Moving games in kindergarten. Big Collection

Rental Ball

Tasks: teach simple games with a ball; Develop attention and speed of the reaction.

Game description:the educator seats children in a circle (with a diameter of 3-4 m) or semicircle. The child sits on the floor, spreading his legs to the sides. The tutor sits in the center and rolls the ball in turn to each re-blinker, calling his name. The child catches the ball, and then rolls him back to the tutor.

Sun and rain

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to run the swarming, not running around at each other, respond quickly to the signal.

Game description:The game can be held both indoors and on the street. The houses are either chairs or circles on Earth.

The tutor turns children's chairs The backrest and invites everyone to do the same with your stools. "See, it turned out a house," he says, planting around in front of the chair and peeping the back of the back, as in the window. Calling children by name, the adult offers each of them "look into the window" and wave a hand.

So aluminated high-circle chairs become houses in which children live.

"What a nice weather! - says the teacher, looking into the window. - Now I will come out and call the kids to play! " He goes to the middle of the room and calls everyone to walk. The kids will run away and gather around the teacher, and he pronounces the following text:

Looking at the sun in the window,

Our eyes are picked up.

We scribble in the palm,

And running to the street!

Children repeat the poems, and then under the words "top-top-top" and "clap-clap-clap" all the legs and clap the palm, imitating the tutor.

"And now run!" - Offers the teacher and runs away. Children scatter in different sides. Suddenly, the teacher says: "Look, the rain goes! Rather home! " Everyone is in a hurry to your houses.

"Listen, like a drumming rain on the roofs," says the teacher and, tapping the stool bent on the seat, depicts the noise of rain. - It became very boring. Let's ask you to stop dripping. " Pedagogue reads folk speech:

Rain, rain, fun,

Kapay, Drops do not regret.

Only we are not dorms,

In vain in the window is not knocking!

The noise of rain is at first increases, but gradually subsides, and soon it stops completely. "Now I will go out on the street and look, it ran out of a rain or not," says the teacher, leaving his house. He pretends that he looks at the sky and calls the kids: "Sun shines! No rain! Go out to take a walk! "

Children are going around the educator again and after him repeat the poem about the sun and perform funny movements. You can run, jump, pay, but until the educator says again: "Oh, the rain begins!"

Cat and mice

Tasks: Exercise children in the subject, the ability to respond to a signal, perform movements in accordance with the text of the poem.

Game description: The game is carried out with a subgroup of children (8-10) in the room (on the carpet) or on the lawn, covered with soft grass. In the middle of the room (on the carpet) or the lawn on the edge put a gymnastic staircase or stretch the cord. On one side of the fenced space-house of mice. Choose a cat. She sits on a chair or Preno. Mouses are sitting in minks, behind the stairs, the teacher says:

Cat mice will fit

I pretended to be asleep.

Mouses get out of minks (they are flying between the stairs or are subject to cord) and run.

After some time, the teacher says:

High mouse, do not make sure

Cat you will not wake up ...

The cat gets off the chair, gets up on all fours, strifting his back, says loudly: "meow" - and catches mice, they run into their minks (not subject to cord or rakes of the stairs). The role of a cat first fulfills the educator, then entrusted to the most active child, then other children are also involved in this role. The game is repeated every time with a new cat.


Tasks: Learning to listen to adult, perform movements in accordance with the text; Develop imagination.

Game description: The tutor spends the line on Earth. "It will be our house," says the teacher, "From here, our legs will run along the path, and where they run, now I'll show you." The tutor departs from children to a distance of 20-25 steps and spends on Earth a parallel line: "Children will stop here."

Returning to the guys, he helps them to be built at the first (start) feature and pronounces the words that they will perform actions, then proposes to repeat them.

Legs, legs,

Ran along the track

Fled to the lastic

Jumped around the bumps

Jump-skok, jump-skok,

Resorted to the meadow

Lost boots.

Under these words, children run towards another line, jump on two legs, approaching adult (only four jumps). With the last word stop, squatted, turn into one, then in the other side, as if they are looking for boots. "Found a boot!" - says the teacher, and everyone run back to the original line. The game starts first.


Tasks: consolidate in children the ability to become in a circle, gradually expand and narrow it; learn to coordinate movements; Develop attention.

Game description:the ritual of invitations is held in the game: "Katenka, let's go to play!" The teacher takes the child by the hand, comes up with him to the next kid: "Vanya, let's go play!" The child gives his hand the previous one, and now they already come to invite the next three. So, in turn, all children take turns. First, it is better to approach those pupils that express the desire to engage in the game, and the collaborated children more expedient to invite the latter.

Children together with the educator are taken by arms, form a circle, begin to "blow a bubble": tilting the head down, the kids are blowing in the cams, compiled by one under the other, as in a dull. With each inflating, everyone takes a step back, as if the bubble increased a little. These actions are repeated 2-3 times. Then everyone is taken by arms and gradually expand the circle, moving and pronouncing the following words:

Bloat, bubble,

Bloat, big,

Stay such

Yes, do not be sway.

It turns out a big stretched circle.

The teacher says: "burst the bubble!" Everyone is clapped in your hands, say: "clap!" And run away in a bunch (to the center).

After that, the game begins first.

You can finish the game like this. When the bubble burst, say: "Little bubbles flew ..." Children run out in different directions.


Tasks:learn to coordinate movements with each other and the rhythm of the text; Develop attention.

Game description:"Now we will ride a carousel," says the teacher. "Repeat words after me and move together in a circle so that the carousel does not break." Holding hands, children along with the educator move in a circle and pronounce the following words:

Barely barely barely

Completed carousel.

And then, then, then

All run, run, run!

Boiled, ran down, ran!

Quieter, quieter, do not rush

Carousel stop.

Once or twice, only two ... (pause),

That's the game.

Under these words, the carousel first slowly moves in one direction, then the tempo of speech and movements accelerate, the carousel changes the direction of movement and spinning faster. Then the pace of movements gradually slows down, and the words "here and the game" are all stopped.


Tasks:exercise in jumps.

Game description:the row is attached to a length of approximately half a meter on a strong cord. Easy-comfortable item is attached - a soft foam ball, flasks, etc. Before starting the game, the teacher shows this wand. Omitting and raising it, he offers some children to catch the object on the shoe. Adult collects the guys who are interested in catching the ball, invites them to get up in a circle. Itself becomes in the center.

"Fishing-catch!" - says the teacher and brings the subject hanging to the stick to one, then to another child. When the kid tries to catch the ball, the stick slightly lifts and the child jershits to grab it. Turning into different directions, the adult tries to engage all children into this fun.

Having played a bit in this way, you can slightly change the rules. So, children in turn catch the ball, running each other past the stick.

Dolls dance

Tasks:learn to perform game actions in turn; Eat independence.

Game description: The tutor shows the table on which dolls are located. "Look, what dolls came today to play with us!" - says the teacher, trying to draw attention to new toys. -This-like dolls, probably, really want to pay, but they do not know how to dance. They are small and accustomed that they are taken on their arms and dance with them. " Taking a doll, the adult shows how you can dance with it. Then he calls children (from one to three), offers everyone to choose a doll. Children along with dolls perform dance movements. Under the end of the doll in the hands of children are crushed.

"And now," says adult, "Think someone to pass your doll." Kids pass dolls to those who have not danced. The game continues until all children are baptized with dolls.

The game can be held both under musical accompaniment and under the singing of an adult.


Tasks:educate friendly, friendly relationships; teach imitate movements characteristic of a toy one or another; Develop imagination.

Game description: "Do you like when you give toys?" - appeals to the children tutor. - Here we are now and we will make each other gifts. " An adult invites children to be built into a large circle, calling the one who will be the first to choose a gift. The baby goes to the middle of the circle, and the teacher with children leads a dance under the following words:

We brought all gifts,

Who wants, he will take

Here you have a doll with a ribbon bright,

Horse, top and aircraft.

With the end of words, children stop. The educator, referring to the child standing in a circle, asks what of the listed gifts he would like to get. If the kid chooses a horse, children are depicting a horse jumps, if a doll is chosen, everyone dance, like dolls, if the top is circling, and if the plane is selected, the flight and landing the aircraft.

If a child chooses a horse, then under the words:

"Rides the horse is our chock-chock!

Heard the fastest legs,

Hop Hop Hop! Hop Hop Hop! "

children jump, high raising legs like horses.

Turning to the child inside the circle, the educator invites him to see, "what is his beautiful horses," and choose who he liked the most. After choosing a gift, the child takes place in the dance, and the one he chose, goes to the middle of the circle. Children again take hands and repeat the words: "We brought all gifts ..."

If the child chooses a doll, then the children depict dolls dancing on the spot under the words:

Doll, doll, babes

Bright ribbon loss.

(Repeated 2-3 times.)

The top is spinning in place, and then squatted under the words:

Here's how the top is spinning,

Discovered on the barrel.

(Repeated 2 times.)

The plane is depicted as follows: each child turns the engine, making circular movements in front of them. Then spreads his arms to the side and runs in a circle. Making a full circle, the aircraft slows down movement and slowly landing, i.e. Baby girl squats.



Game description:choose a "bunny" among children, put it in the center of the circle. Children perform movements under the words:

Bunny white sits

And ears mechanical

Like this, like this

And ears mechanics!

Bunny sit coldly

You need to warm my paws

Claw-clap clas

You need to warm my paws!

Bunny stand stand

Need a bunny jump!


Need a bunny jump!

First, the children are squatting and hands depicted how the bunny makes the ears. Then stroke the one, then another hand, clap into your hands. Then get up, bounce on two legs to the "bunny" standing inside the circle, try to warm it up, gently stroke, then return to the place. "Bunny" chooses a replacement, and the game begins first.

Grandma Malania

Tasks:learn to become a circle, perform movements in accordance with the text, show.

Game description:children take hands, form a circle, adult pronounces words:

Malania, the old woman

Lived in a small hut

Seven sons, all without eyebrows,

Here with such eyes,

Here with such ears,

Here with such noses,

With such a head

With such a beard ...

Did not eat anything

The whole day was sitting,

She looked at her

Did this ...

Under these words, children first go in one direction in a circle, holding hands. Then they stop and with the help of gestures and facial expressions are depicting what it is said in the text: close the eyebrows with their hands, make "round eyes". "Big nose", big head, beard, etc. They are squatting and put the chin with one hand. At the end, they repeat for the leading any movement: make horns, wash your hand, jump, eat, worship, shift from side to side, etc.

The most famous

Tasks: exercise in throwing bags horizontal goal; Develop a accuracy.

Game description: Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle at a distance of 1-1.5 m from players put a large basket. In the hands of the guys bags with sand. Children throw piles across the tutor signal, trying to get into the basket. The educator praises those who hit the basket and encourages missing. You can complicate the game by increasing the distance to the basket (children take a step back).

Catch up

Tasks:to develop in children the ability to maintain the necessary direction during walking and running and changing it depending on the current situation, to accustom to run in different directions, do not hurt each other, catch the ball, develop attention and excerpt.

Game description:the tutor shows a basket with balls and suggests standing next to him along one of the sides of the hall. "Catch up the ball," says the teacher and throws the balls (by the number of children) from the basket, trying to ride in different directions. Children run beyond the balls, take them, carry in the basket.

Where does it ring?

Tasks:develop child attention and orientation in space.

Game description:children stand face to the wall, one of the children hides at the other side of the hall and rings the bell. "Listen carefully where the bell rings, find it," the teacher appeals to the children. When they find the bell tape, the teacher praises the kids. The game is repeated.

Undercounter under the navigation

Tasks:exercising children in crawling on all fours and insoluction under the obstacle, not assisted it.

Game description: Children are located on chairs supplied along one of the walls of the hall. Ahead at a distance of 2-3 m delivered an arc - a knot. The teacher invites the most bold child, suggests him on all fours to the knot, crawl under them, stand up and return to his place.

As the exercises are absorbed, it is possible to complicate it: crawling on all fours and crawl into the hoop, to bring out 2-3 arcs standing at a distance of 1 m from each other.

Tasks: Exercise children in challenging the range.

Game description:children stand in Sherge on one side of the hall. Everyone gets sand bags and in the tutor signal throws them away. Everyone should notice where his bag fell. At the tutor signal, children run to their bags, take them in their hands and raise her head. The tutor notes those who threw the bag further.

Ay gu-gu!

Tasks:acquaint with folk rolling games; Learning to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Game description:adult clears children on chairs. Turning from one child to another, he says: "I am going, I go, I will find my friend!" Then stops in front of one of the kids. "You want to play with me? - asks the tutor. "Then let's go together." The teacher takes the child by the hand, the Ionia together go further with the words: "We go, we go, we go, you will find a friend!" Gradually collected a chain.

Children together with the educator form a circle. Adult reads the text and asks to repeat movement behind him:

Ah gu-gu, gu-gu, gu-gu,

Do not circle in the meadow.

In the meadow,

Head will be spinning.

Oh, water! Oh, water!

That trouble is so trouble!

Skok jumps, jump.

Jumped, jumping and jumping,

Right in the puddle got!

Movements: Children lead a dance in one direction, with the last word of the first quatrain slightly squatted. Then go to the other side. Make several jumps and with the last word squatted and stop: "fall into the puddle." Lower their hands, turn face to the center, take their hands behind the head and swing their heads.

The tutor comes to any child, takes him by his arms and helps him jump out of the puddles. Saved baby can own willing Help any of the players to jump out of the puddle. So, children together with the educator save everyone, and the game begins first.

At the bear in Bor

Tasks:to acquaint children with Russian folk moving games; Learn to run around the signal in different directions, not pushing at each other.

Game description:selects the "Bear", which sits away on the chairs. The rest of the children go around it, "gather mushrooms - berries" and sentence:

At the bear in Bor

Mushrooms, berries take.

And the bear is sitting,

And roars on us.

With the last word, the bear rises from the chair, the children run out, "Bear" will catch them. Next, choose a new "bear".

Bees and bears

Tasks: Teach children to act across the signal; Run, not pushing at each other.

Game description:children are divided into two subgroups: one group is bees, the other is bears. The bees fly around the hall, saying: "Zhr." The educator says words:

Oh, bears go,

Honey at bees will take!

Beating bears. Bees are masting wings, buzzing, drive bears: "stupid" them, touching them with his hand. Bears run away.

Who will reaches the checkbox before?

Tasks: Learn to walk in the forward direction; bring up an exposure.

Game description:the educator asks children who can walk very quickly. "Everything? Let's check it out! " At first, two children compete. They stand on the same line. The checkbox lies on the floor at a distance of 15-20 steps. At the signal (blow to the tambourine), children go to the flag. At the same time, the adult emphasizes that the flag needs to go, but it is not allowed to run. The rest of the children are watching, award winner with applause. Then new participants are chosen, and the game continues.


Tasks:exercise children in the ability to run, not pushing at each other; Perform traffic on the signal.

Game description:children become on one side of the hall. The educator asks: "To the flight ready?" Children answer. The educator continues: "We bring up the motors!". Children on the appearance of the teacher make rotational movements with hands in front of the breast. After the signal: "Fly!" Break hands to the sides and scatter around the hall. By signal: "For landing!" Playing returned to the initial position.

My cheerful ringing ball

Tasks: Teach children to run in different directions, not pushing at each other.

Game description:children stand face to an educator who holds a big beautiful ball in her hands. Then the educator shows the children as easily and highly jumping the ball, if he chopped him about the floor. Then asks children to jump high, like balls, pronounces words:

My cheerful, ringing ball,

Where did you get to jump?

Red, Yellow, Blue,

Do not keep up with you!

Then the educator throws the ball to the side with the words: "Now the ball will catch you - run away from him!" Children run away.

Hares and wolf

Tasks: To acquaint children with Russian folk moving games; Acquire children carefully listen to the educator, perform jumps and other actions in accordance with the text; Learn to navigate in space.

Game description:children depict Zaitsev, teacher - wolf. On one side of the Hall for Zaitsev, the houses or one common Home. The wolf hides on the opposite side - in the ravine.
Adult pronounces:

Bunks jump Scaff, Skok, Skok
On green on the meadow
Hide herbs listened,
Is not a wolf.

In accordance with the text, the hares jump out of the houses, scatter on the site, then jump on two legs, they are attached and tighten the grass. As soon as an adult pronounces the word "wolf", the wolf pops up from the ravine and runs after the hares, trying to catch them (touch). Hares run away in their houses, where the wolf can no longer catch them. Caught Wolf Zaitsev takes to themselves in the ravine. In the future, the role of the wolf performs the child.

Funny habit

Tasks:exercise children in running, jumps, develop dexterity. Cross to independence. Cause a sense of joy from joint action with adults and peers.

Game traffic: The teacher says that there are funny bunnies in the forest with a haunted mother and a gray wolf who wants to catch them. Then he suggests to play: "You will be funny, and I am your mom-haunted. Run live in houses. " The teacher says:

Small houses

In the forest thick stand.

Little bunnies

In the houses are sitting.

Children get squatting, hands apply to the head, portraying will be engaged.


Buthal in the forest.

Noodle she.

All in the window was told.

The teacher comes up to each house, knocks and sentences: "Tuk-Tuk, mean, let's go for a walk. If the wolf appears, we hide again. " Run run away from their houses, jump, run, frolic until the wolf appears (adult or child senior group). He goes to the clearing and says: "Oh, how much will you mean! What are they funny. Now I will catch them. " Run run away. The wolf is crushing: "Oh, how they are rapidly running. I can not catch up with them. "

The game is repeated several times.


Tasks: Acquire children to move together one after another, coordinate movements, do not push the running ahead, even if he moves slowly.

Game description: Children are distributed to the pairs at will: one horse, the other - a kucher, who harnesses the horse (puts on the entrance) and goes around the hall from one side to another and back. Move begin after pronouncing words as an educator:


I'm a horse gray side.

I'm a hoofer

If you want, pumping.

Then, at the suggestion of the teacher, children change roles and the game is repeated.

We are not afraid of a cat

Tasks: Acquire children to listen to the text and respond quickly to the signal.

Game description: The tutor takes a toy-cat, puts him on his chair - "Cat is sleeping." Lead says:

Mice, mice, go out,

Fur, break,

Go out as soon as

Sleeps satuled cat villain.

Mouses surround the cat and begin to shive with the words:


We are not afraid of a cat.

The cat wakes up and catches mice (the tutor with a toy catchies children). Mice run away in minks (sit on chairs).


Tasks:exercise in throwing goals in the distance.

Game description:for the game you need to decompose on the floor of the balls different sizes: Large and small. The educator explains the rules: a big ball throw away in both hands, and small one hand. Shows how to throw the balls. Children stand on one side of the hall, repeat the actions of the educator. After all the balls are broken by children go to collect them.

The chicken was entered

Tasks:learning to listen carefully to adult, perform movements in accordance with the text.

Game description:children stand behind the tutor with each other. The educator says words:

The chicken was entered,

Fresh grass pinching.

And behind her guys,

Yellow chickens.

Ko-ko ko-ko

Do not go far!

Hawk legs

Looking around.

Ate a thick beetle,


Drinking water

Full business.

Children repeat the movements behind the tutor: walk, raising her knees, masses "wings". For words: "Ko-Ko do not go far!" - threaten with your finger. "Hands are engaged in the legs, they are looking for a squat, seek the grains. "Ate a thick beetle" - show the thickness of the beetle, "rainworm" - show the length of the worm, "drunk water" - the tilt forward, the hands are discharged back.

A train

Tasks: Develop the ability to perform movement on the sound signal, exercise walking, running each other.

Game description:children are built into the column along the wall of the hall.

The educator is ahead, he is "locomotive", children - "wagons". Children do not hold down each other. The teacher gives the beep, and children begin to move forward; At first, slowly, then faster and finally go to run (with slow motion, children utter the sounds of "Chuch-Chuh-Chuh"). "The train approaches the station," says the teacher. Children gradually slow down the pace and stop.

Pass the ball

Tasks:learn to transfer the ball to each other; Develop speed.

Game description:children along with the tutor stand in a circle. The tutor transmits the ball nearby standing childThat is your neighbor. The ball needs to be transmitted quickly, you can for music. The educator tries to catch up with the ball.


Tasks: Learning to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Game description: Children with the educator get up in a circle. The teacher says:

Sun, sunshine,

Golden bottom.

Gori, Gori clearly,

So as not to go out.

Ran in the garden stream,

Flew hundredgrogu

And drifts melting, melting,

And the flowers are growing.

Movements: Children go in a circle. From the words "ran in the garden of the stream" - the children run in a circle, "one hundredgroba flew" - they make hands, "melting drifts" - they make the "flowers grow up" - get up on the socks, stretch up.

Shaggy dog

Tasks: Learning carefully listen to the text, run around the signal in different directions.

Game description: A chair put in the center of the hall, a dog's toy is put on it. Children walk around the dog with the words:

Here is a shaggy dog

In my paws bored my nose.

Quietly, twin it lies

Not a dreaming, not sleeping.

Let's come up to him, wake.

And let's see what will be?!

By this text, children approach the ps. For the last words of the text, they stretch their hands and touch until shamal PSA. The tutor takes a toy and catch up with children. Children run around the hall in different directions. Then the dog "tired", again goes to bed.

Darling up to a balloon

Tasks: Exercise children in jumps.

Game description: Children stand in a circle, the teacher goes in a circle with a balloon in his hands. Children jump, trying to touch the ball.

Birds fly

Tasks: Teach imitate the movement of birds, act across the signal.

Game description:children - "Birds" sit on chairs. For the words of the teacher: "Ay, birds flew!" Birds fly throughout the hall. On the words of the teacher: "Birds in nests flew!" Children hurry and sit on their chairs. The teacher calls the most agile and fast bird that the first flew to his nest. The game is repeated.


Tasks: Develop agility, speed.

Game description: Children stand on one side of the hall. The teacher-catcher stands in the center. Children say: "Once or two or three, catch!" And run on the other side of the hall. Educator with the words: "Now I will catch!" Catching children.

Birds and cat

Tasks: Exercise children in running in different directions.

Game description: Children - "birds", educator - "Cat". The teacher depicts a sleeping cat, and the children are walking at this time: they are arms with his hands, sit down, peely peeled. The cat wakes up, says "meow", trying to catch birds, children run into different directions, hide in the houses (sit on chairs).

Sun bunnies

Tasks:learning to run easily, catching up solar glare, changing the direction and pace of movement in accordance with the nature of the movement of the solar bunny, develop the speed of movements; educate interest in collaborative participation in moving games; promote the improvement of the activities of the child's respiratory and musculoskeletal systems; Maintain a positive emotional attitude at the players.

Game description:the game is held in a clear sunny day. An adult puts out a small mirror on the street and attracts children to observing the appearance of a sun bunny.

Sunny bunny, jump-skok,
Walk out,
Jumped deftly outside the window
Ran down the roof.
Jump yes ikok jump yes i
Jumped on the window.
Jump yes ikok jump yes i
And on the nose Antoshka.
- Hey, guys, do not yaw

And the bunny catch up!

An adult invites children to "catch" the sunny bunny, jumping along the wall of the veranda or track. His task: to quickly move the ray of the Sun so that the guys are forced to actively run around the section with the change of direction of movement. Wins the one who succeeds to the first "catch" the sunny bunny.


Tasks:to acquaint children with Russian folk games, develop speed and dexterity.

Game description: On Earth draws a circle, the flower is put in his center. The tutor performs the role of a guard, standing in a circle; Children - bees - sit down in squatting outside the circle. The teacher says:

Bees Torry,

Gold wings,

What are you sitting

Do not fly in the field?

Al you will send you rain

Al you sun bake?

Fly for mountains high

For green forests -

On a round meadow

On a laase flower.

Bees try to run into the circle and touch the flower, and the teacher tries not to let anyone. When children manage to touch the flower, the game ends with the words: "Flowers of bee to the flower!"

Bunnies in the house

Tasks:raise the motor activity of children, develop speed, dexterity; Learn to navigate in space.

Game description:on the floor fold hoops in the number of children. Children - "bunnies" - jump and run around the hall. The educator plays the role of a wolf. For the words of an adult: " Grey Wolf! " "Wolf" goes on hunt, children run into their "houses".

"Tights up to the balloon."

On the playground Street cord at a distance of 3-5 m from the ground. Balls are tied to it so that they are above the elongated hands of the child. The teacher offers children bouncing and hit the ball with his hands. The height of the tied balls is regulated depending on the growth of children and their capabilities. The adult ensures that children, bouncing, touch the ball with two hands (with the aim of uniform load on the muscles of the shoulder belt).

Completion option.

You can hang bells on the cord, butterflies (made of paper) and others. The teacher monitors the children, bouncing, concerned the objects alternately and left hand.

"Hoping protein nuts."

Protein (toy) is located on a shelf or bitch of a tree, and near, just above the raised baby's hands, hanging a basket. To treat the protein on a nut (put it in the basket), the child should jump well. The adult is watching children to repel simultaneously with two legs and gently landed. You can hang 2-3 baskets, it will give an opportunity to simultaneously perform an exercise of 2-3 children. Given the growth of children, baskets can be hung at different heights.

"Jump through the cord."

On the floor stretch the cord with a length of 3-4 m. Children fit to the cord and jump over the tutor through it.

You can put in parallel 5-8 cords different color (50 cm at a distance).

"Jump in the hoop."

On the floor lies the hoop with a diameter of 1 m. Children are offered to approach him closer and jump into it, and then jump out of the hoop. Exercise is performed simultaneously 3 people repeat it up to 5 times. You can offer children after performing exercises to like and run around the hoop.

"From the hoop to the hoop."

Flat hoops (3-4) are laid at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Children jump on two legs with each other from the hoop into the hoop, moving forward.

"Through the streams."

On the floor made "Rouh" from a blue-colored oilcloth with a width of 15-20 cm, a length of 2 m. The adult says that the stream is deep, so you need to jump further so as not to wet the legs. Children approach the stream and jump over it, pushing at once with two legs. The teacher watches so that they are stronger and gently laundned, bending the knees.

"Jump to the check box."

Colored checkboxes are put on chairs or bench. At a distance of 1-1.5 m from the chairs, stretched on the floor cord. Children are suitable for the cord and at the pedagog signal jump from him on two legs, moving forward to the flags. When children are in flags, they must take them, wave them and put in place. Back come back running.

The teacher watches the children, performing jumps, repeatedly at the same time with two legs and gently landed.

"On a roving track."

On tracks with a length of 2-3 m, children jump on two legs, moving forward. At the end of the track each takes out of the ball, rolls it on the same path in the opposite direction and runs after him. If the child is hard to perform an exercise, then you should not require that it be sure to darken until the end of the track. For track, you can use colored cords, gymnastic sticks or colored oilcloth.

"Around the hoop."

Children stand in big hoops of 2 people. At the pedagogue signal, they jump out of the hoop and jump on two legs around it. Each child makes up to 10 jumps, gradually the number of jumps increases to 15. At the agele of adult, children are resting in the hoop. The exercise is repeated.

"Spruggleson the track. "

Children from a bench with a height of 15 cm jump on the colored path made from the loaf. On the bench, they cost freely, without interfering with each other. When jumping, lands gently on both legs.

Completion option. An adult puts 3- 4 gymnastic benches in parallel to each other at a distance of at least 1 m, each deck path of different colors. Children across all the benches alternately. Exercise is repeated from 3 to 5 times, depending on the possibilities of children.

"Sprugglesin the hoop. "

Bente the bench put flat hoops. On the bench, children get up according to the number of hoops and jump into them. The teacher monitors the children to land gently on socks.

"From a cube on a cube."

With the help of children, the teacher puts in a circle of Cuba at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other. The exercise is performed at the same time 2-3 children. Everyone jumps out of the cube and turns into a circle to another Cuba, gets up on it, jumps again and so on.

"Pass the ball"

Purpose: develop the ability to perform movements rhythmically, agreeing with the words

as well as on the signal, exercise in the transfer of the ball, in the rotation of the case to the right and

to the left, in throwing into a movable goal, in confidence running, fix

skill construction in a circle.

Game description

Playing children stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other.

The tutor gives one of the playing ball (with a diameter of 6-8 cm). According to the word

educator "Begin" children begin to transfer the ball to each other in one

direction. All playing at the same time (chorus) clearly say:

Get into the gate "

Children using an educator are distributed in pairs and get up at a distance

4-6 steps one from the other. Between each pair in the middle are installed

gate - from cubes, kegles or twigs. Each couple receives one ball and

rats him to each other through the gate.

Rules: roll the ball, not an assigant gate; repel vigorously one or

two hands (as directed by the educator).

drawn line or laid rope. Everyone has four goals

or sand bag. At the tutor signal, children throw 2 times

right and left hand, then run to the balls, raise them and return them

Rules: throwing necessarily one and more hand; Run behind the bags

only by signal.

"Get into the circle"

Children stand in a circle at a distance of 2-3 steps from lying in the center

large hoop or circle (from rope or drawn on earth)

diameter 1-1,5 m. In the hands of children's bags with sand or other objects

for throwing. In the signal they throw items in the circle of right and left hand,

on another signal take them from the circle. The teacher celebrates those who managed

Rules: throw and take only the signal; try to get into the hoop;

throw one, when repetition with the other hand. "Scriste higher"

The teacher distributes the balls with a diameter of 12-15 cm and offers to play

with them, throwing up and trying to catch after throw.

Rules: throwing at first low to be able to catch; take a ball

hands, not pressed against the chest; If the ball fell, it can be lifted and

continue exercise.

"Get into goal"

The tutor puts or hangs 2-3 vertical targets. It may

be a hoop with a cardboard circle in the middle, the target shield, a snowy figure

with comfortable for throwing item (fox with a kolobkom, hare with a basket). Before

goals at a distance of 1.5-2 m is denoted by a strip width of 40 cm. On it

opposite each goal there are buckets with balls, bumps, bags with

sand. 2-3 children get to the buckets, take objects and throw them into the target

one and the other hand. Collect abandoned items in buckets come out

other playing.

Rules: Throw on the signal to that hand, which will indicate the tutor; collect

objects after all produced throwing; perform throwing, not

going beyond the strip.

"Through the swamp"

On the platform from bricks (flat plywood 15x20 cm sizes)

2-3 tracks with a length of 3 m are laid. Distance between bricks

10-15 cm. 2-3 children get up in the first bricks and in the signal go on


Rules: get up only on bricks, not touching, gender: reach to the end

"Chicken and chickens"

Children are located for a rope suspended at an altitude of 25 cm. Educational

walking chickens walking. They step over the rope and scatter

on the site. On the signal " big bird»Fish. Educator at this time

lower the rope down.

Rules: Step after the signal, not pushing, holding the balance on

one leg; Run away after the signal.

"Bear goes on the bridge"

On the ground boards (width 25 cm, length 2-2.5 m). Behind them at the height

raised baby's hands hang on rope rope. Respectively

the number of boards cause children, they get up on all fours and on the sign loss to the end of the board. Go from the board, bounce, remove one

ribbon. Bears get raspberry. When all children will crawl, tutor

offers to run with ribbons on the site. On the signal are all going,

the tutor hangs ribbons to the rope. The game is repeated.

Rules: go on a bench on all fours (at the feet and palms); come in

until the end of the board.

"Circle - do not fall!"

In games with walking "We have fun", "couples for a walk", "Sunny and

the rain is introduced short-term slow circle in place.


At the site in 2-3 rows, hoops (plastic or

flat plywood diameter 60 cm), in each row 5-6 wrap. 2-3.

children across the signal walk from the hoop into the hoop. Reaching to the end, bounce,

clap your hands and returned.

Rules: go with an intermediate step in the hoop, but without going beyond his edge,

do not hurt for hoops.

"Sun and rain"

Children stand in a circle .-

"Watching the sun in the window, (go in a circle.)

Shines in our room. "

"We scribble into your hands, (clap standing still.)

Very happy sun.

Top top top top! (Rhythmically pour in place.)

Floating clast-clap! (Rhythmically clapped in your hands)

The rain comes to the signal, the children run away. Educator says

"Sun shines", the game is repeated.

"Parames for a walk"

On one side of the cords (chairs, racks) form a gate.

Children holding hands, get up in pairs (arbitrarily who want with whom),

the tutor helps them in this. On the signal "Go for a walk" kids couples

pass through the gate, and then diverge on the site. Here they can

jump, sit down - "Collect berries, flowers." On the "Go home"

the kids get up again in pairs and pass through the gate.

Rules: go in pairs, holding hands; coordinate your movements

lag and do not distinguish To give way to the road, passing the gate. The presentation: Make one more gate and offer to go to those gates,

which will be closer at the signal "Go home

"Find your house"

Children sit along the side of the site or room. According to the sign of the teacher

"Let's go for a walk" children diverge on the site who wants where. According to the word

the teacher "Home" is all running back and occupy any free place.

Then the game is repeated.

"Mice and cat"

Children - "Mouses" are sitting in "mink" - on chairs or bench put

along the walls of the room, or the sides of the site in one of the corners of the site

sits "Cat", the role of which executes the educator. Cat falls asleep I.

only then mouses scatter around the room. But here the cat wakes up,

meowing and begins to catch the mice that run into their minks and occupy

his places on chairs. After all the mice returned to their

places, the cat takes place again, and then returns to his

the place falls asleep and the game is repeated.

The educator can use a toy cat in the game.

Children stand in a column one by one side of the site or along the wall

rooms. First standing in the column - "locomotive", other "wagons".

The teacher gives the beep, and children begin to move forward; at first

slowly, then faster and finally go to run (with slow

movement can pronounce the sound of "Chu-Chu-Chu"). "The train drives up to

stations, "says the teacher. Children gradually slow down the pace and


The educator regulates the pace and duration of the movement of children.

The first time the teacher itself leads the column, and then puts ahead more

active child. "Birds in nests"

3-4 "sockets" are installed at different ends of the site or sides of the room.

(Stools are put or labeled big circles). Children - "Birds"

placed in the nests. According to the sign of the teacher of the birds fly out of their

nests and scatter over the entire platform. Educator feeds birds then on

one, then on the other side of the site. Children are squatting,

having finished the fingers on the knees (peck feed). After the words

the teacher of "Birds in the nest" children run into place. "Shaggy dog"

One of the children depicts "PSA"; He falls on the rug on the belly, head

puts hands outstretched forward. The rest of the children are quietly suitable for

him under reading the tutor of poems:

That lies a shaggy dog,

In your paws, bouncing the nose.

Quietly, it lies

Not a dreaming, not sleeping.

Let's go to him, wake up

And let's see something.

The dog jumps up, begins to bark, children scatter. The dog chases them.

When all the children run out and hide, the dog again fall on the rug. The game

repeated with new leading.

"Purobushki and cat"

Children stand along the walls on the benches on large cubes or in hoops,

laid on the floor. This is "Sparobushki on the roof" or "in nests."

Loading sits "Cat", the role of which performs one of the children. "Vorobushki

flying, "says the teacher. Sparobushki jump from the roof or

jump out of the nest and, by placing the wings, i.e., stretching hands to the sides,

run into the loaf of the room. Cat in the meantime sleeps. But she is

wakes up, says "meow-meow" and runs to catch up with the sparrows, which

should hide from it on the roof or sockets, taking place.

Catching the Sparrow, the cat takes to her house.


In the middle platform draw a large circle or put a cord in the form of a circle.

The group of children is located on the edge of the circle, the rest are sitting on the chairs,

arranged on one side of the site. Together with children sitting on

stools, the educator says the following words:

Here are a frog along the track

Jump, stretching the legs,

Kva - kva - kva, kva - kva-kva,

Scoped, stretching the legs.

Children standing in a circle bounce, depicting frogs. At the end

poems sitting on chairs clapped in your hands (scare frogs);

frogs jump in a swamp jump the line - and quietly

squatted on a squat. "Summary and chickens"

Children depict "chickens". And the educator is "the zeal". On one side

playground with a fenced rope - "House", where chickens are placed with

a zeal (the rope is tensioning between trees or two racks on

height 40-50 cm). The zeal is subject to the rope and goes in search

stern. After a while, she calls chickens: "Ko-Ko - Ko". By

all the chickens are subject to the rope, run to the zepace and together with

it walks on the site. When the teacher says "Big Bird", all

chickens run home.

The educator says "Big Bird" only after all children

they were subject to rope and ran a bit.

"Take care of the subject"

Children form a circle. One of the players is in the middle of the circle

(driven), the rest are standing, several laying legs and holding hands for

back (I.P.) At the feet of each child lies a cube (or another item).

Drinking tries to take this cube. Wanting to protect him playing

sats, closes the cubes with his hands and does not give it to him to touch. how

only leading departs, the playing gets up.


At one end of the site: the tutor is a catcher, in the other - children. Children

approach the fishing jumps on two legs under the sentence,

pronounced teacher:

Okuchechik, Okuchechik,

Do not go to that horse:

There the mouse lives,

You tails spray.

At the end of words, the children run into their places, catching them catching them.

"Find your color"

Children get marks 3-4 colors: one - red, others - blue, third -

yellow and grouped 4-6 people in different angles Rooms. In each

the corner tutor puts on the stand color checkbox (red, blue,

At the sign of the educator "We go to walk" children diverge on the site

group of or alone. At the sign of the educator "Find your color" children

run to the corresponding color flag. "Find yourself a couple" for the game you need to prepare flags in the number of children. Half

the flags of the same color are the rest of the other. Children get one by one

flag. According to the tutor signal, children run on the site. Differently

signal children having the same flags find a pair.

In the game should not take even number children to one of

the players remained without a pair. Turning to the remaining child without a couple,

all playing chorus say:

Vanya, Vanya do not yaw to choose a couple of them.

Then, on the blow of the tambourine, children are scattering again, and the game is repeated


Children stand along the walls of the room or side of the playground in the column of couples,

holding each other by hand. With free hand, they hold the cord, ends

which are connected (one holds right hand other left). Educator

located in one of the corners of the room and keeps three color flags in hand -

yellow, red, green. The educator raises the flag of the green color, and

children run, the tram moves. Defending the teacher, the children look, not

whether the color of the flag was changed: if the green is raised, the movement continues if

a yellow or red flag appeared, children stop and wait when

will appear green colorso that you can move again

"Catch me"

Children are sitting on the chairs set by one of the walls of the room or

side of the site. "Catch up with me," the teacher offers and runs to

the opposite side of the site. Children run after the tutor. Trying

catch it. The teacher then says again: "Catching me," and runs to

opposite direction. And children again catch up. After two runs

children sit on his chairs and rest. Then the game resumes.

The game is better to spend with a small number of children.


Children become couples. In a pair, one is "Horse". Another - "Wait".

The entrances are used, or children hold each other over the belt. Educator

Let's go, went, with nuts, with nuts

To a babe on a river, on a boy,

by sweets, humpback.

With the end of the text, children continue to run in the same rhythm under

propricing the teacher: "Gop, Gop". Run until the educator

i will not say: "TPR - U". "At the bear in Bor

At one end site is drawn. This is the edge of the forest. Behind the line, on

the distance is 3-2 steps from it, outlines the place for the bear. On the

the opposite side is denoted by the line "House of Children". Educator

chooses a bear. The teacher says, go for a walk. Children go and say

At the bear in Boru mushrooms, berries run,

And the bear does not sleep, everything is growing on us.

The bear must sit in its place. When playing pronounce

the last "growl", the bear with a growl rises and catch up with children who

run to them home. Caught baby, the bear leads to himself.

After the bear caught 3 - 2, a new bear is chosen.


A group of children becomes one of the edge of the site. The teacher gives everyone

a stick long 50-60 cm. Children sit on a stick on a riding and jump on

the opposite side of the site, portraying horsemen, trying not

come back on each other and do not hurt objects, equipment

located on the site.

During the game, the educator can offer children to move faster or

slower in different directions. When children learn to run quickly,

you can arrange competition.

Children become inside a large hoop (diameter1m.), Keep it in

hands lowered: one - at one side of the rim. Other - W.

the opposite side, for each other. First child - driver

taxi, the second is a passenger. Children run on the site or along the path. Through

some time change roles.

At the same time, 2-3 pairs of children can play, and if the area allows

more. When children learn to run in one direction, the educator can

give the task to run in different directions, make stops. You can place

stop indicate flag. At the stop passengers change, one

it comes out of a taxi, the other sits down.

"Hares and Wolf"

Childrens are hare hide behind bushes and trees. Aside by the bush is

wolf. Zaiters run away on the clearing, jump, pulling herbs, frolic. By

signal of the teacher: "Wolf goes" - the hares run away and hide behind the bushes, supporting. The wolf is trying to catch up with them. In the game you can use a small

Zaiki jump scoughs, SCOK

on green on the meadow.

Tweeding the grass, eat.

carefully listen

Is not a wolf.

Children perform actions referred to in poem. FROM

the end appears the wolf and begins to catch the hares.

A child acting the role of a wolf should be away from bushes, where

kids hide - rabbits

On one side of the room floor, chairs are placed, seats

inside semicircle. These are rabbit cells. On the opposite side of the house

stranger. In the middle there is a lawn, which rabbits are released

walk. Children become with the back of the chairs, as directed by the educator they

sitted on choking rabbits are sitting in cells. Watchman teacher

suitable to the cell and produces rabbits on the meadow: children one by one

crawl out from under chairs, and then jump, moving forward throughout

lawn. By the tutor's signal "Run into the cells!" Rabbits are returned

in its places, rolling over chairs again.

The teacher must ensure that children are crawling under chairs,

they tried not to touch them back. Instead of chairs, you can use arcs

for subjects or laid on the seat chairs, rails.

"Where the bell rings"

Children sit or stand on one side of the room. The educator asks them

turn around the wall and not rotate. At this time, nanny with the bell

hiding from them, for example for a wardrobe. The educator suggests to listen to

the sound where the bell rings and find it. Children turn and go to

the sound, find it, then collected near the teacher. Meanwhile, Nanny

enters another place - and the game is repeated.

Children should not look where the nanny is hiding. For this teacher

collects him near him and distracts their attention. Call in the bell

first you need quietly louder.

"Do not be late"

The tutor lay out on the floor cubes. Children become cubes. By

the sign of the teacher they run throughout the room, by the signal "not

faise! " Run to cubes. Initially, children can run to anyone

free subject, gradually they get used to occupy their place. For

repetition of the game can offer to run for children like a horseply game time The tutor follows that children further run away from cubes,

did not come together on each other, helped each other to find her cube when

the signal will sound.

"Chickens in the garden"

In the middle of the site is limited big space - Garden. FROM

one side of his house is a guard, on the other - the chicken coop, in it kuras children. Role

storam is performed by an educator or one of the children. By signal "Chickens

walk "children are subject to cords and walk in the garden, looking for food, run.

The watchman notices the chickens in the garden and drive them - slaps in your hands, saying

"Kysh-Kysh". Chickens run away are subject to the cord hiding into the house. Watchman

using the garden and also returns home.

Each child chooses a house. It can be a flat hoop .... By

the kids are chosen on the platform and run in different directions. On the

signal "Find your house" occupy houses.

Children must run easily, in different directions, do not encounter; not

run up to the house before the signal "Rather in the circle"

On the site draws a circle with a diameter of 4 meters in the middle - the circle is smaller

2 meters diameter. Children walk each other for a big circle. Between

the tutor walks big and small circle. On the signal: "Rather in the circle",

children try to run into a small circle, the educator catches them caught

stop in place. Then they become a circle again.

Complication: The educator chooses an assistant.

"The guys are strict order"

According to the first signal, the players run out of the scarecrow and

pronounce River "The guys order strict, know all their places, well,

trubita is more fun: the tra - ta, the tra - ta ". On the second signal all quickly

are built in a rank.

First you can get up on free places, but by the end of the year in your place.

"My cheerful ringing ball"

Children become a tutor with a basket of little balls in the center.

All together pronounce words:

My cheerful ringing ball

Where did you get to dissolve

Red, Yellow, Blue

Do not sobble for you by the end of words The teacher throws up the balls up, so that they would

scattered in different directions. Children must quickly collect them back in

"Smooth circle"

Children, holding hands, rhythmically go in a circle, say:

"Smooth circle for each other

We go to step step, stand in place!

Together, do this! "

With the end of words stop and repeat movements that

shows the tutor, for example, turn, bend down. Need to

rhythmically go in a circle, keeping the interval; Do not go in a circle.


Children walk around the hall. The teacher says the following words:

"Silence at the pond does not pegs water

Do not make noise reed, baby falls asleep. "

As soon as the educator finished saying words, children fall on the floor and

imitate sleep.

The teacher walks between children and notes who sleeps tightly (not moving)

Today I want to talk to you about children's moving games in children's garden. I think this topic is very relevant not only for educators, but also parents. I want to notice that I recently wrote an article on the topic rules of mobile games in the younger group. If you want, read it. She is very informative and useful.

For many kindergarten educators, the most important and urgent problem is how to take children. This is understandable, because it is simply impossible to do the lessons alone. Children preschool age Right sisha with its energy. They need to give it somewhere. And here perfect solution - outdoor games. By the way, the moving games perfectly stimulate the development of agility, intelligence and smelting! It turns out both children in case and caregivers are easier. I'm not talking about how everyone will have fun together. With this approach to upbringing, children will be happy to go to the kindergarten, because there will be games!

Well, play?

Catch the ball.

For this game you will need balloons and light adults. Inflate several balloons. Give the task to players so that the balls always flew and do not fall on the floor. Let them blow them or throw themselves.

Blow to the ball.

Another game with balloons. The number of balls is inflated as much as players. Children become in line and everyone is given a ball with the name of the player. The task is to blow on the ball before the finish. Wins the very first. This game is perfectly developing light children, so it can be played as often as possible and not only in kindergarten, but also at home.


This is a team game. Watch children equally for two teams. Put two stools on one jig and a hat. Each of the players in the signal must run up to the chair and hope. Dressed, undressed and moves to the side. Next runs the next player and does the same thing. The team is defeated, in which all players will be faster. This game is more suitable for medium and older groups, as the kids are unlikely to be able to wear a sweater or other clothes.

Felt boots.

I think such a mobile game is suitable for junior Group. Again, children are divided into two teams. Each team is given on a pair of boots and not ordinary boots, and adults. Children should fit in them right in their shoes. Also, children give one flag. Before each team is the chair at a distance of approximately 5 meters. The first players from the team should reach their chair, bypass it in a circle and returning the next player to get it back. The team defeats in which the last player first finished this relay.

Catch the ball.

This game is with the ball on the agility of the hands. More suitable for the middle and older group. Children get into a circle and throw the ball to each other. The most awkward player who has not caught the ball is punishable. Punishment - stand on one leg and catch the ball. If he does not catch the ball, then his punishment is dried up - stand on one knee. At the next failure, he will need to stand on two knees. But if the punched player caught the ball, then all the previous failures are forgiven.


This mobile game in the kindergarten for endurance. Children are built into the straight line. At the same time, they should sit down, and keep the hands on the sides. Task - it is necessary to dare to the finish, for example, to the opposite wall. Wins the one who will first darge. And all who stumble during the race coming out of the game.

Crows and sparrows.

In this game, children are divided into two teams. One team is called Sparrows, another crows. The educator explains the task for each team. For example, the "Sparrows" team, as soon as they are called to lie on the floor, and the "Crows" team stand up for chairs. All movements are performed quickly. He who confused, drops out from the team and games. We defeat those who have more players in the team left at the end of the game.

Put on her hat.

This is very cheerful game to the music. Children get up in a circle. The educator includes music and gives them a female hat. Children transmit it to each other. The teacher unexpectedly stops music, and the player who had a hat turned out to be in his hands should quickly wear her on his head and walk in a circle of female gait. If he has been lazy, then drops out of the game. By the way, instead of a female hats, you can use a cowboy or military cap. Then here you will need to depict a cowboy or soldier.

Catch me.

Of the children choose the two most deft. Their task, catch other players. To do this, they should take hands to get a circle (ring) and catch other children with this ring. Caught player departs aside.


Players are in a circle. In the center of the circle there is a leading. He must take a thick rope or rope and twist it on the bottom, trying to touch the feet of other players. Players, in turn, join that the rope rod does not hurt them. Who can't get out of the game.

Christmas tree.

Such a game is suitable for children new Year's Matrennikov. The teacher says: "We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and in the forest of the Christmas tree we grow different: broad, low, high and thin. With the word "high" players raise hands up, "low" - squat and lowered hands, "wide" - expand the circle, "thin" - narrow the circle. Next time, the teacher says these words not in order, but in the scatter, trying to confuse children.


Moving games in kindergarten should be not only agility, but also at care. For example, the game "Beasts". Children choose their leading, who will play the role of owls. The responsibilities of the owl enters only the hunt. All other children are forest beasts. The teacher says "Day". Players begin to run around the room and have fun, but with the word "night" they freeze and the hunt comes to hunt. Anyone who will peel or emit some sound, is made the mining of owls, i.e. it comes out of the game.


Children stand in a circle with arms stretched forward. Pre-selected two leading runs in a circle in opposite directions and try to touch the palms of the participants. Those who touched, frozen and drop out of the game.


One of the players becomes a bunny and rises in an educated round. Children lead dance and sing:

Zainka, babies,
Serious, groans.
Circle, turn the barrel,
Circle, turn the barrel!
There is a hare where jump out
There is gray where to jump out!

The improvised bunny must be tried to jump out of the dance.

Guess what animal.

Drinking to all children back. Each player in turn comes to it and makes a sound, depicting any animal, for example, a cow. The leading guesses what is the animal.

Guess who.

Driving again to sit back to the rest of the children. Things are suitable for him and give any word. The task of leading to guess the name of the uttered.


Two participants are selected. Before each lay one symbolic prizes. The presenter calls the figures into the spread, for example, 1,5,9,15,20,33,39.65 IT. D. As soon as the number 3 is pronounced, players must grab their prize. The one who managed to be the first is wins.

Air, water, earth.

This game is not only mobile, but also oriented towards children's intelligence. Players sit in a circle. The presenter walks in front of them and says "Earth, air, water" every time changing the location of words. Stopping around any child, the lead pronounces the word, for example, "Earth". And the child in response should depict any animal walking along the ground. With the word "water", the player depicts fish, and with the word "air" - a bird.

Felling rabbit.

On a dense watman, a rabbit is drawn with a carved mouth. Players become in a row. The first give carrots and tie their eyes. Task - put carrots in the mouth of the rabbit. If he did not succeed, he drops out of the game. By completing the task, the player transmits the carrot to the following.

Get into the hole.

Play this mobile game in kindergarten needed on the street while walking. The teacher digs 3 identical holes in the sand at a distance of 0.5 m. The player is moving away from the pits for a couple of steps and throws a small ball into it. If I got, it moves to the second hole, and then to the third. Then everything repeats, but in reverse sequence. But if the player did not hit the first hole, he comes out of the game.


Multiple colored small handle draws on the asphalt looping and intersecting between "paths". Players must choose themselves in the "path" and pass it to the finish line, never coming down from the distance.

Stealing carrots.

The educator draws a circle with a diameter of 8 m. 10 cubes put in the circle. In this game, the circle symbolizes the garden, and Cubes are carrots. One watchman is selected from the players. His task is to guard carrots. The remaining players become hares. They must try to steal these carrots from a circle-garden. Who caught the "watchman", he drops out of the game. The winner is the most deft, that is, the one who stole the carrot and was not caught by the "guard".


Game on agility and speed! Several participants are taken by arms and form a circle. The rest are depicting birds and insects, for example, butterflies, bees, flies, mosquitoes, cinemas, etc. The presenter gives a signal and "trap" opens - children in a circle raise hands up. At this time, all the birds and insects can be walking, run and jump in the cabin. The following signal is published and the trap closes. All who did not have time to run out of the "Cappon" are trapped and get up in a circle, replacing other participants, and they become birds. There are no winners in this game. Here, most importantly, fun and laughter!

Offer these moving games in kindergarten. Sure, your educators will be very grateful to you. I will do it, because no matter how I ask my son, what he did in kindergarten, he always answers me equally - playing "The sea worries about once." He is poorly played in the "sea" just tired. And if I show the teachers of your collection of moving games, I think they will not be offended, and at least somehow diverse the gray everyday life of my son. He loves to play various games in me very much and in logical. Small!

Take care of hands

Playing form a circle, standing at a distance of one step from each other. The tutor appoints one leading, which becomes in the middle of the circle.

Children pull hands forward with palms up.

According to the tutor signal: "Tearing hands!" Drinking tries to touch the palms of one of the players.

As soon as the child standing in a circle notices that he wants to touch his hands, he immediately hides them behind his back.

Those children, to the palms of which touched the lead, are considered to be losers. When 2-3 losers appear, he chooses another child instead of themselves (but not from among the losers) and changes with him the place.

Magic word

The leading shows various movements and appeals to the playing with the words: "Raise your hands, stand, sneeze, stand on the socks, walk in place ..." and so on.

Playing repeat movements only if the word will add the word "please". The one who is mistaken comes out of the game.

Hot hands

Children form a circle.

The driving rises in the center of the circle. Playing around him around him raise hands to the level of the belt and keep their palms up.

The leading seeks to nominate someone around the palm. Playing, fleeing, quickly lower hands. The one who drives the osal is leading.

If you play a lot, there are two, three people. Playing can not remove their hands, but turn their palms down.

The game goes well when the leading trying to quickly move in a circle in different directions.


Children form a circle and go in a circle for each other.

By the signal of the leading: "Stop!" stop, clapped four times in your hands, rotate 180 ° and start moving in the opposite direction. Making a mistake coming out of the game.

Earth, water, air

Children sit in a circle or row.

The presenter walks between them and, pointing in turn for everyone, says the word: "Water!". A child on whom he pointed out should be called a fish or an animal that lives in water.

If the word "Earth" said, the child calls the one who lives on Earth, if the word "air" is called, who flies.

Golden Gate

Two leading are prescribed. They get up, holding hands, and raise them up, showing the gate. All other participants pass through the gate, saying:

Golden Gate

Miss not always.

For the first time says

The second time is forbidden

And for the third time

Do not miss you.

Leading lowered hands at the end of the verse. Before whom the gate closed, the participant gets up along with the lead, raise hands.

The game continues until all participants turn into a gate.


The horse runs, runs. (Clap hands on the knees.)

The horse goes on the grass. (Three palm hands.)

And then the barrier (type the air in the mouth and hit the cheeks.)

And another barrier ...

Actions are changing. The game is repeated several times.


Children choose the "host" and two "buyers", all other players - "paints".

Each paint comes up with a color and quietly calls his owner. When all the colors choose a color, the owner invites one of the buyers.

Buyer knocks:

- Knock Knock!

- Who's there?

- Buyer.

- Why did it come?

- for paint.

- What?

- Blue.

If there is no blue paint, the owner says:

Go across a blue track

Find blue shoes,

Due to back to bring!

If the buyer guess the color of the paint, he takes the paint to himself.

Fits the second buyer, the conversation with the owner is repeated. So buyers take turns and disassemble paints.

Wins the buyer who guessed more paints.

When repetition, he acts as a host, and buyers choose players.

The buyer should not repeat the same color of the paint twice, otherwise it is inferior to the second buyer.


Children stand in a circle, and leading - inside the circle. He holds a ring in his palms, which is imperceptible to convey to any of the guys. Lords, folded in a boat driving in turn reveals the palms of children. Children carefully follow the actions of the leading and their comrades. And the one who got a ring, does not give himself.

By the signal of the lead: "The ring, the ring, go on the porch!" - A child with a ring runs into the center of the circle. He becomes leading.

If the children noticed a ring from him before the signal, then they do not let it in the circle. The game in this case continues the former leading.


Children form a circle, walk round and pronounce:


Play in the horn

One two Three -

Tanya, flip you!

The named girl (boy) should turn 180 °. Game continues.

Who left?

Children stand in a circle or semicircle.

The teacher offers one of the players to remember those who are near (5-6 people), and then get out of the room or turn away and close the eyes.

One child hides.

The teacher says: "Guess who left?" If a child is giving up, then chooses someone instead of himself. If it is mistaken, it turns away again and closes his eyes, and the one who hidden returns to his place. Guessing should be called it.

Who came?

Children stand in a circle or swarming.

The educator shows movements and pronounces text, children repeat movements.

Who came? (Fold together palms and fingers of both hands, 4 times clap the tips of large fingers.)

We, we, we! (The tips of large fingers are pressed to each other and still, the tips of the rest of the fingers quickly and at the same time clap 3 times.)

Mom, mom, are you? (Clap the tips of big fingers.)

Yes Yes Yes! (Clap the tips of the index fingers.)

Dad, dad, is that you? (Clap the tips of big fingers.)

Yes Yes Yes! (Clap the tips of the middle fingers.)

Brantz, brother, is that you?

Ah, sister, are you? (Clap the tips of big fingers.)

Yes Yes Yes! (Clap the tips of unnamed fingers.)

Grandfather, and that's it?

Grandma, and that's it? (Clap the tips of big fingers.)

Yes Yes Yes! (Clap the tips of the little fingers.)

We are all together

Yes Yes Yes! (Clap in your hands.)


Children form a circle.

Without holding hands, children move with the palm steps first in one, and when he repeated words - in the other direction, saying:

Together we dance -

Tra-ta, tra-ta

The dance is our favorite -

This is a lavat.

The presenter says: "My fingers are good, and the neighbor is better." Children take each other for the little men and repeat words with movements to the right and left.

Then the driving gives other tasks:

My shoulders are good, and the neighbor is better.

My ears are good, and the neighbor is better.

My eyes are good, and the neighbor is better.

My cheeks are good, and the neighbor is better.

My waist is good, and the neighbor is better.

My knees are good, and the neighbor is better.

My heels are good, and the neighbor is better.


Two players become against each other.

Playing simultaneously clap your hands, and then connect the palms in front of them (right with the left, left with the right). Then the palms connect to the nearest - right with the right, left with the left. Then cotton - and again palm together.

First, the movements are done slowly, and then faster and faster until the palms are deposited. Then the game begins first.


Put your hands on the floor (table). One palm to squeeze into a fist, put another on the plane of the table.

At the same time change the position of the hands. The complication of the exercise is to accelerate.

We walked in Africa

Children stand in a circle or swarming.

The educator shows movements and pronounces text, children repeat movements.

We walked in Africa (to the legs.)

And bananas were collected. (Depict how bananas collect.)

Suddenly a huge gorilla (supply a big circle of hands.)

I almost crushed me. (Knocking the right, left hand on the chest.)

Mom ladies, dad ladies (knock on right, then on the left knee.)

And they do not waste. (Knocking the right, left hand on the chest.)

Children stand in a circle or swarming.

The educator shows movements and pronounces text, children repeat movements.

Ten, nine, (clap your hands.)

Eight, seven, (slapped on the knees.)

Six, five, (clap.)

Four, three, (split.)

Two, one. (Clap.)

We and the ball (cover your eyes inner, then outside Palm.) Play want.

Only necessary

We find out: (clap on every word.)

The ball who will be (to eat for each word.)

Catching up. (Sat.)

Find and say there

Children stand in the rank face to the tutor.

He invites them to turn and close the eyes, and at this time it hides any item.

By the resolution of the teacher, children turn out, open their eyes and proceed to the search for a hidden item. Founding item comes to the educator and quietly, he tells his ear, where he found him. If the child said correctly, he moves away.

The game continues until all children find the subject.

Low - high

Children stand in a circle.

An adult says: "We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and in the forest of the Christmas tree we grow different: broad, low, high, thin. I will tell:

"High" - raise your hands up;

"Low" - squat and lower hands;

"Wide" - make a circle wider;

"Thin" - make a circle already.

The game is more fun, if an adult tries to confuse children.

post office

The game begins with the players watering with players:

- Ding, Ding, Ding!

- Who's there?

- From where?

- From the country of fairy tales.

- What are they doing there?

- Wash out (dancing, draw, run, combed, squatted, smile, etc.).

Players imitate or perform a named action.

Five names

Children are divided into two teams.

Two playing, boy and girl (representatives of two teams), become next to two lines.

According to the signal, they must go ahead (first one, then another), making five steps, and for each step without the slightest mistake, a knockout (without breaking the rhythm) to say some name (boys - the names of girls, girls - the names of the boys). This is at first glance a simple task, actually do not so simple.

Five other words can be called (animals, plants, household items, etc.). Names are many, but choose five names and saying them one after another without delay in the rhythm of the step will not be able to anyone.

The one who can cope with this task or will be able to name more names.

Edible - inedible

Children stand in a circle.

Driving says the word and throws the ball to playing.

If the word indicates food (fruits, vegetables, sweets, dairy, meat and other products), then the child who threw the ball should catch it ("eat"). If the word denotes an unbearable subject, the ball is not caught.

A child who did not cope with the task becomes leading, calls the conceived word and throws the ball to anyone.

Tick \u200b\u200b- So - Tuk

Children stand silent.

The educator gives a signal: "Tick!" - Children make tilts left to the right; By signal: "So!" - stop, and by signal: "Tuk!" - bounce in place. He who was wrong comes out of the game. Signals are repeated 5-8 times. The sequence of signals must change.

At the end of the game, it should be noted the very attentive player.

Three, thirteen, thirty

Choose a leading. Playing become in a circle and open on the elongated hands. Driving stands in the center of the circle. When you first spend the game, it is desirable that the tutor will be watering.

The teacher explains that if he says: "Three" - all the players put hands on the parties; If he says: "Thirteen" - everyone put hands on the belt; If he says: "Thirty" - everyone raise hands up (you can choose any movements).

The tutor quickly calls one thing, then another movement. A player who made a mistake sits on the floor. When 1 -2 player remains in a circle, the game ends; Winners are announced.

Free place

Playing sit in a circle.

The educator causes two nearby children. They become back to each other and in the signal: "Once, two, three - run!" - Run into different sides of the circle, they are successful to their place and sit down.

Adult and all players celebrate who of the guys first took free space.

Then the educator causes other two guys, the game is repeated.

Sydi, Sidi, Yasha

Children form a circle.

In the center of the circle, a child blindfolded. The rest of the players, holding hands, go in a circle and say:

Sydi, Sid, Yasha,

Under the nut bush.

Gryzi, Gryzi, Yasha,

Kalena nuts

Cute dares.

Children stop and clap in your hands:

Chok, chok, patch,

Get up, Yasha-peasant.

The child-watering rises and slowly spinning inside the circle.

Where is your bride,

What is it dressed

What is her name

And where will they bring?

With the last words "Yasha" goes to children, chooses any child, feeling him and trying to guess who he found, describe his clothes and name by name.

Guess what they did

Children stand in a circle or swarming. The educator chooses one child who moves away from all playing 8-10 steps and turns his back to them. He must guess what they are doing.

Children agree on what action they will be depicted. According to the word teacher: "It's time!" Driving turns, comes to playing and says:

Hello children!

Where have you been?

What did you see?

Children answer:

What we saw - do not say

And what did - show.

If the leading guess, he chooses another child instead. If it is responsible wrong, the game is repeated with the same leading.


Children are moving freely along the hall (platform).

For one cotton, they should bounce, two cotton - sit down, three cotton - get up with arms raised up (or any other movements).

All children depict some action, for example, play on the harmonica, jump on horseback, etc. Driving a depicted action. If driving did not guess, he loses. Children tell him what they did, and invent a new action. The leading gadgets again.

Then the other drive is chosen, the game is repeated.


Children stand in a circle or swarming.

Elena Kholkov
Mobile game card for children 6-7 years

Kholkova E. A., d / s №5 "bell", g. Tambov

Card mobile game for children 6 - 7 years

The game occupies an important place in the life of a child. In the process of the game, children seek objects and their properties, the surrounding space. In the game, children get useful information About different sides of life, model the behavior of adults. Movable games are the greatest part of children's games. Alignment games are developing the main movements of children: running, walking, different kinds Jump. They contribute to the development of coordination of movements, attention, intelligence, the speed of reactions.

Below I want to introduce mobile games of mobile games of various intensity, selected for children of the preparatory group.

Movable games of small intensity

Five steps

Purpose of the game: Educating the evidence and speed of thinking.

Alternately several players are involved. Children need to do 5 Sha-gov in a fast pace and for each step without pauses and stops to pronounce lu-vo name (female or male in question from the job). There are players who coped with the assignment.

The game can be complicated by offering children not to name names, but, for example, animals, fish, birds, etc.

Ball is a neighbor

Purpose of the game: Fasten a quick re-date of the ball in a circle.

Players are built into the circle at the distance of the elongated hands from each other. Two players standing on the opposite-false sides of the circle - on the ball. According to the signal, the children pass the ball in a circle in one direction, as quickly as possible, trying for one ball to catch up with another. Loses a player who will have 2 goals. The game is reversed.

The ball is transferred to the neighboring player, do not miss anyone.


Purpose of the game: Fix the walking of para-mi, to bring up organized and collectivism.

Players walk on the site in Ko-Lonn two. On the team "Stop!" stop, raise hooks up, forming a knot. The first pair turns around, runs under the gate, becomes the latter, saying "ready!". For this, the signals are lowered hands and continue walking.

The game can be complicated by changing the direction of movement of the column.

Forbidden movement

Purpose of the game: Develop a motor pa-might.

Players are built in a circle, in the center - teacher. It performs various movements, indicating which of them is a proscribed. Children repeat all the movements other than that forbidden. Those who repeated prohibited movement receive penalty glasses. There are players who did not receive penalty glasses.

Forbidden movement must be used after 4 - 5 repetitions.


Purpose of the game: Educating the artist and expressiveness of movements.

Players are located on the site, which is facing them. Children are reflected in the mirror. Watering "in front of the mirror" performs various imitation actions (calculated, corrects clothes, builds faces, etc.). Players alone-temporarily with watering copies all his actions, trying to accurately transfer not only gestures, but also facial expressions.

The role of the water can perform both the teacher and the child.

Who has a ball?

Purpose of the game:

Players are built into the circle, close to each other, hands behind his back. In the price-tre-driving eyes closed. Players perform the transfer of the ball in a circle behind the back. At the signal, the drive openings eyes and tries to guess, who has a ball. If he guess, it becomes brought into a circle, and the one who has been found by the ball becomes leading. The game is rebounded 3 - 4 times.

The player who dropped the ball when re-dacha, is temporarily out of the game.


Purpose of the game:

Players step in the column on one thing, the teacher loudly calls any item, animal, plant (boat, wolf, chair, etc.). Children stop and pose, facial expressions, gestures pokuchi portray what Na Dagog called. It is noted the most interesting image.

Each player tries to come her mother figure.

Repeat on the contrary

Purpose of the game: Develop spatial coordination.

Players are located on the site, which is facing them. He still calls for children various movements that they must repeat nao-borts. For example, driven straighteners, hands forward - children should be back them back, raises their head up - the children lower head down and so on. The most attentive players are celebrated.

Flies - does not fly

Purpose of the game: Educating attention and intelligence.

Players step in the column on one thing, and the teacher calls items. If the flying items will be called, for example, a butterfly, a beetle, etc., then players stop, raise their hands to the sides and make waves up and down.

You can build players in She-Rang or in a circle.

Purpose of the game: Rest and relaxation after exercise.

Players accept and. P. - Loki on the back, hands behind the head. The teacher pro-delivered short sentences, and de-Ti answer how the echo stretching the last word. For example, the teacher go-vorit "Who is there?", And children respond to "Ta-A am".

The game can include respiratory exercises or sound gim-cavities.

Movable Middle Intensity Games


Purpose of the game: Develop dance movements, slow procurement.

Under calm music, children honey run sly or you are full of various dance movements. Music breaks down - the playing must greet each other in pairs of an unusual disposant. For example, puddling the cheek to the cheek, hand to hand, etc. Music sounds again, children dance, music is obras; Each child chooses Sea pair to say hello.

The game is held 5 - 6 minutes.

Father Pear

Purpose of the game: Exercise in equilibrium, throwing the ball, throwing.

Players are divided into 2 teams. Per-Waa - "Pears", children get up on a Ska-Make, put in the middle of the hall. Players of the second team - "throwers" take one ball and build up at a distance of 5 - 6 m from the bench. At the signal "Merchatels" in turns throw the ball, trying to knock down the "pear". The game is held 5 - 6 times. The team won the more "pears" (calculated the total number of banging "pears").

The "GRU-SHA" player, in which the ball came, or he jumped to the floor was shot.

Naughty gnomes

Purpose of the game: Develop the speed of the reaction.

Children line up in 2 ranks face to each other at a distance of 6 - 8 m, in the middle of the hall there is a leading - "Wizard". Children to whom he is face is not moving, different movements perform different movements. Washer unexpectedly turns face to one, then to another Hren-Ge. The game is held 2 - 3 minutes.

Listen - Dance

Purpose of the game: Develop dance movements, speed of reactions.

Children move to music. The music is broken - the players must have time to frozen in the pose on which there was a stop in music. Music sounds again. Children are dancing. Baby-rolling music is different by rhythm.

During movement, children will not hurt each other.

Day and night

Purpose of the game: Teach children ability to quit and catch the ball.

Each of the children in the hands of me-Chu. On the team "Day!" Children perform familiar movements with the ball (throws up, down, into the wall, in Kohl-Tso, stacking the ball in place, in the move, etc.). On the team "Night!" - Measure in the pose in which Store-la night.

The game is held 3 - 4 minutes.

The Dragon

Purpose of the game: Develop jogging with an extremely jumping.

Children line up in the column, keep the belt to the belt. The first is the "head", the last - "tail". According to the "Head" signal, it is raped to the "tail", and the "tail" is wagged on different directions. If the "head" caught the "tail", then the "Golo-Va" becomes a "tail", and the next head of the head. If the "dragon" broke up, then he died. Approach new "head" and "tail".

Brave hunter

Purpose of the game: Develop the ability to crawl and run.

From the children choose a bold hunting nickname, it is behind the line. On Ras-standing 6 - 8 m, the rest of the children stand, depict a forest of sleeping dragons. The hunter comes out of his house, he goes to the forest and, slowly bypassing the droves, considers loud to 5 (10). At the expense of 5 (10) dragons wake up and try to catch up with the runaway hunting.

Large turtle

Purpose of the game: Develop the coordination of movements, crawl skill.

A group of 2 - 6 children gets up on top-of-linds under a large "turtle shell" and is trying to make people move in one direction. As a shell, a gymnastic mat is used or what will say fantasy from the girlfriend Mate-Rials: a large sheet of cardboard or plastic, blanket, tarpaulin, mattress.

Guys order strict

Purpose of the game: Learning to find your place in the game, to educate self-organized-bath and attention.

Players are built at 3 - 4 circles at different parts of the site, they are taken by Ru. The team is walking the swarming on the site and say:

Guys are strict order

Know all their places.

Well, the pipe is more fun:


With the last words, children are built into the circles. There are circles that quickly and without errors were built.

Hot potato

Purpose of the game: Fasten the transfer of the ball in a circle.

Players are built in a circle, one of the IG-Roks holds the ball in his hands. Under the music or sounds of the tambourine, children pass the ball in a circle to each other. As soon as Muzka stopped, the player who had in his hands the ball is dropping out of IG-Ry. The game continues until 2 players will remain winning.

When transferring the ball does not throw; Ural-niven ball drop out of the game

Who is attentive?

Purpose of the game: Educating attention and organization.

Children are built into the column, step on the site and perform the movement on the signal. 1 hit in the tambourine - cried, 2 impact - stand on one leg, 3 strikes - swelling in place. Marked

my attentive players.

Signals are served in different interests, after each SIG-NAL, children continue to walk in Ko-Lonn. You can come up with other exercises.

Cutters and lakes

Purpose of the game: Learn children to run and you are complete rebuildings.

Children stand in 2-3 columns with a single room playing at different parts of the hall - these are a stream. On the signal "The streams ran!" All be-gut each other in different directions (each in his column). On the signal "Lake!" Players stop, take hands and build circles lakes.

We win those children who will build a circle.

Quick Chagai.

Purpose of the game: Improve the speed of the reaction to the signal.

Players are built in a row on the launch of the start on one side of the square, to the other - driven, standing with his back to players on the finish line. Driving loudly says: "Shot quickly, see do not yawa, stand!" At this time, players step forward, and on the word stopped. Warter quickly looks around, and that Ig-Rock, who did not have time to stop, takes a step back. Then the way to say the text, and the children will continue to move. A player who the pen will cross the finish line will become leading.

It is impossible to run - step quickly.

Crossing on the dams

Purpose of the game: Develop an equilibrium.

The teams are built into the columns one by one before the starting line ("on the shore", in the hands of the guide for 2 rubber rugs (rafts). At the signal, he puts one rug in front of him to the floor, and 2-4 people quickly become on it ( Depending on the size of the rug). Then the direction of the second rug on the floor is put on the floor, and the whole group moves to it, the first rug is on. etc. The whole group is recreated through the "re-ku" to the opposite "shore" where participants stay beyond the feature, and one of the players in the same way returns back to the trace

Movable games of high intensity

Karasi and Pike

Purpose of the game: Educating attention and intelligence.

2 groups participate. One is built in a circle - these are "pebbles", the other - "Ka-Racy", which "float" inside the circle. Driving - "Pike" is located away from the players. According to the team "Pike!" Driving quickly runs into a circle, and Karasi are hiding behind the pebbles. Did not have time to hide, pike stains. Caught karasi temporarily you are from the game. The game is repeated with another pike. At the end of the game, there is a better leading.

Parasies can not touch the pebbles with his hands.


Purpose of the game:

Players are built at 2 - 3 Sherlengi around the perimeter of the site. The team diverges or scatter in different directions, and on the sound signal lu performs the construction of a car in its place. There is a team that is faster and more evenly built.

It does not have any values \u200b\u200bin their team only in its team.

Hunters and duck

Purpose of the game: Relieve dexterity.

Players - "Ducks" are on the root. 2 leading - "hunters", hundred-yats on the opposite sides of the site face to each other, in one of them in the hands of the ball. The hunters throw the ball, trying to get into their ducks. Ducks run from one side of the site to another, trying to dodge the ball. Players, in which they hit the ball, temporarily walked out of the game. The game lasts 1.5-2 minutes, then the caught ducks are counted and new watering is chosen.

Ball throwing in the back or legs of ig-rocks.

Body parts

Purpose of the game: Develop the speed of reaction and intelligence.

Players move around the site in different directions (run, biased, stepping). At the Team Team "Hand-Head!" Each player quickly finds a partner and puts his hand on his head. There are fastest and attentive couples.

The teacher can invent different combinations - "Hand-hand", "Rou-Ka-nose" and others.


Purpose of the game: To form a creative imagination.

Players (bugs, spiders, mice, bars) are located on the court, watering - "Sovuka" is sitting in the nest. With the words "the day comes - everything comes to!" Players move in a root, performing imitation action. With the words "night comes - everything freezes!" Children stop and freeze in a fixed in Ze. The sovuka goes to the hunt and scribe with themselves those players who were moving.

The sovuchka can not be observed for the same player for a long time.

Fishermen and fish

Purpose of the game: To form consistency of motor actions.

Players "Fish" are on the root. A pair of players - leading, about the network "network" (take hands - one hand is free). On the signal of the fish be -haut in the site, and the fishermen catch up with fish and connect Rouquet around them. Fish, which came to the network, joins fishermen. The game is missing until the network breaks or until all players are caught.


Purpose of the game: bring up self-delegation.

Players of two teams are built at 2 ranks on the opposite sterns of the platforms and form a "woven" (beating the arms frantically in front of the breasts, keep the surfaces of the spruce to the right and left). At the signal, children let go of the hands and scatter in different directions, and on the team "Winning!" Built in their places, forming a woven. Comm d Yes, which will be built faster.

The odds of players in the rank can not be observed.

The Snow Queen

Purpose of the game: Relieve speed and dexterity.

Players are located on the site, which is the "Snow Queen" in the Strong Rone from the players. At the command, players are running around on the site, and the Snow Queen tries to catch up with them and in-stain. The one she touched, turns into a "ice" and remains in place.