How to clean the pipe drained from washing. Mechanical, chemical and folk methods for cleaning the sink from a cloth

The sink mustor is an unpleasant phenomenon that brings strong discomfort. When the pipe is clogged, water through the drain hole goes slowly either does not go away at all, but accumulates in the sink. In addition, an unpleasant smell appears. In this article we will look at how to eliminate the zoom in the sink.

Causes of Vorab

Before cleaning the sink from a clogging at home, it is important to establish the cause of the blockage. It may be corrosion of metal pipes. Mineral growth and rust are gradually formed in metal devices. With the cleaning of such pipes, only an expert can cope. However, in many homes, modern plastic tubes are now installed, which is not subject to corrosion. Therefore, they will not encounter such a problem.

The cause of the blockage can be the wear of old pipes or other equipment. In this case, the replacement of the siphon, wiring, riser and other devices is required. Sometimes the block appears due to the accumulation of small solid particles of running water inside the pipeline. It means you have too contaminated tap water that requires additional cleaning. What to do if dirty or rusty water flows, look.

In addition, the blockage is formed due to garbage from entering and due to a fat traffic jam, which is formed when washing dishes. A variety of small garbage falls into the drain, including the remains of food and soap or detergents, threads, hair, animal wool and other elements.

This is the most common reason that the sink closed in the bathroom or in the kitchen. In this case, we can rinse drain and pipe with your own hands. Let's consider in more detail how to clean the zago in the sink in the kitchen or in the bathroom.

First Aid: Four Easy Ways to Eliminate Vorso

  1. With steel pipes in the slaughtered shell, pour boiling water. If the pipes are plastic, turn on the crane with hot water and leave for twenty minutes. If the plug is not too dense, it is somewhat in the sewer along with water. After the procedure, turn on a small stream of water from the crane and check whether the drain clear;
  2. Easy blocking will also remove lemon. Singing one lemon juice into the drain hole, and two hours rinse the sink or bath with hot water;
  3. The accumulated fat in the pipes effectively remove the salt and soda. To do this, pumped into a glass with water half of the salt mugs and a mug of soda, stir and fill the mixture into a closed sink. Leave for five to ten minutes, and then clean the cloth or vanatoux and at the end, rinse the pipe with water stream;
  4. If you have a vacuum cleaner with the function of the reverse fad or blowing air. Tightly wrap the pipe device with a cloth, set to the draining and turn on blowing on. Powerful air flow is stagnant.

Eliminate zago with vehicle

If the listed methods did not help, the washing was hampered strongly and requires more decisive actions. The most popular means in the fight against the scoring sink at home - Vanutuz. To use the device, fill the sink of hot water to a third and firmly press the canafuz to the drain hole. So that it lightened the most tightly, pre-lubricate the bodie of the hole with petroleum.

Press on Vanutuz and make sharp intense movements up-down. As a result, a hydraulic pillar is formed, under the pressure of which the blocking breaks down. Swipe the vehicle and repeat the procedure. Repeat until the drain is completely cleaned.

If you have a sink with two sections, you will need two vents, which need to be used at the same time. When there is no second vehicle, the second drain close the wet rag and press the hand. However, Vanutuz will not help with a very dense, deep and old cloth. In this case, you can apply a special plumbing cable.

Cleaning shell cable

Plumbing cable is made of elastic steel. At one end of this device there is a handle, on the other - a special spiral or a rash. By the way, such a cable can be made with your handles. Take a flexible metal wire, get cloth from one edge and make a handle, and the other - bend in the form of a hook.

The cable is placed in the pipe and scroll clockwise, while the product is pushed inside or direct. In the first case, the garbage pushes deep into the pipe. In the second - comes out. Before cleaning, remove the siphon and rotate the cable only clockwise, otherwise the device will break. In addition, periodically turn on the water to wash off the freed contamination.

The use of cable cleaning is more suitable for metal pipes. Since they are more resistant to deformation and mechanical pressure. Moreover, the cable removes both rust. Plastic pipes need to be cleaned in this way very neatly so as not to damage the material. In addition, for cleaning, you can use professional and folk remedies.

Folk and Professional Means

Common folk remedy for blocks in the sink is cleaning with soda and vinegar. In this case, 150 grams of soda are poured into the drain hole, and then pour vinegar in the same volume. The hole is closed with a plug for half an hour, after which the pipe was washed with boiling water. Soda and vinegar form a caustic foam, which quickly and effectively corps any blockage.

When the sink clogged in the kitchen or in the bathroom, you can use Alka-Seltzer tablets. Throw two tablets into the drain hole and pour the glass of vinegar. Two minutes later, turn on the hot water at full power. This method helps to eliminate the moderate blockage and relieves unpleasant odor.

For prevention and cleaning of blocks use household chemicals. Choose the means that are suitable for the type of pollution and the type of material from which the pipes are made. Be careful, since such compositions are aggressive. When working, be sure to wear gloves, follow the instructions, keep the drug away from children and animals!

The best domestic products from blocks

A drug Description Cost
Popular accessible tool with efficient, but slow action; eliminates zoom for 1.5-2 hours; Removes bacteria and unpleasant odor

20-60 ruble1 (gel, 0.5-1 l)

Universal inexpensive means for any type of pipe with delicate effect; Eliminates breaks for an hour, removes an unpleasant smell and has a lid-blocker to protect children

55 rubles (gel, 500 ml)

A popular gel for cleaning pipes of any kind is valid for 5-30 minutes, but it does not always cope with difficult stamps; soft safe composition and high price

200 rubles (500 ml)

An affordable and effective agent in the form of powder and gel; does not forms dust, but it is distinguished by the caustic smell; Changes with a block for 15-20 minutes 30 rubles (powder), 80 rubles (gel)
Powerful plastic and polypropylene pipe gel is not suitable for aluminum pipes; produced in a convenient package with blocking lid; clears zoom per hour

130 rubles (gel, 500 ml)

Aggressive drug with a powerful action and high efficiency does not have a sharp smell and disinfect; Made in granules, operational and easy cleaning 40 rubles (microgranules, 60 gr)
Buggy Pothan Expensive and high-speed composition eliminates the zoom for three to five minutes; characterizes comfortable packaging and economical consumption; not suitable for old and worn pipes; Produced in granules and tablets 100 rubles (1 tablet), 290 rubles (granules, 250 ml)

Selena Antisatour

Available preparation with slow cleaning for one or two hours; Suitable for the sink, and for the toilet; not dust, without caustic smell 100 rubles (gel, 1 l), 15-30 rubles (powder, 90 gr)

So that the sink does not score, do not pour there with a liquid with culinary fat. Before washing, clean the dishes from the residues of food, do not throw into the sink of the thread, wool, skin from vegetables and other small garbage. To protect the drain hole and the pipe from foreign items entering, use a special grid.

Clean the plums from the hair regularly and clean the siphon once a week, clean the shell with hot water, wash the hole with boiling water. We wash the sink daily and periodically clean the siphon, replace the parts and devices in a timely manner.

Zoor in the sink in the kitchen is not uncommon: water leaves the washing every time everything is slower and slower, and an unpleasant smell comes from the sewage system. Sooner or later, the pipe is finally clogged and cleaning is required. At home, a whole arsenal of funds are available that allow you to quickly solve the problem. In most cases, there is no need to invite plumbing - to get rid of local blockages you can independently.

The reasons. Come to the interior can:

  • "Tubes" from foreign objects, accidentally falling into the drain: scraps of food packaging, vegetable or fruit cleansing, food residues.
  • Fat and oil that do not fall into the sewer, but settle on the inner surface of the pipes. Over time, the sticky layer increases, and the lumen decreases, not allowing the drains to be easily passing along the pipe.
  • Errors during the installation of sanitary equipment, including the incorrectly selected angle when installing pipes.

Store and folk remedies

Means to help clean the blockage in the sink can be found in any economic store: take a look at the brands "Mr. Muskul", "Mole", "Domasetos", Tiret. The composition of such "chemistry" includes potent alkalis and acids that split fat, as well as solvent "tubes" of organic and inorganic origin.

The method of using caustic liquids is usually reduced to one: Fill the required amount of means into the drain (accurate dosage is indicated in the instructions for each specific composition), after a certain time, span the pipe hot water.

In order not to deliver the inconvenience of yourself and households, pour the gel for the night. In the morning it will remain only to pull hot water and wash the sink.

Note that chemicals are quite aggressive in relation to any surfaces. Do not use the tool more often than once every 3-4 months, otherwise the pipes are rapidly wear out. At the time of work, wear shopping gloves, do not allow liquid to enter the mucous membranes. Keep the "fat market" in a tightly closed container, in an inaccessible for children and domestic animals.

Folk Methods

Among people, allowing to eliminate the sink zoom, the following are popular among the owners:

1. Dissolve in the glass of hot water 3-4 tbsp. Spoons of cook salt. The resulting solution is pouring into the drain, after 5-10 minutes, we swipe the flow of boiling water or remove the softened "tube" by vanatuz.

2. Take 5-6 tbsp in a pan. Spoons of food soda, let cool. Prepare a soda solution (need 250 ml of boiling water), mix thoroughly so that there is no suspension. Sweep with a solution of stock, after 10 minutes, skip hot water.

3. Purchase 4-5 tbsp into the drain. Food soda spoons, pour a glass of 9% of the cutlery. Wait until the substances come into the reaction and dissolve fat (the process takes about 15-20 minutes). Scroll through hot water for 5 minutes.

Soda and vinegar - the most affordable solution

Do not confuse vinegar and acetic acid! The latter corrodies, brass and metal-plastic pipes, significantly shortening the service life.

4. It helps to remove the blockage in the sink the above-described means complemented by any washing powder. Together with soda, pour 4-5 tbsp into the pipe. Powder spoons, fill with 9% table vinegar and leave for 20 minutes.

5. In the case when the stagnation of water is caused by the "plug", you can use the vehicle or plumbing cable.

Vantuz - Universal Mechanical Method of Cleaning

6. If all the means and methods are tried, but the result "zero" is trying to disassemble the siphon: in the curved tube, waste will accumulate in the curved tube, mixing the normal outflow of water.

Siphon is quenched most often

Prevention of washing blocks in the kitchen

  1. Set a special metal or plastic mesh into the drain, which does not miss the residues of food.
  2. Do not pour out fat or vegetable oil into the sewer: Drain waste into an unnecessary container or airtal package and dispose.
  3. If you change the pipes, make a choice in favor of metal-plastic: unlike cast iron, if they bore fat, then less intense.
  4. Clean the dishes from the residues and fat with paper napkins, before you wash.
  5. Use fat trampling products for washing dishes.
  6. Periodically, clean the pipe to the unit to remove blockages (according to the instructions), a solution of food soda (4 tbsp. Spoons on a glass of hot water) or at least boiling water.

Pipes are usually clogged at the most inopportune moment, it usually happens in the morning when you are late for work or even worse when you need to take a bath or go to the toilet, and in the bathroom or in the kitchen. In this article, we will analyze the main efficient ways how to quickly clean the sewer pipes without much effort.

How to find out what exactly clogged in the sewer pipe

To determine the problem in time and take rapid measures. This is our main task. That's why I will begin to act promptly so for passing, first determine whether the water flies in other sewer nodes it is a toilet, sink, bath or shower. If the water does not merge in any of them, then we have big problems the fact is that in high-rise buildings, especially on the first floors, the riser itself and water begins not only not to merge, but even in rare cases rises to the top of the toilet or From the bath, then more like the number of plumbing or housing and call them.

Learn the number of Zheka very simply go into the entrance and read the phone on the electrical shield.

Types of blockages and their differences

Operating blockage.

This is a blockage that is obliged to be fat. Yes, the fat sticks to the pipes inside, and the hair begins to stick to it, and other waste that accidentally fall into the sink through the drain hole.

Mechanical blockage.

The mechanical break occurs mainly due to the fault of the apartment itself - a frequent example of a mechanical break is toilet paper that rushes into the toilet almost every day. Sometimes paper is not separated by water and the block is formed, which can be derived only by special means that corrupt the paper and the accumulated garbage.

Near siphone.

Siphon is a device that you can observe below in the picture it is he serves as a barrier that protects us from unpleasant odors - this is a kind of filter, from direct smell from the sewage. But over time, fat falls into the siphon, which in turn accumulates the remaining deposits within himself.

Clean the siphon can be very simple - unscrew it and rinse with hot water with the addition of Farry or other liquids for washing dishes - this will remove the dirt from the inside.

Picture - Sewer Siphon

Technogenic blockage.

You have a new apartment, and blockages appear periodically you do not know how to deal with it? The answer is simple this is the worst option from all those discussed above. It is a technogenic block that cannot be eliminated by the screwdrivers, because it arises by the error of the design of the sewer systems unfortunately it is not uncommon.

How to clean the resulting blockage?

Clean the sewer can be solved by various methods. The effectiveness of these methods depends on the severity of the blockage. Consider these methods.

Tools for cleaning

Picture - Tools for cleaning a cloth in a pipe

Screw agents - pipe cleaning with soda.

If you do not have special tools that, using your caustic composition, will help you cope with cleaning of sewer pipes, then use sweater measures. So: boil some hot water teapots and add a stack of table soda to hot water - this will allow you to decompose fat in the pipe and get rid of the blockage.


Chemicals are preparations that with the help of their caustic composition will eliminate the blockage to such funds include drugs:

  • Mole.
  • Tiret.
  • Steril and others.

How to Clean the pipe with a cantuce.

Vanutuz is a device that you can watch in the picture below this device used our grandfathers. In order to clean the pipe with the help of a vehicle simply attach it to the hole in the sink and actively push it on it - this will allow you to slightly move the resulting blockage and organize the movement of water in the pipe.

Steel plumbing cable - assistant against a cloth.

The funds described above did not help?. Do not despair there is the last reliable advice - use the steel plumbing cable with the help of it the plumbing masters usually clean the zago in the toilet or bathroom just promote it to the location of the barbell and scroll down a bit - it will eliminate the zoom in 90% of cases.

Video - How to quickly clean the sewer pipe

If the water has become quite bad and slowly passing in stock, and the room is constantly filled with an unpleasant odor from the sewage, then urgently need to take appropriate measures.

Owners of apartments and private houses are trying to solve this problem on their own, so you can save money. But if the block is old and cannot be eliminated by handicrafts, you can contact a specialized company whose employees use special hydraulic installations. With their help, you can cope with the problem in the shortest possible time.

Using a bathroom

If the system occurs in the system, it is possible to eliminate it with one of the traditional methods - the use of the ventuum. The use of this tool may be accompanied by some difficulties, since the drain structure complicates the process. The problem is to get into the opening of the air at the moment when the water is overflowing through the edge, and you will need a vacuum to work.

If there is a blockage in the bathroom, how to eliminate it, you must solve as quickly as possible. So, when the described technique is used, then the plug is needed to close the water overflow hole. After the edge of the rubber bowl, lubricated vaseline, which will allow them tightly to plum. The master must carry out 10 sharp reciprocating movements.

For reference

As soon as the landing arises, it is possible to eliminate it and with the help of two vehicles, however, it will be necessary to help another person. Instead of cork to create a tightness, you can apply another canto.

If it failed to achieve a positive result, then you can use no air force, but by the power of water. For this, the bath is filled with hot water in such a way that half of the rubber bowl is closed. When it is immersed at an angle, and with the last swing it is necessary to sharply pull out of the water.

If at first attempts to get rid of the problem failed, then the procedure can be repeated several times.

Using a plumbing cable

When a rather large block occurs, eliminate it using the above-described technology is unlikely to succeed. At the same time, you can use a plumbing cable, which will push or remove outward elements that are far from the pipe.

Manipulations need to be produced in several stages. Initially, the cable is introduced into the drain hole. At the same time, two people should be involved - one of them pushes the cable, while the other performs a rotational movement with a special handle.

As soon as it is possible to achieve a clogged place, you need to make several sharp jerks back and forth, after which it is possible to open the crane of hot water, and the cable is removed. Streams will help wash off the sewage stuck in

What can replace the cable

Quite large and old blocks can be eliminated using a cable that must be rotated. Only so you can cope with the problem. You can purchase this tool in any economic store, but some masters make it yourself.

To do this, use a piece of flexible metal cable, which bends and blossoms slightly at the end. Thanks to such manipulation, it will move along the bends of the pipes and will not be strengthened into the nodes by the type of knees. And in order for the cable to be more convenient to use, intercepting during the work, it is best to wrap something hard, so you can get a kind of handle.

Zoor in plastic pipes in no case cannot be eliminated using a plumbing cable, since the inner surface of their surface may be damaged.

The use of chemical preparations in the kitchen

Eliminate at home is sometimes necessary in the kitchen. For this, chemicals are most often used. However, it is important to know which one is best to purchase, as well as how to use.

In the instructions you will find recommendations that provide for the need to use a certain amount of composition, which is poured or poured into the drain hole. There it must be left for a while, and after thoroughly wash off with water. It is important to follow the recommendations of the manufacturer, otherwise even the safest drugs can cause deformation of the material.

We offer a list of the most effective means:

  1. Perhaps the most common is "Mole", but it is prohibited to apply it to plastic pipes.
  2. For all types of pipes, Mr. Muskul can be used, which is produced as a foam or gel. A special structure penetrates all the catches, eliminating bacteria and smells.
  3. If you do not tolerate the smell of ammonia, you can use "Tira", which perfectly copes with its task.
  4. If there is a need to eliminate a strong blockage, you can purchase "Pothana", which has a strong chemical composition.

How to get rid of fat deposits in the siphon

To eliminate pipes of pipes at home can be boiling water, but this method is allowed for all types of pipes, except for plastic. When the reason are fat deposits, it will be an effective solution.

If you have plastic pipes in the kitchen, then in moderately hot water it is necessary to dilute the washing powder, and after well mix the solution. Then the jet composition is poured into the stock of the shell. If necessary, the entire procedure can be repeated. To exclude such a nuisance, every time after washing the dishes, it is necessary to lower hot water, leaving it for 20 seconds.

Cleaning corrugated pipe

If you wondered how to eliminate the zoom in the kitchen, you will need to perform actions in a certain sequence. On the unsolved regular inner surface of corrugated pipes, soap deposits and fat will be settled. To solve this problem follows:

  1. Unscrew the pipe from the funnel, which is in the sink.
  2. The top tube must be disconnected from the drain into the sewer.
  3. After that, it will be possible to carefully remove the siphon, which is also called the crankshaft.
  4. Eliminate the zoom in the sink at home can be if stretching the removed pipe so that all the faces spread. After that, its inner surface can be washed with water.

If you want to make more thorough cleaning, it is recommended to make it recommended using a rope and a piece of cellophane. One end of the pipe closes, and hot water is poured inside. After that, the second end is closed by the same principle, which will make it possible to clean the element by rotational movements when water is inside. As soon as the cleaner completed, all items need to be installed in place.

Removal to the toilet

If you faced the question of acting at the same time, it is necessary for the same means that are used in the kitchen or in the bathroom. As you know, chemistry does not have a noticeable impact on old blocks, so it is best to apply Vatuz.

You need to choose a device with a diameter of a bowl of 10 centimeters. For efficient operation, unnecessary water from the toilet can be removed so that the liquid covers only the rubber part. In order not to encounter the problem of the tool jams in the receiver, you need to use wallpaper cloves that are nailed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe joints of the bowl. If you do not know how to eliminate the blockage in the toilet, when there is no vanza, you can use the screwdrivers, among them the plastic bottle or doll are cropped below.

In the first case, the element falls into the toilet, and after it is provided with reciprocating movements. Pecchushka can be made of rags and sticks.

But if you use a cable, it sometimes encourages an obstacle, and further actions can be different. If the element rests on the opposite side of the plate bowl, you must continue forward moving before eliminating the zero, while the cable does not slip along the inner side of this unit of the toilet.

If the vertical wall of the drain arose on the way, then you need to use the cable, the length of which is 1.5 meters or more. If there is a plumbing device with direct release, the cable should be pushed along the horizontal tube. As soon as you encounter an obstacle, it will indicate that Tras reached a blockage.

When the task faces, how to eliminate the zoom at home, it is important to get acquainted initially with the design features of plumbing equipment.

Chemical method

In the absence of a vehicle, you can use another technology that provides for the use of chemicals. Excess water should be drawn out of the bowl, it should be left a little liquid in the place of plum. Then there is a soda, which will need 1/2 pack. It should be poured as deep as possible, and after pouring a glass of vinegar. Then the reaction will begin, which will last about 20 minutes. In conclusion, the teapot boiling water is poured into the toilet.

This method is not suitable for plumbing devices in which the corrugation is made of thin plastic, as it can burst. Flushing in this case is better not to be boiling water, but hot water.

In order to periodically during operation, do not resolve the question of how to eliminate the blockage in the pipes, from time to time it is necessary to make preventive work. They can be conducted on the basis of one of the technologies that have been described above. It is best to use chemical compositions, as it will be easier and faster.

Before eliminating the blockage in the bathroom at home, you need to prepare a rag. It should post the cable after it is removed from the sewage system. It is recommended to wipe it with a rag moistened in the washing solution. This will eliminate unpleasant odors.

If there is a blockage in the bathroom, how to eliminate it, you must solve depending on the remedies that will be in the house. However, it is necessary to have gloves that the master should wear before starting work. Otherwise, wash off the unpleasant odor with hands does not work long enough.

How to eliminate zoom in the sink at home, and prevent new? Who knows this problem? Kitchen washing and sink in the bathroom are always susceptible to such a danger. The garbage accumulates over time, and the drain begins to clog it. Water barely seeps, and the cork arisen can completely overlap the drain.

Mechanical ways to clean the shell

The drain node is often performed from metal components that may be affected by corrosion. This circumstance allows you to accumulate on the inner surfaces with fatty and saline compounds. They as accumulate and lead to the appearance of blockages. What if the sink clogged in the bathroom? How to clean it?

In conditions of their home, it is possible to solve the problem by such methods:

  • mechanical exposure;
  • with the help of chemicals;
  • people's ways.

How to clear the zoom in the sink? If he is insignificant, can help Vatuz. All knows this simple tool. To do this, it is necessary to close the drain hole, dial water, better than hot. Removing the plug, you should cover the rubber part of the plums. Next, it is necessary to pump a tool, keeping his handle by making several reciprocating movements, then sharply pull it out of the water. If necessary, it is possible to clean this way several times. If the clogging has not been eliminated, then the cable will have to apply.

The cable for plumbing has a length of about 3 m with a tip at the end. To note, if the siphon from brass, plastic or chromium, then such a cleaning method is unacceptable. Old pipes will require high caution.

How to clear the sink from the zero using the cable? It is better to spend with the assistant:

  1. The cable tip must be omitted into the tap plot pipe.
  2. The task of 1 person should enter the hold of a string, and in the task of another - to keep the handle and create a twist to make a voltage.
  3. Watch all the time so that the voltage does not decrease, otherwise the rope will also be unsuitable for further work to clean the closed pipe.
  4. When the sling is completely absorbed by the pipe, you need to continue to punch the plug until it is completely removed by producing reciprocating movements.
  5. At the end of the manipulation, delete the tool with its subsequent processing. And the runoff must be rinsed with a special tool, flushing fat.

If there is no cable in the presence, then the ordinary wire will help to remove the base in the sink. You should take a thick, not very flexible wire, make a hook or pointed end, and perform the same manipulations as with a cable.

Chemical and Alternative Cleaning Methods

Plug in the bathroom can be chemically. Various tools are sold in stores. With the help of such as Mr. Muscul, Mole, Silit, which have an acid and alkalis in its composition, is proposed to remove the womb of the washbasin or kitchen sink. As a rule, any cleaning solution should be pouring into a plumbing container by 0.5 hours, and then rinse it with hot water in a large volume.

But when using chemical reagents, you must first read the instructions. Given the sufficient aggressiveness of these funds, it should be borne in mind that they can seriously harm cheap plumbing, up to its fullest unfortunate. This also applies to aluminum sinks and pipes.

If after the pouring of the chemical agent will be heard hissing and visible gaseous sections, in no case should not bring the face or hands to this place. There is a risk of obtaining chemical burns.

An alternative 2 of the described cleaning methods is 3 method - folk, which will retain the old and inexpensive plumbing and pipes. For this, we will need conventional sweater materials: soda, vinegar and salt.

Several methods of cleaning are offered:

  1. It is necessary to pour a concentrated solid solution into the pipe. Then take the vehicle. So that it does not slide, it is necessary to lubricate it the adjacent surface with cream. And it's good to pump it.
  2. It is good for soda in a frying pan (5 tbsp. L.) For a quarter of an hour, give it to cool. Dissolve the washing powder in 200 ml of water and pour a hole. The action is similar to the mole.
  3. Pour several spoons with soda to drain on top and pour 1 glass of vinegar. When the reaction is over, flushing with a stream of running hot water.
  4. To the previous way, you can add washing powder. After filling, the vinegar should be waited until half an hour, then rinse with plentiful hot water;

If a home vacuum cleaner has a ventilation hole, then you can clean the problem space, blowing it using the device, turning the greatest power.

When after the events performed, you can see a large funnel and rapidly removing water into the hole, which means that all the efforts have been not in vain. And the task is solved.

Radical method Clean the sink - removal directly traffic jams, due to the disassembly of the siphon. In this way, you can use in the event that all listed methods have been unsuccessful.

To begin with, consider the design of the siphon. The bottle siphon is detachable, so sorting it, you can easily remove the garbage accumulated there, which closed the drain, other types of drain do not allow you to apply such a cleaning method to them. If you mount plastic sewer, it will not be clogged, thereby getting rid of the urgent problem.

Siphon is located on the bend of the drain pipe, so it can easily clog out, accumulating dirt and fat pasted through the grille.

The siphon disassembly is carried out in this order:

  • substitute a container under the sink;
  • split fasteners and remove the knot from the pipe;
  • clean it, rinse well, removing all fat;
  • restore the drain design by returning the siphon to the place.

Prevention of sewer pipe maintenance

The best way to get rid of problems is to take care of the pipes, conducting prevention. The sink will not be able to score if you adhere to simple rules:

  1. Install a special mesh on the drain hole.
  2. Do not pour fat bums into the kitchen sink.
  3. Do not put a plate with foodstuffs, you should clean them before.
  4. It is recommended to periodically clean the pipes with boiling water, soda or vanatoux.

Of the new and effective means of combating the problem of the sink is a garbage. The principle of operation of such an aggregate is to grind all the remains of the remnants without knives and blades into the pipe. It is a camera that is inserted inside, without harm the pipe, and without requiring special care, which is important. The shredder works quietly, throwing into the sewer sewer. It is enough to rinse with running water.

You can buy such a device from 3000 to 25,000 rubles. By investing funds in the garbage, you can forever forget about clogging and spending for their elimination. Before buying, it is recommended to measure the inner diameter of the pipe, as the chopper is suitable in size not to all pipes.

What advantages gives the owners of the garbage truck:

  • waste and rotting smells will not accumulate in buckets for garbage;
  • grind cleaning and bones from vegetables, fruits, large garbage, such as citrus crusts and even bones from chickens;
  • it is considered a hygienic means, because it prevents the reproduction of microbes, which are easily and quickly multiplied in waste;
  • ease of care and compactness, it is easy to have under the sink, since it is not cumbersome.

The only reservation is: it is impossible to give a thread processing and polyethylene, which can break the installation.

Thus, not to complicate life with such a nuisance as eliminating blockages in the sink, it is necessary to follow the prevention measures. And it is best to replace metal sewer pipes on plastic.

Video instruction