Signs about the pigeons of gray. Why the pigeon sits on the windowsill

Our ancestors have paid an increase in the question of various accepts, superstitions and believes. They believed that certain phenomena occurring in our world sometimes even minor, capable of providing a strong influence on human life. In particular, the sign was quite popular when the pigeon sat on the window sill outside the window. We will look at it in detail in this material.

Let's deal with stages. If the bird is already sitting on your windowsill, it foreshadows you to get some kind of news, but not necessarily bad. Many people believe that this belief predicts negative events (such as death, destruction, loss, disappointment and the same plan). But in reality it is not so, so do not rush to worry.

Although there are a number of superstitions that the pigeons are able to predicate the Bed. And if this feathered comrade settled next to your window, it is not necessary to prepare for misfortune - he will simply protect your home from various troubles. But if he leaves you, then you will need to be alerted and carefully follow the events that happen in your life. This is a kind of signal over, which cannot be ignored.

How the behavior of the pigeon outside the window is interpreted

  • If the feathered just sits on the windowsill, then it most likely foreshadows good newswho relate to work or family life.
  • If the bird holds some twig or leaf in the beak, then it will indicate the rapid addition of your family or good financial profit.
  • Sometimes the pigeons begin to "dance" on the windowsill - such a behavior of birds predicts the speedy arrival in your guest house. At the same time, on the number of birds outside the window will depend on how big the company will be.
  • It happens that in the winter season, the birds simply fly to the windowsill in order to warm up, without carrying with them any sacred news. Whatever it, we do not advise you to ignore this situationbecause pigeons can perfectly feel negative energy and they never fly to bad house. Give him some bread crumbs, thereby saving in the very feathery from the hungry death.

If on the windowsill pair of pigeons

Considering the signs when pigeons sat on the window sill, it is worth paying attention to their number. So, if you watch the Sweet Parochka Parochka window, it foreshadows an ambulance wedding. Pigeons are family birds, so look more closely to their behavior.

  • If the feathers calmly squeeze the side - it foreshadows a peaceful and happy marital life.
  • It is constantly fighting, they are screaming with wings and loudly - their life will be unfavorable - it is likely that the marriage is short enough.

Therefore, look more closely to their mutual behavior.

What a pigeon knocks on the window

Our rapids came up with an explanation and this phenomenon. Biologists know that the chicks that have recently left the parent nest and the students of the flight foundations still do not know how to control the trajectory of their flight. Therefore, they can simply not cope with management and inadvertently crash into your window.

In addition, the quality of flight has an influence of electromagnetic emission from different devices. You should not immediately dip a panic on this. But if the bird beats about the glass, and then drops it, then it foreshadows trouble or even death close relative.

The bird can also fly to the windowsill and start knocking the beak to the window. It is also not a very good phenomenon - predicts the miscellaneous news that can spoil your plans. Do not let the bird in the dwelling so as not to increase the degree of problems.

Negative pigeons

Many people are sacred convinced that the dove arrives the death of a close relative or a man living in the house.

A fairly bad sign is considered if the pigeon first hit the glass, and then it was able to get into your home, even despite the closed window. In this case, you need to be as attentive as possible! Thus, Pernation indicates you for a possible danger or misfortune. Do not ignore such signs of fate and if you have any disturbing situations, give them special attention.

Also, while the bird did not appear in your home, it denotes that the news was never reported. In fact, you have nothing to be afraid until you let him into the house.

Believing is very popular that when the pigeon flies past the window of a seriously ill person, it foreshadows his ambulance.

Pigeons - lady creatures

Pigeons from antiquity are considered to be God's birds that they honor and carefully protect. Having killed the penate, a man takes a huge sin. It is known to all, even young children.

It is also believed that in the bottom of these birds, the souls of our ancestors arrive. Therefore, people who kill pigeons will be doomed to long disasters and face many problems, and they can also part with life.

Prerefficers of weather changes

It is known that pigeons are capable of feeling very good to nature with all its phenomena. So, if the pigeon will arrive in a hot sunny day to you on the windowsill and sit down in the shade, it will foreshadow in the near future. Feather synoptic will help accurately control the appearance of rain, because he foreshadows him in just a couple of hours.

In ancient times, our distant-distant ancestors were not worried about the signs when the dove sits on the windowsill (if more accurate, then the windowsill were not in principle). It always pointed to the emergence of certain news, but what plan - here it was already necessary to think carefully.

Anyway, negative thoughts always have a huge role on our lives and are able to really attract misfortune, so try to think as positive as possible and try to see a positive, and not vice versa.

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Signs about pigeons help us to solve the behavior of these birds, to understand what it carries us. In most cases, the beliefs say that the pigeons stole happiness. Many peoples are divine birds that bring messages from heaven. The feather is considered a talisman. Even if the feathered ripped, folk signs About the pigeons will say that man is lucky. There are negative signs that warn about danger. All this can be read in this article.

Pigeon flies out the window

We can see pigeons every day, on the street of our city. But these birds do not bother you absolutely until they invade the house. Then I remember all the famous signs and superstitions about pigeons. What does it mean if this featheled flew into a house or pigeon flew to the balcony? Here are some signs about homemade pigeons and explanations:

  • The pigeon flew into the house through the window. If he is white - wait for the arrival of guests. They will be pleasant, bring you a lot of joy. White flies to happiness. If the pigeon is black - Beware, it's not good. Perhaps you are waiting for an unpleasant news. Color bird - to news or writing.
  • Birds flew to the window, but do not sit, then the news is not too important
  • Flace into the kitchen in the apartment through the window - you will have a long and happy family life.
  • If the pigeon went into the kitchen through the door, as if to her home, wait for the replenishment.
  • The pigeon sat on the window sill outside the window and carefully watches you. Most likely, she warns about trouble. Carefully follow everything you do in the house.
  • The white dove arrived on the windowsill - for the unmarried girl, this is a signal about the emergency wedding.
  • The pigeon flew to the window with a sprig in the beak - he also brought happiness and good luck. Especially good such a sign is considered to appear to Palm Sunday. These days, the Holy Spirit itself descends to Earth in the form of a dove.
  • Bird beats head about glass - not good sign. You are waiting for failures and misfortune. If the pigeon fell dead after that - then the family lies a real trouble or someone's death.
  • The pigeon hit the window and flew away wanted to go through the glass, the troubles will be serious, but solved.
  • The pigeon flew into the windowsill and knocks the window - a good sign, wait soon the news. If someone died before that in the house, then his soul flies to chat with loved ones. When the bird is calm, there is nothing to fear if at the same time the pigeon beats the wings, it's persistently knocking, the deceased relative warns of the misfortune.
  • I sat on the windowsill of the room where the patient lies, he will be worse or he will die at all. If he is still knocking on the window, then things are very bad.

As you can see, if the pigeon flew into the house, the sign can be, both good and bad. It is important to correctly read the message. Care of trifles can prevent troubles. Snacks about the pigeon on the windowsill will help to recognize secret signals as successful and not very.

Pigeon on the balcony

Birds can fly not only in the window or in the room, sit down on the windowsill. Often in the urban apartment, they visit the balcony. What does that folk signs about pigeons when he flew to the balcony? Here are a few explanations:

  • The pigeon flew to the balcony and immediately flew away. If he is white - then you will soon get a good news or meet an old friend, but very much a short time. If the brown dove is a neutral news, and the meeting is fleeting. Black bird - to trouble or illness, but not too heavy.
  • It arrives at the balcony or the window constantly, trying to fly into the room - a warning about severe illness or death.
  • A pair of doves settled on the balcony and a whine nest for a girl - you will find great happiness, all the sorrows will go around the house.
  • If you have seen kissing white doves that settled on the balcony - this is to the wedding.
  • A couple quietly sniffs eggs and does not fly away - you have peace and consent to the family.
  • Birds were told, there were alarming, something in your house is not so possible, you quarreled or someone offended.
  • When birds, whom the nest, suddenly flew away and do not return, be on worse. The energy has changed in the house, you broke the harmony, the departure can mean the approaching problems.
  • If the birds are vili nest, demolished the testicles, but did not hurt chicks, then the house is in danger. To prevent it, you need to carefully remove the nest into the garden and ask for forgiveness from the doves, perhaps you are offended by something. Read more and short prayer.
  • You born lonely and sick doves, knocked into the window - try to answer the knock and cure it, do not leave on the doorstep and then signs about the sucked pigeons will be good. If it succeeds, it means that the luck will not leave a person for a whole three years. When he dies - bury him so that the trouble does not come to the house.

When the pigeons live on your balcony, you need to reckon with them. Try not to scare birds with your own and noise. Even if the pigeon has gone to the windowsill, do not be angry with it. You need to safely wash and say in mind or in rumor about birds good word. You can sit down from time to time the pigeons go, then luck will definitely never leave your home.

Pigeons on the street

You can see the pigeon on the street often. Many people do not even pay attention to them. But the behavior of the courtyard birds can also be said about much. Let's talk about it and talk. Here are some signs about pigeons on the street exist:

  • You saw the pigeons that took off and disappeared from the eye in sunny weather - wait for the rain and bad weather.
  • Doves are not visible anywhere, even though the sun shines? So tomorrow will rain.
  • Birds have fun in the pool after the rain - tomorrow will be sunny.
  • To see a pair of doves with a nest - to pleasant troubles.
  • It is said that at the moment when the birds come with a nest, you can make any desire, it will surely come true.
  • The dove walks the courtyard, does not fly away and worshi - you are gossipped about you.
  • Pernation Letun hid a man's wing - warns of illness.
  • Flying above his head and touched the hair - it means you got a blessing
  • I flew in my face - soon to find a solution complex problemwhich was actually obvious.
  • Suddenly flew out and almost knocked down from his feet - it is worth waiting for surprises, it is only incomprehensible to what pleasant or not very.
  • Vaces on a branch in the yard, from time to time it flies to the window - you want to meet you, but not solved, a good person.
  • Doves pecked you by the shoulder or hand - review your relationship with loved ones, friends and colleagues at work. Perhaps someone talks about you badly or offended.
  • Birds fight among themselves - you are waiting for difficult clarifications of relationships. If they fight near the house - then the quarrel will be in the family.
  • The dead dove fell to the legs - you will seriously get sick or get injuries.
  • The dead dove lies on the road - it is better to turn to the side to make you also bypassed.

As you can see, folk signs about wild pigeons can tell a lot. Therefore, do not ignore the birds when you walk. Take care of their behavior, sobs. Perhaps it will tell a lot about you, your problems, victories and defeats. The bird can not only foreshadow the events, but also change their move.

Pigeon litter

I will accept and superstition about pigeons a lot. Believe or not believe in them, everyone's personal matter. Some beliefs are associated with the habits of birds, others with their arrivals in our house. But there are rather strange, which explain why the bird shits on a person.

Nobody wants someone to whock. But pigeon litter brings people happiness. I even know the story as students in front of the exams went to the attic to get "happy noticed" and pass the session well. Surprisingly, but it helped. So, signs a pigeon and litter, how are they related to each other? Here are some examples:

  • Deep rushed on his head - a good sign, you are lucky in matters.
  • Marked clothes, fluttering past - to the new clothes
  • Gang on the shoulder or hand - it means you will soon be waiting for a creative success or you just finish your homemade, which worked for a long time.
  • I sat down and raised by car - a person will have money.
  • Cheated in pigeon shit - wait for a pleasant surprise or an expensive gift.
  • Doves not only rushed, but also flew at you - it will be possible to catch an incredible good luck.

Surprisingly, all the signs about pigeons and lit positive. Perhaps our ancestors want to brighten the unpleasant situation thus? Check it on yourself, everything converges on my observations. In any case, the nasty need to be thoroughly washed away, and even better everything after that is disinfected. After all, birds, except for good luck or unlucky, can also endure diseases.

  • Pernation flew into the windshield to death - be careful on the road, you can get into an accident.
  • The pigeon crashed, shouted, but did not crash - it means there will be an emergency situation, but ultimately everything will cost.
  • Set the dove on the car - sticking trouble on yourself and the whole family.
  • Kill the bird on the roof - it means never to rise from dirt and poverty to wealth and success.
  • A knitted pigeons fell into the hands and killed them - the ball of problems will not let go until the end of life.
  • Nearby crashed doves and finished it - the curse will fall not only on you, but also on all offspring.
  • Throw to the pigeons of pebbles - it means to loosen from ourselves.
  • Put on the pigeons of Silk - sticking the prison.

The murder of feathered can be justified only when a person threatens death from hunger. But in this case, you should ask for forgiveness for your sin. When the danger passes, you need to feed the birds all the time. What they forgive you, it can be understood by the fact that they began to flock to the window, sit on the windowsill. It is even better that they set on the eaves or a balcony and a fiber there nest.

Customs and superstitions in different countries May be different. Some nations grow homemade pigeons on meat and eat it with pleasure. And the eggs of these birds are considered a real delicacy. Who knows what aura they have after that? If a person looks into the future, he will try to break the harmony smaller, listen to ancient wisdom. So do not eat pigeons, who would not try to bother you.

There is another sign - when a person saved a bird, he will be set with many sins. In addition, such a pigeon will bring a lot of goodness, good luck and happiness in his beak. So do not ignore the patients of the feathers who hit the entrance or nailed to the window. Perhaps this is your chance to change your destiny. If the pigeon and the sign of it are happy, then all the desires will come true.

Our ancestors were confident that any bird just would not sit on the window sill, and explained her stay there from a magical point of view.

In the article:

If the pigeon sat on the windowsill outside the window - the sign

There are a large number of belts that are associated with birds, in particular, with pigeons. Our ancestors believed that the arrival of this feathered friend has sacred meaning. They treated with caution, were afraid if.

On the one hand, the pigeon on the windowsill is accompanied by positive changes in life, on the other it can foreshadow bad events.

Common interpretations about birds on the window:

  • Note says that a lonely pigeon brings good news. In the near future you will tell you very good news that will change your life for the better.
  • If the family has unmarried girl Or a guy, the bird with a white pen is an important sign of the ambulance.
  • Note, does something keeps something in the beak. A twig or other object means profit.
  • In the glass or peeps inside - there will be a meeting with relatives or friends you have not seen for a long time.
  • Bad is familiar to the troubled behavior of the bird. If she worries, noise, it's hard to drive her - she brought bad news or warns of someone from loved ones.

Sparrow sat on the window - sign

With this kind and harmless bird, no negative belief is connected, and modern shamans are confident that she does not foreshadow trouble. In addition, sparrows, like pigeons - frequent guests of the windowsill cities, the reasons for their appearance are very easy to explain and without accept.

In some regions, they believe that the sparrow promises major troubles, but it is not. This feathered can only bring good news. Most often, the appearance of sparrow means a pleasant telephone conversation, a long-awaited letter. Perhaps you will visit an old friend.

Bad signs

In contrast, a good belief always exists negative. Therefore, some feathered friends are harbing bad events.

  • Crow I sat on the window sill - sadness will come to the house.
  • Not always to see well cuckooOur ancestors believed that she was a firewestern fire, tears, trouble.
  • Magpie It was also never desirable guest in the house. This bolted bird is a symbol of lies, gossip and rumors. Therefore, if she sat on your window, try anyone to open the soul in the near future.
  • Nightingale or swallowwe will bring well-being, wealth, joy, and maybe the family replenishment.
  • Often the appearance of a bird can talk about sudden financial costs. Perhaps the equipment will be broken in the house, clothing breaks, and you will have to acquire a new one or repair the old one.
  • Thrush It is a harbinger of bad news and sometimes even warns of a strong disease of someone from close relatives.

Do you believe in birds about birds

During you need to pay attention to the behavior of feathered friends. Quite often, they stop at your window to break or ask for food, so it is not always to attribute their appearance to the appearance of a magical background.

If the bird looks outside, she does not encourage trouble or some changes in your life. To warn O. an important event The feathered friend wants in the case when looking into the room, per person, and persistently trying to reach out.

If you still believe in the negative effect of belief, try to neutralize it. For example, give a bird crumbs with such words:

Fly for meals, do not fly over the soul.

Often the feathered friend symbolizes the envoy from the next world. Therefore, if he persistently tries to penetrate your territory, go to church. Remember the dead loved ones, tell them that you remember them, read, do not forget about them.

The appearance of birds is far from always associated with problems or negative. Therefore, do not perceive the negative value of signs as axiom. Configure yourself to the best and remember that only you attract a positive or negative energy into your life.

In contact with

Each corner of our planet has an individual history associated with feathers. Pigeons were told - a sign that carries certain good and stability. What other interesting things can bring birds and they warn about.

Folk signs if the pigeons were told

This wonderful bird has long been considered a symbol of good and peace, it is not able to bring something bad. Most car enthusiasts, taking care of appearance Machines, negatively belong to the attention of the winged. Turning to superstitions associated with them, most modern atheists will change their attitude to peace-loving kids.

Pigeons tied up to what happens this phenomenon? God's Herald sensates any change in the atmosphere. Before entering the street, pay attention to the behavior of birds, if they are hiding under the roofs of houses in clear weather, rain is approaching. If the pigeons closed or walking under the windows, you can safely spread raincoats from the bag. And if appeared at the wedding - the family will be strong and happy.

Sketches - Pigeons on the windowsill welcome

Grandmothers still believe that if the feathers sat down on the windowsill, wait for good news. Although many people say that the bird sitting in front of the window is knocking on the window, the casting death on a loved one, you should not believe it, on the contrary, the bird predicts the approach of happiness. Pigeons were told - to be good weather and happy moments on this day. It is time to receive surprises from native people. Follow the bird if there is a grass or twig in the beak, the financial profit is approaching.

Folk signs about pigeon birds

Pigeons are often compared with human soulswho carry various behavior. Some mystical actions are accompanied by the presence of feathery. Many witches use winged babies on sacrifices. Signs about the pigeons living in the yard of their own home, talk about abundance, a couple of birds - about a happy family life. What will tell the representatives of the first world:

  • if the pigeons are not visible on a clear day - to be rain;
  • before the big storm, the bird hides under the roof;
  • dove on the porch - bad weather aside;
  • in anticipation of clear weather, birds go to the court;
  • pigeons tied up - the weather will delight warmly.
  • birds are hiding under the roof - to be a strong wind.
  • sketches The pigeon on the window is doing - to the arrival of guests.
  • they dreamed of pigeons that fly away - the future plans need to be revised.

Dove sat on the window sill - what is it for?

When the feathered friend settles near the window, nothing bad is foreshadowed. Bashes good news about the approach of wealth and well-being. As long as the bird is near the house, fires and misfortunes can not be afraid. In the Bible, the pigeon is marked as a forerunner of good news, so it's not worth offended and driven pennants, there is a risk to bring trouble on the family. Based on observations it is known that birds poor people Caught not. The pigeons were told, it means that God descended God's grace, it is impossible to lose a chance to improve life.

Sketches - Pigeon hit the window

This behavior of the rector says that a pleasant news is expected. In order not to get a bad news, it is impossible to dwell on the appearance of birds outside the window. As you know, you should not be programmed to negative. The pigeon hit the window and flew a good sign. It is advisable to open the window and let it into life. If the guest was white, it is impossible to go on a scandal with loved ones, there is a risk of a serious disaster in relationships.

Note - Dove flew out the window

Frameful birds are very rarely flying into the house, constantly closed windows Even more reduce their appearance. However, when it happened, the unexpected guests are approaching important news. White feathers foreshadow pleasant changes In life, but the black guest - promises problems at work. What flies a dove on the window, what to expect from such a visit? If the bird is sitting on the windowsill and looks at the apartment with interest, loving man Mentally wants to be near. If the pigeons are blocked, the sign bearing good and good luck - the main thing is not to be afraid.

With pigeons associated with a set. What does it mean if the pigeon is knocking on the window and what this sign is. For many centuries, the pigeons became part of the city life, leaving their native rocks. The striking skill of these birds to navigate, the ability to communicate, the attitude towards people and to the place allowed people to use birds to transfer important messages.

Pigeon mail for a long time It was considered the most reliable, although it was only available to the most sustained people. The bird with ease overcomes considerable distances through the air, it does not bother her lack of roads, dawns, heads of the enemy and ambushes of robbers on the roads. If you remember biblical historyNoah sent to the search for land just a dove that brought an olive twig in the key for the third time.

Bad signs about pigeons and how to avoid bad values

If the pigeon does not knock the beak, namely beats in the glass, from the destroy, again and again - this can mean disease, death or other bad news. You can reduce the bad value. Do not scatter millet on the playground. If the birds will quickly fly to the treat - I managed to take away.

The pigeon that managed to fly to the house - a friend will need your protection. Check and release the bird.

Signs about pigeons in dreams

  • An important role is the pigeon playing dreams. Not always the pigeon can knock the window, even if your fate outlines changes, discoveries, news. In this case, the pigeon or dove just dream you. In a dream, pigeons are often reported on newborns, and the coming visit of friends. The smarter and more beautifully pigeon - the better, more pleasant and unexpected news. Pigeon's nest is difficult to see in reality. But in a dream it means a stunning opportunity of good luck. Wounded dove in a dream - to you will turn out for the help you need to. Signs says in this case that the refusal can be very bad to affect your well-being.
  • Catch and there are pigeons - the sign is not very good, it means a cunning, betrayal of those who trusted you. At one time, the pigeons were fried and stewed in the creams at the tables of aristocrats, emphasizing the contempt for known to the mobile. If in a dream you kill the pigeons - the sign is bad, it means that you tear anger on home. But there are pigeons in a dream - to good rich lifeExcept for cases when they are served in blood sauce.


Signs about pigeons gathered not one century. Oddly enough, these birds do not even know how to sit on branches - their paws are adapted for rocks, flat surfaces. In cities, they completely depend on the person and his help. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of feeding birds in the park - this sign brings good luck. If the pigeon knocks on the window - reward it for good news something delicious. You can and bun. Pigeons for so long have been living next to the person, that they learned to absorb bread.