The most beautiful snowdrops in the world: views, photos. Snowdrops are snow-white: a breath of young spring What a snowdrop flower looks like

In Russian tradition, all the first spring flowers are called snowdrops. Although from a botanical point of view, only Galanthus (Galanthus) is considered a true snowdrop, but in different regions In our country, under this proud and sweet name, a wide variety of plants from completely different botanical families are known.

Snowdrops in Russia are most often called anemones, or anemones (Anemone), liverworts (Hepatica), backache (Pulsatilla), blueberries (Scilla), cyclamens (Cyclamen) and helleborus (Helleborus). Almost all of these plants are protected by law, as they are often the subject of mass collection for commercial purposes, and in addition, they are severely affected by climate change and deforestation.


In the forests of the European part of Russia, two types of forests can most often be found: Siberian and two-leaved. Siberian is the "blue snowdrop" familiar to many. It is very unpretentious and reproduces well by children and seeds, which are scattered around the area by ants. As a result, this plant forms magnificent blue carpets.

Scilla two-leaved has several small flowers with beautiful stamens on the peduncle. In gardens, it is less common, but in the mass is no less spectacular.

The snowdrop comes to life the very first after a long winter cold. First, green leaves appear on it, and then a white bud, similar to a bell with a drooping head. This flower is not afraid of snow or frost. The appearance of snowdrops in the garden portends the imminent onset of spring. You will find photos of snowdrop flowers in our gallery.

flower description

AT scientific literature plant is called galanthus. Snowdrop is a perennial herb and belongs to the Amaryllis family. It is distributed in:

  • Crimea;
  • Southern Europe;
  • Asia Minor;
  • Caucasus.

No one can accurately name the existing number of snowdrop varieties. This plant of a low herbaceous culture has two linear leaves, which reach 20 cm in length. These leaves come out immediately with peduncles. A single bell is surrounded by a white perianth, which consists of 6 leaves. The three petals are outer and elliptical in shape. The three inner leaves are wedge-shaped and have a green speck at the top. The flower has a pleasant smell, but very mild.

The plant has round fruits in the form of a box with 3 compartments, in which there is a small amount of black seeds. The seeds have a juicy appendage that attracts ants. The ants take them apart and thus propagate the flower.

The snowdrop bulb has conical or ovoid, which has a compact group of modified leaves emerging from one common base. Snowdrop flower photo:


Most the right time for planting a snowdrop is the period from July to September. If the autumn is warm for a long time, then the landing can be extended until November. Currently, the snowdrop began to be sold already in bloom, which is not correct. After the flower is planted in the ground, all the leaves will wither and fall off, and then completely die off. Such an onion becomes very weak. The following year, the plant may bloom weakly or will not bloom at all and will die.

The bulb of the plant does not like drying. Therefore, you should not keep them for more than a month in the air. If it is not possible to plant a bulb, you can sprinkle it with shavings and sawdust and place it in a bag. When planting, the snowdrop bulb is placed in the ground to a depth equal to two bulbs, if the soil is loose. And to a depth equal to one bulb, if the soil is heavy. In both cases, the bulb cannot be deepened by more than 5 centimeters. Photo:

The flower has the peculiarity to determine the depth to which it will be distributed root system. If the bulb is planted deep, then it will form another bulb on the peduncle, which will grow already at the desired depth.


The plant loves dark, but sun-warmed places and good drainage. For wild species when landing, you must choose the most illuminated place. This type of snowdrop is winter-hardy. Autumn flower can cover with loose compost.

Fertilize this plant must be extremely careful. The flower does not like fresh manure. It is best to fertilize the flower with mineral fertilizers.


As mentioned earlier, the amaryllis family includes 18 types of snowdrop. The most famous are:

Some varieties of snowdrops have been included in the Red Book, as the collection of flowers is uncontrolled. In the wild, meeting a snowdrop becomes more and more difficult every year.

In nature there is a copse flower, which also appears at the first thaw, it is very similar to a snowdrop, only blue. It is also called blue or blue snowdrop, but in fact they are completely different plants.


This flower is grown both in open ground and at home in a pot. Of all bulbous plant blooms the very first and in the middle of winter already gives buds. To do this, the flower must be taken out of the room.

AT warm room the plant may die. Because the flower is cold-loving, hardy and able to withstand temperatures up to ten degrees of cold. During the flowering period, the plant must be moved to a cool place.

After planting the bulb within 2 months, a plant is needed keep in a dark place. And then move it to natural light, but at the same time avoid direct sunlight.

The optimum temperature in the dark for a plant is zero degrees, and during flowering, the maximum temperature is 10 degrees above zero, otherwise the plant may die. When planting the bulb, the soil should be well moistened, and then no longer watered until the pot is transferred to the light. Further, it will be necessary to water the flower twice a week.

snowdrop flower

Hello dear friends! Spring! Spring is outside! Spring days! Nature is waking up from its winter sleep. The snow is slowly melting and March is already in a hurry to please us with the first beauty. Right from under the snow, the first spring flowers appear - snowdrops.

Of course, all of us, even small children, know that they exist. Many have seen them. But what do we know about them? I don't think so much. And so I propose today to learn as much as possible about snowdrops, so that you can tell your classmates later.

Lesson plan:

What kind of flowers?

So, snowdrops appear on the edges in forests and meadows, along river banks in March-April. They peek right out from under the snow. For which they got their beautiful name.

A strong stem pair of shiny green leaves and a white flower with a green border, like a hanging bell, are pleasing to the eye. They grow in large groups, not one flower at a time.

Can you grow these delicate flowers and in your garden or garden. The main thing is to provide them with suitable conditions. They love moist, nutritious soil that warms up in the sun.

In nature, there are about 18 types of snowdrops, for example:

  • snow-white;
  • Caucasian;
  • Alpine;
  • snowdrop Voronov and others.

They are common in Central and Southern Europe, in the Crimea, the Caucasus and Asia Minor. There are especially many snowdrops in the Caucasus, where you can meet representatives of 16 species of this plant.

The harbingers of spring bloom for 3-4 weeks, then the flower petals fall off, and in their place a round box with three compartments appears, in which black seeds are stored.

Beauty under threat

All types of snowdrops are protected by the Red Book of Russia. Therefore, they cannot be plucked and sold. But they tear it down and sell it. And if they sell, then they buy.

And we can help snowdrops survive. To do this, you just need to stop buying bouquets from merchants. After all, if there is no one to sell flowers to, then there is no need to pick them.

But flowers are threatened not only by pickers and sellers of bouquets. Other unfavorable factors are:

  • deforestation, which reduces the area of ​​\u200b\u200bflower growth;
  • trampling and destruction of the forest floor in which the bulbs hide;
  • environmental problems(pollution of soil, water, air).

To date, the Red Book has assigned the third category to snowdrops.

This means that until they disappear. But they are found in limited areas and in small numbers. And if you do not take action, then soon we will no longer be able to admire these magnificent creatures.

Snowdrops in creativity

Snowdrops of their extraordinary fragile beauty inspired many people to create.


Here are some poems.

There are also funny, comic versions)

To some, these white flowers resemble the tears of the Snow Maiden.

And someone rich.


In the painting by Pavel Eskov, white snowdrops bloomed among white birches, very beautiful)

There is still snow all around, but white flowers are already rejoicing on the thawed patch of spring, nodding merrily to the sun with their bells. The author of this picture is the artist Yuri Vladimirovich Sizonenko.

Nikolskaya Ekaterina Alexandrovna saw the first spring flowers like this. Very unusual)


Try to make your friends these interesting riddles)

Fairy tales

There are a lot of fairy tales about "snow drops". I'm sure you know one of them! This tale is called "Twelve Months". I suggest you watch it right now.

Snowdrops have something to surprise you with:

In general, there are many beautiful and interesting things in nature. I advise you to read an article about a hummingbird bird, and also about a seahorse.

That's all for today!

I wish you amazing spring discoveries!

Yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

Snowdrop or Galanthus belongs to the Amaryllis family. Although this rare plant is listed in the Red Book, it is not so difficult to grow it on your own site. Very quickly the flower spreads to large area. The quivering inhabitants of the forest will delight you with the beauty of awakening nature and delicate aroma. They suddenly appear in small groups in thawed patches. First, juicy green shoots contrast with the snow, and then tiny flower heads bloom.

Snowdrops can exist not only on the street, but also in pots on the balcony. And miniature bouquets will stand in a vase for a long time, reminding you of the arrival of spring.

Botanical description

Galanthus is a tiny bulbous perennial. It is distributed in Central and Southern Europe, in middle lane Russia, the Caucasus and Asia Minor. The bulb is elongated vertically, its diameter is 2-3 cm. As it grows, children (small daughter bulbs) form under the outer scales.

The plant has a very short growing season. In early spring, when the sun begins to warm more strongly and the snow melts, snowdrops wake up and release their first leaves. Depending on the climate zone, this can occur from February to May. After a short flowering, the shoots die off and completely disappear by mid-summer.

The elongated bulbous neck contains 2-3 oblong lanceolate leaves of a dark green color. The length of the leaves ranges from 10 to 25 cm. A single peduncle appears simultaneously with the leaves. He carries a single drooping bell milky. The corolla consists of three elongated, oval bracts and three wedge-shaped, shorter petals. The flowers exude a faint but pleasant fragrance.

After pollination, a seed pod with dense walls ripens in place of the bud. Internal partitions divide it into 3 compartments. They contain several small black seeds.

Popular varieties

According to various classifications, in the genus Galantus there are 12-25 varieties. This discrepancy is due to the fact that some plants are too similar to each other and botanists argue whether to attribute them to separate species or to an already registered one. Let us dwell on the most famous and cultivated varieties.

The plant is common in the mountain forests of Transcaucasia. The yellowish bulb reaches a length of 4 cm, and a width of 2 cm. Dark green flattened leaves with a wax coating rise above it. The length of the plant is 18 cm. The peduncle about 6 cm high carries a snow-white bell. The outer bracts are obovate in shape, slightly curved, their length is about 2 cm. Inside are wedge-shaped petals, they are half as long. On the petals, above the notch, a green spot is visible. Blooms in March.

This species is the most common in Russia for cultivation in culture. It is actively growing and occupies the adjacent territories. In mid-March, 2 narrow sheets of bluish-green color grow out of the soil. Fragrant bells consist of elongated petals white color. Closer to the pharynx on the perianth is a yellow spot. Flowering lasts all April. This species has become the basis for several hybrid varieties:

  • Flore Peno - terry variety with greenish inner petals;
  • Lutescens is a moody plant with miniature pale flowers;
  • Lady Elphinstone - terry variety with yellow spots on the inner petals;
  • Arnot - long white bracts hide a short flower with green spots;
  • Viridapicis - blooms already at the end of February with large flowers, there are green spots at the ends of all petals.

The plant is found in the Alpine foothills and is most suitable for northern regions. Above a large bulb 4-5 cm long, erect dark green leaves are located. During the flowering period, their length is 16 cm, and later it reaches 20-25 cm. A white bell is located on a peduncle 15-20 cm long. Oval outer petals hide short ovate ones. A shapeless green spot is visible on the flower. There is no notch on the petals. Flowering occurs in May-June for 20 days. No fruiting, propagated vegetatively.

Also popular among the people blue snowdrops. However, this plant does not belong to the genus Galanthus. Most often, under this name they mean scillas from the Asparagus family. They are quite similar in external structure and early flowering, however, they have nothing to do with snowdrops.

Reproduction methods

Most convenient way snowdrops breeding is the branch of young bulbs. Every year on mother plant 1-3 additional onions are formed. After 3-5 years, when the curtain grows enough, it can be divided. In August-September, after the foliage has completely dried, snowdrops can be transplanted. The bush is carefully divided by hand, trying not to damage the thin rhizome. Bulbs are planted to a depth of 6-8 cm singly or in small groups.

Seed propagation is considered more difficult, although it allows you to get many plants at once. The seeds must be allowed to fully mature. Crops are produced immediately after harvest, as they quickly lose their germination capacity. Sow seeds in open ground to a depth of 1-2 cm. Seedlings bloom in 3-4 years. The place should be chosen shady, calm.

Features of care

Location. Miniature snowdrops grow easily and do not need careful care. However, they are very demanding on the location and composition of the soil. Plant them under trees. The place should be quite shady in summer, but well warmed up by the sun in early spring. Ideal planting under deciduous tall trees such as walnut, cherry, chestnut and others.

Temperature. The plant normally tolerates even very coldy and does not require additional protection. In summer, excessive overheating can lead to the death of the bulbs. To do this, you need shade from the trees.

The soil should be nutritious and moist, but without stagnant water. Loose substrates with the addition of compost or humus are suitable. AT clay soil more sand needs to be added.

Watering snowdrops are needed only in severe drought. Usually they have enough water from melted snow and spring rains.

Fertilizer. During the growing season and flowering, it is worth feeding monthly. Choose phosphate and potassium liquid complexes. From an excess of nitrogen, foliage grows strongly, which is subsequently often affected by fungal diseases.

Diseases and pests. With regular stagnation of water in the soil, snowdrops suffer from fungal diseases (rust, powdery mildew, chlorosis). To save rare plants, you need to choose the right composition of the soil and place. Periodically, it is recommended to transplant and treat the bulbs with a fungicide. natural pests galanthus are slugs, caterpillars, bulbous nematode, mice. Coarse sand and shell rock are scattered around the lawn from rodents and slugs, and turf with grass is also placed around the perimeter. From small insects, insecticide treatment will save.

Planting and caring for snowdrops


By planting snowdrops on the site, you can not only decorate the territory, but also propagate the endangered plant. Galanthus are good in group plantings in rock gardens or in the middle of a lawn. If, however, they are evenly distributed under the trees, you can get a solid carpet, like in a forest.

In flower beds, snowdrops are placed in the foreground, along with other shade-tolerant plants. When the first flowers fade, attention will turn to the neighbors. These can be blueberries, corydalis, primroses, lungworts, peonies, hosts and even ferns.

Snowdrop bouquets look great in a vase without any decoration, but can be combined with leafy or other flowering specimens. You should not pick a lot of flowers and collect them in the forest, because the snowdrop is listed in the Red Book of Russia. It is better to admire their gentle beauty on the street.

Interestingly, the plant contains galantamine. This alkaloid was isolated in the middle of the 20th century. It is used in traditional medicine and is part of drugs to combat Alzheimer's disease and other diseases of the nervous system.

Snowdrops in landscape design

The wonderful white bells of a fragile flower appear in early spring, when there is still snow in the forest. Therefore, the people call it a snowdrop.

split the ice

little snowdrop,

And a flower bloomed

White and soft.

An amazing flower grows and develops in winter, under a warm snow blanket, and in early spring, its fresh light green stalk with buds appears from under the snow. The snowdrop is not afraid of the winter cold. From above, a dense snowdrift does not let in either cold or wind, in the middle the snowdrift is usually looser, and streams are already running near the ground during the February thaws. Melt water accelerates the growth of plants, so the snowdrop grows quickly.

In March, under bright sunlight, the snowdrifts darken, become loose, settle, they let in a lot of sunlight and soon "the first flower breaks the ice."

Now you know why this flower is called a snowdrop - it grows under the snow!

Snowdrops, like all early spring flowers - lungwort, corydalis, coltsfoot, are very fond of bright sunlight. Therefore, they bloom when there are no leaves on the trees yet, shading the forest.

In March, there are seven weathers in a day: sometimes it warms with the sun, sometimes it sows with snow! Frosts occur at night. Dark clouds sometimes cloud the sky, it rains with snow, a piercing icy wind blows. And the snowdrop does not care! He is not afraid of the cold, because the juice that fills him contains a lot of sugar, and such solutions do not freeze during slight frosts.

On rainy cloudy days, snowdrop flowers close tightly, and their heads droop. Snowdrops take care of a sweet honey drop hidden in the depths of a flower for bumblebees.

snowdrops in different places called various flowers, which are the first to emerge from under the snow. They are different color- now blue, then white, then purple.

Silently slumbers

In the dark thickets of boron,

Splashed spring there

Blue lakes.

The gloomy forest started up,

revived and rejuvenated

And with a bright spring thought

I looked at the snowdrop.

Admiring the snowdrop, remember that the people say: "Spring looks at the sky with the blue eyes of snowdrops."

“In the Caucasus, the snowdrop galanthus grows, very similar to a bright lantern, swinging on a thin stem.

In a bright winter forest, under a layer of fallen leaves, you can see large greenish-white flowers. They call them anemones, adonis and snowdrops, and everything is wrong. The real name of the flower that first discovered spring is hellebore. (S. Krasikov).

The flowers of the "snow maidens" include noble coppice, and sleep-grass, and whitefish.

There are many legends about the snowdrop. Listen to a poem that conveys one of them.

forest path

It was winter with friends -

Colds and Blizzards,

Blizzard and Blizzard.

And to meet her Spring,

And blush, and clear,

In a colorful sundress,

With birds, flowers.

Winter envied Spring,

Her youth and beauty

Blowed by icy winds,

It swirled with evil blizzards.

The flowers were afraid of the cold

And closed their petals.

Only a snowdrop

Fragile and tender

From the last strength

Petals opened

A drop of white

Small but bold!

Questions for consolidation

What does a snowdrop look like?

Why did the flower get such a name?

When do snowdrops bloom?

Why do snowdrops bloom when there are no leaves on the trees yet?

What insects pollinate snowdrop flowers?

What flowers are popularly called snowdrops?

What do you remember (like) in the poem "The Bold Snowdrop"?