have a basic size of 2050 x 860/960 mm. The efficiency of installing MDF panels on the door with a thickness of an outer steel sheet in 2 mm, is amplified by the presence of two reliable lock and embedded eye with an almost circular overview (120 ° viewing angle).
A definite interest is the MDF panels, lined with plastic, which has high strength and does not scratch. The external finish of doors from MDF by other manufacturers is performed by cladding the panels with a veneer of valuable rocks with a panel, milled from the array and varnished coated.

Finishing works of openings and slopes

After the end of the installation work and installation of doors, the disposal of old slopes, the outstand is not a very attractive picture that needs to be corrected. The finishing of door slopes is a time-consuming, although the necessary process.
Aesthetic species guarantee is a high-quality finish.

ATTENTION: Note. The firms engaged in the installation of doors are usually poured by the foam space between the installed door of the door and the doorway, and then finishing work is carried out at an additional cost, and it is possible to do it yourself.


Plastering complex and long process that requires certain skills. The finishing finish of the doorways of the MDF, much simplifies the work and reduces the costs of time, forces and emotions.
Independent work implies the presence of the necessary tool, priest things:

  • MDF panels;
  • Platband
  • Decorative elements - rake and a bending corner of all in the number of three pieces;
  • Liquid nails, dowels, selflessness and preparatory work. Close the gaps and holes, level the surface surrounding the door of the door, the level of the places where the possibility of rapid solidification is missing.

After preparing the tool and material, you can proceed to work:

  • On the prepared opening, guide planks made of wood are stipulated. The thickness of the planks (REC) is 10 mm and the width is not less than 30 mm, along the perimeter of their length is at least 9 meters.
  • Their mount is made from top to bottom and monitored by the level of where the deviation is observed, the area is put there or the plank is attracted to the wall. The top planks are strictly fixed at the corners of the door frame.

ATTENTION: Before installing the guide strip and fitting the MDF panel, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the decorative corner so that the platband lies tightly to the wall.

  • To obtain the desired result, it is necessary to lean the platband and determine the gap, possibly the thickness of the corner is not necessary to take into account in this particular case and it will not have to cut it and customize it with the wall, and it will be enough to glue.

Material location scheme

  • The decorative corner is necessary for fastening the external and inside of the panels, and the perfect cut at home is almost impossible.
  • After fitting and installing the upper slope, it is necessary to attach it to the top bar with small cloves or short screws, their heads will have to hide
  • When marking the guide slats for side slopes, this difference is taken into account and the thickness of the slats is adjusted.
  • We measure the height and width of the future slope from the left side.
  • In height, one dimension is made from the top of the external angle to the floor. In the width, the distance from the metal frame to the outer angles of the upper and lower part of the doorway is measured.
    Finishing the slopes of the input door of the MDF panels is suitable for a responsible point, so as correctly and immediately cut off the left corner from the side panel. Without a template there is no need to do.
  • Prepare a pattern preferably from a thick sheet of paper (cardboard), which slides on the guide upwards. It is noted an angle and cuts off an excessive very sharp knife to get a smooth line.
    The operation may repeat repeatedly, until the template is complete and tightly fit.
  • The instrument of door slidges MDF video clearly demonstrates that the displacement to the left relative to the doorway or right is available at all doors, no matter how much they exhibit them, and the disclosure angles therefore differ.

The panel was adjusted in size

  • The slope is mounted on the side of the frame with glue or small cloves, which then can be covered with a decorative plank, the outer side is fixed with self-draws.

ATTENTION: For dense adjacent panel to the door frame, pon the end corner between them.

  • The final decoration of the inlet door to the MDF panels includes sealing putty gaps between slopes.

It remains creatively to approach the registration of the outer part of the slopes:

  • Burning corners are glued and protruding parts are neatly cut to create a straight line with a wall.
  • Mascarves are attached, experts recommend starting from the installation of lateral and finish the top. Practice shows that even a displacement of 1 mm in the direction or fastener error in height leads to large problems with the upper platband.

He graduated from the Architectural Faculty of Penza State Institute of Architecture and Construction. Over the past ten years, a leading specialist of a large construction company in Penza, which is engaged in the construction of multi-storey residential buildings. The total work experience in the specialty is 18 years old. Consults on design issues, choosing materials for internal and outdoor decoration, finishing work technology.


Interior design will not have a complete view without a comfortable, reliable and aesthetic door design.

Slopes from MDF will allow the interior of the completion. But it should be noted that the installation provides compliance with the recommendations and norms that contribute to the achievement of the durability of the structure.

Advantages of building materials

The doorway finish is a time-consuming process that requires accuracy and following advice. Consequently, to make this kind of trim is possible personally. Sucks can be separated by panel materials whose variety can satisfy any requests. Often, finishing works are made by plastic, wooden panels, plasterboard, but the MDF panels are considered the most successful.

Advantages of MDF panels

Since this finishing building material has numerous advantages:

  • Availability of material.
  • Easy installation.
  • Aesthetic appearance.
  • The density of the material creates an additional sound - and thermal insulation.
  • Ecology. Warfather plate is made by the method of pressing wood chips under the influence of temperature and pressure. In the core of binders of fibrous material, carbide resins are used, which are harmless to humans. Consequently, the MDF refers to the environmental building material, which may be safely used for cladding both outdoor and interior structures.
  • The color palette allows you to satisfy any requests. You can choose the coloring of the panels from the wenge to bright shades.

Doorway lined with slopes from MDF

But both of any building materials, MDF panels are not devoid of flaws:

  • Weak resistance to mechanical damage. When deforming the MDF panel damage is not subject to restoration.
  • It does not withstand significant moisture indicators.

Consequently, the decoration of the door slut panels of the MDF should not be made in conditions of high humidity.

Sleeps input door from MDF do-it-yourself (video)

Preparatory moments

All the advantages that the outer doors can be facing the MDF panels can be shown during the installation. Consequently, before starting work, you can explore the video, exactly how the slopes are doing at the entrance door. Warm panels are 2 options:

  1. Designed for finishing works (possess a M-shaped form).
  2. Wall panels.

Measurement measurement

Most novice masters have a completely natural question, how to strip the slopes of the MDF input door correctly. To begin with, it is necessary to make detail. To make the door sluts from the MDF, you need to remove the size of the opening that should be portrayed on paper. According to transferred data, each element should be shown schematically. It is recommended to consider moments:

  • The presence of the thoring.
  • The procedure for placing parts.
  • Width of the opening and angles of inclination.

After installing the door, all the slots between the wall and the box should be seen by foam. After frozen the foam, all excess should be cut off.

Installation of slopes frame

Installation of wooden regions

Sucks from fibrous panels can be made frame and adhesive method. Installation of slopes from MDF panels with their own hands in the framework of the following technology:

  • At the edges of the slope of both pitched and the outside, with the help of a dowel, fix the wooden slats, which you need to close the MDF panels over time. Brussia should be aligned by level. To avoid skewing the design between the skeleton and the opening you need to score wedges.
  • From the MDF to cut 3 sheets (2 for vertical mounting and 1 - horizontal).
  • Details should be attached to the impeller and outline dots for cutting.
  • The trimming should be made strictly in the magnitude of the door hole.

Installation of wooden slopes

  • To the inner edge of the panel of the panels, we apply liquid nails and attach to the frame.
  • Panels should be aligned so as to achieve a minimum gap between them.
  • The fixation can be strengthened using self-tapping screws that screw in the upper and lower part. Self-tapping caps are decorated with special elements.
  • The final moment is the fastening of platbands.

If the depth of the opening does not exceed the width of the MDF, then in this case it is possible to fix it in a seamless method by setting vertically.

Installation of slopes with adhesive way

Watching door slope

If preference is given to the adhesive method, then in this case you should familiarize yourself with the tips on installing the entrance door and discovery of MDF. Algorithm works of work:

  1. First of all, for the adhesive method, it is necessary to shock the slopes.
  2. Prepared surface is recommended to treat primer. After the priming of the surface, you need to wait until a complete burden.
  3. Install beacon profiles by level. To install profiles on the slopes, the solution should be applied and align the beams by level in all directions. Give time to the solution to grab.
  4. The solution is applied to the slope and aligns the beaches with a spatula. After the manipulations produced, the slopes should be left for 2 days until the solution is completely sealing.
  5. The inner side of the part is covered with glue and gripped to the surface.
  6. When all the elements are set to the formed joints are embarrassed or covered with lining.

Important! After performing all manipulations, you can move to the outer finish of the door design. For this purpose, the surface is possible to bind with platbands or align the surface with a putty. On the expanses of Runet there are photos, video and reviews that describe in detail the entire step-by-step process of the frame and adhesive method.

How to bend MDF.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to separate the elements of a round or semi-alone configuration to be separated by trimmed sheets. Naturally, the question arises how to flexing the material and is it possible. It should be noted that bend the MDF is possible, subject to the use of thin panels (the average should not exceed 3 mm).

How to bend mdf panel at home

To heat the panel, the following actions should be made:

  • Production of the workpiece from the fiberboard.
  • Produce a sheet of sheet across the bend.
  • Cut pieces of MDF of the necessary dimensions.
  • On the seeds of the folding of the line with an interval of 5 mm. It must be 1 mm.
  • The resulting chips must be assembled and mixed with glue to the formation of a casczyce mixture, which the holes are filled.
  • Share the MDF sheet on the template and fix it with nails. Nails do not need to drive deep, for ease of elimination.
  • The last stage is the removal of the workpiece, grinding and painting.

Following the recommendations, it is possible without effortless to sow units of MDF panels or other construction materials independently. To do all the manipulations of the personally able to everyone, despite the fact that the decoration of slopes in such material as MDF is a painstaking and time-consuming process.

Photo gallery of finished work

One of the common variants of the visual increase in the room in the room is a dismantling of interroom doors. Such a solution allows you to visually expand the premises, create a single space in the interior. At the same time, an important task arises - finishing the doorway. In this article, we collected the most popular and non-trivial ways to solve this issue.

Preparation of opening

The process of preparing the working surface varies due to materials selected as finishing.

  • If it is decided to improve the opening of a decorative mixture, it is necessary to produce a draft finish using conventional plaster. After that, all surfaces need to be carefully cleaned with a fine skirt. This will avoid extinguishing the plastering layer. The use of a construction level or a plumb will save on the finishing material.

    Alignment of opening with plaster with the help of the rule and metal corners

  • In the case of using overhead elements (stone tiles or PVC panels), the leveling of the opening is not required by the level, it is enough to hide the explicit shortcomings - tubercles and pits.
  • If the lamp is erected, there is no need in the draft finish: everything will be hidden under a solid wooden or metal frame.

    Gypsum carcard

  • Plasterboard - one more option for the object of the doorway, as a result of which the perfectly smooth surface is obtained. Does not require additional processing, you can paint or glue the wallpaper immediately after mounting and grouting the joints.

    Alignment of plasterboard without frame for glue

Types of materials for finishing

The choice of materials for finishing the doorway on the construction market is also extensive, there will be options both economy-class and expensive alternatives. It all depends directly from the needs, desires and opportunities of buyers, as well as several important aspects:

  • do not save on the quantity and quality of fixing elements (for example, if you do a clash from wooden bars, then you need to watch them for mold, rot and large cracks);
  • when buying materials, packaged by different boxes, you should check the batch of supplies if they differ, it may be different and a shade of the contents;
  • the durability of the material, its ability to withstand daily contact with various external influences - this is what the wizards should think first of all.

Using the example of the most popular options for the doorway finish, consider the workflow in more detail for each of them.


This option can be called the most popular through the simplicity of work and the practicality of the use of finishing material.

The only thing about to take care before starting the finish is to cover the floor with a film or newspapers in order not to damage and not contaminate the surface.

  1. Work starts with the preparation of the opening: stripping from old materials and primer surface.
  2. Installing beacons (it should be mounted a little solution and fix perforated corners on the walls, exposing them along the construction level).
  3. A masonry reinforcing mesh is attached between the corners.
  4. A building mixture is prepared in the required quantity.
  5. Using several spatulas, the mixture is applied to the walls in a chaotic order, after which the rule is smoothed over the surface.

It is important to remember that the thickness of one layer should not exceed 2 cm, otherwise emptiness or cracks can form, and this will adversely affect the durability of the finish.

If everything is respected, it remains to wait until the surface dry, and you can start the finish finish: painting, wallpaper sticker or decorative mixtures.

Clinker tile, mosaic

This material is intended for facing a variety of sections of a residential building, including the doorway. There are no special rules for laying, options are offered depending on the interior design:

Facing the doorway tile or mosaic does not require a special tool or special skills, the workflow consists of phased actions:

  1. after the surfaces are cleaned and twisted, it is necessary to put markup, according to which the tile will be located in the doorway;
  2. prepare special glue (liquid nails are used only in cases where the surface is perfectly smooth);
  3. apply glue with a spatula on the reverse side of the tile, distribute it on the surface, excess to remove;
  4. put the tile to the wall and hold for a few seconds, giving an effort.

Clinker tile laying scheme

So that the products are fixed on the surface of the opening evenly, the plastic strokes should be prepared in advance, which is inserted into the seams between the tiles. It is removed after solidifying the adhesive mass no earlier than 24 hours.

It is very important - if the glue hit the surface of the tile, it should be removed immediately, since it is very difficult to remove the solidising mass.

When the opening is completely enhanced, the seams between the tiles are closed with special grouts, the color of which is selected in the tone of walls or finishing materials.

Decorative rock

Another option that is used as an alternative to clinker tiles is a decorative stone. He has several advantages over other finishing materials:

  • the exact imitation of natural breeds, while the varieties of the textures are very much: marble, limestone, jasper, brick, wood slice and many others.
  • tolerates increased humidity without consequences;
  • easy to care, because does not require the use of special means to remove dirt from the surface;
  • resistant to mechanical damage subject to laying rules.

The installation process is very similar to the masonry clinker tile, but there are several important points that should not be forgotten:

  • depending on the thickness, the weight of the products may vary, which can increase the consumption of adhesive mass;
  • by purchasing the finishing material, inspect several pieces from the back, if there are many pores on the surface, they have low density, which will affect the strength of the stone.

This finishing material is found in two types:

  1. Natural. It is made from natural breeds crushed into the crumb. Such products are characterized by weight and strength with direct mechanical effects.
  2. Artificial. It is the basis of the gypsum, which adds dyes and polymers. The main advantage is a low price, which fluctuates around 300-800 rubles per square meter.

Wooden panels, MDF

No less popular option for finishing door sluts are wooden or MDF panels, laminated under the tree, which harmoniously fit into the classic style. Benefits include:

  • aesthetics;
  • durability;
  • lack of visible defects when in contact with water.

The process of installation of wood panels or MDF will require you to purchase additional materials - wooden plates to be used as a crate:

  1. Rakes are cut under the width of the opening and are attached with the help of dowels and screws to the walls.
  2. Panels are also customized under the opening with a small indent, to hide the end corner.
  3. The starting panel is fixed with finish nails.
  4. All subsequent panels are fastened through a spike-groove (compound system present on products).
  5. From the end, the design closes the side panel - a platband that is attached to the nails to the crate or the end corner.

Photo Instructions for finishing opening MDF panels

To hide fasteners, you can use special furniture wax or sticky plugs, pickup them under the color of the panels.

This finish will look rich, even if inexpensive MDF panels were used with a textured pattern under the tree of exotic breeds.


Many finishers love laminate for its flexibility, which allows these material to be sewed with almost any openings, angles and surchates found in residential premises. The only thing that is worth bothering is - he does not tolerate moisture and after contact with water on the ends of the products, bloat can be formed, and such defects are not eliminated.

Laminate is fastened with self-tapping screws in the same way as finishing PVC or MDF panels.

If the walls are relatively smooth, then you can use liquid nails and spacers, which for several hours will pressed the material to the surface of the walls.

Stucco - gypsum and polyurethane foam

One of the most interesting, but in its own way of capricious materials is stucco. Using it in the interior for finishing the doorway, you should withstand a single concept of general design, to fit into the style to which columns are inherent, pilasters with capitals and other similar decor elements.

The stucco on the opening should be combined with other elements of the interior, such as floor and ceiling plinths

There are two types of stucco on the construction market:

  1. Gypsum. Without it, it is impossible to present the interiors of country houses performed in Venetian or classic style. But in small apartments such products seem too cumbersome, interior openings are narrowed not only visually, but in fact. Plus, all the gypsum is a very heavy and fragile material, in conditions of mechanical exposure, it will not last long.
  2. Artificial, or rather polyurethane, is an affordable analog of plaster.

The benefits of polyurethane decor can also be attributed:

  • ease of construction;
  • ease of installation: products are easily cut by a stationery knife and are attached to liquid nails;
  • a variety of finished forms;
  • polyurethane surface is suitable for staining.

The stucco looks perfect in the frame of the doorway with the arch, especially if the width allows you to erect the monolithic column supports along the edges.

Forms of the doorway

The finishing of the openings between the rooms without the door is complex not only by the choice of the material used, but also to which form will be this very opening.

The solution to this issue will affect the harmony of the transition between the rooms, on the lighting of the premises, the combination of styles in the interior and the practicality of the movement.


Frequently found option is rectangular. This opening remains immediately after dismantling the door box and it has its advantages:

  • suitable for all finishing materials;
  • no facilities of additional structures are required;
  • clearly distinguishes two residential premises, for example, a balcony and a kitchen, while visually expanding both;
  • great is perfect for modern interior design styles.

Wide rectangular opening allows you to use slopes as a niche for interior items


The arch has an interesting ability: in premises with low ceilings, it visually enhances them, and in cases with high - on the contrary, lowers. At the same time, the wider the opening in the form of the arch, the lower it seems the ceiling.

Many prefer such an option for its softness, lack of sharp corners, it makes transitions between rooms more invisible. Ideally fits the arch when leaving the hall, if it is wide enough, the movement between the rooms will be inconspicuous.

The absence of a massive decor of the doorway emphasizes the beauty and complexity of the rest of the interior.

Pleasant additions are ready-made solutions - arched type, prepared for installation in doorways.

Dobors and developed edging openings emphasize the complex form of the opening, making visual accent on it


This form is used very rarely, this is due to the fact that in small areas such a solution gives the opposite effect: the room does not expand, and the ceiling is visually lowered. Especially in cases where the upper horizontal part of the trapezium is too narrow. It may seem to be the impression that when the opening, it wanted to make an arch, but did not have enough strength and skills.

This opening looks good when it corresponds to the form located behind it, as in this picture

The polygon will well fit into the transition, where bivalve interior doors were planned or were installed. With the help of drywall, it is possible to easily and without effort to turn the rectangular lumen in a smooth trapezion, consolidating it in the corners of the opening.


The doorway, which embodies the fantasies of the owners of the residential premises - this is an asymmetrical form. Designers love her for the ability to implement the most amazing solutions. The opening ceases to be the border of the two rooms, it turns into an apartment decoration, in that element that attracts the glance and emphasizes the specified style.

Assymmetric opening - highlight of any interior

However, there are nuances here, which many forget about and in the process of work are faced with difficulties:

  • it is impossible to be taken for expanding the opening without creating a project, where all the possibilities of bearing walls and overlaps will be taken into account;
  • sharp corners and sharp forms have a negative psychological impact on others; It is necessary to reduce the presence of irritable factors as much as possible so that the refined openings serve it with dignity, and not the disadvantage.

Curtain design

A simple but very interesting option to decorate the doorway with a curtain is a look in the past. A few decades ago, people were so distinguished by living space, decorating the passage by wooden or tissue curtains. The desired effect was reached: the boundaries of the room were visually identified, and the closetness of space was not created.

Curtains - simple and spectacular solution

But such solutions are popular and now, that's just a variety of forms and materials has become much larger. Most often bamboo sticks are used, very durable and emitting a pleasant sound when colliding with each other. They can be painted independently into the desired shade or pick up the finished version of their interior.

It is possible to use the curtains anywhere, even on the border of the hallway with the bathroom, though it is a bit intimate, but if the owners of the dwelling are interesting, then why not experiment.

There are various options for the finish of the doorway. They help get a harmonious and stylish design of the room. It must be borne in mind that these structures are divided into two types, which depend on the presence or absence of the door canvase. It is this element that determines the sequence of activities carried out in order to obtain the desired effect.

Ways of lining of openings without door canvases

The doorway finish without a door is performed by two main options:

  1. Standard. This technology provides for the cladding of openings by various materials, without changing the design.
  2. Arched. This method lies in the fact that the configurations of the opening are changed - significantly or slightly.

Each of the methods requires compliance with certain rules, as well as accuracy.

Different types of materials for standard finishes

For registration of the doorway without the door, finishing products are applied, which have different technological features.

PVC panels

This option is one of the most popular. This contributes to the fact that such products has excellent characteristics, as well as quite available at the price. For stacking, it is often used way to fit the glue. Panels are facing mainly slopes. Other parts of the doorway are separated by other materials.

On a note! PVC products require careful selection. To make a coating that will be harmoniously looked in the interior, you should prefer varieties made as imitation of natural materials.

Everything is performed as follows:

Requires to leave the design for a while to avoid displacement of elements. Now they start eliminating external joints. If they close them with plastic corners, as it is done when cladding windows, it may be not a very attractive effect. Therefore, it is better to make putty putty. Next, you can begin the subsequent finish. To do this, staining, pasting wallpaper.

You should know! There are plastic platbands that are successfully combined with PVC panels. But their trimming is a very laborious occupation. The fact is that it is necessary to adjust the elements at an angle of 90 degrees.

The best replacement for PVC will be MDF panels. The finishing of the openings is perfectly combined with other products. If it is required to carry out the cladding of structures in this way to eliminate the formation of visible joints, lamination is used.

Facing the door slope with MDF


Immediately it is worth noting that currently applied stucco, which is made of polyurethane. Unlike gypsum options, this type of product is characterized by a slight weight. Its installation can be performed without attracting additional helpers. An important feature of such a material is that it is amenable to subsequent processing. That is, it is easy to paint in different colors.

The opening finish is carried out according to a specific scheme:

  • All parts and glue are pre-maintained in the room where installation will be carried out, within 24 hours. This will ensure that all elements will be accustomed to an existing microclimate.
  • Plots that will be covered are carefully covered with primer. It is selected exclusively compositions that have a deep penetrating effect.

    Important! It should be remembered that the sticker of the stucco is performed first. Only after that, you can produce a common wall decoration.

  • The surfaces of the products are slightly lifted by sandpaper. Next, glue is applied. It is evenly distributed over the involving side of the fragments. Now the stucco is applied to the selected area and press well. To prevent crawling elements, small screws are screwed under them.
  • If excess glue appears, then they are immediately removed. When it fails to do it right away right away, you can use acetone, which wet a sponge.
  • An important point is the docking of the elements. It can be carried out at a right angle (perpendicular installation), or a trimming is performed, which is produced at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • After cladding - joints appear. They are hidden using a putty, which after drying is rubbed by sandpaper. With special care, you should approach the decoration between the rooms, because it is required to provide the location of the parts on both sides.

Folding the doorway stucco provides some nuances. This option is most suitable for rooms that have sufficiently high ceilings. If you apply it for small rooms, it is advisable to thoroughly think over the location of all items. The fact is that it is easy enough to overload the room so that the interior will be simply spoiled.

Fake diamond

The use of an artificial stone is an excellent solution that helps to separate the doorway without the door is very stylish and modern. This option is superior to similar products due to the fact that the material is made in a large decorative range. For example, clinker tiles are also used to clamp such structures, but its choice is quite limited.

On a note! It should be borne in mind that the concept of "artificial" does not implect the advantages of this product. Imitation is carried out with great accuracy. The texture and shades of natural stones are repeated.

Decoration of the doorway with artificial stone

Before separated by a decorative stone doorway without a door, you should familiarize yourself with its advantages. The following advantages of the material are distinguished:

  • Excellent appearance that brings presentability to the interior.
  • The possibility of combining with other finishing materials.
  • Excellent resistance to mechanical exposure.
  • Durability. The service life is calculated by decades.

For work, small products are applied to the size that have some terrain. If you choose a deeper texture, it will look very cumbersome.

Facing is made on various technologies. Often, the laying is carried out by means, which allows forming uneven edges.

On a note! Currently, special elements have been developed that perform the role of angular linings. They allow you to avoid excess trimming.

The design of the opening is quite simple:

  1. The selected areas are marked. It must repeat the designed scheme. To perform this process most accurately, the stone is laid out on the floor in the specified order.
  2. The surfaces of the walls are processed by primers that have deep penetration. This will improve adhesion. It is important to give all areas to dry well.
  3. Fixation can be carried out on a special tile and liquid glue. The second option is suitable for those cases when the base has almost perfect evenness.
  4. The composition is applied on the wrong side of the elements. It is important to remove any surplus.
  5. The stone is placed in ways that make it possible to form seams or bypass the monolithic surface (without junctions).
  6. Details are sitting in their place and pressed. It is important to achieve a good clutch.
  7. If the joints were formed, then they are watched. The color of the mixture is chosen contrast or monophonic.

If there is a question: the better to separate the doorway, which does not have the doors, the first to be considered options that include artificial stone, decorative brick and clinker.


Recently, such material has a lot of popularity. But most recently, ten years ago, this method seemed most affordable. It is safe to argue that many simply underestimate plaster. Indeed, this option has several significant disadvantages - the complexity of application (in the absence of experience) and the presence of a certain amount of "dirt". But if you correctly fulfill all the work, as well as achieve a combination with other products, the effect will pleasantly surprise.

How to arrange a doorway without a door via shuttering:

  1. Prepared the required amount of the mixture. The mortar must be in such a quantity so that it is enough for 30-45 minutes of operation.
  2. The mixture is applied to the surface by pumping. Running occurs with the help of a rule or a wide spatula.
  3. If required, the beacons and guides perforated profiles are installed.
  4. When the layer of the solution exceeds 1-1.5 cm, the reinforcing grid is stacked.

This surface can be painted. But it is better if the plaster acts as a starting lineup. Then the finish finish can perform a decorative (textured) putty. It is applied in a certain order, which allows to obtain an amazing coating. Such door openings will decorate the interior.

Decorative plaster - spectacular version of the doorway without door

Arch device

The arch is capable of transforming the interior. It is important to understand that the device of such a design assumes the presence of a certain experience. After all, to separate the doorway solely with your own hands - you will need to spend a lot of strength.

You should know! There are standard arches, which are already fully prepared for installation. They must only be appropriately mounted.

Doorway in the form of arches

The most simply manufactured arches made of drywall. It looks like this:

  1. The finishing of door openings begins with the installation of the frame on both sides. It is fixed on the upper horizontal and vertical racks. On the latter, it has a size that is almost equal to the end of the rounding.
  2. The frames are fixed from GLK. The arc is pre-cut on them, for this stencil is made.
  3. Inside the resulting design, an additional doom is performed. It serves to attach the last arcuate element from plasterboard.
  4. The final finish is performed by putty. Decorative cladding is made by various materials.

The arch can be performed with the help of more "noble" products, but will require more skill.

Other ways of design

The design of door openings can be performed by other methods. They are to use decorative curtains or shirm. This method is very affordable and easy. In addition, it does not require practically no work.

Various options can be used:

  1. Curtains made of fabric. They will become an excellent addition for any interior. The composition should be made in such a way that there is harmony with other elements and a combination of window trim.
  2. Curtains from bamboo. This option is suitable when the room is performed in the style of ECO.
  3. Thread curtains. These products are used if they want to fill the room with unusualness.

Of course, how to arrange the opening, each is chosen on the basis of its taste and preferences.

Photo Gallery: Options for finishing door openings without doors (20 photos)

What can be done with an open-equipped door

The solution to how to make a doorway, which has a door leaf, involves the use of the most simple options. The difference lies only in where this design is located.

Simple device of interior space

The most accessible option for the interior opening is considered to install the box and adjacent elements. General technology is as follows:

  • Installed box. It can be equipped with a threshold or be without it.
  • In the quality of the materials that will be facing the slopes, goodholds apply. They are produced standard size (up to 120-150 mm).
  • These elements are attached due to the groove, which is available on the box. If such a constructive feature is not provided, the fixation is performed on the self-tapping screw. The hole is drilled through the end of the part.
  • The exterior finish is made at the expense of platbands that are framed by the opening.

This option is great for situations where it is required to be made of not very wide structures.

Other options

How to put the doorway, which has a door, more original? In fact, to create a truly interesting option, you must try. The fact is that it is the mounted canvas limit the use of different materials. Incorrect use of finishing products - prevents opening. Although, if we take into account this feature, almost everything is suitable for the exterior.

On a note! There is a sliding way to open the door. That is, the canvas repeat the door coupe. This is a rather interesting technological solution that requires a more thorough choice of facing products.

How to separate the doorway? Such a question has many answers that depend on the specific situation. But anyone would advise, still need to listen to her heart and choose the option that will be closest to you.