What is Zen is simple. The history of Zen Buddhism

Our today's conversation will focus on the subtle, like the scent of a flower, full-flowing, like the Amazon, and a very graceful direction of Buddhism - about Zen Buddhism, as well as about the philosophy, history, essence and principles of this amazing and probably the most unusual teaching on earth.

The essence of Zen Buddhism

Its strength and depth is always impressive, especially if a person is just beginning to get acquainted with the basics and then with the very essence of Zen Buddhism, as deep as the sea and boundless as the sky of Zen.

It is unlikely that the essence of this doctrine of "emptiness" can be expressed at all in any words. But his condition can be philosophically expressed as follows: if you look into the sky - there birds do not leave traces in flight, and the nature of Buddha can be understood only when you can remove the reflection of the moon from the water.

The history of Zen Buddhism

No less interesting is the very history of the emergence of Zen Buddhism, as one of the wisest branches of this world religion.

Once in India, Buddha Shakyamuni transmitted his teachings. And the people gathered together awaited the first word of the Buddha, who was holding a flower in his hand.

However, Buddha was meaningfully silent, and everyone froze, waiting for the sermon to begin. And yet, there was one monk who suddenly began to smile while looking at the flower.

It was the sudden enlightenment of Mahakashyapa, a disciple of the Buddha. Shakyamuni Buddha said that Mahakashyapa, one of all those present, understood the meaning of his teaching, teaching beyond thoughts and forms, and became enlightened, and also became the holder of this great teaching.

Spreading Zen Teachings

We can say that Zen began its march around the world when the great master Bodhidharma arrived in China from India, who is considered by many to be the first patriarch or founder of all Buddhism. After him, this teaching was divided into schools.

I met Bodhidharma myself chinese emperor and asked the question, what is his merit, because he built many temples and takes care of the monks.

To which Bodhidharma replied that he had no merit, that all that he was doing was an illusion, and in addition said that the real essence total emptiness and emptiness is the only way that embarrassed the emperor a lot... From China Zen Buddhism spread to Japan, Vietnam and Korea.

The origin and meaning of the word Zen

Zen is translated from Sanskrit (Old Indian) as dhyanacontemplation.

You should also know that in different countries it has different names. So, in Japan it's called - zen; in China - chan; Korea - sleep; Vietnam - thien.

The essence of the teachings of Zen Buddhism

The teachings of Zen Buddhism are essentially based on the empty nature, the nature of the mind, which cannot be expressed in any way, but can only be realized.

And not to realize with the mind, but that part of the mind that knows about everything without reflection and analysis. This consciousness is called awakened., unlike the usual human consciousness who divides everything into good and bad, likes and dislikes, and who constantly makes judgments.

Despite the fact that the teachings of Zen Buddhism are beyond words and concepts, at a relative level, Zen practices follow the generally accepted moral concepts of Buddhism: the rejection of hatred and bad deeds, and also follows other knowledge of traditional Buddhism.

Consequently, and other knowledge from traditional Buddhism: the concept of karma - not to be attached to loss and profit; not have attachment to the outside, since they are a source of suffering; and of course follow the principles of the Dharma - all phenomena are free from "I" and there is no essence in them.

According to Zen teachings, all things are empty by nature. And this the emptiness of both our mind and all phenomena can be comprehended only by contemplating them.

After all, as you can understand, the mind itself cannot comprehend emptiness, because it is constantly moving, one thought clings to another.

Ordinary mind is blind and this is called ignorance... The mind constantly divides into good and bad, pleasant and unpleasant - this is a dual vision and it brings suffering and subsequent rebirths. Here is an ordinary mind - it sees the pleasant and rejoices, but seeing the unpleasant we suffer. The mind divides and this is the cause of suffering.

Zen philosophy of Buddhism

Zen does not rely on intellect, philosophy, and texts, but directly points to the nature of Buddha and the enlightened one in each of us... Sometimes Zen masters betray the meaning of the teachings in a very peculiar way.

For example, a student can ask a master what is the essence of Zen, to which the master can answer something like this: "but ask that tree over there," or he can grab the student by the throat and choke him, saying: "I want to find out from you," or even date him over the head with a meditation stool. In this state, the mind of a person stops and instant enlightenment occurs.

One should not, however, think that it will be for a long time, but repeating such short states of enlightenment or satori, as this state is sometimes called, it deepens and becomes more lasting.

And so, when a person is all 24 hours in this state outside of thoughts - then, in accordance with the philosophy of Zen Buddhism, and complete enlightenment comes.

Zen principles of Buddhism

The main principle of Zen Buddhism says that by nature everyone is a Buddha and everyone can discover this enlightening basis in themselves. Moreover, open without effort and without deeds on the part of the ordinary mind. Therefore Zen is a straight path where the Buddha is on the inside and not on the outside.

Also one of essential principles Zen is that the state of enlightenment can be achieved only in the state of non-action.

It means that only when the ordinary mind does not interfere with the inner nature of a person, the nature of Buddha - only then can one find a happy state, beyond samsara and nirvana. So the Zen path is sometimes called the path of non-action... Interestingly, Tibetan Bon Dzogchen also speaks of non-action. This is the special path of the two great teachings.

Zen parable

Here we can cite one Zen parable - the story of a Zen master and student.

There lived one Zen master and at the same time a master of archery and one person came to him to study. He mastered archery well, but the master said that this was not enough and that he was not interested in archery, but was interested in the student himself.

The student did not understand and said, I learned how to shoot at ten, and I'm leaving. He was about to leave when the master was aiming from the bow at the target and then he understood everything madly.

He went up to the master, took the bow from his hands, took aim and fired. The master said, "very good, until now you have been shooting, concentrating on the bow and target, and now you have concentrated on yourself and attained enlightenment, I am happy for you."

Zen Buddhism Practice

In Zen, all practices are only auxiliary. For example, there is the practice of bowing: to the teacher, to the tree, to the dog - this is how practice is expressed for oneself, the practice of taming one's ego.

After all, when there is no egoism, a person already worships his own essence, the essence of the Buddha within himself.

What is the difference between meditation in Zen Buddhism

And Zen Buddhism meditations differ from ordinary ones in that the very contact with reality and knowledge of one's essence through this contact is the meaning of meditation.

This is how Master Titus Nat Khan said: "When I eat, I just eat; when I walk, I just walk."... There is only a pure observation of the process of everything that happens, without getting involved in the thought process. Likewise, you dear readers, you can join this meditation, and your very life will become an ideal meditation.

An ordinary mind is just a dream

What each of us needs to understand is that a person is asleep. A person sleeps at night and also sleeps during the day. He sleeps because he does not see the inner light, the inner state of the Buddha.

This life is just a dream, and you are also a dream, each person is not yet a reality, but a real reality inside. Therefore, all the masters said - wake up and become awakened, that is, Buddha.

Zazen meditation

Meditation that will help normalize blood pressure - called zazen, is when you look, for example, at a point on the wall for a long time, or concentrate on your breathing or some sound, for example, chanting a mantra. Then the mind stops by itself and you realize yourself.

Koans in Zen Buddhism

Koans are small stories in Zen Buddhism - which are based on paradoxical thinking, which, like shock therapy, helps to stop the mind.

For example, the master asks: "What color is the wind?"

Indeed, in Everyday life we are always conditioned by our mind and how it thinks about something external. And now imagine that the mind for a moment does not understand what the mind was told and what it was told.

For example, if to the question of a student, “where did Bodhidharma come from,” the master answers “and ask that tree over there” - the mind of a student or just a person will be confused and for some time only inner depth will arise without support and beyond thinking.

This is how the so-called satori or enlightenment can arise. Even on a short time, but the person will already be familiar with this state and will embark on the Zen path.

Zen martial arts practice

According to the legend, the Indian master Bodhidharma brought martial arts to the world-famous Shaolin monastery.

He said that you need to be prepared for anything. Of course, this was due to the fact that Zen monks had to move around the country a lot, and in China it was a turbulent time and you had to fend for yourself.

Nevertheless, real martial arts masters sometimes have to act not logically, more with intuition and inner instinct, when the ordinary mind no longer works or it is not enough to defeat a much stronger opponent.

It turns out that actions in fighting styles based on Zen philosophy of Buddhism are ahead of the mind, and the fighter moves more at the expense of the body and "inner mind", which helps him to experience the state of Zen or contemplation.

Many people know that the path of the samurai is death. As you can imagine, samurai martial art is also based on Zen.

After all, when it does not matter for a person when he dies - after all, he died during his lifetime, then only the state of mind or consciousness is important, which does not depend and does not fluctuate because of the external.

How to do Zen meditation?

Usually, when you walk down the street, you notice everything that you can see, but you do not notice the most important thing - the one who is observing it.

So, everyday meditation from Zen Buddhism is very simple - when you walk, you just walk, observing the one who is walking (observing yourself). When you are doing something: digging, cutting, washing, sitting, working - watch yourself, watch who is working, sitting, eating, drinking.

Here is a quote from an enlightened Zen master: "When I walk, I just walk, when I eat, I just eat"... Therefore, even only in this way can one develop clarity of mind and become enlightened.

How to stop your mind?

When you observe your mind, you begin to notice the intervals between two thoughts. The mind cannot be made to stop, it stops by itself, observe and do not try to stop your mind.

Just watch your mind, be a witness. After all, the mind is constantly busy pondering past events or fantasizing about the future.

Observing the mind, a person wakes up from sleep, from a long hibernation in an unreal world. Hinduism talks about a wheel, a wheel of reincarnation, and this is all the mind that creates repetitions.

How to achieve enlightenment in Zen?

Zen philosophy states that whatever you do in this life - walking, eating, or just lying on the grass or by the sea - never forget that you are an observer.

And even if the thought takes you somewhere, return to the observer again. You can watch every step - here you are lying on the beach, watch yourself, you rise and go to the sea, watch yourself, you enter the sea and swim - watch yourself.

After a while, you will be amazed how internal dialogue will begin to slow down and disappear. You can watch your breathing, or when you walk, watch what you are walking.

Just be an inner witness. The mind and feelings will stop and only a great depth, a depth of inner silence will remain, you will feel that you are touching the entire universe from within.

The day will come when watching you fall asleep at night - your observation will continue in your sleep - the body is asleep, and you are watching.

Our thoughts are unconscious, our actions are unconscious - we are like robots moving in this world. It's time to become conscious and aware... And this path is effortless and beyond action - just be a witness, just be an observer.

Even when death comes, you will simply observe how the elements of the body that make up a person dissolve. And then, the bardo of the clear light comes, and just by observing this light you will remain in nirvana, you will receive enlightenment and liberation at the time of death.

The Three Stages of Zen Contemplation

Conditionally by masters of Zen Buddhism the state of the enlightened mind is divided into 3 levels.

The first is when, like a fear from something, our mind stops.

The second stage is when a person is established in a state of thoughtlessness and when all phenomena are equal for an empty mind.

A 3 step - this is perfection in Zen, where there is no longer any fear of any phenomena in the world, when the mind simply flows beyond thinking in the state of Buddha.


Undoubtedly, life is full of riddles and the most important riddle or secret in a person is his inner nature or Buddha nature. It turns out that there is a happier state of mind when you are outside of thoughts and feelings.

The answer to the question of what Zen is should be known to every person who begins acquaintance with Buddhism. This concept forms a strong personality, capable of a reasonable analysis of their actions and contemplation of them from the outside. The goal of this process must be the true.

Zen - what is it?

There are several key principles in Buddhism, such as faith, the pursuit of self-determination, and respect for nature. Most Buddhist schools have general concept about understanding what Zen energy is. They believe that it is revealed in such aspects as:

  1. Knowledge and wisdom, transmitted not by writing, but from teacher to student during personal communication.
  2. The sacrament of Tao is the nameless source of existence for earth and sky.
  3. Denial of the effort to understand Zen: It is believed that the more you try to understand it, the faster it moves away from consciousness.
  4. There are many ways to comprehend Zen: throughout the history of mankind, Zen is transmitted completely unconsciously from person to person through emotions, touch, jokes.

What is Zen Buddhism?

Zen Buddhism is the most important school of East Asian Buddhism, the formation process of which was completed in China in the 5th-6th centuries. In his homeland, as well as in Vietnam and Korea, he remains the most popular monastic form of religion to this day. Daen Buddhism is an ever-changing belief that has three directions:

  1. « Intellectual Zen "- a philosophy of life that has moved away from religion as much as possible and has become popular among artists, philosophers and scientists.
  2. Psychedelic zen- a doctrine that presupposes the use of drugs for the sake of expanding the boundaries of consciousness.
  3. Bitnic direction- it is known among young people for its simplified rules that promote moral and sexual freedom.

How is Zen Buddhism different from Buddhism?

The desire to achieve Zen means the willingness to sacrifice oneself on the way to it - for example, to show meekness and humility in front of the teacher. Zen Buddhism insists on observing a system of rules by the student, when the classical direction does not require any worship and verification in the name of religion. Zen is like a technique that suits people who do not want to spend a lot of time on the religious side of the teachings.

Zen and Tao

Both directions originated from the same teaching, so the differences between them are minimal. No one can express Tao in words, because it expresses the naturalness of human existence. The Zen state is absolutely real, but it can definitely be described. In the main books of the teachings - the works of sages commenting on koans and sutras, this knowledge is stored.

Zen Buddhism - Basic Ideas

The depth and power of this teaching is striking, especially if a person is just beginning to become familiar with it. It is not possible to fully understand what Zen means if you deny the fact that emptiness is the real essence and purpose of enlightenment. This teaching is based on the nature of the mind, which cannot be expressed in words, but can be realized. Its basic principles:

  1. By nature, each person is equal to Buddha and he can discover the enlightening basis in himself.
  2. The state of satori can only be achieved through complete peace.
  3. Receiving a response from your own, which is inside a person.

Zen Buddhism Koans

Koans are short, instructive stories or dialogues similar to the suras of the Quran. They reveal the essence of the questions that arise from both novice and experienced religious followers. Zen koans were created with the aim of giving a psychological impetus to the student, to motivate him. The value of each of these stories is revealed in his decision:

  1. The master asks the student a koan for which he must find the correct answer. Each statement is made with the intention of causing a contradiction in the inexperienced follower of Buddhism.
  2. Being in a meditative state or close to it, the student attains satori - enlightenment.
  3. In the state of samadhi (the unity of knowledge and knower), a person understands what real Zen is. Many consider him to be close with a catharsis feeling.

Zen meditation

Meditation is a special psycho-physical state of a person, which is easiest to achieve in an atmosphere of the deepest silence and concentration. In Buddhist monasteries, the need for preliminary preparation there was no immersion in it, because the members of the communities initially protected themselves from all temptations. When monks answer the question of what Zen meditation is, they say that it is a sensation pure consciousness without content. It can be achieved by performing the following sequence of actions:

  1. First you need to sit on the floor, facing the wall, placing a pillow or a blanket folded in several layers under the buttocks. Its thickness should not interfere with taking a comfortable, stable posture. Clothes for meditation are selected loose so as not to hinder movement.
  2. For a comfortable fit, it is recommended to take or half lotus.
  3. You should close your eyes and abstract yourself from problems and thoughts.
  4. When emptiness replaces mental noise, a feeling of incomparable relaxation and contentment will appear.

What does it mean to "learn Zen"?

Anyone who wants to find an answer to his question turns to this oriental technique, as a rule, being in despair. He seeks to learn Zen after simple ways the solutions to the dilemma were exhausted. For some, this process is a kind of fasting with abstinence from food, relationships with the opposite sex and active labor activity... Most Buddhists adhere to more traditional ways awareness of the subtle matter of Zen:

  1. Following the advice of the first Buddhist teachers. They recommended keeping calm even in difficult situations and renounce life's troubles.
  2. Finding the source of evil. If a religious person is overcome by a series of failures and problems, then he must look for the cause of the vicissitudes of fate in himself or in his enemies.
  3. Crossing the boundaries of classical thinking. Zen rules say that a person is too accustomed to the benefits of civilization to know his essence. He needs to get out of his comfort zone to hear the voice of the soul.

Zen Buddhism - Books

Each religious school and methodology of scientific knowledge has its own literary works, allowing even inexperienced beginners to understand its concept. Zen philosophy also involves acquaintance with a whole library of books, which includes:

  1. A team of authors with comments by Alexei Maslov "Classical Zen Texts"... One book includes the works of the first teachers of Ch'an Buddhism, which affect all areas human life- both in antiquity and in modern life Asian countries.
  2. Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Consciousness, Beginner Consciousness... She reveals the content of the conversations of an experienced mentor with his American students. Xiongryu managed not only to comprehend what Zen is, but also to learn to focus on the main goals.
  3. Won Q-Kit, The Zen Encyclopedia... The book is devoted to the difficulties of understanding life, the simplest understanding of its laws and concepts. The Zen path, according to the author, ends with a mystical experience of experiencing the Absolute - a flash of comprehension outside of time and space.
  4. Tit Nath Khan, "The Keys of Zen"... The Japanese author's work contains exclusively commentaries on the sutras and koans of southern Buddhism.
  5. Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings... Warrior Musashi 300 years ago wrote a monograph on the management of the state, people and their own emotions. The medieval fencer considered himself a Zen teacher, so the book was written in the format of a conversation with student readers.

This article describes the basic rules, principles and philosophy of Zen Buddhism.

There are many directions of different religions. Each of them has its own schools and founders, teachers and traditions. One of these teachings is Zen. What is its essence and what specific traits? Look for the answer to this and other questions in the article.

Zen Teachings: The Direction of Which Religious Philosophy?

Zen Teachings: A Direction of Religious Philosophy Called Buddhism

Zen is an imprecise name for a religion that has undergone a change in our day, and it is not really a religion. At first this philosophy was called Zen. Translated from Japanese Zen means: 禅; Skt. ध्यान dhyana, whale. 禪 chan... This word is translated as "Think correctly", "Focus on something internally".

Zen teaching is the direction of religious philosophy from Buddha. It follows the Mahayana legacy, which originated in the Middle Kingdom and after that it was learned about it throughout the Far East (Vietnam, Korea, Japan). But followers believe that Zen is the philosophy of Japanese Buddhism, which was brought to this country from China in the twelfth century.

What is Zen Buddhism: definition, main ideas, essence, rules, principles, philosophy

After the 12th century, the traditions of Japanese and Chinese Zen found their place in life separately from each other, but before today they retained their unity and found their own characteristics. Japanese Zen is taught in several schools - Rinzai (Chinese Linji), Soto (Chinese Tsaodong) and Obaku (Chinese Huangbo).

  • The word Zen has its roots in the Sanskrit-Pali era "dhyana / jhana".
  • The Chinese used to pronounce Zen as Chan.
  • The Japanese pronounced Zen correctly, so the name and sound of this word has come down to our days.
  • Zen is now a popular Buddhist philosophy and practice.
  • This philosophy is taught in Zen schools. There is also another official name for this religion - "Buddha's Heart" or "Buddha's Mind". Both options are considered correct.

The main ideas and essence of Zen teachings are as follows:

  • Zen is impossible to learn... Teachers only suggest ways through which a follower can attain enlightenment.
  • It is worth noting that the masters of this religion do not use "to achieve enlightenment" in their vocabulary.... Correctly it will be like this: "To see the light and see your own" I ", to change yourself for the better.
  • It is impossible to indicate one path for everyone, since each person is different.- with their own ideas about life positions, experience and living conditions. A person must find his entrance without substituting consciousness for special performance of practical exercises or following ideas.
  • Human language, images and words are meaningless. It is impossible to achieve insight with their help. Such a state will become available thanks to traditional Zen methodological instructions and even stimuli from the outside - a sharp yell, a strong blow, and so on.

The principles of Zen Buddhism are four truths:

  1. Life is suffering... When a person understands this, he will take everything for granted. People are imperfect and the world is not perfect. If you want to attain Zen, then you have to accept it. Buddha recognized this and accepted it. He realized that a person has to go through a lot during his life: suffering, illness, deprivation, unpleasant situations, grief, pain.

The following 3 truths are about desires:

  1. Desire for affection. Buddha argued that the main cause of psychoemotional disorder is attachment to one's desires. If we cannot get something, then life is not nice to us either. But you should not get angry and irritated because of this, you need to accept.
  2. The end of suffering. If you get rid of attachment to desires and free yourself from torment, then the mind will be cleansed of anxiety and anxiety. This state of mind is called nirvana in Sanskrit.
  3. Walking the path to the end of suffering... Nirvana is easy to achieve if you lead a measured life. Follow Eightfold path, which represents self-improvement in their desires.

The teacher must see his nature in order to teach this to his students. In addition, he must see the real state of the student. Only in this way can the master give correct advice and directions to the wake-up thrust.

Zen Buddhism Philosophy consists of the doctrine of three poisons. It is because of them that all troubles, torments and delusions appear in a person's life. Such evil should include the following:

  • Man does not understand his nature- the mind is clouded, there is a constant restless internal state and even stupidity appears.
  • There is aversion to specific situations, things- presentation of something as an independent evil, tough views on life.
  • Excessive affection- to something pleasant, tenacity for unnecessary things in this life.

Therefore, the rules of Zen Buddhism are:

  • Calm your mind... Be calmer, do not be nervous about trifles, so that life proceeds peacefully and harmoniously.
  • Free yourself from harsh views. Understand that man creates evil around himself with his own hands. If we look at life differently, then everything around us will change.
  • Free yourself from attachment... Understand that there is little good, otherwise life will lose its taste and bright colors. There should not be an unquenchable thirst for pleasure. All good things in moderation.

Students are given different tips, but such that they are understandable to a specific person. For instance:

  • Practice meditation to calm and calm your mind. In doing so, try and follow all the advice of the teacher.
  • Do not try to achieve peace and enlightenment, but let go of everything that is happening around you.

Zen practitioners do a lot of sitting meditation and do simple work... This can be the cultivation of some kind of crops in the mountains or routine cleaning. The main goal is to calm your mind and unify your thoughts. Then the self-shaking stops, the clouding of the mind disappears (Zen masters believe that modern people everyone has a clouded mind) and a restless state stabilizes. After enlightenment, it is easier to see your natural essence.

Japanese Zen and Chinese Zen: Are They the Same?

Japanese or Chinese Zen

Japanese and Chinese Zen are one and the same, but with their own distinctive features.

Chan Buddhism - the Chinese call the Zen religion... Many followers at the beginning of their path cannot understand Chan Buddhism. It seems that this is something unattainable, irrational and even mystical. But Zen insight is endowed with universal characteristics.

Zen influence on the cultural heritage of Japan makes us recognize this school as important and relevant in the study of the ideas of Zen Buddhism. It helps to reveal the ways of development of philosophy and thought.

Psychological Aspects, Zen Buddhism Psychotherapy: Practice

Zen Buddhism Psychotherapy

To achieve satori, one should not just sit under the Bo tree and wait for indulgence, enlightenment. A special relationship is built with the master and specific system procedures. Therefore, it is important psychological aspects and Zen Buddhism psychotherapy to free the personality for spiritual development.

  • Many psychologists use the basics of Zen Buddhism in their practice.
  • The psychologist who is inspired by the ideas of Zen and knows them firsthand is especially good.
  • People are complex by nature. Someone has obsessive ideas to take revenge on another person, another seeks to quickly get into the future, or, conversely, worries about what may happen, and the third is absorbed in his past.
  • A person can himself repeat actions that cause him trouble, but in the subconscious and in words, he wants to break out of this circle.

Zen psychology shows that all these attachments and fixations interfere with living and experiencing the present. The real and correct Zen path will lead to enlightenment and the correct awareness of human existence.

Zen Buddhism as a Philosophy and Art of Living: Examples

Zen Buddhism - Philosophy and Art of Living

The main goal of Zen Buddhism is to achieve enlightenment or satori. For Europeans, such a philosophy and art of life as Zen is something unattainable. But there is nothing supernatural about this teaching. These are common skills that are honed to perfection by Zen masters.

Here are examples of this art of living:

The mentor talks to his student:

- Are you affirmed in the truth?
- Yes, master.
- What are you doing for your upbringing?
- I eat when I'm hungry and go to bed when I'm tired.
- But every person does this. It turns out that you do not educate yourself, but live like all people?
- Not.
- Why?
- Because when eating food, they are not busy eating, but are distracted by conversations and other extraneous objects; when they rest, they do not fall asleep at all, but see many dreams and even experience emotions in their sleep. Therefore, they are not like me.

Explaining this parable example, we can say that ordinary people experience constant fear and mixed feelings of self-doubt, and also live in not the real, but an illusionary world. People think they taste and feel something, rather than really experiencing all the emotions.

Another example of Zen philosophy is revealed by another parable:

The master of this teaching tells about himself: “When I had not yet learned Zen, the rivers for me were rivers, and the mountains were mountains. With the first knowledge of Zen, rivers ceased to be rivers, and mountains ceased to be mountains. When I fully comprehended the teachings and became a teacher myself, the rivers became rivers again and the mountains became mountains. "

This is evidence that after enlightenment, what is here and now begins to be perceived differently. We take shadows for believable things, and being in the dark at this time, it is impossible to know the light. For Zen, it is important that a person knows himself from the inside, and not with his mind. Zen must go deep human soul and his creatures.

What does it mean to know Zen, the state of Zen, inner Zen?

Among people you can hear: "Knew Zen"... What does it mean to know Zen, the state of Zen, inner Zen? It means: "State of constant meditation" and "Absolute equanimous mind"... But if a person talks about it and even claims that he knows what Zen is, then he lives deceived. To learn the essence of Zen is given only to a select few people and the teachings of this philosophy are built in such a way that a person will not talk about himself in such a way.

The Zen state is calmness from within, a bright mind and soul. Zen within a person is equanimity. A person who has learned Zen cannot be thrown off balance. In addition, he can independently help his opponent to find inner peace.

How to achieve the state of Zen?

Entering the Zen state is not a game at all. The follower focuses on his or her everyday life position. To achieve the state of Zen, everything must be in harmony.

  • Harmony in everything is the most important thing.
  • You are confident and you know that you can achieve this.
  • All the problems around disappear, special energy fills the world... Something perfect appears to help solve problems.
  • Your skill is up to the task- everything turns out harmoniously. For people who are familiar with sports, such a moment is called "being in the zone." In science, this process is called "flow".
  • You should feel like a dream... Time and consciousness are lost in the “stream”. You seem to dissolve in everything around you. It is easier for a child to enter the Zen state, for an adult it is more difficult. They understand the definition of time. But it is more difficult for a small person with his unstable psyche to break free back into transience, so for a child the Zen state can be dangerous.

When you plunge into the Zen state, you will understand that there is no need to plan anything. It is the habit of planning different plans that "stifles" creativity in each of us. There is nothing more awakening and invigorating than being in the “flow”, a “zone” or “white moment” specially created by your mind.

What is Zen Meditation?

Zen meditation is meditation technique relaxation from Buddha. It is the most popular technique in the world - it is the heart of Buddhist teachings. The benefits of Zen meditation include the following:

  • Good concentration training
  • The possibility of self-knowledge
  • Getting calm and joy
  • Better health
  • The emergence of willpower
  • Increased internal energy

Warning: If you do everything right, there will be an emotional storm inside you. This condition can be observed after a few days or weeks of practice. Your repressed emotions will rise up into consciousness. At this moment, it is important not to fight them, but to give an opportunity to splash out. After that, there will be serenity, clarity of mind and joy.

Zen Meditation Technique:

There are two main techniques of Zen meditation, intermediate and advanced:

The Two Basic Techniques of Zen Meditation

Advice: Do not try to artificially realize the secret of Zen. Don't get hung up on inhaling and exhaling. The most important thing will happen between these processes: the secrets of the Universe will be revealed, you will know yourself, and so on. Just meditate correctly and everything will happen naturally.

How Zen Buddhism Differs From Buddhism: Difference, Difference, Features

Regarding understanding Zen Buddhism, it is worth noting that if you try to understand, it will not be Zen Buddhism. A person must comprehend reality as it is. If we talk about the differences between Zen Buddhism and Buddhism, then there is no difference, since this practice is Buddhism. All Buddhist practices are divided into:

  • Samathi- Calming the mind and body, understanding peace and tranquility.
  • Vipassana- allows you to observe the appearance of mental phenomena. A person discovers something new for himself in feelings, thoughts, emotions.

All Buddhist practices help the mind get rid of suffering, free itself from wrong views, and cultivate a correct worldview. Zen simply helps to acquire important elements correct thinking and way of life, eliminating the destruction of the mind. You do not need to follow the rules, it is important to understand the world order. In Buddhist practice, there are no rules, assumptions, hypotheses. If a person learns to comprehend Zen, then he will get rid of delusions and will live in peace and tranquility.

Zen Buddhism Symbols and Their Meaning: Photos

In Buddhism, as in Zen Buddhism, there are many different symbols. But in Zen, the most important and significant is considered Enso- the circle of enlightenment and freedom. Such a symbol of Zen Buddhism is made in the form of tattoos, painted on the walls of houses, especially in China and Japan, and decorated with its image in interiors.

Enso means enlightenment, strength, grace, emptiness, universe... The circle itself is continuous karmic rebirth, and inner space is a sign of liberation from life's hardships.

Zen Buddhism Symbol

This symbol can be depicted with a lotus flower inside, as evidence that a person has become whiter, more majestic and inseparable from nature - peaceful and calm.

Zen Buddhism symbols with lotus

Actually in a circle Enso you can depict symbols or even a Buddha. It will still have the correct Zen meaning - enlightenment, purification, and pacification.

Zen Koans: Examples

Zen Koans are short stories with questions and dialogues. They may not have logic, but they will be understandable to a person who wants to learn Zen. The purpose of the koan is to create a psychological impulse for the student to understand and achieve enlightenment. This is a kind of parable, but the koan does not need to be translated or understood, it serves to understand the true reality.

Here are some examples of koans:

Zen Koans: Examples

The Koan of Zen Buddhism: An Example

Koan of Zen Buddhism

Don't try to understand Zen Buddhism. He must be within you, this is your true essence. Practice self-discipline, cognize the joy of existence, believe, accept, and then you can comprehend Zen and take it into yourself.

Video: Conversation with a Zen Master Jinen about Truth and Meditation

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Zen Buddhism comes from India. The Japanese word "Zen" comes from the Chinese word "chan", which, in turn, comes from the Sanskrit "dhyana", which translates as "contemplation", "concentration". Zen is one of the schools of Buddhism that formed in China in the 5th-6th centuries. Taoism had a great influence on the formation of Zen, therefore there is a lot in common between these movements.

Zen Buddhism

Today, Zen Buddhism is the main monastic form of Buddhism in the Mahayana branch. ("Big chariot"), widespread in South-East Asia and Japan.

In China Zen Buddhism is called "Chan Buddhism" in Vietnam - "Thien Buddhism", in Korea - "dream-Buddhism". To Japan Zen Buddhism came relatively late - in the XII century, but it was the Japanese transcription of the name of this direction of Buddhism that became the most widespread.

In a broad sense zen- This is a school of mystical contemplation, the doctrine of enlightenment. Under zen understand the practice Zen schools, also denoted by the concept Dhyana and is the most important part of Buddhist practice.

How did Zen Buddhism come about?

Traditionally, Buddha Shakyamuni himself is considered the first patriarch of Zen. The second patriarch is his disciple Mahakashyap, to whom the Buddha, after a silent sermon, gave a lotus symbolizing awakening. Thich Nyat Hanh, a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk and author of books on Buddhism, recounts the story this way.

“One day the Buddha stood in front of a gathering at Vulture's Peak. All people were waiting for him to start teaching the dharma, but Buddha was silent.

Quite a long time had passed, and he had not yet uttered a single word, in his hand was a flower. The eyes of all the people in the crowd were turned to him, but no one understood anything.

Then one monk looked at the Buddha with shining eyes and smiled.

And Buddha said:

"I have the treasure of seeing the perfect Dharma, the magical spirit of nirvana, free from the impurity of reality, and I have passed this treasure to Mahakashyapa."

This smiling monk turned out to be just Mahakashyapa, one of the great disciples of the Buddha. Mahakashyapa awoke thanks to the flower and his deep perception.

Daen Buddhism is an ever-changing belief that has three directions:

  1. « Intellectual Zen "- a philosophy of life that has moved away from religion as much as possible and has become popular among artists, philosophers and scientists.
  2. Psychedelic zen- a doctrine that presupposes the use of drugs for the sake of expanding the boundaries of consciousness.
  3. Bitnic direction- it is known among young people for its simplified rules that promote moral and sexual freedom.

How is Zen Buddhism different from Buddhism?

The desire to achieve Zen means the willingness to sacrifice oneself on the way to it - for example, to show meekness and humility in front of the teacher. Zen Buddhism insists on observing a system of rules by the student, when the classical direction does not require any worship and verification in the name of religion. Zen is like a technique that suits people who do not want to spend a lot of time on the religious side of the teachings.

Brief essence of the teaching

Zen is believed to be impossible to teach. One can only suggest the way to achieve personal enlightenment.

More precisely, there is no such thing as enlightenment to be possessed. Therefore, Zen teachers ("masters") often say not "to achieve enlightenment", but "to see your own nature." (Enlightenment is not a state. It is a way of seeing.)

In addition, the path to seeing one's own nature is different for everyone, since everyone is in their own conditions, with their own baggage of experience and ideas. Therefore, it is said that in Zen there is no definite path, there is no one definite entrance. These words should also help the practitioner not to replace his awareness with the mechanical execution of some practice or idea.

It is believed that a Zen mentor must see his own nature, because then he can correctly see the state of the "student" and give him instructions or impulses suitable for him. At different stages of practice, the "student" can be given different, "opposite" advice, for example:

* “Meditate to calm the mind; try harder ";
* "Don't try to achieve enlightenment, just let go of everything that happens" ...

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