Riddles from an anthology about nature. Riddles about nature and natural phenomena

Riddles for children about nature

Two brothers

Through mother

They look at each other.

Answer: coast

Two brothers

Looking into the water

They won't get along.

Answer: coast

Flying without wings and singing

Passers-by are bullied.

Doesn't give one pass

He pushes others.

Answer: wind

Flying, not a bird

A howl, not a beast.

Answer: wind

No arms, no legs

And the gate opens.

Answer: wind

I am cloud and fog

And the stream and the ocean

And I fly and I run

And I can be glass.

Answer: Water

Lives in seas and rivers

But often it flies through the sky.

And how bored she is to fly,

Falls to the ground again.

Answer: Water

Very good-natured

I am soft, obedient,

But when I want

I will even wear out a stone.

Answer: Water

Passes through the nose to the chest

And the reverse is on its way.

He's invisible and yet

We cannot live without it.

Answer: Air

White curls -

Cheerful lambs.

They are behind the rain in the woods

They walk along the lake

But just step on the sand -

take a breath

And they will fall.

Answer: waves

On the sea goes, goes

and will reach the shore -

here it will disappear.

Answer: Wave

Falling like peas

Jumping on paths.

Answer: city

There is a commotion in the yard:

Peas are falling from the sky.

Nina ate six peas,

She now has angina.

Answer: city

Noisy, thundered,

I washed everything and left.

And orchards and orchards

I watered the whole area.

Answer: Thunderstorm

The horse is running

The earth is trembling.

Answer: Thunder

Who beats on the roof all night,

Yes, it knocks

And mumbles and sings


Answer: rain

Without a path and without a road

Walks the longest.

Hiding in the clouds, in the mist,

Only feet on the ground.

Answer: rain

Walked lanky,

Stuck in the ground.

Answer: rain

And not snow, and not ice,

And he will remove the trees with silver.

Answer: Ine

The house is open on all sides.

It is covered with a carved roof.

Come into the green house -

You will see miracles in it!

Answer: Forest

The hero stands rich,

Treats all children:

Vanya - strawberries,

Tanya - bone,

Mashenka - a nut,

Petya - russula,

Katenka - raspberries,

Vanya - a twig!

Answer: Forest

A fire arrow flies.

No one will catch her

Neither king nor queen

Not a red girl.

Answer: Lightning

Molten Arrow

The oak fell down near the village.

Answer: Lightning

wide wide,

deep deep,

Day and night

It beats on the shore.

It does not drink water

Because it's not tasty

Both bitter and salty.

Answer: Sea

They fly without wings

running without legs

sail without a sail.

Answer: clouds

Painted rocker

It hung over the river.

Answer: rainbow

The sun ordered: stop,

The Seven Colored Bridge is cool!

A cloud hid the light of the sun -

The bridge collapsed, and there are no chips.

Answer: rainbow

After the rain happens

half the sky closes.

The arc is beautiful, colorful

Appear, then fade.

Answer: rainbow

Like over a river, over a river

Suddenly appeared colored

Miracle suspension bridge.

Answer: rainbow

What a marvelous beauty!

painted gate

Appeared on the way!

Neither enter nor enter them.

Answer: rainbow

The gates went up

Beauty all over the world.

Answer: rainbow

Runs in summer, sleeps in winter,

Spring has come - it ran again.

Answer: river

Where the roots curl

On the forest path

small saucer

Hidden in the grass.

Everyone who passes

Fit - bend down

And again on the road

Strength will be gained.

Answer: ancestor


red maiden,

Walked through the meadows

Dropped the keys.

Brother got up

Picked up the keys.

Answer: Rosa

So marvelous leprosy -

Diamonds are burning on the grass.

Millions of them, but still

You will not collect in chests.

Answer: Rosa

In the morning the beads sparkled,

All the grass was tangled up,

And let's go look for them in the afternoon,

We search, we search - we will not find.

Answer: Rosa

Daily in the morning

He enters through the window to us.

If he's already in,

So the day has come.

Answer: Dawn

Who enters the window

and doesn't break it?

Answer: sunbeams

You fell at my feet

Stretched along the road.

And you can't get up

And you can't be kicked out.

You look so much like me

It's like I'm walking lying down.

Answer: Shadow

What a ghost on a clear day

Suddenly fell on our wattle fence?

Here I climbed over the wattle fence,

And my companion disappeared.

Answer: Shadow

How many do not go on it,

Everything will run ahead.

Answer: Shadow

Meta-methu - I will not sweep,

I carry, I carry - I can’t bear,

The night will come - it will go away.

Answer: Shadow

Approached - rumbled,

Threw arrows to the ground.

It seemed to us that we were in trouble,

It turned out that she was walking with water,

Came up and spilled.

Plenty of arable land got drunk.

Answer: cloud

Who speaks to everyone

And you can't see yourself?

Answer: echo

You screamed - it was silent,

You were silent - it screamed.

Answer: Echo

In the forests, in the mountains

All languages

Every word

Repeat done.

Runs along the fields ... (Stream)

They make their own nests and sing loudly.
They can soar into the sky, who is it? (Birds)

hot yellow ball
Heated the whole earth? (The sun)

white fashionista,
Decorated with earrings
They are making noise! (Birches)

He does not know trouble, But sheds tears. (Cloud)

Without tools
Without human hands
Made a house. (Nest)

Silver fluffs
They flew ... (Snowflakes)

How many legs does a ladybug have. (Six)

The rain stopped.
And here is a colorful bridge. (Rainbow)

feathery cotton,
Floats somewhere.
As she goes down
So the rain is closer. (Cloud)

Flying in the soft blue sky.
It will spill on the roofs, thunder will strike. (Cloud)

Maple leaves are floating.
These are the kids ... (Leaf fall)

Winter day grows so fast
Ice carrot. (Icicle)

green in summer,
What about purples in the fall? (Leaves)

What kind of wonderful fruit is growing?
It will benefit us all
Here, rip it off my friend,
And try on the tooth. (Apple)

Oh, what pretty girls
Orange rims, snow-white eyelashes! (Daisies)

In winter lay silent,
And when spring came, I cried. (Snowball)

At night when it's dark
There is a shining canvas in the sky. (Stars)

You can’t drink sea water, because in it ... (Salt)

electrical discharge
Oak cut at random. (Lightning)

velvet paws,
And claws in the paws. (Kitten)

This is a modest girl
Let's move the leaves
Her cheeks blush. (Strawberry)

golden meadow,
Because all in ... (Dandelions)

Glowing among the grass
The bud is golden.
Then it closed and went out.
And turned into fluff. (Dandelion)

A loaf of bread hangs above me. (Moon)

Picture Nature

Some interesting children's puzzles

  • Riddles about the Train for children with answers

    The house runs on sticks, Always in a hurry to the station. Transports people and goods, Iron, this is a long (train)

  • Riddles about Watermelon for children with answers

    Grew up on the field Green balls. In black stripes, they are decorated. You'll rip it off, cut it into pieces. It is scarlet inside, And the bones are like dots. The peanut will be pleased when he eats (watermelon).



1. Either full, or slim,

She does not sleep at night. (Moon.)

2. A lot of it is a disaster!

Not enough of it - trouble!

We always need

More than food. (Water.)

3. Summer morning early

Floats into the clearing

Spreads white fluff

Even without legs and arms. (Fog.)

4. It grows upside down,

It does not grow in summer, but in winter.

But the sun will bake it

She will cry and die. (Icicle.)

5. Rooted into the ground for a minute

Multi-colored miracle bridge.

Miracle master made

The bridge is high without railings. (Rainbow.)

6. In the morning, the beads sparkled,

All the grass was tucked in.

And let's go look for them in the afternoon

We are looking for, we are looking for - we will not find (Rosa.)

7. Hid behind a stump

Sideways hat.

Who comes close

Bows low. (Gib)

8. I stand in the thicket of the forest

All day long on one leg. (Mushroom)

9. Just born

I immediately dressed up in a hat (Mushroom.)


1. On the shoulders of Ignashka

Forty-three shirts.

All from bleached fabric,

And on top of the jacket is green. (Head of cabbage.)

2. Yellow chicken

It puffs up under the tyn.

Thick and yellow skinned

He spends his whole life lying down. (Pumpkin.)

3. The caftan on me is green,

And the heart is like a kumach.

Tastes like sugar, sweet

And he looks like a ball. (Watermelon.)

4. Unsightly, knobby,

And she will come to the table,

The guys will say cheerfully:

"Well, crumbly, delicious!" (Potato.)

5. Grandfather is sitting in the castle,

Dressed in a fur coat.

Who wears it

He sheds tears. (Onion.)

6. There is one beauty

And blush, and slim.

Even though everything lives in a dugout,

A big respect from all. (Carrot.)

7. Golden sieve Black houses are full.

How many black houses

So many white people. (Sunflower.)

8. He sits in the ground,

Tail looking up

Sugar can be obtained from it,

Cook delicious borscht. (Beet.)


1. She dies before autumn

And comes alive again in the spring.

Cows are in trouble without her,

She is their main food. (Grass.)

2. We saw him dressed in spring and summer,

And in the fall, all the shirts were torn off the poor thing. (Forest.)

3. All summer under us They whispered something.

To the winter underfoot

They rustled. (Leaves.)

4. I have a long needle,

Than the tree.

Very straight I grow in height.

If I'm not at the edge,

Branches only at the top. (Pine.)

5. Oak does not spoil children,

He dresses without fuss.

Everyone in his family

They wear skullcaps. (Acorn.)

6. I'll go to the warm land,

I will rise to the sun with an ear,

Then there are people like me in it,

There will be a whole family. (Corn.)

7. Who loves me

He is happy to bow

And gave me a name

Native land. (Strawberry.)

8. A green bush grows,

Touch - bite. (Krapina.)


1. Housewife

Flying over the meadow

Pat over a flower -

He will share the honey. (Bee.)

2. On the chamomile at the gate

Helicopter descended

Golden eyes.

Who is this? (Dragonfly.)

3. Eight legs, like eight arms,

Embroider a circle with silk. (Spider.)

4. She lives in water,

There is no beak, but it pecks. (A fish.)

5. Parents and children

All clothing made from coins. (A fish)

6 What is the stone by the road?

The stone has a tail and legs,

He doesn't look like a chick

And was born from an egg. (Turtle)

7. Above the water-water - the princess is round-faced,

The princess sings, so melodiously

That everyone on land plugs their ears. (Frog.)

8. What kind of horses -

All the vests? (Zebra)

9. Jump-jump coward,

The tail is short.

Clothes - in two colors:

For winter and summer. (Hare.)

10. An almost blind digger Builds a city underground. (Mole)

11. The evil robber walks and wanders Without clubs and a knife,

Everyone in the forest is afraid of him,

Except Uncle Hedgehog. (Wolf.)

12. The giant lives in the forest.

He has a sweet tooth and loves honey.

When the weather turns bad

Goes to bed - yes for six months. (Bear.)

13. Forest "tailor" does not sew shirts,

On the needles he carries a mushroom. (Hedgehog.)

14. Emerald eyes,

down coat,

songs are kind,

Iron claws. (Cat.)

15. Lies in the hay,

Doesn't eat on her own

And he doesn't give it to others. (Dog.)

16. Not a plowman, not a carpenter,

Not a carpenter

And the first worker in the village. (Horse.)

17. Naughty boy

In a gray coat

Drifting around the yard

Collects crumbs. (Sparrow.)

18. Lives in hot countries,

And in non-hot - in zoos.

And he is arrogant, and boastful,

Because the tail is beautiful.

He admires them

And shows us. (Peacock.)

19. He wanders importantly through the meadow,

Comes out of the water dry

Wears red shoes

Gives soft feathers. (Goose.)

20. He is in his forest chamber

He wears a frilly robe.

21. He heals trees:

Knock - and easier. (Woodpecker.)

Our good friend

Gives us feathers for pillows

Gives eggs for pancakes

Easter cakes and pies. (Hen.)

Website "Mom can do anything!" collected the most interesting riddles about nature with answers. Some of them are quite easy and students of grades 1-4 will cope with them, children from grades 5-9 will have to rack their brains over others. Riddles about such natural phenomena as: wind, rain, snow, eclipse, lightning and others.

I don't have wings, but I fly.
I am invisible, intangible.
But as soon as I get angry
Watch out, I'm knocking you down. (Wind)

Leaves fly in autumn
Coming ... (leaf fall)

Not water and not land -
You can't sail on a boat
And you can't walk with your feet. (Swamp)

If the Sun's Moon blocks the light,
Then darkness sets in on Earth.
And this is the phenomenon.
We all call ... (eclipse)

Very good-natured
I am soft, obedient,
But when I want
I will even exude a stone. (Water)

Dwarfs walk one after another:
On one is a green caftan,
Another is dressed in a white cloak,
The third leaves took in a bouquet,
And the fourth is friends with the sun,
He walks through the puddles with an umbrella.
Drive the weather
Each gnome is ... (season)

Hanging high in the sky
Shines bright, far away.
He will see everyone, warm,
Dispel darkness everywhere
Jump like a bunny in the window.
Guessed? This is the Sun).

A soft stem has grown,
He is not tall,
It barely reaches the feet
It is called ... (grass)

Molten Arrow
The oak fell down near the village. (Lightning)

towering giant
As if he fell into a trap
He doesn't go anywhere
It grows on one leg.
Like huge hands
Branches rustle in the wind. (Tree)

We breathe it, gases in it.
What shall we call it? (Air)

He is the younger brother of trees,
Just small in stature
And full of trunks
That young man. (Bush)

I catch them with a mitten
And I look at them, I look ...
Like patterned ice
Falling from the sky ... (snowflakes)

Spring has come, we are waiting for the rooks,
And flowed along the yard ... (stream)

Snow sheepskin coat on it, felt boots, frost,
He is ice cold, but he himself does not get cold.
It starts the year, the calendar.
Can you tell me what month it is? (January)

A blizzard rushes along the roads,
The winds will blow anyone off their feet.
The blizzard rushed with a blizzard into the distance,
Already windy has come ... (February)

The snow does not melt, but it turns black,
It got a little warmer.
Spring glorious start is given.
What month is this? (March)

Streams run, icicles melt,
Spring is coming into its own.
And the birds chirping
We are informed: here ... (April)

The sun does not leave the sky
This month is coming to us.
Take off your jackets,
The month is coming ... (May)

Well, summer has arrived.
Everything turned green, sang.
White blow on a dandelion ...
Now it is blooming. After all ... (June)

Heat on the thermometer
Green grass everywhere.
Sunbathing on the sand
You can see the boat in the distance.
The sky is like blue tulle.
Well, that month is ... (July)

Summer is coming to an end
There are a lot of mushrooms in the forest
The branches crunch underfoot.
What month? This is… (August)

Berries sing in the forests
Ripe apples in the orchards.
Summer is somewhere behind
You don't have to wait for warmth.
The sky is raining down
We call the month ... (September)

Cloudy, gray, dreary,
The low sky is sad
Birds fly south
A leaf flies from a tree,
Puddles in our yard...
In the month everything is in ... (October)

The last month before winter
He is very familiar with you.
And the first snow, and the cold,
There is a crust of ice on the puddles.
I still love the month.
Thank you for the snow ... (November)

This month is coming to us
New Year walks with him,
And the holidays are coming.
Who can guess the month?
It's the last one on the calendar.
I'm talking about… (December)

A stream of water pours from the sky,
Wet people and gardens,
Wet all the houses and the yard,
Wet dog chain Watch.
What's happened? What happened?
The sky, maybe angry?
Wait to draw a conclusion
Just the third day ... (rain)

Rumbles in the blue sky
Rolling June ... (thunder)

We breathe it, gases in it.
What shall we call it? (Air)

Each color stood in front of each other
And one of them was painted.
The rain has just stopped
We recognized beauty in the sky.
She is a multi-colored arc.
The arc is called that ... (rainbow)

It's been raining all morning,
Only a verse, I hurried
Hurry up for a walk
To see all your friends.
Nothing down the road
I immediately got my feet wet.
In the yard with friends together
Together we measured ... (puddles)

The rain was drizzling
The night has come, and now -
The puddles are frozen
Everywhere ... (icy)

They build their own nests
And they sing loudly.
They can quickly soar into the sky.
Who is this? This is ... (birds)

He is both in summer and in winter -
Between heaven and earth.
Though all my life to go to him -
He will be ahead. (Horizon)

A river runs across the plain
She is beautiful and deep.
Where is this noisy stream coming from?
The beginning of the river is called ... (source)

Where the sea lets in the river,
They call, children, ... (mouth)

He flies down the cliff
It breaks on stones.
He roars louder than the beast
And turns into foam. (Waterfall)

White groats strewn the entire yard.
Maybe collect it all in a bucket?
No, that will not work - just take it,
Disappears so fast you can't find it.
I was very happy with that magical cereal.
Told the guys what it is ... (grad)

Sweeping leaves on the street
And throws garbage into the air.
Again in our yard
Nobody walks today.
Everyone says bad weather
That mother nature is raging again.
It will blow you off your feet, you won't even walk a meter.
What kind of strength is this? Strength ... (wind)

It rained for a long time in summer
Ice and snow in the mountains came down,
The river came out of the banks
Vegetable gardens and orchards.
Not to be found - around the water.
People are in trouble.
All in the water and no doubt
It has come ... (flood)

Its spring and summer
We saw dressed.
And in the fall from the poor thing
They ripped off all the shirts.
But winter blizzards
They dressed him in furs. (tree)

The night has fallen to the ground
Brought darkness.
The stars are shining in the sky
Yes, it flickers ... (moon).

hot ball of gas
In the sky, he is immediately noticeable,
Gives us warmth and light
Without it, there is no life. (The sun)

silver curtain
suddenly descended from the sky.
silver curtain
poured out in drops.
Dropped the curtain
cloud, can you imagine?
What a wonderful curtain
Can you guess? (Rain)

Autumn rain walked around the city,
The rain has lost its mirror.
The mirror lies on the asphalt,
The wind will blow - it will tremble. (Puddle)

Like over a river, over a river
Suddenly appeared colored
Miracle suspension bridge. (Rainbow)

What is it, I don't understand?
Is it in a dream or in reality?
The house is not visible, the oak is in the river,
Everything is like milk.
Is it a fairy tale? Dream? Deception?
This is the morning ... (fog)

The shepherd breeze blew his horn.
Sheep gathered at the heavenly river. (Clouds)

From the water it will become wider
And it won't stop growing.
The pit has grown big
As if the magician tried.
He interferes with fields, gardens,
And his name is ... (ravine)

Peas scattered across the dark sky
Colored caramel from sugar crumbs,
And only when the morning comes
All the caramel will suddenly melt. (Stars)

My girlfriend told me
That there are many plains everywhere.
There is nothing more
Only grass, full of bushes.
These conversations are nonsense
There are many landscapes ... (mountains)

A yellow plate hangs in the sky.
The yellow plate gives warmth to everyone. (The sun)

The mountains go in a row
It turns out a mountain range.
You know, you probably
What are these rows - ... (ridges)

An old man stands over the water
Shakes his beard. (Reed)

There is a dangerous mountain
Maybe she suddenly comes to life.
Breathe smoke, fire,
Magma can spew.
People in the world of different countries
They know that she is ... (volcano)

Worth Antoshka
On one leg
himself small,
And the hat is big. (Mushroom)

Remember kids:
Patience and work
Help create
Artificial ... (pond)

Soft, not fluffy
Green, not grass. (Moss)

Here the kikimora lives
Who comes - will disappear.
There is no sushi here, only tina,
Feet get stuck in the quagmire.
In books - a house for a hippopotamus.
Guessed? That ... (swamp)

Nobody scares her
And she's shaking all over. (Aspen)

Spring has come, they don’t heat the stoves,
And runs along the fields, murmuring, ... (stream)

There are bleached columns,
They have green caps. (birches)

The top layer is the earth.
It grows grass, trees,
It has fertility
What is everyone calling her? (The soil)

In summer they grow
And fall off in the fall. (Leaves)

It rains in autumn
Don't expect warmth in autumn.
Terrible heat in summer
The shower will barely save you.
In December it snows
And in the spring it rains.
Any time of the year
Characteristic ... (weather)

It's a dark cloud
Winter can be summer.
When it appears in the sky
Something does happen.
It may suddenly snow, hail.
From what? Who is to blame?
The weather without clouds is better
After all, a dark cloud is ... (cloud)

Doesn't burn in fire
Doesn't sink in water. (Ice)

He is fluffy, white-white.
It's not a beast, it's not a person.
He is in the winter every now and then
Falls to the ground. (Snow)

white carrot
Grows in winter. (Icicle)

I got my feet wet in the morning -
The grass was wet.
It didn't rain, but it was damp everywhere.
What's happened? And where?
This water droplet
It is called ... (dew)

On the sea goes, goes
And it will reach the shore -
This is where it will disappear. (Wave)

Water evaporates from the pond
Then it falls to the ground as rain.
She falls into the seas and lakes
And again evaporates on a sunny day.
This phenomenon - the movement of water -
In nature it is called ... (cycle)

Around the water
And drinking is a problem. (Sea)

Five kingdoms in which there are many organisms,
We call mother-… (nature)

Two brothers
Looking into the water
Century will not converge. (River and banks)

Birds sleep in it and live,
They lay their eggs here.
Housing made from branches
And it is called ... (nest)

Red, black eyes are visible,
So, they've already arrived.
We hid in the grass, quieted down and waited,
When they are all collected for jam. (Berries)

Which road
They drive for half a year
And they go for six months? (River)

large water surface,
No coast to be found.
It's not a river or a sea
It contains hundreds of times more water. (Ocean)

Everything that surrounds us is a huge system that works around the clock, every second. And we do not cease to be surprised at some phenomena, and how children joyfully react to a rainbow, to starfall or to a solar eclipse. To understand how what works, you should familiarize yourself with some facts. That is why we have compiled for you a list of the simplest and most interesting riddles that explain some natural phenomena in a simple and accessible form.

Ask your child funny and interesting riddles about nature and natural phenomena and you will see how easily he becomes interested and begins to show interest in any phenomenon that surrounds him. Our riddles easily develop horizons, mindfulness and cheer up.

Peas scattered across the dark sky
Colored caramel from sugar crumbs,
And only when the morning comes
All the caramel will suddenly melt. (Stars)

In space through the thickness of years
Icy flying object.
His tail is a strip of light,
And the name of the object ... ()

The shepherd breeze blew his horn.
Sheep gathered at the heavenly river.

Like over a river, over a river
Suddenly appeared colored
Miracle suspension bridge.

silver curtain
suddenly descended from the sky.
silver curtain
poured out in drops.
Dropped the curtain
cloud, can you imagine?
What a wonderful curtain
Can you guess? (Rain)

Autumn rain walked around the city,
The rain has lost its mirror.
The mirror lies on the asphalt,
The wind will blow - it will tremble. (Puddle)

What is this invisible
Slams the gate in the garden,
Leafing through a book on the table
The rustle scares the mouse,
I tore off my grandmother's scarf,
He rocked Dimka in the stroller,
Played with foliage, believe me!
Well, of course, this is ... (Wind)

Rooster - alarm clock in the yard.
Everyone wakes up early at ... (dawn).
Hello, he sends a sonorous sun
And crows are not in vain.
Scarlet edge ... (firmament):
Thanks to him ... (dawn).

In a sky clear of rain
A bright arc shines.
Semitsvetka - ... (rainbow).

Owls live in the forests.
The stars shine in ... (heavens).

Hanging high in the sky
Shines bright, far away.
He will see everyone, warm,
Dispel darkness everywhere
Jump like a bunny in the window.
Guessed? This is the Sun).

This ball is different:
In the morning he rises
During the day it is golden and bright,
Falls again at night.
He will light up everything,
Bunny will run in the window.
In the summer it is bright - hot shines
Our fiery ... (sun).

The night has fallen to the ground
Brought darkness.
The stars are shining in the sky
Yes, it flickers ... (moon).

Only shines in the sky at night
That, like a sickle, and then - round,
Our close neighbor
Golden ... (moon).

There is no wind. Silence. Lonely peace.
The sad evening ends and leaves with ... (dawn).

When it's too late
We shine in the sky ... (stars).

The light of the moon is cold.
So cold and ... (stars).

Autumn, autumn, sad days,
Pour without interruption gray ... (rain).

The builder builds a house.
It rumbles in a thunderstorm ... (thunder).

The rain is knocking on my window
Poplars shoot up.
The rain hurries to say goodbye to the earth,
Having drunk to satiety ... (fields).

And swinging famously
The trees have foliage
But it's still quiet
They stand ... (heaven).

Head is heavy
I don't want to get up.
How short is
This starry ... (night)!

golden track
She ran through the water,
As if a fairy cast a little spell on her.
This is the sun from the sky
Reflected in the river
These are rays ... (of light)
Glittered in ... (water).

Evil clouds came running
The rain poured down like a bucket,
Big drops fall
It foams in puddles ... (water).

Our aquarium is big.
Filled to the brim ... (water).

At sea in calm weather
You will not find big waves anywhere.
The wind blows free
Waves will dance on ... (water).

In space through the thickness of years
Icy flying object.
His tail is a strip of light,
And the name of the object is ... (Comet)

You warm up the whole world
You don't know fatigue
Smiling at the window
And everyone calls you...
Answer: sun

Molten Arrow
Oak dumped near the village (lightning)

Gets in the window
Everything is filled with light.
You will not drive away with a rod,
Neither a whip, nor a sixth.
Time will come - He will leave. (Sunray)

Ask your child our interesting and fascinating riddles about nature and natural phenomena and watch how he becomes more attentive and interested. Cheer him up and plunge into this fabulous and magical world of mysteries about nature and enjoy the beauty of the world around you together.

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